Fossicker Sept 25

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Fossicker The

No. 42569 - Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - A002977L

Weekly bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bendigo Inc. - Chartered 30th July 1925 - District 9800


Meeting commenced with recognition of Blue Ribbon Day on 29/9 – I asked for a moments silence to remember the 157 members of the Victoria Police whom have made the ultimate sacrifice and lost their lives in upholding law and order. Proceeds of $150.00 from our fines/raffle and an impromptu auction item courtesy of Sandhurst Probus (Rotary International jacket bought in spirited bidding by Greg Bickley), be donated to the Blue Ribbon Foundation. Thank you all for your support. Great to see Gwen Rankins (flying solo as Ted apparently stood her up!) and Lorraine Glazebrook in attendance.

Zsofi, smartly dressed but not in school uniform (holidays) gave a quick update on her past week and the current week which involves a few trips to Ballarat, one with friends and one with host family the Robinsons. Nearly 3 months is up, and Zsofi will soon be leaving the Robinsons to her next host family. It was great to hear how much Zsofi is looking forward to the next 9 months of her life in Australia. Of course Zsofi, being converted on arrival to a Hawks supporter, is looking forward to Saturday’s grand final. Guest Speaker, Karen Quinlan, director of The Bendigo Art Gallery was welcomed and introduced by Chairman for the day, Barry Ackerman - see Speaker Summary for some notes.



We are approaching a very busy and important time of year for the Club – some significant fund-raising events, Car Parking (Beach/Caulfield Cup Saturday 20/10 then Bendigo Club Wednesday 31/10), Operation Cleft Golf Night Event 26/10/12 and Swap Meeting 15-18 November. I urge all members to try and support the coordinators and put up your hand to help where you can. ROTARY BUSINESS

RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichmnet) – sponsoring two students for a two day camp at Lancefield 26-28 October. Y11 Karen Boy at BSCC and an Y10 Sudanese Girl from Crusoe – cost is $286 per student. Great work by New Gens Director Phil West and supporting “New Generations “ month. Road Safe Central Victoria – Many may remember John Dingle’s presentation to the Club at a night meeting earlier this year. Myself and Glenn Reilly met with John and their Chairperson in early August as their State Govt Funding model has changed. Please to advise that the Board have supported sponsorship of $1,200 this financial year – Rotary will be recognised as a key supporter at all their events.

Refugee Action Group – I have some preliminary meetings with representatives of this group regarding some In Kind Support – possibly utilising Camp Getaway for youth leadership/integration or TREASURER Wayne Smith


BOARD MEMBERS: Vocational Service - John Krakowiak President Elect - Tom Seddon New Generations - Phil West Club Service - Garry Gunnell Rotary Foundation - Hugh Wheeler Community Service - Libby Hughes International Service - Valerie Barker Editor: Noel Hobley - Distribution: The Terrace Correspondence: PO Box 131, Bendigo, 3552

Rotary providing speakers to present at Rights & SOCIAL CALANDER Responsibilities Seminars (about Community Service Colin & Sandra Burns aspects). Board supportive our Involvement in such a An informal farewell dinner will be held for those program. members and partners whom would like to attend at Men’s Health Week – thank you letter from BCHS, the Bendigo Club (walking distance home for Colin!) again a great event and well attended. The club have on Monday 22/10 - more later, put in your diary for also supported the event with a $500 donation towards now. costs – this has been approved by Board. Penna Breakfast ROTARY VOLUNTEER SUPPORT Barry & Carol will shortly be heading off for a few SWAP Meet (Combined Rotary Clubs of Bendigo - weeks holiday - but would like to give advance catering) notice of this year’s “Penna Breakfast” - Sunday 11 Dates for your diary are 15-18 November 2012. Rosters November 2012. Barry will keep the club informed. out now - please support our Clubs Coordinator Libby Australian Rotary Health - Hat Day Tuesday Hughes and put your name down for a few shifts - this 16/10/12 supporting Mental Health Research. is a great fund-raiser for Rotary and our Club. The club already support a number of ARH programs Car Parking Events – the Club would like to raise some funds from a fun Beach Party / Caulfield Cup Day - Saturday 20 hat Day - $5 if you don’t wear a hat, $2 if you do!. October 2012, seeking 12-14 volunteers Invites – two upcoming key note speaker events at Rotary Club of Bendigo South. Hugh Norris, founder of Hip Pocket Franchise 11/10/12 at Foundry, then Please support our Coordinators, Mike Hughes 18/10 Damien Heywood President of Rotary Club of (logistics) and Wayne Smith (volunteer roster) - this Melbourne Park (the young person’s club of Melb!). I’ll be attending the latter. again is a major fund-raiser for the Club. Bendigo Cup Day - Wednesday 31 October 2012, seeking 18-20 volunteers.

Guest Speaker Notes – Karen Quinlan

Backyard Blitz (Flood Recovery)

Rotary Club of Kangaroo Flat have organised buses to run up and back to Charlton on Saturday 27 October and Sunday 28 October to provide free transport to Rotarians, Partners, Family and Friends whom would like to help out on this weekend. Book via coordinator Charlie Bovalino (5441 1945).

Karen came to Bendigo from the National Gallery in Melbourne in mid 1990’s to take up the Curator role at the Art Gallery for a 12 month stint! - shortly thereafter appointed Director and has been in that role for over 16 years, in between raising two children. Some key points from Karen’s presentation

COMING UP Silverpot to Samoa: RCBs finances, explained Incoming Exchange Student


Wayne Smith



Zsofia Szabo



David Lloyd, Manager

The Capital

20-Oct 22-Oct

Car Parking Colin Burns farewell

Details to come


Mandy Cooper and others

Bendigo Youth Choir


Golf Night

Operation Cleft fund raising


Vocational Day

History of RC Bendigo Club Projects


Car Parking


Bryan McMahon, Joy Bruce

Phantom Call, Hats Judge


Ramona Firouzi

PEACE Inc speaker from Sweden

Our new theatre and what it means for cultural programming in Bendigo

World Choir Games, Cincinnati

Bendigo Cup Day

An artists impression of the Art Gallery redevelopment.

The Bendigo Art gallery is owned and operated by City of Greater Bendigo

Karen Quinlan as she appeared in an article for the Grace Kelly exhibition in The Age. flow on effects, particularly hospitality - Charlie Martin mentioned that the RSL Museum had seen extraordinary numbers during this period.

Artwork on display is predominantly early Bendigo and Colonial Australia, with a spread of 19th, 20th Great support and coverage provided by Major Events Vic and other in kind supporters. Media such and now 21st century works. The famed “Margaret Preston” work has been loaned as The Age and Herald Sun ran huge articles during to Germany for an exhibition there - not uncommon. the event due to the public interest/demand. Redevelopment underway will see large underground storage, and nearly 700sqm of new gallery space. It’s a 12 month project currently underway.

In conclusion

What an asset our speaker Karen Quinlan is to Bendigo, an enormous amount of skill and work is Over 70 exhibitions in past the 10 years, of which done by a small team to bring only 4-5 have been “fashion” themed - but these have these events together - the featured predominantly with the public and media Grace Kelly Collection was just brilliant. who seem to have the appetite for them. The Golden Age of Couture and The White Wedding I’ll be away on business next week in Mildura - enjoy your Dress both attracted around 75,000 visitors. week. The recent Grace Kelly Exhibition attracted 145,000 President Brian Figg. providing the Bendigo economy with fantastic ROSTER

Chairman Sergeant at Arms Corporals Cashiers Regalia Reception Grace Four Way Test

OCTOBER 2 N/A N. Bannan M. Horne L. Hughes D. Watts B. McMahon J. Mahoney B. Gray G. Gunnell A. Hampton N. Hobley

OCTOBER 9 J. Bruce N. Bannan J. Gallagher F. Lean M. Hughes R. Paulsen B. Penna J. Krakowiak D. Ionescu W. Johanson N. Kilby

OCTOBER 16 V. Broad B. McMahon C. Nankervis G. Newton R. McDonald G. McLeod B. Penna B. McMahon C. Martin I. Monotti N. Hobley

A Notice for Chairman - To assist the President and as a courtesy to guest speakers, when the president calls for visiting Rotarians and guests to be introduced, the Chairman for the day is asked, please, to stand and introduce the guest speaker by name with the comment that he/she will be more formally introduced later in the meeting. Members are reminded that if for any reason you are unable to fulfil the duty for which you are rostered it is your responsibility to arrange a replacement


Click to visit District 9800 newsletters and videos


“Just a reminder pencil in Friday night, October 26th for our GOLF NIGHT in support of Operation Cleft. Stephen Rechter from Audi Centre Bendigo has very kindly agreed to be the major sponsor once again so please drop in and see Stephen and pass on your thanks. Our club has changed the lives of 116 children over the last 4 years and Glenn Reilly is keen to see a couple of Rotary teams playing and needs some volunteers to help with the event. Please ask your contacts if they would like to play, team entry cost is ‘one operation’ so not only will it be a great fun night but each team is making a massive difference to one young person who was unlucky enough to be born in the wrong country. See Glenn and his committee if any queries.


October 2 to October 8 Shirley McDonald Oct. 1, Bill Gray Oct. 3, Neil Burdon, John Krakowiak Oct. 7, Alan Cox Oct. 8. Nil


ROTARY JOKES With thanks to the Rotary Club of Charlottetown‘s web page.

Male Assertiveness

A mild-mannered man was tired of being bossed around by his wife so he went to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist said he needed to build his self-esteem, and so gave him a book on assertiveness, which he read on the way home. He had finished the book by the time he reached his house. The man stormed into the house and walked up to his wife. Pointing a finger in her face, he said, “From now on, I want you to know that I am the man of this house, and my word is law! I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I’m finished eating my meal, I expect a sumptuous dessert afterward. Then, after dinner, you’re going to draw me my bath so I can relax. And when I’m finished with my bath, guess who’s going to dress me and comb my hair?” “The funeral director,” said his wife!


At an Rotary meeting in Manchester, a visiting Rotarian, who happened to be a wealthy American, announced that he had lost his wallet containing £10,000 and would give a reward of £100 to the person who finds it. From the back of the hall a Scottish voice shouted, “I’ll give £150!”

ROTARY LINKS Link to District Governors Blog Link to District 9800 Conference 2013 Link to Rotary International Home page Link to Rotary Foundation

HEY ROTARIANS How about putting Tuesday, 20th November, in your diary now and plan to take your partners out to dinner with the ladies of Inner Wheel on that night! We would love you to join us at the Schweppes Centre Bistro for a fund-raising effort for our National Project - Cord Blood. It’s simple – all you have to do is dine with us and our combined meal costs are totalled, and the Schweppes Centre returns half the total to our Club as a charitable donation to our cause. We think it’s pretty good – no hard work, just enjoyment and fellowship with friends! Partners of Inner Wheel members have no choice – sorry – you will be going anyway, but the more Rotarians who could join us the better... and ask your friends to come too. You DO have friends don’t you? Now we realise that it will be a Rotary lunch that day as well – we suggest you eat a light one, and splurge on Dinner that night! I’ll be back in touch before then, for another reminder.... you can run, but you can’t hide!! Gwen Rankins, President, Inner Wheel Club of Bendigo

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