Your key to the right property!
Ašok Murti
Vanvremenski stil kao životni koncept
Asok Murti - Timeless Style As A Life Concept
Dušan Todorović Energetski efikasna gradnja Energy-efficient construction
Nikola Lazić
Građevinarstvo kao porodična tradicija Construction engineering as a family tradition www. reale s tate - m agazin .rs
Gagliardi Shop | Ul. ÄŒika Ljubina 6, Beograd | +381 11 262 45 45 |
SADRŽAJ | Content 28 |
Od atraktivnih nekretnina, preko mode i umetnosti, gastronomije, putovanja, do arhitekture, dizajna i prestižnih brendova, Real ESTATE Magazin pokriva mnoge aspekte životnog stila. From attractive properties, through fashion and art, gastronomy, travel, to architecture, design and prestigious brands, Real ESTATE Magazine covers many aspects of lifestyle.
06 |
Građevinarstvo kao porodična tradicija Nikola Lazić, Granit Invest
Construction engineering as a family tradition
10 |
Energetski efikasna gradnja Dušan Todorović, Rehau Energy-efficient construction
14 |
LEKTOR | LECTOR Gordana Kačavenda
17 |
IZDAVAČ | PUBLISHER West Properties d.o.o Karađorđeva 89, Beograd, Srbija ŠTAMPA | PRINTING Rotografika doo, Segedinski put 72, Subotica
20 |
Rade Bučevac, Lafarge Srbija
Noviteti za korak ispred
Vladimir Popović, West Properties
Innovations for step ahead
28 |
Premium Living – Falkensteiner Residences Senia Prilika za odabrane
Buy a Falkensteiner vacation home in Zadar
40 |
Jedinstveni enterijeri, puni energije i toplote Nataša Dodoš, DM
Unique interiors, full of energy and warmness
46 |
FOTO NASLOVNA | COVER PHOTO KARE Studio Izdavač ne odgovara za sadržaj objavljenih oglasa. Publisher is not responsible for the content of published advertisements.
Lafarge kuće - ključ u ruke za 28 dana Lafarge houses - Turnkey from the house in 28 days
MARKETING DINAMIKA IZLAŽENJA | FREQUENCY OF PUBLICATION četiri puta godišnje | four times a year
Miroslav Pavićević, GP Kombo
Everything we do is high-quality, professional and responsible
Sve što radimo je kvalitetno, stručno i odgovorno
Vanvremenski stil kao životni koncept Ašok Murti
Timeless Style as A Life Concept
54 |
Dizajner enterijera luksuznih jahti i aviona Svetlana Mojić, Salt & Water
Interor designer of luxury yachts and aircraft CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 659 REAL Estate magazin : magazin o svetu nekretnina / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Kovačević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2016) . - Beograd : West Properties, 2016- ( Subotica : Rotografika ). - 30 cm Tromesečno. - Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku. ISSN 2466-4170 = Real Estate magazin COBISS.SR-ID 222705932
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54 |
UVODNA REČ | Introduction
vi smo čuli za izraz „Nikada ne možeš da dobiješ drugu priliku da ostaviš dobar prvi utisak“. Za posrednike u prometu nekretnina dobar utisak nije značajan samo za identifikovanje idealnih klijenata, već takođe igra važnu ulogu u izgradnji dopadljivosti i verodostojnosti pred kolegama, jer svi želimo da budemo sigurni da smo ostavili trajan, lep utisak, takav da naše ime bude zapamćeno među klijentima.
Ostavite najbolji prvi utisak Make The Best First Impression
e’ve all heard the expression, “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” For real estate agents, making a good impression is not only important for drawing in your ideal clients but it also plays a role in building likeability and credibility with your peers, because we want to make sure we’re making a lasting, memorable impression so that it’s our name others will pass along to customers.
U roku od nekoliko sekundi u našem prisustvu, ljudi brzo formiraju mišljenje o nama. Oni će verovatno doneti brze zaključke koji mogu, a ne moraju biti istiniti. Međutim, mi svakako možemo uticati na to kako će se oni osećati nakon našeg prvog susreta. Tih prvih 90 sekundi pri susretu s nekim novim može biti presudno u dobijanju pozitivne reakcije. Ako odu osećajući se dobro, verovatno će povezati dobre misli s nama. Od tog prvog stiska ruke i predstavljanja formira se i naše mišljenje o toj osobi, a takođe će i ta osoba stvoriti mišljenje o nama. Sve, od izgovorenih reči, preko držanja i izraza lica doprinosi tom prvom utisku. Svi smo skloni tome da donosimo zaključke o drugima. Naš nagon za donošenje odluka i pretpostavke o drugim ljudima odvija se otprilike u minut i po od susreta sa njima, možda pre nego što se rukujemo ili čak pozdravimo. Teško je ne formirati prvi utisak.
Within a few seconds of being in our presence, people quickly form opinions about us. They can make snap judgments that may or may not be true. However, we can influence how they might feel after our first encounter. Those first 90 seconds when meeting someone new can be critical in establishing likability. If they leave feeling good, they will likely associate good thoughts with us. From that first handshake and introduction, we’re forming an opinion of that person and they’re forming an opinion about us too. Everything from spoken words to posture and facial expressions contribute to that first impression. We are judgmental people. Our instinct is to make decisions and assumptions about other people in a minute-and-a-half or so of meeting them, maybe before you shake hands or even say ‘hello’ . It’s hard not to make a first impression.
Međutim, ništa ne može ostaviti tako jak prvi utisak na neku osobu kao samopouzdanje. I to ne samopouzdanje koje u sebi sadrži dozu nadmenosti, već samopouzdanje koje će o nama ostaviti utisak stabilne i prijatne osobe, na koju svako može da računa.
However, nothing can leave such a strong first impression on a person as self-confidence. And it is not self-confidence that contains a dose of arrogance, but confidence that will leave an impression on us stable and pleasant person, to which anyone can count.
Dakle, svi imamo samo jednu priliku da ostavimo odličan prvi utisak ... zato se potrudite da on bude i najbolji!
We are all have only one chance to make a great first Impression…so, make the best first impression possible.
By Jelena Kovačević. M.Sc
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
INVESTICIJE – Investitions
Nikola Lazić
Građevinarstvo kao porodična tradicija
Nikola Lazić
„Granit invest“ je kompanija sa bogatom tradicijom u građevinarstvu Srbije i širem okruženju. Tokom više od 50 godina poslovanja, razvila se u uspešan poslovni sistem koji je projektovao i realizovao brojne stambene i poslovne objekte. Velika stručnost i iskustvo njihovih inženjera i tehničara koji prate i primenjuju najnovija tehnološka dostignuća građenja i materijalizacije omogućavaju da se maksimalno izađe u susret potrebama i zahtevima klijenata. O poslovanju kompanije „Granit invest“, izazovima sa kojima se kompanija susreće i kako je on dospeo u svet građevine, kao i o svom ličnom izazovu da uspešno vodi ovu kompaniju za magazin Real Estate govori vlasnik i direktor kompanije Nikola Lazić. “Granit invest” is a company with a rich tradition in the construction industry of Serbia and the wider environment. For more than 50 years of business, “Granit invest” has developed into a successful business system, that designed and realized numerous residential and commercial buildings. Great competence and experience of its engineers and technicians who follow and apply the latest technological achievements of construction and materialization allows to maximally meet the needs and requirements of customers. About operations of the company “Granit invest,” challenges the company faces and how he end up in the world of construction, as well about his personal challenge to run this company successfully, for the magazine Real Estate, speaks the owner and CEO Nikola Lazic.
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
INVESTICIJE – Investitions
Nikola Lazić: Kako to već biva u porodicama koje se već izvesno vreme bave određenim poslom, deca od malih nogu tu delatnost spoznaju kao nešto što je sastavni deo života. Tako je i oblast građevinarstva bila nešto sa čim sam odrastao, o čemu sam slušao i nešto što sam prihvatio kao deo svog života. Za vreme raspusta dok sam još išao u srednju školu otac Goran mi je ponudio da s njim radim na aktuelnim gradilištima. Naravno, pošto nisam imao iskustva, a ni godina, radio sam samo pomoćne poslove i bio prisutan na samom gradilištu od otvaranja pa do samog kraja. Gledao sam i učio od majstora pa sve do šefa gradilišta. Polako sam shvatao šta znači svaki deo ugrađenog znanja i želje jer je to bitno kao i svaka cigla koja se ugradi u objekat. Čar građevinarstvu daje to što stvarate nešto vidljivo, nešto što ostaje iza vas i nosi vaš pečat. Danas mi je jasno da očeva ponuda da radim na gradilištu nije bila sa direktnom namerom da nastavim njegovim i dedinim stopama, već da sam pokušam na nađem odgovor na pitanje koje sam mu davno postavio - da li i ja pripadam svetu građevine i da li ću tu pronaći svoje mesto. Zaista moram da priznam da su očeva stabilnost i otvorenost za nove ideje i stalna težnja za inovativnošću doprineli da mnogo naučim, ali još više sloboda koju mi je dao da sam uvidim sve negativno i pozitivno u građevini. To me je naučilo da ne smem da stanem u stvaranju nečeg još boljeg i lepšeg, bez obzira na to čime se u životu bavio. Nikola Lazic: As usually, the case in families, which are already doing certain jobs for some time, children from an early age, acknowledge that business as something that is an integral part of life. Thus, the construction industry was something that I grew up with, what I heard about and what I accepted as a part of my life. During the holidays while I was still in high school, my father Goran offered me to work with him on the current building sites. Of course, since I had no experience, and not old enough, I only worked as an assistant worker and I was present at the site from the beginning to the end. I watched and learned from the artisans all the way to the head of the construction site. Slowly I realized what every part of the embedded knowledge and desire means because it is important as well as every brick, incorporated into the building. The magic of construction is that you are creating something visible, something that remains behind you and carries your stamp. Today I realize that my father’s offer to work at the construction site was not with the direct intention to continue his and grandfather’s footsteps, but that I should try to find the answer to the question I asked him once - whether I belong to the world of construction and am I
going to find my place there. I really have to admit that my father’s stability and openness to new ideas and constant striving for innovation helped me to learn a lot, but even more, the freedom that he gave to me, so I can realize all the negatives and positives in the construction industry. This taught me that I can’t stop creating something even better and more beautiful, no matter what I do in life. Da li ste ikada pomislili da odustanete od građevinarstva i posvetite se nečemu drugom? Nikola Lazić: Odustati je najlakše. Ali da, jesam. Više puta se dešavalo da kažem sam sebi da odustajem i dižem ruke od svega. Ali to su uglavnom bile situacije koje brzo zaboravim onog momenta kada otvorimo gradilište. Tog jutra, s početkom radova, zaboravljam sve što me je do tada nerviralo, svaka ideja o nekom drugom poslu postaje smešna. Gradilište je mesto na kom se osećam, što bi rekli, svoj na svome. Have you ever thought to give up on the construction and focus on something else? Nikola Lazic: The easiest way is to give up. But yes, I did. Several times happened that I was telling myself to give up and I should give up on everything. But this were mostly the situations I quickly forget the moment we open the construction site. That morning, when work day starts, I am forgetting everything that previously annoyed me, every idea of another work becomes ridiculous. The construction site is a place where I feel, so to speak, on my own. U razgovoru sa brojnim menadžerima ispostavilo se da oni najuspešniji obično imaju snažnu podršku porodice za to što rade i da im je ona značajan izvor energije. Koliki je značaj porodice u vašem životu? Nikola Lazić: Odgovor na ovo pitanje mislim da nije potrebno obrazložiti jer je meni porodica suštinski ključni element kako u poslu, tako i u životu. In a conversation with a number of managers, it turns out that those most successful usually have strong family support for what they do and that they are a significant source of energy. What is the importance of the family in your life? Nikola Lazic: I think it is not necessary to explain the answer on this question, because I consider family is the essential key element both in business, and in life.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
INVESTICIJE – Investitions
Kompanija „Granit invest” postoji više od 50 godina u svetu građevine i prepoznatljiva je po upotrebi najkvalitetnijeg građevinskog materijala, kao i po kvalitetu izvedenih radova. Koliko je teško održati uspešno poslovanje? Nikola Lazić: Kao treća generacija koja vodi „Granit invest“ dodatni je izazov da unapredim već visoko postavljene standarde. Kada se osvrnem unazad i pomislim kako je deda u tadašnje vreme izgradio svoje i ime firme, a kasnije otac koji je i u natežim vremenima išao napred i postavljao standarde kada im možda još nije bilo vreme, sve mi to daje dodatni motiv da iz postojećeg dostignem bar još jedan stepenik više i time opravdam ono po čemu nas prepoznaju. U građevini ne možete da slažete, sve se vidi, sve je transparentno, morate da ste sto posto u tome što radite jer samo tako dolazite do pravih rezultata koji kasnije govore o vama. Uspeh u poslovanju svakako jeste mogućnost da realizujete nove projekte, a za to vam je naravno potrebno i realativno stabilno tržište nekretnina. The company “Granit invest” exists for more than 50 years in the world of the construction and it’s recognizable for the use of the highest quality building materials, as well as for the quality in construction works. How hard is it to maintain successful business operations? Nikola Lazic: As the third generation which leads “Granit invest”, an additional challenge is to improve already high standards. When I look back and think about how my grandfather, who at that time built up its own, and the name of the company, and later my father who, , was going forward and set the standards in the most difficult times, when maybe it wasn’t the time for those standards, all this gives me additional motivation so I can reach at least one step higher from the existing and therefore justify the name by which we are recognizable. You can not lie, everything is transparent. You have to be one hundred percent in what you are doing, because the only way you will reach the right results, which later are going to testify about you and your work. Success in business is certainly the opportunity to realize new projects, and for that you need, of course, relativity stable real estate market. Na koje prepreke najčešće nailazite? Nikola Lazić: Prepreka ima raznih, ali one su tu da bismo ih premostili i naučili nešto novo. Prepreka koja je do sada odnosila najviše energije jeste papirologija, ali se nadam da uvođenjem novog načina dobijanja dozvola i svih ostalih papira preko sistema objedinjene procedure to više neće biti prepreka.
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
What are the most common obstacles you encounter? Nikola Lazic: The obstacles are different, but they are there to overcome them and learn something new. The obstacle which has, so far, took the most energy is bureaucracy, but I hope that the introduction of a new way of obtaining permits and all other paperwork, through the system of a unified procedure, will no longer be an obstacle. Da li možete da uporedite vreme u kom ste počinjali da se bavite građevinom i nasledili kompaniju od svog oca s vremenom u kom se danas gradi? Nikola Lazić: Kako se svet ubrzano menja razvojem novih znanja i tehnologija, tako se menjaju i zahtevi i očekivanja onih koji grade i onih koji biraju nekretnine. Od samih tehnoloških procesa do načina komunikacije, svakog dana učite nešto novo. Brže se radi i morate biti upućeni u svaki domen posla. Zahvaljujući timu s kojim sarađujem sve to ide mnogo brže i lakše. Naravno, sve to možda u nekoj drugoj kompaniji ide brže, ali temelji znanja o građevini koje imam daju mi mogućnost da stvari sagledavam sa više strana i da svaki povučeni potez bude sveden na minimum greške u realizaciji, kojih ipak uvek ima. Can you make a comparison with the time at which you just started working in construction industry and just inherited the company from your father, with today’s construction? Nikola Lazic: How the world rapidly changes with the development of new knowledges and technologies, in the same way are changing the requirements and expectations of those who build and those who choose properties. From the technological processes to ways of communication, you learn something new everyday. You need to work faster and you have to be informed about all domains of work. Thanks to the team I work with it all goes much faster and easier. Of course, all this in another company may be going faster, but knowledge foundations I have about the construction industry gives me the ability to look at the things from different sides and that every move we make, is minimizing errors in implementation, which are, however, still present. Utisak je da se u Beogradu sve više gradi i da se građevinska industrija probudila. Da li se to odražava i na poslovanje vaše kompanije? Nikola Lazić: Svakako delim vaše mišljenje i drago mi je da ljudi vide da se građevinska industrija probudila. Kao što sam već rekao, došlo je do stabilizacije u mnogim sferama poslovanja koje su dovele do toga da se ponovo gradi i to na bolji i sigurniji način kako za investitore, tako i za potencijalne kupce. In-
INVESTICIJE – Investitions
vestitor ima cilj da sazida i preda kvalitetan objekat, a kupac da sebi obezbedi adekvatnu nekretninu ne gledajući na nju samo kao na rešavanje stambenog pitanja, već kao investiciju koja neće izgubiti na ceni. Mislim da je u poslednje vreme došlo do stabilizacije tržišta nekretnina. Uređeni su razni do sada haotični segmenti koji su povratili poverenje u investitore, ljude koji se bave prometom nekretnina, kao i u državne službe koje su objedinile razne informacije koje su dostupne svim građanima. S druge strane, imate banke koje istupaju sa sve povoljnijim kamatama za one koji žele da steknu neku nekretninu jer ulaganje u nekretnine je i dalje najbolja investicija. The impression is that Belgrade construction industry woke up and it is increasingly being built. Is that reflected in the business of your company? Nikola Lazic: I certainly share your opinion and I’m glad that people see that the construction industry woke up. As I said, there was a stabilization in many areas of business, which led to restart the construction, and to a better and safer way for investors and for potential customers. Investor aims to build and hand over a quality facility, and buyer needs to provide himself with an adequate property without looking on it just as solving housing issue, but as an investment that will not lose its value. I think that recently there was a stabilization of the real estate market. Various, so far chaotic segments, are arranged, which have regained confidence in investors, people who are dealing with real estate, as well as in the civil service which consolidated a variety of informations that is available to all citizens. On the other hand, you have banks that are coming forward with favorable interest for those who wish to buy a property because an investment in real estate is still the best investment.
Jedan od vaših najnovijih projekata je i poslovna zgrada „Green Square” na Vračaru. Po čemu se taj objekat izdvaja? Nikola Lazić: Zaista moram da kažem da sam ponosan na ovaj objekat. Bio je veliki izazov napravit objekat u kome će se ogledati zdanje kao što je Hram Svetog Save, a pri tome na advekvatan način odgovoriti kvalitetu s obzirom na poziciju. Svaki deo ovog objekta je izgrađen po najvišim standardima A+ klase koji važe za poslovne objekte. Primenom inovativnih tehnologija, vodeći računa o svakom segmentu estetike, komfora, tragajući za onim prostorom koji sam želeo da vidim i u kojem sam želeo da boravim, sve to smo preslikali u ovaj projekat. Želim da napomenem da nisam baš spreman da hvalim svoj objekat, ali on zaista ne dozvoljava da se drugačije govori o njemu. Pružajaći Beogradu ovakav objekat, otvorili smo vrata mnogima da učestvujući u njegovoj izgradnji steknu nova iskustva, a da svojim korisnicima obezbedimo jedinstven i drugačiji doživljaj prostora u kome će raditi i nadam se na taj način pospešiti radnu atmosferu. Višestrukost pozitivnih stvari koje donosi „Green Square” a kojih će još biti samo su pozivnica da nas posetite u našim novim prostorijama gde možemo da predstavimo i svoje nove projekte. One of your latest projects is the office building “Green Square” on Vračar. What makes this building stands out? Nikola Lazic: I really have to say that I am proud of this building. It was a big challenge to make the building in which is going to be reflected an edifice as the Temple of Saint Sava and at the same time to adequately respond to quality issue, considering its position. Every part of this building is built to the highest standards of A + class valid for commercial buildings. The application of innovative technologies, considering every aspect of aesthetics, comfort, in search for a space that I wanted to see and in which I wanted to dwell, and we implemented all of that in this project. I want to mention that I’m not ready to brag about this facility, but it really doesn’t allow us to talk about it differently. By providing such a facility to Belgrade, we opened doors to many people for participating in its construction to gain new experience and to provide our customers with a unique and different experience of space where they will work, and I hope in this way to enhance the work atmosphere. Multiplicity of positive things that “Green Square” brings, and there will be more, are just an invitation to visit us in our new premises where we can introduce our new projects.
Green Square
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
GRAĐEVINA – Construction
ENERGETSKI EFIKASNA GRADNJA uvećati vrednost – smanjiti troškove Energy-efficient construction INCREASE VALUE - REDUCE COSTS AUTOR: JELENA KOVAČEVIĆ
Kao inovativna kompanija za rešenja na bazi polimera, „Rehau“ je vodeće međunarodno preduzeće na područjima građevinarstva, automotiva i industrije. Od osnivanja 1948. godine ova kompanija je koristeći sopstvenu snagu prerasla u grupaciju koja posluje širom sveta, na više od 170 lokacija i pet kontinenata, a u Srbji uspešno posluje od 1997. godine. Svojim inovativnim, kompletnim rešenjima „Rehau“ doprinosi smanjenju gubitaka energije, efikasnoj proizvodnji i korišćenju energije i stvara sistemski revolucionarna rešenja s aspekta ekologije i ekonomije, dizajna i funkcionalnosti, kao i u sigurnosti i komforu u gradnji. Za ovaj broj magazina Real Estate razgovarali smo sa Dušanom Todorovićem, regionalnim menadžerom prodaje za Balkan u kompaniji „Rehau“ Beograd.
As an innovative company for polymer-based solutions, “Rehau“ is a leading international company in the fields of construction, automotive and industry. Since established in 1948, the company, using its own strength, has grown into a group, which operates worldwide in more than 170 locations and five continents, and in Serbia, has been operating successfully since 1997. With its innovative, complete solutions, „Rehau“ contributes to the reduction of energy losses, efficient production and use of energy and creates revolutionary system solutions in terms of ecology and economy, design and functionality, as well as the safety and comfort of the building. For this issue of the magazine Real Estate we spoke with Dusan Todorovic, regional sales manager for the Balkans in the company „Rehau“ in Belgrade.
Poslovanje vaše kompanije se prvenstveno orijentiše na teme značajne za budućnost gradnje, kao što su energetska efikasnost i obnovljivi izvori energije?
Dušan Todorović: Upravo tako. Pri kreiranju naših sistemskih rešenja potrebno je voditi računa da postoji obnovljivi izvor energije, zatim neki efikasan sistem raspodele energije unutar objekta i da je objekat „obučen“ da bi smanjio gubitke, odnosno da spreči da se energija rasipa. Dakle, prva stavka o kojoj vodimo računa je da se smanje gubici, odnosno da se „objekat obuče“. To podrazumeva fasadu, stolariju, izolaciju. Druga stavka je efikasna distribucija energije unutar objekta. Tu spadaju instalacije, cevni sistemi, kao i razvod toplotne i/ili rashladne energije kroz panelne sisteme - podno, zidno i plafonsko grejanje /hlađenje. Treći segment čini izvor te energije, bilo da se radi o geotermalnom izvoru sa bunarima, geosondama, vazduhu ili sunčevoj energiji.
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
Business operations of your company are primarily oriented to the topics relevant to the future of construction, such as energy efficiency and renewable energy? Dušan Todorović
Dusan Todorovic: Exactly. In creating our system solutions it is necessary to pay attention that there is a renewable energy source, and then some efficient energy distribution system inside the building and that the building is „dressed“ in order to reduce losses, or to prevent that the energy is wasted. So the first thing we care is to reduce losses, or to „dress the building.“ This includes the facade, windows, insulation. The second thing is efficient distribution of energy within the building. This includes installation, piping systems, and power distribution through panel systems - floor, wall and ceiling heating. The third segment is the source of this energy, whether it is a geothermal spring with the wells, probes or solars.
GRAĐEVINA – Construction
Koje su najčešće greške koje prave vlasnici objekata prilikom odabira energetski efikasnih sistema?
Postoji li univerzalno rešenje za postizanje ekonomične i energetske efikasnosti?
Dušan Todorović: Jedna od čestih grešaka je ta da neko ko planira da instalira toplotnu pumpu kao obnovljivi izvor prethodno nije rešio probleme sa fasadom ili na objektu ima stare drvene prozore. Energetski efikasni prozori i fasadni sistem su odlučujući faktor kada se radi o redukciji energetskih gubitaka. Dakle, prvo je potrebno investirati u fasadu i stolariju. Sve što se tu uloži kasnije će se vratiti kroz manju instalaciju i smanjen gubitak toplote.
Dušan Todorović: Ljudi često ne mogu da shvate da ne postoji univerzalno rešenje jer je svaki objekat drugačiji. Koji sistem će biti primenjen na nekom objektu zavisi od njegovog položaja, orijentacije, namene i funkcije, raspoloživih resursa, načina korišćenja i sl. Kada se sve to uzme u obzir predlaže se optimalni sistem.„Rehau“ je praktično jedina firma koja u svom portfoliju pokriva sve - od izvora, preko sistema za transport i distribuciju, pa sve do prozora. Primena našeg sistemskog rešenja najčešće ispada i najpovoljnije jer svi sistemi dolaze od jednog dobavljača.
What are the most common mistakes made by property owners when choosing energy-efficient systems? Dusan Todorovic: One of the most common mistakes is that the person who is planning to install a heat pump as a renewable source, but didn‘t solve the problem with the facade previously, or the object has the old wooden windows. Energy efficient windows and facade systems are a decisive factor when it comes to the reduction of energy loss. So, first you need to invest in the facade and carpentry. Anything you invest here, will later be returned through less installation and reduced heat loss. Da li vaši sistemi mogu da se primenjuju i pojedinačno? Dušan Todorović: Dobra stvar generalno kod svih ovih sistema je što oni mogu da se rade i kao lego kockice. To znači da, ukoliko neko nema dovoljno novca za investiciju u ceo sistem, treba da uradi instalaciju, izvede podno grejanje i, na primer, fenkoil. Ili ukoliko nema novca za toplotnu pumpu onda predlažemo da se kupi kotao na struju. Kasnije, kada se obezbedi novac za toplotnu pumpu, izbaciće se elektrokotao. Nije neophodno da se sve odjednom primeni. Čak je moguće da se pravi i kombinacija primene sistema, tj. da se za grejanje, odnosno hlađenje objekta tokom 70-80% dana u godini koristi toplotna pumpa, a da se „pikovi“ pokrivaju elektro-kotlom. To znači da će u temperaturnim pikovima vlasnik objekta imati malo veći eksplatacioni trošak, ali za jako malu investiciju. Does your systems can be applied individually? Dusan Todorovic: The good thing in general with all of these systems is that they can work as lego cubes. This means that if someone does not have enough money to invest in the whole system, should do the installation, perform floor heating and, for example, Fan Coil. Or if there is no money for heat pump then we suggest that they buy the electric boiler. After they provide money for the heat pump, will replace electric boiler. It is not necessary to apply the complete system at the same time. It is even possible to make a combination of the implementation of the system, meaning that for heating or cooling the building during 70-80% of the days in the year they will be using the heat pump, and that the „peaks“ are going to be covered with the electric boiler. This means that for the temperature peaks, the owner will have a slightly larger exploitation cost, but for a very small investment.
Is there a universal solution to achieve cost-effective energy efficiency? Dusan Todorovic: People often can‘t understand that there is no universal solution because every building is different. Which system will be applied on a building, depends on its position, orientation, purposes and function, available resources, usage, etc. When all of this is taken into consideration it is proposed to optimize the system. “Rehau“ is practically the only company that in its portfolio covers everything - from the source, through the system of transportation and distribution, up to the windows. The application of our system solution usually turns out to be the best because all proceeds stays in one place, as opposed to the individual suppliers. Izrazitom inovativnošću i visokom pouzdanošću vaša kompanija obezbeđuje dugoročnu prednost u odnosu na konkurenciju, a ono što vas posebno izdvaja su garancije. Dušan Todorović: Garancije su jako bitna stvar. To su ljudi počeli polako da prepoznaju, naročito jer su loši sistemi instalacija počeli da relativno često pucaju, na šta smo mi svojevremeno ukazivali, ali je bio potrebno da prođe određeno vreme eksploatacije da bi se to pokazalo. Uz to, počeli su da se javljaju i problemi sa garancijama. Na primer, dešava se da izvođač koji je izdavalac garancije nije više aktivan, da se ne javlja na telefon i sl. Takođe se javljaju problemi da neki dobavljači ne daju svoje garancije nego se osiguraju kod neke osiguravajuće kuće, koja ukoliko dođe do problema, ne priznaje uslove garancije. Najčešći slučaj je da vam kažu da garancija postoji, ali vam ništa ne daju napismeno. Mi u „Rehau“ dajemo sistemsku garanciju u trajanju od 10 godina na sve što proizvodimo, osim na toplotne pumpe, koje zbog rada na struju imaju garanciju od tri godine, dok dok je garancija na kompresore i produžena na šest godina. Dakle, mi garantujemo da će svaki pojedinačni deo našeg sistema ispuniti svoju namenu. Posebno bih želeo da istaknem da je svaki objekat u kom je primenjen naš sistem pod našom garancijom do milion evra. Investitor dobija pisanu garanciju za svaki stan koju on može da, kao kod stambeno-poslovnog kompleksa „Blok A“, implementira u svoje kupoprodajne ugovore.
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GRAĐEVINA – Construction
With a distinct innovation and high reliability, your company provides long-term advantage compared to the competition, and what makes your company special, are the guarantees. Dusan Todorovic: Guarantees are very important thing. People began to recognize this, especially because the bad systems installation started to break relatively often, what we once pointed out, but it was necessary to pass some time of exploitation in order to see this. In addition, problems with guarantees have appeared. For example, it happens that the contractor, which is the issuer of the guarantee is no longer active, or stops answering the phone. As well, the problems with some suppliers, that they do not provide their own warranties, but they provide the third party insurance, so if a problem occurs, the warranty conditions are not recognized. The most common case is that they assure you that there is a guarantee, but do not give you anything in writing. We at “Rehau“ give a guarantee system for 10 years on everything we produce, except for the heat pump, which, it works on electricity, have a warranty of two years, while on our compressors and other pumps we extended the warranty on five years. So, we guarantee that every single part of our system will fulfill its purpose. I would particularly like to point out that each building in which our system is applied, it‘s under our warranty up to one million euros. The investor receives a written guarantee for each apartment, which he can, as in the residential and commercial complex “Block A“, implement in their purchase contracts. Jedno od neizbežnih pitanja je i ekonomska isplativost primene vaših sistema. Dušan Todorović: Kao odgovor na ovo pitanje daću vam primer. Na jednoj strani su ugradnja vodovodnih instalacija i bešumne kanalizacije „Rehau“, a na drugoj strani je neki jeftiniji proizvođač. Razlika u investiciji nije veća od sedam evra po kvadratu. To ostavlja mogućnost investitoru, koji je planirao da kvadrat stana proda za 1.200 evra, da ga proda za 1.210 evra, odnosno još i da zaradi tri evra po kvadratu, a da pri tome ima dugoročnu garanciju na sve ugrađeno. Siguran sam da će većina kupaca stanova biti spremna da plati tih 10 evra više radi dobijanja garancije. Jer ukoliko neko kupi 100 m2, on će platiti samo 1.000 evra više da bi bio bezbrižan. Zamislite da se desi neka šteta u kupatilu. Ona često iznosi i više od
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tih 1.000 evra (lupanje pločica, štemovanje, nove pločice, saniranje posledica poplave i sl). Da ne pominjem stres koji ne može da se monetarizuje. Mnogi investitori ulaganje u „Rehau“ sistem posmatraju kao „sedam evra skuplje“ tj. sedam evra manju zarada. Ipak, raduje nas to što su mnogi investitori ipak prepoznali prednosti naših sistema. One of the inevitable questions is the cost-effectiveness of the implementation of your system. Dusan Todorovic: As the answer to this question, I will give you an example. On the one side are the installation of plumbing and noiseless sewage “Rehau“ and on the other, a cheaper manufacturer. The difference in the investment is not more than seven euros per square meter. This leaves to the potential investors, who planned to sell square meter for 1,200 euros, to sell it for 1.210 euros, and even to earn three euros per square meter, while keeping a long-term guarantee for all installed. I am sure that the majority of buyers will be
GRAĐEVINA – Construction
Can we have the same benefits on large and small facilities? Dusan Todorovic: It is the same story for both large and small facilities. The system is always the same. The smallest facility on which we have implemented is approximately 160 m2, while the largest, about 13,000 m2. Repayment of the investment does not change, approximately plus or minus half a year, or more precisely that period is about 5-6 years. Our biggest clients are private investors for the family housing of 300800 square meters. Here we have had the largest number of installations. Šta je to što primenom „Rehau“ sistema dobija potencijalni investitor, a šta potencijalni kupac? Dušan Todorović: Potencijalni kupac dobija veći komfor, ugodnost, zdraviju sredinu, enterijerski kvalitetniji, bolji i lepši prostor, manje troškove održavanja i veću vrednost nekretnine ukoliko je posle bude prodavao. S druge strane, prednost za investitora je ta što ugradnja ovih sistema povećava vrednost njegove nekretnine, lakše se prodaje, objekat je pokriven svim garancijama koje se mogu prebaciti na krajnjeg korisnika. Posebna prednost za investitora je mogućnost da se bavi isporukom toplotne i rashladne energije, kao i tople potrošne vode, odnosno da na taj način dodatno „Rehau“ rešenja za energetski efikasnu gradnju i modernizaciju zarađuje na toj nekretnini i da u dužem vremenskom periodu ostvaruje dodatni willing to pay these 10 euros more in order to obtain warranty. benefit od istog objekta. Because if someone buys 100 m2 he will only pay 1,000 euros more to be careless. Imagine if happens that there is some What is it that gets a potential investor, and what the potential damage in the bathroom. It is often more than these 1,000 buyer, by applying “Rehau“ system? euros (removing the bathroom tiles, chiseling, new tiles, floods, etc.). Not to mention the stress that can not be paid. Dusan Todorovic: The potential customer receives a greater Many investors see investing in “Rehau“ system as the “seven comfort, convenience, healthier environment, a higher quality euros more expensive,“ or seven euros less revenue. However, interior, better and more beautiful space, lower maintenance we are pleased that many investors have recognized the costs and greater value of the property if they decide to sell advantages of our system. it afterwards. On the other hand, the advantage for investors is that the installation of these systems increases the value of Da li se isti benefiti postižu i na većim i na manjim objektima? the real estate, it is easier to sell, the building is covered with all the guarantees that can be transferred to the end customer. Dušan Todorović: Ista je priča i za veliki i za mali objekat. A special advantage for the investor is the ability to deal with Sistem je uvek isti. Najmanji objekat koji smo realizovali je oko the delivery of heat and cooling energy and hot water, and 160 m2, dok je najveći oko 13.000 m2. Rok otplate investicije thus earns extra on that property and that for a longer period se ne menja, otprilike plus-minus pola godine, tačnije taj achieves additional benefit of the same object. period iznosi oko 5-6 godina. Naši najveći klijenti su privatni investitori za porodične kuće od 300-800 kvadrata. Tu smo do sada imali najveći broj instalacija.
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GRAĐEVINA – Construction
GP Kombo
kvalitetno, stručno i odgovorno Everything we do is high-quality, professional and responsible
Sistem grejanja i hlađenja ključna je komponenta svakog objekta u obezbeđivanju komfora tokom cele godine. Upravo ugradnja naprednih „Rehau“ sistema grejanja i hlađenja garantuje korisnicima optimalne temperature prostora i zimi i leti, uz značajnu uštedu energije, a samim tim i niže troškove. Pored toga, dodatna prednost je i to, što može da se ugradi u sve vrste objekata, bilo da su u izgradnji ili postupku sanacije. Instalacija svih komponenti sistema je veoma brza i jednostavna, uz poštovanje najviših standarda sigurnosti i kvaliteta. Ipak, za idealno funkcionisanje celog „Rehau“ sistema neophodni su optimizovano projektovanje kompletne instalacije, stručna podrška i kvalifikovan servis. Kompanija „GP Kombo“, već decenijama prisutna na tržištu Srbije, partner je kompanije „Rehau“ i bavi se distirbucijom, instalacijom i održavanjem „Rehau“ naprednih sistema za grejanje i hlađenje.
Miroslav Pavićević
Heating and cooling system is a key component of every object in providing throughout the year. Precisely installation of advanced „Rehau“ heating and cooling systems guarantees to the customers optimum room temperature in winter and summer, with significant energy saving, and therefore lower costs. It can be installed in all types of buildings, whether they are in the the process of the construction or the rehabilitation. The installation of all the components of the system is very fast and simple, with the highest safety standards and quality. However, for the perfect functioning of the whole „Rehau“ system, it is necessary: optimized design of the complete installation, technical support and qualified service. The company „G. P. Kombo „, established in 2001, is a partner of the company“ Rehau „and deals with the distribution, installation and maintenance of“ Rehau „advanced system for heating and cooling.
Direktora kompanije „GP Kombo“ Miroslava Pavićevića pitali smo da li je tržište u Srbiji već prepoznalo prednosti „Rehau“ sistema.
We asked the Director of the company „GP Kombo ‚Miroslav Pavicevic whether the market in Serbia has already recognized the advantages of „Rehau“ system.
Miroslav Pavićević: Iako su prednosti „Rehau“ sistema generalno prepoznate u Srbiji, ne mogu a da ne primetim, da primena ipak ide nešto sporije. U početku smo verovali da će tržište mnogo brže prepoznati te prednosti. Međutim, suočili smo se sa činjenicom da nemaju svi uslova da investiraju u premijum brend, nego to odlažu za neko kasnije vreme. Pored toga, otežavajuća okolnost je bila i globalna ekonomska kriza koja je pogodila sve sektore, pa i naš. Sa druge strane, na tržištu Srbije, a posebno u Beogradu. loša iskustva korisnika i brojne havarije na manje kvalitetnim instalacijama u stanovima, dovele su do porasta interesovanja za kvalitetnim sistemima za grejanje i hlađenje, zbog svih njihovih prednosti. Samim tim, sve je više klijenata, koji su zainteresovani za ugradnju „Rehau“ sistema.
Miroslav Pavićević: Although the benefits of „Rehau“ system generally recognized in Serbia, I have to notice that the application of the system goes a bit slower. In the beginning, we believed that the market will recognize the advantages of these systems much faster. However, we were faced with the fact that not everyone has the possibility to invest in a premium brand, so they are postponing for the future. In addition, the aggravating circumstance was also the global economic crisis that has affected all sectors, including ours. On the other hand, the market of Serbia, especially in Belgrade. poor user experience and numerous accidents, on the lower quality installations in apartments, have led to a growing interest for quality systems for heating and cooling, because all of its benefits.
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GRAĐEVINA – Construction
Kakva su vaša iskustva sa primenom/ugradnjom „Rehau“ sistema kod nas? Miroslav Pavićević: Zahtevi klijenata na tržištu nekretnina naterali su investitore stambeno-poslovnih objekata da posebnu pažnju pZahtevi klijenata na tržištu nekretnina, prosto su naterali investitore stambeno-poslovnih objekata, da posebnu pažnju posvete komforu u nekretninama koje nude, jer su kupci danas mnogo zahtevniji nego ranije i očekuju viši kvalitet usluge. Osim toga, postavlja se pitanje i kako je investitor isplanirao funkcionisanje naplate
potrošene energije. Investitori danas, osim mogućnosti da objekat priključe na sistem elektrana, mogu i samostalno da naplaćuju potrošenu energiju, ili da upravljanje sistemom u potpunosti prepuste stanarima. Ukoliko se odluče da samostalno naplaćuju energiju, u interesu im je da to bude što kvalitetnije, a od posebne važnosti im je i to, da nema dodatnih troškova investicionog održavanja. Slično je i u slučaju kada je upravljanje sistemima hlađenja i grejanja prepušteno stanarima... What are your experiences with the implementation / installation of the system „Rehau“ in our country? Miroslav Pavicevic: Customer requirements in the real estate market forced the investors of residential and commercial buildings, to start paying special attention to the comfort of the real estate that they are offering, because real estate buyers are not as they were once, ie now they expect much more. Besides, the question is how the investors have planned the functioning of the payment of consumed energy. Investors today, except the possibility that the building is connected to
the power plant system, or he can independently charge the consumed energy or to manage the system entirely left to the tenants. If they decide to self-charge the energy, in their interest is to make it better and more specifically that doesnt contributes the major maintenance costs. It is similar to the situation if the management systems of cooling and heating leave to the tenants. Da li se „Rehau“ sistemi mogu primeniti samo u novogradnji ili je moguće da se primene i kod renoviranja objekata? Miroslav Pavićević: To zavisi od samih investitora i korisnika. Razlika je u tome da li korisnik želi da investira u osnovni, srednji ili premijum sistem, u zavisnosti od objekta u kom se primenjuje. Kod izgradnje novih objekata, sloboda odabira sistema je naravno veća, jer tu već u fazi projektovanja, može da se isplanira željeni način grejanja/hlađenja za svaku prostoriju. Na primer, može da se napravi i kombinacija, pa da se tako u kupatilu postavi podno grejanje, u predsoblju zidno i plafonsko, a u dnevnom boravku interakcija podnog i zidnog grejanja. Kada je u pitanju renoviranje objekata, onda je površinsko grejanje pravi izbor, bilo da je u pitanju grejanje za pod, zid ili plafon. Ovi sistemi nisu vizuelno prisutni; ugrađeni su u zidove, podove i plafone, što im daje dodatnu prednost i komfor. Does “Rehau“ systems can be used only in the new buildings or is it possible to use them also during the renovation of the buildings? Miroslav Pavicevic: It depends on investors and the users themselves. The difference is that if the user wants to invest in basic, intermediate or premium system, it depends on the object in which is going to be used. When constructing a new building, freedom to choose the system is, naturally, greater, because there can be planned desired heating / cooling for every room already in the design phase . For example, combinations can be made, to put the floor heating n the bathroom, wall and ceiling in the hall, and interaction of floor and wall heating in the living room. When it comes to renovation of the building, then, surfactant heating is the right choice, whether it comes to heating the floor, wall or ceiling. These systems are not visually present in the apartments, they
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GRAĐEVINA – Construction
are incorporated into the walls, floors and ceilings, but they are very much present, when it comes to comfort. Koji se investitori češće odlučuju za ova energetsko-efikasna rešenja, investitori stambeno-poslovnih zgrada i kompleksa ili vlasnici manjih objekata? Miroslav Pavićević: Prema našem dosadašnjem iskustvu, podjednako su zainteresovani i investitori stambenoposlovnih, ali i manjih objekata. Najčešće se radi o objektima od 1.000 do 2.000 kvadratnih metara, ali i o rezidencijalnim objektima višeg nivoa. Which investors are deciding more often for these energy-efficient solutions, investors of residential and commercial buildings and complexes or the owners of the smaller objects? Miroslav Pavicevic: According to our experience, they are equally interested, investors of residential and commercial,
but also smaller buildings. Usually, these facilities are from 1,000 to 2,000 square meters, but also the residences of the higher levels. Koje su najčešće greške koje prave vlasnici objekata prilikom odabira energetski efikasnih sistema? Miroslav Pavićević: Sistemi „Rehau“postoje dugo na tržištu. Radi se o premium brendu, koji korisnicima obezbeđuje dugotrajnu ispravnost i vrhunski kvalitet instalacija u objektu. „Rehau“ će izdati svoje garancije samo ukoliko se sistem pravilno ugradi, tako da je od izuzetnog značaja da radove izvedu autorizovani i sertifikovani izvođači. Tada neće biti
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ni problema sa upotrebom. Međutim, najčešće greške se dešavaju upravo zbog nestručne ugradnje ovih sistema. Nažalost, u građevini je tako… nema toliko kvalitetne opreme, koju nestručan izvođač ne može da uništi. „Rehau“ sistemi su sofisticirani i neophodno je da se pre ugradnje sve dobro sagleda, isprojektuje i pripremi za dugogodišnju upotrebu. Zbog nedostatka posla, a delimično i zbog krize, izvođači koji nemaju dovoljno znanja ili nisu dovoljno savesni, nude jevtina i često nestručna rešenja. To obično dovodi do pojave raznih problema u eksploataciji. Mi ne radimo na taj način. Želimo da sve što radimo bude kvalitetno, stručno i odgovorno urađeno, po najvišim standardima koje zahtevaju ovakvi sistemi. Istakao bih na kraju, da posebnu važnost pridajemo i estetici, bez koje naša usluga nikako ne bi bila potpuna. Naša glavna preporuka je upravo kvalitet izvedenih radova, jer je to jedini ispravan i mogući način dugog i uspešnog poslovanja. What are the most common mistakes made by property owners when choosing energy-efficient systems? Miroslav Pavicevic: “Rehau“ systems are on the market for a long time, it is a premium brand of excellent quality that provides users with longevity of safety and quality of the installations in the building. „Rehau“ will issue its guarantee only if the system is correctly installed, so it‘s of the great importance to carry out the works by authorized and certified contractors. Then there will be no problem with the use of it. However, the most common mistakes occur precisely because of improper installation of these systems. Unfortunately, in the construction industry is like that, there is no quality equipment which can‘t be destroyed by incompetent contractor. „Rehau“ systems are sophisticated and it is essential that, before installing everything is well- considered, design and prepare for long-term use. In the absence of work and because of the crisis contractors who do not have enough knowledge or are not as conscientious offer inexpensive and often unprofessional solutions. This usually leads to various problems in exploitation. We do not work that way. we want. that everything we do is high-quality, professionally and responsibly done to the highest standards required by these systems, and ultimately and aesthetically beautiful. Exactly the quality of the works recommended us, because this is the only way of our long-standing successful business.
„LAFARGE KUĆE“ Ključ u ruke za 28 dana Turnkey from the house in 28 days
„Lafarge“ u Srbiji posluje od 2002. godine i vodeći je proizvođač građevinskih materijala, cementa, betona i agregata, a svoje aktivnosti obavlja u jednoj fabrici cementa i tri fabrike betona. Od jula prošle godine „Lafarge Srbija“ je deo „Lafarge Holcim Grupe“, koja posluje u 90 zemalja i zapošljava 100.000 ljudi širom sveta u više od 2.500 pogona i fabrika. Tokom punih četrnaest godina koliko posluje u Srbiji „Lafarge“ je razvijao nova rešenja, proizvode i usluge kako bi ispunio očekivanja svojih kupaca, ali i potvrdio svoju strategiju zasnovanu na principima održivog razvoja. Jedan takav novi program predstavljen je polovinom juna ove godine, čime je „Lafarge“ najavio ulazak u novi segment tržišta poluprefabrikovanih kuća. Lafarge operates in Serbia since 2002 and is a leading manufacturer of building materials, cement, concrete and aggregates, and carries out its activities in a cement factory and three concrete plants. Since July last year, Lafarge Serbia is a part of Lafarge Holcim Group, which operates in 90 countries and employs 100,000 people worldwide in more than 2,500 plants and factories. During the fourteen years of operating in Serbia Lafarge is a developing new solutions, products and services to meet the expectations of their customers, but also confirmed its strategy based on the principles of sustainable development. One of such new program was presented in mid-June this year, with which a Lafarge announced the entry into a new market segment of semi prefabricated houses.
Naš sagovornik na temu Lafarge kuća je Rade Bučevac, direktor marketinga i strategije „Lafarge Srbija“. We speak with Mr. Rade Bucevac, Director of Marketing and Strategy of Lafarge Serbia about Lafarge houses.
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Vaša kompanija, koja je poznati gigant u proizvodnji cementa, otisnula se u segment tržišta - izgradnje porodičnih kuća? Rade Bučevac: Ulazimo u jedan potpuno novi segment tržišta za našu kompaniju sa željom da građanima Srbije ponudimo mogućnost da na brz i efikasan način po prihvatljivoj ceni dođu do novog doma, koji će biti baš kakav oni žele. Ovo za nas jeste novo tržište, ali ukoliko imamo u vidu da su osnovni građevinski materijali proizvedeni u Beočinskoj fabrici cementa, koja u okviru „Lafarge Grupe“ posluje punih 14 godina, onda mogu da kažem da smo kao kompanija već više od 177 godina deo gotovo svake kuće u Srbiji. U pitanju je ispunjenje vizije o novom načinu izgradnje porodičnog doma na tržištu Srbije, koja promoviše lokalne materijale nastale u „Lafarge“ Beočinskoj fabrici cementa i najlepše vrednosti francuske kulture: ljubav prema životu i porodici, udobnost i stil u dizajnu i arhitekturi i vanvremensko trajanje. Your company, which is a known giant in cement production, embarked in a market segment for the construction of family houses?
odobravaju kreditne linije. Međutim, kada bi mogli da biraju, veliki broj njih bi se opredelio za kupovinu kuće, iz više razloga, pre svega jer kuća pruža veću udobnost, privatnost, svaki član porodice može da ima kutak za sebe. Dakle, može da bude sagrađena „po meri“ svakog ko je gradi. Ono što je veoma bitno su kreditna podrška i sigurnost investicije. Upravo to ovaj naš koncept omogućava. Lafarge kuće pre svega obezbeđuju sigurnost investicije - to znači i da će „Lafarge“, kao jedna od najvećih kompanija u Srbiji sa najvišim poslovnim i bankarskim rejtingom biti sve vreme uz kupca. What are the benefits that buyers of Lafarge houses can have? Rade Bucevac: People today generally do not have time and therefore they are buying a „turn-key“ property, and the reason is, also, that for this kind of purchase of apartments banks grant credit lines. However, if they could choose, many of them would choose to buy a house, for several reasons, primarily because the house offers more comfort, privacy, and each family member can have a place for themself. Therefore, it can be built „custom made“ for anyone who builds it. What‘s really important is the credit support and investment security. Exactly this is what our concept enables. Lafarge home primarily provides investment security - this means that Lafarge, as one of the largest companies in Serbia with the highest business and banking rating will be with the customer all the time. Nedavno je kompanija „Lafarge“ našem tržištu osmislili jedinstvenu ponudu, povoljan kredit za izgradnju kuće, za koji nije potrebno uspostavljanje hipoteke na drugu nepokretnost?
Rade Bucevac: We‘re entering in a completely new market segment for our company, with the desire that to the people in Serbia offer the possibility in fast and efficient manner, at a reasonable price, a new home, which will be exactly as they want. For us, his is a new market, but if we bear in mind that the basic construction materials produced in the cement factory in Beocin, which has been operating in the Lafarge Group for 14 years, then I can say that we, as a company, are part of almost every house in Serbia for more than 177 years. It is the fulfillment of the vision of a new way of building a family home on the Serbian market, which promotes local materials made in the Beočin cement factory Lafarge and the most beautiful values of the French culture: love for life and family, comfort and style in design and architecture and timeless duration. Koji su benefiti koje mogu da ostvare kupci Lafarge kuća? Rade Bučevac: Ljudi danas generalno imaju manjak vremena i stoga kupuju stanove gde je prodaja po sistemu „ključ u ruke“, a razlog je i to da za ovakvu kupovinu stanova banke
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Rade Bučevac: Upravo tako. Ovaj način finansiranja izgradnje smo osmislili zajedno sa Societe bankom u cilju da maksimalno izađemo u susret mogćnostima kupaca. Nije potrebna hipoteka na drugu nepokretnost već isključivo na objekat koji se gradi uključujući i zemljište i to tek po dostizanju 80% izgrađenosti objekta. Potrebno je da kupac ima parcelu u svom vlasništvu na kojoj je dozvoljena gradnja i da banka potvrdi vrednost hipoteke na buduću nekretninu. Ostalo preuzima „Lafarge“ i sklapa sa kupcem ugovor za izgradnju. Lafarge recently, offered to our market a unique offer, favorable loan to build a house, for which is not necessary to have a mortgage on the another property? Rade Bucevac: Exactly. This method of financing the construction, we came up together with Societe Generale bank, in order to maximally meet the possibilities of the customers. It is not required a second mortgage on the real estate, but only on the object that is being built, including the parcel, and only after reaching 80% of the construction of the facility. It is necessary that the customer have the parcel in its
property, where the construction is allowed, and that the bank verifies the value of the mortgage on the future property. For the rest, Lafarge takes over and concludes the contract for the construction with the buyer. Šta su osnovne karakteristike Lafarge kuća sa arhitektonskog i građevniskog aspekta? Rade Bucevac: Naš program posebno naglašava aspekt udobnosti „Lafarge kuća“ koja se ogleda kroz jednostavan ali jednistveni arhitektonski koncept uz akcenat na optimalnu iskorišćenost prostora i funkcionalnost, za šta se pobrinuo tim arhitekata na čelu sa arhitektom Jovanom Mitrovićem, kao i trajanje oličeno kroz savremenu tehologiju brze i efikasne poluprefabrikovane DWS gradnje. What are the basic characteristics of the Lafarge houses from architectural and construction aspect? Rade Bucevac: Our program particularly emphasizes the comfort aspect of „the Lafarge houses“ which is reflected in simple, but unique architectural concept with a focus on the optimal use of space, functionality, team of architects, headed by architect Jovan Mitrovic, is taking care of, and duration represented through the modern tech methods of fast and efficient DWS semi prefabricated construction.
preuzeli proces koordinacije dobijanja dozvola, što će znatno olakšati posao budućim vlasnicima. Zahvaljujući posebnoj tehnologiji koja omogućava preciznost gradnje i kontrolisani kvalitet u fabričkim uslovima, do novog doma je moguće doći za 28 dana od početka gradnje. Naš tim arhitekata je spreman da pozicionira i prilagodi kuće zahtevima bilo kog placa, ali i da izađe u susret svim drugim specifičnim zahtevima klijenata. Do you offer more types of houses, and is it possible to meet the specific requirements of the customers? Rade Bučevac: The first program of Lafarge houses consists in nine types of objects, with variants, from environmentally green to traditional sloping roof. Why do we say „first program“ - because it is going to continue the developing, and future customers will affect it the most, who will certainly have the ability to change the existing suggested solutions. The offer includes financing and construction of family houses with a „turnkey system“, which also includes obtaining of all necessary permits for the construction. This part is an element that distinguishes our offer from the others. So, we took the coordination process of obtaining permits, which will greatly
Da li u ponudi imate više tipova kuća i da li je moguće izaći u susret specifičnim zahtevima kupaca? Rade Bučevac: Prvi program Lafarge kuća sastoji se od 9 tipova objekata, uz varijante sa ekološkim zelenim ili tradicionalnim kosim krovom. Zašto kažemo „prvi program“ – zbog toga što će se on razvijati, a na njega će najviše uticati budući kupci, koji će svakako imati mogućnost da menjaju postojeća predložena rešenja. Ponuda uključuje finansiranje i izgradnju porodičnih kuća po sistemu „ključ u ruke“, koji obuhvata i pribavljanje svih potrebnih dozvola za izgradnju. Ovaj deo je element koji izdvaja našu ponudu. Dakle, mi smo
facilitate the work of the future owners. Thanks to a special technology which allows precision in the construction and the quality controlled in the factory conditions, a new home is possible to get in 28 days from the beginning of construction. Our team of architects is ready to position and adapt the home requirements of any parcel, but also to meet any other specific requirements.
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SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Noviteti za korak ispred Innovations for step ahead Tekst: Marija Miladinović
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SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
skustvo kompanije „West Properties” pokazalo je da su inovacije i briga o klijentima neki od najbitnijih faktora za uspešnost, čak i u uslovima ekonomske krize. Upravo takav, inovativni strateški pristup, koji dalje uključuje kontinuirana ulaganja u modernizaciju poslovanja, za rezultat ima konstantan rast broja i zadovoljnih klijenata, kao i zaposlenih, obuhvatajući sve širi spektar usluga. Sumirajući dešavanja proteklih godina na tržištu nekretnina kod nas, izvršni direktor kompanije „West Properties” Vladimir Popović nam otkriva kakve planove kompanija ima u narednom periodu, te kako „West Properties” uspeva da se, u doba štednje, kontinuirano opredeljuje za suprotan trend – investiranje u kadrove, nove usluge i tehnologiju.
est Properties“ company’s experience showed that innovation and customer care are some of the most important factors for success, even in times of economic crisis. Such an innovative strategic approach, coupled with a continued investment in the modernization of business, is precisely what results in a constant increase in the number of new and satisfied customers, number of employees, and the ever-expanding range of services. Summarizing the developments in the recent years in the real estate market in our country, “West Properties“ CEO Vladimir Popović reveals the company’s plans in the future, and how “ West Properties“ succeeds, in times of savings, to continually follow the opposite trend - investing in human resources, new services and technology. Dugo ste u poslu sa nekretninama. Recite nam kako vidite razvoj domaćeg tržišta nekretnina? Vladimir Popović: Nakon više od decenije koju sam proveo stičući osnove o svetu nekretnina u kompaniji „Colliers International“, sedam godina na poziciji Head of residential department u kompaniji CBRE, velikog iskustva u industriji nekretnina u segmentu razvoja, kao generalni direktor „Lenex Investa“ i kao GM firme „Tradeunique“ za Srbiju i Crnu Goru, postao sam suvlasnik „West Propertiesa“ - jedne od najprestižnijih kompanija za nekretnine u Srbiji, koja je specijalizovana za pronalaženje nekretnina po meri za neke od ključnih kompanija koje posluju u Srbiji i okolnim tržištima. Iskreno, zadovoljstvo je aktivno učestvovati i pratiti dugoročni razvoj srpskog tržišta nekretnina. Mišljenja sam da se sazrevanje može primetiti u brojnim segmentima. Svet nekretnina se rapidno menja u poslednjih desetak godina i sve češće lokacija, kvalitet gradnje i cena nisu parametri od presudnog značaja, a velika pažnja se poklanja upotrebnoj vrednosti nekretnine kao i vremenu povratka investicije. Ljudi i kompanije koji žele da investiraju u nekretnine pažljivo prate dešavanja u svim sferama i vrlo se teško odlučuju za investiciju ukoliko nemaju odgovore na sva pitanja. Upravo to je i razlog što kompanija „West Properties” neguje potpuno nov pristup klasičnom poznavanju posredništva jer pristupamo analizi svakog potencijalnog objekta sa više aspekata kako bismo potencijalnim investitorima omogućili odgovore na sva pitanja na jednom mestu. Svakodnevno unosimo novitete koji su dobro isplanirani i korak ispred. You are in the Real Estate business for quite some time. Tell us how you see the development of the domestic real estate market? Vladimir Popovic: After a decade spent acquiring the basics about the world of real estate in the company “Colliers International“, seven years in the position of Head of residential department in the company “CBRE“, great experience in
the real estate industry in the area of development, as the General Director of “Lenex Invest“ and as General Manager of the company “Tradeunique“ for Serbia and Montenegro, I became a co-owner of the company “West Properties“ one of the most prestigious real estate companies in Serbia, specializing in finding custom property for some of the key companies operating in Serbia and surrounding markets. Honestly, it is a pleasure to participate actively and monitor the long-term development of Serbian real estate market. In my opinion, the maturation can be seen in numerous segments. The world of Real Estate is rapidly changing in the last decade and more often location, quality of construction and price are not crucial parameters, and great attention is paid to the use-value of the property, as well as the time of investment return. People and companies that would like to invest in real estate, with particular attention are following developments in all areas, and they are very reluctant to invest if they do not have all the answers. That is the reason why the company “West Properties“ nurtures a completely new approach to the classical understanding of mediation. We approach the analysis of each potential object from different aspects in order to enable potential investors all the answers in one place. Every day we are bringing innovations that are well planned and always step ahead. Kompanija „West Properties”, koja je prepoznata u oblasti posredovanja u prometu nekretina, odnedavno je proširila svoje usluge. Na kojim je sve poljima vaša kompanija angažovana u Srbiji i regionu? Vladimir Popović: U novi razvojni ciklus „West Properites” ulazi sa puno novih ideja i planova sa ciljem da tržištu pruži uvek više i bolje od standardnog i konvencijalnog načina poslovanja. Naš glavni cilj je oduvek bio „customer care“ pristup našim klijentima. Razvoj tržišta nekretnina kao i potrebe naših klijenata uticali su da se i mi kao kompanija razvijamo i unapređujemo usluge koje pružamo. Od usluga
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SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
posredovanja u prometu i zakupu stambenog, kancelarijskog i maloprodajnog prostora i usluga procena vrednosti i istraživanja tržišta, u prilici smo da pružamo i sve ostale vrste konsultantskih usluga – od usluga savetovanja šta je na određenoj lokaciji najbolje graditi, finansijskih analiza izvodljivosti i isplativosti projekata, vođenja projekata tokom procesa gradnje ili adaptacije, marketinga u oblasti nekretnina, analize najbolje iskorišćenosti prostora, pa sve do pružanja usluga profesionalnog upravljanja nekretninom i procesom njenog održavanja.
on a specific location, financial analysis of the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of projects, project management during the construction or adaptation, marketing in the field of real estate, analyzing the best use of space, all the way to provide services of a professional Real Estate management and the process of its maintenance.
Company “West Properties“, which is known in the field of mediation in real estates, has recently expanded its service. In which areas is your company engaged in Serbia and the region?
Vladimir Popović: Mnogo je lakše proceniti građevinsku vrednost zgrade nego tržišnu, jer nju određuje upravo tržište. Naravno da je vlasniku nekretnine u interesu da postigne što višu cenu, dok kupac ima suprotne namere. Iz tog razloga dobro je angažovati profesionalce koji poseduju znanje, dobro poznaju tržište nekretnina i imaju dobro razvijene komunikacione sposobnosti, koji bi posredovali, odnosno vodili pregovore. Namerno kažem u množini jer mi u „West Propertiesu“-u svojim klijentima stavljamo na raspolaganje čitav tim profesionalaca iz svih oblasti koje su usko povezane sa ovim procesom, a sve u cilju da se klijent oseća sigurno da će povereni posao biti realizovan uspešno i u njegovu korist. Vrlo je važno argumentovano obrazložiti i kupcu i prodavcu činjenice na kojima se zasniva tržišna cena nekretnine i upoznati ih sa svim aspektima ponude i potražnje. Dakle, u suštini smatram da su cene koje ste naveli prilično realne. Vrlo
Vladimir Popovic: In a new development cycle “West Properites“ comes with a lot of new ideas and plans, in order to provide the market more and better than the standard and conventional ways of doing business. Our main goal has always been „customer care“ approach to our clients. The development of real estate market, as well as the needs of our clients, have as well influenced, that we as a company, are developing and improving the services we provide. From services of mediation in selling and renting of living space, office and retail space, service for value appraisal and market research, we are able to provide all other types of consulting services - from consulting services to what is best to build
U Beogradu se cena kvadratnog metra kreće od 600 do 800 evra na periferiji, pa do 2.000 do 3.200 evra za prestoničku ekstrazonu. Da li su ove cene realne?
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SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
je širok spektar okolnosti koje čak u određenom trenutku i formiraju kupoprodajni iznos, kao što je na primer hitnost prodaje ili kupovine. In Belgrade, the price per square meter ranges from 600 to 800 euros on the periphery, to 2,000 to 3,200 euros for the capital‘s extra zone. Are these prices real? Vladimir Popovic: It is much easier to assess construction value than the market value of the building, because the market value is determined by the market. Of course it is the property owner‘s interest to achieve a higher price, while the buyer has the opposite intent. For this reason it is good to hire a professional who knows well the real estate market, with well-developed communication skills, who would mediate, and lead the sales negotiations. It is very important to explain to the buyer and the the seller the facts on which is based the market price of the property and inform them of all aspects of supply and demand. So, in essence, I believe that the price you specified are quite real. It is a wide range of circumstances, and at some point, those circumstances are even forming the purchase price. For example, the urgency of the sale or purchase. Značajan broj prodavaca i kupaca nekretnina je kod nas veoma rezervisan u pogledu saradnje s agencijama. Koje su prednosti saradnje sa vašom kompanijom? Vladimir Popović: Svojim konceptom „all in one“ nastojimo da umrežimo svoje višegodišnje iskustvo i veliki broj odgovornih profesionalaca sa ciljem da klijent dobije tačne informacije i našu punu podršku u prometu nekretnina. Naši klijenti na jednom mestu mogu da dobiju aktuelne i tačne informacije sa tržišta, savete u vezi sa potencijalnim investicijama, kupovinom i drugim transakcijama koje se tiču različitih nepokretnosti. A significant part of sellers and buyers of real estate in our country is very reserved when it comes to cooperation with the agencies. What are the advantages of cooperation with your company? Vladimir Popovic: With our concept “all in one“, we are trying to create a network of our years of experience and a large number of competent professionals with the aim that the customer receives accurate information and our full support in real estate transactions. Our clients can receive current market information, advice on potential investments, purchases and other transactions relating to real estate, and all of that in one place. Kako vidite srpsko tržište nekretnina i njegov trend razvoja ovog tržišta u narednim godinama? Vladimir Popović: Nakon višegodišnjeg mirovanja, srpsko tržište nekretnina je ušlo u fazu dugo očekivanog oživljavanja, a izgradnja teče “punom parom” širom svih segmenata tržišta. Trend rastućih investicija u poslovne objekte, kao i maloprodajne nepokretnosti, pokrenut je konstantnim rastom tražnje za poslovnim prostorom. I tržište stambenih
objekata pokazuje da se trend izgradnje modernih stambenih kompleksa nastavlja. Noviji projekti nude moderne objekte na povoljnim lokacijama i prilično visok kvalitet izrade. Raduje činjenica da je povećana tražnja za nekretninama podstakla domaće investitore da sve više grade i pri tom usvajaju principe poslovanja inostranih kompanija, kao što su unapređeni pristup tržištu i razvijanje marketing strategija. Verujem da će se ovakakv trend nastaviti i u narednim godinama i da će tržište nekretnina u Srbiji dostići svoj puni potencijal. How do you see the Serbian real estate market and what is the trend of its development? Vladimir Popovic: After years of dormancy, Serbian real estate market has entered a phase of the long-awaited revival, and construction is running at full speed across all market segments. This trend of increasing investments in commercial buildings, as well as in retail real estate, was initiated with a constant growth of demand for office space. Market of residential buildings also shows that the trend of construction of modern residential complexes continues. Major projects offer modern facilities in convenient locations and very high quality of construction. We are delighted that the higher demand for real estate encourage domestic investors to build more and adopt the principles in this business of foreign companies, such as improved approach to the market and development of marketing strategies. I believe that this trend will continue in the years to come and that the real estate market in Serbia will reach its full potential. Koje su lokacije u Beogradu po vašem mišljenju posebno atraktivne investitorima stambeno-poslovnih objekata? Vladimir Popović: Investitore koji ulažu u razvoj nekretnina uglavnom interesuju najbolje dostupne lokacije za izgradnju, koje imaju urednu dokumentaciju i koje po pravilu omogućavaju što bržu prodaju tj. povraćaj investicije. Kao najtraženije se izdvajaju Vračar, Senjak, Dedinje i Novi Beograd. Međutim, ono što je primetno u poslednje vreme je da su investitori počeli da ulažu i u neke druge beogradske opštine, kao što je Zvezdara, koja beleži sve veću tražnju, što potvrđuju brojni aktivni projekti koji se razvijaju baš u ovom delu grada, a najavljeni su i novi. What are, in your opinion, locations in Belgrade particularly attractive for investors of residential and commercial buildings? Vladimir Popovic: Vladimir Popović: Investors who invest in real estate development are mainly interested in the best available locations for construction. Among the most attractive locations are Vračar, Senjak, Dedinje and New Belgrade. However, what is noticeable lately is that investors started to invest in other Belgrade municipalities, such as Zvezdara, which recorded growing demand, which is confirmed by a number of active projects that are developing in this very part of the city, and have also been announced some new projects.
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GRAWE Poslovni centar Savremeni poslovni prostor GRAWE Poslovnog centra na Novom Beogradu! GRAWE Nekretnine d.o.o. Beograd · Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115D Kontakt: Tel. 011 / 2092-604 ·
ite d e r p Una aše V nje!! ova l s o p
INOVACIJE – Inovations
Pametne zgrade – građevine budućnosti Smart homes - Buildings of the future Tekst: Nikolina Vukićević
vremenu u kom živimo sve većem broju uređaja dodaje se odrednica „pametni”. Krenuvši od telefona, stigli smo do zgrada, a u bliskoj budućnosti možemo očekivati i pametne gradove. Glavni motiv kome teže sve najnovije tehnologije je umreženost, a baš po tom principu funkcionišu „pametne zgrade”. Dakle, o čemu je reč?
he Time That We Live In, to a growing number of the devices is added the term “smart“. Starting from mobile phones, we have arrived to the smart buildings, and in the near future we can also expect, smart cities. Networking is the main motive that all the latest technologies are aiming for, principle according to which “smart buildings“ are functioning. So, what it is about?
Pametnim zgradama se nazivaju objekti u čijoj su izgradnji korišćeni materijali i sistemi u cilju manje potrošnje energije i što jednostavnijeg korišćenja svih sadržaja. Poslovni objekti, hoteli, bolnice, škole ili objekti za stanovanje - svi imaju potrebu za uštedom i većim komforom. Mnogobrojni i raznovrsni senzori i kamere predstavljaju čula koja prikupljaju informacije i iniciraju akcije, gde je krvotok neuronska mreža, imitirana nekim od protokola, i magistrale za prenos podataka i upravljačkih signala. Na kraju na red dolaze internet i internet mreže koje pojedinačni organizam povezuju sa celokupnom zajednicom i omogućavaju da to funkcioniše u najboljem redu.
where the bloodstream is a neuronal network, imitated with some of the protocols, and the the main road for the transfer of data and control signals. Finally, internet and internet networks are connecting the individual organism with the entire community and allow it to work properly. Kao što, na primer, naše telo reguliše unutrašnju temperaturu, prilagođava se spoljašnjim uslovima ili trenutnoj fizičkoj aktivnosti, tako i pametna zgrada automatski može da podešava svoju unutrašnju temperaturu ili temperaturu svake prostorne celine zasebno na osnovu spoljnih faktora ili unutrašnjih aktivnosti, odnosno neaktivnosti, pomoću automatske kontrole sistema grejanja, ventilacije i hlađenja. Po istom principu funkcioniše rasveta, unutrašnja i spoljašnja, kao i fasadna, sigurnosni sistem nadzora, kontrola pristupa, kontrola agregata, pumpi i liftova, što je od izrazitog značaja kad su u pitanju poslovne zgrade.
Objects in whose construction were used materials and systems in order to lower energy consumption and facilitates the use of all amenities, are called Smart buildings. Office buildings, hotels, hospitals, schools and housing facilities - they all need for lower costs and for greater comfort. Numerous and various sensors and cameras are the senses, which collect the informations and initiates the actions,
I naš Beograd ide u korak s inovacijama. Međutim, ugledu i urbanizaciji našeg grada doprinosi još uvek jednocifren broj pametnih zgrada. REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
INOVACIJE – Inovations
As, for instance, our body regulates the internal temperature, and adapts to the current environmental conditions or the physical activity, in the same way, smart buildings can automatically adjust its internal temperature or the temperature of each spatial unit separately, based on the external factors or internal activities, or inactivity, by using the automatic control of heating, ventilation and cooling. Lighting ( interior and exterior ) works on the same principle, as well as the facade, security surveillance system, access control, control of generators, pumps and elevators, which is of great importance when it comes to commercial buildings
customers for heating and cooling are significantly below the costs of any other supplier in Belgrade and Serbia. All of our customers are paying the bills that are at least 50% lower than district heating bills, as well with reduced electricity bills, because they are cooling the space in the same way in which they are heating. Additional benefits of this building are: high communication skills with no limit, the flow of data is unlimited, management of all the resources is centralized in one place, complete control of movement through the building and they were first to introduce the digital video surveillance - said Praštalo.
Our Belgrade keeps up with innovation. However, for the reputation and urbanization of our city, contributes still single-digit number of smart buildings.
Na pitanja koje su poteškoće sa kojima su se suočavali tokom gradnje prve pametne zgrade u Beogradu, gospodin Praštalo kaže: U to vreme nije bilo projektanta koji je mogao da projektuje pametnu zgradu. Mi smo sarađivali s firmom „Mašinoprojekt“ koja je imala dobru ekipu koja je to iznela sasvim dobro. Međutim, ceo proces bi trebalo da drugačije funkcioniše, da postoji arhitekta koji to sve osmisli, pa inženjeri koji vas vode kroz bespuća izgradnje ovakvog objekta, a u stvari mi smo vodili njih, i uz sve to smo za svaku oblast angažovali savetnika projektantima koji su bili uključeni u sve inovacije. Pored toga, za vreme gradnje zgrade „B2“ ni na svetskom nivou nije bio uspostavljen jasan standard za pametne zgrade, mada ni pravdanje troškova u tom inicijalnom momentu nije bilo jednostavno, na momente je čak delovalo i neobjašnjivo. U međuvremenu se posle izgradnje zgrade „B2“ dosta radilo na urbanizaciji grada, pa je izgrađeno još nekoliko pametnih zgrada na prostoru Beograda, od čega su tri pozicionirane na Vračaru.
Prva pametna zgrada na Balkanu poznata pod imenom „B2“ u Balkanskoj 2, koja je sa izgradnjom počela 2005. a završena je 2008, sa sobom je donela potpuno novu dimenziju i pogled na to kako možemo koristiti tehnologiju. Svojim korisnicima i stanarima omogućila je daljinsko upravljanje uređajima kao što su klima-uređaj, televizor i kuhinjski uređaji. Među nesvakidašnjim benefitima ove zgrade je mala meteorološka stanica na krovu koja je podešena da predviđa promene i da na njih reaguje podizanjem spoljašnjih kapaka kako bi odbila ili zadržala toplotu. The first smart building in the Balkans, known as “B2“ in Balkanska 2. Its construction began in 2005 and was completed in 2008, brought with its consruction a whole new dimension and view of how we can use the technology. To its users and tenants allows remote control for devices such as air-conditioning, TV and kitchen appliances. Among the extraordinary benefits of this building is a small weather station on the roof, which is set to anticipate changes and react to them by lifting of external shutters in order to maintain the temperature. Ušteda energije i optimizacija troškova su naši primarni benefiti jer smo pošli od toga da pametna zgrada mora da omogući pre svega uštede, a onda povećani komfor rekao nam je Dragan Praštalo, izvršni direktor firme „Mali kolektiv“, koja je zajedno sa „Euro Trade Belgrade d.o.o.“ investitor zgrade u Balkanskoj ulici. - Naši troškovi, odnosno troškovi naših klijenata za grejanje i hlađenje su bitno ispod troškova bilo kog drugog isporučioca u Beogradu i Srbiji. Svi naši korisnici plaćaju račune koji su bar 50% niži nego računi toplana, sa smanjenim računima za struju jer se hlade na isti način na koji se i greju. Dodatni benefiti ove zgrade su: visoke komunikacione sposobnosti koje nemaju limit, odnosno protok podataka je neograničen, upravljanje svim resursima centralizovano na jednom mestu, potpuna kontrola kretanja kroz zgradu i prvi su uveli digitalni video-nadzor - ističe Praštalo. Energy savings and cost optimization are our primary benefits, because we started from the fact that smart buildings must provide, primarily, savings, and only then increased comfort - said Dragan Praštalo, executive director of “Mali kolektiv“, which is a building investor in Balkanska street, together with “Euro Trade d.o.o. Belgrade „. Our costs and expenses of our
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
When asked what were the difficulties they have faced during the construction of the first smart building in Belgrade, Mr. Praštalo says: - At that time there was no project engineer who was able to design intelligent building. We were collaborating with the company “Mašinoprojekt“ which had a good team that carried it out very well. However, the whole process should work differently, that there is an architect who should design, and engineers who should lead you through the wastelands of construction of such a facility, and instead, we led them, and with all of that, we hired advisers designers for each area, who were involved in all the innovations. Besides that, during the construction of a building B2“, it still wasn‘t established a clear standard for intelligent building at the global level, although justification of costs, in this initial stage, it wasn‘t easy, at times even seemed inexplicable. Meanwhile, after the construction of the building “B2“ it was done a lot on the urbanization of the city, and several smart buildings are built in the area of Belgrade, three of them are on Vracar. Najnovija i najinovativnija pametna zgrada - „Xenon“ svoje mesto zauzela je na beogradskoj opštini Zvezdara. Zgrada sadrži stambeno-poslovni deo i ono što je razlikuje od ostalih je što u okviru nje postoji i hotel. Jedinstveni benefit koji zgrada nudi je pogodnost za one koji stan kupe kao investiciju jer hotelski deo omogućava kompletnu podršku i servis prilikom izdavanja stanova na dnevnom nivou, a svojim stanarima pruža brojne povlastice. The latest and most innovative smart Building - “Xenon“, took its place in the Belgrade municipality of Zvezdara. The
INOVACIJE – Inovations
building has residential and business area, and what sets it apart from the others is that within it there is also a hotel. A unique benefit which is building offers a convenience to those who buy an apartment as an investment, because part of the hotel provides complete support and service when renting apartments on a daily basis, and offers many benefits to its tenants. Zgrada „Xenon“ se prilagođava trenutnoj aktivnosti, raspoloženju, navikama i životnom stilu svakog stanara zahvaljujući upotrebi moderne tehnologije – KNX standarda. Jednom ugrađena KNX instalacija može bezgranično da se nadograđuje opremom svih svetskih proizvođača sa KNX sertifikatom. Zgrada poseduje i meteorološku stanicu koja sama upravlja roletnama, koje spušta u slučaju oluje, podiže u slučaju sunčanog dana zimi i ostvaruje uštede u potrošnji energije. Ova izuzetno energetski efikasna zgrada, sa sopstvenim izvorima energije, podnim, zidnim i fun coil sistemima za grejanje i hlađenje, duplim izolacijama, zidovima od 60-80 cm, sendvič zidovima između stanova i prozorima sa trostrukim niskoemisionim staklom punjenim argonom korisnicima će dugoročno donositi ozbiljne uštede energije - rekao nam je suinvestitor projekta „Xenon“ Branko Simović. Building “Xenon“ adapts to the current activities, the mood, habits and lifestyle of each occupant due to the use of a modern technology - KNX standard. Once installed KNX installation can be infinitely upgraded with the equipment of world manufacturers with KNX certificate. The building also has a weather station, which manages the blinds by itself, closes in the event of a storm, and raises on a sunny day in winter and in tnis way generates the savings in energy consumption. This highly energy-efficient building, with its own sources of energy, floor, wall and fun coil heating and cooling, double insulation, the walls of 6080 cm, sandwich walls between apartments and windows with triple low-e glass filled with argon, will bring to its users, long-term serious energy savings - said the co-investor of the project “Xenon“ Branko Simovic. U pametne zgrade postavljaju se i kamere za nadgledanje objekta izuzetno velikog zuma, kao i mreže senzora koji prate sve, od parking prostora do požarnih alarma. Pametne zgrade treba da sadrže različite vrste komunikacionih mreža koje bi, recimo u slučaju požara, putem senzora i videokamera slale informacije kao što su raspored spratova i liftova, kao i podatke o temperaturi, osvetljenju i dimu direktno do
dežurnih dispečera, s ciljem da se što preciznije informacije što brže pošalju do nadležnih službi. Objekat može sam da obavesti vatrogasnu stanicu o uzbuni i locira ugrožene. Smart buildings also have surveillance cameras with extremely high zoom, as well as a network of sensors that monitor everything from parking space to a fire alarm. Smart buildings should include different types of communication networks that should, in case of fire for instance, through sensors and video cameras, send the informations such as the arrangement of floors and elevators, as well as data on the temperature, lighting and smoke directly to the dispatcher on duty, in order to submit to the competent services precise informations as soon as possible. The building itself can inform the fire station about alert, and locate vulnerables.
Svoj pun smisao koncept pametnih zgrada dobija stvaranjem bezbednog, komfornog, produktivnog i ekonomičnog životnog i radnog okruženja, uz istovremenu štednju energenata, smanjivanje troškova održavanja i opšte društvene korisnosti zaštite životne sredine. Tako da, ukoliko i vi želite da živite u ekološkom, inovativnom i elitnom okruženju baziranom na umreženosti i lakom i brzom korišćenju uređaja, onda su vaš idealan izbor upravo pametne zgrade. Its full meaning, the concept of smart buildings gets by creating a safe, comfortable, productive and economical living and working environment while saves the energy, reduces costs for maintenance and general social utility of environmental protection. So, if you want to live in ecological, innovative and desirable environment based on networking and easy and quick use of the devices, then your ideal choice is smart building.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
a i n e S s e c
n e d i Res
Falkensteiner apartmani u Zadru - prilika za odabrane Buy a Falkensteiner vacation home in Zadar
rojek tom „Residences Senia“ obuhvaćeno je 187 luksuznih apartmana, koji se nalaze u rizortu Punta Skala kompanije Falkensteiner blizu Zadra. Falkensteiner Apartmani su mnogo više nego veoma kvalitetna nekretnina - oni su investicija u jedinstven kvalitet života. Apartmani Senia, odnosno koncept nekretnina „Premium Living by Falkensteiner“ obuhvata inovativnu arhitekturu, luksuzni nameštaj, investicionu sigurnost, odličnu lokaciju i još mnogo toga. Izraz „Ne postoji mesto kao što je dom“ ovde dobija potpuno novo značenje. Vlasnicima apartmana Senia na raspolaganju je korišćenje infrastrukture rizorta Punta Skala, u okviru kojih su smešteni Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Iadera sa pet zvezdica i Falkensteiner Family Hotel Diadora sa četiri zvezdice. Posebna pogodnost za sve kupce su specifična arhitektura i dizajn zelenih apartmana, koncept održivosti sa postrojenjem za prečišćavanje vode i potpuno biološkim sistemom za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda, kao i jedinstvena lokacija poluostrva na dalmatinskoj obali Jadranskog mora. Kroz godišnje pakete ili pojedinačne ugovore, Falkensteiner nudi vlasnicima stanova mogućnost da koriste infrastrukturu hotela, koji se nalaze neposredno uz rezidencije ili u obližnjem naselju, kao i široku lepezu dodatnih usluga.
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
he project „Residences Senia“ includes 187 luxury apartments, which are located in the Falkensteiner resort Punta Skala in Zadar. Falkensteiner residences are more than just a high-quality property – they are an investment in a unique quality of life. FMTG’s Premium Living by Falkensteiner is a real estate concept encompassing innovative architecture, luxurious furnishings, investment security, a top location and more. It gives the phrase “There’s no place like home” a whole new meaning. The owners of Residences Senia have at their disposal the usage of the Punta Skala resort infrastructure, in which are housed Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Iadera (five stars) and Falkensteiner Family Hotel Diadora (four stars). A team of internationally renowned architects have combined exclusive archtitecture, luxurious atmosphere and excellent infrastructure to creat a green and sustainable resort in a unique location on the Dalmatian coast of the Adriatic sea. Through an annual package, Falkensteiner offers apartment owners the possibility to make use of the infrastructure at the hotels that are located in the Resort as well as a wide array of additional services.
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Premium Living usluge obuhvataju:
The Premium Living services comprise:
Usluge za goste
Guest services
Prilagođene optimalne usluge sa recepcijom dostupnom 24 sata, organizovanje rezervacije stolova, niz sportskih aktivnosti i kursevi, izleti i transferi.
Optimal customised services with 24-hour reception service and key service, the organisation of table reservations, a range of sport activities and courses, excursions and transfers.
Hrana i piće
Food and drink
Široka lepeza različitih svetskih kuhinja u hotelskim restoranima ili kompletni „dine-around“ program, usluga isporuke obroka, dnevne isporuke hleba, pristup raznim barovima u hotelima ili u odmaralištu i širok spektar večernje zabave.
A broad array of cuisine in the restaurants at the hotels or a complete “dine-around” programme, meal-delivery service, daily bread delivery, access to the various bars in the hotels or the resort and a wide range of evening entertainment.
Wellness i Falkensteiner Acquapura Spa
Access to spacious swimming pools and spa facilities and quality spa treatments, where especially stands out Acquapura SPA center in Hotel Iadera which extends on 8000 square meters with the most exclusive spa facilities.
Pristup prostranim bazenima i spa sadržajima i kvalitetnim wellness tretmanima, a posebno se izdvaja Acquapura SPA centar u Hotelu Iadera na 8000 kvadratnih metara sa najekskluzivnijim wellness sadržajima. Briga za decu Veliki niz usluga čuvanja dece u specijalno dizajniranim dečjim programima.
Wellness and Falkensteiner Acquapura Spa
Childcare A large array of childcare services and specially designed children’s programmes.
Vaš dom daleko od doma Your home away from home
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Atmosfera, luksuz i pogodnosti
Atmosphere, Luxury & Amenities
Jedinstven položaj „Senia Apartmana“ pruža predivan pogled na more iz svakog apartmana. Inovativna arhitektura, luksuzno opremljeni enterijeri i jedinstven položaj: uz Falkensteiner Premium Living koncept usluge nije samo ulaganje u visok kvalitet drugog doma, već je ulaganje u nov i uzbudljiv način života. Doživite luksuz izuzetnog spa područja i gurmanskih restorana na dohvat ruke. Odmor iz snova u vlastitom domu!
The unique location „Residences Senia“ provides a stunning sea view of the sea from every apartment. Innovative architecture, luxurious interiors and the Falkensteiner Premium Living concept of service is not only an investment in a high quality second home, but the investment in a new and exciting lifestyle. Experience the luxury of exceptional spa areas and gourmet restaurants at your fingertips. A dream holiday in your own home!
Kao vlasnik Falkensteiner apartmana uživajte u infrastrukturi vrhunskog odmarališta i usluzi svetske klase hotela. Ovaj projekat nije neophodan za život već može i te kako ukrasiti život. Kupovinom nekog od „Senia Apartmana“ možete i zaraditi, odnosno možete i iznajmljivati apartman kada niste u njemu i tako ostvariti profit.
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
As an owner of Falkensteiner residence you enjoy a premium resort facilities and services of a worlds-class hotel. This project is not a life essential, but can certainly brighten your life. By purchasing one of the „Residences Senia“ you can also get an income by renting out your apartment when not using it yourself. Different sub-letting schemes are availavle to owners.
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Nov i inovativan dizajn
New And Innovative design
Falkensteiner „Apartmani Senia” planirani su i kreirani prema najvišim standardima. Apartmani su dostupni u četiri veličine, i u potpunosti namešteni i odmah useljivi. Elegantan enterijer i nameštaj su inspirisani modernim italijanskim dizajnom i uključuju sve od rasvete, posuđa i pribora za jelo u modernim kupatilima i kuhinjom s brendiranim aparatima. Svaki apartman ima veliki balkon ili terasu. Osim toga apartmani u prizemlju imaju sopstvene bašte. Dva spoljna bazena i pregledni vrtovi su isključivo za uživanje stanara. Sunčajte se i uživajte u tom osećaju godišnjeg odmora u sopstvenom domu.
The apartments at the Falkensteiner “Residences Senia” have been planned and built to the highest standards. The apartments which are available in four sizes are offered fully furnished and ready to move in. The elegant interiors and furniture are inspired by modern Italian design. The furnishings and fittings include everything from the lighting, crockery and cutlery to modern bathrooms and a kitchen with branded appliances. A generous balcony or terrace belongs to every apartment. In addition the ground floor apartments have their own gardens. Two outdoor pools and well laid-out gardens are for the exclusive enjoyment of the residents. Soak up the sun and enjoy that holiday feeling in your own home.
Premium Living by Falkensteiner ® je partner sa The Registry Collection vodećim svetskim provajderom za razmenu nekretnina za odmor, delom Wyndham Worldwide.
Premium Living by Falkensteiner ® now in partnership with The Registry Collection world’s leading provider for the exchange of holiday properties and part of Wyndham Worldwide.
Ključne činjenice
Key Facts
187 apartmana s pogledom na more
187 apartments with sea view
Dostupni u 4 dimenzije: Vrsta 50/75/100/135
Available in 4 sizes: type 50/75/100/135
Prostrane terase i balkoni
Spacious terraces and balconies
Dva spoljna bazena i bašte
Two outdoor pool areas and gardens
Potpuno opremljeni modernim nameštajem
Fully fitted with high quality, modern furnishings
visokog kvaliteta
Underground car parking and basement storage
Podzemni parking i podrum za skladištenje
Personal Concierge Service – Senia Residences Manager
Personal Concierge Service – Senia Residences Manager
Falkensteiner Residences Sales Team | Tel: +43 (1) 605 4078 ili +385 (23) 554 912 |
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Gran pri
38. salona arhitekture 38th salon of architecture - Grand prix „Nagrada za posvećenost, doslednost i sistematičnost, koje se prepoznaju u procesu stvaranja i u delu. Za iskazanu ozbiljnost i iskren autorski stav. Za postojanost u vremenu stvaranja i osvajanja znanja. Za kontinuitet sa prethodnim i otvorenost prema sledbenicima. Za stvaralački entuzijazam, hrabrost i veru u značaj, lepotu i društvenu ulogu arhitekture“
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
„Award for commitment, consistency and systematics, that are recognized in the process of creation and in the work. For the expressed the severity and honesty attitude of the author. For stability in a time of creation and conquest of knowledge. For continuity with the previous and openness to the followers. For creative enthusiasm, courage and faith in the character, the beauty and the social role of architecture „
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Poslovno–stambena zgrada u Ulici Bore Stankovića br. 17 predstavlja projekat arhitekte Duška Filipovskog, koji je dobio prvu nagradu na arhitektonskom konkursu koji je 2006. godine raspisala firma „Forex“ u saradnji sa Društvom arhitekata Beograda. Ekskluzivna lokacija kod Hrama Svetog Save na Vračaru, kao i izrada tehničke dokumentacije potrebne za izgradnju objekta od 4.500m², predstavljalo je izazovan projektni zadatak. Izgradnja poslovnog objekta, prema prvom projektu, počela je 2009. godine, i uz manje ili veće tehničke probleme završena je 2016. godine. Na zahtev investitora, a u skladu sa stanjem na tržištu nekretnina u jeku svetske ekonomske krize, pred arhitektu ovog objekta je 2011. godine postavljen novi izazov. Naime, zbog izuzetno slabe potražnje za poslovnim prostorom na tržištu, bilo je potrebno da se objekat preprojektuje u poslovno–stambeni objekat. Betonska konstrukcija je bila potpuno završena, i kao takvu trebalo ju je prilagoditi pored poslovne i za funkciju stanovanja. Uslov Sekretarijata za izgradnju Grada Beograda bio je da se fasada i forma objekta ne smeju menjati od one koja je usvojena na konkursu. Bez obzira na sve, kao kruna napornog rada, velikog strpljenja i mnogo kompromisa, stigla je nagrada i to Velika nagrada za arhitekturu na 38. salonu arhitekture u Muzeju primenjenih umetnosti 2016. godine. Kao da se krug zatvorio...od prve nagrade na konkursu nagrade za izvedeno delo 2016. Kako sam autor kaže, „zgrada je koncipirana kao moderna energična arhitektura sa izrazito savremenim pročišćenim izrazom koji promoviše duh svog vremena. Likovnost „bez reči“ u prostoru tradicionalno bogatom retorikom. Glavna vrednost je komunikativnost, što je i zahtev vremena u kome živimo. Prostrano stakleno platno frontalne fasade je pozornica za raznolike odraze silueta Hrama Svetog Save, što u zavisnosti od doba dana i vremena daje različite boje i slike. Objekat je transparentan, kombinuje prožimanje eksterijera i enterijera i uvodi upečatljivu urbanu Ikonografiju u unutrašnjost prostora. Materijalizacija je podrazumevala visoke tehnološke standarde (staklo, alubond) u sintezi sa klasičnim građevinskim postupcima“. Funkcija ove zgrade je poslovno-stambena. Prizemlje sadrži, pored glavnog ulaza u objekat i restoran sa galerijom. Prvi i drugi sprat su poslovni prostori, dok su gornje etaže stanovi različite strukture i kvadrature. Objekat ima i 3 podzemna nivoa za garažni prostor do kog se dolazi auto-liftom.
Business - residential building in Bora Stankovic 17 street is a project of the architect Dusko Filipovski, who won the first prize at the architectural competition, which in 2006 was announced by company „Forex“ in cooperation with the Association of Architects of Belgrade. Exclusive location near the Temple of Saint Sava, as well as the preparation of technical documentation necessary for construction of 4.500m ², was a challenging project task. Construction, according to the first project, of the office building began in 2009, and with minor or major technical problems, and completed in 2016. At the request of the investor, and in accordance with the state of the real estate market in the midst of the global economic crisis, in front of the architect of this building in 2011 was a new challenge. Because of the extremely low demand for the office space in the market, it was necessary to redesign the building in the office - residential building. The concrete structure was fully completed, and as such, it was necessary to adapt besides the office, as well the residential function. The condition of the The Secretariat for Urban Planning and Construction of the City of Belgrade was that the facade and form of the object can not be changed from the one which was already adopted in the contest. Despite all, as the crown of the hard work, great patience and a lot of compromises, the prize came, and not any, but the Grand Prize for Architecture at the 38th Salon of Architecture at the Museum of Applied Arts in 2016. Like the things have come full circle ... from the the first prize in the competition in 2006 ... to reword for the performed work in 2016. As the author himself says, „The building is designed as a modern architecture with a highly energetic contemporary purified expression that promotes the spirit of its time. Visual design „without words“ in the area with traditionally rich rhetoric. The main value of the communication .which is a requirement of our time. Spacious glass canvas of the frontal facade is a stage for a variety of reflections of the silhouette of St. Sava Temple, which, depending on the time of day and time, gives different colors and images. The building is transparent, combined permeation of exterior and interior design and introduces a striking urban iconography of the interior space. The materialization implied high technological standards (glass, alubond) in synthesis with conventional construction methods. „ This building have business - residential function. The ground floor includes, besides the main entrance to the building also a restaurant with a gallery. The first and second floor are offices, while the upper floors are apartments of different structures and sizes. The building has three underground levels for garage where you are arriving by the car elevator.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Arhitektura je i kultura i umetnost i tehnika i nauka Architecture is culture and art, and Science and Technology Prof. dr Aleksandar Keković rođen je 1964. u Sarajevu. Tokom karijere radio je kao glavni projektant u više arhitektonskih biroa u Sarajevu, Podgorici i Beogradu. Od 1998. radi na Građevinsko-arhitektonskom fakultetu u Nišu, na Katedri zgrade za stanovanje i trenutno obavlja dužnost šefa katedre. Tokom karijere uradio je više stotina projekata i realizacija i učestvovao je na više desetina arhitektonsko-urbanističkih konkursa, na kojima je dobio više nagrada i priznanja. Razgovarati sa prof. dr Aleksandrom Kekovićem poseban je doživljaj. Pun energije, iskren, otvoren, priča o arhitekturi, inspiraciji, bolonjskom sistemu studija, trendovima i sl. Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Keković was born in 1964 in Sarajevo. During his career he worked as main designer in several architectural offices in Sarajevo, Podgorica and Belgrade. Since 1998, he works at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Nis, Department for Residential Building, and currently works as head of the department. During his career he has done hundreds of projects and implementation and participated in dozens of architectural and urban design competitions, where he won several awards and recognitions. To talk with prof. Dr. Aleksandar Keković is a special experience. Full of energy, honest, open, he talks about architecture, inspiration, Bologna study program, trends and so on. Da li arhitekturu doživljavate primarno kao umetničku ili kao naučnu, tehničko-tehnološku disciplinu? Aleksandar Keković: Nedavno sam, obrazlažući zašto arhitekturu treba izdvojiti iz tehničko-tehnoloških nauka na univezitetima u Srbiji i tretirati je kao posebnu – multidisciplinarnu oblast (nauku), izneo svoje viđenje arhitekture koje glasi: „Arhitektura je istovremeno i kultura i umetnost i tehnika i nauka, pa je njeno vrednovanje izuzetno kompleksno i zahteva višeslojno i višeznačno sagledavanje i kvalifikaciju... Arhitektura je poslednja oblast ljudskog delovanja koja ima odlike renesansnog poimanja sveta, gde pojedinac u sebi neguje više stvaralačkih disciplina.“
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Do you experience the architecture primarily as artistic or scientific, technical and technological discipline? Aleksandar Kekovic: Recently, by explaining why the architecture should be separated from the technical sciences at universities in Serbia and to be treated as a special - a multidisciplinary field of (science), I have presented my vision of architecture, which is: “Architecture is both the Culture and Art and Technologyl and Science, however, its evaluation is extremely complex and requires a multilayered and multifaceted analysis and qualification ... Architecture is the last area of human activity that has the characteristics of the Renaissance conception of the world, where an individual in itself cherishes multiple creative disciplines.“ Iz kog istorijskog segmenta arhitektonskog nasleđa najviše crpite inspiraciju za svoj rad? Aleksandar Keković: Svoje arhitektonske uzore pronalazim u izvornoj narodnoj arhitekturi koja je prevashodno funkcionalna i prilagođena čoveku – čovekomerna. Narodna arhitektura je oslobođena svih nepotrebnih dekoracija i kao takva je bila i uzor za arhitekte modernizma, za koje mogu reći da predstavljaju moj savremeni uzor. From which historical segment of architectural heritage do you get the most inspiration for your work? Aleksandar Kekovic: My architectural models I find in the traditional folk architecture, which is primarily functional and adapted for a man. National architecture is free from unnecessary decoration and as such was the model for the architects of modernism, which we can say, that represents my contemporary role model. Ko je najviše uticao na vaš rad, vaše shvatanje arhitekture, formiranje likovnog ukusa? U kojoj ste meri znanje svojih mentora i profesora preneli u svoj stvaralački rad? Aleksandar Keković: Ako govorimo o profesorima koji su najviše uticali na moje formiranje, to je bez konkurencije prof. Zlatko Ugljen, jedan od najvećih arhitekata (ako ne i naveći) Jugoslavije. Profesor Ugljen je bio specifičan arhitekta koji
je, po mom mišljenju, kreirao osobenu, samosvojstvenu autorsku arhitekturu, različitu od tada važećih tokova i modnih stilova, kako u bivšoj državi tako i u svetu. Uvek sam se trudio da sva znanja koja imam o arhitekturi prenesem na svoje studente. Međutim, ako arhitekturu posmatramo kao neku vrstu “zanata”, onda bi trebalo da “majstor” tj. profesor svojim “šegrtima” tj. studentima uz pomoć “kalfi”, odnosno asistenata, prenosi svoja znanja. Takav način rada zahteva manji broj studenata i rad u manjim grupama jer arhitektura po mom mišljenju treba da ima oreol elitizma kako bi se odškolovale nove generacije koje bi na kvalitetan način kreirale prostore ljudskog delovanja. Nažalost, to danas nije slučaj kod nas jer se iz finansijskih razloga upisuje veliki broj studenata, koji po završetku studija nemaju posla pa najčešće svoje mesto pod suncem traže negde drugde. Who had the most influence on your work, your understanding of the architecture, and the formation of your artistic taste? How much have you transferred the knowledge of your mentors and teachers to your creative work? Aleksandar Kekovic: If we speak about the teachers who had the greatest influence on my formation, it is, without competition, prof. Zlatko Ugljen, one of the greatest (if not the greatest) architects of Yugoslavia. Professor Ugljen was specific architect who, in my opinion, created a distinctive, characteristic authorial architecture, different from then existing trends and fashion styles, as in the former country and in the world. I was always trying to transfer all the knowledge that I have about the architecture to my students. However, if we look at architecture as some sort of “craft“, then „master“ ie. Professor should his “apprentices“, ie. students with the help of “journeymen“ or assistants, to transfers his knowledge. Such an operation requires a smaller number of students and work in small groups, because architecture in my opinion should have the aura of elitism in order to educate a new generation that will create, in a quality manner, areas of human activity. Unfortunately, this is not the case with us because of financial reasons, a large number of students are studying, and after graduation are without job so they usually search their place under the sun, elsewhere.
Konkursno rešenje za „Banjsko-hotelski kolpleks na Paliću”, 2014.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Mislite li da je srpska arhitektura danas na pravom putu, odnosno kako se kotiramo u internacionalnom kontekstu? Aleksandar Keković: Pre nego što odgovorim na ovo pitanje, moram da izvršim klasifikaciju arhitekture kod nas da bih dao valjan odgovor. Kod nas, po mom viđenju, postoje četiri vrste arhitekture: arhitektura bez arhitekata ili samonikla arhitektura, arhitektura koja nastaje kao diktat investitora, Konfekcijska ili korporativna arhitektura, autorska arhitektura. Srpska arhitektura stoji rame uz rame sa svetskom, pogotovo ako se imaju u vidu ograničenja finansijske i tehnološke prirode koja vladaju u Srbiji. Kao potvrda ove moje konstatacije može da posluži i nedavno odražana izložba “Stanovanje 15” u okviru Beogradske internacionalne nedelje arhitekture, gde se na jedom mestu našlo 45 objekata iz 22 zemlje sa pet kontinenata. Ako posmatramo samo autorsku arhitekturu, onda možemo da kažemo da srpska arhitektura stoji rame uz rame sa svetskom, pogotovo ako se imaju u vidu ograničenja finansijske i tehnološke prirode koja vladaju u Srbiji. Kao potvrda ove moje konstatacije može da posluži i nedavno odražana izložba “Stanovanje 15” u okviru Beogradske internacionalne nedelje arhitekture, gde se na jedom mestu našlo 45 objekata iz 22 zemlje sa pet kontinenata. Do you think that the Serbian architecture today is on the right track, and how are we listed in the international context? Aleksandar Kekovic: Before I answer this question, I need to classify architecture in our country to give a valid answer. In our country, in my opinion, there are four types of architecture: architecture without architects or wild architecture, architecture which emerges as a dictation of investors, corporate architecture and copyright architecture. We can say that Serbian architecture stands shoulder to shoulder with the world, especially if we have in mind the limitations of financial and technological nature that exist in Serbia. As confirmation of my statements it can be used recently held exhibition „Housing 15“ within the Belgrade International Architecture Week, where were at one place, 45 facilities from 22 countries from five continents. If we look at the copyright architecture, then we can say that Serbian architecture stands shoulder to shoulder with the world, especially if we have in mind the limitations of financial and technological nature that exist in Serbia. As confirmation of my statements it can be used recently held exhibition “Housing 15“ within the Belgrade International Architecture Week, where were at one place, 45 facilities from 22 countries from five continents. Koji su glavni problemi u našoj arhitektonskoj praksi danas (osim nedostatka posla)? Aleksandar Keković: Problemi se uglavnom ogledaju u zakonskim rešenjima, planskoj dokumentaciji i u upravama koje izdaju odgovarajuće dozvole. Naime, zakone kod nas pišu birokrate, najčešće bez konsultacija sa arhitektama koje se svakodnevno bave praksom. I planska dokumentacija je previše birokratizovana, najčešće bez mogućnosti slobodnijeg kreiranja prostora, a što se tiče uprava koje izdaju dozvole, to je posebna priča jer tamo ili uopšte nema
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
arhitekata koje bi na stručan način vrednovale projekte ili su to „arhitekte” bez valjanih znanja o arhitekturi. Naši današnji projekti postaju skup mnoštva nepotrebnih papira i dokumenata, dok se suština, tj. projekat stavlja u drugi, treći plan. Možda i najveći problem predstavlja nepostojanje cenovnika projektantskih usluga kojim bi bila određena minimalna cena za projektovanje, pa se ne bi dešavalo da se projektna dokumentacija radi za neku cenu koja je ispod svakog razumnog nivoa, što utiče na kvalitet projekta, ali i arhitekture koja nas okružuje. What are the main problems in our architectural practice today (except for the lack of work)? Aleksandar Kekovic: The problems are mainly reflected in the legislative solutions, planning documents and in the administrations that issue proper permits. The laws in our country are written by the bureaucrats, often without consultation with the architects involved in the daily practice. Also planning documentation is too bureaucratic, usually without the possibility of creating a freer space, and as for the Administration that issues the license, it is a special story, because, in general, there are no architects that professionally assess projects or there are “architects“ but without proper knowledge about architecture. Our present projects become expensive pile of unnecessary papers and documents, while the essence, ie. the project, is placed on the back burner. Perhaps the biggest problem is the absence of price lists for planning services by which would be determined the minimum price for the design, so it wouldn‘t happen to do the project documentation, for a price that is below any reasonable level, which affects the quality of the project, but also architecture that surrounds us. Znanja su danas neograničena i renesansna širina u struci više nije moguća pa se postavlja pitanje kakav je arhitekta potreban današnjem (i budućem) vremenu: filozof, umetnik, tehničar, menadžer, IT stručnjak…? Aleksandar Keković: Na ovo pitanje sam delimično odgovorio na početku, ali bojim se da se danas teži ka kome da se kreacija, bar u arhitekturi, svede na najmanji mogući nivo i da se pretvori u „konfekcijsku arhitekturu”. Međutim suštinska arhitektura će uvek biti produkt istinskih arhitekata koji će u sebi odnegovati sve vrline “renesansnog stvaraoca”. Knowledge is unlimited today, and renaissance width in the profession is no longer possible, so the question is what kind of architect is needed for current (and future) time: philosopher, artist, technician, manager, IT specialist ...? Aleksandar Kekovic: I answered in part on this question at the beginning, but I am afraid that nowadays strives, at least in architecture, to reduce creation to the lowest possible level and to turn it into a “readymade architecture“. However, the core architecture will always be the product of true architects that will nurture all the virtues “of the Renaissance creator“.
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Kako ocenjujete reformisani bolonjski sistem studija arhitekture? Da li su kompetencije studenata koje edukujete i srećete u praksi ili kao mlade saradnike uporedive s nekadašnjim znanjima; po čemu su oni drugačiji, tj. da li su li bolji ili lošiji? Aleksandar Keković: Teško je dati vrednosni sud u nekoliko rečenica, ali pokušaću da sagledam dobre i loše strane „bolonje”. Takozvani bolonjski proces u svojoj odrednici „proces” sadrži suštinu, što znači da to mora biti proces stvaranja i kreiranja budućih arhitekata u nastavnom procesu koji se stalno unapređuje, inovira i nadgrađuje. Na mom fakultetu smo najpre započeli sa sistemom 3+2 godine, da bismo nakon par godina prešli na sistem 4+1, a od pre dve godine se opredelili za sistem 5+0, odnosno za integrisane petogodišnje studije. Shvatili smo da studije tipa 3+1 ili 4+1 više odgovaraju većim i bogatijim zemljama sa razvijenijim građevinarstvom, gde je veća potreba za kadrovima koji su više inženjeri arhitekture, a manje arhitekte. Naša zemlja je malo tržište u kom je teško u startu se specijalizovati, pa smo na mom fakultetu došli do zaključka da je najcelishodnije obrazovati arhitektu opšteg arhitektonskog obrazovanja na nivou od pet godina, a da će se on kroz praksu ili na osnovu svojih afiniteta usmeriti u željenom pravcu. Ako poredimo ranije generacije i ove sadašnje bolonjske, iz svog iskustva mogu da konstatujem da je u ranijim generacijama bilo više pojedinaca koji su bili kreativniji i posvećeniji struci, dok danas preovladavaju vredniji, sa puno više znanja o savremenim načinima projektovanja i prezentovanja projekata. How do you evaluate the reformed Bologna system of architecture studies? Is the students‘ competence, which you educate, and deal with in practice or work with as young associates, comparable with the knowledge from onetime; how they differ, are they any better or worse? Aleksandar Kekovic: It is difficult to give a value judgment in a few sentences, but I will try to look at the good and bad sides „of Bologna“. The so-called Bologna process in its determinant „process“ contains a substance, which means that it must be a process of procreation and the creation of future architects in the teaching process that is constantly improving, innovating and upgrading. At my university
we first started with the system 3 + 2 years, that after a few years we moved to a system 4 + 1, but two years ago opted for a system 5 + 0, and for an integrated five-year study. We realized that the study of type 3 + 1 or 4 + 1 are more appropriate for larger and richer countries with more developed construction industry, where there‘s a greater need for personnel who are more architecture engineers and less architects. Our country is a small market in which its difficult to specialize in the beginning, so at my college, we came to the conclusion that it is most appropriate to educate the architect of general architectural education at the level of five years. They will, through the practice, or on the basis of their affinity, aim in the desired direction. If we compare the previous generations and the current Bologna process students, from my own experience, I can safely say that in earlier generations were more individuals who were more creative and more committed to the profession, but today are prevalent the hardworking, with a lot more knowledge about modern methods of designing and presenting projects. Šta je sledeće u arhitekturi? Kakav razvoj trendova očekujete u budućnosti? Aleksandar Keković: Arhitektura 20. veka protekla je u duhu moderne (rana i kasna moderna, internacionalnog stila, postmoderna i neomoderna). Duh modernizma, koji u sebi nosi funkcionalizam kao najbitniju komponentu, savršeno se uklapa u savremene tokove, pa se nastavljaju tokovi u vidu neomodernizma sa značajnijom individualističkom notom, odnosno autorskom arhitekturom. What‘s next in architecture? What kind of trend development you expect in the future? Aleksandar Kekovic: Architecture of the 20th century, passed in the spirit of modern (early and late modern, international style, post-modernism and neo-modernism). The spirit of modernism, which carries functionalism as the most essential component, it fits perfectly into contemporary trends, however, flows in the form of neo-modernism with significant individualistic note, or author‘s architecture, continues.
Aerodrom „CAR KONSTANTIN“ u Nišu, 2014.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | A p ri l 2016 | www.rea l es t ate -magaz in .rs
ENTERIJER – Interior
Jedinstveni enterijeri, puni energije i toplote Unique interiors, full of energy and warmness
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
ENTERIJER – Interior
ako ona smatra da njeno vreme tek dolazi, sa velikim entuzijazmom predstavljamo vam Natašu Dodoš, koja se poslednjih sedam godina nalazi u svetu dizajna. Mnoge projekte (hotele, restorane, kafiće, poslovne objekte, kao i stanove, kuće i vile) uredila je u saradnji sa renomiranim arhitektama, a klijenti često celokupno uređenje enterijera prepuštaju njenoj kreativnosti. Pod uticajem roditelja Nataša je razvila svoj jedinstven, elegantan, prefinjen i čudesan stil, neuprljan strogim pravilima akademije, praveći ime u svetu dizajna enterijera radom koji balansira i podržava njenu kreativnost i preduzimljivi duh. Nataša je divna majka, supruga, sposobna preduzetnica i pravi profesionalac u svom poslu. Ona jednaku pažnju posvećuje odabiru zavesa, draperija, mebl štofova, tapeta, tepiha, paleti boja zidova i nameštaja. Njen izložbeni salon smešten je u samom centru Beograda, a stilom i otmenošću odiše duhom Pariza, Venecije i Praga. U intervjuu za magazin Real Estate Nataša govori o svom životu, dizajnu i inspiraciji...
ven though she thinks that her time is yet to come, with great enthusiasm, we present to you Natasa Dodoš, who found herself in the world of design for last seven years. Many of the projects (hotels, restaurants, cafes, business centers, as well as apartments, houses and villas), she designed in collaboration with renowned architects, and the clients often rely on her creativity for the entire interior decorating. Under the influence of her parents, Natasha has developed its own unique elegant, sophisticated and marvelous style, untainted with strict rules of the Academy, making a name for herself in the world of interior design, with work that balances and supports her creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. Nataša is a wonderful mother, wife, capable entrepreneur and a real professional in business. She devotes equal attention to the selection of curtains, draperies, upholstery fabrics, wallpapers, carpets, color palette of the walls and furniture. Her showroom is located in the center of Belgrade, and with its style and refinement reflects the spirit of Paris, Venice or Prague. In the interview for the magazine Real Estate Nataša speaks about her life, design and inspiration ... Otkud vi u kreativnom svetu dizajna enterijera? Nataša Dodoš: Zapravo sam se samo vratila u svoj svet jer sam od ranog detinjstva bila okružena umetnošću. Moja baka, nekad glavna šnajderka za poznatu kreatorku Mirjanu Marić u firmi „Jugoeksport“, vodila me je sa sobom i čuvala. Tamo sam provela veći deo detinjstva i sa šnajderkama osmišljavala razne kreacije za svoje lutke. Moji roditelji imaju puno talenta za umetnost, mama ima dar za slikanje uljanim bojama, dok se otac i dan-danas bavi crtanjem, grafikom i oslikavanjem ikona. Uz njih sam i ja stalno nešto crtala i slikala, a pravo usmerenje u tom smislu sam dobila od profesora slikarstva gospodina Jozefa. What brings you in the creative world of interior design? Nataša Dodos: Actually I just got back to my world, because I was surrounded by art from early childhood. My grandmother was the main seamstress for the famous creator Mirjana Maric, in „Jugoexport,“ and she was bringing me there with her and babysitting me. I spent most of my childhood with the seamstresses, I was creating various creations for my dolls. My parents have a lot of talent for art, mom is gifted for painting with oil paints, and my father, even today, is in drawing, graphics and painting icons. Together with them, I was constantly drawing something, and the right direction, in this regard, I received from Mr. Josef, my professor of painting. Da li je svet dizajna enterijera bio oduvek vaša želja? Nataša Dodoš: Priliku da iskažem svoj talenat u dizajnu enterijera i pokažem svoje veštine dobila sam u porodičnoj firmi svog supruga „DM doo“. U početku sam bila malo nesigurna i u nedoumici, pitajući se da li mi je ovde mesto.
Međutim, nakon ovih sedam godina bavljenja dizajnom enterijera i velikog broja uspešnih projekata sa mnogim priznatim arhitektama sada sam apsolutno sigurna da je to bio pravi potez i put kojim želim da idem. Zahvaljujući toj saradnji dobijam veliki broj preporuka, što je dokaz da sam na pravom putu, a moji zadovoljni klijenti to prepoznaju, stiču poverenje i uvek se vraćaju s novim idejama i izazovima za mene. Is the world of interior design was always your desire? Nataša Dodos: The opportunity to express my talent in interior design, and show my skills, I got in my husband‘s family company „DM“ doo. At first I was a bit insecure and full of doubts, wondering whether I belong here. However, after these 7 years of interior design and a large number of successful projects with many renowned architects, I‘m absolutely certain that this was the right move and the way that I want to continue. Thanks to this cooperation, I am getting a number of recommendations, which proves that I am on the right track, and my satisfied customers are recognizing that, gaining confidence, and are always coming back with new ideas and challenges for me. Čime ste se bavili pre nego što ste se priključili porodičnoj firmi? Nataša Dodoš: Već po završetku srednje škole zaposlila sam se u firmi koja je bila generalni zastupnik i distributer vodećih brendova sportske opreme. Tokom dvanaestogodišnjeg rada prošla sam kroz skoro sve oblasti poslovanja: finansije, maloprodaju, veleprodaju, upravljanje ljudskim resursima i kompletnu organizaciju poslovanja. Često u šali umem da kažem da sam kroz to morala da prođem kako bih sada mogla lakše da razvijam svoju kretivnost.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
ENTERIJER – Interior
What did you do before you joined the family business? Nataša Dodos: Already at the end of high school I got a job in a company that has been general representative and distributor for leading brands of sports equipment. During the twelve years of work I went through almost all business areas: finance, retail, wholesale, management of human resources and complete business organization. I often joke that I had to go through so that I could now easier develop my creativity. Kako biste opisali vaš pristup kada uređujete neki dom? Nataša Dodoš: Danas je teško opstati na tržištu kao dizajner enterijera. Klijenti su nesigurni i najčešće finansijski istrošeni dok dođu do saradnje sa dizajnerom. Shodno tome, izuzetno je važan pristup klijentu, odnosno taj prvi utisak. Veoma je bitno stvoriti poverenje, kako sa klijentima, tako i sa arhitektama kada počinjemo saradnju. Odgovoran pristup se kod mene podrazumeva, a za takav pristup je neophodna velika energija, koju bezrezervno ulažem u svoj posao. Kada završim sa projektom, najveća satisfakcija mi je spoznaja da klijent uživa u enterijeru koji smo kreirali. How would you describe your approach when designing and decorating a house? Nataša Dodos: It is difficult to survive in the market as an interior designer. Clients are unsafe, and usually financially exhausted until they arrive to the collaboration with the interior designer. Consequently, approach to the client is extremly important, and that first impression. It is very important to create trust with clients and architects when we start cooperation. Responsible approach is implied, in my opinion, and for such an approach great energy is needed, which unreservedly I invest in my business. My greatest satisfaction, when I‘m done with the project is that the client enjoys the interior we‘ve created.
Šta smatrate da je presudno u poslu kojim se bavite i kako uspevate da uskladite privatno i poslovno? Nataša Dodoš: Sa suprugom, sa kojim zajedno radim na unapređenju poslovanja naše porodične firme, presudan značaj imaju timski rad i međusobna podrška i razumevanje. Zaista uspevamo da uskladimo poslovne i privatne obaveze, brigu o naša dva dečaka, odlično se razumemo i osećamo jedno drugo, što je već samo po sebi jedan od faktora koji omogućava da se ovim poslom bavimo uspešno. Porodica je ono što mi daje dodatnu snagu i sigurnost, onu preko potrebnu ličnu, unutrašnju stabilnost. What do you consider to be crucial in the work you do and how do you manage to synchronize personal and professional? Nataša Dodos: With my husband, with whom I work together to improve the business of our family company, crucial importance is teamwork and mutual support and understanding. We truly manage to coordinate our work and personal responsibilities, taking care of our two boys, we perfectly understand and feel each other, which is, in itself, one of the factors that allows us to deal with this business successfully. The family is what gives me extra strength and security, and much needed personal and internal stability. Čime se vodite pri uređenju prostora, od čega krećete? Nataša Dodoš: Osnovni pristup zahteva konsultaciju sa klijentom. Pokušavam da u jednom takvom razgovoru dobijem što više potrebnih informacija koje će opredeliti moj pravac razmišljanja. Trudim se da što bolje upoznam klijenta, njegove potrebe i navike, šta je ono što voli, a šta je ono što mu nikako ne bi odgovaralo. Ja imam svoj stil i pravac, međutim u pitanju je ono šta klijent želi. Ako je on zatvoreniji, sveden u pristupu, onda ne namećem svoj stil po svaku cenu. U drugačijoj situaciji, kada je klijent spremniji da proba
DM izložbeni salon nalazi se u Ulici pop Lukina 1 | | Instagram: natasadodos_dm
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
ENTERIJER – Interior
nešto novo, volim da dam nekoliko originalnih predloga i da podstaknem klijenta da zajedno dođemo do najboljeg rešenja. Puno toga zavisi i od samog prostora. Svaki enterijer je priča za sebe. Ponekad imam utisak da mi sam prostor govori i daje nagoveštaje šta je to što je potrebno uraditi, a što bi tom prostoru najviše odgovaralo. What guides you in the space decorating, where do you start from? Nataša Dodos: The basic approach requires consultation with the client. I am trying to get in this conversation as many necessary informations to define the direction of my thinking. I‘m trying to meet client‘s needs, its habits, what he likes and what he dislike. I have my own style and direction, however, the most important is what the client wants. If he is more closed in approach, then I do not want to impose my style at all costs. In a different situation, when the client is willing to try something new, then I like to give some of the original proposal, and to encourage the client to come up with the best solutions together. A lot of the things also depends on the space itself. Every interior is a different story. Sometimes I have the impression that the space itself speaks and gives me hints of what should be done and what would best suit the area. Šta je to što vas izdvaja? Nataša Dodoš: Kada bi nešto trebalo da izdvojim, onda bi to svakako bili organizacija posla i moj osećaj za estetiku, odnosno za uklapanje različitih delova enterijera u skladnu celinu. Pošten i iskren odnos kako prema klijentima, arhitektama, kao i prema svojim zaposlenim saradnicima koji me prate i veruju u ideje i projekte koje osmislim. Mi oko sebe imamo ceo jedan tim ljudi stručnih u svojim profesijama, kao što su šnajderke, tapetari, restauratori nameštaja, stolari i majstori za abažure, koji su uz nas tokom realizacija projekata dizajna enterijera. Skoro sve što se zamisli može se naći kod nas na jednom mestu. S velikom pažnjom biramo brendove koje zastupamo i kolekcije koje nas stilski izdvajaju od ostalih. What makes you different from the others? Nataša Dodos: If I had to single out something, then it is the organization of work and my sense of aesthetics for integration of different parts of the interior into a harmonious whole. Honest and sincere attitude for customers, architects, as well as for our employees associates, who follow me and believe in ideas and projects that I come up with. We have around us a whole team of people specialized in their professions as seamstress, upholsterer, furniture restorers, carpenters, then masters of lampshades, which are with us during the implementation of projects of interior design. Almost everything imaginable can be found here, in one place. With great care we choose brands that we represent and we stylish collections that stand out from the rest.
Firma DM osnovana je kao porodična firma 1990. godine i poseduje svoj šnajderaj za šivenje tekstila (zavesa, jastuka, prekrivača...) i pruža niz uslužnih delatnosti (montažu garnišni, roloa, trakastih zavesa, postavku tepiha i itisona, lepljenje tapeta, reparaciju i presvlačenje starog nameštaja, kao i pravljenje abažura po želji klijenta). Pored renomiranih brendova koje predstavljamo, posedujemo i lager kvalitetnog tekstila i pozamanterije, među kojima se nalaze matarijali pogodni za hotele. Vrhunski kvalitet i široka ponuda proizvoda, profesionalni odnos prema klijentima i njihovim zahtevima, kao i poštovanje roka isporuke konstanta su u našem radu svih ovih godina. To su prepoznali naši brojni klijenti, arhitekte i renomirani saloni sa kojima radimo i njihova preporuka najbolja je reklama koju DM može da ima. Na tome im još jednom zahvaljujemo DM Company was established as a family business in 1990 and has its own tailoring, for sewing, textiles (curtains, pillows, blankets ...) and provides a variety of service activities (installation of curtain rods, roller blinds, strip curtains, setting rugs and carpets, wallpapering, reparations and the coating of old furniture, and making a lampshades desired by the client). In addition to well-known brands that we represent, we have a stock of highquality textiles, trimmings, including materials suitable for hotels. Top quality and a wide range of products, professional attitude towards customers and their requirements, compliance with delivery periods, are a constant in the work of „DM“ all these years. These is recognized by our numerous clients, architects and reputable salons we work with and their recommendation is the best advertising which „DM“ can have. For that we thank them once again
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
ručno rađeni nameštaj od punog drveta HOOKL UND STOOL - handmade solid wood furniture
Brend „HOOKL und STOOL“ nastao je u Beogradu 2012. godine sa idejom proizvodnje dizajniranih komada nameštaja visoke estetske i funkcionalne vrednosti i aksesoara od punog drveta u kombinaciji s drugim prirodnim materijalima, namenjenih stambenim i javnim prostorima. Fotelje, trpezarijski i kafe stolovi, stolice i barske stolice, komode, zatim sofe i lampe izrađuju se isključivo od punog drveta koje raste u Srbiji, a najzastupljenije vrste su: domaći orah, brest, jasen, javor, trešnja i pareni bagrem.
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n| Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in e .rs
Brand “HOOKL und STOOL“, was founded in Belgrade in 2012, with the idea of manufacturing designed pieces of furniture of high aesthetic and functional values and accessories made of solid wood combined with other natural materials, dedicated to residential and public areas. Armchairs, dining and coffee tables, chairs and bar stools, cabinet, then sofas and lamps are made entirely of wood that grows in Serbia, and the most common types are: domestic walnut, dark elm, ash tree, maple, cherry and steamed acacia.
vaj ručno rađeni nameštaj inspirisan je dizajnom danskih majstora pedesetih godina XX veka, a osnova filozofije tog dizajna je da komad nameštaja nema lice i naličje i ne mora da bude podjednako savršen kada ga posmatrate iz različitih uglova.
his handmade furniture is inspired by the design of the Danish masters in the fifties of the twentieth century, a base philosophy of this design is that a piece of furniture doesn’t have two sides and doesn’t need to be equally perfect when you look at it from different angles.
Svaki komad ima i neku sitnu nesavršenost koja ne može da se registruje golim okom, ali se zbog sitnih prelaza oseti kada se dodirne rukom. Upravo ta nesavršenost daje posebnu draž i kvalitet ovom nameštaju, ali i sve popularniji „handmade” pečat. Pored drveta kao osnovnog materijala, u izradi ovog nameštaja koriste se i drugi prirodni materijali poput: debele saračke i tanke kože, prirodnog krzna, štofova od prirodne vune, čelika, tiffany stakla, pa čak i betona. Oblikovanje drveta izvodi se na klasičnim stolarskim mašinama, pri čemu veliki značaj ima sam majstor i ujedno se velika pažnja poklanja očuvanju tradicije stolarskog, ali ostalih plemenitih zanata.
Each piece have small imperfections, that can’t be registered with the naked eye, but it is possible to feel when touched by hand. Precisely this imperfection gives a special charm and quality of the furniture, but also the more and more popular “handmade” brand. Besides wood as a basic material in furniture making, we are using other natural materials such as thick and thin leather, natural fur, fabrics made of natural wool, steel, tiffany glass, and even concrete. Wood shaping is performed on classic joinery machine, where great significance has the artisan himself, and at the same time, great attention is paid on preserving the tradition of carpentry, as well as other precious crafts.
S namerom da realizuje svoju osnovnu ideju da se predstavi i svoje proizvode plasira na evropsko i svetsko tržište, brend „HOOKL und STOOL“ ostvaruje saradnju sa mladim ali
With the intention to realize its basic idea, to present their products on the European and world market, the brand “HOOKL und STOOL” cooperates with young but affirmed and internationally renowned designers, such as Split designer Zoran Jedrejčić. Cooperation was established with a professor for furniture design on the University of Belgrade, Ranko Bočina who designed under this brand, a series of dining and coffee tables under the brands of “Maru” and “Mangata”. Also with docent Boris Bočina, who teaches at the School for Design in Belgrade , department of industrial design and interior design, designed the first piece for “HOOKL und STOOL”, a dining table under the name “Kaminari”. Under the brand name “HOOKL und STOOL” were made pieces “d.i.a.” by Jelena and Aleksandar UGREŠIĆ, passionate lovers of art and design. As a designer couple they implemented successfully more than thirty solo projects, for less than four years.
i afirmisanim i međunarodno priznatim dizajnerima, poput splitskog dizajnera Zorana Jedrejčića. Saradnja je ostvarena i sa profesorom za dizajn nameštaja sa Beogradskog univerziteta Rankom Bočinom, koji je za ovaj brend dizajnirao seriju trpezarijskih i kafe stolova pod brendovima „Maru” i „Mangata”, dok je docent Boris Bočina, koji predaje u Školi za dizajn u Beogradu, odsek za industrijski dizajn i dizajn enterijera, dizajnirao prvi objekat za „HOOKL und STOOL“, trpezarijski sto pod imenom „Kaminari”. Pod brendom „HOOKL und STOOL“ nastali su i komadi “d.i.a.” Jelene i Aleksandra Ugrešića, koji su kao dizajneski par, a ujedno pasionirani ljubitelji umetnosti i dizajna za ove nepune četiri godine uspešno realizovali više od trideset samostalnih projekata.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
Ašok Murti
vanvremenski stil kao životni koncept Asok Murti - Timeless Style As A Life Concept
rhitekta po struci, stilista po zvanju, poreklom Indijac, ponekad neobičan po oblačenju... Iznad svega, Ašok Murti je duhovit, elokventan, temperamentan i sa neospornim talentom. Rođen je u Šapcu u mešovitom braku Srpkinje i Indijca. Kada je 1994. godine kao diplomirani arhitekta prihvatio posao stiliste na Televiziji BK nije ni slutio da će se njegovim angažmanom uspostaviti novi standard televizijske estetike u zemlji. Svoje znanje i umeće 2001. godine preneo je na Televiziju „Pink”, a svoju umetničku crtu uspešno je ugradio i u menadžerski posao. Pored pozicije brend menadžera kompanije „Movem fešn”, koja mu je donela saradnju sa prestižnim brendom „Hugo Boss”, Ašok je započeo i pedagošku karijeru na fakultetu „Accademia del Luso” u Beogradu.
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
rchitect by profession, stylist by occupation, of Indian origin, sometimes unusual when it comes to clothing ...Above all, Asok Murti is witty, eloquent, full of spirits and undeniably talented. He was born in Sabac in the mixed marriage of a Serbian mother and Indian father. When he took the job as a stylist on TV BK, in 1994, as a graduate architect, he had no idea that his engagement will establish a new standard of television aesthetics in the country. In 2001, he transferred his knowledge and skills to the Television “Pink” and his artistic line was successfully installed also in managerial work. Along with the position of Brand Manager in the company “Movem Fashion,” which earned him the cooperation with prestigious brand “Hugo Boss”, Asok has also started his pedagogical career at the college “Accademia del Lusso” in Belgrade.
Vaši profesionalni počeci vezani su za arhitekturu i Akademiju likovnih umetnosti… Ašok Murti: Da se malo vratimo u prošlost i raščistimo nekoliko stvari: tokom mog školovanja znalo se da ću sigurno jednog dana upisati Fakultet likovnih umetnosti. Međutim, sudbina je umešala prste i desilo se da sam posle završetka srednje škole odlučio da je možda bolje da za svaki slučaj upišem i neki drugi fakultet. Ukoliko bih (slučajno) pao prijemni na FLU postojala je mogućnost da, između ostalih stvari, služim vojni rok godinu i po dana i samim tim izgubim dve godine školovanja. Ali, na prijemnom ispitu suočio sam se sa dve stvari: svojom velikom tremom i svojim povećanim osećanjem odgovornosti. Tako da je odlučeno, zarad mog opšteg stanja, da se taj drugi prijemni desi nekad posle mog povratka iz vojske. A onda se desilo da se, posle prvih, dosta traumatičnih dana na arhitekturi, ja u istu zaljubim. Kao i kod svih velikih strasti i naš odnos je bio pun uspona i padova, verovatno je bilo momenata kada je pitanje „čemu sve ovo?“ bilo dominantno, ali evo, srećan sam da kažem da je i posle tri i po decenije naša ljubav i dalje ljubav. Možda podseća na one odnose iz filmova Vudija Alena, ali neka, bolje je tako nego da smo završili u nekom Bergmanovom filmu... I onda taj drugi fakultet više nije ni bio opcija...
teoriji forme, ali i da počnete da cenite zanat. Ako pri tome imate sreću da naiđete na divne nastavnike (a ja sam u tom smislu bio zaista blagosloven) na kraju izađete prilično spremni da se pozabavite bilo kojom oblašću koja u sebi spaja lepo i praktično. Biti dobar arhitekta podrazumeva savršeno poznavanje opšte kulture i ako se, kao u mom slučaju, na
Your professional beginnings are related to architecture and the Academy of Fine Arts ... Asok Murti: Let‘s go back in time and clarify a few things: during my studies we were aware that one day I will certainly study the Faculty of Fine Arts. However, fate has its ways, and after graduating from high school, it happened that I decided that it might be better, just in case, I should apply also at some other university. If I (accidentally) fell entrance exam at the Faculty of Fine Arts, there was the possibility that, among other things, will have to serve military service a year and a half, and therefore to lose two years of education. But on the entrance exam I was confronted with two things: my big jitters and an increased sense of responsibility. So it was decided, for the sake of my general condition, that the second entrance exam happens sometimes after I came back from the army. And then happens that, after the first, quite traumatic days in architecture, I fell in love with it. As with all great passions, our relationship was full of ups and downs, there were probably moments when the question „why all this?“ was dominant, but I‘m happy to say that after three and a half decades our love is still love. Perhaps resembles those relationships from Woody Allen movies, but it‘s ok, better so than if we end up in a Bergman‘s movie ... And then that other university was no longer an option ... Arhitekta ste po struci, a stilista po zvanju. Koliko je teško pomiriti ove dve profesije? Ašok Murti: U suštini ja ovu dilemu nemam. Obrazovati se za arhitektu znači da naučite kako da stalno mirite samodovoljnu apstraktnu estetiku i surovi pragmatizam, da naučite sve o
sve to doda iskrena strast ka modi (ali mnogo više u njenim sociološkim, fenomenološkim i komunikološkim aspektima nego strast ka trendovskim aspektima mode) prelaz iz jednog u drugo zanimanje nije bio nešto što sam primetio, bar ne kroz način na koji se bavim poslom. You are the architect by profession, and a stylist by occupation. How hard it is to reconcile these two professions? Asok Murti: Basically I don‘t have this dilemma. To be educated for an architect means to learn how to continuously reconcile self-sufficient abstract aesthetics and raw pragmatism, to learn all about the theory of form, but also to begin to appreciate the craft. If you have the good fortune to have
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
wonderful teachers (and in this sense I was truly blessed) in the end you will come out quite ready to deal with any sphere that combines nice and practical. Being a good architect, implies perfect knowledge of general culture and if, as in my case, added the sincere passion for fashion (but much more in its sociological, phenomenological and communication aspects rather than passion for trendy aspects of fashion), the transition from one to another interest was not something that I noticed, at least not in the way I do business. Da li je jednostavnije raditi s ljudima ili prostorom? Ašok Murti: Da se razumemo, i u jednom i u drugom slučaju uvek radite sa čovekom i za čoveka. Nažalost, svako misli da razume prostor i da zna kako da barata elementima koji čine njegovu pojavnost. Da budem precizniji, što je manji stepen sigurnosti u sopstvene kriterijume, sopstvene vrednosne sisteme i kulturološke vrednosti, mnogo je veća verovatnoća da će osoba u pitanju prihvatati i ceniti rad arhitekte ili bilo kojeg modnog stručnjaka. (Mala digresija – pre neki dan održana je revija Roksande Ilinčić: pitanje je koliko bi osoba koje su zadivljeno sedele u publici – sobom, okolinom, kontekstom – imalo hrabrosti da ponese njene modele, naročito ako ih neko ne bi doveo do nekog od njih i apsotrofirao ih...). Najlakše je sarađivati sa ostvarenim osobama koje u drugima prepoznaju sopstvene kvalitete i stručnost. Takvih je zaista jako malo... Is it easier to work with people or space? Asok Murti: To be clear, in both cases you always work with a person and for a person. Unfortunately, everyone thinks to understand the space and knows how to handle the elements that make its appearance. To be more precise, the lower level of security in their own criteria, their own value systems and cultural values, it is much more likely that a person in question will accept and appreciate the work of architects or any fashion experts. (A small digression - a few days ago there was fashion show by Roksanda Ilinčić: the question is how would people who were sitting in the audience impressed with themselfs, the environment, the context - had the courage to wear her models, especially if someone would not have to bring them to some of the models and emphasized them ...). It is easiest to work with accomplished persons in others recognize their own qualities and expertise. There are always a few such people... Koliko je spoj dve naizgled nespojive tradicije i kulture, srpske i indijske, uticao na vaš stvaralački rad? Ašok Murti: Zvučaće čudno, ali tek nekoliko poslednjih godina imam potrebu da preispitujem veze i razlike između ove dve kulture. One suštinski imaju mnogo više preklopnih tačaka nego razlika. Čovek, na kraju krajeva, uvek vidi ono što hoće. Ja sam odrastao ovde i osim činjenice da mi je otac poticao iz Indije ništa me nije u tom smislu razlikovalo od druge dece. Odrastao sam u jednoj, sada to znam, u
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
svakom smislu kosmoplitskoj, jako tolerantnoj i neverovatno naprednoj mikrosredini. Govorim, naravno, o svojoj najbližoj porodici, ali i o svom odrastanju u jednom malom gradu... Ono što me je zaista odvajalo od ostalih je moja potreba da budem kreativan, da pomeram granice gde god su se one pojavile (moji prijatelji će verovatno reći da često trošim energiju na banalne stvari) i bezgranična radoznalost. To je ono što me i dalje gura napred. Indija je, u suštinskom smislu, došla relativno skoro u moj kreativni fokus, ali kao što je sa svim stvarima kojima sam intenzivno preokupiran, koje su mi previše lične, teško mi je da artikulišem koliko su ti procesi odmakli i da objasnim nekome koliko je to duboko. I za ovo je uvek kriv neko ko se u pravom trenutku pojavio u mom životu. Mislim da svako od nas ima takvih momenata kada vam se putevi ukrste sa nekim ko vas sudbinski promeni, ali je potrebna hrabrost da se zakorači u avanturu koja sigurno podrazumeva da na kraju morate da menjate sopstvene postulate... How much is a connection of two seemingly disparate traditions and cultures, Serbian and Indian, have influenced your creative work? Asok Murti: I know that this sounds strange, but only the last few years I have the need to question connections and differences between these two cultures. They essentially have much more overlap points than difference. The man, after all, always sees what he wants. I grew up here, and except for the fact that my father was from India I was not different from other children in that sense. I grew up in one, I know that now, in every sense cosmopolitan, very tolerant and incredibly advanced microenvironment. I‘m talking, of course, about my closest family, but also about my growing up in a small town... what really separated me from others is my need to be creative, to move the borders wherever they occur (my friends would probably say that I often waste energy on trivial matters) and limitless curiosity. This is what pushes me forward. India, in fact, came relatively recently into my creative focus, but as with all things I am intensely occupied with, that are too personal, it‘s hard to articulate how these processes are far along and to explain to someone how deep it is. Someone who came in my life at the right time is to blame for. I think each one of us has that moment when you cross paths with someone who changes you completely, but it takes courage to step into the adventure that surely means that eventually you have to change your own postulates...
Šta je to što vas pokreće i inspiriše? Zvučaće otrcano, ali ja sam jedan od onih koji vole da rade, vole da su okupirani i da imaju takvu strukturu zadataka koja ne dozvoljava rutinu. Mene bi, sada odgovorno tvrdim, ubilo to da moram da radim nešto u istim vremenskim intervalima i da ponavljam iste obrasce. Inspirišu me ljudi, grad, u svojoj apstraktnoj i realnoj dimenziji, život sa svim svojim fenomenima, lepe i ružne stvari oko mene, osmesi... relativno skoro doneo sam odluku da prestajem da radim na nečemu onog trenutka kada to prestane da mi bude zabavno. Verovatno vam sada izgleda da to znači da ću ostaviti svaku stvar onog trenutka kada mi dosadi, ali „zabava“ u ovom kontekstu ima sasvim drugo značenje. Naime, moj posao je jako težak, a da bi se došlo do onog momenta „lepog“ (koji traje samo jedan tren) potrebno je obaviti mnogo nezanimljivog posla. U mom slučaju to znači da tokom tog procesa moram da blisko sarađujem sa (često) velikim grupama ljudi. Ako neko krene da kuka i da mu bude teško, da se pita za smisao celog procesa, e to je to „dosadno“. Dakle, najviše me nerviraju lenji ljudi i oni koji kukaju... tog momenta bežim...
What moves and inspires you? I know this sounds corny, but I am one of those who like to work, like to be occupied and to have such a tasks structure that does not allow routine. if I had to to do something in the same time intervals and to repeat the same patterns, I can assure you with full responsibility that would kill me. I‘m inspired by the people, the city, in its abstract and realistic dimension, life with all its phenomena, beautiful and ugly things around me, smiles... quite recently, I decided to stop working on something the moment when that ceases to be fun. Probably now it looks like it means that I will leave every thing the moment when I get bored, but the „fun“ in this context has a completely different meaning. In fact, my job is very difficult and to come to the moment of „beautiful“ (which only lasts a moment), it is necessary to do many uninteresting job. In my case, it means that in the process I have to work closely and cooperate with (often) large groups of people. If someone starts to complain that it is difficult, to ask for the meaning of the whole process, that‘s what I mean by „boring“. So, I‘m annoyed the most by lazy people and those who lament... at that momen... I run...
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Style by
Ashok Murti Foto: Ivana Čutura | Model: Jelena Đokić | Lokacija: Cafeé Ruub, Knićaninova 3 Make Up: Tanja Vidanović | Brend: Hugo Boss – Womenswear
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RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
DIZAJN – Design
Svetlana Mojić
dizajner enterijera luksuznih jahti i aviona interior designer of luxury yachts and aircraft Mladu Novosađanku Svetlanu Mojić svetski džet-seteri, milioneri i milijarderi traže da im dizajnira enterijere luksuzna plovila, avione, rezidencijalne objekte, vile, hotele i marine, zbog čega neprekidno putuje iz Amerike u Kanadu, iz Italije u Englesku, iz Nemačke u Norvešku, pa Maleziju… Svojom imaginacijom uspeva da zadovolji posebne zahteve i potrebe bogataša, koji uz raskoš traže i originalnost. Ova lepa Novosađanka vinula se i među oblake kada je sa svojom kompanijom „Salt & Water“ 9. maja u Londonu pobedila u dizajnu enterijera privatnog „boinga 787 VIP”. Svetlana je osvojila svetsku nagradu „International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2014”, koju dodeljuje vodeći engleski časopis „Design Et Al“. Ona je pobedila u jakoj konkurenciji čak sedam timova, u kojoj je bilo i poznatih imena kao što su „Džet aviejšen” i „Lufthanza tehnik”. Njena kompanija „Salt & Water” iz Novog Sada specijalizovana je za dizajn jahti, enterijer i eksterijer dizajn. Svetlana je dobitnica više međunarodnih priznanja i prošlogodišnja dobitnica „Cveta uspeha za ženu zmaja” za podsticanje inovativnog preduzetništva. Diplomirala je dizajn enterijera jahti, što je prvi diplomski na tu temu u Srbiji. This young woman from Novi Sad, Svetlana Mojić is requested by world jetsetters, millionaires and billionaires who want her to design interiors of luxury boats, aircraft, residential buildings, villas, hotels and marinas, so she keeps traveling from America to Canada from Italy to England, from Germany to Norway, and Malaysia... With her imagination she accomplishes to meet the specific requirements and needs of the rich, who, besides luxury, also look for originality. This beautiful woman managed to soar among the clouds when, with her company „Salt & Water“ on May 9 in London won in the interior design of private „VIP Boeing 787“. Svetlana won the world award “International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2014“, assigned by the leading English newspaper “ Design Et Al.“ She won in a strong competition of seven teams, where were also famous names such as “Jet Aviation“ and “Lufthansa technique“. Her company “Salt & Water“ from Novi Sad specialized in yacht design, interior and exterior design. Svetlana has won several international awards and she is last year‘s winner of the “Flower of Success for a Dragon Woman“ to stimulate innovative entrepreneurship. She graduated in interior design of yachts, the first graduate on this subject in Serbia.
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DIZAJN – Design
Šta vas je inspirisalo da postanete dizajner jahti? Svetlana Mojić: Moja karijera na neki način predstavlja spoj dve stvari koje izuzetno volim. Prva je svakako arhitektura koju sam masterirala na Novosadskom univerzitetu, a druga je jedrenje. Još od malih nogu sam bila zainteresovana za sport, a igrom slučaja sam odabrala baš sport na vodi. Deset godina sam provela u nacionalnoj reprezentaciji u jedrenju, a i dan-danas radim kao sudija. U tom periodu počelo je da me interesuje kako su ta plovila kojima sam jedrila nastala. Kako su osmišljena, kako se dizajniraju a zatim uklapaju pojedini delovi, kako napraviti elegantan a funkcionalan dizajn. Vremenom sam svoje interesovanje usmerila najpre na enterijer plovila, a budući da dizajn jahte tu pruža najviše slobode, počela sam profesionalno da izučavam tu oblast i upisala specijalizaciju, prvo u Švedskoj, a zatim u Italiji.
What inspired you to become a designer of yachts? Svetlana Mojic: My career in some ways represents a combination of two things I like a lot. The first is certainly the architecture that I have mastered on the University of Novi Sad, and the other is sailing. Ever since childhood I was interested in sport, and it came by chance that I choose this sport on the water. I spent ten years in the national sailing team, and even today I work as a judge. During this period, I began to be interested in how this vessels, that I sailed with, were created. How were conceived and designed and how then fit certain parts, how to make stylish and functional design. In time my interest focused primarily on the interior of
the vessel, and because the design of the yacht provides the most freedom, I began to study professionally this field so I started my specialization, first in Sweden, then in Italy. Kako biste opisali svoj dizajnerski stil, odnosno čime se ističu vaši projekti? Svetlana Mojić: Najbitnije mi je da stvorim prostor koji je funkcionalan i u kom će se moji klijenti dobro osećati. Često izgled proistekne iz same funkcije, kao odgovor na zahteve i želje klijenata. Ono što neosporno pokušavam da postignem u svakom projektu je da povežem unutrašnji prostor sa okolinom, da enterijer postane okvir za prirodu prostora koji je okružuje. Verujem da su detalji upravo ono što daje akcenat i karakter prostoru - inovativnim rešavanjem detalja prostor dobija svoj finalni izgled i ličnost.
How would you describe your design style, or what makes your projects stand out? Svetlana Mojic: The most important thing to me is to create a space that is functional and where my clients will feel good. Often appearance results from the function itself, as a response to the demands and desires of customers. What I‘m, undoubtedly, trying to achieve in each project is to connect the interior with the environment, so that the enterior becomes a frame for the nature that surrounds it. I believe that the details are exactly what gives the character to the space - an innovative solution for details, the space gets its final look and personality.
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DIZAJN – Design
Koji su glavni aspekti koje uzimate u obzir tokom procesa dizajna jahti?
Vaš projekat futurističke jahte osvojio je 2009. godine nagradu na konkursu mladih dizajnera iz celog sveta?
Svetlana Mojić: Prilikom dizajniranja svakog projekta na početku puno vremena provedem sa klijentima ne bi li što bolje razumela njihove želje i potrebe. Veoma mi je bitno da znam da li klijent planira da na jahti provodi vikende sa porodicom sunčajući se i kupajući ili će jahta biti pretežno ukotvljena kako bi budući vlasnik na njoj mogao da organizuje večere za prijatelje i poslovne partnere. Zatim sledi kreativni proces tokom kojeg pokušavam sve to da inkorporiram u jednu ideju i kristalizujem inicijalni dizajn projekta. Ovaj proces koristim i za bilo koju drugu vrstu projekta koji dizajniram - enterijere stanova, rezidencijalne objekte, kuće za odmor. Verujem da je dizajn dvosmerni proces i da njegov kvalitet pre svega zavisi od dobre komunikacije između klijenta i dizajnera.
Svetlana Mojić: Da. Projekat se zvao „Eko-Kameleon 127” i u pitanju je specifična jahta, sa velikim prozorima-ekranima od pametnog stakla koji se menjaju u skladu sa okruženjem u kom se nalazi. Žiriju se ova ideja posebno dopala, te sam zahvaljujući tome dobila stipendiju za specijalističke studije dizajna jahti u Veneciji.
What are the main aspects to take into consideration during the design process of yachts? Svetlana Mojic: In designing of each project, in the beginning I spend a lot of time with clients in order to understand better their wishes and needs. I find very important to know if the client is planning to spend on a yacht weekends with his family, sunbathing and swimming or the boat will be mostly anchored, so the future owner will be able to organize dinners for friends and business partners. Then follows the creative process during which I try to incorporate into one idea and crystallize initial design of the project. This process I use also for any other project that I design - interiors of apartments, residential buildings and summer houses. I believe that the design is a two-way process and that its quality primarily depends on good communication between client and designer.
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
Your project of futuristic yacht won the 2009 prize in the contest of young designers from all over the world? Svetlana Mojic: Yes. The project name is “Eco-Chameleon 127“ and it‘s a specific yacht, with large windows-screens of smart glass, which are changing according to the environment
in which it is located. The jury especially liked this idea, and thanks to that, I got a scholarship for postgraduate studies of yacht design in Venice. Pored dizajna enterijera jahti, vi se bavite i projektovanjem luksuznih rezidencijalnih i turističkih objekata? Svetlana Mojić: Posle dve godine rada na poziciji dizajnera enterijera za jahte, preselila sam se u Budvu i počela da radim u timu kao arhitekta-dizajner enterijera za luksuzni turistički kompleks od preko 40 objekata. U tom trenutku Budva je bila jedno od najvećih gradilišta na Balkanu, a projekat na kojem smo radili je definitivno najluksuzniji tamo. Takoreći, zatekla sam se u pravo vreme na pravom mestu i imala ogromnu sreću da na dnevnoj bazi pratim kako nastaje ono što smo projektovali u studiju. Danas to radim sa svojim timom i
DIZAJN – Design
veoma sam zadovoljna kako napredujemo. Nedavno smo čak osvojili i otkup na internacionalnom konkursu za dizajn fasade buduće stambeno-poslovne zgrade u Subotici. To je za nas bio veliki pomak jer je to bilo prvi put da dizajniramo stambenu višespratnicu. Besides the interior design of yachts, you also design luxury residential and tourist facilities? Svetlana Mojic: After two years of work at the position for the yacht interior designer, I moved to Budva and began to work in a team as an architect-interior designer for luxury tourist complex of over 40 buildings. At this point, Budva was one of the biggest construction sites in the Balkans, and project on which we worked was definitely the most luxurious there. So to speak, I found myself at the right time in the right place and had tremendous fortune to follow on a daily basis the formation of what we have designed in the studio. Today I‘m doing with my team and I am very pleased with our progress. Recently, we even won the 4th place in the international competition for the design of the facade of future residential and commercial building in Subotica. This is for us a big step forward because it was the first time to design a residential high-rise buildings.
Na kom projektu trenutno radite? Svetlana Mojić: Završavamo projekat enterijera poslovnog prostora i showroom u Požarevcu od preko petsto kvadrata za Modnu kuću „Luna”, a radi se i na enterijeru kafića u Engleskoj, kao i na nekoliko privatnih stanova. Pored toga, dizajniramo enterijer trećeg aviona, dok se jedan od naših najdražih projekata, redizajn starog rečnog remorkera iz četrdesetih godina prošlog veka, uskoro približava kraju. Veoma sam uzbuđena zbog toga što će „Snežnik” uskoro ponovo zaploviti Dunavom. On what project are you currently working on? Svetlana Mojic: We are completing interior design of the office space and showroom in Pozarevac of over five hundred square meters, for the fashion house „Luna“, and we are working on interior of the bar in England, as well as several private apartments. Besides, we are doing the interior design of the third aircraft, while one of our favorite projects, redesign of the old river tugboat from the forties of the last century, is slowly coming to an end. I‘m very excited because “Snežnik“ will soon again sail the Danube.
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U FOKUSU – In focus
sklepana od stvarnosti Bizarreness slapped together from reality
SVAKODNEVNI ŽIVOT JEDNE BEOGRADSKE DAILY LIFE OF ONE GREEN MARKET IN PIJACE ZABELEŽEN NA FOTOGRAFIJAMA BELGRADE, CAPTURED ON PHOTOS, MADE IVANE ČUTURE BY IVANA ČUTURA Za mene je Bajloni deo grada zarobljen u vremenu, slika u ogledalu današnje Srbije bez ikakve šminke. Odlučila sam da fotografije radim neprimetno, pomoću kamere na mobilnom telefonu.
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
For me, BAJLONI is a part of the city trapped in time, the mirror image of today‘s Serbia, without any makeup. I decided to make photos imperceptibly, using a camera on a mobile phone.
U FOKUSU – In focus
ijace su trbuh Beograda, najživopisniji i najneposredniji svedok života u velikom gradu. Nema tog Beograđanina koji se barem jednom nije promuvao nekom od velikih gradskih pijaca, a najveći deo njih tu je barem jednom nedeljno. Taj po svemu specifičan život koji se odigrava između tezgi bio je inspiracija za Ivanu Čuturu, fotografa iz Beograda, koja je pre godinu dana počela mobilnim telefonom da snima prizore s Bajlonijeve pijace na dnu Skadarlije. Prvo kao čist kuriozitet, da bi se kasnije iz toga izrodila ideja o seriji fotografija koje će uskoro biti predstavljene na izložbi „Bajloni Style“. Ova pijaca je svojevrsna egzotika na obodu Dorćola. Nalazi se na kraju Skadarlije, turistički ušminkanog simbola nekadašnjeg Beograda i na početku Ulice Strahinjića bana, elitističkog sjatišta novokomponovane sadašnjosti i još neiskomponovane budućnosti – priča Ivana, poznata u gradu pod pseudonimom Lomo Culture i svojim originalnim fotografijama sa brojnih urbanih dešavanja. Za mene je to deo grada zarobljen u vremenu, slika u ogledalu današnje Srbije bez ikakve šminke. I baš zato, da bih izbegla da junaci mojih prizora zauzmu neku pozu pred objektivom i da se tako transformišu u nešto što nisu, odlučila sam da fotografije radim neprimetno, pomoću kamere na mobilnom telefonu. Osim toga, čitav taj galimatijas južnog voća, sira, jaja, povrća, grafita, pasa, mačaka i svakojakih drangulija ispred kojih promiče kolona raznovrsnih likova izuzetno je slikovit prizor i meni beskrajno zabavan - dodaje Ivana. To da se zabavlja hvatajući instant prizore sa pijace odmah je jasno. Zabavljaju se i oni koji kasnije gledaju te fotografije. U njima nema cinizma i zluradosti, već jednostavne fasciniranosti bizarnostima sklepanim od naše stvarnosti.
reen markets are stomach of Belgrade, the most colorful and the most direct witness of life in the big city. There is no a Belgrader who, at least once, didn‘t visit some of the big city markets, and most of them are there at least once a week. This very specific life which is taking place between the stands, was the inspiration for Ivana Čutura, photographer from Belgrade, who started a year ago to capture images with her mobile phone on Bajloni green market at the bottom of Skadarlija. At first, out of pure curiosity, but later was born the idea from this, about series of photos that will be presented soon at the exhibition “Bajloni Style“. This green market is a kind of exoticism at the periphery of Dorćol. It is located at the end of Skadarlija, a fancy tourist symbol of “Once upon a time Belgrade“ at the beginning of Strahinjića bana street, elitist meeting place for hipster present and the unknown future - says Ivana, in the city she is known under the pseudonym Lomo Culture and its original photos from the many urban happenings. - For me this is part of the city trapped in time, the mirror image of today‘s Serbia without any makeup. Therefore, in order to avoid that the heroes of my scenes take a pose in front of the lens and in that way transform into something they are not, I decided to make photos unnoticed using the camera on a mobile phone. Besides, this whole galimatias of fruit, cheese, eggs, vegetables, graffiti, dogs, cats and all sorts of trinkets in front of which passes the whole range of various characters, it is extremely picturesque scenery and endless fun for me. It is immediately clear that she is having fun by capturing instant scenes from the green market. Even those who are watching these photos later are having fun. There is no cynicism and malice in them, but simply fascination with bizarreness, slapped together from our reality.
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INOVACIJA – Inovations
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MODA – Fashion
Duh Mediterana je stigao na beogradske ulice! Mediterranean spirit arrived on the streets of Belgrade!
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in e .rs
MODA – Fashion
Luksuzni modni brend „Gagliardi” kombinuje klasične krojeve i moderne teksture najfinijih materijala. Zbog jedinstvenog dizajna koji odiše luksuzom Mediterana, „Gagliardi“ modeli pronalaze put do džentlmena koji ne prave kompromis između kvaliteta i visokostilizovanog odela. Kreirano samo za muškarce sa avanturističkim duhom, koji umeju da prepoznaju kvalitet, zrače hrabrošću i samopouzdanjem ili jednostavno za sve prave džentlmene.
Luxury fashion brand “Gagliardi“ combines classical design, modern texture and the finest materials. Because of the unique design that exudes Mediterranean luxury, “Gagliardi” models find their way to a gentleman who make no compromise between high quality and stylish clothes. Created just for men with adventurous spirit, who know how to recognize quality, who radiate courage and self-confidence or simply for all real gentlemen.
til džentlmena odražava njegov karakter i promoviše kvalitet i ukus, nasuprot popularnom konzumerizmu. Dobro stilizovani muškarac ne mora da izgleda kao muškarac iz magazina, već da to što nosi, nosi sa elegancijom i da se u tome dobro oseća. Osnova garderobera svakog dobro stilizovanog muškarca su košulje. Klasične košulje koje ćete nositi tokom cele godine, važno je samo da pronađete model i kroj koji vam odgovaraju. Dobro odelo je vanvremenski komad. Elegantnim laganim letnjim krojevima, prikladnim za svaku priliku, “Gagliardi” je pokazao da muškarci mogu da izgledaju prefinjeno i tokom toplih letnjih dana. Luksuzni modni komadi, besprekornog dizajna i vrhunskih materijala učiniće da se izdvojite nepogrešivim stilom. Eksperimentišite trendovima, modelima i bojama, ali ostanite verni svom ukusu.
„Gagliardi” je na ulice Beograda doneo duh Mediterana koji se ogleda u atraktivnim komadima muške odeće u kojima možete prepoznati istinske džentlmene. Još tokom 19. veka na beogradskim ulicama se mogao osetiti duh tradicije i istorije zapadnoevropskog modnog sistema. Uzimajući najbolje detalje modnih trendova savremenih evropskih metropola, otvorenog uma, Beograđani su oduvek bili maštoviti i spremni za različite modne stilove. Svedene forme, elegantni krojevi i prikladne boje odevnih komada, koji uz modne detalje odaju utisak vrhunske mode. Efektne manžetne, ekstravagantne cipele, kravata, leptir mašna ili maramica daće lični pečat vašem stilu - stilu modernog džentlmena. Boje mora i peska i najinovativnije teksture materijala bile su inspiracija dizajnera ove sezone. Slim krojevi i sportski dizajn omogućavaju vam da se poigrate detaljima. Plava boja se lako kombinuje, a ležerni detalji koji dominiraju ove sezone daće vašoj kombinaciji opušteniji izgled. Komade birajte prema svom stilu i senzibilitetu. Time ćete izbeći uniformisanost. Sako i pantalone nisu neraskidiva celina, a elegancija se može postići i bez odela. Crvene pantalone u kombinaciji sa teget blejzerom i belom košuljom uvek su u trendu. Siva boja nikada nije dosadna. Pogotovo u kariranom dezenu koji je vodeći trend ove sezone. Uz karirani sivi sako i pantalone iz iste kolor šeme poigrajte se tonalitetima nežnih boja prilikom izbora košulje. Svi džentlmeni koji žele da i ovog leta zaplove u najlepšu mediteransku pustolovinu novu „Gagliardi” kolekciju mogu pronaći u Čika Ljubinoj 6 u Beogradu.
“Gagliardi“ brought the spirit of the Mediterranean to the streets of Belgrade, which is reflected in the attractive pieces of men‘s clothing in which you can recognize a true gentlemen. Already during the 19th century on the streets of Belgrade, you could have felt the spirit of tradition and history of the Western European fashion system. Getting the best details of modern European metropolis’ fashion trends, open-minded Belgraders have always been imaginative and ready for a variety of fashion styles. Reduced forms, elegant cuts and colors, suitable clothing items, along with fashion accessories, give the impression of high fashion. Fancy cuffs, extravagant shoes, tie, bow tie or handkerchief will give a personal touch to your style - the style of a modern gentleman. The colors of the sea and sand and innovative material textures were the inspiration of designers for this season. Slim cuts and a sporty design allow you to play around with the details. The blue color is easily combined and casual details that dominate this season will give your combination a more relaxed look. Select pieces according to your own style and sense. Doing so, you will avoid uniformity. Jacket and pants are unbreakable entirety, and elegance can be achieved without the suits. Red pants combined with a navy blazer and white shirt is always trendy. The gray color is never boring. Especially in the plaid pattern, which is the leading trend this season. With plaid gray jacket and trousers in the same color scheme, you can play with subtle tones in the selection of shirts. All gentlemen who want to sail off to a new adventure, of the most beautiful Mediterranean “Gagliardi“, collection this summer, can find it at Čika Ljubina 6, in Belgrade.
entleman‘s style reflects his character and promotes the quality and taste, contrary to the popular consumerism. A man with style does not have to look like one on the cover of a magazine, but, what he wears, he wears with elegance and feels good in it. The basis of a stylish man’s wardrobe is shirts. Classic shirts that you wear throughout the year, and the only important thing is to find the model and cut that suit you. Good suit is a timeless piece. Elegant and light summer cuts, suitable for every occasion, “Gagliardi” have shown that men can look sophisticated during the hot summer days, too. Luxury fashion pieces, impeccable design and top quality materials will make you stand out in unmistakable style. Experiment with trends, models and colors, but stay faithful to your taste.
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
MODA – Fashion
TIED UP - Ručno rađene mašne za svaku priliku TIED UP - Handmade bow ties for every occasion
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
MODA – Fashion
a li kravate polako postaju „out”? U jedno smo sigurni – novi šerif je u gradu. Mašne iznova osvajaju ulice i postaju neizostavni detalj svake odevne kombinacije. Možete odabrati savršeno odelo, ali to nije „to” bez pravog asesoara. Iako su do sada kupci najčešće bile pripadnice lepšeg pola, moramo priznati da to više nije slučaj. Stil i sofisticiranost muškarca dobijaju novi nivo kada stavi mašnu. Uklopive u dnevnu varijantu, noćni provod ili formalni poslovni događaj, mašne postaju modni trend i sve veći broj ljudi počinje da ih nosi. Iako je klasična mašna i dalje na vrhu liste želja većine, „Tied Up” mašne nam nude i veliki izbor „duplih mašni”, a osim jednobojnih rade i karirane, cvetne, sa tufnicama i velikim brojem različitih printova. Ručno izrađene od različitih vrsta materijala, poput kepera, satena, pamuka, somota i mnogih drugih, osvežiće vaš izgled i suprotstaviće se monotoniji odevanja. Različitost dizajna i boja prati svetske modne trendove i transformiše vaš outfit, kao i vaše samopouzdanje. Kakva god vaša vizija savršene mašne bila, “Tied Up” mašne će više nego zadovoljiti sva vaša očekivanja. Da li postoji razlog zašto svako od nas ne bi uneo više boja u svoj život?
re the neckties slowly becoming “out“ ? We are sure in this - new sheriff is in town. Bow ties are winning the streets once again, and becoming an indispensable detail of every outfit. You can choose the perfect suit, but it is not “it“ without a proper accessories. Although, so far, our customers were mostly members of the fairer sex, we have to admit that this is no longer the case. Style and sophistication of a man is getting on a whole new level when he puts a bow tie. They can be combined in a daily version, a night out or a formal business event, bow ties are becoming a fashion trend and a growing number of people have already started to wear them. Although the classic tie, is still on top of the list of most people. “Tied Up“ ties offer us a great variety of “double ties“, except single color, they make plaid, floral, with dots and a large number of different prints. Handmade from various materials, such as satin, cotton, velvet and many others, will refresh your look and confront the monotony of dressing. The variety of designs and colors follows global fashion trends and transform your outfit as well as your confidence. Whatever your vision of perfect bow tie is, “Tied Up“ ties will more than meet your expectations. Is there a reason why every one of us shouldn‘t bring more color into our life?
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
DESTINACIJE – Destinations
Srpske planine spremne za letnje avanture Serbian Mountains Ready For Summer Adventures AUTOR: STEFAN LAZIĆ
ko su vam dosadile visoke temperature i sparno vreme, uvek možete da pobegnete na neku planinu na kojoj je mnogo prijatnije. Najpopularnije zimske destinacije u Srbiji spremno iščekuju sve zainteresovane za čari planinskih predela. Turistički potencijal planinskog turizma u Srbiji iz godine u godinu dolazi sve više do izražaja. Kopaonik, Zlatibor i Tara pružaju mogućnost uživanja u velikom broju rekreativno-avanturističkih aktivnosti koje su prilagođene gostima koji žele da se opuste i uživaju na svežem planinskom vazduhu, ali ujedno i da napune baterije, povrate energiju, udahnu planinsku svežinu i podignu adrenalin. Potpuni odmor nam je svima potreban s vremena na vreme, ali aktivni odmor, za one koji ga nisu još iskusili, može biti nezaboravno iskustvo i uživanje u netaknutoj prirodi.
f you are tired of high temperatures and humid weather, you can always escape to a mountain where it is much more pleasant. The most popular winter destinations in Serbia readily await all those interested in the magic of mountain landscapes. Tourism potential of mountain tourism in Serbia every year comes more to the fore. Kopaonik, Zlatibor and Tara provide an opportunity to enjoy a number of recreational and adventure activities, customized for guests who want to relax and enjoy the fresh mountain sun, but also to recharge the batteries, regain energy, breathe fresh mountain air and raise adrenaline. Complete rest we all need from time to time, but active holiday, for those who have not yet experienced, can be an unforgettable experience and enjoying the unspoiled nature. UZBUDLJIVA OFF-ROAD VOŽNJA
Off-road ture po našim najlepšim planinskim predelima su jedinstvena prilika za sve prave zaljubljenike u prirodu i vožnju u ekstremnim uslovima. Pored standardnih tura po već isprobanim rutama Kopaonika, Zlatibora i Tare, posetioci mogu da naprave svoju poludnevnu ili celodnevnu rutu i možda dobiju priliku da vide životinjski i biljni svet koji se inače ne može primetiti na regularnim turama.
Pešačenje kroz prirodne predele koje podrazumeva i nošenje neophodne opreme i svega potrebnog veoma je popularna rekreativna aktivnost. Pešačke ture ne zahtevaju posebnu opremu niti posebnu pripremu. Turistima pružaju uživanje u prirodi, emocionalno opuštanje, a odlične su i za sticanje kondicije. Pešačke ture se mogu kombinovati sa drugim aktivnostima – istraživanjem pećina, kanjona, slobodnim penjanjem i dr.
EXCITING OFF-ROAD DRIVING Off-road tours through our most beautiful mountain regions are a unique opportunity for all true lovers of nature and driving in extreme conditions. Besides the standard tours, according to tried and tested routes of Kopaonik, Zlatibor and Tara, visitors can make their own, half or full-day route, and maybe to get a chance to see wildlife that can not be seen otherwise on regular tours.
HIKING TOURS Walking through the natural landscapes that also includes carrying the necessary equipment and everything necessary is a popular recreational activity. Hiking tours do not require special equipment or special preparation. These tours provide enjoying in the nature, emotional release, and they are excellent for getting into shape. Hiking tours can combine with other activities - caves exploring, canyons, free climbing and others.
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in e .rs
DESTINACIJE – Destinations
PARAGLAJDINGOM DO ADRENALINSKE INJEKCIJE Još jedna vrsta aktivnosti koju možete iskusiti samo uz asistenciju stručnjaka jeste paraglajding. Slobodan let nudi jedinstven osećaj koji nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. Bezbednost, kao i adrenalinska injekcija su garantovani. Najvažniji preduslovi da se nauči bezbedno letenje su: lični stav, kompetentna obuka i bezbedna oprema.
tajne ovog prelepog sporta i ubrzo postati ekspert bar u svojoj bližoj okolini. Deca, odrasli, osobe sa invaliditetom i svi zainteresovani za ovu prelepu i zabavnu aktivnost obavezno bi trebalo da se okušaju i ko zna, možda jednog dana nekome to postane hobi ili čak i nešto više. Olimpijada je na svake četiri godine, tako da ima vremena i za početnike.
PARAGLIDING FOR ADRENALINE INJECTION Another type of activity that you can experience only with the assistance of experts is paragliding. Free flight offers a unique feeling that leaves no one indifferent. Safety as well as adrenaline „injection“ are guaranteed. The most important prerequisites to learn to fly safely are: personal attitude, competent training and safe equipment. PLANINSKI BICIKLIZAM Vožnja biciklom se možda čini veoma napornom kada pomislimo na vožnju po planini. Uostalom, ko još uživa u vožnji uzbrdo? Planinski biciklizam vam omogućava da uz nezaboravnu avanturu doživite predivne prirodne lepote okruženja kroz koje se vozite. Najmoderniji planinski modeli bicikala, najviših performansi, u kombinaciji sa isprobanim stazama sa prijatnim nagibima ne predstavljaju problem ni za neutrenirane osobe.
MOUNTAIN BIKING Cycling may seem very hard when we think of riding in the mountains. After all, who enjoys riding uphill? Mountain biking allows you to experience an unforgettable adventure along the beautiful natural beauty of the environment in which you are riding. The most modern models of mountain bikes, with highest performance, combined with the tried and tested paths with pleasant slopes are no problem, even for people who are not in training.
ARCHERY - ROBIN HUD TO ONE DAY Most of us, watching or reading about Robin Hood, at some point in our lives, wished to hit the target in the center using a bow and arrow. Nothing strange, given that it is one of the most primitive and natural activity for humans. After all, many civilizations would have been long gone would if shooting, for hunting or fighting, has not existed for centuries. Besides, the courses for complete beginners - individually or in a group, you can learn all the „secrets“ of this beautiful sport, and soon become an „expert“ at least in your immediate surroundings. Children, grown-ups, persons with disabilities, and anyone interested in this beautiful and a fun activity, should try this, and who knows, maybe someday, for someone is going to become a hobby, or something more. The Olympics are every four years, so there is time for beginners. Ovo su samo neke od brojnih letnjih aktivnosti u kojima možete uživati na našim najlepšim planinskim destinacijama. Nama su najviše pažnje privukle navedene, ali smo sigurni da ćete se pronaći i u drugim aktivnostima o kojima ćemo možda pisati neki drugi put. Kako vreme prolazi, planine sve više počinju da pariraju tradicionalnim letnjim destinacijama i uskoro će, bar po našem mišljenju, biti dostojan „protivnik”. These are just some of the many summer activities that you can enjoy on our most beautiful mountain destinations. For us, these activities have attracted the most attention, but we are sure that you will find also other activities about which we may write another time. Mountains, as time goes on, are beginning to compete more and more, with traditional summer destinations, and very soon, in our opinion at least, will be a worthy “opponent“.
STRELIČARSTVO - ROBIN HUD NA JEDAN DAN Većina nas je, gledajući ili čitajući o Robinu Hudu, u jednom trenutku u životu poželela da pogodi metu u centar koristeći luk i strelu. Ništa čudno, s obzirom na to da je to jedna od najprimitivnijih i prirodnih aktivnosti za čoveka. Uostalom, mnoge civilizacije bi odavno nestale da streličarstvo radi lova ili borbe nije postojalo vekovima unazad. Na kursu za potpune početnike, individualnom ili grupnom, možete naučiti sve
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
ENTERIJER – Interior
Leto uz KARE design Summer with „KARE“ design
KARE, nepresušan izvor zanimljivih komada nameštaja, rasvete i asesoara, ovog leta Vas uvodi u svet dizajniranih životnih i radnih prostora. Nova usluga u našoj ponudi je projektovanje enterijera. Za sve korisnike ove usluge spremili smo specijalne uslove za opremanje i kupovinu. Kao dokaz da sa nama nikada nije dosadno jeste proširenje naše ponude kroz saradnju sa drugim svetskim brendovima kao i sa domaćim umetnicima. U toku je letnje sniženje, koje će trajati tri meseca i obuhvatiće celokupan asortiman iz našeg salona. Posetite nas na, na našoj Facebook stranici Beograd/ ili prošetajte do našeg salona u Dečanskoj 12 u Beogradu. Biće nam zadovoljstvo da Vas uputimo u sve detalje naših usluga i da Vam predstavimo nove kolekcije.
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
KARE, inexhaustible source of interesting pieces of furniture, lighting and accessories, this summer brings you into the world of designed living and working spaces. As a novelty we have introduced interior design services. For all users of this service, we have prepared special conditions for the furnishing and shopping. As the evidence of that you are never getting bored with us, is the expanding our portfolio through the cooperation with other international brands as well as with local artists. Summer discounts already started, and will last for three months and will cover the full range of the products in our showroom. Visit us at or on our Facebook page or come to our showroom in Decanska 12 in Belgrade. It will be our pleasure to guide you through all the details of our services and to present to you our new collection.
Finest Selection Serbia Greece Spain Montenegro
SERBIA – Finest Selection Belgrade, Banovo Brdo | for sale
Stan na Banovom brdu na poslednjem spratu sa sjajnim pogledom na hipodrom. U blizini škola, restorana i Mosta na Adi, što pruža odličnu povezanost sa svim delovima grada. Sa sistemom pametne kuće, ovaj prelepi stan se sastoji od 3 spavaće sobe, prostranog dnevnog boravka, pomoćne sobe, 2 kupatila i jednog toaleta. Sa svojih realnih 230m2 predstavlja savršen dom za porodicu.
Površina / Size 196 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3
Sobe / Rooms 5.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Top floor apartment on Banovo Brdo with a great view of the hippodrome. Near schools, restaurants and Ada bridge that makes great connection with all parts on the city. With smart house system, this apartment is consist of three bedrooms, spacious living area, one extra room, two bathrooms and toilet. Perfect for family. The real size of this apartment is 230m2.
Cena / Price 480.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
SERBIA – Finest Selection Belgrade, Senjak | for rent
Kompletno renovirana vila sa odličnim rasporedom prostorija, pozicionirana je u najlepšem delu Senjaka. Kuća je okružena privatnim, lepo održavanim dvorištem, u neposrednoj blizini internacionalnih škola i svih pratećih sadržaja. Sastoji se od dnevnog boravka, trpezarije, zasebne kuhinje, četiri spavaće sobe, radne sobe, četiri kupatila, tri toaleta, dve terase i dva garažna mesta. Od dodatnih pogodnosti kuća poseduje đakuzi, video nadzor, roštilj i saunu. Visok stepen završnih radova, idealna za ambasade i strana predstavništva. Površina / Size 326 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 4
Sobe / Rooms 5.0
Kupatila / Baths 4
Completely renovated villa with excellent room layout is located in a one of the most beautiful parts of Senjak area. House is surrounded by a private well maintained yard, close to international schools and all amenities. It comprises living area, dining area, separate kitchen, four bedrooms, study room, four bathrooms, three toilets, two terraces and two garage places. Additional amenities include a Jacuzzi, video surveillance, grill and sauna. The high level of finishing works, ideal for embassies and foreign representative offices.
Cena / Price 5.500 EUR / per month West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
SERBIA – Finest Selection Belgrade, Banovo Brdo | for sale
Fantastičan stan u novijoj zgradi na Banovom Brdu u blizini Mosta na Adi. U neposrednoj blizini parkova, škola, velikog broja restorana i radnji. Veoma prostran i komforan stan nudi veliki dnevni boravak, 2 spavaće sobe, odvojenu i opremljenu kuhinju, kupatilo i toalet. Takođe, 2 terase nude prelep panoramski pogled. Veoma prostran i udoban stan.
Površina / Size 137 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2
Sobe / Rooms 3.5
Kupatila / Baths 1
Great apartment in a newer building in Banovo brdo area near the Ada brigde. In a vicinity of parks, schools, lots of restaurants and shops. It offers a spacious living area, two bedrooms, separate kitchen with all the appliances, bathroom and a toilet. Two terraces provide a gorgeous panoramic view. Very spacious and comfortable apartment.
Cena / Price 380.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
SERBIA – Finest Selection Belgrade, Dorćol | for sale
Veoma moderan stan, dizajniran za mlade ljude. Nalazi se u centru Beograda, na korak od reke Dunav i Kalemegdanskog Parka. Ovaj predivni stan sa 2 spavaće sobe je savršen primer fantastičnog enterijera. Plan stana nudi i prostranu dnevnu sobu i trpezariju, kuhinju, kupatilo i terasu.
Površina / Size 124 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2
Sobe / Rooms 3.0
Kupatila / Baths 1
Modern apartment, designed for young people. Located in downtown Belgrade just a short stroll away from the River Danube and Kalemegdan Park. This excellent two bedroom apartment is an example of a great interior design. Beside two bedrooms, the layout offers a spacious living room and a dining area, a kitchen, one bathroom and a terrace.
Cena / Price 310.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
SERBIA – Finest Selection Belgrade, Baje Pivljanina | for sale
Prelep penthaus na dva nivoa sa sistemom pametne kuće u najprestižnijem kraju u Beogradu, u blizini Belog dvora. Stan obuhvata površinu dva sprata. Moderno dizajniran, sa odličnim pogledom, ovaj penthaus poseduje dve dnevne, tri spavaće sobe, radnu sobu, zasebnu kuhinju, dva kupatila, dva toaleta, garderober i terasu. Grejanje i hlađenje se obezbeđuje iz energije toplotnih pumpi i solarnih panela. Unutrašnjost je urađena po najvišim standardima, italijanska keramika, puno drvo, podno grejanje u kuhinji i kupatilima. Rezervisana su dva garažna mesta u zgradi. Površina / Size 370 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2
Sobe / Rooms 6.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Beautiful penthouse on two levels with a system of smart home in the most prestigious area in Belgrade, near the Royal Palace. It is comprised of two floors. Modern design, with excellent views, this penthouse has two daily, three bedrooms, study room, a separate kitchen, two bathrooms, two toilets, a wardrobe and a terrace. Heating and cooling is provided from the energy of heat pumps and solar panels. The interior is made to the highest standards, Italian ceramics, solid wood, floor heating in the kitchen and bathrooms. Booked two garage spaces in the building.
Cena / Price 700.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
SERBIA – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for sale
Prelepi domovi kao što je ovaj su prava retkost na tržištu. Sastoji se iz 2 stana, na dva nivoa, jednim studiom sa dve sobe, kupatilom i kancelarijskim prostorom. Bezbedno smešten u najlepšoj ulici na Vračaru i opremljen najluksuznijim nameštajem. U neposrednoj blizini škola, restorana i radnji i povezan za svim delovima grada. Divna Beogradska proleća i leta provedena na sopstvenom bazenu i u prostranom dvorištu pružaju neopisiv osećaj.
Površina / Size 321 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 6
Sobe / Rooms 8.0
Kupatila / Baths 6
Beautiful homes like this one rarely appear on the market. It consists of 2 apartments on 2 levels, one studio with two rooms, a bathroom and an office space. Located in a safe area in a gorgeous street in Vracar, it is near many amenities, and well connected to all parts of the city. It comes with high-end furniture pieces, a stunning garden and a swimming pool. Hot Belgrade’s summers and springs will get a whole new meaning for you. Underground garage’s.
Cena / Price 1.250,000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
SERBIA – Finest Selection Belgrade, Zvezdara | for rent
Prostran i moderan stan sa 4 spavaće sobe u najnovijoj lukzuznoj zgradi sa portirom i 24h obezbeđenjem. Savršen stan u mirnom i bezbednom kraju, u blizini opštine Zvezdara. Prostran dnevni boravak, potpuno opremljena kuhinja, 4 spavaće sobe, 2 kupatila, jedan toalet, 3 balkona i garažno mesto. Stan se nalazi u blizini radnji, restorana, barova, i javnim prevozom je povezan sa svim delovima grada. Na samo par minuta šetnje od centra Beograda.
Površina / Size 197 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 4
Sobe / Rooms 5.0
Kupatila / Baths 3
Excellent, spacious and modern four bedroom apartment in a newly built and luxurious building with a door man and 24/7 security. Located in a quiet, lovely and safe area, close to the Municipality of Zvezdara. Large living room, fully equipped kitchen, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, one toilet, three balconies, and one garage place. The property is close to Amenities such as shops, restaurants, bars, with great public transport links and a simple walking distance to the city center area.
Cena / Price 2.200 EUR / per month West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
SERBIA – Finest Selection Belgrade, Voždovac | for sale
Izuzetan penthouse - apartman, lociran na Voždovcu u izuzetno mirnoj ulici u novoj zgradi, sa kodiranim liftom koji direktno ide do stana. Prodaje se kompletno namešten, sa spa opremom, opremom za teretanu, vinskim podrumom, kao i dva garažna mesta u podzemnoj garaži. Penthouse se sastoji od dva nivoa. Donji nivo čine: kuhinja, trpezarija, prostrani dnevni boravak sa izlazom na terasu, master soba sa radnim delom i kupatilom, dve spavaće sobe sa kupatilom. Gornji nivo čine: dve velike terase sa panoramskim pogledom, salon sa tv-om, teretana, đakuzi, sauna, fitness i kupatilo. Površina / Size 376 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3
Sobe / Rooms 4.0
Kupatila / Baths 4
Exceptional penthouse - apartment, located in Vozdovac in a very quiet street in a new building, with coded elevator which goes directly to the apartment. Selling fully furnished, with spa equipment, gym, wine cellar and two garage spaces in the underground garage. Penthouse consists of two levels. The lower level consists of: kitchen, dining room, spacious living room with terrace, master bedroom with a working room and a bathroom, two bedrooms with own bathroom. The upper level consists of: two large terraces with panoramic views, lounge with TV, gym, jacuzzi, sauna, fitness room and a bathroom.
Cena / Price 1.060.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
SERBIA – Finest Selection Belgrade, Zvezdara | for sale
Predstavljamo vam najnoviju zgradu, u mirnom delu grada, na raskrsnici Bulevara Kralja Aleksandra i Bregalničke ulice, koja vam nudi jedinstvenu priliku da se svako jutro budite uz najlepši pogled na reku Dunav, Hram Svetog Save, Avalu, Most na Adi i predivno zelenilo, i savršeno započnete svaki dan.
Površina / Size 50-153 m2 Sobe / Rooms 2.0 - 4.0
We present you with the newest building, in a peaceful part of the city, on the corner of Kralja Aleksandra Boulevard and Bregalnicka Street, providing you a unique opportunity to wake up each morning with a most beautiful view of the Danube River, Saint Sava’s Temple, Avala, Ada Bridge and pleasant greenery and ideally start your day.
Cena / Price 2.100 per m2 (sa PDV-om / VAT included) West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
SERBIA – Finest Selection Belgrade, Zvezdara | for sale
Jedinstvena prilika za život i rad u zgradi koja nudi nešto što se rečima ne može opisati Projekat „Xenon” predstavlja novu dimenziju gradnje, potpuno novi koncept arhitektonskog i građevinskog stvaralaštva. Ovaj moderan objekat, namenjen savremenoj porodici, u kojem dominiraju kvalitetni materijali i perfektna završna obrada, sastoji se iz poslovnog, stambenog, hotelskog i garažnog dela.
Površina / Size 45-197 m2 Sobe / Rooms 2.0 - 5.0
A unique opportunity to live and work in a building that offers something words cannot express. Project XENON is the new Belgrade’s icon where you will experience the feeling that nothing is impossible, but one thing is, going back to the old ways. Only a few will understand you, but many will envy.
Cena / Price 2.500 per m2 West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
MONTENEGRO – Finest Selection Montenegro, Budva | for sale
Luksuzna rezidencija u srcu Budve sa odličnim panoramskim pogledom na stari grad i more. Atraktivna lokacija povećava vrednost ove nekretnine. Ovaj prestižni stan se prostire na 240m2 i opremljen je Smart House sistemom, ručno izrađenim italijanskim nameštajem, centralnim protivpožarnim sistemom, centralnim hlađenjem i touch screen rasvetom kao i podnim grejanjem. Sama zgrada nalazi se u multifunckionalnom kompleksu sa ekskluzivnim sadržajima. Površina / Size 240 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2
Sobe / Rooms 6.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Outstanding Residence in the heart of the Budva, with superb panoramic view towards the Old town and the sea. It attractive location, gives and added value to this property. This 240 sqm prestigious apartment is equipped with ͞“m art H ouse͟ system, handmade Italian furniture, central fire alarm system and fire protection, access control, touch screen – central air conditioning and ventilation control system, lighting control system and underfloor heating. The premises encompass a multifunctional complex with exclusive areas.
Cena / Price 1.000.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
SPAIN – Finest Selection Spain, Marbella | for sale
Exclusive residential complex with secluded privacy at one of the most attractive locations on the Costa del Sol. Breathtaking views overlooking Marbella and Puerto Banus, towards Gibraltar and Africa. The finest selection of materials has been applied throughout. The magnificent onsite communal facilities include two large outdoor swimming pools/ three Spa areas featuring gymnasiums/ indoor swimming pools/ saunas, Turkish baths and relaxation areas.
Ekskluzivni kompleks vila u nizu sa posebnom privatnošću, na jednoj od najatraktivnijih lokacija na Costa del Solu. Predivan pogled na Marbelju i Puerto Banus, prema Gibraltaru i Africi. U opremanju kompletnog kompleksa korišćeni su najkvalitetniji materijali. Divan zajednički prostor sa dva spoljašna bazena, tri spa zone sa teretanom, unutrašnjim bazenom, saunom, turskim kupatilom kao i delom za relaksiranje.
Površina / Size 305-903 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2-4
Sobe / Rooms 3-5
Kupatila / Baths 2-4
Cena / Price od/from 1.100.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
REAL ESTATE Magaz in | J ul 2016 | ale state -magaz in . r s
GREECE – Finest Selection Corfu-Ahillion | for sale
Novoizgrađena vila na Krfu od 255m2. Ovaj prelepi dom na 3 sprata se nalazi na zemljištu veličine 1168m2 i uključuje deo od 177m2 koji se nalazi na plaži. Pogled na more i planine se ne može uporediti ni sa jednim drugim. Prvi sprat ima 100m2, drugi 50m2 sa isto toliko prostora na terasi, a potkrovlje od 30m2 je specijalno dizajnirano, ima centralno grejanje i panoramski pogled. Garaža prima 3 vozila.
Površina / Size 255 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 4
Sobe / Rooms 6.0
Kupatila / Baths 3
A 255m2, two year old villa for sale in Corfu. This gorgeous, 3 story, villa is situated on a large 1168m2 plot and there is another 177m2 area at the beach. It offers unparalleled views of the see and the mountain area. First floor features 100m2, second 50m2 with a 50m2 veranda and a specially designed attic with central heating and a panoramic view 30m2. The garage can facilitate 3 vehicles.
Cena / Price 700.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
RE A L ES TATE M a g a zi n | Jul 2016 | www.rea l es t a t e-magaz in .rs
Finest Selection GET IN TOUCH
im stručnjaka u kompaniji West Properties ima široko znanje o tržištu nekretnina u Srbiji. Kroz naše znanje, stručnost i iskustvo u stanju smo da ponudimo pristup nekim od najtraženijih nekretnina kako u Beogradu tako i u inostranstvu. Usredsređeni na detalje, sa dokazanim uspešnim projektima, West Properties garantuje najkvalitetniji nivo usluga prilagođen vašim zahtevima. Ukoliko želite da vam pomognemo da nađete savršenu nekretninu, slobodno nas posetite u našoj kancelariji ili nas kontaktirajte putem telefona ili mejla.
he team of professionals at West Properties has an in-depth knowledge of Serbia’s property market. Through our knowledge, expertise and experience, we’re able to offer you access to some of the most sought-after real estate – both in Belgrade and overseas. With attention to detail and a proven track record of successful projects, West Properties can guarantee you service of the highest quality, tailored to fit your requirements. If you’d like us to help you find the perfect proerty, feel free to visit our office, give us a call or connect via email.
WEST PROPERTIES Karađorđeva 89 / Tradeunique bld. Belgrade, 11000, Serbia + 381 11 32 43 274 + 381 11 32 43 275
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WEST PROPERTIES d.o.o. Karađorđeva 89 | 11000 Beograd, Srbija | Reg. br. 416 + 381 11 32 43 274 |