Impact of COVID-19 on household incomes and access to SRHR services by young people

Page 67

The health centres are very far, and when the disabled person is a young adult and you do not have the means of transport to take them to the health facility, it is quite challenging. They charge 2,000/= to and 2,000/= from which makes 4,000/= for a single person. It can even be more when you are not good at bargaining (FGD, Caregivers of Young people with disabilities (FGD Caregiver of PWD – Buyere; Mpungwe Sub-county) Overall, young people satisfaction with the SRH services was high as shown in figure 42 below. Figure 42: Young people’s satisfaction with SRH services received. As shown in figure 32, half (50%) of all young people Dissatisafied 3.26 who sought and obtained SRH services were satisfied, while 40.22% were very Neither 6.52 satisfied. Combined, the proportion of young people Satisfied 50 that were satisfied and very satisfied with the SRH services received was Very satisfied 40.22 90.22%. Only 9.78% which is slightly less than a tenth was 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 not satisfied with the SRH services. Of these 6.52% were undecided wholesome 3.26% were dissatisfied. None of the young persons interviewed expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the SRH services received. While the percentage of those that were satisfied and very satisfied was slightly higher in Mpungwe than Baitambogwe, the difference is not statistically significant as evidence by the Pearson Chi-square result of 0.357 which is way above the alpha level of 0.05. Overall, the majority (44.44%) of young people who obtained SRH services reported that the expenditure on specific services sought had increased since the imposition of the lockdown, while 11.1% said it has incased a lot. Overall, the proportion of young people who reported that the cost of SRH had increased was a little more than half (55.66%), while those who reported that it had decreased were 22.22%. Regarding the trend in overall expenditure on SRH (including associated costs) since the imposition of the lockdown, a majority (59.21%) of the young people reported that it did not change, while 15.79 and 25% reported that it decreased and increased, respectively.

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Articles inside

Annex 8: Case Study Documentation Guide

page 105

Annex 11: Letter of introduction endorsed by the District Authorities

pages 115-129

Annex 7: Interview Guide for Health Workers / In charges of Health Facilities

page 104

Annex 6: Interview Guide for Peer Educators

pages 102-103

Figure 46: Overall coping strategies adopted by households

pages 70-74

Annex 4: FGD Guide for Caregivers of Young People (Male and Female Annex 5: Interview Guide for District/Sub-county Health Officials and Political Leaders89

pages 99-101

Figure 42: Young people’s satisfaction with SRH services received

page 67

Annex 3: FGD Guide for Young People (Male and Female) Aged 10-24 years

pages 97-98

Figure 21: Community leaders’ support towards SRH of young people

pages 48-50

Figure 41: Who paid for SRH services accessed by young people

page 66

3.4.6 Impact on health spending and utilization of SRH services

page 65

Table 12: Young people’s source of information of SRH during the lockdown

page 47

Figure 8: Reasons for not seeking SRH services

page 32

Figure 11: Contraceptive method used during last 12 months

page 36

Figure 7: SRH services sought and obtained during the lockdown

page 31

Table 4: Demographic characteristics of caregivers

page 23

Figure 6: Young people who sought and obtained SRH services

page 30

1.4.1 Objectives and research questions

page 15

Figure 9: Reasons for not obtaining the services sought

page 33

Figure 2: Forms of paid work engaged in by young people

page 25
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