Your guide to Fusion Kickboxing Martial Arts
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Copyright © 2011 – Palcic Taekwondo - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Table of Contents Before you start ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Ensure the instructors are fully qualified, reputable, and vetted..................................................... 4
Choose an established and recognized school ................................................................................. 4
Pick a martial art suitable for you ..................................................................................................... 4
Safety!!!............................................................................................................................................. 5
Make sure you can try a class ........................................................................................................... 5
Do they run a beginners class? ......................................................................................................... 5
What will you get from kickboxing?! ............................................................................................................ 6
Increased physical health!! ............................................................................................................... 6
Other physical benefits ..................................................................................................................... 6
Mental benefits... .............................................................................................................................. 7
Self defence....................................................................................................................................... 7
Make new friends ............................................................................................................................. 7
What to expect in a beginners class?............................................................................................................ 7 What to do next??!! ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Copyright © 2011 – Palcic Taekwondo - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Dear Kickboxing students.. Thank you for taking the time to research our school and download our free report into our kickboxing martial arts classes. It is in this booklet that we are able to go into more details about the many benefits that we feel martial arts classes have for you, and advise you in what to look for in a good martial arts school. It must be pointed out that this report is in no way a definitive guide, and if you are still left with any questions then we would warmly invite you to CONTACT US ON..
07968056416 or email
Copyright Š 2011 – Palcic Taekwondo - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Before you start Firstly, we congratulate you in your decision to consider staring kickboxing classes. Done correctly it is without doubt one of the most rewarding activities your can do, and can really give you many amazing benefits and reward you in ways you could not have even dreamed of. We shall be discussing this in more detail later, however at this stage it is important to inform you of some things you should consider before joining any school. As just as choosing the right school can be a life changing experience for all the right reasons, choosing the wrong one may well have the effect of putting you off martial arts for life!!
Ensure the instructors are fully qualified, reputable, and vetted. This may seem such an obvious point that but is often neglected. Though he/she may not have it at hand to show, all instructors should be CRB checked, and carry a full pediatric first aid certificate that is valid. They should also be able to show some proof of their instructor’s qualification if needed, such as a certificate etc. At our schools we insist that all instructors regularly attend instructor’s courses, and are constantly working both to refine their own teaching and training methods. This keeps our instructors inspired and always keen to teach you more. We would expect any reputable school to follow the same policy.
Choose an established and recognized school It is important to choose a school that is well established and successful. Are they a recognized school? There are occasions where the school may not be recognized by any national group or governing body, this does not necessarily make it a bad school, but may mean that you do not get recognized qualifications. We are a school that is recognized ISKA (International Sport Karate Association) and as such, all our students will have their grades and qualifications recognized all across the world. Whether it is with us, or any other school, we would always recommend that you aim for a school with similar credentials. Also, by picking a well established school, you can be certain of the longevity of a school, and that it will be there for many years to come, allowing your child to enjoy the experience for as long as they want.
Pick a martial art suitable for you Not all martial arts are going to be suitable for you, our chief instructor Mr Paul Palcic trains in many different styles, but would be the first to admit that some of them are
Copyright © 2011 – Palcic Taekwondo - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
simply either way to complicated, or possibly dangerous, or maybe even too boring to sustain a beginners interest. Some of them require many years of experience to pick up. We believe a martial art such as Kickboxing is the perfect martial art to get you started in. The reason for this is that even though they take many years to perfect, they are simple enough that even after a few weeks you will be kicking and punching your way into a fitter and healthier lifestyle.
Safety!!! This is an area which cannot be overlooked, your safety!!! As a professional martial arts group, we understand the importance of training safely. You should always enquire into whether you have to wear safety gear when they spar with partners, even if there is no contact, accidents happen, and it is very important that you are always safe!
Make sure you can try a class We like to encourage all our potential new beginners to come down to a free trial class! We believe that all schools should do the same. No amount of research will give you as much information on whether the school is right for you, than to actually come down and try a class out for yourself. In fact, if the school doesn’t allow that, then you really wonder what they have to hide?! A free class will allow you to see the instructors and find out if it is a professional and well run school. It is without doubt the best way to make the right decision!!!
Do they run a beginners class? The only way to really get a good foundation in martial arts is to start at the bottom. This sounds obvious, but many schools do not really appreciate this and therefore do not really accommodate beginners properly. It stands to reason, that if you try a school that has many different grades in one class, say all the way from beginner up to black belt, then you are going to get very little attention for your personal needs as a beginner! It can also be very intimidating training with such senior ranks, and feeling out of your depth. This is why WE always have beginner’s classes separate to other grades! It is not only a great way to introduce you to martial arts in a less intimidating and more friendly manner, but it also means that you are certain to get the whole class time dedicated to your own personal needs at your beginner level. And therefore develop a rock solid foundation for your future in martial arts! There may well be some other factors which you may wish to consider before committing yourself, things such as are there other local locations you can train on different nights, if
Copyright © 2011 – Palcic Taekwondo - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
there is anything that you feel we have left out above which you would like to discuss then please do not hesitate to ask us.
What will you get from kickboxing?! If we were to go into detail about all the benefits that the right kickboxing experience can give you, this would indeed be a very long book!! So we shall try to keep it brief whilst giving you the essential benefits and show you why we really do believe in martial arts as a great sport and education for you all.
Increased physical health!! Martial arts are quite simply one of the best physical activities that you can do to keep yourself healthy and fit. In particular, our Fusion Kickboxing system focuses on lots of kicks and punches, so is certain to give you a great workout. Because of its fast pace, martial arts such as kickboxing give a great cardiovascular workout indeed. The explosive moves keep your muscles in such good condition. The intense speed and conditioning you need to perform helps with many areas of your fitness. The typical training regimen, involving extensive movements of the entire body, raises the pulse rate and oxygen characteristics of the heart and lungs over an extended period. This increased ventilation is termed an aerobic effect (Cooper, Kenneth H. “Aerobics” p108) and provides the following benefits: 1. Helps the lungs operate more efficiently. 2. Enlarges the blood vessels, making them more pliable and reducing the resistance to blood flow, thus lowering the blood pressure. 3. Increases the blood supply, especially red blood cells and hemoglobin. 4. It makes the body tissue healthier in supplying it with more oxygen. 5. It conditions the heart, providing more reserve for emergencies. 6. It promotes better sleep and waste elimination. 7. The training tends to be a normalizer of body weight in that it results in a gain of solid tissue for the underweight and a loss of body fat for the obese. The estimated calorie-consumption for a vigorous kickboxing workout is about six hundred calories per hour, one of the highest for any sports activity.
Other physical benefits Due to its emphasis on lots of kicking, kickboxing offers the additional benefit of muscle flexibility, and balance. And increase in muscle flexibility helps muscle tissue to detoxify rapidly, and also prevents many injuries that may occur both in training and in life generally.
Copyright © 2011 – Palcic Taekwondo - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Mental benefits... This is a vast area where kickboxing shows real RESULTS. We have students who started with us when they are young, who now attend some of the best universities in the country! They themselves attribute a lot of that to their martial arts training. Martial arts develop confidence, and the belief that you can achieve your goals! It also develops concentration, and focus, and strong will! How many of us would love to have more of these qualities?!! Kickboxing is possibly one of the best methods of using what are potentially negative and destructive forces, such as anger and aggression, and channeling that energy into a very positive outlet and release. The result is a much calmer and relaxed person; for this very reason it is a perfect way to release stress and help you relax. There is of course the obvious increase in wellbeing that you get from knowing that you are looking after your mind and body that you can!
Self defence In this day and age, we believe that everyone could do with learning a bit of self defense. People who know martial arts are naturally more confident, and therefore much less likely to be attacked or bullied in the first place. Through training, you will learn to be more aware of your environment, making you more able to spot any danger before it happens.
Make new friends You really do make friends for life in martial arts classes! You have such a common interest and common goal, and your training together is so intense and positive that you are certain to make new friends and truly enjoy yourself.
What to expect in a beginners class? At this point we have to re-emphasis the fact that any information about what to expect in a beginners class is referring to our class only. We cannot speak on behalf of other schools at all in this section. With that in mind, we will proceed to discuss what to inform you of what to expect in OUR beginners classes. Firstly, we recognize that the foundation to kickboxing is good health and fitness. As a professional school, we understand that you will only do potential long term damage to your body if you try advanced martial arts movements without the correct physical
Copyright © 2011 – Palcic Taekwondo - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
conditioning. Therefore in the beginning we have to focus on getting your fitness up to a standard that will aid your performance. For this reason we place a lot of emphasis on physical fitness. We will also be teaching you the basic kickboxing movements. This is one of the many advantages of our beginner’s classes. They allow us to spend time giving you a very good foundation in the basic traditional movements. If you look at all good martial arts, you will see that even the most advanced moves are based on the principles that you learn in the basic moves. So what we do is get a very good foundation for you to build on. Because you get your training uniform as soon as you enroll with us, you will be looking and feeling like a real martial artist straight away! Kicking and punching your way to fitness and self defense in no time.
What to do next??!! If we have convinced you, or even made you a bit more curious into finding out for yourself whether martial arts is right for your child, then remember, we recommend that you try a FREE KICKBOXING CLASS with us, or any other school. To see for yourself the difference that we could make please call us on - 07968056416 or email OR fill in our online form here and we will contact you
Copyright © 2011 – Palcic Taekwondo - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.