“Education is the root and the backbone for the progress of any nation. I believe once we have gone to the roots, created a fertile land and nurtured it well, it will result into a strong tree with many fruits.�
Driving innovation through
Pravin Rajpal and his team at
Most notably is his recent
InnovatioNext, India, are leading
development of integrated
the way in fostering technology-
innovation Centres of Excellence
driven intrapreneurship in the
within universities and corporates
next generation. As well as being
in India. At last count, 21 Centres
a respected thought-leader and
have been set up, with many more
champion of innovation in his
on the horizon, and the results
own right, Pravin has successfully
are extraordinary. They have seen
brought the notion of collaboration
up to 100 per cent employment
and intrapreneurship into the
rates in participating universities,
spotlight through his cutting-edge
unprecedented business growth in
programs and tailored solutions for
collaborating companies and rise
a range of industries.
in patents across the board. His
I n t r a p r e n e u r
M a g a z i n e