Looking For Emotion, Attitude, Movement I have had a lifelong fascination with horses and love watching them display their personalities and attitudes. My grandfather always kept a horse to work the cattle on his south Texas farm, and my great aunt and uncle had draft horses to pull their sugar cane wagon and grind the cane for molasses. My family visited them often and I spent all of my time outside watching the horses. Horses' overall body shape and size, musculature, and long legs play perfectly into my abstracted style utilizing sharp angles, vertical lines and smooth planes. I have honed my eye and trained my hands and mind to best express my artistic vision and knowing exactly when to stop. I am looking for emotion, attitude, movement or quiet, not precise anatomy or plausible function. I'm interested in seeing how far I can push the limits and still capture the horse -- rather than have the different areas being correct. Horses and riders have long been favored subjects of mine. I simultaneously view them as a single melded figure and as two separate entities expressing their own personalities.
---- Wayne Salge
Larkspur – 38” h x 15” w x 5” d
Pecos – 38” h x 26” w x 15” d
Wayne Salge was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. He trained at San Antonio College and La Villita School of Art. His career has ranged from a television art director to an Army illustrator to an advertising agency art director and to a freelance graphic designer and illustrator. Creating fine art for the past 22 years in his studio in northeastern Colorado, Salge’s sculptural works now number more than 150, including 27 sold-out editions. His pieces are exhibited at galleries and shows nationwide including large-scale public installations in seven states. Salge is an elected member of the National Sculpture Society and a fellow in the National Sculptors’ Guild. www.salgesculpture.com
Finish – 19” h x 25” w x 6” d
Tovar – 44” h x 14” w x 9” d
Horse & Rider I – 60” x 49”