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FREE Newspaper of the LSE Students’ Union

Tuesday November 5 2013 | www.thebeaveronline.com | No. 796

The Feature Interview: Lord Andrew Adonis Former Transport secretary talks to the Beaver

Over 2000 vote in Michaelmas Term elections Sophie Donszelmann

THE STUDENTS’ UNION Michaelmas Term elections concluded last Thursday evening. After hustings, campaigning, and a candidate “meet and greet,” over 2,000 students voted for 65 different candidates on Wednesday and Thursday.     On Thursday evening, students gathered in the Quad to hear the Returning Officer, Joe Anderson announce the results. Among the attendees was Tom Jordan, 2nd year Social Policy and Government student and treasurer of the LSESU Labour Society, who was “very excited to hear who won.” However, not all shared Jordan’s enthusiasm for the evening as “underwhelming” was a word used by some to describe the turnout to the election party. The Student Union, however, stated they felt the votes casted demonstrated a continuing “tradition of strong first term turnout.”     The announcement of the winners ran smoothly. One of the more notable incidents included the results for the Court of Governors, when candidate Jason Wong was heckled upon announcement of his election.     The winners of the democratic process were pleased with the results. Thomas Meaden, campaign volunteer to elected Student Member of the Academic Board, Sam Barnett, said “it has been a pleasure to work on Sam’s campaign,” as Meaden “believe[s] Sam is firmly committed to improving the LSE experience.”     Jamie Pelling, newly elected Student Member of the Academic Board, was accompanied by his campaign manager, Alistair Hughes, when he stated he was

“humbled to be elected to represent this great student body. He looks forward to “working together to make LSE as great a teaching institution as it is a research institution.”     Throughout the election process the Returning Officer was responsible for ensuring candidates adhered to Election Rules and at some points in the past week, was forced to prevent some candidates from campaigning for the breaching of this code of conduct. One candidate received a one-hour offline campaigning ban on Wednesday afternoon for campaigning in the library. Sanctions were doled out to two candidates for printing posters in colour, which resulted in a reduction in their paper allowance.     Complaints were also submitted regarding the online content of two candidates’ campaigns for being “sexist” and “offensive.” Repercussions followed as the Returning Officer stated that “the Union will not tolerate discrimination,” and these candidates were forbidden from campaigning for an allotted period of time. Voting was not limited to the election of student representatives. Through a referendum, voting on motions proposed in the UGMs will now be moved online for a 24-hour period after Thursday’s weekly General Meetings. In a statement, Student Union General Secretary Jay Stoll insisted that UGMs would be kept, as a “valuable platform for debate, dialogue and accountability.” Many believe this will increase voter turnout following the previous UGM motion over the playing of the song “Blurred Lines” was determined by a vote of 89; only 0.86 per cent of the student population.

Allow me to illustrate p.9


Lectures cancelled as UCU strikes for fair pay Chris Rogers

LAST THURSDAY saw the UCU initiate strike action, joining with UNISON and Unite to protest against their pay deal across the country. At the LSE the unions set up picket lines across campus.     Though pickets, and striking staff were visible across campus, the focus of the strike was in front of the Old Building, with members of the UCU giving speeches at various points throughout the day. The strike action caused a number of classes and lectures to be cancelled as lecturers in the Union either manned the pickets or refused to cross them. Members of the Socialist Workers were also present on campus with stalls at a number of points around campus. The strike was a coordinated 1-day of industrial action as part of nationwide industrial action over spending cuts in higher education. The three Unions on strike, UCU, Unison and Unite represent a number of staff across the LSE in different departments and divisions, from academics to support staff and cleaners. The immediate cause of the striek was that the pay deal offered to members of staff, a one per cent rise, was deems unfair. The deal was not accepted and the LSE branch complained that using less than half of the LSE’s current £25 million surplus could completely restore wages which had seen a real cut. Returning Officer Joe

Anderson announces the results of the election

Continued on page 2

IN THE NEWS Robert Farr passes away at age 78

Salinas’s speech at LSE controversial

Best: Britain spied on American allies

LSE’s Professor Robert Farr passed away on 11th October.

Former Mexican President Salinas spoke at the LSE on 28th October.

Dr. Antony Best uncovered British spying on American allies.

NEWS page 2

NEWS Page 3

NEWS page 4

Is capital punishment just in modern society?

Kaveh Farzad, Opinion page 8

ULU membership fees to be reallocated Mystery surrounds the reallocation of the £68,000 ULU fee. NEWS page 5

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