Velocity Magazine Discusses the WE ARE Consciousness

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Conscious Evolution Unveiling Ourselves Absolute Vitality "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012 @HiVibeMessages /VelocityMagazine

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



velo c it y • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

Visualization for Healing When facing life's mountains... Visualize and climb! It is wisely known that the power of visualization can transform our lives for the better. If we focus on healing, our body will respond to healing. Once this Universal energy within is directed and focused, it will assist us to heal all aspects of illness. Allowing our imagination to work in this powerful way, we can act positively and overcome any fear standing between us and our total health. Come and learn how to open, visualize, and receive this inner guidance for self-healing. Allow us to show you how you can make anything a reality. There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing we took responsibility for attaining our own health.

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A Healing Arts School | Heal Self, Heal Others, Heal the World Yashoda Yehudit is Director of The Heart’s Journey, a Visualization Healing program to create a healthy body, to reduce the effects of disease and to assist in replacing negative programing with positive ones. Just released Velocity Guided Imagery CD. Private practice |inMay Mount Dora. Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS • June 2012 3


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Tanja is a Holistic Health Nurse Practitioner and Energy Wellness Consultant with over 14 years of healthcare and healing experience.


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Tanja Johnson 407-900-3309 400 West Fairbanks Avenue, Suite C. Winter Park, Florida 32789 • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



CONSCIOUSNESS by Louanne Headrick

on the Move

Recently, while using the free time I had in an airport terminal before boarding my plane and digging into a book I’d been trying to finish, a woman sitting a few seats down spoke to me. “That looks like an interesting book,” she said. Reluctantly, I replied. That 6 a.m. replay began a very short conversation, lasting not more than four minutes, with a gentle woman who appeared to be from India. Her dark eyes flashed as we moved from the topic of the book into other ideas, somehow ending on the subject of love. By the end of the four minutes, we had saved the world from future wars and turmoil by teaching love to all. According to our plan, love would be a mandatory school subject worldwide, from preschool to the age of 12, right along with the three Rs. Our interesting and joyful conversation ended with knowing smiles. She went her way and I went mine, but love went with us both.

You and I are consciousness individualized. We are walking, talking, energy-filled beings gifted continuously with higher levels of consciousness being expressed as us. All we need to do to tap into that higher level of consciousness is to be aware of our higher nature. The God consciousness rests in the subconscious aspect of our individual beings, and through that awareness we are gifted with richer, fuller lives. All of us are made from the same Creative Stuff. The word Oneness expresses that we come from the same Source, that Source being All-Knowing, Everlasting, and the One Living Spirit which is present in and through all of life.

As I boarded the plane I felt exhilaration from the raising of consciousness I felt. It made me think of a song title, “Lookin’ for Love [In All the Wrong Places].” In the airport? Is there a wrong place to look for love since It is everywhere present? Consciousness, too, is everywhere present, ready for us to dip into for encouragement, added energy, enthusiasm, intuition, guidance, assurance, curiosity, abundance, and lots more. A shift into higher awareness is happening the world over. It is powerful and cannot be stopped. When we know It, we do not retreat, we evolve. Right now, we are on the edge of the tipping point, about to make history through the expression of our good. Just a few more aware souls and humankind will tip into that “awareness pool” of shared consciousness, a place more peaceful than has ever been experienced here on earth. I am sure love will lead the way and the unknown woman from India will help make it happen. Louanne Headrick is a Registered Nurse, past Hospice Nurse and past Staff Development Director, now retired. She is a Signature Member of the Florida Watercolor Society and one its former teachers, a member of the Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living (ad this page) and a long-time student of the work of Ernest Holmes, the founder of Centers for Spiritual Living. She is pursuing her final year as student of Practitioner Studies of Religious Science.


velo c it y • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998























LO V E O U R M OT H E R , LO V E O U R S E LV E S 15




































VOLUME 37-484








Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012


contributing editors



Julie Norris








1 Contributing Community Editor Julie Norris is manager and co-proprietor of Dandelion Communitea Café, founding board director of the Progressive Local Alliance for Community Enrichment (PLACE) and serves on the boards of Slow Food and Mills Fifty Mainstreet. She’s an avid supporter of the local art, music and food culture, and showcases the diverse people and happenings in ‘Ourlando’ on her weekly radio program, Front Porch Radio. Her passion for community, delicious fair food, the environment and culture are the driving forces behind all her endeavors. More on her ventures: and

2 Contributing Green Editor

Michelle Thatcher served as Executive Director of the Association of Florida Conservation Districts, a non-profit organization for the state’s 63 Soil and Water Districts, from 2006-2010. Earlier, she served as Executive Director of Seminole Soil and Water District for four years. She was President of the Friends of Natural Lands and Trails, President Elect of the Florida Conservation District Employee Association, and was an appointed member of the Seminole County Natural Lands committee. Michelle graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in Visual Communications and has worked with several independent film companies and television stations nationwide. Michelle serves as a board member of Keep Seminole Beautiful, Inc. and the Global Climate Change Committee for the Florida League of Women Voters. She is also a co-founder of the U.S. Green Chamber, Inc. Visit:

3 Contributing Health Editor Ramah Wagner, D.C. is a third generation chiropractor with degrees from the University of Iowa and of South Dakota. She received her graduate degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic (the founding college of chiropractic). Watch for Dr. Ramah Wagner’s new book, “The Health of Business - How to Balance Your Life for Greater Return.” Dr. Ramah is available for speaking events and intensives. Visit or call: 352-589-5443.

4 Contributing Success Editor Debbie Paulk is founder of Live Your Passion Life Coaching, a certified life coach, clinical hypnotist, NLP master practitioner, Reiki master and workshop facilitator. For more information about services provided or upcoming workshops, visit her website: or contact Debbie at (407)923-0738.

5 Contributing Spiritual Life Editor





Velocity Magazine is an independent Central Florida regional publication distributed in more than 1000 locations in Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Volusia, Brevard, Lake, Sumter, Citrus, Hermando, Marion, Alachua and Levy Counties.

Advertising Inquiries 407-454-3443 We Welcome Your Feedback P. O. Box 132, Mount Dora, FL 32756 The Velocity Vision To serve as a catalyst in raising the velocity of mass consciousness as we strive to create a new world that embraces lasting peace, sharing and cooperation. All material contained in this issue ©2011 PKR Communications- Velocity Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without express permission from the publisher. The views expressed in Velocity represent the opinions and beliefs of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of Velocity or its staff. Velocity is not responsible for the contents, products or services represented in any advertisement.

Albert J. Nuñez, DVM, CVA is a lifelong mystic and student of spirituality. He has studied and applied many of the profound practices and tenets of Catholicism, Shamanism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Kabbalah, Paganism, Mysticism, Hinduism, Tantra, energy and sound healing, “Shadow Work,” Kundalini Yoga, many forms of meditation, and Qi Gong. A spiritual and cultural musician and recording artist, his first CD is entitled “Earth School Now.” He is an environmental advocate and educator, nature lover, happy hippy tree-hugger, and rescuer of many baby squirrels. He has been practicing fully integrated and wholistic veterinary medicine for almost 20 years, with two Animal Hospitals in the greater Orlando area. Dr. Al is committed to awakening human beings to their highest self. velo cContact it y him • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998 at 407-897-8555 or visit:


FROM THE EDITOR I know both inherently and from experience that groups of souls united in a common cause usually accomplish far greater things than the ones who choose to remain alone. Look at any beautiful new church edifice and there you have a very clear example of what a group of people thinking of and acting as the We" can create together. Master Mind groups are powerful alliances of We Are consciousness where members are present to and know the truth for each other that their loftiest goals will become reality. In well aligned Master Mind Groups so-called miracles are commonplace and it is actually easier to manifest those big goals than if its members had remained on their own. The alignment of like minds creates a powerful synergy where one plus one no longer equals two but equals three or more. If you desire to accomplish something in your life, get yourself connected with other like-minded people (they must be like-minded for it to work) and fly. Similarly, if partners in committed relationships are on the same page with a goal, they will skyrocket to the stars of success, but if disagreements prevent both from truly being on the same page, their fuse will quickly die out. It's all energy... energy rises to synergy (the interaction or cooperation of two or more people to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects). Who wouldn't want that? Sometimes though, some feel uncomfortable in the group, often fearing they may loose their individuality and independence so they split from their group, family, or tribe. They go off like lone wolves do, focused more on the self and their survival. They will justify that being on their own is what they need to for their highest



good. Here's the thing: on a team or staff or in a tribe, you don't lose your individuality. Your individuality, what makes you distinct from every other, actually becomes more pronounced, more brilliant and more exciting because of the love and support synergy weaving through the In the group that is truly dedicated to the We, there are far less worries of surviving. One gives to all and all give to one. Just the boost in morale that comes from being a member of a closely knit group is enough to carry you through most of your days whether you see each other or not. Lone wolves who choose to remain independent have it backyards because without ongoing nurturing support from those with whom you have purposefully aligned, you are more likely to wither in spirit and stature, and eventually end up dependent on someone somehow.

the path. His tribe members, with wrists tied, struggling and wounded themselves, all work together with all of their beings to pull their brother up to safety. If the one who had slipped and fallen had been walking alone, without the benefit of his tribe's presence, he would surely have perished. We don't need to think we can do it alone, whatever "it" is. That is ego. That is exactly what ego wants–to make it harder for us however possible, that way it can continue to feed off the energy of our struggle, pain, and suffering. If we religiously stick to thinking we can be off on our own, even to the point of contradict-

The Synergy of WE!

Those who live in the spirit of We Are have nothing to fear. The fear is needless. They are not dependent on each other, they are interdependent. Inter-dependence recognizes that we are all brothers and sisters on this planet and it implies that in symbiosis, we live, move and have being together. It sounds and feels beautiful, doesn't it? In the movie, Apocalypto, when the Mayan tribe is carted off by their violent aggressors, once subdued they are each tied by their wrists to a long pole which they must rest on their shoulders as they walk single file to the Mayan capital city. As they come around the bend of a precarious cliff, one of the more wounded tribe members slips and does not have the strength to pull himself back up onto

ing everything we have written to do, our ego is causing us to shoot ourselves in the foot. We really can't walk forward with a severely wounded foot, can we? As the ego deludes us into believing that we are just fine and will arrive to our goal no matter what all or mostly on our own, it really is leading us further and further away from the truth of our being. Out of pride (one of the Seven Deadlies) we will prevent ourselves from having the most outrageous experience of all of our lifetimes, serving side by side with people we actually do love incredibly much–our families, our partners, our lifemates, our tribes, our 'gangs.' Nanamaska~

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



the list goes on.


My Quest for a “GREEN” Office by Michelle Thatcher, National Director of the U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce Contributing Green Editor, Velocity Magazine When I first received the go-ahead to open up a Southeast Regional Office of the U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce, I was very excited. This would be our first satellite office and its success would determine how we would move forward in other parts of the country. I wanted to make sure that we were setting the bar for sustainability high since it would serve as an example for other regional offices to come. My first step was to find a physical location. You know…a building, cubicle, or hut to call “home.” Although our resources were limited, I knew that we had to find a building that was “green” in both theory and practice. After all, our headquarters office in California was in a LEED Silver certified building designed to save both water and energy. Initiated by the U.S. Green Building Council, LEED (Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design) certification provides independent, third party verification for a community, home or building that is designed and built using best practices with regards to site development, energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, material selection and water savings. Becoming LEED certified is an internationally recognized mark of excellence, but because of its high set of standards, there are a limited number of LEED certified office buildings around the country, especially in the Central Florida area. Regardless, I was determined to find a new home that fit our needs. After doing my research, I listed all of the possibilities in order of preference. At the top of my list was a LEED Gold certified building designed by Burke, Hogue, Mills, Inc. (BHM), an architectural and interior design firm. I had visited the building a year or so earlier and was awed by both the sustainability features and elegant design. It had the “Wow” factor on all levels -- Hybrid parking, rainwater harvesting, waterless urinals, proximity to bicycle trail, maximum daylighting and views, reflective roof, increased open space, materials within 500 miles, under-floor air distribution…


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For us at the U.S. Green Chamber, it would be a great way to inspire our Central Florida businesses to build and secure more LEED office space. This is both good for the environment as well as their bottom line. Using LEED standards, a business can save money by lowering their operating costs, increasing asset value, reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills, conserving energy and water, reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions, qualify for tax rebates and other incentives and be healthier and safer for occupants! After our first meetings with BHM, my dream came true when we secured our new green office space. In addition to being a beautiful building, it also symbolized our own goals to encourage sustainability. This was a huge step for us as a non-profit organization.

It also reminded me that, despite the building design, every business owner and homeowner can take small steps to make their building more energy efficient and healthier. There are very simple things each of us can do to retrofit our homes or office buildings including:

• Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs or LED • Plug air leaks with weather stripping or caulking • Adjust heating and air cooling systems, and install programmable thermostats • Install light sensors or put up signs to “Turn Off Lights” when not in use • Choose appliances that are Energy Star certified • Install low-flow shower heads or aerators • Put solar window films on existing windows • Use recycle bins

And, when we want to spiff up our landscaping with plants, grass and trees, remember: Over half of the water used by homeowners goes onto their ornate and non-native grasses. Some wise planning with drought-tolerant native plants can go a long way in saving water that, more often than not, comes right out of our precious Florida aquifer. It is all about taking the first step…whether it is finding a new office building, or retrofitting your old one. Michelle graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in Visual Communications and has worked with several independent film companies and television stations nationwide. Michelle serves as a board member of Keep Seminole Beautiful, Inc. and the Global Climate Change Committee for the Florida League of Women Voters. She is currently working with Equinox Documentaries, Inc. as director, producer, and co-writer for a nature/environmental film about her solo kayak journey down the St. Johns River. She is also a co-founder of the U.S. Green Chamber, Inc. Visit: Please see ad page 4. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


Reverse Ruptured Herniated and Bulging Discs Without Surgery! Introducing the Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center

Many people suffer from severe neck and back pain due to ruptured, bulging and herniated discs. As a result of Michelle Hamel’s work, thousands of patients have avoided painful surgery, nerve blocks, and drugs. Michelle Hamel is a licensed neuromuscular therapist and owner of the Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center. She specializes in the non-surgical elimination of disc- and nerve-related pain.

Where does back pain typically come from?

Repetitive motion, accidents, in fact, many of our normal daily activities can lead to back pain.

What causes the back pain?

Between the vertebrae a disc can migrate towards the spinal column and place pressure on a branch of the sciatic nerve. Let’s think about a jelly doughnut. When we bend the jelly doughnut forward the jelly comes out the back. This is similar to what happens with the discs between our vertebrae. When the disc pushes against the nerve, we feel pain. This can occur in the upper, middle and lower back. We all have a tendency to lean forward which causes flexion of the spine. This causes posterior disc migration.

Michelle Hamel has spent 18 years studying the neuromuscular workings of the body and has developed unique soft tissue protocols which reverse bulging, herniated and ruptured discs and the associated pain. Michelle guarantees significant relief after your first visit. Typically, within five to six visits, you will be pain-free. Michelle clearly explains to her clients what actually happens to the body when injury occurs and once healed, educates them on how they can remain pain-free for life. Not only does Michelle work on the inflammation caused by disc or nerve entrapment, she works on the systemic inflammation caused by what we eat, drink and think. She coaches clients with unique detoxification therapies that enhance the body’s healing processes. This detoxification re-establishes healthy lymphatic circulation throughout the body. This helps to resolve many health issues that may interfere with long-term wellness. Michelle Hamel asks that you allow her to be your coach. She will share her secrets to a long and healthy life. She is a licensed massage therapist and neuromuscular massage therapist (#MA0009077), a certified nutritional coach and certified in lymphatic drainage by Teslar Global Technologies Inc. Call Michelle for a guaranteed results appointment today to be free of pain tomorrow at 407-628-2176, email her at and visit Many insurance companies pay for treatment prescribed by physicians. Please see ad below.


What can I do about it?

Michelle’s unique soft tissue protocols can painlessly and quickly return these migrated discs to their normal and correct position. This will re-create your natural structural balance and end the pain cycle.

• Bulging, Ruptured, Herniated Discs • Nerve Entrapment, Pinched Nerve

Here’s how Wally Temple feels about Michelle’s work:

“I began experiencing pain in my right hip and groin area, followed by ever increasing numbness in my right thigh. After visiting my primary care physician, I was referred to one of Orlando's prominent orthopedic clinics. After a couple office visits there, X-rays, MRI, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory drugs, my condition did not improve very much. Fortunately, when mentioning this to a friend who I found had a similar problem in the past, he recommended Michelle Hamel at the Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center. After a consultation with Michelle, and her review of my history on this matter, including radiology reports, Michelle suggested my problem might be a bulging disc, not a hip, groin, leg, or other area problem after all. The pain from those areas was originating at the source of the problem, a bulging disc. During a few weeks of soft tissue treatment by Michelle, my pain subsided and was quickly eliminated. Michelle also guided me in establishing some continuing self-help treatment. I highly recommend Michelle Hamel to anyone with back problems, and/or herniated, bulging, or degenerative disc problems.


Call Today to be Pain-Free Tomorrow.

$25 OFF FIRST VISIT Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center 407-628-2176 291-B Circle Dr., Maitland

MA 0009077

Michelle Hamel LMT, NMT

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



S urviving K atrina by Lekoma Akate


The alarm sounded at 1:00 a.m. on August 29, 2005. I turned on the local weather to check the storm’s progress. As I figured, hurricane force winds were here and the storm was making landfall. As I got out of bed to take some items from the freezer, the electricity went off. Five minutes too late! I got them anyway putting them in an ice chest. I planned to keep the fridge/freezer closed for as long as possible to maintain the cold. Then back to bed. I would need to be rested when the weather eased. It was a very hot, muggy night. I couldn’t open a window because the wind would blow rain through the smallest crack. No circulation, the house was rockin’ (literally) and I was trying to sleep without letting the anxiety get to me. The sounds of large limbs falling on the house and the wind making terrible noise did not help. At daybreak, I awoke to a very different world. There was no electricity, no water, trees and utility poles down, buildings

blown apart, debris still blowing by at high speed and I was alone on our street with my two dogs and three cats. I felt more like there was a lot of work to do rather than feeling afraid. I started the clean up process and was surprised at my lack of hunger. I learned several things living through Katrina and the aftermath. Something everyone learned was ‘stuff’ is just ‘stuff,’ but friends and neighbors are vital. The help everyone gave each other in that timing, across racial, financial and cultural differences, was truly amazing. Boundaries disappeared. Total strangers loaned tools and supplies and they were returned. Though authorities did not stop to see if everyone was okay, friends of friends did. The first to help distribute food and supplies were a group of Native Americans from Oklahoma. The first to arrive in St. Bernard Parish, east of New Orleans and 100% flooded, were the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. It was a week before the National Guard came in and kicked everyone out to ‘handle’ things themselves.

Things to have in addition to standard hurricane preparedness items are: • Battery powered fans, extra batteries • Soaking laundry detergent • Bow saws and other hand tools • Several ice chests filled with ice and food for three days without opening the fridge • Enough water to flush the toilet once per day per person for two weeks • Berkey water purification system (requires no plumbing or electricity) • Paper and pen to keep a journal and your sanity • An open mind, heart, and relaxation techniques • Practice brushing your teeth from a glass of water The ‘disaster’ resulted in unification of people as one Tribe. Everyone helped everyone else. Wouldn’t it be great if we could adopt that attitude every day of our lives? Lekoma Akate is a native New Orleanian who moved from New Orleans to Central FL in 2010. He has earned a Masters of Science from Louisiana State University and a Masters of Education from the University of New Orleans. Lekoma is an avid gardener, musician, health enthusiast, and owner of, promoting health, sustainability and self-sufficiency. Please see ad this page.


velo c it y • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


The Role of

CONSCIOUSNESS by Stephanie Irzyk, DOM

Chinese medicine is a perfect example of how consciousness plays a huge role in the state of our health. Consciousness is defined as the relationship between the mind and the world with which it interacts. Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being (not merely the absence of disease). Chinese medical theory melds these concepts together and incorporates a system of correspondences which looks at how the smaller parts of life fit together to create the whole. We look at how symptoms come together to create patterns of disease. Chinese medicine, rooted in Taoist tradition, began at a time in which people were at the height of conscious thinking. Living according to the Tao meant living in harmony with everything that existed. Meditation was a way of life–a way to bring about conscious awareness, centeredness and harmony. People spent time exploring the relationships between nature and health and observed the ways in which energy flowed within the body. These fundamental concepts became the basis of Chinese medical theory and the baseline in which health was measured.

In Health

Set aside time each day to meditate, to come back to awareness, and to promote a better, healthier life. Stephanie Irzyk, DOM, AP (NCCAOM) graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine and Bachelor of Science in Professional Health Studies from the Florida College of Integrative Medicine. She has completed advanced certifications and extensive study in Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis and Contemporary Oriental Medicine.® Stephanie focuses on incorporating the knowledge of Classical Chinese Medicine with a contemporary approach to cater to the needs of our industrialized society. She also utilizes her knowledge of Classical Chinese Herbology to prescribe the most powerful herbal formulas individualized to each patient’s unique condition. Please see ad this page.

All too often, we go through life unconscious, numb to the internal pain we are fighting, numb to the physical ailments we are suffering. We ignore the warning signs that our mind is communicating to our bodies or our bodies are communicating to our mind. We look for ways to escape our consciousness through drugs, alcohol, prescription medications, and countless distractions. When we focus on our consciousness, however, we gain the ability to experience, to feel, to be awake, to live, to breathe, to be in harmony and be in good health. As a physician, I have seen nearly all of my patients afflicted to some degree by a lack of conscious awareness. They are unaware of the connections between the psyche and the physical body and unaware of the circumstances creating their illness. The factors of disease, when not accurately targeted, continue to affect the patient and create ongoing illness if not properly addressed. Chinese medicine bridges that gap between the mind and body and aims to bring forth the awareness necessary to stimulate healing. With all the distractions of the world it is so important to take the time to center ourselves and gain back our conscious awareness. Acupuncture stimulates our body’s natural ability to heal itself and reconnect the disruptions in our awareness and our health. Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



velo c it y • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


Every Rock In Our Path ... by Dawn Gates


When I was in high school in the 80s, I read a 70s book of my mother’s, The Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. This book has influenced what I think about plant consciousness. I had realized this at an early age but this book cemented in my head the science behind plants and the conscious connection we share. I remember doing an experiment from out of that book as my high school science project. I learned about universal consciousness and how we are all connected to each other. I remember typing my paper (on a typewriter!) what I did, what differences I noticed, and how I felt about the outcome of the experiment. I remember that the plant that listened to hard rock was stunted and didn’t leaf out fully where the plant that listened to classical music was large leafed and beautiful. I did another experiment where I told one plant that I loved it and told another that I hated it and another I left in complete silence. I could see a huge difference in the plant to which I gave love versus the one I ignored. The plant I told I hated did grow but not as nicely and it had a lot of deformed leaves. This book and experiment gave me my first look at how our minds and behavior affect the world around us. It also reinforced what my grandmother had taught me about the world and how all things were connected not only spiritually but physically and that we need to be mindful about paying attention to all of the connections (universal consciousness) around us. I make this a daily exercise. For me, every rock in my path has a purpose and a consciousness of its own. It may sound silly, but did the rock just get kicked into my path to trip me or was it planned so that I would slow down and focus? Gives one something to think about, doesn’t it? I often try to tap into this universal consciousness when I am driving. Yes, the person may be doing 40mph in a 60mph zone, but what is this trying to tell me? There is often a message there. It is just sometimes hard to hear. I was driving down a road recently and a slow car was in front of me. I recognized that the universe was trying to slow me down so I relaxed and enjoyed the view. A few minutes later, I got a splitting headache and felt the head-on collision that happened a few miles ahead of me (a child had her head crushed). When I drove by the ambulances and police car I realized that if I had been speeding like I normally do that that might have been me. It’s important to pay attention to the energies of the universe and the connections that are there not only for spiritual growth but because it will lead you down a path to your true destiny. Dawn Gates, Master Herbalist, aromatherapist, flower essence and gemstone elixir practitioner, has studied natural healing since 1995. She has herb and aromatherapy consulting offices in Paisley, Deland and Orlando, Florida. Her school, The Live Oak School of Natural Healing, offers herbalist certification courses both in classroom and online. Visit: or call for a consult. In Lake County, call 352-669-1963 and in the Orlando region, call 407-967-6042. Please see Dawn’s ad this page. Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012


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velo c it y • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


by Colleen Gordon



Want to do something for your pet today that is truly amazing? Go beyond the usual routine of providing food and water. You can raise the level of consciousness for your pet while giving him what he truly needs. Providing quality nourishment is not limited to the food pets eat. We also provide for them by giving positive energy. Below are some suggestions on how to lift the spirit of your pet and yourself in the process. Play. Not just a couple minutes of tug-of-war with the leash in the morning, but the kind of play that you would do as if you were seven years old. Run, laugh, tickle and tumble. Make joy your priority and give yourself time to be a child again with your pet. Abandon the notion that you are too old and serious to really play and invite your pet to be silly with you. When we take the time to play, we brighten a little more of the world around us.

Sources:, ©2011 Healing For Pets and the Special People Who Love Them. All rights reserved. Content may be reproduced in whole by special permission of author.

*We recommend that all health issues be discussed with your veterinarian, and that your pet has a thorough examination by a qualified veterinarian. Colleen Gordon has been helping pets and owners with behavior and health issues since 2000. If you have questions or just want to listen to other pet owners’ concerns, check out Colleen’s radio show on Sundays from 1-2 p.m. on Leesburg’s AM790. Call in to 352-7879523 and Colleen Gordon of All Paws Pet Talk will answer your questions. Colleen is a pet communicator, pet Reiki/massage therapist and herbalist. She is president and founder of Healing For Pets and is committed to improving the health and the lives of pets and their owners. Visit or email Call 407-446-4315 and please see ad this page.

Pray. Pray over them, bless their food, and their lives. Lay your hands on them and visualize a protective force field that surrounds and protects them from any harm. Simply stated, when we pray for our pets, we increase the positive energy and decrease the negative energy around them. Our thoughts and words of intentions and praise lift them to a higher, happier state. Countless stories of healing have occurred by the simplest of prayers and the universe is waiting to assist you in your wishes for even the smallest of creatures. Love. Love each animal and pet for the individual he truly is. Whether you have an orange cat, a black stallion, or a mixed “Benji” dog, give each the extra love and care that only that pet’s personality craves. Maybe it will be opening the blinds for her to lie in the sun, or an extra walk through the nearby park. Maybe it is simply the physical touch of stroking his fur, or curling up next to him on the floor. Sending out the positive vibrations of love to your pet strengthens the bond between you. Do something spectacular today. Increase your pet’s joy by giving that one special thing to her, and in the process lift her spirit and yours as well!

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



Your Energy Sends Messages by Jo Maldonado

Did you ever walk into a crowded room and just knew that there were certain people you wanted to avoid? Intuition? Gut feeling?

a bad day, first observe what happens to your body when you are sad or depressed.

I see the same thing happen between people and animals every single day. As an animal reader, not only do I receive information from animals intuitively and behaviorally, I send them messages. I also continue to study the process of how messages are sent from species to species.

SOUND: Your tone will change lowering in pitch and cadence;

Animals measure their trust in you, their communication with you, and their understanding of you by the energy that you send out. It’s not complicated. The fascinating thing is that we all send messages to other species, all the time.

BODY MECHANICS: Your heart rate will change, your

I have found that the basic principles of energy-based communication with any species can be summarized by the following methods of sending: Thoughts. Sound. Body Language. Body Mechanics. Thoughts have energy. Watch what happens when you have a negative thought and you are around an animal. If you’re having

it may be louder with some people and more shrill with others.

BODY LANGUAGE: Your shoulders may slump, your head may drop, and you may shift weight onto one leg.

blood pressure will shift and you may even perspire, releasing salt. Your breathing pattern will change.

All these signs send signals to your pet. Watch your pet’s response. She may hide, cower, walk away, look away from you, or she may appear to comfort you, placing her paws on you, jumping on your lap, or whimper, all in a desperate attempt to stop you from what you are doing. Like humans, all animals respond differently. By observing the response of your pet you should be able to tell when you are not in a balanced state of mind. From a crowd of people I recently asked for three volunteers who were having challenges with their dogs on a leash. One dog, in particular, was jumping excitedly and barking. My point was to prove to the audience that if they were calm and centered the same energy would travel down their leashes to their dogs who would immediately respond by quieting down. In a quick few minutes I led the volunteers into an altered state through hypnosis, suggesting that they all become calm. Two of the volunteers immediately responded. One had her eyes closed but remained in a guarded state. The two dogs of the other volunteers immediately laid down and quieted. The dog of the more guarded lady stood at alert. As I brought the volunteers back to the present and instructed them to open their eyes, the woman with the barking dog nervously shot her eyes over to the crowd on the right. Her dog instantly mirrored her actions and began jumping and barking towards the right. If you’re calm, your dog will be calm and it’s actually good for you! Now imagine what you can do with your energy if you go to a party, but you may want to bring your pet along to help you just in case you’re not aware of the energy you’re sending! Jo Maldonado is an animal reader and offers her services privately and to groups and organizations. More information is available at Jo is the facilitator and founder of Centers for Animal Therapies/C.A.T. an educational program that offers studies on the intuitive, energetic and behavioral aspects of animals. More information is available on Jo can be reached at or 386-279-0257.


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WE ARE ALL In This Together by Julie Norris, Contributing Community Editor

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Not you. Not me. We. All of us. Together. At once. There is you. And me. And they. Those people. Whoever, THEY are! Mirrors. Reflections. Shadows. Children. Hurt. Yearning. All of us. Broken. Wounded. Lost and sleeping, some. Curious and seeking, some. Laughing and carefree, some. Serious and thinking, some. Scared and angry, some. Awake and creating, some. Wild and passionate, some. You. And Me. And They. Sometimes, I am this. Sometimes, you are that. Then we switch. Other times, we merge. Sometimes we drift apart. Sometimes we stick together. OFTEN WE WANT:

Happiness. Joy. Love. Appreciation. Affection. Food. Understanding. Community.

WITHOUT THAT, SEPARATION: You–over there. Me–over here. Sadness. Loneliness. Fear. Blame. Confusion. Hunger. Pain. Guilt. Darkness. We are, all, in this, together. Notice the darkness. Yours, mine, ours. Lighten up. Laugh.

Sing. Dance. Make love. And music. PLAY. Radiate. Glow. Dissolve. Notice it spreading. Growing. Reaching. Soaring. Transforming you, and I, and them. Connected. Laughing. Enjoying. Noticing. Communicating. Buzzing.

WE. ARE ALL IN. THIS! TOGETHER. Julie Norris, consultant, writer, adventurer and ecopreneur is coproprietor of Dandelion Communitea Café, co-founder of the Progressive Local Alliance for Community Enrichment (PLACE) and serves on the board of Slow Food Orlando. She’s the host of Front Porch Radio and blogs about natural parenting. More on her ventures at, http://julienorris.,, and http:// See ad page 16.

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Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



DEPRESSION and ANXIETY: Medication is Not Enough

by Linda A. Robertson, PhD Maria sleeps a lot, but she is always tired. She feels hopeless, sad, and has no interest in things. She has chronic muscle aches and sometimes thinks that dying is the only way to end her emotional pain. Maria has been diagnosed with depression. Jerrod’s doctors have ruled out heart problems, but his chest pain, heart palpitations, and labored breathing continue. He frequently feels like something bad is going to happen. He experiences dizziness, fear, and constant worry. Jerrod suffers with anxiety. Like many people diagnosed with these disorders, Maria and Jerrod were prescribed medication to help control their symptoms, however their prescriptions have changed periodically because the effectiveness seems to wear off over time. Both also suffer with side-effects from the drugs and old feelings return when they quit taking them. Despite these complications, medication may be helpful in treating symptoms, but the research tells us that this is not enough. We must also treat the cause. Depression and anxiety can feel like being at the bottom of a deep hole. While medication may lift you up (symptom reduction), counseling can pull you out and keep you from falling back in (addressing and resolving the source). Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) addresses the thoughts and behaviors behind anxiety and depression. If over time, for example, you thought, “I am not good enough,” “I am


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a failure,” or “I am in danger,” you would probably feel pretty bad about yourself! CBT helps you recognize and replace patterns of thought that negatively influence your moods, behaviors, and physical states. It also gets you going again, as a full participant in your life. Frequently, anxiety and depression follow significant traumatic events, such as combat, accidents, or rape, but trauma can also result from experiences that are personally threatening such as being told that you were never wanted, feeling demeaned by others, or witnessing something that was frightening. So whether

something is traumatic depends upon the perceiver and when you can’t get over what happened, it can lead to depression and anxiety. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is the treatment of choice for many types of trauma. EMDR helps us process distressing events in a way that disconnects the memory from the troubling emotions and helps us store it in a healthier way. You remember the event, but it no longer has that emotional charge that has led to depressive or anxious symptoms. So while medication can be helpful, counseling is necessary to stop the cycle of medication changes, their side-effects, and to reduce or alleviate the symptoms altogether. CBT and EMDR are two of the most highly researched and effective therapies for treating the underlying causes of depression, anxiety, and the trauma that produces these symptoms. Dr. Linda A. Robertson owns the Bodhi Tree Counseling Services in Oviedo, where she provides mental health counseling. She is a published author and adjunct professor of counseling at UCF and Rollins College. Dr. Robertson’s research interests are in spirituality and her specialty areas in counseling include depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, spirituality, and pain management. She uses cognitive-behavioral and EMDR techniques to help her clients overcome debilitating symptoms and reconnect with their inner wisdom. Please see ad this page. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


A Medicine Chest In Your Kitchen by Donia Mitchell

Common culinary herbs not only bring pleasure to your dinner table, many can also be medicinal and have been used traditionally for purposes that range from upset tummies and headaches to colic and liver ailments. In many ways, your little garden of flavor is also a medicinal garden. Here are five common culinary herbs, and a brief explanation of their medicinal properties.


So aromatic and pungent, Garlic has been used for thousands of years to promote good health and well being by cultures all over the world. Having antibiotic, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties it’s great for warding off not just vampires but the cold and flu as well. It’s great for the circulatory system, cleansing and purifying the blood of toxins. It helps with high blood pressure and lowers cholesterol.

relieve vomiting and nausea while soothing the stomach and spleen in the process.

Cayenne- Cayenne has been used by people all over the

world seeking to add “heat” to their food, not knowing they were adding medicine as well. It’s not only stimulating to the senses but it can be used to help with normalizing blood pressure, as a blood thinner, and to help with arthritis and inflammation throughout the body. Enchanted Botanicals, located at 120 S. Woodland Blvd., Suite B, in historic Deland offers several herbal classes including “Medicinal Herbs in your Kitchen.” To purchase these herbs and many more or to sign up for our class please visit us Wednesday through Sunday, call 386-873-1000, and please see ad this page.

Parsley- By the Middle Ages parsley had made its appearance in herbal medicines. It has been given credit for curing a great range of human ills especially those having to do with the kidneys and liver. Parsley is used as an ancient remedy for kidney stones and gallstones.


First listed in Chinese medicine in the Tang Materia Medica, 659 A.D., it was one of the spices sought after that sparked world exploration. Cinnamon has many different uses medicinally. It has been used as an analgesic and sedative to help with pain. Studies have shown it to have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties helping to suppress E. coli and Candida Albicans. It’s also great for improving digestion.


It was the Spaniards who introduced the Americas to the ginger plant in the early part of the sixteenth century. Ginger thins the blood and helps to lower cholesterol. It is known to reduce fevers and Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012


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Fearlessly LOVE


by Deborah Ward

I think for those of us that have been wounded deeply, feeling “safe” is most important when one contemplates entering an intimate relationship. The idea of safety is a must before we step forth, however that safety net is an illusion. There is nothing safe about stripping ourselves bare to another and showing our deepest, most sacred nature. Taking our hearts and placing them into another’s hand is perhaps the scariest endeavor one can partake in this world, but without that streak of trust, that blind faith, there would be no Oneness, only the experience of I, and that in its cruelest context is not why we came here. Knowing full well we are all connected in this threadlike tapestry, communicating on the wires to one another silently with matters of the heart and stormy emotions involved, the leap can prove fatal or at the very least cause combustible damage. Now, what if we take that step, that beautiful, graceful step of strength and courage after we’ve fallen into the abyss, what then?......Well then we find ourselves in a timeless world of sweet nectar and heavenly bliss, the garden where everything is fully ripe and sumptuous, the place where we feel our spirits soar on the wings of a dove and every breath is like coming alive for the first time. Why does it feel so good to be in Love? Some would argue that it’s the endorphins in the brain, the surge of pleasure transmitters emitting neural “drugs” through our veins, but really we are experiencing the true essence of Us, the Divine spark ignited but forgotten after we made this free fall into the land of matter… this pulsing Love is the rhythm of the Universe through our vessels, the full engagement of stars, the earth, our bodies and souls mixing into a beautiful melting pot of Divinity……for without Love, partnership, in all of its many intrepid mixtures we would never taste the Divine as euphorically sweet as just after we’ve taken that fearless leap and merged with another. Currently focusing on the ancient art of aromatherapy, Deborah Ward is an intuitive healer who facilitates physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. She uses an intuitive shamanistic approach to help others open themselves up to witness their true essential selves. Her insightful approach instills a profound sense of joy, a solid connection with the natural earth, and a liberated empowering sense of gratitude for the future. As a nurturing mother and guide to her two young children, she feels passionate about sharing holistic practices and sacred teachings. To read more about Deborah’s work, including many inspirational affirmations, please visit her two websites: http:// and Please see ad this page. Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



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LET’S PLAY A LITTLE GAME! Read the following paragraph #1, then #2. Next, read the question following them and close your eyes for a minute. Arrive at your answers, then read the rest!

1. EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE IS CONSCIOUSNESS. There really is no here nor there, for everything is at one place––where ‘Mind’ is. Mind does not move at all. Mind simply Is. Mind is everywhere yet nowhere. Mind is nowhere but Here, Now. WE all exist together as a singularity in one place and time. 2. WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER ABOUT 9-11-01? What were you doing and where were you? What did you think and what do you think now? Was last Christmas a joyful time for you or not? Happy Birthday! QUESTION: Close your eyes for at least one minute and think about paragraph#1, or #2, both, or neither or something else. When you are ‘done’ … read on. Okay then, what did you think about? Was it #1?, Was it #2? Did you think about both? Did you think about nothing? Or something else? If you answered any of these you got it right! Now was that fun or what? I think everyone is so smart for getting it right– don’t you? Our consciousness is in constant change. No one moment matches the next. Once gone, it can never reoccur or be identical to what it was before. This is our Now. Now seeing, Now hearing, Now reasoning, Now willing, Now remembering, Now anticipating, Now loving, Now hating, Now everything!

Returning our mind to a simple state of consciousness is not easy. Our lifetime of conditioning makes it hard to stop thinking and let go. In many spiritual teachings meditation designed to quiet the mind is practiced. Quieting the voice in the head brings us to a state of inner stillness (Samadhi, still mind). When our mind is still, only then will we know our real self. The nature of this self is, (in ancient Vedic teachings, sat-

chit-ananda), “the truth, unchanging, eternal, being.” Whatever our experiences may be, they are always there and never can change. Some events make a longer lasting impact on us and most just drift away eventually. This self is not a unique self. It has no personal qualities. It is the same for everyone, yet just as different. It is the one and only undeniable Spiritual truth–consciousness. Consciousness is one of the finer definitions and universal questions anyone, no one, or everyone can explain! The consciousness WE presume is instantaneous. In some way or another WE see, feel, hear, and make things happen or not! Consciousness is WE. Everything else (of which, there may be nothing at all, yet everything) does not exist–yet exists in everything. Reverend Timothy resides in Homosassa, Florida. He is the CoFounder of New Age Thinkers, a community group of over 300 positive followers. A Vietnam vet and a 30-year business owner, he holds a B. S. degree from Pepperdine University and was formerly a corporate trainer in sales, marketing, and management. He specializes in writing, teaching positive thinking and meditation techniques. Contact Tim at timy@newagethinkersshop. com, by calling 954-4644406 or visiting http://www. Please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012





by David Botsford

The psychiatrist, Dr. Stanislav Grof, a pioneer in transpersonal psychology, has for decades used holotropic breathwork as a way of accessing expanded consciousness. Holotropic means “moving towards wholeness.” He explains: “When we enter the transpersonal arena, we can experience historically or geographically remote events…our ancestors, animal predecessors, or even people in other centuries and other cultures….Our personal boundaries may appear to melt and we can become identified with other people, groups of people, or all of humanity…animals, or trees…. [W]e can encounter deities, demons, spirit guides, inhabitants of other universes, or mythological figures, all of whom appear as real to us as the things we encounter in daily life.”1 Dr Grof describes how in a motel near Uluru (Ayers Rock), the aborigines’ cosmic mountain in Australia, he used holotropic breathwork and entered the dreaming realm. He encountered the mythic figures of aboriginal mythology and experienced being born by the Great Mother Kangaroo. At that time he knew nothing of aboriginal folklore. The next day he bought a tourist booklet and drove around the mountain and found descriptions of what he had experienced the night before. Some scientific researchers believe that the individual human brain is essentially a receiver of data from the universal mass of knowledge known as the collective unconscious, the akashic records or the Zero Point Field.2 This may explain such experiences.

unfamiliar music, such as Tibetan bells, Indian chanting, kodo drums or the sitar. Imagine having an internal cleansing bath of air. Breathe with the “breath of fire:” rapid and complete breaths, completely filling and emptying the lungs. Imagine breathing to the tips of the toes with each breath. At some point it is likely that images, colors, sounds and feelings will enter your awareness. It could be 30 minutes, an hour, or more. From then, breathe more slowly. When you are ready, come back to the here and now. Draw your experience on the paper. Contemplate the drawing as the music continues. David Botsford is a hypnotist and intuitive/psychic reader in the Four Corners area of central Florida and author of Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation. His websites are http://4cornershypnosis. com, and He can be reached at 863-420-3634. Please see ad this page.

Holotropic breathing can enable us to access the resources we need to achieve our goals from outside the individual brain. Here is a simplified method of doing that. Before starting, think about the goal to be achieved in positive terms. Prepare a sheet of paper with a circle on it and different colored pencils. Then imagine what resources will be needed for that goal. Find a striking image that represents the idea of problem-solving, such as Rodin’s statue The Thinker (originally titled The Poet). Look at that image and put your body in exactly the posture it represents as if accessing a universal problemsolving ability, otherwise pick another image that suits the desired goal. Next, overload the senses. Play some stirring, loud, exotic and 1 Stanislav and Christina Grof, Spiritual Emergency, Tarcher/Putnam, New York, 1989. pp. 10-11. 2 Lynne McTaggart, The Field, HarperCollins, New York, 2001, chapter 5.


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Why Happiness May Depend on Banishing Envy from Your Life…and How You Can Get Started Now Most of us normally experience 'green' in a negative way: through envy. And that’s definitely not a good thing. “Being in the clutches of the green-eyed monster can really sabotage your overall happiness,” says Patkin, author of "Finding Happiness: One Man’s Quest to Beat Depression and Anxiety and—Finally—Let the Sunshine In" (StepWise Press, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-9658261-9-8, $19.95). “That’s because envy makes you focus on what you don’t have instead of all of the great things you do have.” Patkin points out that social media has really exacerbated the extent to which envy affects our lives. Think about it. Sites like Twitter and Facebook allow people to live their lives in full view of others…and sugarcoat every aspect of them. When you log on, you’re bound to see pictures and posts that read, “Most beautiful wedding ever!” “This was a dream vacation in paradise!” or “Drinks on me—I just got a promotion!” As you’re scrolling through this never-ending list of good news, it’s all too easy to feel like you’ve gotten the short end of the stick and say, “Woe is me!” And, of course, it doesn’t help that your Facebook newsfeed doesn’t ever go away. You can always torture yourself by taking a look at how much “better” everybody else has it. “But here’s the thing: While you’re living your life in a constant haze of jealousy, you don’t see the other side of the coin,” explains Patkin. “What social media might not tell you is that the friend who got a promotion might also have just had a huge fight with her spouse. But unless she is one of those people who thrive on drama, she isn’t going to post those details of her personal life…and you won’t know that things aren’t as perfect as they seem.” The bottom line is, jealousy doesn’t do anybody any good. It makes you feel needlessly unhappy, and it can negatively affect your relationship with others. Find six of Patkin’s tips to help you banish envy the next time it starts to rear its ugly head at Velocity Magazine's website (http://

THE COMING TRANSFORMATION by Benjamin Creme From the depth of its present problems and sorrows, humanity will find hope. So much that is taking place is positive and auspicious for the race that men can be assured of an early lessening of their problems—not all at once, but gradually, little by little. Gradually, also, men will learn the true reasons for their present anguish. They will come to understand that humanity is One, integral and related by long association and common ancestry; related, too, by its common divinity. No more need man fear and fight his neighbor, no longer need millions starve amidst plenty. Thus can be born a new time, a time when Justice and Sharing control the present chaos and irresponsibility, a time when men respect and care for one another, when the divinity of men becomes manifest and the secrets of life known. Sufficiency will replace abundance as the aim of sane men. Thus will men come into right relationship with each other and with the Source of all. Under the inspiration and guidance of Maitreya and his group, men will blossom in their divinity and make that manifest in all they do. The abominations of war and terror will fast fade from their memory, and a vast creative burgeoning will take their place. Men will renew and beautify their cities, making them worthy of the new time. These will be greater in number and smaller in size, linked by transport, fast and noiseless. People will educate their children in many different ways, each child linked to the educational system as determined by their rays. In time the interchange between the Masters and the race of men will grow in ever increasing closeness, and children will move happily and logically from stage to stage in growing awareness. In all these measures, in this transformation, each one will play his part. Presently, there will appear a series of signs which will mystify those who experience them. No one will be able to explain this phenomenon but it will presage a change in the thinking and understanding of men. From that time onwards, a sense of expectancy will grip most nations, which will prepare men for the extraordinary events that are to come. As you know, not all men take seriously the new time which lies ahead for mankind. These happenings will prepare more for this revelation. For almost 40 years, artist, author, and lecturer Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his group, the Masters of Wisdom. Since 1982 Share International magazine has published monthly articles from a Master of Wisdom in contact with Mr. Creme. For more information, visit:

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012


DIRECTORY ACUPUNCTURE Florida College of Integrative Medicine; Gale Springer, Director of Admissions; 7100 Lake Ellenor Dr, Orlando, FL 32809; 407-888-8689, ext. 15;; New Direction Natural Medicine; Stephanie Irzyk, AP, DOM; 409 Montgomery Rd., Ste. 161, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714; 407-353-2018;; A Abundant Health Holistic Center; Solara Attatharya, DOM, AP, DNBHE; 2200 S. Bay St., Ste. B, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-365-4325;; BOUTIQUES, BOOKS, GIFTS Soul Essentials of Ocala-PEACE, LOVE, & LIGHT!; Jennifer Burke; 805 E. Fort King St., Ocala, FL 34471 Store: 352-236-7000;; CHILDBIRTHING (NATURAL) Birth Ease; Michelle Smith; 407-791-7989;; HypnoBirthing for Fertility and Childbirth, Doula Services, Clinical and Regressive Hypnosis; CHIROPRACTIC Wagner Chiropractic; Ramah Wagner, D. C., 2755 S. Bay St., Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-5443; COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS Florida College of Integrative Medicine; Gale L. Springer, Director of Admissions; 7100 Lake Ellenor Drive, Orlando, FL 32809; 407-888-8689 ext. 15;; COLON CLEANSING Times of Refreshing; Kristi M. Foret LMT, CT (MA0022943/MM16202); 352-348-1266 ; In the offices of Tavares Family Chiropractic: 915 E. Alfred St., Tavares, FL 32778; Kristilove04@;

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ENERGY BALANCING/MEDICINE Light and Sound Therapy at Biostimulation Institute of Light and Sound; VIE; 2295 S. Hiawassee Rd., Ste. 207, #10, Orlando, FL 32819 ; 407-902-7199; biostimulationinstitute@; http://InstituteofLightandSound. com Radiant Health; Tanja Johnson; 400 W. Fairbanks Ave., Ste. C, Winter Park, FL 32789; 407900-3309;;; HEALING BODY, MIND AND SOUL Concept-Therapy Institute; For local study group, contact Ray Cormany or Karen Herchen in Leesburg, FL 34788; 352-253-9316; HEALING SEMINARS Initiation Healing®; Ojela Frank, LMT (MA60322); Meditation, Qigong, Reiki Classes, Breathwork, Webinars; 352-239-9272;;

MOTHERS AND BABIES My Ecobaby Store (; Dinah King; P. O. Box 2533, Goldenrod, FL 32833; 407-921-7379;; MOVERS-RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS A Better Price and Service Moving and Delivery; George Barton; 929 Northshore Drive, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-6683 (352-589-MOVE);

HERBALISM Enchanted Botanicals; Donia Mitchell; 120 S. Woodland Blvd., Ste. B, Deland, FL 32720; 386-873-1000;;

NUMEROLOGY Bobbie Roberts; The Villages, FL 32159; 352-205-6056

HOLISTIC LIVING EDUCATION All About Art - Artful Living Center; Donna D’Amato; 5162 S. E. Abshier Blvd., Belleview; 352-307-9774 Luminous Holistic Center; Viviana Collazo; in Southwest Orlando 32836: 407-760-0399;

CRYSTAL BED THERAPY Radiant Health; Tanja Johnson; 400 W. Fairbanks Ave., Ste. C, Winter Park, FL 32789; 407900-3309;;;

INTUITIVE READINGS 4 Corners Intuitive; David Botsford; 109 Ambersweet Way, # 111, Davenport, FL 33897; 863-420-3634; davidbotsford@gmail. com;

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Neuromuscular Pain Relief Center, Michelle Hamel (MA0009077); 291-B Circle Drive, Maitland, FL 32701; 407-628-2176; mhamel1@ embarqmailcom;

NEURO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING (NLP) Chris Bawiec, NLP Master Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotist, Life Coach, Reiki Master; Central Florida-Winter Park, FL 32789; 407-462-9998;;

HYPNOBIRTHING Birth Ease; Michelle Smith; 407-791-7989;; http://BirthEaseBabies. com; HypnoBirthing for Fertility and Childbirth, Doula Services, Clinical and Regressive Hypnosis


MASSAGE Laura Painter, LMT (MA51773); Altamonte Springs, FL; 407-421-2165

HEALTH FOOD Living Towers: Hydroponic Farm; Jan Young; 19621 Lake Lincoln Lane, Eustis, FL 32736; 352-357-6979;

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Dawn Bone, BA, LMT, NCBTMB; 4131 N. W. 28 Lane, Ste. 5, Gainesville, FL 32606; 352-2622884; Fax 352-373-1241; dbonelmt@yahoo. com

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INTUITIVE READINGS (CONTINUED) White Wings Foundation; Susan Z. Rich; 155 Crown Point Circle, Longwood, FL 32779; 407-862-6902;;

Moon Astrology Readings by Raven Moondance; by phone or in person; Gainesville, Florida; 352-372-8594;

PET THERAPY AND COMMUNICATION; Colleen Gordon; 407-446-4315; REAL ESTATE Kara Cox, Realtor and Feng Shui Practitioner EXIT REALTY, TRI-COUNTY, Mount Dora, Florida; 352-360-8900;; REFLEXOLOGY Integrated Reflexology and Massage; Traditional Chinese and Thai Reflexology, integrated with massage. Shayla Blalock, NCR540046-07 LMT51495; Gainesville, FL; 352-871-1944;; $50 per hr. RETREATS Half Moon Retreat; Donna Weinheimer; 352394-7388; 5550 Empire Church Road, Groveland, FL 34736;; Our Advertisers receive valuable perks valued at more than their ad investment. Learn more and call 407-454-3443, no obligation. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

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SPIRITUAL CENTERS Sacred Earth Center Chapel and Healing Center; Rev. Sunemaura O'Brien; 3131 N. W. 13 St., #41, #42, and #51, Gainesville, FL 32605; 352-275-8537;; Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living (Science of Mind); 2130A Prevatt St, Eustis, FL 32726; 352-589-2620; commUNITY 729; Trish Roddis; 729 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL 32803; 407-463-2248 Unity Leesburg; 826 E. Dixie Ave., Leesburg, FL 34748; 352-787-0834; YOGA Shine On Yoga; 619 N. Thornton Ave., Orlando, FL 32803; 407 6014394;

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Work free-lance for Velocity Magazine and earn very generous commissions. Work from your own home on your telephone and by email. Additional perks offered. Consistent hours rather than long hours will bring great success and a very nice full-time or supplemental income even if working only part-time. Please only respond to the Publisher if you have successful sales experience, are a selfstarter, understand that sales is really about education, truly enjoy making many new friends, and will always place the best interests of the customer as top priority. Shift your year into high velocity and call Purusha Radha at 407-454-3443.


Faithful peoples exiled from earth, myths and legends a living reality. Magic is the key to untold power, good and evil seek its fruit with never-ending hunger. Earnest mages and beset Fallen Ones must unite to resurrect the only hope for a weeping world: the mighty Archon. “Archon: The Golden Luminary” by Elijah Nagendra a new epic for our ages now available on Amazon Kindle.


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Sharing Ideas Teaching the World Village by Albert Nuňez, DVM

Recent studies show that human beings’ evolutionary advances have more to do with our ability to transfer knowledge and information than anything else. Baby chimpanzees seem to find food and hoard it for themselves while human babies find food and tend to share it with others. This willingness to share knowledge and resources has advanced us as a species far beyond what the consciousness of “me and mine” ever would have.

and prospers.

It has been cooperation and the transfer of procedural and technological knowledge that has shaped our world. Our most human traits seem to be sociability, openness and compassion. When we withhold and hoard resources and information from each other we make the claim that our universe is a place of lack where there is not enough to go around. In reality, we live in an abundant universe pregnant with possibilities. When we share our ideas and teach a village how to fish, the whole village is fed

The world is rapidly blurring the lines between villages. Globalization is showing us just how interdependent we are to each other. The old paradigm says, “My ideas give me power.” The new paradigm realizes that these very human ideas come from the field of consciousness itself and belong to us all. The new paradigm says, “I win if my contributions benefit the village as a whole and not just myself.” I win if I share because I am connected to and interdependent with humanity as a whole. When we share ideas that benefit us all we advance collectively! I have been a strong advocate for the adoption of iTherm’s1 molecular hyperthermia technology in the United States for a few years. We have used this breakthrough European technology to treat some of the worst cancers in my veterinary practice with very impressive results. We discovered that the devices’ electromagnetic field can help restore neurological function in some paralyzed dogs in a relatively short time. We decided to share these results rapidly with other scientists so that further trials could begin as soon as possible rather than delay the information in a patenting procedure. Why? Because 1


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when I saw the first paralyzed dog walk as a result of the iTherm therapy I knew that this discovery belonged not to us but to all the paralyzed members of the village. The rapid dissemination of this information will help the village faster if it is shared and not hoarded. Therm hyperthermia will become the standard level of care in human and veterinary medicine for the treatment of many forms of cancer, neurological, immune-mediated2 and internal medical diseases in the future. For now, I can yell from the highest rooftop that we are using the most advanced hyperthermia protocols in the world at our animal hospital for the treatment of otherwise hopeless diseases. This is great for animals, but it breaks my heart knowing that people are years out from benefiting from this technology. When I successfully treat cancer or paralysis in a pet it is common for their owners to inquire where the therapy is available for their human loved ones, and that is the problem. iTherm hyperthermia technology is not taught in schools. In the U.S. only a handful of pioneering veterinarians, doctors and universities are working with it now. The spread of the information has been slow, but it is gaining momentum. If you’ve never heard of it before, then educate yourself on it and know that there is an alternative way to treat some of the worst diseases less invasively, more compassionately, and with impressive results. People should not have to leave the U. S. on medical vacations in order to receive hyperthermia treatments when it’s available for pets here now. It’s going to take a whole village to get the word out. Please make your healthcare provider aware of this revolutionary way to treat disease that uses fever as a tool. It is my hope that people will soon benefit from the small contributions we have made with our animal friends here in Orlando. I know with your help in educating the medical public it won’t be long before we can all see videos of humans getting out of their wheelchairs as a result of this amazing technology. If you would like to see videos of Lily Bee’s recovery from wheelchair to running (over a two-week progression period without surgery), you can see it and many other ground breaking videos at Dr. Al Nuñez is a lifelong mystic and student of spirituality. He has studied and applied many of the profound practices and tenets of Catholicism, shamanism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Zen, Kabbalah, paganism, mysticism, Hinduism, tantra, energy and sound healing, “Shadow Work,” kundalini yoga, many forms of meditation, and Qi Gong. Dr. Al is committed to awakening human beings to their highest selves. Albert J. Nuñez, DVM, CVA has owned Animal Hospital of Baldwin Park and of Lake Mary since 1995 where he has practiced integrative veterinary medicine combining cutting edge surgery, internal medicine, endoscopy and laser ultrasound with acupuncture, herbal and energy medicine and nutrition for dogs, cats and exotics. He is a graduate of St. Thomas and Ross Universities and the Chi Institute of Veterinary Medicine. See ad this page. 2 Immune-mediated diseases are conditions which result from abnormal activity of the body’s immune system. The immune system may over-react (for example, immune-mediated contact dermatitis) or start attacking the body (for example, autoimmune hemolytic anemia). Autoimmune diseases are a subset of immune-mediated diseases. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

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Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



Being the


by Nathalie Ando

We Want to See in


The first time I heard about yoga, I was still a virgin and my very cool friend was talking about how one kind of yoga improved sex. Curious teenager that I was, I looked it up online and I found that my friend’s concept was a bit distorted. It sounded promising though so I asked a someone to go with me to give yoga a try at a studio right in front of my gym.

BAKTI: Devotion KARMA: Selfless service JNANA: Intellectual approach JAPA: Repetition of mantram (sound vibrations)

Eight years later I find that yes, yoga does make certain things better in life. It improves every aspect of the individual and, The class started with people singing an unknown language where more meaning and care exists, there is a better community. (Sanskrit), then their breathing sounded like women in labor. It was kind of fun watching the teacher doing graceful movements Nathalie Ando was born in Paraná, Brazil, and holds a Bachwhile my friend and I looked like handicapped geckos. It turned elor’s degree in Food Engineering. She is also an oil on canvas artist. She has been practicing Integral Yoga since 2004. out that I was more sore the next day than from working out In 2010, she completed the 200-hour Integral Yoga Teacher at the gym, but since my consciousness was focused on getting Training Yogaville Satchidananda Ashram, Buckingham, Virinto a size one I kept on doing it. The more I did it, the more ginia. She teaches Integral Yoga at The Yoga Center of Orlando. comfortable I felt, the more I learned about myself, the more grateful I became. Integral Yoga was the only type of yoga in my area. When I tried other types it was strange practicing only a lot of postures with little breathing exercises. No mantras? No pranayamas or kriyas or meditation or visualization in relaxation? So I stuck with Integral Yoga. Besides the good work out, it shoves in your face your physical and mental (or patience) limitations. Being opened to accept them with compassion brings you closer to your natural state. From the words of Sri Swami Satchidananda, the founder of Integral Yoga, “The goal of Integral Yoga, and the birthright of every individual, is to realize the spiritual unity behind all the diversities in the entire creation and to live harmoniously as members of one universal family. This goal is achieved by maintaining our natural condition of a body of optimum health and strength, senses under total control, mind well-disciplined, clear and calm, intellect as sharp as a razor, will as strong and pliable as steel, heart full of unconditional love and compassion, ego as pure as a crystal and life filled with Supreme Peace and Joy.”

The six branches of Integral Yoga are:

HATHA: Physical aspects which are asanas (postures), pranayamas (breath control), mudras (body/hand gestures), kriyas (cleansing techniques), deep relaxation and diet RAJA: Concentration and meditation


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OON N TTHE H E WA LL WALL We are all mirrors of one another. As we deepen our understanding of the depth of our interconnectedness, we can realize the ripple effect of our thoughts and behaviors. Like a pebble thrown in a still lake, it is not only where the pebble falls that responds, but the whole lake that rocks from the impact. We are being called to recognize our individual impacts on the planet at this time. We are watching our financial, healthcare, governmental, and educational systems crumble and slowly rebuild on sturdier foundations of truth. Our collective consciousness is shifting to hold institutions and those individuals responsible for them, accountable for their contributions to humanity. These global shifts and events are mirrors of our own internal processes. Many of us are finding ourselves transitioning jobs, relationships, homes, and beliefs. These changes are reflections of the alignment happening as we step into authenticity and connection with global consciousness.


by Keri Nola, MA, LMHC

We are but one and all. So long as there is pain anywhere, there is pain everywhere. So long as I hate, you hate. So long as I hurt, you hurt. So long as I fear, you fear. So long as I judge, you judge. So long as I heal, you heal. So long as I forgive, you forgive. So long as I love, you love.

It is time to step up and acknowledge ways we are each contributing to our planet’s pain and ways we are contributing to its peace. We are individually responsible for the energy and behavior we bring to the collective. Where are we judging others instead of returning home to ourselves? As Carl Jung reminds us, “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” Are we willing to look within when our ego wants so desperately to look without? This is a conscious choice that we have the opportunity to make several moments throughout any given day. Let’s allow ourselves to be mindful of themes in our judgments as what we see in others is often an aspect of ourselves that is calling for our attention. Notice defensiveness and resistance as these reactions are opportunities for further exploration. Perhaps we will dig deep for the courage to take a closer look in the mirror. Can we stand to realize the power and worth that our individual actions have on a greater scale? As we continue forward in these changing times, may we each dare to step into our greatness and discover the willingness to see the greatness in one another. Namasté. Keri Nola, MA, LMHC, holds a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Central Florida and is licensed by the Florida Department of Health (MH9466) to provide psychotherapy services. She is a Neurofeedback trainer, a Certified Crisis Responder (CCR), an EMDR Institute trained clinician and has significant training in Clinical Sex Therapy. Keri is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Holistic Theology from the American Institute of Holistic Theology. Please see Keri’s ad this page. Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



The Foundation for a Successful Relationship by Rayna Tamarin I have heard the concept of “me, myself and I” in song lyrics, clichés, and spoken by various people in varying contexts. I thought about this phrase the other day when I heard the new Kelly Clarkson song Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) where she sings a line that includes “me, myself and I.” The song is about her personal power and knowing that she can be happy on her own because with her “me, myself and I” in unity, she doesn’t need outside sources of power to fulfill her. She is simply at peace and in joy because she is whole. In relationships that are unbalanced such as the one Kelly sings about and from which she has obviously successfully removed her energy, it can be the little “me” that is paid most attention to. This creates a false sense of power because only the ego is stroked or bruised when the “me” of each partner tries to suck energy from one another in order to seem fulfilled. The little “me” reflects the outward mask or ego we show the world. It is the most shallow and gross form of ourselves, and the most seemingly separate version of ourselves. To include the essence of myself means to go beyond the “me” of the ego and include the personality, therefore the ego is surpassed and we can choose to see our partner and ourselves with more compassion. We begin to notice that we can live and let live and we don’t lose as much personal power. At this level we understand that we all have different preferences but we can get along if we don’t attempt to change someone, including ourselves.


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Once the “I” is included we realize that we are the other person by way of being mirrors of one another. We realize that when we intentionally deplete the other (by paying most attention to the “me”/ego level) that we are only depleting ourselves. At the “I” level we gain a broader perception of our relationship to our partner and to everyone and everything. We perceive the bigger picture. We will be in a very peaceful relationship with another where we are free to grow together as a unit when both partners have a concept of the “I” level and the integration of the “me, myself and I.” When we are on our own we will remain whole without the need for fulfillment from anything external. This integration creates balance in all relationships starting with our Self. When we perceive at the “WE ARE” level, we perceive all with pristine clarity, and we can relate appropriately, peacefully and successfully.

Rayna Tamarin, spiritual muse, songstress, actress, author, artist and entrepreneur, is a Starseed and Indigo transitioning to Crystal, a natural intuitive reader, spiritual advisor, lightworker and healer. Along with her partner Jorge Garcia, Rayna owns The Crystal Closet in Sanford, Florida. Visit The Crystal Closet is a sanctuary for those who are aware of their purpose, or want to develop and discover their spiritual selves. Her online magazine-style blog can be found at http:// Her personal portal is Please see ad previous page.

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Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



The Power of

SYNERGY by Debbie Paulk, Contributing Success Editor I was with my best friend recently, enjoying a cup of java at my new favorite coffee shop in town. While I was there I began thinking: What makes this particular coffee shop so great? I knew it had to be more than just the fact that they serve delicious coffee. After all, I could have gotten a cup of joe to go, but I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the energy of this particular place. I love connecting with people but I also like watching the dynamics of how people connect with one another. I began observing the servers as they pleasantly and enthusiastically interacted with all the customers, yet I noticed something more than the service. The employees all seemed to get along rather well and they worked together beautifully in a state of cooperation. I believe this contributes greatly to the positive flowing energy surrounding this establishment. There’s something amazing that happens to us when we experience or witness others consciously and harmoniously working together, whether it’s creating a pleasant afternoon coffee break, coaching a client with an exciting new goal, or a nation coming together for a monumental reason or cause. The human spirit is elevated and becomes overall more open and cooperative in nature. The power of “we” collectively can reach far greater than the power of “I” or one.


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Just imagine for a moment that it’s nighttime and you’re looking up into the dark sky. Now begin to see all the individual stars twinkling dimly in the sky. Imagine that each star begins merging with the next, one by one, collectively joining with each other. Watch as all the stars begin moving and cooperating with Barnie’s Coffee one goal in mind. Now watch Kitchen, 118 S. Park as a large group of stars work Avenue in Winter Park together and begin to form a cluster. See the cluster getting larger and larger as other stars continue to join in. Watch as all the once dimly lit stars now combine with each other’s energy to collectively form a brilliantly bright light like a beacon in the sky. THIS IS THE POWER OF “WE.” THIS IS THE POWER OF “WE” CONSCIOUSNESS. THIS IS THE POWER OF SYNERGY. Debbie Paulk is founder of Live Your Passion Life Coaching, and Host of Live Your Passion...on location™. She is a Certified Life Coach, Certified Hypnotist, NLP Master Practitioner, Reiki Master and Workshop Facilitator. For more information about services provided or upcoming workshops visit Debbie’s website at or contact Debbie at 407923-0738 to schedule your FREE consultation. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

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Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



Connection by Oral Nussbaum

Sitting in my favorite high-backed wicker chair on the porch the other night, I tried to distract my familiar thought pattern of examining my shortcomings by thinking about my connectedness to others. But as my mind is prone to do, it often slipped back to the well worn path of melancholy. As if summoned for help by my wavering energy, Mojo, my standard poodle, stood in front of me and put one paw on my knee and the other one on my shoulder. I saw in his eyes, everything is perfect as it is and all there is to do is scratch his back while he licks my cheek. A wonderful feeling of connection flooded over me as I thought of how the universal consciousness is not restricted to humans. Most pet owners have a story of some uncanny experience that happened by spiritual or intuitive interaction. Our special relationship with the world around us doesn’t stop with the animal kingdom either. Lynne McTaggart’s book, The Intention Experiment, has many observations of how our collective energy interacts with the plant world. In Messages From Water, Dr. Masaru Emoto’s photographs of water crystals shows our effect on the physical world as well. As the scientific ability to measure subtle energy sharpens, proof of our connection to all things emerges. Albert Eienstien’s 1952 publication, Relativity, implies our joined existence transcends time itself, as past, present, and future exist simultaneously. (That’s a lot of connection). So, what’s in this for me? How might this “we that are consciousness,” and my awareness of it, help my life today? One way is a new sense of respect for life and a confidence that answers to all problems already exist and are available to me. When solving problems through physical means, writing, or speaking, the voice of our connected thought-intuition has proven to be a reliable source. Seeing how we are joined gives me a greater love for people. I can be less judgmental and more forgiving when I see others as part of me. Our connection strengthens my resolve to continue a spiritual path also. I believe any elevation of my existence benefits everything I am connected to. Most importantly, it helps me to experience the peace in knowing, no matter where I have been, am now, or will be tomorrow, I am supported by everything and everyone. Life is happening for me, not to me. Born in Marshallville Ohio, Oral now resides in Winter Springs, Florida. His hobbies of writing and art complement his neverending quest for spiritual growth. He is co-leader of a local writers group, and organizer of a monthly spiritual discussion group. He has been published in the Dream Flight newsletter in London England, Deaf Digest, and Velocity Magazine. He won first place and tied for third place in the Poetry Ensemble of Orlando’s annual poetry contest. Please see both of Oral’s ads, next page.


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Find your balance. Heal with intention. Uncover your power.

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How the Power of Consciousness Relates to the Natural Law of Vibration

by Rev. E. Ann Otzelberger, NST When we place a black poker in the fire, after awhile we say it is at “white heat.” If we remove it, it will change to yellow, then to red and back to black, the original color. The poker consisted of the same group of atoms all the time. By the application of different degrees of heat, the vibration of the atoms were changed which produced separate and distinct colors. We are individually conscious, in the great universal sea of consciousness. As we make of ourselves an active positive center, we have the power to draw like minds to us for the collective power of consciousness. This great universal sea of consciousness, the repository of all thoughts, flows according to the impetus given it by all mankind. It always moves in the direction in which it is sent by vibration, and being a storehouse, it contains both constructive and destructive currents that have been sent out by the human. It is the medium in which all things are present and through which all things are connected with each other. The universal sea of consciousness acts only as a receiving station so there is no friction between its parts. If there were any friction in Divine Consciousness, Universal Ether, we would not be able to receive the heat and light from the sun, nor would we be able to send thoughts to certain persons or places. Because everything in life is a part of this universal ether, everything has life, animate or inanimate. The air we breathe and the water we drink is life. All sensation is only the effect of vibration upon the mind, vibration modified by the consciousness behind it, or by the consciousness within it. Currents of vibration play an important part in the evolution of humans. All physical bodies have this vital force manifesting in them according to the capacity of each to express it. There are currents of thought in the great sea of mind consciousness in which we live. Consciously or unconsciously, we are attached to the current in harmony with our own mental capacity. This consciousness of which we are a part pulsates with life continuously and receives and transmits thoughts. In it our individual thought current is as clearly defined as are the currents of the air or sea. As we study the consciousness of all humankind we find there is a combination of the whole person, spirit, mind (or soul) and body. When we are thoroughly aware of this fact and apply Natural Laws correctly, we establish a creative force which is dynamic in power and effect. In the great universal sea of consciousness we have the power to draw like minds to us for the collective power of consciousness. TOGETHER WE CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING. Reverend E. Ann Otzelberger is the Founding Pastor of New Vision Spiritualist Center. She is an NSAC Ordained Minister, a Commissioned Spiritualist Healer, a certified medium and National Spiritualist Teacher. Reverend Otzelberger is a Trustee on the Board of Directors of the NSAC. Reverend Ann also serves the Morris Pratt Institute as Vice President of their Board of Directors and is on their Education Committee. Please see ad this page.

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012


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Work free-lance for Velocity Magazine and earn very generous commissions. Work from your own home on your telephone and by email. Additional perks offered. Consistent hours rather than long hours will bring great success and a very nice full-time or supplemental income even if working only part-time. Please only respond to the Publisher if you have successful sales experience, are a self-starter, understand that sales is really about education, truly enjoy making many new friends, and will always place the best interests of the customer as top priority. Shift your year into high velocity and call Purusha Radha at 407454-3443.

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The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way. [ Carlos Barrios, Mayan elder and Ajq'ij of the Eagle Clan ]

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Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 5/9 Jikiden Reiki Reiju Kai; 7 pm; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; Fee 5/10 Meditation 101; 10 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Vocal Perspection Reframing; 2 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099;APPRECIATION OFFERING 5/11 Core Belief Training:Clearing Codes; 6 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-5614099; Fee 5/12 Reiki Circle; 10 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Inspirational Empowerment for the Life You Choose; 11:30 am; Lotus Yoga, Apopka; 352-2814888; APPRECIATION OFFERING Spirit Night Meetup for Starseeds, Indigos, Lightworkers; 8 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; APPRECIATION OFFERING 5/13 Mother's Day Psychic Faire and Sale; Noon; Avalon, Orlando; 407-895-7439 5/14 Vocal Perspection Reframing; 2 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099;APPRECIATION OFFERING 5/15 Perpetual Beauty; 10 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Psychic Medium Readings; 11 am; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Fee Introduction to Dreamwork; 1 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 5/16 Vertical Farming with the Tower Garden; Noon;


Taste Restaurant, College Park; 407-760-9487; FREE with lunch. 5/17 Know How to Instantly Enhance You Look with Color and Style; 11 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee Low Level Laser Therapy 1 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 5/18-5/19 Adept Program and Initiation; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-2522682; Fee Chakra Vinyasa Yoga Workshop; 1 pm; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; Fee Crystals, Chakra Jewelry and More Sale; 1 pm; Winter Springs;; 407-2567745 Angel Messages Gallery Reading and Group Healing; 5:30 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee Mini Angel Readings; 6:45 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee 5/19 Science of Ceremony; 6:30 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 5/20 Mystery School; 9:30 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee Adept Two Program; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; Fee Drumming Circle; 6 pm; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; APPRECIATION OFFERING 5/22 Perpetual Beauty; 10 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Skin Tags Class; 10 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee 5/24 Dowsing Class; 9:30 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee Wonderful World of Accessories; 1 pm; Tree • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998



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of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-5614099; Fee Introduction to Dreamwork; 5:30 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-5614099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 5/24-5/27 Shiva Retreat for Men; 4 pm; Amrit Yoga Institute, Salt Springs; 352-685-3001; Fee 5/25 Sacred Geometry One; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; Fee 5/26 Henna; 4 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407878-2700; Fee God Show #13: "Funny Thing Happened On the Way to Heaven-I Made It;" 6:30 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee 5/27 Advanced Channeling; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; Fee 5/28 Shaman Elka Boren Private Circle; 7 pm; Sacred Earth Center, Gainesville; 352-275-8537; Fee 5/28-5/29 Shaman Elka Boren Private Healings; 9 am; Sacred Earth Center, Gainesville; 352-275-8537; F 5/29 Perpetual Beauty; 10 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Stop Cravings Now; 1 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee 5/30 Visualization for Relieving Pain and Illness; 10:30 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-357-5918; APPRECIATION OFFERING 5/31 Sustainability Sells: Making Sustainability Work for Your Business; 6 pm; Sponsored by U. S. Green Chamber of Commerce at IKEA, Orlando; 407-310-1744; Fee 6/1 Nutritional Cleansing 101; 1 pm; Tree of Life En-

The evolution from human to divine consciousness involves healing duality and its legacy of karma and disease at the cellular and atomic levels. [ Sol Luckman, visual artist, and bestselling author. ]

richment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee Sound Healing Workshop Certification; 7 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352561-4099; Fee 6/2 Qigong and Breath Empowerment with Ojela Frank, LMT; 9 am; Karate Academy, Ocala; 352239-9272; Fee Reiki Healing Circle; 11 am; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; APPRECIATION OFFERING Opening Clairvoyance and Sacred Sight Healing; 5:30 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407878-2700 6/4 Drumming Circle; 6 pm; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; APPRECIATION OFFERING 6/5 Guided Imagery & Clearing the Auric Field of Disease; 7pm; Lotus Yoga, Apopka; 352-2814888; APPRECIATION OFFERING 6/6 Visualization for Relieving Pain and Illness; 10:30 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-357-5918; APPRECIATION OFFERING 6/7 How to Grow Your Own Food Quickly and Easily!; 7 pm; Winter Park Public Library; 352-4557509; FREE for WPPL members; $5 non-members 6/8 Candlelight Concert with Mike Davis; 7 pm; Golden Triangle Center for Spiritual Living: 352589-2620; APPRECIATION OFFERING 6/8-6/17 Amrit Method of Yoga Level One Teacher Training; 4 pm; Amrit Yoga Institute, Salt Springs; 352685-3001; Fee 6/9 Reiki Level One with Ojela Frank, LMT; 9 am; Karate Academy, Ocala; (12 CEs/FL Provider #501221) 352-239-9272; Fee The Spiritual Teacher In One's Life; 6:30 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Spirit Night Meetup for Starseeds, Indigos,

Lightworkers; 8 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; FREE 6/10 Teaching from the Heart Yoga Teacher Training Program Begins; 9 am; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; Fee 6/12 Live Blood Analysis; 10 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING 6/13 Guided Imagery; 10:30 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; APPRECIATION OFFERING 6/14 Spiritual Nutrition and Alchemy; 10 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-5614099; Fee Low Level Laser Therapy; 1 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; FREE 6/16 Thai Yoga for Couples; 2 pm; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; Fee God Show #14: "OMG! Am I An Infinite Being of Light?;" 5:30 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee Message Service/Gallery Reading and Group Healing; 5:30 pm-Offered all evening; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee Mini Readings; 6:45 pm-Offered all evening; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee 6/16–6/17 Body Mind Spirit Expo; 10am-6pm both days; Maitland Civic Center;; see ad p. 5; Fee 6/19 The Joy of Backbending Workshop; 1 pm; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; Fee Drumming Circle; 6 pm; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Fee

Continued on next page 46

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012


Events continued from page 45

6/20 Guided Imagery; 10:30 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING Summer Solstice Celebration and Meditation: Prayer, Music and Dance; 6 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee 6/21 Dowsing Class; 9:30 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352561-4099; Fee Private Readings with Dawn; 1 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee 6/23 Teaching from the Heart Yoga Teacher Training Program Begins; 9 am; Downtown Yoga, Mount Dora; 352-409-3646; Fee Visualization for Healing; 10 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-357-5918; Fee 6/23-6/24 Initiation Healing® Breath and Meditation with Ojela Frank, LMT; 9 am; Karate Academy, Ocala; (12 CEs/FL Provider #50-1221); 352-239-9272; Fee Adept Program and Initiation; 10 am; A Center for Wellness and Light, Winter Park; 407-252-2682; Fee 6/27 Juicing for Life; 6 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-3575918; Fee 6/30 Readings and Healings; 4 pm-By Appt.; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407878-2700; Fee 6/30-7/1 Experience the Healing Power of the Zero Stress Zone with Gurudev; 9 am; Sponsored by Amrit Yoga Institute at Hindu Society, Casselberry; 407-699-5277; Fee MONDAYS Integral Yoga; 9 am; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Hatha Yoga Level One; 11:15 am; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee The God Self Academy: Foundation For Life in the New World; 3 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee The God Self Academy for Life In the New World; 3 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee Healing Yoga with Marque; 5 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee Yoga Nidra Meditation; 6 pm; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Guided Meditation; 7:30 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee TUESDAYS Beginner Hatha Yoga; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Intermediate Pilates; 11:30 am; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Tai Chi; 4:30 pm; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Readings and Healings; 5 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee Wild Thing Yoga; 6 pm; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Tai Chi; 7 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee


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FIRST TUESDAYS Power Pilates; 11:30 am; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAYS Low Level Laser Therapy; 1 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS Low Level Laser Therapy 1 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; APPRECIATION OFFERING WEDNESDAYS Course in Miracles; 9 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352561-4099 Restorative Yoga; 4:30 pm; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Stretching on the Ball; 9 am; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Pain Management Class; 12:15 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee Spiritual Coaching; 6 pm; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352561-4099; Fee Hatha Yoga; 6 pm; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Qi Gong; 6 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Yoga; 6:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee Healings and Service; 7:30 pm.; Spiritualist Church of Awareness, Orlando; 407-678-3688; APPRECIATION OFFERING Crystal Bowls; 7:30 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Group Meditation; 8:30 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee FIRST AND SECOND WEDNESDAYS Pain Management Class; 10:30 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee FIRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAYS Chinese Calligraphy Class; 7:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407281-8482; Fee FOURTH WEDNESDAYS Meditation Instruction with Venerable Chueh Yen; 11:30 am; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; APPRECIATION OFFERING THURSDAYS Pottery and Sculpture; 10 am; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Fee Integral Yoga; 9 am; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Art Workshop; 10 am; All About Art, Belleview; 352-307-9774; Fee Resist-a-Ball Toning; 10:15 am; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Intermediate Pilates; 1:15 pm; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Restorative Yoga; 4:30 pm; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Psychic Development; 6 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee Hatha Yoga Level One; 6 pm; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Yoga; 6:30 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee Intro. to Buddhism; 7 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; FREE Hatha Yoga; 7 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee Guided Meditation; 7:30 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-463-2248; Fee FIRST AND SECOND THURSDAYS Wonderful World of Accessories; 10 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-561-4099; Fee • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION FRIDAYS Private Dowsing Sessions; 9 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352561-4099; Fee Yoga Level Two; 9 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-5614099; Fee Hatha Yoga Level One; 10 am; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Yoga Level One; 10:45 am; Tree of Life Enrichment Center, Lady Lake; 352-5614099; Fee Readings and Healings; 5 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee SATURDAYS Yoga; 11:30 am; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; Fee SECOND SATURDAYS New Age Thinkers-Citrus County Gathering; 2pm; Ellie Schiller Wildlife Park(Florida Room), Homosassa; 352628-3253; APPRECIATION OFFERING English Chanting Service; 7 pm; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; FREE SUNDAYS Tai Chi; 8:30 am; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Hatha Yoga Level One; 9:30 am; The Yoga Center, Orlando; 407-240-7417; Fee Buddhism Discussion Group; 10:30 am; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-2818482; FREE Into. to Buddhism; 10:30 am; Guang Ming Temple, Orlando; 407-281-8482; FREE Healings and Service; 10:30 am.; Spiritualist Church of Awareness, Orlando; 407-678-3688; APPRECIATION OFFERING Church Service; 1:30 pm.; New Vision Spiritualist, 1700 Edgewater, Orlando; 407-826-0807; APPRECIATION OFFERING Crystal Bowls; 3 pm; commUNITY 729, Orlando; 407-810-7337; Fee SECOND SUNDAYS Mini Readings and Potluck; Noon; Spiritualist Church of Awareness, Orlando; 407-678-3688; Fee SECOND AND FOURTH SUNDAYS Yin Yoga; 6 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407-878-2700; Fee FIRST AND THIRD SUNDAYS Mini Reiki Sessions and Readings; 4 pm; The Crystal Closet, Sanford; 407878-2700; Fee

Discover Body Mind Spirit Expo 2012 in Orlando! Everyone talks about the changes 2012 brings. What better way to embrace the joyous possibilities of the awakening than by attending Body Mind Spirit Expo (BMSE) and enjoying all it has to offer. Once you arrive at the Maitland Civic Center on June 16-17, you will discover an outstanding offering of 50 of the Southeast’s finest exhibitors, fully covering the latest findings in natural health, personal growth, and (our specialty) metaphysics. Browse for hours, receive a healing or soothing massage, and experience a reading from a gifted psychic. Head up to the lecture halls where we offer a phenomenal lecture schedule this season. Meet and interact with a star-laden collection of more than 28 incredible presenters and authors. We have themed our 2012 expos as “Believe & Everything is Possible" and we mean this on all levels. We wish to offer you the tools and techniques to uncover your own glorious inner being and making the awakening of 2012 the most amazing possible time for our entire planet. Program highlights include author Dr. Linda Backman’s two-hour workshop on “Life Between Lives,” based on her bestselling, “Bringing Your Soul to Light.” Attorney and inspirational empowerment facilitator Anthony Diaz will offer an insightful hour on, “Are You Waiting for the World to Change?” Always popular Amy Biank shares how to “Find Happiness with the Angels,” providing six practical, easy steps to creating a better life today. Enjoy these and many other presentations designed to get you moving forward towards a smooth and graceful awakening in 2012. You can save $1 off the already low weekend admission simply by downloading a coupon from (Make sure that all your friends sign up, too, so that each receives the discount.) or even buy and print your ticket at home. So join us and move forward into the awakening of possibilities that 2012 offers as Body Mind Spirit Expo offers you the tools and techniques to uncover your own glorious inner being. Please see ad page 5.

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012







n the esoteric doctrine of the Ageless (or Ancient) Wisdom teachings, “We” or group awareness is the result of achieving Soul Consciousness, an advanced stage on the spiritual path, one of relatively rare attainment. Its effects are love, harmlessness, goodwill, compassion, cooperation, harmony, universality, and right relationship, not only among humanity but also with the earth and its other life-forms (angelic-devic, animal, plant and mineral, all possessing consciousness) with whom we share this beautiful planet. “I”, “me,” or “my” awareness is the product of individual consciousness of the self-centered personality (the lower human self of the etheric-physical, astral-emotional, and mental bodies). This is the level of consciousness of mass humanity and even many beginning seekers on the spiritual path. The effect of this consciousness on our planet can be seen in separative thinking, materialism, selfishness, fear, hate, competition, chaos, violence, crime, war, conflict, and ecological-environmental destruction. The achievement of Soul Consciousness is the result of many lifetimes of strenuous effort, striving, and dedicated spiritual discipline and the practice of meditation and other techniques, all part of modern spiritual teachings. Progressive disidentification with the personality and physical/material reality are also essential. Recognition of one’s self as a spiritual being having a human experience, an urge to render altruistic service, compassion, detachment from personality desires/comforts, and

by Rev. Andrew Cekun an ever-increasing identification with others (human and all living things), are all signs of successfully developing group and Soul Consciousness. Part of realizing our soul purpose is to identify our spiritual group and thereby fulfill our role or part in the Divine Plan for our earth. Some spiritual seekers, though, have confused group affiliation with having achieved group or Soul Consciousness. They erroneously believe that by joining one or more (outer, objective, physical) groups they are, therefore, group/Soul conscious and rendering group service. There are also subjective or inner groups, consisting of members both incarnated in physical bodies and others serving on the inner planes or higher dimensions, each fulfilling its specific role in the Divine Plan. You may never personally meet a member of your Soul group, or even other inner, subjective groups to which you belong. If you are reading this article, you are most probably one of us. May we all achieve Soul/group consciousness, discovering our respective groups with which to serve. The present need of humanity and the earth is great and urgent!

One current example of a soul group is the New Group of World Servers (, members from all soul groups, consisting not only of spiritual seekers, but also of men and women of good will everywhere, serving in every department of human living. The Rev. Andrew Cekun is an esoteric astrologer and teacher. A student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings for 30 years, he educates about the Path of Accelerated Spiritual Evolution, and the Planetary Initiation of 2012. His astrological specialty is to identify one’s soul purpose, and to recognize and utilize periods of spiritual challenge and opportunity. Please see ad this page.


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Harmony by Master Venerable Hsing Yun


Between Self and Others

Interpersonal relationships are a very important part of today’s life, and many people are troubled and distressed because the relationship between self and others is not in harmony. This is because they do not know how to deal with others, nor do they know how to cultivate self. Or, they may try to further differentiate and distinguish self from others, thus creating a lot of problems and prompting even more improper behavior. In reality, the relationship between self and others is maintained by conditions, so good conditions bring about good friendships, and poor conditions result in bad karma. However, most people fail to realize the relationship between cause and effect. Not only are they unwilling to assist others in their tasks, but they also further become envious of others’ achievements and are calculating, always comparing themselves with others and trying to come up with any means to beat them in every circumstance. This often results in disharmony in relationships, further hurting self and others and causing suffering.

Just remember, by simply retreating, one step could broaden our vistas. The way to resolve conflicts between self and others is to practice “you are big and I am small, you are right and I am wrong.” When we can truly do that, then we will be able to attain unexpected Dharma joy. Venerable Master Hsing Yun was born in Chiangsu Province, China in 1928. He entered a monastery near Nanjing at age twelve. He was fully ordained in 1941, and is the 48th patriarch of the Lin-chi (Rinzai) Ch’an School. For nearly a half century, Venerable Master Hsing Yun has devoted his efforts to transforming this world through the practice of Humanistic Buddhism, which takes to heart spiritual practice in daily life. He founded Fo Guang Shan and today, over 200 branch temples throughout the world carryout the goals of propagating Humanistic Buddhism and establishing a Pure Land on Earth. The Guang Ming Temple in Orlando (legally registered as International Buddhist Progress Society, Florida) was founded in 1992. Please see ad this page.

For humans, once the thought of discriminating and comparing arises, once the intention to compare gain and loss surfaces, even those as close as loving family members begin to fight. Therefore, to cling to “self ” is the source of suffering; being “selfless” is the solution to the problems between self and others. There is fighting and injustice among people because the relationship between people is to treat others as self. When you and I are one and the same, then we can be truly considerate of each other’s feelings and we can look at matters from each other’s view. This is the ultimate way to resolve our suffering. Everyone would like to be better than other people, but because of this desire to excel, endless fighting ensues. On the other hand, if we respect the strengths of each other, if we give each other support and assistance, then peace and harmony can be realized. Most would like to possess more than others and disregard the lack that others face, but if you are the only one who is enjoying everything while everybody else has nothing, do you think they are going to leave you in peace? Most of us prefer ease over hard work, pursuing joy and serenity for ourselves and disregarding the suffering of others: this is the source of fighting in the world. But if we give others joy, then we will be happy when others are joyful. Fighting for victory and shunning blame is a common ill and the basis of conflict, but if we are willing to admit our mistakes and faults, if we do not shrink from responsibility, the relationship between self and others will be in harmony.

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



Anyone Can Hear Spirit As a child

Will You Listen?

I just knew things about people and what was happening around them. When I was about five I would just blurt out what I saw which made people nervous around me. I thought everyone knew these things. Most children believe everyone can see what they see until people start treating them differently. Then it’s easier for them to not say anything rather than feel rejected.

by Michael Richardson

I was lucky that my father realized I had a gift. He explained to me that everyone is able to develop this ability, but it’s their choice whether to develop it or to push it away. Most people who push it away are afraid or don’t understand what is happening, and as adults, they usually pick jobs that require intuitive abilities and do so without even realizing they are using this ability. Others think of it as intuition or a sixth sense. As I got older I got caught up in the everyday things of life and I stopped listening to spirit. Then at the age of 18, while in the military, spirit saved my life as well as the group that was with me. We were doing a building search and I kept hearing my name called. Each time I stopped everyone said they hadn’t called me. This happened a few times. I was starting to think that they felt I was afraid to move forward. I noticed each time I heard my name called spirit brought my attention to a door to the side of us. I decided to listen to spirit which I had not done since I was a kid. When we opened the door the person we were looking for was in the closet waiting for us to pass so he could shoot us. Later, others said they felt we should have checked the closet also, but hadn’t trusted their instincts. Since

then I have learned to trust spirit and listen. My father taught me how to grow with this ability and use it to enhance my life as well as others. He taught me never to make anyone wrong for their beliefs or their situations. Because of his teachings and understanding I have been able to trust spirit and help others to learn how to open up and listen to spirit. We all call this knowing something different: God, Spirit, Angels, the Universe, Intuition. It’s all the same energy and it is there for anyone who wants to listen. All we have to do is meditate, manifest and guide our children to do the same. Michael used his gifts to help people as a law enforcement officer for 30 years. He started doing readings for friends and family in 1986. In 2005, he started working as a psychic on weekends in Cassadaga. Now retired from law enforcement he works full-time from his office in Altamonte Springs. For more information on Michael go to http://


velo c it y • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998




the original hologram. I believe this is the way our lives work also. We have a small yet complete version of the universe within our lives. We only need to recognize we are a hologram of this universal consciousness. A common question we humans have is, "Why are we here?" I had other questions, too, that neither science nor religion seems to answer. If we all came from the same place, then it seems obvious that we are all part of existing universal consciousness. In my meditation, I went backwards in time past the Big Bang to try to explore our origin. What I experienced was remarkable and has inspired me to write a book

EXIST? by James E. Hardy, DMD How do we define consciousness? Where are its origins? If we have evolved to become conscious beings, then the seed of this consciousness must have been present when the universe was created, at the Big Bang, but then this brings up another question: "What existed before the Big Bang?" Was it pure consciousness? I had all these questions in my head and decided to meditate on them as this was a way for me to be completely connected in a multi-dimensional way, a way for me to get answers uninfluenced from my busy and judgmental mind. I must first say that I see our lives and the lives of our universe as part of a holographic universe, where the whole reflects the part and the parts reflect the whole. A hologram is a three-dimensional picture that, when broken, each piece still contains a complete image of

The moment I went past the Big Bang I found myself alone, one, in unity. It was in this state of unity that a thought came. That thought was Love. Love, however, has meaning only when unity disperses and interacts with itself. Love needs at least two bits of consciousness to realize its beauty and gift, so the thought of love created the reason for the Big Bang and unity became the universe. We are here to understand what love means on every level. The only thing that expands the human heart is love. Love and the increase in the understanding of love is what drives the known expansion of the universe which is happening at an accelerated rate. We are consciousness learning what love means. It is the force which propels the universe to grow along with our hearts. Thought creates ideas. Ideas can become reality (even incorrect ones such as thoughts of being unlovable.) The idea that we are all consciousness interacting together to learn about love is why we exist. James E. Hardy, DMD, graduated in 1982 from Washington University School of Dental Medicine. He has had a mercury-free practice since his first patient and has given close to 200 lectures on mercury-free, health-centered dentistry both nationally and internationally. He is the author of the book, Mercury Free, and has assisted in the writing of an anti-mercury bill in the U. S. House of Representatives. Please contact Dr. Hardy at 407-678-3399, visit http:// and see Dr. Hardy's ad page 2.

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012


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Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012




May/June 2012

Shifts in consciousness have been unfolding subtly and often, not so subtly, transforming our world from the inside out. We are, indeed, evolving at an ever-quickening pace towards a greater sense of oneness and interconnection--moving from I AM to WE ARE consciousness. Contemplate how this is occurring in your life. Did you ever have an unusually emotional day without any logical explanation only to find out that there was a devastating occurrence somewhere in the world that strongly effected many people? With today’s methods of instantaneous communication, we are much more aware of what is occurring in the world making our interconnection so much more apparent. As we move into this season of eclipses expect accelerated movement and remember to breathe. Take care of yourself. Don’t take things personally (the Universe is not signaling you out to drive you crazy) and utilize your tools to maintain your center. “Lots of reports about things–like jobs, housing, relationships, plans, projects, what have you–falling apart, disintegrating, or radically changing course all of a sudden. There’s an air of chaos and uncertainty that will only intensify in coming weeks and months. The energies are highly creative, as well as destructive, so new things–like jobs, housing, relationships, plans, projects and what have you–manifest quickly and easily, replacing the old. Radical shifts are possible. At times it’s a deliciously juicy ride. Other times, challenges seem insurmountable and anxiety or despair can set in. Realities form and dissolve constantly. One moment you’re crashing and burning, the next you’re the phoenix rising from the ashes. When everything is in flux, it’s important to focus on what we’re creating through our thoughts, words, attention and action. These are the days of instant karma.” (From heyallie. com/2012/2012-so-far/) Be aware of the moon cycle, consciously working with it as a guide to assist you in negotiating the energies. May 5 is a Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio while the sun moves through Taurus. Stay grounded and enjoy the beauty of nature exploding around you. Be willing to release what is no longer working in your life. Try not to resist when you know what you have to do! The New Moon on May 21 is a solar Eclipse just as the sun moves into Gemini.“Pause to look behind your communications and get clear about underlying messages. Set intentions to transcend apparent polarities.” (from We’Moon 2012, p.18) The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4 is a lunar eclipse. “As the moon darkens allow inner truths to surface. Set intentions to align with your highest principles. Bring reciprocal altruism to light.” (from We’Moon 2012, p.18). The new moon in Gemini is at the very last degree of that sign, just before the sun moves into Cancer. How can you expand your horizons to create a greater sense of


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by Raven Moondance interconnection in your life, in your community, in our world? Our choice is how we enter each day, each moment. Breathe in love. Breathe out peace. Lead from your heart. Utilize the affirmations for your sun and moon signs as another tool to assist you in negotiating these times.


(March 19-April 19) Use your breath to regain and maintain your center. Don’t rush into anything! Breathe and allow calmness to fill you before you respond or react. Contemplate how your thoughts, words and actions can affect others. Be the peace that you wish to see. AFFIRMATION: My breath brings me back to my center. I respond and move forward from a place of inner peace and love.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) As you step forward into a new year initiated by your birthday, what changes are calling to be made in your life? in your beliefs? In your perceptions about yourself? Use your thoughts, imagination and actions to begin creating the shifts you desire to see manifest as your year unfolds. AFFIRMATION: I allow positive, life-affirming changes to gently ripple through my body, mind and spirit and through all aspects of my life. I am blessed.


(May 21-June 20) As you approach your birthday, consider it time to clean out your closets, home, office, and car, and to consciously and pointedly deal with any emotional issues that arise. What illusions, unrealistic beliefs or expectations need to be weeded out? Prepare to move into your new year without the baggage of the past. AFFIRMATION: I release the past and step forward into a new year filled with all the joy and love my heart can hold!


(June 21-July 22) How are you doing taking care of yourself and your needs? Whenever your feel stressed, overwhelmed or anxious, do what you need to do to take care of it ASAP. Affirm your desire to lovingly nurture yourself first. Take a breath and deal with any issue that arises from a place of self-confidence and self-love. AFFIRMATION: I love, respect and appreciate myself. When I take care of me, my service to others is greatly enhanced.

LEO (July 22-Aug.22) Observe any challenges or stresses that may arise for you. Observe without judgment. Instead, see them as pointers to assist you in your ongoing growth. Breathe, step forward in confidence and loving compassion for yourself and for those around you. AFFIRMATION: I am grateful for all that occurs and for everyone I interact with. We are one and all evolving together.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept.22) Go for it, Virgo! This is your power time. You have contemplated, examined and considered. Now, just do it! • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

C R E AT I N G O U R F U T U R E I N T H E N O W Tune into your gut feelings, into your heart and go for it! And don’t forget to breathe! AFFIRMATION: With grace and ease, I fluidly negotiate all areas of my life. Love, light and joy fills, surrounds and radiates out to touch everyone I encounter. We are all blessed in every moment!

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22)

Continue to work on calming your mind by bringing your focus to the present. Be in gratitude for the abundance in your life. Share with others for the greater good. Share your time, resources and prayers to assist those in need and honor the sacredness of all life. AFFIRMATION: I offer my love, light and prayers for the highest good of our world. May peace and harmony touch every heart!


(Oct.23-Nov.21) If you feel as though you are driving yourself crazy with obsessive thinking and worrying, calm your mind, relax your body, and nurture your spirit. Use your tools-yoga, meditation, massage, Reiki, a walk in nature, a relaxing bath. Bring your focus to the moment. Everything is exactly as it should be and it is okay! AFFIRMATION: I feel a solid connection to the Earth beneath my feet. One day at a time, one moment at a time, life flows with ease.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21) Are you listening to your intuition? Observe your thoughts and your reactions. Where are you being called to make a change or a shift in your perceptions or in your life? Where are you holding on too tight? Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, let go! AFFIRMATION: I listen to the messages coming from deep within and allow my body, mind, spirit and surroundings to shift, change and transform in line with my highest good.

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(Dec.22-Jan.19) Trust your intuition, those gut feelings and quiet messages that come from deep within. If you are not sure, take a deep breath to calm and center yourself. Tune into your feelings and then you will know. AFFIRMATION: My intuition guides me from deep within my being. With each breath, my inner knowingness grows stronger and more aligned with my true essence.

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18) Continue working on establishing patterns for healthy self-care. Contemplate your growth over the past few months and those actions that have supported you. Feel confident that you have the knowledge, tools and ability to easily negotiate any situation. AFFIRMATION: Each new day offers me wondrous opportunities to confidently step more fully into my true self. I am very blessed.

PISCES (Feb.19-March 19) Look carefully at your reactions and what causes you stress. Tune into your feelings to gain clarity and insight. Possible changes or improvements may be revealed that could bring more harmony, balance and serenity into your life. AFFIRMATION: I dive deep within to discover my inner truth. I balance self-examination with self-love on my journey to inner peace and wholeness. Raven Moondance (aka Shenna Benarte) writes the newsletter, MOON ASTROLOGY UPDATE six times a year and a monthly column on working with the moon in MOMA BEAR, a magazine for Gainesville, Florida moms. For a complete Moon Astrology reading or to attend a monthly Moon Astrology Class, call Raven at (352)372-8594 or email:

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012

55 @PotterCodes Advertise in Velocity=>>> to reach new customers • because it creates an energetic surrounding your business—it declares to the Universe that you are "Open for Business!" • to keep your name fresh in peoples' minds for when they do decide to seek out your product or service • because it pays off over a period of time • because there are always more people to serve • to maintain a healthy, positive image • because people need you but haven't found you yet.


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by Joanna Davis

of every paycheck for employees, but sometimes it’s not enough. We’ve seen the soundbites from people who have gotten in trouble with the IRS. And the boss… need I say more? Just reading that last paragraph is enough to cause stress, so what is a person to do?


Threat Level

ORANGE I was sitting in the airport when an announcement came over the loudspeakers, “The current Threat Level is Orange.” Next came warnings about keeping luggage with us at all times, being on the lookout for “suspicious activity,” etc.

It is not just simple, it is highly effective. When I choose to shift my focus from negativity (threats) to positivity (love), I shift from stress to relaxation. I feel the tension melting out of my body as I engage in practicing positive focus. It doesn’t negate the reality of the negative things. It recognizes that they are not the only things and looks to the positive. When I shift my focus in this way, I find that it changes my vibration and the Universe responds by providing many positive reinforcements. The threat level may be forever orange, but I do not have to keep my focus there. I can shift back to the beautiful day, my wonderful son, friendly people, and all of the positive energies around me. I hope you’ll join me! Ease, and Joy, and Blessings, Oh My! Joanna Davis, CLC received her Certification as a Life Coach through Coach for Life, the original spirit-based, accredited coach training. Her work in the healing arts began in the 80s in massage therapy and continues with certifications in reflexology and hypnosis. She is also experienced in energy healing, tarot and other mystic practices. Visit or call 352874-7817. Please see ad this page.

Until that moment, I had been enjoying the beautiful day, enjoying my son, enjoying people as they passed by, and generally enjoying life. Threat Level Orange… what does that mean, anyway? Related to threat, orange falls somewhere between the ‘Danger! Danger!’ of red and the ‘Caution’ of yellow. More importantly, it represents the general level of anxiety present in society today. We were built, to quote Dorothy in her magical journey, for “Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!” Lions, tigers, and bears are immediate and tangible dangers. Our bodies react to danger with increased adrenaline production in order to allow us to fight or flee. When adrenaline elevates, digestion and immune response suppress. What we had for lunch and that sniffle really won’t matter if we’re becoming lunch for another animal. That adrenaline response is caused directly by STRESS, and stress leads to a host of diseases if not dealt with in a positive way. Stress prevails in our modern culture where Lions have been replaced by Loans, Tigers are now Taxes, and Bears are Bosses. In a modern remix, the chant could be, “Loans, and Taxes, and Bosses, Oh My!” The difference is that these are rarely immediate and tangible threats. More often than not, they are the tape that runs in the background, keeping small doses of adrenaline pumping with “Threat Level Orange.” The loan reminder comes in every month or in daily phone calls if the payment is late. Taxes are taken out Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012


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by Rev. Mary Blocher

We Are All Related

Mitakuye Oyasin. I first heard those Lakota words when I went to A Gathering in the late 1980s. A Lakota Elder, Elmer Running, translated those words into English. They translate to mean, “We are all related.” In Lakota culture, The People believe that not only are we related to each other, but we are also related to all of creation: the tall standing ones, (trees), the four leggeds (animals), and the winged ones (birds). They view inanimate objects from the mineral kingdom as living beings. Rocks that are used in a sweat lodge ceremony are called grandfathers, and of course, they believe that earth is a living, breathing Mother that sustains us. Nature-based philosophy was so different from what I had been taught growing up in the Christian tradition of my youth. The Christian philosophy was based upon believing in Jesus and being saved from sin. God was deemed as a giant man in a white robe with a long beard somewhere up in heaven far away from me. Later in life I was led to the New Thought philosophy with the belief that the kingdom of God was within me. In fact this philosophy said that everyone has that spark of divinity within them, therefore all people were Christ Beings. I learned that the way we could become connected to Divine Mind was through prayer and meditation. Not only could we connect with Divine Mind, but in Truth we were all connected to Divine Mind. This idea was brought further into the mainstream through the works of the psychologist Carl Jung who coined the phrase, “collective unconscious.”

We are like sunbeams that think we are separate from the sun, or we think we are a wave that is separate from the ocean. Just as a wave can’t separate itself from the ocean, we must realize that we cannot separate ourselves from one another. We are all part of a vast ocean of God’s love. We are all related. Mitakuye Oyasin! Rev. Mary Blocher was ordained as a Unity Minister in 2005. She holds a Master’s Degree in Education from Indiana University. Prior to entering the ministry, she was a special education teacher for 24 years. Nine of those 24 years she lived and taught on the Navajo Reservation where she learned first-hand the traditions, customs, and spirituality of Native Americans. Please see ad for Unity-Leesburg this page.

A Course In Miracles also brought forth the belief in the concept of the Christ Mind and goes even further stating that we are actually all the same being! The Course states that there is only one begotten Son, and we are it. This concept of “We Consciousness” is taking a firmer root in our world today. This We Consciousness can be described as if we are all like spokes of a wheel which radiate out from the same center. If we try to define ourselves according to our position on the rim of the wheel we seem separate and distinct from others, but if we define ourselves according to our starting point we all have a shared identity. Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012


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velo c it y • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


by Yogi Amrit Desai


S S E N S CRISIS to CONSCIOU The greatest opportunity for transformation as individuals and as a planet comes in moments of crisis. While times of prosperity and stability promote superficial shifts, crisis shakes the foundation of safety and comfort we are accustomed to, calling for profound paradigm shifts. The variety of crises that have come to our country (and others) has reached each individual in a different way. Whether a crisis is global or personal, our reactions are always personal and based on our past. We need to see that our personal feelings and reactions to these events are a reflection of our own past experiences and provide insight into unresolved areas of our lives. This is an opportunity to seek resolution that doesn’t come from overpowering the external enemy but from revisiting and transforming our own distorted perceptions, dysfunctional belief systems and personal biases. We can replace them with new ways to live and act from love, light, and compassion. Become aware. Ask yourself and explore, “How does my experience of these external events represent my own personal reaction to it?” Before you expect external shifts in the world let inner shifts remain at the core. Let us use that fact that we have been forced out of patterns of comfort, safety and familiarity to soften entrenched ways of behaving and thinking about ourselves, each other, and the world.

Every crisis contains within it a lesson that we need to learn in order to reshape and transcend our past conditioning. Every event that appears painful or hurtful holds within it a message that can empower us to transform the world we live in. When we avoid the experience of hurt and pain we invariably miss the message inherent within it. If we miss this opportunity we miss the possibility for a change in global consciousness. Just as the forest is made up of trees, our country is made up of individuals. Only individuals have the potential to influence and prevent tragic events from reoccurring through a shift in consciousness. Consciousness means finding the middle path where we are free from the primal drives of anger, fear, and retaliation, and a belief that overcoming an external enemy will give us the internal resolution we seek. The middle path sees with the light of clarity, objectivity and understanding. Find that place within yourself and you will create the right response and the right action. It all begins and ends with each one of us. Yogi Amrit Desai is the founder of the Amrit Yoga Institute in Salt Springs, Florida. The Institute offers personalized Ayurvedic consultations, treatment services, workshops and yoga teacher training. Yoga Teacher Training beings June 8-17 and offers an opportunity to experience a personal change in consciousness. Visit: See ad previous page.

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



An ANSWER to the World’s AILMENTS? by Aree Pearlman

I never imagined having difficulty breastfeeding. I planned to nurse as long as I could. I knew all the reasons why it was best for both of us. I took my Bradley Method Natural Childbirth class. I had my support system of former and current LaLeche League leaders and a supportive husband. I had a great birth and felt healthy and able. By night three, my daughter’s screaming was so intense that I begged my husband to go out and get whatever formula looked good. I knew she was starving. That was the beginning of a long and painful journey. I committed to myself and my children that I would give them as much breast milk as I could for as long as I could by pumping every two to three hours and nursing in-between. I lasted about eight months with supplementing for both. My LaLeche League leaders asked me to talk after my second child was born. I told the group that it didn’t matter that I couldn’t breastfeed because as long as the babies get the breast milk and we cuddle them close to feed we are doing great. This is true that it’s as close to second as you can get, but the real deal is even more fulfilling and beautiful. During breastfeeding mom releases a hormone called oxytocin. It is also called the love drug. Moms who breastfeed radiate an overwhelming sense of calm, love, and peace. Anyone walking into a nursing mother’s home immediately feels that sense of

When I’m lonely, sad or blue, When I’m hungry, or thirsty too, Mommy’s milk heals. When the day is rainy or full of sun, When I feel I’m not her only one, Mommy’s milk heals. When I’m sick and not feeling well, When the bump on my knee begins to swell, Mommy’s milk heals. No matter my need Or my condition Mommy’s right there Without hesitation. Her milk grows me up! Keeps me safe ~ happy too. All the days till I’m ready, It’s her big ‘I Love You!’ a Poem by Danelle Frisbie calm. As a friend stated at a recent LaLeche Leauge meeting, “When I was nursing the other day, I started wishing for world peace and could not understand why we can’t all just get along. I thought, what if everyone in the world nursed their babies? What if everyone nursed at the same time? Would we create a global epidemic of peace?” Could the nursing mamas of the world be the answer to our ailments–physically, emotionally and mentally? Breast milk can heal it all (yes, even physical ailments–it’s a live fluid! It heals wounds better than any ointment!). Aree Pearlman is a Bradley Method Natural Childbirth instructor and birth doula (labor support professional). She has home-birthed two beautiful children and is an advocate of parents’ rights and responsibilities. Look for more information about birthing the Bradley Way in upcoming Velocity issues. Contact Aree at 704-200-0183 or for class information. Also, find her on the web at and please see ad this page.

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the word on books>>>>>>>> In 1995, James O’Kon shocked the archaeological world with the discovery of a massive, lost landmark of Maya engineering, the long span suspension bridge at the ancient city of Yaxchilan in Mexico. Now considered to be the longest bridge of the ancient world, the structure was overlooked by scientists who had studied the site for more than a century. In his new book, The Lost Secrets of Maya Technology, O’Kon recounts the thrilling realization of his discovery and how he used modern methods to examine and prove the existence of the spectacular bridge. Author, lecturer, and award-winning structural engineer, James O’Kon, P. E., has explored more than 50 remote Maya sites and researched Maya technological accomplishments for more than 40 years. Combining his talents as a forensic engineer with evidence garnered from his archaeological investigations, he lifts the veil of mystery from the lost technology of the Maya. The Lost Secrets of Maya Technology is an exciting documentation of O’Kon’s exploration, research, forensic engineering and virtual reconstruction of lost technological achievements that enabled the Maya to construct cities towering above the rainforest, water systems with underground reservoirs, miles of paved jungle tracks, and the longest bridge in the ancient world. He also explains how Maya engineers built multi-story buildings that were not exceeded in height until the first skyscraper was erected in the U.S. in 1885, how they invented the blast furnace 2,000 years before it was patented in England, an developed the vulcanization of rubber more than 2,600 years before Goodyear. “The future will belong to the naturesmart—those individuals, families, businesses, and political leaders who develop a deeper understanding of the transformative power of the natural world and who balance the virtual with the real. The more high-tech we become, the more nature we need," says Richard Louv, author of The Nature Principle: Reconnecting with Life in a Virtual Age. Supported by groundbreaking research, anecdotal evidence, and compelling personal stories, Louv shows


us how tapping into the restorative powers of the natural world can boost mental acuity and creativity, promote health and wellness, build smarter and more sustainable businesses, communities, and economies, and ultimately strengthen human bonds. As he says in his introduction, The Nature Principle is "about the power of living in nature–not with it, but in it. We are entering the most creative period in history. The twenty-first century will be the century of human restoration in the natural world." Richard Louv makes a convincing case that through a nature-balanced existence, driven by sound economic, social, and environmental solutions, the human race can and will thrive. This timely, inspiring, and important work will give readers renewed hope while challenging us to rethink the way we live. Rico Paganini's book, Dei Legacy, gives insight into the Plan of Redemption, as well as key to understanding the essence of human "being." Dei Legacy takes the reader on a stunning visual journey through an expedition into the spiritual, metaphysical realm of Giza. Here the reader focuses on Creation, the Divine Family and the fall of the Souls and garners insight into the spiritual and terrestrial history of humanity and the significance of Giza. We begin to understand the purpose of living as human beings and what we are now experiencing on Earth at this turning point in history, the convergion reality 2012. Armed with the plethora of knowledge in Dei Legacy, laid out simply and concisely, we become capable of drawing our own personal conclusions and then to align our lives with the conclusions we make. Only then can we understand what is really occurring at this turning point in time, a time of moving beyond survival into thriving. Only then can we recognize the interrelations and the invisible powers of light and darkness. Dei Legacy helps us to form a new consciousness with an eye toward individual and even collective enlightenment. Despite all the fear-inducing, apocalyptic scenarios for 2012 and beyond, this is how we will not only survive but thrive when the shift occurs this December. Since his youth, Rico Paganini has been preoccupied with human history, religions, spiritual and vibratory sciences. He has made eleven trips to Egypt primarily to study Giza. He resides in Switzerland.

Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



We Are All Connected We Are All One by Solara Attatharya, DOM, AP, DNBHE Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture Physician Diplomate National Board of Homeopathic Examiners

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"Efficient flow of energy is essential to wellness; disease is the result of any interference with this flow.”

-Illya Progogine, Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry

Everything IS vibrational electromagnetic energy. Every time you eat something or come in contact with light, sounds, colors and smells, your body reacts, it becomes part of your energy field to varying degrees. The body is a hologram and, as such, when one part of the body is dis-eased the whole of the body is dis-eased. When we heal the body it doesn’t just heal body parts but the whole organism heals. Within our body is an entire universe made of a chemical soup which becomes bones and organs and body fluids. When one stubs a toe the iris of the eye dilates showing the inter-connection of the whole organism. Have you watched Bones on StarTrek perform a health scan to determine what was out of balance in his crew members and wondered when medical science would bring us that technology? The non-cognitive electrodermal biofeedback screening device has been around for several decades now and energetic blocks to wellness can be determined. Says Dawn Dion, “I can’t believe how good I feel. I can breathe Continued page 69


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Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



Stress has been scientifically proven to contribute to many illnesses and their symptoms. According to the American Medical Association, stress is a contributing factor in more than 75% of illness and disease. In fact, current research suggests that stress contributes to many common ailments including musculoskeletal disorders, headaches and migraines, common colds, sinusitis, digestive issues, insomnia, depression, dependency, skin irritations, excessive weight gain/loss, nausea, allergies and asthma, heart disease, ADD/ADHD and many others. At our facility, we are incorporating a new “stateof-the-art” system that not only identifies harmful stressors, but provides a non-invasive therapy using bioenergetic frequencies and LED light therapy through traditional acupuncture points to condition the body and effectively manage the stress so that you maintain your optimal health. We are exposing ourselves to more stresses than ever. Whether it’s financial stress, family pressures, environmental stressors such as hay fever or pollen, work-related stress or other types of stress, these all take a heavy toll on our bodies for our every day health.

{The Future of Wellness}



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While we cannot remove the physical stressors or make the financial problems disappear, what we can do is change how your body copes with the stressors from a health perspective. By receiving this therapy your body creates a barrier so that the stressors no longer deteriorate your health, thus allowing your body to function at optimal levels. During the first visit, patients receive a 100 point Wellness Inspection utilizing an FDA-cleared biofeedback device that provides a report of findings identifying what stressors may be contributing toward their health issues. These findings are prioritized from the most severe to the least severe and indicate whether they are contributing toward acute (sudden/ severe) or chronic (long-term) conditions. Our stateof-the-art device is capable of detecting over 60,000 different stressors which may precipitate many of the disease issues affecting Americans today. Of these 100 points of the Wellness Inspection we then can go and address any one or more of these points and further evaluate within the 60,000 total points which can be identified and treated by the machine. • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998


Once the stressors are identified, the therapy sessions are started to transmit a series of bioenergetic frequencies, unique to each individual, back into the body, conditioning the body to no longer react negatively when exposed to the stressors. Most patients see excellent responses within six to seven therapy sessions. For many, this has been a godsend. With the relief of stressors then many conditions affecting Americans today just simply go away. One good example is from patient X. This patient could not consume any dairy products and if he did he would have severe abdominal distress, headaches and pains throughout his body. The patient, who was himself a doctor, traveled all over this country for natural and traditional remedies and to no avail. Homeopathic remedies, prescription medication and the like were a dismal failure. He had the 100 point Wellness Inspection and it definitely showed dairy as a major stressor, however digging deeper within the 60,000 stressors it was found that the problem was in the pasteurization of the milk that caused the issues and NOT the dairy product itself. After a brief session of treatments with the unit the patients dairy intolerance was totally corrected and to-date can consume any and all dairy products with NO consequences. These same results occur time and time again with countless patients who have the correct stressor(s) identified and corrected. This thus allows the body to devote energy to the problem at hand. We urge all the readers who have issues which have not responded well or are returning for constant medical/alternative therapies to consider this form of non-invasive evaluation and care. It may just change your life from the constant or recurrent issues plaguing you or your loved ones.

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Dr. Michael Badanek has been serving the Central Florida/Marion County region for more than 31 years in active clinical practice. Dr. Badanek is a licensed Chiropractic Physician with extensive post-graduate education and training in Alternative Complementary Medicine including clinical nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathy, applied kinesiology, Naturopathic and Traditional (Allopathic) medicine and electrodermal screening. Dr. Badanek has four board certifications in Clinical Nutrition and Homeopathy. His real love and zeal in healthcare is treating patients with all types of conditions with alternative/functional medicine, especially people with problems or conditions which have not responded to traditional or alternative treatments.Visit Dr. Badanek’s website at and call 352-622-1151 for a courtesy consultation. Please see ad this page.

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Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012



A Prayer by Sunemaura O’Brien Great Spirit Gather us in. Gather us from the far corners of Earth. Gather us from all Paths. Gather us from all religions and all spiritualities. Gather nonbelievers as well. Gather us from all political parties and orientations. Gather us from all lifestyles. Gather those who would heal Earth as well as those who would claim dominion over Her. Gather all light workers as well as those who fear the Light. Gather those who pursue Love as well as those who fear Love. For we are the same. My sins are your sins and your sins are mine. A world of Love is created not by the one, not by the few, but by All. Great Spirit Gather us to you in Unity, in Acceptance, and in Peace. Gather us in. One by One, we answer the Call. Rev. Sunemaura O’Brien is a spiritual healer and teacher dedicated to supporting individuals in opening doors to authenticity and joy. She is an ordained minister and teacher with the Sacred Earth Ministry. She is co-facilitator and cofounder of the Sacred Earth Center, an interfaith chapel and healing center in Gainesville, Florida. She can be reached by emailing, calling 352-275-8537 or visiting Please see ad this page.


velo c it y • Secrets For Living A Conscious, High Vibrational Life • Since 1998

We Are All Connected continued from page 64

and I’m not taking allergy meds like I have used for years. With the bodyscan Doctor Solara has helped me eliminate the root cause of my allergies and is helping me cope in a very stressful time of my life.” The SpectraVision’s unique Multi-Channel System uses electrodes on a wrist cuff to test galvanic skin response (similar to a lie detector) for an energetic analysis of 12,000+ signatures in 60 categories. The inventor, Lee Woolley, says the safe, non-invasive bodyscan broadcasts a wave for each substance into your energy channels (called meridians in Chinese medicine). Using very low voltage (that you can’t feel) the scan checks your body’s communication internet for what is out-of-phase or stressed to determine the energetic level of each and every organ in the body and how well they are functioning. Blockages may include resonant stress responses to toxins such as pesticides and chemicals or issues surrounding defenses for viruses, bacteria, fungus, or parasites, and energetic demands for particular vitamins and minerals. It is a completely dynamic system providing energetic insight into the skeletal structure, nerves, organs, glands, hormones, acid/alkaline balance, inflammation, digestion, allergens, metabolic profile, heavy metals, and hundreds of other aspects of the body. Even the emotional aspects that underlie and hinder overall health can be identified. Keep in mind that a stress response can indicate either a positive or negative impact on the body. The Bodyscan does not actually diagnose, heal, or even treat diseases. It simply provides us with information that goes a long way toward helping you to heal yourself. When we know precisely what is out of balance, whether it’s an organ, the lymphatic system, or sensitivity to a particular chemical, we’re in a far better position to use natural remedies to correct things even before that sensitivity becomes a full-blown problem. During the balancing process, specific homeopathic/herbal remedies, amino acids, cell salts, flower essences and essential oils that balance the energy systems can be determined. All supplements and products one is taking can be checked to see if they work best individually or in combination to restore balance. As we heal ourselves the positive effects ripple out and we help heal the planet and the universe. Solara Attatharya is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture Physician and Diplomate, National Board of Homeopathic Examiners. She has been involved with homeopathy since 1986 and licensed as an acupuncturist since 1999. Solara serves as President of the National Board of Homeopathic Examiners which is the accrediting board for all physicians in homeopathy. Visit: and please see ad page 65.

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Velocity Magazine "WE ARE" CONSCIOUSNESS | May • June 2012


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