KCC King's & Queen's Magazine 3rd edition

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Sponsors We would like to extend a special thank you to this year’s sponsors and donors of King’s & Queen’s.

Couples Retreat

ArthurLance Consulting DB Pharmacy Divine Fauve Photography IITA (International Information Technology and Application) Lenox Cup Cakes KCC Brother’s Keeper’s Nauna Oloko Law Firm OneandUS Ride Rite Sparkles

11 Island Get away


Sources KCC 7th Anniversary

33 Supernatural works


All images are the sole proprietor property and cannot be used for any other purpose. Images used therein are used for educational or illustration purposes. All images have been documented and well noted. This non-profit magazine can’t be held accountable for cataloging images.

Web MD® John Hopkins University ® Center for Disease Control 4H® Junior Achievement Google ® Images Yahoo Bing® Search Engine Babies Today® CPR4Everyone.com

New Couples


Engaged Couples

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INSPIRATIONS DO BETTER THAN GOOD Start by questioning current practices. Making excuses for not doing something is easy. Again, focus on the outcome..............................................................................53

ON WHO’S AUTHORITY? Even Jesus was challenged by the Jewish people about His authority..................................................................78



Games are a great way to bring the family together a .................................................................................46

46 70


One reason why volunteering is important is that you give others hope.......................................................83


LIVING A HEALTHY CHRISTIAN LIFE Similar to gluttony, caffeine addiction is something that Christians are often hypocritical about .......................70

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n Baseball, the bating average is simply a measuring tool to tell how often a hitter gets a base hit in a percentage style format. A .250 batting average means a hitter hits the ball 25% of his attempts. In baseball a .250 batting average is considered good, and a .300 batting average is considered great. What this simply means is that in twenty attempts if a batter hits the ball five times, he is considered good and if he hits the six times in twenty attempts he is considered great. Just one more hit in twenty attempts takes a player from good to great, which in baseball can transform into millions of dollars more in salary. This is often the case in life, just a little more effort; just a little more commitment can make all the difference. It can make a Good man become a Better man. This is what motivates us at the King’s Court Chapel to try a little harder, knowing that a little more effort can make all the difference. To be better at anything, you must be prepared to do it poorly until you can do it well. Until you overcome your fear of making mistakes, you will never make anything. Some of the world’s greatest success stories resulted from what seemed like a mistake at the time they happened. For instance, I read somewhere that Kellogg’s Corn Flakes was created because boiled wheat was accidentally left baking in a pan overnight. Everybody wants to be successful; the only problem is most people are not willing to do what it takes to be successful. In Matt 25: 14-30, Jesus told His disciples a parable about a man travelling to Pastors Kunle & Bolaji Akindoju a far country, but before departing, he called his three servants and Redeemed Christian Church of God: King’s Court Chapel gave the first five talents, the second two talents, and the third only one talent. The third servant felt he had been unjustly treated, so he decided to do nothing with his talent. He chose to do nothing because he felt he was given too little to invest with. Unfortunately a lot of people respond to their situation like this third servant, they believe that because life has thrown them a curved ball, their circumstance is beyond redemption. The story was told of Victor Franklyn who was captured during the Holocaust. He was taken into the Gestapo courtroom for interrogation. After taking away his home, his family, his freedom and his possessions, they shaved his head and stripped him naked under the glaring eyes of the German high command. But as he was been interrogated, something happened to him, he suddenly realized that there was one thing nobody could take from him, and that was the POWER TO CHOOSE HIS ATTITUDE. He suddenly realized he had the power to choose, Bitterness or Forgiveness, to choose Hate or Hope, to Give up or Go on. I strongly believe that in life we always have a choice; we have a choice of HOW WE RESPOND. It’s really never about what life gives you; it’s always about how you choose to Respond. To be Good is not enough when you can be Better According to Heb 12:1 each of us have been called to run a specific race. God has put within each of us, the specific ability required to run successfully. We must all dig deep within ourselves for the strength to be the best we can be. “Everyday in the Forests of Africa, a gazelle wakes up, knowing that it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed, also in the same forest a lion wakes up knowing that it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. In reality it doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or gazelle, when the day breaks you had better be running”. My Brothers and Sisters at KCC, Are you running? Are you running to ensure that you are BETTER than GOOD?

- Pastor Kunle Akindoju

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ere we are once again with the 3rd Edition of Kings and Queens magazine. Since the last edition, so many things have happened at King’s Court Chapel for which we give thanks and praises to God. Many couples have been joined together as one, families have been blessed with new born babies, Pastor Kunle Akindoju celebrated his golden jubilee, the first vacation Bible school was established, members have been enriched with empowering classes and most importantly, after a long battle, we had victory over the “Promised Land” to build our new Sanctuary! Many more things have happened, which you will find out as you read through the magazine. God is doing wonderful things here at King’s Court Chapel as we continue to grow in size, wisdom, grace and knowledge. He is doing “A New Thing” in our lives and we would like you all to be a part of it. Enjoy!


Adefisola Openiyi Editor


(L-R) TUNDE “TJ” Kalejaiye, DEOLA Ogundele, ADEFISOLA Openiyi, BUSOLA Adeyemi, ADEBAYO Agbabiaka, FUNKE Akindana, JOKOTADE Adekanmbi, MILLICENT Olaghere, TOYIN Odumade & (not pictured)ARTHUR “Lance” Orekyeh

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What We Believe ABOUT THE BIBLE We believe that the entire scripture, both Old and New Testaments are written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit – II Timothy 3:16-17. All the Christian teachings and the Christian attitude of the Children of God are such as are established in the Holy Bible – II Timothy 3:10-15; II Peter 1:21; John 17:17; Psalm 119:105.

JUSTIFICATION ON NEW BIRTH This is God’s grace whereby we are cleansed from our sins by which we are able to stand before God as though we have never sinned – Acts 13:39; Romans 3:25-26, 5:1.

SANCTIFICATION (HOLINESS) Sanctification is another grace of God by which our souls are progressively and completely cleansed. This is the second accomplishment of the grace which through our faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ is wrought after we have been justified and freed from our sins or regenerated – John 17:15-17; I Thessalonians 4:3

WATER BAPTISM ABOUT GOD As revealed unto us by the Bible, we believe that there is only one God, who is Creator of visible and invisible creatures – Genesis 1:1; Psalm 86:9-10; Isaiah 43:10-11; John 1:1-3. Only God will be existence forever – Ezekiel 3:14. In God, every creature receives life – John 5:26.

We believe that water baptism is by immersion. We do not baptize infants as they are not at the age of accountability. Our members are baptized after conversion and undergoing believers and water baptism classes and are thereafter fully part of our fellowship – Acts 2:24.

DIVINE HEALING ABOUT JESUS CHRIST We believe that He is the Son of God; who took away our sins, and the Savior of the world. We also believe that Jesus is God and was born of Mary the Virgin. He is God revealed in the flesh. Through Him all things were created, Matthew 1:18-25; Isaiah 9:6; 53:5-6. We believe in His death on the cross and His resurrection by which He brought redemption; Isaiah 53:4-10; 1 Peter 2:23; John 10:11; Galatians 3:13; Matthew 20:28; I Corinthians 15:3; Romans 4:25; II Corinthians 5:14; Hebrews2:9, 9:26.

ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT The Holy Spirit is the third person in the TRINITY. He has the same power, the same glory with God the Father and the God the Son – John 14:16-17. He is the one with the Father and the Son who is to be worshipped and served. He performs the work of regeneration for man – John3:5-6; the work of Sanctification in the born-again souls – John 16:8. This same Holy Spirit endows believers with gifts – I Corinthians 12:7. He empowers one in the Lord – Acts 1:8.


Healing without medicine is biblical – Matthew 4:23; Psalm 103:3. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil – I John 3:8. Christ purchased our souls from the curse of sin. He bore our infirmities and carried our sorrows – Matthew 8:15-17. By His stripes we are healed – Isaiah 53:4-5.

RESURRECTION We experience daily the resurrection of the Spirit of all the bornagain souls who are passed from death to life – Ephesians 6:14; Romans 6:11; John 5:20. There is resurrection of the body. Jesus taught us plainly that the buried body will be raised up from the tomb at the last day – Job 5:28-29.

THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST The Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be in a physical form and will be visible to all in like manner as He was seen ascending up to heaven – Acts 1:9-11; John 14:3. His return will be in two stages: a) Christ’s return in the sky – the saints or Bride of Christ will be ruptured to meet Christ in the sky – I Thessalonians 4:15-17 b) His return to the earth – He will return to the earth to judge the sinners and the ungodly.

We believe that the there is a devil, who speaks the downfall of every man. He brought sickness, sins and death into the world – Genesis 3:1-16. He seeks the destruction of those who exercise their faith in the Lord Jesus – Matthew 4:1-11. The devil has several unTHE LORD’S DAY clean spirits over whom he governs – Matthew 12:24. A time would We believe that the first day of the week called Sunday is a special soon come when he shall be thrown into the pit and chained for day which the believer should come gather to worship. The Lord one thousand years – Revelation 20:7-9. After this, he will be put resurrected on the first day of the week – Mark 16:9. into the lake of fire where he will remain suffering together with his followers and ever – Revelation 20:10.

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“ In any relationship, each time you win, you lose, and each time you lose you win” (Pastor Kunle Akindoju)

COUPLE’S RETREAT God created Marriage for • Procreation- (Children ) • Helpmate- ( Assistance ) • Companionship- ( Friendship ) • Pleasure- ( Sex )


hen a marriage is not working out, most couples tend to focus on what is causing the failure and often fail to learn what makes a marriage succeed.

At some point during a conflict, it becomes impossible for a couple to resolve their conflict without the outside intervention of a counselor. This is true because at some stage in a conflict, couples cease to hear each other. Its called a communication breakdown. The goal of communication is that the receiver understands the message. During a conflict in marriage, communication is usually distorted by what can be termed as “Noise”. The goal of “Noise” is to ensure that couples do not hear or understand each other. Some of the things that constitute “Noise” in a Marriage are: • Habits: One party is in the habit of doing something unacceptable to the other • Difference in Perception: Couples coming from different backgrounds can be drawing premises from different views. • Past Mistakes: Even when a spouse has changed, they could be judged based on past mistakes • Emotions: When you are already upset you tend to hear things differently I strongly believe that if you can restore love in a relationship conflict will resolve itself, where love exists, communication is always easier. We also tend to tolerate the mistakes from someone we love, and we are usually more patient with them. Make time out to be a part of our Next Couple’s retreat.

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Wish You were here... REDO.indd 9

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Island Getaway

Four Season Bora Bora French Polynesia


ou are the “whiz kid” at work. Several awards and accolades hang all over your cubicle. You’ve earned so much trust and respect among your peers. Everyone in the company, including the CEO knows you are the most hardworking and loyal member of the team. You are the one known to burn the “midnight candle” so as to save the team. Time and time again, you’ve pulled through despite the odds. A workaholic, you are known to contribute to the projects you are on, even while on vacation. All you have known through life is to work. Before leaving work, you stop by the grocery store to pick up a few supplies. At the checkout line, you spot the long line snaking all the way to the end of the store. Impatiently, you search for your blackberry. “Ah there it is”! You browse through your mail. There isn’t any new mail. Being your typical proficient self, you responded to all the mail before leaving for the day. You search facebook, nothing new. You try to ping some of your Blackberry Messenger contacts, but there is no response. This is going to be a long wait. In a desperate bid to stay occupied as the line moves slowly you look at the shelves around. You reach out and grab a random magazine from the shelf and start flipping through it. In between pages, your eyes get fixed on a page. You start to admire the scenery of an ideal vacation spot depicted on the page. Before you know it your mind is so focused on the beautiful scenery that you can already visualize being on the island; walking on the white sands while staring out into the blue horizon. It’s almost so real, that you can almost feel the breeze blowing by, taste the salt in the air. Even hear the rustling sounds of the coconut leaves amidst the roaring sounds of waves crashing as the tide draws in. You are so engulfed that you totally forget to move the line until the person behind you nudges you forward. This snaps you out of your fantasy. Stubbornly you move one, while clutching the magazine ever more closely. At this point there is only one thought on your mind. It’s Bora Bora.”The Spot for your first getaway from the office” Does this sound like someone you know? Well it’s not too late to plan the perfect getaway from all the hustle and bustle of city life. A time away from the office and away from the responsibilities and drudgery called work. ~Lance

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Saint Regis Bora Bora French Polynesia

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When the road stops A

s a full time student studying Accounting, the sky was the limit. Also, working full time and having fun was a wonderful feeling. The result of having the almost perfect “work, school and life balance” helped instill the skills of multitasking early in my life. Yet, I wanted more. I couldn’t wait to graduate so that I could join the workforce and start earning lots of money. As the world of Accounting and Finance was stable back in 2004, all I wanted was a stab at the big bucks. My dreams were soon realized when I finally graduated despite being overloaded by taking on a total of 7 classes in my final semester! After graduation, I faced the grim reality of corporate America. Having transitioned from a mere student/worker into a full time worker, I realized that I could no longer play the student card any longer. This new realization made me long for the good ol’ college days. “Did I say College? No, rather I wished I could turn back the hands of time to the Middle School days”. There was no more room for errors. The closest thing to being on spring break was the meager 2 weeks of vacation I could take out in a calendar year. I couldn’t skip work and make it up using flimsy excuses like I did while working as a student. I had to grow up and be accountable for my actions. Whenever I goofed off, it was my responsibility to fix it. About this time period, I didn’t care about anyone else but myself. Despite having grown up in a Christian home, and attending church every Sunday, as a young adult I would only read my bible once a week (only on Sunday). For me God was just a temporal fix. Every time I was in need of help or assistance I would call on God. I had Matthew 6:33 working in reverse. I sought my own solutions, lining up plan A through Z. Only when Plan Z failed would I cry out to God for help. As a Staff Accountant, I must say I really loved my job. I was so passionate about my job; I would always go out in search of new challenges, and boy did I find them. Yet, when the doors to this position closed in the form of a layoff, I wasn’t worried. The Accounting industry was at its peak, and I was optimistic that I would definitely find another job. My optimism paid off and in less than a few months I got another job. The timing of my transition between jobs coincided with the early days of the recession. As companies were still hiring, the situation was not so bleak. Yet the worst was yet to come. Four years down the road, the situation had worsened and soon companies began massive restructuring efforts and soon…layoffs. All around me, I kept getting reports of friends and loved ones getting laid off. Yet despite these, having heard a sermon from Pastor Kunle Akindoju about the need to remain positive despite all the negativity around, I chose to speak positive thoughts wherever my job was concerned and continued to encourage others around me. Back at the office, I toiled, burning the “midnight candle”, sometimes putting in as much as 14 hours daily. With the increased workload, I soon felt it was high time for a much needed vacation.

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Little did I know I was about to get more than a vacation. Our department soon received word that the decision to restructure our department was imminent. The following day, I attended the 8a.m. meeting with my Manager and Director in attendance. Once in, I was informed that my current job position was one of the ones that had been axed with the restructuring; hence I would be laid off. Looking back at that fateful day, I still remember it vividly as though it occurred yesterday. My manager was crying (knowing I had been a valuable asset to the department). Rather than feel sad or angry, I clearly recall stating over and over again “God is in Control”. To top it up, I felt a sense of peace that I hadn’t felt in ages on that eventful day. After being laid off, I had the impression that as a result of the years of experience I had under my belt, I did not have to worry as the rebound would occur in no time. I figured I would take a few months off to relax and then figure out what I wanted to do with my life. The first few weeks after the layoff felt like heaven on earth. I spent most of the time catching up on a great deal of sleep. At this point, I did not have any pressing worries. I was fine especially knowing I had a sizable sum in funds; in the form of both my savings, and the severance package I had received. The amount in the bank was enough to last me while I tried to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. As of this moment, I still couldn’t figure it out. Conflicting ideas raced through my mind. I thought of going back to grad school, taking a long vacation, traveling the world or even starting a business. While pondering what to do with my life, I attended interviews even with notable financial firms such as Goldman Sachs. Although I never got a job offer, the fact that I was getting interviews only helped delay my decision making process. I was so confident that I would get a job really soon.

My thirst and hunger for God was so great that...

A few months down the road, and still I had not figured out what I wanted to do. To add to the frustration of not knowing what I wanted to do, I stopped receiving calls about job offers from recruiters. The interviewing streak came to a grinding halt. To make matters worse, all of a sudden I found myself dipping into my savings and severance package as pressing demands started to creep in. One day, it would be the car malfunctioning hence requiring serious maintenance work, and then it would be something else that demanded immediate attention. These pressing needs only helped drain my accounts even faster. At this point, panic set in. I was burning through funds, and worried that no money was coming in to replenish my account. In desperation, I turned to my contacts and even joined the social networking band wagon using sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc to aid my job search. I was so desperate that I

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began to contact recruiting firms directly. To my complete horror, the recruiting firms never returned my calls nor responded to any of my emails. I kept asking myself “What’s going on here”? I sought career counseling and even had my resume polished up by the best and yet nothing. Things continued to go downhill a lot faster. I had done all that I deemed humanly possible and yet received no returns. In frustration, I toyed with the idea of abandoning ship and heading back to Nigeria. Then again, Nigeria seemed like the worst of all ideas, knowing how things are typically run. Running out of options, a once bubbly person like myself was soon beginning to lose hope. I soon stopped smiling and then after a while I couldn’t stand it anymore. I broke down and cried like a baby. During my breakdown, I began to talk to God. In the past, my prayers to God were always short and formal as I would hurriedly mutter a quick prayer. However at this stage, I began to talk to God constantly like I would to my earthly father. I would pray “God, what is going on? I am at my wits end, please help me. Save me Lord”. Having no excuse not to be in the House of God, I soon became more involved at Church. Attending Bible studies on Wednesdays helped tremendously as it helped strengthen me during those dark days. My thirst and hunger for God was so great that I would study my Bible daily and kept uttering prayers constantly to God. During this time period, I got convicted by God and was shown things in my life I needed to get rid of. I began to work on getting rid of the bad habits and actions as directed by God in my life. It was only then that I found my peace and joy in Christ. For the first time in so many months, I stopped worrying about checking emails and chasing after recruiters. I turned my full attention to God. Another turning point was hearing the sermon ministered by Pastor Kunle Akindoju on “Breaking Generational Curses”. For the first time, it made me stop and analyze my generational background both on my mom and dad’s side. It was then that I became clear that all along I had been aware of this but I had been in complete denial. It was time to change. My mind needed to be completely renewed and freed from all kinds of triviality. I was steadily becoming a new creature in Christ. The challenges I was going through, coupled with the convictions and changes in my thought process could be likened to the way raw gold or even diamond is refined. Like Job, I was tried through the furnace of affliction and realized that the impurities in my life were being removed which would make me shine forth like gold. Everyone in life experiences trials and tribulations at some point in time; however the difference is in the way people react when these tribulations come. Some fold up and commit suicide, some become volatile and abusive to all around them, some revert to drugs and alcoholism, but there are those who turn their issues and circumstances to God and therein find peace and comfort in Him. I am grateful that I fit this description. While experiencing the refining process, for the first time, I was able to discover more about myself as well as the God-given abilities I had been blessed with. Armed with this new found knowledge I set forth in zeal to put my talents to use for God. I would reach out and pray to encourage others who were going through similar situations like I was. Telling them all will be well, I would challenge them to draw close to God so that they could experience the same type of transformation that I had experienced. For the first time, Matthew 6:33 became so real in my life. Having prioritized and put God first in my life, I soon found out that all other relationships around me fell into place. My relationship with my family definitely improved. God brought new friends into my life and even placed people into my life to encourage me. In addition to this, I never lacked one bit. My needs were met precisely when I needed

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them met. My bills were paid miraculously. Jehovah Jireh came through for me at the right moment…always. Even though I stay with my family and could not contribute financially to the house, God provided for our family. The mortgages were paid on time. In all, God used the entire experience I went through to help transform the entire family into becoming a stronger family of prayer. In the middle of this, my family continued to prosper. Both my brother and cousin got married. My sister got engaged. There is joy, despite having gone through the patch. At the end of the day, I ended up receiving double blessings like Job. Using the same resume that got rejections for a total space of a year and four months, I eventually got job offers at two firms on the same day!

At times in life, we rely on our strength...

At times in life, we rely on our strength to get us through and fail to rely on God. By doing this, we totally underestimate God’s power to perform the miraculous. Out of our limited understanding and lack of order, we carry out less important tasks first while failing to attend to more important tasks first. We seek money, fame, lifestyle, career and even friends over God. Having our priorities all wrong sets us on a path to destruction. Putting God first is a lifestyle and not a choice. We need to talk to God first and include God in our decision-making process. Although I am still far from where I would like to be in Christ, I daily press on and know that with God’s Grace, I’ll get there. In all the situations I have been through, I can boldly say that if I ever have to go through another refining process again (God Forbid), I know I am on the path to Promotion, in Jesus Name. Amen Looking back at it, I held on to the promises of God. A few verses that I held dear to my heart during my trials were Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble…meditate on these things” 2 Corinthians 10:5 “…casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” Hebrews 13:6 “The Lord is my helper, I will not fear…what can man do to me?” and Joshua 1:8 “Thy Words shall not depart from my mouth…”. By studying the Word and not letting it depart from our mouths, we learn about a host of others who had gone through similar or even worse situations than one might be going through. We can then draw knowledge and insight on how they were able to weather the storms of life, with God by their side. •

To young graduates out there, who are at the peak of their careers and believe the sky is the limit as I once did, I say commit everything into God’s hands. Never work for man, however by placing God first in your life, all other priorities would line up. By placing your complete trust in God, all the pieces to the puzzle of life will line up properly.

To those who are currently unemployed and are going through similar or even worse situations than I did, I say learn to be grateful to God for everything and ask God how you can be of service to Him and others.

As for me…having weathered the storm, my newly found creed is and will continue to be: “I want my life to be a living testament for others to see”. ~Deola Ogundele

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“Never allow any success to cause you fail in your Relationship with God and People” (Pastor Kunle Akindoju)



Divine Assistance

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“Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” Luke 6:38, many know this law of sowing and reaping.


his bible verse has been used countless times before an offering collection and, praise-a-thon. We even incorporated it into a song. Inspite of this, it is still the lesser practiced law of life. It has become nothing but a cliché to many, who have thus missed out on God’s secret to financial prosperity.

God established this law of sowing and reaping to offer us all the opportunity to sow our way into prosperity. In fact, He even declares that He will give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, but unfortunately many have turned their seed into bread and eaten it, leaving them nothing to sow. In 1 Kings 17, the widow at Zarephath, in a time of a great famine in Israel, was about to eat her seed and die, but Elijah stopped her and instructed her to first sow it (verse 13). When she sowed that seed, she reaped a harvest so abundant, that “there was food every day for Elijah and for the woman and her family. For the jar of oil will not run dry until the day the LORD gives rain on the land” (1 Kings 17:15-16). When you sow, you usually will reap more than was sown. Why then is it difficult for some to release the seed which God has placed in their hands? Your Income is a Seed I once heard a preacher say: “you work for a sowing, not for a living.” Ephesians 4:28b states, “… use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need.” This means that your income is a seed, and the biblical way to increase it is not by working multiple jobs or more hours, but to recognize your income as a seed and sow it. Unfortunately, many have misplaced in what can be perceived as misplaced priorities. They are always absorbed with purchasing the newest and latest accessories which only become obsolete less than 6 months later. However, if that seed had been wisely planted, it would have lasted into eternity. Not all choose to squander or scatter their seed though; some save every penny without the thought of sharing and they believe they are prospering. To these categories of people, God is addressing in (Luke 12:20)”thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee. Then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?”Now that you know your income is a seed, you should try to make every possible effort to increase the portion of your income that you sow. Determine in Your Heart To Sow More Most people who earn an income use it to pay bills and leave nothing to sow; they say: “if my income could be increased, I will sow,” but that is not really true. Only if you have been faithful with the little you have, would you be faithful with more (Luke 16:10). In most cases, the more income you earn, the more bills you accumulate. You may perhaps choose to trade in your car for a new one with a higher monthly payment. The only way to increase what you have is to sow the little in your hand, because “there is one that scatters and yet prospers; and there is another that withholds more than is meet, but it tends to poverty” (Proverbs 11:24). You have to understand that the “Give and it seed in your hand, God releases the harvest, because he is the God seed came from a harvest, and if you release the of the harvest. will be given to

you...” Some may say: “But I don’t have anything left after I pay my bills.” little do they know that their seed is hidden in an unnecessary bill. You may be paying for a service you don’t even use or need; ask the Holy Spirit to show you the bills you can reduce—or cut off entirely. Ask him to show you instead where to sow your seed. Take a look at your phone and cable service for instance, Cut the respective parts of those services that are unneeded, and sow that seed towards a better good. For example, many have gym memberships costing about $35 per month, but never step into the gym. That is a $35 monthly seed that could be sown into world vision to sponsor a child in need. Could you put off buying a new outfit to sow into the life of a hungry child? In 1959, a well-known Evangelist was going to buy a new Chevy, his attention was drawn to another purpose and He decided to put off his purchase to sow a seed instead to help feed hungry needy children in China. He used the exact amount as the car he intended to purchase .And ,God released a great harvest into his life and ministry--which he still reaps till this very day—because “If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord and he will repay you!” (Proverbs 19:17). Jesus said that “you will always have the poor among you” (Matthew 26:11), but the question is: “can the poor count on you to always be with them, ready to lend your support?” The seed you have now may look so insignificant to you, but it is another person’s treasure here on earth, and when you sow it, you build “treasures for yourself in heaven” (Matthew 19:21). Start turning your income into a seed you can sow into good use, one that will propel you into prosperity. I know this is not a popular concept in today’s self-centered world, nevertheless there are great benefits to be gained;“be a cheerful giver and God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all time, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8). And “With such sacrifices God is pleased” (Hebrew 13:16). Therefore, it is very important to first sow your heart to the Lord and Savor Jesus Christ; make him your Lord and trust in Him, and your will reap everlasting life. ~ Toyin Odumade

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RCCG Kings Court Chapel Choir congratulates Pastors Kunle and Bolaji Akindoju and the entire Kings Court family on the occasion of our 8th anniversary. We pray that the good Lord will continue to advance His gospel and His Kingdom through the Dream Team of the Kings’ Court Chapel.

~KCC Choir

We want to wish Pastors Kunle and Bolaji Akindoju and KCC members Happy 8th Anniversary. We will continue to go from Glory to Glory and this “New Thing” that He has started will be brought to perfect completion in Jesus Name. ~Oguntola Family

The Esho family will like to congratulate Pastors Kunle and Bolaji Akindoju and the members of KCC as we celebrate this special occasion, our 8th year anniversary. God bless us all.

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“You can give without loving, but you cannot Love without giving” (Pastor Kunle Akindoju)


s you run faster, heart-pounding in triple surge of terrifying adrenaline splash, you dared to look behind for a split second in hope, but the reality is, the half-beast-half-human monstrosity seems to be closing in on you; the hideous voice mockingly chants your course of inevitable end.

As you gather more speed, you suddenly spy a semblance of a city sparkling with life and promise. But there is a problem; you have come to the edge of a cliff hanging directly over the valley of death; and now you must make the inevitable decision of either plunging to a possible death or wait to be chewed alive by a merciless savage! Could there perhaps be a miraculous third option? Before you could find out, you are awakened suddenly and you realize in victorious, joyful relief that you have been having a nightmare. But, now you can no longer go back to sleep for fear the hideous creature will come back to haunt you. Are you going to stay up all night deprived of sleep and allow the enemy take control of your mind, while telling you all kinds of wicked untruths? There is always available for you, the name that is above all names to come to your rescue in time of need. In Jesus’ Name, God can reach out His powerful right hand and pick you up, give you a ride on His wings and carry you over safely to the other side. You just have to trust in His word, that is your legal and reasonable defense. When trouble comes, as sure they will in this journey of life, do not let fear consume or blindside you from the truth. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14). What are you going through today that seems impossible to overcome? Is it your health condition? Whose report will you believe: the doctor’s or the Creator of all doctors? Is it your failing marriage or a loss of loved one? Are you dealing with issues concerning your children or are you overwhelmed by financial debts or crisis? Is your job or lack of job causing you sleepless nights? Whatever it is, present your petition to your Maker. Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not on your own understanding! (Proverbs 3:5) When it seems like your life is spiraling out of control and you are falling into a depressed state, emancipate yourself with the knowledge of who you are in Christ; someone who is more than a conqueror. (Romans 8:37). The journey of going from good to Better is not one to embark upon with inadequate provisions like milk and cookies! It is a journey of the fearless! Do not be afraid of the prophecies of man whose destiny is like the grass which withers away in the scorching heat of the sun. Fear instead the one who holds the secret to Greatness in His Hands. By humility and the Fear of the Lord, riches, honor and life are attained. (Proverbs22:4).Whatever your desires are in life falls within these categories. 19th century writer-Louis l’Amour once said, “The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on”. Have you been immobilized by the trappings of a dry mind? Is your mind playing tricks on you? Are people telling you, that you can’t do this or that because someone else tried it but failed? Are you perplexed by the seemingly overwhelming changes you must undergo to get to your desired destination? If yes, turn on your faucet from the power source and witness the miraculous hand of God perform His many wonders in your life. ~ Millicent Olaghere

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The OJIBE Family Rejoices with King’s Court Chapel as she marks another milestone; her 8th birthday and fundraising for a new church building. It’s a new beginning. O it shall be said of King’s Court Chapel Come and see what the Lord has done.!!

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WEEKEND PMP TRAINING Register Online at www.iitainc.com OR Call a Representative Today: 404.207.3981 Or 770.618.3027




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DR. TOKS ONABANJO, PMP, CEO IITA Inc. He is an eminent authority on project management with over 30 years of experience in enterprise resource planning suites of applications, project, program and portfolio management. His B E N E F I T S A S A P R O J E C T M A N A G E R experience includes many years as a director of computer services, project planning and system development. Toks has managed projects in US, Europe and Africa and has organized •Opens Doors to New Clients international forums on business development, management and legislative leadership •Better remuneration for project manager, conferences. He served as a member of advisory council of Georgia Africa chamber of commerce earning +$100k for many years and he is currently the chief Executive and director of Pan African America •Greater Flexibility in choosing jobs or Chamber of commerce. consultancies •Offers International Recognition

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Our Pastor celebrated his Golden Jubilee. (April 2, 2010)


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KCC Family Picnic

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" Money is the best representation of our value and Priorities" (Pastor Kunle Akindoju)

I NEED YOU DESPERATELY Lord I need you so desperately More than the air I breathe More than the food I eat Lord , I need you more than anything…

The View of A Man... Maxwell’s life as seen by Maxwell...


was born to a Christian family and grew up in the church. The best times of my life were when my friends and I shared our faith, doing everything together, glorifying God with our lives. As teenagers we went on mission trips, shared the gospel whenever we could, bringing God’s message to people, and we enjoyed doing that. As I got older, I left for college and lost touch with my friends and my faith. It was gradual at first; and then the more I got engrossed in college life, the less I communicated with my friends back home and soon I forgot about them completely. I moved back home after college and re-discovered my passion for the Lord and His ways but one thing was very different. None of my friends were part of the church anymore. As news of their lives began pouring in, I realized that they had all stepped out of God’s will and were living according to their own terms. It saddens me when I remember what we once were and how easy it was to live for God. I pray that I will one day return to the joy I knew, serving the Lord with my friends. Maxwell’s Life as seen by God... At his birth, there was much singing and rejoicing in the heavens for he had been ordained to be a leader in his time; one that would lead many to the truth and to salvation. He came into his own at an early age, guided by the wisdom I gave his parents. My glory was evident to all who knew him. He was a leader among his friends, the glue that held them together. He was like a brick, positioned in the strongest section in a wall, keeping out all would-be attackers. But he left his position, and the void of him leaving gave all attackers great access to the wall and what it protected. The hole in the wall became bigger over time and many bricks were lost. He was ordained for greatness and he has returned to his position in the wall but now he guards his position without support and must rebuild that section of the wall with new bricks. His burden was once light and now he must work harder than I desired for him.

I treasure the times we have had When i have heard your voice comforting me in the dark And I have felt the warm embrace of your touch On a cold winters night when all around lay deathly still When you have softly bathed me And caressed my face While I slept With your kisses of moonlight It is so wonderful When I’m able to shake off sleep And spend time alone with you, Watching the golden glimmer of a new dawn Peek it’s head above the horizon It’ s morning! A new day.. Filled with endless possibilities A new chance to start afresh Another blank check for the next 24 hrs… One hundred percent of your love all for me It’s morning… and I need As much of you today As I needed yesterday Lord I need you so desperately…. ~ Anedi Eme-Akwari

Be better than good, your life and your actions have much more consequences than you could ever know. ~ Abimbola Makanjuola

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Supernatural Works!


od is always looking for people to partner with who are better than good to accomplish His will on earth. Since the fall of man, there is none that is good, no not one. For God to use a sinful man whose sinful nature cannot please God, He first enrolls us into the University of God to equip us for the assignment He has prepared for us. Joseph was one of such students who God equipped to accomplish His will on earth. God went ahead into the future and created a position within the Egyptian government that had never existed before. The duties and responsibilities of such a position would be foreign to anyone on the face of the earth. To be prepared to handle this position, God needed to train and equip someone for such an awesome task of saving a people. Joseph, unknown to him was predestined for that task, and he was called by God for this assignment through a dream. The whole details of the assignment ahead were never fully revealed to Joseph. God always leaves room for us to totally trust and depend on Him to work it all out. So, God gave him a glimpse of the glory to come.

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The position that was to be filled was unique, it was the office of the World’s first Economic and Finance Prime-Minister. The office would be headquartered out of Egypt which at the time, one of the greatest nations in the world .As a result, Joseph occupied a distinguished and, highly respected authoritative position. He was practically ‘royalty’, to say the least! Next to pharaoh, His decisions and judgments weighed more than any other in the land of Egypt, neighboring and far lands. Should God really entrust anyone with that much power on the earth? And if so, what qualifies such people for those ‘kingly’ roles? And what type of training would such a person have to endure and for how long? Does such a place exist on earth to train such a person? These are very legitimate questions that might find their way into our heads. We are able to find the answers as we openly walk in love with God and trust in his every word or promise which he sometimes reveals through dreams, visions or in our waking moments, through his holy word .Trust is an important qualifying element just like this great man of God, Joseph exhibited in the face of numerous hardships and trials. Prior to his ministerial status, as a youngster, Joseph lived with his family in the land of Canaan tending his father’s flocks; he was the sixteenth of seventeen children and was loved by his father because he was born to him in his old age. Gen 37:3, tells us that his father would never let him out of his sight. But Joseph by designed destiny, needed to be in Egypt to train and be equipped for Gods’ purpose in his life! While the enemy tries to destroy God’s purpose for his life, God uses them to move him closer to his destiny. Joseph arrived in Egypt, and all he needed was a miracle to get him into the Pharaoh Institute of Egypt but instead he was enrolled at Potiphar’s Community College, a college that had no accreditation or recognition. How could Joseph get equipped for the purpose he was called as a servant at Potiphar’s house? Joseph’s classes started with Brokenness 101 when his brothers stripped him of his richly ornamented Robe-his “famous coat of many colors,” Gen 37:23. At Potiphar’s house he learnt humility and trusted in God’. “And as the LORD was with him, he began to get promoted and, prospered Gen 39:2. In Attitude 201, he excelled as he imitated the same attitude as Christ; never complaining of his present situation, he refused to be bitter about all that had befallen him. He constantly gave God thanks for working it out for a better good. And such attitude is a sweet aroma to God .No wonder, HE “gave him success in everything he did: Gen 39:3.” Joseph also excelled in project management 301, when Potiphar put him charge of his household- entrusting to his care everything he owned. Gen 39:4.”Even Potiphar recognized that the secret of success was not based on a man’s skills but on the presence of God on a man’s life, “… because of Joseph. The blessing of the LORD was on everything Potiphar had both in the house and in the field.” Gen 39:5. It was time for Joseph to graduate, he had excelled in all his courses and he had to take his final exam which came in form of a temptation by Potiphar’s wife who tried to seduce him when her husband was away

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from the house, she said to Joseph “come to bed with me.” Gen 39:7 but he replied “How could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?”Gen 39:9, He fled from temptation and did not do anything to compromise his relationship with God or potiphar. He remained steadfast in his faith, thus graduating with honors and was admitted to King’s Prison Training College for a higher learning. In all this, Joseph continued to trust God and he would not retain any bitterness or anger and as such, God showed him kindness. In prison he learned the virtues of patience and a quiet spirit. Again Joseph excelled in Criticism 401, he never tried to defend his honor but by “keeping a clear conscience, so that those who spoke maliciously against his good behavior in Christ were ashamed of their slander.”1 Peter 3:16 when the warden made Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison Gen 39:22. Joseph excelled in Integrity 403, Righteousness 501, Faithfulness 637, and Commitment 712 and the warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the LORD was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did. Gen 39:23. Joseph’s senior project was in Uncompromising Truth 777, it was a course designed to train in boldness, fearlessness and speaking the truth regardless of the consequences. This course would require Joseph to be exposed to high class dignitaries, to test his boldness and truth speaking. Joseph got some exposure when Pharaoh’s cup-bearer and baker were unceremoniously thrust in prison. When they both had a dream each that needed to be interpreted; Joseph boldly interpreted the dreams as God had told him. One of the dreams ended in restoration and the other ended in destruction. Joseph did not compromise the truth; he was fearless in his interpretation of the truth. And when his interpretation came to pass as the cupbearer was restored back to the palace and the baker was killed by Pharaoh Gen 40: 1-23.God remembered him, knowing that the time had come for his purpose to be fulfilled. So, God orchestrated the perfect plan! The next and most significant level, what we can call being the “Better than Good” position, was Joseph’s admission to Pharaohs University located in the provinces of royalty! AS a result of being remembered by pharaohs cup-bearer, when the king himself needed someone wise to interpret his dream. And, so his journey continued, from prison to palace, from rags to princely robes like a fairy-tale with unbelievable chapters Joseph began to enjoy heights of promotions, recognitions and achievements that God had divinely crafted for him. Everyone was so busy trying to decide who was more qualified for the task, names were been thrown in the ballot, and names of candidates were being echoed throughout the palace walls. The Palace was full of Egyptian hopefuls but looking through 100s of resumes, not one of the so called wisest of men or princes in the whole of Egypt had the required experience or training for the position. So Pharaoh asked them “can we find anyone like this man…” at this point the alumni were astonished at the Pharaoh’s question. What an insult! Did Pharaoh read through our list of achievements or is the Pharaoh not impressed? This thought lingered on in the heart of the Egyptians as Pharaoh continued “… One in who is the Spirit of God?” This was the one qualification that disqualified everyone but Joseph. And the Egyptian princes were angry, so much for all the years at the Ivy-League University and a foreigner from prison would rule over us and they were not even sure if he was trained or qualified in experience for the position. Is this even constitutional, can someone evoke an amendment? Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Joseph’s finger and dressed him in robes of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck and that was how God used the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. The University of God trains us how to live and walk by the Spirit, to become in the image of Christ, so that we can partner with God to accomplish His will in the earth. Like Joseph who God trained to be better than good to accomplish God purpose to preserve the lives of the people of God Gen 50:20. God wants to train and equip us for the good works He has prepared in advance for us to do Eph 2:9. You may be enrolled in the University of God and you may not even know it, but remember you don’t have to understand everything that God is taking you through but always trust Him because all things work together for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose in Christ Jesus. ~Toyin Odumade

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RANDOM PHOTOS Summer Learning

KCC King’s & Queens

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Vacation Bible Study

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Married Couple’s Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this life, for the gift of love, and the blessing of our marriage. We give you praise for the joy you’ve poured into our hearts through this love, for the contentment of family, and the happiness of our home. May we always treasure the experience of loving each other in this holy union. Help us to remain forever committed to our vows, those we made to each other, and to you, Lord. We will need your strength daily Lord, as we live together with the goal of following and serving you. Develop within is us the character of your Son, Jesus, that we might love each other with the love he demonstrated—with patience, respect, understanding, honesty, forgiveness and kindness.

Let us always be a support to one another—a friend to listen and encourage, a refuge from the storm, and most importantly, a warrior in prayer. Holy Spirit, guide us through the difficult moments of life and comfort us in our grief. May our lives together bring glory to you, our Savior, and testify of your love. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Love is in the Air Spouses’ Prayer for Each Other Lord Jesus, Grant that I and my spouse may have a true and understanding love for each other. Grant that we may both be filled with faith and trust. Give us the grace to live with each other in peace and harmony. May we always bear with one another’s weaknesses and grow from each other’s strengths.

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Help us to forgive one another’s failings and grant us patience, kindness, cheerfulness and the spirit of placing the well-being of one another ahead of self. May the love that brought us together grow and mature with each passing year. Bring us both ever closer to You through our love for each other. Let our love grow to perfection. Amen.

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Sunkamni & Dieko Fadipe

I See You Smile

Akin & Funke Akindana

Today is the best day of the rest of my life Today His promises concerning me Are at full maturity and full bloom I’m taking a walk into the unknown And the promise of unspoken dreams Whispers of unspoken thoughts Will we get it Right? Can I give all my love to one? Who I have chosen to give my heart? I know that God’s perfect love will cast away all fear But is His heart tender enough to wipe away my tears? Will our love be strong enough to bring us through? The storms of life, and conquer- every adversity? Toyin & Rolape Odumade

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Together we can‌ together we will Be able to do all things Through Christ If we stay anchored to Him As the only source of our strength He is able, if we are willing So I will join you as we walk side by side Until we get to the other side of eternity Two they say is always better than one A threefold cord, not easily broken- remains ever strong I am walking down the aisle, eyes mist over, as I see you smile Today is the best day of the rest of my life Because today we will exchange vows And I will become your wife Abimbola & Remi Makanjuola

Today I am marrying my best friend. ~Dunamis

Yinka & Banke Akinsola

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Tunde & Bunmi Ogedengbe

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Dwayne & Yvonne Carter

Tokunboh and Rotimi Soile

He brought out his people with joy, His chosen ones with gladness.He gave them the lands of the Gentiles, and they inherited the labor of the nations. Psalms 105:43-44

Happy 8th year Anniversary KCC! Unto the Lord be the glory, great things He has done, greater things He will do. With love, The Roses in His Garden

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“Bonding with Your Newborn” :Develop a Connection with Baby


hen Mary Sadlier was pregnant with her daughter, Caitlyn, her husband, Stephen Rosa, regularly read entire books to the baby including the classic Green Eggs and Ham. Right after Caitlyn was born by Cesarean section, Rosa went over to the baby and started reciting lines from the book. “I’m lying there on the table and I can hear him saying ‘Sam I am,’” says Sadlier, a resident of Rumfort, R.I. “She was so soothed by the familiar refrains that she immediately stopped crying.” Bonding is one of the most important things parents can do for their children.

Bernice Omobolaji Abejide Parents: Samuel & Bade Abejide

Jewel Oyinola Longe Parents: Wole & Tutu Longe

Though he may not have realized it, Rosa was already bonding with his newborn child, beginning a lifelong process that experts say will have amazing benefits for them both.

Olakunle Lawson Parents: Bolaji & Lamide Lawson

Victoria Oluwaakayinsola Oguntoke Parents: Gbenga & Elizabeth Oguntoke

THE DAY YOU WERE BORN The day you were born the sun stood still and bathed you with sunlight You opened your eyes and looked around as you clenched my finger tight The day you were born the angels gathered around And sang to me a sweet sweet song I felt a mother’s love for the first time As I rocked you in my arms


The day you were born my life was complete To be a mother to this bundle of joy I realized was going to be no easy feat I asked God to help me raise you to be His child I asked him to make you holy, and gentle and wise I’ve watched you grow up and become so strong I bless God my dear child for the day you were born


The day you were born the clouds were full And released over you their heavenly dew Your mouth unfurled like a rosebud shut tight As you let out your first yell piercing the night I watched you cry as a single tear spilled over And dampened your dimpled cheeks



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The Benefits of Bonding For most parents, bonding with their baby is not something they do consciously. It’s in the tone of their voice, the gentle stroke on the skin and the soft melody they hum. But aware or not, bonding is one of the most important things parents can do for their children. According to Roni Leiderman, executive director and associate dean of the Family Center at Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., babies are born with billions of brain cells that are not yet connected or networked. “Connection occurs according to the experiences you provide your child,” she says. By repeating quality experiences like reading or singing, parents can help these events become a permanent part of their newborn’s brain, allowing them to develop both mental and emotional intelligence. Leiderman says that EQ, or emotional intelligence, is just as important as IQ, as EQ helps children develop empathy, trust, self-esteem and relationship skills.

Olushegun Oloni Parents: Anthony & Winifred Oloni

Bonding not only benefits the baby, but also helps the mom and dad. Making that special connection with their baby helps parents regulate their emotions, learn and respond better to the baby’s cues and get through the difficulties of being new parents.

“Bonding is that wonderful connection that happens between parent and child, that wonderful dance that Mother and Father and Baby develop with each other,” says Leiderman. “Bonding sets the stage for future interaction between the parents and the baby and for that wonderful unconditional love that develops.” Timing it Right Many new moms, however, may not feel like bonding right away and nurse practitioner Sandra Samberg of New York City says that’s normal. “Some bond immediately after birth and with others it definitely takes time,” she says. “Don’t feel guilty. It’s okay, because your hormones are all over the place after birth.” But if the feeling lasts for a significant period of time, cautions Leiderman, parents should seek help. Samberg, the mother of two and creator of The BABY-C Starter Kit, recommends a few techniques to help parents relax into their new role. She suggests that parents learn as much about infant care as they can and try to get hands-on experience to get a feel of what it’s “really” like. She also advises accepting support from family members, friends and hired help to give parents more time to spend with the baby. Finally, she says it’s important that parents take care of themselves, trying to sleep when the baby sleeps, taking breaks, etc. “The more you take care of yourself, the better you’re going to mentally and physically feel and the better the bond can be,” she says. Bonding ideally begins right after birth. According to Leiderman, studies show that babies who spend the first hour after delivery with their moms cry less, nurse better and laugh more. Many parents, however, don’t get the opportunity to spend that first hour with their baby due to adoption, medical issues or other reasons, but experts say that while that first hour gives parents a head start, there are many more opportunities to start the process. Nathaniel Kene-Chukwu Parents: Kingsley & Chinaro Chukwu

Bonding Techniques

Bonding with a baby can take many forms, but the most basic method is to simply meet the baby’s needs. “You need to understand and read your baby’s cues,” says Leiderman. When a parent responds to the baby’s needs, the baby learns to trust and gains the confidence needed to explore the outside world. Nancy Hogshead-Makar, a 39-year-old mother from Jacksonville, Fla., felt it was very important to listen and respond to her son Aaron’s cues. “Believing that a child is a full human means that, for me, taking his cues as seriously as if an adult made the request,” she says. “So when he was hungry, I nursed him. When he wanted to be cuddled, which was a lot of the time, I did. I do not know

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what’s best regarding when to feed him, whether he is ready for a nap, whether he needs to be held. Aaron does.” Research shows that touching and physical contact with the baby is also very beneficial. A study at the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami showed that massaging babies enhanced their ability to learn, and according to pediatrician Dr. William Sears, Benjamin Ayooluwa Hodonu Parents: Kenny & Tomi Hodonu babies who are frequently carried in a sling cry less, learn more, organize their internal systems better and are smarter.

Barisua K. Ngbobu Parents: Barile & Barizorge

Sadlier frequently held her daughter in a carrier and experienced these benefits firsthand. “Once she was home, I often carried her in a Snugli while I did housework,” she says. “She snoozed peacefully, listening to my heartbeat, and I accomplished things around the house.” Developing a Relationship with Dad Bonding may also be different for moms than it is for dads. Samberg says dads may have a more difficult time because they often feel left out, but she suggests that they start bonding right at birth by cutting the umbilical cord or holding the baby, particularly if the mom is unable to. Samberg also recommends that each parent choose different activities to do with the baby, so the baby begins to associate one activity with a particular parent. “Each parent will find their own things that really work for them,” she says. Whether it’s reading Green Eggs and Ham, giving the baby a nightly massage or creating a special tradition to share, it’s the quality of the experience that matters most. With a simple touch, word or shared gaze, parents can set their babies on the path toward a promising future. Content provided by Babies Today (www.babiestoday.com)

Moyo Ogun Parents: Tobi & Ayo Ogun

Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; They are weak but He is strong. Jesus loves me! Loves me still, Tho I’m very weak and ill, That I might from sin be free, Bled and died upon the tree. Jesus loves me! He who died Heaven’s gate to open wide; He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come in.

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" For God to help you go beyond your Abolity, you must first do all that is in your Ability" (Pastor Kunle Akindoju)


Ideas for Teaching Compassion Volunteer together as a family. Helping others in need can bring about an incredible sense of pride and fulfillment within people. So why not use these feelings of pride and accomplishment to help build lasting family ties and memories. Talk about the importance of giving. Family dinners are a great place to have casual conversations about giving to others in need and to plan the next family volunteer event. Talk or read about heroes and what it means to be one. Heroes can be someone at a local, national, or international level. Talking and learning about heroes helps to inspire family members to do great things with their skills and talents. Establish a Family Giving Box and make it a habit to donate regularly. Volunteer Together as a Family Why not spend your family time helping others in need? Working together as a family to help others in need can be an incredibly powerful way of building family bonds and developing a great sense of pride and fulfillment in all family members. Visit our Family Giving section for great ideas on how to give to others in need. Family Video and Picture Night Similar to our dinner and movie night, but rather than watch Hollywood movies, why not spend an evening watching old family videos or leafing through family photos. Kids love to see themselves when they were babies or reminiscing about last years family vacation. Also, don’t forget your wedding video. Kids really get a kick out of watching their parents tie the knot. Hiking, Biking, and Exploring How about an adventure into the outdoors? Take advantage of some of the great national parks and hiking trails and spend your day hiking, exploring, and picnicking. Family Game Night Games are a great way to bring the family together as well as teach children how to be good winners and losers. Why not try to set aside one night a week or month as family game night. Source: Families with Purpose http://www.familieswithpurpose.com

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Praise Night

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Do better than Good

What’s Next? for this 8 year old church REDO.indd 49

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“ If you can do it in your strength, then you are not doing enough” (Pastor Kunle Akindoju)

piece of land on the corner of Willeo Road and Highway 120. At close inspection, it certainly seemed like quite the ideal area to build the new church sanctuary; it is about 5 miles from the current location, which was prefect for the sake of commuting and other reasons. In His Heart of Heart, Pastor Kunle Akindoju never doubted that one day the vision that was revealed to him about the proposed sanctuary would become a reality. This vision could never die because it is for an appointed time. In retrospect, there’s no doubt in my mind that Prayers played a major contributing factor in our success. I remember quite vividly in March of 2007, during one of the 8 AM prayer meetings, Pastor took his early Morning Prayer team to the land to pray in agreement over the possession of the property at the new site. We prayed using the verse in Matthew 12:29 “or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house and despoil his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will despoil his house.” That morning, prayers were raised, faith was established and sealed and, there was a united belief that the zeal of the Lord and faith of the righteous would surely bring it to pass.


he sound of victory was heard around Georgia. It was in the shouts of joy, and harmonious claps of the hands of grateful worshippers! Some did the glorious –shuffle dance and others at a loss for words, just watched as the manifestation of the faithfulness of God echoed through the corridors, the highways, and byways around the neighborhood! Even the local News Station- Channel 2 news reported on the overwhelming victory of ‘a local Church in Roswell’, which faced numerous oppositions at first by a dissenting fraction of people in a community. The bone of contention was that the ‘said’ community disapproved of our church moving to their area to build a new sanctuary. Three times the Church faced a panel of deciding committee members with authoritative, voting rights to approve or disapprove the appeal rights of occupancy. Twice the answer to our request received a “Nay”. But Kings and Queens do not accept No as a deciding factor of their fate, especially when the voice of God says exactly the opposite. So we prayed, fasted, waited for a signal from God then we went for a third trial. Third time was a charm! Back at the local current church site, it was an overflowing wave of celebration as all clustered around the pastors, ministers and other members to rejoice over the long awaited good news. We had never experienced such high volume of phones calls in one day! People wanted to express their congratulations, and that included some who had prior to the news coverage, never seen nor heard of Kings Courts Chapel! There was undoubtedly, in almost everybody, an overwhelming feeling of awe at the awesomeness of the finger of God in charting and re-ordering our next steps to occupying the grounds that is rightfully ours! We offered our joy filled Heart of gratitude towards the faithful, All-powerful God. Indeed ,He is worthy of every praise and more, because God had just showcased Pastor Kunle Akindoju and the King’s Court Chapel to the whole world in a revealing light that illuminates some of His great works to perform. We will never forget that faithful night God gave King’s Court Chapel a 4 – 2 approval vote to build the new sanctuary on a “controversial site” in the city of Roswell during the Mayor and Council meeting. The Journey to ‘the promise land’ didn’t start that day. In fact, it started 4 years ago when the Lord drew the Pastor’s attention to a

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Many days passed, and the days became months and months became years and the dream of building was only whispered, or so it was perceived by some. The dream of building had become somewhat of a challenge. A fragile, delicate dream .Nevertheless, as Children of God, who dared to have the “Audacity of Hope”, God, not only kept our dream alive, He also kept it fresh! All this time God has being working out the details, even down to the asking price for the property. The negotiation to buy the land had been reached, the contract was drawn out and signature was awaited, but on the day to sign the contract, the land owners wrestled each other with words of disagreement on the terms of the contract. Pastor quickly intervened relying on his God-given wisdom, he was able to prevail. Both parties came to a place of mutual settlement and an agreement was signed by all. At times, it may seem to some who focus on their circumstances, when things don’t happen in quite the manner they had planned, that they are bound for failure; but they that know their God would stand bold and declare that; God is always working in the background to make all things work together for the good of those who love Him. This was a sign for Pastor that the appointed time had come for the vision of the building. Quickly, Pastor fanned into flame the dream to build a new sanctuary in the heart of his congregation, “for a great door and effectual is opened unto us,” but we are warned; “there are many adversaries” 1 Corinthians 16:9. Most times we tend to think because God has opened a door for us, it would be a smooth ride down easy street, but on the contrary it is not always the case. And if one is not careful, prayerful or trustful it is easy to derail! The journey maybe made cumbersome by obstacles at times but, be rest assured that Victory is guaranteed in whatever the outcome of the situation is, if you trust and obey God, because He will be with you every step of the way. On February 14th at the Mayor and council meeting at about 10:15PM, God gave His people a worthy love gift as a vote of His approval for King’s Court Chapel to move on to the next level and occupy the land destined to overflow with milk and honey! ~Believe in Hope

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The New Beginning REDO.indd 51

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The New Beginning REDO.indd 52

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“ If you have never been afraid in your life, its because you have never tried anything extra-ordinary” (Pastor Kunle Akindoju)


Perfection is A continuous Growth Process “Strive for continuous improvement not for perfection”

The Law of Continuous Improvement!!


just got back home after dropping off my good old friend who was visiting at the Hartsfield-Jackson airport a few hours ago. I am sitting down on a chair going though an old album of mine; reminiscing on the good old times we spent together back then at home. It contains several pictures I took while in school (Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria) 8 years ago, these were my best pictures. The suits and ties I wore in those pictures were my very best. If I wear the same suit and tie today, several of my friends, colleagues and church folks will surely have a good laugh! Even now, I am smiling to myself! In all honesty, I have improved! Things have changed drastically!! I am reminded of a quote I heard at about the time frame I was talking about. It says “If you use yesterday’s ideas to do business today, you won’t be in business tomorrow”. What a powerful statement. It is expedient for each and everyone to improve continuously in order to be able to succeed in the 21st century. No one achieves excellence in life and in business without a strong commitment for continuous improvement. In fact, the more you improve yourself, your systems and your processes, the better the results you get. I once learnt a vital lesson that raised my curiosity about the history of Olympic long jumpers. I have since done a research and what I found out is interesting. Permit me to share it with you. The high jump is an athletics (track and field) event in which competitors must jump over a horizontal bar placed at measured heights without aid of any devices. It has been contested since the Olympic Games of ancient Greece. Over the centuries since, competitors have introduced increasingly more effective techniques to arrive at the current form. The earliest technique used by high jumpers was the scissors jump. With this method, a record height of 1.68m was jumped. It took the introduction

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of another jump technique, the eastern cut off, to be able to break this record. It wasn’t until the 1968 Olympics that Dick Fosbury, who used an improved technique, called the Fosbury flop, beat the world record again. Taking advantage of the raised, softer landing areas by then in use, Fosbury added a new twist to the outmoded Eastern Cut-off. He directed himself over the bar head and shoulders first sliding over on his back and landing in a fashion which would likely have broken his neck in the old sawdust landing pits. After he used this Fosbury flop to win the 1968 Olympic gold medal, the technique began to spread around the world, and soon floppers were dominating international high jump competitions. What is the greatest learning in this study? It’s quite simple. In order to move to the next level of results, you need to continuously improve your techniques, methods, processes or even yourself…you need to raise the bar!! To do better than good in any sphere of life requires an untiring commitment to continuous improvements. Loosely translated, the Japanese word “kaizen” means ‘continuous change for the better’. More and more businesses now follow this principle to ensure they stay competitive, but this approach is equally valid for individuals…for you and me!! If you allow your skills to stand still and become out of date, it is all too easy to fall behind others and lose your competitive edge. When we stop learning, we stop improving, and that can only lead to career stagnation. That is why it is important to maximize every opportunity for learning that comes along. Let me share with you some steps to continuous improvement. 1. Discard conventional fixed ideas. Conventional, fixed ideas would suggest that it is not necessary to continue learning throughout our lives. In the New Economy, however, the stakes are higher than ever. Those who continue to think that their formal education will take care of them for the rest of their lives are in for a rude awakening. 2. Think of how to do it, not why it cannot be done. The pessimist will create all kinds of reasons that something can’t be done. The optimistic, forward thinker, on the other hand, knows that “if the why is strong enough, the how will come.” Focus on the outcome. Then, come up with all the ways that the outcome could possibly be accomplished. “…Determine that the things can and shall be done. And then we shall find the Way...” said Abraham Lincoln. 3. Do not make excuses. Start by questioning current practices. Making excuses for not doing something is easy. Again, focus on the outcome. Then, take action. There is no excuse for not trying something. There is absolutely no harm in trying. I remember back in my secondary school days. I had a friend who was the best in Mathematics. There was something I noticed about him – he wasn’t afraid to try difficult problems. While people like me will drop a question just because it “looks” difficult, this guy never bulged. He’ll try every problem. The truth is, he didn’t get all of them, but he was way ahead of all of us who didn’t try at all! 4. Do not seek perfection. Do it right away even if for only 50% of the target. If we all waited for perfection, we’d still be reading by candlelight and riding horses to work. Once you get to a certain point (whether it’s 50% or 80%, or another number that

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makes sense), then run with it. In other words, take action. Then, adjust as you go along. 5. Correct it right away, if you make a mistake. Stuff happens. Accept it, and adjust accordingly. If you›ve absorbed and accepted #4, then you›re almost anticipating the necessity of corrections. Acknowledge that the mistake happened, especially when it affects other people, and then correct it. 6. Do not just spend money for kaizen, use your wisdom. It is not enough to simply buy a tape set to learn skills, or to merely attend a workshop, seminar and conferences. These are wonderful (and essential, in my opinion) first steps, but action is key. Learn, yes. But then take action based on what you have learned. 7. Wisdom is brought out when faced with hardship. Challenges are usually undesirable, but they can be tremendous learning opportunities. Obstacles will present themselves, and you will be a better person for having done what it took to overcome them. 8. Ask “Why?” five times and seek root causes. The question “why?” is extremely powerful. As stated in #2, if a person has a strong enough “why”, he or she can accomplish anything. The question “why?” can serve to either strengthen our conviction about something, or help us to discover that it really wasn’t as important as we thought it was. At a minimum, it helps us to get to the root of the issue. Each time you ask “why?” you reveal a new layer. You go deeper, and deeper. Then, after four or five answers, you’ll get to the real one. Try it! 9. Seek the wisdom of ten people rather than the knowledge of one. Much has been written about the power of group thinking otherwise called synergy. Whether it involves seeking one or two other people’s opinions, holding a meeting with others, or more formal brainstorming or mastermind groups, there is power in numbers. If you want to find out how to be successful at something, ask someone who has already done it. Better yet, gather several people who have already done it. With libraries, the internet, and other resources available today, we have more opportunities than ever to gather the wisdom of others. 10. Kaizen ideas are infinite. Kaizen is a process of learning and growing, steadily and continually. There are always ways to “tweak” elements of your life in order to improve them. It has been said that life is a journey, not a destination. And practicing the philosophy of continuous improvement, of kaizen, will help you to make the most of that journey! Folks, go and raise the bar...stretch your targets...compete with yourself...break your own records… improve yourself daily and BE BETTER THAN THE BEST!! ~ Jimi Olabintan

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Ten Reasons to take CPR or First-Aid training 1. After someone stops breathing, or the heart stops beating, he or she can survive for only 4 to 6 minutes before lack of oxygen results in brain damage or death. CPR can buy extra time for your loved one, until professional help can arrive, by artificially circulating oxygen to the brain.

8. The country’s #1 killers, a combination of heart attacks and accidents, claim a life every 34 seconds in the U.S.

2. Over 70% of all cardiac and breathing emergencies occur in the home when a family member is present and available to help a victim.

9. One in 6 men and one in 8 women over the age of 45 have had a heart attack or stroke according to the American Heart Association.

3. Accidental injuries are the leading causes of death in children, and send over 16 million children a year to the emergency room.

10. Approximately 45% of all heart attacks occur in people under age 65.

4. Over 1.5 million heart attacks occur each year and approximately 350,000 of these victims die before ever reaching a hospital.

CPR awareness is no joke. Too many people die every year simply because no one around them knew how to perform CPR. As a fellow human being, how would you feel watching your friend die right in front of you because you cannot perform CPR? How about your mother? It is quite clear that no one would enjoy these circumstances. We need CPR. The number one killer in the United States is from heart disease, which always ends in heart attacks. If CPR is performed early enough, it is estimated that an extra 100,000 to 200,000 lives would be saved. That is 100,000 to 200,000 beautiful lives that make a difference in this world. One could be our next great leader. One could be you. ~ Nodebe Ojibe Source: http://cprforeveryone.com/

5. Statistics show that the earlier CPR is initiated, the greater the chance of survival. The American Heart Association estimates that 100,000 to 200,000 lives of adults and children could be saved each year if CPR was performed early enough. 6. Re-training and retention of CPR learning is a major requirement. Studies have shown that memory of CPR skills and knowledge tends to deteriorate as early as three months after training, among highly trained professionals, including: doctors, nurses, and others. 7. Approximately 7 million adults and children suffer from disabling injuries in their own homes and backyards each year, resulting from accidents that may require CPR, according to the American Heart Association. Some of the common causes of “sudden death” include: Electric Shock, Heart Attacks, Drowning, Severe Allergic Reactions, Choking, Drug Overdose, and Suffocation.

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THOU SHALL BRING FORTH At Creation God made man, and He then fashioned woman (out of the man) to meet specific needs. One of which was to bring forth. (Genesis 1:28). That is why child bearing is a yearning of many women. Though pregnancy has some undesirable and sometimes lasting effects on the woman (such as Nausea, Pains and weight gain), many would gladly repeat the cycle simply to fulfill their God given mandate to bring forth. Because this mandate comes directly from God, the devil is determined to sabotage its’ fulfillment. We have a responsibility, not simply to populate the earth but also to bringing forth a generation that will seek God. Women have hormonal cycles which determine when they can conceive. Failure to conceive is called infertility. A woman’s peak fertility period is ususally between the ages of 22 and 26 years, and declines significantly after 35. For men virility also declines with age, most significantly after the age of 50 years. On average, 85% of married couples having unprotected sex will have a pregnancy within one year. It is estimated that 35-45% of all fertilized eggs fail to implant, so even though some women were pregnant they may never have known, because the primary hormones that causes pregnancy symptoms are only produced after implantation. We have the responsibility to educate ourselves with the knowledge God has already made available to us. “The secret things belong to the Lord our God but those things which are revealed belong to us and our children forever ….” Deut 29:29. Most couples starting a family usually make Physical, Emotional and Material preparations but only a few make Spiritual Preparation a priority. The chances of a Pregnancy failure are so high that it essential that we must include Spiritual Preparation in our Schedule. Our Spiritual Preparation should begin before we decide to start a family, to avoid a common mistake made by Potential Parents who wait to “feel” pregnant before praying, not knowing that the baby’s organs are formed during the critical first 5-8 weeks when most spontaneous miscarriages can occur. We believe the word of God in Exo 23:26b that says “No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land….”

For illustration purpose only

The expected delivery date is 38 weeks after fertilization or 40 weeks after the last menstrual period. The Lord has Promised to fulfill those days. Exo 23:26b.

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During this entire period the parents must fill their hearts with the word of God daily, watch their thoughts and stay away from negative confessions. Extensive daily worship ensures the presence of God and where Light is darkness cannot comprehend John 1:5. Here at King’s Court Chapel the expectant mothers meet every Tuesday at 9 pm to seek the face of the Lord for both mother and child. The Lord has filled our mouths with testimonies and we have being fulfilling the mandate of God for our lives. ~ Pastor Bolaji Akindoju

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YOU + ME Lola & Yemi Photo courtesy of Stay Fokus Photography THIS THING CALLED LOVE

If I were to say that I have ever been truly blessed I would say it was when I met you What does this thing called love truly mean? How can something that has no form or shape Feel so strong? As I meditate on this before I fall asleep I find that I carry you in my thoughts And my heart feels a constant tug towards you All day long….. It is the little things in life that I have found Mean so much And as I have grown and matured Into a man after God’s heart, I learn to appreciate the little things So much more Is it in the doing? Is it in the being? One thing that I do know for sure

Is I am discovering the real meaning Of this ever growing feeling Of commitment I have Towards you Someday soon, God willing We will be able to share So much more with each other Than just our hearts One day we will be able to explore The full depths of this love That our hearts and minds have longed for But till then precious sister I want you to know that I love and adore you And promise to love and protect you If you do me the honor of Saying yes…. to my wedding ring ~Dunamis

Susan & Azu Photo courtesy of Fauve Photography

Fisola & Tosin

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Desola & Diji

Yemisi & Stanley

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Tolu & Jimi

Nike & Dotun

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KCC TEENAGERS Random Pictures

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“When you don’t know where you are going, anyone can show you the way” (Pastor Kunle Akindoju)

Wisdom Seekers


“A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”

High School


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My College Transition


ctually, my journey from high school to college has not been a very difficult transition for me as a matter of fact. I was taught well by my family and also the church. I have very supportive Parents, and I know that I can always turn to my Dad for anything! As for avoiding campus temptations and problems; well, I learned early from King’s Court Chapel not to conform to my surroundings but to uphold only Christ like standards. This has been helpful in making relevant decisions like the kind of friends I keep. ~ Tunde Adegabi


f all the advancements in education I have made in my life, the most impacting and life-changing one happened between high school and college. Graduation came and I was free. However, it didn’t hit me until late august of last year that the once secure walls of grade school I had become accustomed to were gone forever. Although not too far from home, I was on my own. It became nobody else’s responsibility but my own to wake up every morning and go to class or finish my homework at a certain time. I was responsible for all of my actions and learned quickly that all things had consequences most importantly, my relationship with Christ. There was no mommy or daddy or pastor to tell me to come to church. I cannot stress how important it is to keep a relationship with Christ. Because of the strong Christian background and surroundings, sustaining a healthy Christian relationship was not that difficult. Needless to say, I have room to grow as a Christian, especially in college. When life becomes hard, I remember that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”-Phil 4:13 ~Onyekwere Eme-Akwari


hen I started high school, I was placed in all regular classes, and became increasingly bored with the curriculum. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to change schools after the second semester of my freshman year, and continue my education at a new high school. It was in this high school that I met my mentor, who saw potential in me to be better than where I was coming from. He encouraged me to take honors and advanced placement classes, and do better than what I considered my best at the time. When I started considering college choices, my best, and probably only, choice was a university in Kennesaw, Georgia. When my teacher found this out, he told me to stop the application process, and gave me applications to Harvard, Emory, Vanderbilt, Duke, and Georgia Tech as my safety school. That was the caliber of student he believed I was. And I believe he was right; by the grace of God, I was admitted into Duke, Emory and Georgia Tech, and put on the waitlist for Harvard and Vanderbilt. Although the representatives from the schools in which I was put on the waiting list encouraged me to pursue the waitlist, as I was in their eyes as good as admitted, I decided not to because I was not as interested in going to those schools as I was in going to the others. Duke was my first choice; however, I was not able to attend for financial reasons. I ended up going to Georgia Tech for my undergraduate degree in Biochemistry, which I received in 2009. As for my teacher, I was blessed enough to receive the Star Student award for my high school graduating class, and I nominated him as my Star Teacher. He received two nominations after mine in subsequent years, and has also obtained a PhD in Mathematics. I’d have to say we were both blessed by the experience, and have become so much better because of it.

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~Desola Kalejaiye

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The High School Planning Timeline can help you get ready for high school and have a successful high school experience. Follow the steps in the timeline throughout the school year. You can print the timeline page and use it as a checklist or a reminder. All the steps you need to follow for high school planning, college planning and financial aid planning are shown for each grade. In this section, the high school planning steps are highlighted. Steps for alternate pathways after high school are also included. There’s a lots to do. Stay on track. More at GAcollege411.org Work at developing good study habits.

Maintain good grades. Talk to people who have attended college to learn about their experiences. Get involved in extracurricular activities like clubs, student organizations, sports and volunteer work.


Look into additional academic options that may be available in your area, such as magnet programs and school enrichment programs


Improve your reading, writing and math skills. These basic skills will serve you well in both college and career.

Don’t neglect your study habits! Keep up the good work, and continue to improve your study skills.

Talk to your guidance counselors, advisor, teachers, family members or trusted adults about your plans for college. If you’re not sure if college is the best option for you, talk to your counselor.


Find out about AP and other honors-level courses you can take in high school to help you prepare for college or earn college credit. Explore post-secondary credit opportunities including college, technical schools, special purpose schools, apprenticeships, and the military related to your selected career interest. Find out about college entrance requirements for the schools you’re interested in. Explore all your options. Take the Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (PSAT), if offered in your school, to evaluate your skills in English, math, reading and science reasoning. It’s good practice and your scores won’t count towards your college application.

Consider a youth apprenticeship, internship or other work-based learning programs.

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Keep those grades up! You might have a lot going on this year, but it’s important to stay focused on your schoolwork. Calculate your GPA and see if you need to brush up on any subjects. Take the PSAT in October. The scores will not count for National Merit Scholar consideration this year, but it is good practice for taking the PSAT in your junior year (when the scores will count). Make a list of reasons why you like different post-secondary institutions - programs, location, cost and so on. Visit college campuses and “tour” colleges in the Explore Schools section.

Meet with your school counselor and talk with your parents and teachers to discuss future post-secondary plans: explore all your opportunities. Check into work-based learning experiences such as career-related field trips, job shadowing, entrepreneurial ventures, internships, cooperative education and youth apprenticeships.


Keep reading! Expanding your vocabulary and learning new things will help with many things over the next few years.

Maintaining your grades during your junior year is important! Colleges put a lot of weight on your marks for this year.

Now is the time to really focus your post-secondary research


(August) Obtain schedules and forms for the SAT I, SAT Subject Test, ACT and AP exams.

Start a paper file for college catalogs and other admissions information.

(September) Register for the PSAT exam offered in October. Remember that when you take the PSAT in your junior year, the scores will count towards the National Achievement Program (and it is good practice for the SAT I). (December) You will receive your scores from the October PSAT if you took it that month. Review your scores with your counselor/advisor and parents. Depending on the results, you may want to consider signing up for free online SAT prep.

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(Fall Semester) Keep studying! You want to avoid “senioritis” - a drop in motivation and, consequently, grades, that is sometimes experienced by seniors.

(August) Check schedule for appropriate classes. Continue to take appropriate classes to enhance your next step after graduation.

(September) Check your transcripts to make sure you have all the credits you need to get into the schools that interest you. Find out from the colleges whether or not they need official copies of your transcripts (these are sent directly from your school).


(November) Be sure to consult with your school counselor about scholarship opportunities. Not all scholarships are for top students and athletes. There may be a perfect scholarship for you — it’s worth doing a little research.

If you haven’t already done so, make sure your official test scores are being sent to the colleges to which you are applying.

(Spring Semester) Complete and submit your college financial aid application and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) between January 1 and February 15. Go to the FAFSA on the Web form at: www.fafsa. ed.gov.

WhenI was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 1 Corinthians 13:11

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o, you have applied for a position and have been invited for an interview? Do you have what it takes to make you stand out from the rest? Or will you just blend in with all the other candidates who are applying for the same position?


7 Secrets to Acing the Interview

The crab mentality has always been viewed as a negative one. One in which several crabs when placed in a central location, pull the aspiring crab back down as it attempts to climb out.

by Arthur Orekyeh

In the highly competitive world that we live in today, it is imperative that one must take measures that would readily distinguish them from the competition. To stay ahead of the competition, you must become a TOP CRAB! For the new graduate or for those seeking to re-enter the job market, the Acronym TOP CRAB might just be your way out of the unemployment pool.

 T - Thyself Know Thyself The first step is to know oneself when seeking employment out in the corporate world. In business, one is taught to carefully evaluate situations and circumstances by conducting several analyses. One of several analyses utilized in the realm of management is the SWOT analysis. This analysis allows one to identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats involved. One who is preparing to attend an interview must take a careful inventory of the strengths and weaknesses they possess. They must also evaluate how these strengths and weaknesses relate to the position at hand. Once your strengths and weaknesses have been identified, seek ways to put a positive spin on your known weaknesses. Action Items: * Have a friend perform mock interviews with you (the interviews can be conducted over the phone or in-person). * Have your friend critic your responses to potential questions like “What are your strengths?” “What are your weaknesses?” * The mock interview should simulate the actual interview process as much as possible.

 O - Organization Know the Organization Take the time to perform your research on the company whose interview you will be attending. Find out pertinent information like any awards that the company has recently been awarded. Are there any new patents, products or even potential law suits the company is involved in? Find out about the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility mandate if it has any, and how it has contributed to society? Knowing about the company, would help when you craft the 3 questions you should ask at the end of the interview.

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Put on appropriate business attire (when in doubt remember it is better to be overdressed than under-dressed). Have at least three physical copies of your resume. Maintain eye contact at all times, and remember to smile. Action Items: * Practice the firm handshake. * Get appropriate business attire. * Have three physical copies of your resume handy.

 R - Relax, Breathe in and Out You have done your homework. You are all set. The day before the interview, rest and do whatever you can to relax before the big day. Also remember to breathe in and out. At the interview, take your time before answering the questions even when you feel like you are under pressure. Action Items: * Get plenty of Rest. Action Items: * Do your research on the company. Based on some of the findings you have on the company, prepare at least 3 questions that you can ask your interviewers.

 P - Position Know the Position Take the time to research more about the job position. Find out if the position in question is a full-time position, part-time or even a contract job. Know the going market rate for the position versus your level of experience. This will come in handy when you are asked the dreaded question “What kind of salary are you looking to earn?” Action Items:

* Breathe in and out.

 A - Arrive on Time As part of your preparation, study your maps and plan to get to the location at least 20 minutes before the interview. Plan to enter the building at least 10 minutes before the scheduled interview time. This would give you time for a last minute stop at the bathroom or give you some time, should you miss your way. Action Items: * Study the maps ahead of time. * Arrive at location 20 minutes before. * Walk into the building 10 minutes before the scheduled interview time.

* Do your research on the job position in question. * Find out the going market rate versus your level of experience.

 B - Be nice and Courteous

* Ask a friend within the same industry to help provide insight as to what such a position entails.

As a top crab, you are aspiring, confident, and are ready to rise to the top. However, do not forget to be nice. Be nice to everyone you meet as you go in and out of the premise. There have been known cases of people who have been rude to those they met on the premise only later to realize that they were their interviewers or worst still their potential managers.

 C - Confidence As an aspiring crab, you will need to display that aspiration by showing a great deal of confidence. Confidence is key. Having done your homework, now it’s time to shine. Perfect that firm handshake. Get out your polished shoes.

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Action Items: * Be nice. The possibility of running into your potential boss or interviewer is very high.

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Living a Healthy Christian Life

“ Indoctrination is a key tool in Slavery” (Pastor Kunle Akindoju)

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new”.

Question: “Is caffeine addiction a sin?” Answer: 1 Corinthians 6:12 declares, “‘Everything is permissible for me’”—but not everything is beneficial. ‘Everything is permissible for me’—but I will not be mastered by anything.” The Bible nowhere mentions caffeine, so the subject of caffeine addiction is not directly addressed in the Bible. All that can be done is take biblical principles that apply to being addicted to anything, and then apply those truths to caffeine addiction. 1 Corinthians 6:12 is likely the most applicable scripture. While the context is dealing with sexual immorality, Paul’s words clearly go beyond sexual immorality when he says, “I will not be mastered by anything.” Similar to gluttony, caffeine addiction is something that Christians are often hypocritical about. Christians are quick to condemn addiction to alcohol and tobacco, but tend to ignore other more “socially acceptable” addictions such as overeating and caffeine. Alcohol clearly can have more dangerous effects on behavior and can be harmful to health when abused. Tobacco is harmful to health in even small quantities. In comparison, caffeine might not seem so bad, but “it’s not as bad as…” is not something Christians should live by. Rather, Christians should live by “Is it right? Is it honoring to God?” Caffeine, in reasonable quantities, is neither overly harmful to health nor addicting. Caffeine, in excessive quantities, is both harmful to heath and addicting. Is it wrong to have a cup of coffee in the morning to help yourself wake up? No, of course not. Is it wrong to be so hopelessly dependent on coffee that you cannot function in the morning until you have had your cup(s) of coffee? According to 1 Corinthians 6:12, the answer has to be yes. We should not be addicted to anything. We should not allow ourselves to become mastered/controlled/ enslaved by anything. This surely includes caffeine. When consumed in moderation, caffeine is not a sin. When one is addicted to and dependent on caffeine, that is when it becomes a spiritual issue, and a sin that needs to be overcome.

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How to

avoid portion size pitfalls to help manage your weight.

When eating at many restaurants, it’s hard to miss that portion sizes have gotten larger in the last few years. The trend has also spilled over into the grocery store and vending machines, where a bagel has become a BAGEL and an “individual” bag of chips can easily feed more than one. Research shows that people unintentionally consume more calories when faced with larger portions. This can mean significant excess calorie intake, especially when eating high-calorie foods. Here are some tips to help you avoid some common portion-size pitfalls:

The Portion Distortion Quiz - (http://hin.nhlbi.nih.gov/portion/) How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label - http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/foodlab.html Use this handy Serving Size Wallet card - (http://hin.nhlbi.nih.gov/portion/servingcard7.pdf) Food Pyramid - http://www.MyPyramid.gov

Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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L .... GO BACK






Many restaurants serve more food than one person needs at one meal. Take control of the amount of food that ends up on your plate by splitting an entrée with a friend. Or, ask the wait person for a “to-go” box and wrap up half your meal as soon as it’s brought to the table.













minimize the temptation of second and third helpings when eating at home, serve the food on individual plates, instead of putting the serving dishes on the table. Keeping the excess food out of reach may discourage overeating.

Portion control when eating in. To

Do you get caught in portion size pitfalls? Roll the dice and move along the path. (Use dice and players from another board game.) Follow the instructions for each shortcut or pitfall you land on. The turn then moves to the next player. Get on the path to proper portion control!














package, the more people consume from it without realizing it. To minimize this effect: • Divide up the contents of one large package into several smaller containers to help avoid over-consumption. • Don’t eat straight from the package. Instead, serve :-( M O V E B A the food in a small bowl or container. C K


consume more when they have easy access to food. Make your home a “portion friendly zone.” • Replace the candy dish with a fruit bowl. • Store especially tempting foods, like cookies, chips, or ice cream, out of immediate eyesight, like on a high shelf or at the back of the freezer. Move the healthier food to the front at eye level. • When buying in bulk, store the excess in a place that’s not convenient to get to, such as a high cabinet or at the back of the pantry.

Out of sight, out of mind. People tend to

Be aware of large packages. For some reason, the larger the







L .... G O B A C K FA L PIT ( :E F T OU I ES L T OK O C


Portion control when eating out.






When eating or snacking in front of the TV, put the amount that you plan to eat into a bowl or container instead of eating straight from the package. It’s easy to overeat when your attention is focused M THE B on something else. FRO A





Portion control in front of the TV.


We learned as children not to snack before a meal for fear of “spoiling our dinner.” Well, it’s H E time to forget that old rule. If you A :-) M O VE feel hungry between meals, eat a healthy snack, like a piece of fruit or small salad, to avoid overeating during your next meal.

Go ahead, spoil your dinner.









4 S TE
























D :-)















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of a Shepherd

With the early rays of Sunlight, the Shepherd rises early and gathers the sheep together. Equipped with a staff in hand and slingshots, he and the sheep begin a long walk from the pen in search of greener pastures. Amidst the long march through rocky and hilly shrubs, he carefully leads the tender flock away from the thorny shrubs and steers them in formation.




ollowing the sounds of fast gushing waters, he and the flock arrive at the pasture right beside an elevated river bed. The Shepherd stops briefly to allow the sheep for a quick drink by the river before proceeding to lead them to a safe higher ground where luscious pasture abound. It is here that the sheep are left to feed in the pastures under the watchful eyes of the Shepherd who constantly counts the sheep.


Occasionally, a sheep or two might wander away from the herd, at this point the Shepherd calls out and goes in search of the lost sheep till he finds and brings them back to the fold. The above allegory is what comes to mind every time I think about our dear Pastor: Pastor Kunle Akindoju. As a Shepherd, and Mighty Man of God, he is very approachable, responsive, gentle, and genuinely filled with compassion. Daily renewed and recharged with words from on high by the Great Shepherd ~ Jesus, Pastor Kunle Akindoju preaches and rightly divides the word of truth.

meal as soon as it’s brought to the table.

More than a thousand times, I have been at church, at

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my wits end while listening to the word coming from the Throne Room of God and heard sermons which were timely and were meant for my ears. Many times, I have wept as the words brought healing and conviction to my soul. Timely messages that ministered to the present situation I was going through or simply corroborated the words I had heard from other witnesses. The Shepherd occasionally sings a song to soothe the sheep, this has been done countless number of times and songs such as “All the Glory must be to the Lord”, “Favor is my name” and even the most recent “By this time tomorrow, things are going to change” Songs such as these have come to me in times of need and by just singing them I regain my peace and joy even in the most difficult circumstances. In times of trouble and despair, Pastor Kunle Akindoju encourages and supports the flock, just like a shepherd would go after a lamb that has been snatched by a predator or has wandered far off from the herd; Pastor Kunle constantly keeps the members of the entire congregation in prayer and even stays in close contact with each member. Having a heart of a shepherd, he has inspired me to reach out to my immediate social sphere and circles of influence, and be a shining light for Christ in this crooked and depraved world. ~Tunde Kalejaiye

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The Potter’s House ~ Walter Hawkins

In Case You Have Fallen By The Wayside Of Life dreams And Visions Shattered, You Are Broken Inside you Don’t Have To Stay In The Shape That You’re In the Potter Wants To Put You Back Together Again oh, The Potter Wants To Put You Back Together Again. in Case Your Situation Has Turned Upside Down and All That You’ve Accomplished Is Now On The Ground you Don’t Have To Stay In The Shape That You’re In the Potter Wants To Put You Back Together Again oh, The Potter Wants To Put You Back Together Again. joy, In The Potter’s House joy In The Potter’s House peace, In The Potter’s House peace, In The Potter’s House love, In The Potter’s House love, In The Potter’s House there Is Salvation In The Potter’s House there Is Salvation In The Potter’s House everything You Need, In The Potter’s House everything You Need, In The Potter’s House because The Potter Wants To Put You Back Together Again oh, The Potter Wants To Put You Back Together Again

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Pastors Kunle & Bolaji Akindoju Renew Vows After 21 Years while Vacationing in Puerto Rico

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he misery of the people had become unbearable, the suffering and oppression became a national crisis, their groaning became a heavenly concern, and the horror was so real that the people cried out for mercy! Daily, their limbs were marred by ugly scars from long whips of lashes. The whips fell onto their skin leaving cuts and bruises. They worked long days and, labored into the night without wages! They were trained to have a ‘slave mentality ‘and not complain. Otherwise they received double the trouble as a few rebellious ones quickly, discovered. It was futile to try to escape; they thought in helpless despair, How far would the very little money or none as was mostly the case take them? The little provision was sure to run out even before they were caught! The mission was deemed “Impossible!”Still, several felt, there was no harm in dreaming! They called it; “Operation Egypt Storm”- a delivery mission of over two million Israelites. The Enemy: the greatest and most feared military at that time; over six hundred of the best chariots in the world, hundreds upon hundreds of the most highly trained horsemen and horses and military troops. Now, who could possibly be chosen for the task of leadership of this Great Divine assignment? The First Man’s resume was impressive; A forty year old general, trained and schooled in the art of war from the greatest military academy, a great swords man, strong headed, with quick reflex action, but hot-tempered and of great battle achievement and experience. He took pride in his many accomplishments. The Second man was the Eighty year old Shepherd, trained and schooled in the art of tending the flocks of the Indianite priest. The Shepherd was a great rod and staff wielding man, who, though, he was slow in speech with a broken spirit possessed great desert experience and, exhibited a high depth of humility towards his own accomplishments. One would definitely agree that on the likelihood of a successful completion of the mission, the older man did not stand a chance. Moses was forty years old by the time he finished his training and grooming for his princely role in Egypt .He trained in the best military academy, where he excelled in swordsmanship. He made up for his slowness in speech and tongue by excelling in physical strength and personal achievements. In the Book of Exodus, Chapter 2, it tells of a day when Moses was all grown up and he went out to where the Israelites where working and he saw the suffering of his people as they labored hard. This displeased him very much. Then he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew “one of his own people.” (Exodus 2:11) With what he supposed to be a pure intention, Moses took matters into his own hand and he killed the offending Egyptian when no one was around and hid the body. After this ‘incident’‘, Moses reached a no turning back point in his life! Did Moses act on his own accord or was he divinely led to do so? Moses certainly did not consult God before he did what he thought was right in his eyes. Like most of us do, we tend to listen to the logical reasoning in our heads and when we make wrong decisions and bad choices we attempt to rationalize our actions. Instead of allowing God to fight our battles because He tells us “vengeance is mine” Moses made a mistake and hid it. But not from the all seeing eyes of an invincible God! There are always consequences for our daily choices. Now let’s consider how effective Moses was in accomplishing his mission. An Egyptian was killed, but the Hebrew people weren’t liberated. In fact, “the next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting and he asked the man in the wrong “why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew? And the man questioned Moses’ authority. “Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?”

from the very ones he had show sympathy.

You may be thinking how ungrateful this Hebrew was, especially after Moses had performed such a seemingly ‘heroic ‘act to rescue one of his comrades from the hands of a slave master. Moses felt a sense of ingratitude

Imagine you had traveled for 4 months on a business trip, you locked your house and you made no arrangements to cut your grass or clean the house while you were gone but upon your return you found your lawn cut, and your house was open and a stranger with good intentions had taken the time to clean your vacant house. At the moment when you walked in to your house, the stranger was vacuuming the floor and polishing your windows! I’m sure when you walk in to the amazement of such a kind act by a total stranger, you may argue that you find such selfless act of kindness refreshing and maybe show this intruder, your appreciation for the cleanness and aesthetic appeal of your home. “You will speak pleasant

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words and bless the stranger.” I strongly doubt that will be the case. Instead, you will yell or for those who maybe afraid whisper; “Who let you into my house”? “Who do you work for”? Or “how did you get into my sanctuary? Atlanta steam cleaners I know, Roswell Carpet Cleaners I know but you I don’t!” A thousand and one questions before you finally end the interrogation with a declaration, “I’m calling the cops.” And rightly so, you should! At least in this part of the world where we don’t commonly take matters into our hands you would. This reminds us of a story in Acts 19: 13-16, when the seven sons of Sceva a Jewish Chief Priest, heard of the miracles Paul was performing in the city, they decided it was time to change careers and draw some fame and attention to themselves while they delivered people from the evil spirits that had dominated the city for to long. The captivity and oppression by demons in the area had become a concern and they took matters into their hands and they became demon busters. They invoked the name of Paul’s Jesus and the fame of the vigilantes began to spread around their neighborhood. They fought off little evil spirits but it was time for them to go national. They started seeking out stronger demons, and one day scouting through the city their radar locked in on a target, a demon possessed man. They approached the man’s house, they brought out their recitation handpod and, committed it to memory, and the leader of the team did a readiness check. A Biblical Wordsworth? Death wish? Zealous, foolish or Courageous follower Unshakeable faith? And, On who’s authority do they dare to approach? Then they entered and said “In the name of Jesus in who Paul preaches, I command you to come out”, they cried, but the demon replied; Jesus I know, Paul I know but, who are you? And the demonic man jumped on them and overpowered them all and left them bleeding and naked as they ran for their dear lives! Lesson to be learnt here is; get connected with the right source of authority and know whose power is backing you. In John 5:18, Jesus had healed a sick man on a Sabbath day and the Jews criticized Him for breaking the Sabbath law and claiming equality with God, But Jesus declared His authority was in the Father, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself, He can do only what He sees His Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” John 5:19. The authority was established with a seal of approval, an endorsement from God who is the highest authority. After Moses killed the Egyptian, he feared for his life when word got out that he was a wanted man. Can you identity with Moses? Perhaps you are not wanted for killing an Egyptian but you have also suffered the consequences of self-reliance. Like Moses it seems logical but “there is a way that seems right to a man but the end is destruction.” What are you doing in your strength without God’s approval? No matter how pure the motives, are you relying on God or self? Do you have God’s endorsement on the project you are working on? If you do not have Gods seal of approval in whatever you are doing, stop, repent and seek the face of God for re-direction. God is good and His mercy endures forever. He wants to use you to bring glory to His Holy Name but it can’t be your way but only His way. So God chose the 80 year old shepherd to lead the mission for a while. At this point, Moses was broken in Spirit and seeking Gods mercy and grace he soon learned humility, a very pleasing quality in Gods Face. He had not been rejected by God but had been refined in character and given another chance. God wants to give you another chance, but are you refined through your trials? Are you broken and useable by God? Just like Moses, God has not rejected you. It doesn’t have to be forty years later, start trusting Him now, ask Him to search you, to know your heart and test you to have you broken and humbled. Only then will He use you. Moses got a second chance and this time when he had the voice to move, he also, received the anointing and a powerful gift of the amazing rod for his supernatural tasks ahead. Note; when God sends you, He also will equip you for the journey! When Moses asked God what he would tell the people; the Egyptians and the Hebrews when asked on what authority he was acting? God told Moses to say; “I AM WHO I AM” is sending you. That day he was given the seal of approval from the Most High God and the 80 year old man delivered over 2 million Israelites with no casualties among the Israelites. The enemy was defeated as the entire forces were destroyed without breaking a sweat. All this happened because Moses was under the authority and the mighty arm of God. The story of the Exodus from Egypt became one of the greatest rescue missions on earth and world wide famous narrative of all times. But, today, I thank God that I’m a beneficiary of the greatest rescue mission of all ages; the one where my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died on the cross to rescue me, you and all mankind from sin and death and reconciled us back to God. Are you a beneficiary of the greatest rescue mission? If you haven’t accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior why don’t you repeat this prayer? “Father I am a sinner and I have fallen short of your glory, I ask you to forgive me of my sins, and I believe in my heart that Jesus your Son died on the Cross for me and rose again from the dead. I make Him the Lord of my life, thank you Lord for your mercy, in Jesus Name. “ ~ Toyin Odumade

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ICBTIT (I Can’t Believe This Is True)


networking sites.

uring the end of the 20th Century, we were introduced to a new way of communication using the internet to talk to others from anywhere in the world; it was called Instant Messaging (IM). Today IM has evolved to social networking where known and unknown contacts interact. Although there are many advantages of using these sites, there are many dangers to using social network sites and if proper care is not taken, it may negatively affect ones reputation. If you did not already know, be aware that whatever is posted on the internet is not really erased; and this should be something to always remember when using social

Whenever using a social networking site, these questions should be asked: Am I using this site to glorify God and using it to represent Him? Am I using it to benefit my reputation positively? Would my family be happy with what is on my Facebook, MySpace pages, and other networking sites? Whatever you write or post in these sites should be to edify God and others as well. Ephesians 4:29 says it best, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to use in edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers”. These sites are social networks with an emphasis on ‘social’, meaning that even though interactions are online, they are still interactions with other people. There are people who use aliases on their online accounts either to hide their true nature from others or to use it for mischievous or criminal activities. However, since we call ourselves Christians, we should also act as Christians on the internet. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, Peter was talking to the Corinthians about living their lives to the glory of God, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Would God be proud of what you put on Facebook/ MySpace/etc.? May God guide us. Since it is already known that there is nothing that is fully erased off the internet, then it should be known that whatever is done on these sites can resurface. Proverbs 28:13 “He who covers his sins shall not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy.” The same rule can be applied to Facebook. Here is a scenario: Tom registers on Facebook and puts inappropriate information online and decides to erase it. Years later, Tom graduates from an Ivy League school, becomes an influential and relevant person to his society and the world. For some reason there is an article on a magazine showing the information that Tom deleted when he was on Facebook years back. This causes a huge embarrassment for Tom; He is no longer relevant nor is he influential and his name would be ridiculed whenever he is mentioned. Companies now use Facebook as possible background checks on people they want to hire or promote. If they see things they do not want the business to be associated with, they would overlook the applicant. Improper use of social networking sites could lead to shame and possible loss of lives. There was the case of Philip Markoff who used craigslist to solicit a prostitute only to eventually murder her. Some people, especially youths, use this site as an adrenaline rush or an exciting adventure since they don’t know who they are talking to or who they are meeting but most of the time such meetings could lead to kidnapping and serial killing. The question remains: Do you know what your kids do online? It is very important to observe how they behave towards authority and their peers. Sometimes they may be looking for someone to understand them but due to circumstances and situations they cannot talk to their parents or a responsible adult. Parents must take a more aggressive stance in knowing what their children are doing online. The kids may see it as “invasion of privacy” but there is no such thing as privacy for a child who isn’t mature enough to properly use social networking sites. In other words, parents need to “friend” your children on Facebook or Twitter to get a better view of their online activities. Like any tool that’s been created even till this day, technology can be used or misused. In order to use it appropriately, it should be known that these sites are for socializing with others. That being said, as Christians, we can use these sites to spread the gospel to those we come in contact with on those sites. It could start with “God bless you” or “Do you believe in Jesus” or something that draws them to knowing God. You may lose a lot of friends doing so but it is what we are called to do as Christians. In Mark 16:15-16, Jesus issued the Great Commission, “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned”. Just because you socialize online doesn’t mean you cannot spread the gospel online from friend to friend. It could also be a place to meet other Christians to encourage you in your walk with Christ. Another benefit to social sites is that companies and corporations use them. Using Facebook and/or Twitter, they advertise their companies to the public and recruit others for their jobs. Sites like LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com), lets you post your resume and allow others you know on that website to leave “recommendations” whereby they write about their experiences with you and your strengths for others to see and take note. If you are trying to sell yourself to companies, you can start here. God created all things for man to enjoy but the devil corrupts them in order for these gifts to be a curse to our lives hoping for us to loose our fellowship with God. It also doesn’t hurt anyone to live life “unplugged” because we cannot exist solely on the World Wide Web. Life is also to be lived on the outside. God Bless! Acronyms dictionary ~ Bluelucent http://www.netlingo.com

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Resources Pages Looking for something particular can be challenging itself and not knowing where to turn can cause you to give up. Well look no further we have listed some ideas that might help. In case of life threatening emergency dial 911

KCC HELP LINE Pastor Kunle Akindoju 770-265-7451

Welfare Department 770-608-9111

Brother’s Keeper’s 678-667-3581

KCC Clinic 678-749-8996

King’s Table 404-563-5089

GENERAL RESOURCES WOMENS HEALTH.GOV Our vision is to improve the health and sense of well-being of all U.S. women and girls. http://womenshealth.gov 800-994-9662 CHILD CARE RESOURCE AND REFERRAL AGENCY (CCR&R) Child Care Aware© is the nation’s most respected hub of information for parents and child care providers. A program of the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA), Child Care Aware helps families learn more about the elements of high-quality child care and how to locate programs in their communities. http://www.childcareaware.org or 800-424-2246

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LEISURE Georgia Department of Economic Development Attractions,Trips and Events avaiable in Georgia http://www.exploregeorgia.org Voyage Prive We are a team of travel experts who have provided close to a million members in Europe with their dream vacations, since our debut three years ago. We are excited to bring our expertise to our US members and to share with you the best of what travel has to offer. http://www.voyageprive.com

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1/28/2013 1:20:59 AM


When people get together, the job or assignment becomes easier to do. It doesn’t matter what the job on hand is. When individuals work together, most of the difficulties will be erased. Without any help, work becomes a lot harder and more time consuming. You Get Connected to Other People

Why is Volunteering Important

When you take part in these activities, you get closer to people. You come to know your friends even better. You will make new acquaintances also. By getting more involved with other people, your self-confidence also increases.

To Improve Community Life

Giving Hope

One good reason why volunteering is important is that it goes a long way towards creating a healthy community. Kids, who agree to take part in tidying up their classrooms and surrounding areas, promote cleanliness. This in turn helps the community to find motivation to combat pollution and trash. It encourages more people to take an active part in cleaning up. In the end, everyone benefits from it.

One reason why volunteering is important is that you give others hope. A downtrodden person will be uplifted when he or she realizes that there are people out there who will help them out. It brings back their faith. It makes them aware that not everything is about money.

Of course, this isn’t just limited to cleaning the environment. Those who willingly take part in tree planting, animal caring and so on also contribute to the betterment of society. To Give Back Another reason why volunteering is important is that it showcases someone’s gratitude. Someone who becomes successful in selling books may take part in a reading for a children’s program. An athlete can spend some time in teaching others, the basics of his / her sport. A successful entrepreneur can allocate some time to teaching others how to do business.

It Emboldens the Human Spirit The selfless act of helping a person / cause / nature provides a spiritual boost as well. Knowing you did something good for someone or some cause is an emotionally uplifting experience that can never be matched by money or fame. It is not a glamorous job, but most who have tried it will tell you that the experience is a positive one. These are just some of the reasons why volunteering is important. Not only does it bring hope and happiness to people, but it also leads to spiritual and emotional growth. It is an experience that cannot be bought with any amount of money.

To Help Others in Need

Local Resources

During times of calamities, people need help. There are government agencies assigned to this task. However, it’s usually not enough. When ordinary people do their part to help, the task of aiding the grief stricken becomes easier.

Church Volunteer Center: http://www.churchvolunteercentral.com Hands On Atlanta: http://www.handsonatlanta.org/ Hosea Feed the Hungry: http://www.hoseafeedthehungry.com

This isn’t just true among the calamity stricken. There are people living in harsh conditions who need a helping hand. That’s why, volunteering is important. This way, you can reach out to others. There will be no financial rewards. But the joy you can bring to others will be priceless. Things are Done More Effectively

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Nauna is a global African community for Creativity, Entrepreneurship and Community



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Connect to your community, establish yourself within your community, launch out from your community

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Everybody has Talent





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Show it!

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