Quirk July August 2019

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Volume99••Issue Issue44 Volume July - August2019 2019 July - August



SALSA VERDE Delcious Summer Recipe!



Quilters - This could be your machine!

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Mocha Local

Local Meal Kit Delivery & online Farmers Market launches in Lethbridge

Able Dental Group

A new era for Able Dental Group

Facing the Big “C”

The story of one families courage and support to others fighting cancer

Healthy Foods

That look like the body parts they are good for!

Real Deals on Home Décor

A Taber-born family builds on the “Real Deal” in Lethbridge and beyond

The Mistaken Identity Model of Addiction

A second excerpt from Paul Noiles soon to be published book on recovery

Roasted Salsa Verde

One of Judi Frizzle-Stowell’s most popular recipes





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From The Publisher This year it seems that one day to the next we can’t tell if Summer is here for sure! One day it’s Jean Van Kleek Photo: Thomas Porter 28 degrees, the next there are snowfall warnings. One thing for sure is that in each issue of Quirk you will find out more about the people and businesses in your community than you knew before. In this July edition we visit a few businesses that are doing some interesting things! Mocha Cabana recently launched “Mocha Local”, this cities first local meal kit delivery & online Farmers Market. Meal kits are fast becoming a very popular option to help make your dinner time healthy & fun. We also go to “Real Deals on Home Décor” where Taber- born Kristen and Tom Simek have introduced the franchise to our area. Able Dental Group have been a fixture in our community for nearly 45 years. They share with us their changes and growth as they enter a new era. Liane Sadlemyer-Vance was a colleague of mine at 2&7 (now Global) a number of years ago. She was a wonderful person to work with, and has become an inspiration to those battling cancer by telling her story through her blogs. We’ve included one of them that she’s been kind enough to share with us. Also on the health front, author Paul Noiles gives us another excerpt from his soon to be published book on recovery. We had a great response from readers on his first piece, so we wanted to share another glimpse of his book with you. Thank you for your continued support and positive emails…it’s good to know we reach you!

Have a great Summer & Enjoy!

Volume 9 • Issue 4 • July - August 2019

www.quirkmagazine.net ISSN 1929-2112

Published bi-monthly in Lethbridge by


1010 - 10th Ave. N., Lethbridge, T1H 1J8 403.382.7240 Printed by Warwick Printing Lethbridge, AB. Publisher Jean Van Kleek info@quirkmagazine.net Design & Layout UniVerse Graphics Writers Michelle Zandstra Paul Noiles Mercedes Fawns Ginger Malacko Liane Sadlemeyer-Vance Jean Van Kleek Photographers Mike Jensen Cover Photo Mike Jensen Proofreading Cindy McInnes General Inquiries info@quirkmagazine.net Advertising Inquiries info@quirkmagazine.net 403.382.7240

LEGAL INFORMATION All information provided in this magazine is accurate and correct to the best of the knowledge of Quirk Magazine and Shabella Publishing, and current at the time of publishing. Quirk Magazine and Shabella Publishing are not responsible and will not be liable for damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of the information contained herein, or through any unauthorized use or reproduction of such information, even if the publication has been advertised of the possibility of these damages. The information in this magazine applies to Canada only and may not be appropriate or correct outside of Canada. The magazine is not responsible in any way for the content provided by contributing writers and/or advertisers or other third parties who advertise or provide content for this magazine. Unless indicated otherwise, all opinions, advice, information and resources offered or made available in this magazine are solely those of third parties who advertise or provide content for this magazine. This magazine and its content do not necessarily reflect the views of Shabella Publishing or its employees. No endorsement or approval of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services, including those available or offered through this magazine or any websites, is expressed or implied by Shabella Publishing or any related company or its officers and directors. Links to websites of third parties are meant for convenience only. The publisher does not review, endorse, approve or control and is not responsible for any such websites.

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The Style of Being


Restaurant Guide Quirk Word Find

Lessons I’ve Learned From my Dogs / Dog Cookie Recipe

Adorable Adoptables


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by Ginger Malacko

Write it Forward

When you have the chance to share your deepest thoughts with a bunch of strangers, as I have had here, there are patterns that emerge; ideas that surface, are re-shaped and then surface again as they have shifted and expanded in my own funny little head. You got to see who I am as a unique person. And do you want to know something? I got to see myself more clearly as well. I daresay I got to be myself more clearly. That is the brilliance of the written word – both the writing of it and the reading. Horace said, “The pen is the tongue of the mind”. And don’t I know it. There have been many times I’ve set out to write some illuminating piece of advice for my readers, only to find myself being illuminated. Thoughts that were little more than fuzzy clouds in my consciousness were drawn out into something real and solid simply because I had to find the words and put them on paper or screen. Over the years I’ve written about individuality and independence, exploration and contemplation, and the idea of being a whole and happy person. And since writing is focusing your thoughts into an action, I’ve found that writing about life has enriched the very fact of life. Now that

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opportunity is about to lead me elsewhere, that is the very thing I wish for each of you.

The power of the written word is not a gift exclusive to those who call ourselves writers. It is the personal note in a thankyou card, the email of encouragement, the letter in which lives are described and exchanged, and the journal that passes experience down through generations. The written word is your power as much as it has ever been mine and my final challenge is to urge you to use it. Never mind your spelling, your grammar, or supposed lack of creativity or originality. These are just excuses. Put pieces of yourself into words, whether many or few. Become a writer in your own way and let your thoughts and feelings, made tangible, go out into the world. I have been truly blessed to have written this little column, and so I know that the practise of writing will bless you too. And oh, what it could it do for those who receive your words. Write it down, that thought you have in your head right now that loves and enlightens, and pass it on. That, more than anything, is the style of being.

“And since writing is focusing your thoughts into an action, I’ve found that writing about life has enriched the very fact of life.”

Qu rk Restaurant Gu de



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Healthy, Ready to Assemble Meal Kits & Online Farmer’s Market Launches in Lethbridge!

Over the past few years, much has changed in the way we consume entertainment, products and food. Nesting has become a way of life for many, with people choosing watch movies at home, buy merchandise online and ordering in food over going to restaurants. This transition makes sense, as “home” offers us a comfortable escape from the outside world and gives us a chance to rejuvenate with family in a relaxed environment. In the past, when ordering in food, we often didn’t make the healthiest choices. An increasingly health-conscious society, and a return to the “family dinner” have opened the door healthy, yet less time

consuming mealtime options. There is a new wave of dining that has hit urban centres across the country. Meal kits; delivered to your door, make it easy to plan meals without having to shop for ingredients. They also provide the opportunity to try new recipes and re-create dishes that top chefs have already proven to be winners. It’s like a chef coming to your door and helping you make dinner!

And now, this new wave of dining has just taken off in Lethbridge by Mocha Cabana restauranteurs, Jaclyn Geddes and Angel Harper. These two chefs, who also happened to be best friends, have spent over a year researching and experimenting in their kitchen to create over 150 proven, healthy, balanced, and easy to follow recipes to launch Lethbridge’s first local meal kit delivery platform, “Mocha Local”. In keeping with the same “farm to table” philosophy they incorporate for the restaurant, Mocha Local provides farm fresh ingredients from the Alberta community of farmers and producers. Jaclyn and Angel were both raised on farms and know first hand there is nothing quite as satisfying or healthy as “farm to table” sourced ingredients and knowing where your food is coming from. The Mocha Local menu choices change weekly and offer a wide variety of mouth-watering choices like, Italian Sausage Linguini, Cashew Rice Bowl, Hamburger Steak and one pan Chicken Pot Pie just to name a few.

Jaclyn and Angel say research has shown that most of us have a few “go to” dishes that we make over and over again. And when we decide to try a new dish, we end up buying spices and other ingredients we may not use again for quite some time. With meal kits, everything is pre-measured with no waste, and best of all, no shopping. Each meal is Quirk - 10

Angel Harper and Jaclyn Geddes

“In keeping with the same “farm to table” philosophy they incorporate for the restaurant, Mocha Local provides farm fresh ingredients from the Alberta community of farmers and producers.”

designed to take about 15-20 minutes to prepare. These ladies have also added another very exciting component to Mocha Local. They have partnered with producers from the local farmers market to create an online Farmers Market. Now you can order fresh, local produce and have it delivered right to your door, helping you and your family eat as healthy and fresh as possible without leaving the house!

This venture is a very exciting first for Lethbridge and a natural progression for these two entrepreneurs, who have always strived to offer their best to our community. Angel and Jaclyn invite you to

try your first order from Mocha Local at 50% off. Just use the coupon code “Quirk50”. Go to: store.mochalocal.ca to find out more!

Bon Appetit!

Mocha Local Meal Kits:

• You receive step-by-step recipes with dishes curated each week by our team of in-house chefs and nutritionists. • Comes in a box full of fresh, pre-portioned, ingredients delivered to your door when you want. • You will save hours grocery shopping, and never have to throw away left over ingredients again! • Our quick and easy recipes are easy to cook and packed full of flavour & nutrition. • We plan the meals … you enjoy the cooking!

Dr. Bryan Murray teaching the crew on how to size implants, using panoramic X-rays. -Advertorial


Photos by Tom Buchanan

Crossings Dental Clinic Manager, Connie Hansen, the longest serving member of Able Dental Group, flashing her infections smile! Quirk - 12

“We meet many people from all walks of life, and some are not as fortunate as others. This is where we can make a difference: by being leaders in community stewardship.”

The entire Able Dental Group team sharing a laugh during professional development day. The history of Able Dental Group is rich and long in the community. They have been serving families in Lethbridge and Southern Alberta for nearly 45 years, starting with Dr. Douglas Fletcher, who retired in 2000, and then passed the torch to Dr. Bryan Murray, who recently celebrated 30 years in dentistry. “I grew up in Lethbridge, and I always knew I would return to my hometown at some point. Being able to provide care for the people who make this community so wonderful has been the most rewarding aspect of my career,” Dr. Murray explains.

Registered Nurse, Val, educating patient prior to sedation at Lethbridge Dental Surgical Suites.

In 2018, Dr. Murray sold one of his Lethbridge locations, “Able Family Dentistry”, which is located next door to his existing practice, Lethbridge Dental Surgical Suites on Fifth St. South in downtown Lethbridge. His general practice was sold to Canadian Dental Services (CDS), with whom they continue to collaborate. Dr. Murray and the Team wish CDS and their associates the best of success.

Dr. Murray provides dental surgery, dental implants, sleep apnea treatment, and Botox next door at Lethbridge Dental Surgical Suites, which he continues to own and operate. Working alongside Dr. Murray are his associates Dr. Brent Peterson, and soon to be joining their Surgical Team, Dr. Scott Walburger. “I am excited about the dawning of a new era for Able Dental Group. In addition to Lethbridge Dental Surgical Suites, our original office, we are thrilled to be providing care The Lethbridge Dental Surgical Suites location at 515 5th St. S.

“Changing lives is a critical aspect of our mission statement. This is instilled into Able Dental Group’s culture. Beyond making a difference in the dental clinic, we all have the opportunity to impact people’s lives outside of our professional scope.” at our newest clinics, Crossings Dental in West Lethbridge, and Southside Dental located in Medicine Hat,” says Dr. Murray.

Philanthropy, community engagement and preventative education, as well as international volunteerism and charity work are just a few of the ways Dr. Murray and his team endeavour to give back. “Changing lives is a critical aspect of our mission statement. This is instilled into Able Dental Group’s culture. Beyond making a difference in the dental clinic, we all have the opportunity to impact people’s lives outside of our professional scope,” says Dr. Murray. “We meet many people from all walks of life, and some are not as fortunate as others. This is where we can make a difference: by being leaders in community stewardship.”

Southside Dental and Crossings Dental Team members engaging in continuing education – while Dr. Murray performs an implant placement.

Dr. Murray is also a believer in life-long learning. One of his philosophies is continuing education and teaching new dentists about the state-of-the-art services offered to patients through Able Dental Group. “I believe all members of the community should have access to good health care, regardless of their means,” he continues. In addition to being a mentor, he has taken extensive additional training to improve himself and be on top of the newest information and expertise in his field. He is always a student and a teacher.

His original office, Lethbridge Dental Surgical Suites, can accommodate emergency dental services, dental implants, implant-stabilized dentures, wisdom tooth removal, total extractions and so much more. They have certified Professionals who can provide “Sleep Dentistry” for patients who are anxious and cannot tolerate traditional sedation methods. As well, they can assist with snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). They have trained professionals who provide therapeutic Botox injections, that can help with jaw and joint pain caused by bruxism (clenching jaw and grinding). They are also able to use Botox for cosmetic purposes to soften fine facial lines. “It is important that we honour the trust that our patients give us when coming to us for care,” Dr. Murray states.

Scheduling Coordinator, Jan, key member of the team, prepares for a pre-op call. This is a critical part of the patient’s journey.

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“We plan to make the same impact at each of our three locations that our parent company, Able Dental Group is known for,” says Dr. Murray. It is evident that he has instilled these values into Doctors Leo Lee and Sue Shang, from the enthusiasm and energy they bring to the hip new clinic in West Lethbridge. “We have a lot of young families in West Lethbridge. It is a booming community that is full of energy and diversity. You can enjoy the convenience of a city and the friendliness of a small town,” says Dr. Shang. “I am a strong believer in empowering the patient to make an informed decision,” explains Dr. Lee. “I want my patients to understand the condition of their health and why treatment is necessary, and I encourage my patients to ask

Dr. Murray and team performing implant surgery while Dr. Leo Lee (Crossings Dental) observes on training day.

“I am excited about the dawning of a new era for Able Dental Group. In addition to Lethbridge Dental Surgical Suites, our original office, we are thrilled to be providing care at our newest clinic, Crossings Dental in West Lethbridge, and at Southside Dental in Medicine Hat,”

questions,” he says excitedly. These dentists hope to continue Dr. Murray’s philosophy and commitment to excellent patient care and experience that Able Dental Group has always strived for.

Southside Dental in Medicine Hat has been a part of Able Dental Group for over a year and is a family practice that has adopted all the same ideals as its sister locations. This includes commitment to the patient experience, patient safety, community involvement and culture within the team. Associates, Dr. Ron Witzke and Dr. Scott Walburger, and their dental team can provide a full scope of dentistry to serve their patients. “Being part of the Able Dental Group gives us access to the latest techniques, technologies, and facilities allowing us to offer more comprehensive treatment in a caring environment through collaboration,” adds Dr. Witzke.

As Able Dental Group continues to flourish, Dr. Murray hopes to continue the nearly 45-year Lethbridge Dental Surgical Suites legacy in downtown Lethbridge. “This is our Flagship location,” he exclaims.

“[It’s] where it all began and continues today, providing dental surgery and implants.” He also uses his sense of humour to say he hopes his team is “able” to continue the story that the people of southern Alberta have come to know them for: “Same friendly faces, same commitment to our community and care for our patients.” Dr. Murray is committed to team development and mentorship; some of his loyal team of practitioners and employees have been with Dr. Murray and the Able Dental Group for over 30 years. Connie Hansen, the longest serving team member of Able Dental Group says, “Even after 32 years of watching our company grow, I am still excited everyday to get to work and continue to be an active part of our evolution. I am proud of our involvement within the community and the charities we support. No one has invested as much time and money into my personal and professional development as Dr. Murray. He has given me an amazing platform to impact the lives of patients every day.”

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Editors Note: Liane Sadlemyer-Vance was a colleague of mine while working at 2&7 Television (now Global). She was one of the friendliest, most easy-going and talented reporters in our newsroom and was highly respected by staff and viewers. Since moving to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan with her husband, Bruce and family, they have had to deal with the “C” word not once, not twice, but three times, beginning with Bruce five years ago, and then Liane with colorectal cancer diagnosed a year ago. When Liane got out of hospital in December of 2018 after surgery, she noticed that Bella, their dog, appeared to have a swollen face and neck. It was discovered she had lymphoma, and left untreated, a month to live. Liane says “We call her our pet therapist because she helped Bruce get through cancer treatments 5 years ago and she has helped me. It was our turn to help her. She was treated with chemo for 5 months and just finished a few weeks ago. She’s doing very well!” The strength of this family, who has worked together to fight what life has thrown them in a positive way is beyond commendable. And what could have destroyed them as a family unit, has brought them closer together. Liane shares her journey in her blog in hopes to help others with cancer who may be feeling alone, to be real about cancer treatments and to bring awareness to what cancer patients face.

The following is one of Liane’s recent blog posts. conqueringthec.wordpress.com

You can follow Liane at:

One Step at a Time Liane & Bella

“I just want to sleep for two weeks and wake up when it’s over.” This was how I felt last week, after I started my very last 14 day chemo cycle.

The day before I started was such a good day. It was probably the best day I have had since starting chemo at the beginning of February. That’s why it was so disheartening to get beat down when I was feeling up. I know it’s almost over, but right now the last days feel like a lifetime.

by Liane Sadlemyer-Vance

Now a week has passed since my last treatment cycle started and it has been the toughest treatment yet in relation to side effects. This is normal, since the impact of chemo is cumulative. Of course, I haven’t slept the whole time like I talked about that first treatment day (the steroids they give me for the first few days of nausea, prevent sleeping quite well). I got out of the funk and continue to be as active as I can even though I have had more moments in the last week where I just wish I could go to sleep and when I wake up, it would be over.

Active for me is a lot different on chemo than it is was previously. I used to run about 10-15 kilometres a week and also take a few group exercise classes and walk the dogs twice a day. Whereas “chemo active” is light strength exercises and stretching for 30 minutes a day and walk for at least 20 minutes. It’s a real struggle on a lot of days. Sometimes a 20 minute walk can feel like a 10 kilometre run, uphill. However, it’s the best thing for me to have a quicker recovery.

Jessica, Jonathon, Briane with Bella Quirk - 16

I’ve read a lot of stories from people on how cancer doctors just try to get them through the chemo and adjust treatment as necessary, without much consideration about activity and exercise and how it can help you mentally and physically recover from chemo. I have personally been told everything from “do what you can” to “the only activity you should do is walk from the bed to the couch.” I did my own research including getting an opinion from Best Doctors specifically on exercise. The organization has access to hundreds of research studies. Here is what they told me: “Interventional trials have demonstrated multiple

Liane & Jessica (goalie for the Huskies)

The University of Saskatchewan Women’s Huskies hockey team host a Play for the Cure game each season where money raised goes toward cancer programs. They wear special jerseys and auction them off to help the cause. They also auction off many other donated prizes from the community. Each year they choose someone who has been impacted by cancer to play for. This year they chose me and I had the honour of choosing where the donations would go. I chose the Cancer Society’s volunteer driver program that helps get people to treatment. $6800 was raised for that program. You can read the full blog about the game at conqueringthec.wordpress.com/2019/01/16/whos-the-boss/ beneficial effects of exercise programs in many aspects of a patient’s life and well-being during active cancer treatment.” “One study showed that increasing physical activity after diagnosis in a group of patients led to a 50% decrease in the risk of dying from colorectal cancer.”

Liane drops the puck!

Before cancer, I had figured out the benefits of exercise for physical and mental health, having started on the fitness path for a few years before diagnosis. It will take some time before I can build strength back to where it was. As long as I keep moving (and don’t sleep the whole time), I’ll get there. It just takes one step at a time.

Bella completes chemotherapy

Liane/10 K run

Bruce, Liane & family Quirk - 17

HEALTHY FOODS THAT LOOK LIKE THE BODY PARTS THEY’RE GOOD FOR They say you are what you eat, but we never thought that meant "literally" speaking. These foods actually reflect the body parts they provide nutrients for. Read along to know why they say eating carrots is good for your eyes - it's not just a coincidence.


Grapes have an undeniable resemblance to the alveoli of the lungs. Alveoli are tiny sacs within our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and bloodstream. Including red/purple grapes in your diet has been proven to reduce the risk of lung cancer and emphysema (a longterm disease of the lungs).


Interesting fact: the kidney bean got its name due to the resemblance it bears to real human kidneys. Kidney beans have significant amounts of fibre and soluble fibre. They are also very high in protein and iron. Quirk - 18


Sweet potatoes resemble the pancreas and can actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene). They are also a very good source of vitamin C, manganese, copper, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6. Additionally, they are a good source of potassium, dietary fibre, niacin, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and phosphorus.


Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries. Olives and olive oil contain an abundance of phenolic antioxidants as well as the anti-cancer compounds squalene and terpenoid.


Grapefruits, along with other citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, look just like the mammary glands of the female; located in female breasts, the mammary gland is responsible for lactation, or the production of milk. Citrus fruits assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.


Everyone knows bananas are good for you - and even if you look like a monkey when you're eating one, it puts a smile on your face. But no one really know why they're so good for you. Bananas contain a protein called "tryptophan" which is an É‘-amino acid. When digested, it gets converted into serotonin which sends "happy" chemicals to your brain. So keep smiling and keep peeling!


Onions have a resemblance to human body cells. It is proven that onions clear waste materials from all of the body cells.The phytochemicals in onions improve the working of vitamin C in the body, thus gifting you with improved immunity. They also contain chromium, which assists in regulating blood sugar.


Ginseng root looks like the veins in our body, and they are believed to provide an energy boost, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce stress, promote relaxation, treat diabetes and many other medical conditions.

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Mushrooms produce vitamin D, which helps with your bones, especially the auditory ossicles found in your ear. They are the three smallest bones in the human body (the malleus, incus, and stapes). These bones play an important role in the sense of hearing by transmitting sounds to the inner ear.


Ginger has been recognized for centuries as being the ultimate "cure" for relieving digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness, and pain.


It's not for nothing that your parents told you to "eat your carrots" when you were a kid. Turns out that, on top of making your eyes sparkle and your vision clearer, eating carrots enhances the blood flow to the eyes. They are also full of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B8, pantothenic acid, folate, potassium, iron, copper, and manganese.


Tomatoes are an excellent source vitamin C, biotin, molybdenum, and vitamin K. They are also a great source of copper, potassium, manganese, dietary fibre, vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), vitamin B6, folate, niacin, vitamin E, and phosphorus.


Walnuts help in developing over three dozen neuron-transmitters within the brain, enhancing the signaling and encouraging new messaging links between the brain cells. Walnuts also help ward off dementia. They also extract and break down the protein-based plaques associated with Alzheimer’s diseases.


Celery and other green vegetables in its category are foods specifically targeted to bone strength. Bones are made of almost of 25% sodium, which is naturally found in celery. Celery is very rich in vitamin K and also contains vitamin A, potassium, and vitamin C. The vegetable contains 1.6 grams of fibre per 100 grams.

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NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL • All paper material is recycled after shredding • Drop off service to our facility available • Bulk shredding and one time services • All shredding is done on-site, giving you the peace of mind that your documents are kept completely confidential. We invite you to witness their destruction. • Three sizes of locking document storage containers for scheduled pickups (monthly, weekly, bi-weekly)

We now also offer a

Seal ‘n Shred Bag service The Seal ‘n Shred bag can be purchased at our facility for a very affordable price that includes the cost of shredding when the bag is brought back full.

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Are there other materials you need destroyed? We are also able to shred non-paper materials such as: • Magnetic media (hard drives, memory storage disks) • PDA/Cell Phones • Textiles (uniforms etc.) • X-Rays




Monday – Friday, 8:00AM – 4:30PM, Saturdays by appointment.



What’s in Store

Kristen (Lund) Simek

Taber Born Entrepreneurs Bring the “Real Deal” to Lethbridge

- advertorial

“Kristen is very driven and focussed with a sincere desire to do the best she can in providing a unique experience for her customers.”

Kristen (Lund) Simek was born and raised on a farm near Taber, AB. She was a self -proclaimed hardcore tomboy who enjoyed a childhood playing numerous sports, riding horses, participating in 4-H, and of course, many farm chores including growing, picking and selling TABER corn. The corn tradition carries on as Kristen and husband Tom's children have been selling Taber corn in Cranbrook every August for the past several years! She has always been driven by an entrepreneurial spirit. When she was 19, then future husband, Tom, who also grew up on a farm in the Cranford area, surprised her with a “summer job” while she was going to the University of Lethbridge by buying her an old run down ice cream shop. They repainted it and named it “The Purple Cow” and it has become a well-known landmark in Taber. The ice cream shop has had several owners since, but it still displays the original “Purple Cow” logo designed by Kristen’s good friend Kara all those years ago. Kristen graduated with a BA in psychology/physical education/sociology and worked for a number of years in the Human Services field, including Sifton Children Services and Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Tom worked up the Safeway retail ladder from Boxboy as a teen to Store Manager for many years.

Tom now is fully immersed in REAL DEALS helping run both stores as well as his role corporately with the Real Deals franchise. The couple moved quite often early on in their 25 year marriage because of Tom’s managerial role with Safeway. The relocations took them to Sylvan Lake, Airdrie and then settling in at Cranbrook, BC where they currently live and are raising their three children Tomi (18), Drake (16) and Dane (12). Kristen was primarily a stay at home mom prior to her kids starting in school but always “dabbled” in business while home with her kids. She had a children’s clothing shop in her home in Airdrie called 'Tots & Tyke's' as well as another ice cream business there called Lickety Spilt. When her youngest son started kindergarten, she decided to go “full tilt” into business. She and Tom bought into the Real Deals franchise and opened a store in Cranbrook. They are now in their seventh year of business with the Cranbrook store.

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“It’s apparent as soon as you walk through the door that much care is given to the meticulously detailed displays that surround you. It’s not like shopping in a store, it’s like going to a friends house. The kind of friend who has a knack for decorating.” Kristen’s sister-in-law, Christy Lund (married to her twin Kevin) and good friend, Kristy Johnson, launched the Lethbridge store seven years ago, which was the first Canadian franchise location. They brought in quality, unique product, while building the brand as well as a loyal following over the years they owned the franchise. Kristen and Tom took over the store a year ago, continuing to build on its success. The couple own the franchise rights within Southern Alberta and Eastern BC, and are excited to bring its “special brand” of décor to the area. They both travel back and forth from Cranbrook, but don’t mind at all because their roots are here, so it’s like coming home. Kristen’s older brother is Corb Lund, very well known award winning musician and songwriter. Corb has nine recorded albums, three of which are certified gold. He has won several awards for his music world-wide, and one of his songs is featured on the Netflix original series “The Ranch”. Kristen is very proud of her brother and his talent, but says even though they are siblings, she didn’t inherit the musical gene. So no “duets” coming any time soon for this family! Kristen is very driven and focussed with a sincere desire to do the best she can in providing a unique experience for her customers. What they see, feel and smell are important to Kristen, as is building a personal relationship with them through engagement. It’s apparent as soon as you walk through the door that much care is given to the meticulously detailed displays that surround you. It’s not like shopping in a store, it’s like going to a friends house. The kind of friend who has a knack for decorating. Kristen says that when training with the franchise, they provide some instruction on creating displays. She calls it “decorating on steroids.” The layout of displays incorporates several layers and two to three dominant colors. While Kristen may have learned methods of display through Real Deals, its easy to see she is a natural at capturing a feeling and expression. She loves this part of her work, and like most artists, can spend hours never realizing the time that has gone by as she gets lost in her creativity. This can take quite a bit of time, as new product is brought in weekly with new displays created frequently. It is exciting to the customers when they have fresh new displays when they visit the store - many customers come weekly to see what's new! Quirk - 24

“Both the Cranbrook and Lethbridge locations also feature many local vendors who provide jewelery, essential oils, candles and body care, clothing and furniture.”

Kristen has many vendors to choose from and is always on the look out for inspiring new décor. The couple do attend Las Vegas Market and the Alberta gift show annually. Tom has also attended the Toronto home show in the past. They feel it is important to attend markets in order to stay current on new trends, bringing in some of these products to their stores. The couple's customers really appreciate the changing environment and finding new things each time they visit. Kristen also carries an excellent selection of clothing, with a variety of brands and fashions as well as sizes. Both the Cranbrook and Lethbridge locations also feature many local vendors who provide jewelery, essential oils, candles and body care, clothing and furniture. Kristen feels it’s important to support local when it fits she says, because “it’s locals who supports the store”.

What’s in the future for the Simeks? For now, they are concentrating on the two stores and will most likely be expanding the very popular clothing part of the business. Down the road, they may open up more stores as they grow the brand. Although Kristen and Tom both work very hard and are committed to the business, they always make sure they have time for their kids, and try very hard to balance life and work. The family is very active together, enjoying hiking, biking, and all things to do with the lake they live nearby. Both Tom and Kristen’s families still live in Lethbridge and Taber, so having the store here provided them the opportunity to visit family more frequently. It’s also given them the opportunity to bring a special kind of shopping experience to our community.

“While Kristen may have learned methods of display through Real Deals, its easy to see she is a natural at capturing a feeling and expression.”

1520 2 Ave S., Lethbridge (403) 394-3305 Open Tuesday-Friday 10-6 & Saturday 10-5 Across from the Harley Davidson dealership Also Located in Cranbrook, BC

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The Mistaken Identity Model of Addiction

Excerpt from upcoming book; “The Mistaken Identity Model of Addiction” Addiction is about PAIN, the pain of not knowing or liking who we really are; the solution is about AWAKENING, awakening to the innate truth of who we are. ~Paul Noiles

Introduction to book: Life is a journey, not a destination. ~ from the song “Amazing” by Aerosmith My recovery was and continues to be, a journey of awakening. If you are reading this, chances are you are ready to start this journey for yourself. Or, perhaps this article will be a starting point for someone you care deeply for. Whoever you are, the unadorned truth of human existence is that there is no destination. Had I believed there was such a thing and focused exclusively on it, I would not be alive today.

So many times, during the course of my miserable, addictive life, it felt like I’d reached the end, and I wanted to give up but somehow, I didn’t. To this day, it blows my mind not only that I survived but that I am now thriving. I had a powerful awakening of consciousness, and it was what drove my long term recovery.

Publisher’s Note:

Normally we have a policy of publishing pieces exclusively highlighting local authors and artists, however, given the universal context of Pauls’ work, and the talent with which he presents his story, I wanted to share his thoughts on this most important issue that affects so many in our area of the country as well. His writing style is refreshing, and his words non-judgmental, as he tackles a very complicated, emotional subject with the understanding of someone who has “been there” . This book has been a labor of love for Paul, as he strives to help as many people as possible who struggle with addiction.

Author: Paul Noiles

My tenacity for sobriety and not giving up was epic! This book is a testament to how the power of love transforms people. For whatever reason, I became aware that LOVE is a state of BEING and was always within me, even when I could barely feel ITS flame. LOVE is what kept me going. Somewhere within me, I knew, ALL IS WELL. Trust me, spiritual awakening is not for the faint of heart. Everything must fall apart before things can change. It is the way of nature. Old patterns, perceptions, beliefs, fears, thoughts, emotions, and ideas need to collapse because they are the real reasons we suffer, use, and cannot stop.

I had a crisis of consciousness, an identity crisis of the soul whereby I could no longer accept my old “self” as true. My whole life was “I”; it had to go, or I would have to continue to live in misery. Our real issue is Mistaken Identity, not knowing the innate truth of who we really are. ~ Paul Noiles

Scream, cry, and stomp! Do whatever is required to release the deep levels of sadness, but please don’t try to keep it all together because it must crumble so you can experience your true nature: LOVE.

The old identity of pain desperately wants to live, but you must be willing to sit with it for it’s the only way to let go. It does not serve you anymore. Just like I did, you must stand your ground and allow the old self (Mistaken Identity) to die so that your true nature (love) can live.

Don’t give up on your glorious opportunity to finally wake up and know that you are good enough, have always been good enough and will always be good enough because you are already the LIGHT you seek. There is nothing to fix. There is nothing to change. Just allow the identity crisis to arise from its darkness and the awakening will unfold.

Those who have been to the darkest places will experience an equal, opposite LIGHT when they finally recover. It is not personal, it’s Newton’s third law of physics: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Millions have come to understand that an addiction is not been a curse but a blessing in disguise. My coming out book invites all readers to remove the disguise, to further explore that blessing, and to experience the magnificence of who they really are. We need to do something different! If we are always following the same pattern, the same shit over and over, we will continue to struggle and not find lasting recovery.

The Mistaken Identity Model of Addiction is uniquely different from all other addiction/recovery books on the market today because it addresses addiction as a shame based condition, a condition that highjack’s the conscious and subconscious mind through the anxiety (pain) of not liking who we believe we are. It is the real reason I could not stop using. If we want true fulfillment, happiness, love, peace, joy, and abundance, we must go within and do the work of awakening. We must face the elephant in the room—ourselves. We must take responsibility for our inner life because everything that is good, valuable, and eternal happens from the inside out. We must move beyond the known into the unknown; it is rule #1 for myself and for all those who inspire me.

We must be willing to do the things we don’t want to do because—if nothing changes, nothing changes—end of story.

Recovery is the decision to exchange the painful work we do to sustain our current suffering, for the painful, non negotiable work of awakening. We must stop running from the pain and embrace it; it’s the only way through. Coming face to face with ourselves is excruciating, but the good news is that the more we remove the pain, the more we can experience our true nature.

Paul Noiles Paul Noiles Recovery Coach - Awakening Coach Awakening, Consciousness Author, Motivation Speaker C: 306 880 0816 E: noiles.paul@gmail.com Website: www.paulnoiles.com

And so, I set out on a journey of awakening by doing the important work of peeling the onion of myself layer by layer to dismantle my mistaken identity. “Old patterns, I am not my Pain—I AM perceptions, beliefs, fears, I am not my Toxic Shame—I AM. thoughts, emotions, and I am not my Thoughts—I AM. ideas need to collapse I am not my Emotions—I AM. because they are the real I am not my Body—I AM. I am not my Beliefs—I AM. reasons we suffer, use, I am not my Fears—I AM. and cannot stop.” The more the Mistaken Identity dissolved, the more I could experience (at the heart level) that which is beyond all identity—I AM. Hereafter, the real me lost all desire to use. A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love. ~ Marianne Williamson

All you need is willingness and openness to honestly see yourself as you really are.

I leave you with a quote by one of our brothers who is no longer with us: Carpe diem. Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary. ~ “John Keating” (played by Robin Williams) in the movie Dead Poet’s Society Quirk - 29

Roasted Salsa Verde By Judi Frizzle-Stowell

An addictively bracing green salsa that vibrates with the deep char goodness that comes from roasting the tangy tomatillos, fiery jalapenos and serranos, sweet onions and mildly smoky poblanos. Olé!

Follow Judi’s blog at


It’s just about Summer time! With this delightful announcement comes an impossible-to-resist prerequisite to raise our needy little faces to the warming sunshine, to briefly bask, as we effortlessly feel easy gratitude for renewal. Now that the snow and the chills are gone, and fingers of sunlight and warm breezes play about, it seems Mother Nature herself, is smiling upon us. The trees eagerly sway to a song known only to them. Thriving leaf and flower buds arrive daily on some vine here, or some bush there, new green shoots are pushing up from the forest floor and tender soft new needles are popping out at the tip tops and very ends of branches on the fir trees.

Quirk - 30

Green, glorious green, is the order of the day. Verde, baby! So when I saw plump, firm tomatillos and shiny, fresh poblanos in the supermarket, I knew exactly what I was going to make. And I'm so glad I did. Whether you just want a crispy tortilla chip and salsa fix, or you've got tacos or quesadillas in mind, this salsa rocks. Whatever your oh-wouldn't-that-be-perfect-with-salsa cravings are at the moment, I daresay I've got the remedy for you. And, bonus, it's all happy and green and vibrant, just like Summer. First of all, get your hot little hands on some fresh tomatillos, poblanos and serranos...


If you want a kicky hot salsa, you know, hot-baby-hot, just add more jalapenos or serranos. But of course, it always depends on the heat of each and every pepper, as they vary widely. This is the usual combination of peppers that I use, which makes a hot salsa, but not HOT salsa

2 pounds tomatillos 1 nice large, firm, dark green poblano pepper 1 jalapeno 2 serrano peppers 1/2 large sweet onion 1/3 cup fresh cilantro Juice of 1 plump, juicy lime 1 teaspoon sea salt • Heat your broiler on high. • Remove the husks from the tomatillos and rinse off any sticky residue from the skins. Slice the tomatillos in half and place on large baking sheet, cut side up.

Peel, chop, roast. El yumo!

• Slice jalapenos and serranos in half, lengthwise. Remove seeds and membranes from the inside of the peppers for a milder salsa. Leave seeds and membranes intact for a hotter salsa. I always leave my peppers intact. Place pepper halves on the baking sheet with tomatillos. • Place the whole poblano on the baking sheet. • Cut the onion, into large chunks and scatter over baking sheet. • Broil for 10-20 minutes or until charred. (I almost always broil for 19 minutes to get the 'right' char.) Place the poblano pepper in a plastic or paper bag and seal. Let sit for 10 minutes to steam. Remove from bag carefully and peel the skin from the pepper.

Throw into a food processor with some cilantro, lime and salt. Buzz, buzz. Arriba! Arriba!

Más por favor!! More, please!!!

• Add the tomatillos, jalapeno, serranos, poblano, onion, cilantro, lime juice and salt to a food processor or blender and buzz, buzz, until smooth. • Cool before serving, if you can wait that long. We never can! • Store covered in fridge for up to 1 week.

Quirk - 33

It’s simple.



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Quirk - 34

LESSONS I’VE LEARNED FROM MY DOGS By Jean Van Kleek “Love is a very powerful thing, and when it stands beside us, it creates an invisible yet undeniable strength that guides us through our own self-doubt.”


One very distinct, low pitched "Boof!" is Shani's call to let me know she's ready to get out of bed in the morning. The bed isn't high, she can easily fly up and down any time she is excited or forgets herself, but yet, here we are. Funny thing is, she doesn't need me to lift or help her down, she just needs me to be there beside her to let he know "it's ok". She wags her little poofy tail and looks at me, her eyes brimming with love, then steps down with confidence. I think we underestimate the

power of just being there for someone; that unspoken support that says "I've got your back...and I am here for you". For some, confidence comes easily, but for many of us, like Shani, it's often a struggle. Love is a very powerful thing, and when it stands beside us, it creates an invisible yet undeniable strength that guides us through our own self-doubt. We all just want to be "seen", to know that who we are is "enough" and that someone who cares, is at our side.


Luke & Digit

I use a food processor for all of these ingredients.


Digit & Luke

When mixed, place on parchment paper and score into bite size pieces. Bake at 350 for an hour or more.

• Approximately 1 and a half pounds of lean roast beef • 3 eggs. I always use free range • 2 tbs peanut butter • 2 tbs melted coconut oil • 2 cups blueberries • 4 cups peas • 2 cups carrots • 4 cups cooked potatoes • 1 can drained lentils, 1 can chickpeas • 1/2 cup flour • 1 cup ground flaxseed • 6 cups quick oats • 1/2 apple Lightly pulse the fruit and vegetables.

*Michelle's recipes include well researched ingredients to help make your dog happy & healthy.

I’d like to give a heartfelt thanks to all my readers who let me know how much they enjoy my recipes as much as I enjoy creating them. God bless you all and your dogs. Spoil them always-their lives are short! - Michelle Zandstra

Michelle Zandstra

The Lethbridge & District Humane Society has been a no-kill haven since its inception in early 1970. It is their goal to take care of strays and abandoned pets until a home can be found for them to thrive and have a new start in life. Some animals stay for years before finding a family to love them.

With the support of Park Pet Hospital & Northside Veterinary Clinic, Quirk would like to introduce a few of the residents who have been waiting for quite some time. Rescued pets are exceptionally loving,

and very grateful for a chance to be with you. If you have room in your home and your heart, please give the Humane Society a call to give one of these furry friends a chance to belong, and be loved.

They are a gift!

Call: (403) 320-8991 Website: lethbridgehumanesociety.com


(DSH black & white male) Jayco was born in the beginning of 2015 and Has been in our care since early 2018. He is a sweet, quieter boy who just wants all the attention you can give him. He gets along well with his roommates in the cat room and should do well in any new home. Jayco likes to reach up to ask you for attention and will rub himself against your hand. Jayco’s adoption fee of $230 includes his neuter, all vaccinations including rabies and microchip.

Fergus (Fergie)

(black & white male) Fergus is a loving, cuddly young cat, born in October 2016. He came to the Humane Society in the fall of 2017. Fergus doesn't like to be held or carried around, but does like people and attention. Once he gets to know you a bit, he loves a good belly rub and snuggle! He needs a bit of time to settle in to new situations, but once he does, he's a wonderful cat to have around!


(orange tabby female) Comet is a sweet, petite young girl with a lovely orange coat and big amber eyes. She likes attention from people but on her terms. When she has had enough fussing she will move on to something else! Comet gets along well with other cats and kittens, although her preference is for quieter cats rather than boisterous ones! Comet was born in August of 2017 and arrived at the Humane Society in the early spring of 2018. Her adoption fee of $230 includes her spay, all vaccinations including rabies and microchip.

Ramsey is a good looking orange and white kitten, about 6 months old. He loves to play wi his toys, and with his siblings. He's got a great purr, which he uses as soon as you pick hi up! He's energetic and fun, very entertaining to watch. He'sCats presently residing at th • Medical & Surgical Care for & Dogs Lethbridge Humane Society, but is looking for his very own Forever Home!

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ith im he


(female grey tabby) Pepper’s momma came in to the Humane Society when she was very pregnant near the end of July of 2018. Pepper and her brother Chili were born 2 days later on July 25, 2018. Pepper is now waiting for a new forever home of her own. She is a very sweet girl who enjoys playing with all of toys in her room as well as romping with her roommates. Pepper is very friendly with anyone who comes into her room and enjoys both snuggling and playing with everyone. She would be a great addition to any family. Pepper’s adoption fee of $270 includes her spay, all vaccinations including rabies and microchip.


(female grey tabby) Autumn came to the Humane Society in the spring of 2016, she is about 2 years old. She is still quite shy but readily rolls over for a belly rub, or to have her chin scratched. Autumn is looking for a quieter home where she can receive a lot of attention.


(female calico) Cali was born in 2013 and came to the Lethbridge Humane Society when her owner could no longer care for her. She is a very shy cat and needs time to get to know people and other cats. She tends to like the cats who are very similar in temperament to hers. Cali is getting more comfortable receiving attention and petting from people she is used to seeing. She is looking for a quieter home where she can take her time to become accustomed to new surroundings and a new family. Cali’s adoption fee of $230 includes her spay, all vaccinations including rabies and microchip.

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