As Above, So Below-Velocity Magazine

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AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010 Central Florida’s Green and Conscious Living Magazine | FREE

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


entire ocean. It is the same with a hologram, because one part contains a pattern of the whole. So it is with each of us. We are a microcosm (small world) of Spirit in the macrocosm (big world) of Spirit. We each have different ideas, physical appearances, and ways to do things; however, we all come together in the One Mind of Spirit. When we are in alignment with Spirit, we are in alignment with each other and, at the same time, respecting our diversity and honoring by Rev. Cay Thompson, D.d. our unity in the One! Our natural state is to be aware of our Oneness in Spirit so we may enjoy the joy, beauty and abundance are living from this Unity, and projecting in our outer experiences. the experiences from it upon the screen Heaven is within, and as we know this is of our objective lives. --Science of Mind, our Truth, we truly swim in heavenly life pages 313-314. experiences.

Reproducing the Cosmos in Our Individual World

Dr. Ernest Holmes wrote:

Our thought, then, is creative in our world. Macrocosm—the big world— and microcosm—the little world. We reproduce the Cosmos in our individual world. The Father is greater than the Son, yet the Father is the Son, and we are each other, and It is in all of us. So every day we

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Did you see the movie Finding Nemo? If you did, you may remember the scene toward the end where the fish in the aquarium want to escape and make their way back to the ocean. These wise fish decide to hop to the ocean in bags of water (a funny scene and yet a very normal and natural environment to them). If one pointed out to a fish that they were in water, they might reply, “What water?” Another one of my favorite analogies is how a drop of water has within it the same elements of the

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Unity Minister Eric Butterworth said:

I am unique and different at the surface. There can be no other “eachness” quite like me. And yet I have no existence outside of the whole. My eachness can never be separated from the allness of God. The Greeks said, ‘Man, know thyself.’ I can only know the One as I know myself as the self-livingness of the One. But I can only really know myself when I know that I am ‘in the flow of life.’” -- “In the Flow of Life,” page 10. Rev. Cay Thompson, D.D. has been a Science of Mind (SOM) Practitioner for 47 years, a student of SOM for 51 years, a Religious Science Minister for 19 years, and a United Church of Religious Science (UCRS) Ecclesiastical Representative (Eastern/Mid-Western U.S.) from 1999-2002. She holds an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity. Please see ad for Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living this page.

Volume 25 May · June 2010 AS ABOVE, SO BELOW A STROLOGY







Calendar of Events





I Wanna Be Like You, Dad, Or Do I?


New Indigo/Crystal Children Meetup




The Planetary Initiation of 2012




Soothing Your Dog with Musical Therapy BY COLLEEN GORDON


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The Word on Books

Indigo Consumer Column BY JAI AND AUSETA


4 & 63


Fresh Produce: How Safe or Unsafe Is It? BY TIM CARPENTER



Trees Above, Landfills Below BY DENISE GAINER

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010






Heavy Metals, Heavy Body




Triphala—The Rejuvenator


Believe It and You Will See It BY DEBBIE PAULK


The Feet: Microcosm of the Body BY VIVIENNE BAILEY


Who Do You Want To Be?






The Law of Correspondence In the Plant Kingdom


The Cycles of Life BY TINA SHAFER

Play, Dream and Listen Like a Child BY CHRISTINE ROSSITER


Personal Balance BY ANN MOURA

Stand with the Tree



S P I R I T UA L I T Y Understanding the Vibrational Flow of Us BY KATHY HALL


Quiet Desperation BY FELICIA FORD


The Macrocosm and Microcosm


Reproducing the Cosmos



The Key to the Kingdom



31 Your Inner World 34 Divine Love




The Cutting Edge In Health







The Principle of Correspondence


Heaven On Earth BY MARTY WARD


Go After Your Dream BY CLAUDIA VIRGA

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Let the Light Shine Down, Around and Through

52 The World, Our Reflection 55 When I Am Not Here Now, I Am Not There Either BY INA ANDERSON


To view the last year's issues of Velocity in their entirety, please visit our site:

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

contributing editors



Nancy Butler-Ross







Julie Norris

1 Contributing Community Editor Julie Norris is manager and co-proprietor of Dandelion Communitea Café, founding board director of the Progressive Local Alliance for Community Enrichment (PLACE) and serves on the boards of Slow Food and Mills Fifty Mainstreet. She’s an avid supporter of the local art, music and food culture, and showcases the diverse people and happenings in ‘Ourlando’ on her weekly radio program, Front Porch Radio. Her passion for community, delicious fair food, the environment and culture are the driving forces behind all her endeavors. More on her ventures: and

2 Contributing Green Editor

Emily Ruff, herbalist, is director of the Florida School of Holistic Living in Orlando, a 501c3 nonprofit educational institution committed to creating sustainable communities by empowering individuals to reclaim their radiant well-being through reconnecting with the natural world.  Emily has studied herbalism on three continents over the past decade and consults individuals on holistic nutrition, herbalism, aromatherapy and flower essences. Contact Emily at FSHL: 407-595-3731. Visit

3 Contributing Health Editor Ramah Wagner, D.C. is a third generation chiropractor with degrees from the University of Iowa and of South Dakota. She received her graduate degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic (the founding college of chiropractic). Watch for Dr. Ramah Wagner’s new book, “The Health of Business - How to Balance Your Life for Greater Return.” Dr. Ramah is available for speaking events and intensives. Visit or call: 352-589-5443.

4 Contributing Success Editor Cynthia MacMillan is a Certified Integrative Coach and serves as an accountability partner, confidential advocate and respectful challenger as her clients uncover their internal blueprint currently driving their beliefs and choices. She assists clients to melt away the old stories that keep them in the repetitive spiral of mediocrity. Cynthia encourages embracing your authentic self, expressing healthy self-esteem and awakening joy. Contact Cynthia MacMillan at 386-789-0520 or by visiting

5 Contributing Spiritual Life Editor Albert J. Nuñez, DVM, CVA is a lifelong mystic and student of spirituality. He has studied and applied many of the profound practices and tenets of Catholicism, Shamanism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Kabbalah, Paganism, Mysticism, Hinduism, Tantra, energy and sound healing, “Shadow Work,” Kundalini Yoga, many forms of meditation, and Qi Gong. A spiritual and cultural musician and recording artist, his first CD is entitled “Earth School Now.” He is an environmental advocate and educator, nature lover, happy hippy tree-hugger, and rescuer of many baby squirrels. He has been practicing fully integrated and wholistic veterinary medicine for almost 20 years, with two Animal Hospitals in the greater Orlando area. Dr. Al is committed to awakening human beings to their highest self. Contact him at 407-897-8555 or visit:


Emily Ruff


Ramah Wagner, D.C.


Cynthia MacMillan



Velocity Magazine is an independent Central Florida regional publication distributed in more than 550 locations in Orange, Seminole, Volusia, Lake, Sumter, Marion and Alachua Counties.

Advertising Inquiries 407-454-3443; 352-357-7122 We Welcome Your Feedback P. O. Box 132, Mount Dora, FL 32756 The Velocity Vision

To serve as a catalyst in raising the velocity of mass consciousness as we strive to create a new world that embraces lasting peace, sharing and cooperation. All material contained in this issue ©2010 PKR Communications- Velocity Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without express permission from the publisher. The views expressed in Velocity represent the opinions and beliefs of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of Velocity or its staff. Velocity is not responsible for the contents, products or services represented in any advertisement.

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010



just don't realize how incredibly connected we are to the Divine. We go through our everyday lives, day after day, many of us on a virtual hamster wheel. We've gotten stuck in what appears to be reality because we perceive ourselves and our environment from the five senses alone. We're looking down instead of up and outward instead of inward. Even when we know better we still we have a tendency to get off track after awhile, back on the hamster wheel again, caught up in life, just trying to make a living, just trying to keep all the plates spinning in the air. What kind of life is that? It's a life where we've either forgotten the keys to our liberation or we're ignorant to the fact that they even exist. It's some or all of both, actually. Henrietta Bernstein describes in her book, The Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail how our energy meridians actually reflect, correspond and respond to the 'meridians' of the skies, in other words, the celestial ley lines formed by the stars. Why else would we be affected by planetary movements and alignments? The moon has incredible effects on both humans and the planet itself. We are connected one to another whether we realize it or not. The best thing is to realize it, then you can use it to your best ad-

vantage (read Raven Moondance's Moon Astrology column every issue to know how to do this). Think of yourself upright in a wide stance with your arms out to the sides even with your shoulders. What sacred geometrical object do you resemble? A star perhaps? We are human stars. Picture a person in this stance and draw a circle around from the top of the head to the end of each limb and back up again to the head. Now we see the human person standing inside the sacred geometry symbol of the circle, representing the earth or even the universe. This signifies us as microcosmic beings and the circle represents macrocosmic creation. We also are stars in that we, too, are beings of light. If we've attended church or read Genesis in the Bible over the years, we learn that we are made in the image and likeness of God. I don't know how much people really contemplate that statement. It's a deep one, one that I feel is misused, one that must be felt on many deeper levels for the true meaning. The essential point, though, is that we are more similar to our Creator than we realize, we just haven't come to terms with it yet. We haven't been placed here on this planet

with no tools or keys. The Divine, which we equate with being from 'above,' lives within us, we who view ourselves as 'below.' This is an associative relationship, the relationship between God and us. In fact, there is no between. We and God are one, therefore as above, so below. Again, we just haven't unveiled the truth of our beings. We tend to see ourselves as separate, aspiring to something we already are inside and when we get that, we'll be living in a whole new world, a mystical world of freedom from ego and suffering. Our mind of logic needs to figure everything out and it thinks it can control our world. It perceives only with the very limiting five senses. It truly never has dominion over our environment and experiences although it makes us believe that it does. Why in the world do we believe it when the same old undesirable patterns keep playing out in our lives over and over again? As they say in 12 Step programs, this is the definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Ultimately, we find ourselves under the thumb of ego in chaos and suffering. However, when we can step up into the mystical mind, the mind that doesn't think and rationalize but knows and feels, here we see beyond what the eyes and brain indicate exists. We see beyond to the truth and we rise higher in our awareness to a place where we discover none of what we perceive with the senses is even real. There is where and when we have dominion over our environment, when the higher psycho-mystical mind (Above) turns the key in the lock and our world (Below) is at our feet.

The Key to the Kingdom 10 •

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Go After Your Dream by Claudia Virga


truly feel that I am blessed with a career that encompasses all that I am passionate about in life. In my skin care practice, I get to empower women, stimulate my brain with education on aromatherapy, herbs and new techniques, play with my creativity by custom-blending products, and care for our earth by choosing to use natural instead of chemically enhanced products. Even with all my blessings, how is it that I am left with a feeling that I am meant to do so much more in life? Why is it that, after watching inspirational stories of people making a difference in their communities and our world, I find myself weeping, paralyzed by fear and the desire to make a bigger difference? We all have a personal story. Growing up, I didn’t have the best self-esteem, and made poor choices that still impact my life today. I truly believe that all I have personally gone though was not only for my own life lessons, but for me to help other young ladies with theirs. I would daydream of a program for young girls that focused on prevention and enhanced their selfesteem so they would make better decisions about sex, drugs, alcohol and relationships. Two years ago, I started a “grass roots” program from my own home, but I listened to people telling me that it would be too hard, that we already have organizations that address those issues, that I wasn’t educated enough or that there was lack of funding. Even though I knew in my heart that there wasn’t a program like the one I envisioned, I lost my focus and I gave up on my dream. Once again, I was consumed with a feeling of emptiness. After attending a leadership program, I decided to go after my dream again, this time armed with knowledge and blinders. I needed to be focused on the end result and not to get off track by other people’s opinions. It was amazing! Once I made the decision to make it happen, things like sponsors, volunteers and connections just fell in place. Now I am the founder of a not-for-profit organization, which just recently received national press. Through this experience, I have learned one of the best life lessons. I learned that when we stay true to who we are by following our dreams, the “how” takes care of itself! A close friend of mine once told me “that if you can dream it, it is within your reach to achieve it.” It is in our life’s chart or blueprint. That is why sometimes the people in our life do not always support us the way we think they should. Since it isn’t part of their destiny they can’t fully understand our desire. So what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you daydream about? Everything we need is already inside of us, so let’s put on our blinders and go for it!

Claudia Virga is a licensed Cosmetologist in Florida and New York and a Certified Aromatherapist. As a dedicated professional she is a member of Associated Skin Care Professional and Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners. She is devoted to providing skin care, naturally, and to continually educating herself and others. Visit or email her at See ad this page.

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Heavy Metals Heavy Body by Ramah Wagner, DC • Contributing Health Editor I have been fortunate to partake in a legacy of natural health. One part of that legacy came from the father of Chiropractic himself in 1895 who said that toxins, physical trauma, and autosuggestion are the causes of disease. My grandfather, who was a Palmer Chiropractic graduate, did research in the 1950s on toxins and the body’s response. He was known to have developed techniques that were 95% accurate to today’s research studies. Because toxins were not yet common knowledge as a cause of illness, his studies were lost in that time. In my father’s generation, (he was also a Palmer Chiropractic College graduate), alternative medicine began to come into vogue. I for him as a teen as he dispensed supplementation for his patients. Still, detoxification methodology was not yet scientifically advocated. I remember ionic footbaths and cold laser which were thought to send stimulation into the mitochondria of the cell and expel heavy metals yet I searched and found very few journaled studies to advocate the concept. I remember also being interested in various colon cleanses. The many I ordered with my allowance money did nothing more than cause one to purge the colon in diarrhea. Fortunately now, over two generations later, we are making real evidence-based links between toxins in our world and thyroid imbalances, allergies, and weight imbalance. Where do these toxins that tend to block hormone pathways come from? Let’s look at mercury toxicity, a frequently talked about heavy metal toxicity which is the second most common after uranium. The Daily Hampshire Gazette, September 2000 reported that in 71 rainwater samples over a 12 month period, the average level of mercury was ten times the level considered safe by the EPA. That was ten years ago. Mercury (Hg) has affinity for brain, liver, and kidney tissue and can cause arthritis, confusion, fatigue, headache, bloody diarrhea, and multiple nervous system disorders such as difficulty walking, bizarre tremors, depression, panic, immune system damage and cancer. This is only one of the often poisonous substances that bog us down and make us toxic. The Mount Sinai School of Medicine and researchers at two major laboratories tested nine healthy volunteers from different parts of the country for 210 different chemicals. The result was that 167 different chemicals were found in the patients’ systems with an average of 91

per person. ( bodyburden/dynam-contams.php) Worse than all the host of 167 chemical toxins found in the subjects was the effect they have. 76 cause cancer in humans or animals, 94 are toxic to the brain or nervous system, and 79 cause birth defects or abnormal development. If that isn’t enough to make us as humankind sick our animals in their natural habitats are suffering, too. It is reported that polar bears have hypothyroidism as a result of our vehicle, industrial and incinerator pollutants like PCB’s flame retardants, heavy metals, plasticizers, Teflon and pesticides (Skaare JU, et al, Relationship between plasma organochlorines, retinol and thyroid hormones from polar bears at Svalbard, J Toxicology Environ Health, A 62:227-41,2001). These chemical toxins seem to be coming to us in every direction in our environment. It has been recorded that our municipal drinking water typically contains 100 or more pharmaceutical drugs and personal care products in significant concentrations (Hemminger P. Damming the flow of drugs into drinking water. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005; 113(10) A678-A681). So what to do about all this? For the people that have entrusted me with their healthcare I take safe, gentle, and effective measures to detoxify and download these chemicals from the body. It is by chelating agents with medical laboratory testing that they get to see what was accumulating in their body with no natural way of release. I remember being shocked myself to see how much mercury, arsenic, and cadmium came out of my body and was recorded through lab testing. It was done without side-effects and without interrupting my busy practice day. I knew that the knowledge alone was powerful. If I have given myself the gift of that kind of health it would be wrong to not spread the word about the power of heavy metal detoxification. Ramah Wagner, D.C. is a third generation chiropractor with studies at the University of Iowa and a degree from the University of South Dakota. She received her graduate degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic (the founding college of chiropractic). Please see Dr. Ramah’s ad next page. Watch for Dr. Ramah Wagner’s new book, “The Health of Business- How to Balance Your Life for Greater Return.” Dr. Ramah is available for speaking events and intensives. Visit or http://www.

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


The Law of Correspondence As It Is Above, So It Is Below in the Plant Kingdom


an herbalist and healer, when I think of the concept of “as above, so below” I think of a simple concept called the Doctrine of Signatures, which represents the microcosm and macrocosm of the universe as a pattern that repeats itself in nature and in our bodies. The Doctrine of Signatures shows us that by observing how a plant looks, tastes, and smells, it might indicate what it can be used for. Some believe the first person to write about the Doctrine of Signatures in the early 1500s was a Swiss physician and herbalist named Paracelsus. (There are also allusions to this sort of theory in the writings of Galen, A.D. 131-200.) These concepts had been used for thousands of years prior to Paracelsus but it was he who wrote about them in the western

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world and introduced them into medical practice. The Doctrine simply states that by observation, one can determine from the color of the flowers or roots, the shape of the leaves, its smell or where it grows, the plant’s purpose. A good example of the simplicity of this concept is the elderberry; when the berry cluster is held upside down it resembles a set of lungs and the berries themselves resemble the bronchi (bronchi

by Dawn Gates Master Herbalist

helpful for treating ringing in the ear, or tinnitus. There is a simple key to how the Doctrine of Signatures works. Yellow can indicate plants that are good for liver disorders; a good plant to represent this is dandelion root, which is often used in liver detoxification blends to cleanse and rebalance the liver, and can be useful to treat several liver dis-orders. An example of how the shape of a plant can influence how it’s used is the Ginkgo biloba tree

“Yellow can indicate plants that are good for liver dis-orders; a good plant to represent this is dandelion root...” are the large air tubes leading from the trachea to the lungs— they don’t look like berries). Because of this signature, herbalists for centuries have used elderberries for coughs, colds and ailments of the lungs. Of course, modern medicine tried to disprove this folk medicine and conducted a study. This study confirmed that yes, elderberries actually reduced the time one was sick with the flu and they reduced symptoms. Many other plants have similar signatures. For example, ground ivy, aka creeping Charlie, looks like a kidney or an ear and is used for kidney dis-orders and is especially

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

which has fan or heart-shaped leaves and has been used for thousands of years in China for treating heart disease. Modern research shows that it is a mild blood thinner and increases the strength of the walls of the blood vessels. These actions help the heart not work as hard to pump blood throughout the body. The universe has given us these clues since the beginning of time to help us understand the healing powers of the plants around us. This system of identifying medicine through the “signature” of a plant is truly divine and a way to connect to the universal energies around us. Dawn Gates, Master Herbalist, aromatherapist, flower essence and gemstone elixir practitioner, has studied natural healing for 18 years. She has herb and aromatherapy consulting offices in Paisley, Deland and Orlando, Florida. Her school, “The Live Oak School of Natural Healing” offers Herbalist Certification courses both in classroom and online. Visit: www. or call for a consult. In Lake County, (352)669-1963 and in the Orlando region, (407)967-6042. See ad this page.

Trees Above, Landfills Below We Need Your Help in the Middle! by Denise Gainer Preserving life-sustaining trees above us and keeping recyclable paper out of our landfills below us is our goal. And while we work to that end, we also positively contribute to the economy in two separate steps of our operation. We pay people directly for the newspaper, magazines, catalogs, and office paper they provide us, and our end product—100% recycled newsprint—is used by many Florida newspapers. Who are we? We are SP Recycling Corporation, the 29-yearold procurement arm of SP Newsprint, the nation’s leading producer of 100% recycled newsprint. All paper collected in Florida is processed in our plant in Dublin, Georgia. Some of our customers include the “Orlando Sentinel,” the “Daytona Beach News-Journal,” the “Miami Herald” and the “Tampa Tribune,” so chances are you have held our finished product in your hands. With help from organizations here and all over the state, the recycling process begins again as community members collect the paper in return for our payment to their fundraising/recycling program. We then ship the paper to the mill via truck and the recycling process continues. Florida residents throw away around ten pounds of garbage per day, totaling over 35 million tons. Of that amount, just 24% is recycled. Additionally, of the roughly 1.5 million tons of newspaper collected, only 39% of that amount is recycled.* Statistics tell us there is a huge amount of newspapers that we could be recycling! And that is where we need your help.

Just think how good you will feel knowing you saved trees and kept tons of paper out of our landfills, all while generating a passive income stream! Sounds too good to be true, but it really is true! We can raise money for your organization or favorite charity if you are willing to host and fill one of our recycling containers! In Clermont, the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church fills its recycling bin with such amazing enthusiasm that they are supporting a new social services program that is so successful that employees of “USA Today” joined in the church’s efforts by hosting an SP Recycling Container at their Orlando office. Blessed Sacrament is generating an annual average of 86 tons, raising $1,099 per year. Their average monthly tonnage continues to increase and is now nearly 11.5 tons per month! One of our newest groups of recyclers is Royal Highlands in South Leesburg. In just the few months they have been recycling, the community is already generating more than seven tons per month, raising funds to purchase bulletproof vests for the Lake County Sheriff’s Office’s K-9s. It is easy to do! For 29 years churches, homeowner associations, clubs, VFW Posts and retirement communities have recycled in just this way to raise money. And right now, who doesn’t need money? Call me today. Go Green and Get Green! * State of Florida DEP, MSW 2006 Final disposition (most current figures available) Learn more about paper recycling at the SPRC web page: Recycling Specialist, Denise Gainer has been "talking trash" since 2000 with anyone who will listen! Her goal is threefold: to educate people about their waste stream; recycle as much newspaper as possible; and by so doing, contribute to community fund-raising throughout Central Florida.

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


Fresh Produce: How safe or unsafe is it? by Tim Carpenter

What makes produce safe or unsafe? This is a difficult question. We obviously know some of the reasons, but some are just guesses. The answers to the following questions might reveal some of the reasons why produce could be grown in unsafe conditions and environments:

What was in the soil at the time of planting? What was put in the soil years ago? What do we put in the soil each season? What do animals put in the soil? What is sprayed on the plants? What pesticides or herbicides are left in the soil? What toxic chemicals does the plant absorb? Can pesticide residues be washed off completely? How is the produce harvested? How is the produce stored and for how long? Obviously we don’t know what pesticide residues are in the soil unless we have a ten- to 20-year history on the soil. For example, the pesticides Dursban and DDT, which are now banned, hang around for many, many years. Lawns were drenched with these chemicals many times and for many years before

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they were banned. Most of our soils have been contaminated for centuries with what was thought to be safe. In defense of chemical companies, it was necessary to produce pesticides for agricultural crops, or there would have been a major worldwide famine at some time. However, they went beyond just controlling insects and diseases because resistance to many of those chemicals occurred. Some of the chemicals also killed off the good or beneficial insects and microbes in the soil. When this happened the farmers and many home gardeners had no choice but to keep applying more and more pesticides and fertilizers. There are health issues worldwide attributed to chemical sprays. No one knows how much damage has already been done or what will occur in the future. There has been a major shift to organic or use of natural chemicals in the past five years, yet harsh or restricted chemicals are still around and being used by many farms. You can grow, if you wish, without using harmful chemicals for pest and disease control. This is a proven fact and is done at Verti-Gro and many other companies. You can control pests safely! Fertilizers are not what kill people or make them sick. Overuse of fertilizer makes produce grow faster and perhaps with less nutritional value. Over-fertilization goes beyond the effect it has on nutrition, as the excess also contaminates groundwater. There is a major misunderstanding about chemical, synthetic, natural and petrochemical fertilizers. For example, Epsom salts is a fertilizer as well as a major pharmaceutical product. It is the

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

same chemical whether it is called Epsom salts or magnesium sulfate. The formula is MgSo4·7H2O. No matter how you produce it, the formula never changes. Magnesium sulfate is an approved organic fertilizer even though it is in no way organic. It contains magnesium that is essential for chlorophyll in plants and it contains sulfur which is an essential trace element. As a person who cares about healthy foods, it is important to understand what makes food unsafe. Organic chemicals are available more now than ever before and the price is reasonable. You just need to look around the nursery centers and know what you are looking for. At Verti-Gro we use both hydroponic (with almost all natural fertilizers) and organic (using a series of dry and liquid fertilizers). We do not use petrochemicals. At Verti-Gro we grow in natural composted and sustainable coconut fiber. It is organic approved, but more importantly it grows crops very well and is reusable. It is almost like the perfect soil except it contains no fertilizers that are available to the plant.

How do we learn more about how safe our foods are? Don’t believe everything you read, and do your own research. And be sure the facts are true and not someone’s opinion.

Understanding organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry, which are both essential in making up our planet, is essential if you want to understand the composition of foods. This is easy for me (I’m a chemist), but a difficult subject for most people.

Tim Carpenter (pictured previous page) is a 40 year veteran of organic agriculture and vertical growing. Visit Tim Carpenter at Verti-Gro, Inc. located in Summerfield, Florida (see ad next page) or go to: http://www. for more information. Email Tim at Call (800)955-6757 or (352)347-9888.

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


Triphala -

the Rejuvenator by Richard A. Masla Ayurvedic Practitioner Triphala has recently enjoyed great popularity around the world, but has been well known in India for thousands of years. Triphala is believed by most people to be a simple Ayurvedic remedy for constipation. In fact, Triphala is a Rasayana or a rejuvenator. Rasayanas affect the body in a general way. Tonifying and supporting good health, they promote vitality and longevity. The regular use of Triphala will support the development of proper digestion and regulate elimination without causing any laxative dependency. It gently supports detoxification of the tissues of the body. Triphala is an effective blood purifier that stimulates bile secretion as it detoxifies the liver. It also increases the red blood cells and hemoglobin and assists with high cholesterol, high blood pressure problems, atherosclerosis and anemic conditions. It is used to combat acidity, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, digestive disturbances and liver problems. Triphala is a combination of the dried fruits of Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, and Emblica officinalis in equal proportions. These are popularly known in India as haritaki, bibutaki and amalaki. Amalaki contains the highest natural known source of vitamin C. Twenty times more than an orange, this makes it a very powerful antioxidant. In a study entitled, Potential of traditional Ayurvedic formulation, Triphala, as a novel anticancer drug published in the January 2006 issue of Cancer Letters, scientists at the Radiation Biology and Health Sciences Division, Bhadha Atomic Research Center in Mumbai found that Triphala had the ability to induce cytotoxicity (cell death) in tumor cells but spared the normal cells. I have been using triphala regularly for many years personally and in my practice at the Ayurveda Health Retreat. There are no long term studies that make any ill affects known. The dosage is one half to one teaspoon with water at bed time or two to three 500 mg tablets. You may take it safely for six months, then give yourself a few weeks off and resume again. It is contraindicated during pregnancy and is not to be taken along with psyllium husks or with strong laxative herbs like senna leaf. Richard Masla (pictured left) is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and a member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association. He founded the Ayurveda Health Retreat in 2001 where he teaches Ayurveda and Yoga lifestyle principles. Please see ads this page.

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Soothing Your Dog with Musical Therapy by Colleen M. Gordon Owners of pets with anxiety and behavioral problems may want to start recording a new set of music in their iPods. According to Susan Wagner, a veterinary neurologist, musician, and professor at Ohio State University, using different types of music can directly impact canine behavior, particularly when a dog is suffering from anxiety issues. Wagner started with comparing canine responses to metal, pop, talk radio and classical music. She found that pop music and talk radio had little effect on dogs’ behavior; rock and roll created more anxiety, and classical music was found to be favorably soothing. But she wanted to take the findings further and see if psychoacoustics—the effects of music on the nervous system—had more to it than simply playing any classical music.

The findings inspired Wagner and Leeds to write a book based on the research, Through a Dog’s Ear: Using Sound to Improve the Health and Behavior of Your Canine Companion (Sounds True, Incorporated, March 2008). “The exciting thing to me is that the same music that calms dogs would calm a person,” Wagner said. “If there’s stress and anxiety in the home that’s affecting the animals, then the people can put this music on and both the animal and the person can relax.” To learn more visit, This story was based on an article written by Hope Madden, published in the March/ April 2009 issue of Ohio State Alumni Magazine. *We recommend that all health issues be discussed with your veterinarian, and that your pet has a thorough examination by a qualified veterinarian. If you have questions or just want to listen to other pet owner's concerns, check out Colleen's Radio show, All Paws Pet Talk, on Leesburg's AM790, Sundays from 1 to 2 p.m. Your host Colleen Gordon will answer your questions when you call 352-787-9523. Colleen M. Gordon is a pet communicator, pet reiki/massage therapist, and herbalist. She is president and founder of Healing For Pets, and is committed to improving the health and the lives of pets and their owners. Colleen has been helping pets and owners with behavior and health issues for over ten years. Visit http://www. or email Call (407)4464315. Please see Colleen's ad this page. ©2010 Healing For Pets and the Special People Who Love Them. All rights reserved. Content may be reproduced in whole by special permission of author.

Wagner’s research in psychoacoustics directed her to Joshua Leeds, a leader in this field. Leeds was in the middle of completing a project with concert pianist Lisa Spector recording music specifically designed for animals. When they combined their efforts, Wagner used Leeds’ and Spector’s modified classical music selections to complete her research. Four cds were specifically designed by the Leeds-Spector team that modified the classical music selections to regulate the high and low frequencies, helping limit the amount of information being sent by the music to the brain. Over 150 dogs were tested in home environments, veterinary clinics and humane societies, and the results found that the psychoacoustically engineered music had a positive effect on a range of behavioral issues ranging from mild anxiety to severe aggression. Wagner also found that in the most stressful environments such as kennels, the music calmed more than 70 percent of dogs, and 20 percent even fell asleep. When one owner, Rich Van Deusen, tested a cd on his dog Leila who tends to bark at everything, he stated that the music “seemed to mellow her out” and “there might really be something to this.” Wagner’s research agreed. When compared to a cd of classical music taken from the playlist at a San Francisco radio station, twice as many anxiety-based behavior problems were reduced with the psychoacoustically arranged music. Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


I Wanna Be Like You, Dad, or Do I? by Diane J. Ackerman Since the beginning of time, children have been told to listen to their parents, don't ask questions, obey their elders and be seen and not heard. For ages, they have either followed the rules or disobeyed and danced to the beat of their own drummer. The rebels were labeled and often ridiculed as being the black sheep or the disturbing elements, while the obedient children were the angels who would outshine the rest in most situations. As time passed, the rebels often became self-sufficient, assertive, and independent, while the angels tended to be needy, subservient and lost in the shadow of another. As adults, the angels often found themselves partnering with a significant other who was controlling and demanding, if not overtly, then passively aggressive. Either way, the result was the same. The angels became victims of their goodness. Why can't we be honest with our children and give them what we demand of them? We tell them not to cuss, yet we cuss at them. We tell them not to cheat, but we have multiple marriages and business relationships with little integrity. We tell them to abstain yet we condone advertisements and movies that suggest the opposite. We tell them that money is the root of all evil as we shop for the bigger house, the faster car, or the better lover. We tell them not to judge a book by its cover yet we seldom hesitate to judge their friends, clothing or hair styles. We say "no" without valid reasons. We set boundaries then break them for fear of rejection. We ask what we won't or don't ourselves. We complain about Big Brother being in our stuff, but we don't pay attention to what we are saying and doing. No wonder our kids are confused. We pick them up, bail them out, make excuses for their bad grades and blame anyone or thing other than ourselves. Then we wonder what went wrong. Although this is not the case in all families, unfortunately, it is the case in too many families! Perhaps it's time to change progressive parenting to proactive parenting. Instead of punishment, use consequence. Rather than reward, try earning. Encourage children by working with them instead of for them or vice versa. Put the familiar back into family and get to know each other. There are parts of history worth repeating as Kahlil Gibran wrote in The Prophet in 1923: "Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams." Diane is author of “The Gathering,” a book of poems addressing life’s addictions, codependencies and obsessions. Her workbook on anger management, “Shut the Duck Up,” is being used with great success at The Anthony House, a homeless shelter in Zellwood, Florida.

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

The Feet Microcosm of the Body

The young lady was in obvious pain. Seeing my car’s sign advertising foot reflexology, she had followed me into the store from the parking lot. The three-day debilitating migraine forced her to seek out a stronger headache medication, but instead she asked me if reflexology could help. Since the pain was rightsided, I took her right hand and gently squeezed the webbing between the thumb and the index finger. She winced, but as she took deeper breaths, she told me the pain seemed to be subsiding. Why would stimulating pressure points in the hand provide welcome relief from a headache? Reflexology is a safe, non-invasive holistic and complementary therapy that applies pressure to reflexes located in the feet, hands, ears and face, thus stimulating relaxation and increased blood flow to the entire body and promoting a sense of wellbeing. By pressing these reflexes, increased blood flow improves circulation, lymphatic drainage, and breaks down congestion between nerve pathways and induces muscle relaxation. Foot reflexology is a powerful modality that has been around for 5000 years! One of the best known Hermetic principles, the Law of Correspondence, “as above, so below; as below, so above,” would definitely encompass foot reflexology since the feet, perhaps the most abused and ignored part of our bodies unless they are “killing” us, reflect and affect the other end—the head and body. The feet are a microcosm of the entire body.

by Vivienne Bailey

stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, and stomach), are located above and below the body’s waistline and in this case, above and below the foot’s midline. Lastly, the heels relate to the lower back and buttocks area. Physically, feet represent grounding or anchoring. I find when someone is feeling lost, hopeless, and depressed, foot reflexology can bring them back down to earth and help them regain their footing. When I add essential oils (which filter through the blood stream within twenty minutes) to the feet, the aromatherapy subtly works on the mind, body and spirit by accessing the amygdala gland (which holds the emotional traumas of the past) in the brain (represented by the big toe), and provides relief to the mind, emotions, and spirit. Stimulating the young woman’s pressure points in her hands relieved her headache by opening blocked pathways within her body, allowing blood flow through release of tension. She happily booked her foot reflexology appointment for the following day. Vivienne Bailey is certified in the Original Ingham Method® of Reflexology through the International Institute of Reflexology since 2001. As the only certified reflexologist in Central Florida, Vivienne shares foot and hand reflexology in combination with Reiki, aromatherapy and Tibetan sound bowls to create a truly unique approach to “foot work.” Visit:, email: or call (407)677-1448, (407)677-1448. Please see ad this page.


he chart above reveals how in foot reflexology the left foot reflects the left side of the body and the right foot relates to the right side. The spinal reflex runs down the instep of the feet with reflex areas for the arm and shoulder located toward the outer part of the foot. The toes mirror the head and neck and the balls of the feet reflect the chest and upper back as well as that of the heart and lungs. Mid-foot represents the waistline of the body. The reflexes to the internal organs (kidneys, Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


Happiness •


Oral Nussbaum

I am happy when I choose to be happy• Trust me,

it hasn’t always been so simple. Most of my life I’ve lived behind the illusion that things, moments in time, places, or people made me happy. Then I met Melinda. At the age of ten, Melinda’s inoperable brain tumor had not only left her blind but qualified her, because of its terminal nature, for a Britishbased Dream Flight group. I was the chaperone assigned to guide her through her first American adventure— the fantasy world of Disney. We strolled for hours arm in arm, her inability to see testing my powers of description as the scene changed around every corner. Her cheerful enthusiasm was contagious, lifting the spirits of everyone around her.

As we became friends, I finally got the nerve to pose a question that had been haunting me all day. “Melinda, what makes you so happy?” She stated, quite matter of factly, that she just liked being happy. Unsatisfied with the simplicity of her answer, I pressed her for more. “Everyone likes to be happy, but most people aren’t. So why are you happy?” “I think a lot of people have problems that make it hard for them to be happy,” she replied. “And you, you have no problems?” I asked, almost sarcastically. “Well, I do have this tumor,” she said, gripping my arm slightly tighter. “So, if it’s not your lack of problems, what is it that makes you so happy all the time?” We stopped walking and the shining countenance she wore with such ease took on a more thoughtful expression. “When I get up in the morning, I just decide to be happy. Then I think of happy things all day, and when I go to bed at night, I’m still happy.” Melinda and I finished our tour of the Magic Kingdom, joined the others on the tour bus, and chatted about our favorite moments of the day for most of the twenty-minute ride back to the hotel. It was there I found the courage to say a cheery goodbye to a new friend that I would not see again due to the broad span of the Atlantic Ocean and, of course, the tumor. I drove home in silence, curled up on my bed, and wept for hours. So I’ll repeat myself. I am happy when I choose to be happy. Happiness is, for me, no longer an emotion invoked by favorable circumstances. I’m convinced it is the very nature of my soul— your soul—and God’s intention for all living things. I’ve adopted Melinda’s daily ritual of deciding to be happy, but have added to it a prayer of eternal gratitude for the day God sent me a ten-year-old blind angel to show me how. Born in Marshallville Ohio, Oral now resides in Winter Springs. His hobbies of writing and art compliment his never ending quest for spiritual growth. He is co-leader of a local writers’ group, and organizer of a monthly spiritual discussion group. He has been published in the Dream Flight newsletter in London England, Deaf Digest, and this magazine. He won first place and tied for third place in the Poetry Ensemble of Orlando’s annual poetry contest. Please see Oral’s ad this page. • Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life • Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Go Tribal

by Jenenne Valentino-Bottaro


etting grounded, connected and finding balance can often be difficult, and we have our demanding schedules to blame. One way to capture a moment of oneness is by attending a Tribal Belly Dance class. Though there are few writings and accounts on Tribal Belly Dance, in its most basic form, it is noted usually as American Tribal Belly Dance. Unfortunately, there are neither pictures nor writings documenting the form because it was from mostly nomadic tribes with Gypsy, Turkish, African and Mediterranean descents. Anecdotal accounts place Jamila Salimpour as the mother of Tribal Belly Dance in America with the creation of her dance troupe, Bal-Anat. Tribal Belly Dance focuses on group dance with traditional clothing to celebrate the divine feminine. The group of women uses a series of yelps and hand gestures to communicate the next move of the dance. The focus of Tribal form is how each individual’s energy brings essence to the group, providing women not only an opportunity to connect to self but also a group. Tribal Belly Dance encourages a woman to ground her feet and to dance around her core. The core is the complete center where transforming spiritual energy lies in being aligned with the greatest force. It is the place where we are truly one, where we experience the absolute connection to mind, body and spirit. This is also where our truest part resides. It is in this moment that we become introduced to a time when women were leaders and warriors and a time when women celebrated and honored each other. Tribal Belly Dance, through movement and breath, can bring that time back in one class, with one movement. In that moment we become connected and integrated into an essence of oneness where the past connects to the present and we celebrate and honor each other, where we are leaders, where we are warriors. It is here, in this moment, where we experience the fundamental nature of connectedness and strength.

Jenenne R. Valentino-Bottaro holds an M.A. degree from Webster University and is a Ph.D. Candidate in Human Services with a specialization in Social and Community Services from Cappella University. As a Women’s Self Defense Instructor, Hypnotist, Mind-Excellence Specialist, Body Ways Specialist and nearing her certification as Holistic Fitness Practitioner through NESTA, playing a role in women’s overall health and wellness is important to her. Jenenne is a student of Amy Anthony at Om Studios, Orlando, Florida in her Level I and Level II Tribal Belly Dance Instruction. Please see the Fortunata ad this page.

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Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


THE PLANETARY INITIATION OF 2012 Earth and Human Expansions of Consciousness by Rev. Andrew Cekun


of the most important axioms in esoteric philosophy is the Law of Correspondence: “As Above, So Below,” that man the microcosm reflects the same spiritual laws and principles as the greater whole, the universe as the macrocosm. Another doctrine of esoteric philosophy states that every life or unit of consciousness is contained within a greater life or consciousness. Each human person is then a cell or unit of life within “the One in Whom we live and move and have our being,” the life of planet Earth, the one esoterically called “the Planetary Logos,” itself an entity of stupendous consciousness. The process of consciousness evolution in our solar system is called the Infinite Initiatory Path, a succession of expansions of consciousness, each an Initiation that advances the spiritual aspirant closer to enlightenment and liberation. Most spiritual seekers today are between the first and third Initiations. The sixth Initiation creates an Ascended Master. Planets also take Initiation. The fifth cosmic Initiation creates a sacred (spiritualized) planet; our Planetary Logos has taken but the third cosmic Initiation. Now, our planet is in the initiatory process that will culminate and reach physical expression in December 2012. This will manifest as a pole shift of our planet that will change the tilt or axis of the Earth, making it more upright. This will result in displacement of the Earth’s oceans, flooding all the coastline areas of the planet and submerging many parts of it. This purification by water, or “baptism,” is intended to expel lower energies, and cleanse the planet of both physical and astral pollution. The physical process is our Planetary Logos‚ means of bringing about radical change in the consciousness of those beings that live within the planet’s energy field and in the relationship between those beings. It releases consciousness from its present existent patterns and allows for sweeping transformation.

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The spirituality of the future will be based upon a realization of potential, and connected with our ability to make a contribution to the healing of the planet. This warning of planetary cataclysm (70% of the world’s population live near the coastal areas) and mass loss of life is often labeled “negative and fear-based” because it presumably dooms us and does not allow for free will or co-creation to change the outcome to our liking. There is opportunity for co-creation in how we prepare ourselves, the choices we can make to relocate to safe areas of the planet (north of 65 degrees latitude, or Australia, and New Zealand), and especially in changing our consciousness and rebuilding a new Earth civilization.

Each human person is then a cell or unit of life within “the One in Whom we live and move and have our being,” the life of planet Earth, the one esoterically called “the Planetary Logos,” itself an entity of stupendous consciousness. The “Planetary Guidelines” as given out by Shamballa (the highest spiritual center on the Earth where those who supervise and govern the evolution of our planet dwell) instruct us on how to become planetary citizens: Developing relationships with the other kingdoms (angelic/devic, animal, plant, and mineral) that are cooperative and supportive rather than destructive and exploitative. The point must be made that we humans are not acceptable to the planet as we are. This fact has been elaborated in the “Planetary Guidelines.” Beware of those who promise 2012 will bring painless growth through mass ascension, 5-D consciousness, etc. No matter what your belief system is, you will find a message or messenger that will reassure you that the shift of 2012 can occur without any effort, striving, change, sacrifice, pain, or challenge on our part. Please choose to make a conscious, positive, response to the Planetary Initiation of 2012, to prepare you for an expansion of consciousness, the next Initiation on your path! The Rev. Andrew Cekun is an esoteric Astrologer and Teacher. A student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings for 30 years, he educates about the Path of Initiation. Andrew has a BA degree in Philosophy and Religion from Rollins College. He is an ordained ADL Minister (a metaphysical, interfaith church). Andrew has pledged himself in service to prepare the minds, hearts, and souls of humanity for the Planetary Initiation of 2012. He practices esoteric, soul-centered, and karmic astrology that emphasizes one’s soul purpose, and recognizing spiritual opportunity. Andrew is available for readings and classes. He is willing to give free lectures on 2012 in homes for small gatherings. To read the “Red Letters” and the “Planetary Guidelines” concerning 2012, visit the websites in Andrew’s ad this page.

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


AS ABOVE, SO BELOW ... The upheaval and evolution occurring upon our planet Earth is a wondrous reflection of what is happening throughout the Cosmos. Our solar system spirals around the Great Central Sun and is coming to the completion of a 26,000 year galactic cycle. The effects of this Great Shift are being felt by every planet and star and by everybody on the Earth as we move towards the end of one vast cycle and into the pre-dawn hours of the next. As we negotiate these ever-shifting times, opportunities and guidance, as well as practices and tools, are continually emerging to assist us, guiding us to bring our focus into the present moment; increasing our awareness of how our thoughts are creating our reality; and bringing forth Earth shaking events that open our heart. Attuning to and working with the cycles of Nature—the seasons, the moon cycle and the daily cycle of the Sun—can help anchor us more fully into the present moment and assist us in aligning our body, mind and spirit to these everchanging energies. Follow the Moon through its phases, observing how aspects of your life begin, grow, are tested and then revised with each new cycle. The New Moon (May 12 and June 12) brings new beginnings—a new awareness, project or experience. It is a time to be patient and go within to create, contemplate and plant seeds for a new endeavour, perception or desire.

your mind begins to get caught up in the drama of what could, should or did happen. Don't waste your time and energy worrying, questioning or wondering. The past is over, the future never comes. All we have is the present! Catch your thoughts, take a few deep breaths and come back to the NOW! You will find that the present brings the greatest sense of inner peace. AFFIRMATION: With each inhalation I breathe in peace of mind, allowing deep peace to fill every cell of my being. I AM Peace. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Give yourself the time and space you need for self-examination. Contemplate what works and what doesn't work, what strengthens and nourishes you and what drains your energy. The first few months after your birthday is a time of inner reflection. Don't feel that you have to immediately act on your observations unless you feel really sure. Instead, take this time to gain clarity. Your inner work now will enable you to set a healthier foundation for your year ahead. What truly nurtures you? What do you really want in your life? Contemplate! AFFIRMATION: Greater clarity comes with each passing day. I AM supported,

With the first Quarter Moon, (May 20 and June 19) projects and ideas begin to grow, come together and become more concrete. With the Full Moon, (May 27 and June 26) more light is shed on our plans, ideas and experiences. Emotions are heightened and mental conflicts may ensure as other options and views flood in—NOT a time to make a decision! Observe, breathe and allow at least a few days for assimilating incoming information and perceptions. With the third or last Quarter Moon, (May 5, June 4 and July 4) we begin to review and revise and are able to make more clear, conscious decisions utilizing what was brought to light by the full moon. Focus on letting go of what no longer works—ideas, possessions, feelings, unhealthy connections. With the New Moon, we are ready to begin a new cycle with a refined shift in our focus. Where is the moon today? Check your calendar and tune into the energy available to you in this moment. How can you apply it to your life in a way that assists you on your journey? ARIES (March 20-April 19) Bring your attention into the present whenever you feel

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guided and nurtured by the Universe in every aspect of who I AM. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Notice those aspects of your life that don't seem to be in alignment with who you are or with what you envision for yourself. Observe. Consider what needs to be shifted in order to create greater harmony. Do what you can and then move on. Stay in the momentary flow of life. Don't allow your mind to get caught up or carried away by any rambling thoughts or uncertain situations. Continually come back to your center. Go with the flow, one day at a time. AFFIRMATION: As I flow with life, everything falls into place in line with my highest good. I AM centered. I AM balanced. I AM at Peace. CANCER (June 21-July 22) Are you taking care of yourself? Assess a challenge or situation. Ask yourself what you need and then in a loving way do what is best for you. Let go of any resentment, guilt or attitude. Just do it! You will feel better about yourself when you honor your needs in a healthy way. Others will understand. They act contrary only when you disallow yourself and begrudgingly put others first. You are your #1 priority! AFFIRMATION: I lovingly give myself permission to take care of myself as I attune to my own needs and desires. I love myself. I AM truly loved. LEO (July 23-Aug.22) Rely on your connection to spirit to support your whenever you encounter obstacles or challenges. Taking a deep breath or two may help you to refrain from reacting. Ask for guidance from the Divine in line with the highest good for all. Then, respond from this more conscious place. Let go of judgment of both yourself and others and try not to take what occurs personally. Take care of an issue and move on. Through conscious effort, you have the potential at this time to shift some long-standing patterns for dealing with adversity to a more positive, healthier place. AFFIRMATION: My breath helps to calm my mind and bring clarity. I respond in healthy ways that are in line with the highest good of all. VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept.22) Take a deep breath and step forward. Allow your confidence to rise up from deep within. Acknowledge your journey over the past few months. It may have been difficult and challenging at times, but you tapped into the deep well of your resources and came through it all. Another deep breath... feel good about where you are today. What assisted you in being able to negotiate this timing? Strengthen those ties,

practices and aspects of self. What hindered you? Weed them out. Stand tall in your confidence and also remember to connect with like-minded people for support when you need it. AFFIRMATION: I AM totally supported, loved and blessed in all that I do and in all that I AM. LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22) Be in gratitude for the gifts you are receiving from all that is and has been occurring in your life lately. Life may seem challenging right now, but your conscious efforts and focus will pay off. Watch and you will see that with each passing day everything is indeed falling into place to support your highest growth. Take time to assist others through service. This will keep your focus positive and give you an opportunity to count your blessings. AFFIRMATION: My heart is open in service to the Earth and all my relations. As I assist others, I AM blessed. SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21) It's that time of the year again for you dear Scorpio, time to shed the skin of the old, time to let go of what no longer works in your life! Take a good look at your challenges and stresses. There is no mystery here. If it feels good, then it works—keep it! If it doesn't feel good and creates agitation, clean out, let go and move on! You are very well practiced in shedding your skin and transmuting what no longer nourishes who you are! AFFIRMATION: As I release what no longer serves me, I step more fully into wholeness and deepen my connection to the Divine. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21) Take some time to really look at what brings you joy. Your connection to others? Your work or service? Spending time in nature? As you ponder what fills your heart, begin to allow more of your time and focus to move in that direction. Your sense of inner peace will increase and any challenges that arise will seem easier to negotiate. You are very dedicated to serving and assisting others. Now it is time to bring your attention to more fully nurturing your own joyful spirit. As a result, you will see that all will benefit in the long run. AFFIRMATION: As I nurture and take care of myself, I am even better able to be in loving service to others. CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19) Since your birthday, you have been re-evaluating your life and plans and gathering the insights, information and skills you may need in order to move forward. You diligence is ready to pay off over the next few months. Begin to notice how things seem to come together, make sense and fall into place. You set the foundation, kept your focus and are reaping the rewards. If life is not moving smoothly, get to work. Create your vision and believe in it until it manifests! AFFIRMATION: Each new day offers me wondrous opportunities to step more fully into my true self. I AM blessed. I AM grateful. AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18) One day at a time, nurture and strengthen your connection to Spirit. Trust that all things happen exactly when the time is right. Make your plans, create your vision and then be flexible. It is all about Universal Timing. Let go of any "shoulds" or expectations and allow your life to unfold. Be present to the moment, be thankful for your blessings and trust that all that occurs is indeed in line with your highest good. AFFIRMATION: All is in Divine Order. May right timing and right action flow through all my affairs and desires aligning them with the Will of the Divine. I AM grateful. PISCES (Feb.19-March 19) Continue to contemplate and re-evaluate your life, dreams and desires. Tap into your inner wisdom for guidance. Others may recognize and appreciate you, but it is also important to be your own "shameless self promoter" so to speak. Acknowledge your hard work, your progress or anything special that makes you feel good about yourself. Feel proud! Be sure to also recognize those who may have aided you in your process. Let the energy of self-appreciation, self-love and fulfilment carry you forward. AFFIRMATION: I love and appreciate myself for all that I do and for all that I AM. Raven Moondance (aka Shenna Benarte) writes the newsletter, MOON ASTROLOGY UPDATE six times a year and a monthly column on working with the moon in MOMA BEAR, a magazine for Gainesville, Florida moms. For a complete Moon Astrology reading or to attend a monthly Moon Astrology Class, call Raven at (352)372-8594 or email:

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


Stand with the Tree

by Emily Ruff, Contributing Green Editor


times of stress and imbalance, one of my favorite healing activities is to meditate with a strong, tall tree. Live oaks happen to be my local favorite, and lucky for me, an old live oak wraps its lengthy branches around our school’s classroom building. I am drawn to these majestic beings by nature, but began exploring an even deeper meditative relationship when it first struck me that everything I saw above the ground was replicated below. In the case of the live oak behind the school, its trunk soars dozens of feet to the sky, and its stately branches stretch dozens of feet more in each direction. How amazing to envision this same structure rooting this beast into the earth, digging deep and wide for nutrients and stability. I find such power, strength, and sense of grounding when I think about the breadth of this tree replicated below the soil. It encourages me to dig deeply for the stability that Mother Earth provides each of us, if we just take a moment to acknowledge.

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It also reminds me that it is what we can’t see that holds us together. Such is the case with the human body. The amazing processes that occur within the human body cannot be seen, but these functions carry on from day to day to keep us going. Hidden beneath the skin, we often fail to acknowledge these intricate and often magical processes. Rarely do we wake up in the morning and ask our spleen how it is holding up, or ask our kidneys if they need anything. Yet it is these processes within which drive our daily lives, keep us awake and alive and in the magic of this planet. In addition, we often think of our skin as a barrier that holds everything inside, separating it from the outside. Nothing could be further from the truth. While our skin is one of the most protective organs of the body, it is also permeable, allowing in and out all manner of molecules. We sweat out toxins through it, and we can also take toxins in through it. To support your health Everything that goes on our skin enters our of mind, remember body in some fashion. From chemicals found to hug a tree more often. in our soaps and lotions, to those in our bedsheets and clothing, we ‘eat’ a cocktail of chemicals and potential toxins hourly, through our skin alone. Knowing this encourages me to abide by the rule—if you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin. I make and use food-based skin care products to support healthy skin (the largest organ of our body) and so that I may avoid extra chemicals. I mindfully purchase linens and clothing in which I will be spending many hours of my life, so that I can further reduce any chemical residues further entering my bloodstream. To support your health of body, remember always that what goes on your body also enters your body. To support your health of mind, remember to hug a tree more often. No, I am not joking. Try it now. You’ll see how powerful this simple act can be. Put down this magazine and step outside. Find a tree. (Even the young ones have much to share with us.) Take off your shoes for added benefit. Stand with the tree, touching its rough skin. Close your eyes, and envision all that you see of the tree above the ground branching deep and wide beneath the soil. Think about the energetic roots you can put down to ground you and strengthen you; envision these reaching into the earth beneath your feet. Breathe in deeply—fresh oxygen provided by your tree friend, just for you. Breathe out fully— returning carbon dioxide to your new friend for it to absorb and use for food. Open your eyes, and give thanks to Mother Earth for all she provides us. Especially in times when you feel out of balance, or not supported, this simple act can bring you back to center, and remind you of the many ways our planet supports all of our physical and spiritual needs. Emily Ruff, herbalist, is director of the Florida School of Holistic Living in Orlando, a 501c3 nonprofit educational institution committed to creating sustainable communities by empowering individuals to reclaim their radiant wellbeing through reconnecting with the natural world. Emily has studied herbalism on three continents over the past decade and consults individuals on holistic nutrition, herbalism, aromatherapy and flower essences. Contact Emily at FSHL: 407-595-3731. Visit

Detachment by Holly Riggs

In my work as a reader and healer I employ the help of spirit, the angels, the heavens above and also the earth, the core, and the world below. Universal energy has one constant characteristic: it is always changing. To call up energy from the earth, I give thanks and love to the earth within myself. To enlist heavenly help, I pray and open up to the light that connects me to source. I do both prior to, during, and after psychic readings and healing sessions. But it is walking around on a beautiful day that I am most thankful for the dichotomy we endure. The earth is heart and belly and womb. The sky is consciousness. The breeze unites the two in ecstasy. The work is to become that breeze. I want to tune in so deep and so broad that I feel the fusion of above and below in myself. I am in Denver, Colorado visiting as I write this and I found another interesting duality I thought I might share. In the first days after my arrival I felt my crown (chakra) open and decided it was a divine call for the rest of me to open too. So I spent the next 48 hours staying present with one thought in the space between thoughts: open and soften. And on the third day there was a party. I was scheduled to do readings at this party for donations. Just before the festivities began a neighbor of my friend’s got scratched fairly deep by a cat. It was swelling so I offered the stranger some Reiki to help with the healing. So open was I that this man’s nervousness at my touch was palpable. So I talked as I worked, to calm him. I felt a shift and he pulled away and fainted seconds later. I panicked! What had I done??!? He got up, appearing fine and unaware of what happened until my friend and I explained that he fainted. He explained that the same thing happened days earlier and he actually had gone to the hospital and been diagnosed with pneumonia. Evidently this man had a major illness and the Reiki would have been more helpful in a more conventional setting (with a massage table, relaxing atmosphere, etc.) and in a full session. The thought that my healing could actually hurt someone closed me off instantly. I cancelled my readings for the party and went for a walk. As I passed people on the street I noticed a certain amount of paranoia. How different this experience of Denver was from the two days prior. I recognized my mind was not in line with my intentions so I took deep grounding breaths and began to re-center. It took another two days before I felt open again. What I learned was invaluable. It is not up to me how others benefit from my being. Balance teaches us the importance of self and the merit in detachment. The beauty of this journey is in acceptance and gratitude regardless of understanding. I may not always understand polarities but I can move and work within them just the same. Holly Riggs can be reached by calling 321-947-0824 or emailing: Relationship Readings are available Wednesdays at Audubon Community Market 6-10 p.m., Thursdays at Dandelion Communitea Café from 11-3 p.m. and fourth Saturdays at Blissful Lotus Romance Boutique from 2-7 p.m. See for information on classes and work- shops taught by Holly.

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


INDIGO~CRYSTAL MEETUP by Melissa S. Tilton, GPN Our Indigo and Crystal Children are the new era of generation. What does it mean to be the parent of an Indigo/Crystal child? I am fortunate enough to be one and I have decided to take the time to bring forth the attention these beautiful children and their parents deserve in our community. God blessed me with two beautiful Indigo/Crystal children (and yes, that combination is very much a possibility, for those who did not know). They are very artistic and wonderfully different in personalities, yet they share a common understanding of our world. For those who are wondering if they have an Indigo or Crystal child please take the time to research it on the Internet. Many children are being diagnosed as autistic, ADHD or ADD and it may be just as simple as they are an Indigo/Crystal child and misunderstood. There are many websites dedicated to Indigo/Crystal children. One of my favorites, html, is educational and helped me better understand my two children. These children are coming into our ever-changing world to help bring compassion, love and peace back to our universe. The most we can do for them is to learn how to raise them the correct way by inspiring their gifts and helping them grow spiritually. I am currently looking into finding a meeting place where parents can get together and share each other’s experiences and ideas on how we can nurture these children to their fullest potential, and at the same time the children can get together, interact, and play with others who share their special abilities and emotions. If you are interested in meeting, please e-mail me at This will give me a good idea about how many exceptional children and families are in our community and the best place to meet. I pray this will be the start of something amazing for our children. After all, they already know they have a purpose for being here—now it is time for us to help them reach it. Thank you, and God bless!

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Your Inner World by Chonteau McElvin

The sun is going down on this hot summer evening and it is time for a tall glass of iced coconut chai. My mind begins to roam to a conversation I had earlier in the week. Ten years ago, I started working as a counselor for an all girls program. Recently one of my girls asked me, “How long have you been here?” “Ten years,” I tell her. She looks at my wall that is covered with pictures of girl’s smiling faces. “You helped all of these girls?” “No,” I tell her. “All of these girls helped me.” My work as a lightworker or healer has not been without its challenges. It has never been about what I could do for others, but the consistent self study that is required to live authentically. I am aware my external world is a reflection of my inner world. So when I am annoyed, bothered or angered by someone or something, I do not look far; it’s me. Contrary to popular belief it is really about the “I” and I strive to live from that truth every day.

Here are three simple ways I focus on my inner world: 1. My car is my shrine. I have prayed, chanted, cried, meditated

and danced my way to work and back.

2. I use my nightly shower as an opportunity to reconcile all of

my day’s activities and call my Spirit home.

3. Every

day when I open my eyes I say my Sacred Intention. Before I reach the bathroom I have said and felt my intention at least three times.

Of course there are some days I do not envy my life. However, most days are full of opportunities for incredible depth and tremendous growth that I would not trade for all the herbal tea in the world. And Lord knows, I love herbal tea. Chonteau McElvin, Spiritual Arts Practitioner works as a Counselor for at-risk adolescent girls by day and a magical medicine woman by night. She founded Sangoma LLC which carries her personal line of healing herbal products. She also created Herbal Wise, a vehicle she uses to bring herbal wisdom and her herbal creations to your circle of friends. To schedule a consultation, Herbal Wise Party or learn more about her services please call her at 407-342-3912. Please see ad for Sangoma, this page. Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010



“Your World”

by Ramey Wood


ow often in recent months have we seen catastrophic events consisting of violence and chaos? How often do we hear, “The world is a scary place?” What if the truth is, the world actually is? The world is the place where fear resides. It’s also where we’re faced with imperfections, loneliness and pain. This is the physical world we live in and experience with our senses. What if there was a world that is made of perfection? A world where everything is wonderful, beautiful and marvelous, because that’s what we are! We all have this world within us. It’s called “your world.” We are all a part of both worlds. Your world is where the heart resides. It’s the place where there is no right or wrong, no good or bad, everything just “is.”

We have the potential to go through life maintaining inner peace, regardless of how stressful situations appear. When we maintain a balance between “the world” and “your world,” we are able to observe the world without getting caught up in it. We are able to recognize that everything’s happening exactly how it’s meant to be happening. We begin to see the essence behind situations and understand other people’s perspectives without judgment.

When an imbalance exists between your world and the world, discomfort arises. It becomes easy to get caught up in the drama of our surroundings. Situations and challenges begin to overwhelm us and beat us down. The world is imperfect because it is meant to be. It is here to teach us by providing challenges that allow us to grow in consciousness.

When situations begin to manifest, such as financial issues, physical ailments, relationship problems or career troubles, we’re receiving a clear message that something is occurring on a higher level. What we experience in the physical world only occurs to get our attention. Pain and suffering are great motivators for a change. We all chose to be here, to facilitate our growth by raising our consciousness. If it weren’t for discomfort, what would motivate us to look inward and see our potential? Ramey Wood is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC), and a Holistic Life Coach. She has extensive experience in working with adult and adolescent females. Ramey is the founder of Holistic Life Counseling, LLC, which is based in Winter Park, Florida. Please see Ramey Wood's ad top of column 1.

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life


Understanding the Vibrational Flow of Us in this Vast Universe by Kathy Hall

Humans feel as though we are physical beings walking around in a physical world, only affected by and affecting those people and things we directly contact. We believe it is more important what we do than how we think about it or how we feel about it. Everything is moving, every cell in our body, everything around us. In fact, there is nothing solid at all. This movement is referred to as vibration, the rate at which something is moving. Humans live in certain degrees of vibrations based on our emotions. The highest and fastest is that of Love, and the slowest, densest is that of shame or fear. You can feel the heaviness and denseness or the lightness and fluffiness in and around yourself.

What most people don’t realize is that there is an entire life within these vibrations. Cancers exist in the vibration of shame and many other lower vibrations, but in the vibration of pure Love, they do not exist. There are accidents and physical events which exist in different vibrations.

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We now live in a world that is greatly affected by the heavy and dense vibration of fear which is enticing because it has a dense physical feeling. Pay attention to the news and the people around you. You will find they often speak of fear-based events and want you to join them in this vibration. The earth also feels these vibrations and the present levels of fear are affecting her adversely. The way vibrations work is that the higher, finer vibrations always try to raise the slower dense ones. Understanding how powerful this is, we understand how important it is to bring our vibration to the highest level, to come from love not fear. Simply sending out and being in the vibration of Love, a constant caring and compassion for yourself and others, is the most powerful and important thing you can do for humanity and the earth herself. Realize how you feel, and always choose the higher (as above) vibration of Love.

Kathy Hall has been a massage therapist since 1992. Her unique form of healing, called Integrative Energy Healing, integrates her client with what is ‘behind the scenes’ in order to help the person understand the repetitive patterns which keep them from peace and happiness. Kathy Hall maintains a massage therapy and healing practice in Winter Park where she primarily performs Rolfing work and Integrated Energy Healing. Please see ad this page. Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


brings me to tears. It lifts me up and I am high for a time, then comes the challenge. To continue to be in that level of love and to be here in the day-to-day mundane aspect of this dimension. I wonder why it is that we have such high experiences of the Light and then have such a challenge re-integrating into the world. I guess that is why the monk lives in the monastery or the sadhu lives in the mountains. It seems to me that the harder path is to live in the day-to-day of the world and to hold that vibration in all that we do and with all we come in contact—to hold that love vibration in the face of our greatest reactions, whatever they are. It has taken me many weeks to come up with nothing to write about this issue's theme, “As above, so below." I have been looking within for that poetic verse or profound wisdom that can only describe what no one can describe for another. How we connect, our devotion in action, our love for the “Other” the “IT” is such a personal thing and yet all the Masters that have walked before us have a description that speaks of a love that we can only experience for ourselves. I have at times only touched into what that level of Divine Love is and it always

Is there an answer? Maybe, and we have to go within to find it, to take that time for prayer and meditation, to embrace our intimacy with the concept of “As above, so below.” As I write I see that maybe it might be better said: “As within, so without.” Truly, isn’t it that we go within, clear the way for peace and love to be inside of us and then project that into the world that we live in? The mystic Sufi poet Hafiz writes poetry that I find very deep, funny, scary and emotional at times such as this one ...

Becoming Human Once a man came to me and spoke for hours about “his great visions of G-d” he felt he was having. He asked me for confirmation, saying “Are these wondrous dreams true?” I replied, “How many goats do you have?” He looked surprised and said, “I am speaking of sublime visions and you ask about goats!” And I spoke again saying, "Yes brother, how many do you have?" "Well, Hafiz I have sixty two." "And how many wives?" Again he looked surprised, then said, “Four.” "How many rose bushes in your garden, how many children, are your parents still alive, do you feed the birds in winter?" And to all he answered. Then I said, “You asked me if I thought your visions were true, I would say that they were if they make you become More human, More kind to every creature and plant that you know."

So for me this is it—how we live determines what we experience as “Heaven on Earth” or “As above, so below.” We create our own realities and living in service to the world around us is how we raise our velocity and experience Divine Love in action.

Kateyah as been practicing yoga and massage for the past 16 years. She incorporates many modalities into her massage sessions and yoga classes to assist people in creating the results they desire on the physical, mental and emotional planes. She has received Massage/Doula certification and serves female clients and their husbands as they move through the prenatal and labor process. Her office is located inside of Yoga Central and she is available by appointment for healing and massage sessions. Please see ad this page.

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

The Cycles of Life

by Tina Shafer

There is so much in our lives taken for granted. Rarely do we stop to think about the complexity of options available to us as we move through the events of our lives. And rightly so, as it would drive us crazy to dissect each event! Most of us careen headlong through situations, not stopping to really ponder what it took to get to where we are now or what we did, or could have done, to influence the outcome, concerned only if that outcome is a success or a failure. The truth is, there is no success or failure, no right or wrong, only truth or misconception. It’s also much larger—hence, as above, so below.

regression or channeling from above through altered states. It’s my belief that we gain the forward momentum we need for growth from past cycles, whether they are life or soul cycles. And how well we complete a current cycle depends on the clarity and balance of the inner self, and how well

We know so much more and are most aware of our time spent “below” consciously living life’s multiple lessons, often referred to as the circle of life. Our subconscious, or inner self, is the nucleus and interactive processing center of our lives and determines how successfully we maneuver through the intricacies of each life cycle. How we processed previous information determines how smooth or difficult new cycles will be to complete. For example, some believe there is a drudgery and struggle of the uphill momentum to reach the completion of an event, where we pause and bask in our success before plunging down the other side, riding into the next lesson, only to start the struggle all over again. Stuck emotions are what make the process a struggle. Finding and working through stuck emotions from earlier life cycles is a process that can be done alone or with a coach. Your success depends upon using the right tools and techniques skillfully. Sometimes when you are working with stuck emotions, it’s much easier to be coached through the process than to traverse that emotional battlefield alone. Ideally, we can govern our choices and complete each growth cycle with ease. On a much grander scale, we spend most of our life “below” contemplating what is must be like “above.” If we have a circle of life here on earth, isn’t it possible we have a soul circle above as well? Our soul sends out pieces of self, to live life on earth and gain experience. We recognize there must be some truth in this, as many people are reportedly experiencing past lives through

we processed the information from previous cycles. The more awareness we have of your inner selves and the cycles we are processing, the greater the learning potential as our souls evolve to the next level. So that poses the next question: What is the next level? I guess when we are evolved enough to know, we shall! Tina Shafer is a national speaker, experiential teacher, gifted writer, and founded the Hypnosis Success Center in Adrian Michigan; a state licensed hypnosis career training school. Through empowerment workshops, training courses, coaching programs, and audio products Tina teaches her students how to journey within, and with expanded love and trust, create the life they were born to live. Curious? You can find more information about Tina, hosting or attending empowerment workshops, and purchasing audio products on her website, Contact Tina at or (407)687-2618. Please see ad above.

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


Being Normal by Ken Germann

'Normal' is defined as conforming to the standard or the common type. We all have run into situations in our lifetime where we want to be normal in order to conform to a set of characteristics that will allow us to become part of a social group or have a set of friends.

in order to achieve that path to excellence. We don't need to be loners by choosing a better life for ourselves and those we love. The law of attraction will bring us to a community of people that shares our beliefs and ideals. Holding the line to what we believe and to be willing to defend it is a rare trait. Your true friends will always be your friends because they love and care about you. They like you for who you are. They already know you aren't normal already. That's one of the reasons they like you. The choice of being normal or being exceptional is a choice that is ours alone to make. There isn't anyone that is going to force the red or blue pill down your throat. The choice of excellence is ours alone to make. We have rules to which we must conform to be able to live our lives. The rules that involve our happiness are our choice as well as how much we are willing to conform. We all have a chance to become our own Neo or Trinity (Neo's consort). The path the red pill opens begins with your willingness to listen to your heart and have the faith in yourself to shift your life from being normal to a path of excellence. In that shift to excellence, focus your energy and intentions towards living your life presently, mindfully and from the heart. The miracle of that path will come to you every day in the most amazing and sometimes strange ways. Your true friends love you and will always love you for being yourself. Love yourself enough to know when its okay to say 'no' and feel comfortable with the boundaries you have set for yourself. Loving yourself and accepting yourself for who you uniquely are is the most important gift you can give yourself. Quiet your mind, quiet your voice, and listen to your heart. The love is the greatest and most powerful energy source we have. Let normal evolve as you evolve. Ken Germann is a healer, lightworker, and medium and founder/director of Ascension Today (http://www.AscensionToday. com). Ken is a fully certified Reiki Shihan (teacher) and teaches Japanese Komyo Reiki. His own self discovery has led him to understand the importance of being willing to take the journey with an open mind, open heart, and being able to share in the laughter and love of life. Please see ad this page.

Everything is cool with that group or set of friends as long as you conform. Your ability to conform to those rules for membership in that group or community requires some kind of contract that states you are willing to conform to the rules that are required to “belong.� If you fall out of line or don't follow the rules of that group or if you choose to break that contract, you risk being shunned or kicked out of that group. We all want to belong. We all want to feel needed. We all wanted to feel wanted. It's human nature to not want to spend your life alone. We are by design social creatures. In the movie The Matrix, Neo is a loner in search of a man named Morpheus (named after the Greek god of dreams and sleep). Morpheus gives Neo a choice to take the red pill or the blue pill. If Neo chooses the blue pill nothing will change. He will continue to live his life in the illusion of what he knows his life to be. He will continue to be normal. If he chooses the red pill, Neo will get to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Neo has the chance to become 'exceptional.' As Neo finds during The Matrix, the true path to being normal is taking the chance to become exceptional. In the process of becoming exceptional, he discovers the truth about himself and the higher purpose the Universe is guiding him to follow. There are risks and sacrifices necessary

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

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Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


Quiet Desperation

An excerpt from the book on alcohol abuse and recovery

fall back. Remember, we are not saints. If I had stayed a victim in my mind’s eye, I could never experience self-respect. If working the program for the good of others and finding goodness in me casts out the demon of self-pity, then let me thank this world for its compassion and service.

by Felicia F

o rd


anyone could observe an alcoholic beginning to get sober, shades of gray might describe both her appearance and outlook. Look again years later and there is light. Could you imagine someone actually following the life of the alcoholic? What tales they might tell I should think, though when they see the completed trail of the recovered person, no words can fully explain the transformation. Would they not see God? You see, my friends, once we grasp that we are never left unattended or forgotten, perhaps like it did for me, your cardinal, will arrive. The day in which you feel all is well will come for you, as it did for me when I saw the bird. All the promises lead us and embrace us. I was no longer the little girl or youth who broke every promise she made. The promises of A.A. don’t bend easy nor break when we have them.

In the end we are given what we need. All I did was to increase the struggles, always wanting more out of life. At the end we all must decide for ourselves what matters the most. It will never work if we work against God’s will. I know, oh, how well I know. It took me years to realize there had been another line to cross. Time might be an enemy but to a recovering alcoholic it’s the reward. In my analysis, my friends, our promises are the wings that cover us and allow many a safe landing. We might say after all we lived through that we came home. The deep sleep of despair is gone. I have heard the sweet sound of music in my heart. In my soul were fragments of yesterday not forgotten yet forgiven. The magic came for me when I looked straight ahead and suddenly paradise existed. God’s realness existed when I stopped questioning. Felicia Ford currently lives in Mount Dora, Florida enjoying the years of sobriety she has achieved, as well as her life-long devotion to the elderly and handicapped. An active member of Alcoholic's Anonymous for twenty years, she is constantly seeking out and helping those who are experiencing the turmoil of addiction. She compiles her story as well as steps to achieving a healthy, sober life in her memoir Quiet Desperation. Email Felicia Ford at Please see ad for Quiet Desperation below.

The one promise where self-pity will disappear regrettably resurfaced for me. I’ve developed my own style or, should I say, ways of punishing myself. I realized, thankfully, before it was too late, that I was able to burst through the core of self-pity. Self-pity at one time had been a comfort zone for me. Self-pity gave and made excuses, stopped me in my tracks, and made the world seem hostile. It also made it easier not to execute my responsibilities. My addiction-rehearsed self-pity gave me a place to hide all those years. Self-pity is a bit like revenge—the longer you feel it the more it destroys you. The longer I felt pity, the more it risked destroying me. The addiction is one big shadow. I know today the only way to change the giant that covers us is to make a mockery out of it, replacing all at once with gratitude. There isn’t any other way out of these negative emotions. Self-pity can also be a very lonely place for it tortures its victims, sometimes to the brink of insanity. I mentioned it’s hard not to

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

The Macrocosm and Microcosm in Healing by David Botsford


ealing can be understood as realigning the individual with “higher” and “lower” levels of experience. Western medicine tends to treat a patient as an isolated unit, disregarding the impact of outside forces (other than bacteriological) on the individual’s condition. In psychiatry mental illness is usually considered to be like a mechanical fault in a motor, to be “fixed” by the addition of pharmaceuticals. Yet this approach of simply drugging unhappy people without changing their exterior lives provides no long-term solution. Radical thinkers such as the psychiatrists Dr. Milton Erickson, Dr. Thomas Szasz and Dr. R.D. Laing, and the family therapist Virginia Satir, have shown that insanity can be understood as arising from overall family and social contexts. The individual’s relations with family and society, as well as individual behavior, must be transformed in order to achieve healing. Physical ailments, too, are often manifestations of the individual’s life experiences and relations with others, processed by the unconscious mind. Louise Hay’s popular book You Can Heal Your Life lists correspondences between common thought patterns and specific physical illnesses. The science of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) has demonstrated that mental experiences within the nervous system (including the brain) cause actions within the immune system. When a person continuously thinks of himself as emotionally under attack, the immune system produces antibodies as if the body were under attack from external bacteria. However, because there are no external bacteria to combat, the antibodies attack the healthy tissue, thus causing rheumatoid arthritis and its associated swelling. By changing a person’s thinking to a sense of being protected and loved, the body rebuilds itself in a healthy way.

a deity (Orisa) to enjoy mutual support and identification with the qualities of that god.* The healer who wants to help clients achieve transformation must recognize the need to help align the individual’s experience at both the microcosmic and macrocosmic levels. It is vital to utilize the symbols which have most power for that specific person, and induce the sheer headlong emotional whirlwind which will break the client from the previous unwanted patterns and make the positive goal consciously desired by the client into a permanent reality. *Raymond Prince, Indigenous Yoruba Psychiatry. Ari Kiev (editor), Magic, Faith and Healing, Free Press/Macmillan, New York, 1964, pp. 84-120.

David Botsford is a hypnotist and intuitive reader in the Four Corners area. He has produced a series of self-hypnosis cd sets and is the author of the book Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation. His websites are and and and he can be reached at 863-420-3634. Please see ad below.

Healers in traditional societies understand the need to harmonize the individual not only within himself, but also at the familial, social and spiritual levels. The Yoruba healers of Nigeria believe that insanity is caused by spirits or witchcraft. To cure patients, they manipulate symbols of power in impressive rituals. They use direct command, metaphor and illustrative stories about individuals who overcame challenges, songs, and sacramental elements including the use of sacrifice and shaving, greasing, cooling and cutting the head. A patient may be instructed to move to a new home “because of the witches or sorcerers in his present quarters” or to change his occupation. As an ego-strengthening technique, he may be told to join the cult of Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


DIRECTORY ACUPUNCTURE Abundant Health Holistic Center; Solara Attatharya, DOM, AP, DNBHE; 2200 South Bay Street Suite B, Eustis, FL 32726; 352 365-4325;; http://www. ART THERAPY Carly Sullens, MA, ATR; 2431 Aloma Ave., Ste. 126, Winter Park, FL 32792; 407-265-2787; BAMBOO PLANTS Bamboo Plants-Walter Barker; 407-294-4350 BELLY DANCE Enlightenment Dance-Your Gateway to Enlightenment Through Dance; Hozuhni; Winter Haven, Orlando, Miami; 863-585-8264;; BOUTIQUES, BOOKS, GIFTS The Om Bookstore; Kali Telana; 15519 U. S. Hwy. 441, Suite 306C, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-978-1181; CHILDBIRTHING (natural) Kateyah Kapashah, LMT (MA17989); DOULA; Mount Dora, FL; 352-455-4421 CHIROPRACTIC Wagner Chiropractic; Ramah Wagner, D. C., 2755 S. Bay St., Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-5443; Yoder Chiropractic Wellness Center; Patricia Yoder 11799 SE US HWY 441, Belleview FL 34420 352-245-8030; CONFLICT RESOLUTION Alternate Pathways Outreach; Diane J. Ackerman; 315 E. Maud St., Tavares, FL 32778; 352-343-3380;; CranioSacral Therapy Intentional Wellness, LLC; Robyn Rose; 405 W. Central Parkway, Suite 1000, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714; 407-774-7744;

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a quick and easy way to find support for creating your magnificent life!

FITNESS Ladies' Pole Fitness; Carlie Hight; Orlando area; 407-951-3082;

Indigo & Crystal Child Play Group Melissa Tilton; Lake County; ndigocrystalchild@

HEALING ARTS SCHOOLS Ecademos of Higher Enlightenment; Yashoda Yehudit, Co-Director; Eustis, FL 32726; 352-357-5918;

INNER PEACE; Manny Gross; Orlando, FL; 407-491-7807; mannygross@

healING CENTERS The Doolin Healing Sanctuary~Spiritual Counseling, Matrix Energetics, Hatha Yoga; Rev. Daya Devi-Doolin; We are partners in co-creating your healing; 1794 N. Acadian Drive; Deltona, FL 32725 (386) 532-5308;;

INTUITIVE READINGS 4 Corners Intuitive; David Botsford; 109 Ambersweet Way, # 111, Davenport, FL 33897; 863-420-3634;

health technologies REJUVENATIONS- Anti-Aging, Pain and Health Therapies; Shanaya Nalina, N.D., Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-385-0055; Amethyst Bio-Mat Quantum Healing and AntiAging Light Thermotherapy; Katarah Vishnu; Mount Dora, Florida 32757; 352-735-3203 HERBS/Herbalism Leaves and Roots; Carolyn Whitford; 9434 E. Colonial Dr., Orlando FL 32817; 407-823-8840; HERBAL/holistic EDUCATION North Wind Training, Inc.; Rebecca Henkins BSN, RN, HNB-BC, ND, MH, RM-T; 1411 S. Locust Ave., Sanford, FL 32771; 407-765-9035; Herbmstrs@; HOLISTIC LIVING EDUCATION All About Art - Artful Living Center; Donna D’Amato; 5162 S. E. Abshier Blvd., Belleview, FL: 352-307-9774 REAL NURSES, REAL SOULUTIONS; Jeane Cole and Charol Martindale; 1433 Barn Owl Loop, Sanford, FL 32773 ; 407-513-4991;; HYPNOSIS Healthy Alternatives; Aida Alejandra Oliver; 1107 N. Donnelly St., Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-7357555;

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Osha Harama; 1335 Elray Blvd., Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-516-9608; Margaret Staton, M.A.; Angel Therapy Practitioner, Orlando, FL; 407-421-3758; Connected Earth Healing-Palmistry, Tarot and Oracle-Emphasis on Healing; Holly Riggs; 321217-9114; Moon Astrology Readings by Raven Moondance; by phone or in person; Gainesville, Florida; (352)372-8594; Phone Readings~Body, Mind & Spirit; Wanda Winters; 42900 Seaway Ave., Alex Bay, NY 13607 315-686-2640; wanda_bodymindspirit@yahoo. com; Medium~Connect with Loved Ones; Phone Readings; current issues for your highest and best, direct clairsentient connection; Call Grace; 727-581-7245; LIFE AND SUCCESS COACHING/education Vickie Haren,CCLC; 601 Webb Way; The Villages, FL 32159; 352-502-3898; lifecoach11@hotmail. com; Inner Revolution; Cynthia MacMillan, Certified Integrative Life Coach; Deltona, FL; 386-7890520; MASSAGE Kateyah Kapashah, LMT (MA17989); Mount Dora, FL 32757 ; 352-455-4421 Laura Painter, LMT (MA51773); Altamonte Springs, FL; 407-421-2165

a quick and easy way to find support for creating your magnificent life! MASSAGE (cont.) Jan Cloutier, LMT; Mount Dora, FL 32757 352-636-9932; Massage Therapy/Energy Healing (MA22986, MM17969); Kathy Hall, LMT; 1954 Howell Branch Rd., Suite 200, Winter Park 32792; 407-538-3044; MEDITATION Meditación en Inglés y Español; Serenity Mindfulness Center,L.L.C.; Beatriz Elena de Bruna; 1585 Morningside Dr., Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-385-0103; MOVERS-RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS A Better Price and Service Moving and Delivery; George Barton; 929 Northshore Drive; Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-6683 (352-589-MOVE); nuMEROLOGY Bobbie Roberts; The Villages, FL 32159; 352-205-6056 nutrition Joanne M. Keller, ARNP Women’s Health/Wellness; Joanne M. Keller, ARNP; 3643 Lake Center Drive, Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-385-2631 PET THERAPY & COMMUNICATION; Colleen Gordon; 407-4464315; RECYCLING SP Recycling Corporation; Denise Gainer; 5303 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32810; 407-234-1517; SKIN CARE Phyto Institute & Wellness Center; Gina Cassisi Canas; 2575 Kurt Street, #102, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-483-4800; Claudia Virga’s Facials and More; Claudia Virga; 352-504-2893; ClaudiaVirga@SkinCareTherapy. net; SPIRITUAL CENTERS A Center for Wellness and Light; Cindy Myers; 4353 Edgewater Drive, Ste. 3, Orlando, FL 32804; 407-297-0772;;;


SPIRITUAL CENTERS(cont.) Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living (Science of Mind); 2130A Prevatt St, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-2620; commUNITY 729; Trish Roddis; 729 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL 32803; 407-463-2248 Unity Leesburg; 826 E. Dixie Ave., Leesburg, FL 34748; 352-787-0834; PSYCHOTHERAPY/PSYCH. COUNSELING Jeanine D’Onofrio, Ph.D. (ABD), LMHC, NCC; 1799 Salk Ave., Tavares, FL 32778; 352-742-8300 REAL ESTATE Kara Cox, Realtor and Feng Shui Practitioner EXIT REALTY, TRI-COUNTY, Mount Dora, Florida; 352-360-8900;

YOGA Lotus Yoga Center; Janice Keifer; 465 Oakland Avenue, Apopka, FL 32703; 407-697-6437;; Jeweled Lotus Yoga; Kellie Adkins; 104 S. 2nd St., Leesburg, FL 34748; 352-874-3272; LAUGHTER YOGA with Hara Marshi; Tavares, FL; 352-552-6053;; Yoga Central; Shata Ben-Avari; 2724 W. Old U. S. Hwy. 441, Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-383-7979;

STRESS RELIEF LAUGHTER YOGA with Hara Marshi; Tavares, FL; 352-552-6053;; WATER FILTRATION AND TREATMENT Divine Water Co.; Thoram Charanda; 3975 Dora Wood Drive; Mount Dora, FL 32757; 321-5061850; Wellness Joanne M. Keller, ARNP Women’s Health/Wellness; Joanne M. Keller, ARNP; 3643 Lake Center Drive, Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-385-2631 WOMEN’S HEALTH/SUPPORT Joanne M. Keller, ARNP Women’s Health/Wellness; Joanne M. Keller, ARNP; 3643 Lake Center Drive, Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-385-2631 REJUVENATIONS- Anti-Aging, Pain and Health Therapies; Shanaya Nalina, N.D., Mount Dora, FL 32757; 352-385-0055; Catherine R. Zelner, MD, FACOG; 8751 Commodity Circle, Suite 10, Orlando, FL 32819; 407-345-5055;;

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010



was on a call recently with The Ford Institute when personal transformation expert, Debbie Ford, asked the question, “Who do you want to be?” My heart started beating faster with anticipation as I thought about all the possibilities. My first thought was: I want to be a heart warrior, radiant, fully alive, successful, and whole. Then the voice of fear piped in to say: You are just a small town girl from nowhere; get off your high horse. Needless to say, it was a tug of war to see who was going to come out on top, the voice of faith or the voice of fear. I am so happy my heart warrior came through loud and clear.

Who Do You Want to Be? by Cynthia MacMillan Contributing Success Editor

After that call, I started journaling on the question of who I wanted to be. This evolved into a meditation about what I needed to do or complete to become who I want to be. The point that kept coming up for me was that forgiveness is not just forgiving others but also forgiving myself.

The willingness to forgive someone who has betrayed or disappointed us doesn’t mean we condone their inappropriate behavior. It doesn’t even mean reconciling with them; it simply means our heart is open to letting go of our judgment and to finding compassion. Forgiveness is not truly forgiveness unless you forgive in your heart; it doesn’t work by just saying “I forgive.” Remember, it doesn’t matter what you think, it matters what you feel.


Write out what someone did to you as you perceived it. Even though you may never receive an apology, what do you think they should apologize for? Don’t hold anything back! Allow yourself to feel all your emotions, including resentment.

make sure you positively release the pain. By validating these feelings you will be able to take back your power.

3. Now switch your awareness to the bigger picture. Write out: “[Person’s name], even though I don’t condone your behavior, I recognize that you are here to deliver me a divine gift if I am willing receive it. The gift or life lesson I have received is: [List the gifts, i.e.: “I am worthy,” “I am enough simply for being me,” “I am lovable,” “I am proud to be a curvy girl,” etc.].”

4. Mentally thank this person for granting you the gift of this new belief and wish them luck on their own journey. •

Forgiveness comes naturally when you decide and act. It is a gift we give ourselves to release the past and rid ourselves of distractions that prevent us from appreciating the things in everyday life. Forgiveness is a journey that must be taken one small step at a time. Self-forgiveness is an opportunity to drink in some truth about ourselves.

Contact Cynthia MacMillan, Certified Integrative Coach at 386-789-0520, Cynthia@ or by visiting Cynthia will be your accountability partner, confidential advocate and respectful challenger as you uncover the internal blueprint that currently drives your beliefs and choices. Melt away the old stories that keep you in the repetitive spiral of mediocrity. Instead, embrace your authentic self, express healthy self-esteem and awaken joy. Your questions, comments and thoughts are always welcome. Please refer to ad this page.

2. Write how you felt about the events. Make sure you give into the feelings: cry, kick, and scream, and


What you feel will always win.

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


Let the Light Shine Down, Around and Through! by Leigh Ann McNair

Several weeks ago I decided to tackle the annual task of spring cleaning and I came across a box filled with a collection of my personal mementos. Hmmm. I wondered what “stuff” I had placed in this container over the years. I poured myself a cup of hot tea and prepared to take a trip down memory lane. I immediately discovered the usual things: old family photos, high school memorabilia, childhood crafts and a stack of old love letters. One letter in particular caught my eye, a letter I had received years ago, a letter I hold dear to my heart. This was a beautiful, life changing letter, and, with your permission, I would like to share this most glorious letter with you.

Dear Sweet Inner Self: I have sat back quietly for some time now observing your struggles and frustrations. Today I have decided to share with you a Universal Law. Hopefully, some light will be cast upon your darkness. I see your life has been confusing. A life filled with doubt, unhappiness and negativity. I know you feel lost. This spinning out of control feeling— this feeling of falling into a black abyss— this, you can stop. YOU have the power. The law I would like to share with you is called The Law of Correspondence. It tells us that our outer world is nothing more than a reflection of our inner world: as within, so without; as above, so below. Your current reality is a mirror of what is going on inside. If your outer reality is unhappy, chaotic or unfulfilling, then I urge you to take a look inside. What do you see? Inner chaos? Inner turmoil? Inner fears? This outer distress is a direct result of what is happening inside of you.

Your outer world reflects your inner world in every way, shape and form. If you desire change, you must first change your inner world. Examine and dissect your thoughts, attitudes and actions. Take a long hard look at your beliefs. Yes, I know this is a difficult task, but the work must be done. You have total and complete control over only one thing in life and that is your thinking. Master this! Look into the mirror. Take responsibility for what is happening in your life. Fill yourself with gratitude. Focus on the positives. Love yourself and others. Practice forgiveness. Trust in the universe. I know this all sounds too simple, but, honestly, that is the beauty. It is that simple! You have the power! You can do it! Let the light shine down, around and through! -- Your Outer Reality

As I folded the letter and returned it to the box, a warm feeling rushed over my body and soul. I sat back, finished my tea and continued to reflect on the Law of Correspondence: As above, so below; as below, so above. What do you hear in the stillness? Leigh Ann McNair is a nationally certified licensed massage therapist (MA38050). She is Neuromuscular Therapy and Sports Massage certified, a Reiki Master, and a certified massage cupping practitioner. She holds an Associate of Science degree in Natural Health Advanced Therapeutic Massage and is owner of Sacred Moments Massage and Healing Center located in Oviedo, Florida. Your questions, comments and thoughts are always welcome. Please refer to ad this page.

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


The Principle of


As Above, So Below • As Below, So Above As Inward, So Outward • As Outward, So Inward by Albert Nuñez, DVM Contributing Spiritual Life Editor

Everything is connected. We are all connected by the very fabric of space itself. We exist as multiple frequency bands across the electromagnetic spectrum. Standing right where you are, within the space you occupy you are vibrating multiple forms— physical, emotional, thought, dark, and multiple light forms— of yourself. Ultimately, you dissolve into no form at all, Space, Awareness, Self, the Watcher, our True Selves. All of our forms are vibrated out of space. Space Awareness creates, sustains and dissolves all of our forms. Space connects us all to the space and forms around, above, below and within us. A deep connection to this space allows us to merge and navigate more consciously within the flow of the dream of space. At deeper levels you merge with the space and connect with all of the forms suspended in space. At an even deeper connection, you merge with the space and emanate the peaceful, grateful qualities of the space. Deeper yet, No Thing, Deep Silence, You’re Home. Home is the cessation of the identification with the dreams, thoughts, emotions, forms and dramas. You begin to see your world as a movie projected on a screen, and you watch and manage the inner landscape and quality of your inner space. The watcher of the movie awakens and begins to observe the quality of the movie being watched. We begin to choose the quality of our internal space and state. We manage our internal states and raise their frequency to that of peace and gratitude through active mindfulness meditation. The law of correspondence allows us to radically transform how we view the world. When we change the way we view the world, the world we view changes.

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A practical example of the law of correspondence in action would look like this. Let’s say you’ve gotten to this point in time (the Now) and you awaken to the reality of your life. You like some aspects, but want to change others. Standing before you are an infinite number of possibilities for how your life will unfold in the future. Your life has been moving along on the time continuum like a river contained within its banks. The Now is a point in time that lets you observe what could be ahead. The point beyond the Now is like a river delta, or a cone of possibilities. The momentum of the

river (your life) pushes the river forward toward the ocean (death of the river, birth of the ocean). But you notice that some of the river fans to the left, some to the right. You may notice that in relationship to the main channel or momentum of your life some of your possible futures are not desirable, and others are very desirable in comparison to your current path. Standing at the point of Now you travel forward in dream time with the help of your guides toward a more desirable future. Realize that this future already exists as a possibility, that’s why you can visit it. In one of these futures you are happy, healthy and fulfilled. You see qualities that you have in this future that you don’t apply now. In this future you eat healthy food, exercise, are of service to others, and have a different and fulfilling vocation, perhaps a writer. Come out of dream time and back to the Now, where you don’t eat healthy food or exercise, you keep to yourself, and are in a job you hate. As above so below. In order to merge with that potential future, you would make changes in the Now that align you with your desired life. You start to diet and exercise, volunteer to help others, and begin writing. Here is the 'as below, so above part.' You have now begun to move your life to a sweeter, more desirable time stream. This new time line you chose to align yourself with is in the present Now. The more you match your current frequency and actions with what

We are all connected by the very fabric of space itself.

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

you experienced as possibilities in the future, the more your life will shift toward it. As below, so above. Most of the voices reporting on the dream they see for humanity’s time continuum describe a potential nightmare, and many people find it easier to focus on the nightmare scenarios because they’re the easiest to see, the loudest dreams in our collective futures. It takes work to move the course of a river. However, if you silence the mind and practice gratitude for all that is in the present moment you’ll raise your frequency to that of silent Space, the Self, the same space that creates, sustains and dissolves all the dreams. With the quiet mind we can begin to see and arrive at the sweet still pools of our wonderful potential futures. I challenge you to cut through the potential nightmares of our futures and find our individual and collective sweet dreams. Discover what it would take to align yourself individually with sweetness, service, gratitude, and harmony. Bring that dream back, and move toward it like a pit bull chasing a rabbit. Dreams are cheap. What have you got to lose? I dream this dream moment by moment for myself, my child, my lover, my friends, my so called enemies and for you, the aspect of myself I have not yet met in flesh but am one with, in the depth of my Being, Space Awareness. As more of us apply the law of correspondence, as individuals the collective effect will move the course of the river of time away from the chaotic rapids, toward the banks of paradise.

Sat Nam (Being is Our Identity) Dr. Al Nuñez is a lifelong mystic and student of spirituality. He has studied and applied many of the profound practices and tenets of Catholicism, Shamanism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Kabbalah, Paganism, Mysticism, Hinduism, Tantra, energy and sound healing, Shadow Work, Kundalini Yoga, many forms of meditation, and Qi Gong. Dr. Al is committed to awakening human beings to their highest self. Albert J. Nuñez, DVM, CVA has owned Animal Hospital of Baldwin Park and of Lake Mary since 1995 where he has practiced integrative veterinary medicine combining cutting edge surgery, internal medicine, endoscopy and laser ultrasound with acupuncture, herbal and energy medicine and nutrition for dogs, cats and exotics. He is a graduate of St. Thomas and Ross Universities and the Chi Institute of Veterinary Medicine. Please refer to ad this page.

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


Heaven on Earth

by Marty Ward

As real as gravity is, so is the Science of Feelings. Our connection, separation, cause and effect in our lives are guided by scientific laws of feelings. Eleven-twelfths of what manifests in our lives is generated from our subconscious—that person who you really are, despite your daily self-talk which tries to convince you otherwise. Who’d want to believe that right before you were about to receive the very thing you wanted—the job promotion, the trip of a lifetime, the golf championship—that you set yourself up to have it snatched from the jaws of victory? You blew a big client’s order, you got the “plague” (how many people go on vacation and get sick?), broke your wrist opening a jar of peanut butter. If you are not ready to win, if somewhere you still believe that you are not good enough, or do not value who you are, you will sabotage yourself.

course. Imagine that all of our feelings are a compass to guide us. When we feel not good enough, it is the compass telling us we are 180 degrees off course. You can choose to get mad and throw the compass on the ground, or ask: “Not Good Enough, tell me what I can learn from you today.”

Not Good Enough: “You need to practice your inviting skills with your accountability partner so you can feel relaxed and secure as you connect with your prospects.”

“Thank you, Not Good Enough.”

As you breathe in the new information, you break up the pain body and make new neuropathways. You entrain the subconscious to a new understanding of who you really are. By staying connected to Source and creating Heaven on Earth, you will have all that you desire. An ex-sailing captain, Marty has business know how and team building success. After being a teacher and school based social worker, she be came an entrepreneur. In the 80s, she ran a sailing school on the Hudson River for ten years that was featured in the TV series On the River. Her company, Defining Your Business, offers ground floor, cutting-edge companies to choose from for creating a multiple figure monthly income and an attraction lead and marketing system to augment whatever business they choose. You deserve to be coached and guided to your pinnacle of achievement by Marty who is known for inspiring her teams to greatness. Please see ad this page.

Eckhart Tolle speaks of the “pain body” in his book, A New Earth. The pain body acts like an addict, with pain its drug. As we begin to heal, as we get closer to our desired goal, the pain body convinces us that we don’t really deserve that moment of glory now, because it triggers the time you dropped the baseball in the championship game at 17 and let the team and your coach-father down.

Pain Body: “You need to continue to see yourself as a looser.” Heaven on Earth—As Above, So Below—is possible by harnessing our true feelings about ourselves. As we see that what we desire is not mysteriously snatched away, but scientifically caused by our subconscious beliefs about ourselves, we can gain dominion over the results in our lives. As we stay connected to Source by honoring our Divine Nature, by valuing our talents, abilities and gifts (TAGs), we create Heaven on Earth. Luis A. Garcia, Jr. ( teaches the Science of Feelings. In brief, once we accept all feelings as our ally, we see that all “bad” feelings show us where we are off

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Young Indigo Consumer Reviews by Jai and Auseta Nothing sparks a child's imagination like a blank cardboard box playhouse. But, unless you've recently purchased a large appliance, you probably don't have one lying around. Even if you do have a large box (that's clean and undamaged), you'll have to spend some time cutting holes in it to make it into a viable playhouse for your kids. KidsCraft Playhouses offers an easy solution. The brand new company is creating cardboard playhouses from 100% recycled materials, (AND it's 100% recyclable when you're done with it!), includes a set of star-shaped 100% recycled crayons made of repurposed melted old crayon stubs, and is using an ingenious flap and slot design so no cutting or taping is needed.

Jai, age 8, says: The Space Shuttle by KidsCraft is designed for kids ages 2 and up. It is safe overall, but it can fall apart sometimes. It has cutouts in the shape of a star, a moon, a comet and a sun. The cardboard shuttle is three feet wide. Its doors work fine and almost everyone can fit in it. It also can be painted or colored. I had fun playing in it. Contigo,® a leading producer of innovative travel mugs and hydration bottles, recently launched a line of beverage ware for children who have outgrown sippy cups but not spills. These products feature patented AUTOSEAL® technology that automatically seals the lid between sips, making them 100 percent spillproof and leak-proof.

Auseta, age 9, says: The AUTOSEAL® Kids Trekker Mug travels well! It's functional yet stylish. It's durable and will last a long time. The mug has an easy to push button with a good sized spout. Overall, I think it's a good cup. I recommend it.

Advertise. It Works! 407-454-3443 352-357-7122 Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


by Debbie Paulk

Believe It and You Will See It

hen we feel that our beliefs are limiting our W happiness or success, we can chose to release those that no longer serve us and adopt new, more empowering ones. Similar to the saying “As above, so below,” our inner beliefs mirror our outside world; within each lies the other. When we understand how powerful our beliefs and thoughts are, we can begin to consciously create the reality and life of our dreams.

I recently reflected on some old beliefs I released some years ago. One belief I’d adopted centered around seeking approval from my family: I was taught to believe that children should always please their parents. I realized that trying to seek approval from my parents or anyone was an exhausting vicious cycle. I concluded that the most important thing was that I approve of myself, my actions and choices. It was then that I was ultimately happy. I freed myself from feeling responsible for someone else’s lack of happiness. Happiness is a choice in which we alone are responsible. We all see the world from our own perspective, and live our life based on a belief system about ourselves and the world. Our beliefs are powerful. They shape our life and experiences and create our reality. We develop a belief by the thoughts we think. When we think about something continuously or are told something repeatedly we eventually believe it to be true. As babies we enter the world as perfection— beautiful creations filled with divine love and positive energy. Our life journey begins by living with our family. As we grow and develop, we learn a core set of beliefs,

values, ideas and opinions from our parents, loved ones and caretakers. Our parents pass their belief system to us which they were taught by their parents or by life experiences of their own. Beliefs can be created by everything from religion, politics, government, social status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, marriage and gender, as well as expectations of us as mothers, fathers, children, providers, family members. Our parents did the best they could in raising us. If they knew better they would have done better. It’s a waste of time and energy to blame our parents or anyone else for the beliefs we developed. Whenever we blame anyone we give away our power and drain our energy. We can choose to take responsibility for our life and take back our power. It’s a beautiful thing when you realize that you have the power to choose to believe a new, more positive empowering belief.

“Happiness is a choice in which we alone are responsible.” Take out a sheet of paper and write down everything you believe about yourself, money, religion/ spirituality, men, women, family, marriage, career or any subject you would like to discover your beliefs about. Write without judging or analyzing what you put down on paper. You may discover that you are ready to release some limiting beliefs and adopt new ones that will cause you to soar to even greater heights than you’ve imagined. Debbie Paulk is Founder of Live Your Passion Life Coaching, a certified Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotist, NLP Master Practitioner, Reiki Master and Workshop Facilitator. For more information about services or upcoming workshops visit or contact Debbie at (407)9230738 to schedule your free consultation. See ad this page.

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

The Cutting Edge in Health Most of us have learned about free radicals, how they contribute to disease, poor health and aging. We understand that they are created by the food we eat, our metabolism as well as toxins from our environment. Dr. Joe McCord, Ph. D. is one of the pioneers of free radical investigation. Since the late 60s, he and a group of scientists have studied free radicals and oxidative stress within the human body. Most recently, their findings indicate that common antioxidants like Vitamin C (also known as direct antioxidants) do not effectively eliminate oxidative stress in the body since the number of free radicals in the body is massive. One molecule of Vitamin C does have the ability to neutralize one free radical molecule, however the actual number of oxidants produced in the body each day is the number three followed by 20 zeros! Direct antioxidants often actually react with free radicals to create even more free radical molecules and more damage to the body's tissues from oxidative stress. "It's somewhat ironic," states Tracy Harward, VP of Marketing for LifeVantage, "that in our effort to battle free radicals by consuming conventional direct antioxidants all these years, many of us may have actually made the problem worse." What Dr. McCord and others have discovered is that the body possesses its own mechanism for relieving oxidative stress, the ability to trigger free radical fighting enzymes which are highly more effective than direct antioxidants. Says Dr. McCord, "The body's enzymes ... can each eliminate approximately one million free radicals per second without being used up. The advantage of enzymes over antioxidant vitamins is almost mind-blowing." McCord's studies have led him to develop a breakthrough supplement called Protandim® which features a proprietary blend of five potent botanicals that signal your body's DNA to step up production of enzymes such as SOD (superoxide dismutase) and others. Protandim® also does not contribute to the creation of free radicals as do antioxidant vitamins. Results of scientific tests for Protandim® show that the body is able to boost its production of some two dozen major antioxidant enzymes and most dramatically, these tests demonstrate that Protandim® slows the aging process of most adults to that of a 20-year-old. To learn more about Protandim® and what it can do for you, please refer to the ad top of column 2.

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


The World, Our Reflection “E

ach of us is a microcosm that reflects the macrocosm, but not until we know it.” So said Clifford Bias in his book, “The Way Back: A New Age Approach to the Western Mystery Tradition,” (Weiser Books, June 1985). Exactly how we each interpret that statement depends on how we look at the universe and our place in it. Most of us would interpret the statement by saying, “I reflect how the world is.” Let me propose a different way of looking at this idea. What if we said, “The world reflects how I am,” or perhaps more accurately, “The world is a reflection of how I live my life.” For me, that approach leads to a series of considerations. It certainly brings home the idea that the energy I put out is reflected in the world around me. Now I must consider that if I live in chaos, anger and hate, those are the energies that will be in my world and will come back to me. And if I live in joy, peace and kindness that I will experience those energies in my world. If we all live in kindness, the world will be filled with kindness. This is not a new idea. But how do we live in kindness all the time? We slip occasionally and express negative energy. When we slip we send mixed messages. So how do we stay in the positive energy more of the time? Well, what if I worked with a friend and we both put out positive energy by doing one kind act a day? What if we each asked a friend to join us? Then our friends added friends and their friends added friends? Or, what if we all decided to do two kind acts a day? How much positive energy could we generate? Enough to change the whole world? At least enough to change the world around us! For some of us this sounds just too simple. And it is simple, though not always easy. What is easy is to become so enmeshed in our own thoughts, feelings, and activities that we forget to reach out to others. Life happens and we don’t stop and think about how we affect the world around us by our reactions. The energies of the universe, the macrocosm, flow to us through the people and events we encounter. Our energies flow to the macrocosm through the way we interact with the people and events we encounter. The more positive those encounters are, the more positive energy we release to the universe and the more positive the energies we receive from the universe. Start small. Keep it simple. Do an act of kindness every day until it becomes a habit. Then you will find yourself doing many acts of kindness every day. But be careful. You may discover you have changed the world. Ina has been studying metaphysical topics for over 40 years. Since moving to the Villages she teaches metaphysical classes at the Life Long Learning College and at Unity Leesburg. She also speaks to groups in the area on a variety of topics.

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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

by Ina Anderson

Play, Dream and Listen Like a Child

by Christine Rossiter When I was a child, I dreamed like a child, I played like a child, I listened like a child. When I became an adult, I buried those childlike ways deep within. -- Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:11 Taking liberties with the original Biblical quote gives me a chance to segue into how hypnosis helps. Some of the habits that we learned and programmed into the subconscious seem difficult to break. Let’s start with the biggy: Smoking. Most smokers consciously know all the reasons to quit—coughing, decrease in energy, inconvenience (finding a place to smoke), the risk of cancer and the money—what an expensive habit! A habit is something done repeatedly in the conscious mind and, over time, becomes an ingrained pattern in our daily life. Habits serve us in many ways, not always healthy ways. They fill voids in our lives, make us feel good (temporarily), ease anxiety or relax us. These ingrained habits become automatic reactions on a subconscious level (we no longer consciously think about the action, we just do it). We all know what some of these habits are: nail biting, drinking too much, overeating, and watching too much television, to name a few.

The process can be quite awesome, life changing in some cases. It’s all a matter of accessing the inner mind. It has been said the body heals itself, and sometimes we need a little outside help. With the help of hypnosis, you may go back to play, dream, and listen as a child. Christine Rossiter is a Master Certified and Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified Past Life Regressionist. What this all means is that she can help you. Call (352)625-6924 or 1-800-376-0997 for a free 30-minute consultation and find your way to a better life. Please see ad below.

There are things we are afraid of like small closed places, snakes, clowns, public speaking and many more. Then there are the traumas we bury—beatings, molestations, death, war, things from the past we are ashamed of or blame ourselves for, things too painful to really deal with, so we push them deep into our subconscious. And every now and then events trigger these memories to resurface, and we dig into our goody bag of bad habits and use one to block out thoughts and feelings.

So how does hypnosis help? First of all, we

must want it to help. Hypnosis is a tool. No hypnotist or hypnotherapist can make you do anything you do not or cannot, ethically or morally, want to do. The television shows and stage shows have people that want to do what is suggested, otherwise, they would not. The process is natural. If you are engrossed in a movie, good book or show, you can be very relaxed and ignore everything around you. It is the same with hypnosis. It is an altered state of mind. It is not sleep, as the derivation of the word implies.

Why does hypnosis help? Symptoms of a problem can be explored within the subconscious mind in a relaxed manner. Suggestions, presented to us during a hypnotic/relaxed state of mind, serve as tools to determine the root cause, then utilize the power of the mind to release, remove, change or understand the problem. Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


Personal Balance by Ann Moura

“As above, so below” is an ancient metaphysical and magical precept with many nuances, but in my experience, it translates as balance and the flow of energy required to maintain that balance. With the practice of magic, moving energy to accomplish a goal takes this equation into account so that blessings are given and blessings are received. Thus, to give is to gain, and to gain is to give. If you take something from Nature, to keep the energy in balance you give something in return, be that a blessing, water, fertilizer or some other token, such as a shiny coin. The flow between the greater power and the individual power is harmoniously harnessed to achieve what is desired. The tenet of energy sent being returned in kind is a basic principle of magical workings, expressed in Wicca as the Rede, “An‚ it harm none, do as ye will.” Doing harm to another would result in doing harm to oneself as well, so balance is maintained through care and recognizing that we are all connected through energy, the Divine Spirit, the Earth, and the Universe. We are all part of the cycle of existence— not separate—and as such our energy will elicit a similar responsive energy from the universal flow. Even something as simple as feeling anger can result in a tide of chaotic energy sweeping over a person, manifesting in a variety of ways from nervousness or petty accidents, to headaches or illness. Maintaining balance in our lives is how we communicate with the Universe and with one another. Being mindful of the flow of energy when something upsets us allows for pausing and evaluating this reaction. If the cause and effect are not truly connected, we risk creating an imbalance. Awareness of the source of our upset allows us to regain our balance through peaceful resolution, either by dealing with it within or letting go of a problem that belongs to another. Years ago, I was sick with anger as I thought about a situation where one person was being hurtful to another who continued the relationship. Suddenly I had a quick vision of Shiva, dancing

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in his circle of flames. He looked at me with a smile and said, “It’s not your dance.” The vision vanished and so did my anger with the realization that the matter was between the two people involved, not me. I had been agitated over their choices and their particular karma, and this was endangering my own balance. By letting go, my internal balance was brought back into harmony with the greater energies and I was instantly at peace. We are responsible for our own actions and energies, be it in daily life or in magical practice. By keeping the energy flow between ourselves and the greater power smooth, we maintain our own personal balance. Because while it really is “as above, so below,” the reverse is also true—“as below, so above.” Ann Moura is the award winning author of the Green Witchcraft series and proprietor of the metaphysical store, Luna Sol Esoterica (407-392-6870), located at 311 S. Park Ave. in historic Sanford. In her writings, she draws upon her family heritage and personal experience. Please see ad this page.

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

When I Am

Not Here Now, I Am Not There Either by Yogi Amrit Desai My experience of my moods and emotions, and my personal sense of inadequacy invariably dominate, predetermine and eclipse every experience of where I am physically, who I am with, what circumstances I am surrounded by, and in what environment I have placed myself. No matter what I have, I am invariably in the experience of myself.


hen I get “there” it is supposed to give me the experience of here and now. The question is, have I ever gotten to here and now in spite of having arrived “there” again and again? What I am hoping to get when I arrive “there” is exactly what I feel I am missing in the “now” experience. We are always struggling to move out of the “now” experience to get to a “there” experience. But when we arrive “there,” whatever was missing in the past now is missing in the present now. My struggle to search in the future “there” continues.

If I carry the self-deficient image everywhere I go, I don’t have the experience of where I am, but who I am in my interpretation, anticipation, impatience, anger, resistance, blame, shame, and fear. All these filters are of my self-image, not of the “Self ” without images. Who I AM is omnipresent. Enter the Zero Stress Zone through the proactive of the Amrit Methods of Pranayam and initiate psychosomatic detoxification and restore optimal health. Amrit Yoga Institute is located in beautiful Salt Springs, Florida. Call 352-685-3001 or visit http://www. for more information. Please see ad this page.

If it is not here and now, it’s not there either. But you have to discover the distinction between a promised experience of reality and the reality of the experience of now. Remember that whenever you move from here and now to there, you are present in every experience of Now. So the sense of “The experience of this moment is not sufficient; I have to change it, make it better, improve it, or modify it,” is not the experience of having arrived there (outside environmental change). The you that is feeling deficient in yourself is making every experience of now invalid or insufficient, to fill the emptiness you have presumed. The experience of complete fulfillment that I am seeking is always “out there.” Whenever I have created and achieved the goal of having arrived there, I am not “here” to enjoy it. I have already moved to another “there” with a false hope that when I arrive “there,” that is it. It’s neither there nor here. It’s not the object of my pursuit that provides the experience I am searching for. It is the experience of my being totally and fully present in whatever happens to be the experience of here and now. It is not the experience of an object or an environment, but an experience of me that stands most loud and clear—most pronounced—the external conditions I have created for my enjoyment. Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010



MAY 2010



A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. -- Tenneva Jordan, Author MAY 1 Reiki II; 9 am-5 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Fee MAY 1 -2 Reiki I Workshop; Noon- 6pm; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-250-5543; Fee MAY 2 Slight Shift In Thinking Men's Group; 9-11 am; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-426-2953; Love Offering Slight Shift In Thinking Couple's Group; 7-9 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-426-2953; Love Offering MAY 3 Creating Abundance In This Economy; 6-8 pm; Healthy Alternataives Day Spa, Mount Dora; 352-735-7555; Love Offering MAY 4 Multidimensional Healing for the New Earth; 7 pm; commUNITY Center 729, Orlando; 407-4632248; Love Offering The Four Agreements; 10 am-1 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Fee MAY 5 The Art of Using Positive Language; 6-7:30 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-561-4099; Fee MAY 6 Prenatal Yoga Begins; 5:30-6:45 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee May 8 Art and Science of Ritual Workshop; 1-3 pm; Luna Sol Esoterica, Sanford; 407-392-6870; Fee Meditation for Beginners; 10-11:30 am; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee Abraham-Hicks Study Group; 10:30-11:30 am; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Love Offering Reiki Circle; Noon-1 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Love Offering May 9 Reiki Essentials; 7 pm; Maitland location; 407-4212165; Love Offering Mother's Day Service; 10:30 am; Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living, Eustis; 352-589-2620; Love Offering Meditation Monday-Part 1 of 3 Part Series; 6:157:15 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-8743272; Fee May 10 Yes, You Can Stop Smoking!; 6-8 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-561-4099; Fee MAY 11 Movement, Emotions and Energy; 7 pm; commUNITY Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248;

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Love Offering May 14 Tribal Belly Dance Class; 6-7 pm; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-383-7979; Fee May 16 Two Hearts Meditation Group; 7 pm; Maitland location; 407-421-2165; Love Offering Sunday Celebration and Spiritual Cafe; 10:00 am; Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living, Eustis; 352-589-2620; Love Offering Slight Shift In Thinking Men's Group; 9-11 am; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-426-2953; Love Offering Slight Shift In Thinking Couple's Group; 7-9 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-426-2953; Love Offering Holistic Health & Psychic Fair; 11 am-5 pm; at the Eustis Community Center; 352-978-1181; FREE; Vendors, Readers, Healers, Food, Entertainment May 17 Meditation Monday-Part 2 of 3 Part Series; 6:157:15 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-8743272; Fee Personal Enrichment Meeting; 6-8 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-561-4099; Fee MAY 18 Intuitive Exploration; 7 pm; commUNITY Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Love Offering May 19 QiGong and Labyrinth Walk; 7 pm; MD Anderson; 407-421-2165; FREE Hang Ups Be Gone! 6-7:30 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-561-4099; Fee May 21 Yogi's Happy Hour: Friday Night Flow; 6:30-8 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee Movie Night: "The Shift;" 6-8 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-561-4099; Love Offering Tribal Belly Dance Class; 6-7 pm; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-383-7979; Fee May 22 Nutrition for Whole Health; 11 am-1 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee Abraham-Hicks Study Group; 10:30-11:30 am; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Love Offering Reiki Circle; Noon-1 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Love Offering May 23 Reiki Essentials; 7 pm; Maitland location; 407-4212165; Love Offering Sunday Celebration; 10:30 am; Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living, Eustis; 352-589-2620; Love Offering

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life


Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra; 3-4:30 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee May 24 Meditation Monday-Part 3 of 3 Part Series; 6:15-7:15 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352874-3272; Fee MAY 25 Exploring Our Channels; 7 pm; commUNITY Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Love Offering MAY 29 Tribal Belly Dance Workshop; 11 am-1 pm; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-383-7979; Fee MAY 30 Psychic House Party; 2 pm; at the home of David Botsford, Psychic, Davenport/Four Corners area; 863-420-3634; Fee JUNE 4 Tribal Belly Dance Class; 6-7 pm; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-383-7979; Fee June 6 Inversions and Arm Balances Workshop; 1-3 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee Slight Shift In Thinking Men's Group; 9-11 am; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-426-2953; Love Offering Slight Shift In Thinking Couple's Group; 7-9 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-426-2953; Love Offering June 7 Meditation Monday-Part 1 of 3 Part Series; 6:15-7:15 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352874-3272; Fee Reiki for Animals Workshop; 9:30 am-12:30 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Fee










































June 9 Getting to Know Your True Self; 6-8 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-250-5447; Fee June 10 Introduction to Kinesiology; 10 am-1 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Fee JUNE 11 Beatles' Yoga; 6:30 pm; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-383-7979; Fee June 12 Taming the Monkey Mind; 12-2 pm; Luna Sol Esoterica, Sanford; 407-392-6870; Fee Ageless Wisdom-Esoteric Workshop; 2-6 pm; commUNITY Center 729, Orlando; 407-284-0225; Fee; Profound teachings on the truth about 2012, esoteric astrology and philosophy Abraham-Hicks Study Group; 10:30-11:30 am; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Love Offering Reiki Circle; Noon-1 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Love Offering June 13 Reiki Essentials; 7 pm; Maitland location; 407421-2165; Love Offering Meditation Monday-Part 2 of 3 Part Series; 6:15-7:15 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee June 14 Yes, You Can Stop Smoking!; 6-8 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-561-4099; Fee June 16 QiGong and Labyrinth Walk; 7 pm; MD Anderson; 407-421-2165; FREE June 17 Yoga for Stress Relief; 5:30-6:45 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee JUNE 18 Tribal Belly Dance Class; 6-7 pm; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-383-7979; Fee June 19 Midsummer Festival & Psychic Fair; 10 am-6 pm; Beltane Ritual at 1 pm; Luna Sol Esoterica, Sanford; 407-392-6870; Most events FREE Summer Solstice Yoga; 9-10:30 am; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee 13th Annual Solstice Celebration; 5-7:30 pm; Yoga Central, Mount Dora; 352-383-7979; Love Offering June 20 Faerie Lore Class; 2-4 pm; Luna Sol Esoterica, Sanford; 407-392-6870; Fee Two Hearts Meditation Group; 7 pm; Maitland location; 407-421-2165; Love Offering

One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. -- George Herbert, Welsh Poet, Orator, Anglican Priest (1593-1633)

Meditation Monday-Part 3 of 3 Part Series; 6:15-7:15 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee Slight Shift In Thinking Men's Group; 9-11 am; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-426-2953; Love Offering Slight Shift In Thinking Couple's Group; 7-9 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-426-2953; Love Offering June 21 Personal Enrichment Meeting; 6-8 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-561-4099; Fee June 22 Understanding Relationships; 1-4 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Fee June 23 Fibromyalgia Support Group; 6-8 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-250-5447; Fee June 25 Ashtanga Yoga Flow; 6:30-8:30 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352-874-3272; Fee Movie Night: "The Shift-Part 2;" 6-8 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-561-4099; Love Offering June 26 Abraham-Hicks Study Group; 10:30-11:30 am; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Love Offering Reiki Circle; Noon-1 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Love Offering Psychic House Party; 2 pm; at the home of David Botsford, Psychic, Davenport/Four Corners area; 863-420-3634; Fee June 27 Reiki Essentials; 7 pm; Maitland location; 407421-2165; Love Offering Open Your Heart Backbending Workshop; 10 am-12 pm; Jeweled Lotus Yoga, Leesburg; 352874-3272; Fee MONDAYS Deep Meditation; 7:30 pm; commUNITY Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Love Offering TUESDAYS Hatha Yoga w/Sue Gaucher; 9:30-10:30 am; Mount Dora Center for the Arts; 561-289-4217;; $8 per class/prepay $25 for 4; gentle, bring mat; first floor gallery Secrets for Releasing Weight; 5:30-7:30 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Fee WEDNESDAYS Hatha Yoga w/Krista Leland; 6:30 pm; Mount Dora Center for the Arts; 407-463-6231/; $8 per class/prepay $25

for 4; gentle, bring mat; first floor gallery Kundalini Yoga; 10:30 am; The Salt Room; 407421-2165; Fee Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation; 7:30 pm; commUNITY Center 729, Orlando; 407-810-7337; Love Offering Big Thinker's Group; 6:30 pm; Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living, Eustis; 352-589-2620; Love Offering THURSDAYS Hatha Yoga w/Sue Gaucher; 9:30-10:30 am; Mount Dora Center for the Arts; 561-289-4217;; $8 per class/prepay $25 for 4; gentle, bring mat; first floor gallery Kundalini Yoga; 6:30 pm; The Salt Room; 407-4212165; Fee Kundalini Yoga; 10 am; Zen Wellness Center; 407421-2165; Fee Meditation; 10-11 am; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Love Offering FRIDAYS Psychic Development; 7:30 pm; commUNITY Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Hatha Yoga; 10-11:30 am; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Fee Detox 101; 12:30-2 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-502-3898; Fee Weekly Nutritional Cleansing; 2-3 pm; Tree of Life Center, The Villages; 352-426-1328; Fee SATURDAYS Gayatri Mantra; 7 am; commUNITY Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Love Offering 407-463-2248 Meditation for Prosperity; 9 am; commUNITY Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Love Offering 407-463-2248 Kabbalistic Meditation; 11 am; commUNITY Center 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Love Offering 407-463-2248 THIRD SUNDAYS Law of Attraction Meeting; 2-4 pm; Casselberry Library;; FREE

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


SUGGESTED READING If you think gourmet meals in crappy little kitchens is an oxymoron, think again! Chef Jennifer Schaertl, in her cookbook debut, brings space-saving techniques and fabulous recipes to the millions of people who are kitchen impaired. At some point we have all may have lived in a place with a crappy little kitchen … maybe our first apartment or even those beloved dorm rooms. And maybe we still don’t have the kitchen we really want. Chef Jennifer Schaertl believes that “cooking in a crappy little kitchen builds character and personality–two attributes of downright delicious gourmet meals.” Learning from her own experiences cooking in a crappy little kitchen in her first tiny apartment in Brooklyn, Jennifer created, Gourmet Meals in Crappy Little Kitchens. Within the pages of this delightful new cookbook, Jennifer shows us how to love our kitchens and create fun and exciting gourmet meals in them. Keep as a reference in your home The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Resource for Healthy Eating by awardwinning author Rebecca Wood. In the introduction to The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia, Rebecca Wood lays out a comprehensive description of nutritional healing. We’ve all been hearing so much about the benefits of whole foods lately and the unhealthy consequences of processed goods—the ones that can live on our shelves for years—but what should we do with this information? How do we take it from our televisions and radios to our kitchen tables? The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia is an invaluable resource to all the wonderful fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats available and what they can do for us and what we can do with them. Eighteen years ago, with the publication of his trademark Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, John Gray, Ph. D. changed our perception of relationships. Sixteen books and 50 million copies later, Dr. Gray advises men and women on the best ways to harness the connection between stress, blood sugar, body fat and behavior to create lifelong passion and better health in Venus On Fire, Mars On Ice: Hormonal Balance—The Key to Life, Love, and

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Energy. Gray's new book provides small steps for super-stimulating the hormones necessary to nourish a vibrant life. He explores how communication, romance, "a superfood diet, super exercise, and super sleep," can be incorporated into any lifestyle, and result in a whole new way of life. Imagine a dream of your dead father as a young boy, standing on the railroad tracks, telling you his story of a neardeath experience when he died on the tracks one day. He tells you of his brief visit to heaven and how he was given an important message to bring back—but he never shared it with anyone during his lifetime! What would you do? This dream actually happened to Brian Chambers, and the entrusted message his father gave him in the dream became the inspiration for Arthur’s Soul Adventure. When Chambers saw young Arthur holding out a dark-covered book to him in the dream, he knew he was looking at the book he had to write! Arthur’s Soul Adventure tells the magical and uplifting story of Chambers’ father who was raised without parents during the Great Depression in Boston, and shares the message that had been entrusted to him long ago. The author adds a delightful touch to each book by offering a green marble, the marble being the symbol that Arthur uses in the story to describe how much the Creator loves us. and he plans to donate proceeds from the sale of the individual marbles to The Home for Little Wanderers in Boston, whose mission is to ensure the healthy emotional, mental and social development of children at risk. Please check out this amazing author’s website at: Did you know that product label claims like "natural" or "hypoallergenic" aren't regulated? "Wrinkle-free," "no iron," or "easy care" often means a fabric was treated with a formaldehyde resin to keep it from wrinkling. Laptop computers use half the energy of a tower and tankless water heaters can save homeowners an estimated 45 to 60% of water heating energy and up to $1,800 a year when compared to standard, minimum efficiency heaters. Just Green It! by husband/wife team Ron and Lisa Beres, eco-experts, founders of and professional speakers

Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

in the green movement, is the ult i m a t e consumer guidebook for navigating the green marketplace; understanding the many greenwashing tactics used by companies and organizations claiming to be green; and choosing environmentally and human friendly products—everything from light bulbs to mattresses to baby food—to live healthier, greener lives. A r n i e Kozak, Ph.D., a psychologist who took the Bodhisattva vows from His Holiness the Dalai Lama offers 108 metaphors for living mindfully in his book, Wild Chickens and Petty Tyrants: 108 Metaphors for Mindfulness. "Metaphors help us to understand the world: they are the workhorse of language and meaning, letting us understand one thing in terms of another and helping us to communicate our understanding to others," says Arnie Kozak, Ph.D. In his book, Kozak shares original metaphors and metaphors drawn from Buddhism to clarify mindfulness and encourage us to practice it even amid internal or external chaos.

f Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


? c i s u ut M

o h t i W e f i L s t'


Single: A Word in the Wind; Al2002 bum: Spirit Pamela and Randy Copus Moves; Artist: 2002; Released: February 24, 2009; Genre: New Age; Label: Galactic Playground Music Pamela and Randy Copus are 2002. Randy Copus plays piano, electric cello, guitar, bass and keyboards. Pamela Copus plays flutes, harp, keyboards and a wind instrument called the WX5. Both musicians also provide all of the vocals on their albums, recording their voices many, many times and layering them to create a virtual celestial choir. A Word in the Wind is a glorious track filled with layers of rich electronics, flighty strings and majestic percussion. Every once in a while, the sound of a Tingsha ever so slightly yet dramatically punctuates the masterpiece. Calming, centering and nurturing is the way to describe A Word in the Wind.

If you're looking for smooth, rich and celestial ambient music, you can't make a mistake with 2002. New Release! Single: Waves of Change; Album: Waves of Change; Artist: Samantha James; Released: February 9, 2010; Genre: Dance; Label: Om Records Samantha James has spent the past several years honing her inestimable skills as a modern-day singer/songwriter within the dance/electronic/soul genre. Her sultry style, vocal cadences, and international rhythms are largely influenced by such artists as Sade, Basia, Amel Larrieux, Bebel Gilberto and Morcheeba. Her debut album is entitled Rise for San Francisco based Indie label Om Records. Samantha James is the granddaughter of Emmy awardwinning composer/conductor David Rose. James’ lyrics resonate with the pain of lost relationships and joy of loving connections. Beautiful, eccentric and soulful, James' music will take you to another place, a place of deep feeling and freedom. Waves of Change's melody is enchanting and the lyrics compelling. James and Waves of Change will scoop you up and take you flying.

Samantha James Om Records •

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Review” issue, December 2003. They were in company on this list with Yanni, Mannheim Steamroller, Jim Brickman, George Winston and Enya.

2002 has charted eight albums on the Billboard Charts in the past ten years. Their album This Moment Now, won the COVR award for Best New Age Album in 2003. 2002 made the list of top new age artists in the Billboard Magazine “Year


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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

Come to life Come and feel the sun (come and feel the sun) Lift your hands in praise Breaking waves of change

Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life


Velocity Magazine | AS ABOVE, SO BELOW | May • June 2010


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Secrets For Living A Magnificent Life

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