Real Estate magazin, No 5

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Your key to the right property!

Hoteli kao investicije Hotels as subjects of investments

Otkrijte Maiden’s Residences DISCOVER Maiden’s Residences

Stambeni blokovi

vizija modernog stanovanja

Residential blocks – vision of modern living www. reale s tate - m agazin .rs

SADRŽAJ | Content 50 |

Od atraktivnih nekretnina, preko mode i umetnosti, gastronomije, putovanja, do arhitekture, dizajna i prestižnih brendova, Real ESTATE Magazin pokriva mnoge aspekte životnog stila. From attractive properties, through fashion and art, gastronomy, travel, to architecture, design and prestigious brands, Real ESTATE Magazine covers many aspects of lifestyle. GLAVNI I ODGOVORNI UREDNIK | EDITOR – IN – CHIEF Jelena Kovačević, M.Sc GRAFIČKI UREDNIK | ART DIRECTOR Igor Adamović REDAKCIJA | OFFICE Marija Miladinović


Residential blocks – vision of modern living

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DINAMIKA IZLAŽENJA | FREQUENCY OF PUBLICATION četiri puta godišnje | four times a year IZDAVAČ | PUBLISHER West Properties d.o.o Baba Višnjina 38, Beograd, Srbija ŠTAMPA | PRINTING LA MANTINI D.O.O. Sandžačka 9a, Beograd

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GalensInvest - Izgradnja ”Pupinove palate” Development of “Pupin’s Palace”

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Otkrijte Maiden’s Residences DISCOVER Maiden’s Residences

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Rat tržnih centara za Beograd Shopping malls war for Belgrade

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Hoteli kao investicije Hotels as subjects of investments

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Siniša Prvanov

Dizajn enterijera, vila I brodova Interior, Villa and Yacht design

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Murali - Beogradska ulična bojanka Murals - Belgrade’s street coloring book

Izdavač ne odgovara za sadržaj objavljenih oglasa. Publisher is not responsible for the content of published advertisements.

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Vrhunska italijanska tkanina za proleće/leto 2017. Top quality Italian fabric for spring/summer 2017


Top destinacije za savršen letnji odmor

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд

Tromesečno. - Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku. ISSN 2466-4170 = Real Estate magazin COBISS.SR-ID 222705932

Dadanco Europe

Napredna tehnologija za velike klimatizacione sisteme

FOTO NASLOVNA | COVER PHOTO Hotel “Kempinski Palace” Portorož

659 REAL Estate magazin : magazin o svetu nekretnina / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Kovačević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2016)- . - Beograd : West Properties, 2016- (Beograd : La Mantini). - 30 cm

Helios Srbija rekordni rezultati u 2016. godini Helios Srbija – Record results in 2016


Stambeni blokovi - Vizija modernog stanovanja

Top destinations for a perfect summer vacation

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odlična hrana i raspoloženje

Serving good mood and food

UVODNA REČ | Introduction

Dome, slatki dome Home Sweet Home



Stvari se dešavaju, ljudi odlaze, a novi ljudi dolaze. Ista analogija je i u domu. Svima su nam poznate izreke “Dome, slatki dome” i “Dobro došli u svoj dom”. Ali šta je to dom? On je tamo gde se lepe stvari događaju. Tamo gde ste, nadam se, stvorili srećno okruženje u kom uživate, u kom niste opterećeni problemima. To je mesto istinske udobnosti – ne samo fizičke, već i mentalne, kao i poznatog osećaja da znate da ste kod kuće.

Things happen. People move on, and new people come. It is like the analogy of a home. We all know about home: “Home sweet home,” “Welcome home.” But what is a home? Home is where wonderful things happen. This is where, hopefully, you have cultivated a happy environment where you thrive, where you’re not inundated with problems. It is truly a place of comfort—not only physical comfort but mental comfort and the comfort of knowing that you are at home.

životu ima toliko toga što treba da razumemo i naučimo. Postoje mnoge stvari prema kojima se merimo – bilo da su to godine, dostignuća, stvari koje smo uradili i one koje nismo. Ali to nije svrha života.

n this life, there’s so much to understand, so much to learn. There are so many things that we measure ourselves by—whether it’s age, accomplishments, things that are done, or things undone. But that’s not the purpose of this life.

Jedini način da vam neko mesto postane dom jeste da na njemu i radite. Nije u pitanju na koju stranu sveta su okrenuta vrata. Svedoci smo sreće, komfora i radosti u kolibama od drveta, sa slamnatim krovom i malim vratima koja ne mogu da se zaključaju, ali su ljudi koji u njima žive opušteni. Zašto pišem o domu? Postojanje je naš dom. Na nama je da napravimo svoj dom što udobnijim, mirnijim, lepšim. Jer, u takvom domu dešava se istinski život. Dešavaju se i dobre i loše stvari. Moramo učiniti da se u našem domu dešavaju uglavnom dobre stvari, koje treba negovati i koje će nam pružati radost. U redu je što dekorišemo svoj dom, ali prvo je potrebno da osiguramo svoju sreću u njemu. Onda kada pronađete svoj dom, shvatićete da možete da živite bez mnogo stvari. Želim da vaš dom bude najbolji za vas i da se u njemu stvarno osećate kao kod kuće. Zar to nije čarobno? To je suština.

And the only way a place can become home is if you work on it. It is not which way the door faces. I have seen happiness, comfort, and joy in a hut built of mud, with a thatched roof and a little door that doesn’t lock, but the people who live there are comfortable. Why am I talking about home? This existence is your home. And it is incumbent upon you to make this home as comfortable, peaceful, and beautiful as possible. Because in this home, the truest nurturing takes place. Good things happen, and bad things happen. You have to make sure that good things happen there, nurture them, and bring forward the true joy that this home can offer. Decoration is okay, but first make sure it is a happy home. The day you find your home within is when you realize you can live without a lot of things. I want your home to be the best for you, and that you really feel at home there. How magnificent is that? That is the core.

By Jelena Kovačević. M.Sc

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


ARHITEKTURA – Architecture

Savremeni poslovni prostor GRAWE Poslovnog centra na Novom Beogradu! GRAWE Nekretnine d.o.o. Beograd · Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115D Kontakt: Tel. 011 / 2092-604 · 6

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ARHITEKTURA – Architecture

Stambeni blokovi

vizija modernog stanovanja Residential blocks – vision of modern living AUTORI: arh. Jovan Mitrović | Jelena Kovačević, M. Sc

Stambeno-poslovni kompleks «A Blok» | Residential and business complex «A Blok»

Živimo u vremenu u kom mnoge zemlje i gradovi prilagođavaju stambenu politiku promenama u globalnom društvu. Razvijaju se nove strategije udruživanja svih snaga: investitiora, arhitekata, dizajnera, ali i onih koji donose odluke kako bi stambena politika bila fleksibilnija uz razvoj inovativnih rešenja u stanovanju. We live in the times where many countries and cities adapt their residential politics to the changes of global society. They create new strategies to merge all strengths of: investors, architects and designers, as well as decision makers in order to make the residential politics more flexible with the development of innovative residence solutions.

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


ARHITEKTURA – Architecture

Potreba za stanovanjem posebno se intenzivirala posle Drugog svetskog rata, usled ogromnog deficita stanova kao posledice razaranja na globalnom nivou. Predlagani modeli stanovanja nastali još u vreme Bauhausa i Le Korbizjeovih prvih objekata kao rodonačelnika novog stila oslobođeni od svih elemenata koji nisu nužni, usredsređeni na funkciju, doživljavaju svoj bum 50-ih godina 20. veka. Pobeda kapitalističkog modela nad socijalističkim dovodi do tranzicije koja još traje. Usitnjeno vlasništvo nad parcelama i još negrupisan veliki kapital u rukama privatnih investitora dovodi do nemogućnosti realizacije većih projekata tokom devedesetih godina 20. i prve dekade ovog veka. Međuratni Beograd karakteristično je razvijan u formi zatvorenog bloka. Socijalistički period obeležava otvoreni blok internacionalnog stila. Forme današnjeg razvoja obeležene su najviše oblikom vlasništva nad zemljom u jednom konglomeratu različitih oblika stanovanja i stilskih formi. Beograd se već godinama unazad intenzivno razvija, raste i postaje dom velikom broju novoizgrađenih zgrada, poslovnih objekata, šoping centara, škola, rekreativnih centara i drugih građevina od značaja za grad. Ponekad se u njemu izgrade pravi mali gradovi, sa potpuno novom infrastrukturom i lokacijom koja postaje sve poželjnija, a koja ispunjava praktično sve potrebe njegovih stanovnika: zdravstvene, kulturne, obrazovne, potrošačke, rekreativne, zabavne. Život u gradu neminovno nameće ograničenje sopstvenih sloboda u odnosu na slobodu zajednice i forme stanovanja prate oblik društvenog uređenja, nivo kulturnog razvoja, individualnu i kolektivnu svest, nivo obrazovanja i sl. Ove forme stanovanja podrazumevaju mnogo viši nivo kolektivne

svesti, visok nivo zajedničkog interesa i tolerancije. Promena u pristupu rešavanja stambenog pitanja, posmatrana kao izazov u svakom smislu, može da doprinese energičnijem rešavanju rastućih potreba društva. Stambeni blokovi i kompleksi nastali su kao proizvod urbanističkog planiranja i predstavljaju pre svega urbanu regeneraciju i tretiranje čitavog kvarta u nekom delu grada. Istovremeno, oni su postali moderan fenomen urbanističkog obrasca stanovanja, koji podrazumeva istovremeno zadovoljavanje više vrednosti – kvalitetnu gradnju, dobar položaj, estetsku prijemčivost, ekonomičnost življenja, sigurnost, ispunjene ekološke standarde. Privatizacijom neizgrađenog građevinskog zemljišta, a pogotovo industrijskih kompleksa u gradskim zonama, otvara se realna mogućnost formiranja novih gradskih blokova zaokružene ponude, pa tako nastaju „Belville“, „West 65“, „A Blok“, „Paunov breg“, „Central Garden“, „Beograd na vodi“ i mnogi drugi u najavi, gde jedan investitor zaokružuje ceo projekat. U takvim projektima međusobno se prepliću forme i zatvorenog i otvorenog bloka. Ujedno, oni prave otklon od tradicionalnog pristupa gradogradnji koji je prisutan poslednjih četvrt veka. Stambeni prostor u Srbiji danas se organizuje u skladu sa principima jasno definisane fleksibilnosti, koja omogućava funkcionisanje različitih koncepata stanovanja i aktivno korespondira sa kontinualnim promenama. Ove potrebe posledica su nove društvene diferencijacije, različite percepcije pojma doma i sve manje zastupljenosti tradicionalnog porodičnog života, kao i pomeranja programa i funkcija unutar stambenog prostora, kao i razvoja novih potreba za povezivanjem stanovanja i rada.

«Beograd na vodi» | «Belgrade Waterfront» Master plan


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

ARHITEKTURA – Architecture

Kompleks «Belville» | Complex «Belville»

The need for housing was especially intensified during the World War II, because of the significant deficit of apartments, which was the result of devastation at global level. Suggested models of living, created during Bauhaus and Le Korbisein’s first buildings as new style inventors, which were free of unnecessary elements, focused on the function, underwent an enormous success in 50’s of the 20th century. Victory of capitalist models over the socialist ones led to the transition which is still ongoing. Ownership over smaller parcels and still ungrouped large capital in hands of private investors, led to the impossibility of realisation of bigger projects during 90’s of the 20th century and first decade of the current century. Belgrade in between the wars was characteristically developed in a form of closed blocks. Socialism was featured by open blocks of international style. Forms of nowadays development are mostly featured by ownership over the land in one conglomerate of different forms of living and style forms. For years, Belgrade has been intensively developing, growing and becoming home to the great number of newly constructed buildings, business facilities, shopping centres, schools, recreation centres and other buildings important for the city. Real small cities are sometimes built within it, with completely new infrastructure and location which becomes more desired by the day and which practically fulfils the needs of its inhabitants: health, cultural, educational, customer, recreational, entertainment. Life in the city inevitably imposes limits of personal freedoms against the community freedom, and forms of living follow the type of social systems, level of cultural development, individual or collective awareness, level of education etc. Such

forms of living comprise significantly higher level of collective awareness, high level of common interest and tolerance. Changes in the approach to the solution making for residence issues, considered as a challenge in each sense, can contribute to more energetic way of fulfilling ever growing needs of the society. Residential blocks and complexes were created as a product of urbanistic planning and first of all, they represent an urban regeneration and treatment of the whole town area of some part of the city. At the same time, they became a modern phenomenon of urbanistic template of living, which implies fulfilment of higher values – quality construction, good position, aesthetic receptivity, economic living, safety, fulfilment of ecological standards. Privatisation of unconstructed land, especially of industrial complexes in the city zones, opens realistic possibilities of forming new city blocks, such as “Belville”, “West 65”, “Paunov breg”, “Central garden“ “Belgrade Waterfront“ and many more in future, where one investor completes the whole project. In such projects, both, forms of open and closed blocks are mutually interacted. At the same time, they create a deviation from traditional construction approaches present in the last quarter of the century. Residential facilities in Serbia are nowadays organised in line with the principles of clearly defined flexibility, which enable functioning of various concepts of living and actively correspond to constant changes. These needs are the consequence of new social differentiations, different perception of the term home and lack of traditional ways of living, as well as changing the programmes and functions within the living facility and development of new needs for the connection of living and working.

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


ARHITEKTURA – Architecture

Savremeni stambeni blokovi u Beogradu omogućavaju stanarima ne samo komfor, kvalitet i sigurnost, nego i jedinstveni koncept stanovanja, sa privatnim parkovima, maloprodajnim sadržajima u prizemlju, obezbeđenjem i podzemnom garažom na nekoliko nivoa, ali i drugim sadržajima poput teretane, recepcije, vešeraja i sl. Upravo ovaj način integrisanog i autonomnog stanovanja za cilj ima unapređenje kvaliteta života u gradu, povećanje gustine aktivnosti i događaja, kao i uravnoteženje opšteg ambijenta.

Stambeno-poslovni kompleks «Paunov breg» | Residential and business complex «Paunov Breg»

Modern residence blocks in Belgrade enable tenants not only the comfort, quality and safety, but also a unique concept of living, with private parks, retail shops at the ground floor, security and underground garage with several levels, but also some other contents such as gym, reception, laundry rooms etc. This is the way that enables integrated and autonomy living, aiming at the improvement of quality life in the city, increased density of activities and events, as well as better balanced general ambient.

Stambeno-poslovni kompleks «West 65» | Residential and business complex «West 65»


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REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs



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GRAĐEVINA – Construction

Helios Srbija -

rekordni rezultati u 2016. godini Helios Srbija – Record results in 2016

U nizu uspešnih poslovnih godina, kompanija „Helios Srbija“ je u 2016. godini zabeležila rekordan rezultat u svim ključnim ciljevima poslovanja. Ostvaren je promet veći od 27 miliona evra i pozitivan finansijski rezultat. Pored domaćeg tržišta, „Helios Srbija“ je ostvarila značajne rezultate na još 17 izvoznih tržišta, izvrsno kombinujući programe iz portfolija ponude. U odnosu na prethodnu godinu zabeležen je rast od 7% vrednosno, sa EBITDA rezultatom od 3,4 miliona evra i neto rezultatom od 2,8 miliona evra. Najveći rast je zabeležen na tržištu Srbije, kao i na nekoliko izvoznih tržišta, kao što su Bugarska, Češka, Rusija, ali i na ostalim tržištima. Rast je zabeležen u svim prodajnim programima, sa posebnom ekspanzijom na programu boja za puteve.

Within a sequence of successfull years, in 2016, ”Helios Serbia“ has set a record results in all key business areas. There was a turnover of over 27 billion euros with positive results. Beside local market, “Helios Serbia” achieved significant results at 17 other export markets, perfectly combining programs from their supply portfolio. In comparison to the previous years, there was a 7% value growth with EBITDA result of 3.4 billion EUR and a net result of 2.8 billion euros. The highest growth has been recorded at the Serbian market and some other export markets such as Bulgaria, Check Republic, Russia and several others. The growth has been recorded within all selling programs with specific expansion in road paint programs.

Na početku 2016. godine izuzetno efikasno obavljeno je spajanje dve „Heliosove“ kompanije u Srbiji u jednu, pod nazivom„Helios Srbija“ a. d, sa sedištem u Gornjem Milanovcu. Iskorišćeni su svi pozitivni aspekti i ostvarena je sinergija na svim nivoima i oblastima, bez ikakvih turbulencija na tržištu.

At the beginning of 2016, a successful merging of two “Helios“ companies in Serbia has been made under the name “Helios Serbia” a.d. with the headquarters in Gornji Milanovac. All positive aspects have been used and sinergy at all levels and areas has been accomplished, without any market turbulences.

Poslovnu godinu „Helios Srbija“ završava sa novim vlasnikom, koji je početkom decembra kupio 100% akcija „Grupacije Helios“. Novi vlasnik, japanski „Kansai Paint“, nalazi se među deset najvećih svetskih proizvođača boja i lakova. Za članice „Helios grupe“ ova promena predstavlja prekretnicu u razvoju, budući da će „Helios“ postati evropski centar kompanije „Kansai Paint“. U sinergiji centara znanja kompanije „Kansai“, proizvodne prakse i veštine „Heliosa“ dodatno će se razvijati. „Kansai Paint“ će ponuditi veliku podršku i praktično znanje o proizvodnim sistemima i naprednim tehnologijama. „Helios“ će predstaviti nove proizvode na postojećim tržištima i dobiti nov pristup velikim tržištima Azije i Afrike. To znači i veću sigurnost za radna mesta u kompanijama „Helios grupe“.

Business year In “Helios Serbia“ was completed with the new owner who bought 100% of stocks at the beginning of December. The new owner, Japanese “KANSAI Paint” is one of the 10 biggest world producers of paints and varnishes. For members of “Helios Group”, this change was a milestone of development, considering the fact that “Helios” has become European centre of “Kansai Paint” company. The sinergy of “Kansai” Company’s knowledge with the production practice and skills of “Helios” will help their further development. “Kansai Paint” will provide a significant support and practical knowledge on production programs and advanced technologies. “Helios” will present new products at existing markets and get a new approach to major markets in Asia and Africa. This leads to a greater security on working places in “Helios Group” companies.

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


GRAĐEVINA – Construction

Good selling and financial results and profitability increase is only one area of “Helios Serbia’s” success. Besides, the company takes care of environment protection through investments in this area, providing workplace safety and better standard of employess. In 2016., the accent has been put on the investments in environment, where 170.000 EUR has been invested in eco projects which contributed to further development of “Helios Serbia” as one of the production lines. Other investments, amounting 40.000 EUR were allocated to production, selling, storage capacities and other equipment with the aim to improve and modernize such processes. Dobri prodajni i finansijski rezultati i povećanje profitabilnosti samo su jedna strana uspeha „Helios Srbije“. Druga je svakako da kompanija vodi brigu o zaštiti životne sredine putem ulaganja u tu sferu, uz brigu o bezbednosti na radu i standardu zaposlenih. U 2016. akcenat je bio na ulaganju u zaštitu životne sredine, gde je u različite ekološke projekte uloženo oko 170.000 evra, što će doprineti znatnom daljem jačanju pozicije „Helios Srbije“ kao jedne od proizvodnih lokacija u Grupi. Ostatak investicija od 400.000 evra odnosi se na proizvodnju, prodaju, skladišne kapacitete i ostalu opremu sa ciljem unapređenja i modernizacije tih procesa. Povećana je iskorišćenost proizvodnih kapaciteta i zabeleženo je povećanje obima proizvodnje za oko 5%. Uz sve to, u proizvodnji su uspešni i ostali proizvodni indikatori koji se prate, a nastavljeno je i sa „Kaizen“ aktivnostima, gde su takođe ostvareni značajni rezultati. Kada je reč o društveno odgovornom poslovanju, „Helios Srbija“ se pre svega usmerila na mlade. Značajna finansijska sredstva izdvajaju se za odbojkaški klub „Takovo – Zvezda Helios“, a neguje se i slikarski talenat najmlađih kroz slikarsku radionicu, koja postoji više od deset godina. „Helios Srbija“ je pomagala i pojedince i organizacije, a učestvovala je i u raznim akcijama, od kojih izdvajamo donaciju muzičkom festivalu u Gornjem Milanovcu, pomoć poplavljenim područjima u Makedoniji, donacije bolnicama, nizu osnovnih škola i vrtića... U 2016. „Helios Srbija“ je nagrađena brojnim priznanjima, od kojih izdvajamo Plaketu Regionalne privredne komore Kraljevo za izvanredne rezultate ostvarene u poslovanju za 2016. godinu i za doprinos razvoju privrede. Takođe joj je dodeljen sertifikat „Exellent SME Serbia“, koji je izdat u saradnji sa svetski priznatom osiguravajućom kućom „Coface“, kao kompaniji sa dobrim bonitetom i visokom kredibilnošću i poverenjem kod poslovnih partnera.

Utilisation of production capacities as well the procuction itself were increased for about 5%. Besides, other production indicators which were monitored have been positive and activities of Kansai were continued with good results. When talking about social business responsibility, HS put a focus on youths. Significant funds were provided for the club “Takovo – Zvezda Helios“ and painting youth talents were recognised through painting workshops which exists for the last 10 years. “Helios Serbia” supported both, individuals and organisations and participated into different actions, among whom we would set out the donation to the music festival in Gornji Milanovac, help to flooded areas in Macedonia, donations to hospitals, elementary schools and kindergardens. In 2016., “Helios Serbia” was awarded numerous awards such as Certificate of the Regional chamber of commerce Kraljevo for excellent results achieved in 2016. and contribution to commerce development. Also, “Helios Serbia” was awarded the “Excellent SME Serbia“ certificate which has been issued in cooperation with well known insurance company “Coface”, where “Helios Serbia” was recognised as a company of good credit worthiness and high credibility of business partners. Employees of “Helios Serbia” started the 2017. with optimism and great plans, since there is still a lot of place for improvements in the area of productiona and customer services, better logistic functioning, channels of distribution and better utilisation of internal sources. There is a great potential in utilisation of all sinergetic possibilities within the company with the new owners, which enables the company to offer numerous useful product solutions which local markets are still missing. Together with “Helios Serbia”, which has been upgrading the future for the employees, business partners have a great level of security as well.

Zaposleni u „Helios Srbiji“ započeli su poslovanje u 2017. godini sa optimizmom i velikim planovima, jer još uvek ima dovoljno prostora za poboljšanje, kako po pitanju obima proizvodnje, tako i servisa kupaca, bolje logističke funkcije, distributivnih kanala, boljeg korišćenja internih resursa i sl. Veliki je potencijal u iskorišćenju svih sinergetskih mogućnosti u okviru nove kompanije, sa novim vlasnikom, gde će se tržištu ponuditi mnogobrojna korisna rešenja u proizvodima koji još uvek nisu zastupljeni kod nas. Zajedno sa „Helios Srbijom“, koja gradi budućnost za svoje zaposlene, veliku sigurnost imaju i poslovni partneri sa kojima sarađuje.


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

GRAĐEVINA – Construction


Napredna tehnologija za velike klimatizacione sisteme


ompanija „Dadanco Europe“ jedan je od vodećih proizvođača RASHLADNIH GREDA i indukcionih aparata u današnjoj modernoj HVAC industriji (grejanje, ventilacija i klimatizacija) u svetu i njeno poslovanje je zasnovano na inovacijama. Prvobitno nastala u Australiji, u početnom proboju tržišta oslanjala se na primenu novog dizajna mlaznice, koji omogućava tiši rad kod indukcionih sistema, kao i efikasniji rad nego ikada ranije. Kasnije, kako je popularnost „Dadanco” sistema rasla, tehnologija je našla primenu i u Severnoj Americi, gde su „Dadanco” sistemi bili rešenje za specifične probleme koji su proizilazili iz naglo rastućih troškova energije i strožih standarda za zaštitu životne sredine. Sedište kompanije „Dadanco” za Evropu nalazi se u Beogradu i u ovom broju magazina Real Estate razgovarali smo sa osnivačem i vlasnikom ove kompanije Vladimirom Petrovićem.



adanco Europe“ company is one of the leading manufacturers of CHILLED BEAMS and induction devices in nowadays modern HVAC (heating, ventilation and acclimatization) industry in the world whose business is based on innovations. Originally, the company was founded in Austraila. At first it relied on new nozzle design functioning which enabled more silent functioning of induction systems, as well as the more efficient functioning than ever before. Later, as popularity of “Dadanco“ systems raised, the usage of this technology started in North America, where “Dadanco” systems were used as a solution for specific problems which emerged from sudden energy expenses and stricter environment protection standards. The headquarters of “Dadanco” company for Europe is placed in Belgrade. In this issue of Real Estate Magazine we spoke with the founder and owner of the company, Mr Vladimir Petrović.

Osnivač i vlasnik kompanije „Dadanco Europe “ Vladimir Petrović

The founder and owner of the “Dadanco Europe “ company Vladimir Petrovic

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GRAĐEVINA – Construction

Kada i kako je nastala kompanija “Dadanco”? Vladimir Petrović: Kompaniju „Dadanco” osnovao sam 1996. godine u Australiji još dok sam bio na doktorskim studijama. Zanimljivo je da sam sa svojim profesorom novu tehnologiju i prve koncepte nacrtao praktično na salveti. Nakon potrebnih testiranja, tehnologija je bila patentirana i napravljena. Da budem precizan, radilo se o novoj mlaznici koja štedi energiju i povećava energetsku efikasnost velikih klimatizacionih sistema, a ujedno i smanjuje buku. Njena osnovna primena bila je u poboljšanju postojećih indukcionih uređaja (aparata) koji su bili instalirani širom sveta posle Drugog svetskog rata. Kompanija „Dadanco“ vrlo brzo je postala jedna od najboljih kompanija koje se bave uštedom energije u klimatizaciji i uspeli smo da osvojimo oko 58% australijskog tržišta. Dobili smo brojne nagrade, poput NASDAQ Technology Award, Emerging Exporter Award, AIRAH Technology Award i mnoge druge. Nagradu za najboljeg preduzetnika u Australiji dobio sam 1998. od Ernest & Younga. Otkud “Dadanco” na tržištu Amerike? Vladimir Petrović: Nakon odličnih rezultata u Australiji, 2006. godine nas je kontaktirala američka kompanija „Mestek Inc.“ iz Masečusetsa, koja je htela da našu tehnologiju rashladnih greda dovede i u Ameriku. Odlučili smo da kreiramo joint venture, a ja sam 2007. godine napustio Australiju i prešao u Ameriku, gde sam kasnije postao predsednik kompanije „Dadanco – Mestek JV, LLC“. U početku smo nailazili na brojne poteškoće. Tih godina u Americi nikoga nije interesovala ušteda energije. Ipak, mi smo verovali u svoju tehnologiju i bili uporni u osvajanju tog tržišta, što se 2012. godine pokazalo kao ispravan pristup jer smo uspeli da osvojimo 63% američkog tržišta za uštedu energije i time praktično postali vodeća firma u SAD u ovoj oblasti. Naš sistem smo ugradili u više od 1.500 objekata u Americi i preko 2.500 objekata sirom sveta, kao što su poslovne zgrade, bolnice, univerziteti, škole, laboratorije, hoteli i sl. Ipak, 2014. godine sam odlučio da se posvetim razvoju i primeni ove tehnologije u Evropi, pa sam napustio Ameriku i evo me (ponovo) u Srbiji. Koliko je kvalitetan tim bitan poslovanje vaše kompanije?



Vladimir Petrović: „Dadanco Europe” je firma koja se sastoji uglavnom od inženjera mašinske struke, mada naš tim čine i ljudi iz drugih industrija iz celog sveta. S obzirom na to da se naša kompanija bavi proizvodnjom i prodajom energetski efikasne opreme za klimatizaciju u velikim zgradama, energetska efikasnost je za nas glavni motivacioni faktor. Posvećeni smo ostvarenju cilja da svaki projekat na kome smo angažovani i njegov sistem budu u potpunosti energetski efikasni. Iza nas je veliko iskustvo. U Australiji smo radili prvi objekat koji je bio lead platinum. U Americi smo radili za Hewlett Packard fondaciju prvi objekat sa odlikama


When and how did you start business with “Dadanco”? Vladimir Petrovic: I founded ““Dadanco“ company in 1996 in Australia when I was at my master studies. It was interesting that first concepts of the new technology were sketched on a napkin with the assistance of my professor. Upon necessary testing, the technology was patented and produced. To be precise, it was about the new nozzle which was saving energy and increasing energetic efficiency of large acclimatisation systems, and at the same time reducing the noise. Its basic functioning relied on the improvement of existing induction mechanisms (engines) which were installed all around the world after the World War II. In no time, “Dadanco“ company became one of the best companies dealing with energy saving in acclimatisation and managed to overtake about 58% of Australian markets. We have been awarded many times, as NASDAQ Technology Award, Emerging Esporter Award, AIRAH Technology Award and many others. The award for the best enterpreneurship in Australia was received in 1998 from Ernst & Young. Which way did “Dadanco” take USA markets? Vladimir Petrovic: After reaching great results in Australia, in 2006., we have been contacted by the American company “Mastek Inc.“ from Massachusetts, which wanted to present our chilled beams technology in USA. We decided to cerate joint venture, and in 2007, i left Australia and moved to USA, where, after a while, I was appointed as a president of the company “Dadanco – Mestek JV, LLC“. At first, we had many obstacles. At the time, USA was not interested in energy saving. However, we believed in the technology we made and we were persistent to conquer the energy saving markets which led us to the position to be the leading company in this area in USA. Our system was built in more than 1.500 buildings in USA and over 2.500 buildings over the world, such as business centers, hospitals, universities, schools, laboratories, hotels, etc. Yet, in 2014, I decided to focus on the development and implementation of this technology in Europe, so I left USA and here I am in Serbia (again).

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GRAĐEVINA – Construction

At what extent the quality team is important for the functioning of the company?

net zero, tj. nisu imali potrebe za dodatnom energijom. Radili smo projekte i u Kanadi, Singapuru, Indiji. Naša oprema je ugrađena u objekte na svim kontinentima i u svim klimatskim zonama sveta. Naš tim kreira i postavlja rešenja za ceo objekat, naravno, uz kompletan projektni tim koji sastavlja investitor, i tako pružamo najveću vrednost za uloženi novac. Naši sistemi najviše doprinose poboljšanju ROI (return on investment) u objektima koji rade 24/7, u laboratorijama, u bolnicama i na univerzitetima. Naš sistemi su ugrađeni na univerzitetima poput Harvarda, MIT-a, Kornela i mnogih drugih. Takođe, naši sistemi su ugrađeni u pregršt poslovnih objekata po celom svetu. Koje su prednosti „Dadanco Europe” sistema i da li biste mogli da ga uporedite sa nekim drugim sistemom? Vladimir Petrović: Naši uređaji spadaju u grupu uređaja koji se zovu Active Chilled Beams (aktivne rashladne grede), odnosno sistema koji su u svetu poznati kao najefikasniji sistemi za klimatizaciju. Naša najveća prednost je u tehnologiji mlaznica koje imamo i koje smo patentirali, a koje omogućavaju najefikasniji način mešanja vazduha. „Dadanco” sistem za najmanju uloženu količinu električne energije pruža najveću količinu rashladne, odnosno grejne energije u prostoru. U proseku, naši sistemi prave negde oko 30% uštede energije i u poređenju sa standardnim sistemima, poput fan coil sistema ili sistema sa promenljivim protokom vazduha, drastično su efikasniji. Što se tiče cene i benefita za krajnjeg vlasnika, iskustvo nam je pokazalo da je investitor mogao na svakih 10 spratova da doda još jedan sprat. Razlog je u tome što je za naše sisteme potrebno svega 20-30 centimetara tavanice, zato što su svi kanali vrlo mali jer mi vršimo distribuciju manje količine vazduha od standardne. Naše dodatne prednosti su što naši sistemi imaju trajanje i preko 50 godina, ne menjaju se često poput fan coil sistema čija je zamena potrebna svakih 10ak godina, i nisu bučni. Zato je česta primena naše tehnologije u bolnicama, muzičkim školama, univerzitetima, tj. mestima na kojima je potreban jako nizak nivo buke. U poređenju sa tradicionalnim fan coil sistemima ili sistemima sa promenljivom količinom vazduha (VAV ), rashladne grede ostvaruju čak i do 30% uštede energije. Kao i sve u prirodi, tako i ovde važi zakon da ako nešto radi efikasnije, to je i jednostavnije… drugim rečima, naš sistem rashladnih greda nema nikakvih pokretnih delova i kao takav može da radi u objektima i duže od 50

Vladimir Petrovic: “Dadanco Europe” is a company which mostly engages mechanical engineers, yet our team consists of people from other industries from around the world. Taking into consideration that our company deals with the production and sale of energy saving equipment for acclimatization of large buildings, energy efficiency is a key factor of motivation. We are dedicated to the goal to achieve full energy efficiency of the projects and the systems as well. We have a great experience behind. In Australia, we constructed the first building which was lead platinum. For the Hewlett Packard foundation in USA, we constructed the first building with net zero features which means that there was no need for additional sources of energy. We carried out projects in Canada, Singapore and India. Our equipment was built in the buildings at each continent and in each climate zone of the world. Our team creates and provides solutions for the facility in whole, with the assistance of the whole project team who was chosen by the investor, thus providing the best value for money. Our systems are mostly contributing to the improvement of ROI (return on investment) in the facilities which work 24/7, such as laboratories, hospitals and universities. Our systems were set up at universities such as Harvard, MIT, Cornel and many others, as well as numerous business facilities all around the world. What are the advantages of “Dadanco Europe” systems and would you make a comparison with some other systems? Vladimir Petrovic: Our devices belong to the group of devices called Active Chilled Beams or systems well known as the most efficient systems for acclimatisation. Our biggest advantage lies in our patented nozzle technology, which enables the most efficient manner of air conditioning. For the lowest invested quantity of electric energy “Dadanco“ system provide the largest quantity of cooling or heating energy in the facility. In average, our systems make about 30% of energy saving and in comparison to standard systems, like fan coil system or the system with adjustable air flow, they are drastically more efficient. In respect of the cost and benefits for the final possessor, from the experience we know that investor could add an additional floor to each 10 floors made. The reason lies in the fact that our systems need only 20-30 centimeters of ceiling, since all channels are very small and we distribute smaller quantities of air than the ones set by standards. The extra advantage of our

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GRAĐEVINA – Construction

systems is that they are durable and last for more than 50 years, there is no need to change them like fan coil systems which need to be changed every 10 years, and they do not make a lot of noise. For this reason, our technology is very often used in hospitals, music schools, universities, and places that require very low level of noise. In comparison to the traditional fan coil systems or systems with adjustable air quantity ( VAV ), chilled beams provide up to 30% energy saving. Just the same as it functions in nature, a very important law functions here – the more efficient, the simpler. In other words, our chilled beam system has no sliding parts and as such, it can function in facilities more than 50 years ( just as old induction devices did), and does not require any maintenance.

godina (kao stari indukcioni aparati), a tom prilikom ne zahteva nikakvo ili gotovo nikakvo održavanje. Na koji način i u kojoj meri „Dadanco Europe” elementi redukuju troškove? Vladimir Petrović: Naš princip poslovanja je da radimo direktno sa investitorom i njegovim projektantskim timom. Jer ukoliko se objekat projektuje za energetski efikasne sisteme, moguće je znatno prilagoditi arhitektonski dizajn objekta i napraviti velike uštede. Na primer, ako imate zgradu visine oko 20-30 metara, i ukoliko vam se pruža mogućnost da na svakih 10 spratova postavite još jedan sprat, vi imate dve opcije: možete ili da postavite još taj dodatni sprat, koji će vam predstavljati dodatni izvor prihoda, ili ćete moći da smanjite visinu objekta. Ukoliko se investitor odluči da zgrada bude niža, onda su i potrebe za fasadom manje, samim tim je i zapremina objekta manja, što znači da su i toplotni i rashladni gubici smanjeni. Tačnije, biće potrebna manja količina energije za grejanje i hlađenje celog objekta. Ujedno, biće smanjena i vertikalna infrastruktura objekta, odnosno količina čelika, količina stakla, liftovi su kraći, itd. Tako da praktično zbog jednog, možemo reći trivijalnog razloga, investitor ostvaruje ogromne uštede na celom objektu. Koji su vaši planovi? Vladimir Petrović: Još kada smo bili broj jedan u Australiji, pa broj jedan u Americi, ja sam doneo odluku da ćemo biti i broj jedan u Evropi. Mi smo internacionalna kompanija, sa sedištem i proizvodnjom u Srbiji, ali sa zaposlenima iz celog sveta. Okupili smo izvanredan tim inženjera koji može da radi na vrhunskim projektima u svetu. Posebno sam ponosan na kvalitet, inventivnost i predanost našeg proizvodnog tima iz Vranjske banje. Danas „Dadanco Europe” u Srbiji proizvodi opremu odličnog kvaliteta, čak i bolju nego što je bila u Americi i Australiji. Namera nam je da razvijamo naše tržište u Evropi i širom sveta i da pokušamo da spasemo našu planetu Zemlju poboljšanjem jednog po jednog objekta (one building at a time).


In what way and at what extent does “Dadanco Europe” elements reduce costs? Vladimir Petrović: We function by the principle to work directly with investors and their project team. If the project is intended for energy efficient systems, it is possible to significantly adjust architectural design of the facility and make great savings. For example, if you are dealing with the building of 2030 meters high, and if you get a chance to construct an additional floor on every 10 floors, you have two options: you can either construct an additional floor, which will provide an extra revenue, or you can reduce the height of the facility. When the investor decides to make a lower building, then there is no need for too much façade, and the size of the facility is reduced. This, of course lowers the losses of heating or cooling system. At the same time, the vertical infrastructure of the facility will be reduced, or the quantity of steal and glass, elevators will be shorter, etc. In practice, for a trivial reason, the investor accomplishes great savings on the facility in whole. What are your plans for the future? Vladimir Petrović: Yet at the time were number one in Australia, then number one in USA, I have made a decision to become number one in Europe. We are an international company, with the headquarters and production department in Serbia, but we employ people from all around the world. We gathered a great team of engineers who are able to make top quality projects around the world. We are especially proud of the quality, inventiveness and dedication of our production team from Vranjske banje. Today “Dadanco Europe” in Serbia produces equipment of the similar quality, even better than the one we produced in USA and Australia. We intend to develop our market in Europe and around the world and do our best to save the planet Earth by improving one building at a time.

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Magazine GRAĐEVINA – Construction

“Galens Invest” - izgradnja ”Pupinove palate” po ugledu na savremene evropske objekte “Galens invest”- Development of “Pupin’s Palace” modelled on modern European objects Kompaniju “Galens Invest” iz Novog Sada čini mlad i ambiciozan tim profesionalaca, čiji je poslovni moto stvaranje životnog prostora po meri svih generacija. Svesrdnim zalaganjem ova kompanija uspeva da svojim klijentima obezbedi kvalitetne, sigurne i pouzdane stambene i poslovne prostore. Jednostavnost dizajna, kvalitet i efikasnost procesa poslovanja, kao i poštovanje rokova, odlike su zbog kojih je “Galens Invest” danas sinonim za poverenje. Jedan od najboljih pokazatelja profesionalnog uspeha ove kompanije je nagrada „Biznis partner“, koju je osvojila 2015. godine. Ova nagrada simbolizuje rezultat visokog stepena zadovoljstva njihovih klijenata i potvrdu poslovne uspešnosti i regionalne prepoznatljivosti. Naš sagovornik u ovom broju magazina Real Estate je Vladimir Šojić, direktor prodaje i marketinga kompanije “Galens invest”.

“Galens Invest” company from Novi Sad consists of young and ambitious team of professionals whose business motto is to create living space customized for all generations. With wholehearted commitment, this company succeeds to provide their clients with quality, safe, and reliable residential and business premises. Simplicity of design, quality and efficiency of working process, as well as meeting deadlines, are the qualities that nowadays make “Galens Invest” a synonym for trust. One of the best indicators of professional success of this company is “Business Partner” award for 2015. The award symbolizes result of clients’ high level of satisfaction and confirmation of business success and regional recognition. Our interlocutor in this issue of the Real Estate magazine is Vladimir Šojić, sales and marketing director of “Galens invest” company.

Direktor prodaje i marketinga kompanije „Galens Invest“ Vladimir Šojić Sales and marketing director of “Galens Invest“ company Vladimir Sojic


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Magazine GRAĐEVINA – Construction

Jedan od najnovijih projekata kompanije “Galens Invest” je stambeno-poslovni kompleks “Pupinova palata”. Kako je zamišljen ovaj projekat i po čemu se on izdvaja? Vladimir Šojić: Primena savremenih materijala i opreme koja se ugrađuje u ovaj objekat zadovoljiće najviše trenutno važeće svetske standarde, kako u stambenom tako i u poslovnom prostoru, tako da će naš grad dobiti jedinstveni poslovnostambeni objekat po najvišim svetskim standardima i po ugledu na sve velike evropske metropole. Ovom investicijom želimo da doprinesemo podizanju ugleda našeg grada, da stanemo rame uz rame sa čuvenim prestonicama koje imaju slične objekte u centru grada. Stambeno-poslovni kompleks “Pupinova palata” raspoređen je u tri lamele, od čega stambeni deo ukupne površine 12.500 m2 predviđa okvirno 165 stambenih jedinica različitih struktura i površina, od 27 m2 pa do 250 m2 i više, u zavisnosti od potreba kupaca. U toku izvođenja radova postojaće mogućnost spajanja već postojećih i formiranja novih stambenih jedinica, u cilju dobijanja željene kvadrature, rasporeda, orijentacije i spratnosti. Ispod celog objekta projektovana su tri nivoa garažnog prostora sa oko 400 parking mesta, koji zadovoljavaju sve potrebe funkcionisanja projektovanog objekta, a jedan deo parkinga imaće i funkciju javnog parking, što će unaprediti i olakšati parkiranje u centru grada.

One of the latest projects of “Galens Invest” company is residential-business complex “Pupin’s Palace”. How was it designed and what makes it stand out? Vladimir Sojic: Use of modern material and equipment which is being built in this facility will meet the highest international standards currently applicable, in both residential and business premises, so our city will gain a unique commercial business-residential facility built in line with the highest construction standards, and modelled in line with large European metropolis; and with this investment we want to contribute to raising reputation of our city, and stand equally with great capitals that have similar objects in the city centre. Residential and business complex “Pupin’s Palace” is divided into 3 blocks, of which residential part has total surface of approximately 12 500m2, provides 165 housing units with various structures and area, starting from 27m2 to 250m2 and more, depending on customer needs. During the execution of work, there will be a possibility to connect the already existing ones and the establishing new housing units, in order to obtain the needed size, arrangement, orientation, and number of floors. Underground garage on three levels, with 400 parking spaces, is designed under entire building, and it will meet all the needs of the functioning of the designed object, a part of the parking lot will have a function of a public parking, which will improve and facilitate parking in the city centre.

Sama koncepcija objekta podređena je potrebama budućih vlasnika i predstavlja savršen balans kvalitetnog života u modernom vremenu. U cilju organizovanja života i biznisa uz što manje svakodnevnih izazova i stresa, vlasnicima je na raspolaganju i usluga 24-časovnog fizičko-tehničkog obezbeđenja. Takođe smo predvideli opremu isključivo premijum kvaliteta, gde nismo želeli da pravimo bilo kakav kompromis, s obzirom na samu lokaciju budućeg projekta i njegovu eksluzivnost. Projekat “Pupinova palata” će pored stambenog imati i poslovni deo? Vladimir Šojić: Cilj nam je da izgradimo prvi ofis spejs klase A u Novom Sadu, po ugledu na najbolje evropske i svetske poslovne zgrade, i da stvorimo prostor koji će unaprediti radnu atmosferu i izazvati osećaj zadovoljstva korisnika i zaposlenih. Predviđeni poslovni prostori planirano je da se izvedu prema najsavremenijim zahtevima tržišta i budućih korisnika. Planirani su i projektovani open spejs prostori, koji daju maksimalnu fleksibilnost u personalizaciji budućeg ofisa prema potrebi date delatnosti. Poslovni prostor je projektovan kao visokoenergetski efikasan, što korisnicima pruža mogućnost maksimalne uštede fiksnih troškova budućeg poslovnog prostora, uz centralno grejanje, hlađenje i ventilaciju prostora pomoću najsavremenijeg VRF sistema.

The concept itself is subjected to needs of future owners and represents a perfect balance of quality life in modern time. In order to organize living and business with as little daily challenges and stress as possible, owners will have at their disposal a service of 24-hour physical-technical security. As for materials, we have foreseen equipment of premium quality, and we would not make any compromise, bearing in mind location of future project and its exclusivity. The “Pupin’s Palate” project, besides residential part, will also have a business part as well? Vladimir Sojic: Our objective is to build the first Office Space, Class A, in Novi Sad, built in line with the best European and world known business buildings, and to create a space which will enhance the working atmosphere and create a sense of satisfaction of customers and employees. Business premises will be built according to the most up to date demands of both the market and future users. Also, we have designed an “open space” area, which gives maximum flexibility in personalization of future office, in line with business activity. Business premises are designed as highly energy efficient, which provides maximal savings of fixed costs for premises, with central heating, cooling and ventilation of space, using the latest VRF system.

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GRAĐEVINA – Construction

kroz simulacije saobraćaja i potencijalnih problema, došli smo do projekta koji će zadovoljiti sve aspekte građevinskog poduhvata projektovanog objekta. Odnedavno je kompanija “Galens invest” oformila poseban deo kompanije čija je delatnost isključivo održavanje vaših objekata.

Prilikom planiranja ovog projekta, kao društveno odgovorna firma vodili ste računa o svim aspektima zaštite, kako ekološkim i građevinskim, tako i kulturološkim... Vladimir Šojić: Tako je, vodili smo računa o svemu. Predvideli smo obezbeđenje susednih objekata posebnim građevinskim metodama. Fasada banke, sa svim detaljima isklesanim od kamena, kompletno je restaurirana pod nadzorom sekretarijata za zaštitu spomenika. U konsultacijama sa gradskom upravom, posebno se vodilo računa o kulturnom nasleđu Jermenske zajednice, njihovoj crkvi i pratećim spomenicima koji se nalaze uz parcelu, u vidu zaštite i očuvanja. Sam projekat budućeg objekta, arhitekturu, poziciju i funkcionalnost pripremali smo više od godinu dana, pokušavajući da nijednim detaljem ne narušimo jezgro centra grada. Kroz razne analize, mišljenja stručnjaka iz svojih oblasti, As socially responsible company, during designing, you have taken into account all aspects of protection, both ecologically and constructively, and culturally… Vladimir Sojic: As socially responsible company, we have taken into account all aspects of protection, both ecologically and constructively, and culturally. We have foreseen provision of neighbouring buildings with special construction methods. Under supervision of the Secretariat for Monument Protection, the complete facade of bank, with all details carved out of stone, was restored. In consultation with city management, attention was paid to cultural legacy of Armenian community, their church and accompanying monuments located along the lot, in sense of protection and preservation. We have been preparing design of future building for more than a year, including architecture, location, and functionality, trying not to disturb the core town centre with any detail. Through various analyses, expert opinions, simulation of traffic and certain issues, we have come to a design, which will satisfy all aspects of construction undertaking of designed building.


Vladimir Šojić: Upravo tako, novi član naše kompanije je sektor za facility menadžment, “Building & Interior Solutions”, koji je nastao iz potrebe za pružanjem kompletne usluge održavanja klijentima koji su vlasnici ili korisnici nekretnina kompanije “Galens invest”. Cilj kompanije je kompletna posvećenost klijentima, dostupnost i brzina rešavanja problema. Korisnici naših usluga su vlasnici nekretnina, stambenih i poslovnih prostora, čiji je osnovni cillj očuvanje i unapređenje nekretnine. Naš tim čine stručnjaci koji svojim znanjem i operativom mogu da otklone sve probleme koji se tiču poštovanja garantnih rokova, redovnog i investicionog održavanja. Kvalitetno i stručno održavanje izuzetno je bitno jer ne smemo dozvoliti da se vrednost nekretnine umanjuje prilikom redovne eksploatacije. Izgradnjom do 1.000 stambenih jedinica godišnje osetili smo potrebu za proširenjem poslovanja koje se odnosi na dalju brigu o zgradi i njenim korisnicima. Kao investitor koji je neraskidivo povezan sa svakom izgrađenom zgradom, novom segmentu poslovanja pristupamo s velikim zadovoljstvom. Primenom ovog koncepta u potpunosti smo ostvarili cilj - bezbrižno i dugoročno stanovanje u svakom objektu koji smo gradili i ostvarivanje postprodajnog odnosa sa svojim klijentima.

Recently, the “Galens Invest” company has formed a special part of the company, dealing solely with maintenance of your facility? Vladimir Sojic: That is correct, a new member of our company is facility management sector, “Building & Interior Solutions”, created due to need to provide complete maintenance service for clients who are owners or users of the “Galens Invest” company property. Company goal is complete commitment to clients, availability, and quick problem solving. Beneficiaries of our services are owners of property, housing, and business units, with a basic goal to preserve and upgrade the property. Our team consists of experts who, with their knowledge and skills, can solve all problems relating to respect of guarantee deadlines, regular and investment maintenance. Quality and professional maintenance is very important, because we cannot allow amortisation to decrease property value due to regular use. When constructing up to 1000 housing units a year, we have realized the need to expand business related to future care of building and its users. As an investor, who is inextricably linked with each constructed building, we approach the new segment of business with a great pleasure. By applying this concept, we have fully achieved our goal: carefree and long-term housing in every facility we have built, and achieving a post-sale relationship with our client.

R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate

Otkrijte Maiden’s Residences DISCOVER Maiden’s Residences

O investitoru

About the investor

„Sanidei Ltd” je kompanija za nekretnine koja je osnovana 1994. godine u Beogradu. Angažovana je u oblasti konstrukcije stambenih i komercijalnih zgrada i pruža usluge koje uključuju dizajn enterijera, uz administrativne i imovinsko-pravne procedure koje prate kupovinu i prodaju nekretnina.

˝Sanidei Ltd.˝ is a real estate investment company founded in 1994 in Belgrade, Serbia. It is engaged in construction of residential and commercial buildings with services that include interior design, along with administrative and property-legal procedures that go along with buying and selling of properties.


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate


aselje „Maiden’s Residences“ postavlja nove standarde izvanrednog, luksuzom inspirisanog življenja. Osam vila sa bazenom, modernog dizajna, na prestižnoj lokaciji sa panoramskim pogledom na Jadransko more. Osetite autentični luksuz u modernoj interpretaciji klasičnog mediteranskog dizajna, sa izuzetnim boravišnim prostorom i neverovatnim panoramskim pogledom ka pučini. Vile poseduju različite veličine apartmana: 55, 80, 90, 120 i 270 m2. Svaki ekskluzivni apartman nudi prostor, slobodu i privatnost za vrhunsko uživanje.

Kupovinom vile ili apartmana u naselju ˝Maiden’s Residences“, vlasnik i njegovi gosti će ne samo uživati u komforu i luksuzu apartmana, već i u brojnim sadržajima u okolini. Na 10 minuta hoda od naselja nalazi se intimna plaža Prisjeka, sa poznatim ribljim restoranom “Giardino”. Na samo pet minuta vožnje nalazi se jedinstveno ostrvo Sveti Stefan sa restoranom “Nobu”, gde uz dobro vino i japansku kuhinju možete da uživate u zadivljujućem zalasku sunca.

Živopisno. Gostoljubivo. Ekskluzivno.


aiden’s Residences sets the new standard in extraordinary, luxury inspired living. Eight uniquely designed pool residences lined at the prestigious location with panoramic views of Adriatic Sea. Experience authentic luxury in a modern interpretation of classic Mediterranean design, with exceptional living spaces and incredible coastal vistas. Villas consist of the different size apartments: 55m2, 80m2, 90m2, 120m2 and 270m2. Each exclusive apartment offer the space, freedom and privacy to indulge in the ultimate lifestyle.

Vibrant. Welcoming. Exclusive

By purchasing villa or apartment in the of Maiden‘s Residences, the owner and its guests will not only enjoy the comfort and luxury of the apartment, but also in a number of services that are located in the immediate vicinity. At 10 mins, walk from the Residences is the intimate beach Prisjeka with famous fish restaurant Giardino. At only 5 minutes driving is the unique peninsula of Sveti Stefan with restaurant Nobu, where you can, with good wine and Japanese cuisine, enjoy a stunning sunset.

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate

Drugačiji način za uživanje u lepotama Jadrana

A Different Way To Enjoy Adriatic Beauty

Živopisna istorija, prirodne lepote i tradicija Crne Gore inspirišu stvaranje različitih arhitektonskih i umetničkih okvira duž obale. U Reževićima, na pola puta od Petrovca do Svetog Stefana, nalazi se naselje „Maiden’s Residences“, mesto koje nudi fantastičan pogled na Jadransko more i prirodni sjaj budvanske rivijere. Inspirisani pogledom i magičnom prirodom, projektanti su iskoristili mogućnost da kreiraju luksuzno odmaralište koje se sastoji od osam vila različite strukture, koje su namenjene za odmor i relaksaciju tokom cele godine.

Vivid history, natural beauties and tradition of Montenegro inspired the creation of diverse architectural and artistic settings along its coast. In Rezevici, halfway from Petrovac to St. Stefan, lies ”Maiden‘s Residences“, a place which offers a breathtaking view of the Adriatic Sea and natural splendor of the Budva Riviera. Inspired by the view and the magical nature, we grasped the opportunity to create a luxury resort containing eight villas with distinctive structures intended for vacations and relaxation throughout the year.

Naselje „Maiden’s Residences“ je mnogo više od nekretnina. Ono je mala oaza mira, puno pozitivne energije i zapanjujuće prirode kojom je okruženo. Mesto za relaksaciju, obnavljanje energije, uživanje u pogledu i suncu.

”Maiden‘s Residences“ are much more than real estate. It is a small oasis of peace, full of positive energy and amazing nature that surrounds it. A place to relax, recover energy, enjoy the view and the sun.


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate

Aleksandar Kolarov: Nakon dugogodišnjeg poznanstva i saradnje sa partnerima iz firme „Sanidei“, kada se ukazala prilika za ostvarenje projekta Maiden’s Residence, shvatio sam da možemo postići nešto posebno i neponovljivo. Imajući u vidu radnu etiku, vrednosti firme i poverenje koje sam stekao kroz saradnju sa tim ljudima, znao sam da ovaj projekat ima veliki potencijal. Pored sportske karijere i svih sporednih obaveza, verujem da će mi ovakav projekat i njegova lokacija pružiti neophodan odmor i lični mir, a ujedno postati mesto na kom ću biti okružen prijateljima u zatvorenoj i intimnoj atmosferi. After a longtime friendship and partnership with partners from »Sanidei«, at the moment we got a chance to carry out Maiden‘s Residence project, I‘ve realised that we could achieve something special and unique. Having in mind the working ethics, values of the company and trust I gained through cooperation with those people, I knew this project would have a great potential. Beside sports cariere and all other duties, I believe that this project and its location will provide necessary rest and personal peace and at the same time will become a place where I will be surrounded with friends in closed and intimate atmosphere.

Nemanja Tubić: Uvek sam želeo apartman na moru. Čim mi se pružila prilika da dobijem vrhunski kvalitet na jednoj od najboljih lokacija u Crnoj Gori, ni porodica ni ja nismo se dvoumili. Verujem da smo imali puno sreće što smo odabrali da sa najbližim saradnicima i prijateljima iz sportskog sveta uđemo u ovakav projekat. Sa kompanijom “Sanidei” realizovali smo prelepe projekte i verujem da ni ovaj put neće biti drugačije. Ever since I wanted an apartment at the seaside. As soon as I got a chance to get a top quality apartment at one of the best locations in Montenegro, neither I nor my family had doubts what to do. I believe we had an enormous luck to have chosen to start this project with our closest partners and friends from the world of sports. With “Sanidei” company we have implemented great projects and I believe that this time will be no difference.

Luka Bogdanović: Ceo život sam u sportu i svaki svoj korak planiram taktički, precizno i sa jasnom vizijom. To mi je pomoglo da i u privatnom životu pravim pametne poteze kako na porodičnom, tako i na poslovnom planu. Drago mi je da sam pronašao kompaniju sa kojom delim istu viziju, kao i partnere koji tačno razumeju mentalitet sportskog duha i timskog rada. Vođeni sportskim vrednostima i poslovnom etikom i ekspertizom, uspeli smo da stvorimo formulu za uspeh koju ćemo, bez sumnje, preneti u projekat „Maiden’s Residences“. I have been in sports for the whole life and I took each step tactically, precisely and with clear vision. This also helped e in my personal life to take smart moves in both, family and business plans. I am glad that I found a company to share my vision with, as well as partners who understand exactly the mentality of sports spirit and team work. Led by sports values and business ethic and expertise, we managed to create a formula for success which, no doubt, we will transfer to the ”Maiden’s Residence“ project.

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate

Jednostavna elegancija

Simply Elegance

Sve vile odlikuju prostrana unutrašnjost i spoljašnjost, kao i besprekoran dizajn koji se uklapa u mediteransku lepotu ambijenta, u kom vlasnici i gosti mogu da uživaju bez narušavanja privatnosti. Bazeni pružaju poseban ugođaj, kao i natkriveni tremovi i terase sa pogledom na more.

Lavish indoor-outdoor leisure space abounds, exquisitely designed to allow you to marvel at the Mediterranean beauty from the privacy of your sanctuary. Immerse yourself in the infinity edge pool and sprawling rooftop decks with dramatic sea view.

Uživanje na morskoj obali - na savršenom mestu

Enjoy the Seaside - In Perfect Place

Najbolja lokacija koja vas inspiriše da se zaljubite u Jadransko more. Jednostavno, ujutru otvorite prozore i udahnite nezaboravnu svežinu ili gledajte jedan od bezbroj neopisivih zalazaka sunca. Zaista magično mesto.


The best location that will inspire you to fall in love with Adriatic Sea. Simply open your window in the morning and breath in freshness you won‘t forget or watch one of the countless indescribable sunsets. A truly magical place to be.

R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate

Rat tržnih centara za Beograd S h o p p i n g ma lls wa r for Belgrade Trka šoping centara u Beogradu ove godine se zagrejala. Stiče se utisak da se centri takmiče boljom lokacijom, većim brojem brendova, raznovrsnijom ponudom i različitim dodacima. Kao da investitore, a ne kupce, drma opasna „šoping groznica“, jer interesovanje investitora za gradnju ove vrste nekretnina ne posustaje. Zbog toga bi naša prestonica uskoro mogla da postane sinonim za „šoping centar“ ovog dela Evrope. Samo za ovu godinu najavljeno je otvaranje četiri nova tržna centra. Mnogi tržni centri grade se na temeljima ugašenih državnih fabričkih pogona. Na primer, umesto “Minela” u Radničkoj ulici gradi se “Ada mol”, tržni centar „Big fešn“ na Karaburmi ispunio je prostor nekadašnjeg „Sporta“, dok će “Capitol Park“ u Rakovici biti izgrađen na mestu fabrike “Rekord”.

Shopping centers race in Belgrade is warming up this year. We get the impression that shopping centers are competing to get as better location as possible and offer miscellaneous products and various accessories. It is as if investors, instead of customers, are undergoing serious “shopping fever”, because investors’ interest for the construction of this type of buildings is weakening. For this reason, the capital of Serbia could become a synonym for “shopping center” for this part of Europe. The opening of four new shopping centers was announced for this year. Most shopping centers were built on the foundations of closed public factories. “Ada Mall” is under construction instead of “Minel” in Radnička street,, “Big fashion” on Karaburma occupies the premises of former “Sport”, and “Capitol Park” in Rakovica will be built instead of former “Rekord” factory. REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


GRAĐEVINA – Construction

Big Fashion Centar „Big Fashion“ centar na Karaburmi, sagrađen na mestu nekadašnje fabrike “Sport star”, otvoren je 20. aprila ove godine i ima ukupno 61.000 m2, od kojih je 32.300 m2 prodajni prostor, raspoređen na tri nivoa, sa pogledom na Dunav. Izgradnju ovog šoping mola, koji je trebalo da nosi ime Višnjička plaza, započela je holandska “Plaza Centers”. Međutim, kompanija je u februaru ove godine ovaj objekat prodala kompaniji “Big Shopping Centers”.

Big Fashion Centar “Big Fashion center” in Karaburma was built at the location of former “Sport star” factory and opened on 20 April this year. It takes 61.000 square meters, of which 32.300 square meters are intended for retail stores, at three levels, with the Danube view. The construction of this shopping mall, which should have been named “Višnjička plaza”, was started by Dutch company “Plaza Centres”. However, the company sold this building to “Big Shopping Centers” company in February this year.

Big Fashion Tržni centar „Big Fashion“ na Vidikovcu imaće 70.000 kvadrata i više od 300 prodavnica. Ovaj tržni centar gradi kompanija BIG CEE, koja je deo grupacije “BIG Shopping Centers”. Vrednost investicije je 150 miliona EUR, a budući trgovinski mol biće smešten na 150.000 m2 zemljišta. Najveći centar kupovine u Srbiji imaće 70.000 kvadrata maloprodajnog prostora, više od 300 prodavnica domaćih i svetskih brendova, bioskopski kompleks, restorane, igralište i razne sportske sadržaje, kao i više od 2.500 parking mesta. U njemu će biti zaposleno oko 3.000 ljudi.

Big Fashion Trade center “Big Fashion” at Vidikovac will cover 70.000 square meters with more than 300 shops. This trade center will be built by BIG CEE company which is a part of “Big Shopping Centers” group. This investment is 150 billion EUR worth and future shopping mall will be cover 150.000 square meters of land. The biggest shopping center in Serbia will have 70.000 square meters intended for retail shops, more than 300 shops with products of domestic and world brands, cinema complex, restaurants, playground and various sports contents, as well as more than 2.500 parking spots. There will be around 3000 employees.


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

GRAĐEVINA – Construction

Ada Mall Kompanija “Globe Trade Centre S. A.” (GTC), jedna od vodećih kompanija za komercijalne nekretnine u ovom delu Evrope, postavila je u martu tekuće godine kamen temeljac za izgradnju tržnog centra “Ada Mall” u Beogradu, koji će biti izgrađen prekoputa Ade Ciganlije, u Radničkoj ulici, na prostoru bivše fabrike “Minel”. Otvaranje ovog objekta vrednog oko 100 miliona EUR planirano je za 1. novembar 2018. godine. Ukupna površina objekta biće oko 90.000 m2, od čega će 50.000 biti na pet spratova iznad zemlje, a 40.000 na tri podzemne etaže. Površina samog komercijalnog prostora biće oko 34.000 m2, po čemu će se ovaj objekat po veličini pozicionirati između tržnih centara “Ušće” i “Delta City”. Prodavnice i butici biće smešteni na prva tri sprata, dok će se na preostalim nalaziti kafići, restorani i dodatni sadržaji. Četvrti sprat centra, na kom će biti ugostiteljski sadržaji, imaće i posebno radno vreme, kako bi posetiocima bio na raspolaganju i u noćnim časovima.

Ada Mall “Globe Trade Centre S. A.” (GTC) company, one of the leading companies for commercial real estate in this part of Europe, had placed a cornerstone for the construction of “Ada Mall” trade center in Belgrade in March this year. This mall will be constructed across Ada Ciganlija, in Radnička street, at the location of former “Minel” factory. The opening of the building, 100 billion EUR worth, is planned for 1 November 2018. Total area of the building will cover 90.000 square meters, of which 50.000 will be constructed at five floors above ground, and 40.000 square meters at three underground levels. The area intended for commercial premises will cover around 34.000 square meters, which will position this building by size in the range of shopping centers “Ušće” and “Delta city”. Shops and boutiques will be places at first three floors, whilst bars, restaurants and additional contents will be placed on other floors. Fourth floor of the center, intended for gastronomy content, will have specific working hours, so that these services will be available to the visitors even during the night.

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


GRAĐEVINA – Construction

Rajićeva Šoping centar i hotel u Rajićevićoj ulici prostiraće se na 60.000 kvadratnih metara, a ova izraelska investicija vredna oko 80 miliona EUR predstavlja jedini šoping centar u zemlji koji će se nalaziti u glavnoj pešačkoj zoni. Šoping centar će imati tri podzemna nivoa za parkiranje sa oko 500 parking mesta i šest spratova prostora za iznajmljivanje sa više od 80 lokala. Ovaj projekat će na srpsko tržište doneti maloprodajne trgovine koji na njemu još uvek nisu prisutne ili pak nove koncepte postojećih trgovina. Otvaranje je predviđeno za septembar ove godine. Projekat vodi kompanija ABD d.o.o., osnovana od strane dva partnera, Ashtrom Group i Avital d.o.o.

Rajićeva Shopping Center Shopping center and hotel in Rajićeva will cover 60.000 square meters. This 80 billion EUR worth investment from Israel represents the only shopping center in the country which will be situated in the main pedestrian zone. Shopping center will have three underground parking floors with around 500 parking spots and six floors with 80 shops to rent. This project will bring completely new retail shops to the Serbian market or new concepts of the existing shops. The opening is planned for September this year. The project will be managed by ABD d.o.o. company, founded by two partners, AShtrom Groupa and Avital d.o.o.

BW Galerija Budući tržni centar „BW Galerija“ u okviru “Beograda na vodi” prostiraće se na 140.000 kvadrata, sa 3.700 parking mesta, prizemljem i dva sprata, luksuznim prodavnicama, modernim bioskopskim salama na 4.000 kvadratnih metara, novim konceptom porodične zabave, mnogobrojnim kafićima i restoranima... Sa ukupnom nadzemnom površinom od 140.000 kvadratnih metara, „BW Galerija“ će biti najveća maloprodajna destinacija u regionu. Tržni centar će imati veliki parking i biće povezan sa svim glavnim saobraćajnicama. Zatvorenim pešačkim mostom biće spojen sa budućim hotelom, čime će biti obezbeđen direktan pristup spektakularnom vidikovcu na vrhu 40-spratne Kule Beograd. “BW Galerija”, koja će po završetku biti najveći tržni centar u regionu, osvojila je nagradu “Koncept i dizajn” u kategoriji maloprodaje na SEE Real Estate Awards 2017. Ona je proglašena najboljom budućom maloprodajnom destinacijom na osnovu kvaliteta projekta, inovativnog koncepta, pristupačnosti i lokacije. Glavni radovi su planirani za jun, a završetak je predviđen za 2020.

BW Gallery Future trade center “BW Gallery” within “Belgrade Waterfront” project will cover 140.000 square meters, with 3.700 parking spots, ground floor and two additional floors, luxury shops, modern cinema which will cover 4000 square meters, new concept of family entertainment, numerous bars and restaurants… With total above ground area of 140.000 square meters, “BW Gallery” will be the biggest retail destination in the region. Trade center will have a huge parking and will be connected to all main roads. There will be a closed pedestrian bridge merged with the hotel which will provide a direct approach to the spectacular view at 40- level high Belgrade Tower. “BW Gallery” which will be the biggest trade center in the region upon the completion of the construction, won the “Concept and design” award in the category of retail at SEE Real Estate Awards 2017. It received the title of the best future retail destination thanks to its quality project, innovative concept, accessibility and location. The main construction works were planned for June and completion of the construction was planned for 2020.


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs


SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate

Hoteli kao investicije H ote l s a s s u b j e c t s o f i nve s t ment s


inansijska isplativost, odnosno profitabilnost ulaganja u hotele, svakodnevni je predmet rasprava među investitorima, projektantima, ulagačima i bankarima. Ono oko čega su svi saglasni je da se prilikom pravljenja kalkulacija isplativosti, odnosno profitabilnosti ulaganja u hotel/e, mora voditi računa o njegovoj lokaciji, kvalitetu ponude, konkurenciji, turističkim kretanjima i potencijalima. Pravilo „value for money“, tj. vrednost za novac, možda ni u kom drugom poslu toliko ne dolazi do izražaja koliko u hotelskoj industriji. Činjenica da je neki hotel kategorizovan sa pet zvezdica može imati neku prednost u cenovnoj politici, ali vrednost se mora dokazati i u praksi, dakle na tržištu. Ipak, lokacija hotela je najvažniji element u razvoju nekog hotela. Zahtevi tržišta i ciljna grupa gostiju određuju tip i namenu hotela. Hoteli locirani u gradskim centrima uglavnom postižu najveći procenat popunjenosti, u poređenju sa hotelima sezonskog karaktera.



inancial cost effectiveness or profitability of investing into hotels is an everyday subject of discussion among investors, designers and bankers. The thing they all agree with is that during the calculation of cost effectiveness or profitability of investing into hotel/s, special attention should be given to the location, quality of services, competition, touristic movements and potentials. “Value for money” rule might not be in focus in some other business areas as it is the case with hotel industry. The fact that some hotel has been categorised as a five star hotel, could have an advantage in the price policy, but the value must be proven in practice as well, on the market. However, hotel location is the most important element for the development of the hotel. Market demands and target groups of guests define the type and purpose of the hotel. Hotels located into city centres, mostly gain the highest percentage of booking, in comparison with hotels which function only during the season.

R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate

Međutim, neosporna je činjenica da je investiranje u hotele u osnovi profitabilno. Investitoru se uz profesionalan menadžment omogućavaju relativno stabilan prihod i predvidljivost povraćaja investicije. Upravo time su se vodile srpske kompanije koje su se poslednjih godina fokusirale na ulaganja u hotelijerstvo. Među njima su „MK grupa”, „Delta holding”, IM „Matijević”, „Mona”, „Todor”... Od deset kompanija najbogatijih Srba po listi hrvatskog magazina „Forbs“, bar trojica su zainteresovana za turizam i u poslednje vreme novac plasiraju u kupovinu hotela. Kompanija „Delta holding” intenzivirala je ulaganja u hotelijerstvo i planira da postane regionalni lider. Ova kompanija je investirala oko 25 miliona evra u hotel „Crown Plaza” u Beogradu, a u svom vlasništvu ima i hotele „Park” i „Nacional”. „Deltinim” hotelima pridružili su se tokom 2016. i hotel „Holiday Inn” i „Belexpo centar” na Novom Beogradu, a u Ljubljani gradi „Interkontinental”. Kompanija u planu ima i otvaranje hotela „InterContinental” u Beogradu i Zagrebu, kao i širenje brenda „Crowne Plaza” u Skoplju i drugom gradovima regiona. Vlasnici modne kuće „Mona” novac ulažu u hotelijerstvo. Najpoznatiji je hotel „Mona” na Zlatiboru, a vlasnici su hotela “Argo” u Beogradu, kao i hotela „Javor” koji se nalazi u blizini Uvca i parka prirode Golija.

Nevertheless, there is an indisputable fact that investing into hotels is generally profitable. With the assistance of professional management, the investor is enabled to achieve relatively constant profit and predictable return of investments. This is what Serbian companies which were lately focused on investing into hotels, used to do. Among them, there are “MG group”, “Delta holding”, IM “Matijević”, “Mona”, “Todor”... Out of 10 companies owned by the richest Serbians, according to the Croatian “Forbs”, at least three of them were lately interested in tourism and started investing their money into hotels. “Delta holding” company intensified their investments into hotels and planned to become a leader in the region. This company invested about 25 million euro into “Crown Plaza” hotel in Belgrade. They are the owners of “Park” and “National” hotels. They became associates with “Delta” hotels during 2016, and “Holiday Inn” and “Belexpo centre” at Novi Beograd, while their “Intercontinental” hotel in Ljubljana is still under construction. The company has planned to open hotel “Intercontinental” in Belgrade and Zagreb, as well as to expand the brand “Crown Plaza” in Skopje as well as in other cities of the region. The owners of fashion brand “Mona” invest money into hotels too. Their most famous hotel is “Mona” in Zlatibor and they own hotel “Argo” in Belgrade, as

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate

Vlasnici nekadašnjeg tekstilnog giganta „Todor” vlasnici su hotela „Aleksandar” u Vrnjačkoj banji, kao i luksuznog „Belgrade Art hotela” u Knez Mihailovoj. Kompanija IM „Matijević” i najveći proizvođač mesa u Srbiji od jeseni 2017. godine počeće da gradi hotel sa četiri plus zvezdice na mestu zgrade nekadašnjeg „Jugoeksporta”. Ova kompanija je takođe zainteresovana i za banjski turizam, odnosno kupovinu poznate „Čigote” na Zlatiboru, kao i banje Vrdnik. „MK grupa” je takođe prepoznala povoljan trenutak za investicije u hotele. U njihovom portfoliju se nalaze hoteli na Kopaoniku „Grand Hotel & SPA”, „Family Hotel Angella”, apartmani „Konaci-Sunčani vrhovi”, zatim tu je i beogradski hotel „88 Rooms”, a od kraja 2015. vlasnici su najluksuznijeg hotela u Sloveniji – „Kempinski Palace” u Portorožu. Ujedno ova kompanija ima udeo i u HTP „Budvanska rivijera” u Crnoj Gori, a nedavno su kupili hotel u Novom Sadu.

well as hotel “Javor” which is located near Uvce and park of nature Golija. The owners of former “Todor” are also owners of hotel “Aleksandar” in Vrnjačka Banja, as well as of luxury “Belgrade Art Hotel” in Knez Mihajlova street. Company IM “Matijević” and largest manufacturer of meat in Serbia will start the construction of the four plus stars hotel in autumn 2017. The hotel will be built at the location of former “Jugoeksport”. This company is also interested in spa tourism, or purchasing the famous “Čigota” in Zlatibor, as well as the spa Vrdnik. “MK group” has also recognised the perfect moment for investing into hotels. In their portfolio, there is “Grand Hotel & Spa” at Kopaonik, “Family Hotel Angella”, “Konaci-Sunčani vrhovi” apartments, and Belgrade hotel “88 Rooms”. Since 2015, they own the most luxury hotel in Slovenia “Kempinski Palace” in Portorož. This company also owns a part of HTP ”Budvanska rivijera” in Montenegro, and they have recently purchased hotel in Novi Sad.

U ovom broju magazina Real Estata na temu investiranja u hotele razgovarali smo sa Nikolom Avramom, generalnim direktorom u kompaniji „MK Mountain Resort” i suvlasnikom hotela „88 Rooms”.

In this issue of Real Estate Magazine we spoke Nikola Avram, General Manager of the company “MK Mountain Resort” and co-owner of “88 Rooms” hotel.

Zbog čega se „MK grupa” odlučila za sve veća ulaganja u hotele u regionu?

For which reason “MK group” had decided to make significant investments into hotels of the region?


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SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate

Nikola Avram: Dva najveća potencijala ovog regiona iz našeg aspekta su poljoprivreda i turizam i zbog toga su te dve grane zauzele primarna mesta u razvojnoj strategiji kompanije. U poljoprivredi smo već duboko involvirani, takoreći smo regionalni lider, a hotelijerstvo je naš sekundarni biznis za koji imamo velike ambicije, kako u smislu kupovine objekata, odnosno real-estate biznisa, tako i u vidu operativne kompanije za upravljanje hotelima. Definitvno se hotelski biznis pokazuje kao posao budućnosti u regionu, što se vidi po stalno rastućem broju turista u svim zemljama Zapadnog Balkana. Po vašem mišljenju, koliko su hotelske investicije isplative i u kom periodu? Nikola Avram: Teško je dati direktan i precizan odgovor na pitanje koje je samo po sebi kompleksno i zahteva mnogo potpitanja. U svakom slučaju, bez obzira na to da li je u pitanju kupovina ili upravljanje hotelima, najpribližnija procena je sedam do 10 godina za rizorte i pet do sedam godina za gradske hotele, koji su nešto manje zahtevni za razvoj poslovanja. Koja je visina investicija u hotelski biznis tokom 2016. godine? Nikola Avram: U 2016. godini ukupna ulaganja u naš hotelski biznis iznosila su osam mil. evra, a u 2017. Nikola Avram: Two greatest potentials of this region from our point of view are agriculture and tourism. Therefore, these two branches took primary places in the development of strategies of the company. We have already been actively involved in agriculture. We can say that we became a leader in the region, and hotels can be considered as our second business for which we have some great ambitions, in a sense of both, purchasing facilities or real estate business as well as the operational company for hotel management. Definitely, hotel business appears to be the business of future in the region, which can be seen from the constant growth of number of tourists in each country of the West Balkans. At what extent and within which period hotel investments can be profitable? Nikola Avram: It is hard to give a direct and precise answer to the question which is very complex and requires a lot of sub-questions. However, no matter whether it is about purchasing or managing hotels, the closest assessment is 7 to 10 years for resorts and 5 to 7 years for city hotels, which are less demanding for the business development. What was the amount of investments in hotel business in 2016? Nikola Avram: In 2016, total investments into hotel business amounted eight million euros, and in 2017 we invested six million euro, up to now. We deal with

Generalni direktor, „MK Mountain Resort“ Nikola Avram General Manager, „MK Mountain Resort“ Nikola Avram

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate

do sada smo uložili šest mil. evra. Radi se o renoviranju i dodatnim ulaganjima u postojeće objekte, a do kraja godine očekuju nas dve ili tri nove akvizicije, koje bi trebalo da umnogome promene investicioni ciklus i planove kompanije vezane za hotelski biznis.

reconstructions and additional investments in existing facilities. By the end of the year we will face two or three new acquisitions, which should significantly change the cycle of investments and plans of the company in regard to hotel business.

Kakvi su vam dalji planovi u ovoj oblasti?

What are your future plans in this area?

Nikola Avram: Prvi plan je da osposobimo i razvijamo naš menadžment do nivoa mogućnosti za upravljanje većim brojem rizorta i hotela istovremeno, na različitim destinacijama i u različitim zemljama u regionu. Potom planiramo da se kroz franšizu spojimo sa jednom od najvećih hotelskih kompanija u svetu i da posredstvom te saradnje maksimalno nadogradimo svoj potencijal u ovoj industriji.

Nikola Avram: The first plan is to capacitate and develop our management, up to the level of managing greater number of resorts and hotels simultaneously, at different destinations and in different countries of the region. Than we plan to merge with one of the greatest hotel companies in the world through franchise and upgrade our potential in this industry thorough this cooperation.

Baba Višnjina 38


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs



The construction of residence-business project “Panorama Voždovac” starting soon

Uskoro počinje gradnja stambeno-poslovnog projekta „Panorama Voždovac” Početkom juna 2017. kompanija “Alpros” počeće s izgradnjom stambenoposlovnog kompleksa “Panorama Voždovac” na Trošarini, delu Voždovca koji će u narednih nekoliko godina izgradnjom novih projekata i ulaganjem u infrastrukturu doživeti pravi preporod. Kompleks će obuhvatati četiri lamele sa 187 stambenih jedinica raznih struktura, šest maloprodajnih jedinica u prizemlju, podzemnu garažu u tri nivoa, kao i novi salon “Škode”, čiji je “Alpros” ovlašćeni zastupnik. Između lamela predviđen je ozelenjeni parkić, u kom će stanari kompleksa moći da se opuste a deca da se bezbedno igraju. Gradnja kompleksa će se odvijati u dve faze, a u okviru prve faze gradiće se podzemne etaže ispod celog placa i prve dve lamele. Rok za završetak prve faze je septembar 2018. godine. Ekskluzivna prodaja stanova poverena je kompaniji „West Properties“, a prodaja će krenuti početkom juna 2017.

Pristupne saobraćajnice mostu na Adi biće završene u junu 2017. Pristupne saobraćajnice duge oko dva kilometra, koje će spojiti most na Adi i Tošin bunar, nisu završene 4. aprila, kako je prvobitno bilo predviđeno. Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda raspisala je javni konkurs za dodatne usluge rukovodioca projekta, inženjera i nadzora na izvođenju severnih pristupnih saobraćajnica za prilaz mostu, a u dokumentaciji stoji da je rok za izvođenje radova produžen za 78 dana. Dakle, umesto 4. aprila, kada ističe jednogodišnji rok od kada je španska firma „Rubau” uvedena u gradilište, sve bi trebalo da bude gotovo 21. juna. Ovaj projekat koji je vredan 13,5 miliona evra finansira se sredstvima dobijenim od Evropske banke za obnovu i razvoj.


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

At the beginning of June 2017, “Alpros” company will start the construction of residence-business complex “Panorama Voždovac” at Trošarina, a part of Voždovac which will revive through construction of new projects and investments into infrastructure in the next few years. The complex will comprise four lamellas with 187 residence units of different structure, six retail units in the ground floor, underground garage at three levels, as well as the new saloon of “Škoda”, whose authorised distributor is “Alpros”. Between the lamellas a green park is envisaged, where tenants of the complex will be able to relax and kids to play safely. The construction of the complex will be carried out in two phases. In the first phase, underground levels will be constructed under the whole area and first two lamellas. The deadline for the finishing works is September 218. An exclusive sale will be carried out by West Properties, and the sale will start at the beginning of June 2017.


„Ziegel House” – novi poslovni kompleks na Vračaru „Ziegel House” nalazi se u srcu Vračara, na uglu Nebojšine i Rudničke ulice i deo je poslovno-stambenog kompleksa čiji je rok za završetak izgradnje oktobar 2017. godine. Investitor tog objekta je kompanija „Trgomen” d. o. o. iz Kraljeva, koja teži da pomeri granice svojih delatnosti istraživanjem novih načina proizvodnje, korišćenjem novih tehnologija i da na taj način očuva i poboljša kvalitet svojih proizvoda. Nakon završetka svih planiranih radova, kompleks će imati 5.500 m 2 poslovnog prostora za izdavanje raspoređenih u dva objekta, za koje je kompanija West Properties dobila ekskluzivno pravo za izdavanje. Za korisnike ovog kompleksa biće obezbeđeno 70 parking mesta u podzemnoj garaži. Kompleks „Ziegel House” u svom sklopu će imati i sadržaje kao što su restoran, kafić, supermarket, ceo kompleks će biti u zelenoj oazi, a planirano je da svaki poslovni prostor ima pogled na park unutar kompleksa. Cilj investitora je da stvori novo inspirativno i kreativno okruženje, u kome će uživati svi koji budu imali sreće da u njemu borave.

“Ziegel House” – new business complex at Vračar “Ziegel House” is placed in the hearth of Vračar, at the angle of Nebojša’s and Rudnička street as a part of business-residential complex. The deadline for finishing works is planned for October 2017. The investor is “Trgomen d.o.o.” company from Kraljevo, which tends to break the limits of its business through searching of new product procedures, utilisation of new technologies which will help them to keep and improve the quality of their products. Upon the completion of all the planned works, the complex will cover 5500 square meters of business area intended for rent, which will be arranged in two buildings, and West Properties company had gained an exclusive right for rent. For the customers of this complex, there will be 70 parking spots available at underground garage. “Ziegel House” complex will contain restaurants, coffee bars, supermarkets, and the whole complex will be under green area. Each business premise will have a view on the park inside the complex. The aim of the investor is to create a new inspiring and creative environment, where customers who are lucky enough to be there, will enjoy.

Access roads to the bridge on Ada will be finished in June 2017 Access roads, 2 km long, which will merge the bridge on Ada and Tošo’s well, were not finished on 4 April, as originally planned. Directorate for construction land and construction of Belgrade, announced public tender for additional services of project leader, engineers and monitoring on north access roads construction for the access to the bridge. In line with the documentation, deadline for construction works is 78 days. Therefore, instead of 4 April as the expiry date of one year deadline since Spanish company “Rubau” was introduced to the construction, the finishing works are expected on 21 June. This project, 13,5 million Euros worth, is financed by the funds provided by European Bank for reconstruction and development.

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Grad Beograd prodaje 2.400 m 2 zemljišta za zgrade najvišeg standarda Direkcija za građevinsko zemljšte i izgradnju Beograda objavila je oglas o javnom nadmetanju radi otuđenja građevinskog zemljišta u javnoj svojini Grada. Predmet otuđenja je građevinsko zemljište u Ulici banjičkih žrtava u Opštini Savski venac, površine 2.408 m2, upisano kao javna svojina Grada. Prema Regulacionom planu prostorne celine na kojoj se zemljište nalazi, ono je namenjeno zgradama najvišeg standarda stanovanja tipa retke izgrađenosti, sa visokim stepenom privatnosti, karakterističnim predbaštama i vrednim athitektonskim rešenjima. Dozvoljena je i izgradnja bazena, sportskih terena, staklenika, fontana, tremova, pomoćnih zgrada i garaža. Početna cena za otuđenje zemljišta je oko 226 miliona dinara. Prijave se dostavljaju Direkciji za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda do 8. juna 2017. godine do 15.30 časova, dok će se javno nadmetanje održati na istoj adresi 9. juna 2017. godine od 12 sati.

City of Belgrade sells 2400 square meters of land for the constructions of highest standards Directorate for construction land and construction of Belgrade announced the tender on public auction with the aim of alienation of construction land which is under the property of the City. The subject of alienation is the construction land in Banjičkih žrtava street in the Municipality Savski venac, 2.408 square meters area, which is registered as the property of the City. According to the Regulation plan of the spatial complex where the land is placed, it is intended for buildings of the highest residence standards of rare construction, with high level of privacy, characteristic front yards and valuable architectural solutions. Pool construction is allowed, as well as sport arenas, green houses, fountains, porches, assistance buildings and garages. Starting amount for the alienation of the land is around 226 billion dinars. Applications shall be submitted to the Directorate for construction land and construction of Belgrade not lately than 8 june 2017 by 15:30. Public auction will be organised on 9 June 2017 at 12:00.

Na leto otvaranje robne kuće „Ikea“ kod Bubanj potoka Robna kuća „Ikea“, koja će u narednih nekoliko meseci biti otvorena u Beogradu, počeće da se puni robom za četiri do šest nedelja i imaće 9.500 artikala po cenama pristupačnim velikom broju ljudi. „Ikea“ dugoročno planira da otvori još dve robne kuće, jednu u Beogradu, i za tu svrhu namerava da kupi zemlju za taj objekat na levoj strani Save, i drugu u Nišu, za šta je zemlja već kupljena. Na gradilištu kod Bubanj potoka privode se kraju radovi na uređenju prostora, a počelo je i unutrašnje opremanje objekta. Na krovu je već postavljen i veliki broj solarnih panela koji će se koristiti za uštedu energije. U toku su završni radovi na uređenju prostora za potrošače, gde će na više od 33.000 m2 biti smešteni raznovrstan asortiman, moderan restoran i poseban prostor za animaciju dece, a u okviru objekta su i prostor sa 1.200 parking mesta, kao i punjač za elektromobile.

“Ikea” shopping mall at Bubanj potok opening in summer “Ikea” department store, which will be opened within the next few months in Belgrade, will start loading products in four to six weeks and will have 9.500 products with reasonable prices. On the long term “Ikea” plans to open two more department stores. One will be located in Belgrade, for which they intend to buy a piece of land on the left side of Sava. The other one will be located in Niš, for which they already have purchased the land. On the construction at Bubanj Potok, finishing works on the interior design are ongoing and works on the interior arrangement commenced. Numerous solar panels were set on the rooftop intended for energy saving. Finishing works on the design of the customer areas are ongoing. On more than 33.000 square meters, a miscellaneous assortment, modern restaurant and special area for animation of kids will be placed. Within the construction, there are 1200 parking spots and electro cars’ chargers installed.


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Kompanija „Home Centar” postaje „Home Plus”

“Home Center” Company becomes “Home Plus”

Kompanija “Home Center” od ovog proleća nosiće novo ime – “Home Plus”. Kupcima će na raspolaganju i dalje biti svih sedam objekata ovog brenda, “Home Plus” na Beogradskom sajmu, zatim u okviru TC “Ušće” i “Zemun Park”, kao i u TC “Big” u Novom Sadu, TC “Vivo” u Jagodini i radnja “Home Plus” u Nišu. Pored imena, kompanija će predstaviti i novine u asortimanu, pa će tako pored uobičajenih artikala za opremanje doma i bašte u ponudi biti i potpuno novi izbor robe. U okviru kompanije lansiran je i novi brend pod nazivom “Mini Home”. Prva radnja pod ovim brendom otvorena je u Šoping centru “Delta City”. “Mini Home” će kupcima ponuditi selekciju najatraktivnijih proizvoda po pristupačnim cenama, koji će u potpunosti pratiti aktuelne trendove. Kompanija će uskoro svojim kupcima predstaviti i novu privatnu robnu marku pod nazivom “Home Collection”, koja će obuhvatiti proizvode iz gotovo svih navedenih kategorija.

This spring, “Home Center” company will take the new name “Home Plus”. Customers will still access to seven buildings of the brand, “Home Plus” at Belgrade fare, within SC “Ušće” and “Zemun parc”, as well as in SC “Big” in Novi Sad, SC “Vivo” in Jagodina and “Home Plus” store in Niš. Beside the new name, the company will present some novelties in the assortment as well, and therefore, apart the usual products for home decor and gardens, they will have a completely new assortment of products. Within the campaign, a new brand under the name “Mini Home” has been launched. The first store of this brand will be opened in SC “Delta City”. “Mini Home” will offer a selection of most attractive products with affordable prices, which will be completely in line with actual trends. The company will soon present a new private retail brand under the name “Home Collection”, which will comprise products from almost all stated categories.

Rekordna godina po broju građevinskih dozvola Tekuća godina će biti rekordna po broju izdatih građevinskih dozvola u Beogradu. Prema rečima gradskog menadžera Gorana Vesića, od 1. januara do 1. maja izdato je 240 lokacijskih dozvola, koje prethode građevinskim, 43 građevinske dozvole i ukupno 457.929 kvadrata čija je investiciona vrednost oko 13,5 milijardi dinara. On je ujedno najavio da će do kraja godine biti završena obnova 97 fasada i da se za narednu godinu planira obnova još 200 fasada.

A year of records by number of construction attests The current year will be a record one by the number of construction attests issued in Belgrade. According to the city manager Goran Vesić, from 1 January to 1 May, 240 location attests had been issued, which preceded the construction attests; 43 construction attests and 457.929 square meters, 13,5 billion dinars. He also announced the reconstruction of 97 facades by the end of the year and he plan to reconstruction additional 200 facades for the following year.

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


Stanovi na prodaju | Apartments for sale Gusinjska 2, Zvezdara



Izuzetan stan u ekskluzivnoj zgradi na uglu bulevara Kralja Aleksandra i Gusinjske ulice. Stan ima dnevnu sobu sa trpezarijom, kuhinju, tri spavaće sobe, dva kupatila, dve terase i pripadajuće garažno mesto. U njegovom opremanju korišćeni su najkvalitetniji materijali: Italijanska keramika proizvođača Versace, višeslojni parket najpoznatijeg italijanskog proizvođača Berti, Italijanska sanitarija proizvođača Catalano, PVC petokomorna stolarija proizvođača REHAU, sigurnosna vrata proizvođača Bosal, spušteni plafoni sa ugradnom rasvetom.

Exceptional apartment in the exclusive building, located on the corner of Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra and Gusinjska Str. The apartment includes a living room with a dining area, a kitchen, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two terraces and a designated parking place in the underground garage. The highest quality of materials were used for the finishing works: Italian tiles by Versace, multi-layered parquet by the well-known Italian manufacturer Berti, Italian sanitaryware by Catalano, PVC 5 chambers joinery by REHAU, security door by Bosal, suspended ceilings with built-in lighting.

Raspoloživi stanovi: II sprat 100 m2, II sprat 100m2, III sprat 100m2, IV sprat 100m2, V sprat 100m2, VI sprat 100m2

Cena / Price Od 1.300 EUR/m2 + PDV Garažno mesto / Parking place in the garage 6.000 EUR + PDV

Available apartments: 1st floor 100 m2, 2nd floor 100 m2, 3rd floor 100 m2, 4th floor 100 m2, 5th floor 100 m2, 6th floor 100 m2


Vip Casa Investment - Ustanička 128b, Beograd +381 11 78 58 238, +381 63 32 22 57 R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

Magazine ENTERIJER – Interior

Siniša Prvanov



ovom broju magazina Real Estate predstavljamo vam Sinišu Prvanova. Rođen je 25.10.1965. godine u Pančevu, a na odseku unutrašnje arhitekture Fakulteta primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu diplomirao je 1993. godine. Za primarnu oblast naučnog rada odabrao je dizajn enterijera i nameštaja. Magistarski rad odbranio je 1995. godine, a doktorirao na Nacionalnom tehničkom univerzitetu u Atini 2000. godine kod prof. Georgiosa Parmenidisa. Projektovanjem i izvođenjem enterijera bavi se 20 godina, a trenutno radi kao predavač na „Bilkent“ univerzitetu u Ankari, na predmetu unutrašnje arhitekture i industrijskog dizajna. U kojim oblastima dizajna najviše uživate da ispoljavate kreativnost? Siniša Prvanov: Opredelio sam se za dizajn enterijera vila, brodova i jahti, kao područja u kojima mogu neograničeno da uposlim sve svoje afinitete, počev od ljubavi prema umetnosti i formi, pa sve do ručnog rada i zanatstva. Drugi


n this issue of Real Estate Magazine we present Mr Siniša Prvanov. He was born on 25 October 1965 in Pančevo. He graduated at the department of Interior architecture of the Faculty of applied arts in Belgrade in 1993. He chose interior design and furniture for his primary area of scientific paper. He submitted his master diploma paper in 1995 and obtained his PHD at the National Technical University in Athens in 2000 at professor Georgiosa Parmenidisa. He has been dealing with projecting and designing of interiors for 20 years, and today works as a lecturer at “Bilkent” University in Ancara on the class for interior architecture and industrial design. In which areas of design you enjoy to express your creativity the most? Sinisa Prvanov: I have decided on interior design of villas, boats and yachts, as an area where I can unrestrictedly engage my affinities, starting from the love towards arts and forms, to the handmade works and craftsmanship. The second reason is probably my fascination by Mediterranean climate, its culture, arts, architecture and nature. Namely, during the last decades,

Simbol prestiža i moći nove kategorije klijenata svakako je dom-kuća-vila, a stilski obrazac renesansne vile i dalje je najpopularniji duž svih meridijana. The symbol of prestige and power for the new client categories is for sure home-house-villa, and style template of renaissance villa is still the most popular one along the meridians. REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


Magazine ENTERIJER – Interior

razlog je verovatno opčinjenost mediteranskim podnebljem, njegovom kulturom, umetnošću, arhitekturom i prirodom. Naime, poslednjih decenija, usled razvitka globalne ekonomije i nastanka nove elite, dolazi do sveobuhvatne ekspanzije u „high-end“ dizajnu. Enterijer i njegova funkcija takođe doživljavaju kreativni i tehnološki napredak. Simbol prestiža i moći nove kategorije klijenata svakako je dom-kućavila, a stilski obrazac renesansne vile i dalje je najpopularniji duž svih meridijana. Klasičan stil je i danas veoma inspirativan, lako razumljiv i primenljiv u novom kontekstu. Rad na dizajnu klasičnog enterijera vile je kompleksan proces koji pre svega iziskuje analizu zahteva klijenta, kao i vođenje računa o lokaciji objekta, karakteru-fizionomiji terena, klimatskim uslovima i poziciji dnevne svetlosti. Put od prvog intervjua do konačnog arhitektonskog predloga uobičajeno je dug i pun izazova. Napomenuo bih da su neophodni atributi uspešnog

global economy development and new elite creation led to a comprehensive expansion in “high-end” design. Interior and its functions also underwent the creativity and technological improvements. The symbol of prestige and power for the new client categories is for sure home-house-villa, and style template of renaissance villa is still the most popular one along the meridians. Even today, the classic style is very inspirational, easy to understand and very applicable in the new context. Work on the classic interior design of the villas is a complex process which requires a thorough analyses of client’s needs, as well as taking care of the location of the facility, character of the terrain, climate conditions and daylight position. The path from the first interview to the final architectural proposal is long and full of challenges. I would like to note that necessary attributes of the successful interior designer are competence, intuition, sophisticated sense for details, excellent knowledge on interior stylistic architecture, history of the furniture, materials and light and colours theory. Do your clinents have some specific requirements and what challenges do you face with? Sinisa Prvanov: One of the most characteristic requirements made by villa owners is the implementation of decorative or wall painting. In the facilities such as atriums or saloons, very often they require decoration of ceilings. Well designed thematic and colours of the paintings can improve the atmosphere of the interior in whole. On the bases of the practical experience, it appears that subjects of the venetian renaissance – baroque experts Paolo Verzonese (1528-1588) and Gianbatpist Tiepolo (1696 – 1770) were the most appropriate for this purpose. Their wall paintings are characterised by distinguished style of soft pastel colours and depiction of allegoric performances taken from Greek – Roman mythology. On smaller size walls, the painting technique called trompe l’œil is used to create an optical illusion of 3- dimensional space. Great attention is payed to the finishing works, varnishing of painted areas, patinas of


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ENTERIJER – Interior

enterijeriste pre svega sposobnost, intuicija, prefinjen osećaj za detalj, odlično poznavanje stilske unutrašnje arhitekture, istorije nameštaja, materijala, kao i teorije svetlosti i boje. Da li vaši klijenti imaju i neke specifične zahteve i sa kakvim se sve izazovima srećete? Siniša Prvanov: Jedan od karakterističnih zahteva vlasnika vila je primena dekorativnog, odnosno zidnog slikarstva. U prostorima koji to dozvoljavaju svojom visinom, kao što su atrijumi i saloni, neretko se oslikavaju i tavanice. Dobro osmišljena tematika i kolorit slika mogu bitno unaprediti atmosferu celokupnog enterijera. Na osnovu praktičnog iskustva pokazalo se da su za tu svrhu najprimerenije teme venecijanskih renesansno-baroknih majstora Paola Veronezea (1528–1588) i Đanbatiste Tijepola (1696–1770). Njihove zidne slike odlikuju prepoznatljiv stil blagih pastelnih boja i korišćenje alegorijskih predstava preuzetih iz grčko-rimske mitologije. Na manjim zidnim površinama ponekad se koristi i slikarska tehnika pod nazivom trompe l‘œil, koja datira još od vremena Pompeja 400 god. p. n. e, i koristi se perspektivom kako bi se stvorila optička iluzija trodimenzionalnog prostora. Velika pažnja se takođe poklanja i završnim radovima, lakiranju oslikanih površina, patiniranju gipsanih ramova i odlivaka, kao i pozlaćivanju linearnih detalja zlatnim listovima finoće 22 karata, što završenom radu daje posebnu vrednost i draž.

plaster frames and shapes, as well as gilding of linear details with golden 22 carat leafs, which gives and additional value and charm to the completed work. What is a role of details in your interior design? Sinisa Prvanov: Details are inevitably affecting the final quality and identity of the interior of villas. Very often, the inability to find an adequate parts such as fittings for entrance doors, balustrade, handrails and lightings, imposes the need of their design and handmade in molten iron, messing and bronze. Production of these details requires workshop sketches in 1:1 proportion as well as monitoring on a daily basis during their production and installation. Very specific details sometimes can be related to the utilisation and implementation of characteristic symbols or heraldic features which speak about the operations or the origin of the family. Working on the finalisation of the interior also implies choosing and implementing adequate stylistic furniture and artworks, such as sculptures, tapestries

Koja je uloga detalja u vašim enterijerima? Siniša Prvanov: Na krajnji kvalitet i identitet enterijera vile neosporno utiču detalji. Neretko, usled nemogućnosti nalaženja adekvatnog dela, kao što su npr. okov za ulazna

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ENTERIJER – Interior

vrata, gelenderi, rukohvati ili rasvetna tela, nameće se potreba njihovog projektovanja i ručne izrade u livenom gvožđu, mesingu ili bronzi. Izrada ovih detalja zahteva radioničke crteže u razmeri 1:1, kao i svakodnevni nadzor tokom njihove proizvodnje i instalacije. Veoma specifični detalji ponekad se mogu odnositi na upotrebu i implementaciju karakterističnih simbola ili heraldičkih obeležja koja govore o delatnosti ili poreklu porodice vlasnika. Rad na finalizaciji enterijera takođe podrazumeva izbor i upotrebu odgovarajućeg stilskog nameštaja i umetničkih dela, kao što su skulpture, tapiserije i manji antikviteti. S razlogom, jer veliki broj klijenata su izuzetni poštovaoci umetnosti i vrsni kolekcionari. Rad na odabiru antikviteta iziskuje vreme potrebno za istraživanje i kupovinu, pristup galerijskim katalozima aukcijskih kuća, kao i lične izvore. Selekciji se posvećuje izuzetna pažnja kako bi se izbegla stilska nusaglašenost, i u krajnjem slučaju - kič. Da li nam ukratko možete opisati ključne principe u dizajnu enterijera brodova? Siniša Prvanov: Putnički brodovi i jahte zahtevaju poseban pristup projektovanju enterijera zbog specifičnih bezbednosnih standarda, kinetike plovila i mehaničkih vibracija. Pošto su prostori podeljeni u skladu sa kategorijom putnika, enterijeri se pažljivo dizajniraju koristeći hijerarhiju u boji i materijalima. VIP kabine dozvoljavaju upotrebu ručno izrađenog nameštaja, tapeta, tepiha i kože u tretiranju zidnih površina. Radovi u eksterijeru, odnosno palubama, veoma su izazovni i traže kreativna rešenja za zaštitu od sunca i vetra. Za projektovanje tendi i nadstrešnica koriste se statički i aerodinamički proračuni. Fiksiranom nameštaju se posvećuje velika pažnja, vodi se računa o ergonomiji, bezbednosti i uloženim izdržljivim i vodootpornim materijalima, kao što su tropsko drvo tik, inoks, ali i kompoziti kao što je korijan. Koje su po vašem mišljenju budućnost i perspektiva „highend dizajna enterijera“? Siniša Prvanov: Osmišljavanje enterijera luksuznih objekata naravno nije samo “hod kroz prošlost” i privilegija elite. Razvoj „high-end dizajna” podrazumeva implementaciju novih


and smaller antiques. The reason lies in the fact that a great number of clients are exceptional collectors of arts. Choosing the antiques takes time for researching and purchasing, access to gallery catalogues of auction places, and personal sources. You should pay special attention to such selection in order to prevent stylistic discrepancy or eventually - kitsch. Can you briefly describe key principles in the interior design of boats? Sinisa Prvanov: Passenger boats and yachts require special approach to interior design because of the specific safety standards, kinetics of the vessels and mechanical vibrations. Since rooms are split in line with categories of the passengers, the interior should be elaborately designed by using hierarchy of colours and materials. VIP cabins enable arrangement with handmade furniture, tapestries, carpets and leather for walls. Exterior design, especially the decks, are very challenging and require creative solutions for the protection against sun and wind. For sunshades and canopies we use statistic and aerodynamic calculations. We pay a lot of attention to fixed furniture, ergonomics, safety and invested durable and waterproof materials, such as tropical teak, innox, and composites like corian. What is the future and perspective of the “high-end interior design” according to your opinion?

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ENTERIJER – Interior

Razvoj „high-end dizajna” podrazumeva implementaciju novih materijala i tehnologija, kao i racionalno korišćenje energije. Development of “high-end design” implies the implementation of new materials and technologies, as well as rational energy utilisation.

materijala i tehnologija, kao i racionalno korišćenje energije. Naveo bih samo dva uspešna primera - inovacije na polju podnog grejanja, korišćenjem prirodnog kamena i mermera kao idealnih provodnika toplote korejske kompanije “Daevu enertek”, kao i nove tipove integrisanih solarnih kolektora u krovnim oblogama, kompanije “Tesla” iz Palo Alta u Kaliforniji. Sledeća tema je tema privatne kuće, odnosno vile, kod nas. Veliki broj naših sunarodnika sebi ne može da priušti stručnu pomoć arhitekte. Rezultat je da su nam kuće predimenzionisane, pune funkcionalnih nedostataka i bez stilskih načela. U oblasti reprezentativne stambene arhitekture, projektovanju enterijera vila, na prvom mestu treba voditi računa o klimatskim uslovima našeg podneblja, ali i o iskustvima našeg tradicionalnog graditeljstva. Jedan od najboljih primera je Kraljevski dvor na Dedinju u Beogradu, izgrađen u periodu od 1924. do 1929. godine ličnim sredstvima i po nalogu Nj.V. kralja Aleksandra. Ovo vanvremensko delo arh. Živojina Nikolića i akademika Nikolaja Krasnova je skladna i funkcionalna građevina obložena belim bračkim mermerom, projektovana u duhu srpsko-vizantijskog stila, u čijem sastavu su i dvorska kapela, biblioteka, kraljev kabinet, plavi i zlatni salon. Kraljevski dvor svojom proporcijom i funkcionalnošću i danas nadahnjuje nove generacije naših graditelja.

Sinisa Prvanov: Interior design of luxury facilities for sure is not only “a walk through the past” and the privilege of the elite. Development of “high-end design” implies the implementation of new materials and technologies, as well as rational energy utilisation. I would stress out two successful examples – innovations on the field of floor heating, by using natural rocks and marble as ideal conductors of heath, made by Korean company “Daevu enertek”, as well as new types of integrated solar collectors in roof linings, made by “Tesla” company from Palo Alta in California. The next subject is a private house, or villa, in our area. Numerous locals are not in a position to afford expertise of an architect. This results in too dimensional houses, full of functional defects and a lack of stylistic principles. In the field of representative residential architecture, interior design of villas, at first place we have to take care on climate conditions and experiences based on the traditional architecture. One of the best examples is King’s castle at Dedinje in Belgrade, which was built in the period from 1924 to 1929 by personal funds and on the request of the King Alexander. This timeless work of the architect Živojin Nikolić and academic Nikolaj Krasnov is a balanced and functional building covered with white brach marble, designed in the spirit of Serbian-Byzantium style, which contains castle chapel, library, king’s cabinet, blue and golden saloon. King’s castle still inspires new generations of architects by its proportions and functionality.

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


U FOKUSU – In focus


b e o g radska uliCna b o j an ka Murals - Belgrade’s street coloring book 50

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U FOKUSU – In focus


ivopisna likovna dela na beogradskim zidovima, grafiti i murali, predstavljaju simbole ulične umetnosti. Ova neukrotiva umetnost velikog formata, koja se u Beogradu rodila u prošlom veku, nastaje i nestaje svakodnevno. Prvi poznati mural u Beogradu oslikao je 1970. godine Lazar Vujaklija na fasadi male zanatske radnje u Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra. Iako uništen, on je pokrenuo istoriju beogradskih murala. Fasade i zidovi u Beogradu dobili su od 1970. godine do danas više od 50 murala, od kojih su mnogi uništeni iako su ih radili poznati domaći i strani umetnici. U organizaciji Centra za planiranje urbanog razvoja Beograda (CEP), 1982. godine održan je skup “Komunikacije”, na kojem je prvi put pokrenuto pitanje murala kao načina uređenja fasada u Beogradu. Već 1983. godine prof. Čedomir Vasić je s grupom studenata predao mapu sa 50 idejnih rešenja za oslikavanje murala tadašnjem gradonačelniku Bogdanu Bogdanoviću, a Savet Skupštine Beograda 1989. godine usvojio je Operativni plan o uređenju grada, u kojem je prvi put u nekom zvaničnom gradskom dokumentu pomenuto oslikavanje fasada kao način uređenja grada. Nakon toga murali više nisu bili “ilegalni”.


olourful artworks on Belgrade walls, graffiti and murals, are street art symbols. This restless art with large format, which started in Belgrade in the last century, arises and disappears every day.

The first known mural in Belgrade was painted in 1970 by Lazar Vujaklija, on the facade of a small craft shop in the King Alexander Boulevard. Although destroyed, it launched the history of Belgrade murals. From 1970 to nowadays, facades and walls in Belgrade had more than 50 murals, many of which were destroyed even though they were the work of renowned local and foreign artists. An event “Communication” was held in 1982, in organization of the Centre for Urban Development Planning of Belgrade (CEP), where for the first time, issue of murals as way of decorating facades in Belgrade was raised. In 1983 prof. Čedomir Vasić, with a group of students, submitted a map of 50 conceptual designs for the murals to mayor Bogdan Bogdanović, and the Council of the Belgrade Assembly in 1989 adopted the Operational Plan for the development of the city, which was the first official city document where facade painting is mentioned as a way of town arrangement. After that, murals were no longer „illegal“.

Značajnije oslikavanje organizovano je 1995-96. godine, kada su izvedena tri murala - jedan u Vasinoj ulici i dva u Srpskih vladara. Murale su oslikali Dušan Miljuš, koji je i organizovao oslikavanje, Čedomir Vasić i Danica Basta. Krajem 80-ih godina prošlog veka pojavili su se prvi murali koje su finansirale privatne kompanije: mural u Skadarliji i oslikavanje u novom bloku zgrada na Senjaku. Tokom 90ih je urađeno nekoliko murala, ali znatno manje nego u prethodnom periodu. Talas oslikavanja gradskih zidina pod uticajem grafita iz inostranstva zapljusnuo je grad sredinom devedesetih. Prvo se osetio francuski uticaj, jednostavna slova u dve boje, recimo crna u belom okviru. Otprilike tada, pojavili su se i antologijski grafiti „Kad ja tamo, a ono međutim” ili „Džaba ste krečili”. U to doba, pre interneta, izvor informacija i inspiracija o uličnoj umetnosti bili su časopisi. Sa stranica magazina na beogradske zidove preselio se i nemački „divlji” stil – trodimenzionalna slova koja naizgled izlaze u prostor. U poslednjoj deceniji beogradski majstori grafita i murala oslikavaju fasade širom sveta, a crtači iz inostranstva zidove našeg grada. Na fasadnim stranicama ulične bojanke prestonice danas dominiraju radovi dizajnera, arhitekata, kao i slikara u anonimnom strit art formatu

Significant painting was organized in 1995-96, when three murals were made - one in Vasina Street and two in St. Srpskih vladara. The murals were painted by Dušan Miljuš, who also organized the painting, Čedomir Vasić and Danica Basta. At the end of the 80s appeared the first murals funded by private companies: mural in Skadarlija and painting in a new building block in Senjak. During the 90‘s several murals were made, but significantly less than in the previous period. In the mid nineties, the wave of painting city walls under the influence of graffiti from abroad swept the city. First, there was French influence, simple letters in two colours, for example black in white frame. Around that time appeared anthology graffiti “Kad ja tamo, a ono međutim” or “Džabe ste krečili ”. At that time, before the Internet, the source of information and inspiration about street art were magazines. From the pages of magazines, German “wild” style - a threedimensional letters that seemingly come into space, moved on Belgrade walls. In the last decade, Belgrade masters of graffiti and murals are painting facades around the world, and artists from abroad decorate walls of our city. Nowadays, works of designers, architects, as well as painters in anonymous street format dominate the facade pages of street colouring book of the capital.

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U FOKUSU – In focus

„La Santa de Beograd“ Fasadu u Karađorđevoj 31, koja prva upada u oko kada se stiže brodom u beogradsku luku, prekriva 20 metara visok i osam metar širok mural „La Santa de Beograd“, koji pozdravlja putnike na ulasku u grad. Autor ovog murala je francuski umetnik Gijom Albi, poznatiji kao Remed. Budući da nikada pre nije bio u Beogradu, najpre je proučio istoriju grada i srpsku umetnost. Posebno su mu se svidele srednjovekovne freske i ikona Bogorodice Trojeručice. Tako je odlučio da Beogradu pokloni sveticu zaštitnicu čije brojne ruke i razaraju i čuvaju grad, te je mural nazvao „La Santa de Beograd“. Mural je urađen u crnobeloj tehnici, koju narušavaju samo dva zlatna predmeta. Između gospinih nogu leži zlatno raspuklo jaje, simbol života, iz koga raste kultura grada, dok je iznad njene glave zlatno sunce, koje simbolizuje život. U izradi ovog remek-dela Remed koristio je crni akrilik i najkvalitetniju belu boju, tako da će njegov anđeo još dugo čuvati Beograd. ”La Santa de Beograd“ Facade in Karadjordjeva 31, that first catches the eye when arriving by boat in the port of Belgrade, is covered by 20 meters high and 8 meters wide mural, „La Santa de Belgrade“ that welcomes travellers at the entrance to the city. Author of the murals of the French artist Guillaume Alby, aka Remed. Since he has never been in Belgrade before, he first studied the history of the city and Serbian art. In particular, he liked the medieval frescoes and icons of the Virgin with three hands. So he decided to give Belgrade a patron saint whose many hands both destroy and preserve the city, and titled the as “La Santa de Belgrade”. The mural is made in black and white, with only two gold items. Between the Lady‘s feet lies a golden cracked egg, a symbol of life, from which grows the culture of the city, while above her head is the golden sun, which symbolizes life. In making this masterpiece, Remed used the highest quality black and white acrylic colour, so his angel will protect Belgrade for a long time.


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U FOKUSU – In focus

“Grad koji je pojeo zelenilo“ Na fasadi zida u Pop Lukinoj 6, koji je okrenut ka Brankovoj ulici, zaklonjen malom benzinskom pumpom, nalazi se ogroman portret metropole koji proždire zelenilo. Ovaj mural nastao je u okviru projekta „Superzid“, (Belef 2009. godine). Autor je italijanski umetnik Blu, koji pod tim pseudonimom krije svoj identitet, dajući na taj način prednost umetnosti, a ne stvaraocu. Blu kao platno koristi građevine svetskih prestonica. Umesto četkice služi se valjkom montiranim na dugački štap. Ulje je zamenio bojom za fasade. Impresivna je lista gradova čije je zidove obojio svojim porukama. A jednu je ostavio i u Beogradu. Svi njegovi crteži liče, zato što su obojeni istom kritikom potrošačkog društva. Jedino se razlikuju po formi, jer prate arhitekturu zgrade, ističući tako jedinstvenost svakog mesta. Mural u Pop Lukinoj predstavlja negativan uticaj čovečanstva na prirodnu sredinu – to je ogroman ljudski lik koji umesto zuba ima zgrade i sprema se da u strašnu čeljust ubaci drvo, jedini obojeni detalj na crnobeloj slici.

“The town which ate greenery” On the facade wall in Pop Luka 6, facing the Brankova Street, hidden by a small gas station, there is a huge portrait of the metropolis devouring greenery. This mural was created as part of project “Super Wall” (Belef 2009). Author is an Italian artist Blu, who is using this pseudonym to hide his identity, giving the advantage to art, not artist. Blu is using buildings of world capitals as canvas. Instead of brushes, he is using a paint roller mounted on a long pole. He replaced oil with facade paint. The list of towns whose walls he painted with his messages is impressive. And he has left one in Belgrade as well. All his drawings resemble, because they are painted in the same critique of consumer society. They only differ in shape, because they follow the architecture of the building, highlighting the uniqueness of each city individually. Mural in Pop Luka Street represents the negative impact of humanity on the environment – it is a huge human figure that instead of teeth has the buildings and is about to put in his terrible jaw a tree, which is the only painted detail on a black and white picture.

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Vrhunska italijanska tkanina za proleće/leto 2017. Top quality Italian fabric for spring/summer 2017

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stetika ove modne linije proističe iz dubokog uvažavanja finoće italijanske veštine krojenja. Srdačan karakter, poznat njegovim mnogobrojim prijateljima, kao „Il Gagliardi“, impresioniran nonšalantnim stilom i elegancijom džentlmena koji su 50-ih godina prošlog veka koračali ulicama Rima, Firence, Milana i njegove rodne Valete, postao je inspiracija za brend.


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he aesthetics of this fashion brand emerges from the real aprreciations of fine Italian tailoring skills. Kind character, well known to its numerous friends as „Il Gagliardi“, impressed by its casual gentleman style and elegance who were walking down the streets of Rome, Florence, Milano and it’s Valletta in 1950’, had become an inspiration for the brand.


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Zadovoljavajuća i primamljiva, kolekcija otelotvoruje robustnost i snagu. Vrhunska italijanska tkanina čini “Gagliardijeve” City Product kategorije odela i košulja opčinjavajuće tkanine od imena kao što su Lanificio F.Iii Cerruti, Zegna, Loro Piana i Di Fabio. Meki na dodir, “Gagliardi” letnji sakoi su napravljeni od izabranog lana i svile, u kombinaciji sa vunom i pamukom. U nijansama navy, light stone i taupe, kao i sezonske raspberry, tangerine, caramel i royal blue, kolekcija predstavlja savršeno iskrojene sakoe, pantalone, šortseve i prsluke koje igraju na kartu prugastog krojačkog nasleđa klasičnog muškarca.

Pleasable and attractive collection embodies robustness and power. Top quality Italian fabric makes „Gagliardi‘s“ City Product category of suits and shirts fascinating fabrics such as Lanificio F.Iii Cerruti, Zegna, Loro Piana i Di Fabio. (Vrhunska italijanska tkanina čini “Gagliardijeve” City Product kategorije odela i košulja opčinjavajuće tkanine od imena kao što su …) Soft “Gagliardi’s” summer jackets are made of picked flax and silk, in combination with wool and cotton. Made in navy, light stone and taupe, as well as seasonal raspberry, tangerine, caramel and royal blue, this collection represents perfectly tailored jackets, pants, shorts and waistcoats based on stripped tailoring heritage of a classic man.


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

Magazine PUTOVANJA – Travel

“Eurojet” - top destinacije za savršen letnji odmor “Eurojet” – top destinations for a perfect summer vacation

Da li ste sebi već postavili pitanje kuda otputovati ovog leta? Nekad najbolji izbor nije tako daleko. Evropski kontinent ima sve - arhitekturu, hranu, muziku i prelepe plaže. Sadrži ponešto za svačiji ukus, pa je putovanje po evropskim zemljama svima preporučljivo jer se svašta može videti. Pošto se leto i odmori bliže, u ovom broju Magazina Real Estate kompanija “Eurojet” odabrala je za vas nekoliko sjajnih destinacija na kojima možete imati savršeni odmor. Nezavisno od toga da li ste ljubitelj malih i tihih mesta ili gradova za uzbudljivim noćnim životom, u Evropi možete pronaći odgovarajuće mesto za vas i vašu porodicu.

Have you already questioned yourself, where would you like to travel this summer? Sometimes, the best choice is not a faraway destination. European continent has it all – architecture, food, music and beautiful beaches. It contains something for everybody’s taste. For this reason, travelling around European countries is recommended, since there is a lot to see. As the summer and holidays season approaches, in this edition of Real Estate Magazine, “Eurojet” company has chosen several great destinations where you can spend a perfect vacation. No matter whether you like small and quite places or cities with exciting night life, in Europe you can always find an adequate place for you and your family.

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs



prelepih uvala na istoku i dugih peščanih plaža na severu i jugu Majorku čini ostrvom raznovrsnih uzavrelih dešavanja. Lepotu koju ovde osetite vratićete sa sobom kao dragocenu sadnicu koja će se primiti na vašem tlu i zato krenite na putovanje kroz čitavu Majorku.


ŠPANIJA KOSTA DORADA Oblast koja se prostire južno od Barselone u dužini od 216 km s pravom nosi svoje ime - Kosta Dorada (katalonski Costa Daurada) tj. „zlatna obala“. Odlikuju je duge peščane plaže, kristalno čisto more, katalonske planine koje se prostiru duž obale, blaga mediteranska klima koja omogućava prijatan boravak tokom cele godine, divni pejzaži i brojni kulturnoistorijski spomenici koji svedoče o brojnim civilizacijama koje su boravile na ovim prostorima. MAJORKA Obale sunca, peska i flamenka zovu da dođete i otvorite se za svet drugačiji od onog iz kojeg dolazite. Majorka se nalazi u Sredozemnom moru kao deo arhipelaga Balearskih ostrva, kojima između ostalih pripada i poznato ostrvo Ibica. Spoj prostranih borovih šuma, kamenih plaža na zapadu,


Prema legendi, šestog dana kada je Bog završavao stvaranje Zemlje, zadivljen lepotom koju je stvorio, uzeo je svet u ruke i poljubio ga. Mesto na kome je spustio usne bila je Sicilija. Italijani tvrde da je Sicilija „više od ostrva“ i kažu: „Kada vidite ovo mesto, otkrili ste ceo svet.“ Turisti koji letuju na Siciliji ne propuštaju priliku da posete Palermo, grad pun kontrasta, sa prelepim trgovima i katedralom, ali čiji siromašni kvartovi očigledno pokazuju naličje života ovog grada. Na mestu na kom strme litice planina tonu u more nalazi se najatraktivniji vulkan na svetu, Etna, visok 3.340 metara, sa oko 400 ugašenih i nekolicinom aktivnih kratera. KALABRIJA Italija je nadaleko poznata kao zemlja u obliku čizme, a Kalabrija je najzaslužnija za taj oblik, ona je sam „vrh čizme“ a ujedno je i regija sa najlepšim peščanim plažama od belog peska. One u kombinaciji sa tirkiznom bojom vode i autentičnim gradovima pružaju jedinstven doživljaj svim posetiocima. Predivna priroda, plaže od belog peska, prozirno i čisto more tirkizne boje koje zapljuskuje obale Kalabrije očaraće vas na prvi pogled. Cela regija je okružena vodama Tirenskog i Jonskog mora.

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SPAIN COSTA DAURADA This area which spreads south from Barcelona, 216 km in length, holds it name with a good reason – Costa Daurada or “Golden coast”. It is characterized by long sandy beaches, crystal clear sea, Catalonian mountains which spread along the coastline, soft Mediterranean climate, which enables a comfortable stay during the year, beautiful landscapes and numerous cultural and historical monuments witnessing numerous civilizations which inhabited this area in the past. MALLORCA Sunny, sand and flamenco coasts are calling you to come and open yourself for a world different that the one you come from. Mallorca is situated in the Mediterranean sea as a part of the archipelago of Balearic islands - famous island Ibiza is one of them. Combination of spacious pineapple woods, rocky beaches on the west, beautiful bays on the

east and long sandy beaches on the north and south, make Mallorca the island of various ebullient events. The beauty you see will be taken back as a valuable seedling which will grow in your land, and that’s the reason you should go for a trip through Mallorca.

ITALY SICILY According to legend, the sixth day when God ended the creation of the Earth, impressed by the beauty he created, he took the world in his hands and kissed it. The place he had put his lips at was Sicily. Italians claim that Sicily is “more than just island” and say: “Discovering Sicily, you discover the whole world”. Tourists who come to spend summer vacation in Sicily do not miss the chance to visit Palermo, the city of contrasts with gorgeous squares and cathedrals, but poor outskirts which obviously show the flipside of the city. At the point where steep mountain slopes sink into the sea, there is the most attractive volcano in the world, Etna, 3340 meters high, with about 400 inactive and several active craters. ITALY - CALABRIA Italy is well known as a boot shape country where Calabria is “a peak of the boot” and a region with the most beautiful white sand beaches. Combined with turquoise water and authentic cities, these beaches provide a unique experience to visitors. Beautiful nature, white sand beaches, transparent and clear turquoise sea splashing over the coasts of Calabria will charm you at first sight. The whole region is surrounded by waters of the Tyrrhenian and Ionian sea.

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs





Limnos ili Lemnos je vulkansko ostrvo u severnom delu Egejskog mora, smešteno na pola puta između poluostrva Halkidiki i turske obale.

Limnos or Lemnos is a volcano island in the north part of the Aegean sea, situated at half way to the semi-island Halkidiki and Turkish coast.

Krf je jedno od sedam jonskih ostrva, nalazi se na severu Jonskog mora, na ulazu u Jadran. Zbog blage klime i velike vlažnosti poznat je po smaragdnim uvalama, kristalno čistom moru, luksuznim hotelima, lepim plažama okruženim zelenilom i nepreglednim brdima obraslim maslinjacima. Ovo najjužnije ostrvo Grčke zapljuskuju tri mora: Libijsko, Egejsko i Kritsko, donoseći mediteransku klimu sa preko 300 sunčanih dana godišnje. Krit je čarobno, specifično mesto neiskvarene lepote.

Corfu is one of the seven Ionian islands, situated on the north of the Ionian sea, at the entrance to the Adriatic sea. Having a mild climate and high humidity level, it is well known by its emerald blue bays, crystal clear sea, luxury hotels, beautiful beaches surrounded with greenery and vast hills areas covered with olive trees. This is the southernmost island in Greece, splashed down by three seas: Libyan sea, Aegean sea and Crete sea, which provides Mediterranean climate with over 300 sunny days per year. Crete is a magic, specific place of wild beauty.

Samos je pretežno planinsko ostrvo i na njemu se nalaze najviši vrhovi Egejskog arhipelaga, Kerkis i Ambelos. Odlikuju ga bujna vegetacija, obilje šuma, zaliva, uvala i pretežno šljunkovitih plaža sa kristalno čistom vodom. Zbog toga su ga u antičko doba nazivali i ,,ostrvo čempresa”, ,,ostrvo jelki” i ,,cvetajuće’’. Zakintos ili Zante je treće po veličini ostrvo u Jonskom moru, a ujedno je jedno od najlepših, poznato po zaštićenoj vrsti kornjača, caretta caretta. Jedna od najpoznatijih plaža Mediterana i zaštitni znak ostrva je plaža Navagio, sa belim peskom, tirkiznim morem i olupinom broda. Duge, bele peščane plaže, modroplava voda Egeja, borove šume i vinogradi prave igru pejzaža i boja koje ostaju u najdubljim sećanjima. Klima Rodosa je mediteranska, sa 330 sunčanih dana godišnje, zbog čega je najveći biser Dodekaneza poznat kao “ostrvo sunca”. Obala ostrva nije mnogo razuđena. Ostrvo je brdovito, naročito u severnom delu, dok je jug najpitomiji. Klima na Skijatosu je sredozemna. Ostrvo je veoma šumovito (šume sredozemnog bora - pinara).


Samos is mostly a mountain island where highest peaks of the Aegean archipelago, Kerkis and Ambelos are placed. It is characterized by rich vegetation, plentitude of forests, bays, and mostly pebble beaches with crystal clear water. For this reason, during the ancient period, it was called “cypress island”, “fir island” or “blossom island”. Zakintos or Zante is the third island by length in the Ionian sea and at the same time, one of the most beautiful, well known by endangered species of turtles, caretta caretta. One of the most famous beaches of the Mediterranean and a trademark of the island is Navago beach, with white sand, turquoise sea and a ship wreck. Long, white sand beaches, blue water of the Ionian sea, pineapple woods and vineyards make a combination of landscapes and colors which remain in the deepest memory. Climate of the Rhodos is Mediterranean, with 330 sunny days per year. Because of this, the biggest pearl of Dodecanese is well known as a “sunny island”. The coastline of the island is not very ragged. The island is hilly, especially in the north part, whilst southern part is mostly gentile. Climate of the Skiatos is Mediterranean. The island is mostly forested (pineapple woods – pinars).

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REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs



„Beoflora” odlična hrana i raspoloženje “Beoflora” - Serving good mood and food Kompanija „Beoflora” osnovana je pre desetak godina, s ciljem poboljšanja i unapređenja tržišta Srbije širokim asortimanom posebno odgajanih proizvoda, prilagođenih savremenom tempu života. Ova kompanija uspešno proizvodi i prerađuje voće i povrće, koje se gaji pod posebnim uslovima, uz očuvanje vrhunskog kvaliteta proizvoda.

“Beoflora” company was founded 10 years ago, with the aim to improve and enhance Serbian markets with wide range of specially grown products, adapted to modern way of living. This company successfully produces and manufactures fruit and vegetables, grown under special conditions, preserving top quality of products.

Direktorku kompanije „Beoflora” i kompanije „Ultraflora” Helenu Ninković pitali smo zbog čega su se opredelili za proizvodnju bio-hrane.

We spoke to the director of “Beoflora” company and “Ultraflora” company Helena Ninkovic about reasons for choosing bio-food production.

Helena Ninković: Pre skoro deceniju počeli smo sa preradom povrća, da bismo 2012. godine kupili imanje u Sefkerinu na kome smo pokrenuli biološku proizvodnju. Hteli smo da potrošačima ponudimo nešto zdravo i da pokažemo da osim pekare i sendviča može da se pojede i nešto mnogo kvalitetnije. Cilj je bio da naši proizvodi budu vrhunskog kvaliteta koji mi sami kontrolišemo, a to je značilo isključivo i jedino pokrenuti biološku tj. organsku proizvodnju. Danas

Helena Ninkovic: We intended to offer healthy nutrition and to show that beside bakeries and sandwiches there is a much better choice of food. The aim was to make top quality products, under our own control which meant that we had to commence exclusively bio or organic production. Today, at the same place, we breed horses – lipicaner breed. Out of the solid manure of the horses, combined with other types of minerals, we produce top quality manure which results with top quality products. Beside, our horses are fed with high quality organic clover.


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na tom imanju gajimo i konje – lipicanere, od kojih, sa ostalom kombinacijom minerala, pravimo najkvalitetnije stajsko đubrivo koje i te kako utiče na kvalitet proizvoda. Uz to, naši konji se hrane najkvalitetnijom detelinom iz organske proizvodnje. Vi ste prvi počeli sa prodajom pakovanog povrća i salata. Kako ste došli na tu ideju? Helena Ninković: Pre deset godina na našem tržištu nije ni bilo pakovanih proizvoda, osim šampinjona. U rađanju celokupne ideje svakako je pomogao i moj boravak u Londonu, rad u „Tesku”, jednom od najvećih svetskih trgovinskih lanaca, koji je na odeljenju „fresh food” imao veoma razvijen program svežih salata i gotovih jela. Radila sam kao rukovodilac sektora „fresh food”, gde sam najveće ideje crpela iz bakine bašte, sa kojom sam gajila zdravo povrće. Naravno, rad u internacionalnoj kompaniji pomogao mi je da zaokružim svoju skoro definisanu ideju o sopstvenoj firmi. Tako je nastala „Beoflora”, koja je zauzela jedan novi segment tržišta – pakovano i pripremljeno povrće iz biološke proizvodnje. Promenili smo stil ishrane Beograđana, začeli jedan novi put proizvodnje i prilagodili proizvode stilu i načinu življenja. Sada naši proizvodi mogu da se nađu u svim maloprodajnim lancima u Srbiji, a naročito na teritoriji Beograda i Novog Sada. Otvorili ste i svoju prodavnicu. Koji je asortiman vaše radnje sem voća i povrća? Helena Ninković: Kroz višegodišnji rad sa proizvodnjom svežeg povrća, nastala je ideja da se potpuno posvetimo i drugim organskim proizvodima koji se koriste jednako kao i povrće u svakodnevnoj ishrani. Pre svega mislim na ulja, začine, žitarice, sireve, orašaste plodove i razne druge dodatke ishrani. Tako je nastala naša prodavnica pod nazivom „Flora”, koja se nalazi kod Vukovog spomenika. U našoj radnji svakodnevno prodajemo sveže voće i povrće iz našeg biološkog uzgoja sa cenama koje su znatno niže u odnosu na drugo sertifikovano povrće na tržištu. Koje su prednosti hrane iz biološkog uzgoja? Helena Ninković: Pre svega, to je povećana biološka vrednost proizvoda kroz veći sadržaj vitamina, minerala i hranljivih materija. Kada probate naše voće i povrće, osećate ukus dobrih starih vremena, kao iz bakine bašte. To je hrana bez GMO, veštačkih aditiva, pesticida i ostataka teških metala. Organski proizvodi nemaju emulgatore, veštačke boje, arome i pojačivače ukusa. Što se tiče hrane životinjskog porekla, tu nema antibiotika, regulatora rasta i sl. Međutim, organska proizvodnja nije jednostavna. Pored posvećenosti, znanja i veština, podrazumeva i domaćinsko upravljanje poljoprivrednim imanjem, upotrebu savremenih mašina, alata i odgovarajuće savremene tehnologije.

You were the first to start selling packed vegetables and salads. How did you come up with that idea? Helena Ninkovic: 10 years ago, our markets were lacking packed products, with the exception of mushrooms. This idea was supported by the fact that I have been living and working in London, in “Tesk” which is one of the biggest trade chains in the world, whose “fresh food” department had very well developed program of fresh salads and prepared meals. I have been engaged as a head of “fresh food” department. Most of the ideas were born in partnership with my grandmother, whit whom I have been growing our own garden with healthy vegetables. Naturally, work in the international company helped me to circle my well-defined idea about my own company. That is how “Beoflora” was founded and occupied a new segment of the markets – packed and prepared bio vegetables. We managed to change the nutrition of Belgrade residents and started a new way of production and adjusted products to the new living style. Today, our products can be found in all retail chains in Serbia, especially at the territory of Belgrade and Novi Sad. You have opened your own shop. What assortment other than fruits and vegetables you have? Helena Ninkovic: Through years of work with fresh fruit production, we decided to completely focus on other organic products which are equally used as vegetables in everyday

Ko su vaši potrošači? Helena Ninković: To su obični ljudi koji žele da konzumiraju zdravu i ukusnu hranu, da znaju da jedu kvalitetno i

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs



provereno. Uglavnom, to su zdravi ljudi koji svoje fizičko stanje žele da održavaju idealnim, ali i oni koji imaju neki problem i koji promenjenim načinom ishrane stvaraju fenomenalne rezultate u poboljšanju svog zdravlja. Naši kupci su i savremeni poslovni ljudi, mlade majke i domaćice, koje u uslovima ubrzanog tempa života i velikih obaveza imaju sve manje vremena za pripremanje zdravih i svežih namirnica. Za njih su idealni naši pakovani proizvodi koji su pažljivo sastavljeni od više različitih sastojaka, od kupusa i šargarepe, do rukole i radiča. Koji su vam planovi u narednom periodu? Helena Ninković: Želimo dalje da razvijamo biološku proizvodnju, proširimo maloprodajnu mrežu, edukujemo potrošače i pozitivno utičemo na svest ljudi o zdravoj ishrani. U planu je i razvoj novih proizvoda. U pitanju je nešto novo što je pogodno za omladinu, sportiste, ljude koji puno rade i izlažu se velikim fizičkim i psihičkim naporima. Nešto praktično, a pre svega zdravo. Veoma smo motivisani ovim čime se bavimo, uživamo u svom poslu i srećni smo što to možemo da podelimo sa drugim ljudima, zato što zdravlje nema alternativu.

nutrition. First of all, there are oils, spices, cereals, nuts and other nutrition additives. For this reason, we have opened the shop under the name “Flora” beside Vuk’s monument. In our shop, on a daily basis, we sell fresh fruits and vegetables from our bio gardens with prices much lower than other certified vegetables on the market. What are the advantages of bio food? Helena Ninkovic: First of all, it is a higher bio value of products that results from higher level of vitamins, minerals and nutrition matter. When you taste our fruits and vegetables, you feel the taste of good old times, as from granny’s garden. This is a GMOfree food, without artificial additives, pesticides and heavy metal leftovers. Organic products do not contain emulgators, artificial colors, aromas and taste amplifiers. In respect of food of animal origin, there are no antibiotics, growth regulators etc. However, organic production is not simple. Beside dedication, knowledge and skills, it implies the host management of agricultural goods, utilization of modern machines, tools and adequate modern technology. Who are your customers? Helena Ninkovic: They are ordinary people who want to consume healthy and tasty food and eat top quality and controlled products. Mostly, those are healthy people who tend to keep their ideal physical condition, but also those who have some problems and make exceptional results in respect of their health by changing their nutrition. Our customers are modern business people, young mothers and housewives, who are in a lack of time for preparing healthy and fresh foods. Our packed products composed of various components like cabbage and carrots, rocket and chicory, are ideal for that kind of people What are your plans for the next period? Helena Ninkovic: Our intention is to further develop our production, to broaden retail network, educate customers and positively raise the awareness on healthy food. There is a plan to develop some new products. It is about something new that is suitable for youth, athletes, people who work hard and undergo great physical and mental efforts. We are especially motivated by the things we do and we enjoy the work. We are happy to be able to share it with other people, since health has no alternative.


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Selekcija nekretnina / Finest Selection For rent For sale

WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Dedinje | office building for rent


Ovaj odlično pozicionirani objekat na 3 nivoa nudi budućim zakupcima svetao i funkcionalan poslovni prostor. Zgrada se nalazi na Dedinju, ima odličnu vezu sa autoputem kao i sa ostalim delovima grada. Sadrži kvalitetno opremljenu odvojenu kuhinju, velike kancelarije sa predivnim pogledom koje vam obezbeđuju udobno radno okruženje, 3 kupatila i toalet. Prednost ovog poslovnog objekta veliki parking u dvorištu.


This well-located building on 3 levels offers its future tenants bright and functional office space. The building is located in Dedinje area, has an excellent connection to the highway as well as with other parts of the city. It contains a wellequipped separate kitchen, large offices with a beautiful view that provide a comfortable working environment, 3 bathrooms and a toilet. The advantage of this office building is a big parking in the yard.

Površina / Size 400 m2 Sobe / Rooms 8.0

Kupatila / Baths 3

Cena / Price 4.000 EUR/ per month

Belgrade, New Belgrade | apartment for rent


Ovaj izuzetan stan na dva nivoa nalazi se u blizini Beogradske Arene. Prvi nivo obuhvata dnevni boravak sa kuhinjom i velikom trpezarijom, terasu i kupatilo. Na drugom nivou su četiri spavaće sobe, četiri kupatila i još jedan dnevni boravak. Staklo je veoma zastupljeno kao enterijersko rešenje, a sauna, jacuzzi i teretana dodatno upotpunjuju utisak luksuza i komfora koji ovaj stan pruža.


This exceptional apartment on two levels is located near Belgrade Arena. The first level includes a living room with kitchen and a dining area, a terrace and a bathroom. On the second level there are four bedrooms, four bathrooms and another living room. Glass is a very prominent feature in the interior design, and a sauna, a Jacuzzi and a gym further complement the impression of luxury and comfort that this apartment offers.

Površina / Size 300 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 4

Sobe / Rooms 5.0

Kupatila / Baths 4

Cena / Price 4.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:


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WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for rent


Veličanstven stan u srcu Vračara nalazi se odmah uz Hram Svetog Save. Stan se sastoji od velikog i veoma svetlog dnevnog boravka, moderne kuhinje sa trpezarijom sa ogromnim prozorima, jedne spavaće sobe, dva kupatila i garderobera. Ono što čini ovaj stan posebnim je prelepa prostrana terasa koja ima panoramski pogled na ceo grad.


This magnificent apartment is positioned in the heart of Vračar, just beside the Temple of Saint Sava. The apartment consists of a large and amazing living room which is full of light, a modern kitchen, a dining area with great windows, one bedroom, two bathrooms and wardrobe. What makes this apartment so special is a beautiful and wide terrace which has a stunning panoramic view of the entire city.

Površina / Size 101 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 1

Sobe / Rooms 2.0

Kupatila / Baths 2

Cena / Price 2.000 EUR

Belgrade, Dedinje | apartment for rent


Stan na odličnoj lokaciji na Dedinju, nedaleko od Američke abasade. Nedaleko od stana nalazi se nekoliko internacionalnih škola i vrtića, restorani i barovi kao i strana predstavništva. Stan je veoma svetao i prijatan i poseduje dve spavaće sobe, dnevni boravak koji je kompletno opremljen novim stvarima, kuhinju, kupatilo i dve terase. Ispred zgrade je jedno natkriveno parking mesto.


Apartment in a prime location in Dedinje, near the American Embassy. Not far from the apartment there are several international schools and kindergartens, restaurants and bars, as well as foreign missions. The apartment is very bright and pleasant and has two bedrooms, a living room that is fully equipped with new furniture, a kitchen, a bathroom and two terraces. In front of the building is a covered parking place.

Površina / Size 75 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2

Sobe / Rooms 3.0

Kupatila / Baths 1

Cena / Price 850 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | office space for rent


Ovaj stan, pogodan za poslovni prostor, je savršeno pozicioniran u Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra i nalazi se na prvom spratu zgrade. Osnovne karakteristike ovog stana su: dobar raspored, odlični završni radovi i mnogo prirodne svetlosti. Prostor uključuje tri kancelarije, dve terase, kupatilo, toalet i kuhinju. Odlična prilika da započnete ili proširite svoj biznis.


This property, suitable for office space, is perfectly located in Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra on the first floor of the building. The main characteristics of this apartment are good layout, excellent finishing works and lots of natural light. It includes 3 offices, two terraces, a bathroom, a toilet and a kitchen. An excellent opportunity to start or expand your business. Površina / Size 125 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 1

Sobe / Rooms 4.0

Kupatila / Baths 1

Cena / Price 1.500 EUR

Belgrade, Palilula | office space for rent


Odličan poslovni prostor od 200 m2 u centru grada na III nivoa. Prostor poseduje 2 ulaza, glavni mermerni ulaz iz Ilije Garašanina, kao i baštu od 100m2. Prvi nivo se sastoji od 4 kancelarije od kojih jedna ima 65 m2, i kupatila a sa ovog nivoa se izlazi na dvorište. Drugi nivo se sastoji od 3 kancelarije i terase. U suterenu je prostor koji se koristi kao kuhinja. Parking mesto je obezbeđeno ispred zgrade.


Excellent office space of 200 m2 in the city center on three levels. The space has 2 entrances where the main entrance in from Ilije Garašanina Str, and a 100 m2 big garden. The first level consists of 4 offices, one of which has 65 m2, and a bathroom and has an access to the yard. The second level consists of 3 offices and a terrace. A kitchen is located in the basement. There is a designated parking place in front of the building.

Površina / Size 200 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2

Sobe / Rooms 9.0

Kupatila / Baths 2

Cena / Price 1.500 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for rent


U centru grada, a opet skriven u miru ekskluzivne Krunske ulice nalazi se komotan, renoviran stan u kojem dominira industrijski dizajn. Odličan i veoma funkcionalan raspored garantuje udoban život. Stan se sastoji od dve spavaće sobe, prelepog kupatila, trpezarije, kuhinje i toaleta. Minimalistički dizajn naglašava veličinu prostora.


In the city center, and yet hidden in peaceful and exclusive Krunska street, lays this comfortable, renovated apartment which dominates with industrial design. Great and very functional layout guarantees comfortable life. The apartment consists of two bedrooms, a beautiful bathroom, a dining room, a kitchen and a toilet. Minimalistic design highlights the size of the space. Površina / Size 78 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2

Sobe / Rooms 3.0

Kupatila / Baths 1

Cena / Price 1.100 EUR

Belgrade, Dedinje | apartment for rent


Odličan stan u novoj zgradi u mirnom delu Dedinja. Izuzetno visok kvalitet završnih radova. Stan se sastoji iz velike dnevne sobe sa trpezarijom i izlazom na veliku natkrivenu terasu, tri zasebne spavaće sobe, kompletno opremljene kuhinje, kupatila sa termomasažnom kadom, toaletom i dve terase. U sklopu cene su podrum i parking mesto. Nedaleko od stana nalaze se mnogobrojni poznati restorani, trgovinski marketi, ambasade i Beli dvor.


Excellent apartment in a new building in a quiet part of Dedinje. Extremely high quality of finishing works. Consists of large living room with dining area and exit on the big covered terrace, three bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with a Jacuzzi and two terraces. As part of the price are the basement and parking place. Not far from the apartment are many famous restaurants, retail shops, Embassies and Beli Dvor.

Površina / Size 108 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3

Sobe / Rooms 4.0

Kupatila / Baths 1

Cena / Price 1.100 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for rent


Fantastičan stan od 95m2, nalazi se u mirnoj ulici na Vračaru. Karakteristike ove rezidencije, pored odličnog rasporeda su veliki prozori koji ispunjavaju prostor sa prirodnim svetlom, prelepa terasa koja je idealna za opuštanje i uživanje u gledanju zalaska sunca i izuzetan kvalitet svih završnih radova. Kombinacija prirodnih materijala i boja odaje utisak udobnosti. Zgrada je odlično održavana


An amazing 95 m2 big apartment situated in a peaceful street in Vračar area. Features that set this residence apart from other are excellent layout, big windows that flood the space with natural light, a beautiful terrace that is ideal for relaxation and enjoyment in watching the sunset and exquisite quality of all finishing works. The combination of natural materials and colors gives the impression of comfort. The building is maintained perfectly.

Površina / Size 95 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 4

Sobe / Rooms 5.0

Kupatila / Baths 3

Cena / Price 1.300 EUR

Belgrade, Dorćol | apartment for rent


Luksuzan i komforan stan u srcu Dorćola nalazi se u poslovnostambenoj zgradi na trećem spratu. U blizini je restorana, škola i na samo par minuta šetnje od centra Beograda. Stan je kompletno opremljen stilskim nameštajem po planu vrhunskog arhitekte. Sastoji se od dve spavaće sobe, prostranog dnevnog boravka sa trpezarijom, moderno opremljene kuhinje i velikog kupatila. U sklopu stana su tri lođe. Sigurnost zgrade je na visokom nivou, pored video nadzora prisutno je i obezbeđenje. Prelep enterijer kao što je ovaj je prava retkost na tržištu.


This luxurious and comfortable apartment in the heart of Dorćol is located on the 3rd floor of a mix-use building. Close to lots of restaurants, schools and only a couple of minutes’ walk from the city center. The apartment is modernly designed, fully furnished with stylish furniture by a distinguished architect. The apartment has two bedrooms, a large living room with a dining area, a modern, equipped kitchen, a big bathroom and three small terraces. The building has high level security, in addition to video surveillance there is a security guard. A beautiful interior like this one is a rarity on the market.


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

Površina / Size 80 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2

Sobe / Rooms 3.0

Kupatila / Baths 1

Cena / Price 1.200 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:

WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for rent


Veličanstvena nekretnina koja se nalazi na platou hrama Svetog Save, u samom srcu Vračara. Izdvojen od gradske buke i potpuno izložen suncu. Prostran dnevni boravak vizuelno podeljen u tri dela a iz njega možete pristupiti na dve terase. Master spavaća soba opremljena je sa velikim ugrađenim plakarom i ima luksuzno kupatilo sa tuš kabinom. Druga spavaća soba može da se koristi kao gostinjska ili radna. Zgrada ima reprezentativan ulaz, portirnicu koja radi 24h/7 i podzemnu garažu u kojoj je jedno mesto rezervisano za korisnike ove jedinstvene nekretnine.


Masterfully executed piece of property located on the St. Sava’s plateau, the very heart of Vračar. High above the city noise and perfectly exposed to the sunlight. Spacious living area is visually divided into three parts and from it you can access two terraces. Master bedroom is equipped with large built-in wardrobe and has the en-suite luxurious bathroom with rain shower. Second bedroom can be used for your guests or as a study. The building has a representative entrance, 24h working reception and underground garage where one place is reserved for the user of this one of a kind property.

Površina / Size 185 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2

Sobe / Rooms 3.0

Kupatila / Baths 2

Cena / Price 3.000 EUR

Belgrade, Palilula | office space for rent


Na raspolaganju su 4 veličine kancelarijskog prostora, 230 m2/270 m2/170 m2/50 m2. Ekonomičnost i produktivnost svih kancelarija su zagarantovani kroz opremljenost po najvišim standardima kvaliteta. Ove kancelarije nude vrhunski kvalitet opreme i komfora, najnižu potrošnju struje i operativnih troškova po m2, kao i minimalni add-on faktor. Objekat je obezbeđen 24/7 uz kontrolu pristupa, zaštitu od požara - prskalice, detektore dima, osvetljenje u slučaju opasnosti. Fokus je stavljen na potrebe korisnika fleksibilnim upravljanjem prostorima. Kancelarije su samo 5 minuta hoda udaljene od Knez Mihailove ulice i samo 15 minuta vožnje do Aerodroma. Povezanost sa javnim prevozom je odlična - linije 23, 37, 40, 41.


There are 3 sizes of office space available - 230 sqm / 270 sqm/170m2 / 50 sqm. Cost-effectiveness and productivity of all offices are guaranteed by the highest quality standards and equipment. These offices offers top quality equipment and comfort, the lowest power costs, lowest operating costs per sqm and also minimal add - on factor. The object is 24/7 secured with access controlled, with controlfire protection sprinklers, smoke detectors and emergency lighting. Focus is on customer needs provided by flexible space management. Offices are just 5 minutes walk away from Knez Mihailova Street and 15 minutes drive away from the Airport. There is an excellent public transport connection - lines - 23, 37, 40, 41 ...

Površina / Size 720 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3

Sobe / Rooms 5.0+

Kupatila / Baths 3

Cena / Price 12.5 EUR/m2 West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, New Belgrade | apartment for rent


Veoma luksuzan dupleks na najatraktivnijoj lokaciji na Novom Beogradu, blizu Ambasade Japana, hotela Falkensteiner i tržnog centra Merkator. Prvi nivo stana uključuje dnevnu sobu sa prostranom trpezarijom i izlaskom na terasu, kuhinju i gostinjski toalet. Na drugom nivou nalazi se veliko kupatilo sa kadom i tuš-kabinom, dve spavaće sobe sa garderoberima, a obe sobe imaju izlazak na veliku terasu sa koje se prostire prelepi pogled na Beograd. Stan je kompletno opremljen, a nameštaj je vrhunskog kvaliteta.


Extra luxury duplex apartment on the most attractive location in New Belgrade, near the Japanese Embassy, the Falkensteiner Hotel and Merkator shopping center. The first level of the apartment includes a living room with a large dining area and an access to the terrace, a kitchen and a guest toilet. On the second level there is a large bathroom with a bathtub and a shower, two bedrooms with wardrobes, both of which have access to a large terrace with a magnificent view of Belgrade. The apartment has highend finishings and high quality furniture.

Površina / Size 118 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2

Sobe / Rooms 3.0

Kupatila / Baths 2

Cena / Price 1.500 EUR

Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for rent


Veličanstven stan u srcu Vračara nalazi se odmah uz Hram Svetog Save. Stan se sastoji od velikog i veoma svetlog dnevnog boravka, moderne kuhinje sa trpezarijom sa ogromnim prozorima, jedne spavaće sobe, dva kupatila i garderobera. Ono što čini ovaj stan posebnim je prelepa prostrana terasa koja ima panoramski pogled na ceo grad koji će vas osvojiti.


This magnificent apartment is positioned in the heart of Vračar area just beside the Temple of Saint Sava. The apartment consists of an amazing, spacious living room which is full of light, modern kitchen and dining area with extra-large windows, one bedroom, two bathrooms and a walk-in wardrobe. What makes this apartment so special is a beautiful, wide terrace which has a stunning panoramic view of the entire city which will win you over.

Površina / Size 183 m2

Kancelarije / Offices 6

Sobe / Rooms 7.0

Kupatila / Baths 2

Cena / Price 2.100 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for rent


Poslovni prostor za izdavanje u centru grada, nedaleko od Narodne skupštine. Poslovni prostor poseduje 5 manjih kancelarija, jednu veliku kancelariju, prostran prijemni deo, dva toaleta i kuhinju. Veoma komforan, svetao i topao prostor, koji se lako može prilagoditi potrebama budućih zakupaca.


Office space in the city center for rent, located close to the National Assembly building. The office space has 5 small offices, one large office, spacious reception area, two toilets and a kitchen. The space is very comfortable, bright and warm, and can be easily adapted to meet the requirements of its future tenant. Površina / Size 130 m2

Kancelarije / Offices 3

Sobe / Rooms 5.0

Kupatila / Baths 2

Cena / Price 2.000 EUR

Belgrade, New Belgrade | office space for rent


Ovaj odličan novoizgrađeni četvorospratni poslovni prostor u centralnom delu Novog Beograda, preko puta hotela Hyatt, nalazi se na poslednjem spratu velelepnog zdanja sa lakim pristupom svim ključnim beogradskim mostovima i autoputu. Potpuno opremljen prostor sa odličnim dizajnom enterijera koji uključuje gipsane zidove, visoke plafone, svetiljke, tepihe i funkcije kao što su centralno grejanje / hlađenje, alarmni sistem, kontrolisan pristup, interfon i video nadzor. Pored čuvara I obezbeđenja, zgrada nudi I garažna mesta koja su rezervisana za buduću stanara.


This excellent newly built four-level office space in the main New Belgrade district, across Hyatt Hotel, located on the top floor of magnificent building with easy access to all key Belgrade bridges and highway. It is fully furnished space with excellent interior design that includes concrete and gypsum walls, high ceiling, light fixtures, carpets and features such as central city heating/cooling, alarm system, controlled access, intercom and video surveillance. Beside the security guard building offers garage places that are reserved for the future tenant.

Površina / Size 460 m2


Sobe / Rooms 8.0

Kupatila / Baths 3


Cena / Price 15 EUR/m2 West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:

REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for sale


Ovaj odličan stan se nalazi u jednom od najtraženijih delova grada, u neposrednoj blizini Hrama Svetog Save. Stan je luksuzan, sa odličnim kvalitetom završnih radova i moderno uređen. Sastoji se od dnevne sobe sa trpezarijom, odvojene kuhinje, dve spavaće sobe, dva kupatila, jednog toaleta i dve terase. Na raspolaganju je i jedno garažno mesto u podzemnoj garaži.


This excellent apartment is located in one of the most wanted parts of the city, close to Saint Sava Temple. It is a luxury apartment, with excellent finishing works and modern interior. It consists of a living room with a dining area, a kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a toilet and 2 terraces. There is also a designated parking place in the underground garage.

Površina / Size 110 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2

Sobe / Rooms 3.0

Kupatila / Baths 2

Cena / Price 230.000 EUR

Belgrade, Dorćol | apartment for sale


Garsonjera na 7. spratu sa prelepim pogledom na Dunav i donji Dorćol. Nalazi se u modernoj zgradi sa dva lifta i portirnicom. Stan je potpuno opremljen, sa lepim detaljima i pogodan je kao investicija za dnevno iznajmljivanje.


Studio on the 7th floor with beautiful views of the Danube River and lower part of Dorćol. It is located in a modern building with two lifts and a reception desk. The apartment is fully equipped with special attention to detail and it is suitable as an investment for daily rent.

Površina / Size 33 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 0

Sobe / Rooms 1.0

Kupatila / Baths 1

Cena / Price 79.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Dedinje | apartment for sale


Veoma prijatan, kompletno renoviran stan u mirnom delu grada, okruženom zelenilom i parkovima. Stan poseduje dnevnu sobu sa izlazom na prostranu terasu, trpezariju sa izlazom na lodju, zasebnu kuhinju sa ostavom, garderober sobu, jednu veliku i dve manje spavace sobe, toalet i kupatilo. Stan je uknjižen na 94,4 m2 ali realna površina je 99 m2.


Beautiful, fully renovated apartment in a peaceful part of town, surrounded by greenery and parks. The apartment has a living room with an access to a large terrace, dining room with an access to the balcony, separate kitchen with pantry, walk-in wardrobe, one big and two smaller bedrooms, a toilet and a bathroom. The apartment is registered in the cadaster as 94.4 m2 big but the real size is 99 m2.

Površina / Size 94 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3

Sobe / Rooms 4.0

Kupatila / Baths 1

Cena / Price 180.000 EUR

Belgrade, Zvezdara | apartment for sale


Izuzetno moderan, nov stan u zgradi završenoj krajem 2016. godine. Stan se prodaje kompletno opremljen kvalitetnim nameštajem od medijapana urađenim po meri. Sastoji od dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, dve spavaće sobe, dva kupatila i terase. Pripadajuće garažno mesto se nalazi u podzemnoj garaži.


Very modern, new apartment in a building completed in 2016. The apartment is fully equipped with quality custom made furniture made from medium density fiber. It consists of a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a terrace. The designated garage place is located in an underground garage. Površina / Size 70 m2

Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2

Sobe / Rooms 3.0

Kupatila / Baths 2

Cena / Price 147.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Dedinje | for sale



Okružen bogatim zelenilom u mirnoj, elitnoj četvrti, Ambassador Park Dedinje nudi stanove raspoređene u tri lamele, uključujući ateljee, tipske četvorosobne stanove i luksuzne penthouse u dva nivoa. Broj i pozicija spavaćih soba, kupatilo za svaku spavaću sobu, odvojena tehnička soba, prostrane terase, fizičko i elektronsko obezbeđenje, video-nadzor kompleksa, podzemna garaža sa pripadajućim parking mestima i ostavama… sve je posvećeno premijum kvalitetu života i funkcionalnosti koja prati Ambassador Park Dedinje stil i ekskluzivnost. Stambene jedinice su uknjižene i prodaju se bez završnih radova. Raspoloživi stanovi: suteren 94 m2, 104 m2, 107 m2, 124 m2, 126 m2, 139 m2; visoko prizemlje 231 m2, 245 m2, 284 m2; I sprat 252 m2, 259 m2; II sprat 252 m2, 267 m2; III i povučeni sprat 371 m2, 404 m2, 867 m2. Available apartments: low-ground floor 94 m2, 104 m2, 107 m2, 124 m2, 126 m2, 139 m2; high-ground floor 231 m2, 245 m2, 284 m2; 1st floor 252 m2, 259 m2, 2nd floor 252 m2, 267 m2; 3rd and attic floor 371 m2, 404 m2, 867 m2.


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

Enclosed in lush greenery in a peaceful, elite district, Ambassador Park Dedinje offers residential units for sale in 3 buildings, including ateliers, regular three bedroom apartments and luxury two-level penthouses. The number and positions of bedrooms, a bathroom for each bedroom, separate technical rooms, spacious terraces, central vacuum cleaner, physical and electronic security, video surveillance of the complex, underground garages with designated parking places and storage units… all is dedicated to the premium quality of life and functionality that matches Ambassador Park Dedinje style and exclusiveness. The units are registered in the cadaster and are offered, without the finishing works.

Cena / Price od / from 145.000 EUR do / to 2.090.000 EUR plus pripadajući porez / plus applicable tax West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:

WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for sale



Brand new building in the epicenter of Vracar, the location where one can feel the mix of the days past and the urban rhythm of Belgrade of today. With innovate floor plans, apartments maximize the use of space. All apartments combine the five-star standard quality with pleasant warm impression of the home.

Potpuno nova zgrada nalazi se u epicentru Vračara u kom se možda i najviše oseća ona neobična mešavina duha nekih prošlih vremena i urbanog ritma Beograda danas. Primenom inovativne organizacije prostora, stanovi pružaju maksimalnu iskorišćenost prostora. U stanovima se kombinuju materijali po standardu od pet zvezdica koji pružaju toplinu i utisak doma. Raspoloživi stanovi: visoko prizemlje 46,05 m2, 84,40 m2; I sprat 83,89 m2, 84,31 m2; II sprat 84,31 m2 Available apartments: high-ground floor 46.05 m2, 84.40 m2; 1st floor 83.89 m2, 84.31 m2; 2nd floor 84.31 m2

Cena / Price 2600 EUR/m2 sa PDV-om / VAT included Garažno mesto / Parking place 15.000 EUR sa PDV-om / with VAT included

West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Zvezdara | for sale



Predstavljamo vam ekskluzivnu tek završenu zgradu, koja vam nudi jedinstvenu priliku da se svako jutro budite uz panoramski pogled na grad. Locirana je na jednom od glavnih beogradskih bulevara, gde ćete biti na par koraka udaljenosti od svih sadržaja koji su vam potrebni u toku dana, kafića, prodavnica, pekara, butika. U Izgradnji su korišćeni najkvalitetniji materijali i prelepi detalji. Raspoloživi stanovi: II sprat 84 m2; IV sprat 79 m2; V sprat 84 m2, 100 m2 Available apartments: 2nd floor 84 m2; 4th floor 79 m2; 5th floor 84 m2, 100 m2

We present you this exclusive brand new building which offers you the unique opportunity to wake up each morning with a panoramic view of the city. Located on one of the mail Belgrade boulevard, you will be just a few steps away from all the things what you need in your everyday life: caffees, grocery shops, bakeries, butiques... Top quality materials and gorgeous details were used in the construction of this building.

Cena / Price 2100 EUR/m2 sa PDV-om / with VAT included Garažno mesto / Parking place 15.000 EUR sa PDV-om / with VAT included

West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:


R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ma j 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs

WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for sale


Iskoristite jedinstvenu priliku da kupite stan u ekskluzivnoj zgradi na Vračaru sa prelepim pogledom i visokim kvalitetom završnih radova. Poseban trud uložen je u VI i VII sprat koji imaju velike staklene površine, podno grejanje i divne terase. Fasada je u urađena u kombinaciji kamena i drveta, sa akrilnim bojama otpornim na vremenske uslove. Raspoloživi stanovi: I sprat 44 m2, II sprat 73 m2, IV sprat 73 m2, VI sprat 56 m2, VII sprat 83 m2, 90 m2 Available apartments: 1st floor 44 m2, 2nd floor 73 m2, 3rd floor 73 m2, 6th floor 56 m2, 7th floor 83 m2, 90 m2


Use this unique opportunity to buy an apartment in an exclusive building in Vracar with a great view and high quality finishing works. Extra effort was put into 6th and 7th floor which have big glass surfaces, floor heating and beautiful terraces. The façade is a combination of stone and wood, with acrylic paint resistible to all weather conditions.

Cena / Price 2.100 – 2.300 EUR/m2

West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magazin | Maj 2 0 1 7 | w w w.realest at e- magazin . rs


WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Vrnjačka Banja | for sale



„PEGAZ“ je kompleks luksuznih apartmana kategorisanih sa četiri zvezdice a koji se nalaze se na 300 m od centralne parkovske zone Vrnjačke Banje. U neposrednoj blizini su Sportski centra „Raj“, teniski i fudbalski tereni, autobuska stanice koja je odvojena zaštitnim zelenim pojasom a planirana je i izgradnja Aqua Parka.

„PEGAZ“ is a complex of luxury apartments with 4 stars which are located 300 m from the central park area of​​ Vrnjacka Banja. In the vicinity are the sports center “Raj“, tennis and football fields, bus station which is separated with a protective green belt and the construction of aqua park is also planned.


Coming Soon…

West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:


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WEST PROPERTIES d.o.o. Baba Višnjina 38 | 11000 Beograd, Srbija | Reg. br. 416 + 381 11 32 43 274 |

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