Intrapreneur Magazine Platinum Edition

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Proudly brought to you by Global Intrapreneurs Institute

Our world is transforming literally before our eyes! We are experiencing a dramatic inflection point in the history of humanity. Even after the threat of COVID-19 has subsided the world is NEVER going to be the same. The pre-Covid world is gone forever.

If ever there was a time that we needed

It is time for intrapreneurs to STEP


FORWARD and mobilise their talents.

NEED your:

And we’re here to HELP! JOIN GLOBAL

• Creativity


• Possibility thinking and problemsolving • Persistence and determination • Ability to thrive in difficult circumstances • Commitment to produce positive change from disruption



Gifford Pinchot III: Solving Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Rainer Petek: Reaching The Summit In Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Speak Up , Be Heard, Create Change With Kelly Mcauliffe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Jessica Day: Maximizing Innovation Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Louise Kyhl Triolo: Innovations From Which To Dream Big . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Dr Paul Browning: Innovation In Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 The Entrepreneur Inside By Agustín Arieu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Jim Link: Unlocking the hidden secret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Technology and Intrapreneurs By Suzan Briganti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Intrapreneurship With Queensland’s Chief Entrepreneur, Leanne Kemp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Wendy Agar: Intrapreneurialism in the NFP sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Kaihan Krippendorff: Encouraging The Internal Entrepreneur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 The Rise Of The Intrapreneur With Kathryn Dyble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Anthony Kuhlmann: From Intrapreneur To Business Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 David Gram: Becoming Diplomatic Rebel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Anne Arneby: Intrapreneurship’s Role In Corporate Legacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 How The Australian Government Is Promoting Intrapreneurialism with Dr Sarah Pearson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Pravin Rajpal: Driving Innovation Through Intrapreneurship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Yusuf Mutamba: Bolstering Intrapreneurship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Life-Changers: Soulmuch Inspiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Encouraging Intrapreneurship In Small Business with Paul Hodgson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Gareth Bullen: The Power And Future Of Intrapreneurship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

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This edition of Intrapreneur Magazine is one with a DIFFERENCE. It is our muchanticipated Annual Platinum Edition! In this issue we look back at the work we have done over the last 18 months since launch to provide a retrospective of all our great contributors. This is one edition you would NOT want to miss because it is jam packed with VALUE. Find out about how intrapreneurs are innovating, creating and leading in all parts of the world in a wide range of sectors. Gain sights into what is happening with intrapreneurialism in large and small corporations, government, SMEs, education, not-for-profit, consulting, technology, start-ups and social intrapreneurialism. Our contributors are an exciting and interesting mix of industry leaders, thought leaders, break-through innovators, crusaders, researchers and practitioners - all remarkable people doing remarkable work in the burgeoning field of intrapreneurialism. The themes we’ve covered have included, the role of intrapreneurs in the future of work; the transition from intrapreneur to entrepreneur; public sector intrapreneurialism; supporting, sustaining and scaling intrapreneurialism through technology; building a reputation as an intrapreneur (and why that is important right now); intrapreneurial leadership and others. Each edition has told compelling stories of resourceful intrapreneurs and intrapreneurial leaders who have changed the future and the fortunes of their organisations.


When we launched Intrapreneur Magazine at the beginning of 2019 little could we have imagined how different the world would be by mid-2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has forever transformed the way we work, communicate and collaborate. It has accelerated the pace of innovation and digitisation. In a world where change is the only constant, intrapreneurs are needed more than ever. They are the opportunity finders and problem-solvers who will help their organisations to navigate the seas of uncertainty and disruption. The world needs more INTRAPRENEURS. NOW! That brings me to our BIG announcement. We have launched THE GLOBAL INTRAPRENEURS INSTITUTE! www. It is an online educational institution and community committed to supporting and advancing the work of intrapreneurs around the world through learning and development. INTRAPRENEUR MAGAZINE IS NOW THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE GLOBAL INTRAPRENEURS INSTITUTE. From here on, complete issues of the magazine will only be available to members of the Institute. So, join up now to stay on the leading edge of what is happening in the world of intrapreneurialism. See you on the inside.


1980’s interview Gifford Pinchot, Richard Branson and Anita Roddick


Entrepreneurship isn’t about leaving your 9-5 job to start a company. It’s passion – a passion to solve problems and scale your project in the right direction. And to passionately solve problems within an industry doesn’t require starting a brand new company. Sometimes, all it takes is opportunity and support. This is where intrapreneurialism

Pinchot & Co. was founded over

comes in. And the idea is growing

30 years ago, by Gifford Pinchot

in popularity on a large scale.

III and his wife Libba,to liberate

More and more large organisations

the creativity and passion of

are putting programs in place

employees and drive profitable

to encourage intrapreneurship.

innovation inside of sizeable firms.

Likewise, there is an increase in

To launch the intrapreneuring

companies, like Pinchot & Co.,

movement, they wrote

whose sole mission is to help

Intrapreneuring: Why You Don’t

organizations celebrate and cater

Have to Leave the Corporation

to their intrapreneurs.

to Become and Intrapreneur.


w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

resistance of the organisational immune system, how upper management can best utilise their intrapreneurs, and a brief forecast of the intrapreneurial scene. How exactly does Pinchot & Co. help companies encourage and utilise intrapreneurs within their company? Gifford Pinchot III: There are 3 main phases: 1. Widespread education in the basics of innovation and intrapreneurship: Intrapreneurs can come from anywhere in the company. Many The book was wildly successful,

potential intrapreneurs, when they

being translated into 15 different

hear stories about intrapreneurs,

languages, and began the long

have sudden realisations about

string of offering with their, now,

who they really are. Even a mere

long-term clients.

2-hour online training has surfaced a lot of intrapreneurs and given

For the past 34 years, Pinchot & Co.

managers a sense of what to do

has been helping companies use

when they seek coaching and

the intrapreneurial spirit of their


employees to launch over 800 new products and services, implement

2. Quick successes: Accelerators

new strategies, cut costs, address

that help would-be intrapreneurs

climate change, and improve

develop their vision, team, and

functional performances.

business plan. We couple the accelerator with a module in

We spoke to Pinchot about how

the high potential training that

employees can navigate the I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e

develops managers’ ability 6

to understand and coach

building a “community of the

intrapreneurs. Then we guide

willing,” committed to make the

those managers in coaching the

organisation better, safer, more

accelerator participants. The

resilient, and stronger. It requires

accelerators get quick wins, build

bringing the rest of the employees

internal support for intrapreneuring

along at a pace they can embrace.

and leave a cohort of developed

What is the “organisational immune

intrapreneurs and sponsors.


Using intrapreneurs to cut expenses, but not jobs, is another

GP: The organisational immune

way to get some guaranteed ultra-

system is an evocative name for

quick wins.

the web of resistance that too often bogs down intrapreneurs.

3. Institutional intrapreneurial

In the formal decision system,

systems and culture: This requires

there are too many people who

studying the culture and targeted

have to say yes to an innovative

organisational, system, and

idea. It’s the collective weight of

mindset changes. It includes


w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

all the decisions and delays that

Build your team, at first with

discourages innovation.

volunteers. Meet regularly. Eat together. As success grows, build

We help leaders working

an approved project and get your

to increase innovation and

teammates time and budget to

intrapreneurship in their

work on it officially. Build a high

organisations by identifying the

performance team.

barriers and building on the existing positive cultural factors

It’s easier to ask for forgiveness

to create an environment more

than permission.

supportive of intrapreneurship. We

Find sponsors and build a strong

also teach intrapreneurs ways to calm the organisational immune

relationship with them. Keep them

system so it does not reject them,

informed about the problems as

but instead lets them proceed.

well as the successes.

So how does an employee best act

Don’t oversell your idea. Be honest

upon their innovative ideas?

and you are more likely to earn the trust of managers who then

GP: Often that takes patience. A

take up your cause. Overselling

few hints: Ask for advice before

doesn’t work in close, long-term

you ask for resources. Everyone is


willing to give advice. Ask them to refer you to others for answers to

What about tips for upper

your questions.

management in terms of creating an intrapreneur friendly

After talking to those suggested,

environment within their company?

go back and express gratitude for the advice. Then ask for a bit more

GP: Bet on people, not ideas:

help. The more they help, the more

80% of determining success in

willing they are to help more.

innovation is the quality of the people doing it.

Building the relationship slowly by

What makes intrapreneurship

not asking for too much too soon.

work is not a process, but rather

Test rapid prototypes with potential

a relationship: In big companies,

customers and users. Face reality,

what works, instead of formal

redesign, and try again. I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e

processes, is a supportive 8

relationship of trust between one

in a supportive environment.

or more courageous managers and

Courageous sponsors are rare.

an intrapreneurial team.

How will you find them? Ask your intrapreneurs, “In your darkest

Trusting the right intrapreneurs is

hour, who still supported and

the innovation system that works.

coached you?” Those are the

A good first step is to learn how to

real sponsors, not the higher ups

tell the true intrapreneurs from the

that came in once the idea was

“promoters,” a venture capital term


for those who talk a good game, but don’t have the character to

Do you see any global trends for

finish the job.

intrapreneurship emerging?

The big shortage is sponsors:

1. Intrapreneurship describes

There are plenty of potential

what the young increasingly want

intrapreneurs hidden in the

from work freedom and a change

woodwork who will come out

to make a difference early in 9

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

their careers. Intrapreneurship is

make many of their own decisions.

the answer to the epic levels of

Intrapreneurship provides the tools

disengagement among the young.

for managing intrinsic motivation

It’s gaining currency with both

and these growing categories of

employees and employers.


2. Increasingly the best

4. It used to be that most

intrapreneurs choose projects that

intrapreneurs were men.

address challenges that address

Now 50% plus are women. In

issues like the environment, health,

intrapreneurship you often get

happiness and poverty. Their

unambiguous feedback from the

connection to deep values often

marketplace. Success is factual,

drives creativity and unstoppably

not a matter of opinion. It requires

determined implementation that

collaboration across boundaries.

is both highly profitable and

An intrapreneurial role helps to

successful in addressing the

offset the tendency to undervalue

world’s major challenges. Leaders

the contributions of women.

are learning to respect a burning

5. There are now ways to

purpose coupled with frequent

use intrapreneurship to drive

market testing as a predictor of

efficiency, quality, and innovation

success rather than an indicator of

in the internal facing and

excess emotion.

operational jobs, and even jobs

3. As machines take over

doing the everyday work at the

mechanical and analytical work,

very bottom of the hierarchy.

the bulk of work that is left

This can vastly increase the

for humans will require some

scope of intrapreneurship – it’s

combination of caring and creating.

not just about new products, it

Machines don’t do these two

is about getting anything done

things well and neither do humans

better, faster, cheaper, and more

in a command and control system.


You cannot command someone to

Follow Gifford on Twitter

care or to innovate; it has to come from the inside – from “intrinsic


motivation,” which can only flourish if employees have freedom to I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e



REACHING THE SUMMIT IN BUSINESS The analogy of leadership akin

professional mountain climber

to scaling a steep mountain is

to conduct management team

apt for many a business owner,

exercises soon became his career;

CEO or principal. There are plenty

it was this moment that sparked

of challenges and the need for

his first book, and his subsequent

teamwork and trust are beyond

journey into leadership training.

question. Both scenarios can throw

“In the reflections afterwards, I

extreme conditions towards even

discovered that this experiential

the most experienced leaders.

kind of training was very effective

Rainer Petek has taken this analogy

for the participants and they

and created a unique platform

also were highly inspired by my

from which to view leadership,

personal experiences and stories,”

introducing clients worldwide to

he said.

his ‘mountain guide to North faces

“My biggest inspiration was always

in your business’. What started

to work with people and help

out as a one-off request for the

(and watch) them grow. It doesn´t 11

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matter whether this happened on

passionate and loyal members

the mountains in the past or in

of a team. Without intrapreneurs,

business nowadays: to help people

innovation and progress may stall.

or teams to reach a new level of

“In order to be able to deal with

performance or development is a

the highly dynamic environment,

highly rewarding job.”

organisations need people at

Encouraging intrapreneurship

all levels who think and act like

plays a big part in Rainer’s work,

owners and are able to make fast

as he firmly believes it is essential

and smart decisions. It´s not a

to the success of any organisation.

nice-to-have-thing, organisations

It is these people who find and

really need it.”

solve many of an organisation’s

“An intrapreneur is someone who

problems, and are committed,

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e

sees a problem, an issue or an


opportunity and decides to own it and to find a solution for it… Intrapreneurs create new business by thinking constantly about opportunities.” In order to encourage intrapreneurialism, Rainer urges business owners to redefine their leadership role and break free of the fear and politicisation that often circles around forwardthinking staff. Just like on the mountains, it takes a team to

“My biggest inspiration was always to work with people and help (and watch) them grow.”

reach the peak, with each member bringing their own strengths and skills to carry the group to ultimate success. Rainer suggests business owners take a critical look at the type of leader they are portraying and ask themselves; “Who am I as leader? The one that feels obliged to have the ideas and that makes all the decisions? Or, am I the one that feels responsible to create a system, where smart ideas, innovations and intelligent decisions emerge naturally? “In reality this can be the crucial transition for leaders.” Once a leader has the strength to carry out this type of 13

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self-observation, they are

Maintaining upward momentum

more equipped to welcome

climbing a mountain or in the

intrapreneurs and reap the benefits

boardroom requires team work.

of a more fluid, dynamic and

To read more on Rainer Petek, visit

future-focused team. There is

not an organisation on the planet that could not benefit from more creativity and innovation in its ranks. As for intrapreneurs themselves, Rainer’s advice is to “have the long wind and not give in early”. It takes patience, fortitude and strength of will to break through the barriers and work around those who strive to maintain the status quo. Intrapreneurs need both leaders and colleagues on their side, so must work hard not only on their ideas, but convincing others of their merit. For leaders and intrapreneurs alike, Rainer’s final advice is “don’t climb solo”. “Although you could have been the source or the original owner of an idea, you should have the ability to let go your baby or at least open up some space for others to become co-owners,” he said.

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


Are you an INTRAPRENEUR? Come and find your tribe in the community of the Global Intrapreneurs Institute. Network with other super-savvy, opportunity-finders and resourceful problem-solvers changing their oganisations from the inside. Check out our website. If ever there was a time that we needed

It is time for intrapreneurs to STEP


FORWARD and mobilise their talents.

NEED your:


• Creativity • Possibility thinking and problemsolving


• Persistence and determination • Ability to thrive in difficult circumstances • Commitment to produce positive change from disruption


w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m


There is room for

intrapreneurialism is now being

intrapreneurialism in every

embraced and encouraged within

business; From the family run

our government sector.

shop with just a few employees,

Despite the numerous and

to large corporate firms and

necessary rules and regulations,

everything in between. There

the Queensland Police Service

are some incredible people

has reinvented communication

taking bright, bold, innovative

channels to invite every member of

ideas and implementing them

the organisation to speak up and

for lasting, positive change and I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e

be heard. 16

Kelly McAuliffe has been with the

This readiness to open the door for

QPS for over 20 years, beginning

every member of the team to have

her career as a general duties

their say on how the organisation

officer in 1997 and since working in

can be improved is a breath of

varied capacity, including training.

fresh air for intrapreneurship. So

In 2016 she was asked to become a

often, there are people with much

founding member of the Innovation

more to offer than their day-to-day

Unit, whose primary goal was to

tasks but the fears, hierarchies and

“make policing simpler for the

communication issues halt future-

frontline, better for the bottom

focused individuals before they

line and safer for all.”

have had a chance.

“We have been a very innovative

In just 12 months of implementing

organisation for a long time,

the idea management system,

this was now an opportunity

known as iCOP (ideas connecting

to acknowledge and celebrate

our people), over 6,000 members

the innovative work that was

had signed up. These members

happening in different pockets

could then submit an idea for

of the state and, where possible,

discussion, and other members

scale it across the whole

would comment and vote on that

organisation,” Kelly said.

idea. Popular and viable options were progressed through an

“The greatest achievement for me

implementation funnel.

in this role was my involvement in the design and implementation of an idea management system that gave our people, regardless of their rank/level or location,

“The time is now . . . make the change . . . be the difference for you and your people.”

permission to speak outside of the chain of command. This was very rewarding as you could see the light come on for people when they realised they had just as much to offer and were now being asked.” 17

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

“We saw members of the executive

proved how widespread and

leadership team collaborating

valuable intrapreneurs are to

directly with constables from the

any organisation. It also proved

frontline. This flipped the model of

that anyone has the potential to

leadership from telling our people

meaningfully contribute to their

what to do to asking our people

workplace if given the opportunity.

what we could do differently.

“Anyone can be an intrapreneur;

We provided a space for our

we all have the skills to think

intrapreneurs to have a voice,”

differently and look for better ways

Kelly said.

to do business. For this to happen

This program won the

though, there needs to be the

International Ideascale Innovation

right authorising environment, that

Management Awards - Best

safe feeling in any workplace that

Engagement Strategy 2018 and

says, ‘you are just as important as

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


anybody else’, the leadership at

The government sector can be

every level is critical… Collaboration

difficult to create change from

requires integration and not

within due to the ‘risk adverse’


environment, so those at the forefront of innovation must be

Kelly likens intrapreneurship to

willing to strongly argue the ‘why’.

planting a seed. Sometimes, you

Kelly also recommends starting

need to plant a lot seeds for one

small until your strategy is proven.

to grow, but eventually people will realise that change is possible.

“It is about thinking smart, testing

Intrapreneurs need resilience,

small and then scale. You can

patience and an abundance of

quite often mitigate risk by

energy to keep planting those

demonstrating value for something

seeds, despite the odds.

by presenting the minimal viable 19

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product, pilot this and showcase

Time in motion analysis of the

the benefits and scalability. The

workplace - findings report

appetite to approve a small-scale

and recommendations

project compared to a wholesale costly and time consuming


‘unknown project’ is much greater,”


she said.

Workplace presentations

“It is important to appreciate the need (at times) for strict regulation around operations and there needs

To find out more about Kelly’s

to be appropriate governance and

consultancy service, contact:

risk assessments undertaken …

however government organisations are essentially running a business, so to survive in today’s changing context, they need to think like a start-up and focus on the needs of the customer and employee.” The power of the intrapreneur to motivate, energise and create valuable change to any organisation is strong, and the potential limitless. The QPS example is proof that no matter the governing systems in place and no matter the scale of the organisation, there are voices that need to be heard – including yours. Kelly now also offers a consultancy service to share her skills and knowledge across a range of industries. Services are tailored to each client but include: I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


MAXIMIZING INNOVATION EFFICIENCY JESSICA DAY Technology seems to make the world go ‘round. Tech has become such a fundamental part of modern business life it’s hard to believe that only 30 years ago, entrepreneurs were starting businesses without a computer, smart phone, or even an Internet connection. But new innovations are changing the way we live, and some are even referencing the increase as ‘the fourth industrial revolution.’ With the development of artificial intelligence, the Internet and big data, big businesses need to act quickly, 21

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smartly, and efficiently to keep

corporations can use their

up with the latest innovations and

services to better serve and utilise


the intrapreneurs within their organization to better keep up with

One of the ways older companies

the changing times.

can keep up with rapid changes is by enlisting the intrapreneurs

What is IdeaScale?

within their organization. These

Jessica Day: As your readers

individuals incorporate an

already know, the fourth industrial

entrepreneurial mindset within

revolution has begun. It’s being

a large, established business

led by information and innovation,

and can address new market

which is changing the future of

opportunities, develop new ways

work for all of us. With technology

of operating, and move quickly

trends shifting on a daily basis,

outside the normal scope of

organizations need a way to act


quickly on new ideas that are

IdeaScale is the largest cloud-

already being shared at all levels

based innovation software

of their organizations.

platform in the world. We spoke

IdeaScale is software that allows

to Vice President Jessica Day,

organizations to gather ideas

about IdeaScale and how large I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


from employees or customers

It’s funny how we got into all

or citizens, but then also allows

of this, though. A couple of our

organizations to take scalable

co-founders were in the market

actions on those ideas—

research space, and their survey

connecting them to other theories,

customers kept talking about how

thought leaders, money, and more.

they were only able to gather

Organizations can then develop

information on questions they

these larger concepts into new

knew to ask. They weren’t able to

products or processes that will

gather quantitative and qualitative

shape the future. It means that a

feedback in their blind spots. So

good idea can come from anyone,

we came up with IdeaScale as a

anywhere, at any time.

way to answer that challenge [and]


w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

gather suggestions but [also] get

process. Once that product goes

real time feedback and information

live, it offers the company the

on those ideas, whether they were

ability to recognise the idea author

on your radar or not.

for generating millions of dollars in new revenue. Other staff can then

How does the software aid

see the value they can add to the

larger companies in utilising and

organization and get excited about

rewarding their intrapreneurs?

sharing their own ideas.

JD: At our core, we want to change

What are some examples of the

the workplace. We want everyone

ways your customers use your

within an organization to be able


to take action on good ideas, regardless of their position, job

JD: An intrapreneur shares her

description or even employment

suggestion in a searchable,

status. We want companies to be

always-open idea database

able to solve their problems in a

for product ideas. Lots of

transparent, collaborative way that

organizations do that – organizing

keeps huge organizations aligned

by subject matter or department.

and human.

They can search for ideas on a topic any time and reach out to

So how does that work? Well, if a

idea authors for more information.

marketer has a great new product idea, even if he or she is in the

Some organizations will run time-

marketing department and product

limited challenges, asking for help

development isn’t in their purview,

solving a particular problem by

they can share their basic product

a fixed deadline. But most of our

pitch in an IdeaScale community.

customers do a mix of both, with

Others in the community can then

those time-limited challenges

vote and comment on it, which

delivering on new ideas in short

can trigger a decision maker in the

sprints and keeping attention and

product team to review that idea.

interest alive, and the alwayson database for ongoing idea

That little idea becomes an

development that creates a mine

opportunity to invest in the original

of ideas that can be tapped at any

idea author and bring them into the

time by decision makers.

prototyping, testing, and launching I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


Here’s another example: the City

say our customers, that invest

of Atlanta wanted to find a way

in training and celebrating their

to save their city and taxpayers’

intrapreneurs, generally enjoy

money, so they asked their

better long-term performance

employees for new ways to be

and higher delivery rates on good

more efficient or ideas for new


programs that would help save

Have your customers taught

money. The top three ideas

you anything about building

alone amounted to a potential

a successful intrapreneurial

cost savings of $7.1 million


annually. Those ideas include a new work release program for

JD: Definitely. I’ve learned that for

blighted city properties, a pay-

talented intrapreneurs to succeed,

as-you-throw waste management

they need a strong intrapreneurial

program, and e-records for all city

culture. Think of Kodak, where one

communications. All those program

of their intrapreneurs invented

ideas came from uncommon

the first digital camera, but

places in response to this one

Kodak failed to deliver on it. Or,

time-limited challenge set by the

a more recent example from our

city and weren’t being explored by

customers: Reyanne Mustafa and

the existing business unit. It was

Kristian Krugman were working

the intrapreneurs who had this

at a large restaurant chain where


they noticed pounds and pounds of nutritious grains, such as brown

Do different companies have

rice and quinoa, were being

different ways of identifying and

thrown away every night. These

defining an intrapreneur?

weren’t the scraps on customer’s

JD: Oh my gosh, yes! Some

plates, these were unserved grains

are looking for continuous

straight from the rice cookers. At

improvement ideas and some

first, they went to their restaurant

are looking for true disruptors.

leadership, proposing that the

Some companies simply want an

restaurant up-cycle the unused

idea and others want to mentor

grains to create new saleable

and nurture the idea author. I will

food products. But when the 25

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If someone wanted to try launching an intrapreneurial program at their organization, what would you tell them? JD: I’d say prototype, test, and

restaurant didn’t take action to

iterate like you would with any

that idea, Mustafa and Krugman

other new idea. Start by creating

quit their jobs and founded their

a community where people

own company, and they now sell

can share ideas. Start with one

that product back to their former

specific problem and a few


hundred people. Use that to

Both of these stories underscore

identify where you need help. Is

the potential loss for businesses

it communications to get people

that don’t invest in intrapreneurs:

involved, or matching good ideas

obsolescence and disruption, or

to the decision makers with

eventually paying for the thing

resources? Then, roll it out to a

that you failed to invent. And, the

larger group working on a larger

failure wasn’t for the lack of ideas,


but because of the inability to

One of my favorite stories is from

recognise, act on, and celebrate

one of our healthcare customers.

change. I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


They made innovation part of

them even if it’s not in your job

everyone’s job, requiring everyone

description. It’s what I love about

at their organization to share and

IdeaScale. On any given day, I can

implement one new idea within

be working on product updates,

the year – all 12,000 employees.

helping to pilot a new customer

It could be a simple idea – a

service process, or collaborating

way to time hand washing or a

on the vision for our company.

new product that could cost the

It happens all the time with our

company less. The result is that


the innovation team received ideas

One of our innovation advisors, Ben

large and small that saved the

Bronsther brought on a new client,

company millions of dollars by the

using a customized welcome video

end of the year.

message from our CEO. Ben’s job

But even more importantly, they

didn’t relate to onboarding or video

achieved 100 percent participation

creation, but it was a great way to

and created the expectation that

welcome that customer. Now we

everyone at the company could

do this whenever we can for clients

be an intrapreneur and solve

who want that sort of personalized

problems. Now, they’re using our


software to solve larger problems

I do think it’s easier to be an

with more complicated new

intrapreneur at a start-up

technologies, but they have 12,000

though... where the challenges of

people who feel they are part of a

connecting ideas to other natively

larger plan and purpose. They got

occurring ideas or finding new

there because they were able to

resources to test a concept is

start small.

a matter of a few conversations

Do you consider yourself an

with easily-identifiable people.


This is easy to do at IdeaScale where there are 50 of us. This

JD: I think everyone employed

type of challenge is different at

in a start-up is inherently an

an organization of 5,000+ people.

intrapreneur. You encounter

That’s why systems like IdeaScale

challenges all day long, and

help to maximise innovation

you have to find a solution for

efficiency. 27

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“All innovation is driven by people.” – Louise Kyhl Triolo,

VP Intrapreneurial Culture, Airbus A

I n t r a p r e n e u r

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Innovations From Which To Dream

BIG From the early days in her career

nevertheless that it is our way

working with L’Oreal in Paris,

forward,” she said.

to landing a job with Airbus

“Intrapreneurship allows

Helicopters in the south of France,

businesses and organisations

to ultimately spearheading a

to ‘drill holes in the walls’ – it

groundbreaking innovation project

creates airflow between in and

with Airbus A3, Louise Kyhl Triolo

out, thus more oxygen within. It

has always believed in the power


of intrapreneurialism.

ancient and outdated systems,

“Intrapreneurialism, for me, is not

processes and workflows that stifle

a trend; it is the most natural form

initiative, autonomy and mastery.”

of human expression - thinking,

Louise was instrumental in

creating, federating, building,

creating Airbus’s crowdsourcing

making…. Although not each and

innovation initiative and cultural

every one of us has the desire,

transformation project known as

nor the skills to do so, I believe 29

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

Dream Big. People from within

who step up and offer new light to

the organisation, of which there

the culture and inner workings of

are over 135,000 across Airbus,

the business.

are encouraged and supported

“Intrapreneurship is now becoming

to see innovative ideas come

a priority for our various businesses

to light. Internal innovation labs

as it’s seen as a way to accelerate

and programs offer intrapreneurs

new growth and change our ways

space, coaching and capital to

of working,� Louise said.

work on their ideas, taking them all the way through from concept, to

Dream Big became a reality

acceleration phase and, in many

after Louise was asked by the

cases, implementation.

management of Airbus Helicopters to lead the cultural transformation

The business is now cementing

of the business. While the

the intrapreneurial mindset within

company was maintaining success,

both its culture and processes

forward-thinking leaders of the

by updating policy, redefining

time knew there was a better way

roles and responsibilities of

forward. With a small team by her

management and HR, and defining

side, Louise invented New Ways.

the recognition system for those

I n t r a p r e n e u r

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With this system, performance

if we were to do that, we needed

management was overhauled,

to focus on the technological and

along with leadership programs

financial side of innovation, as well

and business objectives.

as the human side of change. We should learn about the culture in

“What I learnt as a result of this

which all the disruptive ideas are

experience and felt passionate

born and implemented, to extract

about, was that people drive all

what could help us at Airbus,” she

innovation. The way we work, think,


collaborate, learn and incubate ideas, is all dictated by the culture

“So I wrote a note of what, in my

in which we do it in,” Louise recalls.

opinion, was needed for us to learn there and I landed myself a

Two years later, Airbus was poised

job four years ago in the Silicon

to establish an innovation centre


and venture capital fund in the Silicon Valley, US. After her work

From here, Louise was on

with New Ways, Louise had some

what she describes as an

innovative ideas of her own when it

“intrapreneurial 3-fold mission”:

came to such a project: “I thought,

to set up the innovation centre


w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

and venture fund, start-up the

Not even one year into the

Airbus Leadership University in

Dream Bigjourney and incredible

North America, and bring back the

innovations are already emerging

learnings and practices from the

from the diverse talent that was

Valley to help change the culture

waiting in the wings of Airbus.

within Airbus as a whole.

For example, by using incentive challenges, the business has been

It was while working in Silicon

able to tap into a vast talent pool

Valley on this project that Louise

to come up with solutions to mind-

developed the Dream Big concept.

bending problems.

“I learned that the talent, the

“Instead of us finding the needle

‘entrepreneurial’ drive, skills and

in the haystack, the needle is

passion, the big thinking, the

finding us! We are thus engaging

transversal collaboration, the

with the external ecosystem in a

positive ‘yes, and’ culture were the

completely different way, ‘hidden’

keys that make the Silicon Valley

talent is helping us create new

the innovation hotspot of the

designs, and we collectively save


costs overall,” Louise said.

“So, I decided that the most

For a company such as Airbus,

important thing I could do to

there is a delicate balance

infuse that innovative spirit and

between control and creativity.

mindset into Airbus was to inspire

Safety is of paramount concern,

all employees to dream, to give

therefore there will always be an

our ‘hidden’ talent a voice in the

element of compliance necessary

transformation of our company and

to any new way of working, but

let them help shape our future,

this does not need to be all-

learn and make our dreams come



“We are continuously navigating

Her role within the organisation

between these two notions

shifted to become VP of Global

within our culture - strong control

Intrapreneurial Culture and

necessary for optimum safety and

officialise the part intrapreneurship

compliance, and empowerment

plays within Airbus’s businesses.

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


necessary for innovation and

Intrapreneurialism will

growth. However, intrapreneurship

have a permanent seat at

enables our people and the

executive meetings and be

organisation tangibly and

uncompromisingly welcomed

methodologically to navigate

top-down. While there is still

this uncertainty, loosen some of

work to be done in reaching this

the tension and constructively

intrapreneurial nirvana across the

challenge the status quo to

business world, Airbus is leading

transform and build new futures,”

the way.

Louise said.

“Intrapreneurs drive change

Ironically, Louise sees the future

with purpose - there is a higher

of the initiative as one that is

cause, they/we want to make a

obsolete, where intrapreneurialism

positive difference to humanity

becomes so ingrained in the

and our planet - the world can

organisation’s culture, that there

only be a better place once we

is no longer a need for formalised

allow that spirit to flourish in our




w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

Intrapreneur Magazine is now the OFFICIAL PUBLICATION of the Global Intrapreneurs Institute. Future issues of Intrapreneur Magazine will only be available in full to members of the Institute. Visit our website


I n t r a p r e n e u r

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INNOVATION in EDUCATION Dr Paul Browning is passionate about leadership. It is his belief that a primary role of any leader is to create a culture of trust to enable innovation to occur. Paul trained as a primary teacher in the late 1980s. He brought to his teaching career a passion for creativity, and a sense of wonder about the world in which we live. For the past 20 years he has brought those same traits to his leadership of two schools, challenging traditional ways of teaching to ensure that creativity is nurtured and expressed by every student under his care. 35

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Paul’s take on improving the

This is where strong, trustworthy

education sector through

leadership is so important. In

intrapreneurship is to depoliticise

order to enact real change within

and de-standardise the agenda to

the tightly-bound confines of

a degree where each student can

the current education system, an

be wholly nurtured as individuals

intrapreneur must step forward

and become truly future-ready.

as leader, passionate leader, who operates with a strong sense of

“An education worth having is

integrity that encourages others to

one the develops the whole


person, nurturing and growing their intrinsic sense of wonder

As Paul explains: “We must be

and creativity along with their

true to what we believe education

character. I believe that schools

should be about rather than

need to change so there is a

willingly conform to the mandates

stronger focus on developing

handed down to us. We need to

every child’s capacity to be

be passionate enough about our

resilient global citizens, who are

beliefs so as to cast a compelling

innovative thinkers with a heart for

vision that others will buy into.

servant leadership,” he said.

And finally, we need to have the

I n t r a p r e n e u r

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St Paul’s school has developed a unique teaching approach called Realms of Thinking: “A core element of our school’s purpose is to help students become innovative thinkers – and our Realms of Thinking are approaches to teaching and learning that help students master the basics while also growing their capacity to ask better questions, develop empathy, navigate failure and spark their imagination. “What the Realms look like is a collection of 16 dispositions that nurture every student’s ability to courage to stay the course, remain

think creatively. When clustered

true to our beliefs and withstand

together, the dispositions form

the inevitable resistance to what

ways of working. For example, the

we need to do.”

ability to think like an innovator

In an ideal world, Paul advocates

and utilise design thinking is a way

for greater principal and teacher

of working. Entrepreneurialism is

involvement when it comes to

another way of working.

the development of educational

“Perhaps what separates our

policy and future direction of

approach from the standard

Australian schools. However, his

education model, however,

focus at present is in implementing

is the development of a third

innovative changes with the scope

pathway of learning in addition

of his current role – as headmaster

to the traditional academic

at St Paul’s school in Queensland –

and vocational pathways: an

to encourage the next generation

entrepreneurial pathway. Students

of entrepreneurs and future-

who are interested in scaling their

focused students.

innovations can join our Centre 37

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

for Innovators and Entrepreneurs

University listed St Paul’s amongst

to support them in taking their

the 100 most innovative learning

products to market.”

organisations in the world; and at the Australian Education Awards,

This inspiring approach has the

sponsored by the Educator

education sector taking note, with

Magazine, St Paul’s school

St Paul’s school picking up some

picked up four awards out of 24

impressive and meaningful awards

categories—the most of any school

for its previously unchartered

in Australia – which included

methods in guiding the next

categories of best strategic plan,

generation towards a successful

best professional development

and fulfilled life. To name just a

program, best innovation in

few accolades: St Paul’s school

curriculum, and best principal in a

was listed as one of the top

non government school.

40 most innovative schools in Australia by Educator Magazine in

Pauls intrapreneurialism within

2017; in 2018 an arm of Cambridge

the education sector has

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


seen him publish numerous

pertinent to any other sector, and

articles on leadership and he

Paul’s passion and ability to inspire

is a regular guest speaker at

is far-reaching.

leadership conferences both

“At the end of the day leadership is

at home and internationally.

leadership no matter the context.

Through his ground-breaking and

It is my assertion that leadership

inspirational work, Paul has been

is about two simple things: vision

listed amongst the top 50 most

and trust. Great leaders cast a

influential people in education in

compelling vision and create a


culture of trust which enables the

While his work remains in

innovation that needs to happen to

education, the importance of

achieve the vision.”

trust and leadership in strong

For more on Paul’s work, visit

intrapreneurialism is just as


w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m



I n t r a p r e n e u r

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The world needs entrepreneurs!

creation. That’s the end product

They create value, transform

– but where does it start? It starts

paradigms, generate employment

with imagination, seeing things

and drive new technologies. Let

from different or alternative

me clarify that by entrepreneur I

perspectives, and engaging in

don´t mean a person who aspires

possibility thinking.

to become rich and powerful,

Our education system needs to

rather, it is a person who feels

start teaching this from an early

passionate about creating value for

age. Research suggests that, if


youngsters in their formative

ENTREPRENEURS can also exist

years, are exposed to and

INSIDE an organisation. They are

educated in the concepts of


entrepreneurship, they are more likely to show a greater interest in

What entrepreneurs and

the idea of running new Projects

intrapreneurs have in common

or starting businesses. It is during

is that they BOTH drive value

those early years when our internal 41

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

‘scripts’ that guide our beliefs,

People are hungry for satisfaction,

decisión making and behaviour,

autonomy and opportunity in their

are formed. Fortunately, these

work. When they are provided

‘scripts’ can be modified.

with the space and permission to run meaningful projects they

Strengthening young

are likely to expend additional

peoples’confidence and

or discretionary effort in order to

developing their self-efficacy (a

see their vision come to fruition.

sense of personal empowerment

Over time they will build their self-

and the belief that one can make

confidence, learn how to overcome

a difference) can help them to

barriers and persist in persuing

become more entrepreneurial. The

their goals.

same occurs with employees.

Intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs

Companies that encourage growth

are strong in three key traits.

and development in their people are more likely to tap into the

1. The orientation towards

intrapreneurial talent within their


ranks. They are developing the

2. Good social skills

entrepreneur INSIDE.

3. The desire of transformation.

I n t r a p r e n e u r

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that lead to the construction of productive human relationships. Given that most projects require collaboration with others, it stands to reason that good social skills will facilitate good outcomes. Finally, the desire for transformation exists when people see the gap between what is and what could be. Social intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs in particular have a keen sense of justice and welfare for others. They are driven by the desire to make things better. Do you look for and find problems worth solving? When you start new challenges do you have the confidence to face them? Despite difficulties, are you able to stay motivated? Lets deal with each in turn.

If so, there may be an entrepreneur

People who are lifelong learners,

inside you. And progressive

adapt more easily to changing

companies will want you to be

circumstances. They use their own

part of their future. They know

mistakes as a basis to understand

it´s important to attract and retain

their behavior, recognise their

individuals like you in a fast

limitations and subsequently look

changing world. More than ever,

for ways of addressing them.

companies need the entrepreneur

People with good social skills

INSIDE – they need the

and high levels of emotional


intelligence are more likely to engage in effective interactions 43

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m


Randstad’s Chief Human Resources Officer for North America, Jim Link has his finger of the pulse of the trends shaping how organisations can prepare and redesign their workforce. created for the Australian

His opinions on workplace issues

Intrapreneurs Summit, Jim reveals

and advocacy for intrapreneurship,

why and how HR needs to focus

are sought out by national and

their organisation’s strategy around

local media, including The Wall

intrapreneurialism, building an

Street Journal, Forbes, Fast

architecture and culture that

Company and HR Magazine.

nurtures it.

Jim believes that the fast pace our

“Intrapreneurialism presents

workplaces change these days,

a whole new opportunity for

makes intrapreneurialism central

workplaces and companies

to a companies’ ability to stay

throughout the world. Many

relevant. In his video presentation I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e

companies are creating an 44

environment and a culture where

the company’s human resources

the intrapreneurial spirit can thrive,

initiatives for 125,000 employees.

even within the hierarchies that

In his role, he has enhanced

exist,” Jim says.

recruiter efficiency, tripled the number of leadership programs

Neglecting to adapt to a more

and significantly grown employee

agile work environment will cause

participation in professional

some companies to miss out on

development programs.

skilled talent.

Ranstad pride themselves on

“Take a good strong look at

matching smart people with

intrapreneurialism and think about

great jobs, from executive level

how you might build it out, reward

to manufacturing. They have over

it and then reap its benefits.

5500 staff in the North American

An intrapreneur will have the

branch alone and manage a

capability and the desire to create

workforce of over 100,000 people

something new and something

every week. Jim’s role with Ranstad

different,” he says.

has rewarded him with exceptional

Jim oversees Randstad’s human

insight into how a workplace can

capital strategy and manages

really thrive.


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I n t r a p r e n e u r

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He understands disruptive trends

to those who are showing the

contributing to the erosion of

intrapreneurial spirit.”

the traditional workplace and

“The best thing you can do is

the key leadership traits needed

to mentor, to coach and lead

to succeed in the post-digital

individuals toward understanding

workplace. He believes the key to

that their ideas toward

unlocking a company’s potential

intrapreneurialism are appreciated

is through identifying, embracing

and even expected within the

and encouraging the intrapreneurs

organisation,” he says.


Intrapreneurs are notoriously

“An intrapreneur has the ability to

hard to find and to keep, but the

see something and figure out a

combination of innovation and

way or a process or a methodology

intrapreneurialism, when working

to make it better. They don’t

together, are an unstoppable force

always follow the rules. They are

within an organization.

not looking for a normal protocol or normal hierarchy to solve their

According to Jim, the

problems They are willing to work

characteristics of an intrapreneur

from within to create opportunities,


to give birth to new ideas and, in

An innate sense of curiosity,

essence, to help the organisation

asks questions, and finds

as well,” Jim says.

different ways to do things

“The Human Resources team

The ability to buck the status

needs to be able to facilitate


intrapreneurialism at its finest.

Looks at an opportunity in a

And, the best way to build

unique way

intrapreneurialism, is to look for it.”

Desires to make change

“Leaders can look at the best

happen and knows how to see it

qualities within their employees


and encourage these to flourish. Leaders can mentor their

Focuses on the change process

intrapreneurs ideas, sponsor

to drive their intra spirit

their projects and give reward 47

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I n t r a p r e n e u r

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Technology and Intrapreneurs The Silicon Valley entrepreneur enabling intrapreneurs through technology Big companies around the world are expecting their staff to drive innovation from within, but most workforces weren’t hired for their

For female entrepreneurs starting out, it’s a lot about defying expectations and making your own luck happen

ability to innovate. This is the conundrum that Suzan Briganti, CEO and founder of Swarm Vision, is helping enterprises to understand and resolve with powerful innovation profiling software. Swarm Vision’s enterprise software platform uses predictive analytics to help leaders uncover

- Suzan Briganti -

hidden innovation talent in their workforce and candidate pools, to drive real business results from innovation.


w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

Winning the HR Technology

and solutions. As more and more

Product of the Year award in

ideas were generated by these

2018, Swarm Vision is providing a

external gurus, those clients

language and set of behaviours

started to question why their

associated with innovation and

tens of thousands of employees

intrapreneurship that companies

couldn’t innovate in the same way.

have been struggling to articulate.

And, so began the world’s largest

Swarm Vision was founded in

study on successful innovators to

2016 and is entrepreneur Suzan

identify the behaviours, habits and

Briganti’s third start up in the male-

skills most predictive of business

dominated world of Silicon Valley.

results from innovation.

Her second business, an innovation

“Natural innovators are different

consultancy, used crowdsourcing

from the general population. Most

to access the minds of her global

organizations focus on continuous

crowd of innovators and provided

improvement and incremental

her Fortune 500 clients with ideas

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e

innovation, and have hired


accordingly. The ability to succeed

profiled and scored against eight

in horizon three – disruptive

innovation indicators – drive,

innovation- is very rare.”

disrupt, create, connect, control, think, deliver and give. Swarm now

The study was unique in its

provides scalable online training to

focus on the end states we all

develop these 8 skills.

desire - business results such as profitabiliy, hypergrowth, global

It also places the individual in

expansion and IPO - and the skills

one of four horizons – continuous

required to achieve them. While

improvement, incremental

the ideation phase is critical to

innovation, adjacent and disruptive

innovation, bringing an idea to

innovation, identifying the horizon

implementation also relies on

they are likely to thrive in.

team members having persuasion

While the system is useful at

skills, the ability to pivot and adapt

the individual level, its power

when problems arise, the ability to

is in being able to instantly

recognise emerging patterns, and

aggregate and analyse data to

to connect with and drive others.

profile teams, departments and

Swarm Vision’s profiling platform

whole organizations. While its first

enables each employee to be

benefit is in helping organisations 51

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

founders, despite female founders generating more revenue per dollar raised (source BCG). So it seems male-dominated VCs continue to ‘pattern match’ with founders, while female founders struggle to catch a break. “Swarm Vision was generating revenue from the start” Suzan confirms, “and we did raise funds. But you have to know where to look, who to go to. For female entrepreneurs starting out, it’s a lot about defying expectations and making your own luck happen.” Corporates and government agencies are embracing the tool as it brings scale, efficiency

to uncover and harness existing

and the ability to innovate faster

internal talent. the results can

without bias. Swarm Vison’s

also help organizations to identify

software allows truly global teams

recruitment needs and fill missing

of intrapreneurs to connect and

skillsets. The Swarm Innovation


Profiler does not discriminate

Of course as a serial entrepreneur,

on the basis of gender, ethnicity

Suzan’s journey continues into

or age, an effect called adverse

new ventures. She is writing a

selection bias. Organizations can

book about being raised in Silicon

drill into information about their

Valley, and is partnering with a

entire workforce to find a person with a particular set of skills.

number of channel partners to

And Suzan’s lifetime in Silicon

Australia, she is collaborating with

grow Swarm Vision globally. In

Valley has taught her all about

Dr Irena Yashin-Shaw, host of the

selection bias. Only 2% of venture

Australian Intrapreneurs Summit.

capital funds reach female I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


The Global Intrapreneurs Institute is specifically designed to support people to:

• Become recognised as intrapreneurs (No matter what role you are in) • Network globally with intrapreneurs from around the world • Benefit from cutting edge industry intel on all things intrapreneurial • Evolve and develop skills through a suite of resources that will help unleash and further hone your intrapreneurial skills • Understand how to contribute to shaping a future-ready workplace • Build a personal brand as an intrapreneur and to capitalise on that for the benefit of your career.


w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m


It’s an exciting time to be an

new ideas into value, in the form

entrepreneur, intrapreneur and

of new products, services, or

innovator. New technologies

ways of doing things. Innovation

and new ways of thinking are

is a deceptively complex activity

creating opportunities for

that goes beyond creativity and

industries to leverage existing

invention to include the practical

strengths, delivering significant

steps necessary for adoption.

improvements in operations.

New innovations tend to build on

Innovation is the process of turning

earlier versions and, in turn, lay a

I n t r a p r e n e u r

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Queensland Chief Entrepreneur, I am fortunate to work with so many diverse businesses, entrepreneurs, startups, scale-ups and innovators from around the state. It’s my role to champion the already dedicated innovators and start-ups, to mentor those who are starting out or scaling up and to guide Queensland entrepreneurs in thinking and transacting globally. Within contemporary society, entrepreneurship is feted as a pathway to self-efficacy, independence and innovation, whilst also creating employment and generating wealth. Further, it is presumed to be an open site of opportunity as there are no barriers to entry. In my experience,

foundation for others to be built

entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs

on top of them. It is now widely

are very similar: what connects

accepted that innovation fuels

us is that we are all innovators!

the majority of the world’s long-

Whether you are innovating from

term productivity and economic

within an organisation (as an

growth – and that innovative

intrapreneur) or by yourself in your

firms significantly outperform

own business (an entrepreneur),

non-innovators, in terms of both

the important element is the ability

revenue and employment growth.

to look at what’s happening, to

Queensland has a strong

find, analyse and capitalise on

community of entrepreneurs and

opportunities and challenges you

that innovation is encouraged and

are presented with, alongside a

championed by the Queensland

desire to solve the problems you

Government. As recently appointed

see to create a better world. 55

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

Typically, large corporations are

steps to embed and champion

very slow, lack creativity, and

innovation and design thinking

are excessively process-driven.

within their organizations. It’s a big

Oftentimes, they are much too

culture change. And the bigger the

focused on exploiting existing

organization, the slower the culture

opportunities, which diminishes

is to change, but it is happening.

their ability to explore new ones.

The Queensland Government

What’s really exciting is a paradigm

is committed to encouraging

shift in understanding value

innovation from within the public

creation; at the moment bigger

service. Initiatives such as the

organizations and companies,

Innovation Champions Network –

governments, universities are

a whole-of-government network

not just understanding the value

of close to 250 public servants,

of innovation but they are taking I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e

is instrumental in providing a 56

platform for intrapreneurs, or

Another problem is the opportunity

perhaps “Govpreneurs”, to connect,

cost of investment. Innovation is

share ideas, learn about new

never a sure thing, and uncertainty

ways of doing things and finding

can feel even greater when

opportunities for collaboration.

companies are innovating to break

The Champions come from all

into underdeveloped markets.

government agencies, sectors and

Other investment opportunities

backgrounds and together have

may look more attractive. Others

created a diverse network which

still might want the platform and

helps Government to identify

security of a big organisation to

areas for improvement, test ideas

test new ideas – there are many

and take action to operationalise

resources that big organizations

those ideas from within the public

offer, and which are often difficult


to establish when you are starting out by yourself with just an idea,

For some people, innovating from

vision and aspirational desire.

within an organisation feels right. Not everyone is prepared to take

Generationally, I think younger

the risks associated with being

people in the workforce –

an entrepreneur – financially,

millennials and GenZ – both digital

emotionally and time-wise – and

natives, have arrived with a new

so innovating from within a bigger

optimism, a desire for honesty and

organization suits them in that they

integrity, and a sense of shared

are being creative and innovative,

destiny that transcends borders.

but they’re not fully exposed to the

They cultivate a mindset of change

risks. With unencumbered financial

and innovation. Numerous reports

risk, some people can actually be

talk about “a sense of purpose” as

more creative. However, for some,

key to retaining these generations

having a hierarchical structure

in the workplace. So in some

above them might limit their

cases it may actually be in the

creativity and innovation. Systems

best interests of organizations

and corporate executives are

to encourage people within

mostly focused on defending and

their ranks to innovate both as a

expanding existing businesses,

retention policy and also a way

rather than starting new ones.

of drawing on creativity and new 57

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

thinking. The World Economic

profitable new product, service, or

Forum released a report in 2016

business model that creates value

that says those who innovate

for society and their appointed

within organizations actually tend

company. Social intrapreneurs

to create more jobs than those

help their employers meet

who start their own business.

sustainability commitments and create value for customers and

There is a surging trend globally,

communities in ways that are

where businesses are considering

built to last. Traditional business

sustainability, environment and

models are under pressure from

climate. A nexus where businesses

disruptive technologies, low

meets sustainable development,

growth in established markets,

there is a new kind of hero: the

and challenges in developing

social intrapreneur. A social

and emerging markets, and some

intrapreneur is an entrepreneurial

companies see social intrapreneurs

employee who develops a

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e

as one way to stay competitive.


is to believe in yourself, your idea and do what it takes to realise your idea. To leaders and decision makers in companies and organizations who want to nurture intrapreneurs, I give this advice: promote and reward innovation, encourage ideas and difference. Great ideas come from anywhere and everywhere. If you have a flexible structure in your organisation that encourages ideas, no matter where they are from, then innovation will happen. It’s great to give direction, to provide scope, resources and to give a nudge, but then sit back, let the ideas flow and enjoy the results.

To those out there, working in organizations who want to be

For me, innovation is key and is

innovators, my advice is to take

an important part of the equation.

calculated risks, to ask questions,

Whether it comes from within

to offer ideas and to keep pushing

or from an external person, if an

them until they are taken up. And

idea is good, if it is viable and if it

if the organization or company

works and helps solve a problem

or hierarchy doesn’t gel with that

– then the idea and the people

idea, then look at your idea and

behind it should be nurtured

ask yourself: does it fit with this

and encouraged. There are

company? If the answer is no, and

opportunities everywhere. Having

the idea is good, then perhaps

an entrepreneurial, intrapreneurial

you can find a way of bringing

innovative mindset will mean you

the idea to fruition by yourself as

are always on the lookout for more

an entrepreneur. One of the key

opportunities. That’s the key to

attributes of being an entrepreneur

success and a rewarding career. 59

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INTRAPRENEURIALISM in NFP SECTOR Intrapreneurship is most often thought about in terms of profitdriven business. However, while innovation and change is essential to the growth of the economy, intrapreneurial work is equally – if not more – vital in the not-for-profit sector. Sunrise Way, an addictions service provider based in Toowoomba, is a shining example of how intrapreneurship can transform a NFP business. In 2018, Sunrise Way was named national ‘NFP Business of the Year’ in the OPTUS MyBusiness Awards, but just two short years prior had been on the brink of closure. What changed I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


was a radical and innovative

our communities, who need and

overhaul to their in-house culture

deserve organisations that focus

and broad business framework,

on the best outcome for each

putting intrapreneurialism at the

client every day,” Wendy said.

forefront of the liberation.

“The real impact of this continual

CEO Wendy Agar and her team

improvement, obsession with

took Sunrise Way from an

client outcomes, our awesome

environment with no real shared

team of passionate professionals

focus or solid business structure,

and implementing world-class

to an outcomes-obsessed

best practice is that we are helping

organisation with clarity, aligned

many more people impacted by

values and vastly improved

addiction to rebuild their lives.”

communication practices. At the

All facets of business are

heart of everything they do is

interconnected, so it made sense

always the client.

to Wendy to transform these

“We work with the most vulnerable,

simultaneously. This all started

and often ‘voiceless’ people in

with imbedding their ‘why’ into 61

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everything they do and working

remain viable into the future

hard to create a culture where

and worked hard on stakeholder

intrapreneurial pursuits were

engagement and finance

valued and encouraged. This


meant, amongst many other

The result of this overhaul has

innovative and open ways of

seen Sunrise Way go from a

working: supporting diversity

struggling NFP, to one with

of thought and experience and

an incredible reputation and

background; continually upskilling

client waitlist. In addition to the

all staff and seeking out additional

residential program (and an

transferrable knowledge from

example of their true commitment

similar as well as other sectors,

to their clients and the community),

‘over-investing’ in mentoring and

the team offers a weekly self-

individual growth needs of the

funded support program for

team, regularly seeking feedback

families and significant others, free

from all stakeholders and using

of charge. This came about as a

this for continual improvement,

response to a lack of services in

encouraging an open and trusting

the local area and now helps up to

team, and providing opportunities

20 people each session.

to propose solutions and act on

Staff have also been trained in

them. As Wendy explains:

the SMART Recovery program to

“Intrapreneurialism is totally

deliver a community-based group

dependent on the culture of the

for clients on their residential

organisation. Intrapreneurs are

waitlist, simultaneously working

attracted to and thrive in learning,

closely with other community

open environments with flat

organisations to holistically service


the needs of those seeking help.

To support the agile, evolving team

Under Wendy’s leadership, the

and effectiveness of Sunrise Way’s

Sunrise Way team is making

services, Wendy implemented new

massive positive impact in

quality management system and

their local community and

business tools. She established a

beyond with their resilience,

routine for strategic and business

innovative programs, unwavering

planning to ensure they would I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


commitment to their clients and strong-help values by which they live and breathe. However, the work does not stop here – the very notion that defines intrapreneurialism is the constant quest to improve. “To be intrapreneurial in any sector you need to be impartial towards the status quo! You need to be constantly curious, obsessed with outcomes, relentless in your search for a better way and have the courage to innovate, while remaining persistent, and resilient. Intrapreneurs in the NFP sector must also be constantly seeking data to drive continual improvement with their client at the centre of everything they do,� Wendy said.


w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m



When we think of the word

While the entrepreneur is

‘innovator’, perhaps we envisage

usually the subject of our

the lone wolf, sitting alone in a

innovation stories, it is, in fact,

spectacularly modern apartment

the intrapreneur, or internal

on their Fitball, or laptop and

entrepreneur, who is responsible

notes spread out on a table at the

for a staggering 70 per cent of

local café. Perhaps we think of a

society’s most transformative

spectacle-adorned academic type

innovations, according to Strategy,

from an old sepia image. What we

Growth and Transformation

seldom think about, however, is

expert, Kaihan Krippendorff.

the employee who routinely wakes

Kaihan is a celebrated keynote

to their alarm, heads to work, and

speaker in business strategy and

creates goods and services for

author of five books aimed at

someone else’s company.

helping businesses thrive in the competitive, fast-paced digital age.

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


ideas with curiosity and respect, no matter their surface value, we create a safe environment for future-thinking individuals to flourish. “I think that when we don’t tell stories of the weird, we remove some of the possibility and the naturalness of it…It always feels better to go to the past than the future. One key to getting someone to embrace the future is to make the future look like the past,” said Kaihan. “The stories we tell inform us of what’s possible, and we very much live into the stories we’ve heard… so if people feel they are fulfilling a story that they heard before, it

“Almost all the stories we tell of

becomes self-reinforcing.”

innovation are of the entrepreneur. And the reason that we tell those

By sharing stories of the workplace

stories is not that it’s the truth, but

innovator, the employee who sees

because it’s an easier story to tell;

things differently and comes up

it’s more engaging, it fits the hero’s

with seemingly wild and wacky

journey story,” he said.

solutions, we empower others to similarly think outside the box and

But it’s time to tell the stories of

join the intrapreneur revolution.

those unsung heroes and celebrate the weird, strange and crazy

As Kaihan notes, without

ideas that we eventually can’t live

employees flexing their creative

without. In a business setting, this

muscle, we would not have

is essential to encouraging internal

companies such as Google,

entrepreneurs to step up and share

Salesforce or Alibaba. We would

their thoughts. By talking about

not have the internet as it stands 65

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

at all, and our phones would still

worked on, but the impact of the

be tethered to the wall. Without

outcomes. Did they create a new

internal innovators having the

product that made lives easier?

freedom and confidence to pursue

Did they contribute to higher

their ideas, ultimately, society

workplace morale, or did their new


idea enhance productivity in a

So, how can organisations

positive environment?

encourage innovation? Kaihan

The second factor to encouraging

notes that there are three key

internal entrepreneurs is the

factors, each of which falls under

structures within the business,

the control of leadership. An open,

including resources. For a new idea

flexible and willing leadership

to fly, the innovator needs time,

will have the insights to tweak the

space and usually some funding

processes to create an overarching

to make it happen. Can the team

supportive environment for internal

work across multiple sections of


the organisation? Is there flexibility

Firstly, there is the talent – a

within their role? Is the organisation

company looking to future-

prepared to take a risk?

proof through innovation and encouraging new ideas needs to hire the right people. These are the CV’s that scream ‘entrepreneur’ but with a few key differences. “They look like entrepreneurs in that they’re innovative, they understand the market and are proactive, but beyond that, they also enjoy the politics, they get intrinsic value from innovating and are less driven by the money,” Kaihan said. This talent will also make it clear not only what projects they have I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


Structural constraints lead into

that internal sensibility to know

the third factor - culture. If you

what they want.”

have the right people in place

Understanding your company’s

and the structures to support

business model is extremely

them, you also need a culture of

helpful in knowing what is needed,

understanding, open-mindedness

as otherwise, the innovator runs

and awareness to bring forth the

the risk of encountering ‘value

best possible outcomes.


Once these factors are taken

“By finding out where the points

into consideration, there is one

of conflict are with your current

more roadblock that internal

company’s business model, and

entrepreneurs often face –

then just going back and re-

company strategy. Kaihan has

engineering the idea a little bit,

found from his research that it

you can remove this conflict and

is company strategy that often

really leverage the unique aspects

prevents innovations from

of your current company through

becoming successful within an

the innovation.”

organisation, regardless of all other factors being equal. He explains

“It is all about encouraging

it this way; if the customer does

innovative thinking, allowing

not embrace a new product, the

for risk-taking, encouraging

savvy business would listen to the

productivity and a strong customer

customer and find out why the

market awareness… and it is not

product missed the mark. However,

just knowing what to do, it’s being

an innovator will often blame

willing to make the changes.”

the their company if their idea or product is rejected. “What I found is that these internal innovators take the same kind of customer-centric approach to their company. It’s like their company is another customer, and they have 67

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The Rise of the

Intrapreneur With Kathryn Dyble

Entrepreneurialism is a concept we

organisation. Intrapreneurs take

are all familiar with. Entrepreneurs

the elements currently in place in

are the ones who build companies

an organization and make them

from the ground up. They’ll

bigger and/or better.

take control of everything from

Kathryn Dyble manages a

budgets to operating procedures

capability and planning team

to product development and

within a government agency. We

sales. While entrepreneurs

chat to her about her role as an

are necessary and important,

intrapreneur, the key skills it takes

businesses need to pay attention

to become an intrapreneur and

to the intrapreneurs within their

how you can start intrapreneurial

organisation. Intrapreneurs

initiatives within your own

differ from entrepreneurs in


one key way: they focus on the growth or advancement

Kathryn’s story of success began

of an existing, established

out of frustration. There had been a

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


recent change of leadership within

it soon became evident that much

the organisation and as part of

of the frustration was not the

the ‘getting to know you’ process,

what—the tasks themselves were

the new executive director invited

generally accepted as necessary—

staff to share the things about

but the how—a lack of access to

their work that drove them crazy

the information needed to ensure

or were deemed a waste of time.

the task could be completed

The result? A list of processes

efficiently. Our existing information

needing review. As the manager

sharing processes relied heavily on

of the capability & planning team,

the subject matter expertise of key

it wasn’t surprising to Kathryn

staff, and if they were unavailable

that most of the list related to

it contributed to the overall

corporate and administrative

frustration and inefficiency.

elements necessary tasks which

At a business level there was a

occur so seldom that people forget

need to improve the way we were

what they need to do.

doing things, to better use our

“While the original objective of the

resources, change the way our

exercise was to remove as many of

internal customers could access

the things from the list as possible,

information, and build capability


w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

across the organisation. But at a

on their own. They became the

personal level, there was a need

intrapreneurs of the organisation.

to just make things easier and to

Having the right attitude Not

remove the frustration people were

everyone can think up innovative

feeling about aspects of corporate

changes to make within an existing

work. We knew the solution lay

organisation, but with the right

in information sharing and that

attitude, the right person can. It

SharePoint was an established

turns out, determination isn’t the

platform that could work for us,”

key factor that drives intrapreneurs;

Kathryn described.

it’s curiosity and the ability to think

Ultimately, Kathryn’s situation


required her and her small team to

“Initially when we started the

take it upon themselves to transfer

project it was about solving a long-

the company’s information sharing

standing problem for our business,

system to a different system from

and the outcome was very

what they were using previously.

important. But from the beginning

Their initial pitch was approved

I was very conscious that my

but would have taken too long and

approach was different. I’ve always

cost too much, so the team holed

been a reasonably determined

away in an office and learned

person, but I tried to pair that with

the ropes of the new system I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


curiosity. I value efficient work

tell is always better if there is

processes, but, paradoxically,

actually something to show. Busy

the process of finding creative

people can sometimes struggle to

solutions is often quite inefficient.

find the cognitive space to come

It requires an inquisitive spirit

at problems differently. If someone

and willingness to take the time

has already done the hard work of

to explore. The innovative part of

imagining a different solution and

the project was not so much the

has taken the time to pull together

solution we adopted, it was finding

a minimum viable product to

a more creative way to navigate

demonstrate how it works, they’re

the process—to not get deterred

more likely to listen.

when we encountered barriers

3 | Choose your moment: Everyone

but to be curious enough to

has a bad day sometimes. If

persevere,” explains Kathryn.

your boss is dealing with 1,000

4 steps to approach an

problems on a given day, wait for

intrapreneurial idea

a better opportunity to give your pitch.

Kathryn explained she’s fortunate that she works in a place that is

4 | Listen to feedback: It’s

passionate about innovation and

important to listen to feedback

supportive of finding innovative

and be willing to adapt your idea;

ways to work. However, even if

your target audience might like

your situation isn’t ideal, she still

the solution but see it working

recommends approaching new

differently. Be open to other

ideas the same way:


1 | Prepare your pitch: Do your research, understand the costs, benefits, risks, and options. To inspire confidence, you need to be ready to present considered information. There is no point talking about something if you can’t answer questions. 2 | Seeing is believing: Show and 71

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his niche in the financial services

been interested in business. At just

sector and took every opportunity

five years of age, he started his

possible to learn and grow. From

very first small business doing odd

here, work opened up at the

jobs around the community – and

Australian Stock Exchange where

he hasn’t stopped since.

he welcomed the chance to learn from the very heart of the market.

After completing school, Anthony landed his opening corporate

“I was perpetually curious about

role with JP Morgan Bank at just

the concept of ‘value’ (both

17 years of age. He had found

intrinsic and extrinsic) and the

I n t r a p r e n e u r

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However, while his work to date had effectively opened his mind to


new ways of thinking and learning, it was as a coach and mentor for local businesses in the Queensland Start-Up Ecosystem that his passion for helping SMEs was reignited. He was ready to move from Intrapreneur, to entrepreneur. “I was lucky enough to help some

role that this plays in economies

clients triple and quadruple their

all over the world. I was always

sales in a very short period, and I

fascinated by different business

thought ‘I would love to just do this

models,” Anthony said.

full-time’ and that’s how it all really began!” he said.

Throughout the early part of his career, Anthony embraced an

Earlier this year, Red Apple

intrapreneurial spirit to build the

Consultancy entered the market,

skills and confidence required

designed to help business owners

to achieve his dream of owning

accelerate their enterprise through

his own business. In 2016 he

sales, strategy and business

became Director, Transaction

revenue optimisation.

Banking Solutions (for the

The response to Red Apple’s

Institutional Banking Team) in the

launch has been phenomenal,

CBA Innovation Labs. Here he

solidifying the hard work, learning

created his own unique innovative

and ambition to consistently

project for a competition called

innovate that Anthony has

‘The Intrapreneur’ in 2017. This

demonstrated throughout his

competition called on employees


to enter ideas for assisting

“I just started texting people

customers in some way. Anthony’s

and asking ‘hypothetically, if

commitment to helping small

I were to start a consultancy

business became the spark for his

business, would you have any

project dubbed ‘Post Code’, for

work available?’ and I got a lot of

which he ultimately won first place. 73

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positive responses and we were

Anthony credits much of his

literally booked out just 12 days

success to his intrapreneurial

after launching,” he said.

pursuits, which taught him the importance of exploring each idea

“In one of our first client

through divergent thinking, then

engagements, we were able to

narrowing the focus to a complete,

increase our clients’ sales figures

specialised and expert product.

by over 500 per cent in less than 10 weeks – and that was just by

For others wishing to step out

working with them for two days

of intrapreneurism and apply

per week. The best part was that

their experience and learning to

we didn’t change the product

the world of business, Anthony

itself, just the way in which it

recommends three things:

was marketed to their customers

Make sure that your Unique

– it has everything to do with

Selling Proposition (USP) is super

the way in which the product is



I n t r a p r e n e u r

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Focus on a niche (e.g. If you are a

“Don’t go too big too soon, get the

web designer – be the number one

basics right from the start, focus

web designer for cafes).

on your ‘core competency’ and get specialist advice outside of this,”

Understand your customer acquisition cost (CAC) to lifetime

“Use your networks to make

value of customer (LTV) ratios.

connections and to meet likeminded business people. The

The other recommendation he

irony/paradox is that most other

offers is to not focus on scaling a

business owners are going through

business first, but monetise as a

similar challenges, so if you can


structure genuine ‘win-win’ deals

“The ‘Silicon Valley’ culture

that work for all parties, then you’re

tends to talk about scale first,

already off to a good start!”

then monetise, but unless you’re

building the next LinkedIn, Uber, Facebook, SnapChat… it’s so much

Anthony Kuhlmann

easier to monetise, then scale. The best part is that you can literally get on the phones today and broker some deals to achieve that!” he said. Starting your own business can be overwhelming, but always remember that you do not have to do it on your own. Just as collaboration is important within the intrapreneurial realm, it is vital to successful business too. Reaching out and connecting with other business owners who can offer skills to complement your own is an effective and smart way to grow. 75

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David Gram:



I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


Entrepreneurs often face an uphill battle. It’s difficult enough to come up with a product, service, or system that’s innovative, useful, and effective. When you add in hours of solo work and trying to gain funding, it’s no wonder entrepreneurs seem stressed. That’s where intrapreneurs have

good at management and began

it easy, right? They are already

to realize there needed to be a

employed within an established

balance between the creative and

company, with resources and

business mind, which the skill

budgeting. Well, that notion is

intrapreneurs often excel with.

incorrect. Intrapraneurs don’t walk

…On Being an Intrapreneur at

a path of leisure. Deriving new


thinking and strategies within a

Although ‘Intrapreneur in

business is notoriously difficult,

Residence’ isn’t Gram’s official title,

and it’s especially difficult to be

it is a good representation of what

an intrapreneur within a legacy

he does at LEGO. By working at

company. The bigger and older

LEGO as his own company, he isn’t

the organization, the more difficult

forced to follow the organization

the task. That being said, change

hierarchy. Instead, he has the

is constant, and businesses have

opportunity to follow the project.

to adapt. The result? Intrapreneurs

He is able to work to solve the big

are becoming more important.

challenges, build the structure or

David Gram worked as an

procedure, ensure the challenge

intrapreneur within companies for

is solved, and move on to the next

15 years, including LEGO, before


starting his own company,

And more and more businesses

Diplomatic Rebels. Growing up

are pulling in intrapreneurs for

with two artist parents, Gram had

these types of positions. Similar

always been drawn to creativity.

to freelance contractors, these

His career started as a semi-pro

interim intrapreneurs are able

drummer before he ventured into

to move freely and strategically

the realm of music management.

within a company, solving

There, he found he was really

problems and driving radical 77

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

innovation within an organization

This is why employees like Gram

without having to worry about the

thrive in free positions like resident

otherwise mundane tasks of the

intrapreneurs. At LEGO, he is able

org’s employees and managers.

to engage in digital transformation, launching pilot programs, and

There’s no question that there’s

propelling a legacy company

an influx of employees operating

forward. He explained his role as

with an intrapreneurial mindset,

questioning “How do you merge

and when businesses employ

digital and play in a way that

this forward way of thinking, it

doesn’t compromise the creativity

appeals to those intrapreneurial

of the child?”

individuals. They care more about the project and less about their

…On Being a Diplomatic Rebel

position. They’re less interested in

Questioning how to transform and

managing than they are in problem

add value to a company/system

solving. I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


without compromising the integrity

2. Understand the rules you’re

is the job of an intrapreneur.

breaking and why they were

However, creativity and project

there: Why is the company built

management can be difficult to

the way it is? Why do people

balance, especially within a legacy

behave the way they do? What are

company that is set in its ways.

the rules, and why are they there?

This is why Gram started

Your job as an intrapreneur is not

Diplomatic Rebels, to teach

to disrupt the existing organization,

intrapreneurs the skills required

it’s to improve it. By understanding

to work within an established

why the current rules are in place,

company. The key, according to

you are better able to assess

gram is to be both a rebel, who

the ways to alter and improve

can challenge the system and ask

upon them in a way that doesn’t

why, and a diplomat, who can be

undermine the mission of the

strategic and business minded


enough to get the corporation on

3. Build a tribe: Intrapreneurs


shouldn’t be confused with

Implementing new techniques,

introverts. Well, they could be

systems, products, etc. without

introverts. But one of the keys,

getting locked into the system

according to Gram, of successful

you’re trying to change is the

change is building a tribe, a group

challenge intrapreneurs will face.

of like-minded individuals. He

And according to Gram, there

explained, “this is less about the

aren’t many people who can

project and more about making a

naturally be a diplomat and a rebel


at the same time.

Find others within the institution

From his experience, Gram derived

that have skill sets and attitudes

five habits needed to serve as a

necessary to complete the project

diplomatic rebel:

and include them in your process.

1. Accept resistance: “There will

4. Write love letters, literally:

be resistance,” says Gram, “It’s

Gram explained that entrepreneurs

human nature.” If you understand

tend to be a little arrogant, in a

that, you won’t burn out as easily. 79

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

you’re standing on the shoulder of giants to look into the future.” 5. Make others shine along the way: Like resistance, it’s human nature to want to save successes for ourselves, meaning taking credit for our wins. And this is something you definitely should do! However, it’s important to give credit to other when credit is due. Gram says that in his experience, it drives morale and excitement. At LEGO, he explained working on a small project, Life of George, a quirky little game that involved building something and being scored on accuracy. “A lot of people helped,” he said, “So toward the end, we created golden bricks

good way. Their work is impressive.

(within the game) and gave them

But intrapreneurs should

in boxes to people who’d done a

remember to be humble and kind

lot. They received a little statuette,

and cultivate humility. Aside from

and people were happy and

having the resources of a large

excited. Remembering who helped

company, intrapreneurs are in the

and celebrating them is powerful

same position as entrepreneurs,

when trying to change behavior.”

says Gram; they’re building from scratch. And to do that, they must

To find out more about

get people on board.

‘Diplomatic Rebels’ visit

He suggests, literally, writing love

letters: “Reach out to those people and ask them to help you, knowing

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


Intrapreneurship is the TOP workplace skill for 2020! There is a growing demand for intrapreneurs in the workforce – even BEFORE the massive disruption facing the world of work right now due to COVID-19.

Why are intrapreneurs in such demand?

can be an epicentre of influence and

Because they are those valuable

achievement for good. JOIN GLOBAL

employees who will help businesses


and organisations to be ADAPTABLE and future-ready.


The Global Intrapreneurs Institute helps you to grow your skills, confidence and impact as an intrapreneur so you


w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m





I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


the physical from the digital, or even the biological. This change is

As business big and small race to keep up with the way digital transformation is creeping into every facet of operations, the demand for intrapreneurship has never been higher. Yet intrapreneurs are still often treated as the underdogs in the business world, or at least as the lesser-known cousin of the entrepreneur.

disrupting every industry in every country, and it is already changing some of our most fundamental systems, such as production, learning, and trade,” she said. “In that context, I strongly believe that the demand for

However, what organisations

intrapreneurship speak for itself.

need to remember is that it is

We don´t have the luxury of

no longer purely the role of the

starting everything all over again.

entrepreneurs to enact change

But we do have the possibility

and create more efficient, more

to re-invent, re-shape and re-

productive and increasingly

do big parts of our societies. By

lucrative ways of working; what is

having entrepreneurship and

desperately needed is for these

intrapreneurship hand-in-hand,

leaders to walk beside forward-

we will be able to create a better

thinking, committed members of

world ahead.”

their workforce and embrace the

Anne has a background in business

inevitable storm before the calm.

and economics, specialising

Anne Arneby is CEO of Nordic

in strategy and organisation

Morning Group in Sweden

through her Masters degree at

and Finland and a leader in

Linköping University in Sweden.

intrapreneurial change. She argues

This combination of study

that without intrapreneurship,

areas satisfied her curiosity for

business cannot survive.

technology, human behavior and business that had driven her

“We are in the fourth industrial

towards her career goals from her

revolution, the digital revolution,

teen years.

and the largest one to date. Our societies are changing at an

“When you feed your inner drive

exponential rate and it is becoming

you also tend to meet others who

increasingly difficult to separate

are interested in the same things 83

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

and forward-thinking. This further sparked her passion for intrapreneurship and as she progressed through her next few jobs, she realised she was drawn to businesses in urgent need of change. Anne now focuses her attention on organisations that require assistance in updating their ways of working to meet the rapidly changing technological landscape. While this work is often challenging and sometimes nearimpossible, it is also extremely rewarding. “You develop yourself all the time in this work, plus, it offers life-long learning for both the company and the employees.” When taking on a new assignment, Anne begins by working closely with the customers to identify their pain points, while at the same time identifying the cultural

and that´s how I have come to work with entrepreneurs, tech people,

aspects the corporate legacy

creative people, change agents

consists of. “Corporate legacy is an

and other curious minds from an

extension of corporate culture, and

early age,” she said.

it shapes attitudes and behavior among individual employees as

While at university, Anne worked

well as on a broader, organisation-

at an advertising agency that

wide scale,” Anne explained.

was exceptionally innovative I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


Another important part of the

• What capabilities need to be in

transformational work is connected

place to execute?

to the legacy system, or legacy

• What are the cultural

platform. This refers to the systems

imperatives to enable

within an organisation which have

differentiation and execution?

become obsolete which is often related to technology, but it can

”Intrapreneurs want to disrupt,

extend far beyond. It may be a

but their starting point is from

way of working that is no longer

within the company. They excel at

supported by vendors or needs to

challenging and rethinking what

be reimagined due to changing

is already there. They are drawn

business requirements or clientele.

to unreleased potential, to great ideas that got stuck or stopped

Be customer-centric and be

evolving. Their psychology is to

clear about what you want your

look at legacy from a new angle,”

corporate legacy to be. For this

Anne said in her article, Ode to the

you have to consider a number


of factors e.g. what are the possibilities and threats; will it be

Anne urges those with the

possible to drive a change journey;

intrapreneurial drive to stand tall,

can you simultaneously create

respect your talents and passions

value for customers as well as for

and find employers who will do the

the owners.

same. Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo; big business or

Intrapreneurs in all types of

small, intrapreneurship is what will

business can use these principles

pull legacy into the future.

to untangle the need for change within their organisation and help

”You’re not choosing a career.

map out a progressive future

You’re choosing a life. So choose

direction. It can help to ask

jobs where you can soar, where

questions such as;

your speed and drive for change is appreciated, and where there are

• Where we are going to play?

status quos for you to challenge.

• How are we going to win and

The rest will sort itself out.”

differentiate? 85

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

How The Australian Government Is Promoting

Intrapreneurialism Over the past 40 years, capitalist governments worldwide have acquired an increased interest in entrepreneurship and small business development as a potential solution to economic

Dr Sarah Pearson

growth and rising unemployment. It’s helped spawn a new field of academic study and research, and the trend was boosted by technology entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs of Apple, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Bill Gates of Microsoft, or Larry Page and Sergey Brin of Google. Technology parks can be found scattered around the

I n t r a p r e n e u r

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world, and we are constantly being

affairs and trade. In order to drive

informed of the latest and greatest

change, Dr. Pearson urges that

startups, non-profits, and special

“you need to give people a reason

interest charity groups.

to change. Why should it matter to them? You’ve got to show them

The entrepreneurial mindset is

success stories to demonstrate

alive and well around the world,

what it could achieve, to show

and the government typically has

them the potential.”

a key impact on not only how new businesses are created, but also

The InnovationXchange (iXc)

on the nature and ability of firms to

was set up within DFAT in 2015

grow. While we do require some of

as an experiment to showcase

the movers and shakers to disrupt

how innovation can be used in

current business models to propel

Australia’s aid program. Pearson

innovation and growth via business

descried how the staff within iXc

creation, some of the most

became intrapreneurs within DFAT,

important social entrepreneurs, or

experimenting with innovative

intrapreneurs lie within our current

approaches—such as running


global challenges to source the world’s greatest ideas to tackle

Dr. Sarah Pearson is the

our toughest development

Department of Foreign Affairs and

problems. Some of the challenges

Trade’s (DFAT) first Chief Innovation

included LAUNCH Food, a global

Officer and is working to embed

call for ideas that could improve

innovation across all of DFAT’s

nutrition in the Pacific, a region

work. She offered some of the

that holds 9 out of the world’s top

ways DFAT, and the Australian

10 most obese countries; the MIT

government, is promoting

Solve Challenge, which sourced

intrapreneurialism and creative

solutions to prepare disadvantaged


youth for the workforce of the

Intrapreneurialism within DFAT

future; and the Google Impact

Emerging science, tech, and

Challenge, through which the DFAT

innovation poses an opportunity

supported 4 winners who were

for all DFAT activity—from

using a technological solution to

development programs to foreign

fight poverty in our region. 87

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

IXc staff are also finding creative

companies like Google and

ways to support entrepreneurs

Atlassian to build its skills and

across the Indo-Pacific, and they’re

capability, as well as increase

gaining valuable insights into how

access to the latest technology.

innovation and the start-up scene

“Working with Atlassian has given

works in the process. The flagship

us exposure to their ways of

entrepreneurship program, Scaling

working—agile and creative—as

Frontier Innovation, is an initiative

well as some of the products and

to strengthen and support the

tools, including collaboration

ecosystem for innovators and

platforms and team management

entrepreneurs in our region.

tools,” explains Pearson. “The technical expertise of both Google

In 2018, iXc started to apply what

and Atlassian was hugely impactful

they’d learned toward supporting

in supporting the grantees funded

all of DFAT to improve their work in

from the challenges with technical

terms of efficiency, effectiveness,

support to improve and scale ideas

and producing better value-for-

to reach more beneficiaries,” she

money for the department. Pearson


explained they’re transferring over some of the early stage

It’s not just the DFAT that’s

experiments to other sections of

incorporating and promoting

DFAT and helping others to take

intrapreneurship. There is a lot

innovative approaches: “We were

of work being done to support

getting feedback that staff wanted

intrapreneurship across the

to learn how to adopt innovative

government. According to Pearson,

approaches to their work, using

there are over 20 groups in

frameworks such as human

the Public Sector Practitioners

centered design. In an ideal world,

Network, which is made up

all DFAT staff would consider

innovation labs across the

themselves intrapreneurs, and


that’s certainly something we’re

“Of course, that’s not to say you

striving for.”

need to be part of an innovation

Another way the DFAT is promoting

lab to consider yourself an

intrapreneurship is by leveraging

intrapreneur, but the people in

private sector partnerships with

these labs are the champions for

I n t r a p r e n e u r

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their departments,” says Pearson.

don’t always have all the answers,

The lab support staff create

and are prepared to look externally

innovative ways of working—like

for ideas to improve.

design thinking and agile team

They are constantly driven by

management approaches and

being better and reaching their


full potential. Intrapreneurs are

What makes an intrapeneur

experimental—prepared to trial

different from a “good” employee?

new ideas, but always able to pivot or stop if evidence shows it’s not

Intrapreneurs could be the key

working. They take calculated,

to future-driven successes for

smart risks. Finally, they are well

a number of organizations. Not

connected both inside and outside

everyone is an intrapreneur,

the organization, allowing them

and some employees possess a

to exchange ideas with others,

higher degree of potential than

to both learn and share their

others. According the Pearson,


identifying your intrapreneurs is pretty easy: “[They] aren’t content

Dr. Pearson is now the Deputy

with the status quo. They want to

Director General for Department of

be sure they’re being as effective

State Development, Tourism and

and impactful as possible. They

Innovation Development in the

think outside the box and focus

Queensland government.

on outcomes. They recognize they 89

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“Education is the root and the backbone for the progress of any nation. I believe once we have gone to the roots, created a fertile land and nurtured it well, it will result into a strong tree with many fruits.�

Driving innovation through


Pravin Rajpal and his team at

Most notably is his recent

InnovatioNext, India, are leading

development of integrated

the way in fostering technology-

innovation Centres of Excellence

driven intrapreneurship in the

within universities and corporates

next generation. As well as being

in India. At last count, 21 Centres

a respected thought-leader and

have been set up, with many more

champion of innovation in his

on the horizon, and the results

own right, Pravin has successfully

are extraordinary. They have seen

brought the notion of collaboration

up to 100 per cent employment

and intrapreneurship into the

rates in participating universities,

spotlight through his cutting-edge

unprecedented business growth in

programs and tailored solutions for

collaborating companies and rise

a range of industries.

in patents across the board. His

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


movement has sparked a global

The Centres are based on

interest in intrapreneurship – and

industry-academia collaboration

this is just the beginning.

methodology, where students select the industry they are

“Education is the root and the

passionate about and work through

backbone for the progress of any

specially-designed internships

nation. I believe once we have

over four years. They can focus on

gone to the roots, created a fertile

the critical challenges faced by

land and nurtured it well, it will

the organisation they are working

result into a strong tree with many

within and discover innovative

fruits. By bringing these changes

solutions for business growth.

into the mindset of the students,

Students are trained to understand

we are developing a very strong

the specific needs within the

culture and large-scale innovation

corporate arena and the key

capacities focused on the faster

problems faced in the areas of

growth of businesses, industry,

operations, business, resources,

government and education,” Pravin

customers and future needs.


They are offered holistic and

“I believe that the pressure on

multi-dimensional exposure to

the human mind to create and

intrapreneurship strategies so they

innovate new products is more

can glean a greater understanding

intense than ever before. The world

of the innovation ecosystem

has changed and organisations

and how to create faster growth

seek to grow exponentially. That is

and / or productivity in industry,

why we set out to empower minds

government and society sectors.

with the most advanced ideation

“Any big change has to come from

tools, technology apps, ready to

within. A forced change can never

use mind maps, innovation health

become successful. We therefore

assessment software and more

ignited the torch of innovation

to develop the next generation

to ignite passions, minds and a

intrapreneur who can help build

spirit of innovation. The torch of

high impact businesses for the

innovation is passed on by us to

new world of the fourth industrial

the professors, from the professors

revolution.” 91

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m


to the students and from the

and then harnessing a new wave

students to the industry,” Pravin

of thought leaders, coupled with


the driving force of technological advancement, there is mass

“Our new model has democratised

potential for unrivalled growth

the intrapreneurship movement,

within companies large and small.

because universities and industry have realised that the concepts

“Organizations looking to grow

of the students can only become

and innovate at a faster pace,

great when the ideas in early

need to harness the ideas of their

business/product stages are

intrapreneurs. With the age of

supported with management

open innovation, collaboration

experience, financial support and

assumes great importance. R&D

marketing infrastructure of the

is replaced by C&D (Connect and


Develop) everywhere.”

Intrapreneurship has become

“Intrapreneurs bring in technology

a critical component of any

solutions, new business ideas,

business due to the speed at

market growth ideas and new

which competition and innovation

solutions for the organizations. An

is now forced to move. By training

organization can truly embark on

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


the exponential growth journey

unable to successfully connect

with a culture of intrapreneurship.”

with appropriate companies, and likewise business owners looking

For the businesses involved, there

to broaden their innovation were

are many benefits. By encouraging

hard-pressed to discover the right

passionate, committed students

people to help.

to drive innovative programs and solve problems, people-power,

“We make sure that the ideas of

money, risk and time investments

students are brought to light for

can be reduced.

scale-up by connecting them with the relevant industries. We

InnovatioNext’s centres have

help the students to market their

received incredible support from

ideas through our vast industry

large companies across India,

network of Confederation of Indian

including the country’s number

Industries (CII) as we are their

one bank, HDFC Bank. They have

innovation knowledge partners.

partnered with the Centres to

CII has more than 10000 industry

develop Fin-tech innovations

members,” he said.

and agreed to fund mentoring opportunities for students. Top

They also work the other way,

conglomerates TATA Group and

connecting companies with

Aditya Birla Group are also on

specific challenges with students

board, offering their challenges

who can solve them. The

for innovation projects and

Corporate Challenge Connect app

mentoring. In addition, the Centres

cleverly utilised technology to

have worked with names such

quickly and easily link up business

as Samsung, Dell, Amazon, Ford

needs and innovators for mutual

Motors and Citibank.


Another brilliant aspect of

“This ensures that each student

InnovatioNext’s programs

works on the innovation projects of

is that innovation is not just

the leading companies and strives

enabled, but talent and need is

to resolve their challenges. They

fully utilised through ‘Industry

can directly post their ideas and

Connect’. Pravin noted that many

even win many rewards, including

intrapreneurs in the past were

monetary. We therefore create an 93

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

eco-system where the innovation

Technologies are disrupting

seekers meet the innovation

traditional business models.

providers at various universities,”

Digitization, e-commerce, apps

Pravin explained.

and unconventional approaches have resulted in the closure of

“We also provide the career links

many businesses. Only 52 per

of the top MNCs (Multinational

cent of the companies which

Corporations) and most innovative

appeared in the Fortune 500

companies looking for ideas,

listing in the year 2000 exist

solutions, creative talent and

today. Intrapreneurship can help

innovations from the students.

organizations to survive, sustain

After developing their concepts,

and grow in the future.”

the students can directly connect with these organizations to share

“The face of intrapreneurship is

their ideas for excellent career

emerging as the next mega trend

opportunities. This helps in

for the innovation-driven growth

bridging the big talent and ideas


gap which the top companies are

Find out more about Pravin Rajpal’s

looking for.”


With a rapidly changing world,

Pravin believes embracing technology and intrapreneurship is

the only way forward.

I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


Yusuf Mutamba:


INTRAPRENEURSHIP Rags to riches stories about entrepreneurs starting businesses from their garages seem more appealing than working within an established company. However, while intriguing, entrepreneurship comes with some liabilities such as the potential of failure and a lack of job security. Many large organisations are harnessing the innovation and energy of the startup sector into their companies through intrapreneurship. Companies in countries all

organisations, there’s still a long

over the world are encouraging

way to go. To learn more about

existing employees to be more

intrapreneurship in the African

entrepreneurial as a way of

business space, we spoke to

benefiting the organisation through

Ugandan attorney, Yusuf Mutamba.


Mutamba specialises in private

However, while the idea

sector development in emerging

is becoming increasingly

markets and issues related to

popular within businesses and

international trade, development finance, private investment, 95

w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

make it difficult for them to move beyond established practices,” explains Mutamba.”When the organisation finds itself in crisis, they resort to restructuring because that’s what the corporate handbook dictates. Unfortunately a company loses tomorrow’s business if they simply restructure or downsize without doing differently.” When top managers refuse to acknowledge their company is in need of change and innovation, they are only hurting their own bottom line. Instead, managers should embrace change and be open to new, innovative and unique ideas.

commercial agriculture, and industrial development. He

Africa’s innovation landscape is

also has particular interest

in its infancy compared to other

in intellectual property and

continents, but Mutamba says

innovation management.

“Africa is not seeking to play catch up.” Instead, African businesses

Earlier this year, Mutamba

are conducting intrapreneurship

wrote a piece for The New

experiments at an increasing rate

Times, Rwanda’s leading daily

and gaining ground across the

newspaper, about Intrapreneurship

continent. Key experiments across

and how businesses can grow

the continent include:

when top managers allow

• A start-up (AXIS) in Kigali driving

for intrapreneurship in their

the digitalisation of Rwanda


through the development of its

“Managers are often bound by


conventional wisdom which can I n t r a p r e n e u r

M a g a z i n e


• An Egyptian crowd solving

1. Secure strategic buy-in from

platform (

top management

enabling African companies

“Nothing happens in a large

to find African solutions to the

company unless top management

industrial challenges they face

is involved and willing to make it

• A Moroccan start-up (Screendy)

happen,” explains Mutamba,

catalyzing the open innovation

“Therefore, its buy-in is absolutely

of large organisations via

vital. Using either a trickle down


approach, where management

• A Senegalese telecom group

addresses an issue and sends

supporting an employee

it down the production line or

intrapreneur with his start-up

a trickle up method, where the

initiative in the health sector

operational team

According to Mutamba, the African

encourage the work from the top,

business space has identified

upper management has a critical

five key factors of success that

role in involving intrapreneurship

need to be implemented to

within their company. At some

bolster intrapreneurship within

point, top management has to get

anestablished company. These



2. Be agile in structured approaches “Structured approaches no doubt reassure established companies because relations with external stakeholders are easier to manage. But they don’t guarantee fluidity,” according to Matamba, “Companies should be prepared to cope with uncertain situations and for this they need agility.”


w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m

3. Manage the short and long

5. Engage teams


The success of intrapreneurial

Timing is another important

initiatives is dependent on being

factor in achieving intrapreneurial

able to engage teams throughout

outcomes. Realistically that won’t

the entire organisation, not just in

happen overnight. Companies must

one area such as the company’s

allow time for that transformation

core business. This could be done

to take place. It takes time to find

through internal competitions,

the right approach, to convince

incentives, empowering them to

others and to prepare for and

redesign processes and giving

manage the change.

recognition where it is due.

4. Adopt an open mindset

Businesses must be open to new methodologies like design thinking and lean start-up and train their teams in how to use them. Managers must be open to the prospect of failure, but more importantly understanding and learning from it so they can change direction quickly if necessary.

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INSPIRATION While working in a San Diego restaurant, Reyanne Mustafa and Kristian Krugman witnessed an overwhelming amount of food waste being discarded at the end of each day. Most notably was the leftover cooked rice and quinoa that had not had the chance to get to hungry customers. As forward-thinking, sustainability-minded individuals, this did not sit right with them and they wanted to find a solution to the wastage.


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at Sprouts and picked up a protein

Reyanne and Kristian did not set

powder that I was interested in

out to become entrepreneurs

buying. The first ingredient on the

- or even intrapreneurs - all

package was dehydrated rice,

they wanted was to stop the

and the second ingredient was

unnecessary discarding of perfectly good food into landfill.

dehydrated quinoa. I thought,

Their first solution was to package

throwing away every single day,”

my gosh, this is the stuff we are

up the leftover rice and take it

Reyanne said.

downtown to people who needed

Unfortunately, this idea didn’t

it, but soon realised it was not a

progress, as they quickly

sustainable option, nor was it safe or entirely legal in San Diego. Their next idea was to create a protein

discovered a saturated market and that people were loyal to their


tried-and-trusted brands.

“This ‘aha moment’ came when I

With Reyanne’s background in food

was walking down the protein aisle I n t r a p r e n e u r

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science and nutrition, she knew


there had to be something new

it’s different, otherwise we would

and exciting they could create,

likely get lost in the sea of protein

but it was Reyanne’s mother who

bars all on the market,” Reyanne

came up with the idea that would


eventually stick – cookies. The two

From there, Reyanne and Kristian

of them were driving back from a

started experimenting with their

big food expo called Expo West

product idea, finishing their shift at

that showcases the latest in food

the restaurant and staying back to

innovations and ideas.

throw the rice and other potential

“Driving back home, I started

ingredients in a mixer to see what

brainstorming, maybe I could

happened. The first (of many)

make a veggie patty out of the

batches were an abysmal failure,

brown rice, or dog treats, chips or

and the pair became close to

something similar. But then mum

giving up. The turning point came

goes ‘I got it’ and slaps me on the

when they decided to switch from

thigh - ‘how do you make food

trying to make something new and

waste sexy? Cookies, everyone

instead go back to basics, then

loves cookies!’. Honestly, I wasn’t

work out how to incorporate the

sure at that stage!”

brown rice into a traditional cookie recipe – and it worked.

So, Reyanne and Kristian started their market research to see what

“We made a regular chocolate

people wanted and work out

chip cookie and those tasted

whether cookies were a viable

really good, so then we tried to

option. They conducted hundreds

see what we could sub out or sub

of customer surveys and interviews

in to add the rice. We figured out

and discovered that people wanted

that we needed to dry the rice

a fast, convenient snack such as a

and then turn it into flour, rather

bar or biscuit.

than just making a cookie and

“The reason we chose a cookie rather than a protein bar was because playing with cookies is so much more fun, and the marketing is a lot more enticing -

inserting cooked rice into it. It was such a slight change, but that really was a pivotal moment in the early stages,” Reyanne said. They had found a solution for the mass amounts of food waste leaving the 101

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restaurant’s kitchen each

“Creating a company was actually

night, so they took their plan

the last thing that we wanted to do.

to management. It seemed like

We had gone to our management

a no-brainer to Reyanne and

several times and told them; ‘look,

Kristian, but their idea of drying

why don’t you guys do

the leftover rice and turning it into flour to be repurposed fell flat with management. They were all set to pitch them the cookie idea too, but Reyanne’s mother encouraged them to be bold and take ownership of their hard work and create a business of their own. They took the ‘leap of faith’, and SOULMUCH became a reality. I n t r a p r e n e u r

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something with this rice? You are already purchasing 50 pounds of brown rice and brown rice flour every single week, why don’t you just take the rice you are throwing away and repurpose it?’” Reyanne said. “We were not being heard and it was really frustrating, but I think that that is what inspired us. We


thought, okay, if you’re not going

set up through a private corporate

to hear us, you’re going to hear us

system. Finding your support

eventually when we make our own

group and your cheerleaders is


very important, especially in the

While they already had the passion and the culinary skills to make their dream a reality, business was

early stages as you evolve your idea into something workable and, eventually, profitable.

another beast altogether. They

Her other piece of advice is to find

joined a business incubator on the

a partner that helps push you in


the right direction.

university’s campus which helped

“There are two types of people

them create a business framework

in the entrepreneur world; the

that could take their idea to a

ringleaders or executors, then

full-blown enterprise. This taught

there’s the idea monkeys or

them everything from business

visionaries. You need both to make

framework to marketing and logo

something work because ideas

creation, taxes and accounting.

are just ideas until you make them

“They walked us through the

happen,” she said.

whole process and without that,

“Without Krissy, my co-founder

we would have been extremely

who is the executor, I would still

overwhelmed and not have known

be sitting on the idea of trying to

where to start,” Reyanne said.

figure out something to do with

When it comes to advice for other would-be entrepreneurs moving

this rice and not know how to actually start.”

from the comforts of someone

Reyanne’s third piece of advice is

else’s business to contemplating

just to take that leap of faith and

their own, finding a similar

do it! As she puts it, fall in love with

support scheme, as they did, is

your problem, not your solution.

Reyanne’s first piece of advice.

From here, start conducting your

This could be through the local,

research on what people want and

small business administration, an

how you can solve the problem in

online community, or something

a useful and innovative way. 103

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Now that their kitchen is thriving, Reyanne and Kristian have set themselves a new goal – to rescue 1 million pounds of food in the next five years. They can’t do it alone, so will be working hard to inspire others to join the movement and make a lasting impact. They have become much more than a cookie company; they are a source of education, inspiration and power. “It is our goal that every bite you take out of our cookie, you take the opportunity to reflect and be inspired, knowing that your purchasing habits have so much power and you really can shape the world you live in,” Reyanne said. “And that is what’s so beautiful about entrepreneurship, that being able to create that impact in every single sale that you do.”

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clocking on and off each day,

to building competitiveness in

but truly thinking about how the

business and industry through

business can be better at every

designing and implementing

opportunity,� Paul said.

strategies to improve performance, Paul Hodgson understands the importance of intrapreneurialism not just in big business, but at a SME level as well.

Intrapreneurs ask questions, they are curious and not afraid of speaking up. They have a talent for picking up on the things that others may miss, such as a process

“I have always felt that the best

that could use improvement,

businesses have employees who

feedback that should be taken

think and act like owners. That

seriously or an opportunity for

means that they are not simply

collaboration or innovation. 105

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“These qualities are critical to the

However, in order to achieve

long-term success of an FSME

growth and improved

for a number of reasons. For the

competitiveness in the small

staff members, it drives a sense

business world, both parties

of purpose and belonging. For

(employer and intrapreneur) must

the business owner, it means you

be able to work together in a

have a team of staff who also

mutually beneficial way.

want the best for the business, coming up with new innovations that can be implemented to drive continual business productivity, competitiveness and growth,” he said.

Encouraging intrapreneurship within SMEs and family-run businesses revolves around fostering trust in leadership, support and open communication with the team. It is important to

This sense of purpose and

avoid a culture of control and

belonging, coupled with an

authority where an intrapreneur

intrapreneurs innate sense of

is seen as a threat, rather than

curiosity and drive, that can create

a key member of the team who

massive potential for positive

genuinely has the best interests of

change within a business.

the business in mind.

Intrapreneurialism not only works

“From an organisational

to improve immediate outcomes,

perspective, it is important to

but ensures a business is future-

create a culture of openness,

ready by creating opportunities

honesty, transparency and reward

for expansion of the business or

that keeps the ideas flowing.

succession planning. With great

Being dismissive, aloof or critical,

staff on board who are committed

particularly at early stages, can

to the wellbeing of the business

stifle intrapreneurialism and either

and who equally feel supported in

lead to intrapreneurs departing

their endeavours, opening a new

the business or simply staying and

branch, extending operations to

keeping quiet,” Paul said.

another sector or (when the time is right) handing the mantle on becomes a much less stressful reality. I n t r a p r e n e u r

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“My experience of intrapreneurs is that they often prefer working as part of a team and can have 106

a higher need for career and job

Coast) for the National Energy

security than entrepreneurs.”

Resources Australia industry growth centre. His primary

Paul’s suggestion for encouraging

role is to collaborate with

intrapreneurialism in FSMEs is to include some light and transparent structuring around innovation,

stakeholders to increase the productivity, competitiveness and export potential within the

taking into consideration ideation,

energy resources sector. He

execution and evaluation. This

has a Bachelor of International

helps the intrapreneur feel valued

Business, a Master of Sustainable

while guiding the flow of ideas in

Development and has recently

the right direction.

commenced a part-time PhD

Aligning the organisation’s vision

in Small to Medium Enterprise

with core goals and strategies


that give focus to intrapreneurial activities is also useful in business development, as is encouraging employees to spend time on their own pursuits to build autonomy and clear, fresh thinking. “Intrapreneurialism is really about unlocking what is known as ‘discretionary effort’. If your employees come to work to be the best they can be and to work with other people to achieve purposeful team goals, then your organisation is tapping into higher levels of motivation, commitment and creativity to drive productivity,” Paul summarised. Paul currently works as General Manager, Innovation and Stakeholder Engagement (East 107

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Gareth, how do you think

of intrapreneurship, one man

intrapreneurialism can help to

who’s really leading the way and

transform an organisation from

working hard to grow interest in

the inside out?

intrapreneurial strategy world-wide is Gareth Bullen. A thought leader

concept that understands that it

on the topic, Gareth conducts

is only by freeing all of the talents

regular keynote speeches on how leaders can become intrapreneurs, and is a practising professor of intrapreneurship at the London College of International Business Studies.

within an organisation, that you can be truly successful. If the senior team genuinely believe this, they have the ability to change an organisation to a community of the willing.

Intrapreneur Magazine caught up with Gareth to have a chat about this burgeoning strategy and where it can take individuals and businesses in the future. I n t r a p r e n e u r

I see intrapreneurship as an holistic

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They can become so flexible that this community can be any shape that the challenge facing the business requires. Intrapreneurship allows people to 108

manage themselves. Executives

best in their sector at customer

can, instead, spend time inspiring

service. They achieved an

workers, narrating the direction

employee engagement score only

they need to follow and describing

experienced by some of the best

the river the team must swim in. I

retailers in the UK, and they won

believe the effect on performance,

10 national awards for customer

innovation, well-being and

service, innovation, and employee

involvement when intrapreneurship


is harnessed, is unlimited.

Do you have any simple first

Can you give us one or more

steps for intrapreneurs wanting

examples of the power of

to start down this path?

intrapreneurialism in the workforce?

I think the first thing to know is that everybody can be intrapreneurial.

An example I often talk about in

If you are a team leader or middle

my seminars is a small regional

manager and you haven’t the

gas distribution network who were

power to change the whole

struggling to meet their legally

organisation, go and transform

binding minimum standards. They

your team or department.

were plagued by low morale and poor performance and were offering extremely poor customer service.

Change your leadership style from ‘command and control’ to one of leadership and inspiration. Stop telling people how to do

However, they managed to turn

things and instead describe the

things around. This was done

destination the team are trying to

through changing their leadership

get to. Allow them to find the best

style from ‘parent to child’ to

route there.

‘adult to adult’, and by freeing their employees to improve the business with the often-stated mantra ‘If an idea is safe and legal, just do it.’ They were able, in a ninemonth period, to become the

What is the state of play in intrapreneurship at the moment around the world? I think it’s patchy. I see in Europe, because of a fear of wealth and power moving from the west to 109

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the east, a great hunger for a new

What do you see as the likely

way of working that uses all the

future of intrapreneurship?

talents in an organisation. In Africa,

I think if intrapreneurship develops

there is a new generation who are

into a holistic model for building a

determined to change the way businesses work and are looking at intrapreneurship as their favoured solution. From my work in the UAE I’m amazed at the willingness of organisations to become more intrapreneurial as they strive to diversify their economies. So overall, I’m seeing a great energy and interest in a dynamic and exciting new way of working.

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community within an organisation, where culture, leadership, colleague collaboration, and borderless cooperation are nurtured between all stakeholders, suppliers, customers, and competitors, there is a chance that intrapreneurship will become the intellectual driving force as we move through the 4th and 5th industrial revolution.







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Articles inside

Gareth Bullen: The Power And Future Of Intrapreneurship

pages 108-112

Life-Changers: Soulmuch Inspiration

pages 99-104

Encouraging Intrapreneurship In Small Business with Paul Hodgson

pages 105-107

Pravin Rajpal: Driving Innovation Through Intrapreneurship

pages 90-94

How The Australian Government Is Promoting Intrapreneurialism with Dr Sarah Pearson

pages 86-89

Anne Arneby: Intrapreneurship’s Role In Corporate Legacy

pages 82-85

Kaihan Krippendorff: Encouraging The Internal Entrepreneur

pages 64-67

Intrapreneurship With Queensland’s Chief Entrepreneur, Leanne Kemp

pages 54-59

Anthony Kuhlmann: From Intrapreneur To Business Owner

pages 72-75

The Rise Of The Intrapreneur With Kathryn Dyble

pages 68-71

Wendy Agar: Intrapreneurialism in the NFP sector

pages 60-63

David Gram: Becoming Diplomatic Rebel

pages 76-81

Technology and Intrapreneurs By Suzan Briganti

pages 49-53

Rainer Petek: Reaching The Summit In Business

pages 11-15

Jim Link: Unlocking the hidden secret

pages 44-48

Speak Up , Be Heard, Create Change With Kelly Mcauliffe

pages 16-20

Louise Kyhl Triolo: Innovations From Which To Dream Big

pages 29-34

Dr Paul Browning: Innovation In Education

pages 35-39

Jessica Day: Maximizing Innovation Efficiency

pages 21-28

The Entrepreneur Inside By Agustín Arieu

pages 40-43

Gifford Pinchot III: Solving Problems

pages 5-10
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