Exploring "The Road Less Traveled" in Velocity Magazine

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Conscious Transformation

Template for a Growing Planet

Absolute Vitality

Unveiling Ourselves

velocity FREE

Lunar Astrology

pp. 52-53

Conscious Consumer Pages THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013

pp. 64-65

40 Years Later: Crystal River Ecopreneur Going Stronger Than Ever p. 41


Expanding Into the Akasha

p. 32


@HiVibeMessages /VelocityMagazine

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

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Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | Julypolicy • August 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


The Journey of Life Itself by Louanne Headrick

From limitless potential we unfold, taking first one road then another until we discover a fit—a comfortable place on the highway of life that feeds our nature, our enthusiasm, our creativity and brings us into contact with our highest Source. Personally, my traveled highways have been numerous. I have moved from place to place 26 times. I realize this is no record setting number, but each address brought new parameters which forced me to evolve in body, mind and spirit. During the early moves, I did not have the depth of understanding to recognize the importance of my spiritual nature, let alone how my actions reflected back to me like a mirror, my attitude about life itself. Those were the years of separateness—separation from my Source of being. The ego in me fought to be Mrs. Perfect and it fought to keep up with the world and its material and monetary aspects. I continued pressing to maintain a place in society that I assumed was due to me, for after all I was an attractive, creative young one in line to receive accolades of some sort!


dramatically in the form of an accident. An airplane crash claimed the life of my young husband, the father of our two daughters. At the ages of 37 we had been taking steps into a spiritual journey together, which left me even more lost and empty. It took me considerable time to look at life with an open heart, but it did happen. What I did not know at the time was that I could have shortened the suffering had I been able to see the Wholeness in All That Is.

I have learned that a knowing soul filled with Wisdom judges no one and condemns no one. My heart could have been filled with hate for the pilots who made errors while talking about used cars and President How I learned to step off that road Nixon rather than landing the plane and take the road less traveled, came on the runway.

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Forgiveness is one of the necessities for admission to the road less traveled. When one understands and believes that all humans are seeking the same goal—the goal of communion with their Highest Good—then forgiveness becomes easier. Yes, mistakes are made by each of us. Some are hefty and take a toll on others such as the recent Boston bombing. The mistaken use of intelligence, as well as the gift of volition, is confusing to many but each of us owns the birthright of freedom to choose our path – our particular road. Some of us take the common route, the one most frequently traveled. Some are considered road hazards tending to cause commotion while en route. Others choose the lesser known road where Peace is abundant. Which road will you choose to travel on the most important journey you will ever take... the journey of Life Itself? Louanne Headrick is a Registered Nurse, past Hospice Nurse and past Staff Development Director, now retired. She is a Signature Member of the Florida Watercolor Society and one of its former teachers, a member of the Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living and a long-time student of the work of Ernest Holmes, the founder of Centers for Spiritual Living. She is pursuing her final year as student of Practitioner Studies of Religious Science. Please see ad for Golden Triangle Spiritual Living Circle this page.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998








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Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


contributing editors Purusha K. Radha PUBLISHER-EDITOR







1 Contributing Community Editor



Julie Norris is manager and co-proprietor of Dandelion Communitea Café, founding board director of the Progressive Local Alliance for Community Enrichment (PLACE) and serves on the boards of Slow Food and Mills Fifty Mainstreet. She’s an avid supporter of the local art, music and food culture, and showcases the diverse people and happenings in ‘Ourlando’ on her weekly radio program, Front Porch Radio. Her passion for community, delicious fair food, the environment and culture are the driving forces behind all her en-


deavors. More on her ventures: www.dandelioncommunitea.com www.frontporchradio.wordpress.com and www.ourlando.com.

Clardy Malugen, MA, MFA

2 Contributing Health Editor Ramah Wagner, D.C. is a third generation chiropractor with degrees from the University of Iowa and of South Dakota. She received her graduate degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic (the founding college of chiropractic). Watch for Dr. Ramah Wagner’s new book, “The Health of Business - How to Balance Your Life for Greater Return.” Dr. Ramah is available for speaking events and intensives. Visit www.DoctorRamah.com or call: 352-589-5443. www.HealthOfBusiness.com.

3 Contributing Food Editor Chef T (Tenanda Madhi) was trained at The Matthew Kenney Academy in Okalahoma City, Oklahoma, the nation's first and only classically structured raw and living foods educational center in the world. Chef T walks the talk himself consuming an all vegan, organic, living food regimen for several years. He is owner of Vitality Bistro located at 301 N. Baker St., #106 in downtown Mount Dora. Visit www. vitalitybistro.com, call toll-free: 888-612-6617 or 352-735-8411. Email Chef T at chef@vitalitybistro.com.

4 Contributing Spiritual Life Editor Albert J. Nuñez, DVM, CVA is a lifelong mystic and student of spirituality. He has studied and applied many of the profound practices and tenets of Catholicism, shamanism, christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Kabbalah, paganism, mysticism, Hinduism, tantra, energy and sound healing, “Shadow Work,” kundalini yoga, many forms of meditation, and Qi Gong.g” He has been practicing fully integrated and wholistic veterinary medicine for almost 20 years, with two Animal Hospitals in the greater Orlando area. Contact him at 407-897-8555 or visit www.animalhospitaloflakemary.com, www.animalhospitalatbaldwinpark.com and on Facebook (AnimalHospitalofLakeMary or AnimalHospitalofBaldwinPark).

5 Contributing Personal Transformation Editor Clardy Malugen, M. A., M. F. A., founder of the Prosperity Academy International, The Magnificence Project, and VisionCom, Inc., is a nationally recognized expert in the field of human potential. An award-winning author, speaker, transformational coach and mentor for over twenty years, Clardy has devoted her life to empowering individuals, organizations, and corporations to expand beyond perceived limitations into unlimited possibilities and true success. A uniquely-gifted intuitive from birth, Clardy created The Prosperity Experiment, a life-changing workshop process with astonishing results, in 1998. Clardy’s work has been featured in many publications including The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Whole Life Times, and on Entertainment Tonight and MTV. Contact Clardy at 407-644-8833 and visit www.prosperityacademy.com.


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Albert Nuñez, DVM, CVA


Velocity Magazine is an independent Central Florida regional publication distributed in more than 1000 locations in Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Volusia, Brevard, Lake, Sumter, Citrus, Hermando, Marion, Alachua and Levy Counties.

Advertising Inquiries 407-454-3443 yes@ReadVelocity.com We Welcome Your Feedback Publisher@ReadVelocity.com P. O. Box 132, Mount Dora, FL 32756

www.ReadVelocity.com publisher@readvelocity.com The Velocity Vision To serve as a catalyst in raising the velocity of mass consciousness as we strive to create a new world that embraces lasting peace, sharing and cooperation. All material contained in this issue ©2012 PKR Communications- Velocity Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without express permission from the publisher. The views expressed in Velocity represent the opinions and beliefs of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of Velocity or its staff. Velocity is not responsible for the contents, products or services represented in any advertisement.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998



The Road Less Traveled is exactly what it sounds like … remote, sometimes lonely, quiet, unpopulated, austere or exotic, even spiritual, mystical. We have lots of opportunities to take that road all through the day every day and they are the roads that lead us to the greatest rewards. If we run with the masses, we’ll end up where all the masses end up–in herd consciousness, running who knows where. If we desire to really get somewhere, we take the less traveled path. Our minds want us to believe it is a risk not worth taking. Whatever the ego mind tells us, know that exactly the opposite is true. In truth, there is no such thing as risk, only faith in the guidance we receive from our divine Overselves provided we choose to listen and follow it. I find that when I take the gorgeous back country roads to most of my destinations, it becomes a far more enjoyable experience. Sometimes, the turns onto roads I take aren’t even mapped out by my GPS App, but it quickly re-routes me so that I can continue safely to my destination. There is always a way. There is always another way. One road always leads to another. And if we come to a dead end, we just turn around and turn onto another connecting road. We just have to break ourselves free of the customary way that’s filled with teeming people unconsciously clamoring to get somewhere. This is a metaphor for conscious, exciting living. Certain powers in the world are counting on us to unconsciously travel in the herd. We must break free of it if we are to take this world into the next, highest expression of itself. In many ways, we already are on the road less traveled. We treat our bodies with holistic remedies when we become ill. We are on a spiritual path. We believe that there is more in the Unseen than what our five senses perceive. Yet we could take this much farther and deeper.

We can: • • • • • • • • • •

birth our babies at home, naturally breastfeed our babies selflessly rather than refuse to get past the temporary discomfort or inconvenience of it stop eating animal flesh and let cows and goats give their milk to their own babies as was intended commit more to our spiritual paths in deed more than word treat our bodies with holistic remedies and therapies when we become ill rather than succumb to allopathic fear tactics remember always to support each other in our businesses designed to reeducate, heal and uplift the world trust ourselves that we can well educate our Indigo children at home so they have the very best education possible do what it takes to be selfless parents with our children’s best interests first before our own listen to our children and create an ambiance in the home that supports their remembrance of themselves treat our bodies as vessels of Light and take only high spectrum living foods into our bodies

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PURUSHA k. RADHA remember that we never know a person’s whole story and therefore refrain from jumping to conclusions and judging help each other, think of each other, be community with each other be more selfless, giving and sharing forget competition for that is the ‘old way’ understand other nations and what makes them tick emotionally, mentally and spiritually so that we can create peace among all without manipulative politics look to the stars, the inner earth and inside ourselves where our ancestors can be found and accessed for guidance realize that our addictions show us the way to transformation remain steadfast on the spiritual path even when it tests us and we find it a supreme challenge (we only slip downward when we fall off the path) learn to discern our heart from our head and know when our head is mimicking what it thinks our heart and Overself would say go beyond the metaphysics of the New Age and enter the realm of meta-mysticism which is far far beyond what anyone might think Break free of the herd mentality and choose the unworn ever-expanding spiral path. Leave that well-worn path behind.

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013



veryone always says they want to change, but what stops them from follow through? People say they want to be better but they don’t really make it happen. Lots of people that attempt to change but don’t, they feel like a failure or believe there is something wrong with them, but that is simply not true. They are not broken! If someone can’t change or maybe they are have problems changing, there is one simple, but complex reason why…the unconscious mind is keeping them stuck. What is the unconscious mind? It is a big part of your brain, responsible for over 80% of your daily thinking, your self-concept, all of your body functions, your beliefs, habits and memories and


skilled practitioner can help a client work through the problem and then consciously create a new belief about the situation allowing the mind to release the fear or belief, and free that person to make or create a more powerful and dynamic future. To read many amazing examples of how this powerful technique has helped people change and transform in pow-

Why You Can’t Change Emotional Freedom Technique by Jenn Goddard

so much more. Your unconscious or subconscious mind's job is to keep you safe, in alignment with your core self-concept and your beliefs, so if you try to do something new and it doesn’t feel safe or match what you believe about you, at a deep level it will STOP you every time. Your unconscious mind is not trying to hurt you. Its main job is to keep you safe from what you perceive is not safe based on old experiences. Your brain is always asking at an unconscious level, have I been here before, was it good or bad and how should I respond? Sometimes the brain wants to keep us safe so badly, it mislabels the current experience as something we have done before and it prevents us from achieving what it is we want most.

erful ways, visit www.arisetoday.com. Moving forward remember that you are not broken. You are functioning in alignment with your unconscious beliefs.

Go the road less traveled—face your past,

take control, change and create a life you love.

Jenn Goddard is a certified EFT Expert Practitioner/Trainer, NLP Master Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and Life Coach. Visit www.Arisetoday.com, call Jenn at 407-924-5526 and please see ad this page.

The challenge with this is that we can’t normally see the real problem because we are in it. We are in our own way and it is really hard, if not impossible, to step back far enough to see it. It is kind of like trying to give yourself a massage—you can’t really relax when you are focused on what you need to do. So how do you figure it out or overcome the real problem? One of the best ways I have found is using a technique called Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT. A powerful transformation process that really transforms lives and bodies, it is so powerful and I was so impressed with it, I became an EFT Expert practitioner/trainer with six certifications. EFT is one of the only tools that taps into the unconscious mind, memories and beliefs at the conscious level allowing the practitioner to identify the limiting belief, fear, or challenge that is preventing the client from healing or having what they want. A


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Humanity’s Insanity by Young Indigo, Celinah Umaray There is something about our nation that I just do not understand I’m telling you the standard American diet is getting out of hand So this is my poem promoting the vegan lifestyle For one because the thought of eating flesh is just vile America’s obesity and disease is prevailing And the animals are locked up in pens wailing The consumption of milk is promoted more than water People don’t realize that this entails calf slaughter These fatal farms form loads of pollution and waste Is cruelty and environmental damage really worth simple taste? Let thy food be thy medicine, Hippocrates said Yet we ignore this and pump ourselves with drugs instead! In the Ten Commandments was “Thou shall not kill” but we exclude this from animals as we put them on the grill Refusing a plant-based diet is just plain insane For when we destroy the earth, then who will we blame? Mother Earth weeps for her land and creatures As corn-fed beef and hormone-induced milk is all stores seem to feature “Ignorance is bliss” is what some people want to believe But death and destruction is what ignorance will achieve Persuasion is hard on my own I must confess How I wish we had some help from our Congress It’s all for the money, that’s all these “leaders” care about If they had their values straight our nation would be healthier, no doubt A plant-based diet is what we should eat Eating from animals is now obsolete Think you will be missing out on protein, calcium, or your favorite food? Think again because all these things and much more this diet does include So I feel I must speak for those who have no voice To give life or take it away, it is all our choice It will take some effort, it will take some time But it is well worth the uphill climb To make a difference for the good of the world If not only for the futures of every boy and girl With so many remarkable reasons and scrumptious substitute foods I must now ask you not why, but why not to conclude

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998



Introducing the Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center

any people suffer from severe neck and back pain because of ruptured, bulging, and herniated discs. As a result of Michelle Hamel’s work, thousands of patients have avoided painful surgery, nerve blocks, and drugs. Michelle Hamel is a licensed neuromuscular therapist and owner of The Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center. She specializes in the non-surgical elimination of disc and nerve-related pain.

Where does back pain typically come from? It comes from repetitive motion and accidents. In fact, many of our normal daily activities can lead to back pain.

What causes the back pain?

Between the vertebrae a disc can migrate towards the spinal column and place pressure on a branch of the sciatic nerve. Let’s think about a jelly doughnut. When we bend the jelly doughnut forward the jelly comes out the back. This is similar to what happens with the discs between our vertebrae. When the disc pushes against the nerve we feel pain. This can occur in the upper, middle, and lower back. We all have a tendency to lean forward which causes flexion of the spine. This causes posterior disc migration.

What can I do about it?

Michelle’s unique soft tissue protocols can painlessly and quickly return these migrated discs to their normal and correct position. This will re-create your natural structural balance and end the pain cycle.

Here’s how Wally Temple feels about Michelle’s work: “I began experiencing pain in my right hip and groin area followed by ever-increasing numbness in my right thigh. After visiting my primary care physician, I was referred to one of Orlando’s prominent orthopedic

clinics. After a couple office visits there, X-rays, an MRI, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory drugs, my condition did not improve very much. Fortunately, when mentioning this to a friend with a similar problem in the past, he recommended Michelle Hamel at the Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center. After a consultation with Michelle, and her review of my history on this matter including radiology reports, Michelle suggested my problem might be a bulging disc and not a hip, groin, leg, or other area problem after all. The pain from those areas was originating at the source of the problem–a bulging disc. During a few weeks of soft tissue treatment by Michelle, my pain subsided and was quickly eliminated. Michelle also guided me in establishing some continuing self-help treatment. I highly recommend Michelle Hamel to anyone with back problems, and/or herniated, bulging, or degenerative disc problems. Michelle Hamel has spent 18 years studying the neuromuscular workings of the body and has developed unique soft tissue protocols which reverse bulging, herniated, and ruptured discs and their associated pain. Michelle guarantees significant relief after your first visit. Within three to five visits you will be pain free! Michelle clearly explains to her clients what actually happens to the body when injury occurs and once healed, educates them on how they can remain painfree for life. Not only does Michelle work on the inflammation caused by disc or nerve en-

trapment, she works on the systemic inflammation caused by what we eat, drink, and think. She coaches clients with unique detoxification therapies that enhance the body’s healing processes. This detoxification re-establishes healthy lymphatic circulation throughout the body. This helps to resolve many health issues that may interfere with long-term wellness. Michelle Hamel asks that you allow her to be your coach and share her secrets to a long and healthy life with you. She is a licensed massage therapist and neuromuscular massage therapist (#MA0009077). She is also a certified nutritional coach and additionally certified in lymphatic drainage by Teslar Global Technologies Inc. Call Michelle today at 407-628-2176 or email her at mhamel1@embarqmail.com You can also check out her website at http://Ihelpbackpain.com. For a guaranteed results appointment at Michelle's office in Longwood located at 1771 W. S. R. 434, call today to be free of pain tomorrow. Many insurance companies pay for treatment prescribed by physicians. Michelle is Young Living Oil representative and trained Certified Aromatherapist. Please see ad this page.

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Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


when to speak by Venerable Master Hsing Yun

are two kinds of people in society. One type talks there all day long. Their non-stop chatter is a real nuisance. The other type keeps their lips sealed. They have noth-

ing to say under any circumstance. These people are like puppets or the walking dead. Naturally, no one pays any attention to them. When too much is said, words become meaningless. But meaningful and positive words need to be spoken. When an opportunity is missed and a message is not expressed, no one benefits, therefore good words should be spoken more often while nonsense should be uttered as little as possible. The military is reputed for its training. It advocates, “Say it clearly and speak straight.” That is truly the best way to communicate. We should say what needs to be said, and keep our silence otherwise. To speak falsehoods is of course false speech. But when the truth is not spoken, that is also false speech.

day. Because his work was not finished, he asked someone to take the talking bird home. Three days later, he returned home and very excitedly asked his wife, “Did you receive the little bird that I sent you?” His wife replied, “Yes, I did.” He asked, “Where is it now?”His wife answered, “In the oven!” Upon hearing this the man shouted, “That was a rare talking bird that could speak many languages! How could you roast it?” The wife explained, “It didn’t say a word; how was I supposed to know?” The bird was sent to the oven because it did not speak when it should have. So as we have seen, speaking when we do not need to is useless, but keeping quiet when we should speak out can cause regret for the rest of our lives. Additional writings and publications by Venerable Master Hsing Yun may be obtained through Fo Guang Shan’s–Guang Ming Temple, 6555 Hoffner Ave., Orlando, FL 32822, or through Buddha’s Light Publishing at www.blpusa.com. © 2006 Buddha’s Light Publishing (Revised Edition)

Once, a murderer managed to escape the law. But upon seeing another person being punished instead of him, he could not subdue his own conscience. So he went to confess to a priest. Because the priest had to maintain the confidentiality of the confessional, he told another priest in order to gain peace of mind. The second priest faced the same situation so he went to a third one. This went on until the day of execution of the man falsely accused. The innocent man cried foul at the priest who came to administer his last rites. The latter replied, “I know you are wronged. All the priests in the country know that you are wronged. But none of us can help you!” If one can speak up about the truth and does not, how is he or she going to find peace of mind? Speaking out when one should is being wise and courageous; keeping quiet when one should not is being unwise and cowardly. We should speak more to praise, to give others joy, to settle disputes, and to resolve problems. In Chinese history, many loyal and righteous ministers risked their lives by giving their emperors sound but blunt advice. Their lords wanted to chop off their heads for being too forthright in their speech. The ministers’ response was often, “Let me finish what I have to say before you chop off my head!” They were willing to sacrifice their lives to speak out. Their unshaken spirit is truly precious. Once, a man went on a business trip. On the way, he saw a talking bird that could speak many languages. The man was thrilled and spent a lot of money to buy it for his wife’s birth-


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Just Do It

by Colleen Gordon


outine, boring, predictable… do these words describe your life? If so, maybe it is time to do something about it. Break out of your mold and do something totally outside your comfort zone. But how do we do that? Good question! Think of something you wouldn’t necessarily do, then just do it. Meditate, take an art class, ride a roller coaster, learn to play the harp, sky-dive, scuba dive, take an acting class, take any kind of class, study something you have always wanted to do. Visit the mountains, visit the beach, try a new hairstyle. No one needs to know what you are doing if you fear looking like a fool. The only foolish thing is not trying. Just think of how much fun you might have. Think of how good you will feel about yourself and how much more self-confidence you might gain. One small step forward might give you motivation to change something else about your life. You might even surprise yourself and change your entire life. All too often we think, “It’s too late, I can’t change now.” Change is a choice. It is never too late. It is only too late if you decide it is. You are only too old to change if you decide you are too old. Remember the immortal words of famous writer Robert Frost, taken from his works, “The Road Not Taken”– Two roads diverged in a wood, and I– I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Do it now. Break out of the rut and take a step towards your amazing future! You won’t regret it.

Colleen Gordon is President and Founder of Healing For Pets. Visit www.healingforpets.com or contact Colleen by calling 407-446-4315. Please see ad this page. Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


Dream Landscaping with Edible Plants

by Lekoma Akate

and hummingbird peas, chayote squash, icebox cabbage, greens, lettuces, chard, plants and you will watermelons and cucumbers carrots, turnips, radishes, varreceive a lot of com- make great trellis plants. To- ious onions, chives and garlic, turmeric, cilantro, broccoli, pliments. cauliflower and many others. Check the University of The butterfly and Florida website for more dehummingbird tails on specific planting times, plants attract benespacing, etc. ficial insects to polIn Central Florida we are blessed with year-round growing seasons. The colors, textures and sizes of edible plants available for us is tremendous. Whatever your dream landscape, there are edible plants to fill the bill. Lekoma Akate is a native New Orleanian who moved to Central Florida in 2010. He holds a Masters of hen planning the Science degree from Louisiana State landscape at our linate your edible plants. We mato, pepper, Okinawa spinach University and a Masters of Eduhome, we did not have always had plants that and eggplant make great look- cation from the University of New even consider leaving the azaattract butterflies and hum- ing bushes that can be pruned Orleans. Lekoma is an avid gardenleas, crepe myrtles and other asmingbirds with our food pro- to suit your needs. Rosemary er, musician, health enthusiast, and owner of SowingLite.com, promoting sorted ornamental plants. Our ducers. It is even better when makes a great stand alone or health, sustainability and self-suffimindset was that if we are goSeveral other ciency. Please see ad next page. they double as edible flowers. hedge bush.


ing to have plants, grow plants that multitask. Our dad told us, "If you are going to grow something, it might as well be something you can eat." That is likely why most plants in our landscapes have been fruits, vegetables, herbs and edible flowers.

Realize that if you eat the fruit of a plant, you can likely eat the flower. Check online for lists of edible flowers. If you can grow a hedge of azaleas, you can grow a hedge of blueberries. Most fruit trees, bushes and vines are beautiful and many have gorgeous flowers. Instead of a crepe myrtle, why not a persimmon or fig? If you want an evergreen, try some citrus varieties, loquat or avocado. In central Florida, the possibilities are virtually endless.

herbs make smaller bushes: sage, marjoram, Mexican tarragon, lemon balm and basil, to name a few. Squash, watermelon, pumpkin and sweet potatoes make nice taller ground covers while oregano, thyme and mints make great shorter ground covers. For a taller plant, okra, sun chokes and ginger make excellent choices. Interplanting makes for an even more interesting, layered look.

You may ask if the edible plants will still look attractive. Sure they will. There are also numerous edible flowers for color and the varied texture of many fruit, vegetable and herb plants will make your yard more interFor climbing plants, a passion esting than the typical formal fruit or muscadine vine will do There are numerous choices landscape. Add some butterfly the trick. Pole beans, southern for bedding plants including


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Are You A Be-Leaver? by Anthony J. Diaz

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The Monkee’s band from the 1960’s had a hit “I’m A Believer.” Are you a believer? I will admit I do remember that song. How about you? All of us believe in something. The question is really what do we believe? What we believe is based on our beliefs. The word believe is really two words BE and LEAVE. To be is a mindset. You don’t have to do anything–just be. Shakespeare asked, “To be or not to be?’ The real question is, how are you being and showing up in your life? When we are being, we are experiencing our life by just being in the present moment. By being present

we are available for all the good the Universe has to offer. What does not being present look and feel like? It can be multitasking, thinking about the past, spending time worrying about the future. Anything that takes us out of the present moment doesn’t allow us to ‘in-joy’ where we are right here and right now. There are many ways to practice the presence of who we are. Try meditating, practicing yoga or reading something that nourishes your mind, body, spirit. When we can spend time being and not doing, we allow ourselves that special opportunity to get to know and embrace of the feeling of who we really are. When we spend more and more time in that Inner Place–our Inner Truth, we understand what our beliefs truly are. When we know what our beliefs are, we then know what we be-leave. The word leave is an action. What has to leave? What do we need to let go of? What belief is not serving who we really are? What makes up our beliefs? Do our beliefs actually reflect our values? Just because we believe something doesn’t necessarily mean that it supports what our values are. Before we can let go of a belief, it’s important to understand whether it supports our values, serving who we really are. Try this exercise. On one side of an index card, write “I Believe” at Continued on page 20 Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


Are You a Be-Leaver? continued from page 19 the top and below that write down three to five beliefs that support your Highest Good. On the reverse of the card write “I Let Go of…” and below it three to five things or ideas you must let go of to embody the beliefs you entered on the previous side. Every day for 30 days, read aloud or to yourself the front and back of the card. This is how we can be present, give ourselves the gift of affirming our Highest Good and let go of what doesn’t serve us so we may allow into our lives that which does. We are all believers. We just have to take the time to be present to embody the beliefs that support who we are. Wherever you are in that magnificent life of yours, whatever place you are in, Don’t Stop Believing! When you believe it, you can weave it, you shall conceive it, you will achieve it! Remember You are Perfect. You are Powerful. YOU are on PURPOSE! Now go out and live the life you were meant to live! In-Joy! Namasté. Anthony J. Diaz has more than a decade of practicing family law and mediation, and is considered a leader in the area of collaborative law. As an attorney and a life and spiritual coach, Anthony incorporates a healthier approach to empower those going through a divorce or any legal or personal challenge by going within themselves to understand how their outer circumstances are affected by their inner conflict. To sign up for his newsletter which will keep you informed about his upcoming workshops and messages of inspiration and empowerment, scan the code on the ad found on this page or go to www.anthonyjdiaz.com. Anthony has speaking engagements worldwide and is available for workshops and conferences. To schedule a free consultation, call 407-542-4367. Please see ad this page.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

The Way of the Peaceholder by Molly MacCartney

“Peace is to be cradled before it can be given forging passage through the wild it fuels the soul for the journey.” Living from a consciousness of peace may seem highly transcendent shared with others when we emerge. and admirable as we evolve as a collective, but in reality it can be one of the most humbling—and therefore difficult—states for many Whether your path of action is teaching, parenting, activism, art, to maintain. Challenging social science, healing, counseling, sernorms and prizing cooperation vice, charity, finances or entreabove competition, “holding the preneurism, etc.… and you wish peace” can feel like an uncharted to bring the power of peace to path through the wildwood of your area of focus, it is helpful to cultural and tribal expectation. maintain awareness of the qualiThough it is a solid and rewardty of your internal energy as you ing way to travel, it can be tended go through the motions of your and navigated by internal means work. This is where true reality only. resides. This is where the peace is held. Do you feel scrambled As we strive to bring more staby the stresses and emergencies bility to our world, it’s good to you encounter, or are you a calm remember that cultivating and oasis in which such chaotic enholding peace is not the same as ergy can be filtered and healed? “keeping the peace.” It does not By choosing to generate peace mean that we stand idly by while from the anxieties that inevitainjustice is taking place towards bly flow to us, we bring forth ourselves or others. To the concomfort from within rather than trary, it can help us resolve conallowing that negative charge to flict more efficiently as well as shoot through us into others. strengthen our ability to handle We make better choices from a tragedy on a larger scale by our place of understanding and not knowing how to keep calm and of defense as we allow solace to make wise choices in moments shine through the shadows of of crisis. In doing so we acknowlan uncertain world—and in the edge that we have no control over meantime, we reap the constant the dissonance of the world’s benefits of the peace that radiates many vibrations, but we can out from our center. still resonate, one by one, to the power of peace that hums beneath the chaos. Peace can be held in our own lives by being honest with Molly MacCartney is an Intuitive Medium, Spirit Artist & Writer based in ourselves, nurturing moments of inner silence and taking time for Central Florida. She offers soul-centered readings for those who seek clarity on the path of life, evidential mediumship for those wishing to contact the other activities that bring us a sense of well-being and contentment. In side, and a variety of art forms and writings to uplift and inspire. For more the respite we experience our reserve is replenished so that it can be info, please visit her website: www.mollymaccartney.com Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


Everyday Apothecary: REMEDY EXERCISES FOR EVERYBODY delicious alternatives for physical vitality by Julie Norris, Contributing Community Editor


In college I had an excessive soda habit, consuming almost a liter a day. The processed sugar and caffeine had me hooked but left me dehydrated and fatigued when the rush wore off so I would drink another and another–mood swing city! When I developed an interest in herbal tea, I was not only saved from my mood swings, I discovered delicious alternatives existed that brought vitality to my physical body while helping balance my mental, emotional and spiritual self as well. Since then, I've found that one of the most dramatic and delightful ways to invite health into our family is with our choice of beverage, an opportunity not often discussed. While prepared teabags can be convenient, I find it much more fun to have a collection of organic or wildcrafted herbs from a reputable source (you definitely don't want chemicals in your teacup!) to concoct exactly what is needed in the moment. We are lucky to have an herb store with a huge selection called Leaves and Roots in town at affordable prices. Most herbs listed below can be purchased in 2-3 ounce increments for around $3. (Leaves and Roots' retail location: 9434 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32817 or convenient home delivery through Homegrown Coop's online store http://homegrowncoop.org). Building Blocks of a Basic Apothecary: It's good idea to start with at least two types of leaves to use as a base and a variety of flowers, fruits and roots so you can experiment with combinations. Store your herbs in mason jars or tins away from direct sunlight. They will keep longer in a cool, dark space such as a cupboard. Below is a basic collection of a dozen herbs that can address just about anything that ails my family day-to-day and serves me morning, noon and night.


Yerba Mate: physically and mentally energizing and a great coffee alternative; Rooibos: also known as Red Tea, a sweet herb high in antioxidants and vitamin C; protects DNA and a remedy for a long list of ailments from allergies to colic; Mint: refreshes and helps with our digestive system soothing troubled tummies; Tulsi (Holy Basil); known as the “Queen of Herbs” in India; known for its restorative powers in stress reduction, immune support, and enhanced stamina with antioxidant, antibacterial and


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antiviral properties; if I could only have one herb on a deserted island, this one would be it.


Hibiscus; also known as sorrel, lowers blood pressure and adds a tart perk with its vibrant red hue and can be found growing in many places throughout Florida; Roses; comforting with a sensuous aroma; Chamomile: calming and perfect for kids and frazzled parents.


Rosehips: the richest plant source of vitamin C with a bright flavor; Mango (dried): a Florida grown superfruit high in antioxidants and great for digestion; Elderberry (dried): an overall immune booster; prevents colds and flu.


Dandelion (roasted): with an earthy flavor aids the liver, digestion and eliminates toxins; high in iron so good for people with anemia; Ginger (fresh or dried): a relaxant and anti-anxiety remedy that aids digestion, nausea, colic, and stimu-

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

ro s e h ip s

be an approximate measurement. Blending tea is an art, not a science, so don't worry about getting it exact. If you want to do a larger batch for iced tea, increase your blend amount to about half a cup herbs per half gallon. Pour the boiling water on top of the herbs and let steep covered for at least five minutes, but the longer the better for most herbs as it will bring out more of the healing properties of the plant.

tulsi e lde rber r y

Invite herbs into your day. An everyday apothecary of twelve herbs listed above will reduce your dependence on processed beverages, support your overall health while relaxing your nervous system and save money on over-the-counter medicines. It's an awesome way to get your kids involved in taking care of themselves, too. They think it will be fun to play herbalist and you will be pleased knowing that their beverages are nourishing instead of depleting them. Julie Norris is manager and co-proprietor of Dandelion Communitea Café, founding board director of the Progressive Local Alliance for Community Enrichment (PLACE) and serves on the boards of Slow Food and Mills Fifty Mainstreet. She’s an avid supporter of the local art, music and food culture, and showcases the diverse people and happenings in ‘Ourlando’ on her weekly radio program, Front Porch Radio. Her passion for community, delicious fair food, the environment and culture are the driving forces behind all her endeavors. More on her ventures at www.dandelioncommunitea.com and www.frontporchradio.wordpress.com and www.ourlando.com. Please see ad page 18.

R o oibo s

lates the circulatory system while reducing fevers; it is also antibacterial and antiviral with a comforting and refreshing flavor. Blending herbs is easy: Imagine you are building a salad. Leaves are your base and everything else are just toppings, to be added to your liking. I usually work with three herbs at a time. In the morning, yerba mate with dandelion and rosehips would be an energizing start. Kids love the vitamin packed and calming combination of rooibos with rosehips and chamomile. Make a gallon at a time and store in the fridge as a substitute for sugary drinks. A great post-supper blend might include tulsi with roses and ginger. If I was worried about getting sick, I might have tulsi, rooibos and elderberry. A favorite afternoon iced tea might be mint with hibiscus and mango. Infusing tea can be slap-dash or fancy: Put a kettle on to boil and grab a tea infuser (found at any health food store, tea shop or Asian store). If you don't have an infuser, make do with a mason jar and a strainer (my preferred method at home). Aim for a tablespoon of herbal tea per cup, so two parts leaves to one part “toppings”would

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

The Road Not Taken by D on i a M i tch el l or many the idea of holistic medicine is foreign. The thought of using natural remedies feels hippy-ish or outdated.


A misconception about holistic medicine is that the sole focus of this practice is the avoidance of medication. In reality, the main focus of holistic medication is the entire being of the patient being treated itself (mental, emotional, physical and psychological) and not just a focus on the disease. Holistic practitioners are more likely to try alternative, natural forms of treatment before medication. This includes herbal supplements, meditation and lifestyle changes. Holistic medicine by and large is itself the road less traveled, although in recent years the popularity of this practice has increased significantly. So why are people hesitant to try holistic treatment? There are a variety of reasons: • We live in a gimme world. Our society is a society of convenience. From mega-sized fast food meals to televisions that skip commercials, diet pills and plastic surgery, this type of culture does not favor self-reliance.

getting a shot of one thing or another. • It’s easy to forget that as little as 60 years ago people were giving birth to children without epidurals. Go back a little further in time and there weren’t even hospitals. • We’ve become adjusted to the idea of sitting in a waiting room, having a doctor stare down our throat and write us a prescription. It’s easy to forget that the ancestors of our society relied on plants, herbs, berries and fresh air as sources of medical treatment. • It’s too simple. For a society that focuses on making things quick and easy, accepting that problems can often be solved by self-discipline and decision, is often hard to swallow. Until people start taking responsibility for the role they play in their lifestyles, health and future, holistic medical practices will remain on the outside of the popularity circle. If you would like to incorporate a more natural approach Enchanted Botanicals in Deland offers herbal consultations. Set yours up today for only $20. Call Donia at (386)873-1000 and please see ad this page.

• Most people aren’t willing to or cannot recognize that their own behavior is often the underlying issue in many problems. • People aren’t educated enough. By no means do I mean to imply that people are unintelligent or uneducated, however there is a stigma attached to holistic medicine because people don’t take time to learn about it. • When people think of holistic medical practices the image of a witch doctor or a hippy woman dressed in a peasant blouse, skirt and shoulder length earrings often springs to mind. The general public may not trust that simple solutions (eating more bananas, carrots or vegetables or taking a teaspoon of honey) can have tremendous benefits because they’ve never seen it happen. • There is no doubt that advances in science and technology have impacted the medical community in fantastic ways. Because of this advanced technology many people tend to feel that allopathic medicine may be the safer bet. • It’s not modern enough. As a people, we are spoon-fed diets of medical drama and technology breakthroughs. The TV doctors are ever the hero and someone is always Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


Vegetarian Community

by Jessi VanPelt


hether you want to go vegetarian or vegan to help prevent cancers or because you are concerned about the treatment of farmed animals, or for any number of reasons, there are many local and online resources to support you. If you’re already vegetarian or vegan but need support, these resources will help you, too. You may be getting some flack from your friends and family, but I promise there is plenty of community–in person, in print, and online–to help you.

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Understanding Your Vegan Family Member (free ebook at veganpublishers.com) The Ultimate Vegan Guide: Compassionate Living Without Sacrifice (vegan.com/ultimate-vegan-guide) Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism (also check out the video at carnism.org under the Carnism Presentation tab)


Local Resources:

Forks over Knives, Peaceable Kingdom, Farm to Fridge

There are several Meetup groups to find like-minded company, including of course, Vegetarians of Central Florida (meetup. com/vegetarianscf ). We host everything from movie nights to potlucks to kids' activities and much more. If you’re trying to eat more raw food, there’s also Central Florida Raw Food Connection run by one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet, Chef Olive Mackey. If you want to get more involved in animal rights issues, there’s Animal Rights Florida. There’s also Green Drinks once a month where environmental topics are discussed, plus the local Sierra Club chapter.

Online resources: • facebook.com/groups/vegcf (ask questions, post articles, get event updates, etc.) • pcrm.org (start here to learn about eating a balanced and healthy vegan diet) • compassionatecook.com (The 30-Day Vegan Challenge and podcast) • ourhenhouse.org (podcast, blog, etc.

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to help you get active for animals) nutritionfacts.org (short health-related videos) veganoutreach.org/guide/substitutes. html (for plant-based substitutes to non-veg foods) veganetsy.blogspot.com (If you’re a vegan artist/crafter that sells your wares on Etsy, you’ll want to join me on the Vegan Etsy Team. Joining animal-focused teams on Etsy is how I met some of my closest vegan friends and got a final push to become fully vegan! Or visit if you just want to buy handmade vegan items made by vegans.)

Whatever your original reason for going or staying vegetarian or vegan, there is help, support, and community out there for you! Jessi VanPelt is Executive Director of VegCF since 2013, a member of Vegetarians of Central Florida since 2007, and volunteer organizer and vegan since 2009. She is a graphic designer, dog and cat rescuer, multi-tasking baker and yogi. Reach her at Jessi@VegCF.org.

Cookbooks: • • • • • •

How It All Vegan (plus iPhone app by the author, Sarah Kramer) Eat Vegan on $4.00 a Day The Happy Herbivore (and happyherbivore.com) Vegan Yum Yum (plus veganyumyum. com and iPhone app) Vegan Express (and vegkitchen.com by the author) Supermarket Vegan

Books: •


The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-term Health Mom, Dad, I’m Vegan: A Guide for

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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


Cassadaga Road I was young and exploring various avenues of knowledge to gain an understanding of spiritual truth. I had begun dream journaling and interpretation, reading more philosophical explorations of spirituality, studying symbolism and the Tarot, and practicing by Cynthia Botsko meditation. I even began calling myost of the “roads less travself a “spiritualist” eled” are nowadays “well- though I had no idea that Spirituworn paths”, or even path- alism was a religion as such and ways re-discovered. However, it was still trying to understand the seems as if the old adage calls forth mysteries of Catholicism because our sense of Self and individuality that was how I was being raised. outside of the mainstream of the I remember very clearly standing masses. We all have our niche with- outside on a spring afternoon gazin the mainstream; however, our ing at the trees in the backyard in individual uniqueness is the key to an attempt to see their auras – the finding that niche and being able subtle glowing of their life-force to work with it as a valuable part around the body of their leaves of the community while still honor- and trunks. I heard my name being the Higher Self. With our glob- ing called. I looked to the street al connections in today’s world, beyond the yard and driveway. we find that what may have been No neighbors were walking by, so considered as a “road less traveled” I returned to my contemplations. I at some point in the recent past heard my name being called again. is now progressively more well- I went inside and found my father known and has somehow survived in the living room. I asked what he in one fashion or other for hun- wanted and he responded, “Nothdreds or thousands of years – that ing. Why?” I told him that I heard makes it more a “well-worn path someone calling me. He shrugged. re-discovered” than a “road less I asked my mother who was in the traveled”. computer room. She looked at me sideways and assured me she That being said, who travels Cas- hadn’t called for me. I shrugged it sadaga Road? What is Cassadaga all off and went back outside. Just Road? I could pin-point my jour- as I settled back into my meditaney down Cassadaga Road as be- tions, I heard my name being called ginning in 2006, but if I really think again. about it and sift through all the memories and synchronicities–it This time I didn’t seek the source. probably began in 1995. It was I called back, “Hello,” and waited. I around that time that I first heard heard nothing and tried one more Spirit calling my name directly. time, “Hello?” When I got no response, I returned my attention to

well-worn path re-discovered



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the trees. A few minutes passed before I heard my name being called again. Something started clicking into place in my mind and prodding my intuition, but I was still confused. I asked, “Uncle Mark, is that you?” My uncle was the first Spirit I really had tangible experience with - from physical Spirit phenomena to visual perceptions. The breeze lifted, rustled the trees, and settled. The sound mimicked a chuckle. I got a feeling that my uncle was present, but there were others with him visiting me. This was the first time I sensed Spirit other than that of a relative or someone I had known in this earthwalk. Over the next week or so, any time I settled outside to practice a meditation, I heard my name being called. At that point, the question I had was not who was calling me but why. Despite experiences from childhood regarding my sensitivity to Spirit and my psychic abilities, I consider this experience in the early phase of my metaphysical studies the beginning of my walk down “Cassadaga Road”. This was the starting point of my calling, my vocation. We had learned that aspects of religious life in Catholicism were referred to as “vocation”, God’s calling for you. I was beginning to realize how that concept plays out for everyone in life even if you are not planning a life in the clergy. So, what happened in 2006 that really brought me along the length of Cassadaga Road? I moved from my home town in New Jersey to central Florida. My sister has just recently moved from Orlando to Atlanta. In talking with her one day about what I wanted to be doing when I moved to Florida, I shared that I wanted to be doing spiritual readings and healings for people. She suggested I look around Cassadaga. I checked it out on-line and seemed to not find much. A few months after I had moved into the greater Orlando area, my sister came down from Atlanta to visit, and we made a trip to Cassadaga for psychic readings. About a year after that intriguing experience, I noticed an article in a local publication about Cassadaga. A friend of mine and I made the trip, and I got another reading. Throughout

the year, from my sister’s visit to my friend joining me on a trip out to Cassadaga, many changes in my life occurred, as if the winds of change were running gale-strength but in one consistent direction – toward Cassadaga. Each of the three times I changed residence, I was moving geographically closer to Cassadaga. The last move was into Cassadaga’s high-energy borders. Within two years of residing in Cassadaga and participating in the Spiritualist community’s activities, the Universe had opened up for me, handed me everything I had asked for in life, and set me to the task of completing my initiation into my vocation. What is this vocation, or calling? Is it to be a professional psychic reader and spiritual counselor? Is it to be a healer? Where does Cassadaga Road lead? The calling and vocation has always been to honor the truth of who I am, to honor the gifts and talents that I have, and to share those gifts and talents with the community in serving others, which inherently brings healing to all. In the 1970s, Alan Watts, Sam Keen, and M. Scott Peck (among others) brought to the forefront a reminder that the spiritual journey is what will help an individual live life fully –from navigating through difficulties of everyday living to making and acting upon important life decisions. In fact, Peck’s book The Road Less Traveled speaks of modern American lifestyle turning its face toward the spiritual journey. Now, a decade into the 21st Century, it feels like the “road less traveled” is truly a re-discovered “wellworn path”. There’s not much new here, except every new day. Cynthia Botsko is a psychic-medium who receives messages from Spirit clairvoyantly, clairaudiently, and clairsentiently through visions, hearing, and feeling. Cynthia has a B.A. in Psychology, with a Philosophy-Religion minor from Montclair State University, New Jersey. She and partner Matthew Sekunna own Brighid’s Well, Inc. of Cassadaga. Please call Cynthia at 386-246-8610 and please see ad page 29.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


Make Love to Yourself by Nils Taranger


exual energy is the road less traveled for me. I grew up in a church that taught me as a teenager to stay away from my erotic potential. I learned the story of Adam and Eve and how they realized they were naked and became ashamed. Those “private parts” down there, my church said, were to be used only in the context of marriage (between a husband and wife, of course!). Anything outside of that, including masturbation, was a sin. In the privacy of my bedroom, I would explore my body in spite of the rules laid down at church, but I had tremendous guilt about it. I was 14 when I experienced my first orgasm. I immediately fell down on my knees and begged God to forgive me, promising that I would never, ever do “it” again. My promise didn’t even last the day, however. My willpower was no match for this strange, awesome energy that was coursing through my veins. This strange, awesome energy is still with me today. I don’t understand it–I don’t try to. But instead of denying it, ignoring it, or feeling guilty about it, today I worship it. To me, this energy is my life force. It’s my inner Goddess. When I spend time loving myself, without guilt or shame, I’m worshiping the divinity in me. I realize that I’m in a state of purity and innocence much like the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve realized they were naked.

We walk around in our daily lives, covering ourselves and pretending that our genitals do not exist. We travel the main road most of the time. I invite you to take the road less traveled for a while. Take some time to experience how much you love yourself in a deeply, profoundly sexual way. Instead of getting your arousal from external images or other people, try going down a hidden pathway–a very small, winding road that you wouldn’t notice unless you stumbled upon it. This road leads to a secret place where you realize how beautiful you are– how beautiful and arousing your own golden heart is. Make love to yourself and honor that divine presence within you. If you feel any reservations about doing this, any thoughts of “This is wrong” or “I’m not beautiful” or “God and sex don’t mix for me," I encourage you to take those thoughts with you down this erotic road and watch them melt away in the golden bliss of your angel heart. When you finally realize how pure and innocent you have always been, you will go about your daily life and interactions with others in a new way. Your own inner beauty will shine through your eyes, and the love you have for yourself will spread healing vibrations wherever you go. Nils Taranger is a filmmaker and Tantra instructor in Orlando. You can watch his feature film A Blue Flower for free at www.ablueflower.com. Please see his ad on this page for more information about his work as a sexual healer.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


ellphones and other wireless devices use microwave technology to send and receive signals. We can only imagine what this technology is doing to our brain and nervous system. Many people experience such things as recurring headaches, ear pain and more. Though our wireless gadgets and instrument assist our lives in so many ways, there are also other potential damaging effects after the cause. Do your own research and verify for yourself the harm these devices can do.

Women, keep cellphones out of bras to protect the breast tissue...

1)Before you purchase a cell or cordless phone, make sure it has a really good, clear sounding speaker. 2)Use only the speakerphone especially while dialing out; it has the strongest signal. I place the phone on speaker while dialing out and immediately place the phone on a flat surface. 3)Communicate important information only and save the juicy news for when you are face-to-face with the other party. 4)Having several short conversations are better than one long one. 5)Monitor your children's cellphone use; the brain continues to develop until we reach the age of 25. 6)Avoid using wireless devices while holding a child and even more so while pregnant or nursing. 7)Because elders don't bounce back from illness as quickly as younger people, they, too, should be vigilant about their amount and manner of wireless usage. 8)Be outdoors as much as you can and touch a tree while talking on the phone. 9)Find a place with a good signal to make a call; the less bars you have, the stronger the signal. 10)DO NOT use a cellphone while driving since you are encased in a metal

phone plugged in while talking. 12)Recharge your cellphone battery only as long as it takes to be fully charged, normally between two and three hours; do not charge all night; keep the phone out of the bedroom while sleeping. 13)Women, keep cellphones out of bras to protect the breast tissue; keep devices in handbags. 14)Boys and men, keep wireless phones as far away from your family jewels as possible; my friend Mitch keeps his in a holster on his ankle. 15)Make personal visits with loved ones and acquaintances rather than talk over the phone or text; it is more fun and soothing to have a personal exchange, otherwise we might become bio-robots. 16)Think twice before using headphones and cordless ear pieces which creates a constant flow of EMFs straight to the head area! Always use the speakerphone, speakerphone, speakerphone!

Do Cellphones Use Microwaves? by Paulo Bendall

box on which electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) are bouncing (now you're cooking); this is not even to mention the distraction it causes and danger it presents. Texting while driving is even worse. 11)A very big NO is having the cell-

Always use your common sense so that you can continue to use these wonderful technological gadgets with respect. Enjoy our awesome, modern, loving world with wisdom! These points are provided for educational and informational purposes only, all based on my research. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice and has not been evaluated by the FDA or FCC. It is not intended to diagnoses, treat, prevent or cure diseases. Please contact us with any doubts, questions or new insights you may have. Paulo Bendall is the creator and founder of EsAamoraA, LLC, sharing pendants and decals designed to neutralize the effects of EMFs. Contact Paulo andEsAamoraA at 386-868-8788, EsAamoraA@gmail.com and visit www.EsAamoraA.com. Please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


Expanding into the Akasha by Rahansia P. Ben-Mejuri


ith the arrival of the higher energies of 2012 we are embarking upon a new frontier. The young Indigos and Indigo children demonstrate they are working more from their Akasha rather than their auric field or Merkabah vehicles. This has stimulated the starseed nation to do the same. The Akashic record is the sacred geometry that forms the living being that we are. The light expression that we are is a mathematical formation within the universe. As we move more into the sacred geometry of our own Akasha we are moving into higher frequencies and energies. The Akashic record is the purest level of sacred geometry that there can be, because it is the signature of God. With this, new arenas of healing are occurring. In the past, we worked with the auric field, the energy bodies and energy centers. Now we are moving into the healing of the other person by accessing the River of Knowledge in our own Akasha. It is completely reversed! Moving into this new level of higher consciousness we are accessing a much higher level of intuitiveness in our healing abilities. As a healing practitioner our sessions have completely changed in the way we work with energies. In the past, we utilized the light ray of lavender. Now that we are working from the Akasha we are utilizing the light ray of green. It’s always important to be willing to change so we do not become stuck in dogmas, unable to grow or to move with the changing energies. Many have made a religion out of the lavender flame, for example, and having become stuck, they chase their own auric fields. It’s so important at this time especially to not make a dogma out of anything. The only time it is wise to create a dogma out of anything is when one is sick and is using diet and nutrition to assist with healing.


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With this advancement in energies we must be aware of the lower dense diabolical or demonic energies that come in at the same time as the new higher levels and dimensions. Recently, a woman we are aware of was completely taken over by a diabolical demon and she was not even aware of it. These entities can be very sly, dangerous and great obstacles to our mystical enlightenment. Especially as a healing practitioner, being aware of anything foreign coming into our own Akasha is paramount at this time and it is for our own safety. These lower dense demonic entities are attracted to the Akasha and gain access through holes we have created in our Akasha because of dogmas we have created and live by. Those in dogma are the most prone to the lower demonic entities. The good news is we can easily heal these holes in the Akasha by simply moving out of our own self-created dogmas. Dogma and religion become a comfort, and comfort can become an addiction. The sacred geometry of our own Akasha is higher than their energies. We must learn to maneuver the sacred geometry of our Akasha through the densities we encounter. When we are dealing with these entities we disarm them when we are not in fear.

Rahansia has been practicing and teaching in the healing and yoga arts since the early 90s. She has recently been studying with high masters in the remembering of our mystical, esoteric and Siddhis spiritual powers. Rahansia currently has a private practice based in Mount Dora. Contact her at 352-408-9626 and please see ad this page.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


by Reverend E. Ann Otzelberger


are about to make and what that choice will bring about in our lives, we can consciously make the choice that will bring happiness and peace to us.

Some of the things we manifest along the way will be wonderful, precious gifts and some will be rather negative. The main thing to remember is that we have choices that will bring about what we need and want in our lives.

We tend to make the same choices that create negative results many times over and over again. The choice we make should impact our lives in a way that will help us to remember what we did to make this happen. What road did I follow to put me in this place and what have I learned? We need to ask what we really want and what choice we need to make to bring it about in our lives. We cannot just want a college degree—we must go to college and put the work into the degree we want.

t seems difficult to follow a path that is not familiar to us. We usually like to know where we are going and what to expect when we arrive. As we look at our lives we can tell what road we have been traveling by the choices we have made and the things we have manifested in our lives.

We often hear people say, “Why me?” We tend to believe that anything negative that happens to us is not our own fault! “Someone” has done these things to us. Either this is some kind of revenge or someone who is just a bad, mean person is doing this to us. When we look at what has actually brought these circumstances about we see that it is our own choices that have been the catalyst for all that surrounds us. The road we want to follow is a peaceful, happy, and productive one. There is no reason why we should not be happy on the path we travel. Most of the time when we stop and think about a particular choice we

Many people just wait for good things to come to them! In order to create a peaceful, happy and productive life, we must realize that correct choices and effort will bring into our lives what we need and want. Reverend E. Ann Otzelberger is the Founding Pastor of New Vision Spiritualist Center. She is an NSAC Ordained Minister, a Commissioned Spiritualist Healer, a certified medium and National Spiritualist Teacher. Reverend Otzelberger is a Trustee on the Board of Directors of the NSAC. Reverend Ann also serves the Morris Pratt Institute as Vice President of their Board of Directors and is on their Education Committee. Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


C O N SSacred CIOU S TRAN F O R M AIndia TION Pictured: Ceremony atSRishikesh,

Still An Unbeaten Path: The Road to Veganism by Chef T, Contributing Food Editor


Many ancient mystics are believed to have been vegetarians, if not vegans. Many Hindu saints have been not only vegans, but fruitarians, living only on fruits and water. The list of vegetarian saints is so long it would be much easier to list the numbers of saints who were not vegetarian. It is interesting to note, however, that history reports probably only one pope thus far to have been vegetarian, Pope Peter Celestine (12211296 A. D.). Mohandas Gandhi, as we can readily guess, was indeed a vegetarian saying, “I do feel that spiritual progress does demand at some state that we cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily wants.” Just like other great Greek philosophers of his time, Plato was a vegan1. He believed that the more meat a society begins to eat, the more unhealthy it becomes. One of his famous statements on veganism was, “The gods created certain kinds of beings to replenish our bodies; they are trees, plants and seeds.” Creator of more than 700 inventions including AC (alternating current), engineer and visionary Nikola Tesla made a gradual move toward veganism over time. The great Russian novelist, philosopher and activist Leo Tolstoy (War and Peace, Anna Karenina) was a vegan. He publicly advocated for vegetarianism and professed that, “A vegetarian diet is the acid test of humanitarianism.” 1 One who does not consume or use any animal product; The American Vegan Society describes veganism as compassion in action; it is a philosophy, diet, and lifestyle.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Yahshua Ha-Mashiakh (also known in Greek as Jesus) is recorded as saying this in the Essene Gospels, “Kill not, neither eat the flesh of your innocent prey, lest you become the slaves of Satan1. For that is the path of sufferings and it leads unto death. But do the will of God, that his angels may serve you on the way of life. Obey, therefore the word of God: ‘Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall be your meat…’” In Northern India, to remain in alignment with the sacredness the city of Rishikesh holds (seated at the foot of the Himalayas and on the Ganges River), its citizens do not allow meat of any kind in the city, and no fish or eggs. Many Buddhists practice metta, which is loving kindness to all beings without selfish attachment. Buddhists tend to refrain from eating meat out of loving kindness for living animals. All of these are highly intelligent people yet in terms of the all the population that has ever lived, they comprise a very small minority. Their food choices were most probably very congruent with their other core values and beliefs. With the ability to blend their high intellects with their hearts, they chose paths most of us never would yet we all see and applaud their unparalleled, extraordinary results. They achieved what others of us only dream or speak of. Perhaps we would be wise to take a closer look at their example. American Vegan Society’s Reasons for Veganism • An equitable, ethical relationship between human and other living creatures • The physiological human design • An enlightened concept of repairing and maintaining health • Practical solutions to the population explosion • Spiritual development Chef T is Tenanda Madhi, a trained living foods chef and owner of the gluten-free Vitality Bistro which serves all organic, vegan, raw/ living cuisine in downtown Mount Dora. He was trained at the Matthew Kenney Academy in Oklahoma City. Call Vitality Bistro at 352-735-8411 and visit www.vitalitybistro.com. Find the VitalityBistro on Facebook and @VitalityBistro on Twitter. Please see ads for Vitality Bistro back cover, inside back cover and this page. 1 In the Kabbalah esoteric teachings, Satan is actually ego.

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


Discover the Magician in YOU

by Jacquelyn Gioertz-Dalton What if you found the key that would unlock your wildest dreams? Would you use it? And what if someone told you, that you really ARE magic and all you have to do is learn how to use it? The truth is that you are a magnificent, eternal, Spiritual Being! You’re simply having a human experience! And even though we live in a society that is fraught with negative beliefs making you believe that you are a limited, aging being, simply a victim of life’s circumstances, the TRUTH is: You are powerful beyond your wildest imagination! You were born to succeed! The Universe has got your back, Jack! You are the eyes and ears of God! All you have to do is learn how to engage the magic! The basic principle is very simple: Thoughts Become Things. What you think about, you bring about. How exciting is that? You see, everything around you, everything you see, was a thought first before it manifested into something that you could see or touch. We all create our realities with the thoughts we think about most consistently. And we’re thinking THOUSANDS of thoughts every day. You can’t turn them off! So the “Key to the Kingdom” is to learn how to direct your stream of thoughts by becoming aware of your thoughts and the feelings and emotions that go along with them. Your thoughts create your feelings and your feelings create your actions, and vice versa. It becomes a never-ending cycle, therefore the key is to monitor your thoughts and start guiding them so you can create a life you love! Master the process of guiding your thoughts and words and it will lead you to inspired action. Inspired action engages the magic and you become the magician! Jacquelyn Gioertz is an Intuitive Certified Life Coach, Reiki Master, Author, Speaker and Artist. See Jacquelyn’s upcoming events listed in column 1, page 36. Call Jacquelyn at 386-675-5275, visit www.EmpoweredConsciousness.com and email Jacquelyn@EmpoweredConsciousness.com. Please see ad top of column 1.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


ne day, after a short business trip, VIE arrived at her office and stood in shock. All her furniture was gone. The paintings and charts on the walls were trashed and all her files were dumped onto the floor. She never envisioned fighting against such adversity when she started her healing mission. Evidently, many saw her gift as a threat and viewed her as competition.1

VIE's journey has been long, beginning on an island in the South Pacific, then on to Germany, Canada, and finally to Orlando. After arriving in Orlando, the next eighteen months would consist of daily work with Archangel Michael, the cosmic doctors, Nikola Tesla, Hildegard Von Bingen and Thomas Merton, all leading to reuniting her with her blue flame.2 Today, they closely work with Mother Mary.

about VIE and the Bio-Institute of Light and Sound

renal failure and after 15 years was healed. In addition to his physical healing, Asmar received even greater gifts: becoming aligned with his angels and guides, and a close relationship with Mother Mary, Gabriel and Uriel in their inspiration and love. Asmar has now reciprocated the gifts he has received with others.

VIE created the Bio-Institute of Light and Sound twelve years ago, offering light sessions and essential oils, and charged with mission to love, share and serve. She has written the book entitled, “9.1.1. Complete Guide to Natural Healing,” and “Destiny of the doG.” She has also produced the CD, The Frequency of Sound, imprinted with the Language of the Light spoken by VIE and guided by her blue flame. The music has shown great promise with autistic children. She has created essential oil jewelry designed to be an effective shield to protect us from harmful bacteria and viruses. As a spiritual teacher, a metaphysical intuitive light worker, and a vibrational healer with a new vibratory transformational healing frequency, VIE is gifted with the ability to counsel others and to help awaken their spiritual gifts and divine mission. She helps clients to reconnect their DNA and align with their angels and guides, raise their vibration, clear auras and balance chakras. One of the Institute's greatest achievements is the case of Asmar. When he first came to the Institute, he looked like a dead man walking. Today he is the healthiest he has ever been. He was battling end stage 1 Read more about this story in the ebook, Destiny of the doG; https://ganxy. com/i/74339/vie/destiny-of-the-dog 2 After VIE’s meeting with Archangel Michael, she knew she would soon meet her blue flame and was guided to go on that day to a specific place for her blue flame encounter. His first words were, “I was waiting for you. We were already working together behind the veil. We have a very special bond at the heart center.” For the rest of the story, refer to VIE’s book, “Destiny of the doG” available at http://instituteoflightandsound.com. Email VIE at instituteofbiostimulation@yahoo.com. Please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013



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Freedom is the oxygen of the soul. [ Moshe Dayan; (1915–81), Israeli statesman and general ] 7/3 Learn EFT Level I; 9 am-4 pm; Arise Personal Transformation Training, Orlando; 407-9245526; www.arisetoday.com; Fee 7/6 Jikiden Reiki Shoden Level I Physical Training; 10 am-6 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; www.ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com; Fee Crystal Candle Magick; 5 pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700; www.thecrystalcloset.com/calender.html; Fee Enlighten-Up Bonfire Gathering; 9 pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700; www. thecrystalcloset.com/calender.html; Love Offering 7/6-7/7 Resurfacing® Playshop; 9 am-7 pm; Avatar In Harmony, Orlando; 412-860-7874; www.theavatarcourse.com/index.php/section-i-the-resurfacing-workshop.html; Fee 7/8 Jikiden Reiki Okuden Level II Psychological and Distant Healing; 10 am-6 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; www.ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com; Fee 7/10 Jikiden Reiki Reiju Kai; 7-9 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; www.ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com; Fee 7/11 How to Maintain Your Raw Vegan Diet; 6 pm; Vitality Bistro; 352-735-8411; www.vitalitybistro. com; FREE with entree purchase 7/12 Sound Meditation; 7 pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700; www.thecrystalcloset.com/calender.html; Fee 7/13 Introduction to Aumakhua-Ki™; 11 am; The Martial Arts Center, Ocala; 352-239-9272; www. aumakhua-ki.com; FREE Introduction to Aumakhua-Ki™; 5 pm; Shine On Yoga, Orlando; 352-239-9272; Pre-register at www.aumakhua-ki.com; FREE Body Detox E. d. You; 7 pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700; www.thecrystalcloset.com/calender.html; Fee 7/20 Sacred Earth Summer Psychic and Healing Fair; 1-7 pm; Sacred Earth Center, Gainesville; 352-275-8537; www.sacredearthcenter.org; Fee Mudras: Gateway to Self-Understanding; 2-4:30 pm; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352409-3646; www.yogamtdora.com; Fee 7/21 Elemental Flow Yoga; 1-3:30 pm; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; www.yogamtdora.com;Fee Energy Explorations with Ojela Frank; 3-5 pm; Shine On Yoga, Orlando; 352-239-9272; Pre-register at www.initiation.com; Fee 7/27 Harness the Life Force Energy: Tai Chi Work-


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shop; 2-4 pm; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; www.yogamtdora.com; Fee Hermetic Qabalah Part 3; 10 am-6 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-2522682; www.ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com; Fee Chroma Aura-scopes; 5 pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700; www.thecrystalcloset.com/calender.html; Fee Dreams and Visions: A Seminar with Cynthia; 7 pm; Brighid’s Well, Cassadaga; 386-246-8610; www.cassadagabrighidswell.com; Fee 8/3 Fire Alchemy; 10 am-6 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; www.ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com; Fee Making Mandalas; 5 pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700; www.thecrystalcloset.com/calender.html; Fee 8/4 Air Alchemy; 10 am-6 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; www. ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com; Fee Introduction to Aumakhua-Ki™; 3 pm; The Martial Arts Center, Ocala; 352-239-9272; www.aumakhua-ki.com; FREE 8/7-8/11 Woman’s Retreat; Noon; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700; www.thecrystalcloset.com/calender.html; Fee 8/10-8/11 Resurfacing® Playshop; 9 am-7 pm; Avatar In Harmony, Orlando; 412-860-7874; www.theavatarcourse.com/index.php/section-i-the-resurfacing-workshop.html; Fee 8/10-8/18 Regional Avatar® Course; 9 am-7 pm; Avatar In Harmony, Orlando; Location TBD; 412-8607874; www.theavatarcourse.com/index.php/ avatar-course.html; Fee 8/14 Jikiden Reiki Reiju Kai; 7-9 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; www.ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com; Fee 8/17 Faerie Camp; 3 pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700; www.thecrystalcloset.com/ calender.html; Fee 8/17-8/21 Woman’s Retreat; Noon; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700; www.thecrystalcloset.com/calender.html; Fee 8/18 Adam Kadmon Activation; 10 am-7 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-2522682; www.ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com; Fee Liberation Flow Yoga; 2 pm; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; www.yogamtdora. com; Fee 8/24 Gift of the Spirit Channeling Intensive; 10 am-6 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; www.ACenterForWellnessAnd-


Light.com; Fee 8/31 The Tower Garden: Grow Your Food Easily and Abundantly; 10:30 am; Orange County Library, West Oaks Branch, Ocoee; 407-835-7323; www. ocls.info/westoaks; FREE 9/14 Tai Chi–Qi Gong Workshop; 2-4 pm; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; www.yogamtdora.com; Fee 9/27-9/29 Living Foods–Living Yoga Retreat; Presented by Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; www.yogamtdora.com; Fee MONDAYS Kundalini Yoga; 6 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; www.meetup.com/ CommUnityCenter729/; Fee FIRST MONDAYS First Monday Vegan Potluck; 7-9 pm; Vegetarians of Central Florida; 321-331-1859; www. meetup.com/VegetariansCF; Love Offering SECOND MONDAYS All Natural Mineral Body Wrapping Workshop; 8 am-1 pm; Global Natural Weigh, Ocala; 352257-0896; www.GNWAcademy.com; Fee TUESDAYS Yoga; 6:30 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; www.meetup.com/CommUnityCenter729/; Fee Yoga Nidra; 8 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; www.meetup.com/CommUnityCenter729/; Fee WEDNESDAYS Aumakhua-Ki™ Healing Levels I, II and III; 11 am; Iniation Healing® Seminars/Online HomeStudy Class; 352-239-9272; Pre-register at www. aumakhua-ki.com; Fee Words of Peace; 7 pm; Gainesville Resource Group; 352-373-5578; www.wopg.org; FREE Guided Meditation–Crystal Bowls; 7:30 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; www.meetup.com/CommUnityCenter729/; Fee SECOND WEDNESDAYS Jikiden Reiki Reiju Kai–Practitioner Exchange; 7-9 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; www.ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com; Love Offering THURSDAYS Psychic Development; 6 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; www.meetup. com/CommUnityCenter729/; Fee Guided Meditation; 7:30 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; www.meetup. com/CommUnityCenter729/; Fee Qi-Gong; 8 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; www.meetup.com/CommUnityCenter729/; Fee SECOND THURSDAYS Fire Alchemy; 10 am-6 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; www.ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com; Fee Guided Meditation; 6:30 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682;

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


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www.ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com; Fee FRIDAYS Chair Yoga; 9 am; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; www.yogamtdora.com; Fee Hypnotic Meditation; 6 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; www.meetup. com/CommUnityCenter729/; Fee Words of Peace; 7 pm; Gainesville Resource Group; 352-373-5578; www.wopg.org; FREE FIRST FRIDAYS Metaphysical Research Workshops; 7-9 pm; The Villages Lifelong Learning College, The Villages; 352-2-5-6055; www.parapsychclub. weebly.com; Fee FOURTH THURSDAYS Guided Meditation; 6:30 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; www.ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com; Fee FRIDAYS Lakshmi Puja Guided by Dr. Rajan Markose; 7 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407463-2248; www.meetup.com/CommUnityCenter729/; Fee SATURDAYS Yoga Flow–Mixed Level Vinyasa Class; 9 am; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; www.yogamtdora.com; Fee


A life without love is like a year without summer.

[ Swedish Proverb] Qi-Gong; 9:30 am; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; www.meetup.com/ CommUnityCenter729/; Fee Meditation Talk/Group; 11 am; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; www. meetup.com/CommUnityCenter729/; Fee Evening on the Avenue; 5-8 pm; 510 Decor, Umatilla; 352-551-0345; www.facebook.com/ 510Decor; FREE Ganapati Puja Guided by Dr. Rajan Markose; 6:30 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; www.meetup.com/CommUnityCenter729/; Fee SECOND SATURDAYS The International Avatar® Course; 9 am-7 pm; Avatar In Harmony, Orlando; 412-860-7874; www.theavatarcourse.com; Fee Silva Method Silva Life Seminar; 10 am-7 pm; Silva Method Orlando, Lake Helen; 386-2284000; www.thesilvamethod.org; Fee FOURTH SATURDAYS Silva Intuition Training; 10 am-7 pm; Silva Method Orlando, Lake Helen; 386-228-4000; www.thesilvamethod.org; Fee SUNDAYS Central Florida Center for Spiritual Living Sunday Celebration; 10 am; Central Florida Center for Spiritual Living, Orlando; 321-200-


Infinite Possibilities~ Dancin’ With the Universe Workshop July 18: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. for 4 weeks (Thursdays) July 21: 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. for 4 weeks (Sundays) Aug. 15: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. for 4 weeks (Thursdays) Aug. 18: 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. for 4 weeks (Sundays)

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0730; www.CSLOrlando.org/; FREE Yoga; 1 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; www.meetup.com/CommUnityCenter729/; Fee Sermon and Spirit Greetings; 1:30 pm; New Vision Spiritualist Center, NSAC, Orlando; 407826-0807; www.spiritualistchurchorlando. com/; FREE SECOND SUNDAYS Guided Meditation–Crystal Bowls; 3 pm; Community Center 729, Orlando; 407-4632248; www.meetup.com/CommUnityCenter729/; Fee Prenatal Yoga; 4 pm; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; www.yogamtdora.com;Fee SECOND SUNDAYS Silva Method Silva Life Seminar; 10 am-7 pm; Silva Method Orlando, Lake Helen; 386-2284000; www.thesilvamethod.org; Fee THIRD SUNDAYS Aumakhua-Ki™ Healing Level I; 10 am; Iniation Healing® Seminars; 352-239-9272; Pre-register at www.aumakhua-ki.com; Fee FOURTH SUNDAYS Silva Intuition Training; 10 am-7 pm; Silva Method Orlando, Lake Helen; 386-228-4000; www.thesilvamethod.org; Fee

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Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


Wash Your Clothes Without laundry Detergent gent residue also accumulates inside our washing machines which in time impedes the machine’s ability to wash our clothes properly and which could cause mechanical problems down the road. Laundry detergent buildup systematically damages fine fabrics embedding residue which doesn’t get rinsed with every wash.

Commercially prepared laundry detergents are known to have less than positive effects on our health, our environment and even our washing machines. It has been discovered that detergents play a role in the development of liver and kidney cancers. Surfactants known as linear alkyl sulfonates or anionic surfactants are synthetic chemicals and present another avenue of toxicity into our lives.

Laundry detergent residue affects more than just the fabrics in our clothes. When we wear our clothes, the detergent residue is pressed against our skin all day long. For many, this can be irritating. Rashes, itching and redness can all show up on the body depending on the nature of the residue and the sensitivity of our skin. The chemicals in laundry detergents can also irritate our eyes and respiratory system, disrupt hormones and cause allergies.1 Some, such as naphthas,2 have been linked to cancer.

When a wash load has been completed, most of the residue is washed away with the waste water. This residue contains phosphates which not only activate growth in marine plants but cause serious imbalance in the ecosystem. The residue also contains petroleum-based ingredients, bleaches and chemical perfumes, all of which are damaging to the environment. Laundry


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1 According to www.SixWise.com 2 A flammable oil containing various hydrocarbons, obtained by the dry distillation of organic substances such as coal, shale, or petroleum.



Ine x pe nsi v e a n d H e a lt h i e r L a u n d r y A lt e r na t iv es � �

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+ 1 cu p v i n e g ar p lu s 1 cu p b ak i n g s o d a; ad d l e m o n ju i ce t o s u i t + B o r ax ; i n e x p e n s i v e; fo u nd i n lau n d r y d e t e r g e n t a isles + 1 g r at e d b ar o f so a p , 1 / 2 cu p B o r ax an d 1 / 2 cu p w as h i n g s o d a ( s o d i u m ca r b o n at e , u s e d d i s s o l v ed in w at e r fo r w as h i n g a nd cle an i n g )

+ Was h i n g s o d a alo n e

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Global Natural Weigh Offers Remarkable Weight and Inch Loss Plus a Way for Holistic Practitioners to Increase Income Forty years ago in Fort Worth, Texas, Richard Kelly bumped into a team of medical professionals from Germany. In the course of conversation, they told Kelly that cellulite control centers were on practically every corner in Germany and wondered where these centers were in the U. S. Kelly became intrigued enough to open his own center in Texas using the proprietary body wraps the Germans had successfully developed. Forty years later, Kelly’s company, Global Natural Weigh (GNW), based in Crystal River, Florida, supplies these same German-made body wrap products to salons, resorts, medical weight loss clinics, ocean liners and holistic healthcare practices. “The medical industry is really becoming involved with our body wraps in the last year. Medspas and doctors are looking for ways to generate more income. A $2500 series of six laser treatments often doesn’t deliver nearly the dramatic results as one GNW body wrap session,” says Kelly. Combining GNW’s body wraps with other weight loss services makes the overall weight loss results more Continued on page 42 Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


Global Natural Weigh continued from page 41 remarkable. GNW, for example, works with doctors who use lasers to break up cellulite. An elastic med-wrap (similar to an Ace bandage) is soaked in GNW’s all natural, detoxifying vitamin and mineral solution and then applied hot to the body. Next, the client slips into a vinyl suit which prevents the client from getting cold. There is no sweating whatsoFor wholesale info., visit ever while the client www.globalnaturalweigh.net waits approximately or Medspas please visit one hour and receives www.mediwraps.com. other services. When the wrap is removed, Call 352-270-2144 or an immediate, noticeemail rkelly@mediwraps.com. able inch loss of from Please see ad page 41. 5” to 15” guaranteed is achieved. The skin is tightened, firmed and softened and no shower is required. GNW body wraps are a source of inspiration for many who have lost hope in losing weight. Kelly remembers one story out of many where two extremely heavy ladies came to his office in Texas to give the body wraps a try. They chatted about how they were going to the famous Billy Bob’s that Friday evening, as usual, each to have their pitcher of beer and pizza. They came out of their If you can dream it, you can live it. body wrap sessions one having lost 13” and the other 15.” They looked at each other and decided to split one Learn to pitcher of beer and one pizza. The wraps inspired them listen to your to go on to diet, lose weight and get healthier. Higher Self and the loving guidance of your angels. Receive a foretelling of future possibilities to help heal and support you as you come to know you are perfect, whole, and complete. Inspirational Angel Messenger Keri Lyn Diaz, Intuitive Counselor Angel Therapy Practitioner (certified by Doreen Virtue)

NLP Practitioner • Ordained Minister • Energy Healer


2006 Town Plaza Court, Winter Springs 32708

inspirationalangelmessenger@gmail.com InspirationalAngelMessenger.com TuskawillaHealingCenter.com


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GNW has noticed an increase in sales to massage and other holistic therapists. The body wraps are a natural complement to their practices and they notice an increase to their income. The therapists exert less physical energy, have an additional service to offer their clients as well as a new and novel way to attract new clients to their practices. The retail cost in U. S. salons and offices for a GNW body wrap ranges from $75 to $300 depending on the venue. The wraps continue to be manufactured in Germany exclusively for Global Natural Weigh in the U.S. For wholesale info., visit www.globalnaturalweigh.net or Medspas please visit www.mediwraps.com. Call 352270-2144 or email rkelly@mediwraps.com. See ad page 41.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

the word on books>>>>>>>> Scholars have long believed that the first civilization on Earth emerged in Sumer some 6,000 years ago. However, as Michael Tellinger reveals in Slave Species of the Gods, the Sumerians and Egyptians inherited their knowledge from an earlier civilization that lived at the southern tip of Africa and began with the arrival of the Anunnaki more than 200,000 years ago. Sent to Earth in search of life-saving gold, these ancient Anunnaki astronauts from the planet Nibiru created the first humans as a slave race to mine gold--thus beginning our global traditions of gold obsession, slavery, and god as dominating master. Revealing new archaeological and genetic evidence in support of Zecharia Sitchin’s revolutionary work with pre-biblical clay tablets, Slave Species of the Gods shows how the Anunnaki created us using pieces of their own DNA, controlling our physical and mental capabilities by inactivating their more advanced DNA which explains why less than three percent of our DNA is active. He identifies a recently discovered complex of sophisticated ruins in South Africa, complete with thousands of mines conceived by the Anunnaki leader Enki and explains their lost technologies that used the power of sound as a source of energy. Matching key mythologies of the world’s religions to the Sumerian clay tablet stories on which they are based, he details the actual events behind these tales of direct physical interactions with “God,” concluding with the epic flood, a perennial theme of ancient myth, that wiped out the Anunnaki mining operations. “Knowing how to rest is an art. Without mindfulness, our propensity to be in the future instead of in the present, our habit of constantly being in our thoughts and constantly thinking about our projects can make us exhausted. It can interfere with our ability to sleep. We can easily lose the proper balance between activity and rest…” –Thich Nhat Hahn Buddha’s Book of Sleep by Joseph Emet aims to help readers combat an often overlooked health problem: sleeplessness. Having studied mindfulness meditation with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hahn and founded the Mindfulness Meditation Centre in Montréal, Emet arms sleep-deprived readers with the meditation tools that can help them master the psychological problems at the root of insomnia (such as stress, depression and anxiety) without prescription drugs. As you read this book and do the guided meditation exercises in it, you may experience many moments of insight into the causes of your sleep difficulties as well as learn how to relax, and improve your sleep. As psychedelic psychotherapy gains recognition through research at universities and medical establishments such as the


Johns Hopkins Medical Institute and Bellevue Hospital, the other beneficial uses of psychedelics are beginning to be recognized and researched as well, from enhancing problem-solving and increasing motivation to boosting the immune system and deepening moral and ethical values. Exploring the bright future of psychedelics, Thomas B. Roberts, Ph.D., author of The Psychedelic Future of the Mind, reveals how new uses for entheogens1 will enrich individuals as well as society as a whole. The Psychedelic Future of the Mind explains how psychedelics can raise individual and business attitudes away from self-centeredness, improve daily life with strengthened feelings of meaningfulness and spirituality, and help us understand and redesign the human mind, leading to the possibility of a neurosingularity, a time when future brains surpass our current ones. Roberts envisions a future where we will seek psychedelic therapy not only for psychological reasons but also for personal growth, creative problem solving, improved brain function, and heightened spiritual awareness. As the global need for clean, renewable energy grows and the shortage of viable large-scale solutions continues, it is time to look to the geniuses of our past and the visionaries of our future for answers. Taking inspiration from Albert Einstein’s statement that “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them,” Finley Eversole, author of Infinite Energy Technologies, explains that the key to a pollution- and poverty-free future of infinite energy lies not in pursuing one single method, but in investigating all the possibilities, in uniting as a world in creative pursuit of global transformation. Exploring five nearly unknown geniuses of our past–John Worrell Keely, Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, Royal Raymond Rife and T. Townsend Brown–and their revolutionary discoveries about free energy, electricity, water vortex motion, electric ray and super-microscope technology, and antigravity, Infinite Energy Technologies helps to restore their long-suppressed scientific legacies and bring us one step closer to the destiny they foresaw. Eversole has gathered research from leading experts on cold fusion, zero-point energy, power from water, and the free-energy potential of the Searl Effect Generator to reveal technologies that work with Nature’s laws and that, if fully implemented, could establish sustainable energy systems in a single generation. 1 A chemical substance, typically of plant origin, that is ingested to produce a nonordinary state of consciousness for religious or spiritual purposes.

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013



THE PROBLEM OF CHRONIC DOMINANT FOCI DOMINANT FOCI DEFINED A dominant focus is an area of chronic disturbance in the body that frequently goes undiagnosed because it typically causes no obvious localized symptoms. The most common dominant foci are the teeth, tonsils and scars. What makes foci so particularly insidious and difficult to detect is that although they are usually asymptomatic locally, they can cause pain or dysfunction in other seemingly unrelated areas of the body–often quite distal (further away) from the focal site. The areas that are secondarily disturbed by a focus are referred to as disturbed fields. For example, a woman may be prescribed a whole host of palliative anti-inflammatory drugs for her arthritic and painful joints (the disturbed fields), but the true cause of her chronic pain–a tonsil focus–usually goes undetected for years or decades. Or a man may become desperate enough to submit to prostate surgery to alleviate difficult urination symptoms when the primary cause of his prostate disturbed field is actually a failed root canal tooth. Thus, modern medicine often misses the mark by concentrating on relieving the symptoms of a disturbed field rather than treating the true cause of the problem–“The Dominate Focus.”

as an interference field by most Europeans. The word focus is descriptive of the fact that a very specific and localized area such as a knee surgery scar or a single tooth can be the primary focal or starting point of the problem, whereas interference field characterizes the obstruction to normal nerve conductivity that these scars and chronic subclinical infections cause. The term foci or dominant focus will be the most commonly employed umbrella-like term to describe all types of foci. However, when referring to a focal region that is chronically infected such as the teeth or tonsils, the more specific term focal infection will often be utilized. Further, when describing scar tissue (externally or internally) that is blocking normal nerve and energy flow, the term interference field may be used. These two major types of foci–chronic interference fields and chronic focal infections–are described in more detail below.

FOCI HAVE A MAJOR HISTORICAL PRECEDENT Most modern-day conventional medical doctors have never heard of the terms 'dominant focus' or 'interference field,' or of the therapies that are primarily employed to treat them. In fact, even the majority of holistic doctors and practitioners do not know how to accurately diagnose and treat chronic foci. However, like the term miasm, the word focus is not really so obscure–it’s just been forgotten. The prominent place this term once played in medical diagnosis is well evidenced by the very appropriate definition of a focus from a recent edition of Dorland’s Medical Dictionary: “A foci is…the starting point of a disease process.” Another descriptive definition comes from Webster’s Dictionary: "A focus is, a part of the body where a disease process, as an infection, tumor, etc… is localized or most active."

SCAR INTERFERENCE FIELDS Scars on the external as well as the internal parts of the body are often completely asymptomatic. However, surgical scars from appendectomies, tonsillectomies, hysterectomies (uterus removal), episiotomies and so forth are commonly diagnosed as chronic interference fields. Further, irritating scars from surgeries to repair traumatized tissue such as torn ligaments in the knee, compound fractures and stitches for deep cuts are also typical interference fields. Non-surgical scars that do not heal well can also become chronic interference fields over time, such as cuts and tears (without stitches), severe bruises, major wounds (puncture, crushing, etc.) and even scars formed from past skin infections (cystic acne, boils, abscesses, etc.) especially when they were highly charged emotionally, such as in the case with acne. The internal scarring to organs, bones and tissues from surgery, trauma or chronic infection can also act as chronic interference fields although no visible scar shows on the skin. For example, blows to the head are common interference field so and even more insidious than external scars since they are both invisible in the scalp and buried under the hair.

A FOCUS AND AN INTERFERENCE FIELD ARE SYNONYMS This silent “irritating thorn” that initiates disturbance elsewhere is primarily referred to as a focus or focal infection in America, and

Thus, whether scar interference fields are visible on the external skin or invisible in the deeper tissues, they can both act as interference fields and chronically, yet quite silently, disturb the body. In contrast to focal infections, however, scars are not areas of active and chronic infection.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

FOCAL INFECTIONS A dominant focus can also generate bacteria and other microbes that continuously spread, or metastasize, throughout the body, chiefly via blood and lymphatic channels, as well as alone nerve fibers. Teeth and tonsils are the most typical areas where focal infections are found. Other sites include the sinuses, appendix and genital organs, primarily the cervix and the prostate. Further, over time, the chronic inflammation and infection occurring in a focal infection degenerates tissue(s) and creates scar formation. This scar tissue, scar formation, does not show on the skin, but its presence in the underlying deeper tissues is just as damaging to the body as a whole. Therefore, teeth, tonsils, sinuses, prostate, uterine and other focal infections eventually also act as scar interference fields. DOMINANT VERSUS SIGNIFICANT FOCI In the German electro-acupuncture (EAV) testing methods, the term 'dominant' has classically been used to describe a focus that is “a major disturbance in the body.” This most often includes abscessed teeth (which most of the time is relatively pain-free), infected tonsils , and large and/or (unconsciously) emotionally upsetting scars from surgeries or serious injuries. The term 'significant focus' has been used to describe foci that are less of an issue, or that have been aggravated (mitigated) through treatment. An example would be a former dominant tonsil focus and might be later referred to as a significant focus after several treatments. AN APPENDIX FOCUS EXAMPLE For further addition clarification, let’s take an example of a classic dominant focus–an appendix scar. Most people experience no pain or other symptoms from an appendix scar, however, appendix scars are notorious among practitioners who commonly treat foci for causing right hip and low back pain (the disturbed fields). These interference fields also typically irritate the intestine inducing irritable bowel-like symptoms such as gas, bloating and alternating diarrhea and constipation. Further, appendix scars, as well as other foci, also cause disturbance in areas quite remote from their focal site of origin, (Example: The appendix is in the lower right abdominal region). The brain is a common appendix scar-induced disturbed field, triggering such symptoms as chronic insomnia, headaches, or intermittent depression. CONCLUSION If you and/or someone who have had or is currently experiencing chronic, long-term conditions or ailments with no relief with care under traditional and/or alternative healthcare, you may want to consider being evaluated for these underlying, unnoticed Chronic Dominant Foci. Going to a trained, skilled, licensed healthcare provider is critical in the evaluation, diagnosis and care of these unknown underlying problems which are directly related to many of the long-term conditions patients experience with no avail in relief. Dr. Badanek treats these thyroid conditions along with many other ailments that affect the human body. He finds the true cause(s) of these diseases and addresses the issues which in turn changes/eliminates the symptoms. If you or a loved one are currently experiencing ongoing thyroid dysfunction, please contact our office at your earliest convenience for a courtesy consultation. This call may change your current health status and/or save your life. Dr. Michael Badanek has been serving the Central Florida region for more than 32 years in active clinical practice. Dr. Badanek is a licensed chiropractic physician with extensive continued training in alternative complementary medicine including nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathy, applied kinesiology, functional and traditional allopathic medicine and electrodermal screening with board certifications in homeopathy, naturopathic medicine and clinical nutrition. His real love is treating patients with all types of conditions using alternative/functional medicine, especially people with ailments which have not responded to traditional or alternative treatments. Visit www.alternativewholistic.com or call 352-622-1151 for a courtesy consultation. Please see as this page.

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


DIRECTORY ACUPUNCTURE A Abundant Health Holistic Center; Solara Attatharya, DOM, AP, DNBHE; 2200 S. Bay St., Ste. B, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-365-4325; www.IAm-Healthy.com; info@IAm-Healthy.com.

FL; ojela@initiationhealing.com; www.InitiationHealing.com HEALTH FOOD Living Towers: Hydroponic Farm; Jan Young; 19621 Lake Lincoln Lane, Eustis, FL 32736; 352-357-6979; info@LivingTowers.com www.LivingTowers.com

Back pain relief Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center, Michelle Hamel (MA0009077; MM15364); 291-B Circle Drive, Maitland, FL 32701; 407-628-2176; mhamel1@ embarqmailcom; www.ihelpbackpain.com

HERBALISM Enchanted Botanicals; Donia Mitchell; 120 S. Woodland Blvd., Ste. B, Deland, FL 32720; 386-873-1000; store@enchantedbotanicals.net; www.enchantedbotanicals.net

BOUTIQUES, BOOKS, GIFTS Soul Essentials of Ocala-PEACE, LOVE, & LIGHT!; Jennifer Burke; 805 E. Fort King St., Ocala, FL 34471 Store: 352-236-7000; jensoul@embarqmail.com; www.SoulEssentialsofOcala.com

HOLISTIC LIVING EDUCATION All About Art - Artful Living Center; Donna D’Amato; 5162 S. E. Abshier Blvd., Belleview; 352-307-9774

CARE/THERAPY/COMMUNICATION Arise Personal Transformation Solutions; Advanced and proven methods of healing and transforming your life, EFT, NLP, Hypnosis and Results Coaching; Jenn Goddard; 407-924-5526; jenn@arisetoday.com; www.arisetoday.com

INTUITIVE READINGS Moon Astrology Readings by Raven Moondance; by phone or in person; Gainesville, Florida; 352-372-8594; moondance_raven@hotmail.com

CHIROPRACTIC Wagner Chiropractic; Ramah Wagner, D. C., 2755 S. Bay St., Eustis, FL 32726; 352-376-1320; www.stillpointtherapycenter.com

RC Intuitive Services; Roz Campbell; Intuitive readings integrated with archetypal astrology, designed to offer a perspective of your soul’s journey and support you in making conscious choices as you co-create your life; Phone consultations by appointment only: 321-610-3759; rrock3@aol.com

Stillpoint Therapy Center; Scott Barnett, D. C., 2730 NW 39th Ave., Gainesville 32605; 352-589-5443; www.stillpointtherapycenter.com COLON CLEANSING Times of Refreshing; Kristi M. Foret LMT, CT (MA0022943/MM16202); 352-348-1266 ; In the offices of Tavares Family Chiropractic: 915 E. Alfred St., Tavares, FL 32778; Kristilove04@yahoo. com; www.EscapeToGoodHealth.com

MASSAGE Ojela Frank, MSC, LMT (MA60322); Therapeutic Bodywork, Energy Healing at Hyde-Away Salon, Ocala, FL; 352-239-9272; ojela@initiationhealing. com; www.allwellmassage.com Laura Painter, LMT (MA51773); Altamonte Springs, FL; 407-421-2165

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Dawn Bone, B. A., L. M. T. (MA 35744); ; 352-2622884; 4131 N. W. 28 Lane, Ste. 5, Gainesville, 32606; dbonelmt@yahoo.com

Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center, Michelle Hamel (MA0009077; MM15364); 291-B Circle Drive, Maitland, FL 32701; 407-628-2176; mhamel1@ embarqmailcom; www.ihelpbackpain.com

ENERGY Balancing/MEDICINE Light and Sound Therapy at Biostimulation Institute of Light and Sound; VIE; 2295 S. Hiawassee Rd., Ste. 207, #10, Orlando, FL 32819 ; 407-902-7199; biostimulationinstitute@ yahoo.com; www.InstituteofLightandSound.com

MEDITATION Brahma Kumari Meditation Center; FREE Meditatin Classes; 1801 W. Colonial Dr., Orlando; 407-228-0026; 407-493-1931; www.bkwsu.org

HAIR AND SKINCARE New Age Skincare; Spa quality skincare products made from the finest ingredients and formulated for all skin types; Karen Poirier; 407-517-0024; 105 N. W. Ivanhoe Blvd., Orlando FL 32804; www.newageskincarenow.com; poirier.karen@gmail.com

MOVERS-RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS A Better Price and Service Moving and Delivery; George Barton; 929 Northshore Drive, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-6683 (352-589-MOVE); GeorgeB7777@aol.com nuMEROLOGY Bobbie Roberts; The Villages, FL 32159; 352-205-6056

HEALING SEMINARS Initiation Healing® Education Programs for Enlightenment: Aumakhua-Ki ™ Healing Certification Courses, Meditation, Qigong, Breathwork and Energy Healing; Local classes and webinars; Ojela Frank, LMT (MA60322);352-239-9272; Ocala,


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PET THERAPY AND COMMUNICATION HealingForPets.com; Colleen Gordon; 407-446-4315; healingforpets@yahoo.com

Pranic healing Pranic Healing Central Florida; Meditation Groups, Healing Nights, Courses in Pranic Healing. All Are Welcome! Learn to heal yourself and others with this no-touch system of scientifically-based protocols, practiced in over 125 countries! At Shine On Yoga, 619 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando; 407-421-8888; PHCentralFlorida@gmail. com; www.pranichealingcentralflorida.com SKINCARE CLINICALLY PROVEN Rodan and Fields Dermatologists; Betty Ainslie, Tavares, FL; 352-255-5668; bettya.myrandf.com SEXUALITY Erotic Engineering; Tantra for men, teaching sexual self-love to expand consciousness; Nils Taranger; Orlando, FL; 407-729-5763; info@erotic-engineering.com; www.erotic-engineering.com SPIRITUAL CENTERS Sacred Earth Center Chapel and Healing Center; Rev. Sunemaura O'Brien; Interfaith healing chapel–massage, reiki training, ministerial ordination program, spiritual healing, psychic readings, sound healing, crystal healing, classes, ceremony; 1029 N. W. 23rd, Gainesville, FL 32609; 352-2758537; sacredearthcenter@yahoo.com; www.SacredEarthCenter.org commUNITY 729; Trish Roddis; 729 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL 32803; 407-463-2248 Science of Mind: Center for Spiritual Living; 709 Edgewater Dr., Orlando; 407-601-1169; www.OrlandoReligiousScience.com Spiritual Counseling Joy Yanes, Intuitive Life Coach and Reiki Master; 386-490-3489; joyyanes@ymail.com; www.joyyanes.weebly.com SUCCESS COACHING Follow Your Heart Journeys, Conscious Choice Coaching, Dianne M. Kipp & Assoc.; Personal Transformations–Life, Health, Career, Relationships–Explore and Nurture Your Passions, Design the Life of Your Dreams!; Dianne M. Kipp, BSN, PCC, CTT–Certified Transformation Coach; Virtual-Phone, Skype, FaceTime; 6727 1st Ave. S., Suite 201, St. Petersburg, FL 33707; 727-481-1646; dianne@diannekipp.com; www.diannekipp.com WELLNESS PROGRAMS Out of the Blue Half Moon Retreat; Donna Weinheimer; 5550 Empire Church Rd., Groveland; 352-394-7388; halfmoonretreat@aol.com; www.halfmoonretreat.webs.com YOGA Downtown Yoga; 301 N. Baker St., Ste. 212, Corner of Donnelly and Third Ave., Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; www.downtownyogamtdora.com; shatayoga@comcast.net

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


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Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


Awe Among the Arbors Featuring Treehouse Masters Animal Planet’s New TV Series

For 25 years, Pete Nelson, the Treehouse Man, has traveled across the globe, creating the most environmentally sustainable, architecturally unique and whimsical treehouses in the world. These arboreal masterpieces showcase Nelson and his skilled team (which includes his son Charlie and his wife, Judy) of craftsmen’s boundless creativity. Nelson and his colleagues have built everything from a spa in the sky, to a fantasy-filling canopy clubhouse, to the first-ever treeline brewery. This summer, Nelson and his company Nelson Treehouse and Supply (http://www.nelsontreehousesupply.com) are busier than ever. Nelson and his team are subject of the new Animal Planet series Treehouse Masters which airs Fridays at 10 p.m. Treehouse Masters takes viewers behind the scenes with Nelson and his craftsmen as they work to create the ultimate dream treehouse for their clientele. Each episode tells the story of a single, unique treehouse, and its evolution through the design and build process, and ultimately the treehouse’s reveal to satisfied, stunned clients. Nelson’s treehouses are designed to accentuate the beauty of the trees themselves. Nelson sees his creations as an enhancement to the natural landscape he chooses to build upon rather than as an intrusion. Nelson and his team work within the natural landscape of properties to create a design that is unique and whimsical, yet practical and sustainable. Pete Nelson is the author of five books, including Treehouses of the World and Home Tree Home. Nelson has been featured on NPR and the Today Show.

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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

A Vegan Life: The Road Less Taken is Now a

Superhighway by Irlianna Samsara


the world of health and nutrition, the road less taken used to be that of being a vegan or vegetarian. Nowadays that road is becoming more and more traveled ... in fact it is fast becoming a superhighway! As more of humanity evolves into a higher level of consciousness, we become more aware of life on the planet, and the planet itself. We begin to make choices that honor all of life, choices that understand the connectedness between people, animals and nature. Yogis and sages have long known that the horrific animal abuse in slaughterhouses and factory farms is passed into the body of the animal, then into our own electro-magnetic energy body, or auric field, upon eating it. That rage and violence then becomes part of our culture.

This has been scientifically documented. One 2002 study in a California prison fed one group of inmates the conventional meat-based diet and the other a vegan diet. Within ten days there were noticeable differences in behavior and attitude between the two groups. Astonishingly, 90% of the fights and violent outbreaks occurred amongst the meat-eaters! What’s more, recidivism (the re-arrest rate once they left prison) was less than 2% for vegan inmates and 70-80% for meat-eaters! In the general population, college students and young adults are increasingly traveling the vegan/veg superhighway. (Vegetarians refrain from eating meat and fish, and vegans refrain from meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk and animal products like honey.)

with its annual Vegan-Friendly College Contest. Launched in 2006, the competition grew so big that they now split winners into two categories, large schools and small schools. For more and more students, the availability of vegan food on campus has now become a factor in choosing where to go to college. There are even vegan scholarships to reward students for their compassionate choice! Irlianna Samsara is the author of “The Codes of Harry Potter: Mystical Messages to Transform Our World”, available on Amazon. A vegan diet is discussed in the book’s final chapter, Harry’s Alchemy for a New World Community. The book benefits The Harry Potter Alliance, a worldwide human rights organization. For more info: info@thecodesofharrypotter.com; Facebook “The Codes of Harry Potter”; Twitter @PotterCodes.

According to a study by food-service provider Bon Appétit, the number of college students who identify themselves as vegetarian has risen by 50 percent since 2005, and the number of vegan students has more than doubled during the same period! To answer this call, many colleges throughout the U.S. have responded with a multitude of gourmet vegan menu options in their cafeterias. Peta2, the student arm of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) celebrates this shift

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013



by Robert T. Hayduk, MA

Sound and Resonance

The theme of the 1997 Professional Seminar, Embracing Resonance, set the stage for considering the nature of our vibrating universe. Dr. Edgar Mitchell presented a model in which everything in the universe is energy manifesting itself through unique vibrational patterns. Vibration does indeed lie at the very core of our existence. Its principles are now being deciphered by modern physics, yet they were understood and utilized by the ancients.

ular sound frequencies that our body/mind system may need for balance at any given time. Unfortunately, we are so accustomed to professionally recorded music and song that we hesitate to use our less than perfect voices to sing out in this manner. Why else does it seem so comfortable to give voice to this inclination in the safety and privacy of the shower? One way to reclaim this healing process is to come out of the shower and make toning, singing and music a major part of daily routine.

The simplest definition of resonance is the universal striving of objects to vibrate at the same rate. One of the best examples is a tuning fork which-once struck and put near a similar tuning fork--will cause the second fork to vibrate at the same rate. Resonance is also the principle involved in the amplification and elongation of the sound/vibrations experienced when a guitar string is plucked and the wood of the hollow vibrates in tune with that string. We instinctively grasp the idea of resonance and demonstrate our understanding by using terms such as in sync or out of sync and getting good or bad vibes about a person or situation. The phenomenon of resonance, while seemingly easy to understand, still holds many mysteries within its entraining capabilities.

The particular kind of music or vibrations that are beneficial at any given time may vary considerably among individuals. Debate continues over whether Mozart makes you smarter or if sixty beats per minute is optimal for learning. And much confusion has been generated by the labeling of music as new age or relaxing. Steve Halpern, a noted artist and researcher of the healing effects of music, speaks to that confusion when he says that Many people get turned off to the possibility of using music as an aid to relaxation if they have an unrewarding experience using the music that these so-called authorities suggest.

Robert Monroe, as musician, sound engineer, researcher, and originator of the Hemi-Sync® binaural beat technology, clearly understood the concepts of resonance and entrainment. The physics of resonant entrainment in relation to Hemi-Sync is further explained in The Hemi-Sync Process by F. Holmes Atwater. Robert Monroe also knew, intuitively and through research, the importance of sound, tone and tuning in the human body. For this reason he included Resonant Tuning as a preparatory process in most of the Hemi-Sync exercises. Although users of Hemi-Sync are familiar with this technique, they may not fully appreciate its importance. This process of tuning or toning , as it is sometimes called, is the focus of this paper.

The Relaxation Company publishes a music series called The Acoustic Research Series performed by a variety of artists who have spent significant time researching the use of music in health and healing. The style, tempo and rhythms of these selections vary considerably and testify to the fact that what may be harmonious for one person may be discordant for another. This raises a question: do we need to like and enjoy the music or sounds for them to help us? I have made it a practice to use Eastern Indian music in conjunction with color imagery intended for energy center balancing whenever illness threatens. This music isn’t enjoyable for me but the results are undeniable. It has long been recognized that music and sound not only entrain our brainwaves but can alter our moods and emotions. The experiences, memories, and even the unconscious associations we make to certain sounds and music can affect the way we respond to it. One thing is certain: music and sound can and will have profound effects upon our body/ mind system. Knowing how to use them most effectively is a valuable skill.

Toning is the sounding of the human voice using sustained vowel sounds. Since ancient times toning and music have been used by all cultures and recognized as having a balancing, healing effect upon the human body. Music and chant have long been recognized as having the power to entrain the brain to frequencies that facilitate altered states of consciousness and give access to the well-being that can accompany such meditative states. Some interesting research has been conThe simplest definition Monks who ceased singing Gregorian chant ducted on cardiac energy exchange in in their monastery were observed to beconjunction with the Institute of Heartof resonance is the come ill and weakened until they resumed The electromagnetic field of the the practice. Recognition of this benefit universal striving of objects to Math. heart has been studied in healers. Findmay explain the recent phenomenon of ings indicate that as the field becomes vibrate at the same rate. Gregorian chant popularity. Respected psymore coherent the greater its capacity chic Edgar Cayce once predicted that sound becomes to entrain ambient noise and thus would be the medicine of the future. to produce effects in biological tissue. It was notDon Campbell is a modern musician and music researcher who advocates the use of toning as a healing process. He has written and lectured extensively on the use of the voice as a healing tool. Campbell suggests the regular practice of sounding out all the vowels in a sustained, chant-like manner. It is through this practice that we become attuned to the partic-


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ed that coherence increased with emotions of loving and caring and decreased with anger and frustration. This suggests that vibrational entrainment can take place even within the inaudible range of electromagnetic frequencies and that cardiac energy can be transmitted and received.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

The research of Anna Wise also supports the likelihood of subtle energy entrainment. In mapping the brain states of individuals engaged in various activities she has demonstrated that a mother and a nursing child almost match in their brain wave patterns while a man and woman arguing display very dissimilar patterns. Wise also believes that the use of binaural beats and the entrainment of the brain to controlled frequencies can increase our creative potential and produce what she refers to as the awakened mind condition in which all levels of consciousness are accessible for creative thinking or problem solving.

One way to do this is to hum and sing with music that you prefer. For me, cello music is particularly easy to tone with because of the deep, elongated vibrations. The music of Pat Clemence (particularly Promises) lends itself to humming and toning. And there are many others to discover and enjoy. In the words of that great philosopher, Big Bird, “Music is as natural as the sun or rain. I would hate to imagine our world without it, for my heart is a song.” References: Atwater, FH. (1997). The Hemi-Sync Process. Faber, VA. Beaulieu, J. (1987). Music and Sound in the Healing Arts. Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press. Campbell, D. (1991). Music: Physician for Times to Come. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books. Campbell, D. (1989). The Roar of Silence: Healing Powers of Breath, Tone and Music. Wheaton, IL: The Theosophical Publishing House. Clemence, P. The Promise. Gardner, K. (1990). Sounding the Inner Landscape : Music as Medicine. Stonington, Maine: Caduceus Publications. Garfield, LM. (1987). Sound Medicine : Healing with Music, Voice and Song. Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts. Halpern, S. Sound Bytes. McCraty, R. et al. The Electricity of Touch: Detection and Measurement of Cardiac Energy Exchange Between People. McClellan, R. (1991). The Healing Forces of Music: History, Theory & Practice. Rockport, MA: Element, Inc. The Relaxation company. (1995). Acoustic Research Series. Roslyn, NY. Wise, A. (1995). The High Performance Mind. New York, NY: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.

Robert T. Hayduk is a curriculum consultant for Warren Consolidated Schools in Warren, Michigan and has been a sustaining member of TMI since 1987 and a professional member since 1994. The concepts in this paper were the basis of an experiential session presented as an Open Forum at the 1997 Professional Seminar. For Hemi-Sync® classes and recordings in Central Florida, please see ad below.

As an educator, I am amazed at how little we use music in the classroom and how little we teach our children about the effects of music in their lives. If people are to embrace resonance for their well-being and development, opportunities to learn the techniques of toning and entrainment are essential at an early age. The use of these two words in conjunction is very interesting. If we are to “embrace resonance,” we need to understand that it is resonance that embraces us in the sounds we hear and make. It is never too late to begin toning, tuning our bodies and minds to those sounds and frequencies that increase our well-being. Neither is it ever too late to find the music that helps us to heal, to relax, to be courageous or to love more intentionally. Why not make METAMUSIC® an accompaniment for chores, relaxation or sleep? In addition to the Resonant Tuning in HemiSync exercises, try to do independent toning during the day.

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


creating our future in the now .............. Life is all about choice. The choices we make in any given moment affect what ensues and what our next choices might be. The energy of sudden and unpredictable shift and change has become the norm over the past year or so, creating a sense of chaos in our world. Although this can be unsettling, it also generates more opportunities and possibilities for us to choose from. The overall energies of the stars, planets and cosmos are supporting us to make radical change, supporting us to “go where no man has gone before” to “leap into the void” to “take the road less traveled.” Take a good look at your life–the choices you have been making and are poised to make. Take a look at the opportunities being set before you. Where can you, perhaps, take a leap of faith and initiate a new beginning for yourself–a new beginning that may take you to a place that your logical mind is resisting, but your heart says go? A few years ago, after working as a teacher for many years, there was a radical change in our career position creating a very stressful environment. After much prayer and contemplation we made the difficult decision to leave this job that we truly loved. Many people thought we were crazy not to just hang in there for a few more years, but we took the risk and left! We spent a few years with challenges but also with awesome opportunities for growth and adventure. Jumping into the void has its uncertainties and anxieties but there is so much more out there than we can ever comprehend or imagine available to us. We will never experience it unless we listen to our heart and make the choice to leap into the unknown taking that road that few others would choose. Utilize the moon cycle to help guide you on your ever-changing journey. Notice what surfaces around the end of the moon cycle (July 1-7) and (July 31-Aug.5). Do some cleaning out and letting go of fears, worries, old beliefs and “should dos” as you prepare for a new cycle with the new moons on July 8 and August 6. See what develops during that first week of the cycle and how it plays out during the full moons of July 22 and August 20. The full moon will bring insight but also agitation, anxiety and impulsive action. The key is to breathe. Observe what is transpiring within and around you and be patient. Allow the insights gained during this time to fully register within your consciousness so that you can make the best choices guided by your inner knowingness as opposed to your reactive self. Within about three days after a full moon clarity comes and we are able to make more informed, wiser choices. Mark your calendar, observe the flow of your emotions and thoughts over the course of the cycle and utilize the energies offered to us to empower your choices and your life. You may wish to utilize the affirmations for your sun sign and moon sign to assist you. ARIES (March 20-April 19) Tap into that sense of self-empowerment and confidence that you have been feeling lately. Allow it to assist you in negotiating any challenges that may arise. Stay present and feel good about your progress. AFFIRMATION: We step forward in faith, confidence and grace, feeling guided and supported in life’s unfolding process. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Be cautious before moving forward. Weigh your options. Examine your motives. Take your time. Do


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

lunar astrology forecast july-august 2013

by Raven Moondance

not push. Embrace any worries or challenges. Trust that when we surrender to the flow, all occurs exactly as it is meant to. AFFIRMATION: All is in Divine Order. We do our best and then let go, trusting that we are being guided in line with the highest good of all. GEMINI (May 20-June 20) When you are unsure or feel fragmented, tap into your inner wisdom. Spend some time in nature or in a quiet place, allowing your inner guidance to be nurtured and strengthened. AFFIRMATION: All that we need to guide us is deep within our being. Patience, trust and stillness assist us in opening to and accessing our inner wisdom. We are blessed. CANCER (June 21-July 22) As you begin a new year with your birthday, what would you like to see unfold in the year ahead to support your life’s journey in a healthy, affirming way? What changes need to be put into place in order to bring you more fully into alignment with your life path? The time is now to express your true self. AFFIRMATION: We trust that we are being guided more and more each day towards our soul’s purpose. As we surrender to the process, we are blessed with support, insight and guidance.

with love, joy and ease. SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21) Contemplate any recent awarenesses about yourself. What is being revealed about who you are and how you interact in the world? Give yourself time, opportunity and permission to integrate newly discovered aspects of your being. AFFIRMATION: We have faith in life’s unfolding process. One day at a time, we are guided and supported on our journey. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21) Your experiences and challenges are serving to strengthen your confidence in yourself. One day at a time, feel good about your progress, accomplishments and growth and notice the opportunities coming your way. AFFIRMATION: We step forward in joy and confidence. As life unfolds, unique opportunities enrich our experience. CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19) Take notice of what is creating stress for you. Be particularly aware of any long standing issues, emotions or situations that are asking to be addressed. Ask for any help you may require to take care of them ASAP. AFFIRMATION: We negotiate life with confidence. One day at a time, things seem to fall into place with ease. We feel supported and blessed.

LEO (July 23-Aug.22) Continue to bring your focus to the positive aspects of your life and to the special qualities that make you a unique and amazing being. Be in gratitude for everything! AFFIRMATION: We begin our day in gratitude. We spend our day feeling a deep sense of gratitude for all our encounters and experiences. We end our day in a peaceful, grateful way.

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18) Feel the deeper truth of what you sense, feel and know. Your inner knowingness is guiding you well. Listen... trust...and feel your confidence strengthen with each insight and awareness. AFFIRMATION: Being present to our inner guidance brings clarity and enhances our ability to more easily flow with new possibilities.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept.22) What is just not working for you anymore? Notice any old feelings, hurts or patterns that seem to keep popping up. Take time to examine your life and to clean out and release the old and outmoded as you approach your birthday. What changes need to be made that will support your healthier, more confident self? AFFIRMATION: With ease we release what no longer serves us and open to new opportunities, possibilities and options. Each day is filled with hope and joy!

PISCES (Feb.19-March 19) Breathe, stay present and go with the flow. Don’t take life too seriously. Spend some time by the water or soak in a relaxing bath. Immerse yourself in the essence of water in some way. It has the potential to rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit. AFFIRMATION: With each exhalation, we release expectation, attachment and worry, allowing life to flow more easily. We feel more relaxed and renewed with each breath.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22) Feel good about your inner work and the changes you have made recently as a result of consciously releasing old patterns and dependencies. Now is the time to anchor new healthier behaviors and actions into your daily life. Feel the empowerment that comes with inner growth. AFFIRMATION: We are strong and capable and choose to handle all our experiences

Raven Moondance (Shenna Benarte) writes the newsletter, MOON ASTROLOGY UPDATE six times a year and a monthly column on working with the moon in MOMA BEAR, a magazine for Gainesville, Florida moms. For a complete Moon Astrology reading or to attend a monthly Moon Astrology Class, call Raven at (352)372-8594 or email: moondance_raven@hotmail.com. Please see ad previous page.

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013



iving on Mother Earth is one of the most exciting and fulfilling journeys that any sentient being can experience. It is here on the plane of demonstration that we are able to explore and learn lessons that can strengthen our connection to who we are, our relationship with Creator and all life forms in all of the universes and beyond. Yet in our hectic lifestyle we sometimes get caught up in so many dayto-day mundane tasks that it becomes a journey of the rat race as we rush about our daily chores. Is what you’re doing with your life fulfilling on a deeper level, or are you just doing something out of pressure from your family or environment? How often do we check in to see what makes us happy and alive? Stress is a major contributor to dis-ease. Illness is a warning that something is not working in our life. It is also a huge wake-

drama of discord on the physical, emotional and mental planes. Being vigilant in monitoring our thoughts and the energies around and within is vital to our well-being. Move out of limiting dogmas and beliefs. Trust that gut feeling that there is something amiss and not in harmony of who you are. Just say no! Don’t allow it just because it is easier to bend to pressure from family and friends. The body vessel is temporary. The soul is forever. Create wellness from within to the without. Some ask why “we” talk in the third person. It is a reminder that “We” are all connected with each other and all sentient beings everywhere. There is no separation. There is no

Dis-Ease: A Path to Self-Awareness up call for many to explore what is important for spiritual and mystical growth. In our medical practice we too often see the results of experiencing a self-imposed "time-out" in the form of dis-ease and injuries. We have friends who work so hard the only way they give themselves the opportunity to rest is when they are ill. Often it is through loss of health, finances, home, loved ones, relationships and self-love that one finds their true mission. We do not need a life-threatening illness or loss to begin the journey of self-awareness. The road less traveled is one that explores our inner selves and accesses our own “River of Knowledge” before creating the


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by Solara Attatharya DOM, AP, DNBHE

mine and yours. “They” who we allow to be catalysts in our lives for creating what we don’t like is really “We” creating a lesson to help us learn how to move beyond judgment, fear, alienation and lack of love. When we allow compassion, awareness and self-

love to fill our beings it ripples out and manifests to all. It is no mistake or coincidence that we are alive during the planet’s shift. Get in touch with the changing rhythms as we together move from dis-ease to self-awareness and step into new higher levels and dimensions of both. As we move into these mystical vibrations, may we focus on kindness, compassion and service to all. Getting scanned with the “wowie” machine in Solara Attatharya's office can reveal where conflicts and stressors exist often before a lab test can. Resolving issues on all levels can restore balance and vitality. Please see ad next page.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


by Rayna Tamarin Angeleri Garcia


nown as Maya is the warped, illusory interpretation of our existence, only as we perceive it, while the Truth of existence glimmers just beyond our colorization of it. Believing we’re living a good life full of love leaves us open to a misinterpretation of those who don’t fit into our own world-view. This is our own personal Maya. We even name those who walk an opposing path evil. But what is evil? Is it the opposite of love? How did its meaning fall under a veil of Maya? If love is all there is, from whence did evil come? In true fact, the opposite of love is evol. Evol is the exact reflection of love, more truthfully than its opposite, and life is the process of evolution. Evolution is the art of reflecting. The complete revolution is the orbiting of an individual self from the Creator Source Image, "outward" forming expression, and back again. Revolution (orbiting again) is the idea of reincarnation. As orbiting revolves more than once, it’s perpetual until the individual realizes she’s having all experiences at once, indivisibly. Then she perceives the revolution as only One Whole Cycle in its totality, which breaks the perception of being on the wheel of reincarnation. This insight or revelation happens through volition: will. The journey of reflection is revolutionary. So when did evol become evil? In the beginning, there was the circle. The circle wanted to know and experience itself. Like anyone perceiving one’s self, only looking at parts and pieces of one’s own body could anyone guess what the whole might be and since the eyes are on the top, one could only view oneself downwardly. The circle formed a revolutionary way to review itself and turned itself in a fold creating the infinite feedback loop. Now it could look upon itself in every direction and look every way at once from edge to core. In circle’s self-reflection all individual parts and pieces could be experienced and gain experience for the whole, simultaneously.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

The circle is love. The reflection is therefore mirrored back as the reversed circle: the other half of the loop, the yin to the yang. The dark side or yin side is the perfect reflection of the original circle. Upon the Maya of there being two halves to any whole, the reflection itself had to be warped as if it was folded under. This became the underworld where self-examination is deemed the opposite of love. Worshipping the self is not the path of evil, for there is only the self. Life is self-reflection, a lucid waking meditation. The reflection of God love is evol dog: the loyal return to oneself, the chemical wedding or the evol-union. Rayna Tamarin Angeleri Garcia, is a Starseed Indigo child transitioning to Crystal, known from her blog as the Modern Muse, she’s an ordained minister, spiritual pop music artist, author, artist, actress, intuitive, and healer. She owns The Crystal Closet in Mount Dora with her husband Jorge. Rayna is available for spiritual readings and coaching through www.thecrystalcloset. com (Twitter @StarseedCrystal) (Facebook /thecrystalcloset) (Meetup.com / the-crystal-closet-sanford) Her blog is www.mystiquemuse.com (Twitter @ MystiqueMuse), Her personal portal is www.raynatamarin.com Find her music and guided meditations at www.reverbnation.com/raynatamarin (Twitter @RaynaTamarin) (Facebook /RaynaTamarin). Please see ad previous page.

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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Take Time to.... Stop Thinking There is a road less traveled…One we often fail to take I think the reason for it… is a fear of THE mistake The dreaded little faux pas… we feel free to express Without a thought of others…Our words create a mess We travel down this highway… speeding without care Not really ever looking to see who else is there Soon to find our big toe has traveled to our mouth And any common sense we had, quickly traveled south

by Diane J. Ackerman

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and few fail to express theirs. I have learned over the years that I can avoid confrontation and conflict by first evaluating the worthiness of a conversation. I avoid pointless banter especially in the workplace and when I am with family I am doubly cautious. The more intimate the relationship the more verbal freedom to abuse it. Partners often wield insults like darts in a sports bar. When I take time to slow down I tend to think before I open my mouth. I am cautious of my tone of voice and never buy into someone else’s opinion of me. When I slow down I will think through my thoughts. Often I will keep them to myself. After all they were meant to serve my ego anyway. As toddlers we are given toys to put plastic blocks into round balls with similar shapes. That was our first lesson in button pushing. Regrettably, as life goes on our pieces don’t always fit so we push them until they do. We form our world, meet our conditions and lose sight of the people around us. Granted, the world is traveling at a furious pace but we don’t have to feed it. Take ten to 15 minutes a day to stop thinking. Take a walk. Eat your lunch without texting or talking on the phone. Enjoy silence. You will be surprised how much your life will change when you start experiencing its simplicity. Things will shift and peaceful solutions will appear where you once experienced turmoil. Diane Ackerman is author of The Gathering, a book of poems addressing life’s addictions, co-dependencies and obsessions. Her workbook on anger management, Shut the Duck Up, has been used with great success at The Anthony House, a homeless shelter formerly housed in Zellwood, Florida. Please see ad this page. Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


Do you feel the pressure of today's changing world? Is it taking a toll on you?


For those who want to accomplish big dreams yet have limited time and energy—feed the adrenals. At least twice a year, most who are actively working, have families, and are improving their fitness will run down their When we are under stress or pressure for too adrenals. The natural cure is to give ourselves long we need to take the pressure off. How lots of sleep every couple of weeks and do do we do this without quitting? The answer is some brisk jogging first thing in the mornalready within–in the adrenal glands. ing while limiting caffeine and stimulants like chocolate. It is so great that the answer to how we can continue serving the world, our communities For many, getting extra rest is nearly impossiand our loved ones is within us. If you are ble. The next option is just as natural however like most evolving people it is important to more aggressive—to take glandular nutrition be doing something to change the world. We along with specific vitamins and herbs as recwant to meditate, do yoga, prepare raw meals ommended by a physician to recharge the in our own kitchens, recycle, grow our own adrenals. The adrenals produce cortisol and food, build conscious businesses and more, DHEA. Cortisol is similar to gasoline in a car. yet when our initial passion fizzles out our If we always have our foot on the gas, how is adrenals kick in. If you are going to really our brake, DHEA, supposed to work? Most make a change in the world, you will need of us stop producing DHEA in our mid-thirstaying power. ties. DHEA calms everything down and also provides an effect similar to a jumper cable's It is important to tap into your powerful en- for hormones like testosterone and estrogen. ergy reserves long before we crack under the The adrenals can actually produce hormones pressure. It is important that we know when if they aren't run down to the point of exwe are moving from reversible stress to irre- haustion. DHEA can be taken with other versible stress. With reversible stress we work supplements and this can renew the adrenal under pressure wanting to finish the project. glands. We are a "good" tired. We wake up refreshed. We are excited and feel a natural inspiration. If you are like me, even with brisk exercise in We are keeping our lives in balance even the morning and lots of extra sleep, I still need though some things may have been placed on to recharge my adrenals with strong vitamins the back burner for a time. We are generally and glandular nutrition. not over-scheduled and we are realistic with our time-frames. Sometimes we live under Why not take care of your adrenals? They have reversible stress for too long and then hit irre- been taking care of you! If you are interested versible stress. in more information, please don’t hesitate to come to our free classes on “3 Keys To HarAnother name for irreversible stress is burn- nessing More Energy,” Mondays at 5:30 p.m. out. We feel easily irritated or angered by Seating is limited. Please call 888-589-5443 things that usually wouldn't bother us. We to reserve your seat during July and August. wake up exhausted and go to bed exhausted. We feel overwhelmed. We need a pick-me- Call Ramah’s office at 352-589-5443 for a natural health consult with a doctor. Ramah Wagner, up or stimulant around 3:00 p.m. everyday. D.C. is a third generation alternative health doctor. Burned out people wake up at night time She graduated from Palmer Chiropractic College with anxiety and notice belly fat that is im- in Iowa, where chiropractic was first discovered in 1895. Her clinic is located outside Orlando, Floripossible to get rid of. They get sick easier, have da, where she works with cutting edge technology in more allergies, more sinus stuffiness and skin the alternative healing arts, including chiropractic, specific nutrition, detoxification of heavy metals, rashes. and acupuncture. Visit www.healthofbusiness.com or www.doctorramah.com. Please see ad next page.


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by Ramah Wagner Contributing Health Editor


the Pressure


Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013


The Peaceful Warrior

us has an inner life which has not been traveled by any other. Each of us is following a path of the spirit which no other has followed. Our lives may seem prescribed, but in actuality, no path is prescribed. No path is the same. On the outside we may seem to conform, but in the private inner life there is no conformity. Our inner life is where the Divine is birthed and lived. Some of us have very private inner lives. Some of us seek to express our unique inner Divine in an outward way. Some of us seem conformed, the same. Some of us seem to part from the dominant culture. It is easy to fall into the trap of judging one way as more authentic and valuable than the other. In reality, there is no well traveled path. In reality, each of us is forging a path no other has walked. The peaceful warrior judges no one for being different and judges no one for seeming the same.

In spirit, in truth, we all hunger to express ourselves, to share our authenticity, our “specialness.” We all share our inner divinity in different by Rev. Sunemaura O’Brien ways–inwardly, outwardly, quietly, loudly. My path may seem unique and it is, but it is no more or some of us, there is a hunger within our spirit–a hunor less unique and special than the path of any ger for the truth of who we are. We spend our lives other being living on this planet. My path is ausearching within and without for authenticity–the real thentic to who I am. Your path is authentic to in emotion and thought. We seek to express authenticwho you are. The Divine is expressed in each of us–in our beings ity in our work, in our creative paths, in every aspect of our lives and in our lives–inwardly and outwardly. Our job, as peaceful and beings. Sometimes we feel at odds with our culture which warriors, is to seek to experience the Divine in each being, to look seems to value conformity and sameness. But does it really? Lookfor and honor the authentic spirit in each being, in all of life. ing out my window as I write, I see an endless variety of colors, shapes, sizes, sounds, smells–all expressions of Life, all opportuni- Rev. Sunemaura O’Brien is a spiritual healer and teacher dedicated to supties to joyfully express the Divine who lives and breathes in each porting individuals in opening doors to authenticity and joy. She is an ordained minister and teacher with the Sacred Earth Ministry. She is co-faone of us.


Certainly our society seems to prescribe certain patterns of living. Certainly some paths seem more traveled than others. It can seem easy to follow a path others have paved, however each of


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cilitator and co-founder of the Sacred Earth Center, an interfaith chapel and healing center in Gainesville, Florida. She can be reached by emailing sacredearthcenter@yahoo.com, calling 352-275-8537 or visiting http://sacredearthcenter.org.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

“Peace Begins With People” Says Broadcast by local Volunteers by Jenny Rebecca Hill

Hoping to share a unique message, area volunteers take time each week to help produce an award-winning cable show entitled “Words of Peace.” In Gainesville it airs on Cox Cable Channel 21 each Sunday at 7:00 p.m., Thursdays and Sundays at 1:30 a.m., Saturdays at 1:00 a.m., and in Ocala Sundays at 7:00 p.m. Launched in October 2003, the weekly program features Prem Rawat, known internationally as Maharaji, who speaks about a peace that is within and how to get in touch with it. “It’s not the world that needs peace. It’s people who need it,” Prem Rawat says. “The thirst for peace is innate in every human being on earth.” “Words of Peace” is watched worldwide and is translated into 70 languages. A two-time recipient of the Brazilian Association of Community Television Channels’ highest award, the series is made available for local broadcast and promoted by local residents. One such resident is 59-year old Janet Rucker, an acupuncture physician who donates her time. She says “Words of Peace” offers viewers an opportunity to learn about something dependable, even in uncertain times. Says Rucker, “Watching the program ‘Words of Peace’ is like feeling calm in the midst of a storm. The wisdom and understanding I gain from each weekly episode definitely helps me through the week.” Prem Rawat began addressing audiences more than forty years ago as a young boy in India. To date, millions in cities and countries worldwide have heard him in person, including appearances at such notable venues as New York City’s Lincoln Center and the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok. Currently, over 25 million viewers in the United States receive “Words of Peace” over their local cable access networks due to the efforts of community volunteers. To learn more about the “Words of Peace” program or Prem Rawat, visit www.wopg.org or call the program’s information line, (888) 497-3223. Please see ad below.

of Ocala

A Positive Path for Spiritual Living

Sunday Celebration | 10 o’clock Unity provides practical teachings to help people live healthy, prosperous, and meaningful lives. www.unityocala.org 101 Cedar Rd., Ocala, FL 34472

352-687-2113 Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013




Charmed Design’s handcrafted, Japanese cord wrap bracelets are earthy, inspiring, spiritual reminders that are available for only $36. These trendy accessories are not only affordable, but they also: are designed to make you feel inspired, strong and beautiful, are versatile because they can be also be worn as a necklace and an anklet and use charms infused with energy and meaning.

These unique bracelets are designed by Lori Cohn. Lori began making jewelry as a way to stay constructive and positive as she was recovering from a sudden and life-threatening illness. Overcoming personal tragedy, Lori became a successful entrepreneur. Through the medium of jewelry, she decided to inspire and motivate other women by sharing her experience, strength, hope and love for life. Charmed Design’s bracelets are available in various boutiques across the USA. and at www.charmeddesign.com.

Launched in late 2011, Squatty Potty (www.squattypotty.com) is a safe, natural, simple solution that allows for easier elimination. The Squatty Potty offers a better bathroom experience by aligning the colon in a natural angle for faster, more effective colon evacuation. The Squatty Potty is designed to help assume the squatting position, which helps alleviate suffering from hemorrhoids, constipation, colon disease and pelvic floor issues.

to better elimination and helps in the prevention of colon disease, constipation, hemorrhoids and similar ailments. The concept has proven especially helpful for women suffering from pelvic floor and bladder issues. As part of the treatment process, leading pelvic floor clinics recommend patients elevate their feet during elimination. The Squatty Potty product line includes three popular models: the Original Squatty Potty (US$59.95), the economical plastic footstool (US$34.95) and the bamboo footstool (US$79.95). The Squatty Potty comes in three sizes: 5”, 7” and 9”, which can be purchased at www. squattypotty.com.

The concept of squatting has become a rising trend in health circles as doctors, naturopaths and holistic health professionals have highlighted the health drawbacks of the modern toilet. According to these experts, squatting also leads


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Get gorgeously green with the latest in luxury natural skin care from MyChelle. MyChelle sustainably sources the most potent natural ingredients Mother Nature has to offer like Edelweiss from the Swiss Alps, Buddleja plant stem cells from eastern Asia, or powerful Pumpkin fruit from right here in our backyard. Backed by the nation’s most respected authorities in dermatology and nutrition, MyChelle is a brand that is “seeded in science and rooted in nature™.” The Vitamin A Plus Serum is made from carrots, gentle and

yet very effective on the skin. It is also paraben free. From their commitment to products that are healthy and work fabulously, to their commitment to sustainability and a healthy planet, and their commitment to empowering women and girls through their branding and generous giving programs, MyChelle is a pioneering stand for the world we desire to live in. To combat the aging effects of Mother Nature, use MyChelle’s Supreme Polypeptide Cream.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

consumer Each product in the NEVO collection contains PRAVANA’s exclusive Drops of the Ama-

R O C K S TA R white’s over the counter whitening kit product formulations are Doctor recommended, made with all natural and organic ingredients, certified kosher and made in the USA. ROCKSTAR white was founded in 2007 by periodontist Dr. Dennis Hunt. Dr. Hunt did not initially set out to create a whitening product but an antimicrobial agent for his patients that would not stain his patients’ teeth like most periodontal rinses do. Our bodies use hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria and other microbes all the time and Dr. Hunt realized that the use of hydrogen peroxide would mimic the body’s own natural defense system and could even whiten teeth. He ultimately developed a carbamide peroxide solution with desensitizers that was made safe for extended use for the gums and teeth. The results showed the product to be a great adjunct to soft tissue management programs and post surgical wound healing. Patients loved the results because there was no more staining of the gums and their teeth looked better.


zon™–a natural complex designed to nurture, protect and preserve the surface of hair with three vital ingredients derived from some of the most resilient plants found in the Amazon: Mulateiro Extract, Babassu Oil and Brazil Nut Oil. To date, approximately 25% of the volume of U.S. landfills is comprised of plastic bottles, which will remain there for as long as 1,000 years. NEVO’s new 100% biodegradable plastic begins to breakdown within 250 days of being placed in a landfill, leaving no carbon footprint behind. All NEVO products are free of sulfates, parabens, sodium chloride, phthalates, gluten, propylene glycol, cocamide DEA, cocamide MEA, animal bi-products and animal testing. Visit www.pravana.com for locations.

Some of the greatest ingredients to enhance personal beauty come from nature and our planet. PRAVANA offers the chance to return the favor to Mother Nature with the launch of NEVO–a collection of all-natural shampoos, conditioners and deep treatments that leave no carbon footprint behind. Housed in 100% biodegradable packaging, the highly sophisticated formulas combine the power of nature and the strength of technology to provide a line of superior natural hair care products.

Many general dentists using teeth whitening products have found that they hurt patients’ teeth (zingers). The pain often made patients wonder if whiter teeth were worth the discomfort which sometimes lasted for weeks. So it became the goal of Dr. Hunt`s company, Rockstar White, to help whiten teeth without pain. With his use of desensitizers he has been able to give the retail consumer a very high concentration of hydrogen peroxide that can be worn for several hours at a time and get the quickest whitening results at the retail level. ROCKSTAR white is available in “Be Kissable”–in pink packaging and “High Energy” in black packaging for $47.95. See www.ROCKSTARwhite.com

Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | July • August 2013



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


ENU M D Appetizers


Living Entrées

Fruit, Cheeze and Cracker Platter

Heirloom Lasagna

A variety of seasonal fruits, savory crackers and Chef’s choice of nut or seed “cheeze.”

Latticed wide zucchini lasagna noodles, “ricotta cheeze,” piquant marinara sauce, heirloom tomatoes, pistachio pesto, and spinach leaves stacked and packed with layers of authentic Italian flavor; with a side Cleopatra salad.

Chilled Gazpacho Soup

An authentic Spanish soup of cucumbers, sweet tomatoes, red bell peppers, red onion, and seasonings.

VB Signature Pâté

Our popular savory vegan “faux salmon” pâté served with crackers.

Guacamole Sliders

Mini open-faced onion bread sandwiches mounded with a zesty guacamole, fresh salsa du jour, and “sour creme.”


Triangles of garlic flat bread smothered with our flavorful traditional Mediterranean tomato, basil, garlic, and “cheeze” topping


VB Signature Flavored Lemonade

Our freshly squeezed and naturally raw sweetened lemonade infused with seasonal freshly squeezed fruit juice. Plain lemonade also available.

Orange Juice Fresh squeezed, sweet, invigorating

Green Goddess Juice Spinach, cucumber, kale, and apple.


A classic juice blend: carrots, celery, apple and parsley

True Blood

An earthy fusion of beet, celery, parsley, spinach, cucumber and carrots. May add greens, wheatgrass, cacao, maka powder, chia seeds, and more


Creamy Tropicale Smoothie

Orange, mango, and banana exquisitely blended and spiced.

Piña Colada Smoothie

Fresh pineapple chunks blended with young Thai coconut and a hint of vanilla, garnished with a pineapple wedge.

Berriana Blend Smoothie

A trio of banana and two of today’s berries sweetened with dates.

Black and Blues Berry Jazz Smoothie Almond milk, banana, seasonal berries, spinach

Almond Butter Cup Smoothie

Almond milk, banana, cacao, almond butter, today’s green leaf

Smoothie of the Week

Organic Wines and Gluten-Free Ales Sandwiches VB Signature Sandwich

Our popular vegan “faux salmon” pâté dressed with our homemade vegan mayonnaise, avocado slices, lettuce, heirloom tomato, and fresh green sprouts.

Sonship Burger

Our “burger” with a kick, dressed with fresh or caramelized onion and the accoutrements of your choice. continued next column


Asian Noodles with Sweet Dragon Sauce

Sandwiches (cont.)

“Grilled Cheeze” Sandwich

Olive and shallot white “cheeze,” avocado, lettuce, heirloom tomato, sprouts, and vegan mayonnaise on onion bread.

Mushroom, Onion and Pepper Sandwich

Julienned portobello mushroom, bell peppers and onions marinated and warmed served on onion flatbread spread with nut “cheeze.”

Entrée Salads

VB Signature Salad

Romaine, butter lettuce, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, fresh grape tomatoes, onion bread croutons, kale chips, onions, and tossed with seasoned “sour creme.”

Cleopatra Salad

Chopped romaine lettuce, sprouted buckwheat croutons, and vegan caesar dressing with “parmesan cheeze” topping.

Medi-terranean Kale Salad

A hearty mélange of kale leaves massaged with avocado dressing, and tossed with grape tomatoes, pine nuts, kalamata olives, and chunks of gourmet nut “cheeze.”

Ensalada Mexicana

Crisp romaine, butterleaf lettuce, taco crumbles, “nacho cheeze,” onions, tomatoes, red peppers, fresh salsa du jour, guacamole, “sour creme,” and mexi-croutons.

Spinach Pesto Salad

A hearty mélange élange of spinach, mushroom, pistachio pesto, sundried tomatoes, onions, avocado bits, tossed in a creamy garlic dressing.

Mixed Green Salad

Assorted mixed greens, grape tomatoes, red onion, red bell pepper, green sprouts, and dressing du jour.

Zucchini and sweet potato “noodles” are combined with mixed vegetables and laced with a light and mild sweet dragon sauce. Served chilled with a side du jour and side mixed green salad with house dressing.

Tostada Mexicana

A Mexican spiced flat tostada shell topped with taco crumbles, “grilled vegs,” “nacho cheeze,” a mound of crisp lettuce, sliced avocado, fresh salsa du jour, and “sour creme.”

Pad Thai

A duo of “noodles” from zucchini and sweet potato combined with mixed vegetables and delicately laced with a zesty, nutty Thai-inspired red chili pepper sauce.


Fresh Fruit Cocktail

A beautiful dish of seasonal fresh fruits.

Tutti Fruitti Parfait

Layers of banana slices, today’s berry, chunks of succulent pineapple, chopped dates, and chopped almonds are interspersed with vanilla bean cashew “ice creme.”

Ma’s Apple Pie

A date nut crust is filled with perfectly sweetened apple and served with a scoop of vanilla bean “ice creme.”

Chocolate Brownie à la Mode

A luscious chocolate nut brownie topped with vanilla bean or chocolate “ice creme” and drizzled with chocolate sauce.

“Ice Creme” Sundae

Vanilla bean, chocolate, or pistachio “ice creme” is embellished with your choice of chocolate sauce or today’s special fruit coulis.

Maple Walnut Sundae

Your choice of “ice creme” flavor topped with super crisp walnuts in maple syrup.

Banana Split

Pizzas Served with a side Cleopatra Salad Medi-terranean Pizza

Vanilla, chocolate, and pistachio “ice creme” topped with fruit coulis, fresh pineapple topping, and chocolate sauce, dusted with chopped almonds.

Soft flat bread adorned with “grilled” vegetables, a rich and slightly sweet marinara sauce, kalamata olives, and white “cheeze.”

Frosty Fudgesicle Shake

White Light Pizza

Just like how you remember fudgesicles and thick frosty chocolate shakes, but vegan, sugar-free, and better!

Our flat bread is decorated with “grilled” vegetables, “ricotta cheeze,” fresh basil leaves, heirloom tomato slices, and garlic.

Hearty Party Pizza

On top of soft flat bread and red pizza sauce are vegan taco and burger crumbles, marinated portabello mushroom slices, onions, bell peppers and seasonings.

Vanilla Orange Creamsicle Shake

A creamy blend of vanilla, orange, and cashew “ice creme” will bring back memories of a familiar classic.

“Cheezecake” du Jour

Exquisitely smooth and creamy, flavored according to fresh flavors of the season.

Chocolate Truffles

Revel in our handmade jewels from chocolate heaven. Start with flatbread pizza crust, nut “cheeze,” marinara sauce, red pepper flakes and garlic powder. Then choose any three toppings from: pesto, “grilled vegs,” taco “meat,” tomato, avocado, Please Inquire About Specials. sundried tomatoes, minced garlic, olives. Velocity Magazine THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED | JulyOur• Daily August 2013

Create Your Own “Master-Pizza”



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301 N. Baker St., #106, Downtown Mount Dora 352-735-8411 | 888-612-6617

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Tuesday through Thursday: 11 to 8 Friday-Saturday: 11 to 9 Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

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