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IMy Energy Life Series Leading Energy Initiatives: Managing Projects for International Diplomacy
Interview with Alda Manuel
contributed by: presented by: n this episode, we meet Alda Manuel , a Project Manager at Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Angola (AHK Angola) AldaManuelsharesherstoryofhowshegotstarted intheenergyindustry,detailingherinitialchallengesandoffering invaluableadvicetofellowyoungprofessionalsseekingtheirpath inthisdynamicindustry.

My initial and former employer, Anglobal , recruited me as an intern Iwaspromotedtoelectricalengineerwithinsixmonths,a position in which I experienced significant growth over the subsequentfiveyears
My experience in electrical engineering encompasses the installationofautomatictransferswitches,industrialgensets,and renewable energy controllers. I possess a portfolio consisting of 3MWofon-gridandoff-gridprojects.
I realized that, in order to ascend the engineering pyramid, I required management expertise, notwithstanding my fervor for practical engineering. I thereby left my comfort zone and acceptedthepositionofengineeringfacilitiesmanagerat OperTec Angola , almost without a backup plan. I developed procedures and preventative measures to decrease facility inefficiency in my capacity as a manager. It entails overseeing the physical infrastructure of an organization, which consists of HVAC, BAS, lighting, roofing, fire protection, and other structural requirements.
My volunteer work, support for a JUST energy transition, and adequateeducationsupplementmyengineeringcareer Through educational programs, I mentor engineering students and equip them for the professional world through the Tchossi Academic Initiative
Ibeganprivateconsultancyintheenergysectorin2021,focusing on photovoltaics and green hydrogen advocacy I bring with me two high-level initiatives to the table: Africa Energy Market Place (AEMP)and H2-diplo - Decarbonization Diplomacy (H2diplo)
Lastly, I was presented with the opportunity to serve as the energyprojectmanagerforthe Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Angola (AHK Angola) inMarch2023 Inthiscapacity,I am tasked with the oversight and management of all initiatives and projects pertaining to energy that are associated with the Germandelegation
Whatdoyoudoinyourcurrentroleatyour company?
Myresponsibilitiesincludeselectingpotentialinitiatives,deciding their objectives, and developing a plan to accomplish them, all while producing detailed energy analysis reports. Furthermore, I promote stakeholder discussions to ensure that projects represent their needs and interests I also drive for programmes thatmaybenefitthebusinesscommunitywhenapplicabletothe project My supervision extends to all energy-related German delegationprojectsandefforts
The workload determines it My workday is typically devoid of significant tasks, such as delivering reports or organising conferencesorworkinggroups Icommencemydaybypromptly checking my emails, indulging in a cup of tea or coffee, and establishinga"DoNotDisturb"modefrom8:45am to12pm (I am of the opinion that I am more efficient during this time) During the afternoon, I engage in activities that I have not been occupiedwith,andifIhavetheopportunity,Ioftenallocateone to two hours to peruse energy sector publications or engage in studying The business meeting is a routine occurrence, nevertheless, the primary source of concern lies in the development of strategic concepts and activities for the annual term
My everyday work routine involves assessing whether a matter is urgent and significant, or if it is merely a generic request. Describing my everyday routine in a general sense is challenging due to the varying techniques and energy requirementsassociatedwitheachwork.
“OnelessonthatIhaveacquiredisthattheoriginofboth successandfailurelieswithinourownselves.”
Whataresomeofthechallengesyouhavefaced intheindustry?
ThemostformidabledifficultyIencounteredintheindustrywas the resolution of the impostor syndrome. Despite being recognised by the industry, I pondered my sense of belonging insideit.Ifanyformofdiscriminationexisted,Iexperiencedittoa greaterextentduetomylackofpersonalassuranceinthecalibre ofmywork.
During my early professional years, I exhibited a propensity for prioritising perfection over the pursuit of quality I used to criticise myself for my lack of knowledge in a specific area Until thejunctureatwhichIexperiencedamentalbreakdownand came to the realisation that my irreplaceability is not absolute, and that notwithstanding my proficiencies, there will continuouslyexistthosewhooutperformme,acircumstancethat isentirelypermissible
I have encountered instances of prejudice based on my racial background,age,andgenderwithinthegivencontext However, noneoftheseinstancesweremoresignificantthanmyownacts of sabotage, which led to self-doubt One lesson that I have acquired is that the origin of both success and failure lies withinourownselves.
AldarepresentingAngolaattheFifthUnitedNationsConferenceon theLeastDevelopedCountries

Whatisthemostfunthingyouloveaboutyour work?
Energy enables you to navigate many different areas of the existing sciences, despite the fact that engineering is a precise science The fact that the task can shift from engineering to politicstodiplomacyandthenbacktofinanceintheblinkofan eye is a funny thought to consider When these circumstances need more of my capabilities, I find that I am able to grow as a resultofthetransversalityandchallengesthatIenjoy
On the journey, I come into contact with a number of different people. I usually say that "business is done with people, not institutions,"andthefactthatIhavetheopportunitytonetwork with people who come from a variety of geographical locations, ethnicities, and histories not only makes me feel more professionalbutalsomorehuman.
I often encounter challenges while attempting to elucidate this topic due to the divergent perspectives held by individuals regarding the definition of a harmonious equilibrium between work and personal life Recognising the uniqueness of my personal experience compared to that of my acquaintances or family members, I acknowledge the potential disparity in the quantityofleisuretimeorvacationtimeavailabletome
IamconfidentthatIbelongtothegenerationthatwilldisruptthe cycle, ensuring the well-being of my parents during their old age and providing my children with a high standard of living. To achievethisobjective,itwillbenecessaryformetomakecertain sacrifices. Ensuring the well-being of my mental health and upholding a healthy lifestyle by adhering to appropriate dietary practices and engaging in consistent physical activity is paramountinavertingamentalbreakdown.
During my weekend, I engage in activities such as taking naps, watching animated films to alleviate mental strain, and enjoying quality time with my loved ones. It is noteworthy to add that Sundaysarenotsubjecttonegotiationforme.

Whatarethecorehardskillssomeoneinyour fieldshouldhave?
Understanding the impact of hierarchical position on necessary skills is crucial. It's not just about management versus technical skills but also about aligning your skill development with your careergoals.
Thepossessionofacompletesetofpracticalskillsisnecessaryfor anyone aspiring to achieve success in the field of renewable energy engineering It is generally expected that the following abilities will be necessary for each role within the organisation, butthespecificskillsetmayvary.
Demonstrating substantial technological competence is of paramountimportance Itiscrucialtoacknowledgeandevaluate the theoretical and practical dimensions of renewable energy sources in accordance with the resource availability within their respective nations It is recommended that professionals in Southern Africa prioritise comprehending and implementing hydro and solar energy Furthermore, having a foundational understanding of the fields of electricity, energy storage, and engineering provides a clear benefit Moreover, the numerous obstacles that arise in the coordination, planning, and implementationofrenewableenergyeffortsareoftenobserved
Iholdastrongconvictionthatmysector,resemblingtheoiland gas business, exhibits a significant dependence on policies Therefore, it is crucial for individuals within my professional domain, irrespective of their level of technical expertise, to possess a foundational comprehension of policy and legislation. The possession of comprehensive knowledge in electrical systems, grid integration, power distribution, troubleshooting, and preventive maintenance is crucial for experts in the field of renewable energy to effectively promote the progress of smart grids and enhance the integration of renewable energy sources intoexistingpowergrids.
Whatsoftskillsshouldsomeoneinyourfield have?
The following are essential interpersonal skills for employees in theenergyindustry:
Proficiency in communication is positively indispensable in all industries, hence it is not different in the energy sector. Proficient communication abilities are essential for practitioners since they enable them to understand and effectivelytransmitcomplextechnicaldatatotheirmanagers andclients
Professionals must keep comprehensive problem-solving capabilities to identify and manage challenges accurately Thereisapotentialneedfordataanalysis,optionevaluation, andinformeddecision-making
Duetotheswiftrateatwhichregulations,technologies,and marketdynamicsevolve,theabilitytoadjustiscrucialinthe energy sector Those who wish to succeed in this industry must be flexible and receptive to criticism To remain competitive in a perpetually evolving industry, they must possessthecapacitytoadapt
The best thing about my work is being part of the most remarkable initiatives that may help my country improve its energyaccessanddiversifyitseconomy,bringingmethesenseof buildingalegacythatimpactsseveralcommunities
Whatwouldyouconsiderahighlightofyour career?
Firstandforemost,Iamaworkinprogress,yetlookingback,Isee significant growth within six years of working. I am passionate about engineering; nevertheless, engineering by itself is not sufficient to tackle the challenges that communities face, and whenrenewableenergyisimplemented,legislationmustgoside by side That is why, when the H2-diplo began working on introducing hydrogen in Angola and successfully gained the attention of the government, I realised that my work would now benefitnotonlytheprivatesectorbutalsotheglobalcommunity becauseitisinextricablylinkedtoavarietyofsectorssuchasthe export market, energy, agriculture sector, and heavy transformativeindustries
Hydrogenisstillanovelconceptformanycountries,andthefact that I was one of the pioneers in my country is a huge privilege, honour, and source of pride for me as well as for those who believedinmeandinvestedinme
Exploring unfamiliar locations and sampling diverse culinary traditions brings me a profound sense of autonomy. Travelling offers a transforming experience as it allows individuals to get firsthandinsightsintodifferentviewpoints Thisisduetothefact thatourexperiencesareshapedbytheinteractionswehavewith others, the literature we engage with, the television shows we watch,andeventheculinarydelightswesample Afterdeparting frommyresidence,Iampresentedwiththesefruitsinasingular encounter
Being a woman in the energy sector, which is predominantly male-dominated, is undoubtedly a notable distinction in and of itself as it promotes gender equality while influencing girls to pursuecareersinSTEM Decentralisation,facilitatedbyrenewable energy, emerges as the most advantageous approach to reach underprivilegedcommunitieswheretransmissionlineinstallation isnotimminentwithinthenextfewyears
In this regard, my work possesses the distinctive capability of fostering engagement and connection with communities, empowering them to actively participate in initiatives that advocate energy access, tackle energy poverty, and ultimately improve basic sanitation systems and education Furthermore, it facilitates collaboration between private entities and governments in an effort to create a more sustainable and prosperoussociety.
Whatadvicedoyouhaveforsomeonenewtothe industry?
Here's some important advice for anyone new to the energy industry:
1 Networkingisapowerfultoolinanyindustry,andtheenergy sector is no exception Join relevant professional organisations, attend energy-related events, and connect with other industry specialists These connections can open doors to new opportunities, provide valuable mentorship, and foster fruitful collaborations The potential for growth and success in the energy industry is vast, and building relationshipsisakeytounlockingit
The energy sector is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, with new policies, technologies, and market trends constantly emerging Embracethethrilloflearningandcuriosity Signup for webinars and seminars, immerse yourself in industry news, and explore ongoing professional development options Thiscontinuouslearningjourneywillkeepyouatthe forefrontoftheindustryandfuelyourprofessionalgrowth
Because the energy field is vast and diverse, expanding your views and learning about many aspects is beneficial Gain exposuretoawiderangeofenergy-relatedcareers,getyour handsdirtywithavarietyoftasks,andworksidebysidewith specialists from all walks of life Your professional versatility will increase as you widen your viewpoints and skill set. Markets and policies have a huge impact on the energy business. Stay current with developments in legislation, policy, and the market. Understanding the context can help youovercomechallengesandseizeopportunities.
Improveyouranalyticalandtechnicalskills,whicharevitalin theenergyindustry.Discovercontemporarydevelopmentsin data analysis, project management, technical systems, and emergingtechnologies.Yourskillsinthisareawillbeusefulin theenergyindustry.
Embraceinnovationandsustainability.Lookforstrategiesto help the global shift to renewable energy. Discover fresh approaches and technologies to assist you in your work. Considersustainabilityfromeveryangleandmakedecisions basedonwhatyoulearn.
Adaptability is a crucial trait in the energy industry, which is known for its complexity and rapid changes Embrace new situations and make the necessary adjustments Strengthen your resilience and ability to overcome adversity Success in this field requires dedication and perseverance Stay enthusiastic, continue to educate yourself, and seek innovative ways to contribute to the industry's growth Your adaptabilityisyourstrength,anditwillguideyoutoexcelin thischallengingyetrewardingfield
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