Innovations From Which To Dream
BIG From the early days in her career
nevertheless that it is our way
working with L’Oreal in Paris,
forward,” she said.
to landing a job with Airbus
“Intrapreneurship allows
Helicopters in the south of France,
businesses and organisations
to ultimately spearheading a
to ‘drill holes in the walls’ – it
groundbreaking innovation project
creates airflow between in and
with Airbus A3, Louise Kyhl Triolo
out, thus more oxygen within. It
has always believed in the power
of intrapreneurialism.
ancient and outdated systems,
“Intrapreneurialism, for me, is not
processes and workflows that stifle
a trend; it is the most natural form
initiative, autonomy and mastery.”
of human expression - thinking,
Louise was instrumental in
creating, federating, building,
creating Airbus’s crowdsourcing
making…. Although not each and
innovation initiative and cultural
every one of us has the desire,
transformation project known as
nor the skills to do so, I believe 29
w w w . i n t r a p r e n e u r m a g a z i n e . c o m