Velocity Magazine Jan-Feb 2014 - ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS

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Health Tips « Personal Growth « Conscious Living « Spiritual Awareness ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS • January / February 2014



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A place for Transformation


perfect blend of the traditional-mystical and the futuristic-metaphysical. Welcome, interdimensional travelers, visiting angels, et’s, keepers and creators of the old ways and new age, to the place for the awakened, holistic and enlightened. An authentic revolutionary crystal-sanctuary, for revelations and progress.

• Crystal YOUniversity courses & workshops • Paradise Within Sanctuary Retreats • A venue for alternative weddings • Starlight Bonfire every first Saturday • Amethyst Hookah Lounge & Henna Studio • Crystal Aromatherapy Halo O2 Bar

Readings and Coaching for those advancing on their path. Energy Work for Healers.

Intuitive, Shaman & School by Appointment

JAN/FEB 14 TCC EVENTS • SEE CALENDAR ONLINE • RSVP TODAY Sat 1/25 - Mystical Tones Healing Concert (Crystal Bowls, Flute, Native Talk & Blessing) 8:30-9:30pm Sat 2/1 - Spirit Painting: Crystals, Paint & Intuition on Canvas 1-4pm* Sat 2/1 - Starlit Heart Bonfire (Starseed Starlight Lounge Social) 9-10:30pm Thr 2/13 - Dreamcrafting: Crystal, Herbal Dream Pillow for LOVE 7-8pm* Sat 2/22 - Angeleri Chakratra Level I Attunement (Aquarian Age Self-Healing Method First Degree Certificate) 4-7pm* *RSVP REQUIRED at least 1 week prior to date (most materials included)


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998




Children Under 12 FREE Active, Retired or Service Persons Admitted FREE

Renninger’s Twin Markets • 20651 New Hwy. 441 • Mt. Dora, Florida


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Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014




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Flowrida (How did we get here?)


hen we were asked to take on the great task of bringing Velocity Magazine into the next generation, we realized

that the opportunity wasn’t for us alone, rather it was for all of us in the community. We see this awesome event as the power we all need to make our voices heard with clarity, more than ever before. This turning point in history, in the broadest and most common sense, is truly a unique moment where we can genuinely act on being the change we came to bring to the world, our new world. So, we dedicate this to is all of us.

How gently were we capsized on sunmarked shores Where shipwrecked pasts impart Lessonarian lore Each, we, washed up, walked up or woke up in sand How congruently our Higher Selves navigated Our plan Asked we, around; still, no mind echoed in complete, Our plan Yet Angels and Starborns emerge Rightly from out castles of sand To study old ways and new age, and keep legendary lore So more vivid sunny days would rise here on sunmarked shores High Lightworker, as I AM Indigo, we gather on the sand Good Cousin Crystal Child, glistening, chalice on the shore Sit and meditate, just listen; the Selene Ocean spills Her plan Memories regaining, Ocean’s explaining Cyan Lore: Quiet now... The Ocean, She speaks..

Lightworkers, Starseeds, the Children of what’s to come, realize our ancestors have heard us coming for generations past. This issue of Velocity Magazine marks a new milestone on our community’s path toward a bright future where we can all be heard and where we are all accountable. 2014 begins a new day. It marks the rediscovery of lanterns lit eons ago by those who knew we would be coming by Starlight and Sunbeam. It marks the beggining of a new epoch of revelation, self-discovery and a reuniting of the old and new ways. Placing a neon torch for those who will come after, we will be the voice of NOW, enlightening the way forward and embracing all that came before us which paved the way. We look forward to hearing your voice, reading your words—for they are all of our’s.

editor in chief


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My Star Children, I AM Blue; Wholly Mother of All of You Out of My deep, from My weep; My tears each became You Asked Me, You, for My answers, when arrived hereon My Bank Water, Water everywhere; Child, I Will to never let you sink! Flowrida, You Flow; Silver Surfer, Rider on My Waves Vibrating with the Frequency, behold; the Velocity of Change Afloat within, song of Sailor’s hymn; All born to “do the ‘Wave’” Children of my Children’s Children, Wild You; Mine are so brave So, My Luminous Lightworkers, why land hereon Flowrida, You? You came back to The Blue because You love Your MOTHER too! A Most Joyful Bright Return, You’ve not been gone long... Now off you swim again! You’re Mother Thanks Her Children Just For Checking In! Rayna Tamarin Angeleri Garcia, a Starseed Indigo who landed in FL to get her flow on, and like many other Lightworkers, wondered “why Florida?” Try writing poetry to answer your deepest questions. There is ancient wisdom in rhyme. Enjoy what’s revealed! What’s more? Put your rhmes to music! Music and poetic lyrics are perfect therapy. Listen Now: Please see ad page 50.

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Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


contributing editors Jorge “GeoHawk” Luis Garcia III POSITIVE PUBLISHER & SALES GURU

Rayna Tamarin Angeleri Garcia






1 Contributing Community Editor Purusha K. Radha began the independent publication called The Messenger in 1998 which was later renamed Velocity Magazine. In 2013 she changed direction and has dedicated herself to her other projects including a web portal. After passing Velocity Magazine to the Starseed Indigo Children of the New Generation of the New Earth, she presently remains a contributing editor for Velocity Magazine. Her web portal is under contruction and is coming soon. To contact her email

2 Contributing Health Editor Ramah Wagner, D.C. is a third generation chiropractor with degrees from the University of Iowa and of South Dakota. She received her graduate degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic (the founding college of chiropractic). Watch for Dr. Ramah Wagner’s new book, “The Health of Business - How to Balance Your Life for Greater Return.” Dr. Ramah is available for speaking events and intensives. Visit or call: 352-589-5443.

3 Contributing Food Editor Chef T (Tenanda Madhi) was trained at The Matthew Kenney Academy in Okalahoma City, Oklahoma, the nation's first and only classically structured raw and living foods educational center in the world. Chef T walks the talk himself consuming an all vegan, organic, living food regimen for several years. He is owner of Vitality Bistro located at 301 N. Baker St., #106 in downtown Mount Dora. Visit www., call toll-free: 888-612-6617 or 352-735-8411. Email Chef T at

4 Contributing Spiritual Life Editor Albert J. Nuñez, DVM, CVA is a lifelong mystic and student of spirituality. He has studied and applied many of the profound practices and tenets of Catholicism, shamanism, christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Kabbalah, paganism, mysticism, Hinduism, tantra, energy and sound healing, “Shadow Work,” kundalini yoga, many forms of meditation, and Qi Gong.g” He has been practicing fully integrated and wholistic veterinary medicine for almost 20 years, with two Animal Hospitals in the greater Orlando area. Contact him at 407-897-8555 or visit, and on Facebook (AnimalHospitalofLakeMary or AnimalHospitalofBaldwinPark).

5 Contributing Personal Transformation Editor Joanna Hackley Davis has more than 35 years experience facilitating personal growth and healing. She is certified as a life coach, inspired learning facilitator, hypnotist, and personal trainer. She is a licensed massage therapist and credentialed minister. Beyond education, Joanna is a writer, speaker, multi-sensory mystic, intuitive, empath, channel, energy worker and amplifier for those who experience challenges in accessing Divine guidance. Her life’s purpose is to serve as a sacred haven for facilitating awareness in body, mind, emotions, and spirit. She is available to facilitate individuals, groups, workshops, and conferences. Contact her at 407-280-1636 or Visit and on Facebook (Rx4JOY).


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ENERGETIC EDITOR IN CHIEF Credit wherever “—VM” is the Author

We’re Expanding! HELP US SPREAD OUR WINGS! GET INVOLVED: 352-630-0378 Velocity Magazine is an independent Central Florida regional publication distributed in more than 1000 locations in Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Volusia, Brevard, Lake, Sumter, Citrus, Hermando, Marion, Alachua and Levy Counties... and growing!

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We Welcome Your Feedback P. O. Box 823, Mount Dora, FL 32757 The Velocity Vision To serve as a catalyst in raising the velocity of mass consciousness as we strive to create a new world that embraces lasting balance, sharing and cooperation. All material contained in this issue ©2014 High Velocity LLC - Velocity Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without express permission from the publisher. The views expressed in Velocity represent the opinions and beliefs of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of Velocity or its staff. Velocity is not responsible for the contents, products or services represented in any advertisement. We are an indie press! Please sustain us by telling our advertisers that you saw them in Velocity Magazine!

Where Starseeds Cluster and Shine!

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

by Louanne Headrick

Progress and its “YES EFFECT”


s an artist, I learned early on that a poorly composed and poorly executed piece of art saps the energy of the viewer. If, in life, we transfer that thought to unattractive websites, the unfortunate commercials we feel tricked into watching, a below par product or service we have purchased or even an acquaintance who manifests poorly in life; when exposed to these types of things, our energy goes south. How do we preserve our energy and bolster the energy of others? It’s all about choices! Which of the Universal Laws do you choose to use? Without being conscious of your use of them, ask yourself, will it be the Law of Harmony and Progress or the unfortunate use of disharmony and disordered thinking? Personally, it’s my intention to be an energy asset to this world. The first step I will take to manifest my intention is to wake up and be aware of my energy level as it ebbs and flows; which of the stuff of life causes my energy momentum to go up and down? Once I become aware of the energy flow and that which affects it, I’m much more likely to side step those situations that deplete my energy and subsequently my peace and my progress. Now, I am free to make more evolved choices, and now I’m more attuned to my inner self and my emotions. I can better see when my ego stands staunchly in defiance. I can also see that when I leave judgment behind, I’m in tune with my higher self, living compassionately and absolutely more progressively than before.


Our energy levels are grand clues to working with our uniquely individualized guidance systems. It’s exceedingly important that we become aware of what’s correct, appropriate and freeing for our own personalities. That which is freeing in general is progressive in nature; upbeat and lively, creative and fulfilling. The Law of Harmony is all about being in agreement with life, not fighting it but going with the flow, so to speak. It is nonjudgmentalism at its best. How then does being in harmony affect one’s energy? One’s expressions tend to be positive, energized and therefore more progressive by being non-judgmental and increasingly agreeable. By the way, being agreeable does not suggest being “walked on” or badgered. It simply means accepting another’s position without making commotion. There’s a difference between accepting and believing. You may calmly accept at face value anyone’s position, but it’s not necessary to take another’s perceptions to heart.

at all about personal energy is to increase our knowledge of its ebb and flow and to note that the best progress in life is built on energy dominated by LOVE. Louanne Headrick, RScP, a licensed practitioner of Religious Science and a retired R. N., worked as a hospice nurse and director of staff development. Louanne is a Signature Member of the Florida Watercolor Society and a former teacher of advanced water media. Presently, she is the director of Golden Triangle Spiritual Living Circle, a group of like-minded people who gather to share wisdom through the study of the writings of Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science (Science of Mind). Arwork featured on this page is by Louanne Headrick. Please see ad this page.

The aim of talking Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014



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FL’s Best of the Mystic to Holistic


Making a Splash in the Community • Raising the Bar for Mindful Service

A Cherished Moment In Time, see ad page 39

Living Light Smoothies, see ad page 11

InJoy Healthcare, see ad page 50

College Park Yoga, see ad page 10

Elelments Design Collection, see ad page 36

Precision Window Tinting, see ad page 57

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Template for a Growing Planet


Add these gems to your atlas and your personal guidance system (PGS)...

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lake County, see ad page 57

Thundering Spirit Pow Wow, see ad page 4

Transitions From Within, see ad page 20

High Velocity Living Expo, see ad page 3, 25

Vitality Bistro, see ads pages 43, 67,68

The Crystal Closet, see ads pages 2, 32, 33, 60

We are all in this together! V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014





he official start of the Chinese New Year, this year is January 31. It is the year of the Yang Wood Horse because the year ends in a 41. According to the Chinese calendar, there is counted a 60 year cycle. Unlike Western calendars, the Chinese calendar has names

that are repeated every 60 years. Within the ‘StemBranch’ system is the shorter ‘Celestial’ cycle of 12 years, denoted by animals. In Chinese belief, it is said that those people born in any given year will express the characteristics of the animal


Welsh Pony Stallion


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Ye a r o f t h e H o r s e



of the year. Those born in 2014 will reveal aspects of the Horse. An additional dimension of the Chinese zodiac is the 5 ‘Terrestrial’ elements of metal, water, wood, fire and earth. See chart page 17



Pure power of the Horse Spirit

ear of Yang

Yang represents active, hot, masculine, aggressive, light energy. Yin represents passive, cold, feminine, yielding, dark energy.

Fallabella Mini Foal

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Chinese Zodiac 5 ‘Terrestrial’ elements • • • • • • • • • •

If the year ends in 0 it is Yang Metal. If the year ends in 1 it is Yin Metal. If the year ends in 2 it is Yang Water. If the year ends in 3 it is Yin Water. If the year ends in 4 it is Yang Wood. If the year ends in 5 it is Yin Wood. If the year ends in 6 it is Yang Fire. If the year ends in 7 it is Yin Fire. If the year ends in 8 it is Yang Earth. If the year ends in 9 it is Yin Earth.


ear of Wood

Characteristics include sharing what is gained, diversity, having high moral values, appreciation for what is had, expansion and cooperation, taking on too much and therefore must become less passive in the follow-through to create their reality.


orse People

Horses are generally happy, loyal, intelligent, unselfish, high spirited, friendly, talkative and free spirited. FREEDOM is key.


Horses are have been said to be created as the human’s loyal friend, and the dog is the loyal friend of the horse. Native tribes have called the horse “Big Dog”. The horse is one of the most graceful and elegant of creatures. He is as magnificent as can be without the alicorn of Unicorn or the feathered wings of Pegasus.

Horse Wisdom


Sāi Wēng Lost his Horse Sāi Wēng lived on the border, and he raised horses for a living. One day he lost a horse and his neighbor felt sorry for him, but Sāi Wēng didn’t care about the horse, because he thought it wasn’t a bad thing to lose a horse. After a while, the horse returned with another beautiful horse, and the neighbor congratulated him on his good luck. But Sāi Wēng thought that maybe it wasn’t a good thing to have this new horse. His son liked the new horse a lot and often took the horse riding. One day his son fell off the horse and broke his leg. Because of his broken leg, he couldn’t go off to the war, as was expected of all the young men in the area. Most of them died. This proverb is said when bad luck turns to good, or when good luck turns to bad. Our thoughts: Take nothing at face value, for what seems like a curse may be a blessing in disguise; what seems too easy may be a challenge in disguise. We should never judge a book by it’s cover. “Luck” comes from the Latin “lux”, as in luxury, gold and light. In order to have good “luck” we must stay in the light where shadows can be seen for what they are: the yin of the yang. Light and luck shows us that which is goodness and grace always comes with the price of its shadow. Just as in magic(k) what we cast comes back to us and in creating our reality what we vibrate with we will encounter. We must realize that what we desire to create and receive will be equal to the wisdom we hold. Having better luck is the result of having wisdom, developed intuition and great discernment. —VM

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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

however, sometimes they mistake information sharing for judgment. Dietary vegans don’t eat animal products usually for health reasons; however, they don’t necessarily avoid wearing animal products or try to buy products not tested on animals. It’s important for us as vegans, when we are frustrated with others who don’t see things as we do, to remember that almost all of us used to eat animal products as the way we were raised and taught. In truth, many people who start eating vegan for the health benefits are open to hearing about the animal cruelty issues, and it’s better to hear it from those who share information in a non-judgmental way. If you’re trying to be vegan but slip up that doesn’t mean you should be disheartened, give up, or listen to naysayers. Keep making the kindest choices possible; seek out those who support what you do. I personally became vegan because I care deeply about animals large and small, from humans to grasshoppers to chickens. I’ve cared since I was young, as most children do, only I was lucky to have parents who supported this. I may not be a perfect vegan as defined by some, but with every choice I think “will this harm animals?”

Exploring Vegan Values By Jessie VanPelt


ecently I’ve noticed that veganism isn’t as welcoming as I believe it should be. While the word “vegan” does have a specific meaning, grouping people as “us” and “them” often isn’t helpful for gaining momentum toward a more nonviolent and compassionate world. Veganism as defined by the Vegan Society in 1979 “denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude – as far as is possible and practical – all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose...” However, not everyone is in the same place in their journey. There are sometimes many steps on the path from carnism to veganism.

Regardless of the reason you aren’t eating animal products, I’m happy that the animal products are not being purchased. It’s my hope that everyone who cares about ‘some animals’ and ‘some justice issues’ will soon care about ‘all animals’ – and see the links between ‘all justice issues’ including this one. I recommend that everyone – vegan, plant-based, meat-eater – who hasn’t been to a farm sanctuary yet, go! Connect with individuals of the species we call “farmed” animals. There are several located two hours or less from the Orlando area, such as Kindred Spirits, CJ Acres, Rooterville and Darlynn’s Darlins. The group that I co-organize, the Vegetarians of Central Florida (VegCF), occasionally makes volunteering visits to sanctuaries, and we plan to do more in the future.

Carnism is the invisible belief system that conditions people to eat certain animals and love others.

Whatever you call yourself, if you’re vegetarian or vegan, or on the road to be, for any reason, you’re welcome at VegCF. If you’re concerned about the destruction of the environment due to factory farming, if you’re part of a cat or dog rescue and want to extend your concern to other species, whether you’ve been vegan since birth, or vegetarian for one week – join us! You’ll be exposed to many ideas that may be new or different from what you think now. We welcome your open mind!

There are many dietary vegans that prefer simply to call themselves “plant-based” eaters, because they fear they’ll be judged by both vegans and non-vegans. There are dietary vegans that refer to themselves as vegans, and V often they are judged,

Jessi VanPelt is a member of Vegetarians of Central Florida since 2007, volunteer organizer and vegan since 2009, Executive Director of VegCF since 2013. Graphic designer, dog and cat rescuer, multi-tasking baker and yogi. Reach Jessi at Jessi@VegCF. org. Please see ad previous page.

(Visit for information.)

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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Accepting Our Destiny

by Dawn Gates


hese last few months have swept me up like a whirlwind leaving me less time than usual for all of the things I “want” to do and made me decide between what I “want” and “need” in my life. I’ve determined that what I “need” is enough money to live on comfortably. I have decided that I want to teach and be a full time herbalist and be a nurse part-time (its reversed now). Last month as the Moon rose in the sky I told Her my needs; I explained to the heavens that I see the path it wants to lead me on, but that I actually need to make a living at it. I need food, air conditioning in the summer and money to buy the best dog food I can for my dog children. I told the Universe that I’ll need to feel financially safe before I would be able to go down that path completely. I asked for guidance and promised that I would listen to what that guidance was. So I listened and do you know what the Universe said? It said, “We will take care of you.” I then took a deep breath and trimmed down my bills; I refinanced my house to lower the payment and told the Universe that I was ready. “Bring it on!”, I affirmed. Well, the Universe has delivered! I am doing

three times the herbal consults I was doing a month earlier. My school admissions were dipping; I wondered if anyone wanted to be a herbalist anymore. Then 2 days after I had refinanced in preparation for this change, I received 4 people who signed up and have been getting e-mails every day asking questions about my Herbalist certification programs. I got a last minute speaking engagement and spoke to over 100 women on the power of herbs for their reproductive health; I had women after women come up to thank me for giving them the power to change their life. The monetary financial freedom is still not here, but I feel that it’s coming soon. I resubmitted my spiritual herb book to the publisher. So far so good, and if it makes it through the next step I will have my first book out by next year. The change is chaotic as I try to slip in clients after work and on weekends, but I realize that this chaos is part of growth and soon it will pass. Sometimes we have to step aside and let the universe push us to where we need to be. The hardest thing to do it let go and accept our destiny. Since 1994, Dawn Gates, Master Herbalist, aromatherapist, flower essence and gemstone elixir practitioner, has studied natural healing. She has herb and aromatherapy consulting offices in Paisley, Deland, and Orlando, Florida. Her school, The Live Oak School of Natural Healing, offers herbalist certification courses both in classroom and online. Visit: http://dawnsenchantedgarden. com or call Lake County: 352-669-1963 Orlando Region: 407-967-6042. Please see ad this page.

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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998



any people suffer from severe neck and back pain because of ruptured, bulging, and herniated discs. As a result of Michelle Hamel’s work, thousands of patients have avoided painful surgery, nerve blocks, and drugs. Michelle Hamel is a licensed neuromuscular therapist and owner of The Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center. She specializes in the non-surgical elimination of disc and nerve-related pain.

Where does back pain typically come from? It comes from repetitive motion and accidents. In fact, many of our normal daily activities can lead to back pain.

What causes the back pain?

Between the vertebrae a disc can migrate towards the spinal column and place pressure on a branch of the sciatic nerve. Let’s think about a jelly doughnut. When we bend the jelly doughnut forward the jelly comes out the back. This is similar to what happens with the discs between our vertebrae. When the disc pushes against the nerve we feel pain. This can occur in the upper, middle, and lower back. We all have a tendency to lean forward which causes flexion of the spine. This causes posterior disc migration.

What can I do about it?

Michelle’s unique soft tissue protocols can painlessly and quickly return these migrated discs to their normal and correct position. This will re-create your natural structural balance and end the pain cycle.

Here’s how Wally Temple feels about Michelle’s work: “I began experiencing pain in my right hip and groin area followed by ever-increasing numbness in my right thigh. After visiting my primary care physician, I was referred to one of Orlando’s prominent orthopedic

clinics. After a couple office visits there, X-rays, an MRI, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory drugs, my condition did not improve very much. Fortunately, when mentioning this to a friend with a similar problem in the past, he recommended Michelle Hamel at the Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center. After a consultation with Michelle, and her review of my history on this matter including radiology reports, Michelle suggested my problem might be a bulging disc and not a hip, groin, leg, or other area problem after all. The pain from those areas was originating at the source of the problem–a bulging disc. During a few weeks of soft tissue treatment by Michelle, my pain subsided and was quickly eliminated. Michelle also guided me in establishing some continuing self-help treatment. I highly recommend Michelle Hamel to anyone with back problems, and/or herniated, bulging, or degenerative disc problems. Michelle Hamel has spent 18 years studying the neuromuscular workings of the body and has developed unique soft tissue protocols which reverse bulging, herniated, and ruptured discs and their associated pain. Michelle guarantees significant relief after your first visit. Within three to five visits you will be pain free! Michelle clearly explains to her clients what actually happens to the body when injury occurs and once healed, educates them on how they can remain painfree for life. Not only does Michelle work on the inflammation caused by disc or nerve en-

trapment, she works on the systemic inflammation caused by what we eat, drink, and think. She coaches clients with unique detoxification therapies that enhance the body’s healing processes. This detoxification re-establishes healthy lymphatic circulation throughout the body. This helps to resolve many health issues that may interfere with long-term wellness. Michelle Hamel asks that you allow her to be your coach and share her secrets to a long and healthy life with you. She is a licensed massage therapist and neuromuscular massage therapist (#MA0009077). She is also a certified nutritional coach and additionally certified in lymphatic drainage by Teslar Global Technologies Inc. Call Michelle today at 407-628-2176 or email her at You can also check out her website at For a guaranteed results appointment at Michelle's office in Longwood located at 1771 W. S. R. 434, call today to be free of pain tomorrow. Many insurance companies pay for treatment prescribed by physicians. Michelle is Young Living Oil representative and trained Certified Aromatherapist. Please see ad this page.

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Michelle Hamel LMT, NMT

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V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


IT’S OK TO BE WHERE YOU ARE by Michelle Spalding

Oh, the time we’ve all spent comparing ourselves to others! Our modern world makes it easy with TV shows, magazines and endless sources online showcasing people who look, have, or are doing things we wish for. Recently, I watched a show and the gentlemen being interviewed had written and published 6 books. As a writer, I felt this wave of disappointment come over me and the feeling of being miles behind. Then I remembered one of my favorite affirmations, which helps me put things back on the track: “Everything is working out for the very best for me, in the best way, the best time and the best place.” As a spiritual business coach, I help clients who are trying to accomplish something both big and small. They come to me in need of help, guidance and accountability. What they may not realize they’re also seeking is approval, just someone to say, “It’s OK to be where you are”. All we truly have is Now. We can’t worry about a past we can’t change or a future that hasn’t happened. Our self-acceptance clears up negative self-talk and allows our creativity and energy to flow. Next time you catch yourself comparing what you’ve done or not, or how you look, or anything else, stop and gently remind yourself, “I am exactly where I am supposed to be, I am loved and everything is unfolding in my life perfectly for me.” Please see this page.


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HOW ANIMALS HEAR US by Jo Maldonado Our animals communicate by observing our body language, the sound of our voice, the way we breathe, body mechanics, and our thoughts. It’s no surprise; dogs normally communicate without verbal language. Dogs communicate through conscious and subliminal signing or gesturing, and watch for the actions and reactions of the other individual. Emotions manipulate speech. Raising our voice in anger, elevates vibrations, pitch and tones, and our dog may feel threatened, lower his head, cower, or hide. Raising our voice in excitement, our pitch and energy heightens; our dog may respond excitedly, come closer, feel safe, or run and express our energy. A neutral voice is objective or monotone, displaying pack leadership qualities; our dog responds by following our lead! Our thoughts change our voice. When we ask our dog to “obey”our command, it’s key to maintain a neutral tone of voice to communicate; otherwise confusion may result. In addition to body language, body mechanics, thoughts and audible signals have a huge impact on animal communication which can include: • • • •

pitch: the constant musical note of the voice pace: speed or rate of talking volume: whispering to shouting volume variation: volume changes in phrases or longer passages of speech • intonation and ‘musicality’: how the pitch changes according to what is being said • timbre: quality or sound of the voice, and how this changes • emphasis: pronounced syllables, words or phrases • projection: throwing the voice vs. speaking under the breath • pauses: silences and hesitation • gasps: sudden intakes and exhalations of breath Please see ad this page.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Yoga: Not Another Gym Class

by Karen Hirten

Generally in the media there’s a misconception of Yoga. It’s more than an exercise for stretching muscles, flexibility is a benefit, however, the goal isn’t to turn into pretzels. Yoga was a science developed by sages thousands of years ago. The asana, postures or poses, are what’s commonly known in Yoga but are one of seven branches. Yoga works on many levels of the body. Learning the asanas and working with the breath (Pranayama) reduces bodily stress. Correct breathing lowers the stress hormone cortisol by naturally relaxing and releasing stressful muscular tension. Yoga improves circulation, reduces blood pressure, improves the immune system, eases anxiety and strengthens muscles. Yoga rids the body of toxins, naturally resulting in health. We sleep better, lose excess bloat and fat, reduce injury and calm stressful anxiety.

High Velocity Living Expo

Today’s hectic culture has constant distractions assaulting our attention. Yoga refines our attention skills rebuilding our ability to focus. We reconnect with our body as we observe sensations felt while moving to the next asana. Training the mind to stay centered, and present is hardest for new Yogis. We see our practice as a meditation in motion to achieve the ultimate harmony of body and mind. We tune to who we really are, opening to our one true self. Yoga provides tools and lessons bringing inner strength, compassion, courage, and balance into daily life. Mindful practice builds strength and flexibility in body and mind. Yoga’s not another gym class. Physical strength, with the mind-body connection, maximizes our full potential. Please see ad this page.

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New Day Resolutions by Joanna Hackley Davis, Contributing Personal Transformation Editor


vere pain in my hand; it took 18 months to find the source; GLUTEN. I was able to cut back on gluten until I had none in my diet. Eventually, I quit smoking, started exercising, and made other lifestyle changes. I started meditating! None of it happened overnight. Each small change added up to huge differences in my life.

t’s this time in the New Year when people beat themselves up for failing to keep their New Year’s Resolutions. The self-flagellation is disheartening, so they look for ways to selfsoothe. One might drink, smoke, eat or indulge in old habits more than before the resolution. The rebound effect is part of the human condition; excessive behavior after deprivation and old habits return for comfort when distressed. —It doesn’t have to work this way. Years ago, a personal trainer told me to go easy on myself after missing a session. Overly frustrated; instead, I had completely quit the program! (Been there?) “Nobody stops eating because they missed a meal,” stated my trainer. That statement changed my perfectionistic thinking; it finally clicked.

Another benefit of New Day Resolutions is the opportunity for daily forgiveness. Rather than engaging in a self-deprecating rant for not sticking to my goal, I can forgive myself at the end of the day. When I’m gentle with myself, I’m willing to try again.

FRESH STARTS! The best part of New Day Resolutions is there’s always another day; a chance to start over; a fresh set of moments. We can’t change the past, but learn from the past to shift future behavior and experience. Daily forgiveness, compassion and renewal; delightful gifts I choose to accept for myself and invite for you.

I’ve found that people “fall off the wagon” to the degree they stepped on. I’ve watched people make huge health commitments, buying a dozen supplements, eliminating five things from their diet, and joining a gym all in the same day. Each person I’ve witnessed going to that extreme has dumped the entire program just as suddenly as they leaped into it. It’s true; I’ve also been guilty of the all-or-nothing method of change. Each time I’ve wound up with nothing.

Joanna Davis, CLC received her certification as a life cotach through Coach for Life, the original spirit-based, accredited coach training. Her work in the healing arts began in the 80s in massage therapy and continues with certifications in reflexology and hypnosis. She is also experienced in energy healing, tarot and other mystic practices. Visit, email her at Joanna@JoannaDavis. com or call 407-280-1636. Please see ad next page.

SMALL CHANGES Day-by-day, in smaller steps, I’ve made tremendous changes. Ten years ago, I smoked, ate fast food almost daily, consumed soda daily, and was virtually sedentary. One day I woke up with se-

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New Day Resolutions have the added benefit of daily accountability. Instead of a once-a-year, make-or-break scenario, New Day Resolutions offer a choice for TODAY. I might not make the same choice tomorrow, but I can set daily goals and know if I reached it. I’m relieved just to focus on my goal today; not forever. Further, I may break it down to an hour, or even a few minutes, depending on how intense the goal feels. With accountability narrowed down from a year to just a day, it’s much easier to make changes. It’s a beautiful paradox; a goal of the day becomes a lifetime habit, but the goal of a lifetime rarely lasts more than a few days.


I no longer make New Year’s Resolutions. I make New Day Resolutions. Waiting to fix everything one day of the year is an unrealistic recipe for disaster.



Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

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Joanna Davis


How can we stop judging ourselves and others?

By accepting ourselves just the way we are right now. Once we accept ourselves completely, we will stop judging others. You cannot give to others what you have not given to yourself.


ost people do not live in a cloistered monastery in the middle of nowhere, free to practice awareness in solitude. They, like you, live in a community—in the Dream of the Planet— where the people they love and the noise of the world attempt to hook their attention in every possible way. Even those who do live in an ashram or a monastery, a space created almost exclusively for practicing awareness, will tell you that their world is far from being distraction-free. So, regardless of where you are, coming into and out of awareness is a universal human condition.

you are—and I think you would be healthier and enjoy your life even more if you got back into running.” In years past, I had run quite regularly, but I

had not done so in some time. Consequently, I dusted off my old sneakers and went for a run. I made it two-thirds of a mile before I had to stop. I could feel my heart pounding, and it took me some time to catch my

Here’s a personal story that illustrates this ongoing challenge quite well. In January, I looked at myself and said, “Miguel, you are perfect, and I love you exactly the way

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At that moment I had a choice: I could call myself a “lazy bum” and judge myself accordingly, or I could realize that this was just my starting point: “Be gentle with yourself, Miguel. This is where you are today, and you are perfect exactly as you are.” My goal, with practice, was to be able to run five miles without stopping by the end of May. So, without any domestication or conditional love, I began my running routine. Before the end of April, I’d met my goal! I was enjoying myself very much. But like any person who gets wrapped up in work, family, and life, I got distracted, and my running routine fell to the wayside.

For myself, I enter the world each day knowing that I may lose my awareness and temporarily fall back into the habits of domestication and conditional love. The people I interact with put forth an expectation of who I’m supposed to be and how I’m supposed to behave, and if I begin to believe in their expectations—even a little—I’ve subjugated myself to their idea of perfection. That is the temptation conditional love presents for us all.


breath. I was surprised at how difficult it was for me to make it just that far.

When I was able to start running again a few weeks later, I expected to be able to run five miles without stopping, as that was the mark of my recent achievement. But I could only run two! At that moment, the disappointment seeped in, and I could hear the voice of my internal judge yelling, “What is the matter with you?! How are you not able to still run five miles?” My mind immediately blamed external cir-

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

undertaken with this motivation, the ego is never satisfied for very long. If I were to hit five miles, pretty soon that would not be enough. Next would be eight miles, then ten, and before long, I would need to run a marathon to truly be perfect!

cumstances and other people for this, then I watched as I got angry with myself for not keeping up with my own benchmark. Self-judgment in the form of “you lazy bum!” filled my mind. Upon hearing my narrators say this, my awareness kicked back in, and I realized the old ways of self-domestication were attempting to regain their foothold, this time with new conditions. Had I continued on this road of self-judgment, I would have placed my “Miguel, the good runner” persona on a pedestal, making it a new model for self-domestication. From this point of view, I would need to run five miles just to consider myself acceptable, and I wouldn’t consider myself perfect as I worked toward that goal. As a result, my motivation would become corrupted, as I turned the noble idea of getting healthier via running into a new form of self-domestication. As with all pursuits of perfection that are

Every time we use domestication and conditional love as a motivator for change rather than unconditional self-love, suffering is inevitable. Self-judgment is the root of our suffering. When we self-judge, we aren’t able to see and enjoy who we really are at this very moment, because we are constantly evaluating ourselves by an illusory standard set by our own agreements. We have been conditioned to believe that our self-acceptance relies on our accomplishments. When we reach our goals, our self-esteem rises; when we don’t, we think less of ourselves. This is how the great majority of people interact with one another, imposing beliefs onto one another and subjugating themselves to the judgment of others. This is how the illusion of conditional love spreads throughout the Dream of the Planet. When we judge another, we are punishing that person for agreements they never made. Through our judgment, we try to force them to make the agreement we want them to make, thus imposing our beliefs on them.

How can we stop judging ourselves and others? By accepting ourselves just the way we are right now. Once we accept ourselves completely, we will stop judging others. You cannot give to others what you have not given to yourself. It is through the practice of awareness that we are able to see the perfection that exists in others and ourselves. Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. apprenticed to his father don Miguel Sr. and his grandmother, Madre Sarita, to learn how to they manifested their intent to heal people, both physically and spiritually. Now in his thirties, don Miguel Ruiz Jr. has applied the lessons learned from his father and grandmother to define and enjoy his own personal freedom while achieving peace with all of creation. As a Nagual (Toltec Shaman) he now shares the wisdom and the tools of his family’s traditions. Along with his father, don Miguel Ruiz Sr., and brother, don Jose Ruiz, don Miguel Jr. leads workshops, retreats and power journeys to help others to achieve their own personal freedom and optimal physical and spiritual health. Earlier this year, don Miguel Jr. released his first book, The Five Levels of Attachment, which has gone on to become a bestseller around the world. Excerpted from Living a Life of Awareness: Daily Meditations on the Toltec Path by don Miguel Ruiz Jr. Reprinted with permission of Hierophant Publishing @2013

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


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read somewhere: “Imagine a world where people line up to help their fellow man, like they line up to buy the newest iPhone.”

That day starts by helping oneself out of the line and forging one’s own path with absolute trust in themselves and in their fellow man. There is only one leader in a line. When forging one’s own path, there is no way to be a follower or slave. It is freedom. And still all paths lead home and therefore all paths are the right way. Become free of all lines and linear thinking. Of course not all paths are good or even intended to be, however all lines, no matter how many frivolous loops and backward strides; all end at the confession stand. Take the path of importance to you, and always remember you are the one who must judge you; and we cannot escape our own judgement. We can only be kind to ourselves when we are kind to others. Need not the frivolous dependancies; we are already codependent as we cannot be born alone, and therefore shan’t die alone. Take what you need and create more for others. There is perfection and wholeness when all of this is shared, and secrets need not be kept when all are brothers and sisters. You may know a thing or two more than another, so teach him, but humbly realize that one day this child will know more than you. The Master, always the student be, and she chooses her Victories Right-handedly. The holidays are meant to be a conscious ritual of remembrance of all things Real. Step out of line from accepting anything you can’t use for the benefit of mutual and mindful progress.


This has been your “After Holiday Mint” —VM velo cit y

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


s we grow and evolve along this human path, we stumble and get scraped up on occasion. Regardless of where our wounds come from, it is important to remember that our healing mechanisms are on full alert at all times. Never ceasing to reach for balance and expansion, we are each connected to an abundant life-source that rejuvenates us constantly. Whether our troubles are physical, mental or spiritual… the key to reaping the most benefit from this source is to admit when we are weary or wounded and nourish conditions that allow such healing to flow through us at its full potential.

flow to the right places. Whether we feel angry, frustrated, overwhelmed or depressed, negative emotion is a cry for our conscious aid just as physical pain brings our attention to the physical cut in our skin. Carrying on as if it’s not there simply allows unexpressed energy to fester much like bacteria infect a wound. What could heal in a matter of days may then become much more serious of a problem.

When our skin gets cut the physical body responds with pain, telling us that we need to take it easy while the magic of healing takes place. If we ignore this message, we prolong or negate our own renewal. We may think that we are acting in our best interests by not allowing our wound to get us down, but really we are just impeding our own improvement. We may need to keep the wound clean, bandage it or rest it for a while. Only by creating space and sterile conditions will we keep the negative particles out so that the healing cells can do their work.

Is there an emotion that you need acknowledge that would allow more healing in at this time? Anger, frustration, overwhelm and depression can deliver us into beautiful states of forgiveness, patience, grace and inspiration… but only if we get real with ourselves first. It may not always be easy, but it is by engaging with awareness and compassion for our humanity that we learn the solutions that enable us to thrive.

The same is true for the invisible wounds that affect our mental and spiritual bodies. Difficult circumstances can cause new wounds or inflame those that are already there. The pain we feel when this happens is our inner self signaling that it needs our loving care for healing to

Each time we are affected by pain in our non-physical bodies, we are guided by our inner knowing regarding what needs to be done to speed our healing. Whether we listen or not is a personal choice that creates our reality every moment of every day.

Molly MacCartney is an intuitive medium, spirit artist and writer based in Central Florida. She offers soul-centered readings for those who seek clarity on the path of life, evidential mediumship for those wishing to contact the other side, and a variety of art forms and writings to uplift and inspire. Please see ad this page.

PAIN: The Catalyst for Healing

by Molly MacCartney

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

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V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


The World Has Changed & So Have We Purusha K. Radha, Contributing Community Editor


e recently saw a billboard for an investment advisor and the headline rings true: The World Has Changed and So Should Your Investments. It’s so interesting that this guy’s business is all about money; the really big issue so many people wish would get back to ‘normal.’ That’s probably not going to happen and it shouldn’t. The world has changed, and so have many of us. If we rigidly insist on clinging to hope and wishes for past comforts to return, we’ll soon be left crying and miserable. If we learn to find ways to thrive creatively in our changed world, we’ll be far happier. Flexibility leads to happiness. The changes that have occurred and will continue occurring are not only actually necessary for our survival; they are of a far higher vibratory frequency. These frequencies are clearing the way for even higher vibratory frequency revelations and transformations that will soon clearly and evidently manifest on Earth. These changes may be shocking. They may not, at first, make sense. They will be mystical and not make ordinary sense. We must recognize that we are mystical beings and therefore mystical occurrences should not be shocking. They are the way it is for us.

To accept our changed world doesn’t mean we have given up or resigned ourselves to a loss. Acceptance means we get it. We get that we’re heading into a fantastic expansion spiral on Earth. We get that old controlling structures held up and clung to by ‘old white men’ will crumble. We get that Indigos (now in their early-mid 30’s) and younger generations will audibly and visibly carry banners of Truth and Integrity, and we will listen to them. Each one of us will individually choose (or not) to allow our own spiral of creation energy to expand. It is already happening for many of us. We feel there is something different waiting for us to accomplish, something even more creative, something that hasn’t yet been experienced by most and which will make its mark on the world in an outrageous way. We personally are moving more toward expressing ourself as an educator in a new digital publication we are designing for tablets and smartphones. For this change to occur, we’ve passed the Velocity Magazine baton to Starseed Indigos Jorge and Rayna Garcia who are now Velocity’s new sole publishers and owners. We’ll continue contributing to Velocity Magazine yet spending the majority of our time on a completely separate, outrageously exciting creation. We hope you’ll watch for news on our progress we’ll share in Velocity Magazine. When we’re ready; “Get the App”, and elegantly read the backlit pages of our next digital journal.

Change is afoot everywhere we look! Purusha K. Radha began the independent publication called The Messenger in 1998 which was later renamed Velocity Magazine. In 2013 she changed direction and has dedicated herself to her other projects including a web portal. After passing Velocity Magazine to the Starseed Indigo Children of the New Generation of the New Earth, she presently remains a contributing editor for Velocity Magazine. Her web portal is under contruction and is coming soon. To contact her email


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


Communications from Higher Dimensions by Nancy Robbins


’ve presently found that I’m in communication with higher dimensional

beings. I would like to share the information I receive from them, with you. Their information is meant to assist us all in our transformational energetic shift and empower our well-being. This column will be dedicated now and in future issues of Velocity Magazine, to sharing and exploring their ideas together. These higher beings consist of a group of 23 spirit guides whom I call my Council of Spirit Guides. Some of these guides are familiar to many; such as Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Jesus Christ, Sanat Kumara, Kuan Yin, Ezekiel, as well as Arcturians, Pleiadians, elementals and other higher dimensional beings whom I

also work with in my Vortex Garden.


Say this Soul Star mantra three times while concentrating on the Soul Star visualizing it as a brilliant white star overhead. This will accelerate your spiritual growth, increase your psychic awareness, and help you open up the channels of communication with your higher self and higher beings and guides. It will let your divine light guide you according to your “Fixed Design” – your life plan.

Nancy Robbins, a native to Syracuse, New York, (and now an Orlando, FL resident for over 20 years) has been a licensed massage therapist, Cranial Sacral therapist, a Reiki Master, Shaman, Psychic/Medium, Artist and Illustrator, and Energy Worker for the past 14 years. In pursuit of combining creativity and healing she has formulated Elements Design Collection, a company designed to employ the energies of the elements to nurture and heal body and soul. Her many creations include handmade glycerin soaps, aromatherapy sprays, a large line of Chakra sprays and products for energy balancing, Negativity Purifier sprays, paraben-free body creams, salve, and more. Her newest creations are guided from channeled sessions with her Council of Spirit Guides. You can purchase her many creations on her website (The Crystal Closet in Mount Dora also carries exclusive collections by Nancy including kits for Indigos, Crystal Kits, and a Moldavite Kit.) Please see ad this page.

One of their most pressing and important issues to reveal is our awakening to our empowerment and true self. With the New Year dawning, we typically examine where we can find improvements in our life. We can also find greater clarity in our purpose and in our healing efforts by focusing on the Soul Star Chakra. The Soul Star Chakra is located at about an arm’s length above the head and radiates a sparkling golden-white light. This chakra is the Seat of our Soul and holds the seeds of our soul purpose and information regarding our life purpose and life tasks that we chose before incarnation; as well as choices made regarding our physical body, emotional states, mental beliefs, and what we are going to be and do in this lifetime; all for meeting the soul’s ends. This information becomes our DNA. You can visualize merging your physical body and light body blueprint together cell by cell, and shift your health and align with your life purpose. Be aware of any symbols, archetypal images, patterns, or numbers that come to you in dreams or meditation that are communication from your Higher Self meant to guide you. Great healing and energy flow can be achieved when alignment is focused between the Earth Star (located in the Earth below your feet) and Soul Star. Let this star’s light re-align you on all levels to guide you on your soul’s path.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014



ho burns tomato soup? The grilled cheese sandwich was almost done and I was starving.

by Roz Campbell

Let It


Can it be? Organic, Non-GMO, Vegan and Gluten Free! Recipes by Jorge and Rayna Garcia

Classic Tomato Soup

4 cups diced heirloom tomatoes 1 large shallot, diced 3 garlic cloves, chopped 1 cup alkaline filtered water 1 cup cashew creamer (or soy) 3 tablespoons brown rice flour 1 teaspoon raw cane sugar 1/2 teaspoon himalayan pink sea salt 1/4 ground pepper garnish dried oregano and with fresh cut basil

4 Slices of bread with crust (Deland Bakery, Millet) Dash of olive oil Herbal seasoning mix or prepare mix to taste: Himalayan Sea Salt Pepper Dried Oregano

All American Grilled “Cheese” Sandwich

Can you accept that maybe you aren’t ready to do that ‘next thing’? “I can’t do it.” “I’m not ready.” Does saying those words trigger a sense of shame in your system? We tend to rush our progress so much that we feel ashamed when we are in a state of seeming ‘non-action’. The media pummels us with messages to be productive, transformed, empowered, etc. We translate that to mean, “Take visible action and do it now!” “What are you waiting for?” It can feel like being bullied especially when we just don’t feel ready, for whatever reason, to take the next step.

Prep for 5min, Cooks in 10min Serves 4

1. In a large pot combine tomatoes, shallot, garlic and water. Bring to a simmer over medium heat and let simmer for about 20 minutes. 2. Remove from heat and transfer (in batches, if necessary) to a blender. Blend until smooth. Set aside. 3. Heat the same pot over medium heat. Add creamer. Whisk in gluten-free flour. Continue to cook mixture, whisking often, over medium heat until it begins to turn light brown. 4. Add in a bit of the pureed tomato mixture, whisking constantly to prevent lumps. Add in the remaining pureed tomato a bit at a time, continuing to whisk, heating through. 5. Add in sugar, salt and pepper. Stir and taste for seasoning, adjusting salt and sugar if necessary. 6. Keep & Serve warm with Croutons and Grilled “Cheese Sandwich”.

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Prep for 5min, Cooks in 10 min Serves 2-4

1. Cut bread and bread crust into as many croutons as desired, and toast in toaster oven until hard 2. Toss in a mix of your choice of herbal seasoning, or salt, pepper and oregano, with a dash of olive oil. 3. Add croutons to tomato soup.

Soup: Prep for 10 min, cooks in 30min Serves 2-4



Ignoring the instructions to use “medium heat, stirring occasionally”, I turned up the heat to speed up the process. Amazing how quickly tomato soup bubbles can explode into orange bits of flying debris. We are all so hungry for the next thing that we tend to turn up the heat when sometimes we need to let things simmer.

I assure you that our system is never in a state of non-action. We have thirty feet of 8 Slices of bread (Deland Bakery, Millet) gastrointestinal tract engaged in digesting, Earth Balance (soy free “butter”) to taste assimilating and eliminating. Our auto4 Cut Slices of Follow Your Heart Cheddar Vegan Gourmet nomic nervous system is always working for Cheese Alternative Block us without the need for conscious action on our part. The largest organ in our body, our 1. Butter inside of each bread slice to taste skin, replaces millions of cells a day! How 2. Cut cheese into thin slices and place between two slices little we are consciously aware of all that is of bread churning and transform3. Toast until light brown ing within us. Take some or until taste comfort in that observa4. Cut each sandwich on tion. the diagonal for fun, or Doesn’t it make sense that in half. our soul is always an active 5. Place on same place force of guidance? Yes, we as soup bowl and serve. all go through those mis6. Dip in the warm erable periods when we tomato soup. feel stuck, fearful and confused; the wounded ego meeting our soul directive can wield a power worthy of professional wrestlers! We feel the burning need to ‘do something’ to get out this state of perceived stalemate and we can also feel that we are just not ready. Can you accept both states of being? Can you trust that both forces Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Goji Berry a.k.a.

Wolfberry Something to Howl About:


oji Berry health benefits have been recognized by the monks of Tibet and the Himalayas for centuries. Over the last decade, the goji berry a.k.a wolfberry has become one of the star children in the berry family. Sought after by the health conscious particularly for its anti-aging properties, these boastful berries also contain antioxidants which help prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease and other diseases. More health benefits are said to include lowering cholesterol and boosting the immune system, minimizing DNA damage and free radicals which can cause irregular cellular growth. These wonder berries are a lot to “hooooowl” about as they contain vitamin A, which is said to help ocular and brain health, and the extracts may help with Alzheimer’s disease. Studies show increased calmness, a feeling of mental well-being, increased happiness, improved athletic performance and improved quality of sleep. Find out even more benefits yourself: Do an Internet search of your own! Buy Local and Organic. —VM

have a part to play in your on-going development? Cycles of energy present themselves during which we are able to come to a state of awareness followed by acceptance and then conscious choice of action. Equally true is that there are cycles when our system needs to sit with our new level of awareness and let it be assimilated slowly, allowing the ingredients of that new level of awakening to infuse. Absolutely, there is a time for moving out of your comfort zone and taking responsible, conscious action just as there is also a time for allowing the soup to simmer on the stove. Roz Campbell is a retired speech/language pathologist who worked in the public school system for over 30 years. In 2010, she began a two-year program of study with Robert Ohotto learning how to integrate the tools of intuition and archetypal astrology and earning a certificate of completion for the Intuitive Life Strategist Training Program. Roz does intuitive consultations with the intent of helping clients to compassionately engage in their own transformational journey. Please see ad previous page.



V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


accepting progress towards wealth through Wave Physics BY STEPHANIE KELLER ROHDE

“Acceptance” is action taken deliberately with conscious consent to receive something, or it can be a process of being received by a group as appropriate, adequate, and suitable new members. “Progress” is defined as noticeable, measurable, and visible evolving movement along one’s journey through desires to goals, and destinations. In order for any desire to physically manifest, or in other words, to be accepted and received and remain in one’s life, the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions within us about the desire have to be in alignment with the desire. Wanting something, or holding a desire, and taking action steps outside of self without the matching inner alignment will not yield long-term results. Again, for anyone who doesn’t currently have something that they truly want, “the physics reason” is that the thoughts, beliefs, and felt emotions are not in alignment with the desires and/or outward actions. (See the accompanying diagram.)

In 2014 and beyond are you willing to accept more wealth into your life? If so, do you think you can be wealthier? Do you believe you can be wealthier? Do you feel you can be wealthier? How do you emotionally feel inside when you think about being wealthier? If one doesn’t think one can be wealthier, one can’t. If one doesn’t believe one can be wealthier, one can’t. If one doesn’t feel, as though they can be wealthier, one can’t. This is not negotiable; it’s not philosophy; it is physics wave theory. If to gain wealth (and more of it) is a sincere desire, the focus of one’s mind has always to be on wealth—not ever on the “lack” of wealth, or on the “lack” of anything. One should maintain sincere gratitude for that wealth prior to receiving it, along with the thoughts, belief and feeling that wealth is truly possible, while maintaining enjoyment and being happy with life. To experience any “lack” is a gift from within—it’s a communication that something else might be wanted—like more wealth; or health, or unconditional love. Consciously consider focusing on the following: “I give thanks; I am wealthy always, and in all ways.” Our life works like an echo in a canyon; what we put out from within us is reflected back exactly and only to us. Everything outside of us, from our physical body outward, is a physics wave theory reflection of what is going on inside of us in any and every moment of time. If we don’t like a current reflection outside of us—like not enough money (wealth), we first have to change what is going on inside of us about wealth, as in our thoughts, beliefs, and felt emotions around wealth. Love to all, always, and in all ways… Stephanie Keller Rohde is the author of the book “Why Stuff Happens in Life—the Good and


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Thoughts Beliefs Felt Emotions Outward Actions These five components all work together to create our desires (what we want) via physics wave theory... Just like an echo in a canyon—when you yell “1, 2, 3, 4” into a canyon you do not hear back “5, 6, 7, 8.” You hear “1, 2, 3, 4.” The first 100 pages of my book Why “Stuff” Happens in Life— the Good and the Bad (2011) explains this in great detail. the Bad” (2011). This work is a 499 page, 8.5 x 11 reference paperback which took 30 years to compile, organize, write, and print. The first 100 pages (which remain timeless) explain exactly how one’s life (current reality) is created by them via physics wave theory—this is fact, not a belief, or philosophy. Printed versions can be found at SuOy7S and an iBooks version is in process. For health issues please visit, for wealth issues, and for unconditional loving relationships Semi-retired, Stephanie is still available part-time for one-on-one consultations face-to-face in person, or via Skype. Contact her directly during week day business hours at 352-873-2100. Please see ad this page.

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

Taking Personal Responsibility for


by Reverend E. Ann Otzelberger, NST


here are many different types of changes we may want to make. The changes we think of are things that will make us look better, feel better and have a happier life than we presently do. These changes can be in relation to different areas of our live and interests. I read about a woman who decided to make a change in her life; she started to walk every day; she felt better physically when she walked. This woman went on to be a winner of many races because she continued to walk, and she enjoyed the change it made in her life. The changes we make have a cause-effect, cause-situation that keeps going, making continuous change. This is Natural Law doing what it’s supposed to do. If we don’t have a real desire to change, we usually either try to change and fail, or we will make the change for awhile and become unhappy then go back to our old habits. No one can make these decisions for you, and you must always remember that you can’t make the decision to change for anyone else. If we try to make a change because someone wants it for us, the motive won’t have the correct dynamics for us to complete the change. Remember, we can’t decide our loved one should change; we can’t do it for them with our “help” or in “showing them the way.” The desire must be their own before any change can take place.

All changes are personal responsibility. We can try a new diet, sign up for an exercise class, or an art class or singing lessons. We can decide we’ll stop doing the things that are harmful to our health such as smoking, drinking, gambling or any other habit. We can decide to find a new life partner, or change how we treat our family and friends. The changes will then reach out and touch many areas in our life. It comes down to our motive; our desire. Why do we want to make a change? If we make the repeated decision to change, but repeat failure, failure becomes the habit! Failure gives us the opportunity to fear changing; it gives way to excuses and ceasing trying; we might even think it’s “okay” not to change. If we can justify why we’re not able to change, we won’t fear failure. We’ve made the decision that we can’t make this change, we have “Reasons” why we can not make the change, and we need not feel guilt as long as we take personal responsibility for our reasons. Once we learn to let go of the excuses, we’ll realize that we can make any change we want. We can be excited to make changes ensuring an improvement of our future. Isn’t Personal Responsibility an empowering revelation? Reverend E. Ann Otzelberger is the Founding Pastor of New Vision Spiritualist Center. She is an NSAC Ordained Minister, a Commissioned Spiritualist Healer, a certified medium and National Spiritualist Teacher. Reverend Otzelberger is a Trustee on the Board of Directors of the NSAC. Reverend Ann also serves the Morris Pratt Institute as Vice President of their Board of Directors and is on their Education Committee. Please see ad this page.

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


Looking Back as a Way F O R W A R D by Chef T, Contributing Food Editor


ometimes we have to go backwards in order to go forward. And sometimes what we think is progress is actually regressing us. Our modern food system is a perfect example of this.

We call enormous mechanized dairy and chicken farms where animals are treated violently, inhumanely and as mere money-makers; progress. What kind of thinking on our part makes this okay in our minds and hearts? Genetically modified foods (GMOs) sound “very advanced”. We are told this is to allow farmers to have the highest yields, feed the world and, of course, make extraordinary amounts of money. When an animal gene is spliced with a plant gene, is this not an aberration? Can we honestly say with conviction that our food, which should be pure and honest, is unadulterated and not tampered with?

All sorts of chemical fillers that don’t even have to be specifically labeled on packaged foods are prevalent in almost every single item we buy in the grocery store (unless it’s raw organic produce). Fillers only benefit the manufacturers; never the consumer. These chemicals extend shelf-life and stretch how far the food will go. Excitotoxins1 make certain foods taste subtly seductive, engendering addictions to relatively ‘empty’ (lacking in real nutrition) yet tasty foods. Deep down we know eating this stuff is going to lead to serious and painful consequences at some point but we’re so hooked on eating such manipulated food it’s hard to stop. Many of us decide to keep on eating it anyway knowing we have to die someday so taking this route is as good as any. But what will be the quality of our end-of-life days, months or years? Those times may not be short or easy. Returning to a more ‘old-fashioned’ way of eating will actually be progress for us. Eating food right off the stalk, tree or vine, keeping it simple, making things from scratch, growing food organically and supporting farmers who do, honoring our kindred animals by not eating them, no longer buying processed and packaged foods and learning more about veganism and raw foodism is genuine progress. It shows that we are greatly evolved because we truly care about every sentient being on this planet. It shows we will not be seduced by the food manufacturing machine that cares more about the money it makes than on truly nourishing our bodies. We’ll benefit most by embracing the forthright food honesty and simplicity that already exists in our community, but to which we may have chosen to be blind. That will be real progress, and we’ll live long lives naturally rather than through reactive allopathic methods. 1 Nerve cell toxin: a substance that is believed to kill or damage nerve cells through excessive stimulation Chef T is Tenanda Madhi, a trained living foods chef and owner of the


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

gluten-free Vitality Bistro, which serves all organic, vegan, raw/living cuisine in downtown Mount Dora. He was trained at Oklahoma City’s 105 Degrees Academy owned by Matthew Kenney. Call Vitality Bistro at 352735-8411 and visit Find the VitalityBistro on Facebook and @VitalityBistro on Twitter. Please see ads this page, inside back cover and back cover. MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 26: 269 Life manifestation on September 26, 2013. Animal right association ‘269 Life’ protest against vivisection, animals right, meat nutrition and production

(English translation: “Filet (or fillet) of Human Adult / Italian Meat”)

“Ritualistically the Egg and the Milk are the female; the Meat is the outrageous modern marketing has made ritual sacrifice into daily, everyday fair; and such judgemental words for those who recognize the act and make light of it with intent to stop it.” — Rayna Tamarin Angeleri Garcia V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

CALENDAR CALL TO VERIFY Readers are encouraged to call your event venue to verify date, time, and any applicable fees for events.

1/5 •Fire Alchemy; 10am; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-252-2682; www.; Fee •Sermon and Spirit Greetings; Reverend Ann Otzelberger, NST; 1:30pm; New Vision Spiritualist Center; Orlando; 407-826-0807; www.; Love Offering 1/8 •Law of Attraction: How to Manifest the Relationship You Want; 7pm; Blissful Lotus School of Loving Arts, Orlando; 321-804-5439;; Fee •Jidiken Reiki Reiju Kai for Jidiken Reiki Practitioners; 6:30pm-8:30pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-252-2682;; Fee 1/9 •Guided Meditation with Becky; 6:30pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-488-0850;; Fee 1/10 •J i k i d e n Reiki S h o d e n – P hy s i c a l H e a l i n g – L e ve l 1; 10 a m – 6 p m ; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-252-2682;; Fee 1/11 •Jikiden Reiki Shoden– Physic a l H e a l i n g – L e ve l 1; 10 a m – 6 p m ; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-252-2682;; Fee •Linda Browser–Aura & Chakra Photography; 2pm–4pm; Private photo sessions before & after, New Age Thinkers–Unity of Citrus, Lecanto; 352-628-3253;; Love Offering 1/12 •Jikiden Reiki Psychological, Emotional & Distant Healing–Level 2; 10am–6:30pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-252-2682;; Fee •Sermon and Spirit Greetings; William Patridge, Jr, Certified Medium; 1:30pm; New Vision Spiritualist Center; Orlando; 407-8260807; www.http://newvisionspiritualistcenter. org/; Love Offering •Mediumship Development; William Patridge, Jr, Certified Medium; 3:15pm; New Vision Spiritualist Center; Orlando; 407-8260807; www.http://newvisionspiritualistcenter. org/; Love Offering 1/18 •The Compassionate Path Towards Change Workshop; Noon–4pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-4880850; www.ACenterForWellnessandLight. com; Fee 1/19 •Sermon and Spirit Greetings; Reverend Ann Otzelberger, NST; 1:30pm; New Vision Spiritualist Center; Orlando; 407-826-0807; www.

january 2014

february 2014 TUE

















































































1; Love Offering 1/22 •Tantric Sex 101: For the 21st Century Urbanite; 7pm; Blissful Lotus School of Loving Arts, Orlando; 321-804-5439;; Fee 1/23 •Guided Meditation with Becky; 6:30pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-488-0850;; Fee 1/25 •Mystical Tones Healing Concert (Crystal Bowls, Flute, Native Talk & Blessing); 8:30pm–9:30pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700; calendar.html; RSVP Required; Fee •Hermetic Qabalah and the Tree of Life; 10am–6pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-252-2682;; Fee 1/26 •Hermetic Qabalah and the Tree of Life; 10am–6pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-252-2682;; Fee •Sermon and Spirit Greetings; Reverend Ann Otzelberger, NST; 1:30pm; New Vision Spiritualist Center; Orlando; 407-826-0807; www.; Love Offering 1/27 •Thermography Appointments; 9:30am–5pm (by appointment); A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-297-0772;; Fee 1/28 •Love Magick: Conjure a Special Valentine; 7pm; Blissful Lotus School of Loving Arts, Orlando; 321-804-5439;; Fee 2/1 •Spirit Painting (Crystals, Paint, Intuition on Canvas); 1pm–4pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700; calendar.html; RSVP Required; Fee •Starlit Heart Bonfire (Starseed Starlight Lounge Social); 9pm–10:30pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700;; Love Offering •The 12 Root Races of Earth & The Seven Ancient Mystery Schools; 10 am–4pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407252-2682; www.ACenterForWellnessandLight. com; Fee •Dr. Ina Anderson–Tree of Life Workshop; Noon; New Age Thinkers–Unity of Citrus, Lecanto; 352-628-3253;; Fee 2/2 •Adept 2–Stepping into the Light–Advanced Training for the Initiate; 10am–6pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-2522682;; Fee

2/4 •Love Magick: Conjure a Special Valentine; 7pm; Blissful Lotus School of Loving Arts, Orlando; 321-804-5439;; Fee 2/5 •Seduction Goddess: Unleash Your Feminine Whiles; 7pm; Blissful Lotus School of Loving Arts, Orlando; 321-804-5439;; Fee 2/8 •Dr. Ina Anderson presents “The Tree Of Life”; 2pm; New Age Thinkers–Unity of Citrus, Lecanto; 352-628-3253;; Fee 2/9 •Air Alchemy; 10am–6pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-252-2682;; Fee 2/12 •Jidiken Reiki Reiju Kai for Jidiken Reiki Practitioners; 6:30-8:30pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-252-2682;; Fee 2/13 •Dreamcrafting: Crystal, Herbal Dream Pillow for Love Workshop; 7pm–8pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700; www.; RSVP Required; Fee •Guided Meditation with Becky; 6:30pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-252-2682;; Fee 2/22 •Angeleri Chakratra Level I Attunement; Aquarian Age Self-Healing Method First Degree Certificate; 4pm–7pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700;; RSVP Required; Fee 2/23 •Learn the Art of Astral Travel; 11am–4pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-252-2682;; Fee 2/27 •Guided Meditation with Becky; 6:30pm; A Center For Wellness and Light; Winter Park; 407-488-0850;; Fee 3/11 •Jamie Pearce (Author) presents “Historic Haunts”; 2pm; New Age Thinkers–Unity of Citrus, Lecanto; 352-628-3253;; Love Offering 4/12 •International Medium Camilla Maria; 2pm; New Age Thinkers–Unity of Citrus, Lecanto; 352-628-3253;; Love Offering FIRST SATURDAYS •Starlight Bonfire: V/GF/Org Snacks, Hookahs, O2 Bar, Starfire, Spiritual Gathering; 9pm–10:30pm; The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora; 407-878-2700;; Love Offering

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


DIRECTORY ACUPUNCTURE A Abundant Health Holistic Center; Solara Attatharya, DOM, AP, DNBHE; 2200 S. Bay St., Ste. B, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-365-4325;;

BACK PAIN RELIEF Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center, Michelle Hamel (MA0009077; MM15364); 291-B Circle Drive, Maitland, FL 32701; 407-628-2176; mhamel1@embarqmailcom BOUTIQUES, BOOKS, GIFTS Soul Essentials of Ocala-PEACE, LOVE, & LIGHT!; Jennifer Burke; 805 E. Fort King St., Ocala, FL 34471 Store: 352-236-7000; The Crystal Closet; Jorge and Rayna Garcia; Metaphysical shop, wide selection of healing crystals, focus on ‘starseeds,’‘indigo children,’‘crystal children,’ classes, workshops, meditation, yoga, healings and readings; 407-878-2700; 121 N. Highland St., Mount Dora;;

ENERGY BALANCING/MEDICINE Light and Sound Therapy at Biostimulation Institute of Light and Sound; VIE; 2295 S. Hiawassee Rd., Ste. 207, #10, Orlando, FL 32819 ; 407-902-7199

Healing LifeCare Center; Enhancing the quality of life for clients by creating a balance of health, vitality and spiritual enrichment in a professional and nurturing capacity; 352-314-2806; 2501 W. Main St., Unit 103, Leesburg, FL 34748;

Stillpoint Therapy Center; Scott Barnett, D. C., 2730 NW 39th Ave., Gainesville 32605; 352-589-5443 COLON CLEANSING Times of Refreshing; Kristi M. Foret LMT, CT (MA0022943/MM16202); 352-348-1266 ; In the offices of Tavares Family Chiropractic: 915 E. Alfred St., Tavares, FL 32778; Kristilove04@yahoo. com; CREATE HEALTH End The Clutter ETC®; Stephanie Keller Rohde; I teach the physics components of Health, Wealth and Unconditional Loving Relationships. 352-873-2100; Ocala, FL; CREATE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE End The Clutter ETC®; Stephanie Keller Rohde; I teach the physics components of Health, Wealth and Unconditional Loving Relationships. 352-873-2100; Ocala, FL;

CRYSTALS/INDIGO CHILDREN The Crystal Closet; Jorge and Rayna Garcia; Metaphysical shop, wide selection of healing crystals, focus on ‘starseeds,’‘indigo children,’‘crystal children,’ classes, workshops, meditation, yoga, healings and readings; 407-878-2700; 121 N. Highland St., Mount Dora;;

HEALTH, HEALING, WELLNESS Pure Alternative Healing; Monette Mudie; 321-236-0444;;

CHIROPRACTIC Wagner Chiropractic; Ramah Wagner, D. C., 2755 S. Bay St., Eustis, FL 32726; 352-376-1320;

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CREATE WEALTH End The Clutter ETC®; Stephanie Keller Rohde; I teach the physics components of Health, Wealth and Unconditional Loving Relationships. 352-873-2100; Ocala, FL;

The Crystal Closet; Jorge and Rayna Garcia; Metaphysical shop, wide selection of healing crystals, focus on ‘starseeds,’‘indigo children,’‘crystal children,’ classes, workshops, meditation, yoga, healings and readings; 407-878-2700; 121 N. Highland St., Mount Dora;;

CARE/THERAPY/COMMUNICATION Arise Personal Transformation Solutions; Advanced and proven methods of healing and transforming your life, EFT, NLP, Hypnosis and Results Coaching; Jenn Goddard; 407-924-5526; |


a quick and easy way to find support for creating your magnificent life!

HEALING SEMINARS Initiation Healing® Education Programs for Enlightenment: Aumakhua-Ki ™ Healing Certification Courses, Meditation, Qigong, Breathwork and Energy Healing; Local classes and webinars; Ojela Frank, LMT (MA60322);352-239-9272; Ocala, FL; ojela@ HERBALISM Enchanted Botanicals; Donia Mitchell; 120 S. Woodland Blvd., Ste. B, Deland, FL 32720; 386-873-1000; HOLISTIC LIVING EDUCATION All About Art - Artful Living Center; Donna D’Amato; 5162 S. E. Abshier Blvd., Belleview; 352-307-9774

The Crystal Closet; Jorge and Rayna Garcia; Metaphysical shop, wide selection of healing crystals, focus on ‘starseeds,’‘indigo children,’‘crystal children,’ classes, workshops, meditation, yoga, healings and readings; 407-878-2700; 121 N. Highland St., Mount Dora;; INTUITIVE READINGS Moon Astrology Readings by Raven Moondance; by phone or in person; Gainesville, Florida; 352-372-8594; RC Intuitive Services; Roz Campbell; Intuitive readings integrated with archetypal astrology, designed to offer a perspective of your soul’s journey and support you in making conscious choices as you co-create your life; Phone consultations by appointment only: 321-610-3759; Rev. Barbara Wheelhouse, PPC, RM; 352-728-2700 The Crystal Closet; Jorge and Rayna Garcia; Metaphysical shop, wide selection of healing crystals, focus on ‘starseeds,’‘indigo children,’‘crystal children,’ classes, workshops, meditation, yoga, healings and readings; 407-878-2700; 121 N. Highland St., Mount Dora;; MASSAGE Ojela Frank, MSC, LMT (MA60322); Therapeutic Bodywork, Energy Healing at Hyde-Away Salon, Ocala, FL; 352-239-9272; ojela@initiationhealing. com | Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center, Michelle Hamel (MA0009077; MM15364); 291-B Circle Drive, Maitland, FL 32701; 407-628-2176; mhamel1@embarqmailcom MAYAN ASTROLOGY LIFE PATH READINGS The sacred Tzolkin calendar has been in use for over 2,500 years; discover your Mayan birth date and how to use this powerful divination tool to guide your Life Path; Theresa Crabtree, B.S., Intuitive Counselor, Author of Mayan Messages; Workshops throughout Central Florida; 407-385-9590;; Information and prices at: MayanAstrology MEDITATION Brahma Kumari Meditation Center; FREE Meditatin Classes; 1801 W. Colonial Dr., Orlando; 407-228-0026; 407-493-1931; NUMEROLOGY Bobbie Roberts; The Villages, FL 32159; 352-205-6056

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


Directory continued

Directory continued

PRANIC HEALING Pranic Healing Central Florida; Meditation Groups, Healing Nights, Courses in Pranic Healing. All Are Welcome! Learn to heal yourself and others with this no-touch system of scientifically-based protocols, practiced in over 125 countries! At Shine On Yoga, 619 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando; 407421-8888;

FaceTime; 6727 1st Ave. S., Suite 201, St. Petersburg, FL 33707; 727-481-1646; YOGA Downtown Yoga; 301 N. Baker St., Ste. 212, Corner of Donnelly and Third Ave., Mount Dora, FL 32757 352-409-3646;


SKINCARE CLINICALLY PROVEN Rodan and Fields Dermatologists; Betty Ainslie, Tavares, FL; 352-255-5668;

The best herbal answer for cold sores

SPIRITUAL CENTERS commUNITY 729; Trish Roddis; 729 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL 32803; 407-463-2248 Sacred Earth Center Chapel and Healing Center; Rev. Sunemaura O'Brien; Interfaith healing chapel–massage, reiki training, ministerial ordination program, spiritual healing, psychic readings, sound healing, crystal healing, classes, ceremony; 1212 N. W. 12th Ave., Bldg. C, Gainesville, FL 32601; 352-275-8537; The Crystal Closet; Jorge and Rayna Garcia; Metaphysical shop, wide selection of healing crystals, focus on ‘starseeds,’‘indigo children,’‘crystal children,’ classes, workshops, meditation, yoga, healings and readings; 407-878-2700; 121 N. Highland St., Mount Dora;; SPIRITUAL COUNSELING The Crystal Closet; Jorge and Rayna Garcia; Metaphysical shop, wide selection of healing crystals, focus on ‘starseeds,’‘indigo children,’‘crystal children,’ classes, workshops, meditation, yoga, healings and readings; 407-878-2700; 121 N. Highland St., Mount Dora;; SUCCESS COACHING Follow Your Heart Journeys, Conscious Choice Coaching, Dianne M. Kipp & Assoc.; Personal Transformations–Life, Health, Career, Relationships–Explore and Nurture Your Passions, Design the Life of Your Dreams!; Dianne M. Kipp, BSN, PCC, CTT–Certified Transformation Coach; Virtual-Phone, Skype,

HERPES-NO MORE-GUARANTEED; HERPESCOLDSOREKILLER.COM; Do you suffer from genital herpes, cold sores, canker sores or shingles? Finally, the answer you’ve waited for is here with permanent elimination GUARANTEED. Introducing TOLARREA™, an all Herbal tincture that will eliminate the problem. After 13 years, we have had over 99.7% elimination rate with no recurrences. TOLARREAtm is derived from one of the oldest living plants on earth. TOLARREA™ is a unique new product that represents the coming together of ancient medicine and modern science. Visit us online at www.herpescoldsorekiller. com or call us at 1-800-605-9001. Priority shipping is available. Kenneth G. Brown BBS, P.C.



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Complimentary Personal Values Assessments and Intro-session available. 727-481-1646. Virtual–Phone, Skype, FaceTime., Follow Your Heart Journeys, Conscious Choice Coaching, Dianne M. Kipp & Associates, Dianne M. Kipp, BSN, PCC, CTT Certified Transformation Coach I invite you to come and learn the TOOLS OF AVATAR® in a safe, comfortable, caring environment. Fostering international compassion and peace, promoting deep connections beyond all boundaries of culture, religion, race, or age. Call Noreen Campbell at 412-860-7874, email and visit TAKE 5 MINUTES A DAY TO SWEEP AWAY 5,000,000 DEAD SKIN CELLS FOR A MORE RADIANT APPEARANCE. Rodan & Fields clinically proven nourishing skin products redefine aging, change skin and change lives! Contact Betty Ainslie 352-255-5668. Pure Alternative Healing offers a UNIQUE TECHNIQUE IN ENERGY HEALING for overall well-being and to relieve symptoms such as these and more: Headaches, Pain, Anxiety, Stress, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Unknown Causes, Chemotherapy Side Effects. Call Monette at 321-236-0444, email info@purealternativehealing. com and visit NIKKEN INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR–VISIT WEBSITE FOR DISCOUNT!!! Visit and learn about creating a healthy home for yourself and your family. All products discounted 10% at checkout. All Vital Areas are covered–Water, Air, Sleep, Nutrition, Light, and Finances. Call Pat at 407-2306111; email:

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Experience a Reminder of the Light Being You Are Through Psychography and Arcing Light Energy. Psychography was developed by the late Rev. Dr. Franklin Loehr and is defined as the “mapping of the soul.” It is a tool used to help us develop a deeper understanding of our connection with spirit and our soul’s purpose. Psychography is done in an altered state that assists us to recall and heal memories from this lifetime or previous lifetimes. Arcing Light healing was founded by Lorna Malmberg in 2002. Arcing Light uses a dimensional overlay to bring light energy through the healer’s hands. It modifies cellular energy with radial light to allow a healthy, natural balance. Arcing Light assists us in releasing emotional blocks we store within ourselves. Rev. Lorraine Bond of Eustis, spiritualist medium/ teacher/healer, provides both Psychography and Arcing Light healing. Call 352-406-8522. Acupuncture Evaluation and Treatment with Herbal Recommendations Special $40. Massage Therapy Session: Total Relaxation, Deep Tissue or Injury Recovery Special $40. Physical Therapy and Chiropractic services available. We are in network for most insurance and Medicare. Call for appt. 352-376-1320. Sat. appts. available. Stillpoint Therapy Center, 2730 NW 39th Ave., Gainesville, 32605. www.stillpointtherapycenter. com

This Classified and more continued next p.47

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014



GIVE YOURSELF THE GIFT OF MASSAGE. Therapeutic Massage for Stress Reduction (neck and back), Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Rejuvenation of tired and overworked, achy muscles. Penny Chester-Reilly, L.M.T.–MA69346. Located at Amache’ Day Spa, 1107 E. Silver Springs Blvd., Unit 1, Ocala, FL, 34470. By Appointment Please: 352-369-4405

com or send your check to: Katie Campione, Light Heart Yoga, P.O. Box 658, Fort White, FL 32038 “When our minds are quiet, we can hear our inner voice calling us home.”

KIEPSAKE BODY EMPORIUM: Over 100 organic herbs from their country of origin for natural healing and spiritual work/pre-blended herbal remedies created by our own certified herbalist/ sipping teas created in-house/blends not available anywhere else/all natural handmade body care products/array of spiritual products (incense, candles, altar tools, crystals, pendulums and other accessories)/custom ordering of any spiritual or healing tools without deposit or shipping chg./ full spiritual and natural healing reference library/retail and clothing boutique/Wifi hot spot/ Healthy Happy Hour w/free tea bar offering three hot teas, a cold Kava juice infusion and snacks that change daily/seating out front on comfy covered porch, in tranquil courtyard, and in tea room in-store/readings, chakra clearing and detox services–aquachi foot spa, ear candling and an aroma sauna chamber/plus so much more!!! NOW! Purchase all your favorites from Keipsake by visiting online store at We are also one of the finest tattoo and piercing establishments in N. FL (over 30 yrs. exp.), specializing in exotic piercings and custom tattoos offered by staff trained to help you create a meaningful piece that will last you a lifetime. Share the magic and positive energy Keipsake Body Emporium has to offer. 4pm-7pm Mon.-Sat. 182 S Marion Ave., Lake City, FL 32025. Call 386 758-1666. www.

“RADIATION” Are we being affected by wireless electrical devices??? Contact us now to find out simple things you can do to neutralize its effects. We are available for group presentations. You’ll be Amazed. Call 386-868-8788 and visit www. LIVE MUSIC & COLOR THERAPY: Happy Hour With a Healthy Hangover!!! Come out with your family and friends! Hear about the unique Chromotherapy performed by CMP Cheryl Cohen Kerr and her Magic Flute. Find out how beneficial it is for the balancing of the brain, ADD/Autism/ body/emotions/health!!!! Hear and experience live alto flute music combined with specific frequencies of colored light. Take in a special TV interview about the validity of Chromotherapy for brain balance and overall wellness by the president of the Dinshah Health Society, Darius Dinshah and view a demo on using drumming and color therapy for groups. I am mobile. I can come to you. Write, visit or call “Chery” at 407-895-1252. NOW introducing ZERO BALANCING into my Therapeutic Massage/Bodywork Practice–Susan Hana MA,LMT 36787. Zero Balancing is designed to address both the structural and energetic anatomy of the body and is a hands-on-therapy received while fully dressed lying face up on a massage table. Zero Balancing session can be integrated with other modalities such as Swedish/ Deep Massage, Access Consciousness Bars and Body Processes, Compassionate Touch for the Elderly, and Chair Massage. 407-417-4490. On-Site sessions available.

INTUITIVES INTUITIVE NUMEROLOGY READINGS: Get your intuitive numerology reading from “Numerology Joe” Fullington (exp. since 1974; considered extremely accurate w/special talent and dedication). Very informative readings of your past, present, future based on your given name and birthdate. Available for private and phone readings, parties, special events. See Numerology Joe at fairs, expos and events in and around Gainesville, Ocala, Orlando, Daytona, The Villages, Leesburg. Visit Numerology Joe for a reading at the Parapsychology Expo in The Villages (Sat., Oct. 26) and the Gala Days at Cassadaga. Schedule a reading at or call 352-617-3094.

Wouldn’t you rather be meditating? Tranquility: A guided meditation for entering silence. Approaching meditation as an embrace of life, we can let our bodies be our best teachers. This meditation practice naturally unfolds from the rich tapestry of your own experience by tuning in to your inner world. Take time to give to yourself the beautiful art of connection with your own essence and with life itself. Just allow the message to embrace you and enhance your inner resources and you will emerge nourished and revitalized. Created for novice meditators and everyone else, this recording invites you to open your heart to yourself. Katie Campione, RN and Yoga Teacher from Light Heart Yoga understands the tendency of the mind to be on auto-pilot and to keep running even if the pilot falls asleep, so included are gentle guidance instructions to keep you on the approach pattern to inner stillness. Take the next step to lighten your heart today. $10 includes S/H. To order, send an email to: hathaexperience@yahoo.


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PSYCHIC–REV. BARBARA WHEELHOUSE, PPC, RM: Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Medium/Channel, Spirit Communication. Readings Past, Present, Future. Home or Phone Classes, Private Parties, Weddings. 352-7282700 Leesburg, FL. Visa/Master Card ASTRO-PALMISTRY READINGS BY DR. NICHOLS–The twin sciences of astrology and palmistry are more than 5000 years old. The hands are mind maps which reveal how the natal horoscope is expressed in real life. An understanding of how the planets are interpreted in the hands adds considerable insight into the in-

dividual’s personality and life purpose. Dr. Andrew Nichols has been a specialist in esoteric sciences for more than 40 years, has been featured on numerous television and radio programs as an expert on metaphysical topics, and has presented lectures and workshops throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe. He is available for personal and phone readings, parties and events. Call 352-372-5672 to schedule an appointment or email anichols@gru. net. Gift certificates available.

RAYNA STARSEED INDIGO MUSE: Readings/ Classes/Attunements/Guidance, True Indigo & Spiritual Source. Worldclass; royalty, top practitioners. KEEN 5 Stars. Formerly Universal Studios & Former Cassadaga Teacher. Former #1 American Psychic on eBay. Of and Velocity Magazine. 407-878-2700 Mount Dora, FL. Credit Cards OK. Phone, Email, In-store. 2014 Revealed! We have announced our 2014 trainings, workshops and ayurvedic detoxifcation programs! Transform your life today! Visit our website and save on the Early Bird prices. Amrit Yoga Institute in Salt Springs. Call 352-685-3001. Email: or visit Ready to Function On All Cylinders??? ReflectionsFromAnAngelsEye—Christi J. Cavallo offers emotional, mental, physical and spiritual balance through the following services: REIKI–MEDIUM–PSYCHIC–and more. 407-625-7564 email: Mention this ad to receive a special discount on select services; SANDYA–Spiritual Channel since 1990 as guided by the Higher Communities of Light offers Rapid Energy Healing and Activation along with Spiritual Guidance. “You have incarnated at this special time in order to facilitate the transition to the next Age. It is time to bring forth the gifts that will accelerate healing and activate Spiritual Purpose . . .” Sessions in person or by phone. Lightworker activation group every Wednesday–Palm Coast; contact Sandya by email: Messages from departed loved ones, departed pets and from living pets; messages concerning love, home life and finances. By request, will come to your place for animal communication. With the use of the Tarot I enhance my clairvoyance. Readings by Vicki–Intuitive Tarot, Vicki Sinclair 352799-5664; 352-442-1240; Professional, personalized massage therapy in the comfort of your own home with a massage therapist well experienced in therapeutic work (a combination of deep tissue, CranioSacral and Reiki). Specializing in working through trauma, physical, emotional and sexual abuse and in assisting people to work through the stages of grief. Serenity Massage with Erin K. Rivera, LMT (MA62792 ); 407-223-3466; email:

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

CLASSIFIEDS CONNECT AND BELONG CHRISTIANITY WAS AN EASTERN RELIGION. It still is in the Eastern Orthodox Church. St. Stephen Orthodox Church, 1895 Lake Emma Rd., Longwood, FL; 407-260-6003;


MISCELLANEOUS Sanitize your Surfaces (counter tops and door knobs) and kill the mold and mildew in your shower areas without harsh chemicals and sprays; takes odors out too! Get PAID to wash YOUR OWN clothes, and do it without carcinogenic chemicals. and get them more sanitary and clean smelling. These are NASA certified technologies being used in the Space Station today. To learn more or find out how to get to use these products for free in your home, contact Duane and Doris Hines at 352-383-7555. There is no catch or credit card required. UFO/Flying Saucer Manual. You need this small manual for spaceship identification, to know how to contact friendly extraterrestrial beings and stay away from undesired space people. Yes ,they exist also. Who knows? You may get the ride of your lifetime or have a wonderful and meaningful conversation. They know if your heart and soul are really interested in being contacted. If you wanna take the big ride, whether they will ask you aboard depends on your state of mind. The manual has short stories of contactees who did not take a ride but met them personally and conversed on and off their spacecraft. The UFO manual will be available the middle of November and can be purchased for the small price of only $10 (incl. s&h) by writing Spacious Sky Productions, P.O. 658, Fort White, FL 32038. For further information, email: Better than a Groupon! So you can’t draw? Neither can I! Painting with Encaustics is super easy and gives instant gratification! It’s amazing what you can make and the images you will find in your work. I will be having an Encaustic workshop class in Sanford, Florida, Saturday November 2 from 10am-12pm and November 16 from10am-12pm. Gather your family and friends together for a private class. Pick your own date and place! You will make five 4 x 6 masterpieces to take home with you and a whole new knowledge of what you can create. This class is taught with beeswax and oil paint. Your paintbrush will be a small mini iron. How you move your hand with the iron determines what you will get! No prior experience is needed! Just bring yourself and friends. $35.00/class. Call Susan 407-963-8222.

Neo Takes the Blue Pill...


ome of the health benefits of eating blueberries:

• Blueberries have been shown to shrink cancerous tumors and prevent the development and growth of cancer. • Researchers have shown that blueberries reverse memory loss, and also improve physical coordination and balance. • Blueberries reduce cholesterol levels. • Blueberries reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. • Urinary tract infections can be prevented by blueberries. • Blueberries help build strong bones. • Blueberries are low in calories, high in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. Do your own reaserch for more. Remember to always buy ORGANIC. Why? Because why should we be packing poision (pesticides) in with the medicine? The best pharmacist is Dr. Mother Nature and her treatments are preventative, real, lead to cures, flawlessly. Combine natural, local and seasonal foods to maximize health and longevity. Artificial blueberry coloring and blueberry flavor don’t count! Take the word “artifical”: what’s so ‘artistic’ about something as ‘super-ficial’ as toxic coloring? Rather, Nature is the true Official Artist. Food is intended, by design, with real healing hues. The blueberry is great for the Third Eye and Throat Chakras, the 1st First Spiritual Ray (Blue) and for healing with Archangel Michael. The Original ‘Blue’-print includes the tried and true Blueberry1. —VM 1

Eaten with permission. © Big Bang, Mother Nature, God/dess, Source.

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


Please purchase her pre-mastered tracks for a limited time or ask how to donate to help her master her album series. Spirit has called Rayna to put her messages to music. After turing down a major record deal opportunity with Atlantic Records at the guidance of a Guardian Angel, Starseed Indigo Child Rayna Tamarin remains a bold and powerful singer/songwriter/producer with a Message. “Stand up for who you are and the message you bring to this world. Don’t let anyone try to change who you are or your message.” — Rayna


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


e’re a programmed time capsule coming to fruition on schedule. While returning to wholeness, linear organization is released. Time’s artificial unit of separation that removes us from wholeness, ticks on. Spiritual Knowing is intuitive quality that helps us recognize Love expressing through form. Spiritual Wisdom results from Spiritual communion. Living a Spiritual Life requires we cultivate communication with the Divine. It’s alarming how over-stimulated modern man is and Spiritual Connection is not something to cope with modern life; it’s who we are. Suspending judgment, Loving unconditionally, Ascension Awareness begins with releasing self judgment; awareness without judgment will Heal you. Connect with Divine daily, open to receive, let go, surrender, and be guided you to those who can teach you. The Heart, your guide, is the harmonic pulse of the universe. It’s time to know the Love of Cosmic Oneness. The human body is a wonderful matrix of light and color from skin to core: DNA within the center of the nucleus of each cell emits light. We’re undying pure energy vibrating at unique and beautiful frequencies. We’re Divine notes in the symphony of the Universe; part of the Symphony of Spheres and yet Humans suffer amnesia forgetting themselves. All matter, both physical and subtle have varying frequencies co-existing in the same space; the etheric and the physical bodies, being of different frequencies, overlap. Awakening your Light Body, activating dormant DNA and raising vibration Reconnects your accessing the 5th dimension; enlightening your Soul, Reconnecting your Spirit, Healing your body at the symptoms’ cause and guiding your path, purpose and destiny. Energetic blockages (stuck emotions) are removed allowing

embodiment of your Higher Self. Benefits of expanding personal consciousness are furthering awareness of your purpose—why you’re here, heightened manifestation, seeing new things—like hidden agendas and how to make your best decisions. Dormant brain functions activate including the Pineal gland; spirituality known as the third eye through which information to the body’s energy centers pass. The body undergoes detoxification; resurfacing and releasing old poisonous emotions to cease causing dis-ease. Most people think about Healing as a physical problem getting better, but dis-ease on any level: physical, mental, soul or spiritual, results from incorrect or inappropriate vibratory rate patterns, or blocked energy pathways within the various levels of existence. Take action now as our bodies are under a great deal of pressure; constantly assimilating, recalibrating vibration. This process is going to accelerate. If the Endocrine system over-stimulates, stress overwhelms the entire body creating imbalances especially in sensitive and vulnerable areas. It’s important to listen to your body, discontinuing and releasing any and all toxins, artificial stimulants and stress; they short circuit new wiring bringing fracture to transitioning systems. History never had transformations like the massive changes taking place within our cellular structure. Changing conditions cause puzzling symptoms; changes so profound, so far reaching, we’re challenged to maintain mental and emotional equilibrium.

by Dr. of Light, VIE

now each path aligns at a historical juncture—your first incarnation in which your conscious awareness has been augmented to a level enabling you to transcend physical senses, reinforcing your intuition. Time is moving forward at an unprecedented pace; events seem to be happening simultaneously. Present opportunities are designated to accelerate shifts in your consciousness to change you, bringing your full co-creative power and intuitive wisdom to bear upon choices we are making as individuals and as a society. Dr. of Light, VIE, is an alternative medicine therapist, healer,teacher-life coach, author, musician, creator of the CD “ frequency of Sound”, and expert of the Light & Sound healing. Her God given gift encompasses the knowledge of hypnotherapy, Reiki, Light acupuncture, Spiritual Coaching and more. She is claisentient and her gift, also allows her to raise vibration, change DNA, alleviate pain, align your aura and balance your chakras. 407-902 7199 See ad previous page.

Justifying one’s actions based on others’ expectation loses priority to what’s emanating from within. Honoring inner truth as to what’s needed, your desires take precedence over cultural conditions and other’s expectations. Concern for mundane issues, material acquisitions and material security is replaced with valuing perception of oneself to be free of all constraints. Waiting eons, for a multiplicity of reasons,

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


1. Sweet & Savory beet, orange, mango fresh from your juicer on the rocks with sparkling water, pinch of cayenne pepper, coconut shreds on the rim (use maple syrup or molasses to stick), garnish with grilled pineapple slice. (Be sure your water is alkaline and purified to remove floride and other chemicals-make your own ice cubes with this water)

We’ll drink to health!

Organic, Non-GMO, Vegan, Gluten-Free Virgin Snowbird Beverages to enjoy this chilly season in Florida

2. Sugar Plumb Faerie plumbs fresh from your juicer, bottled (or fresh) elderberry juice topped two scoops of with vanilla bean Cashewtopia (be sure to use a spoon and straw), (add sparkling water for pop and fizz)

1. ////////

Choose Organic * Drink Vegan NonToxic * Virgin

3. Snowbird mangos, almond milk, vanilla bean Cashewtopia, garnish with a snowy silver ribbon and a slice of mango.

3. ////////

2. ////////


No GMO * No Gluten velo cit y

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998




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V3rd Ave., Ste. 212 Corner of Donnelly &M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS

Shata Ben-Avari E-RYT 500

| January • February 2014


Are you eating UFO’s ? *

*Unidentified Fried Objects


ere’s to our health in the New Year! Cheers and gluten-free beers all around, maybe?—Skip that, and sip down a raw kombucha, organic cider or dark organic grape juice and really toast to your health this year.

It’s 2014, and we

all want to eat better. It’s a resolution that’s been tried and ...tried (not so true) for many. While we’re on the subject of toasts, let’s ride that stream of consciousness and talk about all things fried, tired and undefined.

It’s more common than ever to be GMO-aware, but what steps can we take to ensure we don’t support them in the New Year? For many of us today during the modern American New Year rituals, it’s enough of a challenge to visit family who don’t serve what we choose to eat. As un-ritualistic as modern times seem to be, the uncommon knowledge is the food served is indeed ritual-based. There is a story behind every morsel on the table, some good, some very ugly, and it’s up to us to ask questions about ingredients, sources and lead the feast by example. So the next time you walk into a family or friendly setting, remember: It’s not rude to be health-conscious. Be polite in denying unexplained grub and in asking questions. Bring something incredibly edible and lead with action. We’ve found that dedication is respected by most well-meaning people. What’s more, a happy side effect is others begin to take an interest in your reasoning. Be ready to humbly, yet respectfully share your research and your experiences. Your New Years resolution just may prove to help others start a revolution within themselves. —VM

Practicing Huna for Acceptance Cultivation

by Cynthia Botsko


here is a fabulous book that I finished reading recently called Huna Self-Awareness by Dr. Erika Nau (1992) based on the philosophy of the ancient Hawaiian religion. The book explains this very simple approach in practical terms for meditation, healing, & working with Natural Law. I found through working the exercises and incorporating the knowledge that I already do practice many similar techniques. There is a universality to the philosophy & practice of Huna. Within the techniques of Huna described in the book, there is much to do for self-development & self-awareness, as the title suggests, to form a solid basis for relating to others and serving the family & community. Indeed, even The Book of Changes, or I-Ching states in one of its many translations that “a healthy family, a healthy community and a healthy nation all grow outward from a single healthy individual”1; start from the inside and work your way outward. When I finished the book and had worked through some of the exercises, I went right into the business of trying out the entire prayer process for manifestation. I quickly learned a few very practical lessons in employing the Huna techniques were like my own methods, but which had not been revealed to me in such an obvious way. For example, your progress is in direct proportion to what you put into the process; this is the Natural Law. The direction of my prayer intentions was for the benefit of my group. In this, I realized that it was not just my self-development or my energy moving through this prayer process, but those energies associated with all the individuals who make-up the group-energy as a whole. I learned the lesson of self-management of my energies while incorporating the energy of the whole group and accepted the various levels of understanding & development of all the individuals in that group. Working on myself became a matter of being able to carry the prayer-energy for the group in such a way as to be open & accepting of the progress & paths of individuals within the group. It was this acceptance which choreo-

graphed a dance of energies to advance the group’s progress. The entire experience brought me a profound wonder & gratitude for everyone in the group and the level of progress which we all made possible. The prayer intention manifested in accordance with Natural Law thanks to the acceptance, self-development, and self-awareness (which consequently brings greater awareness of others). The fact that all is One, and therefore we are all One, is shown in “Self-knowledge is the key”, wherein we find that being accepting is a great vantage point.

“Peace is found in one’s own heart. Everything we need to walk our Paths through Life is within, and always has been… because the Divine did not create us apart from Itself.” — Cynthia Botsko

Browne Walker, Brian. The I-Ching, or Book of Changes, pp.77. St. Martin’s Griffin: NY, 1992.


Cynthia Botsko is a psychic who receives messages from Spirit clairvoyantly, clairaudiently, and clairsentiently. She has studied the Tarot, dream interpretation, and archetypal symbolism for over 15 years. She has been a Reader and Healer with her Spirit Guides for 10 years. She joined Omin-Orion, Inc. and The Universal Centre of Cassadaga in 2009. Now partnered with Matthew Sekunna, she operates and manages Brighid’s Well, Inc. (formerly The Centre). Cynthia offers resources, knowledge, techniques, and skills in the wide-array of her own practices and interests. She holds seminars and workshops in Tarot Card Reading and Dream Interpretation Journaling. Please see ad this page.

“Love is misunderstood to be an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others.” [ Sir David R. Hawkins, Author, Consciousness Researcher, Spiritual Lecturer, and Mystic ]

When In Doubt, Do It Anyway by Rev. Timothy Yero

some self-proclaimed guru. So this is what I’ve found out about such concerns, about how bad things are, (have been and will be.) I think you’d agree the source is someone you may respect and look up to with admiration for having been able to certainly give better advice than I ever could:

‘Do It Anyway’ by Mother Teresa:


ne truth about forecasting the future is that the forecast is an opinion. Whatever the opinion may be is fine but it cannot be considered, in any way, an absolute accurate picture of what’s to come. Those who especially dwell on gloom and doom, dark and dreary topics, are a favorite form of entertainment for me. We all probably know those who dwell on how bad things are now. Whenever I have to listen to someone like that I think of how bad it must have been to live during the Crusades, the fall of Rome, the black plaque, the American Revolution or Civil War, WW1 & WW2 and the Holocaust, not to mention the 1929 depression. I am sure the list of bad times is almost endless. If things are so ‘bad’ now, then why are we here? Certainly not to suffer so much! These days people complain and are concerned about many things, just as they always have been; so, how bad can it really be?

“People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of being selfish, with ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and gain some true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may try to cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world

the best you have and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you’ve got anyway. You see, in the final analysis it is between you, your own Spirituality, and God; it never was between you and anyone else anyway.”

To me, Mother Teresa means things are not as bad as some say they are at any given time. I like Mother Teresa’s positive thinking perspective much better than some off-the-wall theories, books, the nightly news or even history! What or whom can you trust anyway other than yourself? Reverend Timothy resides in Homosassa, Florida. He is the co-founder of New Age Thinkers, a community group of over 300 positive followers. A Vietnam vet and a 30year business owner, he holds a B. S. degree from Pepperdine University and was formerly a corporate trainer in sales, marketing, and management. He specializes in writing, teaching positive thinking, and meditation techniques. Contact Tim at 954-464-4406 Visit Please see ad this page.

Today’s concerns are things like global warming, over population, dwindling healthy food and good water sources, unemployment, poor economy, out of control drug culture and even fear of the Earth splitting in two or alien invasion. I have to admit, none of these things bother me one bit. Does this make me uncaring, apathetic and useless to affect the world positively while I’m here? I don’t think so. Today we have extraordinary abilities to find out about so many different things by way of the Internet. The cautiousness people have, when listening to such ‘experts’ to me is greatly lacking. When I question something, I look for something inspirational; some bit of advice coming from someone with real and actual authority, not


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

But animals don’t wear you... Stand for faux paws. If you’re gonna wear skin or fur, buy used, not newly abused; or perhaps give it a proper burial. —VM

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


LUNAR These are the ideals of the Aquarian Age. Observe what’s occurring in your life, our nation and world around the New Moon in Aquarius on Jan.30 and Full Moon on Feb.14. Each major planetary aspect or the cosmic occurrence creates a spike in consciousness; in transformation; in our evolution as we shake off the authoritarian confines of the dying Age of Pisces and transition into the Age of Aquarius. The creatures offer insights to assist us on our journey. Delve deeper into the life, habits and essence of the creature that speaks to you. Some resources include The Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams, Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews and Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides by Steven D. Farmer.


anuary 1 brings a New Moon in Capricorn, initiating a new moon cycle and a new year. This will be truly a time of new beginnings. What new ideas, practices, changes would you like to see begin to take hold in your life? Capricorn is an earth sign and facilitates establishing day-to-day routines that serve to create a firm foundation for our health, well-being, and livelihood. During Capricorn (Dec.21-Jan.19) we are encouraged to take responsibility for who we are today, releasing family and societal patterns and past conditioning that no longer resonate with our present, evolving self. The numerology for 2014 (2+0+1+4=7) is a seven bringing the energy of wisdom, seeking answers, and allowing the flexibility and space to explore. The challenge of a seven period is “to look deeper into the meaning of life’s experiences, to bring intuitive as well as mental powers to bear and to find a balance between the two. It cautions against being overly analytical and intellectual and promotes the awareness of intuitive abilities as a means to knowledge and understanding.” (from Simple Numerology by Damian Sharp, p.114) In this shifting time of accelerated evolution, about the only constant we can count on will be an inevitability of change and progress. It’s time to step out of our personal drama and the chaos we perceive and see the larger picture. Our role and responsibility will be to flow with the changes, constantly examining where we may be resisting or holding on. Be especially aware of what surfaces around the Full Moon on Jan. 15. During Capricorn, establish a foundation of healthy practices for your self and focus on harmony, love and abundance for our world. During Sun in air sign Aquarius (Jan.20-Feb.18) our attention is drawn towards community, cooperation, dissolving any sense of separation and moving towards a greater sense of oneness—


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ARIES (March 20-April 19) SNOW LEOPARD is an illusive, solitary creature who can teach us many things if we examine her habits. Spending some time in silence on a regular basis ie. turning off the computer and cell phone, sitting, walking, moving consciously and quietly...listening to the world, to one’s own breath...heartbeat....See what gifts this can bring. AFFIRMATION: Silence nurtures a deep sense of inner peace that renews the body, mind and spirit. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) PEACOCK is a creature of honour in many cultures. His beautifully adorned feathers are seen as eyes, opening us up to greater vision and wisdom and enhancing our intuition. Expand your awareness of self, your abilities and capabilities, of who you are. We are so much more than whom we see in the mirror. AFFIRMATION: With each breath, we expand the essence of our being and tap more and more fully into the truth of who we truly are. We are blessed. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) As you move through winter do acknowledge and honour the depth of the inner work you have been moving through. WILD BOAR is tenacious and pushes through whatever gets in his way. Tap into his power to confidently move through any obstacles or challenges that come your way. AFFIRMATION: We have the strength, ability and resources to negotiate every area of our life from a place of love, joy and confidence. We are blessed. CANCER (June 21-July 22) As you continue to move through this intense time of your year, ALLIGATOR asks you to give yourself the space and time you need to digest and assimilate your experiences and your awareness. Alligator symbolizes the duality of Creation and Destruction. Be patient with yourself as you go through the process of weeding out the old and out-moded and in-

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

ASTROLOGY january–february 2014

corporating new ideas and practices. AFFIRMATION: As we step into the opportunity and joy of the moment, we allow the past to heal. We are truly blessed!

LEO (July 23-Aug.22) SEA GULL is a scavenger who helps to clean up the beaches and our environment, without judgement; he just takes care of business. Focus on cleaning up whatever behaviours, beliefs, perceptions, limitations seem to be blocking your growth. What has persistently been coming up for your to look at? Pay attention...time to work it through. AFFIRMATION: As we release the past, we effortlessly step into a joyful, abundant present. Blessings come to us each day in many different forms. We are grateful. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) BLACK PANTHER is an illusive creature who urges you to step back a bit and give yourself some time and space to contemplate and access how you can tweak aspects of your day-to-day life in order to bring you greater joy and serenity. AFFIRMATION: We breathe and go with the flow, allowing change gently to ripple through all aspects of our life. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) LADY BUG brings good luck and reminds us to look for the blessings in our life. Contemplate the many ways you are blessed each morning when you arise, when retiring at night, and anytime you need a boost of positivity. In truth, we are always being blessed; we just have to open our eyes and see it! AFFIRMATION: We are connected to the flow of the Universe and trust that we are Divinely guided and blessed within every moment! SCORPIO (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Breathe, Scorpio. You are doing well! Joyful OTTER asks you to spend some time playing, laughing, enjoying yourself and life as often as you can. Otter speaks to us of balanced feminine energy: responsible, yet also playful and loving. How can you have more fun? AFFIRMATION: With each breath, our body, mind and spirit let go and relaxes, opening us up to the joy within each moment. Ah, yes, life is good!

w w w. R e ad Ve l o ci t y. com

by Raven Moondance

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) During the first tree months after our birthday, we initiate patterns and practices to support us in the year ahead. ROAD RUNNER brings the message to keep your sense of humour. When we step back from a challenge and observe the lighter side, we can appreciate life from a different perspective. AFFIRMATION: With an open heart we see love and joy flowing into all that we encounter. We are blessed within every moment. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19) Observing ARMADILLO is very insightful. He is focused, and patient while engaged in the task at hand and no one and nothing bothers him. How can you apply the message of Armadillo to situations in your life? Contemplate. Call on Armadillo energy whenever you need it. AFFIRMATION: We are focused on being of service and grateful for all that is. We feel peace in our heart and radiate peace from our being. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) Reflect on the power our words and thoughts have to create our reality. Observe yourself carefully, especially when you are not feeling positive about yourself, life, or the world. Shift your words and thoughts to create what you desire, not what you wish to avoid. Choose to uplift our world with what you put out. AFFIRMATION: Each word and each thought ignites a spark that creates how life unfolds. Choosing love and joy opens our heart to awesome possibilities. PISCES (Feb.19-March 19) UNICORN is a mystical creature who speaks of imagination, creativity and magic. What is this new year bringing for you? Allow your imagination to flow, delighting in what you desire to see manifest. Allow your creativity to be expressed through whatever medium feels right. Tap into the magic of life! AFFIRMATION: Anything is possible as we joyfully step into each new day! We envision a loving, caring, abundant world for the human family! We are truly blessed. Raven Moondance (Shenna Benarte) writes the newsletter, MOON ASTROLOGY UPDATE six times a year and a monthly column on working with the moon in MOMA BEAR, a magazine for Gainesville, Florida moms. For a complete Moon Astrology reading or to attend a monthly Moon Astrology Class, call Raven at (352)372-8594 or email: Please see ad previous page.

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014


by Rayna Tamarin Angeleri Garcia

Building Your “Confidentity”

I’ve always thought of myself as someone who could easily identify with who I have been in my past lives and who I will be in the future. I’ve given myself credit for being whom I am today based on my past and my future, and found my own “middle earth” where I define whom I believe myself to be today. When I’ve been asked whether or not past lives should be revealed to us—Will they help us or hinder us?— I’ve come to my own conclusion that what we need to know will be known whether we try to look into it or not, while those things we’ve promised to forget for now, we just won’t remember. We do ourselves this favor in order to stick to the game plan of our chosen purpose or path. It should be noted that since we accepted our purpose or path, and therefore were born to perform it, it is not going to be possible for anyone else to reveal to us exactly what we chose to come to do if our contract to our Self meant for us to forget.

As a born intuitive, I look into the story of others and help them define undeniable circumstances that must be confronted at the time they’re asking. By the time a client asks for a reading or counsel, their Soul or Higher Self has permitted information to come through and be revealed to them. At no other time is it just going to happen that someone else can tell this person who they are. Nothing anyone has ever said about them or their worth matters. Only what the individual tells himself matters.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998


If you know inside you that you are a King or a Queen, or that you are a Star or an Angel, or if you came into this world with knowledge and wisdom that is well beyond what you have heard anyone else tell you, then this is who you are and what you already know, and it is Real. People ask, “Am I an Indigo too?”, even those born way off the mark of the proper timeframe when the Earth cycled through the proper chakra for them to name themselves by that description. We may not be all Gemini’s either, but who you are is not a label or a generation; though it does add to the bag of tricks or utility belt you were born with to know one’s entitlements. Being confident in oneself creates the individual identity and as a flip of the same coin, whom you know deep inside that you were born to be stirs confidence in you when you be whom you were born to be without delay or doubt. The progression of your Self is what builds “Confidentity”: Your Confident Identity. Building your own “Confidentity” is your right as an individual living a life of purpose. Whomever you chose yourself to be will feel right and true when your vision of your Self resonates first inside you and then is exemplified in your exterior world; and the world, therefore, is as you create it. Rayna Tamarin Angeleri Garcia, is a Starseed Indigo child transitioning to Crystal. Known from her blog as the Modern Muse, she’s an ordained minister, spiritual pop music artist, author, artist, actress, intuitive, and healer. She owns The Crystal Closet in Mount Dora with her husband Jorge. Rayna is available for spiritual readings and coaching through (Twitter @ StarseedCrystal) (Facebook /thecrystalcloset) ( /the-crystal-closet-sanford) Her blog is (Twitter @MystiqueMuse), Her personal portal is Find her music and guided meditations at (Twitter @RaynaTamarin) (Facebook / RaynaTamarin). Please see ads previous page, pages 2, 32 & 33.

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racefully Living Life on Life’s Terms by Rev. Sunemaura O’Brien

I just breathe gently, slowly and deeply. My mouth opens and sounds come out. I don’t judge these noises; I just let the breath become sound. Gradually, I feel the softening. This is the allowing of Life on Life’s terms. Gradually the emotion moves. It may change. It may not be gone. But it is no longer stuck and hard. I have found the place of allowing. In allowing, I have invited in Grace. Grace will heal. Grace will issue invitations for growth, learning and sharing. I will accept these invitations. I will find peace.


ometimes, in this human life, things take place which we would prefer to avoid in spite of our preference; big things like illness or death of loved ones or smaller things like car repairs and traffic jams. It’s part of this human journey to learn to accept and allow these events, to let our resistance melt away.

Rev. Sunemaura O’Brien is a spiritual healer and teacher dedicated to supporting individuals in opening doors to authenticity and joy. She is an ordained minister and teacher with the Sacred Earth Ministry. She is co-facilitator and co-founder of the Sacred Earth Center, an interfaith chapel and healing center in Gainesville, Florida. She can be reached by emailing sacredearthcenter@, calling 352-275-8537 or visiting Please see ad this page.

In 12 step fellowships, this is called “Living Life on Life’s terms.” Acceptance is not the same as resignation. Resignation holds the negative emotions and contains despair. Acceptance allows the emotions to soften and release. This softening invites in Grace. Grace transforms our heartache into spiritual growth and fulfillment. Our hardships prove as catalysts for a deeper understanding, serenity and freedom. Holding my heartache in my mind and heart, I turn off the phone, music, TV, and other distractions. I close my eyes and move into the silence. Breathing deeply, I feel the anger, the frustration, the despair or other “stuck” emotion. I accept the realization that I am resisting the flow of Life. I realize that human Life is not meant to be single faceted; it’s multi-faceted and rich in experience and with a full range of feelings. I breathe into my difficult emotion and ask Grace to use it to deepen my spirit. I breathe into the stuckness, the resistance. I ask, “Where is this emotion, this stuck feeling, located in my body?” I feel the hardness in my gut. I breathe into my gut with no real intention.


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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014





Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.: Living a Life of Awarenesss

organic ginger tea for digestion & to warm your soul


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healing crystals & jewelry The Crystal Closet, Mount Dora

make origami horses for your friends & family

meditate on aligning your chakras daily

write a poem about winter; so what if it never snows in FL

resolve to nurtur e your soul in 2014

Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

FL’s Best of the Mystic to Holistic


Try These!

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

V M Velocity Magazine ACCEPTANCE OF PROGRESS | January • February 2014



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Raising Consciousness • High Vibrational Living • Since 1998

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