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I CAN’T WAIT UNTIL SUMMER. . . | FEBRUARY 18 - 24, 2004 buzz
Your 2004 Oscar Picks Grand Prize: 52 admit two passes to Savoy 16 1st Prize: 52 admit one passes to Savoy 16 2nd Prize: 24 admit one passes to Savoy 16
z buz Feb. 19 - 25, 2004
Q & A w/ Boneyard Pottery owner (Page 4)
Best Leading Actor
Best Animated Feature
Best Picture
Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean Ben Kingsley, House of Sand and Fog Jude Law, Cold Mountain Bill Murray, Lost in Translation Sean Penn, Mystic River
Brother Bear Finding Nemo The Triplets of Belleville
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Lost in Translation Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Mystic River Seabiscuit
Best Adapted Screenplay
Best Supporting Actor
Best Director
Alec Baldwin, The Cooler Benicio Del Toro, 21 Grams Djimon Hounsou, In America Tim Robbins, Mystic River Ken Watanabe, The Last Samurai
City of God The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Lost in Translation Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Mystic River
American Splendor City of God The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Mystic River Seabiscuit
Best Leading Actress
Best Original Song
Best Original Screenplay
Keisha Castle-Hughes, Whale Rider Diane Keaton, Something’s Gotta Give Samantha Morton, In America Charlize Theron, Monster Naomi Watts, 21 Grams
“Belleville Rendevous”, The Triplets of Belleville “Into the West”, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King “A Kiss at the End of the Rainbow” , A Mighty Wind “Scarlet Tide”, Cold Mountain “ You Will Be My Ain True Love”, Cold Mountain
The Barbarian Invasions Dirty Pretty Things Finding Nemo In America Lost in Translation
Best Supporting Actress Shohreh Aghdashloo, House of Sand and Fog Patricia Clarkson, Pieces of April Marcia Gay Harden, Mystic River Holly Hunter, Thirteen Renee Zellweger, Cold Mountain
NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: EMAIL: Send entries to DI Marketing, 57 E. Green St., Champaign, IL 61820 OR enter online at www.dailyillini.com Drop off entries at our 57 E. Green St. location, DI at the Y on 1001 Wright Street OR Savoy 16 Theatres, 232 W. Burwash, Savoy Deadline: Friday, February 27, 2004 by 5:00pm
Arts | Entertainment | Community
when romance met comedy:
The write stuff: a look at online journals (Page 7) MUSIC
Mendoza Music Line with DJ Bozak (Page 11) CALENDAR
Andre Williams at Cowboy Monkey (Page 14)
Only one entry per person. IMC employees are not elligible. Must be 18 to win. All prizes won through a random drawing. Prizes non transferable. The Daily Illini reserves the right to print winner’s names. Other restrictions may apply.
City of God review (Page 23)
four movies you can both agree on