f feature
Hitting the
Right Notes
Gautier Band Director Helps Students Uncover Passion for Music By Brock Turnipseed
ments as the band director at Gautier
pi Teacher of the Year is she does not
Middle School (GMS) in the Pascagou-
shy away from challenging students to
la-Gautier School District (PGSD).
grow both musically and personally..
Smith teaches band to seventh
She discovered her passion for mu-
and eighth graders at GMS. The stu-
sic in the PGSD as a member of the
dents come to her having one year of
band at Pascagoula High School; how-
experience, and her goal is to refine
ever, she had no intention of pursuing
those skills and continue building con-
a career as a band director.
fidence and a passion for music that
“My mother is Filipino, and I was
will hopefully keep them pursuing
raised with this mentality that I was
band into high school.
going to be a doctor, lawyer or engi-
“I take the skills that they start-
neer,” Smith said. “I was going to LSU
ed in sixth grade, and I want them
to major in biochemistry and go on
All are integral subjects in a stu-
to master them,” Smith said. “I want
to dental school to become an ortho-
dent’s education. Music combines
things to become automatic for them.
those subjects and provides an outlet
I want their thinking processes to be
After attending the Gulf Coast Band
to express emotions, recall memo-
established in seventh grade so that
Directors Association Clinic, she was at
ries, enhance cognitive benefits, build
when they get to eighth grade, it’s all
church and heard a voice tell her she
teamwork and much more.
application. We want to take the skills
would be a band director and major
they know and make them better by
in music at the University of Southern
working in an ensemble.”
Mississippi (USM).
Louise Smith has spent all 21 years of her professional career instilling a love for music in students and teaching
One reason Smith became the
“That was my calling into teach-
them to read music and play instru-
first band director named Mississip-
ing. I listened, and because I did, my
School Focus
Fall 2023