November Newsletter to Board

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Official Newsletter of the LaMissTenn District Secretary-Treasurer

November 2013 Volume 2 Issue 5

Get the Scoop from Sandoz In this issue!

Happy Thanksgiving, District Board!

Message ................. 1 Rallies ...................... 2

District Board, Is it just me or is it crazy to think that Thanksgiving will be here before we know it? This year is flying by. I sincerely hope that each of you are enjoying every moment of your positions because it will all be over before you know it. Because Thanksgiving is approaching, so are other events like the November and January Board Meetings, followed by New Officer’s Training and finally District Convention. These next couple of months will be very busy. We will begin planning the two major events and be sure that they are the best that they can be. I know that planning NOT and DCON can be exciting, but I want to remind you all not to lose sight of your positions. Remember that you are in office until April and that each of you need to finish strong. That means, stay on top of newsletter and monthly report

Update Center ...... 3 Reminders ............... 3 Extras ....................... 4 Who to Know?………..4

International Vice-President, Rachel Benoit, and I at Park-A-Boo

deadlines and do not fall behind. I could not be more proud of the effort that you all have shown so far. As always, please remember that I am here to help you all no matter what.

“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.” ~Maya Angelou

Yours in Service, Reagan Sandoz LaMissTenn District Secretary-Treasurer

UPCOMING EVENTS! November Board Meeting/ Friday, November 22, 2013- Sunday November 24, 2013/ Natchez, Mississippi

RallyRallyRallyRallyRallyRally All I can say is WOW. After attending various rallies I am thoroughly impressed and proud of each and every one of you. Whether you had 30 people, or whether you had 150 people, each and every one of you did an awesome job with what you were given. All of the Key Clubbers seemed happy to be there and seemed to be enjoying themselves. I know that some of you thought that the rally process would never be over, but take a deep breath. You did it! Notice that you are probably the only ones to plan such a large event at your age. Be proud of what you have accomplished, because most people your age would not even know where to start. So District Board, give yourselves a pat on the back and get ready to plan New Officer’s Training and District Convention!


KEY CLUB District Secretary- Treasurer newsletter


Club Monthly Reports It is extremely vital that I receive each club’s monthly report. I have not been receiving most monthly reports so be sure they get to me! They help track your clubs progress and growth. Feel free to make them fun and original! They are due to me on the fifth of the following month, for example, June Monthly Report is due to me on July 5th. Also, please send the report on TIME.

LTG Monthly Reports It is extremely vital that I receive each Lieutenant Governor’s monthly report. I have not been receiving most monthly reports so be sure they get to me! They help track the LTG’s personal progress. Feel free to make them fun and original! They are due to me on the fifteenth of the following month, for example, June Monthly Report is due to me on July 15th. Also, please send the report on TIME.

November Board Meeting When: November 22, 2013- November 24, 2013 Where: The Grand Hotel, Natchez Mississippi Why: Why not? I cannot wait to see everyone at the November Board meeting! Get ready to begin planning New Officer’s Training and District convention!

District Directory The District Directory was sent out last week, please be sure to distribute this the clubs in your divisions! Remember that contact information is vital to the success of any organization. I worked very hard on the directory and would like the District to have access to it this year


Extra, Extra, Read All About It! FUN FACTS! A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall child inside. A quarter has 119 grooves on its edge, a dime has one less groove. A hummingbird weighs less than a penny. In the White House, there are 13,092 knives, forks and spoons. Slugs have 4 noses. Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for 3 hours. Lightning strikes about 6,000 times per minute on this planet. Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue.

Who to Know? Governor: Cameron Clatterbuck Email: Secretary-Treasurer: Reagan Sandoz Email:

District Webmaster: Graham Maxwell Email: District Administrator: Glenn Borne Email:

LaMissTenn District Key Club


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