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Conscious Transformation Unveiling Ourselves Absolute Vitality

velocity FREE

Template for a Growing Planet

The Delicious vegan Raw food Experience p. 74

Alternative Approaches to Cancer The Betty Hoen Story pp. 20-21 The Annie Appleseed Project p. 16

Create Miracles in 2013! with Clardy Malugen

p. 26

All Under One Roof High velocity living EXPO

OPEN HEART, OPEN MIND | January • February 2013

p. 5

p. 26

Yoga with a Culinary Twist p. 52

2013 StarworksUSA UFO Symposium p. 68

p. 47

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Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013


U N v E i l i N G O U R S E lv E S

OPEN at the top

Not to put a damper on anyone's path, but the fact is, we must be open if we are to receive. Actually, to be in balance in both giving and receiving is one and the same as being in harmony with the reciprocal Universe. It is a Universe of give and take, of ebb and flow, of growth and death, of contrasts, of opposites. Does having an open mind allow us to better ride the ebb and flow of these opposite patterns? Does having an open mind give us inner knowledge, revealing that which is especially good in life?


There is so much we do not know about the mind/body connection, yet scientists at The Institute of Heart Math can tell us much about the heart and its special knowing. The heart is far more than a simple pump. It is a highly complex, selforganizing, information processing center with its own 'brain' that communicates with and influences the cranial brain. The heart acts like it has a mind of its own, profoundly influencing the way we perceive and respond to the world. The point here is that the heart affects mental clarity, creativity, emotional balance, and personal effectiveness.


he best stories seem to be ones told about those who are a 'wee bit looney,'–those who go out on a limb, take a chance and give much of themselves. On inspection, I find these are the persons who are 'open at the top,' forever receptive to what may come their way.

Put those spontaneous heart activities together with an open mind and it appears to me that all systems are GO–open to good, good, and more good.

What a joyful way to approach life! Happy is that person whose judgment does not turn to worry. Worry does not become fear and fear does not become inactivity (frozen with fear).

to ensure that this gracious and stimulating pathway is always available to you, imagine moving through this world believing that everything exists for your highest good. Once you are a believer in the goodness of Life Itself, you will find you have become 'open at the top.'

You can count on the person who is open at the top to be in an active mode, assessing how best to jump into the middle of the fray. It is as if that one is allowing all of life, in its grandest sense to pass through his or her soul, accepting with abandon only that which is most enjoyed.

Louanne Headrick is a Registered Nurse, past Hospice Nurse and past Staff Development Director, now retired. She is a Signature Member of the Florida Watercolor Society and one of its former teachers, a longtime student of the work of Ernest Holmes and leader of a local Religious Science study group. She is pursuing her final year as student of Practitioner Studies of Religious Science. Please see ad for her study group this page.

This is Divine Intelligence at work flowing through an unobstructed human mind. It is mankind, manifesting the attributes of God through freedom with creativity and power. After all, is it not the purpose of the intelligent Universe that we be joyful in our activities and that we give up thoughts that would hinder positive demonstrations?


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998




VOLUME 41-484



















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Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



contributing editors Purusha K. Radha PUBLISHER-EDITOR







1 Contributing Community Editor Julie Norris is manager and co-proprietor of Dandelion Communitea Café, founding board director of the Progressive Local Alliance for Community Enrichment (PLACE) and serves on the boards of Slow Food and Mills Fifty Mainstreet. She’s an avid supporter of the local art, music and food culture, and showcases the diverse people and happenings in ‘Ourlando’ on her weekly radio program, Front Porch Radio. Her passion for community, delicious fair food, the environment and culture are the driving forces behind all her endeavors. More on her ventures: and

2 Contributing Green Editor

Michelle Thatcher served as Executive Director of the Association of Florida Conservation Districts, a non-profit organization for the state’s 63 Soil and Water Districts, from 2006-2010. Earlier, she served as Executive Director of Seminole Soil and Water District for four years. She was President of the Friends of Natural Lands and Trails, President Elect of the Florida Conservation District Employee Association, and was an appointed member of the Seminole County Natural Lands committee. Michelle graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in Visual Communications and serves as a board member of Keep Seminole Beautiful, Inc. and the Global Climate Change Committee for the Florida League of Women Voters. She is also a co-founder of the U.S. Green Chamber, Inc. Visit:

3 Contributing Health Editor Ramah Wagner, D.C. is a third generation chiropractor with degrees from the University of Iowa and of South Dakota. She received her graduate degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic (the founding college of chiropractic). Watch for Dr. Ramah Wagner’s new book, “The Health of Business - How to Balance Your Life for Greater Return.” Dr. Ramah is available for speaking events and intensives. Visit or call: 352-589-5443.

4 Contributing Food Editor Chef T (Tenanda Madhi) was trained at The Matthew Kenney Academy in Okalahoma City, Oklahoma, the nation's first and only classically structured raw and living foods educational center in the world. Chef T walks the talk himself consuming an all vegan, organic, living food regimen for several years. He is owner of Vitality Bistro located at 301 N. Baker St., #106 in downtown Mount Dora. Visit: http://vitalitybistro. com, call toll-free: 888-612-6617 or 352-735-8411. Email Chef T at

5 Contributing Spiritual Life Editor Albert J. Nuñez, DVM, CVA is a lifelong mystic and student of spirituality. He has studied and applied many of the profound practices and tenets of Catholicism, shamanism, christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Kabbalah, paganism, mysticism, Hinduism, Tantra, energy and sound healing, “Shadow Work,” kundalini yoga, many forms of meditation, and Qi Gong. ” He is an environmental advocate and educator, nature lover, happy hippy tree-hugger, and rescuer of many baby squirrels. He has been practicing fully integrated and wholistic veterinary medicine for almost 20 years, with two Animal Hospitals in the greater Orlando area. Dr. Al is committed to awakening human beings to their highest self. Contact him at 407-897-8555 or visit:


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Velocity Magazine is an independent Central Florida regional publication distributed in more than 1000 locations in Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Volusia, Brevard, Lake, Sumter, Citrus, Hermando, Marion, Alachua and Levy Counties.

Advertising Inquiries 407-454-3443 We Welcome Your Feedback P. O. Box 132, Mount Dora, FL 32756 The Velocity Vision To serve as a catalyst in raising the velocity of mass consciousness as we strive to create a new world that embraces lasting peace, sharing and cooperation. All material contained in this issue ©2012 PKR Communications- Velocity Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without express permission from the publisher. The views expressed in Velocity represent the opinions and beliefs of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of Velocity or its staff. Velocity is not responsible for the contents, products or services represented in any advertisement.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998




The Dogmas of Our Lives r om the moment we are born, many of us in the artificial bright lights and antiseptic atmosphere of a hospital room, we are bombarded with the ways of the third dimensional world. We learn what is good and what is bad, what is good to eat, how to behave, how to get love, how to give love, who is appropriate to love, the best ways to succeed, how to scorn and judge others who are not as good as we are, how to be healthy, where and how God is to be present in our lives–the list is endless. Our conduct is modeled to us by our parents and all those we are taught to look up to. Most of us don't really start thinking for ourselves until we reach our teens and twenties and even then we largely remain in the comfort of the structure of beliefs whose construction began at birth and maybe even at conception.


This is the way it is on planet Earth. It's part of the program of control. It keeps us out of our hearts a great deal of the time. It keeps us in ego almost all of the time–the ego that constantly ensnares us in fear, anger, problems, confrontation, greed, aggression, and self-absorption. We say we are free but are we really truly free? Because our ways and beliefs become so ingrained in our psyches and because we tend not to question them but go on living every day the same as the day before, these are not just beliefs or principles we live by, they are dogma. Dogma leaves no room for questions. Dogma is demanding, resolute, confining, rigid, unrelenting, in the box. How does that feel? If we're comfortable with that then we love living in the 'matrix' and that's okay for whoever chooses it, but I don't believe

it's really okay for the change-makers as Julie Norris calls us (page 18) or for those who aspire to be change-makers. The more dogmatically we live, the less we will be able to make spontaneous and very important decisions from our very souls vital for the re-creation of our planet, the less we will be able to hear those messages from within ourselves, the less courageous we will be to break free of the programs other people have set up for us. There is a plethora of arenas many of us have yet to explore that could perhaps free us in ways we cannot even imagine: communal living, psychic surgery, selfless mothering encompassing natural home childbirthing and breastfeeding, telekinesis, peace and safety without guns and the motivation of fear, veganism, respect for all life right down to the tiniest insect, extraterrestrial life and UFOs, life within the inner earth, real holistic cures for cancer, home schooling, experiential education for our young people, learning new arts and skills later in life, polyamory, manifesting mana 'out of thin air,' mysticism, unbridled ecstatic love (yes, love because I don't feel most of us know what that really is). With our hearts open, we can become awake enough to free our minds and get out of dogmatic living. We can become awake enough to stop living on the surface and to find the deeper meanings and lessons that are woven through every occurrence in our lives. The first step comes with realizing it is indeed true that someone else (not God) has programmed our lives for us.

Guns and Violence– The Opposite Of Love by Robert Bernstein Violence and guns are longtime relatives. And violence, no matter the form, is never good. We know violence for adults and for children is everywhere: in movies, books, sports, video games, the news, in our ongoing wars, even in the way we eat. We even kill to eat. In sports young men get brain concussions and other injuries playing football. Still football continues in schools and so called 'professionally' while millions cheer. The continuing ascendancy of guns and murders and of mass shootings is the result of an underlying problem which is violence itself. Our continued addiction to watching, reading and participating in violence creates a growing sense of paranoia as opposed to a common sense awareness of threat, physical or mental. And any form of violence (as you think, so you become) perpetuates more violence. And so then we believe we have to defend ourselves, not wanting to believe that we choose and perpetuate our own fear–fear of our own created violence. Every effect has a cause and the cause of gun violence is our culture’s addiction to violence much of which it regards as normal. So what to do? We should each consider looking without guilt or judgement at our own relationships with guns, violent movies, books, video games, sports, and food. And then consider their influence in how we think, and then in how we influence the culture in which we live. “Ask not for whom the bell tolls” . . . violence is the opposite of love. Robert Bernstein teaches A Course In Miracles. Please see column 2, page 37.

Velocity Velocity Magazine Magazine OPEN MYTH HEART–OPEN AND TRUTH MIND | November | January• •December February 2012 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998




any people suffer from severe neck and back pain because of ruptured, bulging, and herniated discs. As a result of Michelle Hamel’s work, thousands of patients have avoided painful surgery, nerve blocks, and drugs. Michelle Hamel is a licensed neuromuscular therapist and owner of The Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center. She specializes in the non-surgical elimination of disc and nerve-related pain.

Where does back pain typically come from?

It comes from repetitive motion and accidents. In fact, many of our normal daily activities can lead to back pain.

What causes the back pain?

Between the vertebrae a disc can migrate towards the spinal column and place pressure on a branch of the sciatic nerve. Let’s think about a jelly doughnut. When we bend the jelly doughnut forward the jelly comes out the back. This is similar to what happens with the discs between our vertebrae. When the disc pushes against the nerve we feel pain. This can occur in the upper, middle, and lower back. We all have a tendency to lean forward which causes flexion of the spine. This causes posterior disc migration.

What can I do about it?

Michelle’s unique soft tissue protocols can painlessly and quickly return these migrated discs to their normal and correct position. This will recreate your natural structural balance and end the pain cycle.

reverse bulging, herniated, and ruptured discs and their associated pain. Michelle guarantees significant relief after your first visit. Within three to five visits you will be pain free! Michelle clearly explains to her clients what actually happens to the body when injury occurs and once healed, educates them on how they can remain pain-free for life. Not only does Michelle work on the inflammation caused by disc or nerve entrapment, she works on the systemic inflammation caused by what we eat, drink, and think. She coaches clients with unique detoxification therapies that enhance the body’s healing processes. This detoxification re-establishes healthy lymphatic circulation throughout the body. This helps to resolve many health issues that may interfere with long-term wellness.

Michelle Hamel asks that you allow her to be your coach and share her secrets to a long and healthy life with you. She is a licensed massage therapist and neuromuscular massage therapist (#MA0009077). She is also a certified nutritional coach and additionally certified in lymphatic drainage by Teslar Global Technologies Inc. Call Michelle today at 407628-2176 or email her at You can also check out her website at For a guaranteed results appointment at Michelle's office in Longwood located at 1771 W. S. R. 434, call today to be free of pain tomorrow. Many insurance companies pay for treatment prescribed by physicians. Please see ad this page.

Here’s how Wally Temple feels about Michelle’s work: “I began experiencing pain in my right hip and groin area fol-

lowed by ever-increasing numbness in my right thigh. After visiting my primary care physician, I was referred to one of Orlando's prominent orthopedic clinics. After a couple office visits

there, X-rays, an MRI, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory drugs, my condition did not improve very much. Fortunately, when mentioning this to a friend with a similar problem in the

past, he recommended Michelle Hamel at the Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center. After a consultation with Michelle, and her review of my history on this matter including radiology reports, Michelle suggested my problem might be a bulging disc and

not a hip, groin, leg, or other area problem after all. The pain

from those areas was originating at the source of the problem–

a bulging disc. During a few weeks of soft tissue treatment by Michelle, my pain subsided and was quickly eliminated. Mi-

chelle also guided me in establishing some continuing self-help treatment. I highly recommend Michelle Hamel to anyone with

back problems, and/or herniated, bulging, or degenerative disc problems.

Michelle Hamel has spent 18 years studying the neuromuscular workings of the body and has developed unique soft tissue protocols which

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



Gardening in the Open by Lekoma Akate When we garden, we are communing with living organisms. Plants can sense energies. If you are angry when you work with them, they will pick it up. The result could be that they do not thrive and may even die or if it is an edible crop, the produce will lack abundant, life giving Lite1… the life force will not be life-promoting. Once I had a very large white eggplant bush that was not producing any fruit. One day while with a friend in the garden, we were observing how nice the bush looked though it was barren. In that moment, I made a decision and shared it with my friend. I commented that if it did not start producing soon, I was going to pull it up. I made the comment in a matter-of-fact way. If it was not going to produce, it would have to make room for something that would. In less than a week, the bush was loaded with fruit. I had to laugh. It ‘heard’ our conversation on some level and responded. There have been scientific tests that show a measurable electrical response by plants and that they remember people who harm them or other plants near them. I am not sure of the mechanism of the energetic response of plants, but I do know it exists. It is important to garden with an open heart. Be caring and loving to the plants so they will grow to produce more positive energies that will help those who associate with them. Whether gardening to create a place for BEing in a garden to reduce stress or for eating the produce for life-giving nutrition, the plants respond in kind to their energetic environment. Though I have been gardening for most of my life and have had many years of formal training, I am still learning. No matter how many times I do a task, I find that sometimes I learn a new bit of information to make it easier, more productive, or just more fun. 1 'Lite' is purposely spelled this way. Feel the difference in energy: lite vs. light.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


In gardening, as in all aspects of life, our ways cannot be set in stone. Life is not set in stone. Life is flowing, changing, adjusting. Our life and our gardening experiences will go much more smoothly if we adopt those same characteristics, keeping an open mind.

How to Keep a Great Romance Alive Even in Your Later Years A Q & A with Drs. Brian Clement and Anna Maria Clement, Co-Directors of Hippocrates Health Institute, West Palm Beach, Q: How do you keep a great romance alive, even in your later years? Brian: Lifelong sexual vitality is something everyone wants, but it’s not a sure thing for many people as they age. Desire can decline given many different factors including diet and environment. There can be physical impediments as well, but my wife, Anna Maria, and I have devised several ways to help people enjoy maximum health and great sex lives indefinitely. The two go hand in hand.

It is common knowledge that being in a green space helps to reduce blood pressure, heart rate, and stress, in general. Spending quality time in nature is an invaluable tool that is readily available. You can create that loving space in your own yard. take the time to do it right. Do it with love. Do it with an open heart and an open mind.

Q: Why is sex healthy?

Lekoma Akate is a native New Orleanian who moved from New Orleans to Central FL in 2010. He has earned a Masters of Science from Louisiana State University and a Masters of Education from the University of New Orleans. Lekoma is an avid gardener, musician, health enthusiast, and owner of, promoting health, sustainability and self-sufficiency. Please see ad previous page.

Anna Maria: There has always been a close relationship between food and sex. A poor diet, consumption of highly processed foods, and lack of exercise can lead to sexual problems. Unfortunately, many young couples experience fertility issues and many young men experience impotence. In addition to one’s diet, chemicals and radioactivity in our environment can also negatively affect one’s sexual ability.

Anna Maria: Sex is healthy for a number of reasons. We have seen first-hand at Hippocrates Health Institute that people in committed relationships who maintain sexual intimacy have three times the chance of achieving their health recovery goals. Brian: The physical benefits of sex include higher levels of hormonal activity allowing the body to grow healthier and stronger. The hormonal symphony that arises from the sexual act, particularly in a committed relationship, instills an unsurpassed vitality. As you and an intimate partner age together, the continued biochemical exchange of sexual union will fortify your health and extend your life. Q: How does your diet affect your sex life?

To help you practice what the book preaches, you’ll also enjoy a 4-oz. jar of Lulu’s Luscious Body Butter, an edible skin food as well as a tantric treat with real cacao butter that can be rubbed on and licked off. All of Lulu’s products are raw, vegan, organic, fair trade and gluten-free. $24.95 + shipping at

Q: What are some nourishing aphrodisiac foods? Brian: Shiitake mushrooms, black raspberries, dill, figs, and plums are among the foods that contain key nutrients that promote sexual vitality. Q: Can you a recipe that might include some of those foods? Brian: Sure, here is one that is among many very popular recipes we create at Hippocrates Health Institute: Continued next page 14

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



How to Keep a Great Romance Alive... continued from page 13

Thai Coconut Curry Soup

Yield: 4-6 servings 2 cups shiitake mushrooms, sliced 2 tablespoons fresh lime or lemon juice, plus extra for shiitake mushrooms 1 clove garlic 2-inch piece fresh ginger root, roughly chopped 1 teaspoon curry powder 1 cup fresh coconut meat 2 cups coconut water 1 scallion 1 avocado, halved and pitted Pinch of cayenne pepper Sprinkle shiitake mushrooms with lime or lemon juice and set aside. In a blender, combine the 2 tablespoons of lime or lemon juice, garlic, ginger, curry powder, coconut meat, coconut water, water, scallion, avocado and cayenne. Blend until smooth. Add the shiitake and serve.

Q: What is the biggest factor for decreased libido as we age and how can it be prevented? Anna Maria: One of the biggest factors of decreased libido is stress. If you are thinking of unpaid bills, deadlines, or other worries, you can’t enjoy sex. While sex is a stress-reliever, you must first be able to summon the desire to perform. Pelvic floor exercises are a great way to help a man regain full and normal erectile function. Q: What are the best nutrients/supplements for maximizing sexual vitality? Anna Maria: Some of the best nutrients for maximizing sexual vitality are natural aphrodisiacs like nutmeg, clove, apricots, zucchini, tomato seeds, lettuce, and lentil sprouts. If you consume these nutrients before being sexually intimate, you will most likely experience greater arousal. For more education on this subject, read 7 Keys To Lifelong Sexual Vitality: The Hippocrates Institute Guide to Sex, Health and Happiness, available on or at your local bookstore. To help you practice what the book preaches, you’ll also enjoy a 4-oz. jar of Lulu’s Luscious Body Butter, an edible skin food as well as a tantric treat with real cacao butter that can be rubbed on and licked off. All of Lulu’s products are raw, vegan, organic, fair trade and glutenfree. $24.95 plus shipping at Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) is a nonprofit health institute based in West Palm Beach, Florida. HHI has been the preeminent leader in the field of natural and alternative health care and education for more than six decades. Founded in Boston, Massachusetts by Ann Wigmore after healing herself of colon cancer using wheatgrass therapies, HHI has helped hundreds of thousands of guests realize that good health is every person’s birthright, and that a life free of disease and pain is our human legacy. HHI’s philosophy is founded on the belief that a vegan, living, enzyme-rich diet complemented by exercise, positive thinking, and non-invasive therapies is integral to optimum health.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

A B S O l U T E v i TA l i T y

Heart Medicine: Healing the Emotional and Spiritual Heart to Help the Physical One by Dawn Gates With the advent of modern medicine there seems to be a pill for everything, but in holistic therapies the cures are usually individual and are not aimed at just the physical aspects. Oftentimes, a disease pattern can be traced back to an emotional event in a person’s life. When I treat clients with heart disease I often ask about their childhood to see if there is an event that affected them emotionally. I once had a client with severe heart disease. Using facial diagnosis I could see that his heart area was deeply injured and that he needed some rapid intervention. When we began our consultation, he told me about a time when his father was always at work. One day, when his father came home late, my client jumped on his father’s lap only to be yelled at and hear that his father did not love him. As an adult my client admitted that he, too, was busy and often yelled at his children not realizing he was repeating a pattern. I put together an herbal combination for him to treat the heart disease but I also gave him a flower essence from Flower Essence Society (FES) known as Baby Blue Eyes. This essence is for people who were neglected by their fathers and who have walls up to protect their hearts. I also told him to get a stress test because I was worried about his cardio health. It was positive so he had an angiogram to open up his vessels. If I hadn’t seen that on his face and urged him to seek medical care he would have had a heart attack. I had another female client who at a young age had a heart attack. She came to me initially wanting to get off her blood pressure medications. She told me that her heart attack came right after her divorce. She blamed herself because she smothered her husband and didn’t trust him or anyone. We had a lot of work to do to balance her out so she could get off her medications. One of the first things I gave her was FES' Bleeding Heart which is for those people who feel a lack of love and belonging and therefore tend to smother people or push people’s boundaries. Both of my clients did really well with herbal care once we worked on the emotional blocks that were causing the dis-ease in the first place. It’s important to note that the body’s feelings send out chemical signals that affect health. Since 1994, Dawn Gates, Master Herbalist, aromatherapist, flower essence and gemstone elixir practitioner, has studied natural healing. She has herb and aromatherapy consulting offices in Paisley, Deland, and Orlando, Florida. Her school, The Live Oak School of Natural Healing, offers herbalist certification courses both in classroom and online. Visit: http://dawnsenchantedgarden. com or call for a consult. In Lake County, call 352-669-1963 and in the Orlando region, call 407-967-6042. Please see Dawn’s ad this page.

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

grace happens


by Colleen Gordon room, but we may find our way by parenting, writing, or counseling others. We all have the ability to realize our dreams when we approach them with an open mind and sincere heart. We can choose to silence our doubts and fears by taking the steps to realize our goals and dreams in spite of the

Not everyone has a fairy tale life. I would venture to guess that none of us do. We try our best to travel the path of what we plan—it may include an education, career, marriage, children, retirement, and travel—and yet, we get thrown off course. A misunderstanding, a loss of a loved one, a broken heart, a missed opportunity are just a few examples of events that cause us to lose our direction. Inevitably, something goes wrong, and we find ourselves looking to get back on track.

obstacles life has thrown our way, and by doing so, change a mantra of ‘Oh well, s- happens,” to “Oh yes! Grace happens!” This article is based on "The Unlimited Power of Choice–The Ultimate Guide to Living Consciously." by Amit Sodha (http://unlimitedchoice. org) and “Advanced Life Skills,” by Jonathan Wells ( Copyright 2012, "Healing for Pets and the Special People Who Love Them." Colleen Gordon is President and Founder of Healing For Pets. Visit or contact Colleen by calling 407-4464315.

Depression and internal conflict often occur when we are out of sync with our goals and dreams. This can be a dangerous time and we often find ourselves at a crossroads. Many choose the path of anger or inaction to rule their lives. There is another choice, but it takes courage to seek the positive opportunities we want for ourselves and our families. Internally, we may have had a chosen path, a plan that we wanted to experience. Perhaps that plan was to be a teacher. If that goal goes unrealized, we might then tell ourselves that being a teacher is out of our reach. After all, who would listen to someone who is not certified in education? We do not have to relent to a negative thought process. Finding peace within is how we achieve harmony, but how do we come by it? Vincent Van Gogh once said,

"If you hear a voice within you say, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint... and that voice will be silenced.

If the goal is to teach, then we must find the courage to teach somehow. It may not be as a traditional educator in the classVelocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



a lover’s plea for the worn out, burnt out, shook up, pissed off, and stressed out change makers

by Julie Norris Contributing Community Editor Many well-intentioned and big-hearted people work so darn hard in the field of activism, sustainability, organizing, and social entrepreneurism that they forget to take care of themselves and lose the ability to walk the talk in their personal lives. This is a lover’s plea for the worn out, burnt out, shook up, pissed off, and stressed out change makers caught in a moment of chaos to reclaim their balance.

mandolin, drinking Malbec on the front porch, building an outdoor s h ow e r, traveling for pleasure. If you could do this, boldly and unapologetically, savoring the moments of relaxation and creation, would you not be able to think clearer, see the path forward a bit more strategically, notice opportunities, and enjoy fresh perspectives in a way that finds you able to give as much as needed, more or less, to all those deserving of your attention, yourself included?

Find your center, human. Since you don’t actively seek balance, you miss out on an efficient form of productivity and relaxed ability to command yourself with your full powers of magic, intelligence, and intuition. Balance brings radiance. Radiance brings bountiful blessings. Instead, you trade balance for suffering and waste, and your light dims to a whisper. Lost pounds, lost money, lost resources, lost time. Hunger. Weakness. Guilt. Stress. Confusion. What if you chose to spend all that wasted time on things that brought you delight instead: gardening, reading, hiking, camping, ravishing your partner, learning the


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What blocks you from striving for balance? Do you not deserve happiness? Do you not deserve right relations with your intimates? Don’t your gifts and talents deserve to find success? Do you keep yourself busy so you don’t have to look inside? Do you believe your body is supposed to be in pain? Are you so used to the tailspin and whiplash that you cannot remember •

another way? Have you just no road map? No idea where to start or how? This is where I notice your body again– tense, crooked, uneven, sunken, locked. Your spine, dear, sweet conduit for the nervous system, completely off-line. Your chest, locked tight, unmoved by your breath, even when you try. The body can heal itself and be made whole, but it requires dedicated time and attention. I worry that you will be frozen in the chaos that is caused by and a result of your locked and freaked out body. I worry you will not be able to correct course without being seriously laid up by the universe smacking you over the head with a sledgehammer, because it cannot continue this way. This is not sustainable. You will be granted an opportunity to

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

heal. If you are not proactive, your body will stop you (as we have seen in medium-sized ways) at the most inopportune moment.

eat local organic homemade eco-friendly vegetarian healthy

So there you are. Experiencing what it is like to be a messy person at this moment. You abhor the mess. Laziness leaves. What about the mess that doing too much creates? So I look at this, and I know it is not you. I know you intend no harm. I’ve been there, you know. This is just a moment in time that you will transition out of. But when? Are you at a turning point right now? Are you motivated to bring yourself into better balance? Can you commit to this as a path forward? I’ve been where you are and I rejected that lifestyle quite emphatically. No thank you. Because the way into a sustainable future filled with green energy, permaculture, community, earthen houses, and peace is a resounding rejection of the cultural conditioning to push push push, produce produce produce, make make make, work work work, money money money. That single-focused mentality destroys community by breaking down our ability to listen and respond to what our mental, spiritual, and physical bodies need. The busy-ness numbs our senses, we can’t feel content or joyful, we don’t laugh from our belly, can’t cultivate our own garden, can’t even begin to contemplate what small and beautiful little thing we might do to make our lover feel special. And so the lover drifts away, the garden wilts, and the messages from the birds and soil and trees are overlooked.

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Be the change you wish to see. Would you recommend others follow in your footsteps? Live your life? Do what you do day in and day out? What motivates you in your pursuit of promoting the sustainable way? I get that you are pissed off about all the bullshit you see and feel compelled to do something about it. Are you fighting the machine, trying to defeat him or mess up his game a bit? The machine likes for us to assimilate, and fighting it is just another form of engagement. It prefers a struggle because you are still playing by its rules that way, and the machine knows how to get you every time, to weaken you, rendering you less effective. Give up the fight. Be motivated by the more beautiful world your heart tells you is possible. Create the reality you wish to live in. Stop giving attention to the reality that makes you sick. If you can make this internal shift in motivation, it will make all the difference. You will transform from martyr to healer and your impact for influencing positive transformation around you will be multiplied a million-fold. Julie Norris, consultant, writer, adventurer and ecopreneur is co-proprietor of Dandelion Communitea Café, co-founder of the Progressive Local Alliance for Community Enrichment (PLACE) and serves on the board of Slow Food Orlando. She’s the host of Front Porch Radio and blogs about natural parenting. More on her ventures at,,, and See ad this page. Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013


Holistic Holiday at Sea–Cruising to Health: The Betty Hoen Story BY SARAH GOLDSTEIN

In November 2001, Betty Hoen was diagnosed with chronic lymphatic leukemia, a slow form of blood cancer. Hoen was told by her oncologist that she would live maybe ten years. Her condition worsened in the fall of 2006 when she was diagnosed with lymphoma and again when, a few months later, a huge mass was detected near one of her kidneys and her spleen was found dangerously enlarged. She received two chemotherapy treatments that winter, but her doctor warned her that there was no cure for leukemia and lymphoma. In late January 2007, Hoen spotted an ad in a local magazine for “Holistic Holiday at Sea”—a seven-day cruise that touted more than 130 lectures and seminars with macrobiotic1 counselors and doctors of nutrition. By this time, her leukemia and lymphoma were entering their third stage. Figuring she had nothing to lose, Hoen and her husband went on the cruise in March 2007 where they ate macrobiotic food and took courses on how to adopt the macrobiotic diet and lifestyle. Inspired by the stories of healing they heard on the cruise, Hoen and her husband decided to try to keep a macrobiotic home when they returned.

If you can dream it, you can live it. Learn to listen to your Higher Self and the loving guidance of your angels. Receive a foretelling of future possibilities to help heal and support you as you come to know you are perfect, whole, and complete. Inspirational Angel Messenger Keri Lyn Diaz, Intuitive Counselor Angel Therapy Practitioner (certified by Doreen Virtue)

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In early June, less than three months after the cruise, Hoen visited her primary doctor who had scheduled some blood work to test her white blood cell count. Her doctor returned with baffling news: “Your count is so low we can’t detect any cancer in your body.” Hoen’s primary care doctor sent a copy of the blood report to the oncologist with a note: “How is this possible?” Hoen’s oncologist was delighted by the news, but cautioned against getting her hopes up—although the leukemia had disappeared, the lymphoma was another matter. He scheduled a complete body scan. Hoen was out shopping when she got the call. The mass by her kidney was gone, her spleen was almost back to its normal size, and there was no cancer showing in her lymph nodes. Hoen had gone from stage three cancer to a clean bill of health in a matter of months. Meanwhile, Hoen’s husband, who had been suffering from an inflamed prostate and type 2 diabetes before the cruise, was also getting better. Within a year, he no longer needed pills for diabetes, his prostate was not inflamed and his PSA had gone from a 12 to a 2.6. It’s hard not to see what happened as a miracle, but if that’s the case, it’s a miracle whose inception began with the Holistic Holiday at Sea Cruise and by carefully following the macrobiotic diet to a healthy life.

For More Info. on the Holistic Holiday at Sea Vegetarian Cruise, Please See Ad Next Page.

1 Constituting, relating to, or following a diet of whole pure prepared foods that is based on Taoist principles of the balance of yin and yang. According to Wikipedia source: A macrobiotic diet (or macrobiotics), from "macro" (long) and "bios, biot-" (life) is a dietary regimen which involves eating grains as a staple food supplemented with local vegetables, avoiding the use of highly processed or refined foods and most animal products. Macrobiotics also addresses the manner of eating by recommending against overeating and requiring that food be chewed thoroughly before swallowing. Macrobiotics writers present it as a means of combating cancer.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



To Be Caring

by Venerable Master Hsing Yun are many beautiful things There in the world, but caring for others is the most beautiful and the

those in suffering, and those faced with disappointments and setbacks need caring the most. A call of encouragement, a letter of concern, and an appropriate visit may be the turning point for a particular person.

most needed by everyone. For instance, immigrants care about their homelands, travelers care about their homes, parents care about their children, and we all care about our sick relatives. Caring is indeed a wonderful virtue!

Care is more important than just helping with money or material goods. In today’s advanced society, any kindhearted person would readily help those in need with love and sympathy, especially the poor or victims of natural disasters. However, what the aged and weak need most is attention, just as the poor and needy require the concern of others. That is because “relief ” often strips oth-

Caring is the exchange of respect for one another and the kind recognition of another’s existence. It comes in many forms and can easily be seen in daily life. For instance, regardless of nationality, when people meet for the first time in the day, they all greet each other with, “How are you?” The Chinese commonly ask each other “Have you eaten yet?” These simple questions are examples of caring for each other. There is a saying, “After three months on the frontlines, a letter from home is worth thousands of gold pieces.” That is because obtaining a message of wellbeing in the midst of danger and hardship is worth more than gold. Therefore, caring is to call or send a note across the miles to distant loved ones.

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Therefore, the Buddha showed special care to unintelligent Ksullapanthaka and paid special attention to odorous Nidhi. The Buddha taught us to be particularly concerned about those who are sick or suffering. Because we have been cared for by many since we were young, we should care for others in return. In learning to care for others, we should also care for ourselves. For instance, when spring arrives, have we planted the seeds for a fall harvest? When an exam comes up, have we studied for it? When it is time for lunch, have we cooked the meal? When guests are coming, are we ready to receive them? As the Chinese saying goes, “The poor living right in town have no one to ask about them, but the wealthy living in the deep mountains receive distant guests.” Those with fame and fortune do not need help with basic welfare, but when we offer a hand to the poor and needy, it is indeed more valuable than gold. Therefore, the best kind of care is to help in a time of need and not in a time of glory.

Listening to others’ problems and feelings is caring, and paying a special visit is also caring. So is presenting an appropriate gift, inquiring about the victims of a disaster, looking after the sick, encouraging those taking an exam, congratulating those celebrating happy occasions, or being sympathetic to those in grief. All in all, a word of care is a form of kindness, friendship, blessing, and connection. Those who are weak,


ers of respect, but “care” provides others with encouragement.

Additional writings and publications by Venerable Master Hsing Yun may be obtained through Fo Guang Shan's Guang Ming Temple, 6555 Hoffner Ave., Orlando, Florida 32822, or through Buddha’s Light Publishing at http:// ©2006 Buddha’s Light Publishing (Revised Edition). Please see ad this page.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



Out With the Old – In With the New by Anthony J. Diaz Doesn't it seem that life was so much easier when there were no iPhones, iPads, iPods, texting, IMs and Facebook? Now everyone has smartphones, emails and voice mail. Add the stress from work, the economy, money issues and the housing market and it’s no wonder our relationships have become affected. The convergence of technology and crisis creates the perfect storm to threaten the core stabilizer of all relationships including marriage–communication. As a society, we have succumbed to quick and easy ways of communicating at the expense of the hallmark of all interaction since the beginning of time: face-to-face communication. Add the stressors of everyday life and we see how relationships become less of a priority and ultimately fail, however all is not lost. Partners who seek that reconnection with each other can do so by getting back to basics. Having uninterrupted time together to check in with each other face-to-face without cell phones, tV, computers and other outside distractions can enhance the communication that can get lost in the busy world we live in. This is the time to truly allow each partner to touch base with the relationship. When done in person, it allows both people to feel the safety and intimacy that had been missing. Doing this, if not daily, at least throughout the week, will strengthen the bonds of any relationship and even more so if married. Having said this, there may be married couples that after attempting all of the above decide their lives would be better and happier apart. If this is true, don't worry. There is hope. A more amicable, less stressful solution to conventional divorce with attorneys is Pro Se Divorce Mediation. By allowing a skilled and experienced mediator to settle the complicated financial and emotional issues couples have when ending their marriage, the process is much less costly and more desirable. Another benefit is that the time to finalize the terms of the divorce is reduced significantly. It allows both parties to decide the outcome of their divorce without the animosity that can occur when a marriage ends. When children are involved, this process is helpful in creating a less hostile environment between the parents going forward. Selecting a certified mediator who is also an attorney can enhance this experience by having a legal perspective during this difficult time. Pro Se Divorce Mediation


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is as successful as the parties allow it to be. Being open to compromise is the hallmark of this process and those who are able to put aside their differences for the common good of each other sets the stage for the next step in their lives. All is not lost when we allow ourselves to be open to all possibilities for a right and perfect outcome for all involved. Remember, you are perfect…you are powerful…YOU are on purpose. Namasté my friends. Anthony J. Diaz has more than a decade of practicing family law and mediation, and is considered a leader in the area of collaborative law. As an attorney and a life and spiritual coach, Anthony incorporates a healthier approach to empower those going through a divorce or any legal or personal challenge by going within themselves to understand how their outer circumstances are affected by their inner conflict. To sign up for his newsletter which will keep you informed about his upcoming workshops and messages of inspiration and empowerment, scan the code on the ad page 24 (or go to http:// Anthony has speaking engagements worldwide and is available for workshops and conferences by request. To schedule a free consultation, contact him at 407-542-4367. Please see ad previous page.

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


A Rare Opportunity Comes to Winter Park:

Celebrating Divine Re-Creation in Art with Renowned Mystic Theologian Matthew Fox and Artist Friends Velocity Publisher Purusha K. Radha engaged Founder/Executive Director Randall B. Robertson in a conversation about his Winter Park-based non-profit GladdeningLight and their upcoming Symposium of the Spiritual Arts in February. Purusha K. Radha (PKR): First, tell us about your most interesting name. Randall B. Robertson (RBR): The name GladdeningLight is inspired by the fourth century Christian prayer of Phos Hilaron. In Greek, phos is translated as light, hilaron as grace or gladness, Greek origins of the word hilarity. The canticle prayer was used to begin the daily office of Vespers in the tradition of the eastern, now orthodox, church. It signifies the meeting point of night and day–an entry of light into darkness. We thought phos hilaron might entice people toward a new way of looking at things, so GladdeningLight we became. PKR: How would you describe your way of looking at things? RBR: Generally, we shy away from tradition for its own sake and try to consider progressive, modern ways to honor the ancient. For example, we mentioned the daily offices, monastic practices devoted to singing and praying at appointed times of the day and night. There’s a rhythm to that, one which we can observe even today as a means of quieting us among the frenetic pace of modern life. PKR: From your website (, GladdeningLight serves to “explore the nexus of faith and art.” Why is art so central to your take on the faith journey? RBR: Much of what I see in organized religion is preoccupation with sin and guilt. While I think personal redemption is an important step toward spiritual growth, I don’t wish to subscribe to any denomi-

national practice that frowns upon the beauty of creation and humanity’s contribution to it. GladdeningLight is affirming, about seeing God in great art, drawing upon the existential fire which compels our most talented to create. Eternal beauty may be found in many things, beyond the walls of churches. PKR: So, is GladdeningLight affiliated with any religious denomination? Do you consider yourselves a New Age movement? RBR: No. Though rooted in Christianity, GladdeningLight embraces an ecumenical, multifaith path. All faith disciplines lead to the Godhead. There are some principles of New Age that apply to us as an emerging movement, but ethereal, new age culture isn’t typically grounded in ancient doctrine. PKR: Let’s talk about your Symposium in February. RBR: This is our third annual Symposium of the Spiritual Arts to take place February 1-3, 2013 at the Winter Park Civic Center. Author and Percussionist iconoclast MatRiver Guerguerian thew Fox from Oakland, California will keynote alongside eight practicing artists from around the country–a gouache artist from the Chelsea arts district in New York City, a percussionist and a guitarist/pianist from Asheville, a watercolorist and a fiber artist from Durham, a storyteller, among others–who will exhibit and discuss their mentors, influences, and inspiration. This year’s focus is “Love, Now” in the spirit of the divine present. PKR: Hasn’t Matthew Fox written a book about this?

RBR: Yes. One of his masterworks, of the thirty-one books he has penned, is entitled Creativity, Where the Divine and the Human Meet and serves as our symposium text. Fiber Artist PKR: What does it Marni Goldshlag cost to participate in the Symposium? RBR: $150 for the three days, which includes four lectures from Matthew Fox and two colloquia with the participating artists on Saturday plus participants receive a copy of Creativity in advance. PKR: Why do events seem to be so essential to GladdeningLight? RBR: Events bring us together beyond the digital community into face-to-face human contact where we can foster relationship and share common experiences of the loftiest aesthetic that shapes our lives. PKR: Is there anything else I haven’t asked that you wish to add? RBR: Visit my blog at and give me a piece of your mind. GladdeningLight is a 501(c)(3) publicly supported arts endeavor celebrating the nexus of faith and art through spiritual retreat, hosted conferences, and religious pilgrimage. GladdeningLight is a progressive Christian initiative open to all faith disciplines, representative of thoughtful spiritual seekers both inside and outside traditional religious practice. More information can be found at our website: Please see ad page 26.

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013


DIRECTORY ACUPUNCTURE Florida College of Integrative Medicine; Gale Springer, Director of Admissions; 7100 Lake Ellenor Dr, Orlando, FL 32809; 407-888-8689, ext. 15;;

COUNSELING Center for Positive Psychology; Dr. Alan Keck, Psy. D., (Licensed Psychologist); 407-644-2000 ; Helping people heal and grow through conventional and complementary approaches to counseling and coaching; 1110 Douglas Ave., Ste. 3040, Altamonte Springs; http://Facebook. com/PositivePsy;

New Direction Natural Medicine; Stephanie Irzyk, AP, DOM; 409 Montgomery Rd., Ste. 161, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714; 407-353-2018;;

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Dawn Bone, B. A., L. M. T. (MA 35744); ; 352262-2884; 4131 N. W. 28 Lane, Ste. 5, Gainesville, 32606;

A Abundant Health Holistic Center; Solara Attatharya, DOM, AP, DNBHE; 2200 S. Bay St., Ste. B, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-365-4325;;

CRYSTALS jEnergy Joy; Jennifer Hornburg; FREE Crystal Therapy classes in your home; 407-256-7745;;

Back pain relief Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center, Michelle Hamel (MA0009077); 291-B Circle Drive, Maitland, FL 32701; 407-628-2176; mhamel1@ embarqmailcom;

ENERGY Balancing/MEDICINE Light and Sound Therapy at Biostimulation Institute of Light and Sound; VIE; 2295 S. Hiawassee Rd., Ste. 207, #10, Orlando, FL 32819 ; 407-902-7199; biostimulationinstitute@; http://InstituteofLightandSound. com

BOUTIQUES, BOOKS, GIFTS Soul Essentials of Ocala-PEACE, LOVE, & LIGHT!; Jennifer Burke; 805 E. Fort King St., Ocala, FL 34471 Store: 352-236-7000;;

Mind, Body and Spirit Center: Inez Bracy International and the Doolin Healing Sanctuary; Daya Devi Doolin; We offer Lifestyle Support Coaching, Consciousness Coaching, Authors and International Speakers, Workshops, Lectures, Reiki Training and Certification, Reiki Healing, Global Healing, Vibrational Healing Energy Work, Matrix Energetics, EFT, Power of Thought: Visualization and Imaging; 386-747-0804; 123 N. Industrial Dr., Ste. B, Orange City;;

CHILDBIRTHING (natural) Birth Ease; Michelle Smith; 407-791-7989;; HypnoBirthing for Fertility and Childbirth, Doula Services, Clinical and Regressive Hypnosis; CHIROPRACTIC Wagner Chiropractic; Ramah Wagner, D. C., 2755 S. Bay St., Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-5443;

HEALING BODY, MIND AND SOUL Concept-Therapy Institute; For local study group, contact Ray Cormany or Karen Herchen in Leesburg, FL 34788; 352-253-9316;

COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS Florida College of Integrative Medicine; Gale L. Springer, Director of Admissions; 7100 Lake Ellenor Drive, Orlando, FL 32809; 407-888-8689 ext. 15;;

HEALING SEMINARS Initiation Healing®; Ojela Frank, LMT (MA60322); Meditation, Qigong, Reiki Certification Classes, Breathwork, Webinars; 352-2399272; Ocala, FL;;

COLON CLEANSING Times of Refreshing; Kristi M. Foret LMT, CT (MA0022943/MM16202); 352-348-1266 ; In the offices of Tavares Family Chiropractic: 915 E. Alfred St., Tavares, FL 32778; Kristilove04@;

HEALTH FOOD Living Towers: Hydroponic Farm; Jan Young; 19621 Lake Lincoln Lane, Eustis, FL 32736; 352-357-6979;

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HERBALISM Enchanted Botanicals; Donia Mitchell; 120 S. Woodland Blvd., Ste. B, Deland, FL 32720; 386-873-1000;; HOLISTIC LIVING EDUCATION All About Art - Artful Living Center; Donna D’Amato; 5162 S. E. Abshier Blvd., Belleview; 352-307-9774 HYPNOBIRTHING Birth Ease; Michelle Smith; 407-791-7989;; http://BirthEaseBabies. com; HypnoBirthing for Fertility and Childbirth, Doula Services, Clinical and Regressive Hypnosis INTUITIVE READINGS Moon Astrology Readings by Raven Moondance; by phone or in person; Gainesville, Florida; 352-372-8594; MASSAGE Laura Painter, LMT (MA51773); Altamonte Springs, FL; 407-421-2165 Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center, Michelle Hamel (MA0009077); 291-B Circle Drive, Maitland, FL 32701; 407-628-2176; mhamel1@ embarqmailcom; Kathleen L. Quinland, LMT, Teacher of Healing Arts); Lift your heavy deep feelings, restore your balance, know your life path, heal your heart, heal your past. Live you life to the fullest and see through inspiration and guidance the spirit you came to be! 721 Maitland Ave., Ste. B, Rear Corso Ins.; 407-628-2176;; http:// MOVERS-RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS A Better Price and Service Moving and Delivery; George Barton; 929 Northshore Drive, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-6683 (352-589-MOVE); nuMEROLOGY Bobbie Roberts; The Villages, FL 32159; 352-205-6056 PET THERAPY AND COMMUNICATION; Colleen Gordon; 407-446-4315; advertise in velocity magazine A rate, a product, a venue for everyone; 407454-3443;

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SPIRITUAL CENTERS Sacred Earth Center Chapel and Healing Center; Rev. Sunemaura O'Brien; Interfaith healing chapel–massage, reiki training, ministerial ordination program, spiritual healing, psychic readings, sound healing, crystal healing, classes, ceremony; 1029 N. W. 23rd, Gainesville, FL 32609; 352-275-8537;; commUNITY 729; Trish Roddis; 729 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL 32803; 407-463-2248 Unity Leesburg; 826 E. Dixie Ave., Leesburg, FL 34748; 352-787-0834; Science of Mind: Center for Spiritual Living; 709 Edgewater Dr., Orlando; 407-601-1169; YOGA Downtown Yoga; 301 N. Baker St., Ste. 212, Corner of Donnelly and Third Ave., Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; http://downtownyogamtdora. com;



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HERPES-NO MORE-GUARANTEED; HERPESCOLDSOREKILLER.COM; Do you suffer from genital herpes, cold sores, canker sores or shingles? Finally, the answer you've waited for is here with permanent elimination GUARANTEED. Introducing TOLARREA™, an all Herbal tincture that will eliminate the problem. After 13 years, we have had over 99.7% elimination rate with no recurrences. TOLARREAtm is derived from one of the oldest living plants on earth. TOLARREA™ is a unique new product that represents the coming together of ancient medicine and modern science. Visit us online at or call us at 1-800-6059001. Priority shipping is available. Kenneth G. Brown BBS, P.C.

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Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013


EVENTSJANUARY What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. [ T. S. Eliot ] 1/2 Crystal Bowl Meditation; 7:30 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee 1/10 Energy Attunements with Rev. Ojela Frank, LMT/Initiation Healing®; 10 am/All Day; by Skype video call; 352-239-9272; Fee 1/11 Two Mediums with Spirit: Connecting Two Worlds; 7:30 pm; The Source Spiritual Educational Centre, 4601 E. Hwy. 100 Bunnell; 386-9311843; Love Offering OPEN HOUSE; 5:30 pm; Florida School of Massage, Gainesville; 352-378-7891; FREE 1/12 New Age Thinkers Presents Dikki Jo Mullen; 2 pm; Homosassa Wildlife Park (Florida Conference Room); 352-628-3253; Love Offering 1/13 Sacred Geometry 3–Toning and Activating Temple Energy; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; Fee Discover Massage; 10 am; Florida School of Massage, Gainesville; 352-378-7891; Fee Two Mediums with Spirit: Connecting Two Worlds; 2 pm; Presented by The Source Spiritual Educational Centre at Daytona Books and Metaphysics; 386-931-1843; Love Offering 1/18–1/20 Welcome Weekend; 5 pm; Amrit Yoga Institute, Salt Springs; 352-685-3001; Fee 1/19 Your Thought Is Your Word for Health; 1 pm; Sponsored by Mind, Body, Spirit Center of Orange City at Jamar Enlightenment Center, Palm Beach Gardens; 561-630-2280; Fee Introduction to Pranic Healing; 5 pm; Presented by Pranic Healing of Central Florida at Good Vibration Yoga, Sanford; 407-421-8888; Love Offering 1/20 ONGOING FOR 10 WEEKS Master Your Mind, Learn the Art of Protection in Healing as a Therapist, Massage Therapist,


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Readers are encouraged to call your event venue to verify date, time, and any applicable fees for events.

Light Worker, Energy Healer; 1 pm; Orlando Intuitive Healer, Altamonte Springs; 407-924-3363; FREE 1/26 Pookie's Rescue Fest 2013; 10 am; Presented by Pookie's Pet Nutrition at Lake Lily Park; 321-4180020; FREE A Day of Well-Being; 11 am; Sacred Earth Center, Gainesville; 352-275-8537; Fee Hermes and the Tree of Life–Qabalah; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407252-2682; Fee How to Remove Chemtrail and Nuclear Fallout from the Sky, the Environment and Your Body; 1 pm; Presentation and Lunch at Vitality Bistro, Mount Dora; 352-735-8411; Fee 1/28 Energy Activations with Rev. Ojela Frank, LMT/ Initiation Healing®; 10 am/All Day; by Skype video call; 352-239-9272; Fee 2/1–2/2 Jikiden Reiki-Shoden Level 1: Physical Healing; 9 am; Presented by A Center for Wellness and Light of Winter Park at Shine On Yoga, Orlando; 407-252-2682; Fee 2/2–2/3 Pranic Healing Class Level 1; 9 am; Presented by Pranic Healing of Central Florida at Serenity Now Yoga, Longwood; 407-421-8888; Fee 2/3 Jikiden Reiki-Shoden Level 2: Psychological and Distant Healing; 10 am; Presented by A Center for Wellness and Light of Winter Park at Shine On Yoga, Orlando; 407-252-2682; Fee 2/7–2/8 Shaman Healing with Elka Boren; 11 am; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee 2/9 Sacred Geometry 1–Activating the Geometries Within; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; Fee


Sacred Geometry 2–Crystal Gridding and Healing; 2 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; Fee 2/10 Adept 2: Working with the Light of Creation; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; Fee 2/11 Energy Attunements with Rev. Ojela Frank, LMT/Initiation Healing®; 10 am/All Day; by Skype video call; 352-239-9272; Fee 2/15–2/17 Valentine's Weekend Couples Massages, Cord Cuttings and Pampering; By appointment; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407252-2682; Fee 2/20 Celebrate Spring Raw Food Revival: Desserts with Gideon and Jackie Graff; 6 pm; Presentation and Dinner at Vitality Bistro, Mount Dora; 352-735-8411; Fee 2/22–2/24 Bhagavan Das: Temple of Sound; 5 pm; Amrit Yoga Institute, Salt Springs; 352-685-3001; Fee 2/23 Adept Training and Initiation; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-2522682; Fee 2/23–2/24 GINORMOUS Rock and Crystal Show; 10 am; Sacred Earth Center, Gainesville; 352-275-8537; FREE 2/28 Energy Activations with Rev. Ojela Frank, LMT/ Initiation Healing®; 10 am/All Day; by Skype video call; 352-239-9272; Fee MONDAYS Master Mind for Business Growth; 7:30 am; Mind, Body, Spirit Center, 123 N. Industrial Dr. Ste B, Orange City; 386-747-0804; Fee

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998











































Readers are encouraged to call your event venue to verify date, time, and any applicable fees for events.

MONDAYS Life Consciousness Coaching; 8:30 am; Mind, Body, Spirit Center, 123 N. Industrial Dr. Ste B, Orange City; 386-747-0804; Fee TUESDAYS Break Through to Freedom: Unwrap Your Mystery; Call for time; Mind, Body, Spirit Center, 123 N. Industrial Dr. Ste B, Orange City; 386-7470804; Fee Crystal Therapy Class; 6 pm; In Your Own Home; Call for details: 407-256-7745; FREE Development Circle; 6 pm; The Source Spiritual Educational Centre, 4601 E. Hwy. 100 Bunnell; 386-931-1843; Love Offering Tai Chi; 7 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407281-8482; Fee Toastmasters Club–7 pm; Sunday Service–10:30 am; Center for Spiritual Living, 709 Edgewater Dr., Orlando; 407-601-1169;; LOVE OFFERING TUESDAYS Choose Local First Produce Co-Op in Mount Dora; 10 am-6 pm; sponsored by Living Towers, Eustis; 352-357-4453; Fee Lake County Raw Food Allies Meetup; Noon; Vitality Bistro, Mount Dora; Lake-County-Raw-Food-Allies; FREE Psychic Development Class: Honoring Our Gifts; 7 pm; Sacred Earth Center, Gainesville; 352-275-8537; Fee EVERY OTHER TUESDAY BEG. JAN. 8 Pranic Healing Meditation and Healing Clinic; 7 pm; Presented by Pranic Healing of Central Florida at Charter Pointe Apartments Clubhouse, Altamonte Springs; 407-421-8888; Love Offering FIRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAYS Chinese Calligraphy; 7:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; LOVE OFFERING SECOND WEDNESDAYS Jikiden Reiki Reiju Kai for Jikiden Reiki Practitioners; 7 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; Fee


We loved with a love that was more than love. [ Edgar Allan Poe ]

Wellness Day; 3 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY BEG. JAN. 9 Pranic Healing Meditation Group; 7 pm; Presented by Pranic Healing of Central Florida at Bikram Yoga (April Bradley's Art Studio), Orlando; 813-765-0874; Love Offering FOURTH WEDNESDAYS Meditation; 7:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; LOVE OFFERING WEDNESDAYS Learn to Speak German; 1 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Learn to Speak French; 2:30 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Yoga; 6:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee Words of Peace television show; 7 pm; Videos shown from the award-winning television series Words of Peace, 1208 N. W. 6th St., Ste. A, Gainesville; 352-373-5578;; FREE THURSDAYS Gentle Hatha Yoga; 10 am; Mind, Body, Spirit Center, 123 N. Industrial Dr. Ste B, Orange City; 386-747-0804; Fee Gentle Hatha Yoga; 4:15 pm; Mind, Body, Spirit Center, 123 N. Industrial Dr. Ste B, Orange City; 386-747-0804; Fee Guided Meditation; 6 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Psychic Development; 6 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Yoga; 6:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee Buddhism Studies; 7 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; FREE FRIDAYS Releasing Hurts Through Hypnotic Meditation; 6 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-4632248; Fee Words of Peace television show; 7 pm; Videos shown from the award-winning television series Words of Peace, 1208 N. W. 6th St., Ste. A, Gaines-

ville; 352-373-5578;; FREE SATURDAYS Social Media Success; Call for time; Mind, Body, Spirit Center, 123 N. Industrial Dr. Ste B, Orange City; 386-747-0804; Fee Meditation Through the Light; 11 am; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Yoga; 11:30 am; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee SECOND SUNDAYS Mother Mary and Angelic Healing Certification Workshop; 1-5 pm; Orlando Intuitive Healer, Winter Springs; 407-924-3363; Fee SUNDAYS Sunday Service; Call for time; Mind, Body, Spirit Center, 123 N. Industrial Dr. Ste B, Orange City; 386-747-0804; Love Offering Tai Chi; 9 am; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407281-8482; Fee Buddhism; 10 am; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; FREE Sunday Meditation–10 am; Sunday Service–10:30 am; Center for Spiritual Living, 709 Edgewater Dr., Orlando; 407-601-1169; http://; LOVE OFFERING Positive Energy Flow Yoga; 1 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Chinese Class; 1:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee SUNDAYS AFTER FEBRUARY 3 Golden Triangle (Religious Science) Study Groupo; 11 am; Eustis location; 352-988-3565; Love Offering EVERY DAY UNTIL APRIL 15 U-Pick Chemical-Free Strawberries; Beginning at 9 am; A Natural Farm and Educational Center, Howey in the Hills; 352-536-3112; Fee CHECK OUT Orlando Spiritual and Holistic Singles Meetups;

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013





ur mind is a beautiful gift. Its whole purpose is to create separateness. It analyzes, breaks down, compares, and contrasts. It solves problems and then creates problems so it can solve problems. It is a by Angela wonderful gift that allows us to engage in this illusion of separateness as though it were actually real. When we allow our mind to be our primary guide navigating our way through reality, we have a very engaging experience that includes everything from the joys of giving and receiving to the pains of blaming and accusing.


The heart has a purpose of bringing us into Oneness. Through its unconditional acceptance of all we are, we feel whole and complete. It facilitates compassion, understanding, love, and gratitude for ourselves and others. The more we allow our heart to be our primary guide through our reality, the more we are aware of our interconnection. We understand deeply that how we affect others truly affects ourselves for we are all One. It is not necessary to chastise or eliminate the mind and its processes, just reassign it. The mind is best utilized as a tool for the heart as opposed to being the primary guide. Allow the heart to accept, embrace, and love the mind for what it is and then allow the heart to give it a task. For instance, you see a child, an elder or an adult in need. Immediately the heart wants to lend a hand in some way–buy food for the child and her family; assist the elder with shopping, walking, or communicating; guide the adult into clarity or peace. The mind might say, “No! We’ll have less for us if we spend all of our money on someone else! We don’t have time to waste helping others!” In that moment you have a choice. You can listen to the mind and follow its guidance or you can listen to the mind, thank it for its input and then assign it another task such as, “Thank you, mind, but we have plenty. Let’s go and see how we can adjust our budget to assist that child in need!” or “Thank you, mind, but instead help me arrange our schedule to include more time for service!” The more you allow your open heart to lead your mind compassionately, the more open your mind becomes. Your mind does have a point, however. You can only give as much love to someone else as you have for yourself. Allow your heart to open up to where you are in need and then re-task your mind to be less critical and more supportive and nurturing of you. Be the change you want to see in the world. Angela Sparks is a spiritual consultant and teacher who has helped hundreds of individuals to trust and become more empowered in their own wisdom and inner guidance. Please see her ad this page for more information.


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bout two and a half years ago I was significantly overweight. I had been a vegetarian for decades but this did not necessarily mean I was incredibly healthy. When I made the decision to cut gluten from my diet in the summer of 2010, about 30 pounds easily vanished within just a few weeks. When I enhanced my new by Chef T diet by eating only Contributing Food Editor raw/living, organic, vegan food, all the rest of my excess weight dropped. I didn't have to starve myself or make any effort other than prepare my meals.


Like Glue in Your Body

Coming from an Italian family in Brooklyn, I was raised in food traditions steeped in white flour pasta, bread, and pizza, and beer became my social drink of choice—all of them extremely glutinous. My abdominal region was very bloated and now that I think of it, so was my face. I realize now that I suffered, at the very least, from gluten sensitivity for many years. Celiac disease (CD), an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine, occurs as a reaction to gliadin, one of two proteins comprising gluten. The second protein component of gluten is known as glutenin. Pay attention to the descriptive words in the following explanation of how gluten is formed in a mixture of dough, for example. Gluten forms when glutenin molecules attach themselves to gliadin molecules. Gliadin contributes thickness and extensibility to the mixture. If yeast is added to the mixture for leavening, carbon dioxide bubbles are produced as a result of fermentation and those bubbles become trapped by the gliadin-glutenin network. The dough rises and when it is baked, the gluten coagulates and together with starch stabilizes the shape of, and contributes a chewy texture to the end product. Thickness, extensibility, fermenting inside and bloating of the abdomen, trapping of gas, coagulation of protein—all these may occur in our bodies when we consume gluten. The fingerlike projections of the small intestine, the villi, get 'gummed up' and become impaired from doing their job of absorbing much needed nutrients into the digestive system. As a result of malabsorption of nutrients in the intestine, both CD and gluten sensitivity, may cause gas, moderate to severe bloating (both abdominal and all over the body including the face and skin1), vomiting, cramp1 The Gluten Connection: How Gluten Sensitivity May Be Sabotaging Your Health-And What You Can Do To Take Control Now, Shari Lieberman, Ph. D., CNS, FACN with Linda Segall, Rodale Books, November 2006.


ing, nausea, weight loss, anemia, chronic tiredness, osteoporosis, thyroid problems, diabetes, stunted growth, and infertility. These symptoms occur for people of all ages, especially the more cosmetic ones, and they begin to become more obvious in middle-aged men and women. Wide girths should not be accepted as normal when one enters middle age. They are a result of improper diets now beginning to catch up with us. In November 2006, USA today published results of a 2004 study which estimated that one in 133 Americans may have CD but are not aware of it. Susan O'Brien, author of Gluten-Free Vegan states "... but even without symptoms, damage may be going on inside that will manifest at some point later in life."2 Says Shari Lieberman, Ph. D., CNS, FACN, author of The Gluten Connection, "Should you discover you have gluten sensitivity or CD, one thing is for certain: Your body is not absorbing key nutrients. You will need to go on a strict gluten-free diet... taking a medication will not cure it. For example, if your osteoporosis is due to a malabsorption of calcium because of CD, then you need to correct the basic problem in the bowel—taking a calcium supplement won't help your condition at all, let alone prevent more damage."3 CD or gluten sensitivity may affect as many as 20 million Americans. Gluten is widely used as a means of inexpensively giving prepared food, which is otherwise low in protein, extensibility in order to provide a feeling of satiation. It not only lends no nutrition to the body, it prevents nutrition from being absorbed. Gluten is very often present in beer and soy sauce and in such unexpected food products as ice cream, ketchup, white vinegar, spice blends, and hydrolyzed vegetable protein. Gluten is often the basis for imitation meats resembling chicken, duck, fish, pork, and beef. Read your labels! And believe it or not, gluten also abounds in household products like lipstick, sunscreen, children's stickers, stamps, envelopes, washing machine detergent, toothpaste, mouthwash, medicines, and antibiotics. When we transition to a gluten-free diet, we will miss most the convenience of picking up anything we want to eat, but what good is the convenience if it is robbing us of our health and VItALItY? Many pre-packaged gluten-free food products are not only lacking in flavor, they are mostly devoid of nutrition. This is where 'raw foodism' comes to the rescue. On a raw food program we can cut out the gluten, but prepare meals that are brimming with the VItALItY we seek. Chef T is Tenanda Madhi, a trained raw foods chef and owner of the GLUTEN-FREE Vitality Bistro which serves all organic, vegan, raw/living cuisine in downtown Mount Dora. He was trained at the Matthew Kenney Academy in Oklahoma City. Call Chef T at Vitality Bistro: 352-735-8411 and visit http:// Please see for Vitality Bistro ad back cover. 2 Gluten-Free Vegan, Susan O'Brien, De Capo Press, December 2007. 3 The Gluten Connection: How Gluten Sensitivity May Be Sabotaging Your HealthAnd What You Can Do To Take Control Now, Shari Lieberman, Ph. D., CNS, FACN with Linda Segall, Rodale Books, November 2006.

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Shaman Connects Locals with Inner Gifts

Based on what she observed at home, her talents were supposed to remain hidden. Boren's mother and grandmother also performed healings in secret, and some of her family's healing practices have indigenous origins.

Elka Boren is a healer, clairvoyant, and medium who discovered her spiritual gifts early in life in her native Panama. She began offering her services publicly 30 years ago and has lived in the U. S. for 25 years. Though she is often referred to as a shaman, Boren admits, "Shamans never call themselves shamans. People call me that because they identify me as a healer. A shaman to me is a person who carries knowledge, gifts, and talents from ancestors—and I carry that knowledge from my ancestry."

Modern Panamanian culture is heavily influenced by Catholicism and her family was guarded with respect to their extraordinary abilities. Even from childhood, Elka learned to reconcile her abilities with religious faith. "I got to a point where I was angry with God because He had given me all of these gifts," she said. "When I was 16 or 17, I was just searching for a place where I could fit in. I had a battle to fight between being able to use my gifts and following religion. It was like leading a double life."

In workshops and private sessions offered in the Orlando area on Thursday evening, February 9 and during the day, Feb.10, local residents will have the opportunity to connect with their ancestry, heal old emotional wounds, and learn to access new parts of themselves. As a child, Elka was well aware of her gifts and struggled to understand why she was different from others. "You are born with something you think that everyone has. To me, it is natural. I used to see spirits." After friends or neighbors passed on, Elke would see them. "I wanted to gain more information about it," she said, "so I went to the library to do research and had to hide that book inside a Bible."

feel lighter and healthier.” Elka explains about her work. “God is the healer. I am merely the instrument.” It’s hard to imagine this petite woman rearranging a person’s life in such dramatic ways, yet thousands of people have experienced striking improvement first-hand following her hour-long sessions in America and Europe Working as a medium, Boren connects people to loved ones who have passed and delivers messages of healing. She creates an opening, enabling her clients to move forward, feeling whole and connected. "I channel loved ones, but when I do this I like to integrate healing," she said. "This way, people have the opportunity to heal unfinished business from the past."

Eventually, Elke gained peace by turning her talents over to God. "I surrendered to my gifts and asked God to show me what to do," she recalls. Now she rises to the challenge of flowing with her life purpose rather than seeking to control it. "You never understand because it is God working through you. There is always a bigger picture involved than what we can see."

For people who Elka senses need intensive physical healing, she works with the energy centers or chakras of the body. "I do a chakra clearing in which I spend three hours on every subtle energy center in the body or chakra. I look for every possible blockage that a person has in those areas, so they can be released."

“During the first session I go into your body on a subtle level where I remove things [physical and emotional bodies] that don’t have to be there so a higher and healthier energy is able to come in. Later we move to other levels as you process emotions. Once these blockages come out, you

"Everyone has a gift," she said firmly. "If you look at your ancestors, they were shaman. They were connected with Mother Earth. When we heal, we access the wisdom of our ancestors. When people come to me, I help them to recognize the gift they have inside." Please also see info. below.

Elka Boren will be conducting a unique Healing Circle and offering private healing sessions in Orlando at Community Center 729. The Healing Circle includes guided meditations, music, and energy healing (through a vortex Elka opens at the start of each circle), high teachings, and individual healings for each participant. Private sessions are booked by calling Trish at 407-463-2248. To learn more about Elka Boren, please visit her website at


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Help Others By Living a Better Life B Y R E V. E . A N N OT Z E L B E R G E R


ne of our biggest concerns in life is our spiritual well-being. Our friends and family are also very important to us. We want to be sure they are well and okay in all areas of their lives. Worries over money, how much we have and how much we need abound and many of us are perturbed about the state of our world, global warming, the economy, wars and, in general, the overall status of humankind. If we could find the answers to all of these issues, the world would become a wonderful peaceful place. I cannot place any subject of interest that I have and love in the number one position. I know that my family and friends, my church and my world mean a great deal to me. I hope that as I go about my daily life that I am making progress in the things that will make all people live a more joyful, peaceful life. As we live our lives in a way that brings to us the things we love, want and need, it will also help those around us. As we understand the Laws of Nature, we are able to live a better life and, therefore, add some type of better understanding to the lives of others. We could believe that as we live here it will make a difference in what happens to our soul when we go from here to the next world. I believe that as we live our lives, we will learn to be better persons and will actually make our own heaven or hell right here in this world. This does not mean that our eternal destiny will be fashioned upon what we did or did not do here. We can learn and make changes in order to bring about the kind of lives we want to live both here and in the hereafter. The Law of Attraction will help us stay within the company of those who want the best for all. This law will always attract to us the same things that we give out or believe, therefore we have the opportunity to make our lives as full of spiritual knowledge, friends and family, money and love, as we want. We only need to actively look and desire and it will be there for us. Knowledge of the Laws of Nature, or Laws of God, are the key to our happiness. Perhaps if we learn these laws and live accordingly, we will find what matters most in our lives. Rev. E. Ann Otzelberger is the founding pastor of New Vision Spiritualist Center. She is an NSAC Ordained Minister, a Commissioned Spiritualist Healer, a certified medium and National Spiritualist Teacher. Rev. Otzelberger is a Trustee on the Board of Directors of the NSAC. She also serves the Morris Pratt Institute as Vice President of their Board of Directors and is on their Education Committee. Please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013


C O N S C i O U S T R A N S F O R M AT I O N

Imagination Power


the time of year again when many of us re(not willpower) evaluate our lives and make New Year’s resolutions. We are solid in our determination, “This year I am going to lose weight, quit smoking, exercise, and become peaceful." Yet a few days, weeks, or months later, we’ve fallen back into our old habits. Then we often beat ourselves up for having such weak willpower or lack of motivation. Most bad habits or negative beliefs have one thing in common: they grow stronger in the presence of nervous tension. How often do we try to release a limiting belief such as, “I am not good enough” by reasoning with our logical mind and thinking, “There is no real reason to feel this way?” Or perhaps a smoker or dieter tries to stop by reasoning with his or her willpower? Changes cannot be made through willpower alone because these problems respond to imagination power, not willpower. The way to create the changes we desire is to tap into the single most goal-driven mechanism that exists—our powerful imagination… our subconscious mind.


Every automatic habit we have is controlled by our subconscious mind. Our subconscious maintains a storage bank of memories that includes everything that has ever happened to us—every experience, relationship, word spoken—along with the emotions and the environment accompanying the experience. Our subconscious has neither emotion nor opinion. It responds only from the information stored within its memory like an internal computer. The subconscious doesn’t think, reason, or rationalize. It only follows the instructions programmed within it, accepting uncritically all suggestions and instructions, acting upon them without judgment whatsoever.

The subconscious can’t differentiate between something real—actually happening to us—and something we’re vividly imagining. The same hormones and chemicals are released within the body. This is a powerful truth because our physical and emotional reflexes are trained to behave in a ritualized pattern in accordance with the images we recall. It’s the feelings we remember, create, and imagine that shape and fuel our lives. Conversely, our conscious mind does think, reason, and rationalize, and often argues against what we want. It rejects any thought or suggestion not in alignment with our subconscious program. NO amount of willpower exerted by the conscious mind can override the subconscious for any extended time. If our critical thinking mind is arguing we can’t do something, we’re unable to do it. This is why New Year’s resolutions most often never come to fruition. In any battle between imagination and willpower, imagination invariably wins—NO EXCEPtIONS! With an understanding of these truths in place, it suddenly makes sense why we may unconsciously self-sabotage ourselves. We can say affirmations and/or do all the ‘right stuff’ but without alignment with the power of our subconscious, we can’t make the lasting changes we desire. Hypnosis is an excellent way to distract and quiet the critical thinking mind to access our subconscious. Aligning belief with imagination power creates positive changes we desire and the wonderful lives we deserve. Michelle A. Smith, CHt, HBCE, CHCI, HBFC, CCA is a practicing staff member of the Hypnotic Research Society, Inc., and the founder/director of Birth Ease and The Birth Ease Method. Since 2001, Michelle has been assisting women, babies and families through a sub-specialization in childbirth and fertility hypnosis. Her clinical expertise is enhanced in her years of experience as a midwifery birth assistant, doula and as a childbirth, lactation and parent educator. Michelle’s dual knowledge base in both birth and hypnosis provides her clients with the distinct advantage of a well-trained, practicing clinical hypnotist, as well as the assurance of a professional birth attendant and educator who has assisted at hundreds of births. Call Michelle at 407-791-7989 and visit http:// Please see ad for Birth Ease, column 1, next page.

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A Course In Miracles What It Says

– You should look out from the perception of your own holiness to the holiness of others. – I have given everything I see all the meaning it has for me. – You may believe you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at that level you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think. – I am never upset for the reason I think. – Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter. It is from your peace of mind that a peaceful perception of the world arises. – My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts. – The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. “The course has published over 2 million copies in 20 languages.”

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


our rational mind’s need for righteousness or safety. When the feeling registers as a calm inner knowing from a neutral place in the heart, we can trust that it is intuition leading the way. The mind is clever and emotions are passionate, but the Soul is wise and has no need to prove itself. Its only aim is to uplift and help us create our highest and best lives. As my Spirit guides say, “The mind, when left as an open window, allows the breeze of wisdom in to refresh the innermost home.” When we are filled with such light, it’s impossible to lose our way.

The Heart of Intuition by Molly MacCartney

“The mind, when left as an open window, allows the breeze of wisdom in to refresh the innermost home.”


hile describing how intuitive or psychic readings work is akin to describing how radio signals work, whenever someone asks me this I endeavor to answer in a way that makes sense on a human level by describing how it feels to dip into the pool of another’s consciousness. I ask them to bring a loving relationship to mind and remember a time when they could complete another’s sentences or had a sense when spoken words didn’t match up to hidden feelings. There is an ineffable closeness that comes with opening our hearts to someone, making it easy to “read” them the way psychics read the energy of those they’ve never met. When we dismantle the mental walls that protect us from the unknown, we receive amazing amounts of information from the heart of all things.

Molly MacCartney is a psychic artist, medium and spiritual counselor based in Central Florida. She offers soul-centered readings for those who seek clarity on the path of life, evidential mediumship to comfort the grieving, and a variety of art forms and written words to uplift and inspire. For more information, please visit her website at and please see ad this page.

Although not everyone desires to offer readings to others, we are all innately intuitive and there is tremendous value in activating that ability for daily use. Personally, I find making life choices while favoring my logical perspective to be a stressful task of trial and error, rarely sending me down the best path on the first try. Living intuitively, however, brings an overall peaceful way of life that alerts me when it’s time to act and calms me when it’s best to be still. When I over-think, I feel lost. When I follow the intuitive feelings, I am guided through the fog every time. Of course, it is ideal that logic and intuition operate together to keep us inspired yet grounded. to that end it’s best to stay aware of where we are in the external world and who we are in the internal world so that we benefit from both sources in a balanced way. So what’s the difference between intuitive feelings and emotional ones? It’s easy to confuse the two when we are tapping our own intuition for guidance. When there’s a strong “charge” or polarity to the feeling, it is most likely emotional and can be clouded with Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Finding Our Purpose: The Heart Holds the Key


by Connie Williams, M.Ed., Senior Pranic Healing Instructor Want to achieve a happy heart, a clear mind and a bright inner light? Learn and practice Twin Hearts Meditation. The Meditation on twin Hearts is a guided meditation based on ancient techniques to attain enlightenment. The meditation is guided by the modern founder of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga, Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui. The meditation is called twin Hearts because it opens or activates both our heart center and our crown center. The heart is where personal emotional love for others resides. The crown is where spiritual love for God, a higher power, divine love, and love for all humanity resides. According to Master Choa Kok Sui, we must first open our heart center in order to fully access the tremendous divine energy available to us from the crown center. How can we experience divine love if we cannot feel love for others? Have you noticed the halo around the heads of saints, whether Christian, Buddhist or other religions? This is a manifestation of a highly activated crown chakra. My twin Hearts Meditation practice began in 2001. It is a daily practice that has led me to a place where I no longer search for meaning in life or for what my purpose in life is. It has increased the strength of my energy body which in turn keeps me feeling youthful, happy, and full of vitality. My creativity levels and

problem-solving abilities have sky-rocketed. My relationships are healthy and I always have an abundance of money and inner peace. Even my psychic and clairvoyant abilities have greatly improved. My hope is that if you are currently searching for answers or direction, you will try twin Hearts Meditation. My hope is that if you are currently happy and content, you will also try twin Hearts Meditation. The meditation is powerful, yet safe. It is designed for everyone over the age of 16. There are three versions of the meditation. The foundational meditation is about 20 minutes long. There is also a version for physical self-healing and a version for psychological issues such as depression or anxiety. Finally, I would like to share a personal story. In 1993, I was unhappy and evaluating my life and my life purpose. I attended a two-day dream interpretation seminar held by the author Henry Reed. two people from the group of about 50 were chosen. I was one of the two. Everyone actively participated in dreaming for the chosen two. The comments the next morning were about rebuilding, construction, etc. My personal dream was the best: I was in a garden with God and a spiritual teacher. One other person was in the garden at the time. I asked the spiritual teacher, “What is my Purpose?” He said, “Listen to the meditations of your heart.”

As I mentioned, I discovered the meditation in 2001. It took me a few more years to connect the dots, remember the dream, and realize that twin Hearts Meditation is what the teacher was referring to. I had found my purpose. Regular weekly Twin Hearts Meditations are held in Orlando. Please join the Central Florida Pranic Healing meet-up group to receive information on events. You can buy a CD at those events or order a CD of the meditation, also called Meditation for Planetary Peace, by contacting The Center for Pranic Healing at http:// You may contact me at pranichealingsouth@ To find out more about Pranic Healing, go to or join us on Facebook and Meet-up: look for Pranic Healing Central Florida. To contact Connie directly, call 850380-0561. Please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



Free from Mind Control



And so it’s 2013. As you’re reading these words today, I’m writing them on a very different today. In fact, I'm writing them in your past. And simultaneously, I’m writing about the future from my present “now” perspective. Our dimensions collide! So much for time and space, eh? Clearly, we haven’t perished as some seemed to insist we would. The time of peace is upon us Once again. None of this is new since we’ve been here before in cycles we Once experienced. We expect frequent déjà vu to become a more common experience. When we remembered who we are, we opened a portal in our Heart center. There we found our family and friends waiting in the Higher, faster realms, waving to us in a symbolic gesture acknowledging the movement of energy. When our Hearts were unlocked, we collectively


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998



went beyond the mind prison. Now, no one will be minding our business, re-minding us to fall in line, or minding us in any other manner. The mind is more than we gave it credit to be.

The mind, located as a lock on the Heart center door, we did not know was keeping us under a sort of perpetual lock-down. Once the Heart gate (Golden Gate/Emerald City) opened, we were able to see beyond this limiting perspective. Old religions melt by the wayside. They give the spotlight back to the most ancient civilizations that we know of (have in mind) at the time of this writing (11/21/12), which are proving to be very honest as well as having been muffled or downgraded in the illness of the mentality of our consciousness before 12/21/12. In 2013, our collective now, we’re free to express and explore a vast new array of our virtual world. As an extra experiment we’d like to set an intent on the actual day of this writing (11/21/12) to manifest something that we will see upon the publishing of this writing in 2013. We send our thought impression outward that those who have truly asked for freedom, do experience it at the time of this publishing. If you’re reading these words, this prayer is especially for you. May you realize your inert freedom and see more vividly than ever before your multidimensional and holistic nature. When you taste this ecstasy on all levels of your sensual (sensory) awareness, you’ll find that the gravity of 100,000,000 moons cannot have held you back for very long. We pray you are truly this free from mind control, and that your Heart center is now open to perceive more dimensions of our virtual reality for the expansion of your understanding of why we express at all. Love and Light to You!


Rayna Tamarin Angeleri Garcia, is a Starseed Indigo child transitioning to Crystal, known from her blog as the “Modern Muse,” she’s an ordained minister, spiritual pop music artist, author, artist, actress, intuitive, and healer. She owns The Crystal Closet in Mount Dora with her husband Jorge. Rayna is available for spiritual readings and coaching through (Twitter @StarseedCrystal) (Facebook /thecrystalcloset) ( /the-crystal-closet-sanford) Her blog ishttp://www.mystiquemuse. com (Twitter @MystiqueMuse), Her personal portal ishttp://www. Find her music and guided meditations athttp:// (Twitter @RaynaTamarin) (Facebook /RaynaTamarin). Please see ad next page.

The Crystal Closet has moved to a new location in Mount Dora at 121 N. Highland St. Please see ad, next page.

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013




ost people talk about the mind and the heart as if they are two different things. Many people focus on labeling the differences between themselves and everything they sense. They miss the realization of their connection with everything they sense, imagine, and experience outwardly and with the deafening silence that connects them to everything in space, inwardly in Love.

BEING love

What can you and I do to make this a better place for us all against a darkness that must amount to lies… by Albert Nuñez, DVM

the very fabric of space itself, in love. From this more open perspective, many realize while looking outwardly that there is only the one larger self and no others out there at all. Respect for all other beings means there are no other beings, only an open oneness. Humanity as a whole evolves through all of our collective efforts making this a better place for each other and ourselves, and this is why so many people still stand up against all odds.

It seems the key to an open mind and an open heart is not the mind or the I often remember Mother Teresa of heart at all but openness itself. What Calcutta saying she liked to serve the is openness? Is it a radiant sphere of Christ (her highest self ) in other peoconscious light expressing itself as it ple with all of his interesting and disContributing Spiritual Life Editor tressing disguises! What is this Christ expands into a cube of space? Synonyms for openness might be: open energy but our own openness, our system, openness to experience, direct democracy, open own highest potential, our own larger selves expressing itself spirituality, respect for all other beings, or transparency (a openly as love? What we are at our core is love expressing lower degree of openness), to name a few. itself as LIFE. What gives someone the courage to dance in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square or in front of police In a utopian-like open world, an open heart and open mind dogs and riot police for equality in the deep South? come to consciousness with all their beautiful, harmonic, blissful, loving potential. This crashes hard against the vioTime and again these people have discovered something greater lent images presented to us on the screen of current world than their smaller selves and fears. They discovered they could and local events. And if that were not enough to crash and openly choose love for LIFE! They discovered they were love at burn anyone’s utopian fantasy we have the lessons of history. their very core and were ready to serve that love with life for the Why should we all stand up and dare to be open against what Bob Marley called, “A darkness that must amount to benefit of love itself and each other collectively! lies”…ah…could there be love? Why should we make this a better place and create beauty when there are so many of us out there greedily knocking down our utopian sand castles What can you and I do to make this a better place for us and making the children cry? all against a darkness that must amount to lies…could you in the face of that darkness be open, be love…? Could you choose love because you discovered openly within your Nice guys, avatars, pioneers, early innovators, people who try deepest self that love is what you are? Then BE Love. to make things better, fairer, more open or at least transparent don’t always end up with a fair ending for themselves, but they do often leave a lasting mark in the forward evolution of humanity as a whole.

Why keep standing up? The answer can be found in the depth of these questions: “Who Am I?” What is my purpose? Deep in everyone’s personal silence is their highest potential. In that depth all selves merge into One Self. An experience of inner oneness and connectedness leads to openness and the realization that all selves are different experiences of the one larger consciousness connected to each other through


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Dr. Albert Nuñez is a lifelong mystic and student of spirituality. He has studied and applied many of the profound practices and tenets of Catholicism, shamanism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Kabbalah, paganism, mysticism, Hinduism, tantra, energy and sound healing, “Shadow Work,” kundalini yoga, many forms of meditation, and Qi Gong. Dr. Al is committed to awakening human beings to their highest selves. Albert J. Nuñez, DVM, CVA has owned Animal Hospital of Baldwin Park and of Lake Mary since 1995 where he has practiced integrative veterinary medicine combining cutting edge surgery, internal medicine, endoscopy and laser ultrasound with acupuncture, herbal and energy medicine and nutrition for dogs, cats and exotics. He is a graduate of St. Thomas and Ross Universities and the Chi Institute of Veterinary Medicine. See ad next page.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



STILL HAVE THYROID SYMPTOMS WHEN YOUR LAB TESTS ARE NORMAL? BY DR. MICHAEL J. BADANEK, DC, BS, CNS, DACBN, DCBCN, DM(P) Disorders for thyroid function are prevalent in the U.S. population and continue to increase every year. today, 50-60 million Americans suffer from thyroid conditions. Thyroid hormones (especially Synthroid) have been among the top ten most prescribed medications for decades.

Incidence of Diagnosed Thyroid Disorders in the U.S. in 2001:

We are all prone to thyroid disorders and nodules as we get older. Most thyroid conditions are not diagnosed in the early stages, but lead to loss of function and quality of life. Hypothyroidism is the most common type of thyroid dysfunction, followed by hyperthyroidism, goiter, and thyroid cancer.

Hyperthyroidism 275,000

Every cell in the body has receptor sites for thyroid hormones. Lack of ideal thyroid hormones, therefore, leads to decline in cellular function of literally all bodily systems.

Thyroid Cancer 5,000

Immune System and Thyroid Function

The thyroid, the central gear in the complex web of metabolism, is extremely sensitive to minor imbalances in other areas of physiology. In fact, the thyroid gland is often the first location and sign of an autoimmune disease. Many chronically immune-challenged patients suffering from illnesses such as hepatitis C, Lyme disease, inflammatory bowel disease, etc., have elevated cytokines (tNF, IFN, IL6, etc.) and disruption of healthy thyroid physiology. Because thyroid disorders so often serve as a warning light for immune dysfunction, an astute clinician should always ask what else is going wrong as a result and cause when a thyroid imbalance has been identified. One study reports that up to eight percent of Americans have antibodies against their own thyroid. Thyroid antibodies are, of course, a marker for future


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Hypothyroidism 1.75 million

Goiter 22 million

Deaths Due to Thyroid Cancer 2,000 thyroid disease. Sadly, these individuals’ thyroids are slowly destroyed year by year until finally they have lost enough of their thyroid tissue to be classified as hypothyroid. As they have progressively lost thyroid tissue, they also experience decline in their basal metabolic rate and start having gradual decline in energy, mental function, gastrointestinal motility, mood, etc. Even more disheartening, when they are finally diagnosed, their treatment is limited solely to thyroid hormone replacement. Nothing is done for their autoimmune disease and they progressively decline or feel no improvement. However, if the clinical management is directed at restoring immune activity,

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


it has the greatest promise in treating these thyroid consequences.

Hormonal Effects on the Thyroid

The thyroid gland is also vulnerable to imbalances of the endocrine system. Hormones such as estrogens, progesterone cortisol, and testosterone have a major influence on thyroid enzymes, as well as thyroid receptor site sensitivities. Many times, other endocrine imbalances are the culprit in thyroid imbalances—and restoring these imbalances has the greatest promise in supporting thyroid metabolism dysfunction.

Environmental Factors

The thyroid gland is vulnerable to environmental disruptors, some known and, probably, many unknown. Many of the known environmental disruptors compete with iodine uptake. These include mercury, arsenic, nitrates, pesticides, plastic compounds, and ions such as thiocyanates. These compounds may promote goiter activity and disrupt normal thyroid hormone synthesis. Environmental insults in combination with iodine deficiency, selenium deficiency, and underlying immune genotypes and phenotypes pose the greatest threat of thyroid demise.

Medications that Disrupt Thyroid

Thyroid physiology is vulnerable to cross-reactions with medications. Medications may decrease or increase thyroid hormone secretion, decrease absorption of hormones, and produce other harmful consequences. Unfortunately, the medica-

tions that can disrupt thyroid health are commonly prescribed. They include anti-inflammatory agents, antibiotics, anti-depressants, diabetic medications, hypertensive medications, pain medications, antacids, and cholesterol-lowering medications. Many of these medications may disrupt thyroid hormone physiology but never be identified because they don’t necessarily cause changes in the serum TSH.

Mercury Linked to Thyroid Deficiency

Scientists recently studied 75 mother-child pairs to determine the relationship between thyroid hormone status and mercury exposure. The authors reported a positive correlation with total maternal mercury levels and thyroid stimulating hormone levels in children. Mothers with mercury fillings (amalgam) had significantly lower thyroid hormone levels. Mercury is one of the most toxic agents known to mankind and should be avoided at all costs yet dentists have been defending the use of amalgam fillings for well over 100 years. The American Dental Association has claimed that mercury in dental amalgams is safe because it does not leach (seep out) from the tooth. That argument has been proven false. We know that an amalgam which is 50 percent mercury leaches mercury vapors into the body. The more you chew and drink/eat hot substances, the more mercury leaches out of the amalgam fillings.

Thyroid Management Today

When all of the above is taken

into clinical context, the astute clinician must consider these variables and the fact that the thyroid, due to its vulnerability, may have its demise promoted from other mechanisms, and not always strict hypothyroidism. The thyroid disorder population is grossly under-served in both the conventional and alternative health care system in America today. The conventional system simply measures TSH and provides synthetic hormones if deemed necessary. If any other symptoms persist after a normalization of TSH, each existing symptom is then further medicated. The question of why the patient has become hypothyroid is rarely asked. Furthermore, the question of why the patient may have persistent thyroid symptoms after normalizing TSH is also rarely asked. This leads to millions of thyroid sufferers who continue to suffer. This takes place for two reasons. First, the conventional health care system has established standard-of-care guidelines that are incorporated into the expected policies of hospitals and insurance plans. Second, deviation from the standard-of-care guidelines decreases peer acceptance and increases liability for the hospital or practicing physician. The alternative health care approach to thyroid disorders is often no better. Many alternative health care providers have simplified thyroid management to such things as iodine deficiency, tyrosine deficiency, or heavy metal toxicity. Additionally, many alternative

health care providers do not conduct laboratory testing and use unreliable testing procedures such as auxiliary temperature testing, iodine skin absorption, etc. Many alternative health care providers cannot see a world that exists for supporting the thyroid beyond iodine, tyrosine, and thyroid glandular, nor do they objectively measure change.


If you or a loved one is experiencing chronic, long-term conditions with little or no relief, consider being evaluated for these underlying chronic thyroid symptoms. Going to a trained, skilled, licensed healthcare provider is critical in the evaluation, diagnosis and care of these unknown underlying problems which are directly related to many of the long-term conditions patients’ experience. Please see Dr. Michael Badanek's ad previous page. Dr. Badanek has been serving the Central Florida, Marion County region for more than 32 years in active clinical practice. Dr. Badanek is a licensed Chiropractic Physician with extensive post graduate education in Alternative Complementary Medicine. Dr. Badanek is also educated in the following fields of health care: acupuncture, clinical nutrition, homeopathy, applied kinesiology, functional and traditional allopathic medicine, electrodermal screening, and naturopathic medicine. Dr. Badanek has been able to acquire in his post-graduate education four board certifications in alternative health care. His real love and zeal in health care is treating patients with all types of conditions with alternative complementary/functional medicine. Dr. Badanek is especially eager to treat people with problems or ailments which have not been responsive to traditional or alternative treatment programs. Dr. Badanek’s website is: For a courtesy consultation call 352-622-1151.

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013


creating our future in the now .............. It is 2013 and we are still here! We survived the much anticipated December 21, 2012! In numerology, 2012 was a "5" year (2+0+1+2=5), bringing us the energy of freedom, CHANGE, progressive thinking, and inner awareness. As the Year of the Water Dragon, shift and change was erratic and fierce, fueling our transformation. It was a powerful year of spiritual growth and collective movement closer to embracing the precepts of the Aquarian Age--rebellion, nonconformity, and innovation–heightened electrical energy stimulating our nervous system and bringing innovation in technology–and greater humanitarianism, compassion, empathy and Oneness. In esoteric numerology, 2013 is a "6" year (2+0+1+3=6) bringing the energy of harmony, truth, justice, love, compassion, and social responsibility. Last year shook the foundation of our world and limiting belief systems. Now the energy supports opportunities to begin and expand as we recreate a new earth from a more caring, humanitarian place. Upheaval will continue, especially in those areas of our lives and the world that are still entrenched in old ways that are self-serving, domineering, or focused primarily on materialism. The New Moon of February 10 is the Chinese New Year--the Year of the Snake-shedding the skin of the old and outmoded and preparing to move forward from a new, less encumbered and more clear and focused place. Planetary transits continue to facilitate our evolution. The three outer planets remain in a sign of the zodiac for many years, relentlessly breaking up and clearing away the old while painstakingly planting seeds for new ways to be rooted into our consciousness. "Uranus in Aries (2011-2018) Survival of the Wittist--Individual authenticity rescues the whole. Keep and use your wits. Face adversity with spontaneous innovative adaptations free from the restraints of fear. Reframe problems-rename solutions. Be resilient. Wildness rules." (We'Moon 2012, p.27) How can you step "out of the box" in order to creatively negotiate challenges and solve problems? Let your imagination run free! "Neptune in Pisces (2011-2025) Can Beauty Save the World? We save what we love. Illusions and reflections, oh my. Image our shift from polarity consciousness to the field of unity consciousness. Become a source of light. Awaken the inner eye. Be seen. Bless the way. Resonance rules." (We'Moon 2012,p.27) How can you step more fully into your true essence and allow your radiant Light to shine? "Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2023) The Rudder of Reality--Shared accountability holds us up. Character building for all. Periodically reverse course and throw off dubious accumulations. Reveal the hidden order of our deepest connections. Be kinship makers. Recognition rules." (We'Moon 2012, p.27) Do you take responsibility for your life and actions or do you blame others, your past, or an unfair situation? Observe your judgments, actions, and reactions. Examine your motives and beliefs. How can you strengthen your character and enhance your integrity? Open and expand your mind to flow with the changes occurring all around us. Open your heart and see the Divine spark in everyone. We are all One, moving through these amazing times together!!! Embrace and enjoy the journey!

Continued next page


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

lunar astrology forecast

.... january-february 2013 You may wish to utilize the affirmations in your forecast below for your Sun sign and Moon sign to assist you.

ARIES (March 19-April 19) What are

you creating with your thoughts and words? Observe yourself carefully. In each moment you are making choices that quickly become your reality. Choose consciously. AFFIRMATION: Each word I say and each thought I think ignites a spark that creates my unfolding life. I choose love and joy in every moment.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Take

some time each day and spend it in quiet, in stillness. Even for a few conscious moments, the silence will give you an opportunity to integrate what has been occurring in your life on an energetic level and open you more fully to insights and messages from deep within. AFFIRMATION: Stillness nurtures and realigns my body, mind, and spirit allowing me to open to a deeper sense of Oneness with all.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Much has

been revealed to you over the past few months about the greater truth of who you truly are. Give yourself time and space to assimilate these uplifted perceptions and energies. Create a sacred space you can go to that supports and nurtures this on-going process. AFFIRMATION: As I integrate new ideas and perceptions, my sense of confidence and empowerment grows stronger with each passing day. I am blessed.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) So much

has been stirred up for you and is just below the surface waiting to be released and expressed. Allow yourself the support and the space you may need for deep emotional cleansing and healing. Don't question yourself or worry so much. Just do it! AFFIRMATION: As I delve deep within, I release old hurts allowing myself to heal to the very depths of my being. My heart is open to an expanded sense of love and joy.

LEO (July 23-Aug.22) Surrender to

the will of spirit. Step back a bit and stay in the background allowing events to unfold without intervening or trying to control. Observe... wait... and only respond when you are guided from your heart, as opposed to responding from your chattering mind. AFFIRMATION: I open to guidance from deep within. As I surrender to the rhythm of my breath, my heart guides me.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept.22) Anchor the

strength and insights coming to you into the core of your being. This will help you to more effectively and compassionately assist others who are in need of your wisdom and guidance at this time. You are a powerful God/Goddess with so much to offer. AFFIRMATION: With loving attention, I am in service. My inner strength and knowingness guide me in line with the highest good for all.


(Sept.23-Oct.22) Expand and deepen your connections with likeminded people and groups. This will support your evolving sense of self and the validation you garner will strengthen your commitment to your soul's path. AFFIRMATION: I easily connect with others for mutual support, validation and encouragement. I am blessed. SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21) Maintain

your momentum of empowerment. In order to meet the experience or challenge at hand, consciously shape-shift your being with flexibility, resiliency, and an open, loving heart. Let go of doubt or worry. Confidently step forward in total knowingness and service. AFFIRMATION: I easily shift and change as needed so that I may be of the highest service to the Earth and all my relations. I am blessed.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21) Call

upon your spirit guides. Ask to be guided in ways to connect more fully with your soul's true work, and then listen to the messages and insights coming from deep within. We are always being guided, but we must be still and listen. AFFIRMATION: When I open my heart

by Raven Moondance and listen, my soul guides me from deep within. My path is clear and I am focused.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19) The difficult challenges and opportunities you have been negotiating lately are pushing your beautiful spirit to grow. With renewed confidence and courage, know that you have the inner strength to deal with anything that may come along. Be ready to assist others in their process as well. KNOW that you are always supported. AFFIRMATION: As I become stronger in body, mind, and spirit, I deepen my sense of service and interconnection with others, nature, and the Earth. I am blessed. AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18) 2012 was

an intense year for you. As you prepare to begin anew with your birthday, be gentle with yourself. Clean out and release what is no longer needed on all levels to prepare yourself for an empowered year ahead. And also, take time to nurture and renew yourself. AFFIRMATION: When I nurture and take care of myself, my body, mind, and spirit are strengthened and renewed. I am blessed, loved, and supported in every moment.

PISCES (Feb.19-March 19) When your

intuition and intellect are in harmony with each other, there is no problem or challenge that you cannot solve in a creative way. Examine the facts available and then confidently allow your inner knowingness to guide you. AFFIRMATION: When I combine what is presented before me with what I feel and know in my heart, I am guided in line with the highest good for all. Raven Moondance (aka Shenna Benarte) writes the newsletter, MOON ASTROLOGY UPDATE six times a year and a monthly column on working with the moon in MOMA BEAR, a magazine for Gainesville, Florida moms. For a complete Moon Astrology reading or to attend a monthly Moon Astrology Class, call Raven at (352)372-8594 or email: Please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



EMF Awareness by Paulo Bendall


a very young age, I have always been very sensitive to my surroundings. At the age of 13, I was given 30 days to live. I constantly had health problems even though i lived a healthy lifestyle. I loved computers but they did not love me. After working on a computer for 30 minutes or so, my eyes became watery and I could no longer see the screen. I became irritable, tired, depressed, lethargic, and weak. During my research with the aim of getting well, I discovered that many people have sensitivities to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). I also discovered that my computer did love me, it was just that I was allergic to EMFs!

What are EMFs exactly?

Electromotive force or electromagnetic frequency refer to voltage generated by a battery or magnetic force, this according to Faraday's Law which states that a time varying magnetic field will induce an electric current. There are two types of EMFs: natural and artificial. The sun and earth emit natural EMFs which tend to be beneficial to living beings including animals and plants. We ourselves emit around 10 Hertz (Hz) just like earth which means we resonate with her. That is why we tend to feel calm, centered, more energetic, and at peace when we take a stroll on the beach. On the other hand, artificial EMFs come from electrical lines, cell towers, radars, microwave ovens, electric devices, even those that are battery operated (cell phones, cordless phones, computers, laptops, remote controls, televisions, automobiles, even the alarm clock.) We can't see, hear, or taste electromagnetic frequencies, but some very sensitive people can feel the EMFs that constantly bombard us. The electricity moving through our homes and offices is measured at about 60 Hz. When compared to the 10 Hz, humans


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

emit, our bodies are subjected to the effects of a huge imbalance. Studies are showing that imbalances linked to artificial EMFs include depression, weakness, lack of concentration, irritability, lethargy, spaciness, and many more. Please, please, please do your own research! (See the Bio Initiative Report, 2007 and Do the research and take affirmative action especially with children and teens because their brains are still developing. Wi Fi in schools are banned in some countries in Europe and in Canada. Microwave ovens even contain a warning in their instructions. Some people have proven that two cell phones can cook an egg or pop popcorn! You can even unlock your car door with your remote through two concrete walls! So guess what is zapping our bodies when we use these remotes? We all love our comforts and the amazing things we can do with modern technology but it all comes with a very high price. Please become aware of this electric pollution and unplug electric devices when not in use especially at night when our bodies are in repair mode. Like my momma always told me, "Use common sense." Common sense tells me that exposing myself to anything artificial does not resonate with my natural state. Enjoy yourself grounding to Mother Earth, touching a tree, and walking barefoot for a minimum of three minutes every day. Be happy, be healthy, and be loving in a natural state. Paulo Bendall is creator and founder of Esaamoraa, maker of pendants and decals designed to protect you from harmful EMFs. Please contact Paulo and Esaamoraa at 386-868-8788, and visit Please see ad this page. Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013


C O N S C i O U S T R A N S f O R m AT i O N

Flourish in a World Full of Adversity and Excuses by Rev. Timothy Yero 'New Age' thinking is as old as the Universe itself and still holds the key to a better life for us all. As humans, we have created our own world of barriers, stumbling blocks, and many pathways to our individual lives. Some of us thrive during our lives and some struggle to get through even the most simple challenges. So what does our Universe say to all of us about making this life a happy one? My 'better half,' Miss Donna, is a psychic medium and contacts the spiritual world every day. She helps people (including me) with any issue they may be having (health, relationships, and everything in between). She uses her own inner spirit which she has developed into her lifelong pursuit to assist her fellow beings. A very large part of what she does is tap into this spiritual world to find out answers to the questions we all struggle to answer. She promotes the fact that we all have the same ability she has and that we can answer our own questions. From all I have heard and observed over the years we have been working together, I find the answers to the questions have always had one common thread among all the unlimited amount of answers there could be.

experience in any way (and think about the good stuff more than the bad!). Loving yourself takes on many meanings just by the sound of it. to simplify, to love yourself

is to know you are unique and have a purpose. It means you are never alone and it means you have the entire Universe with you every second of each day. What you believe in personally is not right or wrong

First, you have to love yourself. Second, you must find something good in everything you know, see, do, touch, hear, or

and is totally your own decision. There is no such thing as straying from the norm. There is no norm. Whatever you do or produce in your life is what you are here to do. If you are not happy doing what you are doing, change it. The Universe is behind you all the way. Be happy and find a way to give thanks to yourself and your Universe every day you are here.

Finding something good in everything is a way of thinking and acting. It does not require you to act like you love something or love anything at all. All it requires is that you think about all the good things, all the love there is, and all you lend to the positive vibrations this world thrives upon. Laugh and smile more than you cry and frown. Compliment yourself and others more than you think about any negative trait, taste, appearance, or purpose. Even the most bothersome mosquito, dangerous snake, or deathly disease has something good within it. Even the most crazed mur derers, radical leaders or extremist belief systems have a place in our Universe. If you think about what is bad, you are going in the wrong direction to make yourself happy. This is your world. Make yourself happy because no one else can. Make others happy and you will set yourself apart from any excuses for not doing so. There are no excuses for being unhappy. You do it all to yourself. It is just as easy to be happy. It takes a lot less effort and stress out of your life. You have a choice to spend your time being unhappy or happy. The Universe and everyone in it wants you to make the right choice. SMILE! Rev. Timothy resides in Homosassa, Florida. He is the Co-Founder of New Age Thinkers, a community group of over 300 positive followers. A Vietnam vet and a 30-year business owner, he holds a B. S. degree from Pepperdine University and was formerly a corporate trainer in sales, marketing, and management. He specializes in writing, teaching positive thinking, and meditation techniques. Contact Tim at, by calling 954-464-4406 or visiting Please see ad this page.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


Reality Versus Expectations in the Events of 2012


s I write these words (early December 2012), there is uncertainty if the events of December 17-18, 2012 and the aftermath, described in detail (below), will manifest fully over a 48-hour period, or express more slowly, over an extended period of time. In any event, it is expected that the Earth and humanity will experience significant changes in December 2012.

B Y R E V . A N DR E W C E KU N Many expected 2012 to be about easy shifts into 5-D consciousness, and/or mass ascension from the physical plane into the higher spiritual dimensions (without the process of physical death). In fact, the expectations were so inflated and hyped (as is usual in New Age metaphysics), that I cannot imagine that the actual outcome(s) would be quite different and disappointing, both for individuals and for the collective of Earth humanity. Evident to me was that the expectations were completely unrealistic given the state of mass consciousness on our planet Earth, and especially the mindset of the more spiritually inclined people. By unrealistic I mean that the anticipated shifts in consciousness could be so easy, effortless, and undemanding of us without beginning with the change/destruction of the present order on the Earth (par-

The purpose of this article is to re-visit the lofty expectations of December 2012. My personal expectations are clear in my opening statement. Beyond the physical expression of this Planetary Initiation/Expansion of Consciousness (pole-shift, displacement of oceans leading to flooding, planet-wide devastation of coastal regions with permanent submersion of many areas of the Earth), there is the evolutionary leap forward for our Planet, raising its vibration by expelling lower astral energies, and the beginning of the likely aeonian process of the cleansing and healing of our Earth.

ticularly the materialistic structures and paradigms). If we wake up in our beds alive to recognize that things are quite different from what the New Age teachers/gurus were telling us, what then? Do we react with shock and disappointment, feeling misguided (if not deceived) by their messages and promises? Worse, do we feel utterly disillusioned with our spirituality, angry with God/the Creator, perhaps even abandoning our faith and hope, and with them our own spirituality? Let us instead be accepting of the fact that spiritual truths, realities, and the painful lessons they often bring, are part of any authentic and substantive spirituality. It would be a waste of spiritual opportunity to end

up turning away from the very thing that we perceive has shown us the truth of things as they are, rather than the way we hoped they might have been in its place. The Rev. Andrew Cekun is an esoteric teacher and astrologer. A student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings for 30 years, he educates about the Path of Accelerated Spiritual Evolution, and the Planetary Initiation of 2012. Please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013


A NATURAL FARM AND EDUCATIONAL CENTER is a new local and family owned destination located in Howey in the Hills growing fruiting plants without any chemicals or pesticides. A Natural Farm also offers fun and educational classes and activities for children and adults focusing on organic gardening and self-reliance practices. A Natural Farm offers a U-Pick and picked strawberry season from mid-January to the end of March. One area of the strawberry field is purposely designed to allow people to pick fruits standing up without having to bend over. This new destination is easy to find on the main highway S. R. 19 just two miles south of Howey in the Hills. Visitors will enjoy its accessibility and clean, spacious parking lot. See ad page 58.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Be mindful of your wishes. They may become realities. BY DIANE J. ACKERMAN

"I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight."


light the fires and God watches as we kindle the embers with our personal desires to satisfy our whimsical fantasies. It is said that thoughts are things and words will manifest those things into reality. For many years, I snickered at this philosophy only later to recognize that I was merely a doubting Thomas. God does not wear a timex and when he feels the time is right our wish becomes his command, however if we fail to fine tune the details, loose ends dangle in the wind and we land like rocks from a broken parachute. We often face the crosswinds of time with fearless and foolish notions of invincible power. Forgetting the key to our success lies in the careful planning and strategic implementation of the law called Attraction. We ask for the perfect mate and in time, we find ourselves focusing on their imperfections rather than their attributes. We choose the perfect car and miles down the road find a ping in the engine. The perfect job becomes mundane and monotonous. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned from the most recent events Mother Nature has thrown our way. Rather than take for granted that every sunrise and every sunset are a given for every day, we


may look at the sky and thank our Creator for those precious gifts–the beautiful skies, majestic sunsets and scenic canvases of nature. Yes, lives will be rebuilt and buildings restored, but maybe this time it won’t be all about the bottom line. Maybe this time we will be cautious in rebuilding, remembering the broken lives and pollution caused in the Gulf by the oil spill, the homes turned to ashes by the fire storms in the west and the deluge of destruction left behind in the northeast. Maybe we need to pay attention. Maybe it won’t be the end of the world, but it’s pretty clear that the end of the world as we once knew it has definitely arrived.

go on but I know you get the point. Diane Ackerman is author of The Gathering, a book of poems addressing life’s addictions, co-dependencies and obsessions. Her workbook on anger management, Shut the Duck Up, has been used with great success at The Anthony House, a homeless shelter formerly housed in Zellwood, Florida. Please see ad this page.

Our slates are slowly being cleared and we are being forced to open our hearts and our minds because there is another way. Perhaps our 2013 New Year resolution could be, “Although I hate waiting in a gas line, thank God I have a car to wait in,” or “I’d like some ice for my water but at least I have water,”or “Rather than fighting the party in office, I will work with them to create a better world.” I could Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



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o you want to get more out of life? Develop your talents? Identify your weaknesses? Discover why you’re having trouble with your boss, your neighbors, or your family? Hand analysis can help you. Many people associate palm reading with gypsy fortune tellers and fairground hucksters.

your fingerprints and the other patterns on your palm. In addition, natural chemicals in the body, particularly hormones, have a major influence over your behavior and over the shape of your hands. There is also a close link between the hand and

Hand Analysis:

the brain. Your hands are controlled by a larger area of the brain cortex than any other part of the body. The lines on your palm are not created by folding but by the nervous system itself. The hands are a reflection of the mind. Hand analysis can reveal more about a person in a few minutes' study than hours of questioning.

A Mirror of Your Heart and Mind Few realize that scientific palmistry is among the most reliable and powerful methods of character analysis. Your hands reveal a vast amount of psychological information about you. By interpreting and applying this information, you can solve many of the problems which send people racing to psychologists, counselors, and other mental health experts. Your home, work, leisure interests, and personal relationships can all benefit from a study of the human hand. Scientific Palmistry, technically known as Chirology, was pioneered in the 1930s and ‘40s by Julius Spier, a psychoanalyst and protégé of famed psychologist C. G. Jung. Another notable hand psychologist was Dr. Charlotte Wolff, a psychiatrist who published several books on the subject. Many physicians have also recognized the value of palmistry in medical diagnosis. So far, researchers have linked 35 diseases with specific markings on the hands. tests and experiments in many countries continue to establish the validity of this science. Why do your hands reveal so much information? The answer is complex, but genetic factors play an important role. Your inherited traits are reflected in

by Andrew Nichols, Ph. D.

Receive a Certificate of Psychic Studies AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PARAPSYCHOLOGY Psychic Development Workshops: Meditation • Psychometry • Dreams Auras • Clairvoyance • Pendulum Palmistry • Numerology Ghosts and Hauntings No previous experience required Monthly three-hour workshops Individualized training

352-372-5672 4131 N. W. 13th St., Ste. 208, Gainesville 32609 Dr. Andrew Nichols, Director, has been featured in such television programs as Unsolved Mysteries, 48 Hours, and Paranormal Challenge. He was the star of Ghost Detectives on the Discovery Channel. Dr. Nichols has more than 30 years experience in psychic research.

The lines of the palm aren’t fixed. They change over time, and in the case of minor lines, very quickly indeed. Except for hereditary tendencies, scientific palmistry is non-predictive. A palmist cannot tell you when you are going to die or what color your future spouse’s eyes will be. It is sometimes possible to predict future events intuitively, and certainly there is a psychic component to the practice of most successful palmists as there is with the best physicians and psychologists. In my office a comprehensive hand analysis takes about an hour and includes making inked handprints of the client so that changes in the configuration of the hands over time can be monitored. In a world filled with uncertainties, scientific palmistry can provide you with an effective tool for solving your personal problems and achieving your goals. Dr. Andrew Nichols is a parapsychologist, author and lecturer on ESP and psychic phenomena. He has appeared on many television and radio programs as an expert on paranormal topics and is currently Director of the American Institute of Parapsychology in Gainesville, Florida. Contact Dr. Nichols by emailing anichols@ Visit and please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013


C O N S C i O U S T R A N S f O R m AT i O N


2012 was an interesting year for me and for so many people who visit my clinic. We all went through many challenges and difficult passages, some with grace and ease and some with great turbulence. Now we ask ourselves in the dawning of a new era, how do we become the person we know we want to show up as in our lives? One of my callings in life is service. In my service to each of you as readers I have been very honest about my personal lessons in life. As a result, I have received much scrutiny from very private and also very protective people. They often say that sharing so deeply is dangerous. I believe now more than ever that sharing with you now, a reader who is unknown to me, is one form of connection, and my hope for the service I give has always been represented by the question, "How may I help you? What do you need?" Then I attempt to take the pulse of life and respond to your answer. This year I went through one of the more difficult passages we call divorce. It was filled with torrents of emotions and brought up deep-seated issues I felt I had already dealt with. It ended up being my "Great Awakening" to-date. I fully experienced the depth of having and then losing a life I had always dreamed of. Most of these problems were catalysts of the environment we all live in: frivolous lawsuits, birth of a new child, mid-life crisis, role changes, financial loss, sicknesses, and emotional baggage are just some of the many issues we all face in partnerships. I was lucky. I went through ten years of trials in just a couple years, the hardest thing I have ever gone through. My midwestern beliefs are rooted in keeping going and making it work. And that is what I did even when it was all falling apart right before me. And then it happened, he left me with divorce papers on my kitchen table. I resolved to act from a place of wisdom inside of me. I entrusted a few individuals with my being. From years of experience and observation I realized I might end up with serious scars and bitterness, therefore I trusted my parents to hold me to my roots. They helped keep my life basic and consistent like eating and resting. My other new family, my Swiss nanny and her husband kept my home stable for me and my baby. Just having things in place like eating and exercising healthily and regularly are very important to the soul as well. I entrusted my associate Doctor Danielle to hear the honesty of what I was going through so I could fall apart if I needed to. She did not judge what had happened. She was a great listener Continued page 63


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Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



CONvERGiON REAliTy 2012-2017

f you are reading Velocity Magazine today it means that the human race has survived the predictions of the prophets of doom who said that the world would be ending on December 21, 2012. Of course, many of us on a spiritual path simply didn’t believe that the world would end in a giant explosion and that we would be erased from the face of the earth as a species, however those who had an open mind and heart did believe that the WORLD AS WE KNEW It WOULD END and in its place an age of higher consciousness would evolve. In fact, many of us who hung onto the words and teachings of the futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard celebrated with birthday parties around the world on December 22 to celebrate the birth of our new consciousness! So here we are beginning 2013–a new year, a new era, and a new consciousness. The main ingredient for sustaining this new consciousness is to hold the vision that no matter what the appearances are that surround us we must remain fearless. We can remain fearless by opening our mind and heart to the reality that good and only good will prevail.



We can open our hearts easily by a method taught by The Institute of Heart Math. The way we do this is to begin to think about a time when we felt at one with the one. For me, it was one day when I was walking through the gently falling snow to the library when I was 12 years old. In the distance a carillon was playing Christmas carols. In that moment, I felt the peace and the love of God so strong that I remember it to this day. I’m sure you all have your own magical moment when you felt at one with the one. Remember this wonderful time now and place your hands over your heart. Begin focusing upon your breath. Then drop that feeling


to your heart area and imagine breathing through your heart area. You will find that this exercise will bring you into heart coherence. In this state we are able to dissolve fear and open your mind to infinite possibilities. We are all on an evolutionary journey. We are living in a time when we have the power to destroy ourselves or we can choose to evolve. The choice is up to us. If enough of us hold the vision of conscious evolution we can change the world. We can create heaven on earth. It will take many of us to tip the scales in an evolutionary direction. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for! Rev. Mary Blocher was ordained as a Unity Minister in 2005. She holds a Master's Degree in Education from Indiana University. Prior to entering the ministry, she was a special education teacher for 24 years. Nine of those 24 years she lived and taught on the Navajo Reservation where she learned first-hand the traditions, customs, and spirituality of Native Americans. Please see ad for Unity-Leesburg this page.

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"New You" continued from page 60

Discover the Potential Hidden Within Your

and didn't draw her own conclusions. She let me work those out and it made it more possible for me to weather the storm without falling apart.

Core Vitality!

I made regular appointments with my dear friend Carolanne Anselmo who has also written for Velocity and practices a technique called H. E. A. L. She helped me to see that what has occurred can all be for my growth. She gave me a method to fiercely face down rejection, betrayal, and devastation without becoming a martyr. We did many many breaths to help clear out patterns of pain so I wouldn't carry these forward, and finally I hired a group of great mentors starting with my old friend Harrison Klein. He reminded me in weekly teleconference classes about the laws of the Universe and how to ask for different experiences than what you are getting. He helped me have a long range view in a short term passage. I also learned a paramount mastery of my own life which I found rooted in his clear and loving teaching.

Diet for weight loss is a thing of the past. Our futures depend on increasing our

They were these people who were my lifesavers when I was out drowning in an ocean of pain. I reminded myself to have compassion for myself which I learned from a baby CD that Purusha, the editor of this magazine, gave to my baby daughter. The song seemed like it was for me to continue having compassion for myself in all of these raw and gut-wrenching moments. And I dedicated myself to self-love, because I knew nothing strips it away faster in this lifetime more than DIVORCE.

VITALITY through conscious nutritional choices and detoxification of our body’s blood and tissue. Colon Hydrotherapy is a VITAL part of this process. Colon Hydrotherapy comes from the ancient system of enemas which promotes the body’s own natural healing mechanisms.

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Through all of this I feel I am proud of how far I have come and I learned many skills to help those who didn't make it through as easily. The key to having an 'enlightened divorce' is allowing it to provide the ground for a greater transformation of who you are. It is to awaken you to the full experience of being alive and human by experiencing what love really is and by learning what it is not. It is to REMEMBER who you really are. If you are going through such a loss and finding it difficult, please don't hesitate to call my office and schedule a free time to speak with me. If I or any of my colleagues can help you we will be more than grateful to assist you during this period. 2013 is about shedding the old baggage, pain, and beliefs that stop you. 2013 is about finding and living love first for YOU and then for OtHERS. After all, isn't it time to become who you came here to be? Ramah Wagner, D. C. is a third generation alternative health doctor. She graduated from Palmer Chiropractic College in Iowa, where chiropractic was first discovered in 1895. Her clinic is located outside Orlando, Florida, where she works with cutting edge technology in the alternative healing arts, including chiropractic, specific nutrition, detoxification of heavy metals, and acupuncture. Dr. Ramah, as her patients and friends call her, is an internationally recognized author and nationally known speaker. She focuses on the belief that content energy is the key to creating an amazing life. Visit or Please see ad page 61. Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



It is a New Year, a new beginning, a new you. Every year we make resolutions and goals and most of them are broken before Valentine’s Day. This year consider working on changing from the inside out. If you are desiring to change your appearance, heal your inner self and it will reflect on the outside.

Shift Can Happen!

Being tense, resentful, and angry creates acid in the body which can create disharmony and dis-ease in the body. Not dealing with stress for months or years can lead to many degenerative dis-eases. When you are feeling uptight and tense, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth to the count of four: breathe in, hold, breathe out, hold, and breathe in again. Repeat for at least four cycles and then as often as you desire to. Breath is the key to life.

Many of my patients, friends, teachers, and acquaintances in the corporate world reflect the same 'them against us' menBY SOLARA ATTATHARYA, DOM, AP, DNBHE tality. It does not matter what job it is—many are feeling overwhelmed with their responsibilities and the heat that filters up and down. I offer a de-stress acupuncture Happy Hour which calms the Yes, managers feel the same way as worker bees. mind, restores alkalinity, and rejuvenates the body and spirit. For really tough embedded stress, and even post-traumatic stress disAs we move into this auspicious timing that ushers in 2,000 years orders (PtSD), I offer emotional Center Point Release therapy of peace, BEING peaceful is most crucial. It is not a battle be- (eCPR). Using Profusion Laser Light and vibrational essences tween the light and the dark energies. If we are fighting we are provides a way to not only resuscitate the emotional body, but playing into the dark forces' desires and we are ourselves being to rejoin the severed and fractured parts of ourselves into a fully dark. All we have to do is BE tHE LIGHt! integrated being. It is a reweaving process to return to the past to pick up a slipped stitch and reweave our fabric so that we are You may not be able to change circumstances, but only you can more integrated and whole. Emotional CPR’s primary focus is to control how you react to them. I hear you… that’s easier said than provide the unification of heart and mind. These therapies can asdone, you say. Perhaps it is in the beginning, but it can become sist you to more resiliently shift from reaction to loving response a way of life with a few tips to get you started. It is not that it is when challenging situations are presented to you. They can also wrong to react adversely, it just won’t bring the results you desire. help you shift into the transformation of the self you inherently Reacting will only create a space for the same situation to reoccur know yourself to be! until we learn the lesson behind it. Look within to discover what is really being triggered by the situation at hand. Does it bring up memories from the past? Past experiences can stack on top of each other increasing the reaction on a cellular memory level each time one perceives a similar situation. Pray for guidance and ask, What can I learn from this and how can I resolve the conflict?


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Solara Attatharya is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture Physician and Diplomate, National Board of Homeopathic Examiners. She has been involved with homeopathy since 1986 and licensed as an acupuncturist since 1999. Solara serves as President of the National Board of Homeopathic Examiners which is the accrediting board for all physicians in homeopathy. Visit: http::// and please see ad next page.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013





or many of us, the term aromatherapy conjures up images of pleasing fragrant smells that make us feel good. The reality of aromatherapy, however, is that using it it is a powerful therapeutic approach that can exert and modify a number of physiologic responses including the functioning of the brain.

anti-bacterial, anti-infectious, or analgesic properties, to name a few. We are all unique individuals with our own set of experiences and memories. As a result, it is easy to see that part of how we respond to smell is very personal.

Given that essential oils can have both an overt physiologic response Most people can readily identify and a more subliminal response with the power of smell. For exthrough the effect of smell on ample, have you ever walked into a the brain, working with oils has a room and been transported to anunique opportunity to guide and BY CHRISTINA POLNYJ, LMT other place and time because of the wed together these two effects into a CERTIFIED AROMATHERAPIST smell? Or perhaps you recognized very effective therapeutic paradigm. a sense of something very familiar? Moreover, because response is so inOdors can be very subtle and yet dividualized, using a variety of essenhave a very powerful impact on our tial oils in your life offers a wide range physical, mental, and emotional reof possibilities. Because of the direct sponse. This strong identification system begins at the moment connection to the brain, we have the potential to create new of birth. Newborn babies and mothers identify each other and memories through the experience of associating a blend of oils bond directly through their sense of smell. with a deeply relaxing massage. You may have a personal blend uniquely designed for you. Through the simple act of inhalation Let’s take a look at how we are affected by scent. Our sense of you can access the action of the parasympathetic nervous system smell is directly linked to our allowing the body and mind limbic system which includes to rest and repair. Few of us the thalamus, hypothalamus, would doubt the benefits of amygdala and the hippocameither therapeutic massage or pus. All sensory information aromatherapy when practiced enters this structure. This part separately. When joined toof our brain is evolutionarily gether, therapeutic massage old and is responsible for our and aromatherapy offer an survival instincts. Odors, ideal combination for deep whether positive or negahealing of the body, mind and tive, send nerve signals to the spirit–truly an example of the limbic brain, affecting emowhole being greater than sum tions, the sympathetic and of its parts. parasympathetic branches of Christina Polnyj, LMT, Certified the nervous system and the Aromatherapist, specializes in eduendocrine system. The limbic cation and individual consultabrain is also involved in learntion. Upcoming classes in the Thering and storing memory. apeutic Use of Essential Oils are Based on their individual January 12 and 13, 2013. NO chemistry, essential oils have EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. many proven therapeutic For more information, email chrisuses. When blending for clitinapolnyj@mac. ents in a practice (or for yourcom or visit http:// self ), you may choose oils that have proven anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, sedative,


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


Love of Self: Loving the Giver In You

flect, express, and write about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Reward yourself.

treat yourself when you achieve an important accomplishment.

Express yourself and create. Write

some poetry or songs or do something artistic like drawing, painting, BY REV. OJELA FRANK, LMT or crafting. any of us are givers. M Most parents have a natural inclination to put their children first in their lives while they are growing up. When you add a job and time spent with loved ones, it all adds up to only spare moments spent on yourself.

I’ve met many women who discover after fifteen to twenty years that they were so busy helping their families that they neglected to give to themselves. A student once asked me, “How do I love myself?”

There are many ways to take care of y-o-u.

Begin by giving to yourself. Make time to do the



Move your body more with yoga, tai chi, qigong, or any exercise or sports activities.

things you love to do. A friend told me that her meditation experience was soaking in a hot bubble bath by candle light. It was her quiet time away from the kids.

Connect with your Inner Child. If you are an adult,

Pamper yourself.

Ask for help. You do not

things that you enjoy.


Give the 'Gift of Time' to yourself. Solitude is a time

for reflecting. Journal writing is an opportunity to re-

your Inner Child is still within you waiting to communicate and share a different perspective on life. have to do it all by yourself. Network and help each other. My cousins do this. They join other farmers and help out with harvesting the fields. They help each other and ev-

eryone benefits. Community lifestyles create a sense of connection—an extended family that you care about and they support you, too.

Connect with nature. Go

outdoors more. Enjoy and sense your surroundings. Breathe in the fresh air. Sit out in the sun for at least 15 minutes each day to build up Vitamin D in your body. Many of these activities can be shared with family and friends. Find ways to feed all aspects of your being–physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. When we nurture ourselves, we strengthen our foundation. We are always going to be givers. Let’s remember to also give to ourselves, too.

Rev. Ojela Frank, MSC, LMT has been active in the healing arts for more than forty years. As a teacher, author, energy healer, spiritual awakening coach and Initiation Master, Ojela has inspired thousands through her sessions, seminars, and books on healing and personal growth. Ojela Frank’s workshop and webinar schedule can be found at See ad this page.

Rev. Rae Moonwind

Reiki Master Teacher • Psychic Medium/Intuitive Healer


Email: At Tree of Life Personal Enrichment Center 920 Rolling Acres Road, Suite 1, Lady Lake


Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



Look to the Stars May 11 BY PAOLA HARRIS The 2013 StarworksUSA UFO Symposium brings together leading women and men in UFO research, documentation, and related information. The second annual symposium will be held at the Chateau Elan Hotel and Conference Center in Sebring, Florida. Researcher and author Peter Robbins will host the event. The study of ufology or exopolitics deals with policy and sociological issues around the UFO question. Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer’s new book, A Survival Plan for the Human Species, reveals actual first-person information from his conversations with military people and witnesses. Some of his conversations include those with travis Walton, Fire in the Sky (Marlowe and Company, 1997), Col. Charles Halt from the December 1980 Bentwaters/Rendlesham Forest landing in the United Kingdom, Nick Pope, former employee of the British Ministry of Defense, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo-14 astronaut,


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and Shirley MacLaine, to name a few. Paul Hellyer says, “We’re still maintaining the fantasy that the Roswell was Former Canadian Defense Minister a weather balloon and it’s Paul Hellyer and Paola Harris a lie. The Air Force still claims that it didn’t happen, but there were witnesses of all kinds who say it did. It was in the early 1940s that the United States started working on reverse engineering and had some of the best scientists involved. There may be 60 years of advanced technology out there. I’m sure it is incredible and that they have probably developed spaceships and exotic fuels and there are all sorts of things that the citizens of the world

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


have a right to k n o w about. And that’s THE HIGHLIGHTS: the rea• Sapphire Starlight Social cocktail party with symposium presenters, son that Friday evening, May 10 we should • Optional dinner with the speaknever give ers, Saturday, May 11 $30 (sign up up until online) • Optional tour of Kennedy Space there is Center, the afternoon of Friday, full discloMay 10 sure. But this has to To register, visit http://STARWORKSUSA.COM or be done call 303-415-3900. by Congress. This A special presentation will be has to be given by Hon. Paul Hellyer, the Former Canadian Minister of done by Defense. the people who have been funding projects without knowing what they were funding because it’s not something that one person like the President can take on alone. The blockage is really a desire on the part of a very small group who keeps a lot of secrets to themselves, not to share them with either other people in their own country or with the world. They may be doing this because there’s a financial advantage to the United States, or a financial advantage to the oil industry, for example, of keeping the existence of the exotic fuels and technologies a secret.” Another Canadian researcher Grant Cameron will also discuss the presidential involvement in the UFO cover-up. Florida MUFON1 researchers Denise Stoner and Kathleen Marden (the niece of Betty and Barney Hill2) will also contribute to the statistics on abductions and contact as part of their presentations. All this will be just some of the incredible dialogue on UFOs to take place in Sebring, Florida May 9-12, 2013. For information on this event, please see ad previous page. 1 Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is an American nonprofit organization that investigates cases of reported UFO sightings. 2 Wikipedia Source Says: Betty and Barney Hill were an American couple who claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials in a rural portion of New Hampshire, September 19–20, 1961.

The Gift of Knowing Yourself by Ruby Wood The depth of peace within me grows deeper every day. I am amazed at how extremely simple and yet how profound this peace is, all in the same moment. This experience cannot be separate from me; it is an experience of who I really am. “Know thyself.” This ancient quote from Socrates is one that Prem Rawat refers to again and again. Who and what is this self? Prem says that you only need to go within and discover for yourself. He says, don’t believe me, KNOW for yourself. He showed me four simple techniques to focus on to know the true me looking out of these blue eyes, the me that’s deep inside. When I practice the techniques regularly, my understanding and appreciation for life expands. These techniques take my concentration from all that goes on around me to an all-encompassing stillness within myself. It is a place I can only describe as total peace, total joy, total love. Prem Rawat (or Maharaji as I fondly call him) helped make this knowledge of myself real for me. He is committed to helping people around the world find peace within themselves. “To feel human. To feel whole. To feel complete. To feel real. As surely as the bird feels when it takes flight. As surely as the bee feels when it has found its nectar.” [ Prem Rawat, excerpted from his Hong Kong address, October 13, 2012 ]

Prem Rawat, widely known as Maharaji, offers a way to discover peace within–four practical techniques that enable you to turn your attention inside to experience the feeling that resides there. He calls these techniques Knowledge (the know-how to go within). For more information go to (and click on Keys). For local information about Knowledge, please leave a message at 352-373-5578. You are invited to watch the television show "Words of Peace" in Ocala and Ga i n e s v i l l e (Cox Cable Digital Channel 21 at 7 p. m. every Sunday,

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013




When you connect with your prana body, you connect with your subconscious prana body, but as human beings we are at such a level of evolution that we have separated our ego mind from the subconscious prana body into unconscious body driven by desires. The ego mind which normally operates unconsciously begins to dominate our own prana. The entire purpose of yoga practice is to learn how to free the prana body from being dominated by the ego mind. It lives in

Amrit Yoga is a technique of entering into a Posture of Consciousness.™ This is done by learning how to descend from thinking and doing into the nondoing power of presence. This stage in eight limbed yoga is called Pratyahara or withdrawing from out-going attention with integrative intention. So when you perform

pranayama or postures with integrative intention, doing becomes a direct link to the non-doing power of presence.

Why? Because whatever you are doing, either mechanically or habitually, if it is carried out by the ego mind, there is selfcriticism, judgment, comparison, and competition. All kinds of

Photo by Patrice Saint-Louis

mental internal conflicts take place while you are performing yoga postures. Postures become exercise if the internal

part of your mind is engaged in decision-making, judgment, or comparisons. Externally, it could be a yoga posture, but internally an

ego posture drives it, therefore it creates more conflict rather than resolve conflict. It does not induce the balance, harmony, and unification that yoga is. When you perform yoga postures, activity with integrative intention, you give it a direction toward inner harmony. You shift from the outer breathing exercise, pranayama, and yoga exercises, into yoga postures. It is the integrative intention that allows us to enter the doing that becomes the preparation for your non-doing being. Your non-doing being is your prana body–your energy body–and it allows you to connect with the cosmic intelligence of prana within your own body.


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To learn more, attend The Sadhana of Prana with Chandrakant, February 1-3, 2013 at Amrit Yoga Institute in beautiful Salt Springs, Florida. Tuition of $139 includes meals and accommodations. Visit or call 352-685-3001. See ad next page.

perpetual conflict with impersonal, omnipresent power of the Self within. The ego mind is an active arm of the separated self-image. It represents the personally created past–everything about separation from prana. It is separation, not just from the subconscious prana, but from the superconscious being that you are. Whatever you do, the purpose is to disengage from the conflict-creating, stress-producing, separative body of the self-image. The Amrit Meth-

od of Yoga and Yoga Nidra teaches you how to accomplish this with a Posture of Consciousness.™

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

of Ocala

A Positive Path for Spiritual Living

Sunday Celebration | 10 o’clock Unity provides practical teachings to help people live healthy, prosperous, and meaningful lives. 101 Cedar Rd., Ocala, FL 34472


Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013


U N v E i l i N G O U R S E lv E S

These teachings slowly made it past my mind and into my heart as my guides shared more on this loving wisdom. For me, this truth needed pondering. As I pondered, asking for understanding, Life brought me experiential understanding! I encountered people from my past with whom I had strained relationships. Opening my heart, I found ease and acceptance on both sides. I encountered difficult interactions at work and opening my heart (with great reluctance!) I found keys to changing my own behavior. I encountered difficulty in learning new skills but opening my heart, I released fear and found a new level of respect for myself.

our greatest protection B Y SUNEMAURA O'BRI EN

“Your greatest protection is an open heart.” I froze, hoping that I had mistaken what I heard. “Your greatest protection is an open heart.” My guidance

repeated this emphatically.

“But doesn’t that leave me vulnerable to attack and pain?” I asked, somewhat insistently. "Doesn’t that leave me open to others' negative energy?” (This is the “resistance cry” of every empath!!) “Relating with an open heart seems frightening and dangerous.” In my insistence, I found my answer. When my heart is really open, my insistence on being a victim is released and no one and nothing can harm me. An open heart brings compassion, the greatest of strengths. When my heart is open, I am out of my ego–relating to every being and every situation from the place of Soul, therefore as Don Miguel Ruiz advises in The Four Agreements, I take nothing personally. Nothing is an attack. As A Course in Miracles teaches, everything coming at me is love or a cry for love.


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“The greatest protection is an open heart.”

Breathing the words gently into my resistant mind, sitting with it daily, giving thanks for the ways in which it has been demonstrated to me in my daily life, I smile to my guides and give thanks for this truth. I ask to learn to hold my fearful heart open, to embrace the walls that seem to have been bred into me. I ask to lovingly melt those walls. I ask to encounter the world without resistance but with openness and enthusiasm and the strength that comes from that openness. “When you open your heart, you finally realize that you need no protection.” I am informed. Ahhhhh. There is the

real truth of it! I open my mind and let this soak in. I feel the truth of my Soul, expansive, unending, consisting of Love and nothing else. I realize that Love cannot be diminished or threatened.

“But what about the practicalities of life in this earthly realm?” I ask, somewhat insistently. “Breathe,” I’m told. More lessons ahead... Rev. Sunemaura O'Brien is a spiritual healer and teacher dedicated to supporting individuals in opening doors to authenticity and joy. She is an ordained minister and teacher with the Sacred Earth Ministry. She is co-facilitator and co-founder of the Sacred Earth Center, an interfaith chapel and healing center in Gainesville, Florida. She can be reached by emailing, calling 352-275-8537 or visiting Please see ad below and on page 58.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine OPEN HEART–OPEN MIND | January • February 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

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