When we think of the word
While the entrepreneur is
‘innovator’, perhaps we envisage
usually the subject of our
the lone wolf, sitting alone in a
innovation stories, it is, in fact,
spectacularly modern apartment
the intrapreneur, or internal
on their Fitball, or laptop and
entrepreneur, who is responsible
notes spread out on a table at the
for a staggering 70 per cent of
local café. Perhaps we think of a
society’s most transformative
spectacle-adorned academic type
innovations, according to Strategy,
from an old sepia image. What we
Growth and Transformation
seldom think about, however, is
expert, Kaihan Krippendorff.
the employee who routinely wakes
Kaihan is a celebrated keynote
to their alarm, heads to work, and
speaker in business strategy and
creates goods and services for
author of five books aimed at
someone else’s company.
helping businesses thrive in the competitive, fast-paced digital age.
I n t r a p r e n e u r
M a g a z i n e