REACHING THE SUMMIT IN BUSINESS The analogy of leadership akin
professional mountain climber
to scaling a steep mountain is
to conduct management team
apt for many a business owner,
exercises soon became his career;
CEO or principal. There are plenty
it was this moment that sparked
of challenges and the need for
his first book, and his subsequent
teamwork and trust are beyond
journey into leadership training.
question. Both scenarios can throw
“In the reflections afterwards, I
extreme conditions towards even
discovered that this experiential
the most experienced leaders.
kind of training was very effective
Rainer Petek has taken this analogy
for the participants and they
and created a unique platform
also were highly inspired by my
from which to view leadership,
personal experiences and stories,”
introducing clients worldwide to
he said.
his ‘mountain guide to North faces
“My biggest inspiration was always
in your business’. What started
to work with people and help
out as a one-off request for the
(and watch) them grow. It doesn´t 11
w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m