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Sponsors We would like to extend a special thank you to this year’s sponsors and donors of King’s & Queen’s. Toyin Take Out D&B Pharmacy Crest Auto PreciousSilk Northstar Global Inc Triple A Concept Divettes & Dudes Diaspora Brain
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Behind the scene
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King’s & Queens Magazine 9435 Willeo Road Roswell, GA 30075 Telephone: (770) 552-8900
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INSPIRATIONS Road of Faith......................................................16 Spirtual Growth.................................................52 Get Rid Of Your Fast-Food Mentality!............................................................64
FAMILY royal generations..............................................18
TECHNOLOGY The Future Now...................................................64
COVER STORY Love Made..........................................................32
RCCG: King’s Court Chapel members getting check up by registered physicians.
ove makes us do things we will not ordinarily do. Love makes us do crazy things. It was love that made God do a crazy thing like giving up his only begotten son for us (John 3:16). As a matter of fact, Jesus used an entire chapter in the book of Luke (Luke 15) to describe what crazy things people in love do. Paul loved his countrymen with a crazy love that he said in Rom 9:3 he would give his salvation if it will save his brother from hell (that’s crazy love!!).
The purpose of our cover for this edition of the Kings & Queens magazine is to challenge you, to make you search your heart and ask yourself “What has Love made me do?” • It takes love to use your time to serve in your local church. • It takes love to share the love of Christ with unbelievers • It takes love to assist the weak and less privileged In Mark 2:1-12, the Bible talks about 4 men who loved their paralyzed sick friend so much that they were willing to open up the roof of a house just to get him to Jesus. • Crazy Love makes you focus less on your own problems and more on other people’s problems.
What has love made you do? Will love make you break a roof, just to get someone to Christ?
Pastors Kunle & Bolaji Akindoju Redeemed Christian Church of God: King’s Court Chapel
To fulfill the mission of our church, which is to Touch Lives and Change Destinies, we must allow Love to motivate us. Please be challenged to do more as you enjoy this edition of the King’s and Queen’s magazine.
Greatly Loved
To God be the glory, another edition of Kings and Queens Magazine is here again!!! We missed last year, but we were determined not to let you all down this year. This also comes at a wonderful time: as a church, we are celebrating our 10th anniversary and also beginning a new journey as we move into our new Sanctuary. What seemed like a dream has now become a reality. All thanks be to our Lord and Savior. As you flip through the pages, you will see how far we have come and how we have grown as a church. We had so many teenagers go on to their next phase in life as they graduated from high school and entered college. We had couples who got married and a lot of new additions as we welcomed new babies. We are not called the “baby making” church for nothing! You will also see how God has taken us to a higher place. As God continues to do wonderful and marvelous works here at King’s Court Chapel, we would like everyone to be a part of it. Happy Reading.
Fisola Adepetu Editor
Jokotade Adekanmbi
Toyin Odumade
Busola Adeyemi
Millicent Olaghere
Tunde “TJ” Kalejaiye
Funke Akindana
Arthur Orekyeh
Peter 1:21; John 17:17; Psalm 119:105
We believe that the entire scripture, both Old and New Testaments are written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit – 2 Timothy 3:16-17. All the Christian teachings and the Christian attitude of the Children of God are such as are established in the Holy Bible – 2 Timothy 3:10-15; 2
This is God’s grace whereby we are cleansed from our sins by which we are able to stand before God as though we have never sinned Acts 13:39; Romans 3:25-26, 5:1
SANCTIFICATION (HOLINESS) Sanctification is another grace of God by which our souls are progressively and completely cleansed. This is the second accomplishment of the grace which through our faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ is wrought after we have been justified and freed from our sins or regenerated – John 17:15-17; 1 Thessalonians 4:3
WATER BAPTISM ABOUT GOD As revealed unto us by the Bible, we believe that there is only one God, who is Creator of visible and invisible creatures – Genesis 1:1; Psalm 86:9-10; Isaiah 43:10-11; John 1:1-3. Only God will be existence forever – Ezekiel 3:14. In God, every creature receives life – John 5:26
ABOUT JESUS CHRIST We believe that He is the Son of God; who took away our sins, and the Savior of the world. We also believe that Jesus is God and was born of Mary the Virgin. He is God revealed in the flesh. Through Him all things were created, Matthew 1:18-25; Isaiah 9:6; 53:5-6. We believe in His death on the cross and His resurrection by which He brought redemption; Isaiah 53:4-10; 1 Peter 2:23; John 10:11; Galatians 3:13; Matthew 20:28; 1 Corinthians 15:3; Romans 4:25; 2 Corinthians 5:14; Hebrews2:9, 9:26
ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT The Holy Spirit is the third person in the TRINITY. He has the same power, the same glory with God the Father and the God the Son – John 14:16-17. He is the one with the Father and the Son who is to be worshipped and served. He performs the work of regeneration for man – John3:5-6; the work of Sanctification in the born-again souls – John 16:8. This same Holy Spirit endows believers with gifts 1 Corinthians 12:7. He empowers one in the Lord – Acts 1:8
ABOUT THE DEVIL We believe that the there is a devil, who speaks the downfall of every man. He brought sickness, sins and death into the world – Genesis 3:1-16. He seeks the destruction of those who exercise their faith in the Lord Jesus – Matthew 4:1-11. The devil has several unclean spirits over whom he governs – Matthew 12:24. A time would soon come when he shall be thrown into the pit and chained for one thousand years – Revelation 20:7-9. After this, he will be put into the lake of fire where he will remain suffering together with his followers and ever – Revelation 20:10
We believe that water baptism is by immersion. We do not baptize infants as they are not at the age of accountability. Our members are baptized after conversion and undergoing believers and water baptism classes and are thereafter fully part of our fellowship – Acts 2:24
DIVINE HEALING Healing without medicine is biblical – Matthew 4:23; Psalm 103:3. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil – 1 John 3:8. Christ purchased our souls from the curse of sin. He bore our infirmities and carried our sorrows – Matthew 8:15-17. By His stripes we are healed – Isaiah 53:4-5
RESURRECTION We experience daily the resurrection of the Spirit of all the bornagain souls who are passed from death to life – Ephesians 6:14; Romans 6:11; John 5:20. There is resurrection of the body. Jesus taught us plainly that the buried body will be raised up from the tomb at the last day – Job 5:28-29
THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST The Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be in a physical form and will be visible to all in like manner as He was seen ascending up to heaven – Acts 1:9-11; John 14:3. His return will be in two stages: (a.) Christ’s return in the sky – the saints or Bride of Christ will be ruptured to meet Christ in the sky – 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 (b.) His return to the earth – He will return to the earth to judge the sinners and the ungodly.
THE LORD’S DAY We believe that the first day of the week called Sunday is a special day which the believer should come gather to worship. The Lord resurrected on the first day of the week – Mark 16:9
y4 th Family Picnic
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood” - Martin Luther King
Short Biography of Martin Luther King Martin Luther King Jr was one of America’s most influential civil rights activists. His passionate, but non violent protests, helped to raise awareness of racial inequalities in America, leading to significant political change. Martin Luther King was also an eloquent orator who captured the imagination and hearts of people, both black and white.
Early Life of Martin Luther King Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta on 15 January 1929. Both his father and grandfather were pastors in an African-American Baptist church. M. Luther King attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, (segregated schooling) and then went to study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania and Boston University. During his time at University Martin Luther King became aware of the vast inequality and injustice faced by black Americans; in particular he was influenced by Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violent protest. The philosophy of Gandhi tied in with the teachings of his Baptist faith. At the age of 24, King married Coretta Scott, a beautiful and talented young woman. After getting married, King became a priest at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.
Montgomery Bus Boycott A turning point in the life of Martin Luther King was the Montgomery Bus Boycott which he helped to promote. His boycott also became a turning point in the civil rights struggle - attracting national press for the cause. It began in innocuous circumstances on 5 December 1955. Rosa Parks, a civil rights activist, refused to given up her seat - she was sitting in a white only area. This broke the strict segregation of coloured and white people on the Montgomery buses. The bus company refused to back down and so Martin Luther King helped to organise a strike where coloured people refused to use any of the city buses. The boycott lasted for several months, the issue was then brought to the Supreme Court who declared the segregation was unconstitutional.
12 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
SHOWCASE Civil Rights Movement. After the success of the Montgomery bus boycott, King and other ministers founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). This proved to be a nucleus for the growing civil rights movement. Later there would be arguments about the best approach to take. In particular the 1960s saw the rise of the Black power movement, epitomised by Malcolm X and other black nationalist groups. However, King always remained committed to the ideals of non violent struggle. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X briefly meet in 1964 before going to listen to a Senate debate about civil rights in Washington. (image Wikicommons)
Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr Martin Luther King was an inspirational and influential speaker; he had the capacity to move and uplift his audiences. In particular he could offer a vision of hope. He captured the injustice of the time but also felt that this injustice was like a passing cloud. King frequently made references to God, the Bible and his Christian Faith. “And this is what Jesus means when he said: “How is it that you can see the mote in your brother’s eye and not see the beam in your own eye?” Or to put it in Moffatt’s translation: “How is it that you see the splinter in your brother’s eye and fail to see the plank in your own eye?” And this is one of the tragedies of human nature. So we begin to love our enemies and love those persons that hate us whether in collective life or individual life by looking at ourselves.” - Martin Luther King His speeches were largely free of revenge, instead focusing on the need to move forward. He was named as Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963, it followed his famous and iconic “I have a Dream Speech” delivered in Washington during a civil rights march. The following year, Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work towards social justice. King announced he would turn over the prize money $54,123 to the civil rights movement. With the prestige of the Nobel prize King was increasingly consulted by politicians such as Lyndon Johnson. However, King’s opposition to the Vietnam War did not endear him to the Johnson administration; King also began receiving increased scrutiny from the authorities, such as the FBI. On April 4th 1968, King was assassinated. It was one day after he had delivered his final speech “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” In his honour America have instigated a national Martin Luther King Day. He remains symbolic of America’s fight for justice and racial equality. Citation : Pettinger, Tejvan. “Biography of Martin Luther King “
13 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
Doing good is not just good enough
Nelson Mandela For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
Nancy Goodman Brinker founder and CEO of Susan G. Komen for the Cure “People who come to work here don’t show up for the coffee and donuts. They come to change the world. People will work hard for a mission.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Bill Gates founder of Microsoft “Although I don’t have a prescription for what others should do, I know I have been very fortunate and feel a responsibility to give back give back to society in a very significant way.”
“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood”
Normal People doing Extraordinary Things
Where would you fit in?
Connie Siskowski’s group provides support to hundreds of young people who are caring for ill, disabled or aging family members. The program also makes teachers and school administrators more aware of the children’s extenuating circumstances and how they can lead to truancy, absenteeism and dips in academic performance.
Connie Siskowski
“We’ve provided clean-water systems and enlisted the support of community members to build wheelchair ramps or relocate a family from a moldy environment,” said Siskowski, whose group relies solely on donations and grants. “We’ve provided in-home tutoring, light cleaning, translation and transportation support, counseling, access to medical care, financial assistance and food resources.
Catalina Escobar’s group provides support to teen moms in Colombia, where one in five girls age 15-19 is or has been pregnant. She built a state-of-the-art neo-natal unit, brought in experts to train the clinic’s staff and established a program to cover the medical costs for babies born to impoverished mothers. Five years later, the rate of infant deaths at the hospital had dropped 67%.
Catalina Escobar
Escobar is hoping to change that through her teen mothers program, which aims to teach young women how to support themselves and their children. It started with just 30 girls in 2002, but it has expanded in the last decade. With the opening of her foundation’s new center last year, 400 pregnant teens and young mothers now enroll every year. In memory of her son, Wanda Butts started the Josh Project and helped more than 1,000 children in Ohio learn how to swim. In 2007, she started the Josh Project, a nonprofit that provides low-cost swimming lessons for children in Toledo, Ohio. “All children are at risk of drowning, but the majority of the children that the Josh Project serves are minority children, who we have found are more at risk,” Butts said
Wanda Butts
Munyai worked hard, however, and in high school, he heard about the Kliptown Youth Program. The after-school program, commonly known as KYP, provided him with intensive tutoring that helped him pass his senior exams and find funding to attend the University of Johannesburg. He recently earned a national diploma in banking. Madondo, 30, grew up in a family of nine and faced many of the same struggles Munyai endured. Financial pressure forced all of his older siblings to drop out of high school. But Madondo washed cars and worked as a stock boy to earn money to stay in school, and he became the first member of his family to graduate from high school. Thulani Madondo
Thulani Madondo’s program provides academic support to 400 children living in the slums of Kliptown, South Africa. More than 4,700 people have participated in Phoenix, which Scott Strode started in 2007. Most join the group because they’ve struggled with drug or alcohol addiction. “Life should be better once you get sober,” said Strode, 38. “(We want to) help people build a new life, a new self-image and have fun without getting high.” Strode developed his approach through hard-won personal experience. He started drinking when he was just 10 years old. By 15, he was using cocaine.
Scott Strode
He notes that Phoenix isn’t a substitute for any other recovery support program; in fact, many in the group are also in 12-step programs. But Strode believes the natural “high” that people get from Phoenix activities can be transformative. Scott Strode’s nonprofit provides free athletic activities and a sober support community to thousands of participants in Colorado.
Pushpa Basnet started a children’s center in Nepal to help kids whose parents are incarcerated.Basnet is one of several in Nepal who have started groups to get children out of prison. Since 2005, she has assisted more than 100 children of incarcerated parents. She runs a day care program for children under 6 and a residential home where mostly older children receive education, food, medical care and a chance to live a more normal life.
Pushpa Basnet Contents from CNN Heroes
Christian C Lady d 101
by Vera Nyambi
e’s the nicest guy I’ve met in ages. It’s not as if I’ve ever met anyone this nice- and who knows, he might become a Christian”. With the added pressure drifting in and out of casual relationships and everyone else having all the fun, you end up wondering why you don’t try it yourself.
If you were dating an unbeliever, what would honestly be your priority, romance or winning a soul for Christ? If you were married to an unbeliever, how will the two of you cultivate spiritual intimacy in your marriage? How could a quality marriage be built and maintained if you disagree on the most crucial issue in life—the Lord Jesus Christ? Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t date a non-Christian: •
You need an anchor. One day you’re going to fall apart. And you’re going to need him to come to your rescue by way of God, not by himself. God is our Rock, and our Foundation. Your boyfriend cannot be your Savior and you cannot be his, both of you need one! If you date a man who doesn’t know his Savior, you are forced to fulfill that role, which as a human being, you cannot. He will also try to be your Savior and which off course he cannot be.
If you are a woman who loves God, a man who doesn’t love God doesn’t know who you truly are. Your identity is defined by God. You will be lying to yourself, if you think that your relationship with Jesus can remain in a box, outside of your romantic relationship. When you love God, His principles become your life and His word becomes a lamp to guide your feet and a light for your path…the Christian life becomes your life. You may tell yourself that if he (your man) understands every part of you except for the “God part” – that will be okay. When you become a new creation in Christ, ALL of you become the “God part”. No part of you is untouched by your love for Jesus. And your man does not see that you (the recreated you) – he sees a different woman. Only a man who loves God knows how beautiful you really are. Your beauty is found not in external (and fleeting) youth and “attractiveness” but in the “hidden person of the heart” which “in God’s sight is very precious” (1 Pet. 3:3-4).Only a man who loves God knows how beautiful you truly are because he is propelled by the Spirit of God. He’ll love you for who you are (your heart) and not solely because you look like Halle Berry. If you date a man who truly loves God, you won’t have to compromise your values or compromise when it comes to the Word of God because both of you have the bible as the final authority of your lives. If you have given your life to the God who created, treasures, and loves you and you love Him more than anyone or anything in this world, date a guy who has an active relationship with Him. I’m not talking about someone who pretends to love God or has a form of godliness, but someone who truly values God. Date a guy who passionately pursues God and his life displays an overflow of that relationship (he bears the fruit of the Spirit). Love for God is demonstrated through obedience to God and a desire to please, know and glorify God. Love for God would also mean love for that which God loves, thus he (your man) loves other people. Believing in God is not the same as having a relationship with Him. Telling someone that your boyfriend “believes in God” is a copout answer. Believing
or not believing is irrelevant; what matters is their active relationship with Jesus. If a man doesn’t value God’s word, he won’t value or treat you right. A guy who loves God will worship with you, he’ll pray with you and he’ll pray for you. Because God is an integral part of who he is, a godly man has the resources of agape love within him and so, HE WILL LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY AND TENDERLY. He’ll be good to you, he’ll treat you well, and when you spend your life with him, it will be beautiful (As the old adage goes, “A family that prays together stays together”!). He will lead you with strong hands, stand up when you can’t… but remind you that only God can satisfy all your needs. When a man truly loves God and has the fear of God, you won’t have to worry about him treating you right. A godly man is gentle, kind, humble, handles conflict with love and not aggression...THERE’S NOTHING MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN A MAN WHO LOVES GOD! The Lord told the Israelites not to marry outside of them (selves) because He knew outsiders will turn their hearts away from Him (Deut 7:3-4). God does not want us to marry those who might lead us away from Him. A good spouse will be a great blessing. A terrible spouse can destroy your marriage, your soul and the soul of your children. There is absolutely no justification for knowingly marrying someone who is not born-again (2 Cor 6:14). To do so, exposes not only your disobedience to the revealed will of God, but brings into question your status as a child of God or, at the least, the quality and maturity of your Christian walk. Many ladies get very technical in defining who a non-Christian is but the truth is, every bo-na fide child of God knows a non-Christian when they meet one. Don’t justify some one’s spiritual stance just because you want to satisfy your urge to date them. God created marriage as an image of Jesus’ relationship with the church, and Jesus laid down his life out of love for His bride. You can only have that kind of marriage with a man who loves God more than anyone or anything in the world. The most important thing to remember is that, whatever traits or habits you’re looking for in a future mate, you must also exemplify them yourself. If you want a godly mate, you will only attract that kind of person if you are that sort of person. Finding the right person depends on being the right person. If you want to get this dating thing right, you must do it the way God intended and God’s intention is for you to be with a man that is a lover of Him (God) and a lover of His word and presence. There will always be people who don’t like you and there will always be people who think you’re crazy because you call yourself a Christian. Jesus never promises us that if we follow Him we’ll be super popular; He actually kind of promises the opposite. The sooner we realize that the objective Truth of His love should be at the center of our lives and not what other people think of us, the happier we’ll be. Do not marry a man that you cannot submit to. Do not submit to a man that has not first submitted himself to God. If you don’t want to marry a non-Christian, don’t date one! 17 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
KCC Royal Generations Eniola Egbewole
Ebunolwa Adiele Akinwumi
Twins: Zara & Zarmina Kuku
Oluwatomilola Oguntola
++ Disclaimer all photos provided herein are by parent(s). 18 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
Semilore Akinsola
Sophie Fadipe
Allen Eli Ankrah
Hannah Odumade Feyisayo Ethan Ogedengbe Oluwateniola Nathan Olawuyi
++ Disclaimer all photos provided herein are by parent(s).
19 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
Josiah Makanjuola
Oluwatoni Morayo Tomori Daniel Oluwadamilare Olatunji
Oluwamayomikun Delano
Joseph Adekunle Akindana Oluwaseun Adewale Bankole
Selah Olamikun Simisola Arasi
20 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
++ Disclaimer all photos provided herein are by parent(s).
Olufemi David Odekunle
Oluwatomisin Iyintosoluwa Martins
ROYAL GENERATIONS or persons living next door. In a very real sense, this starts with the family. Of course, the kind of love to which Christians are commanded is unconditional love. Parents must unconditionally love (and express that love to) their children. Parents Must Encourage and Affirm Their Children Children benefit greatly from honest and positive praise. This should be given liberally, even as part of discipline. In Ephesians 4:29, Paul writes: “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”
Raising Christian Children Raising Christian children successfully requires following biblical guidelines for parenting. What does the Bible teach about parenting? Few responsibilities are more important than the raising of children. It’s critical that Christian parents turn to the pages of the Bible for wisdom as they fulfill this responsibility. Raising children successfully requires love, patience, commitment, and planning. Here are some biblically-based tips to help families raise children God’s way: Parents Must Commit to a Loving Marriage As controversial as it is today to define “marriage” and “family,” the Bible is fairly clear on the subject. In Genesis, God instituted marriage as a covenant relationship between one man and one woman. While the government may decide to sanction other forms of “marriages” or civil unions (as indeed ancient Israel did with polygamy), these arrangements are not part of God’s plan.
Communication should be used to build up and encourage, and not to tear down. Sadly, many parents use their words to discourage and tear down their children. This should not be the case in any home, but especially not in a Christian home. Parents Must Cultivate Open Communication Communication must be open, honest, and frequent. Children should not get in the habit of “bottling up” their feelings, and should never feel that they can’t trust their parents with their feelings, secrets, and problems. Parents must work hard to insure their kids know that they are loved and appreciated. And that they are welcome to share what’s on their heart and mind. Discipline Must be Corrective and Not Abusive Parents must discipline their children, but that discipline should be designed to correct and edify. Discipline should be consistently and lovingly administered. Though the Bible refers to the “rod,” this is symbolic of authority and corrective force. It is not a license to beat one’s child. Children raised in an abusive environment are likely to grow up and either be abusive themselves or have severe social, emotional, physical and cognitive delays in development. That is not God’s will for the family.
God’s plan for families is for a man to “leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife” and for the two of them to then “become one flesh.” Within this sacred bond, the couples are to bring children into the world, raise them, and send them out for the process to repeat. Successful Christian parenting therefore begins with a committed Christian marriage.
By Brian Tubbs
Parents Must Love Their Children Unconditionally
Contributing Writer
Love is the most fundamental command given by Jesus. When asked the most important commandment, Jesus responded that it was to love God with all of one’s heart, soul, and mind. The second most important commandment, Jesus said, was to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Properly understood, “neighbor” denotes people with whom we commonly interact, not simply the person
A pastor, blogger, and speaker living in the Washington, DC area, Brian is a Feature Writer with He has written extensively on Christianity, personal development, and American history, including a previous stint with as the Feature Writer for the American Revolution & Founding Era.
By bringing biblical principles to bear in the family through committed marriages, love, encouragement, open communication, and loving and responsible discipline, Christian families will see greater success in the raising of their children.
21 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
WOULD YOU DO THIS? Would you give your money for your car note to someone who will soon be evicted? Would you invite your worst enemy to dinner, especially if they got you fired? Would you share the same space with a known Lesbian? Would you forsake your own younger sister/brother if they denied your God? What would love make you do?
Would you risk your life to save another? It is sad, but unfortunate that we claim to be Christians when it’s convenient. The moment we quit living a life of lies and stop deceiving others, then we can receive salvation.
The Road Of Faith Shine your light O Lord So that I may see Just where I am heading And what’s in front of me Your word is the light The lamp unto my feet It may not light far ahead Nor show me where it’s steep But it gives enough light For each step I take Just enough to see ahead Along this road of faith
For this is what it surely is As we walk with Jesus Christ The road that we are travelling on Is by faith, not by sight So shine your light O Lord So we may see our way Though you only show in part It’s enough for each new day By M.S.Lowndes
One-on-One Kunle Akindoju
Whoever has what you want, has Power over you!
Host Pastor at King’s Court Chapel Roswell, GA
Fun-loving, Brilliant, Bold, Adventurous and Complex in a deep profound sense, are some qualities you can use in describing him once you get to know this intriguing Man of God. But don’t let his bubbling personality fool you; he is known to be a strict, no-nonsense disciplinarian whose high standard of excellence seems unattainable to many, as most of his church workers will clearly attest.
Interviewed by Millicent Olaghere
Though he logs a busy schedule consistently, K&Q was able to pin him down for this down to earth interview that gives you an inner access to the working of the mind of ‘Pastor Doj’, an endearing abbreviation of his name used by his devoted Church family and friends.
INSPIRATIONS K & Q: It is obvious you have a certain way with youths, including teenagers, and young adults, even when it seems their parents are ready to give up or struggling, but once they ‘re brought to you for couselling,they transform. How do you do it? Pastor Doj: I believe people should treat others the way they want to be treated. Because I had a wild youth, I developed an understanding for the way they think! I too was ‘in the world’ for such a long time and know what they are up against! So I try as much as possible to be natural, and listen and not judge. But I tell them about my own past mistakes and advise them on making better choices to avoid regrettable consequences. Parents and guardians should adopt this approach and not act as though they never made bad decisions; that way their children will open up to them. K & Q: You are head coach on your young basket ball team ROSWELL KINGS; they play so well, and even compete occasionally with top local community teams and have won a few times; Did you play any sports in your youth and do you have any formal training? Pastor Doj: I played some sports up to high levels, not basketball but volleyball and lawn Tennis. I still play tennis whenever I have the time. I believe sports provide a good platform for people from different backgrounds to come together; it is a good way to communicate with people, and have open conversations that can lead to salvation of souls. And it has great health benefits. K & Q: Your Wednesday Bible study is said by many privileged to attend as, one of the best, because of its contents and, context in which the teachings are communicated. You also encourage your members to buy and read books on a monthly basis. Why do you do this and what are you trying to achieve? Pastor Doj: People come to Sunday service with different views on what service is about. Some have questions. Bible Study provides opportunity for those needing answers for something they are not absolutely sure of. We can have open discussions and elaborate more on various views; opinions and other subject matters. I make it compulsory for workers to attend Bible study because they need to have a better understanding of the word if they are going to be effective in their duties as servants and workers of Christ. K & Q: last year, KCC won a huge victory over a land dispute for your new site. It was even publicized by a local T.V Network in Atlanta, GA.In previous attempts; you lost twice at the hearing, but the third time you won. Still, you were subjected to a host of incredible bureaucratic demands; new permits, re-adjustment to building design, and various structural changes .No doubt it took its toll financially, emotionally and consumed a great deal of time…Tell us how you managed to hold it all together, give us an insight to the workings of your mind at that period and how you handled all the pressure and negativity. Pastor Doj: It was Tough. At the time we had a feeling of rejection which is never a good feeling. But I believed people are ultimately afraid of what they do not know, and I knew once the opposing community get to know us, and realize we will be very good neighbors to them, they will welcome us. I also believe that the Lord gave us that land and He is not a God that starts a process and does not finish! That was where I constantly drew my confidence and strength from. To God be the Glory for the Victory. K & Q: Is it true that once you set your mind on a Project you like to see it to the end, no matter the obstacles in the way? Pastor Doj: In Luke 14: 28 Christ asked, “which one of you intending to build a tower, will not first sit to count the cost, whether he is able to finish it?”I believe and strive always to do according to what the word says; this is why, I always have the end in view before I embark on any project. The most destructive thing a leader can do is to constantly back up from a path they have chosen. As an Engineer and Business owner, I have encountered numerous Obstacles and Challenges in life, still I always count the cost and stick to it. Every good Pilot is much more concerned about landing, than he is of taking off! K & Q: Will you say you are Stubborn? Pastor Doj: (laughs) I will not use the word stubborn, but I am a bit set in my ways. Again, because I always plan and have a vision of where I am going, (which I believe should be a quality of all good leaders) I see from a perspective that is 25 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
INSPIRATIONS not immediately visible to others. However, I am open to criticisms that are accompanied by solutions! It’s easy to criticize from the perspective of a consumer, but from the perspective of a builder and realist; things are always different! K & Q: How do you respond to oppositions or strong negative criticism? Pastor Doj: I plead the fifth! (Laughing)… K & Q: I am sure people would like to know how you handle them Pastor, we all encounter oppositions and critics at different stages of our life, how do you handle yours? Pastor Doj: I ignore them. K & Q: What makes you Happy? Pastor Doj: My wife Bolaji.I don’t even have to think about that one (smiling).The most important decision a man can make in his life after salvation, is the choice of the partner he will share the rest of his life with. I knew this to be a fact even before I was saved! Interestingly, I met my wife, While I was still in the world, but God knew His purpose for my life and, had prearranged a wife for me- one who understands me well, encourages and, knows how to console me in midst of chaos. She is not only my lover, but my best friend and Confidant. K & Q: In other words she compliments you. Pastor Doj: Precisely. K & Q: Do you ever suffer insecurities? Are there any periods when you doubt yourself? Pastor Doj: I won’t use the word insecure, but I always feel inadequate to fully represent God, so I find myself constantly relying on HIM for everything over and over again, even for things that I have experience about. For example, I have preached over 4,000 sermons, yet if, I have to speak for 5 minutes, I always feel that I need to prepare and wait on the Lord. K &Q: You and your lovely wife Pastor Bolaji are blessed with two well –behaved young adults, one, already graduated from college and working. How do you get them to remain so humble and down to earth despite their privileged status? Pastor Doj: They don’t know that they are privileged. K & Q: How so? Pastor Doj: It’s simple. We make them earn everything that they enjoy and never over indulge them. K & Q: When do you anticipate you will be ready to move into your new Church facility and how many people can the sanctuary hold in one service? Pastor Doj: Our plan is to move on the 28th of February this year, but we have met with challenges and now slightly behind schedule. The sanctuary is designed to hold 600 people. It can possibly hold more depending on seating arrangements. K & Q: Where do you see yourself in next ten years? Pastor Doj: As an Individual or as a Church? K & Q: Beg your pardon sir, as a Church. Pastor Doj: I believe that the sky is the limit for King’s Court Chapel. And that God placed us strategically in City of Roswell for a reason. We hope that He will continuously use us to achieve his goals of Soul winning in the Community. K & Q: Do you have any mentors? Or people who you look up to? Pastor Doj: A wise Man once said “anointing is transferred through reading books, listening to tapes, sermons and by article continues on next page 26 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
INSPIRATIONS contacts made with certain people”. I receive wisdom through associations with many sources; I ask a lot of questions so I can have more knowledge. I always tell people, if I had only 5 minutes with the General-Overseer of RCCG, Pastor E.A Adeboye,I will not ask him to pray for me, because I know he does, instead, I will ask questions like ‘how is it he has been able to remain faithful despite everything?. Back to the second part of your question, apart from getting wisdom through the reading of life-transforming books and listening to tapes, I have several mentors and people I look up to for inspiration, because they are getting it right! But I won’t list names. K & Q: It’s a well known fact that you are an avid reader, tell us which two books you have ever read that has had profound effect in the way you now reason, act or choose to react and why? Pastor Doj: I have been influenced by many books; it is difficult to refer to just two, but if you insist, one that profoundly affected me in the area of Brokenness is: “The Tale of Three Kings”, by Gene Edwards. And the second is in the area of Wisdom-a book I will insist that my children and grandchildren read and keep in their collection is titled; “The Little Red Book of Wisdom” by Mark Demos. K & Q: what is a favorite saying or quote that you enjoy passing on to others? Pastor Doj: I have a lot of phrases that I like to share, but lately, the one I say the most is, “WHOEVER HAS WHAT YOU WANT, HAS POWER OVER YOU!”
K & Q: Thank you for your time Pastor. Pastor Doj: Thank you, stay Blessed.
27 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
King’s Court Chapel Couples Retreat Photo courtesy of Stay Fokus Photography
Filling Our Love Bank
Ed maximol landebitam, volorepudi acerum quo etur, nit mosam, es nem qui core iducimpeles nimost, omnientur, occulparcia nis susam renihitatur? El illestiur, quis ditatis nem. Nam alicias cumquo quas adipsunt andenime parcili gnisit quam ut ut et quas que est, ut vel inume dolorrum di officium non poreprate pore repellabo. Nem. Vid
Venue: Lake Lanier Resort, Georgia Photo credits: Adebayo Agbabiaka | Stay Fokus Photography
The “I Do’s”
Name: Azu and Susan Onianwa
Name: Stanley & Yemisi Martins
Name: Yemi & Lola Durosaro
Our own Editior-In-Charge Most little girls as young as 5 years old dream about getting married to a knight in shining armor, the handsome prince they see or read about in fairytales. Most girls who want to settle down and have a fulfilling life in the future already have their own picture perfect wedding in their heads: a magnificent event that showcases her in a beautiful white dress, where she will be joined together with her handsome prince charming and live happily ever after……… When my boyfriend proposed to me Christmas day 2009, I was beyond ecstatic. Now, I could start planning the wedding of my dreams. I thought it would be a piece of cake being that I am an event planner and had planned several weddings; boy was I wrong. I wanted everything to be picture perfect, even the things I knew where beyond my control. When I think about it now, I wonder why I was stressing myself unnecessarily! My family and friends as well as my husband say I turned into a “Bridezilla”. I don’t think I was that bad. Was I? I wanted my fiancé to be involved in almost everything, even though most of the times he didn’t know what I was talking about and could pretty much care less. He just wanted to know the date and time of the wedding so he could show up. My fiancé and I also attended Pre-Marriage Counseling with Pastor Akindoju. We really didn’t know what to expect. Counseling turned out to be very beneficial. We Tosin & Fisola Adepetu got to learn more things about each other as well as ourselves. We found out each other’s love language(s) during the sessions which has helped us tremendously. We also got to discuss topics that would potentially arise in the future so that we know how to handle them. I would seriously encourage any couple on the road to marriage to go through pre-marriage counseling. Two Years Later; My husband and I are learning more about each other every day. It did take some getting used to at the beginning. There were the nights when I decided I was just going to have cereal for dinner instead of cooking and just go to bed, then I remembered that it is not just me anymore and had to go cook. I also experienced the toilet seat being left up, after falling in a few times, now I know to check before I sit down!!!My husband had to get used to my makeup and cleansing products all over the bathroom counter. Being married is a wonderful experience. I love being Mrs. Adepetu, if you happen to make the mistake of calling me by my maiden name, I probably will not answer you. I have learnt several things during the short period I have been married and I will share a few of them: Honor God in your marriage. Don’t ignore the principles of the Bible, read the Word of God, Pray and go to church Respect each other: When you stop respecting each other you begin to tear down the strength of your relationship. Honor one another: Speak positively and respectfully about your spouse to their friends and family. Take interest in your spouse’s interest: You can honor, respect and strengthen your marriage by being supportive of one another’s interests. Continue Dating: Set aside special, regular times to continue developing your romance. Keep private matters private: When you have problems in your relationship you seek help from someone qualified to give the help you need. Don’t blab your problems to anyone who will listen.
Be best friends with your spouse: Build a relationship with your spouse that will endure through your life. Friends will come and go and relationships will change, but your spouse will be with you the rest of your life. All require committed effort on a couple, but keeping your Christian marriage strong takes continuous work and prayer.
Fisola Adepetu
Tobi Akindoju
Damola Awe
Paul Ojo
Deola Adegebi
Chimdi Ojibe
Chantel Igori Nodibe Ojibe
ME Making a Difference L
ove made me, I can’t even begin to have you imagine the kind of things that people will do for love. Love makes us do things that we ordinarily would not even think of doing. People generally slave for their family without even thinking about it, parents go hungry so that their children can eat, love truly makes you do crazy things. It was love that made God do something crazy such as sending His only begotten son, that we may be saved (John 3:16). It was because of the passionate love God had for us that it didn’t look crazy for Him to send the only son He had for you and I. In Luke 15, you can see that Jesus Christ was demonstrating His love for sinners. He really came to seek that which was lost, but the Pharisees did not share the same sentiments with Jesus. They did not agree that such love should be shared and expressed to everyone even the undeserving. “Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to hear Him, and the Pharisees and scribes complained, saying “This man receives sinners and eats with them” Luke 15:1-2. They were upset because Jesus was coming in contact with those who needed Him most. Then Jesus told them three parables, the parable of the lost sheep, the parable of the lost coin, and the parable of the lost son, to show them how important it is for them to love sinners.
The parable of the lost sheep, “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? 5 And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. 6 And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!’ 7 I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.” Luke 15:4-7. When you read this story it may look ordinary but it is crazy at many levels. First, this man leaves ninety nine to go after one, that doesn’t sound like a wise decision, or if you see one man who owns ninety-nine carrying one on his shoulders you would think he must be mad. Then he gets home and throws a party, he kills a goat because he found a sheep, it sounds crazy but that’s what love makes you do, love makes you do crazy things. The story gets more interesting, if you look at the story deeper it was told in reverse. In verse 7, “I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.” If you look at the story and read backwards from verse 7 to 4, you will see that a hundred were lost and the man was able to get ninety-nine home except one and went after the one to get it home. In other words, ninety-nine were already born again, so he created evangelistic avenues that would not focus on the ninety-nine that are already in, but on the one that is outside to get it in. This is where we miss it as a church: we focus our time and resources on those that are already saved while neglecting the sinners who need salvation. As believers we spend most of our time caring for a sheep that is outside our fold than the goat that’s outside of the church. We worry about one that is still born again but maybe for emotional reasons left the church or just didn’t feel like coming to church, and we do everything to get them back as members of the church. Meanwhile, we fail to go after those who have never heard the gospel, who are lost for eternity if no one reaches them. If we are going to be an effective church for Jesus Christ, we should be spending more resources reaching the lost than maintaining ourselves. Imagine if you had a hundred children and there was a storm and you managed to get your children to safety. Taking a roll call, you realized that one was missing, would you just say based on the ratio, 99/1 you will leave that child out there in the storm? No! Love would not let you do that. Love will make you leave the ninety nine and go after the one that is not counted for, and that is the purpose of the church. What has love made you do lately? When was the last time you invited an unbeliever home, when last did you pray for an unbeliever, when last did you go before the Father for the salvation of an unbeliever because you know that apart from Christ they have no hope for eternity? Oh yes, you are not crazy, so why should you pray for those who curse you? God expects you to love, He expects you to love His children and the unconverted. In Mark 2, you would see what love made four friends do something crazy to ensure their friend gets his healing from the Lord; “And again He entered Capernaum after some days, and it was heard that He was in the house. 2 Immediately many gathered together, so that there was no longer room to receive them, not even near the door. And He preached the word to them. 3 Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men” (verse 1-3). From this we can see that many in the crowd came for their own personal reasons but these four men came because of their friend.
1. Love makes you think of someone else. Self love is no love, love is always expressed outwardly. When you love yourself, it doesn’t mean anything to those around you and it doesn’t mean anything to God if it’s not expressed outwardly. These four men must have their own needs that they could have expressed to Jesus but they made no such inquiry for themselves. But because they were crazy in love, they forgot their problems and focused on that of their friend. Crazy love makes you focus less on your own problems. Crazy love does not allow you to focus on yourself. Our focus should be on getting the lost into the church. Most Christians are consumers, only seeking a church that meets their needs and when they find one, they remain there until their needs are no longer met, then they church-hop. 2. These men realized that their friend needed Jesus. They realized their friend was a sinner who needs Jesus. In verse 5 “When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” These men must have known that their friend’s paralysis came as a reason of sin so they did whatever it took to get him to Jesus. Jesus knew his greatest need was salvation that was why Jesus said your sins are forgiven. If you have a loved one that is not saved, take them to Jesus, don’t stop preaching or praying for them as long as they are alive because after they die, there is nothing else you can do. 3. It may take more than one person to get a sinner to Jesus. It took four men to get one man to Jesus; if along the way one of the men stopped loving enough, the paralytic may have never gotten to Jesus. To save a soul we have to work as a team, we are playing four quarters. First quarter may pray for the lost, then the worship team may break stony heart with worship to God, then the preacher will bring the gospel which is God’s power unto salvation for all men, the follow up team will follow up with the convert and help them grow. That is how we work as a team to save the lost. We must all play our role. 4. No excuse can stop love. These four men were unstoppable, “And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying” (verse 4). Even the crowd could not stop or deter their determination, an obstacle is a test of love, and crazy love doesn’t accept any excuses. But because they are deep and true lovers, they uncovered the roof and broke through it to get their friend to Jesus and when Jesus saw their faith working itself through love, Jesus recognized their faith. 5. They believed in Jesus. These men believed that all they had to do was get the man to Jesus. So they went through all that trouble to break through the roof because they believed in Jesus. Do you believe enough to bring the lost to Jesus? Would love make you do whatever it takes to get the lost to Jesus? Would love make you break a roof to get them to Jesus? Would love make you focus less on your problems and focus on others? Would you be a church that loves? Would love make you do crazy things to bring the lost to Jesus? Article by Pastor Kunle Akindoju Editor-In-Chief for KQM
Healthy Recipes Contribution by Ese Uthman
Bean cake (Moi-Moi) topped with caramelized onions & spinach Ingredients:
2 cups dry beans (this yields 4 cups wet/soaked beans) 1 bell pepper (lg) 1 small onions 1 habenero/scotch bonnet optional 1 cup of water/broth to blend mix 4 tbsp of extra virgin oil Corned beef (may opt for boiled eggs, sausages, fish or veggies)
Seasoning: Salt to taste
Grilled Plantain, Zucchini & Squash Ingredients:
1 Large plantain (preferably mid-ripe) 1 Zucchini (mid size) 1 Yellow Squash (M) Roasted garlic grapeseed oil (any healthy oil should do, infact coconut oil will be superb) - 1 tbs
Red pepper flakes 1-2tsp Sea salt to taste (may opt for additional seasoning)
Garlic 1/2 tsp Turmeric 1/2 tsp OR All purpose season or Bouillon cubes X 2 (optional )
Using a sharp knife*, thinly slice plantain, zucchini and squash into a clean bowl Add desired oil Add salt to taste Grill in the oven/bbq/grill pan for 5-10mins or till done
Once cooked serve hot with a sprinkle of red pepper flakes
Pre heat oven to 350F 1) Soak beans overnite or for at least 3hrs if using black eye beans; the brown variant only takes 20 mins to de-skin. Wash off the skin/ covering. 2) Blend beans, peppers, & onions with water or broth for more flavor 3) Add oil and chosen seasoning (i used all but the bouillon cubes) 4) Prep filling - I used corned beef - about a slice 5) Grease pan or dish with oil 6) Pour bean mixture into pan to about halfway , add filling , then pour remainder mix 7) Place in the oven and bake for 40-45mins or until done (test by sticking a tooth pick in it - clean pick means all done) 8) Remove from oven and let cool for 15mins Serve as a main or side dish - serve with rice - serve with tomato stew 36 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
I opted for a caramelized onions and spinach topping - this was incredibly yummy
*(may use a mandoline as well for precise cuts) 5.Reduce heat to low, and simmer at least 1 hour, stirring occasionally. • Just plain old crunchy patties • Rice cakes with peanut butter and raisins • Sliced fruits • Apples dipped in nut butter
7 Easy Ways to Burn More Fat
Improve your flab-burning metabolic rate and start losing weight fast 1.) Go to Bed Earlier A study in Finland looked at sets of identical twins and discovered that in each set of siblings, the twin who slept less and was under more stress had more visceral fat. 2.) Eat More Protein Your body needs protein to maintain lean muscle. In a 2006 article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers argued that the current recommended daily intake for protein, 0.36 grams per pound of body weight, is woefully inadequate for anyone doing resistance training and recommend that women get between 0.54 and 1 gram per pound of body weight. (If you want to lose weight, use your goal body weight as your guide.) Add a serving, like 3 ounces of lean meat, 2 tablespoons of nuts, or 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt, to every meal and snack. Plus, research shows that protein can up postmeal calorie burn by as much as 35 percent. 3.) Go Organic When You Can Canadian researchers report that dieters with the most organochlorines (pollutants from pesticides, which are stored in fat cells) experience a greaterthan-normal dip in metabolism as they lose weight, perhaps because the toxins interfere with the energy-burning process. In other words, pesticides make it harder to lose pounds. Of course, it’s not always easy to find—or afford—organic produce. But in general, conventionally grown items that you peel—avocado, grapefruit, bananas—are fine. But choose organic when buying celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, sweet bell peppers, spinach, kale and collard greens, cherries, potatoes, and imported grapes; they tend to have the highest levels of pesticides.
4.) Drink Cold Water German researchers found that drinking 6 cups of cold water a day (that’s 48 ounces) can raise resting metabolism by about 50 calories daily—enough to shed 5 pounds in a year, with essentially zero additional effort. The increase may come from the work it takes to heat the water to body temperature. 5.) Eat Iron-Rich Foods Iron is essential for carrying the oxygen your muscles need to burn fat. Unless you restock your stores, you run the risk of low energy and a sagging metabolism. Shellfish, lean meats, beans, fortified cereals, and spinach are excellent sources. 6.) Drink Milk There’s some evidence that calcium deficiency, which is common in many women, may slow metabolism. Research shows that consuming calcium through dairy foods such as fat-free milk and low-fat yogurt may also reduce fat absorption from other foods. 7.) Drink Coffee or Tea Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, so your daily java jolts can rev your metabolism by 5 to 8 percent—burning about 98 to 174 calories a day. A cup of brewed tea can raise your metabolism by12 percent, according to one Japanese study. Researchers believe antioxidants called catechins in tea provide the boost.
Excerts from 15 Easy Ways to Burn More Fat By STEPHEN PERRINE, LEAH FLICKINGER, AND THE EDITORS OF Women’s Health
37 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
The GQ Guide to Shirting
1. Trim the Shirt Fat You see them everywhere, guys with ballooning dress shirts so blousy they could hide a backpack under them. We at GQ are at war with this look. No matter what your shape, buy a shirt that closely fits your torso. Billowy folds don’t disguise; they only amplify. • No need for all that extra fabric. 2. There are a Zillion Collars. Ignore Them The spread. The cutaway. The super-duper mega-point. Yeah, we get confused by collar choices, too. But really, you only need to know one: the semispread. It’s not too fashion-forward, not too conservative. It works with every kind of suit, every kind of tie. You can’t go wrong. 3. What is..a Straight-Point Colloar? The Straight Point Think superminimal American style, not the oversize big-tie-knot Italian look. The Button-Down The old-school all-American look. Has never gone out of style and never will. The Semispread Perfectly balanced. Not too wide or narrow. Not too hip or square. The Spread Got a Wall Street power suit? Pair it with a spread collar and a substantial tie. 4. Male-Pattern Boldness Wear a dress shirt that stands on its own 38 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
Now that you understand the fundamentals of how a shirt should fit, you can start getting creative and playing with patterns. Right now we’re big into gingham and plaid dress shirts. They add instant punch to your work wardrobe while remaining classic at heart. In the fall and winter months, we prefer richer, more muted tones— the kind that go great with a dark business suit and strike a smart, urbane note. And when the temperature rises, your color palette should, too. Have some fun and reach for a lime green, pink, or lavender gingham. Live a little. 5. Surefire Tip: Real Men Wear Pink “We’ve been putting the pink shirt in the magazine for years now, because we really believe that it’s as much a staple as the white dress shirt. Guys might think, ‘Oh, I can’t wear pink,’ but it all depends on what kind of pink you wear. You don’t want a bubblegum hot pink; you want a light pink that’s more a pale shade of rose. Wear it with a simple dark tie and that color flatters everyone’s skin, whether it’s the middle of August or the dead of winter.”—Jim Moore, GQ creative director 6. Wrinkles Look Good on a Man Steven Alan on how washed-and-worn became the new pressedand-starched “I opened my store in SoHo selling other people’s clothes—mostly women’s brands, in fact. But around ‘99, I happened to have this little space above my shop, about the size of a kitchen, so I thought, Maybe I’ll put some men’s stuff there. I couldn’t really find what I wanted, though. All the American shirts fit me like a dress, and the European ones I liked were overpriced and often overstyled. So I decided I’d make them on my own—ones that were fitted, but not too fitted. And then, the collars are smaller and less stiff than you’re used to. I’m really particular about the type of cottons I get as well: nothing too silky, nothing made for bedsheets. Since I’ve started making these, a lot of people have shared my enthusiasm for washed, casual shirting. Guys are just a lot more comfortable now.”
7. The Smallest Weapons in Your Toolbox Collar Stays They keep your collar standing at attention. Stays should come out before your shirts get laundered and go back in when the shirts return clean. Keep one set on your dresser and one in your Dopp kit. Shout Advanced Ultra Gel We all get it: that sweat stain on the inside collar. Brush this stuff over the stain before you toss your shirts in the laundry to kill the yellow.
LIFESTYLE 8. How to Iron Your Shirt in Four Quick Steps 1. Fit your shirt, back side facing up, over the rectangular end of your board (not the pointy end). Moisten the shirt with a water-filled spray bottle if it’s not damp. 2. Finish ironing the back and flip the shirt over to the front. Pull the shirt down so the shoulder seam lies flat on the board and iron out the wrinkles. Repeat on the other shoulder. 3. Take the shirt off the board, flip the collar up, and lay it down so the back of the collar faces up. Spray and iron. Then fold a crease in the collar and iron it in. 4. Lay a sleeve lengthwise on the board and, pulling it taut from the cuff with one hand, iron it with the other. Keep it rotating so you don’t iron a crease into it—your sleeve shouldn’t look 2-D. Then open the cuff and lay it flat so the inside faces up. Iron. Repeat with the other cuff. The Cheat Sheet • Know what size shirt you wear. Get measured. • Always buy a fitted dress shirt—even if you’re not model skinny. • When in doubt, go with a semispread collar. It works with everything. • Unbutton and unpress your oxford—it’s cooler that way. • Inject some personality into your workwear—try a plaid or gingham dress shirt. And pair either one with a dark tie. • Be a man: Wear a pink dress shirt to the office. • Get some attitude: Unbutton your shirt cuffs. • Don’t settle for a limp collar. Use stays. • Learn to wash and iron your own shirts. You’ll save cash and ensure quality care.
Incompliance 39 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
Would love make you do this?
any times, we quote verses from the bible, memorize, meditate and even study the word but if that is all we are doing, we are missing out on experiencing the blessings that comes from the word of God. We must always allow the word of God to define our love walk, and we should always let the word of God lead our hearts. Femi is a Christian who was faced with a very difficult decision, and he took his counsel from the word of God. Some years ago Femi was a Cost Financial manager, he was one of the most hardworking managers, and he had a supervisor and 15 employees under his department. However, due to the global economy meltdown, his company decided to eliminate the supervisor position to cut cost. Femi was called into a meeting with his director and VP, he was told he had to lay off the supervisor. Femi was so troubled in his heart because the supervisor had four children and one of them was a special care child, and his wife was a stay home mom. They would lose their insurance and this would really be hard on that family. Femi went before the Lord in prayers, weeping for God’s direction and for the family. And the Spirit of the Lord lead him to Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others.” Immediately, he know what the Spirit was telling him to do, so he called his wife who was a banker and his only child a son in college and told them what the Lord was leading him to do and they called prayed and asked the Lord to give him boldness to obey the Lord. The next day at work Femi when to his Director and VP, and told them that since the company was looking for a way to cut cost, he would take the lay off as long as the supervisor remains with the company. With tears welled up in his explained how the gospel of Jesus compels to sacrifice his career for the supervisor and he knows that God will that care of him. The director and VP were confused because they have not heard of such love displayed in the eye of the gospel. So they promised him that the supervisor will remain to Femi left the company. This lay off was very hard on his family, his son in college had to pick up a part-time job, and because of the global economy meltdown his wife hours was cut at work. They had to do a lot downsizing; he sold his luxury car for a more economical car. They had to put up their house on sale and moved to an apartment in low cost neighborhood. For the next seven months, Femi was without a career job, and worked as pizza deliveryman. He went for interviews but he was always told he was over qualified. Femi didn’t let that stop him from volunteering his talent to help out at his local church to balance budgets and look over financial statement. In addition, on weekends he taught at a homeless shelter. On the nine month of his lay off, Femi received a call from a recruiter that stumbled upon his resume and wanted to interview him. To the glory of God Femi was given the Senior Director’s position of a fortune 400 company one of the leading global financial company and he was offered more than double his salary from the previous company. With this new job Femi remained humble, and he maintained a low cost live style, and the extra money he had it give it away for the proclamation of the gospel and helping the poor. Struck by Love Contributing writer for KQM
Many Struggling With Prescription Drug Costs While health insurance premiums may be increasing more modestly than they were a year or two ago, consumers who take multiple drugs but lack prescription drug coverage are nearing a “crisis point” because they can’t afford to pay for them, a new report finds. Consumer Reports’ annual prescription drug poll finds that more Americans who lack a drug benefit are failing to fill prescriptions because of cost. Almost half of Americans (45 percent) under 65 who lack drug coverage failed to fill a prescription because of cost, the report found — up from 27 percent last year. Those without drug coverage also reported being more likely to cut back on other costs, including groceries, to pay for medications. Nearly half (46 percent) of American adults take prescription drugs; the average is 4.1 prescriptions. A fourth of those ages 18 to 39 regularly take two prescription drugs, the report noted, suggesting that a reliance on multiple drugs is no longer confined to older Americans. The poll was conducted in May and June by the Consumer Reports National Research Center using a telephone survey of a total of 1,158 interviews with adults 18 years of age and older. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points. Consumer Reports suggests saving on drug costs by using $4 generic versions available at many chain drug stores, switching to generics if you haven’t already and even splitting pills “where appropriate.” Have you skipped a prescription in the last year due to costs?
Article by Ann Carnns (The New York Times)
Life is a DUTY ~ PERFORM IT Life is a GAME ~ PLAY IT Life is a SONG ~ SING IT Life is a JOURNEY ~ COMPLETE IT
by Tutu Odumade
We are glad as a family to celebrate with the entire King’s Court Chapel family this 10th anniversary milestone of service to God and love to humanity. His banner over the entire church body is evidently His love. Glory be to God in the Highest. From Laolu and Olayide Aina
Our hearts are full of joy as we celebrate 10 Glorious years of King court Chapel!! Kings Court Chapel is the best kept secret in Roswell GA and beyond! Guess what? “ we are a city that is on a hill that cannot be hidden”- more Glory to God and more Grace to Kings Court Chapel!
Congratulations to you -our dearly beloved Pastors Kunle and Bolaji Akindoju. ! We love you so much and you are the best in the whole world. It is a privilege to serve God under you. Thank you for all you have done for me and the children Onyekwere, Ngozi and Okechukwu. Thank you so much for having the heart of Our Father: hearts of love and compassion- hearts that remain tender and full of mercy. You have been in the trenches with us and prayed us back from the jaws of physical and spiritual death, you have come into the line of fire so that none of your wounded sheep would be left behind. “No man left behind, we don’t bury our wounded” - that has been your motto and you have been true to God and true to us. You are true soldiers and generals in the army of God. We have laughed and cried together, and broken bread together. Pastors Kunle and Bolaji - you are the real deal. You are an embodiment of Christ, His word and His life. Thank you ...
Humble Beginning
King’s Court Chapel breaks ground September 21, 2011 at 9435 Willeo Road, Roswell, GA 30075
The Ceremony
Foundation Laying
nless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stands watch in vain.
Spiritual Growth G
od wants us to grow up spiritually. But sadly, many of us grow older but never grow up. Spiritual growth is a life-long process of manifesting the acts of the flesh less and less and bearing the fruit of the Spirit (Christ like character) more and more. Spiritual growth is not automatic. It takes an intentional commitment. We must want to grow, decide to grow, make an effort to grow and persist on growing. Just as we need proper food to grow physically, likewise spiritually, we grow by feeding on God’s word. Just as we’ll feed and nurture a baby, so we must constantly feed and nurture our spirits. Jesus didn’t call God’s Word, “The Bread of Life” and “Spring of Living Water” for nothing. The scripture contains delicious morsels that are essential for sustaining real life.
“Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.” Philippians 2:12-13, This verse shows the two parts of spiritual growth: “work out” and “work in.”The “work out” is our responsibility and the “work in” is God’s role. Spiritual growth is a collaborative effort between us and the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit works with us, not just in us. This verse is not about how to be saved, but how to grow. It doesn’t say “work for” your salvation, because we can’t add anything to what Jesus already did! For example, during a physical workout, you exercise to develop your body, not to get a body. When you work out a puzzle, you already have all the pieces – your task is to put the pieces together. Farmers work the land, not to get land, but to develop what they already have. Spiritual growth will not be the same for all of us because you and I have been created by God as a unique person. His plan to grow you will not look the same as His plan to grow anyone else. What would grow an orchid would drown a cactus. What would feed a mouse would starve an elephant. God never grows two people the exact same way. God is a hand-crafter, not a mass-producer. Some people grow rapidly, while others grow slowly, but steadily. Our focus should not be on comparing ourselves with others, but on comparing ourselves with God’s Word. The Scriptures are the mirror to show us what we are like spiritually and to shine light on the areas that need to experience and learn spiritual growth. James 1:23-25 declares, “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it - he will be blessed in what he does.” Anything we’ve become, anything we’ve done, all those spiritual victories that we’ve been a part of, they may look like something we did but it wasn’t really us doing something for God; it was God doing something through us. Jesus put it bluntly in His vine story. He just said, “Without Me you can do nothing.” Nothing that matters, nothing that lasts, nothing that’s life-changing. No spiritual growth! Our spiritual growth is dependent on how deep in Jesus we put our roots. Plant yourself in the Christian life. Don’t make it a pastime, or a hobby; make it your life: be unquestionably committed to your relationship with God. Only when you have deep roots will you survive the storms of life, live a fulfilling, joyous and happy life and grow even stronger. Christ like character is the result of our commitment (Rom 6:13). There is no growth without commitment.
Vera Nyambi Contributing writer for KQM
54 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
by Rolape Odumade
Be Christ to someone today Be the one to say a nice thing about someone when everyone is putting them down Be the one to see things a positive way Be the one to bring a change Be the one to encourage someone today Be the one to put the smile on so other can catch it from you Be the one to put the smile on someone else’s face today Be the one to care about that person today Be the one to give first
Be the first to say “I’m sorry.” Be the first to say “I love you.” Be the one to stand up for what is right and the one to stand up against what is wrong Be the first to say “hi.”
Be the one to be nice today Be the one to speak kind words only “Be angry and do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger.” Be careful not to be proud Be careful to make peace at all times Be careful in all that you say and do Be careful about your attitude Be responsible Be a person of integrity that keeps his/her word Be obedient Be disciplined Be a child of God Be who you’ve always wanted to be Be what you’ve always wanted to be Be the one to stand up for Christ Above all, “BE YE IMITATIRS OF CHRIST.” GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!
55 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
ll Nations Day Multicultural Celebration
Photo credits: Adebayo Agbabiaka | Stay Fokus Photography Jokotade Adekanmbi | Fauve Photography
Dressing for Impact The Art of Impression Management Doreen Agbabiaka
Image Consultant: Pinnacle Image
A study found out that we pay more attention to the visual messages we receive from others than verbal messages and we form our first impression of others within the first 7 to 30 seconds of meeting them. Does your professional image helping or working against you? The right image will not only boost your confidence and help you advance but it can also affect your earning power.
If your office is conservative Your goal should be to look sophisticated and professional Cover up: whether you are wearing a suit or separates nothing should be short or low-cut Pick Power and professional colors: Black, navy, gray and cream are more appropriate. Prints and colors are fine also as long as they are not too busy or loud. Keep extras and accessories simple: A simple purse and pumps are great and stick to minimal unfussy jewelry.
If your office is creative Your goal should be to be fashionable and professional Experiment with unique shapes: when paired with more classic pieces shapes like cropped jackets, pleated skirts, cropped pants, ruffles add visual interest and personality to your outfits. Experiment with prints: bold prints work well as long as it’s not too distracting or loud Have fun with accessories: trendy bags, pumps and eye-catching jewelry brighten up any outfit and adds personality.
If your office is casual Your goal is to look laid back but not sloppy or messy. Be comfortable but smart: simple blouses, sweaters and dresses look great with eye catching design details
Go for trendy extras: Edgy but not over the top bags, shoes and accessories are acceptable. Be low key yet professional: pair relaxed pieces with pieces that will elevate your look eg jeans with a nice blouse and jacket.
60 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
Things to note in general Do your research to find out your company culture or dress code Add your personal style to make you memorable Don’t go overboard with trends, accessories or makeup Pay attention to how your bosses and coworkers dress Always have a blazer/jacket on hand because you never know where the day will take you.
Get Rid Of your Fast-Food Mentality!
e all love her. At KCC we have come to regard her and her husband whom we like to call “the walking Bible”, for obvious reasons, as Family. Pastor Debola Atoyebi is not only lovely to look at, but carries herself in a graceful, poise manner, radiating such confidence; virtues that only a truly anointed woman of God could pull of so effortlessly. Yet, when our host Pastor Kunle Akindoju invited this woman of God to the podium as guest speaker on this faithful Sunday, I was not ready. Perharps, there are others out there with similar sentiments like myself, I am not sure. I can only speak for myself! You see, every Sunday, I look forward to hearing the message preached by either Pastor Kunle or his endearing wife Pastor Bolaji because they always ‘get it right’! They always brought the bacon for us to feast on for the rest of the week, the anointed oil to grease our dried knuckles, enabling our work go smoothly, serving the special sermon with fresh desire, encouragement and sufficient provision of spiritual energy infused into deflated spirits and muscles of our permeable minds. However, after listening to the guest speaker on any given day Sunday, Wednesday or Friday, I would say afterwards “Wow! That was refreshingly different, and knew Pastor once again, choose an anointed speaker. There she stood now on the platform with a microphone in her hand, she began with an opening prayer; inviting the Holy Spirit to take all control, very good start, then she said it; “I want to thank Pastor for this opportunity…..I do not take it lightly, and I do not take it for granted whenever I am given the opportunity to step into the shoes of a man of God, and I thank you sir and ma”.my thoughts were; with all due respect madam, no one can fill my Pastors shoes! Then I realize what was happening, the enemy was busy at work, desperately working its thieving tentacles and lying spirit to distract my attention from the truth and obliterate any form of Blessings that was being prepared by God through this humble servant of God. Once I realized this, I captured every wandering overanalyzing thoughts and committed it unto Christ, in return I ask that God gave me an open mind and submissive spirit right there and then. Simple process, quick results! Few minutes later, I could hardly contain my excitement as I gaze and listened intently in awe to one of the best lifechanging sermon that I have ever had the privilege to hear in my entire ….em (almost gave up my age there for a moment) lets just say in my entire adult life, So far! As I listened, I felt mixed emotions, I wanted to leap for joy, dance my signature Hallelujah steps, shout out praise accolades at the preacher, but I kept my cool! Occasionally I would smile or nod in agreement. Pastor Debola was speaking on the topic; Overflowing blessings! Then she briefly explained how God had previously led her to the passage and laid it in her heart what to preach; and if she had any doubts it was instantly quenched by the confirmation of prayer points of a sister earlier on, followed by Pastor Kunle reiterating the fact that we still need to learn how to enter God’s rest once we lay our burdens down at his feet. She said “it comes as a double assurance that God loves us at King’s Court Chapel, because He brings His word in due season. God has sent a word of encouragement, an assurance to those who are still in doubt as to whether those things he promised will really come to past? Because they seem to be lingering…….” Wow! Light bulbs flashed suddenly in my head as I received my first ‘aha’ moment…this woman must be a seer, I thought as I adjusted my slouchy seat posture to a more upright one, all ears now. “God wants me to talk to you about Open heavens, Overflowing Blessings!”She smiled knowingly, “you may be thinking; I don’t know what she’s talking about, I haven’t even laid my hands on actual blessings and now she’s talking about Overflowing Blessings!” Bingo!! ‘aha’ moment number two. This confirmed my new found realization that she reads minds also! How else could she
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INSPIRATIONS have entered my head to know what I was just thinking? I listened with total concentration now: “The Truth is, God has given each and everyone of us talents and gifts; but when confronted with issues about giving, we are quick to say we have nothing to give”. Then Pastor Debola Atoyebi went on explain her point drawing from the analogy in Matt 14, when the disciples asked Christ to send the multitude that was gathered away, because it was evening, dark and the place was considered a “remote and barren place”. But Jesus reply was “they do not need to go away, you give them something to eat”. (Matt 14:15-16) Pastor Debola Atoyebi also used the story of Prophet Elisha and the widow of Zarephath in 1king 17:10-15.Though the widow declared initially that she had little, it turned out when she obeyed and brought what little she had, to the man of God, after he blessed it, She and her son had more than enough. Much as I would love to tell every detail of the guest speakers’ life-transforming message and fit all into this article ,I am unable to for space constraints; and I strongly advise you reading this(whether or not you were present at the time) to purchase the CD , listen over and over again or send to someone who you know desperately need to hear this message ;A message of How to enter God’s rest, enjoy the abundance of His numerous talents and gifts as well as becoming a blessing yourself to others as you allow God to be glorified in your live through manifestation of his riches - evident in your lifestyle. Here are Five Significant nuggets that I took away with me from that amazing sermon titled Overflowing Blessings. 1. Do not disdain the Gifts/Talents of God in your life; the ‘but’ in your life is what God wants to use to bless you. We have all been given special gifts and talents, some say they have nothing but they like to cook, sew, braid hair, write, take photographs, and put things together. Do not look down at your unique talents. Look inwards! 2. Be Thankful for what you have now. It does not matter if you’re not where you ought to be now. Give thanks and once you discover your ‘but’ commit it to God in prayer and ask that He blesses your handwork. Let Him breathe on it; grant you the creativity and ideas as to what to do with it. 3. Recline/Rest while you wait; Sometimes it takes time, for your Blessing to manifest or ripen. During that waiting period, trust that God is working it all out for good. God does not distribute blessings with a drive-through mentality such as, is prevalent in this part of the western world. We have drive-through pharmacy, ATMs, Fast –Food restaurants and so on. Realize that, the gifts of God is not done shabbily or hurriedly put together, his food does not cause stomach aches. All necessary ingredients is done in love and with much care; to be presented when it’s ready. Recline means to rest, take the load off and, relinquish control! In other words, Let Go and Let God! 4. In the Breaking comes the multiplication; its obvious that everyone wants the miracle of abundant blessings in their lives, but no one wants to pay the price! In the miraculous story in Matt 14,Jesus gave thanks first for the little they brought; three loaves and two fishes, then he ‘broke’ the loaves; in the breaking comes the multiplying, here lies the key to receiving increase. After the five thousand people eat to their fill, (not counting women and children) the bible recorded in Matt 14 that there was left 12 basketfuls in remnants! Hardships will come, but we must endure. We overcome through His grace and testimonies. First, some things must be broken from our life, some toxic relationships that we are still clinging on to, wrong thought processes, sin, and addictive old bad habits. 5. Know thyself! If you don’t know who you are and what you have inside, you can and might be swayed easily by advice of many associates, friends or family who mean well, but may not be accurate in knowing Gods plan for you. Don’t be a copycat, that’s not likely to take you very far.Instead, be innovative; look inside of you albeit foolish it may seem, and tap into that. Ask yourself what is the ‘but’ inside of me? Apply yourself, get rid of the Fast Food mentality and your life will never be the same again!
Millicent Olaghere Member & writer for KQM
63 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
TECHNOLOGY ©Shutterstock
Technology Of The Future
Article by Ryan Dube Writer for: (Make Us Of)
When I was in high school, we didn’t have personal computers and our phones were wired to the wall. I remember when rotary dial phones were the norm and push button was considered advanced. It was considered cool if your phone cord was long enough to go from the kitchen to another room. We wrote letters with pencil and paper, and we mailed them with a 15 cent stamp. We made coffee in a percolator. We took a typing class, yet now I can’t even remember the last time I saw a typewriter. Heck, we thought cassette tapes were very advanced technology, but we preferred the sound of a real record that we played on our stereo and bragged about the quality of the needle we used. And yes, we really did take our film in to be developed, never dreaming that one day it would be an outdated practice. When you pick yourself off the floor from laughing about how old I am, keep in mind, how fast technology has grown in just the last 30 years. Each decade has brought us somewhere we never dreamed we could go. 10 years from now, will we look back and crack up about all the cables we tried to organize under our desks? Will cables be a thing of the past? Will our kids remember what a dial up connection was? Will we one day insert microchips into newborn babies and wonder how previous generations didn’t think it was okay? Will our grandchildren see pictures of our cell phones and wonder how we got by with such simple technology? What do you think the technology of the future will bring to us? Will it add to our lives? Or, will something be lost along the way?
I don’t think that I have any special gift to see into the future of where technology is headed, but I do think that most of us here – including readers like you – have a greater insight into what breaking edge technologies are capable of if they advance just a little bit further. I spend a lot of my time doing this in my work on my own blog, and some of the cutting edge technologies today are so promising that it shocks me to think about what can be accomplished with very little effort. When it comes to the Internet, this is already happening. A year ago, where we live in Southwestern Maine, our house resided in this odd cell phone signal bubble, where we couldn’t get cell phone access. Today, we get full signal. You can see the cell phone towers cropping up everywhere and before long there will not be a square inch of this country that can’t get cell phone reception. Now, when you compound that rapid growth of the cellular grid with rapid advancements in data-streaming over those wireless cellular networks, you can see where things are headed. If you have any devices – tablets or “readers” – that need a Wi-Fi signal to get online, I believe that within the course of 5 to 10 years, you will see a merging of “Wi-Fi” and “cellular data” into one, massive Wi-Fi network from border to border (in whatever country you live in). There will be no difference. The “Internet” as we know it will be this giant, invisible, wireless grid, streaming insane amounts of data and information through the air – like the radio stations of yesteryear. Technology #2 – Streaming Entertainment Will Replace Cable Television You’ve probably heard of the Jetsons or more modern “Meet the Robinsons”, where the future consists of homes that are automated with an assortment of gadgets. You’ve already seen where the standalone gaming consoles of yesterday are now becoming the home entertainment centers of today – combining Internet, TV and gaming into one gadget that does it all. How many of you know people that are sick of their local cable company’s insane rates, and have opted to save money by just streaming shows using Netflix or other content streaming providers? I know a lot. It doesn’t really take much of a stretch to imagine a future world without cable companies. Just take a look at Damien’s series on building 64 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
Technology #1 – A World Integrated With The Internet
TECHNOLOGY a Linux home entertainment center, or my article on building a remote control TV system and dropping the cable company. ©Shutterstock
In all honesty, it may be too early to drop the cable company right now if you want some of those premium channels you love so much, but how long will it take for the producers of TV content to realize that there’s more ad profit available to them if they stream direct to consumers and remove the middle-man? Isn’t the very concept of a cable company archaic by today’s technology standards? And if cable companies try to prevent this sort of activity by messing with our Internet, there is DSL available, or whatever future infrastructure replaces today’s wires. Oh wait – the future will be high speed wireless Internet – so who even needs a cable to the house to get Internet?
Technology #3 – Hands Free Computing With Thoughts I don’t know if you missed Karl’s article on using your webcam to control your computer with your face, or James’ article on cool Kinect hacks, but what those articles hint at is how computer interfaces may be moving away from the old mouse and keyboard. Given some of the latest developments in mind-reading technology that now allow toys to be sold where kids can control a “floating” ball with their mind, just consider the applications that are available in the world of computing.
Would you call me crazy if I said that all of the components of that kind of technology exist and that it’s merely a few years away? The furthest out is the capacity to translate brainwaves into words, and then there’s the pesky task of figuring out how to measure a person’s brainwaves. They can do it with toys right now, by using a wired hat. So maybe you’ll just have to wear a fashionable cap with the probes in the inner band, and it could wirelessly transmit the signals to your home computer. The technology isn’t as far-fetched as you might think.
This year there have been news reports about recent discoveries in neuroscience that allow scientists to start mapping brainwaves with spoken words. When I first read about this, my mind really started to race because of the scary possibilities in the world of surveillance and spying, a topic that I cover a lot at my blog. But beyond spying, what about computer technology? What if you can simply go to your computer, think your search term, and voila – there are your results? But, wait a second…why even go over to your computer? For years, science fiction has offered us the possibility of being in a room and saying, “Computer….” followed by a command. Star Trek fans know full well what I’m talking about. But, what if this technology went even beyond science fiction by allowing you to sit in a room and just thinking, “Computer….turn on television” and boom – the TV switches on. You didn’t move, and you didn’t say a word.
Technology #4 – Scary Surveillance Technology It goes without saying that if the above mind-reading technology becomes a reality, there will be some very real fears about the possibilities of surveillance and privacy invasion if, somehow, someone can detect your brainwaves from afar. Think about it – if your very thoughts can be translated into intelligence, nothing will be private anymore. One of the things that I write about often is the latest in satellite sensing technologies. NASA just launched one of the most impressive infrared sensing satellites known as TIRS (Thermal Infrared Sensor) that can map the temperature signatures of the entire planet every 16 days. So, what if there is eventually a sensor powerful enough to detect individual brainwaves? Does such a technology exist today? I highly doubt it. Is it potentially something that could be developed in the future? Maybe. It’s a scary thought to consider. Even scarier – remember the future worldwide wireless Internet system I mentioned at the start of this article? Well, there is nothing to prevent spy satellites from intercepting and hacking into those Internet transmissions – the more wireless we go, the more susceptible the world becomes to those sorts of security issues. But I’m convinced the world will go that way, and these will be the security issues that countries will face. Spread the Gospel with these tools Follow | Fan
65 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013 RCCGKCC
Technology #5 – Integration Of Biology & Computers Finally, now that I’m done scaring you, the last new computer technology that I see on the horizon is biotech. This is something I had a long discussion about with a friend of mine recently. Today, there are more and more companies depending on biometrics – thumbprints, facial and voice recognition or eye scans – to beef up security for access to sensitive information or locations. Biometrics can be fooled – thumbprints can be stolen or duplicated for example. So more companies are turning to using little USB “tokens” with a pin code, plus an additional pin code that you have to remember. The two pieces of information form the entire access password. The problem with this – you need to remember to carry around that token with you everywhere. I’m convinced that the world is quickly moving to an “implanted biometrics” society, where such security tokens will be embedded into your body where a sensor can detect the presence of that token. With the presence of the correct implanted token, combined with your remembered password, you can gain access. This technology may also spill over into the financial world, where people will no longer carry around credit cards or debit cards. Instead every person will have a financial “token” implant that you can use to make financial transactions by waving your wrist or the back of your hand against a sensor. Unlike a credit card, an implant can’t be stolen. So these are the 5 technologies that I see emerging within the next 20 years. This is based on what I know about emerging technologies today, a bit of intuition based on the direction technology has headed over the last 20 years, and of course a bit of guessing as to what technologies the masses will adopt. I’m also excited to hear your thoughts. What are some technologies that you see as “game-changers” within the next two decades? How will computers and the Internet continue to transform the world? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
66 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
Food for thought
But have peace within our hearts
God’s Timing The vision that God has given And the things that He has planned May not happen right away Or in ways that we understand For often God’s preparing us For when that day arrives When we will see the outworking Of God’s vision in our lives Though it tarries, wait for it For it will surely come God’s timing never comes too late He’ll accomplish what He’s begun God is never slow to act He will surely bring it to pass We need not be anxious and despair
For when it comes we’ll be released Into what the Lord’s prepared So we will fulfil all that He’s planned As we are being gently led. © By M.S.Lowndes (Habakkuk chp2: 3)
9 Bad Work Habits-and How to Break Them
tressed out? Overworked? It might surprise you to learn that your job isn’t solely to blame for your office woes. Chances are, you’re engaging in a few-or more!-bad work habits that could be impeding your performance or happiness. Whether you can’t seem to kick your Facebook addiction or are sick of burning the midnight oil, read on to learn how to nix nine common detrimental office habits. Photo by Thinkstock You constantly check your email or post updates on Facebook or Twitter. There’s a reason (beyond procrastinating) why you can’t stay away from your personal email account and social networking sites. “Social interaction is addictive because it activates the rewards center of our brains,” says David Rock DProf, director of the NeuroLeadership Institute and author of Your Brain at Work. Connecting to people is similar to eating chocolate, he explains. “The more you do it, the more you want it-that’s when it becomes distracting.” To keep yourself focused on work, Dr. Rock recommends designating times of day when you’ll check these sites. That way, you’ll get your fix without being sucked into the trap of constantly wanting more. Or, as Michelle Goodman, author of The Anti 9-to-5 Guide advises, treat visiting these sites as a reward. Work for, say, an hour, and then allow yourself to check in quickly as a treat. A word of warning: Think twice before you post about work matters on social networking sites. As Goodman points out, “these sites are frequently changing their privacy settings, so your page may be publicly broadcasted without you knowing it, which could land you in hot water.” You write-and send-work emails too hastily. “Misread emails create unnecessary anxiety,” says Dr. Rock. A slapdash message may come across as confusing, or worse, offensive, to the person on the receiving end-and it may cast you in a bad light. There’s a huge benefit to pausing after you write an email but before you press send. “If you feel uncertain about your message, save it as a draft and come back to it later,” suggests Dr. Rock. Not only will this give you time to work off anger that may have provoked you to write things you didn’t mean, but it may also allow you to add helpful information to the email, which can make you come across as capable and thoughtful. And if you struggle with an email about a sensitive topic, keep Dr. Rock’s rule in mind: “Anything that’s likely to generate strong emotion should be a phone or face-to-face conversation.” You’re set in your ways. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it-right? Not always. If you’re sticking with outdated procedures because “that’s the way it’s always been done,” re-think your attitude. Though knowing the ins and outs of office processes may seem like proof of your expertise, it may actually make you seem obsolete. Especially in a shaky economy, it’s integral to be open to new ideas, says Goodman. “Holding on to old systems isn’t the way to be irreplaceable,” she explains. “Getting along well with everyone, contributing great ideas and doing innovative work is.” She adds that resisting change often stems from a fear of being left behind in the workforce. Instead of standing your ground, be flexible about learning from others. “Get comfortable with the fact that there’s always going to be someone smarter or younger than you,” says Goodman. You’re too involved in office politics. Happen to find yourself gathered around the water cooler frequently? While joining in on office gossip is inevitable, spending too much time dissecting workplace dynamics can harm your reputation. “If you’re seen as always schmoozing or stirring 69 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
LIFESTYLE the pot, you may also be seen as a troublemaker or unproductive,” says Goodman. Instead of worrying about who said what to whom when, devote that energy to work. “Like logging on to Facebook, office gossip is a distraction. If you must indulge, treat it as a reward that you’ll give yourself after doing a set amount of work.” And as she notes, the more you concentrate on work, the less time you’ll have for petty gossip. You start each day with the wrong plan of attack-or none at all. After a long day at work, the last thing you want to do is prepare for the next one. But by making a beeline for the door at quitting time, you’re setting yourself up for trouble the next morning. “Without a plan, it’s easy to become distracted by small tasks and coworkers’ questions,” says Goodman. And that can prevent you from accomplishing the bigger stuff. “If you spend most of your day handling minor assignments, you won’t have the mental resources left to give your most important duties the attention they need,” says Dr. Rock. Goodman suggests taking a few minutes the night before-or first thing the next morning as a last resort-to write down the two or three meatiest tasks you need to get done that day. “You’re not likely to finish more than four, so prioritize your to-do list.” You’re always running late. “People are most often behind schedule because they’re not thinking about how long it takes to get from point A to point B, or because they leave things until the last minute,” says Dr. Rock. “And these people usually haven’t noticed the impact that running late has on their performance and that of others.” By repeatedly missing deadlines or arriving after meetings start, you seem less reliable and you hinder those who depend on you. If your hour-long meetings frequently run over, Dr. Rock recommends scheduling them for 50 minutes instead of 60. Those ten extra minutes serve as padding if the conversation goes long. And if you’re chronically tardy with deadlines or other appointments, Goodman advises setting computer alerts to chime a half hour before you need to be ready to keep you on the ball. If nothing else, set your clocks forward a few minutes to help you be on time.
consider meeting with your boss to discuss your workload, says Goodman. And if everyone is on call 24/7, think about whether or not you’re in the right job. On the other hand, if your coworkers regularly get together after work, you’ll stand out for turning down invitations or sending stiff emails at all hours. So consider tagging along once in a while. As Goodman puts it, “You’ll get the inside scoop and bond with people, which will only help your projects as well as people’s image of you. If you’re not sure what to share, follow other people’s lead.” If they seem happy chatting about their family drama, feel free to chime in with your own anecdotes. You don’t take a lunch break. Powering straight through lunch may seem like a noble endeavor, not to mention a great way to get ahead on your to-do list. But by refusing to take a break, you’re actually doing yourself more harm than good. Not only is sitting all day linked to a host of health issues, like a greater risk of dying from heart disease, according to a 2010 study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, but stepping away from the screen will also revive you, allowing you to view your work with a fresh perspective, says Goodman. Daunting tasks you dreaded earlier can seem more doable after taking a break. Even a short walk around the block will give you a much-needed boost. “Doing so is extremely rewarding to the brain and resets our ability to think straight,” says Dr. Rock. Besides, you can’t deliver the best results with a sandwich in one hand and your computer mouse in the other. You’ll be more productive once you fully devote your attention to work. You have a negative attitude.
Maintaining a chipper outlook day in and day out isn’t realistic, of course. But if you find yourself griping about your job more often than not, you’re setting yourself up for an endless cycle of negativity. “A negative bias can reduce the quality of your ideas and the work you produce-and can cause you to see everything as negative, even when it’s not,” says Dr. Rock. In other words, a doom-and-gloom attitude will make all around you seem worse, causing your creativity to suffer. Instead of griping about work things you can’t change, focus on what you can improve, and try to see everything in a positive light. That may mean keeping away from coworkers who goad you into talking smack. It may also mean seeking out positive cues, like happy people, uplifting images (try You can’t manage your personal and professional lives. hanging a few vacation snapshots in your cubicle) or taking a break to watch a funny YouTube video, says Dr. Rock. The more cheerful The balance between your work and your personal life varies your attitude, the less you’ll find to complain about. And rememdepending on the office environment you’re in. But one thing ber: The more you grumble, the more likely it is that people, like is constant: Failing to meet coworkers’ or friends’ and family’s expectations will upset them, according to Dr. Rock. If your office your superiors and your loudmouth cube-mate, will take noticeculture prides itself on working around the clock, you’ll raise eye- and if your boss knows you’re unhappy, you could be the first one brows for taking personal calls all day long. “Set parameters,” rec- on the chopping block, says Goodman. ommends Dr. Rock. “If personal issues distract you at work, tell friends and family you’ll respond to their calls and emails at, say, Amanda Greene-Kelly the beginning or end of each day.” However, if you’re the only Contributor writer for one constantly working late, 70 Kings & Queens | Spring 2013
Top Ten Chrisitian Songs Editior’s Choice
|3.|Matt Redman Song: 10000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) Album: 10000 Reasons
|4.|For King & Country Song: The Proof Of Your Love Album: Crave |3.|Matt Redman Song: 10000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) Album: 10000 Reasons |1.|TobyMac Song: Me Without You Album: Me Without You
|2.| Sidewalk Prophets Song: Live Like That Album: Live Like That |6.|Mandisa Song: Good Morning Album: What If We Were Real
|5.|Awesome Song: Pastor Charles Jenkins Presents Album: Awesome-Single |8.|Tenth Avenue North Song: Losing Album: Losing
|9.|MercyMe Song: I Can Only Imagine Album: Almost There
|7.|Big Daddy Weave Song: Redeemed Album: Love Come to Life
Worth Mentioning
|10.|Casting Crowns Song: Jesus Friend Of Sinners Album: Come To The Well
Thomas Chisholm
Great is Thy Faithfulness
David Crowder
Oh Praise Him
Gbenga Adenuga
I Have A Father
Hillsong United
Mighty To Save
Kari Jobe
Revelation Song
Artist Folake Umosen Lara George Wale Adenuga Michael W. Smith Amarachi Carl Boberg Jars of Clay Lincoln Brewster Midnight Crew Soweto Gospel Choir
Name Kosobabire Ko Le Baje Be My Portion Awesome God Blessed Assurance How Great Thou Art Hymn Everlasting God Igwe Amazing Grace
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS Top Ten Chrisitian Movies
|1.| Courageous
|2.| A Beautiful Soul
Film Synopsis:
Film Synopsis:
As law enforcement officers, Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners are confident and focused. They willingly stand up to the worst the world can offer. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood.
Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter’s adage: Never leave your partner behind. Inside burning buildings, it’s his natural instinct. In the cooling embers of his marriage, it’s another story. After seven years of marriage, Caleb and Catherine Holt have drifted so far apart that they are ready to move on without each other.
|3.| Facing the Giants
|4.|Fly Wheel
Film Synopsis:
Film Synopsis:
Never give up. Never back down. Never lose faith. Facing The Giants is the heart-warming story of a downtrodden Christian high school football coach who turns to God when everything seems to be going against him.
Jay Austin wants to sell used cars in the worst way…and that’s exactly how he does business at his dealership. promising much more than he can ever deliver, he’ll do whatever it takes to sell a car.
|8.| Forgiven |7.| Brother’s Keeper
|5.| Marriage Retreat Film Synopsis:
When a group of best friends decide to go to a marriage retreat in the mountains for no deeper reasons than to relax and have a little fun, they discover the true state of their marriages and how far apart they have drifted.
|6.| I Am Gabriel Film Synopsis:
An unforgiving sun, a parched earth, and a failed economy have left a small Texas town desolate. For ten years Promise, Texas has known nothing but one curse after another. It’s barren, broken, and dying, leaving a town full of despair.
|9.| Race to the Finish Film Synopsis:
This true story is about a young man named Harlan; a special needs boy who was being attacked by neighborhood bullies; when 16 year old Paul jumped in and defended him, only to get himself beaten up.
Film Synopsis:
A film about how a religious man deals with the horrible actions of his brother while trying to bring forgiveness and healing to the victim’s family.
Film Synopsis:
Carl searches everywhere in the butcher shop, but finds not trace of Lucie. He must face the horrible reality that he is responsible for her accidental death. Carl begs forgiveness of her father, his boss. Gary shows incredible graciousness and Carl keeps his job as well as friendship with Gary. When an accident occurs with a new hire, Carl must choose whether or not to forgive. (Inspired by Matthew 18:21-34)
|10.| The Last Adam Film Synopsis:
Twenty years after leaving Lake City, AL, behind, Bobby Jackson returns to his hometown to bury the baseball coach who turned his life around and reconnect with the childhood friends who have since drifted apart. Later in life, however, some members of the gang fared better than others.
Congratulations to Pastor and Pastor (Mrs.) Akindoju and the entire King’s Court Chapel Family on celebrating 10 years and dedication of our new sanctuary.
From the Ojibe’s
Resources Pages Looking for something particular can be challenging itself and not knowing where to turn can cause you to give up. Well look no further we have listed some ideas that might help. In case of life threatening emergency dial 911
KCC HELP LINE Pastor Kunle Akindoju 770-265-7451
Welfare Department 770-608-9111
Brother’s Keeper’s 678-667-3581
KCC Clinic 678-749-8996
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