Impact of COVID-19 on household incomes and access to SRHR services by young people

Page 25

young people were of primary, followed by 26.97% of secondary. Only one young person among the entire sample had never been to school. Regarding parent status, the majority of the young people (83.90%) interviewed had both parents living, slightly more than a tenth (13.5%) were single orphans while just 2.62% were double orphans. Among those who had either both or one parent, a majority (60.7%) were living with both biological parents, close to a quarter (24.62%) were living with ether parent i.e., 18.85% with mother only, and 5.8%) with the father only. More than a tenth of all young people with a living parent was not staying with them at the time of the study. Only 2.25% of all young people interviewed had some form of disability, while the rest did not have any known disability. Among the few with disabilities, 4 were physical, 2 had hearing impairments, two had mental health-related conditions, while one was speech disability. In term of employment status, more than three quarters (82.8%) of all young people interviewed were not doing anything to earn money at the time of the study, while nearly a fifth (17.23%) were involved in work to earn money Figure 2 below shows that forms of wok that young people were involved in to earn money. Figure 2: Forms of paid work engaged in by young people. As observed above, the majority (39%) of those who were involved in paid work Petty trading 13% was in farming, followed by 39% Domestic work/chores petty trading (29%) and those doing domestic 13% Other chores (13%). Only a handful was involved in Business/Commercial commercial/business 29% Boda Boda/other activities (2%), boda-boda transport riding (2%) and salaried employment (2%). The other category involved building/construction work, chapati selling and hair plaiting. Results also show that of those who were engaged in work to earn a living, a majority (76.09%) were working before the lockdown, while close to a quarter (23.91%) started work during or after the lockdown. The reasons for engaging in work included the need to provide for personal basic needs as well as the need to support the family. 2%




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Articles inside

Annex 8: Case Study Documentation Guide

page 105

Annex 11: Letter of introduction endorsed by the District Authorities

pages 115-129

Annex 7: Interview Guide for Health Workers / In charges of Health Facilities

page 104

Annex 6: Interview Guide for Peer Educators

pages 102-103

Figure 46: Overall coping strategies adopted by households

pages 70-74

Annex 4: FGD Guide for Caregivers of Young People (Male and Female Annex 5: Interview Guide for District/Sub-county Health Officials and Political Leaders89

pages 99-101

Figure 42: Young people’s satisfaction with SRH services received

page 67

Annex 3: FGD Guide for Young People (Male and Female) Aged 10-24 years

pages 97-98

Figure 21: Community leaders’ support towards SRH of young people

pages 48-50

Figure 41: Who paid for SRH services accessed by young people

page 66

3.4.6 Impact on health spending and utilization of SRH services

page 65

Table 12: Young people’s source of information of SRH during the lockdown

page 47

Figure 8: Reasons for not seeking SRH services

page 32

Figure 11: Contraceptive method used during last 12 months

page 36

Figure 7: SRH services sought and obtained during the lockdown

page 31

Table 4: Demographic characteristics of caregivers

page 23

Figure 6: Young people who sought and obtained SRH services

page 30

1.4.1 Objectives and research questions

page 15

Figure 9: Reasons for not obtaining the services sought

page 33

Figure 2: Forms of paid work engaged in by young people

page 25
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