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Energy and Sustainability Africa - April 2024

The Balance Between Carbon Reduction and Net Zero
AUTHOR: David Jarrett Editor@ RDJ Publishing and RDJ Group ChiefExecutiveOfficer

It is becoming a regular occurrence globally to hear that “greenies are scaring others” making sustainable actions considered scare mongering Jennifer Pallanich covering the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference (HFTC), notes that (fracking) energy executives (fossil fuel) sectors, have a dilemma on their hands It basically is that in the face of climate change realities, “is our industry dying or is it just noise”?

The energy transition, a pivotal component in achieving net-zero emissions, endeavors to shift humanity away from reliance on fossil fuels, notorious for their environmental impacts when consumed at current levels Regrettably, prevailing marketing and awareness efforts have predominantly focused on climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, neglecting the crucial aspect of lifestyle choices, thereby complicating the realization of the Paris Agreement's objectives Additionally, it's essential to acknowledge that Africa's direct contribution to global climate change is estimated at a modest 7%.

Furthermore, society must confront the looming reality of exhausting finite resources like oil and gas, leading to economic ramifications As supplies diminish and demand fluctuates, the potential for price inflation becomes a pressing concern.

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