5 Good Practices

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5 GOOD PRACTICES In the work of Ayuda en Acción with vulnerable populations. We learn from our practices HONDURAS, ENERO 202 3

1. Economic development of young people and women that strengthens local roots


Actors involved:

European Union (financier), Mairin Indian Miskitu Asla Takanka (MIMAT) women’s organization, GOAL International, the Foundation for Community Action in Honduras (FUNACH), the Secretary of Governance and Justice, Municipalities, Municipal Women’s Office.



Strengthening entrepreneurial skills of young people and women in vulnerable populations and creating multiplier effects. Strengthening gender capacities with perspectives of social and economic empowerment to mainstream gender equity. Synergy between the economic and environmental. Production and entry into the market. Business strategy during the pandemic. The guarantee fund: an instrument intended to support the credit operations of entrepreneurial initiatives.

Experience name:

Building foundations to revitalize the local economies of women and young people in vulnerable populations.


Purpose of the experience:


To improve productivity by increasing the supply and diversification of products through sustainable use of natural resources and developing the competitiveness of women’s and young people’s entrepreneurial initiatives.


Relevant actions:

Advancements and contributions:

Linking young people with the market to strengthen roots and prevent migration. Strengthened capacities. Adaptive capacities. Entrepreneurial initiatives in territories with vulnerable populations. Capacity for competitiveness. Trainers in entrepreneurship in the scanme territories.

Location of the experience:

Yoro (in the municipalities of Yorito and Victoria); Gracias a Dios (in the municipalities of Puerto Lempira, Wampusirpi, Juan Francisco Bulnes, and Brus Laguna).


2. Strengthening inclusive value chains 4

Actors involved:

Producers, buyers, private companies, municipal governments, the Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock (SAG), the Institute of Forest Conservation and Development (ICF), the National Agro-Food Development Program (PRONAGRO), Business Development Centers, universities and academic instances, scientific research centers, cooperation actors in the territories.



Diagnostic research or academic research. Capacity building based on the real needs of chain producers. Linking producers with private companies, exporters, and certifiers. Alliances with academia for specialized research. Institutional strategic investments for installed capacity with equipment for production and processing. Support and advice for legalization and registration Management of financial products.

Experience name:

Strengthening inclusive value chains.


Purpose of the experience: 6

It visualizes the increase of the percentage of publicprivate investment in value chains, the management of public policies and competitiveness agendas that encourage production and protection of the environment, facilitated through spaces for dialogue, coordination, and agreement between the actors that make up the value chains in the territories.


Relevant actions:

Avances y contribuciones:

The capacity and sensitivity to adapt support to changing situations with innovative actions. Integration of renewable energy technologies in the management of some value chains.

Location of the experience:

Vulnerable populations in the departments of Yoro, Colón, Gracias a Dios, Copán, Lempira, and Choluteca.



3. Best practices 360 Protection Methodology for

Children and Adolescents from Vulnerable Populations


Experience Name:


360 Protection Methodology for Children and Adolescents from Vulnerable Populations. 2

Children, adolescents, and youth enjoy their rights through protective environments that allow them to stay in the territory and not migrate. The operation of integrated protection systems articulated at the local and national levels that ensure protection.

Purpose of the experience:

To increase the coverage of children’s rights by empowering initiatives that ensure that children and youth enjoy their rights, especially the right to mobility.



Advances and contributions:

Contribution to public childhood policies. Comprehensive approach with cultural relevance. Strengthening of municipal institutionalism. Conditions for the generation of public policies. Linkage to private companies.

Location of the experience:

Departments of Yoro, Colón, Gracias a Dios, Copán, Lempira, Santa Bárbara, and Choluteca.


Relevant actions:

Actors involved:

Children, CASM, OCDIH, FUNACH, municipalities, Directorate of Childhood, Adolescence, and Family (DINAF), Solidarity Linkage Committees, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, National Registry of Persons, security and justice operators, private companies.



4. Best practices Access to Clean Energies that Transform Lives


Experience Name:


Smart Rural Communities Program with Clean Energy Practices in the Communities of Mirasol and Mistruk in La Mosquitia.


Basic conditions and technology for learning. Construction of two entrepreneurship venues to generate income for the maintenance and sustainability of solar systems. Implementation of a virtual classroom. Health center with photovoltaic system.

Purpose of the experience:

The implementation of solar energy systems in the provision of health services and the improvement of the educational quality of communities, and its potential as a reference for the fulfillment of rights.



Advances and contributions:

Intentional articulation of education with health and local economy. Reference to demand quality education. Increase in school enrollment. Innovation in technological services. Coverage for health emergencies. Extension of health service hours. More appropriate conditions for preserving scanme medicines.

Location of the experience:

Mirasol community in the Brus Laguna municipality and Mistruk community in the Puerto Lempira municipality.


Relevant actions:

Actors involved:

CASM, Tecnosol, municipalities.


5. Best practices Promoting Community Participation to Foster Roots


Experience Name:


Yacimiento de aire puro (Muskitia ba Pâsa Klin Nâka Sa) 2

Territorial Councils and South Pole. 5

Purpose of the experience:

Relevant actions:

Actions aimed at territorial defense and indigenous organizational strengthening. Food security to provide livelihoods to indigenous communities that also guarantee income without the need to cut down forests. Ecological and cultural restoration to reforest and recover areas affected by the effects of climate change. Promote the recovery of traditional spaces that strengthen indigenous identity and values.

Implementation of actions that promote the defense of indigenous territory, organizational strengthening, food security, ecological and cultural restoration, and the recovery of traditional spaces that strengthen indigenous identity and values.


Actors involved:

Location of the experience:

Indigenous population of Gracias a Dios.


Youth and women’s economic development that strengthens ownership.

Strengthening inclusive value networks.

Access to clean energies that transform lives.

5 Good Practices

Protection 360 methodology for children from vulnerable populations.

Encouraging community involvement to strengthen the ties with the local people.


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