Your key to the right property!
Boris Podreka,
čovek koji zamišlja i gradi Boris Podrecca a man who imagines and builds
SVET NEKRETNINA World of Real Estate
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SADRŽAJ | Content 06 |
Od atraktivnih nekretnina, preko mode i umetnosti, gastronomije, putovanja, do arhitekture, dizajna i prestižnih brendova, Real ESTATE Magazin pokriva mnoge aspekte životnog stila. From attractive properties, through fashion and art, gastronomy, travel, to architecture, design and prestigious brands, Real ESTATE Magazine covers many aspects of lifestyle. GLAVNI I ODGOVORNI UREDNIK | EDITOR – IN – CHIEF Jelena Kovačević, M.Sc
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Boris Podreka, arhitekta Man who imagine and builds Boris Podrecca, architect
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DINAMIKA IZLAŽENJA | FREQUENCY OF PUBLICATION četiri puta godišnje | four times a year
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FOTO NASLOVNA | COVER PHOTO KARE Studio Izdavač ne odgovara za sadržaj objavljenih oglasa. Publisher is not responsible for the content of published advertisements.
Prva dama u svetu građevinskih materijala Melanija Pavlović, Baumit
Individualni pristup svakom klijentu Vladimir Vukićević, West Properties
Individual approach to the each client
28 |
Skoro dva veka uspešnih investicija Christoph Czettl, Grawe
Almost two centuries of successful investments in real estate
36 |
IZDAVAČ | PUBLISHER West Properties d.o.o Karađorđeva 89, Beograd, Srbija ŠTAMPA | PRINTING Rotografika doo, Segedinski put 72, Subotica
Energoprojekt, Vladimir Milovanović
First Lady in the World of Building Materials
65 godina uspeha 65 years of success
Čovek koji zamišlja i gradi
Modularni nameštaj uklapa sve vaše potrebe bilo kod kuće ili u kancelariji Offix
Modular Furniture fits all your needs be it at home or at the office
46 |
Umetnost merenja vremena Marko Petrović
The Art Of Measuring Time
52 |
Potraga za predivnim ukusima kao životna pasija Saporibelli
The quest for beautiful flavors, as a life passion Andrea Gallon, Siniša Ljubojević CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 659 REAL Estate magazin : magazin o svetu nekretnina / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Kovačević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2016) . - Beograd : West Properties, 2016- ( Subotica : Rotografika ). - 30 cm Tromesečno. - Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku. ISSN 2466-4170 = Real Estate magazin COBISS.SR-ID 222705932
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UVODNA REČ | Introduction
Najčešće je ta prva ljubav uobičajena, skromna i mala. Otprilike veličine 40-ak kvadrata. Mala svakodnevna tvrđava čiji „pedigre” nije ono što može da zarobi svako srce. Često je baš taj jednosoban stan, zbog kog neko srce zadrhti, čija je cena zakupa razumna i povoljna, pun raznih nedostataka. Dvorište zgrade je toliko uzano da u njemu jedva stanu jedna klupa i dva stabla, komšije su previše bučne, nema dovoljno parking mesta i sl. Pa ipak, čak i ovakav stan ostane nečiji san i ljubav godinama.
Cammon, this is the usual first love, modest and small. About the size of about 40 square meters. Small daily fortress, whose „pedigree“ is not what you can capture every heart. However, what is extraordinary about this is that this one-bedroom apartment, for which a heart trembles, and you do not have to pay unreasonable amounts of money, sometimes full of shortcomings. The yard is so narrow that it barely fit a bench and two trees, the neighbors are too noisy, not enough parking places, and so on. Yet even this apartment remains someone‘s dream and love for years.
e postoji ništa slično prvoj ljubavi. Neko se nikada ne oporavi od nje, bez obzira na to koliko dobro ili kako se tužno ona završi... san o njoj se zadržava negde unutra. Ponekad, barem na prvi pogled, ta ljubav može da izgleda kao neočekivani izbor.
here’s nothing like first love. It’s just as they say, you never really recover from it, no matter how good or how torturous the ending… the dream lingers somewhere inside. Mine, at first glance, might seem an unexpected choice, especially around here.
Prva ljubav
Odakle ta ljubav? Većina koren te povezanosti nalazi u savršenoj lokaciji pored reke ili neobičnom komšiluku, simpatičnim radnjama u blizini, malim parkovima, plaži, kamenim zidovima i sl. Ipak, tu postoji nešto više.
Svi smo mi na neki način vezani za svoje domove, i tu nema pomoći. To je prosto u čoveku, u našoj prirodi. Ne verujete mi? Pitajte nekog posrednika u prometu nekretnina. Koliko je samo njih klijentima predstavilo savršenu kuću, odličnu priliku, moderno opremljenu, sa uređenim dvorištem, idealnom lokacijom, velikom školom u blizini... pa su ipak čuli: „Da, ali postoji nešto posebno u onoj drugoj kući, u onom drugom stanu.“ Logika ima svoje mesto u prometu nekretnina, tačno jedan korak iza sirovih emocija. Svi želimo ono što želimo. A zašto i ne bismo? Toliko se važnih, životnih trenutaka događa u našim domovima. To je mesto u kom ćemo spustiti svoje torbe na kraju dana, gde će nas dočekati naši najdraži, gde spavamo, gde dočekujemo prijatelje i obeležavamo brojne trenutke sa porodicom. Ponekad imamo utisak da naše kuće samo što ne razgovaraju sa nama. U stvari, mi romantičari iz sveta nekretnina smatramo da se tu radi o nalaženju savršenog partnera, koga kada nađemo treba da čuvamo i čvrsto držimo.
First Love
So, where it comes from this love? Most root of these connections is in its perfect location next to the river and unusual neighborhood, charming shops nearby, small parks, beach, stone walls, and the like. We were all linked to our homes, and there is no help. It’s just how people are built. Do not believe me? Ask a Real Estate Agents. How many agents have presented the perfect house, a great opportunity, new appliances, fully landscaped level yard, perfect location, near the great schools … but they still heard „Yes, but there is something special in the other house, in the other apartment“? Logic has its place real estate transactions: exactly one step behind the raw emotion. We all want what we want. And why not? There are so many moments in life happens in our homes. This is the place where we put down our bags at the end of the day, where we will be greeted by our love ones, where we sleep, where we meet friends and celebrate many life moments with family. If only our houses could speak to us. We real estate romantics think it is about finding the perfect partner, when we find out who should hold on tight.
By Jelena Kovačević. M.Sc
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Boris Podreka, čovek koji zamišlja i gradi Boris Podrecca, man who imagine and builds
oris Podreka jedan je od najcenjenijih i najboljih evropskih arhitekata, projektant i graditelj fantastičnih trgova i maštovitih zgrada u srednjoj Evropi. Slavu su mu doneli upravo trgovi, javni prostori namenjeni komunikaciji i boravku građana. Njegovo ime i dela svrstana su među najslavnija u svetu. Boris Podreka rođen je u Beogradu, a odrastao u Trstu, gde je u ranim godinama počeo da se bavi slikarstvom uz mentora Avgusta Černigoja, člana Bauhausa. Studirao je skulpturu u Beču, gde je kasnije završio i arhitekturu. Živi i radi u Beču.
oris Podrecca is one of the most respected and best European architects, designer and builder of fantastic squares and imaginative buildings in Central Europe. Squares, public spaces designed to communicate and stay of citizens earned him fame. His name and works are classified among the most famous in the world. Boris Podrecca was born in Belgrade but grew up in Trieste, where in the early years began to paint with a mentor Augusto Černigoj, a member of the Bauhaus. He studied sculpture in Vienna, where he graduated architecture. He lives and works in Vienna.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Počeli ste kao vajar. Šta je presudilo da se preorijentišete na arhitekturu?
elasticity of language architecture. In that New , Third, that „I“ stand in, both behind and in front of the things.
Boris Podreka: Počeo sam sa skulpturama, ali nakon izvesnog vremena počeo je da me zanima vazduh, rastojanje između objekata. To znači da otkrivam prostor sa svim mogućim poljima naboja između pojedinih objekata. Životni prostor moramo zaštititi od vremena, napraviti postolje na kom se čovek kreće. Tako sam došao do arhitekture. Ali u poslednje vreme se vraća ta prvobitna želja za plastičnim, za mišićima, videćemo gde će nas odvesti to putovanje.
Ko je najviše uticao na vaš rad, vaše shvatanje arhitekture, formiranje poetike…?
You started as a sculptor. What was the reason for the transition on the architecture? Boris Podreka: I started with sculptures, but after a while, I began to be interested in air, the distance between the objects. This means, I find a space with all possible fields of charges between some objects. The living area must be protected from the weather, therefore, making a stand in which the man is moving. In this way I came to the architecture. But lately is coming back this primordial desire for plastic, for muscles, we‘ll see where it will take us that journey. Često za sebe kažete da ste „iza stvari i simultano ispred stvari“ u svojoj komunikaciji sa gradom. Možete li nam to malo pojasniti? Boris Podreka: Radi se, da se tako izrazim, o paralelnoj radnji. Moj afektivni prostor, u kom mogu u prvom redu da dođem do izražaja kao arhitekta, jeste prostor srednje Evrope koji je strukturisan izuzetno polifono i polihrono. To znači da, pošto se moji radovi u većini slučajeva sastoje od spoja starog i novog u najrazličitijim kulturnim miljeima, ja ne mogu da agiram sa previše subjektivnim jezikom. Inače bih bio onaj tipični jednodimenzionalni arhitekta turbokapitalističkog brenda. Teorija i istorija jedinstvenih mesta moraju da budu iznova uređene, ako treba popravljene, kako bi sačuvale identitet mesta i pojačale ga. Radi se o arhikulturi, dakle o više nego o samoj arhitekturi. Za ovaj transfer u trenutno vreme potreban je elasticitet jezika arhitekture. U tom Novom, Trećem, ono Ja stoji kako iza, tako i ispred stvari.
Boris Podreka: Pre svega to su bile arhitekte za koje sam mogao da uradim velike izložbe, kao što su Jože Plečnik u Pompidu centru, Adolf Loz, takođe u Parizu, Karlo Skarpa u Akademiji u Veneciji, Maks Fabijani u Beču i Fridrih Kizler u Beču i Njujorku. I, iako sam Mediteranac, na mene je trag ostavilo ono esencijalno, diskretno i nepatetično, od nordijske arhitekture od Asplunda, Leverenca, ali i od Altoa i Utkona. Moj profesor u Trstu, slikar Avgust Černigoj, učenik Bauhausa - Kandinskog i Moholi-Nagija, u mene je ubrizgao virus umetnosti, a kasnije je to bilo prijateljstvo sa Zoranom Mušičem, iz kog sam mnogo toga upio, što mi je pomoglo u arhitekturi. Who had the most influence on your work, on your understanding of architecture, forming your poetics ...? Boris Podreka: First of all these were the architects for whom I could do major exhibitions, such as Jože Plečnik in the Centre Pompidou, Adolf Loos also in Paris, Carlo Scarpa in the Accademia in Venice, Maks Fabiani (Max Fabiani) in Vienna Friedrich Kiesler in Vienna and New York. Although I am Mediterranean, the most essential trace, left on me, is discreet and non-pathetic of Nordic architecture of Asplund,
You often say for yourself that you are „behind the things and simultaneously in front of the things“ in your communication with the city. Could you clarify that a little? Boris Podreka: It is about, so to speak, parallel action. My affective space where I can, in the first place to come to the fore as an architect, is the area of Central Europe, which is structured, extremely Polyphonyc and Polychronic. This means that since my work in most cases consist of a connection between the old and the new in various cultural contexts, I can not play with too subjective language. Otherwise, I would be a typical one-dimensional architect of turbo - capitalist brand. Theory and history of unique places must be re-arranged, if necessary revised, in order to preserve the identity of the city and reinforce it. It is about archiculture, therefore, more than about the architecture. For this transfer to the current time is required because the
Boris Podreka
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
bili su Pijaca Tartini u Piranu, Glavni trg u Leobenu u Austriji, Grisplac u Gracu, Glavni trg u Klagenfurtu, Praterštern u Beču, Vija Macini u Veroni i trgovi u Kormonsu, Ženevi, Limožu itd.… Koliko su za vas ovi projekti aktuelni i kompleksni? Boris Podreka: Pravljenje prostora je specifičan rad arhitekte, koji se izražava u ekstrovertnosti miljea, a ne u introvertnosti objekta. Pravljenje javnog prostora bilo je potpuno zapostavljeno u ranoj moderni, a danas se najčešće pojavljuje kao tržni centar ili kao prodajni prostor na otvorenom. I u školama arhitekture, kao što je na nedavnom velikom konkursu za javni prostor za Beograd (gde se nadamo da ćemo takođe dati svoj doprinos) postalo očigledno, ova tema je zanemarena. Upravo u tom vremenu, gde u potpunoj samoći svog sobička, putem informacione tehnologije i digitalizacije možemo da komuniciramo sa transokeanskim svetom, ponovo nastaje potreba za komunikacijom licem u lice (face-to-face) nakon taktilnih komponenti u njihovom susretu. Radi se o stvaranju jednog novog civitas, koji je ispunjen značajnim sastavnim delovima života, a ne sastoji se od zbira različitih brendova. Pošto sam u Trstu takoreći odrastao na ulici, a moj stvarni dom služio je samo da jedem i spavam, eros javnog prostora me je uvek pratio i kroz to iskustvo krenuo sam u potragu za jednom suprotnošću od uniformisane globalizacije. So far, in your working life, you have made over 33 public spaces in 8 European countries. Some of your projects were Piazza Tartini in Piran, Main Square of Leoben in Austria, Griesplatz in Graz, main square in Klagenfurt, Praterstern in Vienna, Via Mazzini in Verona and squares in Cormons, Geneva, etc. Limoges. . ... How are these projects to you actual and complex?
Lewerentz, but also from Alto and Utzon. My professor in Trieste, painter Augusto Černigoj, a pupil of the Bauhaus Kandinsky and Moholy Nagy, injected in me the virus of art, and later it was a friendship with Zoran Music, from who I absorbed a lot, that helped me in architecture. Do sada ste u svom radnom veku napravili preko 33 javna prostora u osam evropskih zemalja. Neki od vaših projekata
Boris Podreka: Creating space is a specific work of architect, which is expressed in a milieu of extraversion, and not in the introversion of a building. Creating a public space was completely neglected in the early modern period, and today most often appears as a shopping center or retail space in the open. And in the schools of architecture, such as in the recent competition for a large public space for Belgrade, where we hope that we will also make a contribution, it became apparent, this topic is neglected. Exactly at that time, where in complete solitude of a tiny room, through the digitization of information technology we can communicate with the transoceanic world, again creates need for a communication „face to face“, after the tangible components in their encounter. It‘s about creating a new Civitas, which is filled with important ingredients of life, and does not consist of the sum of different brands. Since I grew up in Trieste, practically on the street and my real home served only to eat and sleep, Eros of a public space has always followed me, and through that experience I started looking for the opposite of a uniform globalization. Često putujete. Da li inspiraciju pronalazite na različitim destinacijama? Boris Podreka: Svako putovanje je za jednog arhitektu studijsko putovanje. Da nisam postao arhitekta, danas bih verovatno bio antropolog ili etnolog. Putovanje je uvek istovremeno saznanje i čežnja, stoga slika sveta. Iz ugla
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
jednog arhitekte kroz putovanje nastaje obuhvatan i širok univerzum, gde je moguće izgraditi sva moguća čula. Ja sam već video dosta toga na četiri kontinenta, da ću to svakako teško moći da obradim. Ponekad letim i do četiri puta mesečno i moram da pazim da rutina putovanja ne protera radoznalost. You travel often. Do you find inspiration on these different destinations? Boris Podreka: Travelling is, for an architect, every time the study tour. If I had not become an architect, today I would probably be an anthropologist or ethnologist. The journey is always at the same time knowing and desire, therefore, the image of the world. From the perspective of an architect through the traveling occurs a comprehensive and wide universe, where it is possible to build all possible senses. I‘ve already seen a lot on four continents, it will certainly be difficult to be able to process. Sometimes I fly up to four times a month back and forth, and I have to be careful that routine journey does not expel the curiosity. Na kojim još projektima radite? Boris Podreka: Naš najveći projekat, verovatno trenutno najveći u Austriji, jeste Poslovni centar „Unikredit banke Austrije“, koji nastaje u Beču, između Dunava i starog dela grada, na prostoru oko stare železničke stanice koja se više ne koristi, a gde su nekada silazili revolucionari kao što su Staljin, Tito i Buharin. Građevinski radovi za ovaj mali grad u gradu, koji će pored poslovnih zgrada sa kancelarijama imati hotel, vrtić, zdravstveni centar, radnje i viseće vrtove kao vezu partnerstva sa Šubertovom „Bečkom šumom“, započeti su i biće okončani 2018. godine. U septembru će biti završena rekonstrukcija Doma-muzeja, koji se nalazi pored katedrale Sv. Stefana, takođe u Beču. U južnom delu Beča radimo na jednom velikom stambenom projektu. I u Italiji, gde smo češće prisutni i gde u Veneciji takođe držimo atelje, postoje tri projekta koja su blizu završetka: u Napulju podvodna petospratna kutija sa stanicom metroa i pravljenjem prostora iznad zemlje, u Milanu crkva sa školom i parohijskim domom blizu prostora za izložbe ( EXPO) i u Meranu Alto Adiđe, višefunkcionalni poslovno-stambeni objekat. Takođe u Alto Adiđe regiji u Bozenu osvojili smo veliko međunarodno takmičenje za predeo oko železničke stanice i nadamo se da će gradilište koje je planirano na 47 hektara uskoro biti pokrenuto. U Zadru planiramo rekonstrukciju i dogradnju
hotela sa pet zvezdica iz lanca „Hajat“ na nekadašnjem proizvodnom prostoru „Maraske“. What are other projects you are working on now? Boris Podreka: Our biggest project is probably currently the largest in Austria, the Business Center „Business Center UniCredit Bank Austria“ which is being built in Vienna, between the Danube and the old town, the area around the old railway station, which is no longer usedand once visited by revolutionaries like Stalin, Tito and Bukharin. Construction works for this small city within a city, which, besides office buildings, will be equipped with the hotel, kindergarten, medical center, shops and hanging gardens as a bond of partnership with Schubert‘s Vienna woods, were launched and will be completed in 2018. Also in Vienna, in September, will be completed reconstruction of the the House of museums, which is located next to St. Stephen‘s Cathedral. In the southern part of Vienna we are working on a large residential project. And in Italy, where we are often present and where, in Venice, we have also a studio, there are three projects that are at the very end: in Naples, underwater five-storey box with a metro station and making space above
the ground, in Milan, a church with school and parish home near space for exhibitions (EXPO), in Merano in Alto Adige, multifunctional business-residential building. Also in Alto Adige in Bozen we won the big international competition for the area around the railway station and we hope that the construction site, which is planned on 47 acres, will soon be launched. In Zadar, we plan reconstruction and expansion of five-star hotels from Hyatt chain at the former production area of Maraska.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
godina uspeha Energoprojekt 65 years of success
Koliko je sa građevinskog i inženjerskog aspekta ovaj projekat kompleksan za vašu kompaniju? Vladimir Milovanović: Posle dugotrajne i zahtevne tenderske procedure „Energoprojekt“ je potpisao ugovor i zadovoljni smo što ćemo mi realizovati prvi projekat u sklopu „Beograda na vodi“. Nadamo se da će „Energoprojekt“ imati zapaženu ulogu i na narednim tenderima za izgradnju kule, hotela i šoping centra. Reč je o umereno kompleksnom objektu i to prvenstveno u delu armirano–betonske konstrukcije i protivpožarne zaštite, dok su svi ostali delovi rutinskog karaktera, imajući u vidu da je reč o stambenom objektu. The company „Energoprojekt“, the biggest Serbian contractor company, this year celebrates 65 years of successful business. It is the only company in the region that is on the list of renowned American magazine „Engineering News Record“ among the top 225 international design firms and top 250 contracting companies. Recently it has become the main contractor on the project „BW residences,“ the first residential building in the new urban complex, by signing the contract with the company „Belgrade Waterfront, LLC.“ With the General Manager of „Energoprojekt Holding“ Vladimir Milovanovic we spoke about key and current projects and successful operations of the company. From the construction and engineering aspects, how much is this project complex for your company? Vladimir Milovanović
Kompanija „Energoprojekt“, najveća srpska kompanija izvođač radova, ove godine proslavlja 65 godina uspešnog poslovanja. Ona je jedina kompanija u regionu koja se nalazi na listama renomiranog američkog časopisa „Endžiniring njuz riport“ među 225 najboljih međunarodnih projektantskih i 250 najboljih izvođačkih kompanija. Nedavno je potpisivanjem ugovora sa kompanijom „Beograd na vodi d.o.o.“ postala glavni izvođač na projektu „BW rezidensis“, prvom stambenom objektu u okviru novog urbanog kompleksa. Sa generalnim direktorom „Energoprojekt holdinga“ Vladimirom Milovanovićem razgovarali smo o ključnim i aktuelnim projektima i uspešnom poslovanju ove kompanije.
Vladimir Milovanovic: After a long, and demanding tender procedure, „Energoprojekt“ has signed a contract, and we are satisfied that we will realize the first project of the „Belgrade Waterfront“. We hope that „Energoprojekt“ will have a prominent role in the upcoming tenders for construction of the tower, hotel and shopping center. It is a moderately complex building, primarily in the part of the reinforced concrete structures and fire protection, while all other parts are matter of routine, bearing in mind that this is a residential facility. Koji su, pored ovog, najznačajniji projekti na kojima je angažovana kompanija „Energoprojekt“ u Srbiji? Vladimir Milovanović: „Energoprojekt“ trenutno u Srbiji realizuje ugovore ukupne vrednosti od preko 200 miliona evra, dok ukupna vrednost ugovorenih radova u 22 zemlje
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
u kojima imamo poslovne aktivnosti prevazilazi 500 miliona evra. Kada je reč o projektima u oblasti visokogradnje i nekretnina, pored pomenutog projekta izgradnje dve stambene kule u okviru projekta „Beograd na vodi“, u završnoj fazi je izgradnja stambenog objekta za tržište u Ulici cara Nikolaja na Vračaru, dok se vrše poslednje pripreme za početak izgradnje stambeno–poslovnog kompleksa u beogradskoj opštini Višnjica. Od ostalih projekata koje realizujemo u Srbiji najznačajniji i najkompleksniji projekti su infrastrukturni, kao što su izgradnja 24 km deonice auto-puta E 763 od Lajkovca do Ljiga, radovi na izgradnji tunela„Šarani“, potom izmeštanje i regulacija korita reke Kolubare, kao i rekonstrukcija deonica pruge na železničkom koridoru 10 i izgradnja pruge Beograd – Pančevo. U rudarskom basenu „Kolubara“ izvodimo radove na izgradnji infrastrukturnih objekata za novu deponiju na površinskom kopu Tamnava, zapadno polje, a započela je i realizacija izgradnje 400 kV duplog dalekovoda od Pančeva do rumunske granice.
„Energoprojekt“ je počeo sa izgradnjom novog stambenoposlovnog kompleksa u Bloku 8b. Vrednost projekta je 15 miliona evra, a vrednost građevinskih radova 9,5 miliona evra. Kad planirate završetak ovog projekta? Vladimir Milovanović: Ovim projektom „Energoprojekt“ se vraća u Višnjicu, gde je 80-ih godina prošlog veka izgradio naselje koje i danas predstavlja vrednu urbanističkoarhitektonsku celinu Beograda. U sastavu novog kompleksa, koji je pažljivo planiran da ispuni savremene potrebe budućih korisnika, na površini od oko jednog hektara počela je izgradnja budućeg naselja Višnjičko polje na padini prema Dunavu. U prvoj fazi počinje izgradnja tri stambeno-poslovna objekta koji sadrže 215 stanova različitih površina i struktura, devet lokala i adekvatnog broja parking mesta. Planirano je
What are, besides this, the most important projects where company „Energoprojekt“ is engaged in Serbia? Vladimir Milovanovic: „Energoprojekt“ currently in Serbia realizes contracts Topionica RTB Bor worth a total of over 200 million euros, while the total value of contracted works in 22 countries, where we have business operations, goes beyond 500 million euros. When it comes to projects in the field of building and real estate, besides the above mentioned project of construction of two residential towers, within the project „Belgrade Waterfront“, construction of a residential building for the market (in the street Cara Nikolaja in Vracar) is in the final stage; while final preparations are made for start of construction of residential and business complex in Belgrade municipality Višnjica. Among the other projects that are currently implemented in Serbia, the most important and the most complex projects are infrastructural, such as the construction of a 24 km section of the highway E 763 from Lajkovac to Ljig, works on the construction of the tunnel „Šarani“, followed by the relocation and regulation of riverbed of Kolubara as well as the reconstruction of the railway section of the railway ‚corridor 10‘ and the construction of the railway Belgrade - Pancevo. In the mining basin „Kolubara“ we work on the construction of infrastructure facilities for a new dump in the open pit Tamnava, west field, and we began realization of the construction of 400 kV double power transmission line from Pancevo to the Romanian border.
da se kupci usele u svoje nove i energetski efikasne stanove u drugoj polovini 2017. godine. „Energoprojekt“ has started construction of a new residential and business complex in Block 8b. The project is worth 15 million euros, while the value of construction works is 9.5 million euros. When you plan the completion of this project? Vladimir Milovanovic: With this project, „Energoprojekt“ returns to Višnjica, where, in the eighties of the last century, we built a settlement that is a valuable urban and architectural entirety of Belgrade today. As a part of new complex, which has been carefully planned to meet the contemporary needs of future users, an area of about one hectare began construction of a future settlement ‚Višnjičko polje‘ on the hillside facing the Danube. In the first phase, the construction of three residential and office buildings containing 215 apartments in different sizes and structures, nine shops and an adequate number of parking spaces. It is planned that the customers could move into their new energy-efficient apartments in the second half of 2017.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Koliko je aktivno učešće „Energoprojekta“ u izgradnji novih kapaciteta u Srbiji i regionu? Vladimir Milovanović: Što je više investicija u Srbiji, to se poslovne aktivnosti „Energoprojekta“ inteziviraju, pa je tako u ukupnom prihodu u protekloj godini učešće u realizaciji poslova u Srbiji dostiglo oko 40%. Za nas je angažovanje u zemlji veoma značajno za širenje poslovanja u inostranstvu jer smo u mogućnosti da na projektima kod kuće pripremimo mlađe kadrove za poslovne i inženjerske izazove u inostranstvu. Očekujemo i spremni smo da i u budućnosti svoje iskustvo u radu na zahtevnim tržištima, sa internacionalnim klijentima, bankama, finansijskim institucijama, najvećim izvođačima i proizvođačima tehnologije i opreme primenimo na relizaciji projekata u zemlji i doprinesemo oporavku domaćeg građevinskog sektora i rastu malih i srednjih firmi u sektoru inženjeringa i građevinarstva. How active is the participation of „Energoprojekt“ in the construction of new capacities in Serbia and the region? Vladimir Milovanovic: The more investments in Serbia, more business activities of „Energoprojekt“ intensify, so in total revenues, in the previous year, participation in the implementation of activities in Serbia reached approximately 40%. For us, the engagement in the country is very important for business expansion abroad, because we are able to, on projects at home, prepare young professionals for business and engineering challenges abroad. We expect and we are ready in the future, our experience in the demanding markets,
with international clients, banks, financial institutions, most performers and producers of technology and equipment, apply to the realization of projects in the country and to contribute to recovery of the domestic construction sector and growth of small and medium-sized companies in the sector of engineering and construction. Koliko ste saglasni sa konstatacijom da je građevinska industrija pokretač cele Srbije? Vladimir Milovanović: Srpske građevinske kompanije imaju tradiciju i veliki je broj radnika i inženjera koji imaju individualne aranžmane i rade po celom svetu. Imajući u vidu da je usled pada cena nafte, gasa i ruda došlo do smanjenja investicija u mnogim zemljama u razvoju, treba očekivati da će se poboljšanjem uslova rada u građevinskom sektoru u Srbiji dobar deo tih radnika i inženjera vratiti. Mišljenja sam da možemo pokrenuti ciklus bržeg oporavka građevinskog i elektromašinskog sektora i postepeno obnoviti izvozne aktivnosti ukoliko se srpske firme izbore da realizuju više investicija u građevinarstvu i izgradnji infrastrukture u Srbiji. Istovremeno, neophodno je da se kroz institucije države obezbedi da sve firme posluju u okvirima naših zakona i propisa. How much do you agree with the statement that the construction industry, the initiator of the entire Serbia? Vladimir Milovanovic: Serbian construction companies have a tradition and a large number of workers and engineers who have individual arrangements and they work all over
Topionica RTB Bor
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
the world. Having in mind that, due to falling prices of oil, gas and ore, there was a reduction of investments in many developing countries, it is expected that the improvement of working conditions in the construction sector in Serbia, a good part of the workers and engineers will be back. I think that we can start a cycle of faster recovery of construction and electromechanical sector, and gradually restore export activities, if the Serbian companies manage to fight for realization of more investments in construction and building infrastructure in Serbia. At the same time, it is necessary that the state institutions ensure that all the companies are operating within our laws and regulations. Po vašem mišljenju, koliko je značajno da Vlada i industrijski sektor rade zajedno u cilju obezbeđenja dugoročnog oporavka domaće građevinske industrije? Vladimir Milovanović: Mislim da je veoma važno da postoji dobra saradnja države i njenih predstavnika sa industrijskim sektorom. Za oporavak građevinske industrije, pored stvaranja pogodnih političko-ekonomskih uslova za podsticaj rasta investicija, od velikog je značaja i institucionalna podrška domaćim proizvođačima i firmama. Veće angažovanje domaćih firmi na realizaciji projekata moglo bi znatno da doprinese povećanju budžetskih prihoda po osnovu poreza i doprinosa na zarade i ostalih poreza. In your opinion, how significant is that the government and industrial sectors work together in order to ensure the longterm recovery of the domestic construction industry?
Vladimir Milovanovic: I think it‘s very important that there is good cooperation between the state and its representatives from the industrial sector. To recover the construction industry, besides creating a favorable political and economic conditions, for the stimulation of investment growth, is of great importance and institutional support to domestic producers and companies. Greater involvement of local companies on realization of projects, might significantly contribute to increase budget revenues from taxes and contributions on salaries and other taxes. Kompanija „Energoprojekt“ ima ugovorene brojne značajne projekte van Srbije. Koliko je teško kompaniji iz jedne male države kao što je naša da se uspešno tržišno pozicionira i u inostranstvu i uspe da održi dobar poslovni ugled? Vladimir Milovanović: „Energoprojekt“ ima višedecenijsko iskustvo u poslovanju i projekte realizovane u više od 70 zemalja sveta. Za 65 godina od osnivanja ime„Energoprojekt“ postalo je brend koji odlikuju kvalitet, znanje, iskustvo i realizacija projekata na zadovoljstvo različitih investitora širom sveta. Iako su prošla zlatna vremena velikih profita, mi danas poslujemo u 22 zemlje na četiri kontinenta i uspevamo da se na tenderima izborimo za nove poslove konkurentnim cenama i profesionalnošću u radu. U svim zemljama vodimo računa o svakom zaposlenom i njegovoj zaštiti i bezbednosti na radu. Kao kompanija koja dolazi iz male zemlje, nastojimo da uvek damo više u odnosu na konkurente i budemo ambasadori svoje zemlje. Company „Energoprojekt“ has contracts for a number of significant projects outside of Serbia. How difficult is it for the company from a small country like ours to successfully position itself in the market, and it manages to maintain a good business reputation abroad? Vladimir Milovanovic: „Energoprojekt“ has decades of experience in business and projects implemented in more than 70 countries worldwide. For 65 years since its founding, the name „Energoprojekt“ has become a brand characterized by quality, knowledge, experience and realization of projects, on satisfaction of various investors worldwide. Although the golden age of big profits passed, we now operate in 22 countries on four continents, and we manage to cope in tenders for new jobs with competitive prices and professionalism in work. In all the countries we care about each employee and his protection and safety at work. As a company that comes from a small country, we always strive to give more in comparison to our competitors, and be ambassadors of our country. Koje biste projekte na kojima je „Energoprojekt“ bio angažovan izdvojili? Vladimir Milovanović: Mnogo je projekata koji su realizovani tokom skoro sedam decenija rada firme. Gotovo da ne postoji vrsta objekta saobraćajne, energetske, ekološke i druge infrastrukture, objekat visokogradnje i industrije koji
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
„Energoprojekt“ nije projektovao i gradio. Nezahvalno je da se opredeljujem i izdvajam neke projekte realizovane u prošlosti jer ih ima mnogo koji su ili predstavljali vrhunske inženjerske domete ili nagrađivana arhitektonska rešenja ili su realizovani u rekordno kratkom roku. Od projekata iz prošlosti svakako se moraju izdvojiti poduhvati koji se odnose na izgradnju raznih hidroelektrana i brana, objekata po kojima se mnogi glavni gradovi afričkih država i danas prepoznaju, dok se u poslednjih pet godina po mom mišljenju izdvajaju projekat nove topionice i fabrike sumporne kiseline u Boru, zatim rekonstrukcija Bloka B2 na termoelektrani „Kostolac, izgradnja hidroelektrana „Čankaji“ „Rukaj“ u Peruu, izgradnja tunela „Straževica“ i „Šarani“, železničke pruge Beograd – Pančevo, zatim radovi na završetku izgradnje nove glavne železničke stanice „Prokop“ i drugi.
Vladimir Milovanović: „Energoprojekt“ ove godine proslavlja 65 godina poslovanja. Mali je broj kompanija u regionu, a posebno u našoj zemlji koje se mogu pohvaliti ovakvim jubilejom. Naravno, sve ove decenije bile su ispunjene radom, izazovima i rešavanjem problema. Svoje projekte smo realizovali velikim delom na različitim inostranim i uglavnom veoma rizičnim tržištima. Navikli smo na borbu i rešavanje problema u otežanim uslovima. Raditi, poslovati sa profitom, održati se i konačno razvijati se zahteva nesporno kontinuiran i sistematičan rad, ali i posvećenost svih zaposlenih. Slobodno mogu reći da su zaposleni ključ našeg uspeha.
Which projects would you highlight, where „Energoprojekt“ was engaged? Vladimir Milovanovic: There are many projects that we have realized during nearly seven decades of existence of the company. There is almost no type of building, transport, energy, environmental and other infrastructure, facility construction, and the industry that is not designed and built by „Energoprojekt“. It is difficult to single out and Sunnyville determine some projects implemented in the past, because there are many which, either represented top engineering achievements or award-winning architectural design and implemented in record time. Among the projects of the past, of course I have to point out the projects that are related to the construction of various dams and hydropower plants, buildings after which many major cities of African countries are recognized to this day, while in the last five years, in my opinion, stands out the project of the new smelting plant and factory of sulfuric acid in Bor, then the reconstruction of Block B2 in the power plant „Kostolac“, the construction of hydropower plants „Chancay“ and „Rucuy“ in Peru, the construction of the tunnel „Straževica“ and „Šarani“, the railway Belgrade - Pancevo, then work on the completion of the new main train station „Prokop“ and others. „Energoprojekt“ se od svog nastanka 1951. godine do danas susretao sa brojnim izazovima i krizama. Šta je to što je vašoj kompaniji pomoglo da se ne samo održi i opstane, nego se pozicionira kao najveća srpska inženjering i građevinska kompanija.
„Energoprojekt“ from its foundation in 1951 until today, encountered numerous challenges and crises. What is it that your company has helped to, not only maintain and survive, but to position itself as the largest Serbian engineering and construction company. Vladimir Milovanovic: “Energoprojekt“ this year celebrates 65 years in business. A small number of companies in the region, and especially in our country can boast with such a jubilee. Of course, all these decades were filled with work, challenges and solving problems. Our projects were realized, in large part on different foreign and generally very risky markets. We‘re used to fight and solve problems in difficult conditions. To work, doing business with profits, to last and finally develop, requires undeniable continuous and systematic work, and commitment of all employees. I can safely say that employees are the key of our success.
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GRAĐEVINA – Construction
Prva dama u svetu građevinskih materijala First Lady in the World of Building Materials
foto: Marija Zindović, TON
Ona je jedina žena u Srbiji koja je direktor firme i fabrike za proizvodnju građevinskih materijala. Za sebe kaže da je atipičan arhitekta i tipičan menadžer. Voli svoj posao, veoma je komunikativna, uporna i po prirodi je perfekcionista. Međutim, na kraju dana ona je ipak mama dva tinejdžera. Ona je Melanija Pavlović i od avgusta 2015. godine je na čelu austrijske kompanije „Baumit Srbija“. She is the only woman in Serbia the director of the company and the factory for production of building materials. She claims to be the atypical architect and a typical manager. She loves her job and she is very communicative, determined and a perfectionist by nature. However, at the end of the day, she is still a mother of two teenagers. She is Melanija Pavlovic and since August 2015, leader of the Austrian company „Baumit Serbia“. REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
GRAĐEVINA – Construction
Otkud vi u svetu građevine? Melanija Pavlović: Slučajno. U mojoj porodici niko se ne bavi arhitekturom i građevinarstvom. Teško je uspeti kada vam roditelji ne ostave razrađen biro ili građevinsku firmu. Ja sam esteta i perfektno crtam, tako da sam upisala i završila studije arhitekture u Beogradu. Međutim, više su me zanimali gradilište, građevinski materijali i praćenje projekata i odlučila sam da sedenje ispod lampe i crtanje zamenim biznisom. Logičan sled je bio i nastavak studija i MBA diploma na Kardif metropoliten univerzitetu. Više od deset godina sam u svetu građevinskih materijala, sistemskih rešenja, inovacija. Od prošle godine sam direktor austrijske kompanije „Baumit Srbija“. Ona se bavi proizvodnjom građevinskih materijala i ima centralu u Beogradu i fabriku u Aranđelovcu.
Logical sequence was the continuation of studies and MBA diploma at Cardiff Metropolitan University. I’m more than ten years in the world of building materials, solutions and innovations. Since last year, I am also the director of the Austrian company “Baumit Serbia”. It is engaged in production of building materials and has headquarters in Belgrade and a factory in Arandjelovac. Opišite nam jedan svoj radni dan. Melanija Pavlović: Radni dan počinje užurbano u krugu porodice, zajedničkim doručkom. Mama sam dva tinejdžera, Marka od 17 i Igora od 14 godina. Ako čovek nema stabilnost u privatnom životu, podršku partnera i dece, ne može dati sto posto sebe ni u biznisu. Uvek jedna karika nedostaje. Moja prijateljica u šali voli da kaže da iza svake uspešne žene stoje mali ljudi - njena deca! I onda svi idemo na radne zadatke. Sastanci, telefonski pozivi, dnevni rasporedi za zaposlene, dogovori sa direktorom proizvodnje, prodaje, logistike, planovi, putovanja... I na kraju radnog dana sport, deca treniraju odbojku i traže svoje vreme. Describe us your typical day at work.
What brings you in the world of construction? Melanija Pavlovic: By accident. In my family, no one is engaged in architecture and the construction industry. It’s hard to succeed when you do not have the legacy of their parents in terms of a developed bureau or construction company. I am an esthete and draw perfectly, so I started and completed studies of architecture in Belgrade. However, I was more interested in building site, construction materials and monitoring of projects and I decided to sit under the lamp and drawing replace with business.
Melanija Pavlovic: The working day starts very busy, with family, having breakfast together. I am the mother of two teenagers, Marko 17 and Igor 14 years. If a person does not have stability in his private life, suMelanija Pavlović pport of partners and children, you can neither give one hundred percent of yourself, neither in business. One link always missing. My friend jokingly likes to say that behind every successful woman there are little people - her children! And then, we all go on work assignments. Meetings, phone calls, daily schedules for employees agree with the director of the production, sales, logistics, plans, travel ... And at the end of the working day sports, kids volleyball are training and require their time.
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GRAĐEVINA – Construction
Po čemu se kompanija „Baumit“ izdvaja od drugih kompanija na tržištu? Melanija Pavlović: „Baumit“ je brend broj jedan u proizvodnji fasadnih materijala u Austriji i Nemačkoj i jedan je od najpoznatijih marki građevinskog materijala. On je sinonim za inovaciju, sigurnost, partnerstvo, kvalitet i poverenje u gradnji. „Baumit“ posluje u Srbiji od 2002. godine sa sedištem u Beogradu. Preduzeće je 100 odsto u vlasništvu “Viterzdorfer Baustofe Betajligungs GmbH” sa upravom u Klagenfurtu. Od 2006. „Baumit“ je u Srbiji pokrenuo fabriku u Aranđelovcu, gde se proizvodi deo programa. On nudi široki i inovativni izbor proizvoda, fasade, maltere, estrise, proizvode za vrt i vrtne površine, specijalne proizvode, kao i proizvode za unutrašnje uređenje. What distinguishes the company “Baumit” from other companies in the market? Melanija Pavlovic: “Baumit” is the number one brand in the production of facade materials in Austria and Germany and is one of the most famous brands of building materials. It is a synonym for innovation, security, partnership, quality and confidence in construction. “Baumit” has been operating in Serbia since 2002 with headquarters in Belgrade. The company is 100 percent owned by “Viterzdorfer Baustof Betajligungs GmbH” with headquarters in Klagenfurt. In 2006, “Baumit” has launched a factory in Arandjelovac, where is produced part of the program. It offers a wide and innovative range of products, facades, plasters products for the garden and lawn areas, special products, and products for interior decoration. Na koja tržišta plasirate svoje proizvode? Melanija Pavlović: „Baumit Srbija“ na našem tržištu plasira robne marke „baumit“ i „kema“. „Baumit“ je poznatiji u domenu fasadnih sistema, dok „kema“ ima dugu tradiciju na polju građevinske hemije, hidroizolacija, zaštite betona, sanacija, rekonstrukcija, epoksidnih i cementnih podova i dr. Naše proizvode izvozimo u Austriju, Sloveniju, Crnu Goru, Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Hrvatsku, Makedoniju, Albaniju, Grčku, i preko naše kompanije u Grčkoj na Kipar i u Saudijsku Arabiju.
hers. Our products are exported to Austria, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, and through our company in Greece, to Cyprus and Saudi Arabia. Šta možemo očekivati od vaše kompanije u narednom periodu? Melanija Pavlović: Planiramo rast i razvoj i dalje širenje na tržišta u regionu. U zavisnosti od toga kako se situacija bude razvijala, planiramo i zapošljavanja novih ljudi, najverovatnije u prodajnom timu. „Baumit“ proizvodi odgovaraju svim važećim zahtevima domaćeg i evropskog tržišta. „Baumit“ je član austrijske grupe za osiguranje kvaliteta fasadnih toplotnih sistema ÖAP (Austrijska radna zajednica za maltere) i dugogodišnja podrška austrijskog saveza trgovaca građevinskim materijalom. Potpuna toplotna zaštita, odnosno ETICS sistem za fasade označava spoljnu termoizolaciju zida kuće. Zahvaljujući vrhunskom kvalitetu i sertifikaciji, „Baumit“ konkuriše na projektima energetske efikasnosti, sanacija i rekonstrukcija stambenih i javnih objekata koji bi trebalo da imaju energetski pasoš. What can we expect from your company in the next period? Melanija Pavlovic: We are planning growth and development and further expansion to markets in the region. Depending on how the situation develops, we are planning employment of new people, probably in the sales team. “Baumit” products comply with all applicable requirements of the domestic and European markets. “Baumit” is a member of the Austrian group for quality assurance of facade thermal system ÖAP (Austrian work group for mortars) and long-standing support of the Austrian association of traders of construction materials. Complete thermal protection, ie, ETICS facade system - which means the external thermal insulation of the wall of the house. Thanks to the excellent quality and certification, “Baumit” also compete to the energy efficiency projects, rehabilitation and reconstruction of residential and public buildings which should have the energy passport.
On which markets, you place your products? Melanija Pavlovic: “Baumit Serbia” in our market sells brands “baumit” and “kema”. “Baumit” is known in the field of facade systems, while “kema” has a long tradition in the field of construction chemicals, waterproofing, concrete protection, rehabilitation, reconstruction, epoxy and cement floors and ot-
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
NOVI PROJEKTI – New Developments
poslovna zgrada
“GREEN SQUARE” office building
Praćenje potreba sve zahtevnijeg domaćeg i stranog tržišta inspirisalo je firmu „Granit invest“ da na jedinstvenoj lokaciji u Beogradu izgradi objekat koji daje maksimum u tehnološkom i estetskom pogledu Monitoring needs of increasingly demanding domestic and foreign markets, has inspired the company Granit Invest to build an object in a unique location in Belgrade, that provides the ultimate in technological and aesthetic terms
reen square je luksuzni objekat, izuzetnog kvaliteta, izgrađen po najvišim standardima A+ klase poslovnih objekata. Opremljen je inovativnim tehnologijama koje brinu o očuvanju prirode i pruža maksimalan komfor klijentima sa najvišim standardom poslovanja. Objekat se nalazi u srcu Vračara, u Mutapovoj ulici, nadomak Hrama Svetog Save.
Green Square is a luxurious building, exceptional quality, built to the highest standards of A + class office buildings. Equipped with innovative technologies, taking care of nature conservation and provides maximum comfort to clients with the highest standard of business. Building is located in the heart of Belgrade, in Mutapova street, near the Temple of Saint Sava on Vracar.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
NOVI PROJEKTI – New Developments
Ulazni hol napravljen je u kombinaciji kamena, drveta i stakla, sa spektakularnim, šest metara visokim zelenim zidom. U prizemlju zgrade nalazi se popularni restoran „Pica bar“. Entrance hall, is built in a combination of stone, wood and glass , with a spectacular six meters high ‘ green wall ‘. On the ground floor there is a popular restaurant Pizza Bar. Poslovna zgrada „Green square“ budućim klijentima nudi četiri tipska sprata, od kojih svaki ima 580m2. Kompletan prostor je projektovan u open space sistemu, a prema potrebama klijenata prostor se može podeliti na zasebne kancelarije. Sam položaj poslovnog prostora garantuje komforan i prijatan ambijent, sa jedinstvenim pogledom na Hram. Office building GREEN SQUARE future clients offers four typical floors, each with 580m2. The whole area was designed in the ‘open space‘ way, according to clients’ needs space can be divided into separate offices. Position of office space, guarantees a comfortable and pleasant environment, with a unique view of the Temple. Poslovna zgrada ima i peti sprat koji predstavlja VIP etažu od 335m2 zatvorenog prostora sa impresivnom terasom od 230m2, zasebnim ulazom i svojim liftom. Namenjen je klijentima koji žele nesto posebno i drugačije. The office building has a fifth floor that represents the VIP etage of 335m2 closed area with an impressive terrace of 230m2, separate entrance and an elevator. It is designed for customers who want something special and different. Zgrada je opremljena VRV sistemom za hlađenje i grejanje sa mogućnošću da se svaka kancelarija posebno greje i hladi sa kontrolom smart sistema. Svaki sprat ima svoj optički kabl. The building is equipped with a system for cooling and heating, with the possibility that each office separately heated and cooled with smart control system. Each floor has its own optical cable. Objekat ima tri nivoa podzemne garaže, sa 50 parking mesta. The building has three levels of underground garage with 50 parking spaces. Obezbeđene su sve servisne usluge koje se odnose na čišćenje i tehničko održavanje objekta, kao i 24-časovno fizičko obezbeđenje, sa stalnim video-nadzorom. Provided all services that are related to cleaning and maintenance works, as well as physical security 24 hours, with constant video surveillance.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
NOVI PROJEKTI – New Developments
Dizajnersko rešenje Projektno rešenje objekta je prvonagrađeno konkursno rešenje, autora arhitekte Miodraga Mirkovića, na konkursu koji je raspisala komisija Društva arhitekata i urbanista Beograda. U oblikovnom smislu posebna pažnja je posvećena odnosu punih i zastakljenih površina. Ugaona ‘padajuća’ kula zarotirana u odnosu na ortogonalnu matricu objekta akcentuje položaj objekta i izdvaja ga vizuelno u odnosu na ostale u okruženju. Fasada objekta je izrađena u kombinaciji staklenih i kamenih površina. Puni delovi fasade obloženi su granitom moss green i golden green, dok su njeni stakleni delovi izrađeni tehnologijom strukturalnih fasada, a opremljeni su sistemima okova nemačkog proizvođača „Shuco“. Fasada je projektovana tako da je omogućena prirodna ventilacija prostora.
Design solutions Project design of the building was first awarded Competition solution , by architect Miodrag Mirkovic , on the open competition by the commission of the Architects and Town Planners of Belgrade. In terms of design, special attention was paid compared to solid and glazed surfaces. Angle ‘decreasing’ tower rotated relative to the orthogonal matrix object, emphasizes the position of the object and separates it visually in comparison to other environments. The facade of the building is made in combination of glass and stone surfaces . Full parts of the facade are covered with granite and MOSS GREEN GOLDEN GREEN, while its glass parts are made of structural facade technology, equipped with a German manufacturer of fittings systems SHUCO . The facade is designed to enable natural ventilation space.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
NOVI PROJEKTI – New Developments
Opremljenost Objekat je opremljen svim neophodnim instalacijama, uključujući i sopstvenu trafo-stanicu, kao i napajanje električnom energijom u vanrednim situacijama. Primenjeni su najsavremeniji sistemi LED rasvete, telefonske i kablovske mreže. Celokupan poslovni prostor, bilo da ostaje u sistemu open space ili da se deli na zasebne kancelarije po potrebama zakupca, imaće mogućnost individualnog podešavanja temperature u svakom prostoru. Zidovi i podovi ulaznog hola, kao i stepeništa, biće materijalizovani po posebnom projektu enterijera, koji uključuje kombinaciju kamena, stakla, drveta i zelenog zida. Vrata i ograde biće izrađeni u kombinaciji stakla i prohroma, u skladu sa savremenim dizajnerskim rešenjima. Predviđene liftove luksuznog dizajna i opremljenosti proizvodi „Orona“, španska firma koja je u vrhu svetskih proizvođača.
Equipment The building is equipped with all necessary installations , including their own transformer station and electricity supply in emergency situations. Applied the most advanced LED lighting systems , telephone and cable networks . The entire commercial was to remain in the ‘ open space ‘ or to be divided into separate offices on to the needs of the tenant , will have the possibility of individual adjustment of temperature in each area. The walls and floors of the entrance hall as well as stairs will be materialized by a special interior project , which includes a combination of stone , glass, wood and ‘ green wall ‘. Doors and gates will be made of glass and stainless steel , in line with modern design solutions. Predicted elevators luxurious design and equipment, products ORONA, Spanish company that is located in the top world producers. Investitor projekta „Green square“ je firma „Granit invest“, koja je u građevinarstvu prisutna od 1980. godine. Stručnost i iskustvo celog tima koji prati i primenjuje najnovija tehnološka dostignuća građenja i materijalizacije omogućavaju da se maksimalno izađe u susret potrebama i zahtevima klijenata.
Investor of the project Green Square is GRANIT INVEST a company that is present in the construction industry since 1980. Great expertise and experience of the team, who monitor and implement the latest technological achievements construction and materialization , allows to maximally meet the needs and requirements of clients .
POSLOVNA ZGRADA - GREEN SQUARE MUTAPOVA 4, 11000 BEOGRAD, SRBIJA T: +381 11 30 88 850 | F: +381 11 30 88 851
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
pristup svakom Individual klijentu approach to the each client AUTOR: MARIJA MILADINOVIĆ
ompanija „West Properties”, osnovana 2001. godine, razvila se u prepoznatljivu i uglednu kompaniju za nekretnine u Srbiji. Danas je izuzetno cenjena kako među korporacijama, tako i kod diplomatskih klijenata, pružajući im vrhunski kvalitet usluga. Iskustvo, timski rad, inovacije i strast za nekretninama čine suštinu poslovanja ove kompanije, kao i težnja da uvek ispune i više od očekivanja svojih klijenata. Tokom 15 godina poslovanja „West Properties” je izgradio zavidnu reputaciju zasnovanu na stručnosti, doslednosti i pouzdanosti. Osnivača i vlasnika ove kompanije Vladimira Vukićevića pitali smo koji je tajni recept opstanka i uspešnog poslovanja u uslovima globalne krize i svojevrsne stagnacije na tržištu nekretnina u Srbiji.
he company „West Properties“, founded in 2001, has developed into a recognizable and reputable real estate company in Serbia. Today, it is highly valued among, both corporations, as well as with diplomatic clients, providing them with high quality services. Experience, teamwork, innovation and a passion for real estate form the core business of the company, as well as the tendency to always fulfill more than the expectations of their clients. During the 15 years of business, „West Properties“ has built an enviable reputation based on professionalism, consistency and reliability. We asked the founder and owner of the company Vladimir Vukicevic what is the secret recipe for survival and successful business during the global crisis and a kind of stagnation in the real estate market in Serbia.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate Vladimir Vukićević: Sam razvojni put nije bio nimalo lak, uz dosta odricanja i neuspelih pokušaja. Ali, kao u svakom poslu presudni faktor je sam čovek. Upornost, koja je uvek prisutna da se istraje na trnovitom putu uspeha, ne sme prestati. Vladimir Vukićević: The development path itself was not easy, with plenty of sacrifices and unsuccessful attempts. But, as in any business, the man himself, is crucial. Persistence, which is always present to persevere on the thorny path of success, should never stop. Šta se promenilo na tržištu nekretnina u poslednjih 15 godina ? Vladimir Vukićević: Dosta toga se promenilo na tržištu nekretnina. Dolaskom stranih kompanija stvorio se veliki jaz između lokalnih i stranih kompanija u načinu poslovanja. Uloga posrednika na početku našeg poslovanja i danas je dosta drugačija. Danas svaki posrednik u Srbiji kroz stupanje na snagu Zakona o posredovanju i prometu nepokretnosti napokon ima definisanu ulogu u posredovanju. What has changed in the property market in the last 15 years? Vladimir Vukicevic: Many things have changed in the real estate market. With the arrival of the foreign companies large gap is created between local and the foreign companies in the way of business. The role of the mediator at the beginning of our business and today is quite different. Today, every broker in Serbia, through the entry into force of the „Law on Mediation and immovable property transfer“ finally has a defined role in the mediation. Po čemu je karakterističan princip poslovanja kompanije „West Properties”? Vladimir Vukićević: Kompanija „West Properties” je oduvek imala za cilj da svoju uslugu podigne na najviši mogući nivo. Potvrda ovoga je veliki broj zadovoljnih stranih i domaćih klijenata koji su u našem radu i pristupu poslu prepoznali visok nivo profesionalizma, kreativnosti i velike želje za uspešno ostvarenom saradnjom. What is the characteristic business principle of „West Properties“? Vladimir Vukicevic: The company „West Properties“ has always had a goal to raise its service to the highest possible level. As a confirmation of this, a large number of satisfied domestic and foreign clients, which have, in our work and approach to work, recognized a high level of professionalism, creativity and great desire for successful established cooperation. Koliko je danas teško steći poverenje klijenata na tržištu nekretnina? Vladimir Vukićević: Sticanje poverenja nikada nije bio lak posao. S jedne strane tu su vlasnici nekretnina koji sa opreznošću prilaze kada je u pitanju izdavanje ili prodaja nepokretnosti zbog raznih iskustava koja su nekada manje ili više neprijatna, a s druge strane su kupci i zakupci koji
žele da brzo, bezbedno i kvalitetno reše svoje potrebe za nekretninom. Naš posao je da sagledamo potencijalne probleme i rizike, otklonimo ih ili predupredimo kako bi naši klijenti sa pozitivnim iskustvima završili započeti posao. Ono što je prepoznatljivo u radu naše kompanije je individualan pristup i podjednaka briga o svakom klijentu. To podrazumeva kompletnu logističku uslugu neophodnu u procesu realizacije jednog posla. How difficult is it to gain the trust of clients in the property market? Vladimir Vukicevic: Gaining confidence was never an easy job. On the one hand, there are property owners who are approaching with caution when it comes to rent or sale of real estate due to the various experiences that are sometimes more or less unpleasant, on the other hand the buyers and tenants who want to quickly, safely and efficiently solve their needs for real estate. Our job is to perceive potential problems and risks, remove them or prevent it in order that our clients, with positive experiences, can complete the work thay have started. What is recognizable in the work of our company is an individual approach, and equal care for every client. This includes logistics services necessary for realization of the job. Koja su Vaša zapažanja o tržištu nekretnina u Srbiji? Da li su cene realne i kakvih nekretnina najviše ima u ponudi? Vladimir Vukićević: Sa sigurnošću mogu reći da su današnje cene nepokretnosti na vrlo realnom nivou. U periodu koji je iza nas tržište je doživelo niz uspona i padova cena, ali se zadržalo jedno nepisano pravilo - kada pričamo o ceni, kupac ili zakupac je taj koji diktira kretanja na tržištu. What are your observations about the real estate market in Serbia? Are the prices realistic, and what kind of real estate are the most offered? Vladimir Vukicevic: I am sure when I say that today, the price of real estate on a very real level. In the period behind us, the market has experienced a series of ups and downs when it comes to price, but retained is one unwritten rule - when we talk about the price, the buyer or the tenant is the one who dictates the market trends. U kojoj meri je kod nas razvijeno tržište nekretnina i šta vi doživljavate kao najveće smetnje njegovom rastu? Vladimir Vukićević: Prateći dešavanja po pitanju gradnje većih objekata u Beogradu i interesovanja kupaca za iste, dolazim do zaključka da je tržište nekretnina u usponu i sa velikom perspektivom za ulaganje. U prilog ovoj činjenici ide podatak većeg broja stambenih i poslovnih projekata koji su u izgradnji, a kao najveći među njima izdvaja se projekat „Beograd na vodi” koji naša kompanija zastupa u segmentu prodaje. Pored toga, tu je i veliki broj najavljenih stambenih i poslovnih objekata koji su u fazi dobijanja dozvola ili prikupljanja dokumentacije.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
How much is the real estate market in Serbia developed, and what do you see as the biggest obstacles in its growth? Vladimir Vukicevic: Following the developments in the construction of major facilities in Belgrade and interests of customers for it, I came to the conclusion that the real estate market is rising, and with great prospects for investment. In support of this fact, goes the data of a growing number of residential and commercial projects under construction, and as the largest among them, the project „Belgrade Waterfront“ that our company represents in the segment of sales. In addition, there is a large number of upcoming residential and commercial properties, that are at the stage of obtaining permits or collecting the documents Utisak je da je kompanija „West Properties” napravila značajan pomak po pitanju korišćenja različitih prodajnih i marketinških alata. Ne bojite se inovacija?
Vladimir Vukićević: Naš tim čine ljudi sa velikim iskustvom, kako na domaćem, tako i na inostranom tržištu nepokretnosti. Samim tim otvorenost u pravcu inovacija za nas nije nepoznanica, čak naprotiv. Razvoj i implementacija novih ideja u cilju što boljeg predstavljanja naše kompanije pravi su izazovi za sve zaposlene. Ipak, preporuka je naš adut i najbolji marketing. The impression is that the „West Properties“ made significant progress when it comes to the use of various sales and marketing tools. You are not afraid of innovation? Vladimir Vukicevic: Our team consists of people with vast experience, both in domestic and foreign real estate market. Therefore, openness for innovation, for us, is not something unknown, quite the contrary. Development and implementation of new ideas for a better representation of our company are real challenges for all our employees. However, the recommendation is our trump card, and also, the best marketing. Kako vidite tržište nekretnina kroz nekoliko godina i kako će potencijalni ulazak Srbije u EU uticati na vaše poslovanje? Vladimir Vukićević: Kompanija je doživela promenu kursa prošle godine sa vrlo jasnim ciljem da kada Srbija uđe u EU spremno dočeka taj trenutak. Poslovanje u svetu nekretnina će stalno biti u pokretu, tako da imam velika očekivanja da će u narednom periodu ići uzlaznom putanjom. Naša politika i vizija jesu da u potpunosti usaglasimo poslovanje sa evropskim i svetskim standardima i trendovima. Naša posvećenost poslu i klijentima me uverava da smo na pravom putu. How do you see the real estate market in a few years, and how will affect your business potential entry of Serbia to the EU? Vladimir Vukicevic: The company has experienced a change of course, last year, with a very clear goal, when Serbia joins the EU, to readily welcome the moment. Business in the world of real estate will be constantly on the move, so I have high expectations that in the future, will go upward. Our policy and vision are to, fully harmonize operations with European and world standards and trends. Our dedication to work and clients, assures me that we are on the right track. Da li je sad vreme za kupovinu stana? Vladimir Vukićević: Da, pravo vreme koje ima niz benefita, počev od povoljnih stambenih kredita do zaista dobre ponude. U ovom trenutku kupac koji ima mogućnosti za kupovinu može da bira i izabere kvalitetnu nekretninu sa svim dodatnim sadržajima koji prate savremen stil života. Is now the time for buying the apartment?
Vladimir Vukicevic: Yes, the right time, which has a number of benefits, ranging from favorable housing loans, up to really good deals. At this time, buyer who has the opportunity to purchase, can choose and select a quality property with all the amenities that follows the modern life style. R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
Energetska efikasnost KOMFORNA SVAKODNEVICA
Energy efficiency as a comfortable everyday Unapređenje energetske efikasnosti je kontinuiran proces koji zahteva organizovan i sistemski pristup relevantnih državnih institucija, lokalnih samouprava, kompanija i pojedinaca. Indikatori energetske efikasnosti u Srbiji pokazuju da postoji potencijal unapređenja stepena racionalnog korišćenja energije u svim sektorima potrošnje, posebno u rezidencijalnom sektoru. Improving energy efficiency is a continuous process that requires an organized and systematic approach to relevant state institutions, local governments, companies and individuals. Indicators of energy efficiency in Serbia show that there is potential to improve the level of rational use of energy in all sectors of consumption, especially in the residential sector. Direktora kompanije „San enerdži Balkan“ Nenada Mitoševića pitali smo da li se i u kojoj meri u Srbiji racionalno koristi energija. Nenad Mitošević: Nažalost, ne. To je pre svega zato što nema jasne motivacije za racionalnije korišćenje energije. Možemo očekivati da će sa povećanjem cene energije porasti i racionalnost u korišćenju. Postoji mišljenje da su mere energetske efikasnost i obnovljivi izvori energije skupi u poređenju sa zadržavanjem statusa kvo, ali svaka neracionalnost u korišćenju pre ili kasnije dolazi na naplatu. Naš cilj je da korisnicima u Srbiji približimo obnovljive izvore energije, energetsku efikasnost i učinimo to njihovom komfornom svakodnevicom. Sve to, naravno, bezbolno za kućne i investiocione budžete.
We asked the director of the company „Sun Energy Balkan“ Nenad Mitosevic, whether and how much there is the rational use of energy in Serbia. Nenad Mitošević: Unfortunately no. This is primarily because there is no clear motivation for the rational use of energy. We expect that with the increase in energy prices will increase efficiency in the utilization. There is an opinion that the measures of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources are expensive compared to the retention of the status quo, but each irrationality in the use, sooner or later will come for payment. Our goal is to bring customers in Serbia closer to renewable energy, energy efficiency and to make that as their comfortable everyday life. All this, of course, painless for household and investment budgets.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
Koliko Srbija po vašem mišljenju prati trend, a koliko zaostaje u odnosu na zemlje EU i regiona po pitanju energetske efikasnosti u zgradama? Nenad Mitošević: U proteklih pet godina Srbija je napravila nekoliko bitnih iskoraka u domenu energetske efikasnosti, pre svega primenom propisa koji uslovljavaju kvalitet gradnje. Zatim, tu je i sistem klasifikacije potrošnje energije koji pokazuju energetski pasoši, ali suprotno opšteprihvaćenom mišljenju - pasoši sami po sebi nisu garant da je objekat energetski efikasan. Problem nisu realizovani projekti u poslednjih pet godina već odsustvo rešenja za sve objekte koji su izgrađeni predonošenja savremenih pravilnika. Tu je bitna razliku u pristupu rešavanja problema u EU i nekim zemljama regiona. Mi u „San enerdžiju“ smo prepoznali da je rešenje ESCO pristup i nastojimo da prenesemo sva znanja koja smo stekli u ovoj oblasti u poslednjih 10 godina na tržištima poput Holandije i Letonije i primenimo ih u Srbiji. How much, in your opinion, Serbia follows the trends and how much is lagging behind EU countries and regions in terms of energy efficiency in buildings? Nenad Mitošević: In the past five years, Serbia has made several important breakthroughs in the field of energy efficiency, notably the application of regulations that affect the quality of construction. Then, there is a classification system for energy consumption indicated in energy passports, but contrary to the generally accepted opinion - passports are not in themselves a guarantee that the building is energy efficient. Problems are not projects implemented in the last
five years, but the absence of solutions for all objects that were built before the adoption of modern rules. There is an important difference in approach of solving problems in the EU and other countries in the region. In the „Sun Energy“ we recognized that the solution is ESCO approach and we are trying to transfer all the knowledge we have gained in this field in the last 10 years on the markets such as the Netherlands and Latvia and apply them in Serbia. Koje prednosti donose primene vaših rešenja u stambenim objektima? Nenad Mitošević: Naša rešenja u domove pre svega donose komfor po pristupačnim cenama. Pod komforom podrazumevamo sistem centralnog grejanja, hlađenja, centralne pripreme sanitarne tople vode i efikasnu kontrolu temperatura u domovima. Dakle, usluga grejanja i hlađenja 24 sata dnevno, na temperaturama koje izabere korisnik. Takvi sistemi se često povezuju sa višim troškovima ulaganja koje neki investitori smatraju da ne mogu da prenesu na krajnje kupce. Primenom našeg koncepta investiciona cena rešenja ne prelazi budžete za tradicionalne sisteme grejanja i hlađenja, a dobija se za klasu viša usluga. What are the advantages of application of your solutions in residential buildings? Nenad Mitošević: Our solutions in homes primarily bring comfort at reasonable prices. Under the comfort we mean a system of central heating, cooling, central domestic hot water and efficient temperature control in homes. Accordingly,
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
heating and cooling services 24 hours a day, at temperatures selected by the user. Such systems are often associated with higher cost of investment that some investors feel that they can not transfer to the final customers. By applying our concept investment cost of the solution does not exceed the budget for traditional heating and cooling systems, and they are provided with the higher class of service.
Trenutno je vaša kompanija angažovana na izgradnji luksuznog objekta u Žičkoj ulici? Nenad Mitošević: To je projekat sa centralnim grejanjem, hlađenjem i centralnom pripremom tople vode. Saradnju, koju smo još pre pet godina počeli sa partnerima iz kompanije “GP Kombo” zastupnikom brenda “Rehau”, liderom u proizvodnji umreženih polietilenskih (PEX) cevi i rešenjima iz oblasti obnovljive energije, a koji su se odlično pokazali u smislu kvaliteta izvođenja radova, nastavili smo i na ovom objektu. Ovde želimo da primenimo sve primere naše dobre prakse. Currently, your company is engaged in construction of a luxurious building in Žička street? Nenad Mitošević: This is a project with central heating, cooling and central hot water. Cooperation, that we started five years ago with our partners, company „GP Kombo“ representative of the Rehau brand, the leader in the production of crosslinked polyethylene (PEX) pipes and solutions in the field of renewable energy, who is doing a great job in terms of quality of works, continued on this project. Here we want to implement all of the examples of our good practice. Koji su dalji planovi vaše kompanije?
Kakvo je iskustvo vaše kompanije u Holandiji? Nenad Mitošević: U Holandiji nekoliko hiljada ljudi koristi naše usluge, neki već i deset godina. Iskustvo i broj projekata koje su kolege u Holandiji realizovali daju nam veliki oslonac i omogućavaju da ne pravimo greške koje su oni pravili. S druge strane, prilagođavanje tržištu znači i prilagođavanje navikama potrošača. Tako, na primer, holandski korisnik nalazi da je zimi 19C komforna temperatura za dnevni boravak, dok je naše iskustvo u Srbiji pokazalo da samo 1,5% korisnika drži 20C na svom sobnom termostatu. Svi ostali spadaju u onu grupu korisnika kojima je prijatna temperatura od 22 do 24C. Mi na sve te izazove odgovaramo obnovljivim izvorima energije, kojih u Srbiji ima dovoljno, a koji se ne koriste u dovoljnoj meri. What is the experience of your company in the Netherlands? Nenad Mitošević: In the Netherlands, several thousand people are using our services, some of them already for ten years. The experience and the number of projects that have been implemented by our colleagues in the Netherlands, give us a great support and allow us not make mistakes that they made. On the other hand, the adjustment of the market, also means adjusting consumer habits. So, for example, the Dutch user founds that the winter temperature of 19C is comfortable for living room, while our experience in Serbia showed that only 1.5% of users holds 20C on their room thermostat. All the others belong to the group of users that are pleasant at temperatures of 22 to 24C. We respond to these challenges with renewable energy sources, which Serbia has enough, and that are not used sufficiently.
Nenad Mitošević: U narednom periodu planiramo da nastavimo da uvodimo obnovljive izvore energije u objekte u novogradnji, ali nam je glavni cilj da završimo prve projekte rekonstrukcije postojećih objekata. Tu mislim da možemo da damo značajan doprinos i potpuno revitalizujemo izgled grada. Uvođenjem obnovljivih izvora energije i poboljšanjem termičkih svojstava postojećih objekata možemo efikasno smanjiti zaostatak u odnosu na evropske standarde kada je reč o energetskoj efikasnosti. What are the future plans of your company? Nenad Mitošević: In the future we intend to continue to install renewable energy in building facilities, but our main goal is to finish first projects of reconstruction of existing facilities. Here I think that we can give a significant contribution and completely revitalize the appearance of the city. With the introduction of renewable energy sources and improving the thermal properties of existing objects can effectively reduce the deficit in relation to European standards in terms of energy efficiency.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
INVESTICIJE – Investitions
GRAWE – skoro dva veka uspešnih investicija u nekretnine GRAWE - almost two centuries of successful investments in real estate „Grawe osiguranje“, osnovano 1997. godine kao prvo osiguravajuće društvo sa stranim kapitalom u Srbiji, danas je među liderima na našem tržištu u oblasti osiguranja života. Trinaest osiguravajućih društava centralne i jugoistočne Evrope „Grawe grupe“ dokaz su međunarodne orijentacije. Stabilnost i visoko mesto na tržištu osiguranja odraz su uspešnog poslovanja koje traje više od 180 godina. U poslovnoj 2015. godini kompanija je ostvarila rast portfelja, odnosno produkcije i rast broja zaposlenih. Finansijska stabilnost i sigurnost su atributi koje građani najviše koriste pri opisu ovog osiguravajućeg društva. O poslovnim rezultatima, planovima i stanju na tržištu za Real Estate Magazin govori Kristof Cetl, generalni direktor „Grawe osiguranja“.
„Grawe Insurance“, founded in 1997 as the first insurance company with foreign capital in Serbia, today is among the leaders in our market in the field of life insurance. Thirteen insurance companies of Central and Southeast Europe of „Grawe Group“ are evidence of international orientation. Stability and high position in the insurance market reflects successful business that lasts for more than 180 years. In fiscal 2015, the company achieved portfolio growth ie production and growth in the number of employees. Financial stability and safety are the attributes that most people use to describe this insurance company. About business results, plans and the state of the market for ‚Real Estate Magazin‘ speaks Christoph Czettl, General Kristof Cetl Director of „Grawe insurance“.
Koja je poslovna filozofija, tj. strategija investiranja „Grawe osiguranja“ unutar grupe? Da li „Grawe“ ulaže u nekretnine kako bi se zaštitio od eventualnih turbulencija i nestabilnosti finansijskog tržišta na kome posluje?
we invest in real estate, so this concept is, as well, mapped to the business in Serbia. „Grawe Group“ manages costs, real estate itself and income from real estate and thereby achieve synergies and excellent business results, as evidenced by the investment in building a business center in New Belgrade, which extends on 15,600 square meters.
Kristof Cetl: Dugoročnost i sigurnost su osnove naše strategije ulaganja, ne samo u Republici Srbiji, već i u celom „Grawe“ koncernu. Na nivou „Grawe“ koncerna već skoro dva veka investiramo u nekretnine, pa je taj koncept preslikan i na poslovanje u Srbiji. „Grawe“ upravlja troškovima, samim nekretninama i prihodima od nekretnina i na taj način ostvarujemo sinergiju poslovanja i odlične rezultate, što potvrđuje i investicija u izgradnju poslovnog centra na Novom Beogradu koji se prostire na 15.600 kvadratnih metara. What is the business philosophy, ie investment strategy of „Grawe insurance“ within the group? Does „Grawe“ invests in real estates in order to protect against possible turbulence and instability of the financial markets in which it operates? Christoph Czettl: Longevity and safety are the basics of our investment strategy, not only in Serbia but also in the whole „Grawe Group“. In „Grawe Group“ for almost two centuries,
Vaša poslovna zgrada u Beogradu je jedna od najvećih investicija koncerna „Grawe“. Kristof Cetl: Izgradnja „Grawe“ poslovnog centra na Novom Beogradu 2007. godine najveća je investicija „Grawe“ koncerna u Srbiji, vredna 32 miliona evra, kada smo se našli i na listi najvećih investitora u Srbiji. Principi koje primenjujemo u osiguranju kao što su dugoročan odnos sa klijentima, poverenje i domaćinski pristup u poslovanju preslikavaju se i na upravljanje nekretninama, odnosno poslovnu saradnju sa našim zakupcima. „Grawe“ poslovni centar se održava prema najvišim standardima i kvalitet koji nudimo kada je u pitanju zakup poslovnog prostora može da proveri svaki zainteresovani zakupac. Osnova našeg poslovanja i jedna od najvećih prednosti je optimalan odnos cene i kvaliteta.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
INVESTICIJE – Investitions Your office building in Belgrade is one of the largest investments of „Grawe Group“ ?
How do you see the current situation of the insurance market in Serbia?
Christoph Czettl: Construction of „of Grawe“ business center in New Belgrade in 2007 is the biggest investment of „Grawe Group“ in Serbia, worth 32 million euros, when we were on the list of the biggest investors in Serbia. The principles that apply to insurance, such as long-term relationships with clients, trust and host access in the business was mapped to the management of real estate, ie business cooperation with our tenantry. „Grawe“ business center, maintained by the highest standards and quality that we offer when it comes to leasing office space can verify every interested renter. The basis of our business and one of the biggest advantages is the optimum ratio between price and quality.
Christoph Czettl: Analyzing the outstanding results of „Grawe insurance“, I can say that we have achieved a lot, and that the progress and market development is obvious. From the perspective of an insurance company that is among the most profitable in the market, the quality of our services is reflecting on the constant increase in the number of insurance contracts. I am particularly glad that the market recognizes the way of working of our group. The insurance market in Serbia is relatively undeveloped, but I would like to point out that there is very large potential. I think that the market is slowly evolving and through the years it is growing, especially life insurance market.
Portfelj „Grawe osiguranja“ je širok. U ponudi vaše osiguravajuće kuće imate brojne pakete životnih i neživotnih osiguranja. Kom segmentu dajete prednost? Planirate li da uskoro na tržište plasirate neki novi paket usluga?
Osiguravajuće kuće su do sada bile složne u zahtevima da država treba da podstiče ovu branšu. Šta država može da učini za sektor osiguranja u Srbiji?
Kristof Cetl: Različite vrste osiguranja života (za decu, odrasle, za penzionere, građane koji žele da obezbede pokriće za slučaj nastanka određene teške bolesti ili građane koji samo žele da akumuliraju svoja slobodna sredstva i da kroz ugovor ostvare dobit) čine najveći deo portfelja „Grawe osiguranja“. U planu je da u 2017. godini počnemo sa obavljanjem gotovo svih vrsta neživotnih osiguranja. Naša politika poslovanja podrazumeva prilagođavanje potrebama građana, odnosno tržišta, primenjujući najsavremeniji pristup struke sa logikom partnerskog odnosa i pristupa pojedincu. Portfolio of „Grawe“ insurance is broad. Your insurance company offers a number of packages of life and non-life insurance. Which segment do you prefer? Are you planning soon to place on the market a new service package? Christoph Czettl: Different types of life insurance (for children, adults, pensioners, those looking to provide cover in case of occurrence of certain serious illness or those who just want to accumulate their free funds and make a profit through the contract) comprise the largest part of the portfolio „Grawe insurance“ . The plan is that in 2017 we start with the performance of almost all types of non-life insurance. Our business policy means meeting people‘s needs, ie the market, using the most modern approach to the profession with the logic of partnership and access to each individual. Kako sagledavate trenutno stanje na tržištu osiguranja u Srbiji? Kristof Cetl: Analizirajući izvanredne rezultate „Grawe osiguranja“ mogu da kažem da smo postigli mnogo i da su napredak i razvoj tržišta očigledni. Iz perspektive osiguravajućeg društva koje je na tržištu među najprofitabilnijim, kvalitet naših usluga se odražava na konstantan rast broja ugovora o osiguranju. Posebno mi je drago da tržište prepoznaje način rada našeg društva. Tržište osiguranja u Srbiji je relativno nerazvijeno, ali bih istakao da ima izuzetno veliki potencijal. Smatram da se tržište polako razvija i da godinama beleži rast, naročito tržište osiguranja života.
Kristof Cetl: Zakonska situacija je jasna i u velikoj meri doprinosi zaštiti potrošača, konkretno odgovara na pitanja koja su bila aktuelna prethodnih godina, poput razdvajanja društava za osiguranje. Pored toga, daje i rešenja za unapređenje poslovanja svih privrednih subjekata na tržištu osiguranja. Zadovoljni smo novim zakonskim propisima i verujem da će oni u velikoj meri doprineti razvoju tržišta. Ako razmislimo gde slobodna sredstva iz osiguranja mogu da se ulažu i koliko još taj potencijal može da se poveća uvođenjem poreskih olakšica, a s druge strane analiziramo potencijal osiguranja života, smatram da smo tek na početku. Podsticaj u vidu poreskih olakšica za građane koji zaključuju ugovor o osiguranju obezbedio bi brži rast tržišta, a još veću ekspanziju bismo ostvarili kada bi država iskoristila sredstva akumulirana iz osiguranja života za finansiranje infrastrukturnih projekata. Insurance companies were very united, so far, in demanding that the state should encourage this sector. What the government could do for the insurance sector in Serbia? Christoph Czettl: The legal situation is clear and contributes greatly to the protection of consumers, in particular responding to issues that were actual in previous years, such as the separation of insurance companies. In addition, it gives the solution for the improvement of all business entities in the insurance market. We are pleased with the new legislation, and I believe that they will greatly contribute to the development of the market. If we think about where free assets from the insurance can be invested and how much of this potential can be increased by introducing tax incentives, on the other hand we analyze the potential of life insurance, I believe that we are only at the beginning. Incentives in the form of tax incentives for those who conclude an insurance contract would provide faster market growth, a larger expansion to achieve if the government were using funds accumulated from life insurance for financing infrastructure projects.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
INVESTICIJE – Investitions Kako će se, po vašem mišljenju, kretati tržište osiguranja u Srbiji narednih godina? Kristof Cetl: Novi zakon za mene znači veliki korak napred, posebno po pitanju novih definicija. Najpre bih istakao da je očigledno koliko je zakonodavac razmišljao o tome da tržište bude još sigurnije, koliko rezerve treba da budu velike, koliko kapital jednog društva treba da bude veći nego do sada. Očigledna je i jasna logika stabilizacije tržišta i, naravno, još povoljniji uslovi za svakog klijenta. Prilagođavanje standardima Evropske unije će nam takođe olakšati poslovanje jer imamo znanja i iskustvo na nivou „Grawe“ koncerna. Činjenica je da je sve veći broj građana zainteresovan za osiguranje imovine, koju podupiru i rezultati istraživanja Instituta „Ipsos stratedžik marketing“ (23% građana se izjasnilo da je zainteresovano da osigura stan ili kuću u kojoj živi), a osiguranje života već beleži kontinuirani rast poslednjih deset godina. In your opinion, how is going to change the insurance market in Serbia in the coming years? Christoph Czettl: The new law means for me a big step forward, especially in terms of new definitions. I would first like to point out that it is obvious how much the legislator thought that the market should be even safer, how much reserves should be, how much capital of an insurance company needs to be greater than now. There is an obvious and clear logic of market stabilization and of course, even more favorable conditions for each client. Adjusting to EU standards will also facilitate our business because we have the knowledge and experience at the level of „Grawe“ group. The fact is that a growing number of people interested in property insurance, which is supported by the results of the research institute „Ipsos Strategic Marketing“ (23% of respondents said they are interested to insure an apartment or house in which they live), a life insurance already has continuous growth in the last ten years. Koliko je osiguranje imovine realno jeftino ili skupo i koliko košta prosečna premija po metru kvadratnom stambenog prostora? Koje povoljnosti nudi osiguranje imovine i koji su rizici obično pokriveni? Kristof Cetl: Obezbediti imovinu, u koju smo najčešće uložili velika sredstva i godine truda, mudra je i dobra odluka. Osiguranje imovine nije velika investicija u odnosu na to šta obezbeđuje. Premija, odnosno cena osiguranja zavisi od visine pokrića i vrste rizika koji su obuhvaćeni ugovorom o osiguranju imovine. Iz tog razloga građani bi trebalo detaljno da se informišu o vrstama rizika koje žele da uključe u osiguranje, a u skladu sa premijom koju žele da uplate. Is the property insurance cheap or expensive in real terms, and how much the average premium per square meter of living space costs? What are the benefits, offered by property insurance and what are the risks that are usually covered?
is wise and good decision. Property insurance is not a big investment in terms of what they provide. The premium, or price of insurance depends on the amount of coverage and types of risk covered by the property insurance contract. For this reason people should be thoroughly informed about the types of risks they want to engage in insurance, in accordance with the premium they want to pay. Koji bi bili saveti građanima koji, poučeni nedavnom situacijom, razmišljaju o osiguranju života, ali i svoje pokretne i nepokretne imovine? Na šta da obrate pažnju i kako da odaberu odgovarajuće osiguranje? Kristof Cetl: Tradicija i ugled osiguravajuće kuće, iskustvo u poslovanju, odnos cene i kvaliteta usluge, visina dobiti i broj osiguranika najčešći su kriterijumi građana pri izboru osiguravajuće kuće. Svake godine se značajno povećava procenat ispitanika koji kao kriterijum za izbor navode preporuku – što takođe pokazuju rezultati poslednjeg istraživanja. Može se zaključiti da su navedeni kriterijumi s jedne strane pokazatelji sve veće osetljivosti naših potrošača, a s druge može da bude i jedno od obrazloženja za dugogodišnji uspeh „Grawe osiguranja“ čiji se portfelj aktivnih ugovora o osiguranju života na kraju 2015. godine povećao na više od 50.000. Sa velikim zadovoljstvom mogu da kažem da „Grawe“ godinama unazad beleži veliki uspeh, da je među najistaknutijim osiguravajućim društvima na tržištu i da ima zadovoljne korisnike usluga, kako zbog visine dobiti koje obezbeđuje za svoje klijente, tako i zbog brze i kvalitetne isplate po osnovu zahteva za isplatu štete. What would be a proper advice for those who, having learned from the recent situation, think about life insurance, but also their movable and immovable property? On what should they pay attention to, and how do they choose proper insurance? Christoph Czettl: The tradition and reputation of the insurance company, experience in the business, the price and quality of service, the amount of profit and the number of insured are the most common criteria when choosing an insurance company. Every year, significantly increases the percentage of respondents who as a criterion for selection - stated the recommendation - which is also the results of the last survey. Conclusion could be that, on the one hand, these criteria are indicators of the increasing sensitivity of our consumers; and on the other may be one of the justifications for long-term success of „Grawe insurance“, whose active portfolio of life insurance contracts at the end of 2015 has increased to more than 50,000. With great pleasure I can say that „Grawe“ achieves great success for years and that is among the most prominent insurance companies in the market and that has satisfied users of services, both because of the amount of profits that provides for its customers, and because of the fast and quality payments by the request for payment of damages.
Christoph Czettl: Insuring the property, in which we have usually invested substantial resources and years of effort,
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
GRAWE Poslovni centar Savremeni poslovni prostor GRAWE Poslovnog centra na Novom Beogradu! GRAWE Nekretnine d.o.o. Beograd 路 Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115D Kontakt: Tel. 011 / 2092-604 路
ite d e r p Una a拧e V nje!! ova l s o p
ENTERIJER – Interior
Uređenje stana nije baš kratkotrajan proces već zahteva dosta vremena i strpljenja, pogotovo ako želite dom sa stilom. Vizualizacija stana površine 100 m², smeštenog u Zaječaru, otkriva praktično rešenje za uređenje porodičnog stana Decorating the apartment is not just a short-term process but requires a lot of time and patience, especially if you want a home with style. Visualization of the apartment area of 100 m², situated in Zajecar, reveals a practical solution for decorating family apartment. Autori: dr Aleksandar Keković dipl. inž. arh. | Marjan Petrović dipl. inž. arh.
Poseban akcenat stavljen je pri projektovanju i realizaciji na dečju sobu, gde je u relativno malom prostoru cilj bio da se stvori maštovit dečji ambijent sa mnogo asocijativnih elemenata kroz ugrađenu opremu, materijale i boje. To bi trebalo da bude podsticaj za kvalitetniju igru, odrastanje i život. The living and dining room, are treated as a single functional and shaped entirety, which should meet the needs of investors primarily in terms of space utilization and the utility of installed equipment, as well as visual spaciousness and likeability. Dominant are contrasts of bright - dark and warm - in every room of the apartment, both in color and texture of the materials used. The kitchen is “relying” on the dining room, as a separate room. The maximum use of space for storing kitchen appliances and techniques, as well as lower and wall cabinets. Lower and wall units are connected by the system frame into one unit. Hallway and niches in the corridor are filled with closets for storing a large number of things, and at the same time not taking away space for the normal functioning and communication through a residential area.
Dnevni boravak i trpezarija tretirani su kao jedinstvena funkcionalna i oblikovna celina, koja treba da zadovolјi potrebe investitora pre svega u smislu iskorišćenosti prostora i utilitarnosti ugrađene opreme, kao i vizuelne prostranosti i dopadlјivosti. Dominantne su kontrasti svetlo - tamno i toplo - hladno u svim prostorijama stana, kako u boji, tako i u teksturama korišćenih materijala.
Special focus is on the design and realization of the children’s room, where in a relatively small area, the aim was to create an imaginative children’s ambience, with many of associative elements of the built-in equipment, materials and colors. This should be stimulus for better play, growth and life.
Kuhinja je dvotraktna, „oslonjena“ na trpezariju kao zasebna prostorija. Maksimalno je iskorišćen prostor za smeštanje kuhinjskih elemenata i tehnike, u osnovi kao i po visini. Donji i viseći elementi su spojeni po sistemu rama u jednu celinu. Hodničke i niše u degažmanu ispunjene su plakarima za smeštanje velikog broja stvari, istovremeno ne oduzimajući prostor za normalno funkcionisanje i komunikaciju kroz stambeni prostor.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
ENTERIJER – Interior
Enterijer ovog stambenog prostora projektovan je i realizovan u savremenom, modernom arhitektonskom izrazu, koji bi trebalo da stvori prijatnu i dopadlŃ˜ivu atmosferu za korisnike prostora.
The interior of this living space is designed and realized in contemporary, architectural expression, which should create a pleasant and appealing atmosphere for tenants.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
U FOKUSU – In focus
alentovani fotograf Mirko Nahmijas predstavio je Beograd iz potpuno drugačijeg ugla. Njegov projekat „Minimal Belgrade“ prikazuje seriju umetničkih fotografija najistaknutijih građevina beogradske arhitekture nastale sredinom 20. veka. Često se ovaj minimalistički stil u arhitekturi naziva i socijalistički modenizam, socrealizam, brutalizam i tako dalje. Na fotografijama arhitektura neodoljivo podseća na „Star wars“. Glavna karakteristika ovih građevina nije samo to što izgledaju kao iz budućnosti, nego i kao da su iz neke daleke budućnosti uzete i prebačene u naše vreme.
alented photographer Mirko Nahmijas presented Belgrade from a completely different angle. His project „Minimal Belgrade“ shows a series of artistic photos with the most prominent buildings of Belgrade’s mid-twentieth century architecture. Often called Socialist Modernism, Soc-realism, Brutalism, Architecture of forced standard etc. On the photos architecture reminiscent of the „Star Wars“. The main characteristic of all these astonishing edifices is they will always look not-just futuristic, but as though they were taken from the future and brought to us.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
U FOKUSU – In focus
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
ENTERIJER – Interior
Modularni nameštaj uklapa sve vaše potrebe bilo kod kuće ili u kancelariji Modular Furniture fits all your needs be it at home or at the office
Adaptacija i proširivost u svim prostornim dimenzijama
ao i sam život, naši životni prostori su u stalnom stanju promene. Trendovi i individualne sklonosti se menjaju. Međutim, naš boravišni i poslovni prostori odražavaju način na koji mislimo i osećamo. Rastuća potražnja i dizajn fleksibilnije i održivih radnih okruženja poziv je za potpuno novu vrstu sposobnosti kancelarijskog nameštaja, koji je svestran i može se prilagoditi različitim dimenzijama prostora. Na taj način nameštaj postaje naš stalni pratilac.
Adaptation and expandability in all spatial dimensions
ike life itself, our living spaces are in a constant state of change. Trends and individual preferences are changing. However, our residential and office spaces reflect the way we think and feel. Growing demand and design more flexible and sustainable work environments call for a completely new type of ability kancelarisjkog furniture that is versatile and can be adapted to the different dimensions of space. In this way the furniture becomes our constant companion.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
Magazine ENTERIJER – Interior
Osnovni princip iza svih proizvoda USM modularnog nameštaja je da forma treba da prati funkcionalnost. USM nameštaj karakteriše bezvremenski dizajn i visoki kvalitet proizvodnje koji omogućava proizvodima prilagođavanje promenjivim potrebama klijenata tokom vremena. Elegantne proporcije i minimalistički dizajn čine svaki komad prilagodljivim za stanove i kancelarije, ali i sposoban da se uklopi u arhitekturu ili dizajn enterijera.
The underlying impetus behind all USM Modular Furniture products is that form should follow function. USM furniture is characterized by timeless design and high-quality construction which enables their products to adapt to changing needs over time. The elegant proportions and minimalist design make each system appropriate for both home and office environments, able to assimilate with any architecture or interior design.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
ENTERIJER – Interior
vuda kao kod kuće. Moderan kancelarijski nameštaj zahteva visok stepen prilagodljivosti, prema zaposlenima, prema radnom postoru, konceptu primene, kao i samom procesu rada. Šta može biti bolje od kancelarijske stolice savršene za sve članove tima i uklopive sve tipove okruženja? U Call centrima, savetovalištima, kancelarijama gde ljudi rade zajedno kao tim, ili salama za sastanke i konferencije, jednostavnost primene i estetika prosto nameću Wilkhahn nameštaj kao omiljen izbor. Kombinacijom inovativnih tehnologija i dizajna visokog kvaliteta, “ON” stolica nastavlja da impresionira ljude različitih konstitucija. Stolica ima dovoljno prostora za različite položaje, a opšti utisak je harmoničan. Karakteristične sving ploče, izrađene od livenog aluminijuma nepogrešivo definišu ovu višestruko nagrađivanu stolicu.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
ENTERIJER – Interior
t home everywhere. Modern office environments require a high level of flexibility, rregarding people, workspaces, usage cocncepts and process. What could be better than an office chair that is perfect for all the team and any backdrop? In telecentres, advice facilities, offices where people work as a team, or conference rooms, eease of use and aesthetic appeal make Wilkhahn furniture a favourite choice. Combining innovative technology and high-quality design, the “ON” chair continues to impress people of all shapes and sizes. The chair has enough space for different postures and the overall impression is one of harmony. The distinctive die-cast aluminium swing plates define the unmistakable multi-award-winning chair.
Gospodar Jevremova 41, 11000 BEOGRAD, SRBIJA | | +381 11 328 6653
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
ENTERIJER – Interior
ARE filozofija bazira se na duhovitosti i radoznalosti i predstavlja nesvakidašnje ideje u nekoliko osvežavajućih kolekcija nameštaja, rasvete i detalja, koje se stilski kreću od provokativne mešavine umetnosti i kiča do klasične elegancije.
KARE Design je globalni brend sa modernim lifestyle konceptom, slovi za proivođača nameštaja koji je atraktivan, koji uspešno koketira sa stilovima, epohama, dajući im nove forme koje su utemeljene u pop kulturi. Paleta proizvoda sastoji se od namještaja, rasvete, asesoara kao i poklon-ideja. Ono što možemo nazvati filozofijom Kare jeste maksima „Više ukusa za manje novca“! Kare pokazuje da luksuz može biti pristupačan a da pritom ne mora da se žrtvuje kvalitet stila življenja.
ARE philosophy is based on humor and curiosity, and represents unusual ideas in a few refreshing collections of furniture, lighting and details, which are stylistically ranging from provocative blend of art and kitsch to classic elegance. “KARE” Design is a global brand with a modern lifestyle concept known as the producer of attractive furniture that successfully flirts with styles and epochs, giving them new forms, rooted in a pop culture. The product range consists of furniture, lighting, accessories and gift ideas. What might be called the philosophy of “Kare”, is the phrase “more taste for less money”! “Kare” shows that luxury can be affordable without having to sacrifice the quality of the lifestyle.
KARE salon, Dečanska 12, Beograd
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
Beogradski umetnik koji odbačenim stvarima daje novi život Belgrade’s artist who gives things a new life AUTOR: JELENA KOVAČEVIĆ
Recycling and Upcycling Za Mišu Đorđevića iz Beograda, poznatijeg kao Misha Lampe, može se reći da je savremeni kovač koji je u ovom vekovnom zanatu pronašao jedinstveni umetnički izraz. Za sebe kaže da je „izmaštavalac lampi i koječega. Pored unikatnih lampi koje plene originalnošću, pravi i ogledalca, držače za nakit, čiviluke, garnišne, paravane, stolice, stolove, ograde, žardinjere... Njegovi radovi odišu kreativnošću i spajaju nespojivo. Kroz svoje umetničke radove Miša odbačenim komadima gvožđa daje novu formu i smisao i ujedno stvara jedinstvena rešenja za uređenje enterijera.
Misha Djordjevic from Belgrade, well known as Misha Lamps, can be said that he is a modern blacksmith who in this age-old craft found a unique artistic expression. He calls himself the dream lamps maker and many other things. In addition to the unique and special lamps, he makes mirrors, jewelry holders, hat stand, curtains, screens, chairs, tables, fences, flower pots, etc. His pieces reflect creativity and combination of. Through his artistic work Misha discarded pieces of iron gives new form and meaning, and also creates unique solutions for interior design.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
Reciklirana moda je u svetu odavno našla svoje mesto i primenu. Da li u Srbiji postoji interesovanje za ovakve predmete? Miša Đorđević: Reciklaža je u svetu zauzela svoje mesto u svim segmentima života. U Srbiji nije na nivou kao u okruženju, ali stvari se u poslednje vreme menjaju i sve je više ljudi koji se angažuju po tom pitanju. Tu ima puno prostora za nova radna mesta i za bolje očuvanje životne sredine. Ja se konkretno bavim recycling i upcycling metodom. Recycling je klasično korišćenje otpada po principu „nekom smeće, drugom izvor sreće“ i uglavnom upotrebljavam metal. Druga metoda je poznata kao upcycling, odnosno upotreba nekog starog predmeta na potpuno drugačiji način ili uz korekcije za drugu svrhu. Na primer, kada od automobilskih delova napravite lampu. To su dva načina realizacije. Sve ostalo je stvar ideje i mašte.
What encourages you to start giving a new life to forgotten stuff? Misha Djordjevic: It started spontaneously. I had an old stool. The classic wood one that almost everyone has at home. Mine was part of the family heritage and it was very shaky. One day it just collapsed. The wood was old, patinated and I felt bad to use it for a barbecue. It had three parts, two lateral legs and upper seating part. All three parts are used as the seating parts for three new stools that have received new legs from the forgotten metal parts that were kept under the desk. That is how recycling began in my workshop.
Recycled fashion in the world has found its place and position long time ago. Is there any interest in Serbia for this kind of things? Misha Djordjevic: Recycling has taken its place in all aspects of human life in the world. Serbia is not on the same level as our surrounding, but things are changing lately and more people are engaging with this topic. There is plenty of room for new jobs and better protection of our environment. I use recycling and upcycling method. Recycling is a process of converting waste materials based on the principle of being a waste for someone to being source of happiness to another one, I primarily use metal. Another method known as upcycling, is a creative reuse of an existing item for a completely different manner or with adjustment for other purposes. For example, when you make a lamp out of car parts. These are two ways of realization. Everything else is a matter of ideas and imagination. Šta je to što vas je podstaklo da se osmelite i počnete da odbačenim stvarima pružate nov život? Miša Đorđević: Počelo je nekako spontano. Imao sam staru hoklicu na izdisaju. Onu klasičnu drvenu koju skoro svako ima u kući. Moja je bila deo porodičnog nasleđa i veoma klimava. Jednog dana se jednostavno raspala. Drvo je bilo staro, patinirano i bilo mi je žao da posluži kao potpala za roštilj. Imala je tri dela, dve bočne nogice i gornji deo za sedenje. Sva tri dela su poslužila kao sedalni delovi za tri nove hoklice koje su dobile noge od otpadaka metala ispod radnog stola. Tako je počela reciklaža u mojoj radionici.
Zbog čega ste odabrali da pravite baš lampe? Da li ovaj predmet ima neku posebnu simboliku? Miša Đorđević: Mislim da sam pre ja bio izabran nego što sam birao. A sve je to u vezi sa onim magičnim jutrom kada sam ugledao lampu u „Beoizlogu” u sablasno praznoj Knez Mihailovoj jednog februarskog sunčanog jutra i zalepio se za izlog. I stalno mu se iznova vraćao da se divim i maštam da bih i ja mogao da napravim lampu. Valjda je tog jutra bilo zvezdane prašine u vazduhu. Nemam drugo objašnjenje. Posle se desio razvojni put od potpunog neznalice za varenje i obradu metala do sadašnje reciklaže. Why did you choose to make lamps? Perhaps this item has a special symbolic meaning for you? Misha Djordjevic: I think that I was elected instead. All of this is connected to the magic morning when I saw the lamp ad got glued to the window of „BEOIZLOG“ store in the eerily empty Knez Mihailova street that February sunny morning. I was coming back again and again to admire and I fantasize about how I could make a lamp. I guess that morning was the star dust in the air. I have no other explanation. After development path has occurred from a complete dummies for welding and metalworking to the current recycling.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
Koje materijale najčešće koristite u izradi svojih dela i gde ih nabavljate? Miša Đorđević: Materijal za izradu pronalazim svuda, na buvljacima, otpadima, stovarištima, ali i na ulici, pored kontejnera, uz obavezne poglede sa strane koji su samo na početku izazivali neprijatnost. Posle od tih predmeta nastaju lampe, hoklice, ogledala i još mnogo toga. Ponekad ih upotrebim odmah, a nekad leže u radionici danima, mesecima, sve dok se ne uklope u neki pokretni mozaik i upadnu na mesto kao kockica u tetrisu kad poništi red. Ja mislim da te stvari nekako pronađu put do svog mesta u nekoj lampi ili nekom drugom obliku. Uglavnom je to metal, ali počeo sam da koristim i staklo, drvo, epoksidne smole, odnosno skoro
sve što mi padne pod ruku. Sad su i drugari i okruženje već upoznati sa tim što radim pa više ne bacaju stare tiganje, pegle i ostale predmete od metala nego me pozovu i onda vide ogroman osmeh na mom licu. U poslednje vreme počeo sam da dobijam i stare automobile. To je novi projekat na kom radim i uskoro očekujem prve rezultate. What are the most common materials used in making your art work and where you find it? Misha Djordjevic: I find materials everywhere, at flea markets, junk yards, warehouses or on the street, next to the trash containers where I would feel a discomfort at the beginning. From these materials arise lamps, stools, mirrors and more.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
Sometimes I use them right away, and sometimes they lie in the workshop for days or months, until they fit into a perfect mosaic and fall into a place as cubes in Tetris. I think these things somehow find its way into a lamp or something else. Usually it is metal, but I have begun to use glass, wood, epoxy resin, or almost everything I find. My friends and neighbors are already familiar with what I‘m doing, they do not throw away old pans, irons and other items made of metal they call me and then they can see a huge smile on my face. Lately I have started getting the old cars, this is a new project I‘m working on and I expect the first results very soon. Vaše lampe su upečatljiv detalj u svakom ambijentu. Lampe „Roxanne Tango Korset” i „Spartans Crew” su odavno postale prepoznatljive i vaš zaštitni znak. Koje su vam najčešće inspiracije? Miša Đorđević: Drago mi je ako mislite da su prepoznatljive i da su divan detalj u nečijem prostoru. A samo nastajanje zavisi od trenutka koji ponekad aktiviraju divni ljudi oko mene ili priroda ili jednostavna porudžbina. Korset lampa je nastala jer sam okružen dizajnerkama kojima su bile potrebne drugačije lutke za salone. Tek kasnije je došlo do transformacije u lampu. Spartanac je nastao kao poklon za drugara koji je voleo film „300“. A opet, neke su samo blesnule u momentu i onda sve ostavite sa strane i pravite i oblikujete dok se ne poklopi sa maglovitim prikazom u glavi. Inspiracija je stalno tu oko nas, cirkuliše, i onda u jednom momentu samo izroni kao podmornica. Your lamps are an impressive detail in any ambience. Lamps „Roxanne Tango Corset“ and „Spartans Crew“ have become recognized and your trade mark. What is inspiration for your work? Misha Djordjevic: I‘m delightful if you think they are recognized and they decorate someone‘s space. Thank you. Their appearance depends on my moment with wonderful people around me, the nature or just order itself. Corset lamp was created because I am surrounded with many designers who needed dolls for different showrooms. Only after I made the corset lamp. Spartan lamp was created as a gift for a friend of mine who loves Film 300. Yet some others are made in the flash moment when you leave everything on side and start creating and designing until it gets close to a foggy idea from the head. The inspiration is always here, around us, circulating, and then at some point gets out as a submarine.
šapuće, jednostavno nema šablona. Kada bih sada razmišljao o svakoj lampi ponaosob verovatno da svaka ima neku svoju priču kako je počela da svetli. U poslednje vreme sam počeo da fotografišem pre i posle, šta sve može da se iznedri iz gomile gvožđa. How do you choose your motifs? Weather you decide based on your current inspiration or the market demand? What influences your choice of motifs for new lamps? Misha Djordjevic: There is really no rule, weather there is a desire to have something completely different or lonely autumn leaf on bare branch or a pile of wasted materials lying on the floor and quietly whispering you, there is simply no rule. If I think about each individual lamp each one has its own story and how it started to light. Lately I have started to take photos before and after, what can be made from the pale of iron. Kakvi su vam planovi za budućnost i da li su u pripremi neke samostalne ili grupne izložbe? Miša Đorđević: Planova ima mnogo kao i ideja, ali samo dve ruke i to je jedini ograničavajući faktor. Učestvovao sam na mnogo grupnih izložbi, ali do sada nisam imao samostalnu. Nadam se da će se i to uskoro desiti. Mogu samo da obećam da će biti puno novih stvari ne samo lampi, već i ostalih elemenata enterijera. What are your plans for the future and do you prepare some independent or group exhibitions? Misha Djordjevic: I have a lot of plans and ideas but only two hands and this is the only limiting factor. I participated in many group exhibitions, but so far I have not had independent one. I hope it will happen soon. I can only promise that it will be a lot of new things not only lamps but also other interior details.
Kako birate svoje motive? Da li odlučuje vaša trenutna inspiracija ili je tražnja na tržištu ono što utiče na vaš izbor motiva za nove lampe? Miša Đorđević: Zaista nema pravila da li je želja nekog da ima nešto potpuno drugačije ili usamljeni list na ogoljenoj jesenjoj grani ili gomila otpadaka koja leži na podu i tiho vam
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
Umetnost merenja vremena The Art Of Measuring Time
mati jasan cilj u životu, biti mu posvećen, ulagati puno truda i rada u njegovo ostvarivanje, kontinuirano se usavršavati, biti strpljiv i uporan... Sve ovo su osobine koje još od ranog detinjstva karakterišu talentovanog mladog dizajnera Marka Petrovića iz Kragujevca. To have clear goal in life, to be dedicated to it, invest a lot of effort and work in its implementation, continuously improve, to be patient and persistent ... All these are qualities that since early childhood, characterize talented young designer Marko Petrovic from Kragujevac. For him, at this point, we can say “global, but ours.” Za njega se u ovom trenutku može slobodno reći „svetski, a naš“. Njegovi dečački snovi da postane slavni umetnik i njegova želja za stvaranjem usmerili su ga na Fakultet primenjenih umetnosti u Kragujevcu, Odsek za grafički dizajn. Nakon uspešno završenih osnovnih studija, njegovo znanje, talenat i upornosti su nagrađeni trećom nagradom Domus
akademije iz Milana na konkursu za auto-dizajn. Zahvaljujući tome dobio je mogućnost da nastavi svoje usavršavanje na master studijama ove prestižne institucije. Prihvatajući „italijanski pristup dizajnu“ i stičući prava iskustva u dizajniranju stažirajući u toku studija započinje nova etapa u njegovoj karijeri. His childhood dreams of becoming a famous artist and his desire to create, as directed him on the Faculty of Applied Arts in Kragujevac, Department of Graphic Design. After successfully completing undergraduate studies, his knowledge, talent and persistence were rewarded with the third prize by “Domus Academy” in Milan in the competition for car-design. As a result he was able to continue his education on master studies of this prestigious institution. Accepting the “Italian design approach” and gaining experience in designing, working as intern during the studies, starts a new phase in his career.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
MLADI DIZAJNERI – YOUNG Designers Marko je učestvovao na mnogim projektima velikih italijanskih kompanija kao što su „Daineze“, „Kampanjolo“ i dr. Njegova sfera interesovanja ide od industrijskog, preko auto-dizajna, pa do modnog dizajna. Trenutno je prepoznatljiv po dizajnu ručnih satova, za koje kaže da su ga oduvek facinirali, njihova kompleksna struktura i mehanizam, za koji smatra da je nezamenljiv izum, tehnički i tehnološki neprevaziđen. Njegova vizija budućnosti dizajna satova ide u pravcu „oslobađanja“, odnosno vidi kućište i mehanizam kao jedno.
Verovatno je komercijalno najispraćeniji ručni sat kompanije „Devon vorks“, koji nosi naziv „Star Wars“i koji je urađen za kompaniju „Dizni“. Marko Petrović je dizajnirao izgled ovog časovnika, ali i specijalno izrađene kutije za ovo remek-delo. Commercially most successful is probably wristwatch by “Devon works,” called “Star Wars,” and that was made for the “Disney” company. Marko Petrovic has designed the look of the watch, and specially designed boxes for this masterpiece.. Očigledno je da ovom mladom dizajneru polazi za rukom da sačuva estetsku ulogu sata, kao vrste nakita koja ujedno pruža informacije o tačnom vremenu. Definitivno očekujemo nove spektakularne dizajne ručnih satova, ali u najavi su i dizajni automobila, motora i nameštaja jer ovog mladog, a već svetski poznatog dizajnera interesuje dizajn u globalu.
Marko has participated in many projects of large Italian companies such as “Dainese”, “Campagnolo” and others. His areas of interest ranging from industrial, through car-design, to fashion design. Currently recognizable by the design of watches, which he says he was always fascinated with their complex structure and mechanism, which he considers an irreplaceable invention, technically and technologically unsurpassed. His vision of the future of watches design goes in the direction of “liberation”, that sees the housing and engine as one.
It is obvious that this young designer manages to preserve the aesthetic role of watch, as well as kinds of jewelry, which also provides information about the exact time. We definitely expect the spectacular new watches design, but in the announcement are designs of cars, motors and furniture because this young, but already world famous designer, is interested in design in general.
Lucidnost, hrabrost i genijalnost ovog mladog umetnika mogu se videti u njegovoj najdražoj retro-kreaciji „Mercedes 320 Tourbillon watch“, satu koji predstavlja svojevrstan omaž čuvenom automobilu „mercedes benc 320“. Lucidity, courage and ingenuity of this young artist can be seen in his favorite retro-creation “Mercedes 320 Tourbillon watch” watch that represents a kind of homage to the famous car “Mercedes-Benz 320”. Jedan od njegovih najneobičnijih dizajna je svakako ručni sat „Lamborghini Avenger“, inspirisan ultramodernim automobilom „lamborgini aventador“, koji je bio u top 10 koncept proizvoda 2012. godine. One of his most unusual designs is certainly watch, “Lamborghini Avenger”, inspired by the ultra-modern car, “Lamborghini Aventador”, who was in the top 10 product concept in 2012.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
Putevi grožđa – novi svet vina The grape goes global - new world of wine
In vino veritas - u vinu je istina. Vino je oduvek bilo piće ljubavi, strasti, slavlja, jednostavno piće hedonizma. Ovaj „božanski napitak“ ima dugu istoriju. Prvi dokazi za postojanje vinograda datiraju još iz III veka pre nove ere, a prva organizovana obrada vinove loze započinje u starom Egiptu, a nastavlja se u staroj Grčkoj. Za osnivanje i širenje kulture vina u Evropi zaslužni su stari Rimljani, koji su najviše doprineli klasifikaciji vrsta grožđa, posmatranju i beleženju njegovih najboljih karakteristika, identifikaciji fitopatoloških oboljenja, kao i klasifikaciji različitih tipova zemljišta pogodnih za uzgajanje vinove loze. In vino veritas - in wine there is truth. Wine has always been the drink of love, passion, celebration, or simply - a drink of hedonism. This „divine“ drink has a long history. The first evidence for the existence of the vineyard, date back to the III century BC, and the first organized treatment of vines began in ancient Egypt and continues in ancient Greece. For founding and spreading of wine culture in Europe, the credit goes to the ancient Romans, who had contributed most to the classification of grape varieties, observing and recording its best features, identification of phytopathological diseases, as well as the classification of different types of land suitable for growing grapes. AUTOR: MILENA KALEZIĆ
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
Početak organizovanog gajenja vinove loze na sadašnjoj teritoriji Srbije pratio je razvoj srpske srednjovekovne države u doba dinastije Nemanjić. Period od sredine osamnaestog do pred kraj dvadesetog veka predstavlja period procvata vinogradarstva i proizvodnje vina na našim prostorima. U tom periodu su nastala vina koja su postala poznata širom sveta i koja su se redovno nalazila na trpezama najznačajnijih dvorova u Evropi. U tom periodu su počele da se organizuju i prve vinogradarsko- vinarske zadruge, poput čuvene Venčačke vinogradarske zadruge, ali i mnogih drugih. The beginning of organized cultivation of vines on the current territory of Serbia, was following the development of the Serbian medieval state at the time of Nemanjić dynasty. The period from the mid-eighteenth until the end of the twentieth century is a period of blossoming of viticulture and wine production in our region. In this period were made wines, which became known worldwide and were regularly on the tables of the most important palaces in Europe. During this period, they began to organize the first viticulture wine cooperatives, such as the famous Venčac winemaking cooperative, but also many others. Vrhunska vina nisu produkt slučajnosti. Dobar odabir sorti je kombinacija globalne klasike i visokokvalitetnih kalemova koja će belim i crvenim vinima dati notu mistike i prijatnog iznenađenja. Upravo ove tajne su pomogle zemljama poput Francuske, Italije, Španije, Portugalije, Argentine, Čilea i Australije da stvore globalno prepoznatljiv brend, a to je upravo VINO. Premium wines are not the product of coincidence. A good selection of varieties, is a combination of classic and high-quality global coils that will give a touch of mysticism and pleasant surprises to white and red wines. Exactly this secrets have helped countries such as France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Chile and Australia to create a globally recognizable brand, and exactly this is wine.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
Regija Šampanja je Francuskoj donela svetsku slavu, za šampanjac su čuli svi i rado ga konzumiraju. Francuska je zemlja porekla čuvene sorte „malbek“ iz Bordoa. Zanimljivost vezana za ovu čuvenu francusku sortu grožđa je da je ova sorta, u komercijalnom smislu, donela svetsku slavu Argentini, gde je kao introdukovana postala nacionalna sorta. „Rajnski rizling“ je tipičan predstavnik nemačkog vinarstva koji dugo nosi epitet „kralj belih vina. Italijanske regije Toskana i Kijanti su visoko pozicionirane na listi svetski bitnih turističkih destinacija zahvaljujući, pre svega, vinogradima i vinima iz ovih regiona. Vinske regije u celom svetu predstavljaju rado posećivane turističke destinacije. Champagne Region, has brought worldwide fame to France, everyone knows champagne, and glad to consume it. France is the country of origin of the famous variety „Malbec“ in Bordeaux. Interesting thing about this famous French grape variety, is that this variety, in a commercial sense, brought the glory to Argentina, where it was introduced, and has become the national variety. „Rheinriesling“ is a typical representative of the German winemaking, which is labeled for long time as the „king of white wines“. The Italian region of Tuscany and Chianti are highly ranked on the list of the world‘s important tourist destination thanks to, primarily vineyards and wines from these regions. Wine regions in the world are gladly frequented tourist destinations. Sa više od 700 vrsta vina Srbija je pravi raj za ljubitelje ove božanske kapljice. Za prave sladokusce gaje se autohtone vrste: „prokupac, „portugizer, „frankovka, „vranac“, „kavčinka“, „kadarka“, „tamjanika“ i mnoge druge. With more than 700 wine varieties Serbia is a paradise for lovers of this divine drink. For true connoisseurs, indigenous species grown are „prokupac“, „portugizer“, „Frankovka“, „vranac“, „kavčinka“, „Kadarka“, „tamjanika“ and many others. Na osnovu geografske podele vinskih regiona u Srbiji napravljeni su i zvanični putevi vina: Subotica (Palić), Vršac, Fruška gora, Oplenac (Šumadija), Smederevo (Podunavlje), Negotin, Knjaževac, Župa(Pomoravlje). Svaki od ovih osam regiona predstavlja put za sebe i priča posebnu priču i svakako sadrži sve uslove da se vina iz ovih regiona ponovo nađu na najznačajnijim svetskim trpezama. Based on the geographical division of wine regions in Serbia, official wine routes were made: Subotica (Palic), Vrsac, Fruska Gora, Oplenac (Šumadija), Smederevo (Podunavlje) Negotin, Knjazevac, Zupa (Pomoravlje). Each of these eight regions represents the route for itself and tells a story, and it certainly contains all the requirements that the wines from these regions, once again, be found at the most important dining tables in the world. Pored vina, Srbija nudi i gastronomske specijalitete. Da bi se osetilo pravo uživanje u kombinaciji jela i pića nastala je profesija - somelijer. Somelijeri se pojavljuju još u kasnom srednjem veku, a profesija se razvija zajedno sa kulinarstvom i restoranima, donoseći kao posledicu vrhunski gastronomski užitak. Najveću ekspanziju doživljavaju sedamdesetih godi-
na dvadesetog veka zahvaljujući razvoju turizma. Danas su somelijeri neizostavni u svim vrhunskim hotelima i restoranima. Sparivanje jela i pića predstavlja vrhunac gastronomije. Srbija spada u zemlje koje mogu da se pohvale hranom visokog kvaliteta. „Fine dining je započeo svoj put i u našoj zemlji i očekujemo njegov nagli razvoj. Vinske degustacije i promocije ubrajaju se u redovna dešavanja. Gde je dobro vino, tu je i dobra muzika. Vinska scena polako postaje prepoznatljiva po različitim grožđenbalima, „wine jam, berbama, kao i koncertima u ime tog božanskog napitka. Besides wines, Serbia offers gastronomic specialties. In order to feel real pleasure in combination of food and drinks, a new profession was born - sommelier. Sommeliers appear in the late Middle Ages, a profession is evolving along with good cuisine and restaurants, bringing as a consequence excellent gastronomic experience. Greatest expansion is experienced in the seventies of the twentieth century, thanks to the development of tourism. Today, sommeliers are indispensable in all the top hotels and restaurants. Pairing of food and drinks represents the pinnacle of gastronomy. Serbia is among the countries which can boast with high quality food. „Fine dining“ began its way in our country, and we expect its rapid development. Wine tastings and promotions are one of the regular events. „good music is where the good wine is. Wine scene is slowly becoming recognized by different grape-ball, „wine jam“, harvests and concerts in the name of the divine beverage.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
Potraga za predivnim ukusima kao životna pasija The quest for beautiful flavors, as a life passion
Kada ste rođeni u zemlji „proseka“, u regiji Veneto, u porodici koja je sama proizvodila hranu za svoje potrebe, kada su svi obroci predivnih ukusa sveže spremani s ljubavlju u vašoj kući, onda je normalno da potraga za predivnim ukusima postane životna pasija. Štaviše, to postane vaš stil života, filozofija koja vas pokreće da otkrivate uvek nešto novo, nešto drugačije i time postavljate nove standarde. To je osveženje koje kompanija „Saporibelli“ donosi na tržište eno-gastronomskih proizvoda Srbije. When you are born in the country „Prosecco“, in the Veneto region, in a family that produce food for their own needs, when all meals taste wonderful, fresh ready with love in your house, then it is normal that the quest for beautiful flavors become life passion. Moreover, it becomes your lifestyle, a philosophy that moves you to discover always something new, something different, and in this way set the new standards. This is refreshment that the company „Saporibelli“ brings to the market of Enogastronomic products of Serbia.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
U razgovoru za Real Estate Magazin vlasnik Andrea Galona i Siniša Ljubojević, izvršni direktor, otkrivaju nam deo filozofije kompanije i brenda „Saporibelli“. U čemu je po vama tajna vrhunskog vina? Andrea: Za mene kvalitet znači prirodno i dobro. Kako biste dobili dobar proizvod morate imati kulturu i pogodnu prirodu za taj proizvod. Da bi proizvod bio istinski, pravi, mora se poštovati priroda i ne smeju se koristiti hemijski proizvodi tokom obrade sirovina.
everything, it is not only the story of a country, but also a story about people. Zbog čega ste se odlučili da ova vina i sireve predstavite baš srpskom tržištu? Andrea: Ni Italijani do pre deset godina nisu vodili računa o poreklu namirnica koje su svakodnevno koristili. U međuvremenu je došlo do promene načina razmišljanja i sve više vode računa o tome. Budući da već tri godine živim u Srbiji, a kvalitetna hrana, vina i ostali proizvodi su moja pasija, želeo sam da tu ideju prenesem u Srbiju zato što je smatram svojom drugom kućom. What made you decide that these wines and cheeses, present on the Serbian market? Andrea: In the meantime, there has been a change in the mindset, and they started to take care about it. Since I live in Serbia for three years, and quality food, wine and other products are my passion, I wanted to transfer this idea to Serbia because I consider it my second home. Koliko pratite šta rade vaše kolege vinari u Srbiji?
Siniša Ljubojević i Andrea Galon
In an interview with Real Estate Magazine owner Andrea Gallon and Sinisa Ljubojevic, Executive Director, reveal us a part of the philosophy of the company and the brand, „Saporibelli“.
Andrea: Upoznat sam i stalno pratim rad svojih srpskih kolega, a sa nekima od njih često razmenjujem mišljenja o raznim eno-gastronomskim temama, budući da sam zaljubljenik u vina uopšteno, dakle ne samo u ona italijanska.
What is, in your opinion, the secret of great wine?
How much do you follow what are your colleagues, winemakers doing in Serbia?
Andrea: For me, quality means natural and good. To get a good product you must have a suitable culture and good nature for that product. In order to have authentic and real product, nature must be respected and chemical products should not be used during the process.
Andrea: I am aware of, and constantly following the work of my Serbian colleagues and with some of them i often exchange opinions on various enogastronomic themes, since I‘m a fan of wine in general, not just the Italian one.
Po čemu su specifični vaši proizvodi? Andrea: Ono što najviše identifikuje naše proizvode su proizvođači. Oni su ti koji izlaze iz osrednjeg standarda i stavljaju srce i dušu u proizvod. Većina proizvoda se ne razlikuje mnogo kako bi zadovoljila potrebe tržišta. Međutim, naši proizvodi nisu industrijski. Iza svega ne stoji samo priča jedne zemlje, već i priča o ljudima. What makes your products so specific? Andrea: What most identifies our products, are producers. They are the ones who came out of a mediocre standard and the ones that put heart and soul into the product. Most of the products are not much different, in order to meet market needs. However, our products are not industrial. Behind
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
Koliki su kapaciteti vaših vinarija i na šta u procesu proizvodnje vina vaši vinari posebno obraćaju pažnju? Siniša: Mi smo izabrali samo mali broj proizvođača, kako vina tako i hrane, zato što je i u Italiji teško naći proizvođače koji imaju visok i konstantan kvalitet koji zahtevamo. Zato i jesmo u stalnom ličnom kontaktu sa svojim proizvođačima i u konstantnoj potrazi za novinama. What are the capacities of your winery, and to what your winemaker are paying special attention in the wine-making process? Siniša: We chose only a small number of manufacturers, both wine and food, because it is hard to find in Italy manufacturers who have a high and constant quality we demand. That‘s why we are in constant personal contact with our own producers and the constant search for a something new.
Već ste počeli sa organizovanim degustacijama svojih vina i selekcije najfinijih italijanskih proizvoda. Međutim, planirate da to organizujete na izuzetno profesionalnom nivou u posebnom ambijentu. Siniša: Ostvarili smo odličnu saradnju sa italijanskim institucijama u Srbiji, koje su prepoznale našu ideju i sa kojima smo zajedno učestvovali na više njihovih zvaničnih prijema i događaja poput Fešn vika Akademije del Luso, koktela Kamere di komerčo, prijema Konfindustrije Srbija, koktela Italijanskog kulturnog centra i sl. Od početka aprila naša pasija i mašta su dostupne svima u našoj galeriji hrane i pića u srcu Vračara, na Neimaru. You have already begun with organized tasting of your wines and with the finest selection of Italian products. However, you are planning to organize it on a very professional level in a special ambiance. Siniša: We achieved excellent cooperation with Italian institutions in Serbia, which have recognized our idea and with whom we have participated in several of their official receptions and events such as the „Fashion week“, „Accademia Del Lusso“, „Camera di Commercio“ (Italian Chamber of Commerce) cocktails, receptions in Confindustria Serbia, cocktail in „Istituto Italiano di Cultura“ (Italian Cultural Institute) and more. Since the beginning of April, our passion and imagination are available to everyone in our gallery of food and drinks in the heart of Belgrade, in Neimar. Kakvi su vam poslovni planovi za naredni period? Siniša: Želimo da uspostavimo saradnju sa najboljim restoranima i hotelima prvenstveno u Beogradu, ali i u drugim delovima Srbije, i da povežemo svoje partnere iz Srbije i Italije kako bi sticali nova znanja i razmenjivali iskustva. U planu nam je dolazak najboljih somelijera, nutricionista i kuvara iz Italije u našu galeriju. What are your business plans for the future?
Na kakve ste reakcije do sada naišli na tržištu Srbije? Siniša: Kada iskreno veruješ u nešto onda se to oseća i kod drugih. Do sada nailazimo na odlične reakcije, što predstavlja odgovornost i dodatni izazov za nas u budućnosti.
Siniša: We would like to establish the cooperation with the best restaurants and hotels primarily in Belgrade, but also in other parts of Serbia, and to connect our partners from Serbia and Italy in order to acquire new knowledge and share experiences. We are planning the arrival of the best sommeliers, nutritionists and chefs from Italy in our gallery.
What are the reactions so far on the Serbian market? Siniša: When you sincerely believe in something, then it is felt by the others. By now, we have great response, which is a responsibility and an additional challenge for us in the future.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
Zbog svoje univerzalnosti i svestranosti, minimalistički nakit nikad ne izlazi iz mode. Decentan, elegantan, gotovo neprimetan, a istovremenovrlo moćan, i te kako može da odredi ceo stil osobe koja ga nosi. Nakit srpskog brenda „Tiny mine“, iza kog stoje dve talentovane dame, Lana Ćorak i Bojana Prekajski, odlikuje beskrajna elegancija. „Tiny mine“ je, baš kako ime kaže, nežan, elegantan i kao takav idealan za sve prilike. Nakit izrađuju od plemenitih metala i dragog kamenja. „Naša želja je od samog početka bila da radimo pravu stvar, da ponudimo nešto što će imati realnu vrednost, nešto trajno i bezvremeno. Iz tog razloga smo odabrale plemenite metale, drago kamenje i izradu najboljeg kvaliteta“, kažu ove dve dame. U kolekciji su najzastupljeniji ogrlice i prstenje, a kao veoma poseban komad nakita izdvajaju minđuše, koje mogu da se nose na više načina.
Because of its universality and versatility, minimalist jewelry never goes out of style. Discreet, elegant, almost imperceptible, yet very powerful, can greatly determine the entire style of the person who wears it. Jewelry of Serbian brand „Tiny mine“, behind which are two talented ladies, Lana Ćorak and Bojana Prekajski, is characterized by endless elegance. „Tiny mine„, just as the name says, delicate, elegant and as such is ideal for all occasions. Jewelry made of precious metals and stones. „Our desire from the beginning was to do the right thing, to offer something that will have real value, something lasting and timeless. For this reason we chose precious metals, precious stones and making the best quality“, this two ladies said. The most common in the collection of necklaces and rings, as a very special piece of jewelry stand out earrings that can be worn in multiple ways.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
MODA – Fashion
Dragulj mediteranskog stila i malteškog luksuza Jewel of the Mediterranean style and Maltese luxury
Muški modni brend „Gagliardi“ donosi kombinaciju tradicionalno engleskog vida elegancije sa mediteranskim šarmom i nonšalancijom. Više od pedeset godina uživa veliki ugled u svetu muške mode i proizvodnji kvalitetnih tekstila u čitavoj Evropi, a poslednje dve godine najmlađi član porodice „Borteks“ predstavlja sinonim za stil svih džentlmena u Beogradu. Male fashion brand Gagliardi brings a combination of the traditional vision of English elegance with Mediterranean charm and casual manner. More than fifty years enjoys great reputation in the world of men‘s fashion and textile production of high quality across Europe and in the last two years, the youngest member of the family Bortex, a synonym for the style of a gentleman in Belgrade.
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MODA – Fashion
repoznatljivost brenda „Gagliardi“ jesu efektni modeli koji kombinuju tradiciju i moderno – savremeni krojevi, sezonske nijanse boja i mešavina tekstura sa luksuznim, pažljivo odabranim tkaninama i klasičnim pristupom u kvalitetu izrade. Umešnost najfinijeg italijanskog krojačkog zanata protkana je u svakom „Gagliardi“ modelu. U svojoj ponudi „Gagliardi“ ima klasično krojene modele, kao i modele za muškarce koji vole sportsku eleganciju. Sva odela sašivena su od najfinijih materijala Lanificio F. lli Čeruti, Kanoniko Barberis i Ermeneđildo Zenja, nenametljivog, ali istovremeno visokostilizovanog dizajna. Podjednako uspešno kao na pistama Fiorentine ili na osunčanim ulicama Milana, Rima i Kaprija,„Gagliardii“ je konstantno donosio ležernu prefinjenost u drevnom gradu Valeta, gde je i nastao. Upravo Malta i predeli Mediterana ovim krojačima sa tradicijom predstavljaju izvor inspiracije za svaku novu kolekciju ovog brenda – istorija, kultura, kuhinja, određene lokacije. Uprkos neverovatnoj pedantnosti tokom izrade koja se stalno unapređuje, svako odelo je ostalo krojačko remek-delo neprolazne elegancije i jednostavnosti, nezaustavljive inspiracije za sve koji ga nose. Uostalom, brend „Gagliardi“ jeste za avanturiste, poznavaoce krojačkog zanata, muškarce koji cene neprolaznost i kvalitet iznad svega ostalog. Svi koji su zainteresovani za vrhunski kvalitet, uvaženi status i italijansku eleganciju prepoznatljivu širom sveta mogu potražiti novu „Gagliardi“ kolekciju kolekciju u Čika Ljubinoj broj 6 u Beogradu. „Gagliardi“ modeli ove sezone donose bogatstvo boja azurnoplavog mora, crvenih korala i neutralnih nijansi bež, kapućina i peska. Linija poslovnih odela u nijansama sive, bež i plave, klasičnih i trodelnih modela, dizajnirana je za sve koji zrače samopouzdanjem i hrabrošću dostojnih vitezova Valete.
ecognizability of brand Gagliardi are effective models, the combination of tradition and modern - modern styles, seasonal shades and blend of textures with luxury, carefully selected fabrics and classic approach to quality manufacturing. Skillfulness of finest Italian tailoring is woven into every Gagliardi model. In its offer, Gagliardi has classically tailored designs as well as designs for men who like sporty elegance. All clothes are sewn from the finest materials Lanificio F. lli Cerruti, Barberis Canonico and Ermenegildo Zegna, of unobtrusive but at the same time, highly stylized design. Equally successful as on the runways of Florence or on the sunny streets of Milan, Rome and Kapri, Gagliardi has consistently brought casual sophistication and the ancient city of Valleta, where it was created. Precisely Malta and parts of the Mediterranean, to these tailors with tradition, represent a source of inspiration for each new collection of the brand - history, culture, cuisine, specific locations. Despite the incredible meticulousness, during the preparation, which is constantly improving, each suit is tailoring masterpiece of timeless elegance and simplicity, unstoppable inspiration
to all who wear it. After all, the brand Gagliardi is for the adventurous, connoisseurs of tailoring, men who value the continuity and quality above everything else. Everyone who are interested in top quality, reputable status and Italian elegance, recognizable around the world may look for a new collection Gagliardi in Cika Ljubina No. 6 in Belgrade. Gagliardi models this season, brings a wealth of color azure blue sea, the red coral and the neutral shades of cream, cappuccino and sand. The line of business suits in shades of gray, beige and blue, classic and three-piece model, designed for those who exude confidence and courage worthy of the Knights of Valletta.
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R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
Premijum brendovi na jednom mestu PREMIUM BRANDS IN ONE PLACE Muževnost savremenog muškarca postoji i van granica ustanovljenih normi. Nadahnut, on stvara sopstvenu definiciju uspeha. U njemu vidimo hrabrost, snagu, integritet i stil. Iznad svega, muškarac današnjice je vrstan poznavalac modnih trendova i uživa u luksuzu. Contemporary man masculinity exists outside the boundaries of the established norms. Inspired, he creates his own definition of success. He shows the courage, strength, integrity and style. Above all, the man of today is a connoisseur of fashion trends and enjoys the luxury.
after the first Russian emperor, and which is still produced by the same original recipe from the 16th century, it was not quite simple and easy. Basically, there‘s the idea of combining quality, style, tradition and good taste“, says Igor Kecman general manager, the company „Uniloft Balkans limited“
ciljem da promoviše dizajn kao svojevrstan način življenja i da pod jednim krovom okupi brendove premijum kategorije, u Beogradu je kreiran „Ivan’s Vault Premium Concept Store“. Za razliku od klasičnog prodajnog prostora koji je namenjen isključivo prodaji proizvoda, ovaj concept store ima za cilj i da učestvuje u kreiranju prepoznatljivog životnog stila po meri pojedinca.
„Ivan’s Vault Premium Concept Store“ gotovo magnetski privlači muškarce koji životni stil ne prepoznaju isključivo kao pitanje luksuza ili opstanka.
In order to promote design as a kind of lifestyle and bring together under one roof brands of the premium category, „Ivan‘s Vault Premium Concept Store“ is created in Belgrade. Unlike traditional retail space, intended exclusively for the sale of products, this concept store aims to participate in creating a recognizable lifestyle customized for each individual.
„Ivan‘s Vault Premium Concept Store“ almost magnetically attracts men who do not recognize a lifestyle exclusively as a matter of luxury or survival.
“Takve ideje se ne rađaju preko noći. Već nekoliko godina u meni se Igor Kecman jasno formirala želja da čitavu priču dodatno proširim. Ipak, osmisliti koncept po meri pića koje nosi ime prvog ruskog cara i koje se još uvek pravi po istoj, originalnoj recepturi iz 16. veka nije bilo ni najmanje jednostavno. U osnovi svega nalazila se ideja o povezivanju kvaliteta, stila, tradicije i dobrog ukusa“, ističe Igor Kecman, generalni direktor kompanije „Uniloft Balkans limitid“. „Such ideas are not born overnight. For several years, I formed a clear desire to expand further the whole story. However, the development of the concept in accordance with a drink named
Ovo mesto promoviše životni stav utemeljen na kvalitetu i stilu. Vlasnici su želeli da onima koji zahtevaju vrhunsku, elegantnu i profesionalnu uslugu definisanja čitavog izgleda pruže na potpuno jedinstven način, uz poseban osećaj ekskluzivnosti. Njihovi najčešći klijenti su oni koji umeju da odvoje dobar ukus od popularnog konzumerizma i koji prepoznaju kvalitet i trajnost vrhunskih brendova. This place promotes the life attitude based on quality and style. The owners wanted to those who demand a superior, elegant and professional service of defining the entire look, provide a completely unique way, with a special feeling of exclusivity. Their most common clients are those who know how to separate the good taste of the popular consumerism, and who recognize the quality and durability of top brands.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
DESTINACIJE – Destinations
Upoznajte inovativni pristup u organizaciji skupova!
Meet the innovative approach in the organization of meetings!
Mnogo je razloga zbog čega je Kopaonik već godinama u samom vrhu destinacija za organizaciju poslovnih skupova. Ono što posebno izdvaja „MK Mountain Resort“ jesu kompaktnost i dostupnost svih potrebnih sadržaja i mogućnost smeštaja učesnika na jednom mestu, uz korišćenje pogodnosti koje nudi okruženje u središtu nacionalog parka, na 1.770 metara nadmorske visine. There are many reasons why Kopaonik, for years, is among the top destinations for business meetings. What particularly stands out „MK Mountain Resort“ are compact and availability of all necessary facilities and the possibility of accommodation of the participants in one place, with the use of benefits provided by the environment in the middle of National park, at 1,770 meters above sea level
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
DESTINACIJE – Destinations
ongresni centar „MK Mountain Resorta“ prostire se na preko 3.000 kvadratnih metara, raspoređenih u dva hotela – „Grand Hotel & Spa“**** i hotel „Angella“****. U sklopu kongresnog centra na raspolaganju su osam kongresnih i konferencijskih sala, jedna multifunkcionalna sala kapaciteta do 1.300 učesnika i VIP salon u atraktivnoj kuli „Konaka“. Novo lice kongresnog turizma na Kopaoniku svakako će dati novi kongresni centar u hotelu „Grand“, koji trenutno slovi za jedan od najboljih i najmodernijih u Srbiji. Novootvoreni blok hotela „Grand“ pored 70 luksuznih soba i apartmana krasi i kongresni centar kapaciteta do 600 učesnika, koji pruža mogućnost prilagođavanja prostora različitim zahtevima i postavkama, a ujedno je i jedini kongresni prostor na Kopaoniku koji ima mogućnost postavke automobila u zatvorenom prostoru. Za kratko vreme novi kongresni centar hotela „Grand“ ugostio je veliki broj značajnih skupova, među kojima je Biznis forum, najveći skup u celom regionu koji okuplja predstavnike Vlade, domaće i strane privrednike, diplomate i uvažene akademike.
ongress Centre „MK Mountain Resort“ extends to over 3,000 square meters, distributed in two hotels „Grand Hotel & Spa“ **** and hotel „Angella“ ****. As part of the congress center available are eight conference and meeting rooms, a multifunctional hall up to 1,300 participants and VIP salon in an attractive tower „Konak“. The new convention center in hotel „Grand“, which is currently considered to be the one of the best and most modern in Serbia will definitely give a new face of congress tourism in Kopaonik. The newly opened hotel block „Grand“, besides 70 luxurious rooms and suites, a convention center with capacity up to 600 participants also decorates, providing the ability to adapt to different space requirements and preferences, and is the only congress area on Kopaonik, which has the option of setting the car indoors . For a short time, the new convention c e n t e r of hotel „Grand“ hosted a number of important meetings, including the business forum, the biggest event in the region that brings together representatives of the Government, domestic and foreign businessmen, diplomats and eminent academics.
9 kongresnih i konferencijskih sala od 50 do 1200 učesnika | Više od 3000 m2 kongresnog prostora | Novootvoreni kongresni centar u hotelu Grand | Svi sadržaji na jednom mestu | Smeštajni kapacitet preko 1200 ležajeva | Mogućnost organizovanja svih vrsta skupova | Najsavremenija tehnička oprema | Mogućnost postavke automobile u zatvorenom prostoru | Besplatan parking | WiFi besplatan i dostupan u celom hotelu 99 congress and conference rooms from 50 to 1,200 participants | More than 3,000 m2 of congress space | The newly opened convention center in hotel „Grand“ | All content in one place | SAccommodation capacity of over 1,200 beds | The possibility of organizing all kinds of meetings | The most modern technical equipment | The possibility of setting the car indoors | Free parking | WiFi free and available in the entire hotel Sve sale „MK Mountain Resorta“ raspolažu odličnim uslovima za održavanje najrazličitijih skupova i opremljene su kompletnom audio-video opremom. Spa & wellness centar, otvoreni i zatvoreni bazen, barovi i restorani, kuglana sa osam traka, fitnes centar, sportski tereni na otvorenom, kao i multifunkcionalna sportska sala samo su deo usluga koje „MK Mountain Resort“ pruža svojim gostima. All halls of „MK Mountain Resort“ has excellent conditions for holding various meetings and equipped with complete audio-video equipment. Spa & wellness center, outdoor and indoor swimming pools, bars and restaurants, a bowling alley with eight lanes, fitness center, sports courts, as well as a multifunctional sports hall are only a part of services „MK Mountain Resort“ offers to its guests.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
a city of luxurious hotels
grad raskošnih hotela
ubai trenutno nosi titulu najvišeg grada na svetu zbog svoje impozantne arhitekture. Nadmašio je čak i svetske metropole poznate po mnoštvu oblakodera, kao što su Njujork i Hongkong. Ogromna prostrana pustinja u Dubaiju činila je podlogu na kojoj su mnoge arhitekte dobile priliku da se iskažu i prisustvuju neverovatno brzom pretvaranju njihovih ideja u stvarnost. Arhitektura zgrada hotela u Dubaiju čini kontrast modernih fasada i luksuzne unutrašnjosti. Fasade su modernih linija, sačinjene od staklenih zid-zavesa i čeličnih konstrukcija. Nasuprot takvim fasadama visokih, savremenih zgrada enterijeri su topli, a zidovi, podovi i plafoni obloženi materijalima kao što su drvo, kamen, keramika, specijalne boje, premazi, tapete i razni drugi materijali nastali posebnim načinima obrade. Dizajneri „Internešenel dizajn studija“, sa sedištima u Dubaiju, Kuala Lumpuru, na Kipru i najmlađem u Beogradu, često ignorišu sva pravila i ograničenja kada je reč o dizajnu hotela. Njihovom izvanrednom dizajnerskom ukusu veruju najpoznatiji svetski hotelski lanci sa pet zvezdica kao što su: „Grand Hajat“, „Hajat ridžensi“, „Šeraton“, „Interkontinental“, „Rotana“, „Hilton“ i drugi.
ubai currently holds the title of tallest city in the world due to its impressive architecture. Surpassed even the world metropolis known for its multitude of skyscrapers such as New York and Hong Kong. Huge spacious desert in Dubai made the basis on which many architects got the chance to express themselves and participate to, incredibly fast converting of their ideas into reality. Architecture of the buildings hotels in Dubai contrasting with the modern facade and luxurious interior. Facades have modern lines, made of glass-curtain wall and steel structures. In contrast to these facades, tall, modern building interiors are warm and the walls, floors and ceilings are covered with materials such as wood, stone, ceramics, special paints, coatings, wallpapers and various other materials generated by special methods of processing. Designers of “International Design studio “, based in Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, in Cyprus and the youngest in Belgrade, tend to ignore all rules and restrictions regarding the design of the hotel. Their extraordinary design taste believe world’s most famous five star hotel chains, such as: “Grand Hyatt”, “Hyatt Regency”, “Sheraton”, “Intercontinental”, “Rotana”, “Hilton” and others.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
INOVACIJE – Inovations
INOVATIVNOST NA DISPLEJU DOOH & CROSS MEDIA NOVI TREND SAVREMENE KOMUNIKACIJE INNOVATION ON DISPLAY DOOH & CROSS MEDIA - NEW TREND OF MODERN COMMUNICATIONS Tradicionalno najbolji način da se prodavci obrate svojoj ciljnoj grupi potrošača je putem reklame na televiziji i radiju. Međutim, promene u potrošačkim navikama, kao i razvoj tehnologije doveli su do toga da je i to promenjeno. Novi trendovi se oslanjaju na efikasniju komunikaciju koja kombinuje veći broj različitih, ali integrisanih medija, putem kojih se ciljaju kupci: Digital Out – Of – Home Advertising (DOOH) & Cross Media. Zašto koristiti DOOH? Odgovor je veoma jednostavan. Potrošači izbegavaju tradicionalne metode oglašavanja. U prilog toj činjenici ide i istraživanje vršeno u Srbiji koje dovodi do sledećih zaključaka: TV reklame se mogu preskočiti, imejlovi se često zanemaruju i potrošači se bombarduju sa onlajn oglasima koji su često iritantni. DOOH je novi i inovativni marketing medij koji prodavcima omogućava da ojačaju svoje marketinške kampanje stvarajuću user generated sadržaj. Tradicionalni OOH je postao centar SOCIAL, MOBILE i DIGITAL ekosistema. Socijalni mediji koriste WEB i MOBILE interaktivnost za kreiranje, deljenje i prikazivanje user generated sadržaja. OOH postaje ključna komponenta koja multiplicira vrednosti social media i mobile marketing kampanja. Prednosti ovog pristupa Kroz Linford DOOH mrežu budite tamo gde 2.700.000 potrošača mesečno provodi svoje vreme. Linford vam može ponuditi oglašavanje kroz digitalnu, box i scroll mrežu, brendiranje površina, takođe za vas možemo organizovati promociju u šoping centrima ili interaktivnu cross media kampanju.
Traditionally, the best way for retailers to contact their target group of consumers, through advertisements on television and radio. However, changes in consumer habits, as well as the development of technology has led to the fact that that also changed. New trends rely on efficient communication that combines a number of different but integrated media enables targeting the customers: Digital Out – Of – Home Advertising (DOOH) & Cross Media. Why using DOOH? OThe answer is very simple. Consumers avoid traditional advertising methods. In support of this fact, goes the research carried out in Serbia, which leads to the following conclusions: TV commercials can be skipped, mails are often ignored, and consumers are bombarded with online ads that are often irritating. DOOH is a new and innovative marketing medium that allows retailers to strengthen their marketing campaigns by creating user generated content. Traditional OOH became the center of SOCIAL, MOBILE and DIGITAL eco-system. Social media use web and mobile interactivity to create, share and view user generated content. OOH becomes a key component that multiplies the value of social media and mobile marketing campaigns. Advantages of this approach
Da li ste znali da kupci provode 70% radnog vremena VAN KUĆE (OOH), od čega SMART telefone koriste 56% vremena? Mobilni telefoni su postali LINK OOH sa socijalnim, mobilnim i digitalnim medijima. Did you know that customers spend 70% of their working time away from home (OOH), of which SMART phones used by 56% of the time? Mobile phones have become LINK OOH with social, mobile and digital media.
Through Linford DOOH network, be where 2.7 million consumers monthly spend their time. Linford can offer advertising through digital, box and scroll network, branding of surfaces, as well, for you, we can arrange promotion in shopping centers or interactive cross media campaign.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
Magazine INOVACIJE – Inovations
Virtuelna kancelarija Virtual office
irtuelna kancelarija predstavlja novi poslovni koncept koji ne vezuje učesnike u poslu za određeno mesto boravka. Ova vrsta usluge namenjena je fizičkim i pravnim licima koja žele da kreiraju prestižno prisustvo na tržištu Srbije. Ovo rešenje je idealno za početke na novom tržištu, mali biznis ili biznis koji se radi od kuće, kao i za one koji žele da se prošire na nova tržišta bez dodatnog rizika. Virtuelne kancelarije doživljavaju veliki uspon, pogotovo u situacijama brzog i dinamičnog razvoja tržišta zbog visokog nivoa operativnosti i efikasnosti, ali isto tako one doživljavaju uspon i u kriznim vremenima, iz razloga velike uštede troškova. Klijent sa virtuelnom kancelarijom dobija registrovano sedište, poslovnu adresu, administrativnu podršku, e-mail adresu, poštansko sanduče, proveravanje pošte, obavljanje korespodencije, telefonske linije, profesionalno javljanje na telefon i razne dodatne administrativne usluge, a sve uz minimalne troškove.
irtual office is a new business concept which does not bind the business subjects for a particular residence. This service is intended for individuals and corporate entities that wish to achieve prestigious presence at the Serbian market. The solution is ideal for the beginnings of a new market, small business or a business that is working from home, and for those who want to expand into new markets without additional risk. Virtual offices are experiencing huge growth, especially in times of rapid and dynamic development of the market, due to the high level of functionality and efficiency, but also in times of crisis, due to the significant cost savings. With virtual office the client gets a registered office, business address, administrative support, e-mail address, mailbox, mail checking, correspondence, telephone lines, professional phone answering and various additional administrative services, all at minimum cost. Virtuelna kancelarija - West Properties | +381 11 32 43 274
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
Finest Selection Serbia Montenegro Spain
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for rent
Potpuno nov stan koji vas neće ostaviti ravnodušnim. Smešten u najlepšem delu Beograda, ovaj neverovatan sklop savremene arhitekture i modernog nameštaja ostavlja utisak pravog doma. Za one koji vole širinu tu su i dve velike terase sa otvorenim pogledom. Pozicioniran odmah pored Neimarskog parka, poznatih restorana, vinskih barova, kafeterija kao i svih velikih saobraćajnica. Ovo su samo neke prednosti ovog stana, toplo preporučujemo da se u njegov komfor uverite sami. Površina / Size 185 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2
Sobe / Rooms 3.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Completely brand new, this apartment will leave you speechless. Situated in the most desirable area of Belgrade, this fascinating property with contemporary designed layout and furniture offers a very homey atmosphere. It offers many privileges including walking closet, large balconies with open views, an exclusive entrance from the elevator, a garage space in the underground garage. Located next to Neimar park, famous restaurants, wine bars, cafeterias, easy access to main roads. Highly recommended.
Cena / Price 2.500 EUR / per month West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for rent
Ovaj izvanrendan stan predstavlja luksuzni stil kao dodatak elegantnoj i prefinjenoj dekoraciji sa privatnom terasom sa panoramskim pogledom. Ceo stan je pod klima uređajem i impresionira sa kavalitenim završnim radovima i “open space” konceptom , kuhinja od drveta je potpuno opremljena sa svim neophodnim elementima.
Površina / Size 220 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 1
Sobe / Rooms 1.0
Kupatila / Baths 1
This outstanding apartment presents luxurious style throughout in addition to an elegant and refined decoration and private terrace with panoramic view. The apartment is entirely air-conditioned and impresses with quality of finishing and comfortable open concept living and dining space, kitchen furnished with wood cabinets and equipped with all the appliances.
Cena / Price 3.500 EUR / per month West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for rent
Prostrana i prestižna rezidencija nudi oko 240 kvadratnih metara stambenog prostora. Stan vrlo atraktivnog i modernog izgleda nudi prostran dnevni boravak i trpezariju, potpuno opremljenu kuhinju, spavaću sobu i kupatilo na prvom nivou, dok se na drugom nivou nalaze dve velike spavaće sobe, od kojih svaka ima privatno kupatilo i velike garderobere. Sauna predstavlja posebno lep dodatak ovom stanu.
Površina / Size 240 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3
Sobe / Rooms 4.0
Kupatila / Baths 3
Spacious and prestigious residence offers approximately 240 sqm of interior living space. A very attractive and modern apartment layout offers sizable living/dining area, fully equipped kitchen, one bedroom and a bathroom on the first level, while second level provides 2 more large bedrooms, each having en-suite designer bathroom and enormous walk in closets. Sauna is another particularly nice addition.
Cena / Price 3.500 EUR / per month West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for rent
Atraktivan i prestižan stan na gornjem spratu moderne zgrade na Vračaru. Ova neverovatna nekretnina na dva niova sa 2 spavaće sobe, obe imaju prostrane garderobere, 1 radna soba, 2 kupatila + toalet, kuhinja od drveta i opremljena sa svim aparatima, i naravno veliki dnevni boravak s odvojenim trpezarisjkim prostorom. Ovaj impresivni penthouse predstavlja jedinstvenu priliku na Vračaru.
Površina / Size 240 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2
Sobe / Rooms 4.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Attractive and contemporary apartment on the top floor of a modern building in Vračar. This amazing 2 level property features 2 bedrooms, both having spacious walk-in closets, 1 study room, 2 en-suite bathrooms + toilet, kitchen furnished with wood cabinets and equipped with all the appliances, and of course huge living area with separate dining space. This stunning penthouse apartment is quite a unique opportunity in Vračar area.
Cena / Price 3.000 EUR / per month West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for rent
Prostrana i prestižna rezidencija nudi oko 240 kvadratnih metara stambenog prostora. Stan vrlo atraktivnog i modernog izgleda nudi prostran dnevni boravak i trpezariju, potpuno opremljenu kuhinju, spavaću sobu i kupatilo na prvom nivou, dok se na drugom nivou nalaze dve velike spavaće sobe, od kojih svaka ima privatno kupatilo i velike garderobere. Sauna predstavlja posebno lep dodatak ovom stanu.
Površina / Size 240 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3
Sobe / Rooms 4.0
Kupatila / Baths 3
Spacious and prestigious residence offers approximately 240 sqm of interior living space. A very attractive and modern apartment layout offers sizable living/dining area, fully equipped kitchen, one bedroom and a bathroom on the first level, while second level provides 2 more large bedrooms, each having en-suite designer bathroom and enormous walk in closets. Sauna is another particularly nice addition.
Cena / Price 3.500 EUR / per month West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Dedinje | for sale
Ova izuzetna nekretnina skrivena je u jednoj od najlepših ulica na Dedinju. Na prostranom, velelepnom dvorištu smeštena je kuća stilske arhitekture sa primesama savremenog dizajna. U centru ove privatne oaze nalazi se bazen na koji gledaju balkoni kuće. Raspored prostorija i kvalitetni završni radovi omogućavaju veoma komforan životni stil. Ne propustite priliku da pogledate jedinstven primer vile sa privatnom oazom.
Površina / Size 600 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 4
Sobe / Rooms 6.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
This exceptional property is hidden in one of the most beautiful streets in Dedinje. This colonial style with contemporary touches is situated in a magnificent and large lot. Balconies with a view of a swimming pool that is located in the center of its private oasis. Amazing layout and finishing works of high-quality enable a very comfortable lifestyle. Do not miss the opportunity to take a look at this villa with a private oasis.
Cena / Price 2.500.000 EUR West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for rent
U potpuno novoj zgradi sa obezbeđenjem 24/7 i podzemnom garažom smešten je ovaj divan stan. Veoma komforan sa mnogim pogodnostima poput modernog nameštaja, odlično opremljene kuhinje i kupatila, zidnog i podnog grejanja i hlađenja koji stvaraju prijatno okruženje. Pažljivo birano osoblje zgrade naćiće se stanarima uvek pri ruci. Njegova odlična lokacija omogućava da šetnjom stignete do parkova, pešačkih zona, restorana, prodavnica i svih ostalih neophodnih elemenata savremenog života. Svi troškovi su uključeni u cenu. Površina / Size 200 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3
Sobe / Rooms 4.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
This amazing flat is located on a prime location, in a brand new and well maintained building. The building has a security 24/7 and an underground garage. Living in this apartment offers many comforts such as modern furniture; fine wooden parquet floors, fitted kitchens and bathrooms, as well as hidden wall and floor heating and cooling create a cozy and natural environment. The reception staff, housekeeper and rest of carefully selected amenities will be on hand to fine-tune every day experience. Well connected to the all parts of Belgrade, in vicinity of pedestrian zone, parks and most famous restaurants. All utilities included!
Cena / Price 3.000 EUR / per month West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Dedinje | for rent
Za sve one koji vole miran i komforan život, ovaj stan će ispuniti sva očekivanja. Sa dva balkona obilje prirodne svetlosti je zagarantovano. Sam stan ima odličan raspored i potpuno je opremljen, s toga spreman za momentalno useljenje. Smešten je u novoj zgradi sa obezbeđenjem, a u podzemnoj garaži se nalaze dva parking mesta koja idu uz ovaj stan. Njegova lokacija je lako dostupna do svih većih saobraćajnica što omogućava brzu povezanost sa svim delovima grada. Površina / Size 118 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3
Sobe / Rooms 4.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
For those who prefer a quiet and comfortable living, this apartment will fulfill all the requirements. With two balconies plenty of natural light is guaranteed. The apartment itself has a great layout and is fully equipped, therefore ready for immediate occupancy. It is located in a new building with security, two underground garage spaces included. It is easily accessible to all major roads, which enables fast connections to all parts of the city.
Cena / Price 1.800 EUR / per month West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Dedinje | for sale
Na izuzetnoj adresi, smešten je ovaj moderan stan renoviran prema visokim standardima. Poptuno namešten i opremljen posebnim detaljima, uz probranu u dekoraciju i visoku tehnologiju. Nalazi se u veoma tihoj ulici na Dedinju, u blizini mnogih ambasada i ima Izuzetnu povezanost sa ostalim delovima grada. Upotreba jednog parking mesta ispred zgrade je uključena.
Površina / Size 44 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 1
Sobe / Rooms 2.0
Kupatila / Baths 1
With an exceptional address, this modern style apartment has been renovated to a high standard. This property enjoys exceptional details, refined decoration and state of the art technology. Apartment is fully furnished and equipped with all appliances. It is perfectly situated within a quiet part of Dedinje, close to many embassies with very easy commuting with the rest of the city. One off street parking is available.
Cena / Price 155.000 EUR West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Bežanijska Kosa | for sale
Savremena vila u elitnom delu Bežanijske Kose. Kompletno opremljena do najsitnijih detalja. Prostire se na četiri nivoa. Sadrži dve dnevne, četiri spavaće sobe, tri kupatila i veliko dvorište sa spoljašnjim bazenom. Centralna figura dnevnog boravka je akvarijum koji je dvostrano orijentisan i gleda i na ulaz u stan. U spavaćoj sobi nalazi se bioetanolski kamin. U suturenu je smešten mini bazen postavljen za relaksaciju. Garaža za tri automobila.
Površina / Size 248 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 4
Sobe / Rooms 6.0
Kupatila / Baths 3
Contemporary Villa in the elite part of Bezanijska Kosa. Fully equipped to details. Spreading over four levels with two living rooms, four bedrooms, three bathrooms and a large garden with an amazing outdoor swimming pool. Central piece of the living room is a large aquarium that is both side oriented. In the bedroom there is a bio ethanol fireplace. Mini pool set up for relaxation is located in the basement. Garage for three cars.
Cena / Price 1.100.000 EUR West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for rent
Odlična lokacija, između Slavije i Tašmajdanskog parka. Blizu svega. Stan sa pogledom na dvorište, izolovan od gradske buke. Luksuzno opremljen sa aparatima od nerđajućeg čelika i trpezarijom, tri spavaće sobe, dva kupatila, toaletom i dve terase. Dva garažna mesta su uključena u cenu.
Površina / Size 162 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3
Sobe / Rooms 4.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Amazing location, between Slavija square and Tasmajdan park. Close to everything. Yard oriented, away from city noise. Apartment features luxury furnished spacious living area with fully equipped kitchen with stainless steel appliances and dining area, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, guest toilet and two terraces. Two assigned garage spaces included.
Cena / Price 2.000 EUR / per month West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for rent
Slika govori hiljadu reči! Pogled od million dolara u srcu istorijskog Vračara. Na korak od svega. Nova zgrada, stan sa čak tri terase. Jednistven primer savremene arhitekture i enterijera. Okružen parkovima, školama, restoranima i svim ostalim elementima savremenog života. Sigurnost zgrade je na visokom nivou, pored video nadzora prisutno je i obezbeđenje. Jedno garažno mesto je uključeno.
Površina / Size 185 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2
Sobe / Rooms 3.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
A picture is worth a thousand words. A million dollar view in historic part of Vracar. Steps away from everything. Brand new building, apartment with even three balconies. A unique example of contemporary architecture and interior design. Next to parks, schools, restaurants and all other necessities of modern life. A high level of building security, in addition to video surveillance there is a security as well. One assigned garage space is included.
Cena / Price 3.500 EUR / per month West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Spain, Marbella | for sale
Ekskluzivni kompleks vila u nizu sa posebnom privatnošću i odlično pozicioniran u odnosu na aerodrom, centar grada i poznate luke Puerto Banus i u blizini najboljih golf terena, udaljen samo nekoliko minuta. Predivan pogled na Marbelju i Puerto Banus, prema Gibraltaru i Africi, što čini Meisho Hills jednom od najatraktivnijih lokacija na Costa del Solu.
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
Exclusive residential complex with 58 luxury townhouses offers both, secluded privacy as well as proximity to strategic locations such as Malaga airport, downtown Marbella, the famous leisure harbor Puerto Banus and some of the best and most sought out golf courses in the area, all reachable within minutes. Breathtaking views overlooking Marbella and Puerto Banus, towards Gibraltar and Africa make Meisho Hills one of the most attractive locations on the Costa del Sol.
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Spain, Marbella | for sale
U opremanju kompletnog kompleksa korišćeni su najkvalitetniji materijali. Divan zajednički prostor sa dva spoljašna bazena, tri spa zone sa teretanom, unutrašnjim bazenom, saunom, turskim kupatilom kao i delom za relaksiranje.
Površina / Size 305-903 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2-4
Sobe / Rooms 3-5
Kupatila / Baths 2-4
The finest selection of materials has been applied throughout. The magnificent onsite communal facilities include two large outdoor swimming pools/ three Spa areas featuring gymnasiums/ indoor swimming pools/ saunas, Turkish baths and relaxation areas.
Cena / Price od/from 1.100.000 EUR West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | April 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Montenegro, Budva | for sale
Luksuzna rezidencija u srcu Budve sa odličnim panoramskim pogledom na stari grad i more. Atraktivna lokacija povećava vrednost ove nekretnine. Ovaj prestižni stan se prostire na 240m2 i opremljen je Smart House sistemom, ručno izrađenim italijanskim nameštajem, centralnim protivpožarnim sistemom, centralnim hlađenjem i touch screen rasvetom kao i podnim grejanjem. Sama zgrada nalazi se u multifunckionalnom kompleksu sa ekskluzivnim sadržajima. Površina / Size 240 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2
Sobe / Rooms 6.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Outstanding Residence in the heart of the Budva, with superb panoramic view towards the Old town and the sea. It attractive location, gives and added value to this property. This 240 sqm prestigious apartment is equipped with ͞“m art H ouse͟ system, handmade Italian furniture, central fire alarm system and fire protection, access control, touch screen – central air conditioning and ventilation control system, lighting control system and underfloor heating. The premises encompass a multifunctional complex with exclusive areas.
Cena / Price 1.000.000 EUR West Properties Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
Finest Selection GET IN TOUCH
im stručnjaka u kompaniji West Properties ima široko znanje o tržištu nekretnina u Srbiji. Kroz naše znanje, stručnost i iskustvo u stanju smo da ponudimo pristup nekim od najtraženijih nekretnina kako u Beogradu tako i u inostranstvu. Usredsređeni na detalje, sa dokazanim uspešnim projektima, West Properties garantuje najkvalitetniji nivo usluga prilagođen vašim zahtevima. Ukoliko želite da vam pomognemo da nađete savršenu nekretninu, slobodno nas posetite u našoj kancelariji ili nas kontaktirajte putem telefona ili mejla.
he team of professionals at West Properties has an in-depth knowledge of Serbia’s property market. Through our knowledge, expertise and experience, we’re able to offer you access to some of the most sought-after real estate – both in Belgrade and overseas. With attention to detail and a proven track record of successful projects, West Properties can guarantee you service of the highest quality, tailored to fit your requirements. If you’d like us to help you find the perfect proerty, feel free to visit our office, give us a call or connect via email.
WEST PROPERTIES Karađorđeva 89 / Tradeunique bld. (fl. 2) Belgrade, 11000, Serbia + 381 11 32 43 274 + 381 11 32 43 275
Gagliardi Shop | Ul. ÄŒika Ljubina 6, Beograd | +381 11 262 45 45 |