True Nourishmant and Purification-Velocity Magazine in Central Florida

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Conscious Evolution Unveiling Ourselves Absolute Vitality TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012 @HiVibeMessages /VelocityMagazine Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012


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Come and be opened to the inspirational journey that will connect us to our Higher Self. This will be a dynamic, uplifting, vibrant, openour-eyes, powerful day. Feel the changes as we create a life of magnificence and experience the radiant source of wisdom that resides within. Then step forward and receive the glow that follows in the realization that we have the power to create the life we choose.

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Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



As a nurse I can talk to you at length about nourishment of the body, but as a practitioner of Religious Science, I can relate invigorating ideas about nourishment of the soul. However, before the soul can receive nourishment, a vital pathway must be cleared of “trinka-trash,” a synonym I use for junk. The ego loves trinka-trash, and collects more and more and more of it to hide in the recesses of our minds. Our business is to identify the mental gyrations that hoard trinka-trash, those mental tricks which keeps one’s pathway so cluttered that recognizing true nourishment (Truth) would be most difficult. Once the pathway is open, cleared of negative judgments, gossip, unfairness, anger, guilt, fear, and all things toxic to the soul, then the mind is ready to accept soul food. The word I used was cleared, not emptied, for no one would ever commence looking for nourishment for the soul if the territory was restricted from occasional outbursts or a wee judgment.

True Nourishment is Available Always BY LOUANNE HEADRICK

To nourish the soul becomes an exercise in gathering. Usually serendipitously, one gathers information that feeds the soul. Often, newly found ideas lead to further reading which leads eventually to changes in our belief system, then to methods of prayer and meditation, and on to exercises, workshops, energetics, bodywork, and to natural and holistic approaches for our daily lives. I sometimes sense, however, that we gather far too long, getting stuck in the gathering which becomes a form of New Age trinka-trash. When we become stuck, we mask the all important act of consolidating our beliefs, being sure of what we intuit, and taking stock of where we are on the journey. At some point, we must move ourselves into our preferred personal practice. The bottom line is daily personal practice. We practice awareness of the Oneness found during the journey. We practice the raising of our consciousness by taking to heart love, gratitude, harmony, kindness, wellness, inspiration and enthusiasm for life. We practice feeding our soul through meditation, prayer, serving others and always affirming the good. Wisdom becomes a frequent visitor. Life is rewarding. Eventually, we shout “Hallelujah” when we realize that along the path, the soul has been fed. The time of intense gathering is over. Growth continues, but we are at peace! Louanne Headrick is a Registered Nurse, past Hospice Nurse and past Staff Development Director, now retired. She is a Signature Member of the Florida Watercolor Society and one its former teachers, a member of the Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living and a long-time student of the work of Ernest Holmes, the founder of Centers for Spiritual Living. She is pursuing her final year as student of Practitioner Studies of Religious Science.


velo c it y • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998






























































VOLUME 36-484









Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012


contributing editors



Julie Norris








1 Contributing Community Editor Julie Norris is manager and co-proprietor of Dandelion Communitea Café, founding board director of the Progressive Local Alliance for Community Enrichment (PLACE) and serves on the boards of Slow Food and Mills Fifty Mainstreet. She’s an avid supporter of the local art, music and food culture, and showcases the diverse people and happenings in ‘Ourlando’ on her weekly radio program, Front Porch Radio. Her passion for community, delicious fair food, the environment and culture are the driving forces behind all her endeavors. More on her ventures: and

2 Contributing Green Editor

Emily Ruff, herbalist, is director of the Florida School of Holistic Living in Orlando, a 501c3 nonprofit educational institution committed to creating sustainable communities by empowering individuals to reclaim their radiant well-being through reconnecting with the natural world.  Emily has studied herbalism on three continents over the past decade and consults individuals on holistic nutrition, herbalism, aromatherapy and flower essences. Contact Emily at FSHL: 407-595-3731. Visit

3 Contributing Health Editor Ramah Wagner, D.C. is a third generation chiropractor with degrees from the University of Iowa and of South Dakota. She received her graduate degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic (the founding college of chiropractic). Watch for Dr. Ramah Wagner’s new book, “The Health of Business - How to Balance Your Life for Greater Return.” Dr. Ramah is available for speaking events and intensives. Visit or call: 352-589-5443.

4 Contributing Success Editor Debbie Paulk is founder of Live Your Passion Life Coaching, a certified life coach, clinical hypnotist, NLP master practitioner, Reiki master and workshop facilitator. For more information about services provided or upcoming workshops, visit her website: or contact Debbie at (407)923-0738.

5 Contributing Spiritual Life Editor Albert J. Nuñez, DVM, CVA is a lifelong mystic and student of spirituality. He has studied and applied many of the profound practices and tenets of Catholicism, Shamanism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Kabbalah, Paganism, Mysticism, Hinduism, Tantra, energy and sound healing, “Shadow Work,” Kundalini Yoga, many forms of meditation, and Qi Gong. A spiritual and cultural musician and recording artist, his first CD is entitled “Earth School Now.” He is an environmental advocate and educator, nature lover, happy hippy tree-hugger, and rescuer of many baby squirrels. He has been practicing fully integrated and wholistic veterinary medicine for almost 20 years, with two Animal Hospitals in the greater Orlando area. Dr. Al is committed to awakening human beings to their highest self. Contact him at 407-897-8555 or visit:


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Velocity Magazine is an independent Central Florida regional publication distributed in more than 1000 locations in Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Volusia, Brevard, Lake, Sumter, Citrus, Hermando, Marion, Alachua and Levy Counties.

Advertising Inquiries 407-454-3443 We Welcome Your Feedback P. O. Box 132, Mount Dora, FL 32756 The Velocity Vision To serve as a catalyst in raising the velocity of mass consciousness as we strive to create a new world that embraces lasting peace, sharing and cooperation. All material contained in this issue ©2011 PKR Communications- Velocity Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without express permission from the publisher. The views expressed in Velocity represent the opinions and beliefs of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of Velocity or its staff. Velocity is not responsible for the contents, products or services represented in any advertisement. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


we can do for our world but what our world can do for us. Every day I am reminded of this simple but powerful truth. It is not just the peaceful feeling from watching our S.A.D.L.E.S. horses, the incredible beauty of the twisted branches of the massive oak trees, or even the sound of wind whistling through the leaves. It is the calm and serenity of nature at its finest.

Nurture Through Nature:

Creating a Healthy Environment


B Y C H E R M Y E R S , L . C . S . W. , M . S . W.

e need to play. We need to connect to the natural world. We need to feel the sun on our face and the wind in our hair. I am speaking of every child, of every age, from the youngest babe to the elders. Connecting to nature and experiencing the natural world is essential for healthy human development, yet it is well documented that children and adults are losing contact with the natural world. As more and more people are living in cities and restricted environments, there is less space and opportunity to experience natural play, natural living and natural health. There are more than 57 million Americans living in homes ruled by condominium, cooperative and homeowners' associations, cites the Community Associations Institute. In Richard Louv's award winning, Last Child In The Woods, he reports that our children are the first generation being raised without having meaningful contact with the natural world. Research from the Natural Wildlife Federation's Be Out There campaign, cites that each day, American children spend an average of more than seven hours in front of electronic media and as little as four to seven minutes in unstructured play outdoors resulting in what Louv calls "nature deficit disorder." Studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle is linked to mental health problems. Natural play and natural learning environments can reduce symptoms of depression and obesity in children, asthma, vitamin D deficiency, Type 2 diabetes and attention deficit disorder, which the Centers for Disease Control says affects as many as 5.4 million U.S. children. Natural environments tap into the awareness of not only what

Connecting people with nature is my passion. Whether through counseling, teaching or riding, nature is awesome for relaxation, confidence, selfesteem, creativity and imagination. This year, we developed relationships with UCF, College of Medicine in our equine project for veterans, with Milestones Charter School and home-schooled children in teaching our "Journey Stones Educational Curriculum." Never has the privilege been more meaningful than working with an individual reaching out. Cher Myers is an advocate in the field of animal assisted therapies and learning. She is a licensed clinical social worker, certified family mediator, certified PATH therapeutic riding instructor, and EAGALA trained mental health practitioner. Cher is the founder of S.A.D.L.E.S, Inc., in Umatilla, Florida. Visit http://sadles. net, email or call 352-669-1012.

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Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



An Auspicious Passageway


This time of year is rich with the birthing of springtime as well as many Christian and Judaic holy days centered around intentional austerity, renewed commitment to our spiritual path, victory over ego, purification of all of our bodies (physical, mental, emotional, psycho-mystical), and the celebration of eternal life. There definitely is a theme woven into our lives at this time of year which we may use for our highest benefit whether we visit a church or spiritual center, or not.

Just living the course of a life on this planet is a rite of purification. We incarnate into a physical form time after countless time most simply so that the Divine We Are may express Itself through us, as us, and there are a myriad of those expressions on planet earth alone! Through that process of Divine expression, It seeks to experience and perhaps even perfect Itself through us, and as each one of us. We have all been and done many things though the aeons of our lifetimes which we may judge as good or bad. None of it is either one. All the experiences we create for ourselves are there to facilitate the process of self-realization. How can we learn anything if we are goody-good all the time? Where is the victory if there is nothing to transform? What is the point in simply going through the motions on the treadmill of "life?" God isn't boring. Last December 28, I received the privilege of being present at the transition of a dear beloved sister of mine. We all called her Grandmother, such a loving, jolly, sometimes stern grandmother she was. For the last more than two years, she battled cancer completely holistically and I feel certain she lived longer and a far better quality of life than if she would have taken the allopathic surgery and chemotherapy route suggested to her. The transition experience was not only as beautiful as the birthing of a baby, it was an auspicious passageway to a new expression of life and certainly not any kind of death with finality. Grandmother had her family from New York packed into her tiny condo visiting for Christmas. She had taken ill a few weeks prior and landed in the E. R. The cancer was now beginning to more aggressively throw her internal systems off balance and Hospice was called in to assist her in her home. Although we all could sense she was approaching the end of her journey here and we were extremely concerned, we were never-


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PURUSHA K. RADHA theless shocked (including Grandmother herself ) when on the morning of December 28, we received a call that she was in the process of transitioning into the Light. Just the day before she was laughing, visiting and watching dvd movies with everyone, upright in her easy chair in the living room. It was her inability to breathe freely that was the catalyst for her passage. It was difficult to witness as she labored for her breath– laying down, being propped up, slinging one leg then two off the side of the bed, sitting up, leaning back–all a part of her movement toward surrender. Grandmother was concerned she had not been victorious over the cancer, that she might have to come back and do it all again. She had not yet surrendered. In her last moments, she was still fighting to overcome it. We sat on her bed and gathered all around to love her all the way through her passage. Though on the surface she seemed to be incoherent only in the last hour or two, it was evident that Grandmother was working on many levels with clarity to make the way clear for her transition. The room became pregnant with the presence of Unseen Beings of Light as she began to let go and slowly leave her physical embodiment. Grandmother turned her head toward many of us and slung her arm over our way. Her hand fell into mine and another's. For the next hour, her closest friend unfailingly smiled, nodded and pointed upwards to signal Grandmother it was okay to go to the Light now. Her eyes began to lose their life and her abdomen stopped rising and falling, but it was all done in peace. Her breaths were spaced further and further apart and it was here that I learned the body can live without breath for longer than I even thought. Her soul vacated her body, but every space in the room was full. She drew her last breath in complete serenity and we quietly remained with her body for a while in love and prayer. For days, I could not forget the vision of the vacant expression on Grandmother's face, most especially her eyes, and one night as it almost haunted me, I heard her voice boom inside of me, "That's not how you should remember me! Remember me this way!" And I saw beautiful Grandmother, alive and smiling once again. She appeared to my son in a dream a few weeks later with a message for me. He said she looked beautiful and younger and had blonde hair. Though she had been concerned she had not conquered the cancer, I have felt that in her last moments of silence and when so much was evidently taking place within the depths of her being, that she did indeed claim her victory. It just doesn't always look like how we think it's supposed to look. Grandmother, I so look forward to the day when I will see you once again–but this time in your outrageous ascended body of Light! • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


Reverse Ruptured Herniated and Bulging Discs Without Surgery! Introducing the Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center

Many people suffer from severe neck and back pain due to ruptured, bulging and herniated discs. As a result of Michelle Hamel’s work, thousands of patients have avoided painful surgery, nerve blocks, and drugs. Michelle Hamel is a licensed neuromuscular therapist and owner of the Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center. She specializes in the non-surgical elimination of disc- and nerve-related pain.

Where does back pain typically come from?

Repetitive motion, accidents, in fact, many of our normal daily activities can lead to back pain.

What causes the back pain?

Between the vertebrae a disc can migrate towards the spinal column and place pressure on a branch of the sciatic nerve. Let’s think about a jelly doughnut. When we bend the jelly doughnut forward the jelly comes out the back. This is similar to what happens with the discs between our vertebrae. When the disc pushes against the nerve, we feel pain. This can occur in the upper, middle and lower back. We all have a tendency to lean forward which causes flexion of the spine. This causes posterior disc migration.

Michelle Hamel has spent 18 years studying the neuromuscular workings of the body and has developed unique soft tissue protocols which reverse bulging, herniated and ruptured discs and the associated pain. Michelle guarantees significant relief after your first visit. Typically, within five to six visits, you will be pain-free. Michelle clearly explains to her clients what actually happens to the body when injury occurs and once healed, educates them on how they can remain pain-free for life. Not only does Michelle work on the inflammation caused by disc or nerve entrapment, she works on the systemic inflammation caused by what we eat, drink and think. She coaches clients with unique detoxification therapies that enhance the body’s healing processes. This detoxification re-establishes healthy lymphatic circulation throughout the body. This helps to resolve many health issues that may interfere with long-term wellness. Michelle Hamel asks that you allow her to be your coach. She will share her secrets to a long and healthy life. She is a licensed massage therapist and neuromuscular massage therapist (#MA0009077), a certified nutritional coach and certified in lymphatic drainage by Teslar Global Technologies Inc. Call Michelle for a guaranteed results appointment today to be free of pain tomorrow at 407-628-2176, email her at and visit Many insurance companies pay for treatment prescribed by physicians. Please see ad below.

What can I do about it?


Michelle’s unique soft tissue protocols can painlessly and quickly return these migrated discs to their normal and correct position. This will re-create your natural structural balance and end the pain cycle.

• Bulging, Ruptured, Herniated Discs • Nerve Entrapment, Pinched Nerve

Here’s how Wally Temple feels about Michelle’s work:

“I began experiencing pain in my right hip and groin area, followed by ever increasing numbness in my right thigh. After visiting my primary care physician, I was referred to one of Orlando's prominent orthopedic clinics. After a couple office visits there, X-rays, MRI, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory drugs, my condition did not improve very much. Fortunately, when mentioning this to a friend who I found had a similar problem in the past, he recommended Michelle Hamel at the Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center. After a consultation with Michelle, and her review of my history on this matter, including radiology reports, Michelle suggested my problem might be a bulging disc, not a hip, groin, leg, or other area problem after all. The pain from those areas was originating at the source of the problem, a bulging disc. During a few weeks of soft tissue treatment by Michelle, my pain subsided and was quickly eliminated. Michelle also guided me in establishing some continuing self-help treatment. I highly recommend Michelle Hamel to anyone with back problems, and/or herniated, bulging, or degenerative disc problems.


Call Today to be Pain-Free Tomorrow.

$25 OFF FIRST VISIT Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center 407-628-2176 291-B Circle Dr., Maitland

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Michelle Hamel LMT, NMT

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



Spring Garden Preparation B Y L E K O M A A K AT E Now that the worst of the cold weather is past for this season, it is time to get your garden ready for spring planting. Most soils in Florida require a regular addition of organic matter. Compost is best. If you are growing with organic methods, do not use a compost with animal manure included. Most animals are fed grains, which are genetically modified and the DNA can transfer into your produce, and you. If you do use animal manure from a source that is grass fed, make sure it is well composted or you could burn your plants. Compost is easy to make yourself. The easiest way is to find a secluded spot in your yard and start piling up leaves, lawn clippings (if not sprayed with pesticides), wood chips and vegetative kitchen scraps. It will compost faster if you turn it once a week, but will probably decompose enough to use in about eight months if left on its own. You can just pile it or build a container with used pallets, concrete blocks, old fence wire, etc. If you live in Orange County, you can get free compost from the waste management sites. You will want to add a one inch layer of compost and mix it with the existing soil before planting. You can also find natural fertilizers to add at this time as well. The compost has live microorganisms which are vitally important to the health of your soil and your plants. If you want an extra boost making a batch of compost tea or garden probiotics will help in many ways.

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To make compost tea in a five gallon bucket, fill about one third with compost (fresh is best) and add water almost to top. Let it steep for three or four days. Pour it though cheese cloth or a screen to strain. Put the solids in the garden or back into the compost pile. Add water to the liquid until the color of weak tea. Pure compost tea is too strong. It will burn plants. The tea can be applied to leaves directly or onto the soil. Make probiotics for your plants similarly to compost tea, except use fruit peelings and scraps. Pineapple skins and cores along with other fruit scraps that have a fairly high sugar content work best. Fill the bucket about two thirds with fruit scraps, fill with water almost to the top and put the lid on lightly, allowing air to escape. Make sure the scraps are under water and not floating above the surface. You may have to push them down daily at first. You should notice bubbles and the water getting cloudy which is fermentation. After about two weeks, strain and apply the liquid to the soil. Add compost two or three times a year. Add tea or probiotics every month or so. Compost, tea and fruit probiotics will help provide nutrients and helpful bacteria to your garden. Your plants will thank you. Lekoma Akate has a Master of Science from Louisiana State University and a Master of Education from the University of New Orleans. He has studied health and nutrition for over 30 years and is currently the owner of SowingLite. Visit and please see ad this page. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

U N V E I L I N G O U R S E LV E S with others are just as important, if not more so, than eating the right thing every day. Thinking in a positive way more than 51% of your day can improve your whole well-being. Thinking positive can make you eat better, feel better about your world, others and yourself. It is purification of your inner being, your spirit. You must strike a balance to avoid over-eating and liking too much of the wrong thing, and to improve your attitude by convincing your will power to maintain a perfect balance. Meditating just five to ten minutes a day about how the Universe is a beautiful place for you to create as much good for yourself as you can, you will nourish what needs nourishment the most. By turning your thoughts to positive things, you can be purified. By feeding yourself with unlimited portions of all the good there is for you in this world, you will be on a fast track to having a healthy body, mind and spirit. It is not all just about that tempting candy bar and what may be good or bad. It is FREE! Simple, Safe and 100% Guaranteed! EAT IT UP AND ENJOY!

“Reverend Timothy’s FREE, Simple, Safe and 100% Guaranteed Diet Plan” B Y R E V. T I M Y E R O

© 2012. All Rights Reserved. Reverend Timothy resides in Homosassa, Florida. He is the CoFounder of New Age Thinkers, a community group of over 300 positive followers. A Vietnam vet and a 30-year business owner, he holds a B. S. degree from Pepperdine University and was formerly a corporate trainer in sales, marketing, and management. He specializes in writing, teaching positive thinking and meditation techniques. Contact Tim at, by calling 954-4644406 or visiting

You should be pleased to know that all good things are NOT bad for us. Aside from all the things we are told about what is and what is not good for us, there is one thing we can have as much as we want and it is... good, nourishing and purely positive thoughts! So go ahead! Gorge yourself with unlimited portions of good and positive thinking. There is more than enough to go around. There's no cooking required and no dishes to wash! We know that luscious looking piece of moist chocolate cake with french vanilla ice cream will do our body no good; that fresh caught lobster tail with a baked potato and loads of melted butter is quite damaging; and that wonderful pasta Alfredo is such a killer .... umm good! You may ask as I have, “Why are so many ‘good’ things so bad for us?” If it is true temptation leads to all things (good and bad), then we should be tempted to focus on nourishing our mind and spirit even more so than food intake. I know (as I am sure you do) people who like to share everything that may be wrong with them–endless stories about all their aches and pains, all their scheduled or past surgeries or how their bathroom habits have been affected by taking certain medicines. How about those who constantly whine about what is wrong with something rather than accomplish the task by putting forth their best effort? These types of people never seem to get better, do they? Perhaps they should go on a radical diet of changing their thought habits? Is this you? I am positive that what my parents said is true–'"You are what you eat." Also just as important is: "You are what you think you are." The vibrations we set up by our constant thoughts and communications

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



Is Local or Organic More Important? BY JULIE NORRIS, CONTRIBUTING COMMUNITY EDITOR Is buying local or organic more important? It depends first on what your definitions of local and organic include. These words used to imply small scale, independent, sustainable, fair, artisan crafted, and heirloom varieties. Nowadays, these words have been stripped of their soul. The term local has no legal definition or any protections against consumer manipulation. One potato chip manufacturer markets their potatoes as local in Florida because of their proximity, regardless of the fact that they operate as a huge industrialized agricultural operation which is the antithesis of what people expect when thinking about a local farm. To legally call a product organic, however, it must be certified by an agent who follows guidelines outlined by the USDA Organic Program. Sometimes a certifying agent will have even more stringent guidelines than those outlined by the USDA Organic Standards. Oregon Tilth is one of those who have higher standards. Many companies who have been in the business a long time feel the USDA standards are too low and refuse to even use the USDA Organic logo as they feel it would degrade the integrity of their product. Certification is necessary in a globalized food economy because there is no connection between the producer and the consumer. We must rely on a third party to ensure that the producer is adhering to standards. Of course, we must stay vigilant about the standards to ensure they are not degraded by powerful big ag interests which has always been a constant battle. As consumer demand for organic swells, it has been infiltrated by powerful interests who want the profitable organic status without fully understanding the ethos. A distinction can be made between certified organic and what I call "relationship organic," which happens when small scale


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growers and producers follow or often exceed organic standards but are not officially certified due to any number of factors including: cost of certification, use of hydroponics (not able to be certified), or simply because the consumer has a relationship with the grower and can discuss what pest-control, fertilization, and other methods are used. Here you rely on your ability to judge character and use personal trust in that farmer whose land you can walk instead of blind trust in a system that you hope works. Either way is a gamble, and unsavory farmers have claimed to be using organic methods when they are not. Let's ask this question again, but in a different way. Would you rather feed your kids: (A) a locally grown strawberry from a medium sized business farm you've never visited that has been grown with pesticides that are known carcinogens; (B) a batch of certified organic strawberries from a big farm trucked in from California; (C) strawberries which were locally grown using organic principles unless there is a major threat, in which case the grower uses the mildest pesticide in the affected area to preserve the entire crop. These are not certified organic since the family farmer who grew them isn't to the scale to go through the certification process and/or has a steady stream of customers who know him personally and has decided to keep the option about selective use of mild pesticides. (D) strawberries you grew yourself in a your own garden. I'm not the one to tell you what the correct choice is for your family, but it is important that you understand your food options at a deeper level so you can make the most informed decision given your circumstances, which may also be influenced by convenience, cost and how you prioritize your time. I will leave you with one final thought–

this one about flavor. On the one hand, choosing local, organic, seasonal and artisan food almost always ensures the best flavor, however let's keep it in our consciousness that our palette cannot distinguish whether or not the health of a farm worker, animal or ecosystem was sacrificed for our momentary pleasure. We must first see and hear for ourselves what has brought some morsel onto our plate so that all of our senses might be delighted in knowing that people, animals and earth were all respected and honored in order to satisfy our hunger. The more connected we are to our food, the more we can be assured of its purity and ability to nourish our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. The most nutritious and delightful meal I can imagine would involve a potluck dinner with friends that included selections out of each of our organic backyard gardens. The produce used would vary in color and variety, uniquely suited for the climate in our area and harvested at the pinnacle of ripeness. These foods would be minimally prepared with love as overseasoning or cooking would detract from the flavor bursting from nature. We would relish the company, delight in the diversity of food our friends passionately grew for this special occasion, and the discussion would contain ooh’s and ahh’s as we each sampled each others harvest. It might include some farmers market or natural food store purchases like artisan organic tempeh, local raw goat cheese, fair trade organic rice and domestic organic olive oil and wine to round it out. This is true nourishment. Julie Norris, consultant, writer, adventurer and ecopreneur is co-proprietor of Dandelion Communitea Café, co-founder of the Progressive Local Alliance for Community Enrichment (PLACE) and serves on the board of Slow Food Orlando. She’s the host of Front Porch Radio and blogs about natural parenting. More on her ventures at http://dandelioncommunitea. com,, http://ourlando. org, and http://gaiamama. net. See ad next page. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

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Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



“What is the purpose of Chinese Medicine?” Dr. Yaron Seidman asked both students and practitioners in a recent webinar. While a seemingly easy question, not a single participant knew the true answer. The purpose of Chinese medicine is not to treat disease or alleviate symptoms. “The purpose of Chinese medicine is to nourish life.”

In ancient Chinese culture, many people lived to be over 100 years old. With modern medicine and the invention of many life-saving procedures, why are we not living as long? The reason is that we fail to nourish life. Ancient peoples knew how to live in harmony with nature and their surroundings. They knew the appropriate foods to eat for each season, and they knew which herbs to take to enhance longevity and preserve life. They also knew how to preserve Qi and Yang (the energetic forces of life) through Qi Gong and adequate rest. While Chinese medicine is used to identify pathology and treat patterns of disease, most importantly, it is a way of life. Health is not seen as the mere absence of disease, but the culmination of our mind, body and spirit’s interaction with our environment. To be in an optimal state of health we need to maintain a proper balance of activity and rest, mental stimulation and meditation, proper diet and adequate time for digestion. Living in harmony with nature is what defines true health. We receive nourishment from air, water and food. The quality of the air we breathe and the source of the water we drink affects the ways in which our cells are oxygenated and hydrated. The ways in which we prepare, cook and eat our food will make an impact on how it is digested and absorbed in the body. Taking the time to sit down and properly chew our food in a relaxed environment is essential to maintaining optimal digestive function.


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Nourishing Life While many practitioners are successfully treating disease and relieving symptoms, they are not truly practicing Chinese medicine if they do not focus on nourishing the patient’s life. The superior physician does not treat disease; the superior physician predicts future

illness and educates the patient about ways in which they can prevent disease before it manifests. Many of us do not worry about our

health until we have symptoms or become diagnosed with a disease. We tend to only seek out treatment when disease has already manifested and we are suffering. Doesn’t it make more sense to take care of our health and prevent disease now to avoid contracting illness in the future? It’s time we start thinking of the most important but often forgotten aspect of health–nourishing life. Stephanie Irzyk, DOM, AP (NCCAOM) graduated Suma Cum Laude with a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine and Bachelor of Science in Professional Health Studies from the Florida College of Integrative Medicine. She has completed advanced certifications and extensive study in Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis and Contemporary Oriental Medicine®. Stephanie focuses on incorporating the knowledge of Classical Chinese Medicine with a contemporary approach to cater to the needs of our industrialized society. She also utilizes her knowledge of Classical Chinese Herbology to prescribe the most powerful herbal formulas individualized to each patient’s unique condition. Please see ad this page. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

GIVES GADGET GURUS A REASON TO GO GREEN Guzu launches eco-friendly electronics recycling program created to green your wallet and your world

As you are digging through your closets this spring cleaning season, don’t forget to check hidden places where your old gadgets and gizmos are hiding! Presently, there are over three billion consumer electronics in homes all across America and most likely, the non-working cell phones, gaming units, laptops and other out-dated electronics are lurking deep in the back of your junk drawer or hogging up space in your basement. These abandoned electronics go untouched and often are not recycled properly and end up in landfills, adding to the already three million tons of ewaste getting dumped each year.


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National consumer electronics recycling program,, is reminding spring cleaners that old clothes and shoes are NOT the only thing that needs spring cleaning. Gadgets need recycling, too! Consider including in a roundup of green or electronics spring cleaning tips. pays consumers cash for their old electronics and then recycles them to the highest extent possible. On top of putting green in consumers’ wallets, and helping to keep electronics out of landfills, Guzu is also making the world a greener place and partnered with American Forests to plant a tree for every transaction completed. For example, Guzu offers $200 for a used/working iPhone 4 and $80 for a broken one. Along with this transaction, a tree is planted on behalf of the consumer. Regardless of whether your order has value or not, Guzu will still recycle it, plant a tree and cover the shipping of the electronic, no matter how clunky it is. At Guzu, “eco-friendly” comes in many shades of green–green for your wallet, green for industry, and green for the environment. Guzu's unique value proposition allows consumers to sell their used electronics for cash, while supplying the Consumer Electronics Industry with recycled parts, which help to sustain the secondary market.

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EMDR: A Rapid End to the Cycle of Distress BY DR. LINDA ROBERTSON Cynthia has experienced depression and anxiety since a childhood trauma. Logically, she knows she is safe now. Emotionally, she feels out of control. Her emotional distress negatively affects her life and relationships. In counseling, Cynthia’s eyes follow a light moving across a bar as she focuses on the abuse. She briefly re-experiences the emotions she felt then–and they are gone. She remembers events she had forgotten and things begin to make sense. Positive thoughts come to mind and she realizes new things about herself. After several sessions, Cynthia still remembers what happened, but she doesn’t feel the emotional pain she has struggled with for years. She feels like “a burden has been lifted” and her symptoms have significantly reduced. Cynthia’s story is typical of EMDR. Ask people if they know about EMDR and many will say “Well…I’ve heard of it…” What is this new therapy that has gained attention in the media and popular culture? Well…it’s not a fad. EMDR is supported by a growing body of research for treating trauma, depression, and anxiety and is endorsed by organizations, such as the VA, FBI, Red Cross, and the American Psychological Association. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. The brain processes disturbing experiences differently than normal events, so when a trauma occurs, the memories become “frozen in time.” They are often re-experienced and continue to influ-


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ence a person’s well-being. But trauma doesn’t only involve physical harm. Any situation that makes us feel helpless, afraid, or alone can be traumatic and can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, or other psychological problems. EMDR addresses cognitions, emotions, and sensations through imagery, mindfulness, free association, and exposure. A unique component of treatment involves bilateral stimulation, which activates the “whole” brain by using eye movements or pulses that alternate attention (i.e., left-right-left). As stimulation is applied, the client focuses on images and negative thoughts associated with the event.

Ultimately, the frozen memory becomes naturally integrated into the brain and distressing emotions are released. Frequently, symptoms reduce or cease altogether. During a session, the client is awake and in total control. The brain processes the memories and the client simply observes and reports what comes to mind. If distress is experienced, it generally lasts a few minutes and then decreases rapidly. The number of sessions depends on the client’s history, the problem, and the duration of the distressing situation. Typically, processing takes between three to nine sessions and results are maintained.

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The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. ~C.C. Scott

EMDR is not a panacea. It can’t “cure” everything, however ongoing research supports it for severing emotional distress from painful memories and reducing symptoms that compromise mental health. Dr. Linda Robertson owns the Bodhi Tree Counseling Services in Oviedo, where she provides mental health counseling. She is a published author and adjunct professor of counseling at UCF and Rollins College. Dr. Robertson’s research interests are in spirituality and her specialty areas in counseling include depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, spirituality, and pain management. She uses cognitive-behavioral and EMDR techniques to help her clients overcome debilitating symptoms and reconnect with their inner wisdom. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


the archetypes of the chakras



The seven main energy centers in our subtle body called chakras can manifest different role models or "archetypes." By definition, an archetype is a figure or prototype that serves as a representation to identify something or someone. An archetype can surface in our personality to express qualities, unique traits or habits of the energy of each chakra either in dysfunctional or functional ways. Looking closely at past and present behaviors and life patterns can motivate us to embrace more functional and constructive archetypes for transformation and evolution in consciousness. It is the process of transitioning from the dysfunctional/shadow aspects to the functional/ light attributes that moves us in the right direction to heal and develop each chakra to its fullest potential. Functional archetypes can serve as a compass that facilitate our sense of responsibility to discover self and access our highest Divine Purpose. 1. ROOT CHAKRA Dysfunctional Archetype: The Victim The Victim experiences life's challenges as if she has no control over her circumstances. She seldom recognizes responsibility for the consequences of her actions and feels constantly helpless and in fear. Functional Archetype: The Mother The qualities of the Mother are nourishment, sensitivity and self-caring. The Mother assumes responsibility for her own well-being. 2. SACRAL CHAKRA Dysfunctional Archetype: The Martyr The Martyr denies happiness in life. He lets his energy drain by always sacrificing for and seeking the approval of others and uses guilt to get his own way. Functional Archetype: The Empress/Emperor This archetype is empowered and liberated. These are able to release toxic emotions like resentment and frustration, no longer holding others accountable for their suffering. 3. SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA Dysfunctional Archetype: The Servant

The Servant becomes depleted by a submissive role or vulnerable to the influences of others. The Servant prefers to maintain a low profile and can be easily manipulated. Functional Archetype: The Warrior Staying committed to living fully in personal power enhances the Warrior’s ability to maintain this chakra shining with vitality and strength. 4. HEART CHAKRA Dysfunctional: The Actor/Actress The Actor pretends to love or to not need love by maintaining a safe distance from others. The Actor will actually find ways to find someone that could facilitate heart healing, but he will eventually hinder this attempt as he finds it too risky to love with an open heart. Functional Archetype: The Lover The Lover's approach to life comes from a space of love even during challenging times. The Lover learns that all obstacles teach us about love.

6. THIRD EYE CHAKRA Dysfunctional Archetype: The Intellectual This is the house of discernment and wisdom. This archetype suppresses feelings and reactions from the creative right brain and overengages the intellect (the left side of the brain) in order to understand the world. She finds comfort in achieving, conquering and being right, creating anxiety and exhaustion. Functional Archetype: The Intuitive This archetype has mastered deep trust in accessing inner wisdom. The Intuitive has developed inner sight, clairvoyance or clairaudient abilities. 7. CROWN CHAKRA Dysfunctional Archetype: The Egotist The Egotist has narcissistic, judgmental and arrogant tendencies and rejects others for their imperfections. Feeling isolated and disconnected from his Higher Self. the egotist is only driven by ego. Functional Archetype: The Guru To access the qualities of the Guru we must release all other archetypes. The Guru represents the ultimate mastery of spiritual development. Their growing spirituality is not only about individual enlightenment but also about collective enlightenment. The Guru overcomes judgment, duality and criticism. She confidently acknowledges that the purpose of life is to break free from the illusion of separation and to evolve into Unity to Higher levels of consciousness.

5. THROAT CHAKRA Dysfunctional Archetypes: The Silent Child and the Liar Through this chakra we express our Truth. The Silent Child becomes mute as a result of shame and hurt. The Liar relies on lies to cover it all up. Both direcViviana Collazo, Director tions become defense E-RYT-500, Rev., Reiki Master/Teacher mechanisms to hide a true sense of self. & Functional Archetype: Energy Healing The Communicator • 200-hr. Yoga Teacher Training When we find the courReiki Certification • • Prenatal Yoga Certification age to free ourselves Energy Balancing • • Restoration Yoga from the Silent Child Magnified Healing • • Thai Yoga or the Liar, our commuAngel Therapy • • Retreats nication and creativity Spiritual Counseling • • Workshops becomes clear, effecRegressions • tive, and assertive. He Time Line Therapy • Register for our next 200 Yoga Teacher Training Chakra Seminars • understands that words Semester that begins February 1, 2012 have power of inten-

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the spring, to intensive themselves of the toxlated during the year. clean the liver and sometimes we need to cation as well.

a lot of people turn detoxification to rid ins they have accumuThese are great. They lymphatic system, but do a spiritual detoxifi-


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spiritual detox? Tradito an ashram or on a pure foods and medinot so practical in our leave our jobs, bills, however there is a way ting the spirit” and it is ple think. It involves a full body detoxifica(seat of anger), kidney ety) and the lymphatic are stored)

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B Y D AW N G AT E S The spiritual detoxification can take place during the physical detoxification or right after. It involves going out in nature, somewhere where there are not a lot of people and meditating for as long as you can. While meditating, I recommend journaling whatever pops up in your head (which releases it). Once the mental and spiritual obstacles are on paper, then listen to the natural sounds that surround you and try to connect with the peace that brings

If I have clients who are spiritually blocked, I sometimes bring them to my forest where I have them sit and meditate to help them remove the energy blocks. I bring them a pitcher of my spiritual detoxification tea to drink and there they will jot down their experience in a journal. This experience allows them to not only meditate and rest but to reset their spiritual connections. I once had a client who was a minister who endured some personal tragedies that actually made him question God and his spirituality. I did the normal herbal consult, but I also had him do a “resetting of the spirit” detoxification. I invited him to my forest glade where I had placed some candles, incense, a table and a chair. After about four hours of meditating, the minister came back up to the house with tears in his eyes. He had, at first, journaled his frustration at having had to experience his personal tragedies, but halfway through the experience he started hearing the birds and the wind in the trees and then he said he heard God talking to him through the tall pines. It was a very powerful experience for him and I felt honored to be a part of it with him Sometimes all it takes is for us to hit the reset button is to stop and reconnect with the divine. So do a full body detoxification this spring if you need to, but find time to go outside, sit under some trees and purify the spirit. Dawn Gates, Master Herbalist, aromatherapist, flower essence and gemstone elixir practitioner, has studied natural healing for 18 years. She has herb and aromatherapy consulting offices in Paisley, Deland and Orlando, Florida. Her school, The Live Oak School of Natural Healing, offers herbalist certification courses both in classroom and online. Visit: or call for a consult. In Lake County, call 352-669-1963 and in the Orlando region, call 407-967-6042. Please see Dawn’s ad this page. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


BY COLLEEN GORDON Do all dogs go to Heaven? The loss of a pet can be devastating, especially if the answer to that question is unclear to the one grieving over a loss. Our pets love us, and bring a peace and wonderful quality that is unmistakeable to our lives. When they cross the Rainbow Bridge, it can leave us feeling terribly empty and sad over their loss. In a recent pet communication, an older dog shared how much she loved her owner, and how happy she has always been. She knew that her body was changing, but was perfectly accepting of the process of aging. Animals accept everything about moving on. For our pets, moving from one physical world back to God's Heaven is just like walking out the back door into the yard. This is a seamless transition and it feels completely natural to them. Animals have a stronger connection to the spirit world than we do. They have an awareness of the guides that surround and help each of us. And when it is their time to cross over, they are not afraid, the way people fear dying. Animals have a special connection to the Infinite Light and each of them have a purpose, just as each of us do as well. Our pets are especially important to the mission in our lives. They are a source and example of unconditional love. Every pet owner can reflect on a time that an animal has made a significant positive difference in his life. Pets give us many examples and opportunities to learn patience and kindness throughout their lifetime. Think of all the easy and difficult times you have had as a pet owner. The happy playful times when your kitten first discovered the piece of string you dragged across the floor, the concern you had the day you almost lost your dog, or the time you spent on the kitchen floor overnight after your pet's surgery. These are the times, the good and the bad, that we learn to love uncondi-

tionally, the way our pets love us. Yes, all dogs go to Heaven. And so do cats, horses, zebras, lions, lambs and all other creatures great and small. The pets you loved will be there waiting to great you someday. It would not be Heaven without them. Sources:, pet-loss. net, ©2011 Healing For Pets and the Special People Who Love Them. All rights reserved. Content may be reproduced in whole by special permission of author. *We recommend that all health issues be discussed with your veterinarian, and that your pet has a thorough examination by a qualified veterinarian. Colleen Gordon has been helping pets and owners with behavior and health issues since 2000. If you have questions or just want to listen to other pet owners’ concerns, check out Colleen’s radio show on Sundays from 1-2 p.m. on Leesburg’s AM790. Call in to 352-787-9523 and Colleen Gordon of All Paws Pet Talk will answer your questions. Colleen is a pet communicator, pet Reiki/massage therapist and herbalist. She is president and founder of Healing For Pets and is committed to improving the health and the lives of pets and their owners. Visit http:// or email Call 407446-4315 and please see ad this page..

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Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012




h appens so quickly. We think of an image, and immediately go into the next image. Sometimes, multiple simultaneous images occur. There is no pause, no time spent on absorbing what we just thought. Our world operates at lightening speed, and it has molded us into being fast thinkers, using the left thinking side of the brain, without even a pause for a breath. Quick. Quick. What’s next? If you were to consider the concept that thoughts have energy, that words increase that energy, and our body language increases that energy, can you imagine the strength of the language that is being conveyed to animals? Let’s take this one step further and consider that animals are our largest form of validation, some species responding instantly, of the thoughts that we transfer and project to other beings.

The Power of Mental Image BY JO MALDONADO

I was working with a couple who had undergone a frightening dog fight within their own family’s pack of seven dogs. The fight ended with the injury of one of the dogs as well as the person who tried to stop the incident. In my work, I help people shift their energy addressing the subconscious, the area of the mind that holds unaddressed issues, the area that has not yet come to terms with the trauma and which must be balanced. Observing the body language of both the animals and the humans involved, and taking notes when listening to the specifics of the incident, I began to take the couple through the steps of hypnotic suggestions. At this point, all seven dogs were in other parts of the house in separate crates. With this technique, we relaxed the body, opened the mind using the right intuitive side of the brain, and projected into an ideal future. When I took them into the future, I had them visualize all seven dogs being in front of them all at the same time, in a relaxed, calm atmosphere. Instantly, all seven dogs began howling, barking and causing significant noise with obvious concern. I had to stop the session. Proof was absolutely remarkable. Even though this couple was working very hard at physically rebalancing their household, the scene from that terrible evening of the attack was subconsciously very prevalent. We have more work to do. Our close genetic partners, apes, are probably the most instantaneous validators of our thoughts. There is no guessing about their body language when they react to what we are thinking or saying what we are thinking. On my last visit to the ape sanctuary, I was conveying the information I was receiving from each ape to the director of the facility. Each ape we visited had undergone severe past physical and emotional abuse from his or her previous human caretakers. Upon our first approach, they were curious and relaxed. They meandered over to us observing with curiosity. As soon as I began to convey information I intuitively received about their past to the director, each ape would leave quickly, even immediately, some changing their body language, some making sounds indicating they objected. It happened over and over again. On our fourth visit with the fourth ape, I decided to just listen and receive the information and engage in a mental conversation rather than giving additional energy to it by relating the story to the director. Each time I visit with an animal and its human, the same thing happens. There are so many stories that I could never have time to tell or paper to document. Why is this important to know you may think? What if you are not even fond of animals? It is important because these stories illustrate that the images in your mind hold energy which affects your body. When you pay attention to the animal responses around you, you will have a better clue about whether you need more work on your own personal centering. I just use animals to point that out to people. Jo Maldonado is an animal reader and offers her services privately and to groups and organizations. More information is available at Jo is the facilitator and founder of Centers for Animal Therapies/C.A.T., an educational program that offers studies on the intuitive, energetic and behavioral aspects of animals. More information is available on Jo can be reached at or by calling 386-279-0257. Please see ad this page.


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r u O g in h s t e r v i l e B S c i t n e Auth ER BY K






we allow ourselves to feel sadness, grief, and shame. We cannot selectively numb feelings we don’t want and expect to have access to the ones we do. Ultimately, I am continually reminded that we aren’t here to be perfect. We are here to be whole and ignoring our shadow only keeps us half-hearted. We have the opportunity to be honest with ourselves about genuine emotions…let them flow with ease so they can pass through and we can experience the authenticity of the human experience. Contrary to popular belief, love and worth are not realities we earn. Rather, they are divine rights that belong to us simply because we were born. The truth is that we have always been worthy and we're just working to remember these truths. While we walk through the peaks and valleys of our human journeys, may we remember to be gentle and breathe deeply and intentionally as we welcome our beautiful bundle of joy. Congratulations…it’s your authentic self! Keri Nola, MA, LMHC, holds a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Central Florida and is licensed by the Florida Department of Health (MH9466) to provide psychotherapy services. She is a Neurofeedback Trainer, a Certified Crisis Responder (CCR), an EMDR Institute trained clinician and has significant training in Clinical Sex Therapy. Keri is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Holistic Theology from the American

Institute of Holistic Theology. Please see Keri's ad this page.

irthing our authentic selves, much like childbirth, can be B a laborious and painful process, yet we are each pregnant with a divine purpose and the gifts to realize our potential. Now

more than ever, we are being called to assist in raising the vibration of our planet by moving through layer upon layer of experiences that have had us falsely questioning our worth and lovability. The challenge is that we have allowed our lights to dim as many of us have spent years hiding our humanness behind masks of perfection and we’ve lost a sense of our authentic selves in all the inner chaos and clutter. Looking back over my own life, I realize the numerous decisions I made as a result of my addiction to approval…avoiding authenticity and vulnerability for fear of being undesirable to others. Over time, I became exhausted by this performance and realized that my debt to the bank of authenticity was more than I was willing to pay so I began to get curious about my options for a more genuine and wholehearted experience. How could I begin to pay back my debt to the bank of authenticity and get back in the black? What would get my inner flame reignited so I could rediscover the path to my purpose?

What I am realizing as I am journeying on this road is that we have to be willing to “Get real to heal,” as I lovingly call it. I’ve discovered that we can only experience as much joy and peace as


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SELFLESS MOTHERING y daughter was 14 at the time, and I was watching a birth show


on television. A woman was in the pushing stage of labor. Her

lower body completely covered in blue sterile drapes, she wore an oxygen mask, and was attached to an intravenous supply and a number of other tubes. As my daughter walked through the room she casually remarked, “No wonder women are afraid of giving birth!” Out of the mouth of babes…

Birthing is a Blissful Event

This was not a high risk birth. She witnessed a normal, natural process women are designed to do, being turned into a scary, highly medicalized event. As I watched a couple of birth shows recently, I was horrified by the narrative being played: “Will this normally cool, collected mother be able to keep it together? The story of a painful delivery.” “The pain is really insane.” “The pain is really unbearable at this point.” These beautiful, normal, natural births in the hospital setting were turned into what the narrators would lead you to believe was an act of absolute torture. Logically, many people could say, “That’s just media wanting to sell their programs through drama and fear,” yet that fact isn’t typically foremost in a pregnant woman’s mind as she watches these shows looking for guidance and education. Most importantly, we’re in a hypnotic state while engrossed in a television show. All of the sounds and images manipulated by negative, fearful narratives are embedded powerfully into the subconscious mind. Add to that the obsession most people possess to tell pregnant ladies birth horror stories while insisting that she won’t be able to handle labor. It's completely inappropriate under all circumstances. These stories, images, and limiting belief structures that are being passed down to our daughters concerns me. How different it would be if the narrator in the first program focused on the helpfulness of water birth to provide relaxation and the look of absolute joy on the mother’s face as she brought her baby into her arms. In the second program, the father helps the midwife bring his baby daughter into the world and places her upon his wife’s belly. This mother then exclaims, “I am feeling complete bliss!” Imagine if the narrator had prompted instead, “The story of a blissful birth,” focusing on that versus the pain?


Michelle A. Smith, CHt, HBCE, CHCI, HBFC, CCA is a practicing staff member of the Hypnotic Research Society, Inc., and the founder/director of Birth Ease and The Birth Ease Method. Since 2001, Michelle has been assisting women, babies and families through a sub-specialization in childbirth and fertility hypnosis. Her clinical expertise is enhanced in her years of experience as a midwifery birth assistant, doula and as a childbirth, lactation and parent educator. Michelle’s dual knowledge base in both birth and hypnosis provides her clients with the distinct advantage of a well-trained, practicing clinical hypnotist, as well as the assurance of a professional birth attendant and educator who has assisted at hundreds of births. Please see ad previous page.

HypnoBirthing provides powerful techniques to help women release fears and negative programming they’ve received, allowing them to believe in themselves and their intrinsic ability to birth their babies. It gives women tools to create a relaxation habit within their mind and bodies that they can use during their pregnancy, birthing and beyond. Ideally, it imprints their babies with this knowing from the moment they’re born.

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



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ACUPUNCTURE Florida College of Integrative Medicine; Gale Springer, Director of Admissions; 7100 Lake Ellenor Dr, Orlando, FL 32809; 407-888-8689, ext. 15;;

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Dawn Bone, BA, LMT, NCBTMB; 4131 N. W. 28 Lane, Ste. 5, Gainesville, FL 32606; 352-2622884; Fax 352-373-1241; dbonelmt@yahoo. com

HYPNOBIRTHING Birth Ease; Michelle Smith; 407-791-7989;; http://BirthEaseBabies. com; HypnoBirthing for Fertility and Childbirth, Doula Services, Clinical and Regressive Hypnosis

New Direction Natural Medicine; Stephanie Irzyk, AP, DOM; 409 Montgomery Rd., Ste. 161, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714; 407-353-2018;;

ENERGY MEDICINE Light and Sound Therapy at Biostimulation Institute of Light and Sound; VIE; 2295 S. Hiawassee Rd., Ste. 207, #10, Orlando, FL 32819 ; 407-902-7199; biostimulationinstitute@; http://InstituteofLightandSound. com

INTUITIVE READINGS 4 Corners Intuitive; David Botsford; 109 Ambersweet Way, # 111, Davenport, FL 33897; 863-420-3634; davidbotsford@gmail. com;

A Abundant Health Holistic Center; Solara Attatharya, DOM, AP, DNBHE; 2200 S. Bay St., Ste. B, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-365-4325;; BOUTIQUES, BOOKS, GIFTS Soul Essentials of Ocala-PEACE, LOVE, & LIGHT!; Jennifer Burke; 805 E. Fort King St., Ocala, FL 34471 Store: 352-236-7000;; CHILDBIRTHING (NATURAL) Birth Ease; Michelle Smith; 407-791-7989;; HypnoBirthing for Fertility and Childbirth, Doula Services, Clinical and Regressive Hypnosis; CHIROPRACTIC Wagner Chiropractic; Ramah Wagner, D. C., 2755 S. Bay St., Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-5443; COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS Florida College of Integrative Medicine; Gale L. Springer, Director of Admissions; 7100 Lake Ellenor Drive, Orlando, FL 32809; 407-888-8689 ext. 15;; COLON CLEANSING Times of Refreshing; Kristi M. Foret LMT, CT (MA0022943/MM16202); 352-348-1266 ; In the offices of Tavares Family Chiropractic: 915 E. Alfred St., Tavares, FL 32778; Kristilove04@; CONFLICT RESOLUTION Alternate Pathways Outreach; Diane J. Ackerman; 315 E. Maud St., Tavares, FL 32778; 352-343-3380;;


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FENG SHUI Kara Cox, Feng Shui Practitioner and Realtor; EXIT REALTY, TRI-COUNTY, Mount Dora, Florida; 352-360-8900; HEALING BODY, MIND AND SOUL Concept-Therapy Institute; For local study group, contact Ray Cormany or Karen Herchen in Leesburg, FL 34788; 352-253-9316; HEALING SEMINARS Initiation Healing®; Ojela Frank; P. O. Box 70, Silver Springs, FL 34489; 352-239-9272;; HEALTH FOOD Living Towers: Hydroponic Farm; Jan Young; 19621 Lake Lincoln Lane, Eustis, FL 32736; 352-357-6979; HOLISTIC LIVING EDUCATION All About Art - Artful Living Center; Donna D’Amato; 5162 S. E. Abshier Blvd., Belleview; 352-307-9774 Luminous Holistic Center; Viviana Collazo; in Southwest Orlando 32836: 407-760-0399; Florida School of Holistic Living; Emily Ruff; 1109 E. Concord St., Orlando, FL 32803; 407-595-3731;

Moon Astrology Readings by Raven Moondance; by phone or in person; Gainesville, Florida; 352-372-8594; White Wings Foundation; Susan Z. Rich; 155 Crown Point Circle, Longwood, FL 32779; 407-862-6902;; MASSAGE Laura Painter, LMT (MA51773); Altamonte Springs, FL; 407-421-2165 Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center, Michelle Hamel (MA0009077); 291-B Circle Drive, Maitland, FL 32701; 407-628-2176; mhamel1@ embarqmailcom; MINISTERIAL ORDINATION PROGRAMS Sacred Earth Center Chapel and Healing Center; Rev. Sunemaura O'Brien; 3131 N. W. 13 St., #41, #42, and #51, Gainesville, FL 32605; 352-275-8537;; MOVERS-RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS A Better Price and Service Moving and Delivery; George Barton; 929 Northshore Drive, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-6683 (352-589-MOVE); NEURO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING (NLP) Chris Bawiec, NLP Master Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotist, Life Coach, Reiki Master; Central Florida-Winter Park, FL 32789; 407-462-9998;; NUMEROLOGY Bobbie Roberts; The Villages, FL 32159; 352-205-6056 • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

a quick and easy way to find support for creating your magnificent life!


PET THERAPY AND COMMUNICATION; Colleen Gordon; 407-446-4315; REAL ESTATE Kara Cox, Realtor and Feng Shui Practitioner EXIT REALTY, TRI-COUNTY, Mount Dora, Florida; 352-360-8900;; REFLEXOLOGY Integrated Reflexology and Massage; Traditional Chinese and Thai Reflexology, integrated with massage. Shayla Blalock, NCR540046-07 LMT51495; Gainesville, FL; 352-871-1944;; $50 per hr. RETREATS Half Moon Retreat; Donna Weinheimer; 352-394-7388; 5550 Empire Church Road, Groveland, FL 34736;; SPIRITUAL CENTERS Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living (Science of Mind); 2130A Prevatt St, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-2620; commUNITY 729; Trish Roddis; 729 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL 32803; 407-463-2248 Unity Leesburg; 826 E. Dixie Ave., Leesburg, FL 34748; 352-787-0834; THETA HEALING Theta Healing with Michelle Orwick; 1412 Trovillion Ave., Winter Park, FL 32789; 407-729-1088; YOGA Shine On Yoga; 619 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL 32803; 407 6014394;


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Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012




“Eventually you will have to put that child down!” I don’t know how many people have told me that as they have seen either of my children content, and possibly sleeping, in their Ergo Baby Carrier (my preferred method of carry). My other favorite one is, “Oh, I didn’t realize you held them when they sleep, too!” (great for socializing during naptime, bedtime, or even quick trips into the store). Dr. Ashley Montagu, researcher and professor, expressed the theory in his book, Touching–The Human Significance of the Skin, that humans are actually meant to be like marsupials, carrying their young outside the womb for another nine months after birth. I thought this was quite interesting when I first learned of it. I considered my own experience as a mom and found that by about the end of the ninth month, postpartum, my children did actually turn a corner of independence on their own. Dr. Montagu was also the predecessor to what we know as ‘kangaroo care,’ or in fad terms, 'babywearing.' Babywearing, in fact, has been around for the age of time. If you think about moms in developing countries, babies are strapped to their backs while the moms do their work, or nursing at the breast in their sling as mom prepares the meals. In juxtaposition, when we think about moms in our own country, we might think of the infant car seat/ carrier cutting off the circulation of mom’s forearm as she thigh-bumps her baby from parking lot to store, where she then hefts the car seat into the shopping cart and away they go. This way the child can continue sleeping, the argument goes. Kangaroo care is skin-to-skin contact between baby and mom (or dad). Kangaroo care has saved babies' lives. In a South American nursery, the regimen was to follow the American way of separating baby from parent and bringing baby to the nursery. This hospital had an alarmingly high rate of infant death due to this practice. They decided to try something new, something old really, and began strapping the infants to the parents' chests. After this practice was implemented, they had a 99% rate of LIFE.

Aree Pearlman The Bradley Method™ Natural Childbirth Instructor Labor Support Professional (Doula) 704-200-0183 Gentle Hands


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Gentle Heart

Gentle Birth

So is spoiling the child when we hold them, keeping them positively attached (see Attachment Parenting Theory), or are we perhaps creating some dangerous tendencies by distancing ourselves from those dependent, vulnerable souls whose care we are charged with? Aree Pearlman is a Bradley Method Natural Childbirth instructor and birth doula (labor support professional). She has home-birthed two beautiful children and is an advocate of parents’ rights and responsibilities. Look for more information about birthing the Bradley Way in upcoming Velocity issues. Contact Aree at 704-2000183 or for class information. Also, find her on the web at and please see ad this page. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998 Part-Time Service Can Yield Full-Time Income with an Organization that is in Alignment with Your Core Values and Beliefs! AD SALES HELP DESIRED

Work free-lance for Velocity Magazine and earn very generous commissions. Work from your own home on your telephone and by email. Additional perks offered. Consistent hours rather than long hours will bring great success and a very nice full-time or supplemental income even if working only part-time. Please only respond to the Publisher if you have successful sales experience, are a self-starter, understand that sales is really about education, truly enjoy making many new friends, and will always place the best interests of the customer as top priority. Shift your year into high velocity and call Purusha Radha at 407454-3443.

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Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



metaphorical digestion BY DAV I D B OTS F O R D A hypnotist has to give clients the impression that his own life is sorted out. This proved rather difficult when, over the past three years, my weight massively increased to the point that my health was endangered. One night, in a vivid dream, one man shot me through the heart with a handgun and another attacked me with a machete to finish the job. Was my unconscious mind telling me that my heart was doing just fine and dandy? Probably not. Urgently needing to lose weight, I went for a seven-day panchakarma (Ayurvedic detox) at Rasayana Cove, an Ayurvedic retreat in central Florida. Ayurveda is the traditional folk medicine of India. Effective digestion is central to Ayurveda. It means processing all the experiences and emotions of life, not just physical food. “Digestion is the process by which we break down what is coming in from our outer environment in order to make it an integrated part of our inner environment.”1 Mind and body are one system. Habitual thoughts manifest in the body in physical form. Excess weight can act as “protection.” People overeat as a means of stress management, distracting attention from a stressor. Chronically overweight people often have somatic blocks resulting from unpleasant experiences and habitual negative emotions. These blocks manifest as conscious thoughts as well as in physical form in the body. They must be “digested” in order to permanently lose weight.

ing it out by the roots and throwing it onto the compost heap. Now, consider what to do with it. Will it become fertilizer for the new, positive thought habits consistent with a new slim self? Or will it be burned, or perhaps boiled in a cauldron? Whichever choice is made, vividly imagine the process of transmutation. It is still essential to take exercise and eat the right foods to become slim, but digesting our unconscious blocks can enable that weight loss to be permanent. David Botsford is a hypnotist and intuitive/psychic reader in the Four Corners area of Central Florida and author of Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation. Visit his websites at http://4cornershypnosis. com, and http://selfhypnosiscd. com. He can be reached at 863-420-3634. Please see ad below.

Farmers and gardeners accumulate unwanted organic matter in compost heaps for use as fertilizer. Sometimes they burn compost when they have too much. Thus they transmute that compost’s energy from one form to another. This can be a metaphor for unconscious digestion to get slim. Here is a technique to dissolve those blocks. Imagine a virtual compost heap full of the mental stuff you no longer need. See it, smell it, even feel it in imagination. Make it so vivid that you can summon it into awareness instantly. Then, during the day, observe conscious thoughts. There may be undesirable memories and emotions, negative beliefs and other cognitions inconsistent with your slim self, emerging into consciousness. These are manifestations of unconscious blocks appearing like weeds. When such a thought appears, imagine pull1 Amadea Morningstar with Urmila Desai, The Ayurvedic Cookbook, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, 1990, p. 26.


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Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



Gratitude: Most Nutritious BY D R. A L B E R T N UŃE Z, D V M, C VA CONTRIBUTING SPIRITUAL LIFE EDITOR I often laugh in the holistic supermarket as I watch very spiritual folks fight over the last bunch of organic vegetables like it’s the last yoga mat! I laugh because given the current state of pollution in the environment, the very last thing their bodies need is the aggravation caused by aggression contaminating their mental state. Many people worry so much about their health and don’t realize that the very hormones produced by mentally worrying cause so much of their disease. I believe a non-organic and nonvegetarian diet consumed in a state of peace and gratitude has more nutritional value than a vegan, organic diet consumed in a state of worry and anxiety! We now realize more and more through discoveries in physics that the universe is more mental than we previously thought. In a more mental universe we realize that the quality of our mental state is what gives us true nourishment and purification. I remember fasting for one week on nothing but water. I kept telling myself that I was not nourished by food but by the very breath of God. After the first day, I kept feeling lighter and lighter and not hungry at all. True nourishment does come from the very breath of God. I’ve seen vegan yogis die of cancer at a young age and old smokers laugh into their 90s. It’s hard to tell what trick to use to stick around this rock a little longer. Are we really in control of that?


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the last batch of organic veggies while we breathe and drink heavy metal contaminated air and water? From my perspective, a silent mind in a state of gratitude for all that is is much more nutritious and purifying than any other diet plan. I wonder what mental state the young yogi was in as she took her last breath the morning of that accident? Was she anxious because she was not enlightened enough or did she drink in her last breath feeling nourished and purified in a state of bliss? Maybe in the end she realized that every moment was the best one, even this one.

I’m a physician of sorts and see life and death play out all day long. No rhyme or reason for whom the bell tolls…a drunk causes a terrible accident involving several cars…many are injured…the only fatality was the vegan yoga teacher walking down the street minding her own business. As usual, the drunk was found fine, asleep in the back seat of his car asking if he was there yet…No rhyme or reason. Since we are really so powerless over our health and time of our death, doesn’t the state of our being while we live seem so much more important than haggling over

Dr. Al Nuñez is a lifelong mystic and student of spirituality. He has studied and applied many of the profound practices and tenets of Catholicism, shamanism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Kabbalah, paganism, mysticism, Hinduism, Tantra, energy and sound healing, “Shadow Work,” kundalini yoga, many forms of meditation, and Qi Gong. Dr. Al is committed to awakening human beings to their highest selves. Albert J. Nuñez, DVM, CVA has owned Animal Hospital of Baldwin Park and of Lake Mary since 1995 where he has practiced integrative veterinary medicine combining cutting edge surgery, internal medicine, endoscopy and laser ultrasound with acupuncture, herbal and energy medicine and nutrition for dogs, cats and exotics. He is a graduate of St. Thomas and Ross Universities and the Chi Institute of Veterinary Medicine. See ad next page. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

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others and exchange our thoughts and views. Speech is the crucial tool for doing so. Those who are inarticulate tend to isolate themselves from others and find it difficult to enjoy harmonious relationships.


In Chinese, there is a metaphor that offers an analogy between those who always say the wrong thing at the wrong time and “a crow’s mouth.” We should realize that talking like this is the result of our own deficiency and, if someone criticizes us, we must look inside ourselves first before blaming others. We should ask ourselves if we are the “crow’s mouth” in our families, among our friends, in the workplace, or even in the community. We should change the annoying sounds of our speech into music to the ears, and transform our harsh words into the warm sun in winter or the sweet scent of flowers that convey our kind and beautiful thoughts. As long as we can stop sounding like a crow, we will easily become a magpie or a phoenix instead. ©2006 Buddha’s Light Publishing (Revised Edition) Please see ad below.


nce, when a crow was flying to another part of the village, he met a magpie on his way. The crow complained to the magpie, “That place is terrible and so are the people there. When they see me and hear my call, they criticize me and even curse me. So I am going away somewhere else to live a new life.” On hearing this, the magpie replied, “Oh crow, it is the same everywhere in this world. You should try to change the sound of your voice instead. Otherwise, no matter where you go, it will be the same!” In today’s world, students tend to change schools or their majors frequently, just as those in business change their line of work all the time. They detest their profession and grumble about their work. Some may even consider themselves diamonds in the rough and decide that the world has let them down because no one has discovered them. This is why many people move away, change jobs, or search for new friends. The grass may appear greener on the other side, but in reality, it is not so. Therefore, we should not be vain and overly ambitious. The most important things we need to do to get established in life are to develop and strengthen ourselves, and to get along with others in a positive way, especially in how we speak. By speaking kindly and gently, we will be able to make a lot of friends everywhere we go. In our interactions with one another, we need to reach out to

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



My Sister’s Prayer BY ORAL NUSSBAUM

I try to follow the saying, "You can't judge a book by its cover," but alas, being human seems to mean I am bound to make judgements. However, I love to be proven wrong in my view of others. Recently, I discovered my perception of someone was completely inaccurate. My sister, Doris, never married and I often thought she was missing out on the experience of having a family. Surely this meant there was a void in her life. How lonely it must be for her, I thought. What I found out was, I didn't know her as others did. In late December, after a two year challenge with cancer, she passed away. It was at the memorial service where I saw how wrong I was about her. My brother, her caregiver in her last days, told me many stories about how doctors and nurses were inspired by her courage and constant cheerfulness even during her most difficult times. Her boss and many co-workers attended and told their stories about how their lives were blessed by her friendship and consul. Dozens of friends from her church echoed those stories and added what a spiritual model she was and how much she would be missed. I was in awe of how many lives she had been a big part of, and how she was respected and con-


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sidered part of their families. She had such a far-reaching effect on those around her, and a life richer than many with traditional families. My sister was far from lonely. Even her tenacious clinging to life seemed to be for the purpose of being an inspiration to as many as possible, my remaining siblings and I included. I was wrong about Doris and reminded once again that appearances often do not show the truth about someone. I tried to capture her spirit in a poem I read at her service, and would like to share with you as a tribute to a life well lived, and a sister much loved. My Sister’s Prayer Father, you’ll have to convince me why I can’t run to Your arms. My body is tired and failing, so Dear Lord, use all of Your charms. Explain why You hold shut the door. Do my sisters and brothers need to be near me to see how wonderful they are? Would reflections of Your grace through this weak vessel, help heal an emotional scar? If so, I’ll stay a bit more. * * * I’ll stay if a heart, hard with anger will soften. I’ll stay if a friend needs more love. I’ll stay if a child needs a tear wiped away, or to fix the broken wing of a dove. I’ll stay if a soul needs inspiration, or a spirit, not sure where they’re at can see by my life how You care for them so. Gladly Lord, I’ll stay for that. Just promise me Father, when my tasks are complete, when I’ve done all a daughter can do, You’ll swing wide that door and let angels guide me to my heavenly home…back to You. Born in Marshallville Ohio, Oral now resides in Winter Springs, Florida. His hobbies of writing and art complement his never-ending quest for spiritual growth. He is coleader of a local writers group, and organizer of a monthly spiritual discussion group. He has been published in the Dream Flight newsletter in London England, Deaf Digest, and Velocity Magazine. He won first place and tied for third place in the Poetry Ensemble of Orlando’s annual poetry contest. Please see both of Oral’s ads, previous page.

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



I have a wall plaque that hangs over my front door that says, "Things happen for a reason, just believe." Some may ask, believe what? This saying serves as a gentle reminder to me especially when I experience a setback in life or something unwanted comes my way. It hasn't always been easy to accept this belief, however choosing to see things in this manner has helped me feel more empowered and less like a victim. While wonderful experiences obviously make our hearts dance and are nourishing for the soul, where then do challenging or difficult times leave us? Choose to see our unpleasant experiences, circumstances or events in life's journey as opportunities to learn, grow, evolve and purify the soul. When I've chosen to take a step back and look for the deeper meaning or hidden message in a past painful experience I have often seen a silver lining. This doesn't necessarily happen instantly and, of course, one usually experiences a wide range of emotions before the process of discovery, but once enough time has passed and the healing process has begun, I believe great strength, wisdom and courage can be gained. Take a look back on a difficult experience, event or circumstance you faced in life and ask yourself the following questions:

Things happen for a reason, just believe. B Y D E B B I E PAU L K CONTRIBUTING SUCCESS EDITOR

1. What did I learn from this experience? 2. What positive resources did I develop as a result of this experience? 3. How have I grown as a result of this experience?

Believe what? Choose to believe that all things whether wondrous or wounding in one's life are happening and unfolding perfectly for the purpose of making us even better than we already are. Debbie Paulk is the founder of Live Your Passion Life Coaching, a Certified Life Coach, Certified Hypnotist, NLP Master Practitioner, Reiki Master and workshop facilitator. For more information about services provided or upcoming workshops visit or contact Debbie at 407-923-0738 to schedule your free consultation. Please see Debbie'sad this page.


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There is a cause for everything that happens, and for every action there is a reaction. For every thought and deed there is a corresponding result.

You Can Make a HAPPIER

All events that happen do so according to natural law. Cause and effect is one of the laws that has great impact on our lives. We learn through experience to put cause into motion that will bring B Y R E V. E . A N N health, harmony, and happiness into OTZELBERGER our lives as their effects. If we are not satisfied with the events in our lives, we know we can make changes to bring about the causes we want.

Life for Yourself

Sometime this week, if you find a situation is causing you a problem, sit down and retrace your steps prior to your current situation. You may be surprised to find how you can change things to bring about what you need in your life. The Law of Cause and Effect helps us to realize that we must take personal responsibility for what is going on in our lives. It helps us to learn to look at our thoughts and actions and see what changes we can make to be happier. Some people say our deeds control our lives. I believe this is very true, but the thought comes before the deed. We bring happiness or unhappiness into our lives through the power of our own thought habits. We create what we want and need with our minds. At least that is how we start to bring substance into our lives. THOUGHTS ARE THINGS. We can put limits on our lives when we allow ourselves to think negative thoughts. We must take personal responsibility to create what we want and need. I have noticed that some people feel they are a failure because they had positive thoughts and still had cancer or some other medical condition that they were not able to control. In these situations we must remember we can control how we think and act on what has happened to us. A few years ago, I had several severe heart attacks to the extent that the doctors could not really see how I could survive. I did survive and I believe it is because of the help I had from the people who love me, but I also know it is because I wanted to continue here in this world for a longer period of time. I do still have limitations on my physical health but I accomplish what I really want to accomplish. I can retrace my steps and tell you what I did all of my life to bring these conditions into my life, but that is not where I want to take you. I want you to see that you can make a happier life for yourself. For many of us it is very difficult to accept that we cause our own unhappiness. It is easier to place the blame on some other person or situation. You can control that much happiness surrounds you, and you can do this by your actions and your thoughts. THOUGHTS ARE THINGS. Reverend E. Ann Otzelberger is the Founding Pastor of New Vision Spiritualist Center. She is an NSAC Ordained Minister, a Commissioned Spiritualist Healer, a Certified Medium and National Spiritualist Teacher. Reverend Otzelberger is a Trustee on the Board of Directors of the NSAC. Reverend Ann also serves the Morris Pratt Institute as Vice President of their Board of Directors and is on their Education Committee. Please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



The Magic of Combining Holistic Treatments B Y R AY N A TA M A R I N In 2004, I managed a South Beach oxygen bar that was marketed towards party goers for relieving morning-after hangovers. The serene Atlantic across Ocean Drive and the soothing music of Buddha Bar vibrating in the salty air inspired within me the vision of emphasizing the total benefits of the O2 bar to those who appreciate the holistic approach to health. I felt there truly needed to be an awareness (and the need still exists) of the extensive benefits of non-medical oxygen combined with other holistic treatments. In 2011, my O2 bar manifested and I redesigned its overall use. The colored aroma powders used in the tap water tubes have been replaced with pure essential oils. To amp up the spiritual and energetic benefits, gem essences are infused into distilled water tubes to which pink Himalayan salt has been added.

“The whole is more than the sum of its parts.” [Aristotle] Combining treatments creates total well-being.* Find more information on these treatments online and in books.

• Non-medical oxygen: Flushes out pollution, increases energy, aids in restful sleep, relieves headaches, hangovers and altitude problems, relieves nausea, aids in digestion, speeds muscle recovery, increases focus and clarity, detoxifies the liver and circulatory system, boosts the immune system and contributes to an overall feeling of wellness. It combats aging, clears allergies and sinus pressure, and no prescription is needed. It is said that cancer and other ‘dis-eases’ can’t live in a fully oxygenated cell. • Pure Essential Aromatherapy: Relaxation and stress relief, mood enhancement, balance and well-being, relieves minor discomforts, boosts the immune, respiratory and circulatory systems. There are specific benefits for different aromas. • Gem Essences: Offers all of the benefits of the particular gemstones used to create the gem essence. It is easy to coordinate aromatherapy benefits with crystal therapy benefits. • Pink Himalayan Salt: In combination with water it assists blood pressure regulation, sinus benefits, promotes cellular hydroelectric energy creation, stabilizes pH balance in cells including the brain, and contains the same 84 natural minerals and elements found in the human body. I’ve found that while many people already know of these incredible holistic treatments, many have not experienced combining them all at once for a total effect. When all senses are nourished and purified, the well-being extends to all of your bodies: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic. By adding color, imagery, meditation or sound to the treatment and wearing comfortable clothing, your entire sensory system is engaged and you’re moved into a natural state of health. Remember to think about combining your approach to nourishment and purification to cover all facets of the gem YOU are! * These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or replace any professional medical care. Rayna Tamarin, spiritual muse, songstress, actress, author, artist and entrepreneur, is a Starseed and Indigo transitioning to Crystal, a natural intuitive reader, spiritual advisor, lightworker and healer. Along with her partner Jorge Garcia, Rayna owns The Crystal Closet in Sanford, Florida. Visit http:// The Crystal Closet is a sanctuary for those who are aware of their purpose, or want to develop and discover their spiritual selves. Her online magazine-style blog can be found at Her personal portal is Please see ad this page.


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Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012




velo c it y • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


a healthy life takes


B Y J E N E N N E VA L E N T I N O B O T TA R O We have so many demands on us that we barely have time to think, let alone to reflect on our health and wellness needs. We forget that we have to give to ourselves before we can give to others. As a community practitioner, I spend so much of my time planning and giving to others that I often forget myself in the process. Nourishment and purification are central to creating a healthy self in order to foster a healthy community. The following are energy saving approaches to nourish and purify your space and your mind, body, and soul.



In order for balance, it is important that we take care of our health first. Keep a regimen that fosters movement. 30-45 minutes to move through excess endorphins may help the body release the stress Hydration combats fatigue and headaches. Allowing your body to heal from the daily stressors is to flush out its system from the toxins of the day. Carrying a canteen will keep water handy.

eat green:

These green leafy vegetables (romaine lettuce, spinach, cabbage, endive, etc.) contain serotonin, a chemical in the brain which provides relaxation, keeps us calm and provides energy and balance.


Listing your commitments in a clear, organized manner will put the “what to do next” stress at bay.

just breathe:

Taking deep, relaxing breaths assists the body in exhaling the toxins and inhaling cleansing oxygen. A typical breathing technique is to inhale for four seconds, hold for four seconds, and exhale for four seconds. Repeat this cycle four times. Keeping mint around, cleanses your air ways and your thoughts.

Indigo Way


Indigo Children: Higher vibrational beings incarnated onto this planet en masse after 1970, however they have been here for the last 100 years. Their aura has a distinct Indigo hue and their personalities are strong and easy to identify. Most Indigo children have very distinct and expressive eyes and a warrior-like spirit. Many Indigos now parent Crystal and Rainbow children. From early childhood, I’ve felt somehow different or not of this place. I had an uncanny knack for “seeing” people and things for exactly who and what they were. Many times while watching the rain fall or hearing a bird chirp, I would have a distinct feeling of not being alone, of being watched and loved from the stars. I was also a social outcast for most of that childhood. I often longed to grow wings so I could fly up into those stars and find out just who “they” were and what they wanted. After giving birth to my third son, I received that answer. I am an Indigo child, born to bring other higher vibrational beings together. I am here to tell you, if you feel that maybe you are different or your child is different in some way, you ARE and you are not alone! The shackles that have been placed on humanity are now being lifted. We are breaking free and our voices are being heard. It’s time to draw on the strength of one another so we may fulfill our purpose here on earth! Join me in community if you feel you or any of your children (who are often diagnosed with Autism or ADD) are higher vibrational beings. I would like to bring you outside-the-box parenting ideas and a place to simply be who you were born to be! Alice Jones, aka Momma Greenbird, is an Indigo, natural living educator, tarot reader and intuitive healer. After thirteen years of parenting higher vibrational children, she has many easy-to-use solutions to everyday hurdles. Join us here for upcoming events: https://; write: or call 304-932-7382.

Jenenne R. Valentino-Bottaro holds an M.A. degree in mental health counseling from Webster University and is a Ph.D. candidate in human services with a specialization in social and community services from Capella University. She is also a womens' self-defense instructor, hypnotist, mind excellence specialist, and Body Ways specialist. Please see Jenenne's ad this page for gypsy style/tribal style belly dance and call for class locations.

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



Over 4000 years ago, Chinese medicine said, “Blood is the mother of Qi.”

The Old Testament Leviticus 17:11 says, "For the life of the flesh is in the Blood."

During Qigong practice we feel a powerful pulsation of blood in our body. It often takes people by surprise how warm they feel after making just a few hand movements. Qigong moves a lot of blood and generates a lot of energy without lots of movement or stress. People frequently ask, “What is a Qi blockage?” It is simply a small area where the blood cannot go, or an area where disease can occur. For example, some people may have a knot in their stomach or bad digestion. Qigong usually improves this condition. Blood can work itself through closed off capillaries when a person is relaxed and increasing Qi in that area. Wherever Qi goes, blood follows. Normal healthy people use about 60% of the circulatory system. When our Qi increases this percentage also goes up. Blood flow to the brain and organs is improved, therefore our health is greatly benefited. The electrical aspect of Qigong also plays a role. So how is this any different than jogging? In Qigong,


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How Does Qigong Heal?

Why Qigong Does What No Other Form of Exercise Can Do BY JEFF PRIMACK • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


the body is totally relaxed, yet the blood is mobilized to flow powerfully. Because there is no stress response or cortisol release which contracts blood vessels, the blood can enter areas that may have been blocked off for years. Microcirculation to the forehead is increased and digestion is greatly improved. Imagine the same blood circulation you get from jogging… while standing still and completely relaxed. No other exercise offers this level of circulation to organs and endocrine glands. Stiff shoulders beware! Qi and blood coming through.

The Health Benefits and Effects of Qigong

healing such as Reiki and helps spiritual growth.

Healthcare Practitioners REALLY Need Qigong

Healthcare practitioners can prevent themselves from getting drained by seeing lots of sick patients. This is a fact for many therapists and nurses that I encounter. Each year we train hundreds of registered nurses and nearly all of them complain that they constantly feel drained. Massage therapists often take on the aches and pains of their clients. While this may sound superstitious, I assure you the phe-

want to live to 100… do Qigong.” He also said, “Qigong is the best longevity exercise.” Since this show I feel it is a short time before Qigong is embraced by the American mainstream audience. There are thousands of scientific studies that show Qigong has helped people to reverse cancer, diabetes and heart disease. If you want to read these scientific studies visit where you can find the largest database of scientific papers on Qigong’s effects.

Why practicing Qigong in Groups is the KEY

Healing occurs in Qigong when one raises their energy high enough From April 28-May 1, 2012, to push through the blockages of the QI REVOLUTION seminar, the nervous and circulatory sys“4 Days of Qigong Training for $99,” tem. Whatever Qi touches will be comes to Orlando Convention Center. 1) Improves the motion of blood, rejuvenated by it, however people Jeff Primack and 200 other instructors will be warms the blood and enhances whole are often blocked and thus need present to teach all three levels of Qigong body circulation; stronger energy to clear the pipes Healing and Breathing Applications for $99. so that Qi may reach the problem Seating is limited. To register or for more 2) Stimulates appetite, sexual funcareas. Some schools teach that information, please call 800-298-8970, tion, assimilation of nutrients and dipeople need the help of a powerful visit and gestion/elimination; master to send strong energy for please see ad, back cover. that initial boost. After personJeff Primack, has shared Qigong Healing with 3) Accelerates metabolism, weight ally training with seven high level over 30,000 people in live seminars. loss, decreases need for sleep; Qigong masters, I do not believe this to be true. The most effective 4) Bolsters the immune system by way to begin the healing process is reducing cortisol, a known inhibitor to enter a large group energy field. of cytokine production; nomena is real. Doctors who specialize in They knew it in China when they repeata certain aspect of medicine are frequently edly gathered 30,000 at a time and people 5) Develops dexterity, reflexes, and pre- exposed to a certain “Energy Informa- were getting up out of wheel chairs. I saw vents osteoporosis in clinical studies; tion Signal.” This happens so frequently a retired nurse enter my seminar wheelthat they end up with the same problems ing a walker. On the fourth day she was 6) Opens arteries allowing greater brain- they are surrounded by. What is a healer walking laps around the massive ballbased microcirculation to prevent Al- supposed to do? By using Qigong one room without her walker. In all honesty, zheimer’s disease; can easily cleanse their energies. Dianne the Qigong is very powerful, but it is the Dougherty is a nurse we trained who says group energy that turns it into overdrive. 7) Enhances mental acuity, focus and she is no longer affected by other peoples' Every person has a biological magnetic concentration; the Qi draws focus and energy after learning Qigong. She now field. When a group of even three people trains the mind; has energy to finish her shifts. She is dedi- practice together the results are at least cated to a daily Qigong practice. double. A larger field is created than any 8) Helps us to calm down, relax and be- of us could generate on our own in the come more peaceful; big Qigong events. Being in this high amQigong in the Media plitude energy is the single fastest way to 9) Harnesses the power of True Source, Oprah Winfrey’s beloved Dr. Oz said on jump-start one's internal energy. This is remarkably improves results of hands-on her internationally viewed show, “If you the understatement of the century. Qigong has powerful health-promoting effects:

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012


EVENTSMARCH Solitude is the place of purification. [Martin Buber; (1878–1965), Austrian born Israeli religious and existentialist philosopher] 3/1 Pottery Class; 10 am; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Must pre-register; Fee Art with Anita; 10 am-Noon or Noon-2 pm; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Must preregister; Fee Reverse Your Back and Neck Pain Now!; 7 pm; Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center, Maitland; 407-628-2176;Please RSVP; FREE 3/1-3/4 HypnoBirthing Training; 9 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee 3/2 Pottery Class; Noon-4 pm; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Must pre-register; Fee 3/2-3/4 King Salomon Physical Healing, Part 1 ; 4 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407252-2682; Fee 3/3 See Animal Hospital and other exhibitors at the Third Annual Events for Change Sponsored Orlando Chili Cook-Off at Baldwin Park, benefiting Special Olympics; Begins at Noon; see; Fee 2012, Transformation and You; 11:30 am; Lotus Yoga, Apopka; 352-281-4888; Fee 3/4 Conflict Resolution Workshop; 1 pm; Center for Spiritual Living, Daytona; 386-672-6382; http://; APPRECIATION OFFERING Peace Meditation; 6:30 pm; Center for Spiritual Living, Daytona; 386-672-6382;; APPRECIATION OFFERING 3/5 Closet Makeover; 12:30 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee The Power of Suggestion Workshop; 6 pm; Healthy Alternatives Hypnosis and Training Institute, Mount Dora; 352-223-2808 or 352-5891884;; Fee Yoga; 6 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-4632248; Fee 3/6 Reiki Training One; 9 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee


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Color and Style by Tanya; 6 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee Pranic Healing; 7 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee 3/7 The Movie Strive; 1 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Chinese Calligraphy Class; 7:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; FREE 3/8 Pottery Class; 10 am; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Must pre-register; Fee Art with Anita; 10 am-Noon or Noon-2 pm; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Must preregister; Fee Vocal Preception Reframing; 2 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING No More Heart Disease; 6 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 3/9 Pottery Class; Noon-4 pm; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Must pre-register; Fee Simple Steps to Easy Weight Loss; 1 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee The Intention to Heal; 6 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee Spiritual Cinema Night: "Paper Clips;" 7 pm; Center for Spiritual Living, Daytona; 386-6726382;; APPRECIATION OFFERING 3/10 Family Herbalist Modules; 10 am; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee Soul Readings with Divine Miss Deb; 11 am-3 pm; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; APPRECIATION OFFERING Intro. to Meditation; 3 pm; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee 3/10-3/11 Adept Teachings and Initiation; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-2522682; Fee 3/10 Reiki Circle; 10 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-5614099; APPRECIATION OFFERING What Is a Real Mystery School?; 6:30 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING


3/11 Mystery School; 9:30 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee 3 Steps, 1 Bow Pilgrimage; 10 am; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; APPRECIATION OFFERING 3/14 Gardening Workshop with Tia Meer; 7 pm; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407595-3731; Fee 3/15 Pottery Class; 10 am; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Must pre-register; Fee Art with Anita; 10 am-Noon or Noon-2 pm; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Must preregister; Fee Private Readings with Dawn Casseday; 11 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee Connecting with Your Angel Guides; 6 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee 3/16 Pottery Class; Noon-4 pm; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Must pre-register; Fee Healthy Body-Wealthy Life; 2 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee 3/17 Meditation Workshop with Ven. Miao Hsin; 9 am; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-2818482; Fee Plant Propagation; 10 am; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee Community Progressive Peace Prayer; 10 am; presented by Center for Spiritual Living, Daytona at Riverside Park, New Smyrna Beach, to Port Orange City Center Amphitheater at 11 am, South Daytona Riverside Park at 11:45 am, to Veterans Park in Flagler Beach at 1 pm, lunch at Betty’s A1A Café at 2 pm, on to the Labyrinth at Central Park in Ormond Beach at 4 pm, and ending at Riverside Park in Daytona Beach, 5 pm. ; 386672-6382;; APPRECIATION OFFERING The God Show #11; 7 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee 3/18 Intro. to Meditation; 3 pm; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998









































3/18-3/31 Trip to See John of God in Abagania, Brazil; Organized by Sacred Healing Journeys; http://; 347-732-1055; Fee 3/20 Healing My Soul with Francesca; 10 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee Stop Your Cravings Now; 1 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee 3/21 Wild Weeds Herb Walk; 10 am; presented by Florida School of Holistic Living at Mead Gardens, 1500 S. Denning Dr., Winter Park; 407-5953731; Fee Guided Imagery with Yashoda Yehudit; 10:30 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-281-4888; APPRECIATION OFFERING The Movie Thrive; 1 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352561-4099; Fee New Moon Circle; 7 pm; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; APPRECIATION OFFERING Chinese Calligraphy Class; 7:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; FREE 3/22 Skin Tags with Ruth; 9:30 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Pottery Class; 10 am; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Must pre-register; Fee Art with Anita; 10 am-Noon or Noon-2 pm; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Must preregister; Fee 3/23 Pottery Class; Noon-4 pm; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Must pre-register; Fee Weight Support; 1 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352561-4099;Fee 3/23-3/25 Florida Herbal Conference; Friday through Sunday; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee King Salomon Physical Healing, Part 2 ; 4 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407252-2682; Fee 3/24 Tibetan Bells Healing with Yashoda Yehudit; 11 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-281-4888; APPRECIATION OFFERING



"You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I'll buy you a new car." [Harvey Diamond, co-author of Fit for Life]

OPEN HOUSE AND SECOND ANNIVERSARY; Noon; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 3/25 Theta Healing Basic DNA with Michelle Orwick; Orlando; 407-729-1088; Fee 3/38-4/4 Health and Balance through Panchakarma and Yoga; Noon; Amrit Yoga, Salt Springs; 352-6853001; Fee 3/30 Advanced Theta Healing DNA 2 with Michelle Orwick; Orlando; 407-729-1088; Fee Shelby Beckett Channels Jared; 2 pm; Sacred Earth Center, Gainesville; 352-275-8537; Fee 4/3 Reflexology; 1 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-5614099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Healing Yoga with Marque; 5 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 4/5-4/7 Training in Panchakarma Techniques with Dr. Vijay Jain; Noon; Amrit Yoga, Salt Springs; 352685-3001; Fee 4/5 No More Heart Disease; 6 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 4/6 Easter Special: Roll Away the Stone; 6 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 4/7 Inspirational Empowerment for the Life You Choose; 10 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-2814888; Fee 4/12 Vocal Preception Reframing; 2:30 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Worldwide Wellness Meeting; 5 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 4/13 The Kingdom of Heaven and the Garden of Eden; 6 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee 4/14 Sacred Earth Bazaar Spiritual and Earth Happy Festival: Vendors, Readers, Healers; 10 am-4

pm; Sacred Earth Center, Gainesville; 352-2758537 Reiki Circle; 10 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-5614099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Vegetarian Cooking Class with Ven. Yung Kang; 3:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-2818482; Fee 4/17 Reiki One: Part One; 9 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 4/19 Private Readings with Dawn Casseday; 11 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee Guided Imagery with Yashoda Yehudit; 3:30 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-281-4888; APPRECIATION OFFERING 4/19-4/22 Reawakening the Goddess; 3:30 pm; Amrit Yoga, Salt Springs; 352-685-3001; Fee 4/20-4/22 King Salomon Physical Healing, Part 3 ; 4 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407252-2682; Fee 4/20 Healthy Body-Healthy Life; 2 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 4/24 Skin Tags with Ruth; 10 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 4/25 Intro. to Meditation; 7:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; FREE 4/26 Kinesiolgy with Vickie; 1 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee Sacred Groove Dance; 7 pm; 308 W. University Ave., Gainesville;;Please RSVP; $5 4/27 Your Way to Perpetual Beauty: Aging, Skincare and Makeup Tips; 3 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352561-4099; Fee 4/27-4/28 Jikiden Reiki Training-Shoden-Level 1; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407252-2682; Fee

Continued on next page 52

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012


Continued from page 51 4/29 Jikiden Reiki Training-Okuden-Level 2; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; Fee 4/30 Closet Makeover; 10 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee MONDAYS First Contact/Full Disclosure; 3 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee Healing Yoga; 5 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee Guided Meditation; 7:30 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAYS Disappearance of the Universe; 9:30 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-5614099; APPRECIATION OFFERING EVERY OTHER TUESDAY BEGINNING 3/6 Spiritual Exploration Group; 7 pm; Sacred Earth Center, Gainesville; 352275-8537; Fee Psychic Mediumship Class with Bernadette Carter-King; 7 pm; Sacred Earth Center, Gainesville; 352-275-8537; Fee TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS A Course In Miracles; 7 pm; Christ Church Unity, Orlando; 407-271-5106; APPRECIATION OFFERING FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAYS Crystal Basics; 7 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee Conscious Living with the Law of Attraction; 8:30 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS Low Level Laser Therapy; 1 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Moldavite Journeying and Journaling; 7 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee Chakra Pulse Class; 8:30 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee TUESDAYS IN APRIL Flower Essences: 6-Week Course; 6:30 pm; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407-595-3731; Fee TUESDAYS Wui Qigong; 12:30 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Meditation of Dance; 6 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-810-7337; Fee Tai Chi Class; 7 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee WEDNESDAYS Course In Miracles; 9 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Vinyasa Flow; 6 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee Qi Gong; 6 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Yoga; 6:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee Spiritual Transformation Class: Myrtle and Charles Fillmore; 7 pm; Christ Church Unity, Orlando; 407-852-3940; Pre-registration required; APPRECIATION OFFERING Two Hearts Meditation; 7:15 pm; Holistic Healing Center, Maitland; 407421-2165; Fee Crystal Bowls; 7:30 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Group Meditation; 8:30 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee SECOND WEDNESDAYS Jikiden Reiki Reiju Kai; 7 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park;


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407-252-2682; Fee SECOND AND FOURTH WEDNESDAYS Buddhist Teachings and Meditations; 6 pm; Sacred Earth Center, Gainesville; 352-275-8537; APPRECIATION OFFERING THURSDAYS A Course In Miracles; 10:30 am; Christ Church Unity, Orlando; 407-8523940; APPRECIATION OFFERING Qigong; 5:30 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee Psychic Development; 6 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Yoga; 6:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee A Course In Miracles Life Application Study Group; 7 pm; Christ Church Unity, Orlando; 407-574-2300; APPRECIATION OFFERING Tai Chi Class; 7 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee Holistic Thursdays; 7 pm; Florida School of Holistic Living, Orlando; 407595-3731; Fee Intro. to Buddhism; 7 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; FREE Hatha Yoga; 7 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee Guided Meditation; 7:30 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee THIRD AND FOURTH FRIDAYS Yoga Level One; 10:45 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH FRIDAYS Yoga Level One with Maryann; 9 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee FRIDAYS Kundalini Yoga; 10 am; Holistic Healing Center, Maitland; 407-421-2165; Fee Yoga Level Two; 9 am; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee Yoga Level One; 10:45 pm; Tree of Life Center; 352-561-4099; Fee Childrens' Yoga; 5:15 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee Crystal Wellness Class; 7 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee Crystal Bowl Meditation; 7:15 pm; Holistic Healing Center, Maitland; 407421-2165; Fee FIRST SATURDAYS Reiki Circle; Call for time; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; APPRECIATION OFFERING SATURDAYS Tai Chi Class; 9 am; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee Yoga; 11:30 am; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee Chinese Class; 1:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee Breathworks Meditation; 3 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-810-7337; Fee Conversations with God; 3:30 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-8107337; Fee Hatha Yoga and Self-Healing Educational with the Chakras; 5:30 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee A Course In Miracles SPANISH STUDY GROUP; 5:30 pm; Christ Church Unity, Orlando; 407-852-3940; APPRECIATION OFFERING Super Soul Saturday Night; 7 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-8107337; Fee Starseeds, Lightworkers and Indigos Meetup; 8 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


FIRST SUNDAYS Monthly Healing Meditation; Please call for time; Christ Church Unity, Orlando; 407-852-3940 Buddhism Discussion Group; 10 am; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-2818482; FREE SUNDAYS BEGINNING MARCH 18 Journey of Transformation; 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am; Christ Church Unity, Orlando; 407-852-3940 Reiki Circle; 5 pm; Christ Church Unity, Orlando; 407-852-3940; APPRECIATION OFFERING SECOND SUNDAYS Reiki Level One; 2:30 pm; Holistic Healing Center, Maitland; 407-421-2165; Fee THIRD SUNDAYS Spiritual Development Class; 3:30 pm; New Vision Spiritualist Center, 1700 Edgewater Dr., Ormazd Grotto, Orlando/College Park; 407-826-0807; Fee Reiki Healing Group; 5 pm; Christ Church Unity, Orlando; 407-852-3940; APPRECIATION OFFERING FOURTH SUNDAYS Reiki Level Two; 2:30 pm; Holistic Healing Center, Maitland; 407-421-2165; Fee Mini Readings; 3:30 pm; New Vision Spiritualist Center, 1700 Edgewater Dr., Ormazd Grotto, Orlando/College Park; 407-826-0807; Fee SUNDAYS Church Service; 1:30 pm; New Vision Spiritualist Center, 1700 Edgewater Dr., Ormazd Grotto, Orlando/College Park; 407-826-0807; APPRECIATION OFFERING Spiritualist Meeting; 1:30 pm; New Vision Spiritualist Center, 1700 Edgewater Dr., Ormazd Grotto, Orlando/ College Park; 407-826-0807; APPRECIATION OFFERING Crystal Bowls; 3 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-810-7337; Fee Yin Yoga; 6 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee


Body Mind Spirit Expo Comes to Tampa Now in its 24th year, Body Mind & Spirit Expo has become the largest health and wellness expo in the United States and brings refreshed energy to the holistic movement in 2012. Coming to Tampa for the 12th year, April 28-29, at the Tampa Wyndham Westshore, located at 700 N. Westshore Blvd., Body Mind & Spirit brings to life a positive, healing environment. As a visitor, you will increase your knowledge of alternative health and metaphysical topics as you explore the latest in new thought presentations, the best advances in alternative health and the nation's finest selection of psychics and mediums. This year, Body Mind & Spirit Expo is themed: "Shift Yourself and Transform the World." You are invited to consider this theme throughout the expo weekend and step to the next level of your own glorious being. With wonderful exhibits and free presentations, the expo will have you smiling all weekend-long. The best from your community will join others from throughout the country to provide the essential tools for discovering overall health and well-being. Retail exhibitors offer everything from natural and holistic health products to spiritual books and enlightened art. Healers at the expo provide treatments ranging from massages and yoga techniques to intuitive readings. Body Mind & Spirit Expo's new website ( bmseweb/) works as a gateway to enhancing the expo experience even before you arrive at the event. You can build your own custom program guide highlighting those lectures and exhibits most of interest to you and even buy your tickets in advance of arriving at the event. Weekend admission of $10 includes all lectures and demos as well as admission to the exhibit hall. Rejuvenate! Receive a relaxing massage, have your aura photo taken and open yourself to new ideas. The expo offers a safe environment for growth and exploration, so mark you calendars for April 28-29. To receive a $1 off coupon, visit bmseweb/. Please see ad page 5 or call 541-482-3722.

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012




Envision the most positive, awesome, and life-affirming possibilities manifesting in your life and in our world as this year unfolds. The Chinese New Year on January 23 initiated the Year of the Dragon pushing us forward into this auspicious year. Water Dragon brings an interesting combination of fiery exuberance with a call to action and risk taking along with the stirring of deep, heartfelt emotions ranging from unconditional love to sadness, from rage to centered peace and crystal clarity. The watery planet Neptune moved into its own sign of Pisces on February 3 and will be there for the next 14 years. While Neptune transited the sign of Aquarius from 1998 to 2012, our experiences and challenges encouraged and often pushed us to dissolve rigid and limiting ways of thinking, believing and living. We were continually urged to surrender to the universal intelligence and "go with the flow." Neptune in Pisces is the Goddess energy. The Divine Feminine aspect within each one of us (both men and women) is calling us to dissolve boundaries that create separation and instead to seek harmony and oneness. Neptune enhances and deepens our dreams. As the sun moves through Pisces (Feb.19-March 19), be aware of your dreams both sleeping and waking. What have you been dreaming about doing, experiencing, expressing? Listen. Dreams tap into our deepest desires. "Water-sign Pisces asks us to slow down and contemplate. It's time to metabolize last year's complexities and make it safe to be sensitive, to nurture the subtle voices within before we spring forward. Dream, listen; feel the complex tapestry of life, and prepare." (from We'Moon 2012, p.12) Around the Virgo/Pisces full moon of March 8, ask for the inspiration, clarity and guidance you need in order to make your dreams a reality. Mercury in Retrograde (March 12-April 3) can assist in dream exploration and also nurture and inspire creativity. Notice the energy change as we transition into spring on March 20 with the Vernal Equinox. On that same day, the sun moves into Aries (March 20-April 18) shifting the overriding energy from flowing water to erratic fire. "Firesign Aries brings us back alive after a long winter; its energy is brash and fierce and centered in self. As animals awaken and life swells into the trees, direct and youthful energy rebels against past restraints and searches for new solutions. We're all challenged to move past rebellion into creation." (from We'Moon 2012, p.12) Around the Libra/Aries full moon of April 6, seek to bring balance to the various areas of your life. Take care of yourself and also find a way to be of service to others. Feel the excitement of the energy encouraging you to do everything at once and also take time to meditate, relax, and be in nature. Observe the interplay of fire and water energies in your life and in our world in this Year of the Dragon. This most powerful sign of the Chinese zodiac offers the potential for undreamed of opportunity, prosperity and blessings as well as mayhem such as upheaval, ruin, and earthquakes. We will certainly have many exciting opportunities to utilize our tools of prayer, meditation, yoga, massage, tai chi, Reiki, spending time in nature–whatever works–to help us to maintain our center, detach and open to whatever experiences may come! Utilize the affirmations for your sun and moon signs as another tool to assist you in negotiating these times.


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by Raven Moondance ARIES (March 19-April 19): As you complete your personal year and prepare to begin anew with your birthday, make a conscious decision to stop wasting so much energy trying to figure things out. Let go of your need to be in control. Allow the magic of life to come forth. When we hold on tightly, expecting that life should be this or that, our energy becomes stuck, nothing happens and we go nowhere! When we surrender, energy flows, the Universe swoops in and as if by magic, events unfold, and often, way better than we could ever imagine. AFFIRMATION: I surrender to the flow and open myself to the magic the Universe has in store for me. I AM so very blessed in every moment! TAURUS (April 20-May 20): As your energy begins to strengthen with the approach of spring, spend time imagining what you would like to see unfold in your life over the coming days and months. The winds are blowing. It is time for change. Contemplate some possible changes that you can initiate to enhance your life, your sense of joy, and your well-being. Weed out the old, useless and worn out and plant new seeds for abundant growth and joy to bloom in the spring. AFFIRMATION: I allow positive, lifeaffirming changes to gently ripple through my body, mind and spirit and through all aspects of my life. I AM blessed. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): No matter what transpires for you, combine your intuition and knowledge of the facts to work it through. Feel good about the way your heart and mind are working in harmony to assist you in negotiating life in these continually shifting times. Feel good about the progress you have made over the past few months in this area, in particular. Feel good about who you are and know that your beautiful light is shining forth into the world touching and uplifting many. AFFIRMATION: With ease and confidence I quickly negotiate whatever comes my way, seeing only the most positive outcomes unfold before me. I feel supported and blessed in every moment. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Take a deep breath. You are doing well! Inner integrity is of the utmost importance for you at this time. Whenever you compromise yourself, your needs, your truth, in order to accommodate another, you feel it deeply in your heart. When you are not true to yourself on a regular basis, it wears you down and can break your spirit. Be true to yourself first. No one is going to die if you say no! If someone has a problem with it, then it is their work to come to grips with their reaction. Consider yourself first, creating a solid foundation of self-love. AFFIRMATION: When I take care of myself first, I feel happier, stronger and more capable and ready to be in service to others. LEO (July 22-Aug.22): Your courage and confidence has been greatly strengthened by the challenges and experiences of the past few months. You are, indeed, even more resourceful than you ever thought! Feel good about your deep inner work and your accomplishments. Adversity often pushes us to tap into strengths and aspects of ourselves that we didn't even know existed. Continue to step into your power with each endeavour, drawing from deep within you the skills, knowledge and insights needed to confidently meet and negotiate any challenge or situation. Be the magnificent God/Goddess you truly are! AFFIRMATION: Each day I step forward, empowered and fully aligned in body, mind and spirit. Strength, love and light flow to me and through me in every moment. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept.22): Open your heart to more fully loving and accepting yourself. We can only create peace in our world by truly loving ourselves and feeling at peace within our own hearts. Yes, we all have our shortcomings and faults, but that's what makes us human. When we let go of judging and truly accept ourselves, then we can more fully love who we are. Remember, we are not perfect, but whatever we do is perfection in that moment. Love the beautiful being that you are! Bask in the beauty, love and perfection of each moment. Allow your sense of selflove to fill and surround you and then radiate it out to our world, assisting in creating more love and peace on our planet. AFFIRMATION: I AM Love. I AM full of Love. LOVE is all that I AM. I AM Peace. I AM full of Peace. PEACE is all that I AM. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22): As we move through these next few months, be vigilant. Keep your mind open and flexible. Stay present to the moment. When you notice your thoughts racing out of control, rushing to conclusions, worrying what will happen, rein in your mind and come back to the moment. Contemplate what positive scenarios you would like to see unfold. Be in more conscious control of what you are thinking and your life will flow with greater ease and satisfaction. AFFIRMATION: My mind is calm and focused. I am exactly where I need to be in this moment. All is in Divine Order. Peace and harmony fill and surround me. SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21): Take a deep breath and tap into the joy and gratitude you feel for all the positive things in your life. Really take time to focus on what is going well. What is bringing you happiness? What is making your heart sing? Analyze various situations and occurrences from the perspective of the cup being half full as opposed to half empty. No matter what befalls you, look for and focus on only the most lifeaffirming aspects and possibilities. Your positive attitude will go far to uplift not only yourself but all those you interact with. AFFIRMATION: I am grateful for all my experiences and easily see a positive aspect in each one. I feel optimistic, uplifted and aligned in body, mind and spirit.

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 18): The first three months after our birthday is a time to set a firm foundation for the year ahead. It is a time of renewal. You have released a lot of old baggage recently, perhaps leaving you feeling a bit vulnerable or even empty. Remember, each day you are stepping into the first day of the rest of your life with opportunities to create new patterns and new ways of being. Consider ways to renew yourself– body, mind and spirit–a little each day, creating healthier patterns of selfcare. Nurture and take care of yourself. You are a beautiful, loving spirit with so much to give but right now, give to yourself! AFFIRMATION: Each day, I take time for relaxation and renewal. I love and appreciate myself for all that I have to offer to others and our world. Love fills and surrounds me. PISCES (Feb.19-March 19): As you step into this new year initiated by your birthday, take some time to contemplate and consider what you have been learning about yourself over the past months. Begin to gradually integrate these awarenesses and insights into your life. Be particularly aware of what surfaces for you around the full moon each month. A full moon often highlights what needs to be examined and provides an opportunity for greater insight. As the moon grows towards its full phase, ask for the guidance you seek. It will be revealed as the days unfold. AFFIRMATION: I allow my body, mind and spirit to integrate new ideas, opportunities and options with ease. I trust in life's unfolding process. I feel guided and supported in every moment.

Raven Moondance (aka Shenna Benarte) writes the newsletter, MOON ASTROLOGY UPDATE six times a year and a monthly column on working with the moon in MOMA BEAR, a magazine for Gainesville, Florida moms. For a complete Moon Astrology reading or to attend a monthly Moon Astrology Class, call Raven at 352-372-8594 or email: Please see ad below.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21): Are you listening to your intuition? It is essential for you to tap into your inner wisdom for the answers and guidance you seek. Observe your immediate reaction when encountering a challenge, question or concern. Trust that first response to guide you to what you need. You may seek counsel from others, but bottom line, listen to your inner guidance and you will find that you are wiser than you think! All the answers you seek are within you! AFFIRMATION: I fully open to the guidance, insights and inspiration that emanate from deep within me. I trust that I am Divinely guided in all ways and at all times. CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19): What are you grateful for in your life? Affirm your gratitude at least once a day and preferably more frequently during the course of the day. Gratitude creates an uplifting feeling within us, raising our vibration and attracting more opportunities to be grateful. You have experienced some important and powerful shifts deep within in the beginning months of this auspicious new year. Nurture them with an attitude of gratitude and you will be surprised how easily you are able to integrate these new concepts and ways of being. AFFIRMATION: I allow myself to shift and change easily and effortlessly. I am grateful for all that I have and for all that occurs in my life.

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012


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the, "You are what you eat" campaign? It was an attempt to remind us to think about what we put in our bodies. After all, those are the only nutrients we have to build from.


I believe it's true that we are what we eat, especially in ways that go far beyond the physical. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually... I am what I eat, every single day. What I see, hear, and feel, what I speak, write, and think… that is all that my mind, emotions, and spirit have to build from. For me, it is a minute-by-minute practice of choices based on this belief: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually We are what we eat Let us feed each other good things. [JHD]

This applies to everything I choose to feed myself. After all, how I treat myself is the guide for how I allow others to treat me. If we extrapolate how frequently the body needs food for blood sugar stability, nu-

ters, too.


tritional balance, etc. and apply that to the mind, emotions, and spirit, it is easy to see this is not a once-aweek or once-a-day requirement. People who are serious about taking care of their bodies make sure that their bodies have fuel at least every two hours. It makes good sense that we need emotional, mental, and spiritual nourishment multiple times per day.

time I had Mickey D’s fries, they left a slimy feeling in my mouth and didn’t even taste good. Giving up emotional abuse took time, too, but I eventually learned to walk away. No more slime.

What I eat matters. How often I eat matters. How I eat mat-

Joanna Davis, CLC received her Certification as a Life Coach through Coach for Life, the original spirit-based, accredited coach training. Her work in the healing arts began over 30 years ago in massage therapy and continues with certifications in reflexology and hypnosis. She is also experienced in energy healing, tarot and other mystic practices. Visit http://

If I have a nutritionally complete meal and rush through it, I set myself up for indigestion, hiatal hernia, etc. This applies on all levels. When someone thanks me for something I’ve done or tells me what they love about me, I take time to listen and soak it in. It’s good food for the mind, emotions, and soul. Little choices and little changes add up over time. I’ve eaten my share of McDonald’s and I’ve absorbed my share of abuse. Slowly but surely, I’ve made changes. The french fries were hard to give up. It took a few years, but the last

I think life works like that. What we see, hear, feel, speak, write, think, etc. is what we are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually absorbing. If we’re used to low-nutrient food (on any level), we will settle for it. However, if we get used to wholesome, nourishing, live-giving… then nothing else will satisfy. Little choices turn into big changes. I hope your choices include good food for your body, mind, emotions, and soul! or call 352-874-7817. Please see ad this page.

* Joy is Irresistibly Attractive. Joy * is the Abundance Vibration. * Joy opens the gate to your Highest Wisdom. * Align your body with Joy to release pain. Align your emotions with Joy * to clear angst. * Align your mind with Joy to end confusion. * The Joy vibration is present at birth, but is often lost in the turmoil of life. * Reconnect your Joy.

Contact Joanna for your personal Joy Connection.


Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012


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Cosmetics Through the Ages Do Your Cosmetics Nourish Your Skin? BY CLAUDIA VIRGA

Most of us have heard the old expression that "cleanliness is close to Godliness,” but did you know to what extent women have gone to achieve this? For centuries women in almost every society participated in beauty rituals trying to achieve this goal. Soaps, lotions, perfume and cosmetics date as far back as 6,000 years B. C. in Egypt. Although most were from natural sources, that does not mean it was always safe. Egyptians wore eyeliner made from lead, copper, burnt almonds, soot and other ingredients to ward off evil spirits and improve the vision. In the 1800s, women used belladonna, even though they knew it was poisonous, to illuminate their eyes. A pale complexion was a sign of class and wealth in many societies. In the Greco-Roman society and during the Italian Renaissance, women wore white lead, mercury and arsenic as a powder to give the appearance of pale skin. Even more extreme tactics were used during the Middle Ages in Europe, when women bled themselves in order to achieve this look. In today's society, we still have the same extreme quest for beauty with some approaches safer than others. For example, the equivalent to our modern day “lead paint” is chemical peels. We also have collagen injections, permanent makeup and Botox. Today’s men and women knowingly put • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


botulism in their body, all for the goal of appearing more youthful. In the Middle East, Islamic law allowed the use of makeup, but required it to be made from materials not harmful to the body. This is a far cry from our FDA, considering that it does not regulate products, but only the colors used in cosmetics and hair dyes. There are far safer beauty regimens that have been around just as long, and are still used today. During the Regency era, women carried umbrellas, wore bonnets and covered up all visible parts of their body to keep the skin pure and pale. In Japan, rice powder was used to achieve a pale skin look. Victorians made skin care products from food such as oatmeal, honey, eggs, vinegar and rose water. They would either pinch their cheeks or use beet juice to give themselves a healthy appearance. Looking and feeling our best is not just about our appearances on the outside. In fact, it really starts from within. We are all familiar with the phrase “our body is our temple.” What are we doing to nourish them? Are we feeding our bodies with pure, whole foods? Are we feeding our mind with positive and uplifting thoughts? Are we moving our bodies to keep them flexible and fit? And if we choose to enhance our appearance, are we choosing pure and natural cosmetics that also nourish us? Claudia Virga is a representative for Rejuva Minerals. Rejuva Minerals, Inc.. was founded in 2006 by Brenda Hyre as a response to her concern that the skin is highly permeable and can actually allow skin care ingredients to reach the bloodstream with potentially negative toxic affects on the body. After consulting with leaders in the industry, including experts in the development of natural cosmetics, makeup artists, and cosmetic ingredient manufacturers, the Central Florida-based Rejuva Minerals line was developed. Please see ad, right. Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



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Helping Stop MST Hello. My name is Olga. As a past victim of sexual assault during my service in the United States Air Force, I have started a campaign called A Black Rose: Campaign for Awareness. Our focus is to bring awareness to the issue of sexual assault, harassment, abuse, stalking, etc. faced by serving members of our armed forces. Our philosophy is that the men and women who serve our nation should not have to worry about being assaulted by their fellow servicemen and women. Most information can be found on our website :, but in brief, our organization allows victims of abuse in the military to request a black rose. On Memorial Day 2012, we will personally take the roses to Washington, D.C. to be laid outside the U. S. Capitol Building. The Veterans' Administration has reported over 500,000 veterans suffering from Military Sexual Trauma. At this time, it is estimated that one out of every three women in the military is raped, sexually abused or harassed by their own peers. Even the people that have promised to keep them safe have turned on them. We have 1.8 million female veterans across our nation, most of them returning with major physical and mental trauma. The challenge is to offer services to women that are accessible, gender-responsive, and trauma-informed at all locations. The Black Rose Awareness Campaign is working hard to serve all Veterans from all eras, branches of service, and those in uniform today. During this campaign to educate our country of what terrible crimes are happening in our military, we are reaching out to the family and friends of our veterans and military personnel and asking for your support. A donation of $25.00 will help to insure that our websites and our campaigns will continue to provide services to our Veterans, your daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and friends, one day at a time. You can donate online at http:// A Black Rose is a virtual organization reaching across the nation. Your generous donation ensures that we are able to continue our mission into the future. You can always contact us and find up-to-date information on our Facebook page at

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Thank you for your support, Olga Ferrer Executive Director A Black Rose Awareness Campaign, Inc. A Non-Profit Organization • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

Overweight?......... I have struggled with weight most of my life losing the weight only to gain it back again. Each time I went on the latest diet craze, I thought it would be my last. I remember the cabbage soup diet where you ate only soup all day. Ugh! Then there was the grapefruit diet. Yuck! Remember the diet where you could eat all the protein you wanted and have plenty of bacon? Looking back now, that didn’t seem to be healthy. Then there were stints with Weight Watcher’s and Nutri-System. The weight came off only to return once you didn’t follow the plan. Later in life, I was introduced to Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life. Leafing through “The List” at the back of the book, my eyes fell upon the problem of being “fat.” It gave a description of the cause of overweight–being oversensitive. It also often represents fear and shows a need for protection. The fear may be a cover for hidden anger and a resistance to forgive. Ping! The causes listed were all true for me! Next, a new thought pattern was given to hold in my mind. It stated, “I am protected by Divine Love. I am always safe and secure. I am willing to grow up and take responsibility for my life. I forgive others, and I now create my own life the way I want it. I am safe.” The battle of the bulge is not about eating food in large quantities or about eating the wrong foods. It is actually about how people feel about themselves on the inside and it's about forgiveness. Was that what Jesus meant when he told his disciples that he had food that they did not know


food, exercise and forgiveness B Y R E V. M A R Y B LO C H E R

about? Everything became clear about food and how to find true nourishment. I teamed up with a nutritionist who helped compose an eating plan just for me because an eating plan that works for one person may not work for another person. Next, it was time to get serious about exercise. Finding the right type of exercise that was fun was important. Water aerobics and yoga work for me. Slowly the weight began to come off and the inches of fat disappeared. Now, I am fully aware of what true nourishment and purification are. It includes eating healthy food but it also includes ingesting into your mind daily affirmations, prayer and meditation. It is imperative to spend time in physical exercise, but it is also important to spend time in the forgiveness process. On a plan of food choices, exercise, forgiveness, and positive mental and spiritual nourishment, you will find true nourishment and will be purified in body, mind, and spirit. Rev. Mary Blocher grew up in Huntington, Indiana and graduated from Indiana University with a Master’s Degree in Education. In 2005, she was ordained by the Association of Unity Churches International. She was one of the ministers at Fellowship of Spirit in Farmington, New Mexico which is associated with the International New Thought Alliance. In February, 2007, she became the minister at Unity Leesburg. Please see ad this page.

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Sacred Earth Center Chapel & Healing Center All Faiths Workshops Gatherings Spiritual Healing Reiki ² Massage Breathwork MM26723

Sacred Earth Bazaar Vendors, Readers, Healers Saturday, April 14 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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The Earth Mother:

Nourishing Us Back to Health B Y R E V. S U N E M A U R A O ' B R I E N Understanding how to truly nourish and support my body has been a lifelong challenge. I have studied, experimented, prayed, given up, and renewed my commitment in a myriad of ways at various times in my life. Some years ago, I was very sick and spent my days on the couch. My partner often called me from his office during the day. He urged me to go outside, insisting that in the outdoors I would find the healing energy that I so needed. His words fell on deaf ears. I stayed holed up in the house. It took me ten years to regain my health. An important part of this journey was a move to Florida, where I began to spend most of my daylight hours gardening and enjoying an idyllic backyard. Ten years ago, my present husband and I moved to five private acres of paradise in O’Brien, Florida. Here we spend a good amount of our time outdoors, soaking in the healing energies of earth and sky. I have learned to follow the shamanic path of interacting daily with the elements–earth, air, fire, and water. These are personified by the rich soil of the Mother, the gentle breeze which flows across my porch, the bright Florida sun, and the springs which flow beneath the land on which we live and breathe. In addition to the elements, I have learned to commune with the kingdoms of beings who live together on this land. These are ancient stone people who carry knowledge of the history of earth and her peoples; plants, who whisper their gentle secrets in my wild garden; animals, represented by our five dogs as well as the deer and rabbits that pass by; David and I, representing the rich creativity of humanity; and always, Spirit filling our days and nights with love. This is where I have found the truest, most pure nourishment for body and soul. Rev. Sunemaura O'Brien is a spiritual healer and teacher dedicated to supporting individuals in opening doors to authenticity and joy. She is an ordained minister and teacher with the Sacred Earth Ministry. She is co-facilitator and co-founder of the Sacred Earth Center, an interfaith chapel and healing center in Gainesville, Florida. She can be reached by emailing, calling 352-275-8537 or visiting


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What Causes Obesity? 34% of Americans Think Poor Parenting and Poor Food Choices Cause Childhood Obesity A Poll Position national scientific telephone survey asked, ‘Do you think childhood obesity is a disease, or is it caused by poor parenting, poor food choices, or both?’ Thirty-four percent of respondents said both poor parenting and poor food choices cause childhood obesity, 29% said poor parenting, 24% said poor food choices, 4% thought childhood obesity was a disease, 9% did not offer an opinion.

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Men and women differed in their views on the causes of childhood obesity. Among men, 35% said poor parenting causes childhood obesity, 31% selected both poor parenting and poor food choices, 22% said it was poor food choices, 4% said it as a disease and 8% offered no opinion. Thirty-six percent of women thought both poor parenting and poor food choices cause childhood obesity, 27% said it is caused by poor food choices, 24% said poor parenting, 3% said it is a disease and 10% did not offer an opinion. See a breakdown of survey participants by age, race, gender, and political affiliation in crosstabs for this poll at http:// Poll Position’s scientific telephone survey of 1,145 registered voters nationwide was conducted January 17, 2012 and has a margin of error of ±3%. Poll results are weighted to be a representative sampling of all American adults. What do you think? Do you think that childhood obesity in America is a disease or is it caused by poor parenting, poor food choices, or both? Vote in the online companion poll and comment at The online companion poll in which you can vote provides unscientific results, meaning it’s a tally of participating Poll Position users, not a nationally representative sampling.

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Poll Position is a unique non-partisan news, polling, and social media company founded and lead by two award-winning CNN news and polling veterans. The company’s goals are to engage, enlighten, and entertain millions of people with exclusive news-making, buzz-generating public opinion polls and giving people everywhere an opportunity to vote and comment on hot topics, while learning the views of others. For more news updates and research findings, follow Poll Position on Twitter @PollPosition and become a Facebook fan at Become a registered user at

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Health and Balance through Ayurvedic Cleansing March 6 -13, 2012 April 7 - 14, 2012

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Combine the complementary practices of Amrit Yoga and Ayurveda detoxification to transform your health and prevent aging. Regain your optimum health! Our 8-day Ayurvedic Panchakarma programs are based on specific protocols tailored to your unique constitution. Panchakarma removes deeply held toxins in the neuroglandular system, organs of the body and at cellular levels. It restores balance to return to your natural state of optimal health and well-being. Medical Director Vijay Jain, MD, has been a board certified surgeon for 30 years and an expert in Ayurveda for 15 years. Dr. Jain combines traditional Western medicine with ancient Ayurveda medicine. Only 8 participants are accepted per session providing individualized attention.

Location: Amrit Yoga Institute, Salt Springs, FL Register and More Information: Tuition: $2850.00 includes daily panchakarma, special meals, accommodations, yoga, yoga nidra, meditation and consultations with Dr. Jain Phone: 352-685-3001


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THE POSTURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS® • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998



means "the science of life." It is the traditional natural healing system of India that has been practiced over thousands of years. Its purpose is to provide a framework of health for the whole person: body, mind and spirit. As such, it deals not only with disease but also with rejuvenation, virilization and longevity. The main tools Ayurveda utilizes to achieve health are diet, lifestyle, herbs and bodywork. Chief among Ayurveda's outstanding attributes is the recognition of the uniqueness of each individual, thereby allowing treatment to be tailored to that individual and their environment. Ayurveda describes the individuality through the use of the three doshas, or constitutional qualities: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Every person has a pre-set balance of these qualities. When they are balanced within an individual, health is the result. When they are imbalanced, disease is the eventual outcome. In general, Ayurveda seeks to restore health by restoring balance.

Purification Creates Healing Inside and Out BY YOGI AMRIT DESAI

When you blend the principles of Ayurveda with yoga, you greatly enhance the healing power of Ayurveda. When you join yoga with Ayuveda, the practice of yoga becomes exponentially more powerful and effective. Ayuveda and Yoga—the combined power of Body and Soul, gives wings to the practice of both Yoga and Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a sister science of yoga. Ayurveda works from the outside in; yoga works from the inside out. This is represented as body and being or a bio-spiritual system. When you combine the treatments of Ayurveda such as diet and herbal medicines, it greatly enhances the inner depths of asana, pranayama (breathwork) and meditation. This is where natural herbal medication and meditation are working hand-in-hand to create a shift not just on a physical level, but to also remove the unconscious blocks that continue to create chronic stress in our lives. They are at the core of 80% of the modern illnesses we face today. Just as the emphasis of the Amrit approach to yoga is to work with the subtler pranic (energetic) levels of healing, all quality Ayurvedic treatments are also geared towards restoring energetic balance according to each individual constitution. An Ayurvedic lifestyle that corresponds with a yogic lifestyle with an emphasis on diet can be a powerful combination for accelerated healing, personal growth and transformation.

Yogi Amrit Desai is the founder of the Amrit Yoga Institute in Salt Springs, Florida. The Institute offers personalized Ayurvedic consultations, treatment services and workshops including a special cleansing program called Panchakarma which is limited to eight participants. Ayurvedic Panchakarma dates in 2012 include March 6-13, March 28-April 4, April 7-14, and May 1–8. Learn more at http://www.AmritYoga. org. See ad previous page.

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012


It Really Does Take a B Y R A M A H WA G N E R , D . C . , C O N T R I B U T I N G H E A LT H E D I T O R

Flying into the Andes at night is always a wondrous experience. After we landed high up and took in all the lights flickering in the thick navy sky, I stepped cautiously out of the plane carrying the most precious cargo I had ever transported, my five week old daughter. I was concerned with so much prior to her birth. How would my business be affected? How would I juggle everything? When would my body return to normal? How do I breast feed and work? What happens if I get postpartum depression? So in a vain attempt to avoid the post-birthing blues with a pre-baby mind I booked a ticket to fly to South America. The birth was beautiful. We practiced HypnoBirthing and I got my very masculine husband engaged in the birthing experience. I planned everything so I thought the time after the birth for an overachiever like myself would be a piece of cake. The night Adrienne was born was a sweet wake-up call that came like a splash of cold water to your face. She came out and was placed naked and new on my chest. Then she began to cry, and our beautiful baby girl who my husband Fabian helped to deliver kept us up the next 20 days with incessant crying. I handled the first twenty days beautifully. I stayed strong and let no one know that I didn't want to admit how little resources I truly had. She was allergic to everything–my milk, formulas, you name it, she was suffering. So I suffered not knowing what to do. Finally, we were off to the Andes. It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child. You always think it will be your family and dearest friends that will get you through a bind, but this time, because my mother and father were busy in their Iowa practice and because Fabian's family was so far away, I had a lot of advice and very little real help. I remember now just feeling crazy from so much sleep deprivation. It is extremely difficult to handle the first few months with a colicky baby. We all think we will be better in some ways than others. Back during my pregnancy I intended to exercise and eat well and that all went out the back door in the first trimester. So I was not surprised I felt like a total failure when I was not able to stop Adrienne's ferocious scream. The first night in the Andes the family sent us a nurse. She came to give us a good night's sleep. They do this for all the new mothers down there for less than $3 per hour. Strange how a third world country has so much to teach more "advanced" nations. One of these wonderful nurses brought Adrienne to me to breastfeed in the middle of the night. She was sleeping and all wrapped up like an ice cream cone. I took one look at her so quiet with such a sweet expression and I immediately went into an adrenaline response. I felt her cheeks so cold and started checking her pulse thinking she had


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suffered death by sudden infant death syndrome. I listened frantically for her breath and started slapping her cheek to see if she was alive. This was by far one of the most frightening moments I had ever experienced. She wasn't dead, of course. She was in such a deep and beautiful sleep that she appeared like a lovely porcelain doll frozen in time. The nurse started asking in Spanish to my husband, "What is your wife doing?" He, too, was in shock seeing her so peaceful. She slept for two and a half hours that night. In the morning, I showered and bolted out to the nurse to ask what exactly they had done to get this effect. One nurse, studying to be a doctor and highly trained with infants told me she went out that night to get an herb called anise. She boiled it until it was the color of urine and put a half ounce in her bottle. She taught me how to get her colic out by swaddling her really tight. She also showed me how to get her to sleep on her back. She had these special triangle pillows to trick her into feeling like she was being held. I was shocked to see how warm she really needed to be. In America, I told her the hospital made us keep the temperature at 68 degrees in our room. Our American pediatrician who is widely known and very holistic said about the colic, "Nothing you can do just wait it out." Yet, like magic these strange Andean women had lulled this beautiful tyrant to sleep. My father inquired in the morning whether she had responded to the chiropractic adjustment he had given her the previous night. I had forgotten that I finally got her adjusted. I excitedly showed my parents what the nurses had taught us. My mom reminded me that I started drinking more water too which is key. So little by little, the people of the Andes showed me many tricks that women there pass down from one to another. I tried to express to each nurse who came to help us for that week what it meant to me. My broken Spanish would not suffice but these mothers understood my smiling eyes. In the end, I realized we all as mothers will need the help of others. Now in my clinic, I often share secrets of health that are simple and effective like anise tea and goat milk for a colicky baby. We must help each other by spreading the simple truths of health. The founder of Chiropractic Daniel David Palmer said, "When a member of society has fallen, call in an educator to establish him back in life."

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ties with a new child. I learned that sudden infant death is severely diminished simply by having the baby sleep on her back. Many childhood problems can be dealt with by using simple health practices such as chiropractic, water, and good nutrition. Reminding each other of these basic principles is the key to having a great life. It truly does take a village to raise a child. Ramah Wagner, D. C. is a third generation alternative health doctor. She graduated from Palmer Chiropractic College in Iowa, where chiropractic was first discovered in 1895. Her clinic is located outside Orlando, Florida, where she works with cutting edge technology in the alternative healing arts, including chiropractic, specific nutrition, detoxification of heavy metals, and acupuncture. Dr. Ramah, as her patients and friends call her, is an internationally recognized author and nationally known speaker. She focuses on the belief that content energy is the key to creating an amazing life. In her recent book, The Health of Business: How to balance Your Life For Greater Returns, she shares colorful stories and powerful healing methods to achieve a larger energy field. Her keen ability to ready energy has recently been captured in her art exhibition called “Portraits” that depicts in line and color each subject’s energy field. To see more of Dr. Ramah’s work, visit or Please see ad page 65.

Perhaps someone you know is suffering because of difficul-

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



7-8 p.m. Videos shown from the award-winning TV series 1208 N. W. 6th St., Ste. A, Gainesville, Florida with Prem Rawat FREE to All Who Attend Info. Line: 352-373-5578

Also showing Sundays at 7 p.m. Cox Cable Digital Channel 21

“‘Peace is a Feeling’ Says Local Cable Broadcast” BY RUBY WOOD

Is peace really possible in today's chaotic world? Gainesville and Ocala residents interested in an answer may want to sample an award-winning program entitled, “Words of Peace” on Cox Cable Digital Channel 21. The broadcast features international speaker Prem Rawat, widely known as Maharaji, who says that peace is already within and that it can be felt, regardless of circumstances.

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“A beautiful promise and possibility exists for the peace that lies—not away from us, but inside us,” Maharaji says. “That peace lies in our hearts, where we can get in touch with it every day.” Cox Digital Channel 21 is one of many cable stations in North America and around the world currently broadcasting “Words of Peace” in local communities. In each instance, the show is supported by local volunteers. The Gainesville/Ocala program, “Words of Peace” has been airing since November 2004. In Brazil, the show has twice received that government’s highest honor from The Brazilian Association of Community Television Channels (ABCCOM). In December 2010, “Una Posibilidad” (a Words of Peace program in Spanish) won Best Show in the Inspirational category on Montgomery Community TV in Montgomery County, Maryland. "Words of Peace" now also appears four times weekly on the Correctional Education Association's Transforming Lives Network, making it available to residents and staff of correctional facilities nationwide. “Words of Peace” airs in Gainesville on Sundays at 7 pm, Thursdays & Sundays 1:30 am, and Saturdays 1 am, (in Ocala on Sundays 7 pm, and Thursdays 1:30 am). Recorded information about Gainesville and Ocala’s local broadcast of “Words of Peace” is available at 352-373-5578. For information about Maharaji and his addresses, visit http:// Please see ad top of column one, this page. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


resilient, and the capability to survive and adapt to the coming earth changes.

how modern day teachings have confused spirituality with materialism B Y R E V. A N D R E W C E K U N

I experienced a recent personal and spiritual crisis when I was trying to accept the painful reality of selling my family home for living money. I remembered the words of my teacher: “Most people would rather die than give up their comforts.” The realization of my emotional attachment to something material was contradictory to my best efforts to live my spiritual path, practicing what I “preach” (teach). For over one year I have been writing about the Truth of 2012 versus the hype in the New Age media. Instead of accepting and facing the hard truths and complex changes before us all (earth, environmental, lifestyle, econom-

ic, etc.), and helping us prepare for difficult choices, we have been treated to fairy tale-like scenarios such as mass ascension, 5-D consciousness, and magical thinking. Realistic thinking and hard truths have been conveniently labeled “negative and fear based,” and consequently dismissed. We in the western, industrialized, countries have grown accustomed to modern technology and conveniences unknown to most of the people of the world. For better or worse, we have become dependent on such comforts and would feel helpless and demoralized without them. We have lost our ability to be more self-sufficient, the opportunity to become more

We have confused standard of living with quality of life, and have become more and more materialistic in our personal values and way of life. Our modern spirituality has encouraged this through the misguided attempt to apply spiritual principles to acquire material things, or to fulfill personal desires (i.e. “The Law of Attraction”). We have come to believe that everything on earth is here to serve us (humanity), therefore we can take (without asking or receiving permission) any and all of the earth’s resources for ourselves. How is it that our modern, New Age spirituality has caused us all to become more self-centered? A sense of spiritual entitlement has crept in our collective values, a belief that because we are all “children of God” we can and should have anything and everything we desire, all on our terms, no matter what the cost to our beautiful planet Earth, or to the rest of humanity. In the Red Letters (concerning 2012), the Master Kuthumi states: “…From the spiritual angle mankind is in a worse condition than it has been at any time in the modern age. In other periods, materialism has held mankind in its grip and spirituality has been downgraded and rejected, but there has never been a time when materialism has been called spirituality, as is the case now. The confusion that is resulting from this is costing you dearly.” Perhaps now is a good time to examine our intellectual assumptions, belief systems, and emotional attachments that no longer serve us. The resolution of my difficult and personally painful process has, for me, come from obedience to Divine Will, accepting that we get life on God’s terms, not our own, and most importantly, it has come from detachment! The Rev. Andrew Cekun is an esoteric astrologer and teacher. A student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings for 30 years, he educates about the Path of Accelerated Spiritual Evolution, and the Planetary Initiation of 2012. His astrological specialty is to identify one’s soul purpose, and to recognize and utilize periods of spiritual challenge and opportunity. Please see Andrew's ad this page.

Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



Spring Cleaning

It's Not Just for the Home B Y S O L A R A A T T A T H A R Y A , D O M , A P, D N B H E ACUPUNCTURE PHYSICIAN D I P L O M AT E N AT I O N A L B O A R D O F H O M E O PAT H I C E X A M I N E R S


the trees and flowers are all budding out in the annual spring renewal so are our bodies. Spring cleaning is not just for the home. It is also the time to detoxify the body and mind. Now is the time to release the sludge from winter storage and embrace a more active lifestyle. Chinese Medicine Five-Element theory is based on the observation of natural cycles and interrelationships in both our environment and within ourselves. Spring is the essence of wood, rebirth and regeneration. The liver and gallbladder are paired meridian or energy channels which, in addition to cleansing the blood, are responsible for helping muscles, tendons and even the eyes. The emotion is anger and the taste sour. Spring is an excellent time to do a liver/gallbladder flush and other detoxifications. Because you are an individual, a custom program just for you to properly heal and rejuvenate is desired. A product which worked for Aunt Sally might not work for you. Detoxing without knowing if your body can easily eliminate the toxins can


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be dangerous in some instances. For a really deep, healthy cleanse, it is important to consult a practitioner trained to look at the whole body and your past medical history. Many people in my practice have responded favorably with detox programs using homeopathy to support the kidney and bladder as the lymphatic system and liver are cleansed. Acupuncture can open the energy channels and boost the immune system, and foot baths help release even more toxins. These modalities and more offer an ideal balance for nourishment and purification. With holistic care we treat the underlying cause of your problems not just the symptoms and we do it without drugs. Solara Attatharya is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture Physician and Diplomate, National Board of Homeopathic Examiners. She has been involved with homeopathy since 1986 and licensed as an acupuncturist since 1999. Solara serves as President of the National Board of Homeopathic Examiners which is the accrediting board for all physicians in homeopathy. Visit: http:://, call 352-365-4325 and please see ad next page.

4 Easy Inner Cleansing Tips It is important to *move away from the heavier starchy foods of winter. Eating local fresh organic fruits and veggies are the best for your system.

day drink*ingStarta the large glass of

warm, purified water with a squeeze of lemon. It will help flush toxins and support the liver and gallbladder. Many people find that it also helps them regulate their bowels.

your shower *orBefore bath, dry scrub

with a loofah sponge or rough towel to slough off old dead skin. This encourages your body to produce new skin cells and balance out the oil production.

Expose your bare *skin to 15 to 20 min-

utes of sunlight daily to generate Vitamin D. Avoid sunbathing between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. when the rays are the most dangerous. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

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Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012




THE PROBLEM OF CHRONIC DOMINANT FOCI DOMINANT FOCI DEFINED A dominant focus is an area of chronic disturbance in the body that frequently goes undiagnosed because it typically causes no obvious localized symptoms. The most common dominant foci are the teeth, tonsils and scars. What makes foci so particularly insidious and difficult to detect is that although they are usually asymptomatic locally, they can cause pain or dysfunction in other seemingly unrelated areas of the body–often quite distal (further away) from the focal site. The areas that are secondarily disturbed by a focus are referred to as disturbed fields. For example, a woman may be prescribed a whole host of palliative anti-inflammatory drugs for her arthritic and painful joints (the disturbed fields), but the true cause of her chronic pain–a tonsil focus–usually goes undetected for years or decades. Or a man may become desperate enough to submit to prostate surgery to alleviate difficult urination symptoms when the primary cause of his prostate disturbed field is actually a failed root canal tooth. Thus, modern medicine often misses the mark by concentrating on relieving the symptoms of a disturbed field rather than treating the true cause of the problem–“The Dominate Focus.” FOCI HAVE A MAJOR HISTORICAL PRECEDENT Most modern-day conventional medical doctors have never heard of the terms 'dominant focus' or 'interference field,' or of the therapies that are primarily employed to treat them. In fact, even the majority of holistic doctors and practitioners do not know how to accurately diagnose and treat chronic foci. However, like the term miasm, the word focus is not really so obscure–it’s just been forgotten. The prominent place this term once played in medical diagnosis is well evidenced by the very appropriate definition of a focus from a recent edition of Dorland’s Medical Dictionary: “A foci is…the starting point of a disease process.” Another descriptive definition comes from Webster’s Dictionary: "A focus is, a part of the body where a disease process, as an infection, tumor, etc…is localized or most active." A FOCUS AND AN INTERFERENCE FIELD ARE SYNONYMS This silent “irritating thorn” that initiates disturbance elsewhere is primarily referred to as a focus or focal infection in America,


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and as an interference field by most Europeans. The word focus is descriptive of the fact that a very specific and localized area such as a knee surgery scar or a single tooth can be the primary focal or starting point of the problem, whereas interference field characterizes the obstruction to normal nerve conductivity that these scars and chronic subclinical infections cause. The term foci or dominant focus will be the most commonly employed umbrellalike term to describe all types of foci. However, when referring to a focal region that is chronically infected such as the teeth or tonsils, the more specific term focal infection will often be utilized. Further, when describing scar tissue (externally or internally) that is blocking normal nerve and energy flow, the term interference field may be used. These two major types of foci–chronic interference fields and chronic focal infections–are described in more detail below. SCAR INTERFERENCE FIELDS Scars on the external as well as the internal parts of the body are often completely asymptomatic. However, surgical scars from appendectomies, tonsillectomies, hysterectomies (uterus removal), episiotomies and so forth are commonly diagnosed as chronic interference fields. Further, irritating scars from surgeries to repair traumatized tissue such as torn ligaments in the knee, compound fractures and stitches for deep cuts are also typical interference fields. Non-surgical scars that do not heal well can also become chronic interference fields over time, such as cuts and tears (without stitches), severe bruises, major wounds (puncture, crushing, etc.) and even scars formed from past skin infections (cystic acne, boils, abscesses, etc.) especially when they were highly charged emotionally, such as in the case with acne. The internal scarring to organs, bones and tissues from surgery, trauma or chronic infection can also act as chronic interference fields although no visible scar shows on the skin. For example, blows to the head are common interference field so and even more insidious than external scars since they are both invisible in the scalp and buried under the hair. Thus, whether scar interference fields are visible on the external skin or invisible in the deeper tissues, they can both act as interference fields and chronically, yet quite silently, disturb the body. In contrast to focal infections, however, scars are not areas of • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

active and chronic infection. FOCAL INFECTIONS A dominant focus can also generate bacteria and other microbes that continuously spread, or metastasize, throughout the body, chiefly via blood and lymphatic channels, as well as alone nerve fibers. Teeth and tonsils are the most typical areas where focal infections are found. Other sites include the sinuses, appendix and genital organs, primarily the cervix and the prostate. Further, over time, the chronic inflammation and infection occurring in a focal infection degenerates tissue(s) and creates scar formation. This scar tissue, scar formation, does not show on the skin, but its presence in the underlying deeper tissues is just as damaging to the body as a whole. Therefore, teeth, tonsils, sinuses, prostate, uterine and other focal infections eventually also act as scar interference fields. DOMINANT VERSUS SIGNIFICANT FOCI In the German electro-acupuncture (EAV) testing methods, the term 'dominant' has classically been used to describe a focus that is “a major disturbance in the body.” This most often includes abscessed teeth (which most of the time is relatively painfree), infected tonsils , and large and/or (unconsciously) emotionally upsetting scars from surgeries or serious injuries. The term 'significant focus' has been used to describe foci that are less of an issue, or that have been aggravated (mitigated) through treatment. An example would be a former dominant tonsil focus and might be later referred to as a significant focus after several treatments. AN APPENDIX FOCUS EXAMPLE For further addition clarification, let’s take an example of a classic dominant focus–an appendix scar. Most people experience no pain or other symptoms from an appendix scar, however, appendix scars are notorious among practitioners who commonly treat foci for causing right hip and low back pain (the disturbed fields). These interference fields also typically irritate the intestine inducing irritable bowel-like symptoms such as gas, bloating and alternating diarrhea and constipation. Further, appendix scars, as well as other foci, also cause disturbance in areas quite remote from their focal site of origin, (Example: The appendix is in the lower right abdominal region). The brain is a common appendix scar-induced disturbed field, triggering such symptoms as chronic insomnia, headaches, or intermittent depression. CONCLUSION If you and/or someone who have had or is currently experiencing chronic, long-term conditions or ailments with no relief with care under traditional and/or alternative healthcare, you may want to consider being evaluated for these underlying, unnoticed Chronic Dominant Foci. Going to a trained, skilled, licensed healthcare provider is critical in the evaluation, diagnosis and care of these unknown underlying problems which are directly related to many of the long-term conditions patients experience with no avail in relief. Dr. Michael Badanek has been serving the Central Florida, Marion County, region for the past thirty plus years in active clinical practice. Dr. Badanek is a licensed Chiropractic physician in the state of Florida with continued extensive training in Alternative Complementary Medicine. Dr. Badanek has had the privilege to continue his education in nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathy, applied kinesiology, functional and traditional medicine and electro-dermal screening and has three board certifications just to name a few of his accomplishments in the last more than three decades. Though licensed as a Chiropractic physician in Florida, Dr. Badanek’s real love and zeal in healthcare is treating patient’s with all types of conditions with his vast knowledge of alternative/functional medicine. You are urged to his call the office for an appointment, particularly if you have had a problem or ailment which has not responded to traditional and/or alternative heathcare providers. Visit Dr. Badanek’s website at to receive further insight on Dr. Badanek and his practice. Call 352-622-1151 for a consultation. This call will change your life. Please see ad page 75.

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Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012


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Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012



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Velocity Magazine TRUE NOURISHMENT AND PURIFICATION | March • April 2012









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