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IMy Energy Life Series The 360° Off-Grid Specialist: Bringing Technical Expertise and Business Acumen to Anglophone West Africa

Interview with Richard Hammond

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nthisepisode,wemeetRichardHammond,MBA,anOff-grid Energy Specialist at Deloitte Consulting LLP - West Africa EnergyProgram RichardHammond,MBAshareshisstoryof how he got started in the energy industry, detailing his initial challenges and offering invaluable advice to fellow young professionalsseekingtheirpathinthisdynamicindustry.


Leveraging my prior experience in customer service, business development, capacity development, retail sales, and digital finance, I've built a strong foundation for my journey in the offgrid energy sector This diverse background has been instrumentalinmyaccomplishmentsthusfar

My journey began at Solar Kiosk, a German solar company providing solar-powered kiosks to underserved communities (BaseofthePyramid,BoP).Thesekiosksofferedaccesstovarious productsandservices,includingsolarhomesystemsandcooling solutions.

Following Solar Kiosk, I joined the Power Africa Transaction Reformprogram.Here,Ispearheadedbusinessdevelopmentand digital finance initiatives, helping companies integrate mobile money payments for convenient collections from off-grid customers.

Continuing this passion, I became the Country Lead Advisor (Ghana & Liberia) for the USAID-funded Power Africa Off-grid program. In this role, I provided customized technical assistance tooff-gridenergycompanies,fosteringtheirgrowth.

Currently, I leverage my expertise as the Off-grid Specialist (Anglophone West Africa) at Deloitte for the West Africa Energy Program Here, I provide technical assistance to off-grid companiesinGhana

Whatdoyoudoinyourcurrentroleatyour company?

Iamanoff-gridenergyspecialist,providingtechnicalassistance to off-grid companies in Ghana, Sierra Leone, and Liberia It's a 360-degree role, requiring me to be both a technical expert and possessbusinessacumen Thisincludesaddressingoff-gridsolar businessconcernsrelatedtocapitalraising,technologysolutions, businessstrategydevelopment,partnershipdevelopment,public speaking, policy reviews and development, customer support, capacitydevelopmentandtraining,andvariousbusinessmodels forstandalonesolar,mini-grids,andproductiveuseofenergy


Supporting the off-grid component of the West Africa Energy Program(WEAP)involvesaidingtheoff-gridsolarbusinesssector through various means. I provide assistance in business strategy development for distribution, go-to-market planning, organizationaldevelopment,andmarketinformationanalysisfor theoff-gridsolarsector Ialsofacilitatestrategicpartnershipsas many local off-grid solar businesses face challenges due to financial limitations With my experience, I have successfully facilitated strategic partnerships that have increased sales of solar products to associations, groups, and cooperatives Additionally, I provide relevant market data and identify opportunitiesinaddressablemarketsforoff-gridsolarsolutions, enablingcompaniestoengageintargetedselling

My typical day includes team meetings, responding to emails, reviewingtechnicalproposals,developingbusinessstrategiesfor off-grid companies, and, in some cases, building capacity and creatingtrainingcontentonspecifictopics


Whataresomeofthechallengesyouhaveface intheindustry?

MostofthechallengesI'veencounteredinthissectorarerela to factors beyond my control, especially those affecting priv sector organizations Often, I have minimal to no influence o thesechanges

One challenge is the slow response time of the companie supportinaddressingtheirissues,whichdelaystheachievem ofquicksuccesses Additionally,muchofthesupportprovided companies is programmatic When a program ends, it becom difficult to continue assisting the companies unless suppor extendedonapersonalleveltomaintaintherelationshipunt newprogrambegins

Whatisthemostfunthingyouloveaboutyou work?

The opportunity to innovate and achieve results is what exc me most about my work In my field, I strive to make a posi impactonboththepeopleandcompaniesIsupport Akeyasp of this is the chance to be innovative in finding solutions that meet client-defined KPIs and desired outcomes Innovation is trulyattheheartofwhatIdo

Additionally, I value working alongside colleagues who possess diverse skill sets. Knowing that everyone understands their responsibilitiescreatesatrulyrewardingworkenvironment.


Iprioritizemywork,whichhelpsmemanagemytimeeffectively I always write down my daily, weekly, or monthly goals to easily track what I need to accomplish at any given time These goals arethenattachedtomycalendarnotifications Thissystemhelps me effectively compartmentalize my working hours, family time, andleisureactivities

Whatarethecorehardskillssomeoneinyour fieldshouldhave?

Project management, People management, Market Research, Public Speaking, Business Development, Technical skills (RenewableEnergy)

Whatsoftskillsshouldsomeoneinyourfield have?

Customer service, Teamwork, Interpersonal skills, Leadership, NegotiationskillsandCommunicationskills.


The opportunity to make an impact and the visible results motivateyoutodomore.

Whatwouldyouconsiderahighlightofyour career?

Network,impact,andsuccess Themostfulfillingaspectisseeing theimpactofyourwork,especiallywhencompaniesexpresstheir appreciationforhowthesupportyouprovidedhashelpedthem growtheircustomerbaseandraiseequity,debt,orgrantfunding sector!"



Myfamily,withthreedaughters,hasinstilledastrongpassionin me for supporting gender integration. Helping companies integrate gender into their operations is therefore very exciting

Howdoyouthinkthatyourworkmakesa differenceintheenergyspace?

The results are evident when I see an increase in the energy access rate. Our strategy of helping off-grid businesses build a proper business model through capacity development and supportingcompaniesinaccessingfundingisalsokey.

Whatadvicedoyouhaveforsomeonenewtothe industry?

Don't throw away your experience in your current sector! Integrate it and add some more skill development. The energy sector needs well-rounded, 360-degree skilled individuals to thrive Allyourexperienceisvaluable Remember,theendofone output is the beginning of another input There are various platforms offering opportunities to build on your existing skills For example, I mentor on TerraDo, but there are others like Coursera

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African Union – Ethiopia

Description: Individual Consultant to Undertake Aeronautical Infrastructure Gap Analysis and Air Navigation Services Architecture to Support the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) and the Prospects of a Seamless Airspace.

Bid Closing date: 05 August 2024 https://au int/sites/default/files/bids/43963-REOI for Aeronautical Infrastructure Gap Analysis ET-AUC-424510-CSINDV pdf

Geothermal Development Company Ltd (GDC) - Kenya

Description: Supply and Installation of 5 to 10MW Geothermal Wellhead Power Plant at Menengai Geothermal Project.

Bid Closing date: 15 August 2024 https://tenders.go.ke/OneTender/193884

NamPower - Namibia

Description: Design and Construction of the Erongo Substation

Bid Closing date: 16 August 2024 at 10h00 Namibian Time https://www nampower com na/Bid aspx?id=251937

Industrial Development Corporation – Zambia

Description: Procurement of Fuel and Lubricants on a one-year contract.

Closing date: 16 August 2024 at 10h00 https://eprocure zppa org zm/epps/cft/prepareViewCfTWS do?resourceId=7924665

Mwense Town Council - Zambia

Description: Construction of Piped Water from Nkomba to Mini Hospital.

Bid Closing date: 18 August 2024 at 00h00 https://eprocure zppa org zm/epps/cft/prepareViewCfTWS do?resourceId=7999893

Department of Minerals Resources and Energy – South Africa

Description: Request For Qualification and Proposals (RFP) under The Gas Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (GASIPPPP) Bid Window 1

BId Closing date: 30 August 2024 at 11h00 AM https://www.dmre.gov.za/tenders/tender/id/27443

United Nations

Description: Provision of Spare Parts for Electrical Medium Voltage Substations in MONUSCO field offices in DR Congo and Entebbe support base – Uganda

Bid Closing date: 22 October 2024 https://www.un.org/Depts/ptd/sites/www.un.org.Depts.ptd/files/pdf/eoi22247.pdf

















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