Randstad’s Chief Human Resources Officer for North America, Jim Link has his finger of the pulse of the trends shaping how organisations can prepare and redesign their workforce. created for the Australian
His opinions on workplace issues
Intrapreneurs Summit, Jim reveals
and advocacy for intrapreneurship,
why and how HR needs to focus
are sought out by national and
their organisation’s strategy around
local media, including The Wall
intrapreneurialism, building an
Street Journal, Forbes, Fast
architecture and culture that
Company and HR Magazine.
nurtures it.
Jim believes that the fast pace our
“Intrapreneurialism presents
workplaces change these days,
a whole new opportunity for
makes intrapreneurialism central
workplaces and companies
to a companies’ ability to stay
throughout the world. Many
relevant. In his video presentation I n t r a p r e n e u r
M a g a z i n e
companies are creating an 44