Co-Creation Expansion Takes Courage
Life Lessons Inspired by the
Gregg braden
What does it mean to Co-Create?
The “Little Brain” In The Heart
Our vision is to create a better world. Is this vision too large? For us? For you? Is it just a dream? We don’t think so. We invite you to participate in the collective dream and the possibility. Our mission is to create a space for us to co-create a better world together. We encourage you to create from a place that recognizes Universal life energy and Oneness. We invite you to trust your Wholeness and create together as individuals and as collectives. You are invited to move from your head to your heart and co-create.
Conscious Co-Creation Global supports learning, sharing, and creation of our new world. Conscious Co-Creation Global provides opportunities to access and experience your consciousness beyond mental or intellectual knowing. This consciousness lives within you. You experience yourself by the story you tell yourself. A new story is emerging. Connect with a global community and participate in the unfolding of this new story.
Contents 09
Message From SOL To 09 AHumanity
Taking A Holistic Approach To Business With Peter Matthies
Co-Creation And Conscious Conversation
5 Life Lessons Inspired By The Dalai Lama
Conscious Dying And Rebirthing
23 Connect And Co-Create
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The Little Brain In The Heart By Gregg Braden Expansion Takes Courage
Lead Yourself To Leadership According To Susan Pearse
Promise Of A New Beginning
The Magic Of Numbers For Creation
A Civil Rights Movement For The Soul
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the inaugural edition of Co-Creation Magazine. I’m blessed and privileged to be speaking to you through the words of this magazine, because it’s taken me 60 years, to be here. I have been a channel or conduit for a stream of consciousness, addressing itself as SOL… which means (Signals Of Love). SOL has been with me since the age of ten, and as I is transmitting wisdom from Infinite Source Creator... Early in 2016, SOL transmitted a vision plan for evolving global consciousness on a scale not seen before. It gave me the mandate and the choice to deliver messages about Co-Creation, to anyone ready to understand, their true nature and power. Co-Creation Magazine manifested itself out of the master vision plan when I asked SOL to... assist in materializing all the resources, people, community and synchronicities necessary to make this happen in our physical world. This is totally Co-Creation in Action. The purpose of this magazine is to make the message of Co-Creation globally visible to all cultures, creeds and languages. The messages delivered by SOL, around Co-Creation is not new, they have been transmitted through various prophets, philosophers, and avatars since man began to walk the Earth. These messages, have been mostly misunderstood, misinterpreted, or misdirected and we see the consequences of unconscious Co-Creation, globally. So what’s different? Why Now? Right now there is a collective awakening, occurring as we speak. Having said that, 50% of the world populations still lives in poverty and illiteracy. Most of these are women and children. So far the awakening is a small fraction of the planet’s population. We need 300 million to create the tipping point. We have never had a better opportunity. Technology and the Internet, allow us to reach millions of people all over the world. What took
hundreds or thousands of years can now be achieved in just a few. It is our collective intention to make Co-Creation Magazine a medium for the voice of any person or group who is on a journey as a local or global agent of transformation. This is a space to encourage and inspire up and coming teachers, coaches, and influencers to connect and share their experiences and products globally with a vast and receptive community movement. It is our desire, to build the community ( Co-Creation Family ) and the movement, so you can act as Agents, Co-Creators and Sponsors for writing the script for Co-Creation Global. We will ask for your opinions and collective guidance about courses, workshops and experiences to support you to evolve and thrive individually and collectively. We will launch an e-learning platform, where you can launch all your products and services, globally at a fair return for you. We will sponsor and facilitate courses so you can become independent coaches and teachers and use the platform to launch and develop your own community. We intend to use most of our surplus financial resources to set up local foundations, to teach Co-Creation, and to sponsor self help programs for education, social justice and for overcoming poverty, inequality, sustainability and reverence for all life. Our aim is to uplift everyone we touch to become aware of the source of their true power. We will demonstrate how this power facilitates benevolence, compassion and love, which transforms, transmutes and heals the unconscious behavior of those still asleep. I invite our future community and movement to join us in the vast vision. We can only do this with your individual and collective help. That’s Co-Creation.
This magazine is co-created with an editorial team on three continents: Bob Jayco, Queensland, Australia; Kim Crawford, Colorado, United States; Andrea Fernandez, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Kim has often taken the road less travelled during her career and has created unique and innovative positions for herself. Her background and training includes healthcare and roles focused on transforming systems. Kim has been on her spiritual path since a young age. Though it has taken different forms at different ages, spiritual growth has always been a part of her life. Her life-long pursuit of experiential learning and personal development have led her to obtain various certifications and degrees in spirituality and consciousness. Kim is a compassionate, intuitive, and engaging coach. Her passion is participating in conscious conversations with individuals and organizations. A N N E L O E S
Anneloes Smitsman, (Ph.D.(c), LLM), is a published author, storyteller, visionary, and catalyst for transformational change and conscious leadership for a world and future where all of us can thrive and flourish. She is the CEO & Founder of EARTHwise Centre from where she leads the WOMENwise Quest and the Leadership Quest. Her unique training programs, teachings, and wisdom-based methodologies have empowered people and organizations from around the world to develop, optimize and actualize our greatest potential. She holds a Masters degree in Law & Political Science from Leiden University (the Netherlands), and is currently finalizing her Ph.D. thesis titled Into the Heart of Systems Change at Maastricht University (the Netherlands). She is the author of the Amazon International Bestseller, “Love Letters from Mother Earth - The Promise of a New Beginning.” For more information visit - B O N N I E
Bonnie Snyder, Ed.S., CPC, DCEP is a Certified Professional Coach, a Graduate of the Authentic Happiness coaching program (studying Positive Psychology), and is Diplomate in Energy Psychology. She is also the author of Angel Violet’s Magic Wings, Co-Author of The Blue Print for Happy, Resilient Parents, Teachers &
Kids Through the Magic of Heart-Thoughtful Mindfulness and a contributing author in the Live Every Day Motivated, Successful and Happy.
Chris is an energy coach and an energy student. He works with people individually, in groups and with businesses seeking to adopt the principles ofConscious Business. He is passionate about accelerating the ever-expanding consciousness of humanity through the collaboration of co-creation & conscious business. He is a student and practitioner of the art of the Conscious Conversation. Chris has worked in the self-help and holistic healing industries for many years as a coach, mentor and healer. He attributes his unique gifts to the differing and varied life experiences he has encountered, which have led him to living his life with purpose and passion, and in conscious alignment with his Source Energy, with our planet, and with humanity.
Christina Masterman (née Straszewska) was born in the UK to Polish émigré parents. As a young pianist, she won prizes in Chopin competitions and studied piano at the Royal College of Music. A graduate in History of Ideas/ Philosophy, she has travelled extensively, as an airline stewardess, travel writer and marketing consultant.
Cynthia is a transformational coach and one of today’s brightest and best loved inspirational leaders, guiding people to make changes at a deep level for lasting healing. Cynthia excels as a speaker, coach, singer, and multiple award-winning author of What Will Set You
Free and Revealing Your Extraordinary Essence and #1 Amazon Bestseller for I Choose Me: The Art of Being a Phenomenally Successful Woman at Home and at Work.
Cynthia James embodies the quote “I am not what I have done. I am what I have become;” and, she leads others to do the same. Her own life was transformed as she transcended a violent and abusive childhood. Through education and personal healing, she created the foundation for all her programs. Her work in self-care strategies and emotional integration support adults and teens internationally.
Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Timesbest-selling author and is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality and human potential! From 1979 to 1990 Gregg worked for Fortune 500 companies as a problem solver during times of crisis. He continues problem-solving today as he weaves modern science, and the wisdom preserved in remote monasteries and forgotten texts into real world solutions.His discoveries have led to 12 award-winning books now published in over 40 languages. Gregg has shared his presentations with The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies, indigenous elders, religious leaders, diplomats and the U. S. military, and he is now featured in media specials airing on major networks throughout the world. The United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal lists Gregg among the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” for the 5th consecutive year, and he is a 2018 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Award established to honor“outstanding individuals who have devoted their talents to expanding our vision of human purpose and ultimate reality.” P E T E R
The Conscious Business Institute was founded in 2005 by former software entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Peter Matthies. Assessing hundreds of companies, he realized that our world will be faced with fundamental changes, and that existing leadership and success models were not designed to meet these challenges, nor were they designed to give us fulfillment or happiness. To succeed in the future, we don’t need new management initiatives or processes. We need a new consciousness – a new thinking for the way we conduct business and create success.
Susan Pearse will change the way you think. A quarter life crisis and a chance meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama led to the discovery of her life’s purpose: to wake up the world. She developed the best-selling range of Mind Gardener® Guides, found at, with co-author Martina Sheehan, and their book Wired for Life: Retrain Your Brain and Thrive has often been quoted as enabling people to make immediate changes to things they have struggled with for years.
HUMANITY A Message from SOL to
The following message is a transmission from a consciousness that has been with me for over 60 years. This consciousness has named itself SOL (Signals Of Love). The opportunity to provide a space for others to Co-Create and share Wisdom and Love in the magazine and other forms of media is co-created through my relationship with SOL. I ask you to listen with your hearts because this is where you will know the truth. Blessings
Bob Jayco
Editor in Chief
Also, from this point on, you will begin to see the emergence of a new evolved human ... we call them the H2 (Humanity Version Welcome, Dear Physical Family, 2). These children, which are birthing right now, carry an additional DNA strand which We are SOL and this consciousness is is the Consciousness Strand. They will transmitting this message to humankind directly for the first time in many thousands know their origins!! of your years. So the purpose of this introduction is to reveal what this consciousness is and a Since humankind walked the Earth, this brief understanding of why we are in your consciousness has transmitted and physical experience. disseminated information through various conscious humans you would call avatars, seers or prophets about your true origins and the reasons for your co-existence. Much of this has not been heard, or the original messages were misunderstood, or reframed to form another meaning.
In the last 100 of your years these messages have been sent in fragments through your print media and evolving technology so it could be desimminated to more of you. And still only a very small fraction of your global population have been reached. When we transmit to you and all of humanity we have had to do it through many mechanisms, mainly because you have not yet been taught to listen without your bias and belief filters. With this new electronic medium we are able to reach many of you directly. Mankind is evolving, in fact, it has never stopped evolving, but at this point in your journey you are about to the enter the period of the Emerging Conscious Collective. More on this in later transmissions.
We are in fact YOU ... Yes, Dear Physical Family, we are your voice, your thoughts, your desires, your dreams, and your inspirations. You are also a facet of Us ... in physical form. You were co-created from Love of Yourself as the original Source Of All That Is. And every one of you has the power and the co-creative abilities of this Source Consciousness. You have also given yourselves the free will to experience everything and anything in your physical world, without limits. For you are infinite in your design and your possibilities. You are, in fact, the Co-Creators of Everything. Builders of your own universe, Co-Creators and Re-Creators of yourselves. There is nothing on your planet and in the universes that you are not Co-Creating. But for the vast majority of the human population, this process is unconscious. That is, you are not aware of it. This is why your actions and behaviours affect your physical world experience as you perceive it.
Only when you can recognize and accept your true nature and origin can you begin to awaken as an individual and collective consciousness and so to intend, act and experience through love, acceptance, compassion and reverence of all life? In fact, you also designed yourselves to discovered your infinite nature. It is what is called the awakening imperative ‌ and is discovered through the process of infinite curiosity. You are here to transform and evolve through the process of experience, and as you do, the Infinite Source that is you evolves and grows as well and so does all of existence, or what you refer to as the universe. You are here not just to learn, but to co-create an experience from that learning so you can appropriate wisdom. We are here to assist you to Wake Up. We are here to offer guidance, so that you can find your own way of understanding your true nature, in your own timing. We are here to guide and encourage you to become Conscious Versions of yourselves.
The first thing you will need to grasp is that everything in this world and what you refer to as the Universe ... co-exists in a relationship to everything else ... and is connected to everything else. No exceptions. You are the Source of All There Is. In part in the non- physical world and, in fact, in the physical world. So Co-Creation in human experience terms means that you materialize every situation, circumstance, condition, people, feelings and things into your physical experience. You do this mostly unconsciously but you can say it is always a joint venture between you and other people, seen or unseen, and Infinite Source Conscious ... which is YOU. You have designed all of physical existence and your world to be a collective experience as well. So what if you could Co-Create consciously, knowing that everything in your life is manifested by you. What is the Power in that?
So Dear Physical Family ... It is time to leave this transmission. However, we We are here to assist you to help others promise you that over the forthcoming transform, and so start a movement of such period of your time, we will be transmitting proportions that the vibrational momentum, in all your electronic media, and it is Your/ co-creates a consciousness shift on all life Our intention to roll out more information on your planet. that will answer all your infinite questions. In this transmission, you will notice that this consciousness (SOL) uses the word Co-Creation many times, so we will give the simplest explanation, that is possible. In this limited document.
You are LOVE and LOVED ... Be that to each other SOL
he rise of the Conscious Business Institute is a very personal one for founder, Peter Matthies. As a former software entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Peter had built his career to great success - but something was missing. Underneath the seemingly perfect entrepreneur lifestyle, he was feeling unfulfilled and exhausted. There had to be more to life than fortune. During his career, Peter spoke to countless others in the same situation. They
yearned for more inspiring and fulfilling lives, yet returned day after day to the office. When he asked leaders what they really want, often it was to do something completely different to their ‘now’. They wanted to travel, open a restaurant in an exotic location or build a small business that follows a personal passion. Peter knew there had to be a better way to work that nurtured both ‘being successful’ and ‘being fulfilled and in balance’. He realised that in order for
businesses to thrive into the future, it was time for a rethink. So, he bravely quit his job, left his home and moved to California to chase a new purpose and create a better way to conduct business. On a flight from New York City to North Carolina in 2004, Peter saw the image flash in his mind of the name Conscious Business Institute (CBI). It was instantly crystal clear what he wanted to do. In 2005, the CBI was born and Peter and his team of like-minded partners set about developing new approaches to how we, as a society, approach our working lives. He had already learned that many business people were frustrated, disengaged and looking for a better way to work, but what was also becoming clear was that the business world is not sustainable in its current incarnation. “In our fast-changing times (globalization, generational changes, digitalization, socio economic changes, climate change etc.), companies must change the way they operate or they will fail in the future, ” he said. In addition; “The way we conduct business is not sustainable for our planet.” The CBI approach has taken a few iterations and has evolved (as any good business does) with feedback and new learning. The team now helps countless businesses and organisations across five continents go from ordinary to extraordinary, including global corporations in the league of BMW Group, Intel and Starbucks. The current system draws on information and insights from areas of neuroscience, human behaviour, consciousness studies, and human performance. Each learning modality has been developed with fully scalable options to assist every sized business, whether they have one employee or 150,000. CBI’s unique framework is like no other business coaching system. To start the
ball rolling, they first conduct a culture assessment to show the business leaders what their people really think, the underlying cultures that exist (positive and negative) as well as key performance indicators. This insight offers a clear understanding of the core issues and offers measurable benchmarks on which to improve. Then, the magic can happen. Rather that working on surface behaviours, or the DOING, the CBI approach delves into the BEING, or the level of consciousness, which is driven by purpose and authenticity. “We’ve seen many times that our success stops growing exactly where our consciousness has stopped growing. By working on the level of consciousness, we remove any blockages that prevent our clients from growing to the next level.” Participants embark on a learning journey to unlock their potential and create positive, lasting change. Selfguided e-courses, personal interaction, peer-group work, practical application and time for inward reflection all combine to offer each individual participant optimal conditions to learn and grow. The holistic method offers a complete toolset for leaders to improve their companies, covering everything from conflict resolution, team engagement, diversity and inclusion. What results for clients is a fresh perspective on what it means to thrive in the business world and a more effective, inspiring and purpose-driven workplace. Balance, fulfilment and motivation we chase every day of our working lives are right there, in our subconscious, just waiting to be unlocked. If you would like to learn more about the CBI, head to their website:
Conscious Business Declaration As a global community of business leaders we are committed to developing the awareness and skills needed to consciously evolve our organizations in alignment with these principles:
We Are One with humanity and all of life. Business and all institutions of the human community are integral parts of a single reality — interrelated, interconnected and interdependent.
In line with this reality, the purpose of Business is to increase economic prosperity while contributing to a healthy environment and improving human wellbeing.
Business must go beyond sustainability and the philosophy of “do no harm� to restoring the self- renewing integrity of the Earth.
Business must operate with economic, social, and ecological transparency.
Business must behave as a positive and proactive member of the local and global communities in which it operates.
Business that sees, honors, and celebrates the essential interconnected nature of all human beings and all life maximizes human potential and helps create a world that works for all.
When aligned with Oneness, Business is the most powerful engine on Earth for creating prosperity and flourishing for all.
or those people seeking to understand Conscious Co-Creation, and immerse themselves in its global energy, no vehicle is more suited than the Conscious Conversation. While the concept feels new to those who have not felt its magic and its power to create a shift, it is a vehicle that has been discovered and forgotten many times on the human journey of evolution. Nothing I say here is original, yet through my own learning journey from information to knowledge, and through experience to wisdom and ‘My Truth’, the experience of conscious conversations has been nothing short or remarkable. The dictionary refers to a conversation as an informal exchange of thoughts, information etc., by spoken words. A traditional (unconscious) conversation comes from the ‘I’ space, where each person seeks to pass on his or her own knowledge and understanding. These conversations come from the head. A conscious conversation emerges from the heart. It usually starts with a short period of silence, where one seeks to bring the energies of the group into coherence. A conscious conversation starts by seeking to establish a ‘WE’ space. An energetic space free of information, where the primary desire is to invite in a new group consciousness, a new understanding of something that was not previously known or understood. It is a creative space that invites the creative energy of all participants to emerge and contribute to the conscious conversation.
There is no agenda. It may start with an inquiry, a question, a curiosity. A desire to make known the unknown. This awakened WE space honors the ‘I’ but seeks to quieten the ego by focusing on what is not yet known, rather than what is already known in the individual. The dialogue comes alive when the intellectual and the personal stories are parked in preference to a true listening for what wants to emerge from this group at this moment. Like a multi-layered cake, really listening to each person’s contribution allows the conscious conversation to develop layer by layer. The success of the conscious conversation relies on the active participation of all its members. Being fully present through active participation means not only contributing to the layers being brought forth, but listening to and feeling the energy of each new contribution. My own experience of conscious conversations has been that I have felt them as much as I have heard them. The energy is like nothing I had previously experienced, and left me feeling valued, seen and appreciated. What is more primal in the desires of every human being? That is the gift we give to each other in a conscious conversation. Such conversations are not yet so common in most social, family or business groups, but they are a key ingredient to humanity discovering more about the conscious co-creation of human life on this planet. When learned and practiced, conscious conversations become the key to more conscious families, conscious relationships and conscious business, all of which lead to more conscious co-creation. (Just a Thought) Chris Tazreiter
5 Life Lessons Inspired by the Dalai Lama
uddhism believes that the mind is the source of all happiness and that it is also the source of the experience of suffering. The practice of Buddhism teaches followers to transform their mind from ignorance to compassion by participating in ethical behaviour and meditation. The Dalai Lama is the world’s leading Buddhist voice and he has dedicated his life to humanitarian and environmental causes, peace seeking and becoming one of the world’s most important moral leaders. Here we look through some of his most inspiring quotes which can teach us all to be a better person.
“The goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self.”
Comparing oneself to others can have severely detrimental results on one’s self worth. Firstly, the so called ‘perfection’ of others is an illusion. How many times has someone you know portrayed their life to the world as perfect, when behind the scenes things were far from it? The likelihood is high. In today’s day and age platforms like Instagram can convey a fake reality, resulting in a negative feeling from viewers who’s life isn’t as ‘glamourous’. By taking on board the Dalai Lama’s quote and working on just you, you can better yourself, rather than doubt yourself in comparison to others.
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
It is very rare or almost impossible that an event can be negative from all points of view.
While kindness is a basic lesson usually learnt during childhood, for many, it is often pushed aside and not utilised in daily life. Of course, sometimes it can be hard to be kind, especially when you are not treated that way from someone else. But, if everyone aimed to treat one another with kindness, then the world would undoubtedly be a better place. So, by taking that small step and always acting with kindness, you are doing your bit to improve the world.
We all face adverse situations in life, situations that hurt us and make us sad, but we must find a way to benefit or find a positive in these negative situations. While it may be hard to find a positive
in some situations, searching for that positivity will offer us strength to deal with the hardest obstacles we may face in life. While negative times can be very hard to deal with, they teach us life lessons that we can utilise in the future to establish a more positive outlook.
The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your action will be.
With our busy lifestyles in today’s day and age, the importance of love can be brushed aside and many believe that they don’t need anyone but themselves. However, love is the strongest of human emotions and deep down all of us have an intense desire to love and be nurtured. Being loved can eliminate the feeling of fear because you feel protected as you know that you have your own personal cheerleader in your corner, so you have the courage to try new things. You know that you always have this person to come back to if things go wrong or don’t work out the way that you intended.
Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.
Most of us have experienced starting out the day with a bad phone call, a stressful job that needs to be done at the back of our mind or thinking about a negative experience we’ve recently been through. Having this in your mind at the start of the day can have a hugely negative impact on your entire day, from the way you hold conversations, to the way you mentally process obstacles in your day. Simply revisiting a positive experience or repeating a positive thought to yourself when you wake up in the morning, can dramatically alter your entire day to be much more pleasant and enjoyable.
D Y I N G and
n Saturday, August 11, 2018, my mother peacefully, softly and gently drew her last breath. Her heart had been her faithful servant for almost an entire 94 years. In the final days of her life, I became aware with each passing day that, as her life force weakened, another energy source, far more powerful than her tenuous hold on life, stepped in. As I neared her hospital bedside in the days before she left, the power of love she radiated simply took my breath away. She wasn’t so much slipping from this world, but outpouring a greater love which was drawing her ever closer. There was a joyful presence in her journey of the ultimate surrender. Breath by breath, she consciously participated in the journey of transcendence. An indescribable sense of all embracing, enveloping love emanated from every cell of her being. Undefinable, undeniable… and distinctly palpable. Her family had gathered by her bed for several hours. Mum, aware that her loved ones were around her, was in a state of deep, restful sleep. I took the opportunity to slip away for a short lunchtime walk to the local market, a place we had spent much time shopping together in my youth. When I came back, my family slowly dispersed one by one. The space emptied.
I stood at the foot of mum’s bed, listening to the duty nurse sharing stories about her young family. Suddenly my mother’s eyes opened wide. She appeared to be staring into the far distance. I excused myself from the conversation and took my place at mum’s bedside, holding her hand, gently stroking her forehead. She turned her eyes and locked them directly on to mine, as though she was considering my very soul. Her gaze was present and clear. Her eyes spoke a million words. “Here I am. I’m ready. It’s time. Let’s do this”. Mum’s hospital staycations throughout her long lifetime could be counted on the fingers of one hand. It was not as though she was of particularly robust health throughout her life. She battled with agoraphobia, which threatened to imprison her and anxieties which would sometimes overwhelm her. Yet as she grew to know herself better, she became somewhat of an expert in radical self-care and exploring and enjoying solitude. Two hospital births, a hip fracture at 85, a chest infection and pneumonia at 90. This was her fifth hospital visit, and somehow we both knew it would be her last. After being admitted into hospital with a septic infection in her elbow, she asked me not to leave her. I vowed to be present and was determined to keep my word.
Death was not something readily discussed in our household. It is the final frontier. My mother was a child of a century punctuated by man’s inhumanity to man and had witnessed death far too many times to dwell on anything other than survival. It was her firm belief that the only way to create a better world is to live in peace. Having peace of mind became an art form; an art form that easily morphed into escapism. It was an art form which invariably and understandably, denied death. Spirit when not embodied can play tricks on the mind. A body when not inspirited, is easily derailed. Mind, body, spirit. The wholly holy trinity. Visible in form and in action. The presence of all three working in tandem so vital, yet complicated; entangled and so messy for us human beings. Challenging to navigate yet navigate we must. As in life, so in death.
Holding her hand and not taking my eyes away for one moment felt like an honour and a privilege - to be there by her side, reassuring her of my presence. Emily, the nurse, stood behind me gently stroking my back as I caressed Mum’s brow. The words came to me and through me. “It’s okay mummy, you can let go. We will never be apart. You are in my heart and I am in yours. Nothing can ever separate us. Can you see the light and angels around us? Here is Daddy, your Mum, your sisters. They are here beside us, waiting to welcome you”. The curtain around Mum’s bed in intensive care, her home for the past 14 days, was drawn. The love and light present in this moment extended beyond space and time. The room, normally a hub of activity, fell silent. A golden silence. She appeared to hear and acknowledge my words. Her eyes, wide open, softly started to close. Her breath softened. So slowly that I was not
aware she had stopped. I heard Emily’s voice as if from the distance, “stay as long as you like.” I sat holding Mum’s hand transfixed for forty five minutes. Present to the stillness and peace which passes all understanding. Here I was birthed into this world by this beautiful being, returning to love which had brought me forth. The mother and child, child and mother bond is an unbreakable, unshakeable cycle. It was now complete. This moment, this most feared moment throughout all of my life, felt like the most natural part of her life, my life, our interconnected life. Arising from one being, returning to one being. The eternal flame which cannot be extinguished. It felt like we were entering into the Garden of Eden anew…innocent, as worthy as the lamb. Returning to love - one body, one blood. Two months on and I still find myself in an expansive field of grief and maelstrom of unexpected emotion. Writing about my mother’s death feels a lot like being showered with love time and time again. Being reborn. I feel blessed and honoured to have been present at her transcendence. Where once death was a morbid subject, I understand and appreciate the value of death and realise the importance of being prepared. My focus has shifted subtly from the external
landscape and appearances, to my soul, my inner dwelling and resting place. I am focussing on clearing the space and any entanglements or mess I have created consciously or subconsciously. I am dancing to the rhythm of my life and breath, each a wondrous gift. Preparation is everything. As a mother prepares for the birth of her new arrival, she must appreciate new life is also to appreciate death. Not in a hundred things to do or bucket list way (although playing and having fun on the journey is very important) but more in a hundred ways to be love and to offer love. How can I be a better lover of life and love today, always honouring those I am close to dearly. This is my line of questioning now. I know dying is a sacred ritual, it is meaningful and it brings definition to life. Our exit from this world is every bit as important as our entrance. We honour birth, we honour marriage. It’s time to really honour and celebrate death with every bit of our being.
Christina Masterman
Connect and Co-Create
You co-create in every moment.
What does it mean to you to co-create? When do you co-create with clarity and focus? You are an ecosystem. Interconnecting and interacting you are connected to an even greater network. You co-create through this network. When do you sense a greater connection? When are you aware of yourself as an ecosystem? Nature is a powerful teacher of co-creation in my life. It frequently invites me in to explore as a catalyst for co-creation. Messages are patiently or urgently offered depending on the landscape. During my day, nature often beckons me to connect, listen, and explore a greater sense of connection with the landscape within. I recently participated in a photography “play” shop, created to connect and explore the use of smartphone photography as a meditative tool to increase awareness and explore the inner and outer landscape. The “play” shop opened the space for curiosity, inquiry and wonder.
I was asked to create an intention which appeared simple on the surface. “Spend time in nature and create an image to share”. I wandered across the mountain landscape enjoying the vast scenery before me. My senses were overwhelmed with the immensity and beauty of the day.
I knew this was the image because it aligned clearly with the feelings I felt radiating within me. I sensed the essence of co-creation within. A change in viewpoint created through a change in angle, perspective, and light.
How do I create an image of magnificence? What perspective do I take? What is my point of view? The vibrant fall landscape in the Colorado mountains invited me to slow down and be curious. I was invited to create a new perspective for seeing so a new view of the landscape could be offered to me. I opened my senses and enjoyed the landscape. Suddenly, I could: Smell the radiance of the golden Aspen leaves on the ground; Hear the sunlight mixing the bird’s notes in the air; Taste the celebration of fall’s bounty surround me; Touch the light reflecting off the tree trunk; See the wholeness of life shining through the landscape; I moved my connection from my outer landscape to a deeper knowing of my inner landscape through my senses. I suddenly felt a shift in my viewpoint and perspective. I shifted my feet a few inches and moved my gaze upwards. Above me, under the pines, was the image waiting to be moved from the unseen into the seen.
I connect and co-create.
Kim Crawford Source:
THE “LITTLE BRAIN� IN THE HEART The following excerpt is taken from the book Human by Design by Gregg Braden. It is published by Hay House (Available Oct. 10, 2017) and available at all bookstores or online at:
n 1991, a scientific discovery published in the journal Neurocardiology put to rest any lingering doubt that the human heart is more than a pump. The name of the journal gives us a clue to the discovery of a powerful relationship between the heart and the brain that went unrecognized in the past. A team of scientists led by J. Andrew Armour, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of Montreal, which was studying this intimate relationship between heart and brain, found that about 40,000 specialized neurons, or sensory neurites, form a communication network within the heart. For clarity, let me say that the term neuron describes a specialized cell that can be excited (electrically stimulated) in a way that allows it to share information with other cells in the body. While large numbers of neurons are obviously concentrated in the brain and along the spinal cord, the discovery of these cells in the heart and other organs, in smaller numbers, gives new insight into the
profound level of communication that exists within the body. Neurites are tiny projections that come from the main body of a neuron to perform different functions in the body. Some carry information away from the neuron to connect with other cells, while others detect signals from various sources and carry them toward the neuron. What makes this discovery exceptional is that the neurites in the heart perform many of the same functions that are found in the brain. In simple terms, Armour and his team discovered what has come to be known as the little brain in the heart, and the specialized neurites that make the existence of this little brain possible. As the scientists who made the discovery say in their report, “The ‘heart brain’ is an intricate network of nerves, neurotransmitters, proteins, and support cells similar to those found in the brain proper.” Key 17: The discovery of 40,000 sensory neurites in the human heart opens the door to vast new possibilities that parallel those that have been accurately described in the scriptures of some of our most ancient and cherished spiritual traditions. A key role of the brain in the heart is to detect changes of hormones and other chemicals within the body and communicate those changes to the brain so it can meet our needs accordingly. The heart’s brain does this by converting the language of the body—emotions— into the electrical language of the nervous system so that its messages make sense to the brain. The heart’s coded messages inform the brain when we need more adrenaline, for example, in a stressful situation, or when it’s safe to create less adrenaline and focus on building a stronger immune system. Now that the little brain in the heart has been recognized by researchers, the role it plays in a number of physical and metaphysical functions has also come to light. These functions include:
Direct heart communication with sensory neurites in other organs in the body The heart-based wisdom known as heart intelligence Intentional states of deep intuition Intentional precognitive abilities The mechanism of intentional selfhealing The awakening of super-learning abilities And much more The heart’s little brain has been found to function in two distinct yet related ways. It can act: Independently of the cranial brain to think, learn, remember, and even sense our inner and outer worlds on its own In harmony with the cranial brain to give us the benefit of a single, potent neural network shared by the two separate organs Armour’s discovery has the potential to forever change the way we think of ourselves. It gives new meaning to what’s possible in our bodies and what we’re capable of achieving in our lives. In his words: “It has become clear in recent years that a sophisticated two-way communication occurs between the heart and the brain, with each influencing the other’s function.” The science from the new field of neurocardiology is just beginning to catch up with traditional beliefs when it comes to explaining experiences such as intuition, precognition, and self-healing. This is especially apparent when we examine the principles offered in some of our most ancient and cherished spiritual traditions. Almost universally, historical teachings demonstrate an understanding of the heart’s role at the level of having direct influence upon our personalities, our daily decisions, and our ability to make moral choices that include the discernment of right and wrong.
was in Uganda this past summer, where I co-facilitated an emotional integration workshop for ten women and then co-chaired a women’s leadership conference for three days. To say that I learned more than I taught is an understatement. There were close to 40 women from Uganda, Rwanda and the United States at the conference. My job was to create a format that would support dialogue, masterminding, collaboration and forward movement. The women from the US were all amazing, accomplished and they came with open hearts and minds. They also had extraordinary stories of overcoming obstacles that were touching and uplifting. To me, the women from Africa were the game changers. They came with powerful intentions to grow and expand, then sharing their stories. These women live in a male dominated society where they are seen as housewives and baby producers. Their culture sees no reason why women should want to be educated, lead, be entrepreneurs or have their wisdom heard. The interesting thing is, every woman there had bucked that system. Woman after woman told stories of how they found ways to be educated, created community organizations and took leadership roles in numerous areas. How they did so is what interested me. I want to share with you what I witnessed. The Courage To Grow. There were some threads revealed from the stories the women told and I want to share them: Listen to your own inner calling. These women had no idea how to achieve what they heard. They only knew that they had to move. One woman gave birth to a child with Down Syndrome. She didn’t know what it was or how to deal with it. It was challenging and often painful. Soon she
discovered there were other mothers that had “children with differing needs” and she knew she had to do something. She started an organization to support other women in extraordinary ways. One step at a time is all it takes. Hope is passionate about health. She created an organization to educate and support her community. Hope was intentional about bringing awareness and support to the challenge of HIV. Slowly she built successful partnerships and now collaborates with the Global Livingston Institute to test thousands of people in her area. Stand up for what you believe is right for you. Two women shared how they were shifting their relationships. They were not willing to have many children that they could not care for. They had watched how women had eight, ten or twelve children and were in abject poverty. Both women stood up to their husbands and their family members that pressured them. They were willing to let the relationships go if they could not be heard and supported. The shifts in their marriages are incredible and transformative for all concerned. Take risks. One woman was married to a man who was degrading her. She finally found the courage to walk away. She was not supported by her family or her community, however, she was clear she had to find a way to know herself. She got a job, didn’t date, completed her education and is now thriving in her career. Build community. These women were clear that they needed to be with like-minded women. They bonded and created online and in-person ways to stay connected and continue to support each others’ dreams. A What’s App community was created and the sharing is beautiful, insightful and filled with the celebration of life.
NO EXCUSES The Chancellor of University of Colorado, Denver, Dorothy Horrell shared with me her biggest take-away from the conference. She said ‘No excuses!’ which rang so true to me. Each woman had demonstrated they were unwilling to give themselves an out. Their only focus was on achieving success for themselves, their families and community. They repeatedly said:
The only way is up My history will not define my future There is always a way to soar My dreams are attainable The culture can be changed I am here to do great things My gifts deserve to be recognized I have a voice and deserve to use it I trust in me and my inner guidance
I will take these phrases into my daily practice. These women do not have the resources or opportunities that we often take for granted. They have been relentless in the pursuit of their dreams. I am taking up a no excuse! policy for my expansion. The dreams living inside you can only be manifested through you. You are the place where the universe can express in the originality of you. Please join me in taking bold and courageous steps to bring your voice to the planet. There are men and women boldly stepping forward to create a world where all can thrive - let’s join them. Love and light, Cynthia James
eadership. It’s a word we correlate with big bosses and coaches, but oftentimes not with ourselves. While we aren’t all the bosses and act as a kind of subordinate at our jobs, we lead a multitude of people on a daily basis. We can serve as leaders to our friends, our children, our co-workers, classmates, social media following, the list is endless. And leadership is a common skill, according to Susan Pearse, and one that can be mastered by everyone. Susan is a best-selling author, leadership expert, and co-founder of Mind Gardener, a site dedicated to helping you cultivate your brain, thoughts, and life. She’s passionate about practicing and teaching skills that help you to live and be present in the moment. For over a decade she has introduced her mind gardening techniques into some of Australia’s most high profile businesses. She’ll change the way you think and live your life. After a quarter life crisis made her question her life’s purpose, she found herself in New York City in search of meaning and happiness. What began as a girl’s shopping trip turned into a pivotal moment in her life. In between clothing racks, she found herself at a conference with the Dalai Lama focusing on neuroscience and monks.
That was what led her to discover her true passion and purpose: to wake up the world. Pearse began exploring everything from quantum physics and neuroscience to crystals and chakras. And in those studies, she found a single truth that she currently teaches people, the need to get out of your own head, stop holding yourself back, and be fully connected in your own life.
While a lot of Susan’s work is focused on the mind and cultivating a satisfying life you love, leadership is an integral part of her mission. Being able to lead others is an important function of management to maximize efficiency and to achieve organizational goals. But it’s more than being a boss and hitting metrics. Leadership is about presence and innovation, flow and connection, and letting go and adapting. In today’s world, being a leader is accompanied by uncertainty and complexity. The environment of this decade requires a new style of leadership and a new set of capabilities to the ones of the previous decades. Today, experience, technical expertise, and basic qualifications won’t necessarily provide the easy pass into a leadership role, instead we are highly focused on the way our leaders interact with and understand others. The following are top leadership skills Pearse believes
will take priority and put you over the top, in the business world and in your personal life.
Comfort with Discomfort
In her best-selling book, Wired for Life, Pearse explains the 5 fears we have inherited from our ancestors. And while they were vital for their survival, in the modern world, they often hold us back instead. One of these fears is the fear of losing control or being uncomfortable. Our brain loves certainty, but sometimes being comfortable with the possibility of discomfort is crucial. Leaders in the coming years will face all sorts of uncertainty due to a new generation coming into the workplace, technology advances, global issues arising, and that sounds terrifying. Uncertainty triggers an automatic threat response in the brain, but it’s leaders who can address the uncertainty and move ahead. Those who interpret discomfort as a sign to take the easy road won’t be able to effectively serve as a leader in growth. Susan suggests to do one thing that makes you uncomfortable every single day, and in time, the skill to deal with discomfort will be natural.
Thinking Differently
For an average person, 90% of thoughts are exactly the same as yesterday, which makes innovation difficult. Leaders need to see challenges with fresh eyes and break free of the habits that keep us in ruts. When you see things from a new perspective, solutions become more innovative and work becomes more fulfilling. Train your brain to think differently. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, think outside of the box.
Attention Management and Present Moment Awareness
We all let our mind wander throughout the day, thinking about something aside from what our attention should be focused. Attention spans have shrunk, distraction has grown, and paying attention is a lost art. Being present is a trainable skill that is important in any kind of leader. It’s how you retain information, adapt, and innovate. But before you can focus a team’s attention, you have to manage your own.
Hold Space for Open Conversations
A lot of people, especially in business, feel their truth won’t be heard or accepted. Creating a space for open conversation will allow people to feel safe in voicing opinions, ideas, thoughts, and concerns. This can be a meeting room in an office or a family meeting in your living room. As a leader, you are in charge of facilitating conversation and knowing when to let them happen uninterrupted. You can then dictate the culture of the group and work toward a solution.
Courage and Vulnerability
A leader goes first, takes the courage to stand out in a crowd, and move into the unknown. But the traditional depiction of courage by armoring up and perfecting/protecting isn’t the best approach anymore. It creates a disconnect with those around you. Instead, walk straight into uncertainty without masking your imperfections. View a situation and feel comfortable saying, “I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing here. But let’s do it” or “Let’s see
how this goes.” Admitting you’re wrong or don’t have every answer will help you gain more credibility, make you more relatable, and warrant more respect. And those are things that make a team more effective, at the end of the day.
Deep Listening
Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, explained that “most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Sometimes leaders talk too much trying to offer the perfect answer, but deep listening can be transformative for the receiver. Problems get solved, ideas are generated, and people learn best when they come up with ideas themselves. How many times have you begun venting to someone for a solution, but you created you own as you were speaking? As a leader, it’s paramount to listen more and speak less. Everyone can train themselves to be a better leader and train their brain to accept it. That’s what Susan Pearse aims to teach others through leadership programs, organizational and team transformation, and lectures and books. For more information about working with Susan and events, visit her website at and visit www. to learn how to wake up and start cultivating a happy life.
n the beginning of 2016, during a process of deep reflection and meditation with Mother Earth, I started to receive specific visions and messages that led to 13 Letters. During those dialogues I asked Mother Earth, “As our Planetary Mother, can you share with us what we need to understand and remember about our humanity and these challenging times? How can we end these cycles of violence, division, and degradation?” A few months earlier, much of Europe was in the grip of fear and terror after many people were killed during the Paris bombings of 2015. I was supporting the collective healing process and reflecting on the root causes for all this violence in our world. As these Letters started to come into being, I postponed my other work and made space to write down this wisdom from our Earth Mother with the guidance for how we can actualise our unity and bring forth a New Beginning. Here is a message from Letter 10 “Our Collective Responsibility” with relevance for our world today. CYCLES WITHIN CYCLES “The creation process of our universe is an ongoing evolutionary process. Through this process, different cycles of time come in and out of being. Each cycle brings forth its own unique set of evolutionary potentials, resulting from the way our interconnectedness is brought into expression. Some cycles are more peaceful while others are more violent and disturbing. During times of collective peace and harmony, it becomes easier to experience our Eternal qualities. It then feels as if our Oneness is wholly manifested, through all the dimensions of our being. However, there are cycles when it feels as if our unity is more difficult to maintain. As if we become somehow separated. These are the periods through which ignorance, conflict and division grows. These are usually known as periods of darkness, which is not the sacred Darkness of the feminine that I shared with you previously. During these dark ages we learn more fully, yet in challenging ways, that we are the ones to bring forth the wisdom from within regardless of the outer conditions. During
such times we are asked to be a force of Love, and a bright Light to make sure that the Light in our worlds does not fade away. We then become responsible for keeping the interconnectedness of our unity intact. Those who take advantage of these darker periods, of this perceived vacuum, will try to overtake the sacred autonomy of each being’s unique relationship with their Source. They will attempt to become a surrogate source to divert the power and collective resources to their group. We are coming out of this period now. You each know the lived experience of this. Our collective wisdom can only be manifested by the actualisation of our collective consciousness. Our consciousness is the vehicle, the in strument of Eternity, for realising our sacred seed codes. The Source of consciousness is pure undifferentiated awareness. This awareness remains unchanged by what we experience. Pure undifferentiated awareness has a mirror like quality; all becomes visible by the mirror yet the mirror is not changed by what it makes visible. Only by sourcing from this homogenous awareness does it become possible to understand, learn, grow, develop and truly Love. When we become identified with undifferentiated awareness, and not who is looking, the source of pain, division and conflict vanishes. Each moment offers another opportunity to connect more fully with, and bring forth our wisdom potential. In order for this to become a living reality felt and experienced by others, we need to embody and embed this wisdom in each of our relationships and ways of living. Then our relationships become the vessels for our actualization and cease to be the causes for our pain and suffering. ” ~ Anneloes Smitsman, Letter 10, Love Letters from Mother Earth - The Promise of a New Beginning For more information visit:
Magic of Numbers for Have you ever had an experience like this? You’re working on a project or cooking a meal when another person offers to help you. They’re holding your intention for the project or meal. When you’re both in alignment, the outcome may be quicker, easier or even more enjoyable than if you had done it yourself. There is magic in “numbers”. Clients and I co-create together in my intuitive coaching practice. Together we hold the belief there are more possibilities than we can see in the moment. As we move into a space powered by the heart, we amplify the energy connecting to this unlimited
potential. At the same time, we’re also creating with an invisible, yet everpresent partner, the Universe. (God, Spirit). “A triad is not just three people meeting together. It is a relationship where each person is responsible for the quality of the relationship between the other to accomplish a mutual purpose. ~Mark Taylor David Logan and John King’s book, Tribal Leadership,about the exponential power of Triad Groups, awakened me to the magic of groups for manifestation. I’d experienced the power of two in my coaching sessions at Diamond Pathways. What about the power of 3?
With two friends, a “Triad” group was formed. Over the years this relationship supported each of us in every area of our lives and consistently revealed its magic again and again. The success of our Triad group encouraged me to facilitate additional “Triad Groups” and then groups of four and five. Like individual sessions, the basic were always present in these groups. We created a safe, quiet space to connect in the heart space and hold the intention. It became obvious we’re tapping into a field, co-creating with something bigger than just the members in the group. Especially since group members had different intentions.
an opportunity to start one as well. Amazing, transforming, and sometimes surprising, events unfold around the intentions that are shared in each group. Members of both groups feel the energetic support of the group, a feeling of peace and love, and the ripple effects in their lives. Why? Holding intentions for others, opening your heart in a quiet nonjudgmental space, and connecting with the members of the group creates a unified field of intention. An “alchemical process” appears to be happening during these groups. According to McTaggart, “You lose your sense of self or separation and move into ‘unity consciousness’.
It was exciting to see how each individual’s intentions and goals were met. Fulfilled with more possibility and opportunity than could have been accomplished on their own – all because each member informally held an intention for the others.
Alchemy seems like the perfect word for the magic of co-creation and manifestation when a group comes together in a safe, quiet space. Focusing on their heart while connecting and holding an intention for one another.
Lynne McTaggart’s book The Power of 8: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group sheds more light on the Co-Creative success of my clients’ and the power of a group. McTaggart’s extensive research found that 8-11 members in a group could co-create powerful change in seeds and plants - to healing in any area of an individual’s life.
Whether you want to manifest a personal or global intention, now is an important time to be in a “community”. If you want to see change in your life, your business, or the world - partner, form a triad or start a Power of 8 group. The magic is in the numbers.
Soon after reading Lynne’s book, I was invited to a Power of 8 group and had
Bonnie Snyder
for the Soul H
ow one organization is trying to transform the world of business by changing hearts, minds, and behaviors to encourage Oneness. People, particularly in the West, are taught to believe we are required to face limitations, that we’ve one life to live and are seperate from divine forces, and each other. We’re individuals. Individualism is
what drives us to be ambitious, work hard, and want to succeed. And we tend to take this individualistic nature with us when we enter the workforce. Most businesses operate exclusively for profit. They’re opened by ambitious individuals who want to make money, who then hire other ambitious individuals in the hopes of making more money. There is an outlined system of rank, and everyone knows their place in line. That’s how it is and how it’s always been. We may know the current standard for business isn’t
working. It’s not sustainable. It doesn’t support or nourish life on Earth. But something in its foundation is missing, and Humanity’s Team and Conscious Business Innerprise believes it’s the concept of Oneness, the understanding that all of life is interconnected. While business owners and executives are becoming increasingly motivated to evolve and to be more conscious in their businesses, the idea of unity is still a concept that’s not yet been adopted widely. That was Neale Donald Walsh’s goal when he founded Humanity’s Team, to “address suffering and other issues stemming from the prevailing belief that we are separate from the Divine [and] each other.” Humanity’s Team began as a vision of a world free from oppressive beliefs so we can all experience unity and oneness. It has since evolved into a worldwide, active movement that allows community and craves cultural differences. At the first meeting, in 2003, nearly 1,000 people from 6 continents gathered near Portland, Oregon. The movement now aids and supports everything from small, grassroots initiatives to global campaigns and events.
Any firm that uses monetary incentives to attract and motivate a CEO will get what it pays for: a CEO who is motivated by money. These leaders are often incapable of inspiring and motivating their employees to go above and beyond to achieve extraordinary engagement, creativity, or performance. More effective leaders are those who defy their selfinterest for the larger goal, who are motivated by purpose and service. Businesses that treat employees unfairly may seem like a good idea in the short term but can’t prosper in the long run. Good employees, over time, will migrate to firms that offer them fairness and opportunity. And in recent years, there’s been a tremendous push for companies to be transparent, sustainable, and fair from employees.
A conscious business is different from a traditional business in almost every way. Changing a business model starts by changing yourself.
From inception, Humanity’s Team was organized to be a spiritual movement, not a program, an activity, or an initiative. Movements respond to large scale