Divine Feminine

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THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010 Central Florida’s Green and Conscious Living Magazine | FREE

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


“Life is an adventure in which we never know what is going to happen just beyond the turn of the road. But too often our today is filled with regrets over the past. If we could convince ourselves that the limitations of the past need not be carried into the future, what a happy outlook we should have.” -- Ernest Holmes “Living the Science of Mind”

Have you ever wanted to make adjustments in some of your past conversations? Have you ever desired to change any actions you may have taken many years ago or in the recent past? For years, I regretted not spending more time with my mother when she was nearing her transition from this earthly experience. She expressed a desire to have a conversation about her upcoming “adventure” and because of my being in denial about her passing, this conversation never happened. For several years after-


ward, I felt unhappy with myself for not honoring her request. Then one day a wise teacher did a prayer with me affirming that mental peace, guidance and wisdom are my True Reality NOW. At last, I got it—the past cannot be changed, and past regrets must be consciously released to fully enjoy each now moment. Immediately, many insights surfaced in my conscious awareness. One great insight was that my mother was always with me in consciousness and that this loving connection we had, we shall always have. Another insight was that Mother was a strong, yet gentle, presence in my life, many family members’ lives and those with whom she interacted. She was courageous as she marched with many other women up Fifth Avenue in New York City in the Women’s Suffrage Parade on May 4, 1912. This brave lady was a leader in many community service organizations. Also, as a Professional Practitioner in the New Thought movement, many received the benefits of her prayers and were healed. She was an example of the Divine Feminine Principle! As our Golden Triangle Center members say, along with those in the Taoist, Buddhist or Hindu traditions, “…without the Divine Feminine Principle incorporated into one’s concept of the Godhead, you have only told,

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

at best, half the story regarding the divine nature; you have fallen short of a full appreciation of the divinity within and without” (from “The Goddess” by Gard Jameson*). The feminine principle is viewed by many spiritual traditions as the principle of birth, transformation and rebirth, the nurturing and sustaining influence in the universe. Yes, my mother is always with me, and her loving, caring and wise ways made and continue to make a huge difference in all my life experiences. I no longer regret any of my past actions with her and now only appreciate all I learned from this grand lady. *http://www.amazonation.com/DivFemII.html

Rev. Cay Thompson, D.D. has been a Science of Mind (SOM) Practitioner for 47 years, a student of SOM for 51 years, a Religious Science Minister for 19 years, and a United Church of Religious Science (UCRS) Ecclesiastical Representative (Eastern/Mid-Western US) from 1999-2002. She was recently awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity. Please see ad this page.

Volume 24 March · April 2010 THE DIVINE FEMININE ANIMALS


When Your Dog Gets the Flu






Experiencing Divine Bliss


64 63






The Word on Books Cinema Samsara: Avatar



43 62

Villages In Haiti


Nourish America


Group Recycling Translates to Dollars BY DENISE GAINER





Who's Talking Now?

12 Ward Off Those Allergies 16 Acupuncture: An Alternative for


Degenerative Diseases BY CHARNG WANG, AP, MA, PT, CMT




Energy Medicine Workshop


24 35 36

The Misunderstood Hidden Epidemic BY MICHAEL JOSEPH

The Turning Point BY VIVIENNE BAILEY Ayurveda and the Changing Seasons BY RICHARD MASLA, ND

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


HEALTH AND HEALING (contin u e d )

42 Acknowledge Your Beauty 43




Vibrational Medicine at Apopka Wellness Center

55 58

Chinese Medicine and the Divine Woman





Baby Fat: Not Cute Anymore BY MARTY WARD




Remember Your 'Goddess'



Profound Ceremony







The Divine Feminine Principle



Tap Into the Unifying Power of the Third Eye BY YOGI AMRIT DESAI

This Issue Is For Men, Too.


Bringing Balance Into Our Lives


27 Behind the Mask 32 Generations

18 The Divine Mother In Action 19 Offering to the Earth





Invoking the Goddess


39 Expanding and Contracting 40 Our Essential Nature 41 Consciousness: The Final Frontier






She Flows Through and Around Us



55 God-Goddess-Oneness-All There Is 57 Marriage of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine BY TINA SHAFER

Give Yourself



Stop! And Smell the Roses BY CHRISTINE ROSSITER

Mid-Life Sexual Health BY MARILYN MITCHELL, MD



Stony Ruins: Field of Power



Discovering Your Mission In Life BY DEBBIE PAULK

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

contributing editors









1 Contributing Community Editor Julie Norris is manager and co-proprietor of Dandelion Communitea Café, founding board director of the Progressive Local Alliance for Community Enrichment (PLACE) and serves on the boards of Slow Food and Mills Fifty Mainstreet. She’s an avid supporter of the local art, music and food culture, and showcases the diverse people and happenings in ‘Ourlando’ on her weekly radio program, Front Porch Radio. Her passion for community, delicious fair food, the environment and culture are the driving forces behind all her endeavors. More on her ventures: http://www.dandelioncommunitea.com http://www.frontporchradio.wordpress.com and http://www.ourlando.com.

Julie Norris


Emily Ruff


Ramah Wagner, D.C.


Anita Torres


2 Contributing Green Editor

Emily Ruff, herbalist, is director of the Florida School of Holistic Living in Orlando, a 501c3 nonprofit educational institution committed to creating sustainable communities by empowering individuals to reclaim their radiant well-being through reconnecting with the natural world.  Emily has studied herbalism on three continents over the past decade and consults individuals on holistic nutrition, herbalism, aromatherapy and flower essences. Contact Emily at FSHL: 407-595-3731. Visit http://www.HolisticLivingSchool.org.

3 Contributing Health Editor Ramah Wagner, D.C. is a third generation chiropractor with degrees from the University of Iowa and of South Dakota. She received her graduate degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic (the founding college of chiropractic). Watch for Dr. Ramah Wagner’s new book, “The Health of Business - How to Balance Your Life for Greater Return.” Dr. Ramah is available for speaking events and intensives. Visit http://www.DoctorRamah.com or call: 352-589-5443. http://www.HealthOfBusiness.com.

4 Contributing Success Editor


Velocity Magazine is an independent Central Florida regional publication distributed in more than 550 locations in Orange, Seminole, Volusia, Lake, Sumter, Marion and Alachua Counties.

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Anita Torres, owner of Alternative Learning Designs, is a Certified Professional in Learning and Performance and a Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach specializing in leadership development for individuals, organizations, and families. Contact her by email at alt@altlearningdesigns.com.

To serve as a catalyst in raising the velocity of mass consciousness as we strive to create a new world that embraces lasting peace, sharing and cooperation.

5 Contributing Spiritual Life Editor

All material contained in this issue ©2010 PKR Communications- Velocity Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without express permission from the publisher.

Albert J. Nuñez, DVM, CVA is a lifelong mystic and student of spirituality. He has studied and applied many of the profound practices and tenets of Catholicism, Shamanism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Kabbalah, Paganism, Mysticism, Hinduism, Tantra, energy and sound healing, “Shadow Work,” Kundalini Yoga, many forms of meditation, and Qi Gong. A spiritual and cultural musician and recording artist, his first CD is entitled “Earth School Now.” He is an environmental advocate and educator, nature lover, happy hippy tree-hugger, and rescuer of many baby squirrels. He has been practicing fully integrated and wholistic veterinary medicine for almost 20 years, with two Animal Hospitals in the greater Orlando area. Dr. Al is committed to awakening human beings to their highest self. Contact him at 407-897-8555 or visit: myspace.com/animalhospitaloflakemary

The views expressed in Velocity represent the opinions and beliefs of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of Velocity or its staff. Velocity is not responsible for the contents, products or services represented in any advertisement.

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



we pause to notice the incredible versatility of women, how most give and nurture ceaselessly, how they are able to handle several tasks simultaneously, how their very presence in a room lends a certain softer quality, we have to realize that women are Goddesses in action, embodiments of the Divine Feminine on earth. And yet, a great many of us are still in the process of realizing this great truth. In this time of ever-increasing enlightenment, we still have far to go to embracing the wondrous gifts of the Divine Mother present in not only women, but in men as well. The Golden Age we are approaching requires balance for both men and women. This means men must begin to open themselves to their feelings, creativity and nurturing aspect. If you've ever seen a single parent dad, you'll find a good example of that. He had to do it for his children's sake. Lucky him. From the moment my son could understand, I began teaching him about the Goddess and the respect she deserves. I knew before he was even born that I would raise him to not only love women purely, but respect and cherish them deeply. I knew my job was to help ensure he become the New Man, truly Divine incarnate. I have taught him that women are not sex objects. They are to be loved sweetly and reverently and that when he enters into love-making, he'll be worshipped by his Goddess if he has learned the ways of tantra and Taoism, for example. I wish that more little girls today would be brought up similarly—growing up knowing their holiness and exquisite feminine nature. Perhaps then women wouldn't accept a great deal of the treatment they receive such as unequal pay in the workplace, control from their husbands or boyfriends and abuse. Perhaps if boys and girls were raised this way early on, we could put an end to a huge percentage of the crimes committed on this planet, for many (not all) adults only carry into adult life the treatment they received as children. Crimes (both large and so-called smaller) committed against women are horrible and they abound on this planet. I all too often observe men ogling women. If only they were thinking, I feel the wondrous energy of this Goddess and admire and respect her. Jokes can be funny, but when every other sentence uttered from a man or woman is a degrading joke about women, this is a crime, albeit smaller. Nevertheless, it often negatively impacts women in the room. A woman is not an object to be played with. She is


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a holy vessel. She is a channel for bringing life into this world in the most miraculous way. How could an entity such as this be anything other than a Goddess, God individualized as Its feminine aspect? I feel saddened when I see women trying to act like men in order to make it in the world. Some women think this is necessary so they may succeed, that they will not be accepted unless they play it like a man. Hillary would have done better if she would have been true to her Goddess nature. When she shared her feelings and vulnerability, her campaign spiked. It all went south when she tucked away her feminine as if it hardly existed. And hey, women cry. A lot of men don't like it. Though many of our tears may come from a 'poor me-I'm a victim' place (and we women need to work on this), our tears very often come from the deep well of our feeling nature. It takes courage to unveil that kind of emotion and this is something which might better be embraced than shunned. Eckhart Tolle says in The Power of Now that women actually have a greater opportunity for enlightenment. This is because every moon cycle, during their time of menses, they experience the pain-body, the collective pain of the planet. Women have this gift presented to them every 28 days or so and they can choose to use it for their highest good or ignore it. (I only wish I would have realized this sooner than I did.) My greatest desire is that young girls be not only educated about the physical aspect of menses, but be given an education of the Goddess' blood mysteries and the symbiotic relationship they have entered into with our beloved Moon. Instead, this sacred time is viewed as dirty and a 'curse' rather than a time to be embraced with all of the Goddess' heart. It is an outright abomination that pharmaceutical companies are preaching to women that they only need to have this experience no more than four times a year. This is another crime against women. A plethora of women are so rooted in allopathic medicine, they buy this perverted, money-making idea as gospel. I call on men to throw the acronym 'tmi' (too much information) in the garbage. The fact is, most men have not received enough information! If men were well versed in these mysteries along with women, respect for the Woman Goddess would soar and life itself would be venerated in a whole new way. When we see a virtual Goddess in action, dear Sisters, let us applaud her and lift her up even higher. And men, let us revere her and cherish her for she can work magic in your life!

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Yoga Nidra literally means "yogic sleep" and is a meditation based, ancient practice that can be performed lying down or can be done sitting as well. Yoga Nidra is easy to practice. When you are guided from the very first time you will successfully experience a deeply relaxed meditative state. With regular practice of this engaging technique, you can break through many physical, mental and emotional blockages that hold you back in your life. This practice is so engaging and absorbing that you will love it from the first time you practice it. The deeper we go into relaxation, we simultaneously release deep-seated stress and activate our internal intelligence that is far beyond the limitations of the mind. We begin to feel its benefits in a very short time and experience dramatic shifts in the form of restful sleep, a calm clear, peaceful mind, a relaxed body and an overall sense of well-being. The phrase 'whole brain functioning' that is used in science is akin to what yogis call the integrative, unifying power of the third eye. Whole brain thinking takes a quantum leap from distortion and conflicts initiated by personal bias to integrative, impersonal presence that reality is. Focusing on the third eye in the Amrit Method of Yoga Nidra stimulates and activates the pineal gland and brain chemicals, the pleasure causing endorphins and melatonin, which yogis know as 'amrita,' the nectar of immortality. These chemicals work to eliminate stress from life, translating your stress producing psychology into the tranquilizing biology of the body. Yoga Nidra activates new neural pathways creating a conscious crossover which balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain allowing you to encounter the challenges you face in life: This restores the balancing and tranquilizing power of the parasympathetic nervous system.

actions, we move on. Yoga Nidra empowers us with a master key that unlocks all the doors that appeared to be closed before. With Yoga Nidra, the power of witness is activated and acts as a portal to move beyond the time bound body-mind represented by linear horizontal consciousness of the left brain into the integrated whole brain vertical dimension of spirit. Symbolically, the cross is represented in the third eye where the horizontal time bound ego dies and the vertical immortal Christ consciousness emerges. Yoga Nidra provides you with techniques that are powerful and easy to adopt. These techniques help you to tap into the extraordinary, infinite source of the subconscious, the cosmic force field of prana that provides guidance, protection, vitality, intuitive insight and creativity. It balances the restorative, regenerative, homeostatic power of biological prana that accelerates healing from within. Enter the Zero Stress Zone through the proactive of the Amrit Methods of Pranayam and initiate psychosomatic detoxification and restore optimal health. Amrit Yoga Institute is located in beautiful Salt Springs, Florida. Call 352-685-3001 or visit http://www.AmritYoga.org for more information. Please see ad this page.

Our unconscious past, karma, creates emotional reactions and conflict that are at the core of 80% of all physical, mental and emotional disorders and illnesses we face today. Whole brain thinking brings you out of your distorted perceptions created by your emotional reactions, irritations, fears and attachments. Distorted perception created by our emotional reaction to reality is our primary problem. Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so are the problems that appear to be coming from outside of ourselves. In reality, they are rooted in ourselves. Distorted perception created by our emotional reaction to reality is your primary problem. Yoga Nidra helps us to step away from our first reaction which comes from our past conditioning. It creates an opening for us to remain free from reacting to our first reaction. Now we can restore inner balance, harmony and peace. This is the secret that allows us to encounter all challenges with clarity, equanimity and objectivity. Where others are held captive by their emotional reVelocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



he start of Spring signals the beginning of the frustrating allergy season for so many of us. We suffer from symptoms like itchy eyes and noses, sneezing and shortness of breath. But thanks to some powerful allergy-fighting foods, you don’t have to be helpless this season. A recent study from the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center found that the more folate you eat, the less chance you have of getting allergy and asthma symptoms from things like mold, pet dander, and dust mites. Researchers reviewed medical records of over 8,000 people from the ages of two to 85 and found that those with the highest levels of folate in their blood had fewer reported allergies, immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies, and wheezing/asthma symptoms.(Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine, April 30, 2009)


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Scientists will need to conduct more studies in order to make specific recommendations for folate supplements, but it doesn’t hurt to increase your intake of folate-rich foods. Try some of these: • asparagus •

leafy greens (spinach, mustard greens, kale)




butternut squash



Folate is also known as folic acid or vitamin B9. Eat more of these natural, folate-rich foods all year and watch your allergy symptoms dramatically decrease. Laurel Moll received training in health counseling and nutrition at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in New York City. She is board certified as a holistic health counselor by The American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP). Contact her at (407)413-9086. Please see ad this page.

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



The divine feminine is everywhere. She is all around us in every tree, rock and person we meet. Her presence is as open as the night sky and as deep as the ocean. She surrounds us; she is within all of us. She is not only the giver of life, she is life. I think it is important to see the divine feminine or Goddess in not only the things that surround us, but within ourselves as well. She is here in all of her simple splendor, to assist us on our journey. Today, I saw her in a baby’s smile, I saw her in the trees, and in the night sky as her cloak of stars protected me. The divine feminine, the power that moves the wheel of life along its path surrounds us, and yet is sometimes hard to feel. We get busy with life, work, juggling family, bills, the kids’ soccer practice, and we lose site of the universal divinity that is a part of us. Because of this, it is important to take a few moments every day and reconnect with the divine energies that surround us. When I feel myself out of touch with these natural energies I stop, have a cup of tea and sit outside for a few minutes to reconnect. I simply breathe in the scent of the tea, look at nature and remember that all that surrounds me is sacred. One of my students came to me one day frustrated by her inability to connect with the divine in her surroundings, so I took her outside and told her to close her eyes. I first brought her a flower and had her feel the silkiness of the petal; I told her that this was the skin of the Goddess. I then had her smell the flower and I told her that this was how the Goddess smelled. I then had her listen to the wind in the tall pines and I told her that this was the voice of the Goddess. Next, she opened her eyes and I explained to her that everything she experienced was from the Goddess and that it was sacred. I then took her inside and had her look at herself in the mirror. She understood that the Goddess was inside of her as well as on the outside. The divine feminine surrounds us every day, reminding us that we, too, are a sacred part of the universe. All we have to do is remember. Dawn Gates, Master Herbalist, aromatherapist, flower essence and gemstone elixir practitioner, has studied natural healing for 18 years. She has herb and aromatherapy consulting offices in Paisley, Deland and Orlando, Florida. Her school, “The Live Oak School of Natural Healing” offers Herbalist Certification courses both in classroom and online. Visit: www.dawnsenchantedgarden.com or call for a consult. In Lake County, (352)669-1963 and in the Orlando region, (407)967-6042. See ad this page.


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o Green and Get Green! We can’t say it enough. We are the three SP Recycling Specialists in Florida who have a single-minded, but dual purpose mission in life. Gail Diggett, Graceanna Henderson and I work to educate and promote recycling to take better care of our Mother Earth while providing community groups with a recycling program that allows them to raise money for their own community projects. Our recycling clients are the real stars in our recycling program. The three of us, like gardeners, just plant seeds, show a little how-to, tend with love and support, and then get to see some pretty remarkable results. This issue and next, we’d like to share some of the success stories of our amazing recyclers. The Palm Coast Lions Club of Flagler County has 28 years of recycling experience, recycling over six thousand tons of paper in exchange for some $156,000. Dick Stucky, Recycling Co-chair tells us, “This recycling money helps fund many projects, from books for the blind to scholarships to Lake Wales Camp to Lions International to our hearing impaired outreach.” Dick’s wife Ellen says, “Someone checks [the container] every day and they pull out any contamination.” No contamination means more money for the club, which also hosts a once a month paper drive. “High school kids help out,” says Dick, “and we have two car dealerships, Palm Coast Ford and Tom Gibbs Chevrolet, that give us vehicles to use.” Ellen adds, “People can’t afford to waste stuff anymore. It takes so little effort to drive by and drop off paper for recycling and so much more.” In Port St. Lucie, the Savannah Club, recycling with SP since 2005, has kept approximately 370 tons out of the landfill while earning money. Their earned income goes to the Social Committee, which offsets the costs of dances, trips, and this year, the 25th Anniversary Celebration of their community. It is their ‘play’ money! The Jensen Elks BPOE 1870 in Stuart, recycling since 1995, averages 30 tons per year. Exalted Ruler Suzi Simonelli, says, “The funds from the paper bin are vital to our outreach to kids.” Those programs include Cub Scouts for disabled children, an annual Christmas party for 110 needy children, student scholarships, food drives, and Elroy-the-Elk, a drug-use-prevention program, and more.” St. Simon Island’s American Legion Post 166, better known as the “Guale Post,” has been recycling since 2008. Post Commander Michael Hennessy tells us, “The money we earn by recycling newspaper, magazines and office paper is put back into the community educating high school students in things such as patriotism, public speaking, and legislative procedures.” Gail, Graceanna, and I, like proud moms, couldn’t be happier as we see the harvest of our energy. It brings quality paper to our mill, which is the nation’s largest producer of 100% recycled newsprint, keeps paper out of landfills and prevents trees from being cut down, all while benefiting people in our own communities. Learn more about paper recycling at the SPRC webpage: www. sprecyclingflorida.com. Recycling Specialist, Denise Gainer has been ‘talking trash’ since 2000 with anyone who will listen! Her goal is threefold: to educate people about their wastestream; recycle as much newspaper as possible; and by so doing, contribute to community fundraising throughout Central Florida. Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



ating back over 3,000 years as a primary healthcare system in China, acupuncture has served to prevent disease, strengthen the immune system, and control pain. The theory behind Chinese Medicine is that illness or pain is caused by incorrect energy flow along the meridians. Health can be restored and pain alleviated by stimulating the appropriate acupuncture points. Modern science is now collecting data to support the positive results that practitioners of Chinese Medicine have been producing for thousands of years. Acupuncture improves circulation and promotes the body’s own healing process. Doctors agree that degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) defines the degeneration of a joint and often, depletion of cartilage. When an x-ray reveals worn out cartilage and bone rubbing on bone, often the suggestion is to either have joint replacement surgery or to live with the pain. As acupuncture and physical therapy specialists, our view is a bit different. Joint degeneration doesn’t bring the patient to our office; it’s the pain that brings them. If we manage the pain, we can greatly improve the quality of life for the patient who has degenerative arthritis. We combine acupuncture with electric stimulation to treat osteoarthritis. Acupuncture’s ability to reach deep into the tissue combined with heat and electric stimulation can penetrate into the joint capsule, reducing inflammation, irritation and the possibility of reoccurrence.


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can result from a hyperactive sympathetic nervous system, which can be brought on by emotional disturbance, stress or inadequate production of body heat. Digestion is the most significant source of heat production in the body. When the digestive system is sluggish, there is not enough heat.

This approach affects the soft tissues to increase range of motion, allowing patients to feel better and do more. This procedure is proven to be safe and very effective. People suffering side effects from pain medications or feel minimal relief from their current choice of treatment may want to consider the integrated form of treatment we offer. Conventional treatment for fibromyalgia may include antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medications—medications that can affect one’s ability to concentrate or perform on the job. While physical therapy can be helpful, there is still the issue of pain. Many symptoms of fibromyalgia are viewed as being related to problems with an impaired circulatory system. Disturbance of the circulatory system

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Acupuncture’s ability to affect deep layers of tissue is key to its success in pain management. Acupuncture for fibromyalgia increases muscle relaxation, increases circulation, increases body temperature and enhances the body’s function. Chinese herbs can enhance the digestive system. The intent is to turn the body’s viscous cycle into a good cycle. The physical therapy techniques we teach our patients to incorporate into a home exercise program further enhance results. This combination of techniques is very effective in managing pain. ARC: Physical Therapy and Pain Centers use a combined method of acupuncture, message therapy and physical therapy to manage a variety of pain and degenerative diseases, and develop an individualized program for each patient’s specific needs. Charng-Shen Wang, A.P., M.A., P.T., C.M.T. serves as the CEO and Director of four ARC: Physical Therapy and Pain Centers in Central Florida with his newest office open in Mount Dora. Dr. Wang is both a licensed acupuncturist and physical therapist. In 1993, Dr. Wang attained certification as a manual therapist and graduated from the John Shen Institute with his certificate in acupuncture. He has served as a clinician and physical therapy director for numerous companies in the Central Florida area. He is a member of the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists. Please see ad this page.


ou have heard all about the Swine Flu, but have you heard about the Dog Flu? First recognized in 2004 in a Florida greyhound racetrack, Canine Influenza (CIV) is a non-seasonal respiratory infection in dogs that is believed to have jumped a species as a mutated virus from horses. Presently, there are no signs that humans, cats or birds can catch this flu, however, if you are a dog owner, you will want to be especially careful to look for the symptoms of Canine Influenza which can attack any breed of dog. The virus is spread through direct contact with an infected dog, or through secondary transmissions from water and food bowls, collars, leashes, human clothing or hands and can be viable on objects for up to 48 hours. Signs to watch for in your dog are those that resemble Kennel Cough. Persistent coughing, runny nose, and possibly sneezing with a low-grade fever are all signs of CIV. Some dogs can develop a severe form of CIV, which can include a high fever, lack of energy and loss of appetite, and may even lead to pneumonia. A dog that becomes infected with CIV will be highly contagious for seven to ten days and should be kept away from other dogs.

Most dogs will only be infected with the mild form of this virus and will have a persistent cough for ten to 21 days despite treatment with antibiotics. Good nutrition and rest are also recommended to assist a speedy recovery. Severe cases can take as long as four to eight weeks for recovery, while the majority of dogs will get well in two to three weeks. A Canine Influenza vaccine made from a dead form of the virus that cannot cause respiratory infections is now available and can be given annually. The vaccine may not entirely keep dogs from getting the virus, but will significantly reduce the symptoms and severity. It is recommended especially for dogs that frequent dog parks, dog shows, boarding, day care and pet stores. If you notice that your dog has developed a cough or runny nose or has trouble breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately. Since the Canine Influenza is highly contagious, your vet will want to know prior to your arrival and take special measures to examine your dog. It’s important to see your dog’s veterinarian as soon as possible since the virus could become severe and cause pneumonia which in some cases can be fatal. Only a veterinarian will be able to tell how severe the disease is and recommend the correct treatment. Sources: Canine Influenza by Alison Landis Stone, Healthy Pet, Winter 2009, www.ASPCA.org, www.avma.org © 2008 Healing For Pets & the Special People Who Love Them. All rights reserved. Content may be reproduced in whole by special permission of author. We recommend that all health issues be discussed with your veterinarian, and that your pet has a thorough examination by a qualified veterinarian.

Colleen M. Gordon is a pet communicator, pet reiki/massage therapist, and herbalist. She is president and founder of Healing For Pets, and is committed to improving the health and the lives of pets and their owners. Colleen has been helping pets and owners with behavior and health issues for over ten years. Contact her at (407)446-4315 or healingforpets@ yahoo.com; visit http://www.HealingForPets.com. Please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


by Kateyah Kapashah The Divine Mother is always around us, within everything and everyone. As the New Age is upon us we see and feel the balancing of masculine and feminine energy, opening the heart to be filled with compassion for all living beings is a step in the right direction. The old patterns of fear and judgment are falling away and the harsh lines of black and white are fading. We are more sensitive to being at peace and sharing peace and love. This is the Divine Mother in action. Years ago, I did a meditation where I called forth the masculine and feminine energies within myself. To my surprise, it was my masculine side that was squelched and frazzled, not my feminine side. As we move into the time of the Goddess and a more androgynous era, we must allow the true masculine energy to emerge. More and more men are looking within to heal their hearts, bring themselves into their centers and balance their energy systems. Men and women’s roles have been programmed over the millennia; it is time to take a deeper look at the programs we are participating in—and to change. Change what has been thrust upon us into who we are as beings of Light on this planet. We are here to balance the energy within and without, to heal the earth and ourselves. I have spent most of my life balancing these energies within me, to accept my androgynous self and not try to squelch or hide.

The time is now to make the leap into our highest level of transformation. As we move forward into 2010 until March 2011 and the Second Harmonic Convergence, let’s take this time to go where we have not been willing to go before—to stretch the boundaries of our limited self-perception and allow the Divine Mother to fill us with love and truth so that we can make the leap into the New Age, the next evolution of the planet and all life upon her. May we all be filled with compassion for ourselves and the world!

to assist people in creating the results they desire on the physical, mental and emotional planes. She has received Massage/Doula certification and serves female clients and their husbands as they move through the prenatal and labor process. Her office is located inside of Yoga Central and she is available by appointment for healing and massage sessions. She offers Stress relief/Therapeutic massage, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone and Thai Yoga Massage as well as Pre and Post partum massage sessions. Please see ad this page.

Kateyah as been practicing yoga and massage for the past 16 years. She incorporates many modalities into her massage sessions and yoga classes


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Sitting at my table with a pot of rosemary tea, my mind takes me back. I remember December 15, 2003 like it was yesterday. My labor began with my first drop of blood in the toilet. I was carrying my second child and so excited to bring her into the world. My heart began to sink as I walked into a dream I had six months prior. A quick trip to the emergency room and then off to my ob-gyn. My labor continued. More blood continued, too. I could no longer hear the strong heart of my baby. My daughter, 13 weeks old, had died. Thirteen weeks or thirty weeks, the loss is real and the pain is deep. My labor continues into the evening. I continue to bleed and now there are some labor pains. I think to myself, How can I honor myself through this process? I quickly obtain a large goblet. I fill it with water and then I squat over it and allow my Sacred Blood to drip into the water. Without thinking I go outside and sit under a camphor tree. I pray, sob, sing, scream, chant and dance. At this moment, nothing is more important than offering my Sacred Blood to the Earth. This blood is not spilled on the Earth over hate, greed, jealousy, possessions or war, but offered in love and gratitude. This Sacred Blood is my child and all of our hopes, dreams and loving intentions we had for her. With all of these feelings I empty the goblet onto the Earth and send its healing power out seven generations into the future. On December 16, 2003 I gave birth to myself. I began my life like a newborn baby. Trying to adjust to a new awareness of my body, mind, spirit and emotions was a difficult process. Just like a new seed in the ground, I had to grow roots before I could send a shoot up. I had to bury myself in the Earth and draw in her nutrients. I had to risk being dormant and possible death before I could send my shoot up to break through the Earth’s surface. And what did I see when I emerged? I was greeted by a loving community and a golden ray of hope. Chonteau McElvin, Spiritual Arts Practitioner works as a Counselor for at-risk adolescent girls by day and a Magical Medicine Woman by night. She founded a company called Sangoma LLC which carries her personal line of healing herbal products. She also created Herbal Wise, a vehicle she uses to bring herbal wisdom and her herbal creations to your circle of friends. To schedule a consultation, Herbal Wise Party or learn more about her services please call her at 407-342-3912

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


We call our planet Mother Earth by no coincidence. The nurturing, nourishing energies of the planet are decidedly feminine in nature. In this culture, we have stepped far away from her healing and divinity. We see the wounds of this disconnect in the hatred, pain, and despair so many carry through their daily lives, or worse, inflict upon others. Many in the eco-psychology field call this the Great Forgetting— a deep disconnection from the source that provides for us. Though as a culture we have strayed from that sacred, nourishing source, simple tools can help us reconnect to the Divine Feminine, Gaia, Mother Earth, she who willingly and lovingly provides for us each day. We just have to take the time to remember. Two simple principles—living each day in ceremony, and living in mindfulness and harmony with the complex web of life, practiced daily can quickly guide us back to Mother Earth, calling forth in us compassion, love, and peace.

Live Each Day in Ceremony

Create a ritual to open and close your day, to bring you closer to the sanctity of the earth's energies, and to honor her power and mystery. Consider creating a ritual to greet the sun and also to rest your body. This can be as simple as a cleansing smudge, or touching a tree, or reciting a mantra or prayer. The Earth is sacred, and you are part of the earth, therefore, you are sacred! Celebrate that each and every day. A client of mine dealing with depression began viewing each day as a ceremony. She had been dreading waking up until she took the time to greet the morning in the attitude of awe for the power of Mother Earth. She began waking ten minutes earlier, then sat outside and witnessed the morning for ten minutes. The suburban plot she had previously considered desolate soon amazed her. The birds, squirrels and butterflies ignited within her a profound joy and gave her energy and strength to embrace the morning. Another client takes five minutes in the morning to smudge herself with cedar from a neighborhood tree and sets her intention to release negative energy. In six months, she has overcome relationship struggles with co-workers and received a promo-


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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

other wildlife. If you wish to grow food but have a yard full of oaks, consider shade-loving food plants (there are many!) or vertical gardens to maintain the sanctity of the non-edible plants and to honor the wildlife who rely on these plants for shelter and food. Honor this intricate, interwoven web. When we tug a string in one corner, it radiates throughout the whole. tion. She credits the mindfulness created in the simplicity of her morning ceremony. Another powerful place for ritual in our daily lives is at mealtime. Food, sacred and central to the spiritual life of so many cultures, is taken for granted in our society for the life-giving nourishment it provides. By taking one minute to close our eyes and give gratitude for the rich soils, the nourishing rains, the energizing sun and the hands that labor in the soil to provide it for us, we can radically shift our daily life into profound ceremony.

Shifting our mindset, embracing the sanctity of our daily actions, and honoring the ecology we are part of will bring us swiftly back to source, and we will see Divine Feminine radiate through Mother Earth in our daily lives. Emily Ruff, herbalist, is director of the Florida School of Holistic Living in Orlando, a 501c3 nonprofit educational institution committed to creating sustainable communities by empowering individuals to reclaim their radiant well-being through reconnecting with the natural world. Emily has studied herbalism on three continents over the past decade and consults individuals on holistic nutrition, herbalism, aromatherapy and flower essences. Contact Emily at FSHL: 407-595-3731. Visit http://www.HolisticLivingSchool.org.

Live in Mindfulness and Harmony

Live in harmony with Earth's ecology. Ecology is the understanding of the intricate, interwoven community surrounding us. It reminds us how dependent we are on the health of all other living species. We are tasked to honor her ecology on a global scale—many equate the Amazon basin with the lungs of our planet—and also on a local scale. It calls us to consider the practices the least destructive and most in harmony with the ecology of our environment. It calls us to be mindful and conscious of our consumer choices. It also tasks us to be conscious of the choices we make on the land we steward whether a large rural farm or a small urban yard. I recently witnessed a neighbor cut down a 15 year old native oak tree that had served for at least two seasons as home to a family of birds. I was stunned and saddened by the death of a perfectly healthy tree, but what hurt my soul the most was that the tree was removed to make room for an avocado tree. Yes, we need more food-bearing plants in our desolate urban landscape, but to cut down native trees for the sake of planting fruit trees is as shortsighted as cutting down these trees to build a shopping plaza. To view gardens as solely serving the human species for food employs the same myopic logic that has destroyed so much of Florida's ecological treasures. It is not just human life served by plants, but wildlife and a greater ecosystem. We must remember and honor the divine spirit that each plant carries, and the greater community each plant is part of. Ecological gardeners use the structure of the plants already present as the basis for their gardens. These gardeners know the native plant community also supports birds, butterflies, and Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


s i s o h p r o m ama


itor Norris unity Ed by Julie m m o C ting Contribu

I flicker between times, between belief systems. I am immersed, surrounded, confounded by the Divine Feminine. The elusive lady finally allowed me to slip into her divinity in the timeless moment my daughter slipped into the birthing waters beneath my gaze this past summer. The metamorphosis of me has gone unexplored by my thinking brain as I've simply just allowed myself 'to be.' Observing my daughter's awakening into being has been fascinating enough without taking a moment to observe my own self emerge anew. As I watch her come into her body, I integrate the resonance with which all parts of myself came together in order to bring her into this world. I finally understand through this experience what it means to be the embodiment of the divine feminine and it is really turning my perspective of what it means to be female on end. My thoughts on being female are so tied up with myths of feminism in my learning, I'm really having to reshuffle and review all that I have assumed to be true. Let's start with the first thing I learned about being a woman, direct from


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the Bible: "I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children." (Genesis 3:16) In the past, I certainly questioned almost every aspect of this statement, but I never questioned if childbirth hurt. Everyone knows it does. Except ... it didn't, not really (read Velocity's Jan./ Feb. issue for the full story). And a small minority of women in the United States have a similar experience, along with a lot of women who belong to cultures which do not fear birth. And every animal I've ever seen has quietly, calmly, matter-of-factly done the same. Interesting. My mind sorts through feminist theory rejecting parts of it I never questioned, dives into indigenous cultures and their stories about the goddesses, stomps around American workplaces and mass media, peeks into natural childbirth culture and finds myself agreeing that a woman's place is with her child should she choose to have one. I've always been a radical conservative, and now I've got the sewing machine to bear witness to the revolutionary epiphany that being 'domestic' is not a bad word as I've always gotten the sense. It's so closely associated with the phrase 'domestic violence' and is synonymous with being a servant, and everyone knows servitude is THE WORST, except for those who understand true service, of course. Very few present domesticity through the lens of nurturing and tending to the home for the health and well-being of the self, families and into the community. I am shocked this is so revolutionary and wonder how the heck I bought this most basic myth of all—the result of being a child of the 80's, I wonder? But none of that stuff has anything to do with the divine feminine, I suspect. It just keeps interfering with the practice of being divine. I've been writing this article for six weeks as all that and more wanders through my head. And yet, I have no words to define or discuss what this new reality of mine is like. My old reality finds it egotistical to claim direct knowledge and experience with the divine feminine. The new me knows better. In fact, the new me just knows. I am more: sensual, graceful, present, playful, appreciative, purposeful, cunning, nurturing, loving, intuitive, grounded, neutral, sure. I am less: fearful, doubtful, confused, hesitant, victimized, self-deceptive, self-depreciating, manipulative, controlling, overly-apologetic. I am less concerned with what other people think and more concerned with what my own counsel tells me. I know when to speak my truth and when to hold my tongue. I'm even beginning to practice discipline.

Yes, I've met Lady Divinity. She's empowering and inspiring and authentic. And she's rising up all around these parts, big time. Chances are, she's the lady in the mirror, looking back at you. Julie Norris is co-proprietor of Dandelion Communitea Cafe, co-founder of the Progressive Local Alliance for Community Enrichment (PLACE) and serves on the board of Slow Food Orlando. She's the host of Front Porch Radio and blogs about natural parenting. More on her ventures at www.dandelioncommunitea.com, www. ourlando.org, www.frontporchradio.com and www.gaiamama.net

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


Food allergies are among the most misunderstood and neglected aspects of health and wellness in our country. It is estimated that anywhere from 25% to 60% of the population has some kind of food-related immune or non-immune reaction. A food intolerance may be misdiagnosed as an allergy, which can lead to confusion with the treatment. For many, having an allergy can mean nagging symptoms and chronic conditions like digestive problems, anxiety, fatigue, arthritis, hives, migraines, ear infections, accelerated pulse, and more. With any chronic condition that has seemingly no cause, one must rule out food allergy as a potential causative or aggravating factor.

This kind of allergy is easy to self-diagnose and treat; the food is eaten, it causes a reaction shortly thereafter, therefore don’t eat the food any more. The second kind of allergy is more sinister and nearly impossible to self-diagnose because it can involve multiple foods and a much longer time frame. The Type 3, delayed onset or “hidden” food allergy effects, are experienced anywhere from two hours to four days later. Symptoms and diseases associated with this kind of allergy include eczema, arthritis, anxiety, ear infections, depression, diabetes, ADD/ADHD, autism, migraines/headaches, IBS/IBD, colitis, inflammatory conditions, and many others. This is not a skin positive allergy and can only be assessed by a blood test that measures the response of the IgG antibody to the antigen, like the ELISA test (Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay).

A food allergy is a different reaction (immune) than a food intolerance (non-immune) response. An allergy occurs when the body’s immune system produces antibodies in response to an anti- So what does one do if there is a diagnosis or gen, a substance that stimulates the production assessment for one of these allergies? For the Imof antibodies. mediate Onset Allergies, the solution is simple: How would one get a food allergy? It can be Avoid the food that caused the reaction, for good. genetic, or from infections, inflammatory conditions, chemicals, drugs, environmental toxins, stress, or a poor or unbalanced diet. These factors weaken the protective defenses of the digestive system, allowing antigens to move more freely into confrontation with the immune system, substantially weakening it.

However, the solution for Type 3 Delayed Onset allergies is more complicated, as it could involve up to 15 or 20 foods. The good news is that in many instances, the foods can be reintroduced again at a later date. Through utilizing the proper testing methods and working with a trained, skilled health professional, one can overcome the There are two major kinds of food allergies, afflictions that are caused by food allergies. Since 2002, Michael has counseled known as Type 1 and Type 3. Type 1 is commonly referred to as immediate onset food allergy: The effects are experienced immediately, from 30 seconds to two hours. Symptoms include hives, throat swelling, rashes, and anaphylaxis. A blood test called the RAST (Radio Allergo Sorbent Test) is used to diagnose Type I allergies.


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hundreds of clients for many health conditions like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, skin problems, anxiety, depression, emotional eating, and food allergies. Michael is one of the authorities in the region on food allergies and how to transition to a nonallergic lifestyle. He is based out of the Florida School of Holistic Living in Orlando, and has practices in New Yorkand South Florida.

Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. --Matthew 6:22 Life can be overwhelming, a daily struggle. In my mental health practice, I see women playing the roles of mommy and daddy, working full time, raising children and handling the household responsibilities. Coping can be a challenge. The divine feminine knows to call upon God when strength and ability are limited. After doing your best performance possible, let go and call upon God to take it from there. Trust that God will do his part. Life must be kept balanced. This includes taking the time to smell the roses. Taking time for oneself rejuvenates the mind, body, and soul. The divine feminine revels in God’s creations by slowing the pace and taking a minute to breathe. Spending time with family and friends can be times of laughter, love, and prayer. Having support from the people closest to us can encourage a person to reach for their full potential.* The divine feminine seeks to be surrounded by supportive people. Our physical bodies are God’s creativity, his temple. Honoring the body means taking care of it. The divine feminine knows that the Spirit of God dwells in the physical body. Solutions to problems can be handled by taking it before God in prayer and listening for a response. The divine feminine will act on the wisdom received from God. Something done in the spirit of love comes from the essence of what God has created us to be.* Choose to love others, including the self. The divine feminine allows love to inspire. Worshipping God can be done anywhere. However, the uplifting and inspiring energy created during times of worship with others can revive the spirit. The divine feminine seeks to worship among others of faith. This provides a glimpse into what it means to be a divine feminine person. May you seek to live each day in the light of God. * Reference: Paul, C. (2006). 101 Ways to Relax and Reduce Stress. Franklin, Tenn.: Creative Edge.

Originally from Queens, New York, Jeanine D'Onofrio, PhD ABD, LMHC, NCC works with children, adolescents and adults doing individual, couples, family and group counseling. She has been in private practice at Advanced Behavioral Health Center in Tavares, Florida since 2005. Please see her ad this page. Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



an unconscious level, humans have immense resources for healing in the physical, emotional and spiritual fields. By connecting with healing symbols, they can access those resources and achieve their goals. Every culture has healing symbols. In Western medicine, the placebo effect is well documented. The doctor’s prestige, white coat, and electronic equipment are powerful symbols. In West Africa, diviners advise ill Yoruba people to contact a supernatural agent—a witch, double, ancestor or Orisha (spirit manifesting one aspect of God). Christian faith healers encourage believers to let Jesus or the Holy Spirit become a living presence in their lives. In Peru, Sharanahua shamans mix patients’ dreams with their own traditional visions to create healing symbols. In Mexico, Otomí shamans cut magical paper figures that represent the life force of different beings and manipulate them to suggest change.1 The divine feminine, a universal symbol, can be understood either as a conscious entity or as mythical representation of processes of creation. According to Joseph Campbell, “All of the references of religious and mythological images are to planes of consciousness, or fields of experience that are potential in human spirit. And the personification of the energy that gives birth to forms and nourishes forms is properly female. Everything you can think of, everything you can see, is a production of the Goddess.”2 In the beginning is the Void, the undifferentiated energy, neither male nor female. The divine feminine, Goddess,

is the medium through which that energy takes specific forms—material, emotional, mental and spiritual. Artistic representations of the Goddess show her containing the universe within her body. Ancient Egypt’s goddess Nut is represented as the whole heavenly sphere, a female figure filling an entire temple ceiling. We can invoke Goddess in our lives to access the qualities of creativity, nurturing, r e c e p t i v i t y, understanding, and compassion she represents (a process which is equally useful for women and men). We bypass the conscious mind—with its continuous (often negative) running commentary—by filling the senses with symbols alluding to Goddess in order to mobilize those resources. Instead of focusing on the problem, which can often merely reinforce it, we shift our focus toward the solution. Sit in a semi-darkened room while playing music you associate with the divine feminine. My favorite is Marcey Hamm’s, “Celestial Dance.” Place the Tarot cards of the High Priestess, the Empress and the Moon on a brightly lit table and passively observe them. Imagine that you are surrounded by swirling spirals and snakes. Breathe slowly, deeply and evenly. With every inhale imagine that you are breathing in the spirals and snakes. Say to yourself: “Earth Mother, divine feminine, Goddess, yin energy, I invoke you. Give birth to the forms that will guide me forward.” Let things happen inside. Whatever you experience is authentic. David Botsford is a hypnotist and intuitive reader in the Four Corners area. He has produced a series of self-hypnosis CD sets and is the author of the book Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation. His websites are http:// www.4cornershypnosis.com and http://www.selfhypnosiscd.com and he can be reached at 863-420-3634. See ad, left.

1 James Dow, “Universal Aspects of Symbolic Healing,” American Anthropologist,”March 1986, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 63-64. 2 Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers, “The Power of Myth,” Doubleday, New York. 1988, pp. 165, 167.


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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” -- Marianne Williamson

When I was young, I would watch my mother apply her make-up. It was our little tradition. As I grew into a teenager I created my own make-up ritual; I would not leave the house without it. More than a tradition passed down, it was a necessary mask. What was beneath I could not understand, so it was hard for me to believe that anyone else ever would. In my twenties, a group of my peers encouraged me to be bare—to be “real,” though I still had no idea what “real” was. But I tried, and I was frustrated every time I stumbled. It was not until recently that I uncovered the essence of who and what I am. The Divine feminine led me to this understanding. The feminine is the power in our universe. Women are meant to hold space for all possibility and creation. To be afraid of our power and to deny it is in direct opposition to our evolution as a species. I do not mean physical power. This power is creative and energetic.

Dollars and Sense

Keeping Our Health Intact While Doing the Same for Our Wallets by Skillful Living Doctor and Certified Holistic Physician, Michael Finkelstein, M.D.

We all (men, too) have it. The balance that we can create as individuals is by accepting and honoring our powerful selves! I still wear make-up, but I leave the house quite frequently without it. It is fun to apply and wear and I no longer hide behind it. We do not have to reject the world to embrace what is real within ourselves. We need only have reverence and respect for the divinity inside each of us, to see the divine in the world, and to experience the divine we carry around within each of us, every day. Holly Riggs can be reached by calling 321-947-0824 or emailing: Holly.riggs@yahoo.com. Relationship Readings are available Wednesdays at Audubon Community Market 6-10 p.m., Thursdays at Dandelion Communitea Café from 11-3 p.m. and fourth Saturdays at Blissful Lotus Romance Boutique from 2-7 p.m. See http://www.Shineonyoga.com for information on classes and workshops taught by Holly.

Dealing with stress: If you are fighting or flighting, you cannot maximally focus on the work you are doing; thus you need to find a better way to manage the stress and “background noise.” The most practical way to do this, for immediate relief, is to learn a simple breathing technique—a relatively slow and deep breath that lasts 10 seconds—four seconds in, one second hold and five seconds out. Doing this for just two minutes when you have any sense that things are building up, can really make a difference. Being more productive: Make sure you get adequate quantity and quality of sleep. Try not watching TV in the evening for one week and see how that works. Instead, read recreationally (a novel, memoir or entertaining magazine, as opposed to anything work or industry-related) or listen to music for an hour before you go to bed. Try to shut down completely by 10:30. Reevaluating how much money you need: Think about this: if you are working additionally hard to make enough money for things you don’t really need, you are working harder than you need to and wasting valuable time and energy. Anyone who has felt like they are on a perpetual treadmill knows this experience. Carefully review the things you spend money on and try to eliminate the waste. A periodic review of your expenses will improve your bottom line. Consider this same rule for your life. Michael is an expert in holistic, skillful living, and has gained acclaim for his pioneering approach to integrative medicine since beginning his private practice more than twenty years ago. He holds a particular interest in energy medicine.

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



MARCH 2010



There is no art in turning a goddess into a witch, a virgin into a whore, but the opposite operation, to give dignity to what has been scorned, to make the degraded desirable, that calls for art or for character. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe MARCH 1 Grand Opening Party Raphsodic Cooperative Co. Bakery & Store, Orlando; 10 a.m.- 9 p.m.; 954-5475882; FREE vegan baked goodies, chair massages, psychic readings, live music, art, culture, and more. Gallery Opening Raphsodic Cooperative Co. Bakery & Store, Orlando; 10 a.m.- 9 p.m.; 954-5475882; FREE; featuring three local artists each month that bring about new culture, talent, and creativity to Orlando Abraham-Hicks Study Group; 10:30 a.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake;352-502-3898; Love Offering MARCH 2 Clean Green; 7 p.m.; 414 W Main St, Ste 204, Leesburg; 352-504-2893; Fee MARCH 5 Hoop Dance Jam; 6 p.m.; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee MARCH 6 Abraham Study Group; 11 a.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Fee Reiki Circle; Noon; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake; 352-502-3898; Love Offering MARCH 6 Essential Nutrition-Part I: The Truth About Protein, Carbs and Fat; 9 a.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 1-877-880-2023, x 705; Fee Yoga for Youth and Vitality Workshop; 2 p.m.; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee MARCH 7 Get Out of the Breakfast Box! Breakfast Cooking Class & Demo; 9 a.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 1-877-880-2023, x 705; Fee Family Herbalism Module; 10 a.m, 1:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m.; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407595-3731; Fee Art of Sustainable Living; 1 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee Intro. to Ashtanga; 9:30 a.m.; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee MARCH 8 Dances of Universal Peace; 7:00 p.m.; Christ Church Unity; 771 Holden Ave., Orlando; 407-491-7807; Fee MARCH 9 Aromatherapy 101; 7:00 p.m.; 414 W Main St, Ste 204, Leesburg; 352-504-2893; Fee Herbal Traditions; 6:30 p.m; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee A Boost of Self-Confidence Feels Good Workshop; 7 p.m.; Hands On Healing Center, Winter Park; 407923-0738; Fee MARCH 9-10 Hypnobirthing Fertility Certification; 9 a.m.-5p.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4296; Fee


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MARCH 10 Paint Shop Pro Basics; 1 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-622-3002; Fee MARCH 11 Crystal Bowls Concert & Meditation; 7:00 p.m.; Spiral Center Bookstore; 750 N Thornton, Orlando; 407-491-7807; Fee Gluten-Free Grains; 6:30 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 1-877-880-2023, x 705; Fee MARCH 11-14 Hypnobirthing Practitioner Certification; 9 a.m.5p.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4296; Fee MARCH 12 Mediumistic Development; 1 p.m.; Lotus Yoga Center, Apopka; 407-697-6437; Fee Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 7:30 p.m..; SolRize Counseling, Altamonte Springs; 407-415-3380; Love Donation MARCH 13 Herb Walk; 9:30 a.m.; location TBA; presented by Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-5953731; Fee DIY Probiotics/Make Your Own Kefir (Dairy); 10 a.m.; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407595-3731; Fee Healing Service; 1 p.m.; Unity Leesburg; 352-7870834; Love Offering Intro. to Thai Massage; 1 p.m.; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee MARCH 14 Twohearts Meditation Group; 7 p.m.; Zen Wellness, Maitland; 407-421-2165; Love Offering Art of Sustainable Living; 1 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee MARCH 15 Dances of Universal Peace; 7:00 p.m.; Center for Spiritual Living; 709 Edgewater Dr, Orlando; 407491-7807; Fee New Moon Circle; 7 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Love Offering MARCH 16 Skin Care Basics; 7 p.m.; 414 W Main St, Ste 204, Leesburg; 352-504-2893; Fee Herbal Traditions; 6:30 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 8 p.m..; SolRize Counseling, Altamonte Springs; 407-415-3380; Love Donation MARCH 17 Floral Design Basics; 1 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-622-3002; Fee Qi Gong Practice & Labyrinth Walk ; 5:30 p.m.; MD Anderson Cancer Center; 407-421-2165; FREE

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life









































Marketing 101: 6 Keys to Attracting More Clients; 7 p.m.; Hands On Healing Center, Wnter Park; 407-687-2618; FREE MARCH 18 Light Message Service; 7 p.m.; The Metaphysical Center, Lake Helen;386-228-0910; Love Offering MARCH 19 Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 7:30 p.m..; Sol-Rize Counseling, Altamonte Springs; 407-4153380; Love Donation MARCH 20 The Joys of Vegetables; 2 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee LunaSol Esoterica Grand Opening/Open House (formerly Elemental Crossings); 10 a.m.-6 p.m..; LunaSol Esoterica, Sanford; 407-392-6870; FREE Fortunata's T.R.I.B.E.S. Bellydance Workshop CHARITY FUNDRAISER; 1-3 p.m.; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-383-7979; Love Offering Spring Equinox and Trance Dance CHARITY FUNDRAISER; 5-7 p.m.; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-383-7979; Love Offering MARCH 20-22 Laura Norman Reflexology Certification-Weekend One-Foot; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee MARCH 21 Ignite Your Inner Mojo; 1 p.m.; Lotus Yoga Center, Apopka; 407-697-6437; Fee Past Life Regression; 1 p.m.; Lotus Yoga Center, Apopka; 407-697-6437; Fee The Art of Salad Making; 10 a.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 1-877-880-2023, x 705; Fee Power to the Goddess; 1-5 p.m..; Metaphysical Centre, Lake Helen; 407-230-6967; Fee MARCH 22 Dances of Universal Peace; 7:00 p.m.; Spiral Center Bookstore; 750 N Thornton, Orlando; 407491-7807; Fee MARCH 23 Aromatherapy for Women; 7 p.m.; 414 W Main St, Ste 204, Leesburg; 352-504-2893; Fee Herbal Traditions; 6:30 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee Juice Plus Prevention Plus Presentation; 7 p.m..; Donnelly Park Community Bldg, Mount Dora; 352385-2631; guests FREE Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 8 p.m..; Sol-Rize Counseling, Altamonte Springs; 407-4153380; Love Donation Live Your Passion Workshop; 7 p.m.; Hands On Healing Center, Winter Park; 407-923-0738; Fee










































O mother earth, kindly set me down upon a wellfounded place! With (father) heaven cooperating, O thou wise one, do thou place me into happiness and prosperity! – Atharva Veda

MARCH 24 Intro. to Chakras-8 wk. series; 6 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee Releasing Stress Effortlessly; 10 a.m..; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Love Offering MARCH 25 New Dimensions-Auras; 1 p.m.; Unity Leesburg; 352-787-0834; Love Offering Light Message Service; 7 p.m.; The Metaphysical Center, Lake Helen;386-228-0910; Love Offering MARCH 26 Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 7:30 p.m..; Sol-Rize Counseling, Altamonte Springs; 407-4153380; Love Donation Yoga Nidra; 6 p.m.; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee MARCH 27 Intro. to Feng Shui; 9:30 a.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 415-310-2479; Love Offering Intro. to Feng Shui; 9:30 a.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 415-310-2479; Love Offering Count Your Blessings/Universe Responding; 9 a.m.-4 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee Roots of Herbalism; 11 a.m.-5 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee Psychic House Party; 2 p.m..; At the private home of Psychic David Botsford in Davenport/Four Corners; 863-420-3634; Fee; Refrehments Chakra/Vinyasa Yoga Workshop; 4-6 p.m.; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-383-7979; Fee Saturday Night Live; 7:30 p.m.; The Metaphysical Center, Lake Helen;386-228-4015; Love Offering Abraham-Hicks Study Group; 10:30 a.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake;352-502-3898; Love Offering Reiki Circle; Noon; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake; 352-502-3898; Love Offering EFT-Self Tapping Technique; 1:30 p.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake;352-502-3898; Fee Learn Self-Hypnosis In A Day!; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Hands On Healing Center, Wnter Park; 407-6872618; FREE MARCH 27-28 Reconnective Healing, Level I/II Seminar; 9:30 a.m-6:30 p.m..; Sheraton Tampa Riverwalk Hotel; 407-230-6331; Fee Exploring the Masculine Retreat for Men; 9 p.m..; Micanopy; 352-375-3001; Fee; Scholarships

MARCH 28 Herbal Traditions; 6:30 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee Herbal Wise Gathering-Woman's Wellness; 4 p.m..; Amaya Papaya Play Lounge, Casselberry; 407-342-3912; Fee Chakra Workshop-Aligning Chakras; 2 p.m.; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee MARCH 29 Full Moon Circle; 7p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Love Offering Open House Tree of Life Center; 1-4 p.m.; Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; FREE MARCH 29-30 Reconnective Healing, Level III Seminar; 10 a.m-6 p.m..; Sheraton Tampa Riverwalk Hotel; 407-230-6331; Fee MARCH 30 Travel w/Aromatherapy; 7 p.m.; 414 W Main St, Ste 204, Leesburg; 352-504-2893; Fee Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 8 p.m..; SolRize Counseling, Altamonte Springs; 407-4153380; Love Donation MARCH 31 Universe Responding and Your Five Portals of Economic Abundance; 7 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee APRIL 1 Gallery Opening Raphsodic Cooperative Co. Bakery & Store, Orlando; 10 a.m.- 9 p.m.; 954547-5882; FREE; featuring three local artists each month that bring about new culture, talent, and creativity to Orlando Light Message Service and Book Signing; 7p.m.; The Metaphysical Centre, Lake Helen; 386-2280910; Love Offering APRIL 2 Int'l. Congress of Ayurvedic Medicine & Yoga Florida 2010 ; 10 a.m-7 p.m..; The Hindu Temple of Central Florida; 407-617-9016; Fee; see ad p. 13 Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 7:30 p.m..; Sol-Rize Counseling, Altamonte Springs; 407415-3380; Love Offering APRIL 3 Int'l. Congress of Ayurvedic Medicine & Yoga Florida 2010: Postconference Workshops ; 9 a.m-6 p.m..; The Hindu Temple of Central Florida; 407-617-9016; Fee; see ad p. 13; ayurvastu.com DIY Probiotics; 10 a.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee Abraham-Hicks Study Group; 10:30 a.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake;352-502-3898; Love Offering

Reiki Circle; Noon; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake;352-502-3898; Love Offering APRIL 4 Psychic House Party; 2 p.m..; At the private home of Psychic David Botsford in Davenport/Four Corners; 863-420-3634; Fee; Refrehments APRIL 6 Clean Green; 7 p.m.; 414 W Main St, Ste 204, Leesburg; 352-504-2893; Fee Herbal Traditions; 6:30 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 8 p.m..; Shine On Yoga, Orlando; 407-415-3380; Love Offering APRIL 7 Between Dog Grooming Visits; 1 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-622-3002; Fee APRIL 8 Crystal Bowls Concert & Meditation; 7:00 p.m.; Spiral Center Bookstore; 750 N Thornton, Orlando; 407-491-7807; Fee APRIL 10 Gyatri Mudra Workshop; 4-6 pm; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-383-7979; Fee Healing Service; 1 p.m.; Unity Leesburg; 352-7870834; Love Offering Healthy Cooking Class; 2 p.m.; presented by Jeweled Lotus Yoga and held at First Baptist kitchen, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee Psychic Fair; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; The Metaphysical Center, Lake Helen;386-228-0910; FREE Metaphysical Fair; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; FREE; readers, vendors, food and more APRIL 11 Herbal Traditions; 6:30 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731 APRIL 12 Dances of Universal Peace; 7:00 p.m.; Christ Church Unity; 771 Holden Ave, Orlando; 407-4917807; Fee APRIL 13 Aromatherapy 101 7 p.m.; 414 W Main St,, Ste 204, Leesburg; 352-504-2893; Fee Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 8 p.m..; Shine On Yoga, Orlando; 407-415-3380; Love Offering APRIL 14 Paint Shop Pro Basics; 1 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-622-3002; Fee Spring Planting Celebration; Details TBA.; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731

Events continued page 30

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Continued from page 29 New Moon Circle; 7 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-5953731; Love Offering APRIL 16 Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 7:30 p.m..; Sol-Rize, Altamonte Springs; 407-415-3380; Love Offering Prana Vinyasa and Power Flow Workshop; 6 p.m.; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee APRIL 17 Herb Walk; 9:30 a.m.; location TBA; presented by Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee Earthfest 2010; 6 p.m.; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee; Celebrate Earth Day with the hottest EcoFashion, organic wines, and sustainable and fair trade jewelry. Door prizes, gourmet vegetarian food, hot fashion, artisan jewelry. Entertainment, food, and fashion. Abraham-Hicks Study Group; 10:30 a.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake;352502-3898; Love Offering Reiki Circle; Noon; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake; 352-502-3898; Love Offering Intro. to Reflexology; 1:30-4:30 p.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake; 352-5023898; Love Offering APRIL 18 Twohearts Meditation Group; 7 p.m.; Zen Wellness, Maitland; 407-421-2165; Love Offering Family Herbalism Module; 10 a.m, 1:30 p.m. & 5 p.m.; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee APRIL 19 Dances of Universal Peace; 7:00 p.m.; Center for Spiritual Living; 709 Edgewater Dr, Orlando; 407-491-7807; Fee APRIL 20 Skin Care Basics; 7 p.m.; 414 W Main St, Ste 204, Leesburg; 352-504-2893; Fee Herbal Traditions; 6:30 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-5953731; Fee Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 8 p.m..; Shine On Yoga, Orlando; 407-4153380; Love Donation APRIL 21 Floral Design Basics; 1 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-622-3002; Fee Qi Gong Practice & Labyrinth Walk ; 5:30 p.m.; MD Anderson Cancer Center; 407-421-2165; FREE APRIL 22 New Dimensions-Auras; 1 p.m.; Unity Leesburg; 352-787-0834; Love Offering APRIL23 Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 7:30 p.m..; Sol-Rize Counseling, Altamonte Springs; 407-415-3380; Love Offering APRIL 24 Central Florida Earth Day; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Lake Eola Park, Orlando; http:// www. CFEarthDay.org; FREE Spiritual Photography/Enchanted Walkabout; 2 p.m.; location TBA; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Fee Gemstone Crystal Bowl Healing Workshop; 4 p.m..; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-383-7979; Fee Meet Your Spirit Teachers Seminar; 1 p.m.; The Metaphysical Center, Lake Helen;386-228-0910; Fee Reiki I; Noon; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake; 352-502-3898; Fee APRIL 24-25 Awaken the Power to Heal 2-Day Energy Medicine Workshop; Ecademos of Higher Enlightenment, Mount Dora; 352-357-5918; Fee APRIL 25 Herbal Traditions; 6:30 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-5953731; Fee Herbal Wise Gathering-Green Medicine; 4 p.m..; Amaya Papaya Play Lounge, Casselberry; 407-342-3912; Fee APRIL 26 Dances of Universal Peace; 7:00 p.m.; Spiral Center Bookstore; 750 N Thornton, Orlando; 407-491-7807; Fee Awakening to Love Playshop; 1:30 p.m..; Unity Church of Christianity; 407-4153380


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APRIL 27 Aromatherapy for Women; 7 p.m.; 414 W Main St, Ste 204, Leesburg; 352-5042893; Fee Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 8 p.m..; Shine On Yoga, Orlando; 407-4153380; Love Offering APRIL 28 Full Moon Circle; 7p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-5953731; Love Offering APRIL 29 Pre-Natal Yoga Series; 5:15 p.m.; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee APRIL 30 Gemstone Crystal Bowl Meditation; 7:30 p.m..; Sol-Rize Counseling, Altamonte Springs; 407-415-3380; Love Offering APRIL 30-MAY 2 Discover Wellness Weekend; Lake Yale Conference Center, Leesburg; 407-9771500; Fee DAILY BEGINNING APRIL 1 THROUGH MAY 13 Tai Chi Chic; 5:30 p.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake; 352-408-8415 MONDAYS Hatha Yoga; 6:30 p.m.; Unity of the Villages; 352-304-6501; Fee African Drumming; 7 p.m..; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-5953731; Fee Meditation for a Deeper State of Focus; 7:30 p.m..; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Love Offering Yoga with Jenna; 6 p.m..; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Love Offering 1/2 Off Cupcakes & Cookies; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; Raphsodic Cooperative Co., Orlando; 954-547-5882 Hatha Yoga Class; 9 a.m.; The Metaphysical Center, Lake Helen;386-228-0910; Fee TUESDAYS Hatha Yoga w/Sue Gaucher; 9:30-10:30 a.m..; Mount Dora Center for the Arts; 561-289-4217; suegauchrn@aol.com; $8 per class/prepay $25 for 4; gentle, bring mat, 1st floor gallery Oil Painting (beginner to intermediate); 1 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352307-9774; Fee Stones, Crystals & Their Properties; 3 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-3079774; Fee Kirtan; 7 p.m.; Lotus Yoga Center, Apopka; 407-697-6437; Love Offering Kundalini Yoga w/Araceli; 7 p.m..; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407-4632248; Fee "Secrets" for Releasing Weight; 8:30 a.m..; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake; 352561-4099; Love Offering Yoga and Nutrition Series; 5:15 p.m.; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-8743272; Fee WEDNESDAYS Hatha Yoga w/Krista Leland, RYT; 9:30-10:30 a.m..; Mount Dora Center for the Arts; 561-289-4217; suegauchrn@aol.com; $8 per class/prepay $25 for 4; gentle, bring mat, 1st floor gallery Drawing Class; 10 a.m..; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Fee Dreamcatchers; 10:30 a.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Fee Kundalini Yoga ; 10:30 a.m.; The Salt Room, 1804 N Mills Ave, Orlando; 407421-2165; Fee A Course In Miracles; 6:30 p.m.; Lotus Yoga Center, Apopka; 407-697-6437; Fee 7 Chakra Crystal Bowl Meditation; 7:30 p.m..; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Love Offering Meditation; Noon; Unity Leesburg; 352-787-0834 Hatha Yoga Class; 9 a.m.; The Metaphysical Center, Lake Helen;386-228-0910; Fee THURSDAYS Hatha Yoga w/Sue Gaucher; 6:30-7:30 p.m..; Mount Dora Center for the Arts; 407-463-6231; naha98@comcast.net; $8 per class/prepay $25 for 4; gentle class focusing on proper breathing, restorative poses and enhancing awareness,; bring mat, 1st floor gallery; all levels welcome

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Oil Painting (beginner to intermediate); 1 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352307-9774; Fee Multimedia Art; 10 a.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-687-2667; Fee Multimedia Art; 4 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-687-2667; Fee Numerology; 1 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Fee Self-Realization Fellowship; 7:15 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-216-3647; Love Offering Hatha Yoga; 6 p.m.; Unity of Ocala; 352-304-6501; Fee Kundalini Yoga ; 10 a.m.; Zen Wellness, Maitland; 407-421-2165; Fee Kundalini Yoga ; 6:30 p.m.; The Salt Room, 1804 N Mills Ave, Orlando; 407-4212165; Fee Natural Law & Healing Class; Noon; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407463-2248; Fee Guided Releasing Meditation; 7:30 p.m..; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Love Offering Share Our Strength Thursdays; 10 a.m.-7p.m.; Raphsodic Co-op. Co. Bakery & Store; 954-547-5882; 10% of your purchase goes to Share Our Strength, a non-profit organization designed to help children in the area get the food they need. THURSDAYS UNTIL APRIL 8 Sacred Women's Circle; 6:30 p.m.; Lotus Yoga Center, Apopka; 407-697-6437; Fee FIRST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH Relaxation Class; 6:30 p.m.; Dr. Zelner, MD, OB GYN, FACOG; Orlando; 407-3455055; FREE first class/Fee thereafter SECOND THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH Evenings at Dr. Z's; 6:30 p.m.; Dr. Zelner, MD, OB GYN, FACOG; Orlando; 407345-5055; FREE FRIDAYS Psychic Development Class; 7:30 p.m..; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Hatha Yoga Class; 9 a.m.; The Metaphysical Center, Lake Helen;386-228-0910; Fee Pranic and Spiritual Healing Clinic; 2 p.m.; The Metaphysical Center, Lake Helen;386-228-0910; Love Offering Hatha Yoga Class; 10 a.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake;352-426-1328; Fee Healthy Body-Wealthy Life; 12:30 p.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake;352-4261328; Fee Weekly Nutritional Cleansing Group; 2 p.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake;352-426-1328; Fee SATURDAYS Qi Gong w/Tony Salvetti; 3 p.m..; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407-4632248; Love Offering Acupuncture w/Dr. Mojica, DOM, LAc; 3 p.m..; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407-610-4156; Fee Stretch and Tone; 9 a.m.; Tree of Life Center, Lady Lake;352-207-6604; Fee SATURDAYS-FIRST & THIRD SATURDAYS Abraham Study Group; 11 a.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Fee Reiki Circle; 12:30 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Love Offering SATURDAYS-SECOND & FOURTH SATURDAYS Beginning Numerology; 2 p.m.; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Fee SUNDAYS Metaphysical Meetup Group; 2 p.m..; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407463-2248; Love Offering Poi Class; 2 p.m..; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407-810-7337; Fee Crystal Bowl Earth Meditation; 3 p.m..; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407810-7337; Love offering Harp and Art; 4:15 p.m..; CommUnity Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Sunday Light Service; 7 p.m.; The Metaphysical Center, Lake Helen; 386-2280910; Love Offering SUNDAYS-FIRST & FOURTH IN MARCH Reiki Essentials; 7 p.m.; Zen Wellness, Maitland; 407-894-5291; Love Offering SUNDAYS-SECOND & FOURTH IN MARCH Reiki Essentials; 7 p.m.; Zen Wellness, Maitland; 407-421-2165; Love Offering

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



I sit in reflection of the past week’s activities, I am humbled by the spectrum of emotions I have experienced. In review, one week ago I learned that my mother was beginning her accelerated descent out of her human form and undergoing her transformation into the universal light energy of afterlife. The following day, my soon-to-be 13 year old daughter, Justine, sat quietly in her bedroom, and received inspired thought to write a story of herself. Two days later, on January 17 at 5:15 a.m., my mother passed on into the light. I flew to Massachusetts to take part in a beautiful celebration of her life. I kept a copy of my daughter’s words close to comfort me in my grief-filled moments and vowed to share her words with everyone who shares in this human experience we call life. I returned with memories of a grace-filled week and fellowship with family and friends I have not seen in many, many years. I heard my Mother’s name held in reverence for her deep faith and acts of charity. She was many things to many people. I have only played a small role in her large life on this planet. How blessed I am to have chosen her to birth me in my human form and be exposed to her most loving influences all these years. Now, I wish to share with you the words of her precious granddaughter as it is clear to see that the feminine goddess within my dear mother has been passed through the generations to shine through my daughter, Justine. Continued next page


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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Me by Justine Keller I am me. A girl who loves going down steep hills in the car. A girl who can watch movies for hours and hours. A girl who doesn’t want to be with the “in” crowd. A girl who loves all people. A girl who likes to feel special. Sometimes I can be selfish, sometimes I screw up, but I’m always still me in the end. I love my family more than you could ever imagine. I have serious trust issues. Almost ALL guys are jerks. There is only one guy that isn’t in my family that I completely trust. Young “love” is a lie. What is love anyway? Is it that feeling of butterflies in your stomach? Or the way there’s “fireworks?” I guess everyone else knows but me. I guess I just don’t care. Girls put themselves out there. I don’t really understand. I love the taste of half and half all by itself. Seafood is disgusting. I like the smell of gasoline. I think that’s bad though. Right? I love to wear bows like Minnie mouse. I really don’t have a “style.” I wear whatever I want. I don’t care what people think. They can think all they want. I know I’m weird and I’m never gonna stop. I could ride a roller coaster for my entire life. I am thankful for my parents. You really have no idea. I like to be alone sometimes and just write things like this. I have very fragile feelings. So be careful what you say. But you probably don’t care anyway. My favorite question is “why?” The best colors in the world are purple and green. I don’t like shoving my nose into other peoples’ business. I love having sisters to hang out with. I’m a total theatre kid. If people try and make me do things I don’t wanna do, I get ready to walk away and say “no thank you.” I HATE “name brand” clothes. They have no personality. They just show that you just want to fit in. I don’t care about fitting in cuz if you really love me, you will love me for who I am and not someone who’s fake and ugly. Don’t act stupid on purpose. It really isn’t “cute.” If you’re bad at something, admit but don’t give up. Just try harder and never ever stop. I am in love with the movie “10 Things I Hate About You.” It’s so true. No one is exactly like me, and that I’m thankful for. And I think the best person I can be ...is well, Me. Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



atch your tone! Who do you think you’re talking to? What did you say?

These are comments that are all too familiar and often taken as personal assaults on our sensitive feelings. We often retaliate with equally offensive tones and words meant to cut deeply into the fragile linings of our souls. We become participants in the war on words, seldom recognizing the hidden meanings being internalized by the other party. These seemingly innocent remarks set the patterns for disrespectful behaviors and reactions. We wonder why our children speak to us with little or no respect, yet fail to listen to our own tones as we shout out orders and commands. Do it now! Get over here! Or a simple NO! We demand respect while using degrading and sarcastic humor to make a point. We tell our children not to lie but condone their exposure to a maze of confusion and mixed messages presented by various forms of media.


We are entertained by television programs that condone promiscuity masked by humor that is supposed to be related to everyday circumstances. Our hunger to escape reality is, in fact, satisfied by reality shows displaying frustrations and less than flattering examples of one’s weaknesses or addictions. Still we defend these behaviors with remarks like, “It is what it is” or “live and let live.” We are faced with moral dilemmas including whether to condemn or condone, judge or approve, or accept or educate. Too often, we pass our moral judgments with thoughts and perceptions from our past experiences or worse, the experiences of others. After all, they must be true since our parents, leaders and preachers said so. We allow our students to take the easy way out by offering alternative programs rather than teaching responsibility and accountability. We seek intervention by authority figures, hoping they will have the answers to our dysfunctional behaviors. And when all else fails we prescribe medications to veil our insecurities and low self-esteem, when we are often too lazy to work out social difficulties. What if we simply communicate with honest emotions? And what if, instead of injecting our righteous opinions, we take the high road by encouraging the other party to come to their own solutions, or to allow them to voice their grievances by not interrupting or injecting our own opinions or solutions? Just LIS-


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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

TEN! Did you realize that “listen” and “silent” are spelled with the same letters? Why are we not able to communicate effectively? Perhaps because we’ve stopped listening—not only to the other guy but to ourselves. Just for kicks and giggles, record your next conversation with your son or daughter, husband or wife or colleagues at work. What was your tone? How was your body language conveying your message? Who was the important one, you or the person you were trying to influence? Listen to your tone and think. I’m sorry, are you speaking to me? Excuse me, I must have misunderstood. Would you repeat that? Who is talking now, me—or who I think I should be? Diane is author of “The Gathering,” a book of poems addressing life’s addictions, co-dependencies and obsessions. Her workbook on anger management, “Shut the Duck Up,” was used with great success at The Anthony House, a homeless shelter in Zellwood, Florida. Please see ad this page.

The pregnant 30-something mother of three called me on a Wednesday afternoon to try reflexology as a last-ditch effort to turn her breach baby of 38 weeks. Pat’s OB-GYN had given her until the following Monday, otherwise, he would either turn the baby manually or he would require her to have a C-section on her scheduled delivery date. Pat’s mother suggested reflexology. Although skeptical, Pat felt that she had nothing to lose by trying it. Although many reflexologists won’t give reflexology to pregnant women (as they think it may be contra-indicated), I share reflexology at all stages of a woman’s pregnancy. I believe anyone can benefit from reflexology (even those in utero!). Every session is as individual as the client. Coming directly from her doctor’s office, Pat was ready to get down to business when she arrived. I worked gently around the ankle and inside and outside the heel area (female organs and pelvic region reflexes), and her baby really started kicking when I inched across the top of her ankle. Pat recounted a childhood injury in which a deep gash had left a scar on her ankle. Every time I worked the scar, the baby became more active. The old scar tissue on her ankle was constricting to those corresponding reflexes, just where the baby lay. It’s hard to believe that something that happened so long ago could cause present-day problems. Since every part of the body corresponds to a place on the foot, reflexology influences those related body parts. The left foot represents the left side of the body, the right foot, the body’s right

side. Organs such as the heart, spleen and stomach correspond to the left foot with the liver and gallbladder reflexes on the right. I taught Pat’s children how they could continue stimulating that vital ankle reflex at home over the weekend. If we were lucky, the baby would turn around into the proper birthing position! Pat called, thrilled with the good news on Monday—the baby had turned! I had no idea whether or not reflexology would solve the problem; I just knew it couldn’t hurt! Reflexology is a 5,000 year old, non-invasive healing art that is based on the premise that the 15,000 nerve endings on the bottom of the feet are connected to all the organs, tissues and systems of the body. It stimulates blood circulation, increases endorphins, and allows all-over body relaxation. Reflexology* provides relief for a host of ailments such as back and neck problems, bowel and digestive conditions, depression, fatigue, hip/ knee/foot problems, hormonal imbalances, chemotherapy side effects, headaches, female issues and many more. *Reflexology is recommended as a complementary therapy and should not replace medical treatment. Certified in the Original Ingham Method® of Reflexology since 2001 through the International Institute of Reflexology, Vivienne Bailey discovered reflexology and practiced this ancient, healing art to assist her 11 month old daughter’s recovery from open-heart surgery. Today the happy and healthy teenager is completely medication-free! As the only certified reflexologist in central Florida, Vivienne shares foot and hand reflexology in combination with Reiki, aromatherapy and Tibetan sound bowls to create a truly unique approach to “foot work.” Visit: www.reflexologybyviv.com, email: footlady50@yahoo.com or call: 407677-1448, 407-677-1448. Please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


Are you someone who suddenly comes down with a cold and cough when winter changes to spring? I will share some information from the ancient teachings of Ayurveda that will help you to support and nurture yourself during seasonal changes and other times when the body may become stressed. The Ayurvedic system says that most diseases are born during the changing of the seasons. Although very subtle, the earth’s energies are shifting in the early spring as the sun makes its way up the northern hemisphere. The sun’s warmth begins heating the air and the earth. The cool and damp nature of the winter season has passed. The winter is influenced by the kapha dosha, one of the three biological forces of nature, according to the science of Ayurveda. The three doshas are kapha, pitta and vata or in a simplified understanding, kapha is the biological combination of water and earth, pitta is fire and water and vata is air and ether. The three doshas govern all biological and psychological processes of our body, mind and consciousness. They also govern the actions of the material world including the seasons, times of day and different geographical environments. In the spring, the element of pitta, or the biological heat element, becomes more prominent in our environment. The human body is a microcosm of the external world. During the winter season the body, in creating homeostasis, tries to insulate itself from the cold by adding extra kapha. The nature of kapha is cold, moist and heavy.


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Two principles are involved in all Ayurvedic applications: LIKES INCREASE LIKES AND OPPOSITES BALANCE. Therefore, a special cleansing and purification is recommended during the change of the seasons. This purification is called Pancha Karma. Pancha Karma will remove excess kapha in the spring, excess pitta in early fall and excess vata in late fall. The process of Pancha Karma has been practiced for thousands of years by followers of Ayurveda. Pancha Karma involves simple yet effective treatments. The objective is to remove excess toxins and balance the doshas. The process starts with a synchronized twoperson warm herbal oil massage called Abhyanga. This massage specifically stimulates the immune system and detoxifies the system. An aromatherapy steam bath called Sweda follows to support the cleansing of the lymphatic system and to reduce stress on the liver. This is followed by a Royal Spa treatment called Shirodhara. As warm herbal oil flows onto your forehead and sixth chakra energy center, your mind, body and soul awaken to inner peace and harmony. These are just some of the treatments that are part of Pancha Karma. These treatments I have found to assist the body to navigate stress as the seasons change, to detoxify the tissues of the body and to find inner strength and balance. Richard A. Masla, N.D. is founder and Director of the Ayurveda Health Retreat in Alachua, Florida. The Ayurveda Health Retreat is a group of dedicated health professionals who have created an authentic Ayurvedic retreat offering traditional Kerala Ayurvedic therapies. Please see ads this page. Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


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Ininto our breathing and let yoga, we learn to tune

our bodies expand and contract around the breath. The only way to stay healthy is to allow our breathing to be steady, consistent and natural. If we hold the breath in, or out, we cut ourselves off from life source energy. So the out-breath must be respected as fully as the in-breath. We all recognize the value of breathing in to provide ourselves with oxygen and energy, but how often do we honor the value of the exhale, allowing us to release toxins and purify the blood? This can be likened to a spiritual awakening. We love the awakening, the ride up the roller coaster, but often resist the rest of the ride; the unexpected turns and loops that disorient us for a time. When we go through a spiritual awakening, it’s like taking a big breath in. We feel open, clear and expansive, and often believe that feeling will never end. Gone are the days of fear, doubt and disillusionment. And then the need to breathe out arises, and actually cannot be avoided if the organism is going to live. It’s being at peace during the exhale, when the body is contracting around the breath, that is the true measure of our growth. How much can we trust in the next breath in? In life, we grow so much while we are expanding, but often grow even more when in a contracted state, if we allow it. It’s resisting it that makes us suffer. It’s believing that we are no longer subject to that very natural rhythm that leaves us feeling as if we’ve lost something, and if disillusionment sets in, we can get stuck there much longer than we need to. Everything in life has a rhythm, from the seasons, to the tides, to the phases of the moon. Everything that expands also contracts, except maybe the Universe itself, as the planets continue to create more and more space between themselves, but the Universe is pure consciousness. It does not have an ego. We do. And if we truly transcended ego and were no longer subject to the expanding and contracting that goes with it, we would no longer have a need to be on this Earth. I once heard someone say, “as soon as you reach pure consciousness and truly transcend the ego, you have only seconds left to live,” because your body can no longer contain you.

But how beautiful is that, to recognize that if you are still here, it is because there is more still for you to learn? And it’s only the resistance of it that causes our suffering. So what would happen if we truly embraced it all—the good, the bad, the ugly… and shined the light of compassion on it? If we can accept and allow the joy, bliss and peace that come from knowing we are spiritual beings having a human experience, as well as the fear, doubt, anger and disillusionment that is a part of the human experience we are here to have, then we can experience true peace. And perhaps that is the lesson. When we learn to recognize what we are feeling, accept it and breathe into it—whatever it is, and we combine this emotional awareness with a clear and focused mind, we have the formula for emotional intelligence. In her book, Radical Acceptance, Tara Brach suggests that when joy arises, when gratitude arises, when love arises—it’s easy to embrace it. The gift is when we can say “and this, too,” when the anger, sadness and fear emerge, and accept and embrace them, too. The true lesson is in learning to recognize, accept and allow the energy of all emotions to move through us, without getting stuck there. Just as we cannot breathe in forever, we cannot breathe out forever either. We must expand again. I often encourage my students to tune into that place where the urge to breathe begins. Then notice how good it feels to allow it. We are freed the moment we stop resisting what is, accept that it has become a part of our experience for a reason, and allow ourselves to be humble enough to learn the lesson we have been given with gratitude. Erica Bouchér is a Registered Yoga Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist and Life Coach. For the past ten years she has used a unique combination of all of these tools to assist clients in removing the blocks to living successfully in today’s world. Visit http://www.EmpathYoga. com, call Erica at (407)3834196 and please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



ecently, I received the dreaded phone call everyone wishes they would never get, the call when somberly tells you a loved one is dying. At that moment, I was forced to be quiet. My being became very still and for the first time, I listened, truly listened. A sad calm immediately washed over me. I intuitively knew exactly what I must do. I needed to sit quietly and tenderly with my dying sister. I could not fix this. I could not stop this. I could not change this, but I could allow my soul to shine. I needed to touch her. Some say it was the massage therapist in me, but I knew I was embracing the feminine side of God. My sister, Gail, was not conscious, at least not by our standards, but, I knew she knew. There was an unspoken connection. No words were needed. I climbed into bed with her and held her hand. Her arms had been flailing about as if she was trying to figure out how she might get out of this predicament. She gripped my hand tightly and eventually calmed a little. I began to softly talk to her, letting her know everything was okay, that it was alright, and then she placed her other arm over me. We were still. We just lay together, quietly. Embraced. No words spoken. None needed. It was the most wonderful, tender moment I have ever experienced. I was so thankful to have this time with my big sister, and for the first time in our lives, we were each our true selves. I have never felt more connected to Spirit than I felt at that moment.


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My sister’s death impacted my life in many ways. I still reflect on those last days we were able to connect as one. I feel I have been stripped bare and my essential nature has been exposed. I like what I felt. I like what I learned and I love what I saw. ME! How ironic that my sister gave me the greatest gift of all, a realized connection to my divine feminine self. Leigh Ann McNair is a Nationally Certified Licensed Massage Therapist, License MA 38050, Neuromuscular Therapy Certified, Sports Massage Certified, Reiki Master, Certified Massage Cupping Practitioner, Associate of Science Degree In Natural Health Advanced Therapeutic Massage, Member Florida State Massage Therapy Association. She is the owner of Sacred Moments Massage & Healing Center located in Oviedo, Florida. Please see ad this page.

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life


o you remember a time when you couldn't wait to go on an adventure? How exciting that feeling was– the anticipation, the exploration, the marvelous discoveries to be made? How about the expectation that at any given moment, something magical was going to happen? What if you could live each day from now on in that adventurous state of wonder? Through personal ex-

periences, you may find that the greatest adventures exist within you, and within those adventures are the greatest experiences, and within those experiences, the greatest discoveries, and in those discoveries... We have access to intuitive processes by which we are able to discover just how unique and magnificent we truly are. Through this discovery we become enlightened to the possibility that we are more than our physical bodies. As we explore further, we learn more about ourselves and tend to shed limiting beliefs, old behavior patterns and fears. We gain insights that allow us to create, prosper, and enrich our daily lives with a heightened sense of clarity and purpose. HemiSyncClasses offer unique, science-based and experiential Programs/Workshops, not lectures! All that you have to do is to participate. Our workshops consists of sitting in a comfortable chair or lying on the floor, relaxing the body, understanding that you're safe, putting headphones on, and listening to the audio-guidance technology, freeing your mind/

consciousness to go off and explore. Hemi-Sync, a scientifically and clinically proven audio technology (patented by Robert Monroe, founder of The Monroe Institute), is used in the workshops to facilitate a "synchronized whole brain state" and make it easy to for you to access deep and profound meditative states that foster incredible explorations of consciousness.

HemiSyncClasses programs are designed so you can explore powerful states of consciousness to achieve desired goals. Extraordinary insights and experiences occur during every program. The Gateway Excursion Workshop: Discover a variety of mental tools designed to help you achieve profound states of awareness, understand your own energy, gain insights, improve access to inner guidance. The Creativity Workshop: Identify and

release creative blocks and express your unbounded creativity and expand into the feeling that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Creativity permeates art, music, writing, business and relationships. One-Year Patterning: You will be guided to go beyond the ego-mind into the field of all possibilities. Release "old energy patterns" that keep you from achieving your goals and re-pattern your thoughts

to create what you truly desire. Positively Ageless: Guided meditations, affirmations, creative visualizations, and other tools help you rewrite the program of aging, allowing you to feel younger, healthier, stronger, and at peace while enhancing the overall quality of your life. Opening Your Heart: You'll remember the energy of Love, its power, comfort, abundance, the source of all that is. And you will learn a way to maintain this Love energy within your conscious awareness. SyncCreation: Teaches you to manifest your dreams through psycho kinesis (PK)–the ability to use non-physical energy to change physical reality. For more information on these and other programs or to purchase Hemi-sync CDs visit www. HemiSyncClasses.com. Michael A. Velasquez invites you in this journey of self-discovery, exploring transformational programs that will assist you in achieving a deeper understanding of your magnificent self. Michael is the Program Director for HemiSyncClasses and an accredited Outreach Facilitator for The Monroe Institute. See ad this page.

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


Does our outer appearance dictate how feminine we are? In my skin care practice, I frequently hear questions on women’s concerns about their physical appearance. “How do I get rid of the wrinkles, sunspots or bags under my eyes?” An area that I’m personally struggling with is my weight, a common concern for many women I know. In our society, so much emphasis has been placed on our physical appearance we are not paying attention to our inner femininity. With our fast-paced world and the different hats we wear, we usually end up at the bottom of our own To Do list. The irony of it is that if we take time to honor ourselves, we would not only feel and look better, we would have more energy to take care of the people we love and do more of the things we enjoy. No wonder we are not in touch with our inner beauty. When I first think of being feminine I envision curves, long flowing hair and sex appeal, all physical aspects of being a woman. I've gone deeper and asked myself, What is it truly like to be feminine? As I pondered, different thoughts came to mind: nurturing, compassionate, strong, creative and other great womanly attributes, all part of our inner beauty! How is it that we have


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forgotten so easily that inside each of us is already a beautiful woman? When we are in touch with our inner beauty, our outer beauty just naturally radiates and we become one with our outer appearance. We are then more content with the way we look physically and have a feeling of peace. So how do we connect with ourselves? Women’s rituals have been around for centuries! Cleopatra comes to mind as one of the most famous women known for her beauty rituals. Think about her milk baths. You may not be excited to jump into a tub filled with milk, but adding some Epsom salts with essential oils or simple rose petals could be a modern twist. Simple beauty rituals of cleansing your face, taking a minute to rest with slices of cucumber over your eyes, or enhancing a peaceful moment of reflection by diffusing frankincense or myrrh are all ways of embracing our inner beauty. Dancing is another age-old way of celebrating our feminine side. If you think it sounds crazy to dance by yourself, try it anyway, as that usually passes after the first few minutes! You will find yourself uplifted even if it’s just because you feel silly doing it! There are many ways of honoring ourselves, the choice is yours. Just make sure you do something to acknowledge how beautiful you already are inside! Claudia Virga is a licensed Cosmetologist in Florida and New York and a Certified Aromatherapist. As a dedicated professional she is a member of Associated Skin Care Professional and Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners. She is devoted to providing skin care, naturally, and to continually educating herself and others. Visit www.claudiavirga.skincaretherapy.net or email her at ClaudiaVirga@SkinCareTherapy.net. See ad this page.

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Villages built by a caring charity in Haiti were destroyed and need to be rebuilt without delay Frank McKinney and his non-profit organization CHPF (Caring House Project Foundation) don’t just build villages for the people of Haiti–they restore their dignity by providing the means to become self-sustaining. Frank McKinney, bestselling author, real-estate entrepreneur and well-recognized for the multi-million dollar real-estate masterpieces he creates, makes very generous, personal contributions from the sale of his books and mansions to this worthy cause. Against all odds on Wednesday, January 20, when all non-military flights were being denied access into Port-au-Prince, McKinney and his team of doctors, paramedics, firefighters and other specifically-trained search and rescue team members, persevered until they got clearance to land, becoming one of the first U.S. Emergency Relief Team to arrive on the scene. Singlehandedly, McKinney and his team rescued four people buried under collapsed buildings, accounting for ten percent of the forty-three rescues made within the first one hundred hours. McKinney’s team is proving resourcefully relentless in obtaining whatever supplies are needed, but they desperately need your help if they are to provide relief and rebuild villages. McKinney and his organization are appealing to Americans, known for their compassion and generosity, to give whatever they can to help the poor people of Haiti who are dealing with unimaginable losses. Please go to http://www.frank-mckinney. com/donate.aspx, call 1-561-722-3950 to donate over the phone, or mail to P.O. Box 388, Boynton Beach, FL 33425. The organization will be sincerely grateful for any amount given that will help them in their enormous effort to restore some semblance of normal life to the survivors of this catastrophic earthquake.

Vibrational Medicine at Apopka Wellness Center Energy or vibrational medicine has existed for thousands of years. It takes many forms, from ancient Chinese medicine including acupuncture, to Indian and shamanic medicine, Reiki and various other forms of subtle energy. Energy medicine addresses balancing the body including the outer body, which is referred to as the biofield or some may say, the auric field. This is a palpable measurable field documented in laboratories. It carries an electromagnetic charge as well. When the outer field is balanced with the physical body, the benefits can be vast, some of which include stress reduction, calming anxiety and depression, decrease in pain, enhancing post-operative healing and easing chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. The Apopka Wellness Center has added energy medicine to its repertoire of services offered. This is a complementary adjunct that works hand in hand with Chiropractic since Chiropractic frees the circulation and nerve flow from the spinal column to the entire body as well. Carolyn Green, R.N. is a Certified Quantum Practitioner and Certified Medical Intuitive. She is also a Healing Touch Nurse Apprentice. She is in the midst of her certification to become a CHTP, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner. This is a certification recognized by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) and has been brought to the forefront in cancer centers, hospices and hospitals. Hospitals are beginning to implement this alternative form of medicine in pre- and post-operative care. Healing Touch International is a world-wide organization that conducts research on the effects of energy work. In 1989, Janet Mentgen, R.N. developed the system and the AHNA made it a certifiable modality for nurses shortly thereafter. If you would like to experience energy medicine, Carolyn Green maintains offices in Apopka and Winter Park. Call for an appointment at the Apopka Wellness Center at (407)886-0611 or call Carolyn’s cell at (407)687-8061 for her Winter Park location. Carolyn is also available to speak to groups who are interested in learning more on this subject. Please see ad below.

Frank McKinney, Philanthropist, is now known around the globe as a real estate "artist," and the creative force behind some of the world's finest and most magnificent mansions ever built. In addition to his real estate artistry, Frank McKinney has now become a five-time international bestselling author. In addition to his first two books, Frank just released three new books simultaneously, each representing a distinctly different genre (business/real estate, spiritual/inspirational and young reader/fantasy fiction). All three books are published by Health Communications, Inc., best known for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. CHPF has impacted the poorest of the poor in the countries of Haiti, Honduras, Nicargua, Indonesia and Africa. CHPF's primary involvement has been in Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemishpere. Africa. Since 2003, through CHPF donors, CHPF has invested nearly $3 million into creating self-sufficient villages in Haiti.

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


The Goddess is alive and magic is afoot! The Goddess is alive and magic is afoot! Ahhh...yes! The Goddess is re-emerging in these modern times, awakening within each one of us the energy of the Divine Feminine. The masculine aspect of our being and our world is the more assertive, linear, active, building part of both men and women--necessary for the concrete reality of day to day living. However, that aspect has been totally out of balance for a long time with the pendulum swinging too far towards the energies of ego, control, dominance, conquering and disrespect for life. The time has come for the re-emergence of the nurturing, intuitive, creative Divine Feminine energy in order to bring balance back into our lives and back into our world gone awry. Over the past at least twenty five years, we have begun to slowly reawaken to the Goddess energy as evidenced in our increased awareness of the cycles of nature and the earth as the Mother and living entity, Gaia, in the increasing empowerment of women seeking equality, and in expanding interest in healing and intuition. Many are reconnecting to the Goddess within, honoring the Sacred Feminine in themselves, others and nature through study, ceremony, ritual and activism. The active, masculine energy of the Sun brings us growth, power, vitality and the life-giving force. The receptive, feminine energy of the Moon attunes us to healing, instinct, the subconscious, emotions and the rhythms of nature and our body. Being aware of the cycles of the Moon and the seasons can assist us in tapping into the Divine Feminine. Around March 20, with the Vernal Equinox, consciously move from the inward focus of winter to the stirrings of new growth in the Spring, the time of new beginnings. Around the Full Moon in Aries on March 29, walk in the moonlight attuning to what is preparing to grow for you as Spring takes hold. At the New Moon on April 14, plant your seeds and sprinkle them with blessings of hope, abundance and love for all. Celebrate Earth Day on April 22. As you gaze up at the Full Moon in Taurus on April 28, allow its light to deepen your connection to the Goddess within. Then watch how magic touches and inspires every aspect of your life! Blessed be! May the Blessings of the Goddess rest upon you. May Peace abide in you. May love illuminate your heart, now and forever more. Raven Moondance (aka Shenna Benarte) writes the newsletter, MOON ASTROLOGY UPDATE six times a year and a monthly column on working with the moon in MOMA BEAR, a magazine for Gainesville, Florida moms. For a complete Moon Astrology reading or to attend a monthly Moon Astrology Class, call Raven at (352)372-8594 or email: moondance_raven@hotmail.com.


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ARIES (March 20-April 19) As your year comes to a close, you are integrating many new ideas and perspectives about yourself and your life. Take your time, don't rush or push yourself. Once your new year begins with your birthday, allow your inner knowingness to guide you towards your next step. One day at a time, work on trusting your intuition. It is right on target! Believe in yourself and your intuitive abilities. AFFIRMATION: All is in Divine Order. Life unfolds exactly as it is meant to. I AM grateful for each glorious day!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Right now, there is a window of opportunity for you to make some profound changes in how you perceive yourself and life. Quickly catch yourself whenever you are in a negative, complaining or judgmental place. Then shift your thoughts towards the most positive you can imagine! Take a good, long look at your life and consciously examine some of your thinking patterns, especially how you perceive yourself! Strengthen your sense of self-esteem by daily acknowledging something special about who you are. Your diligence now has the potential to steer you in a more life-affirming direction. AFFIRMATION: The Universe supports me as I create new patterns that enhance the love, joy and abundance in my life.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) What have you been dreaming about or imagining lately? Observe your dreams, both waking and sleeping. Dreams

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

can give us a message or provide insight. They can give us opportunities to work through issues and sometimes offer a glimpse of other aspects of ourselves. When preparing for sleep, set an intention, perhaps asking for guidance or that a particular issue be worked through during your dream time. Tune into your imaginative, intuitive self for clues that may point you towards your true desires. AFFIRMATION: My dreams and imagination open doors to new ideas, creations, guidance and healing.

CANCER (June 21July 22) Notice what insights come to you during the time of Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 19). They are important! Use them to strengthen your sense of self and allow these positive building blocks for your self-esteem to support you during Aries (Mar. 19-April 19). You will feel more confident in your ability to work through any emotional issues that may surface. View each issue as an opportunity to grow and learn. Work it through, then move on without getting stuck. Remember, it is not about them, it is about you and your growth! AFFIRMATION: I honor my tears. They cleanse my soul, allowing me to step more fully into my true essence. I AM blessed.

LEO (July 23-Aug.22) Let your spirit soar! Don't get too bogged down by the day to day tasks of life. Take care of the laundry, feed the cat, etc. but know that you are, indeed, so much more! Feel a sense of expansiveness, connecting more fully to your unique station or place in the Divine Plan. See whatever you do as vital to the upliftment of our planet. Nothing is too small or insignificant. Every atom and every thought creates our world. AFFIR-

MATION: I AM an integral part of all that is. All I think, say and do supports the expansion of love, joy and abundance throughout the Universe.

FIRMATION: I allow myself to take in whatever I need to strengthen my body, mind and spirit. I AM nurtured. I AM healthy. I AM strong.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept.22) Imagine yourself gliding through each day like a swan on a serene lake. No matter what happens along the shore, you are unaffected. You maintain your focus on inner peace and serenity, on your goal, mission or purpose. Deep within, find that place of true peace. Return there often, if only for a moment, to reconnect and then continue on. Allow that peace in the core of your spirit to be your anchor in these ever-shifting times. AFFIRMATION: I surrender to the flow of life, gliding along totally supported, loved and blessed in ALL THAT I AM.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21) Look beneath the surface of any situation that you may be working on. The reality of what is actually occurring may be concealed. There is more there than meets the eye. Observe and allow your intuition to give you clues you may need to decipher the truth. Listen to your immediate emotional responses. What are you feeling? Your astute observations and inner knowingness will help you to see others and life situations more clearly and realistically. Trust your intuition! You will feel more confident in your ability to make positive choices and important decisions. AFFIRMATION: As life unfolds, I observe the subtle clues that reveal the truth beneath the surface. I allow my inner knowingness to guide me.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22) During the time of Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) some positive insights and opportunities may have come your way. Contemplate what has transpired for you since the beginning of 2010. Take time to integrate these new perceptions, ideas or actions into your life and use them as a foundation for the next few months. Take care of whatever surfaces for you or whatever challenges come along. Keep moving forward. Do not let anything distract you. What are your goals? What are you focusing on? Stay positive. Keep that focus and ask for guidance when you need it. AFFIRMATION: I have total faith that the Universe is guiding me. I have total faith in my ability to create the life of my dreams.

SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21) As you move forward into this year, take a good look at what you are gathering in your life—possessions, ideas, perceptions, people. Hold onto only those which support and strengthen your evolving sense of self. Examine how you are replenishing your energy. Winter is a time to nourish your energy reserves in preparation for the growth to come in the Spring. Getting your life and health in order now is well worth the investment in yourself! AF-

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19) Be flexible and step out of the box in situations or interactions that call for something more or a different approach. Feel a sense of joy as each day unfolds. Be in gratitude for all that you have and for all that occurs. Even when things transpire that are not what you expect or want, remember, there is always a way to use them as stepping stones for growth. Contemplate what gives you joy. How do you bring joy into the lives of others? Let your joy and gratitude permeate all areas of your life! AFFIRMATION: Life is simple! Joy attracts joy. Love attracts love. Gratitude attracts abundance. I AM blessed!

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18) As you step into a new year with your birthday, be gentle with yourself. The first three months of your year are a time of inner focus and patience as you contemplate your goals and what you would like to see unfold as the year progresses. Take time to be by yourself to daydream, imagining a

wondrous year ahead. What are your dreams? What is your heart's desire? What is it that you always wanted to do or be? See it and create it with your thoughts and feelings of joy and gratitude. Don't doubt your power to make it happen. It is happening. AFFIRMATION: In the silence of the night, in the silence of the moon, I am seeing my dreams come true. I am seeing my dreams come true.

PISCES (Feb.19-March 19) Step into the new year that begins on your birthday in a place of confidence and appreciation for your diligent work over the past few months. It has not been easy for you. Many challenges and setbacks, but look how far you have come in your ability to negotiate adversity. Look how much you have grown! Be who you are! Respect yourself and all you have to offer, no matter what others may think, say or do. Situations and those around you may still be the same, but you are seeing them through different eyes. When you step into your power and assert who you are in a positive and loving way, you attract people and situations that respect and appreciate you. AFFIRMATION: I AM confident and empowered as I step more fully into my true, radiant self!

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



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ART THERAPY Carly Sullens, MA, ATR; 2431 Aloma Ave., Ste. 126, Winter Park, FL 32792; 407-265-2787 carlysullens@comcast.net; http://www.NewPassageWays.com

HEALING ARTS SCHOOLS Ecademos of Higher Enlightenment; Yashoda Yehudit, Co-Director; Eustis, FL 32726; 352-357-5918; http://www.YAcademyofLight.com

BAMBOO PLANTS Bamboo Plants-Walter Barker; 407-294-4350 BOUTIQUES, BOOKS, GIFTS The Om Bookstore; Kali Telana; 15519 U. S. Hwy. 441, Suite 306C, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-978-1181 kalilove88@aol.com; http://www.theombookstore.com CHILDBIRTHING (NATURAL) Kateyah Kapashah, LMT (MA17989); DOULA; Mount Dora, FL; 352-455-4421

HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES Trump Network; Marty Ward-Cutting Edge Health and Wellness; 321-848-4997; www.trumpnetwork. com/martyward; Marty@OurDiamondTeam.com http://www.jointnt.com/martyward REJUVENATIONS- Anti-Aging, Pain and Health Therapies; Shanaya Nalna, N.D., Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-385-0055; info@askshanaya.com http://www.AskShanaya.com Amethyst Bio-Mat Quantum Healing and AntiAging Light Thermotherapy; Katarah Vishnu; Mount Dora, Florida 32757; 352-735-3203

CHIROPRACTIC Wagner Chiropractic; Ramah Wagner, D. C., 2755 S. Bay St., Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-5443; http://www.doctorramah.com Yoder Chiropractic Wellness Center; Patricia Yoder 11799 SE US HWY 441, Belleview FL 34420 352-245-8030; funibnz1@embarqmail.com YoderChiropractic.net COLOR AND LIGHT SESSIONS Rahansia P. Ben-Mejuri, LMT (MA12828); Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-408-9626 COMPUTER SERVICES (IT/IS) PC’S OF 8; Kqasha and Melissa Ananta, P. O. Box 1476, Mount Dora, FL 32756; 352-455-3398; pcsof8@comcast.net CONFLICT RESOLUTION Alternate Pathways Outreach; Diane J. Ackerman; 315 E. Maud St., Tavares, FL; 352-343-3380; http://www.alternatepathways.com; diane@alternatepathways.com

HERBS/HERBALISM Leaves and Roots; Carolyn Whitford; 9434 E. Colonial Dr., Orlando FL 32817; 407-823-8840; leavesandroots@leavesandroots.com http://www.leavesandroots.com HERBAL/HOLISTIC EDUCATION North Wind Training, Inc.; Rebecca Henkins BSN, RN, HNB-BC, ND, MH, RM-T; 1411 S. Locust Ave., Sanford, FL 32771; 407-765-9035; Herbmstrs@aol. com; http://www.northwindtraining.com HOLISTIC LIVING EDUCATION All About Art - Artful Living Center; Donna D’Amato; 5162 S. E. Abshier Blvd., Belleview, FL: 352-307-9774 HOLISTIC LIVING EDUCATION REAL NURSES, REAL SOULUTIONS; Jeane Cole and Charol Martindale; 1433 Barn Owl Loop, Sanford, FL 32773 ; 407-513-4991; realnursesrealsoulutions@yahoo.com; http://www.meinsideandout.com HYPNOSIS Healthy Alternatives; Aida Alejandra Oliver; 1107 N. Donnelly St., Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-7357555; http://www.healthyalternativesdayspa.com


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INNER PEACE http://www.InnerPeacePrograms.com; Manny Gross; Orlando, FL; 407-491-7807; mannygross@ bellsouth.net INTUITIVE READINGS 4 Corners Intuitive; David Botsford; 109 Ambersweet Way, # 111, Davenport, FL 33897; 863-420-3634; davidbotsford@gmail.com http://www.4cornersintuitive.com Osha Harama; 1335 Elray Blvd., Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-516-9608; Osharama@aol.com Margaret Staton, M.A.; Angel Therapy Practitioner, Orlando, FL; 407-421-3758; healingangel334@hotmail.com Connected Earth Healing-Palmistry, Tarot and Oracle-Emphasis on Healing; Holly Riggs; 321217-9114; connectedearthhealing@gmail.com Moon Astrology Readings by Raven Moondance; by phone or in person; Gainesville, Florida; (352)372-8594; moondance_raven@hotmail.com. LIFE AND SUCCESS COACHING/EDUCATION Vickie Haren,CCLC; 601 Webb Way; The Villages, FL 32159; 352-502-3898; lifecoach11@hotmail. com; http://www.wix.com/VickieH/Vickie LIFE AND SUCCESS COACHING/EDUCATION Alternative Learning Designs,LLC; Anita Torres, P. O. Box 2033, Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-4554869; alt@altlearningdesigns.com; http://www.altlearningdesigns.com Inner Revolution; Cynthia MacMillan, Certified Integrative Life Coach; Deltona, FL; 386-7890520; http://www.InnerRevolution.net MASSAGE Kateyah Kapashah, LMT (MA17989); Mount Dora, FL 32757 ; 352-455-4421 Rahansia P. Ben-Mejuri, LMT (MA12828); Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-408-9626 Laura Painter, LMT (MA51773); Altamonte Springs, FL; 407-421-2165 Jan Cloutier, LMT; Located in Gold’s Gym, 18840 US 441, Mount Dora, FL 32757 352-636-9932; janicekay@comcast.net

a quick and easy way to find support for creating your magnificent life! MASSAGE (continued) Massage Therapy/Energy Healing (MA22986, MM17969); Kathy Hall, LMT; 1954 Howell Branch Rd., Suite 200, Winter Park 32792; 407-538-3044; Kathy@kathyhall-lmt.com MEDITATION Meditación en Inglés y Español; Serenity Mindfulness Center,L.L.C.; Beatriz Elena de Bruna; 1585 Morningside Dr., Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-385-0103; bonette5@hotmail.com MOVERS-RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS A Better Price and Service Moving and Delivery; George Barton; 929 Northshore Drive; Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-6683 (352-589-MOVE); GeorgeB7777@aol.com NUMEROLOGY Bobbie Roberts; The Villages, FL 32159; 352-205-6056 NUTRITION Joanne M. Keller, ARNP Women’s Health/Wellness; Joanne M. Keller, ARNP; 3643 Lake Center Drive, Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-385-2631 Laurel Moll Health Counseling; Laurel Moll; Orlando, FL; 407-413-9086; laurel.moll@gmail.com; http://www.laurelmoll.com RECYCLING SP Recycling Corporation; Denise Gainer; 5303 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32810; 407-234-1517; denise.gainer@spnewsprint.com http://www.sprecyclingflorida.com SKIN CARE Phyto Institute & Wellness Center; Gina Cassisi Canas; 2575 Kurt Street, #102, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-483-4800; http://www.phytoinstitute.com Claudia Virga’s Facials and More; Claudia Virga; 352-504-2893; ClaudiaVirga@SkinCareTherapy. net; http://www.ClaudiaVirga.SkinCareTherapy.net SPIRITUAL CENTERS A Center for Wellness and Light; Cindy Myers; 4353 Edgewater Drive, Ste. 3, Orlando, FL 32804; 407-297-0772; ACenterForWellnessandLight@gmail.com;; http://www.ACenterForWellnessAndLight.com


SPIRITUAL CENTERS (continued) Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living (Science of Mind); 2130A Prevatt St, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-2620; http://www.gtcsl.org COMMUnity 729; Trish Roddis; 729 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL 32803; 407-463-2248 Unity Leesburg; 826 E. Dixie Ave., Leesburg, FL 34748; 352-787-0834; http://www.UnityLeesburg.org PSYCHOTHERAPY/PSYCH. COUNSELING Jeanine D’Onofrio, Ph.D. (ABD), LMHC, NCC; 1799 Salk Ave., Tavares, FL 32778; 352-742-8300 STRESS RELIEF LAUGHTER YOGA with Hara Marshi; Tavares, FL; 352-552-6053; haramarshi@embarqmail.com; www.myspace.com/laughtersize

YOGA Lotus Yoga Center; Janice Keifer; 465 Oakland Avenue, Apopka, FL 32703; 407-697-6437; JanKeifer@cfl.rr.com; http://www.LotusYogaCenter.com Jeweled Lotus Yoga; Kellie Adkins; 104 S. 2nd St., Leesburg, FL 34748; 352-874-3272; jeweledlotusyoga@gmail.com http://www.jeweledlotusyoga.com LAUGHTER YOGA with Hara Marshi; Tavares, FL; 352-552-6053; haramarshi@embarqmail.com; www.myspace.com/laughtersize Yoga Central; Shata Ben-Avari; 2724 W. Old U. S. Hwy. 441, Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-383-7979; http://www.yogacentral888.com

TAI CHI Debbie Kirby; Eustis, FL; 352-267-0884; Call for class schedule WATER FILTRATION AND TREATMENT Divine Water Co.; Thoram Charanda; 3975 Dora Wood Drive; Mount Dora, FL 32757; 321-5061850; divinewater@comcast.net WELLNESS Joanne M. Keller, ARNP Women’s Health/Wellness; Joanne M. Keller, ARNP; 3643 Lake Center Drive, Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-385-2631 SOL RIZE Counseling and Wellness Center; Sherry Foster; 407 Center Pointe Circle, Ste. 1697, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701; 407-415-3380; http://www.SolRizeCenter.com WOMEN’S HEALTH/SUPPORT Joanne M. Keller, ARNP Women’s Health/Wellness; Joanne M. Keller, ARNP; 3643 Lake Center Drive, Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-385-2631 REJUVENATIONS- Anti-Aging, Pain and Health Therapies; Shanaya Nalina, N.D., Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-385-0055; info@askshanaya.com http://www.AskShanaya.com

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


The Divine Feminine: To know her is like trying to hold water flowing through your hands. She ebbs and flows in waves, like the tides, predictably unpredictable. You can feel her, touch her, float in her nurturing qualities, but you’ll never really understand her. She is too deep, unfathomable. Better to surrender, dive in and feel her. Let her qualities saturate you, like a sponge loves water. Wet everything around you with her compassion and truthful nurturing tolerance. The Divine Feminine is like water. Her soothing stillness supports new growth, new experiences, new ways to love, new ways to create, new ways to nurture, new ways to garden, and new life. Life needs water, and in return water sustains life. To love and water a garden is to be loved and watered by the garden. Ah, the Divine Feminine. To know her is to feel her in the depths and stillness of our being, and to let her flow through us, like a spring serves its surroundings, ever nurturing, ever life serving. What the world needs now is billions of nurturing springs of life, love and service to spring up and flow everywhere, for everyone. We humans are beings that thrive when we love something. The qualities of a still, observing mind with a heart of compassion are among the highest forms of love. These qualities of the Divine Feminine, when felt as the feeling of gratitude within our bodies, sends out a vibration that affects our surrounding environment in a harmonious and healing way. In addition, this vibration sweetens our own experience of life and of those around us. We can try to understand her from a level of mind or intellect. We can read about her many forms, but this won’t give us an experience of Her. The Divine Feminine is reflective and ever changing. She is creative, nurturing, and compassionate. Yet strong and wise, she can be destructive when we need a mirror held up for us to see something we need to change. Her dark side can be scary, like a typhoon followed by a tidal wave, stripping you bare, clean. In physical form, the Divine Feminine is more of a sensory and feeling being. We all contain the Divine Feminine within us, both women and men, some with more developed qualities than others. Why is it important for all of us to embody the Divine Feminine? In order for us to nurture anything or anyone and be truly effective, we must internalize and transmit her qualities. These qualities include Virtue, Beauty, Peace, Harmony, Compassion, Truth, Tolerance, and Love. All


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these qualities foster growth and sustain life. The opposite of these qualities makes it difficult and nearly impossible for life and productive creativity to flourish. Just try to grow a vegetable garden in the middle of a battlefield. Every time a seed grows it gets trampled. When you look around the earth right now you’ll see battles of some kind happening everywhere. There are armed conflicts in various regions. There are battles of economics, healthcare, climate change, pollution and banking. It’s no wonder that change comes so slowly. Every time some progress is made, someone tries to trample the seed. From the Divine Feminine’s point of view, everyone’s idea of what a better world looks like is everyone’s own creation of life. It takes a global village to raise and nurture the kinds of ideas that are needed to help solve our biggest problems and help the earth heal from the effects of our ignorance. When we tend to each other’s ideas for the healing of the planet like fragile newborns, when we collectively accept and nurture them with the qualities of kindness and tolerance, then our healing collective vision for the earth will bloom and the earth will transform before our eyes.

Mysticism, Hinduism, Tantra, energy and sound healing, “Shadow Work,” Kundalini Yoga, many forms of meditation, and Qi Gong. A spiritual and cultural musician and recording artist, his first CD is entitled “Earth School Now.” He is an environmental advocate and educator, nature lover, happy hippy tree-hugger, and rescuer of many baby squirrels. He has been practicing fully integrated and wholistic veterinary medicine for almost 20 years, with two Animal Hospitals in the greater Orlando area. He is one of Velocity magazine’s regular contributing writers and has recently joined our team of spiritual editors. Dr. Al is committed to awakening human beings to their highest self. Please see ad column 1.

Dr. Al Nuñez is a lifelong mystic and student of spirituality. He has studied and applied many of the profound practices and tenets of Catholicism, Shamanism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Kabbalah, Paganism,

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



first quarter of 2010 is off to a great “emotionally intelligent” start as we practice knowing ourselves, understanding our feelings and choosing ourselves, making decisions that support us rather than hinder us. We will explore the final step: Give Yourself, in our EQ journey as we embrace the new season of spring with love, renewal, and presence. The greatest present you can give to others (and yourself ) is the gift of the real, authentic YOU! Okay, that may sound unoriginal but it has never been as critical as it is today, given the speed at which we live our lives and the myriad of electronic gadgets that take us (emotionally) away from one another. 'Give yourself' begins with actively listening, expressing empathy, and truly being present and attentive to others, especially to those that really matter to you. Finding our life purpose or our calling for what lights us up and for which we become passionate, is another key component of giving yourself. Each of us has a unique purpose for living this one life. Some of us know instantly. Others need to do some soul searching, deep thinking, and deep feeling to discover their purpose. Even neuroscientists are studying emotions and the impact they have on the quality of our lives. PBS television recently aired a special, “This Emotional Life,” which explored all the facets, actions, and feelings in our pursuit

for happiness. The key messages that stayed with me and which relate well to the EQ concept of give yourself are the importance of strong social connections, empathy, and freely offering support to our community. These largely contribute to our overall well-

tractions (email, texting, social networking, and cell phones) to actively listen to the other person. Be sure to paraphrase what you heard and check to ensure you understand the meaning or intention. Validate the emotion, express empathy

being and happiness. Check it out at http:// www.pbs.org/thisemotionallife. We are connected to one another, and without our social networks, loved ones, and friends and family it would be very difficult to survive. EQ helps us stay connected to each other, to our community, and the world.

by putting yourself in their shoes or being open to seeing things through someone else’s eyes. Get out of your head and into your heart and be where you are and with whom you are.

While the focus of Know Yourself and Choose Yourself are on self-awareness and self-management, the Give Yourself step focuses more on how you relate to others—your social awareness and ability to manage relationships effectively.

The second action for giving yourself may take more time, however, the time invested will be well worth your while. Contemplate, reflect, and connect with your purpose in life or your noble goal. It’s not about attaining material things or even money, although they may be by-products. It’s much deeper than that and goes beyond the realm of you. Consider the larger community to find your place and how you contribute to it. A noble goal is something that motivates and inspires you to the very core of your being. It’s what gets you out of bed each day revved up and ready to go. Our personal priorities form the basis of our daily actions and a noble goal drives our long-term choices and decisions. A noble goal helps us maintain energy, drive, and determination to make a difference in life, for you and for others. Consider these questions as you reflect on your noble goal:

How do you give yourself? The easiest way to begin is by being fully present in the moment. Clear your mind of whatever is next. Be present in mind, body, and spirit. Eliminate dis- •


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What matters most in your life?

• • •

How do your actions match your values? How would your friends and family describe you? How do you want to be remembered?

Daniel H. Pink, author of A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future, says “Seeking purpose is part of how we’re wired—by doing something that endures, we prove that we were here, that we mattered. Clare Boothe Luce once told John F. Kennedy, ‘A great man is one sentence. Abraham Lincoln’s was ‘He preserved the Union and freed the slaves.’ What’s yours?’ If you can’t seem to access your purpose in life, I’ve found the best place to start is with Luce’s question.” To answer Luce’s question requires you to do two things: Get unstuck in your feelings of anger and fear and be resilient and determined to persevere by using your emotional intelligence to gain power, influence, and relationship. What’s my noble goal? My family name defines my purpose: Training Others to Realize their Right to Extraordinary Success. Let your emotions be important guides throughout life. Become more focused, more persuasive, and more inspiring as you practice knowing, choosing, and giving yourself. Remember, if you desire personal effectiveness, health, powerful relationships, and overall quality of life, then emotional intelligence skills are worth learning and applying. EQ skills can improve your life and your relationship to the people in it exponentially --now-- not someday or when it’s too late. Anita Torres, owner of Alternative Learning Designs, is a Certified Professional in Learning and Performance and a Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach specializing in leadership development for individuals, organizations, and families. Contact her at alt@ altlearningdesigns.com. See ad p. 50.

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


grow, live new experiences. Our spirit is our true compass and leads us to the dreams and desires of our heart. I knew that chapter in my life would have to come to an end if I wanted to honor my spirit and live the life I was born to live. The experience of not knowing where the road might lead was scary, but trusting that my spirit was my compass, I allowed a new path to be paved. Today I am living my passion in life and fulfilling my mission. I use my skills to inspire and empower others to lead a fulfilling, purpose-filled and passionate life. I enjoy helping individuals determine, develop and achieve personal, professional and spiritual goals.

What were you born to do in this life? I love asking people that question. Some know exactly. Others struggle to find an answer. And some don’t have a clue. We are born with a passion deep within us; something we love to do and can spend hours doing it. We also have special talents, gifts and abilities. I believe everyone was born with a mission to fulfill. When we are fulfilling our mission we are connected to our true self. The person we were born to be. It’s no coincidence that our passion in life and our mission in life are somehow linked. All the natural talents, gifts and abilities we were blessed with are there to assist us in the fulfillment of our mission.

What are your unique talents, gifts and abilities? What do you love to do? What are you good at? What were your dreams and desires when you were a child? Allow yourself to explore these questions and write down everything that comes to mind, without judging it. Don’t overanalyze your thoughts, just allow your thoughts to emerge naturally. Allow your spirit to be your compass and guide you to what you were born to do in this life. Do more than live your life... Live Your Passion! Debbie Paulk is the founder of Live Your Passion Life Coaching, certified Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotist, NLP Master Practitioner, Reiki Master and Workshop Facilitator. For more information about services provided or upcoming workshops visit wesite: LiveYourPassion.us or contact Debbie at 407-923-0738 to schedule your free consultation. Please see ad below.

Life is supposed to be joyful, fun and fulfilling, and flows more naturally and easily when we are doing what we love to do. If life feels like drudgery, a struggle or a series of meaningless or mundane tasks, it’s time to look within and reconnect with our true self. I’ve always known that I was born in this life to be of service to people, although how I have been of service has changed throughout my life. The one common element has always been to inspire and empower others. I love talking with and connecting with people. Years ago, I began to feel unhappy and unfulfilled in my career. “What am I doing here?” raced through my mind. I worked for the weekends and dreaded Monday mornings. My spirit was trying to get my attention but I was stubborn and fought it. Our ego doesn’t like change or risk. It wants to remain in our comfort zone. Our spirit, however, loves change, loves to


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Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


with learning about in school, but still there was always a feeling of impending doom, like I was doing something wrong. The fear of punishment from the male God of my childhood kept my right eyelid peeking open to see if he was indeed watching me with a stern gaze. Even that fear was not great enough to quiet the discontent that I was truly missing something; I was no longer appeased to hear “this is the only way.” I needed to redesign and mold my spirituality to fit and compliment who I am. An inner voice kept assuring me to not be afraid to embrace the Divine as feminine.

I’ve always had the ability to look at something, take it apart in my mind and redesign it to compliment who I am, tailoring it to my own style—a piece of jewelry, a craft project, or something I read. As I grew up and my thoughts turned to spirituality, something that troubled me and never felt quite right was the missing feminine counterpart of God that was not taught in the traditional religious culture I had grown up with. I could always see how things balanced each other, like white-black, day-night, and even the gender balancing words such as man-woman, steward-stewardess, sorcerer-sorceress, but why weren’t God-Goddess taught together? Where was the balance? There was only ONE, and that never quite felt right to me. During my middle-age quest for spiritual growth I began looking at all aspects of balancing the Divine and seeking the feminine side I felt was missing. For awhile, I tried meditating to the Goddess, randomly choosing one of the many mythological Goddesses I was fascinated


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And so I continued searching, intrigued to find fragments of Her between the lines written in the tablets and scrolls of mysticism and ancient religions. I found in Taoism the balancing of male and female, the yin with yang. I unveiled the wisdom of Sophia in Gnostic Christianity, then discovered the feminine aspect of God acknowledged in Buddhism and Kabbalistic Judaism. I’ve also learned along my personal quest that to know Her, you must journey within yourself. And in order to be truly whole, we must embrace both the male and female aspects of the divine, as we must embrace those aspects of ourselves and of each other. I discovered that I am one among many, yearning for spiritual teachings that bring both the masculine and feminine into balance. As we shift into a New Age, desperately seeking peace on our planet, many of us are searching for what’s been missing in modern life. And I do believe one of the most important missing aspects of our lives has been the Sacred Feminine in alliance with the Masculine Divine. It’s time to reawaken our inner Goddess and, in the tradition of all-inclusive spirituality, refer to the Divine as God/Goddess, Oneness, and All there is. Tina Shafer is a national speaker, experiential teacher, gifted writer. Through empowerment workshops, training courses, coaching programs and audio products, Tina teaches her students how to journey within, and with expanded love and trust, create the life they were born to live. Curious? You can find more information about Tina, hosting or attending empowerment workshops, and purchasing audio products on her website, www.journeywithinyourself.com. Contact Tina at tshafer@ tc3net.com or (517) 902-6160. See ad below.

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

How many times have you heard a woman say, Men have it so much easier. They don't have to deal with all the problems us women do!? It is a common misperception that it is normal for women to have to deal with painful menstrual cramps, PMS, morning sickness and prolonged and painful labor. In reality, a healthy woman shouldn't have such difficulties. What we often attribute to being "normal" and "just part of being a woman" is actually a sign of dysfunction in the body that can be treated and prevented with Chinese medicine. Over the years, the lives of women have become more and more stressful, hectic and emotionally draining. We are now dealing with a million things on our plate, often working multiple jobs, raising a family and juggling housework. We don't realize how important it is to take the time to take care of ourselves—mind and body. So how do we go about making our lives easier, painless, and stress-free? Acupuncture is an excellent and effective solution to treating women's diseases. Any ache, pain, or abnormality is a sign of imbalance in the body that should not be ignored or brushed off. We often reach for painkillers for that quick fix, but never really treat the problem. Chinese medicine focuses on treating the root of women's diseases. Acupuncture is a natural, safe and effective alternative to treating gynecological disorders including PMS, menstrual cramps, infertility, PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea. Oftentimes physical problems in the body are manifested through an emotional cause or traumatic event in our lives. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are used to strengthen the female body especially during critical times such as prior to conception, during pregnancy, at childbirth and following delivery. It is customary in China for women to take up to several months to rest and recover following childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth are very taxing to a woman's body, therefore it is critical for a woman to rest and rebuild the body's energy after delivery. In this country, many women are quickly discharged from the hospital shortly after giving birth and soon return to their stressful Continued next page 56 Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


"Chinese Medicine" continued from page 55 work environment and grueling schedule. It is also extremely important for a woman to take care of her body prior to conception and throughout pregnancy, as the slightest deviation of health can affect the health of the child. The state of our bodies at conception will also affect the baby's health. Birth trauma greatly affects the health and spirit of the baby, and may cause problems later on in life such as lifelong depression, circulatory disorders and respiratory problems. Trauma at birth includes early induction, Csection, breech birth, cord wrapped around the baby's neck, prolonged labor, incubation and the use of forceps. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are used to treat the effects of trauma through herbal medicine and acupuncture treatments. Chinese medicine is one of the only systems that recognizes birth trauma as a cause of disease. As women, we need to learn to take care of our bodies and embrace the gifts we have to give to the world. Chinese medicine is the key to promoting health, happiness and quality of life. Stephanie Irzyk, AP, DOM, is a licensed Acupuncture Physician at Harmony Health & Acupuncture located at 303 N. Baker St., Ste. A, in downtown Mount Dora. Contact Stephanie by calling (407)3532018. Contact Janean Hamilton, RN, DOM, AP at Harmony Health & Acupuncture by calling (407)758-1880. See ad previous page.


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I decided to live in the desert southwest on the Navajo Reservation, it didn’t take me long to realize that there was a huge cultural difference between the Dine (Navajo) people and the Bilagaana (Caucasian) people. One of the biggest differences between the two cultures is the aspect of the Divine Feminine. Navajos have a matrilineal heritage, which means that all the land, animals, possessions, and even the children belong to the woman or matriarch of the family. When introductions are made, Navajos will identify themselves as belonging to the clan of their mother. So powerful is the female lineage that whenever a man marries, he leaves his mother’s clan and becomes identified with the clan of his wife’s mother. I once asked my Navajo sister, who had adopted me into her clan, about this practice of women holding the wealth of the family. She laughed heartily and said, “Without women life would cease to exist. In the beginning of Navajo oral history, the first four clans of the Navajo were made from the skin of Changing Woman. All Navajos come from those first four clans. Therefore, we are all part of the Divine Mother.” How different our concept is of the Divine Feminine, since our culture and religious thought is fueled by a patriarchal society. Susan Cahill, in her book, Wise Woman, says “The Mother Goddess was gradually replaced with a Father God who became the patriarchal God of the Israelites, the Christians, and the Muslims, the focus of male-dominate theologies.” However, it seems that in recent years the feminine nature of the

Divine has been making Her way out of the dark recesses of the subconscious mind and into the light of conscious awareness. In his book, Mary’s Vineyard, Andrew Harvey asks us, “Why has it become important that we reclaim the Divine Motherhood of God?” He answers by stating that, “Without the knowledge of Divine Masculine and Feminine, without both the Mother and Father aspect of God, the human race will die out.” He goes on to further state that we are disconnected and it is only the radiance of the Mother that will heal us. Toward that healing the Divine Feminine is taking a stronger stand in consciousness today. This has come about, in part, through the New Thought Movement, which began in the late nineteenth Century. The Divine Feminine nature within our consciousness is asking us to wake up. She is asking us to wake up to the marriage of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. Through this marriage, the birth of the Christ consciousness is possible. The marriage of our Mother/Father God will transform our realization of our Oneness and we will realize the sacredness of all beings. Rev. Mary Blocher was ordained as a Unity Minister in 2005. Rev. Mary hold a Master’s Degree in Education from Indiana University. Prior to entering ministry she was a special education teacher for 24 years. Nine of those 24 years she lived and taught on the Navajo Reservation where she learned first hand the traditions, customs, and spirituality of Native Americans. Please see ad for Unity Leesburg this page.

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


Energy Medicine Workshop and a New Name to Match the Times

Mid-Life Sexual Health

Tips and Treatment Options from Dr. Marilyn Mitchell, MD

YAHWEH Academy of Light (see ad page 2) has taken a new name: Ecademos of Higher Enlightenment. This name change involves far more than just the name. YAHWEH Academy of Light has been in existence since early 2000 and as a mystical school of higher sacred teachings, it, too, is evolving as we all evolve and rise higher in vibratory frequency. The energies all around us have been increasing leading to major shifts in our individual conscious understandings of ourselves and our planet. It feels to anyone slightly sensitive that something big is happening. Ecademos of Higher Enlightenment reflects this raising of velocity and exists to assist those who desire to move into this higher learning. Ecademos of Higher Enlightenment is presenting a groundbreaking healing workshop in Central Florida on April 24 and 25. This workshop will focus on Energy Medicine. The fee for this two-day experience is set purposely low so that no one will feel excluded from participating. All monies from this class will be donated to Cedarhill Animal Sanctuary. Most of modern medicine deals primarily with the physical yet more and more research tells us that the imbalances that bring about disease usually exist first within the subtler aspects of our being. Our thoughts and emotions are powerful forces in our lives and can affect our bodies in negative ways bringing about disease. Energy medicine works within our energy field or aura to assist in bringing harmony and balance that can have a strong affect on our physical body. It can help us move out of doubt, fear, and many negative patterns or energies we have picked up or created ourselves. Ecademos of Higher Enlightenment classes are very experiential and fun. Everyone is guided to learn to use different frequencies of light, sound and intention to redirect imbalances in their and other's energies. This uplifts their velocity bringing about profound healing on many levels. 2012 is coming quickly and it is important for all of us to go deeper into the new transformational energy that is moving us all so profoundly. When we realize that we have the power to create healing within ourselves, this brings about a sense of fulfillment, personal empowerment and great joy. Acceptance of who we are is a major release of energy that can be used for all healing or any creative endeavor. This energy has been waiting for most of our lives to be released. It is time now to go forward and have the courage to live our dream. Please refer to Ecademos of Higher Enlightenment's ad on inside front cover, page 2 for more information on this event.


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Changes often occur to sexual health during mid-life, and we are often surprised. For both women and men the two hormones that affect sexual physiology, estrogen and testosterone often decrease during mid-life. As a result of these decreases, the most common symptoms we notice are a decreased libido (desire) and changes in sexual response. There are four components of sexuality that may be challenged at mid-life: • • • •

Self-perception Sex role behavior Sexual desire (libido) Sexual response

Keeping these four components in mind, ChicagoHealers.com Practitioner Dr. Marilyn Mitchell, MD, offers the following suggestions when seeking treatment options for sexual health. •

Medications commonly used include bioidentical testosterone supplementation, either oral or cream. This will usually accompany hormonal treatment with bioidentical estrogen or progesterone in either an oral form or as a cream for local external treatment or in a vaginal form. Medicinal treatment may also extend to adjunctive antidepressants for you or your partner or a change in current therapy for other diseases. Some antihypertensives and antidepressants will alter sexual function in men or women. Herbal therapies include the herbs Damiana for improved libido, Chinese ginseng for improved libido, potency and fertility, and Yohimbe. Ashwaganda is also helpful on a long-term basis for improving sexual response. Behavioral approaches can help improve sexual satisfaction. An aid to sexual health may be a change in sexual foreplay to accommodate changes in each partner and to rekindle interest. Couple therapy may be helpful, either with a professional or with the couple alone. Intimacy "planning" can help when this part of life seems to get squeezed out. Energy Healing has profound effects on improving sexual health and connection. Higher levels of healing, as used in Energy Touch work, can assist with connections through multiple sets of chakras and quickly improve sexuality on the physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational levels.

When dealing with the changes that come in sexuality, it is important to approach this with the same openness and honesty that is used in other areas; by working with specific symptoms and improving communication, a healthy sense of sexual balance can be achieved. Marilyn Mitchell, MD is based in Chicago and uses her Integrated Healing Team to design a program of healing unique for your situation. She uses herbs, botanicals, vitamins, nutrition, and healing through the human energy field.

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Welcome to Our New Home by Betsy Shanahan

I. A. M. Metaphysical Centre

The instant you walk through the door of The Metaphysical Centre, your spirit feels at home. You’re welcomed into a sanctuary where conflict, worry and uncertainty fade away. The negativity and stress of everyday life succumb to the vibrations of love, support, hope and healing that pervade the centre, as well as the minds and hearts of all those whose efforts have gone into creating this place. Although you’ve entered a brick-and-mortar building, the perception is that you’ve entered a place where time and space are of little consequence, where sharing, learning and the interaction of like minds take precedence over everything else. This is the new home of the International Association of Metaphysics (I.A.M), founded in 1981 in Los Angeles by Dr. James W. R. Thomas. Now, as humanity is poised to enter a new era of spiritual enlightenment, I.A.M. has a new home where lightworkers and seekers can connect with each other, learn from each other and achieve a higher vibration together. The Metaphysical Centre offers an ongoing array of classes, including Hatha Yoga, Healing and Psychic Development. Pranic and Spiritual Healing Clinics take place on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays and prior to the Thursday Light Message Service and Sunday Light Service. Workshops such as Tools of Mediumship, Power to the Goddess, Meet Your Spiritual Teachers and Bottom of the Cup offer opportunities to explore our spiritual nature. The Creative Energies Seminar will be presented March 5, 6 and 7 with a free introductory lecture on March 4. This is a rare opportunity to explore the past, present and future through a series of experiential workshops that will propel your spiritual development into the Eternal Now. Please contact the Metaphysical Centre at 386-228-0910 or go to http://www.InternationalAssociationOfMetaphysics.com or http:// www.MetaphysicalCentre.ning.com or http://www.Meetup.com/MetaphysicalCentre for more information and to reserve a seat. Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life


of us have noted the shift in energy on the planet. I remember being in a bookstore coffee shop in my mid-twenties working on my book,* and speaking to an intuitive compatriot. She emphatically stated, “The female energy is descending onto the planet!” I remember agreeing on many levels, although my rational mind wondered, What the heck is she talking about? The next notable shift, besides our country’s economic turnabout, was one I learned more about in Time Magazine. The whole edition was referencing women in business. With the softness of the womb, it encapsulated how women are at a tipping point in business. It stated the female energy is causing a shift in receiving the power of the marketplace (for whom?). As a successful businesswoman I attribute much of my prosperity to the feminine magnetism that draws in success. The marketplace still seems to cause an expulsion of masculine force, and often puts me into a deep need for rest and repose. My last sabbatical from some of the erroneous scarcity of the American lifestyle took me to Peru. It was in Machu Picchu that I soon discovered a concept about the true power of the feminine energy and our planet’s evolution. I was climbing Wyna Picchu, the young mountain that overlooks Machu Picchu’s ruins. Atop this rugged mountainside, heaving at 12,000 feet above sea level, I took in the wooing power of the place. It seemed to pull me into it. Beholding this edifice of quiet beauty, I was unable to break my gaze. In my later discoveries, my female guide told me of the myths and legends of Machu Picchu. She told me it was a community comprised of a majority of women. These were once little girls chosen for their intelligence and beauty, plucked from their homes to be taught in this mountainous temple. They were

Stony Ruins Field of Power by Ramah Wagner, D.C.

Contributing Health Editor

sought out from all over the lush Inca empire. They chose of their own accord to study at Machu Picchu which, like Harvard University, was resigned to the best in education. The education was to increase them in knowledge and therefore, beauty. It was not until the young wondrous love and wisdom were at a climax that the student adept would accept the hand of a nobleman in marriage. She would descend from this high place to support and challenge her mate with her wisdom. This brought diplomacy to the townships. As I walked through the stony ruins still on a high from Wyna Picchu’s rocky climb, I marveled at a feeling of déjà vu. All the science, architecture, ecology, and humanity fused together for an absolute appreciation of the Universe and all its beauty. The legendary field of power enveloped me. “This is the female energy!” When I came back I held that wonderful vibration like a postcard inside of me. The kindness of the sacred valley, the delicious foods, the meaningfulness of the handicrafts that I purchased all proved it was real. Notably, I was different because suddenly without a forceful need to assert any effort, my business grew. It was due to my openness to that power of the female energy. This is something we all, man or woman, carry within us. It is a unique power, like the unfolding glow of a pregnant woman about to grant forth new life. * “The Health of Business-How to Balance Your Life for Greater Returns”

Ramah Wagner, D.C. is a third generation chiropractor with studies at the University of Iowa and a degree from the University of South Dakota. She received her graduate degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic (the founding college of chiropractic). Please see Dr. Ramah's ad next page. Watch for Dr. Ramah Wagner's new book, "The Health of Business- How to Balance Your Life for Greater Return." Dr. Ramah is available for speaking events and intensives. Visit http:// www.doctorramah.com or http://www.healthofbusiness.com.

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


Nourish America Urgently Requests Donations for Haitian Earthquake Victims

Charity Begins Major Two Year Initiative to Give Immediate Help and Long Term Support About Nourish America Nourish America is an award-winning 501(c)3 organization that to the Children provides nutritional supplements and nourishing foods (includ

Nourish America needs your help. The devastating earthquake in Haiti prompted Nourish America to broaden its support beyond the U.S. shores initiating an extensive relief effort and a two year support program for the victims of the earthquake, with particular focus on the children. The children of Haiti make up almost 50% of the country's population. With the devastating losses from the quake and aftershocks, tens of thousands of these children are devastated by the trauma from the disaster as well as from the loss of their parents. Nourish America's commitment is to support these children in the recovery and reconstruction of their lives for two full years. Nourish America has partnered with National Foundation for Women Legislators bringing together resources to create a reliable network of distribution for all supplies we provide, but Nourish America needs your help. Cash and product donations will save lives. You can help the people of Haiti by donating the following items: • Cash funds • Water • Protein and meal replacement bars and drinks • Shelf stable juices • Prepared foods • Canned goods • Ready to eat cereals • Ready to eat snacks • Baby food • Multi-vitamins for children, adults and seniors • Other supportive nutritional supplements • Body and skin care products To donate, call 866-487-1484 or email mary@nourishamerica. org. Mail to: Nourish America, P.O. Box 567, Ojai, CA 93024. Donations can be made online at http://www.NourishAmerica. org. To learn more about Nourish America's latest news, be Nourish America's friend on Facebook or follow Nourish America on Twitter.


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ing naturals and organics) to those in need in the Americas. Daily, 30,000 children in need, 34,000 seniors and 12,000 National Guard men and women throughout United States receive nutrition through the Nourish America program. Nourish America also provides nutritional support to victims and emergency workers during disasters. It costs only ten cents a day to provide nourishment to someone in need through Nourish America. For four years in a row, Nourish America has received high ratings for its fiscal management from Charity Navigator, America's leading charity watchdog organization. Independent audits of Nourish America's finances show that over 96% of all donations go directly to programs and those served

The idea for Nourish America began when Dr. Michael Morton oversaw the management of several homeless shelters in the late 1990’s. Every day Dr. Morton watched as homeless mothers and their children left the shelter each morning to face another challenging day on the street. With his background in nutrition and alternative medicine, he recognized the signs of malnourishment in the shelter’s clients. He wished that he could fortify them with nutritional support such as multivitamins and protein bars that would help them find the strength and the energy to face their difficulties and create stability and success in their lives. Soon after, Dr. Morton was approached by two philanthropists who sought to hire Dr. Morton to begin a new charity. Once Dr. Morton shared his experiences about the pervasive problem of malnourishment in homeless and low income families for nutritional support, the philanthropists recognized the value of creating a national program that provided nutritional support to America’s most vulnerable. The mission of Nourish America was born. Dr. Morton sought the assistance of his wife, Mary Morton in beginning Nourish America and together they began the new charity on a corner desk in their bedroom. Ten years later, Nourish America has grown to be an award-winning national program that has provided nutritional support to millions of Americans in need from coast to coast. Nourish America is committed to providing the daily essential nutrition that impoverished American children, families, pregnant moms, and seniors and others in need require to live productive, successful lives.

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

January was a time of desires to change and resolutions to make for the New Year. February brought a time for introspection and preparation for change, and March brings with it new beginnings. The fundamental of new beginnings is the warmth of spirit. New beginnings are the rising of the new dawn within you—renewal of self. As amazing as this process can be, it can also be challenging when we experience the hurt from our past. We become fragmented and experience imbalance and disconnect from our mind, body and spirit. This imbalance distorts self-perception, which will ultimately affect overall wellness. If our self-perception is altered and our core inner self is lost, then the journey of wellness is not going to be successful. As women, we battle obesity, eating disorders and addictions, to name a few. Most of us go through the day unaware that the power to change is within us, within our own thoughts and in our body. We are powerful sources. We can provide ways to go within, to manifest our dreams and become balanced and focused. Mind-body-spirit integration provides a bridge to assist with the transformation of new beginnings. One way to experience this divine essence is through Tribal Belly Dance. Tribal Belly Dance is an ancient dance form passed down among generations of women as it focuses on group dance with traditional clothing to celebrate the divine feminine. The group of women uses a series of yelps and hand gestures to communicate the next move of the dance. The focus of Tribal form is how our individual divine energy brings essence to the group, providing women not only an opportunity to connect to self but to a group. This ancient form can help us experience harmony and overcome polarity in our overall thinking, feeling and being, pushing us to view ourselves as a whole person. Tribal Belly Dance invites us to dance around our core allowing us to connect to our identities, establish our love of spirit and become comfortable in our own skin through strength, dignity and respect for ourselves and other women. Jenenne R. Valentino-Bottaro holds a M.A. degree from Webster University and is a Ph.D. Canidate in Human Services with a specialization in Social and Community Services from Cappella University. As a Women’s Self Defense Instructor, Hypnotist, Mind-Excellence Specialist, Body Ways Specialist and nearing her certification as Holistic Fitness Practioner through NESTA, playing a role in women’s overall health and wellness is important to her. Jenenne is a student of Amy Anthony at Om Studios, Orlando, Florida in her level I and Level II Tribal Belly Dance Instruction.

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


SUGGESTED READING Millions of Americans are opening their eyes and their wallets to the devastation that has brought Haiti, an already struggling country, even lower. Right now, Haitians are desperate for food, water and medical supplies, which the American people are quick to send them through their donations to the Red Cross and other agencies. But what will happen now that Haiti is no longer the lead story on the news? The need will still be there because even if they have food and water, they need houses to live in and businesses to work for.

book, we are reminded to commune with our divine nature, enabling us to create a life of personal freedom and ease.

Kathy LeMay, founder, president, and CEO of Raising Change, a fundraising organization that works to advance social change agendas and generosity worldwide, is an expert with exciting ideas on how you can help Haiti now, and how you can continue to help them through the massive rebuilding effort that follows. Her new book, The Generosity Plan: Sharing Your Time, Treasure, and Talent to Shape the World, is an invaluable tool readers can use to find a way to give long-term help to those in Haiti without putting extra strain on their day-today lives. The Generosity Plan helps readers over the obstacles to either volunteering or donating by showing them how to use their time, resources, and talents to help them do what they can, where they are, with what they have.

Playing in the Unifield Field lays out the scientific foundation supporting a big shift in the way we conventionally think of ourselves. Human beings are dynamic, self-organizing, boundaryless systems open to a unified field of information that is vibrational in nature. When we are conscious and aware in the present moment we can receive more subtle information from the field, respond to actual conditions more appropriately, and rewire ourselves toward greater capacity. Playing in the Unified Field builds on the wealth of new science to offer dozens of simple practices to enhance our and our children's consciousness and creativity.

A New York Times bestseller for over seven years, The Four Agreements transformed the lives of millions of people around the world with a simple yet profound message. Now author and renowned spiritual teacher don Miguel Ruiz has collaborated with his son, don José Ruiz, on its long-awaited sequel, The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self Mastery. This captivating book expands upon The Four Agreements with fresh insights and empowers us to recover our faith and authenticity with a powerful new agreement: Be skeptical, but learn to listen. The fifth agreement uses doubt as a tool to discern the truth. Doubt takes us behind the words we hear to the underlying real message or intent. According to the Ruizes, The Fifth Agreement prepares us to return to our innate wisdom, and live our lives based on truth. The truth leads to self-mastery, to a life that's very easy; believing in lies leads to needless conflict and human suffering. "Many years ago, I began to teach the fifth agreement, but then I discovered that no one was ready to learn the advanced Toltec teachings that underlie this agreement. The Four Agreements were enough of a challenge at the time," explains don Miguel Ruiz. Now in this compelling


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Learn these seven science findings and live more vibrantly... In her latest book, Playing in the Unified Field: Raising and Becoming Conscious, Creative Human Beings, Carla Hannaford, invites twenty-first century readers to catch up with twentieth century science and live as dynamically changing, brilliantly endowed beings that science has shown us we are.

Deep within the soul is a wise sage, the source of all wisdom. Ascension: Connecting With the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light by Susan Shumsky, D.D., can teach readers how to dive deep within and recover what might be called the higher self, guardian angel, inner guru, spiritual guide, master-teacher, or God within. Ascension is easy to understand, logical, and practical, with simple-to-learn methods requiring no previous experience, background, training or knowledge. The book is filled with stories about visitations from divine beings, methods for meeting ascended masters and angels of light, and inspiring messages from the immortal masters and deities. Ascension also contains stories, beautiful paintings, and drawings of these immortal beings. Ascension shares: who the ascended masters and divine beings are, and how to meet them; what it means to experience ascension and walk beyond death; how to begin your own ascension process; how to meet your own inner divine teachers and discover their names; how to hear, see, feel, and get “signals” from inner teachers.

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

According to the American Macular Degeneration Association, “Few people are aware that macular degeneration is an incurable eye disease and that it is the leading cause of blindness for those aged 55 and older in the United States, affecting more than 10 million Americans.”

to die and never be reborn again. However, a strange and unexpected event occurs that makes Linden question his choice. But is it too late? Can he reverse the dire destiny he has set in motion?

Authors Ita Buttrose and Vanessa Jones have created a cookbook that addresses what many of us neglect—our eye wellness. Filled with tasty and easy-to-prepare dishes, Eating for Eye Health: The Macular Degeneration Cookbook offers over 90 delicious recipes carefully selected and tested by health professionals to help people lower their risk level for macular degeneration. Two long time children’s book favorites return... Over thirty years ago, author Pat Palmer was the founder and director of the Assertiveness Training Institute of Denver. Her dissertation was published as two children’s books: Liking Myself, and The Mouse, the Monster and Me. These two heartfelt and powerfully written books were uniquely designed, charmingly illustrated and hand-lettered on traditional lined elementary school paper. They became international bestsellers in six languages, selling over half a million copies around the globe. They went out of print in the U.S. in 2000. Now ten years later, these two long time favorites are being revised and re-released. The Mouse, the Monster and Me focuses on the importance of finding a balance between one's aggressive inner "monster," and one's passive inner "mouse." Children quickly grasp the metaphor and discover their assertive “me” self. Readers readily identify these behaviors in themselves and others. Other issues include: getting in touch with your own strengths; respect, rights, and responsibilities; how to say “no” to trouble; receiving criticism and compliments; and being yourself. Supernatural thriller sheds light, raises questions on life, death, rebirth and destiny... In Linden's Last Life: The Point of No Return Is Just the Beginning, author Alan Cohen tells the story of down-and-out Linden Kozlowski, about to leap from the Golden Gate Bridge, when he is intercepted by a monk who convinces him that if he runs away, he will just have to come back and his problems will be even worse. To escape the pain of this world forever, Linden sets out on a journey to make a supernatural deal

Linden's Last Life follows the path blazed by recent popular novels with a metaphysical twist. "Millions of people are questioning their purpose and direction in life, and how they fit into the greater scheme of things," Cohen said in an interview at the headquarters of Hay House, the book's publisher. Linden's Last Life, a savvy blend of adventure, romance, and metaphysics, delves into the interplay between free will and destiny. The hero must decide if his fate is strictly subject to forces beyond his control, or if he is in charge of how his life turns out. As a part of Turner Publishing's Good Things to Know Series, Tisha Morris has just penned 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home (April Release). This succinct yet comprehensive guide blends the traditional complexities of feng shui and the modernized act of de-cluttering to provide readers with an integrative tool on the art of creating their own sanctuary. Unlike anything else on the shelves about feng shui, this light and straightforward guide breaks down the complexity of the art and is written for those who may be new to feng shui and wish to discover how it can renovate one’s life. Complete with checklists, color mapping and energizing exercises, the 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home mini-manifesto introduces unconventional ways to clear out new space and bring in the love, wealth and happiness your home was meant to provide. The Definitive Book of Chinese Astrology by Shelly Wu will teach readers Zi Wei Dou Shu, the best-kept secret in astrology, formerly only available to royalty. Zi Wei Dou Shu is the most accurate and profound divination tool available, and can help readers identify inborn capabilities, achievement potential, and life path. The Definitive Book of Chinese Astrology is beautifully illustrated and includes an interactive CD-ROM, which makes it easy to create Chinese astrological charts for yourself, your friends, and your family. The book is broken down into three sections: Section One gives background on Zi Wei Dou Shu; Section Two teaches readers to forecast life and love cycles; and Section Three covers Chinese astrological subspecialties like IChing and feng shui. The Definitive Book of Chinese Astrology is the astrology book to keep at hand. The life charts created with the CD-ROM help readers paint a rich personality portrait and can help readers understand their destiny and assess their life options.

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010


Secrets from Soulmates Arielle Ford and Brian Hilliard


Arielle Ford, author of The Soulmate Secret: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction and her husband Brian Hilliard, a business consultant, answer your questions about life, love and relationships. They believe that whether you are eighteen or eighty years old finding Big Love is always possible. Email your questions to: soulmatesecret@yahoo.com Dear Arielle and Brian, I am ambivalent about having a soulmate because I love my “space” and I don’t want to give up my independence and wonderful life. My last marriage took me years to recover from. My husband was very controlling and smothering. How can I have both love and independence? Love, Jenny Dear Jenny, Guess what? Not all men are smothering and controlling. In facts, zillions of men would just LOVE an independent woman like you! One of the main reasons we so strongly believe in creating a “soulmate wish list” is for exactly this reason. You know better than anyone that type of person your heart desires and HOW you would prefer your relationship to be structured. Why is the list important? Think of it this way: When you are looking for a new job, you have a list of items you need this new job to provide in terms of income, tasks, commuting time, work environment, possibilities for promotions, etc. When you go to the grocery store you bring a list of the items you need to stock your fridge and pantry with in order to feed your family. You also need a list to place your order for a soulmate with the Universe. On this list we suggest that you begin by asking for a partner that is “ready, willing, and available (very important!) for a long-term, committed, monogamous marriage (or “relationship” if you don’t care to be married). Next, you want to be specific about geography if you plan to stay in your same city–you want to ask for someone who already lives in your area or is willing to move. Then, you can add in the most important traits and qualities you want them to possess including statements that may say things like “appreciates and enjoys my independence,” etc. We encourage you to ask for what you REALLY want, even if that means you want a soulmate who is willing to live in separate homes or different cities. (Wasn’t it Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy who lived across the street from each other?) So often people just “hope” that the perfect man or woman will magically appear and then they settle for the next person that shows up, even if that person isn’t a great match for them. To the best of your ability, be relaxed and lighthearted about your soulmate search. And, never doubt the Universe’s ability to deliver your true


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love or your own ability to discern what true love really means for you. Jenny, remember in Big Love you can have both love and independence. Wishing you love, laughter, and magical kisses, Arielle and Brian Arielle Ford has spent the past 25 years living and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is one of the founding partners of the Spiritual Cinema Circle, a DVD club dedicated to providing movies about love and compassion. She is the author of seven books including the HOT CHOCOLATE FOR THE MYSTICAL SOUL series and her newest book THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction. Her husband and soulmate Brian Hilliard is a business consultant with a life-long interest in spirituality and the practice of compassion. They live in La Jolla, California. www.soulmatesecret.com

Disclaimer: Arielle Ford, Brian Hilliard, the Big Love column and its publishers assume no responsibility for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction you take based on the information, services or other material related to this column.

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

by Irlianna Samsara James Cameron’s “Avatar” quite simply is the most important movie we’re likely to see. Behind its jaw-dropping special effects and technical wizardry was a profound teaching on higher evolution, DNA, the Divine Feminine and true community. Jake Sully, a paralyzed combat soldier, participates in a special military program called Avatar, which mixes human DNA with the DNA of the Na’vi, the indigenous culture of the planet Pandora. This allows him to take on the body of a 12’ foot blue-skinned Na’vi, and it also enables him to walk and do things the Na’vi do, like fly magical winged horses. Without this body, a normal human could not live in the ecosystem of Pandora. In what is something of a sci-fi version of “Dances With Wolves,” Jake becomes enamored with the Na’vi and their ways, and of course, Neytiri, the young woman assigned to train him in their culture. That alone is a wonderful acknowledgement of the Divine Feminine bringing us into a higher ordering of evolution. As his higher evolution mentor, Neytiri teaches Jake all about the respect for nature, and the connection we all have to the earth. In one scene she shows him how to ride the testy magical horse: connect the end of his ponytail into the mane of the horse, allow his DNA to connect with the DNA of the horse, and feel the horse’s energy, his life force. When Jake does this, the horse is tamed and a profound relationship between horse and rider blossoms. We also see how the Na’vi connect their DNA into their Tree

of Knowledge to pray and receive guidance, and also to come together as a community–each one plugs in to Mother Earth, then gently sways and hums, moving as one community. We were reminded of the healing ways of the shamans and their mystical communion with animals in the wild. The ability to heal as shamans do depends on a profound level of communion with nature and the animal kingdom. It is a level that has been missing for so long in our technological society. Sixty million Native Americans were living in North America when the European colonists arrived, and by the end of the nineteenth century, that number was reduced to 800,000. Knowledge of DNA healing, and living in harmony with nature and the world, although practiced by so few, is thankfully kept alive by the native cultures. “Avatar” is re-seeding this understanding to the masses. The Na’vi, way-showers sprinkled with stardust, beckon us to restore our reverence for Mother Earth, DNA and true community. Irlianna Samsara of Kimah Communications, Inc. teaches others about the healing power of sound and breath through toning, chant and crystal singing bowls. Besides selling crystal bowls she is a writer and marketing /PR expert with 30 years’ experience. For more info: 352-455-7509 or info@soundhealing888.com

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Stop and smell the roses! Slow down, life ahead! What do these mean? Driving down a back road recently, I actually stopped the car, turned off the engine and rolled down the window. I was a little shocked at first, because there was nothing–no noise. Then I realized that the birds were making a cacophony of sounds. When I listened closer, I heard small animals and insects rustling under the leaves and bushes. Then the air began to come alive with its gentle sound of what? A whoosh? A shshsh? How can I describe it in words when it was an experience? You know the old saying, You had to be there? Well, why aren’t you? We are bombarded with so many negative messages. You see, even the words I use to describe the negativity are negative. Bombarded! How about we need to see the positive any time we are able? We have all this negativity coming at us through all our senses. We hear parents yelling at their children. If we watch television, we see robberies and beatings and more. STOP!! Turn it off. When you see trees being cut down, look beyond and see the clear sky. Look for the new growth that is allowed to burst forth. Look not at the trees, but the pattern between them. Watch a child discover the rock that you have tripped over 100 times. See it through their eyes. Touch it and feel its energy. Listen to the sounds of cars on the road, how different they sound when it rains. Close your eyes and see your way. Of what do you become more aware? Our world is so full of good, loving, positive ideas, thoughts, things and experiences that we miss. Yes, scientifically, time is moving faster. However, there is time when you can just stop and smell the roses, or a pot roast or a baby’s sweet breath.

Christine Rossiter is a certified hypnotherapist and past life regressionist and is a first time grandmother. The world has a whole new face to stop and look at. Please see Christine’s ad this page. Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



anufacturers are retooling their machines to make baby carriages bigger and stronger. Children’s clothing manufacturers have redesigned their patterns to accommodate an ever-expanding youth (no pun intended). Fourteen year olds are going to hospitals with symptoms of heart disease and diabetes, something that used to be reserved for adults. Statistics speak. In one year, the obesity rate in children has jumped from one in four to one in three children. Just go to the mall and count the number of children with a belly overlapping their belt.

words after three and one half hours. In another study, school children were given a task that would normally take three months. Children who ate a diet high in glycemic intake took four months to complete the task. Children on a low glycemic diet took only two months!

That over hanging belly fat is the dangerous fat. It is like an alien chemical factory creating heart disease and diabetes. High carb diets are the culprit. Picture being tied down while your favorite food is fed to you. Let’s say, chocolate cake. The first piece tastes yummy but by the fourth, “No. NO. No More!” Our cells are the same way, however they cannot take the overdose of carbs and yell, “NO more room here. Store as fat!” What do potatoes, white flour, white rice and most breakfast cereals all have in common? Try an experiment. Take a bit of a bagel (white flour) and chew it 10-20 times. Notice it becomes sweeter and sweeter (high glycemic). It has turned into sugar right in your mouth. All the white ingredients turn to carbs in your mouth and fat in your belly. Eat a green bean and notice its flavor is consistent and doesn’t get sweet (low glycemic).

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1. Eat an abundance of non-starchy vegetables, beans, and fruits. 2. Eat grains in the least processed state possible: whole kernel bread, brown rice, whole barley, millet and wheat berries, stone ground bread, steel cut oats, and natural granola or muesli cereals. 3. Limit refined grain products and potatoes to small side dishes. Use yams instead of potatoes. 4. Limit concentrated sweets to occasional treats; reduce fruit juice to no more than one cup a day and completely eliminate sugar sweetened drinks. 5. Eat healthful types of protein at most meals. 6. Choose healthful fats, such as avocados and olive oil, nuts including almonds, walnuts and pecans. Limit saturated fats derived from dairy and other animal products. Completely eliminate partially hydrogenated fats (trans fats). They are like poison. 7. Have three meals and one or two snacks each day and don't skip breakfast. 8. Eat slowly and stop when full. * From "Ending the Food Fight," by Dr. David Ludwig, MD.PhD and Director of Optimal Weight for Life (OWL).

How does this affect our children and their schoolwork? David Benson at the University of Wales gave undergraduates cereal-based breakfasts that were either low or high glycemic index and then examined their ability to recall words. Students who ate the low glycemic breakfast had better cognitive performance throughout the morning and were able to remember 50% more abstract


Eight Principles of Low Glycemic Eating*

Contact Marty Ward to speak at your church, school or day care center on Reducing Childhood Obesity—The Problem and the Solution. Call to order handy, guilt-free, natural Snazzle Snaxx for Children, a high protein, low carb yummy snaxx for improved performance in school and on the playing field. Please see ad this page.

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Velocity Magazine | THE DIVINE FEMININE | March • April 2010



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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

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