2 minute read
The platform collects testimonies, site visits, and imagery that was collected throughout the investigation, it intends to bring to light the territorial injustice of the Limia river, as a case study, but also wants to argue this situation as a systemic issue repeating throughout all the Galician territory, and not only since the war, but since the very beginning of the Spanish empire. Galicia was Spain's first colony.1
The first layer of the platform has been the interactive map website, which is live online and free to access. Though the same we blink, a 3D environment is accessed. Together they compose the intervention that this project offers back to the local community, to tthe Galicians and to to everyone, which is and architectural tool of decentralization. It has an impact in the people’s present and memory, and therefore, on the valley.
Acknowledging technology as,not the most accessible medium, specially for the elder population, I ran a series of workshops that allowed this stories to exist online.
A digital space to be arranged as a decentralized autonomous organization where agency over their lifes and therefore land is the base, identity is so intrinsic to the land taken away from them, and can be expanded to many Galician testimonies. A Stateless nation, and for the most unfortunate, a territory-less community.
The full detail about how to use the platform can be found on the platform manual.
. 0 Instructions: This is the River of Forgetfulness decentralisation tool
. 0 Instructions: Each basemap shows a different time period
Screen-shots of interactive online map/platform by Author, 2023
. 0 Instructions: Layers contain different analyses of the landscape, try switching them on and off
. 0 Instructions: The routes take you to the different dams built on the Galician side of the Limia River
. 0 Instructions: The 3D objects locate relics of the valley before the Lindoso dam
. 0 Instructions: The 3D environment is an interface that facilitates full access to the dam, it´s mechanisms and the flooded valley
Screen-shots of interactive online map/platform by Author, 2023
Screen-shots of interactive online map/platform by Author, 2023
. 1 Basemaps: mechanism
. 1 Basemaps: policy
Screen-shots of interactive online map/platform by Author, 2023
. 1 Basemaps: policy
. 1 Basemaps: policy
. 1 Basemaps: policy
. 2 Routes: Lindoso Dam over 2023
Screen-shots of interactive online map/platform by Author, 2023
. 2 Routes: Marker with photograph over 2023
. 2 Routes: Marker with photograph over 2023, mechanism layer on
. 3 Objects: Church over Workshop community map
. 3 Objects: Bridge over Workshop community map
Screen-shots of interactive online map/platform by Author, 2023
For the developemnt and design process of this open world interface, I have been sharing it with the community. In an email exchange of the final update by the end of May 2023, they described the experience as:
‘A trip I did once in a dream, where I walked again over the flooded landscape and I dismantled the Dam and everything was going back to its natural form’