Your key to the right property!
Zaha Hadid
Neprolazna avangarda „kraljice krivina“ Everlasting „Queen of the curve“ avant-garde
Kvalitet bez kompromisa Quality without compromises
Istorija i nasleđe History and Heritage www. reale s tate - m agazin .rs
SADRŽAJ | Content 63 |
Od atraktivnih nekretnina, preko mode i umetnosti, gastronomije, putovanja, do arhitekture, dizajna i prestižnih brendova, Real ESTATE Magazin pokriva mnoge aspekte životnog stila. From attractive properties, through fashion and art, gastronomy, travel, to architecture, design and prestigious brands, Real ESTATE Magazine covers many aspects of lifestyle.
Zaha Hadid
Neprolazna avangarda „kraljice krivina“ Everlasting „Queen of the curve“ avant-garde
10 |
Janko Živančević
Arhitektura, slikarstvo i živopisni enterijeri Architecture, painting and picturesque interiors
14 |
Porodična tradicija i kvalitet bez kompromisa Family tradition and quality without compromises
25 |
MARKETING DINAMIKA IZLAŽENJA | FREQUENCY OF PUBLICATION četiri puta godišnje | four times a year IZDAVAČ | PUBLISHER West Properties d.o.o Karađorđeva 89, Beograd, Srbija ŠTAMPA | PRINTING Rotografika doo, Segedinski put 72, Subotica
Restitution in Serbia
29 |
Floor Expert
Podovi kao jedinstveno umetničko delo
Floor as a unique artwork
31 |
Ana Marković, West Properties Zastupanje investitora
Investors representation
40 |
Beogradska arena Nova transformacija
New transformation
53 |
Istorija i nasleđe
FOTO NASLOVNA | COVER PHOTO Zaha Hadid Architects Izdavač ne odgovara za sadržaj objavljenih oglasa. Publisher is not responsible for the content of published advertisements.
Strahinja Sekulić Restitucija u Srbiji
REDAKCIJA | OFFICE Marija Miladinović LEKTOR | LECTOR Gordana Kačavenda
“Sanidei”, David Niketić
History and Heritage
63 |
Beograd / Belgrade
Upoznajte njegovo veličanstvo
Meet its majesty CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 659 REAL Estate magazin : magazin o svetu nekretnina / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Kovačević. - Vol. 1, no. 1 (2016) . - Beograd : West Properties, 2016- ( Subotica : Rotografika ). - 30 cm Tromesečno. - Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku. ISSN 2466-4170 = Real Estate magazin COBISS.SR-ID 222705932
10 |
14 |
53 |
UVODNA REČ | Introduction
Moć umrežavanja
The Power of the Networking
Ako radite u oblasti nekretnina, obavezno je da naučite kako da se efektivno umrežite. Umrežavanje je osnov za uspeh u bilo kojem poslu koji se tiče nekretnina. Kada razmotrim ovu činjenicu, uvek se iznenadim brojem arhitekata, investitora i agenata za nekretnine koji ne koriste prednosti neograničenih mogućnosti umrežavanja koje su im na raspolaganju.
Learning how to establish an effective network is a must if you work in real estate. After all, networking is fundamental for the success of any real estate business. When considering this fact, I am always surprised by the number of developers and realtors who don’t take advantage of incredible networking opportunities at their avail.
U svetu nekretnina, svi tražimo načine da se povežemo. Jedan od najkorisnijih predloga koje vam mogu dati jeste da se okružite odličnim timom. Imati tim koji čine sposobni ljudi i osobe od poverenja presudno je za bilo koji posao sa nekretninama.
In the world of real estate, we’re are looking for ways to connect. One of the most useful suggestions I can give is to surround yourself with a great team. Having a team that comprises of competent and trustworthy people is critical to the success of any real estate business.
Kao učesnik u svetu nekretnina, dobri ste onoliko koliko su dobri i ljudi iz vašeg okruženja. Uspostavljanje veza sa pratećim delatnostima i učesnicima u industriji nekretnina koji vam nisu direktno konkurentni jeste osnovni alat za umrežavanje. Neka vaš cilj bude prepoznavanje i upoznavanje mreže kontakata na koje možete uputiti svoje klijente, i obrnuto. Takav pristup će učiniti čuda za vašu poslovnu mrežu.
As a participant in the real estate world, you are only as good as who you surround yourself with. Establishing connections with complementary businesses and real estate industry vendors with whom you don’t directly compete, is an essential networking tool. Make it your goal to identify and meet a network of vendors to whom you can refer clients, and vice versa. It will do wonders for your professional network.
Na primer, kada investitor počinje sa izgradnjom nove nekretnine, on se u velikoj meri oslanja na glavnog arhitektu i izvođača radova. Nedovršen set skica može voditi ka prekomernim troškovima i kašnjenju u izgradnji. Upravo zbog toga je veoma važan odabir izvođača kome verujete, odnosno to je i jedini način za uspešan završetak projekta. Uspostavljanje veze sa projektantom koji je upoznat sa aktuelnim urbanističkim planovima je takođe bitno. Od toga da li arhitekta, projektant i izvođač uspešno sarađuju ili ne, zavisi da li će projekat biti uspešan ili ne. Ukoliko ne rade zajedno, to će rezultirati kašnjenjem u izgradnji i neizbežno će dovesti do smanjenja planiranog prihoda.
For example, when developing a new property, the investor relies heavily on a master architect and contractor. An incomplete set of drawings can lead to cost overruns and construction delays. While no contractor is perfect, finding a contractor you trust is the only way to complete projects successfully. Developing a relationship with an architect who is familiar with local zoning codes is essential, too. Whether an architect and contractor work well together or not, it can make or break a project. If they do not work cohesively, it can result with construction delays and inevitably eat into your planned operating income.
Razmislite koga već poznajete, proverite postojeće kontakte i ponovo ih uspostavite. Potražite strateške partnere ili saradnike koji imaju potencijal za obostranu poslovnu saradnju koja donosi benefite. Jasno je da ćete biti u mogućnosti da pomognete jedni drugima na više načina. Priđite im sa konkretnom ponudom kako biste im pomogli u poslu. Pružite, pružite, pružite pre nego što počnete da očekujete da vam bude uzvraćeno.
Remember who do you already know? Look through your existing contacts and reconnect. Look for strategic partners or alliances with potential for mutually-beneficial business relationships. Clearly, you’ll be able to help one another in many ways. Approach them with an offer of value to help them in their business. Give, give, give, before any expectation of receiving.
By Jelena Kovačević. M.Sc
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Zaha Hadid
Neprolazna avangarda „kraljice krivina“ Everlasting „Queen of the curve“ avant-garde AUTOR: Risto Terzić Portrait of Zaha Hadid, Mary McCartney
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Ona je prva žena koja je dobila najveće priznanje u oblasti arhitekture, Prikerovu nagradu 2004. godine. Dobitnica je i najprestižnijeg arhitektonskog priznanja u Velikoj Britaniji, Stirling nagrade 2010. i 2011. godine. Kraljica Elizabeta II 2012. godine odlikovala ju je titulom dame za dostignuća u arhitekturi, a 2015. godine postala je prva žena nagrađena Kraljevskom zlatnom medaljom Kraljevskog instituta britanskih arhitekata (RIBA). Brojne nagrade i najprestižnija priznanja teško da mogu da odslikaju uticaj koji je na arhitekturu ostavila Zaha Hadid. „Kraljica krivina“, kako ju je oslovljavao britanski „Gardijan“, pionirka je parametrije i ikona neofuturizma. Kreirajući izuzetno ekspresivne, fludine forme višestrukih perspektiva i fragmentirane geometrije, odslikavala je haos i tok modernog života i stvarala vanvremenska arhitektonska remek-dela.
Ipak, veliko ime svetske arhitekture od prvog izvedenog objekta delilo je više od decenije. Ostala je posvećena ideji, a razvoj tehnologije išao je u susret njenom arhitektonskom senzibilitetu. Kada su, pomoću savremenih kompjuterskih programa, njene zamisli počele da izgledaju ostvarivije, kreće vrtoglavi uzlet zaustavljen preranom smrću. Potpis ZHA nalazi se na zgradi Opere u Guandžou (2010), Riversajd muzeju u Glazgovu (2011), Kulturnom centru Hejdar Alijev u Bakuu (2012), Inovejšen taueru u Hongkongu (2013), Dongdemun dizajn plazi u Seulu (2014) i Vangdžing Soho kompleksu u Pekingu (2014). A to je samo nagoveštaj naprasno okončane karijere.
Galaxy SOHO
She was the first woman to receive the most prestigious architectural award, Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2004. She also received the UK‘s most prestigious architectural award, the Stirling Prize in 2010 and 2011. In 2012, the Queen Elizabeth II made her a Dame for accomplishments in architecture. In 2015 she bacame the first woman to be awarded the Royal Gold Medal by the Royal Institute for British Architects (RIBA).
However, a significant name of global architecture needed more than a decade to bring about her first construction. She was dedicated to the idea and her architectural sensibility kept up with the technology development. Thanks to the modern computer programes, ideas had become more likely to be actualized and that‘s when her skyrocketing success started. Yet it was soon interrupted by her premature death.
Numerous awards and most prestigious honours are not enough to depict Zaha Hadid‘s impact on the architecture. „The Queen of the curve“, as addressed by the british „Guardian“, was a pioneer of parametricism and an icon of neo-futurism. She created highly expressive, fluid forms of multiple perspectives and fragmented geometry, thus depicting the chaos and flux of modern living and creating eternal masterpieces of architecture.
The ZHA signature was engraved on the building of Guangzhou Opera House (2010), Riverside Museum in Glasgow (2011), Heydar Aliyev Cultural Centre in Baku (2012), Jockey Club Innovation Tower in Hong Kong (2013), Dongdaemun Design Plaza in Seoul (2014) and Wangjing SOHO complex in Beijing (2014). All of these constructions were just a pointer of her suddenly terminated carreer.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
U vreme njene iznenadne smrti 2016, Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) iz Londona bila je najbrže rastuća britanska arhitektonska praksa. Oko 950 projekata u 44 države sveta, insistirajući na kontekstu, kulturnom i socijalnom diverzitetu, stvaralo je 500 zaposlenih čak 55 različitih nacionalnosti. I posle Zahine smrti, zaposleni su rešeni da 36 otvorenih projekata i sve buduće nastave zadržavajući ime firme i karakterističan arhitektonski izraz.
Ipak, jedini preostali partner, Patrik Šumaher, koji vodi kompaniju još od 1988. godine, iznenađujućim manifestom na ovogodišnjem Svetskom festivalu arhitekture u Berlinu nagovestio je novi pravac. Govoreći na temu izgradnje Londona, on je odbacio koncept socijalnog stanovanja, nazivajući korisnike tih objekata „freeriders“ i nepravedno privilegovanim, i predložio izgradnju Hajd parka i privatizaciju svih javnih prostora.
Heydar Aliyev Center, Baku, Azerbaijan (2012)
At the time of her sudden death in 2016, Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) from London was the fastes growing British architectural practice. The number of 500 employees of 55 different nationalituies had created about 950 projects in 44 countries around the world with the focus on contextual, cultural and social diversity. In the period following her death, employees were still determined to continue with 36 unfinished projects and all future projects, keeping the company‘s name and its characteristic architectural form.
Nevertheless, the only remaining partner, Patrick Schumacher, who has been leading the company since 1988, had made a controversial manifesto during this year‘s Worl Architecture Festival in Berlin, where he announced the new vision. While talking about construction in London, he rejected the concept of social housing, adressing its tenants as „freeriders“ and unjustly privileged. He suggested the construction of Hyde Park and privatisation of all public areas.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
“Zaha Hadid nije pisala manifeste, ona ih je gradila”, tako se od stavova svog direktora Patrika Šumahera ograđuje ZHA u otvorenom pismu, istovremeno negirajući frakcije unutar firme. Uz zaključak da odbijajući sve vrste ograničenja Zaha nije oblikovala svoju ideologiju za amfiteatar. Ona ju je živela.
Zaha Hadid Architects, 600 Collins Street in Melbourne, Australia
„Zaha Hadid did not write manifestos, they were building“ - so the views of its director Patrik Schumacher ZHA distances himself in an open letter at the same time denying the factions within the company. They conclude that refusing all kinds of restrictions, Zaha has not formulated its ideology for the amphitheater. She had lived. REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Arhitektura, slikarstvo i živopisni enterijeri Architecture, painting and picturesque interiors
AUTOR: Marija Miladinović
Stvaralac koji je tokom četiri decenije rada isprojektovao na stotine hiljada kvadrata, vlasnik biroa „Ades studio“, arhitekta Janko Živančević, u sebi i dalje nosi onu stvaralačku provokaciju i želju da se dokaže u različitim
oblastima. Dobitnik je mnogobrojnih nagrada koje su ujedno i potvrda kvaliteta njegovog rada. Iako je arhitektura njegov „prvi izbor“, Janko uspešno koketira i sa slikarstvom i izradom enterijera.
Janko Živančević
A creator who designed hundreds of square meters during his four decade experience, owner of the bureau „Ades studio“, an architect Janko Živančević, still keeps that creative provocation and a desire to express
himself in different areas. He has been awarded many times which proves his quality of work. Even though he chose architecture as his „first choice“, Janko is efficiently flirting with painting and interior design.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Kako biste predstavili svoj stil u arhitekturi? Janko Živančević: Moj veliki profesor, akademik prof. arh. Milan Lojanica, učio nas je da istovremeno razmišljamo i o prostoru, funkciji, oblikovanju, materijalima, itd. Rano sam shvatio da je arhitektura veličanstvena stvaralačka igra, u kojoj arhitekta treba da iskaže i stav i mišljenje. Od prvog momenta svog delovanja kao arhitekta trudio sam se da izbegnem unificiranu i modom diktiranu arhitekturu. Čini mi se da mi to nije bilo teško jer me je od početka interesovala kreacija u arhitekturi i tzv. autorska arhitektura. Privlačila me je slobodnija arhitektonska forma, forma lepeze, skulpturalni oblici, dinamičnost i pokret u prostoru. Tu sam lakše mogao da pokažem shvatanja, uverenja i viđenja. Izuzetno poštujem i primenjujem sva tehnološka i industrijska dostignuća (materijale i postupke). Smatram da novine treba primenjivati, ali vrlo dozirano i promišljeno.
Vila Voždovac
Isprojektovali ste brojne objekte - hotele, sportske objekte, bazene, fontane, stambene kuće i sl. Koji arhitektonski zadaci vas najviše inspirišu? Janko Živančević: Projektovanje velikih i javnih objekata pred projektanta postavlja važan prvi zadatak - postavljanje sistema. Taj prvi korak je osnov svih daljih aktivnosti. Izuzetnu pažnju i angažovanost ulagao sam upravo u ovaj prvi korak. Ukoliko je sistem bio dobro osmišljen i postavljen, projektovanje je bilo organizovanije i lakše. Jednostavnije su se formirali i stav i mišljenje. To mi je olakšavalo projektovanje većih objekata poput sportskog kompleksa u Permu u Rusiji, stadiona Sartida u Smederevu ili fitnes centra u Beogradu u Vinči. Ovako veliki kompleksi - 50.000 m2 grejanog prostora ili 19.000 mesta na stadionu i sl. - morali su pre svega da imaju korektno postavljen sistem. Svakako da je bilo jednostavnije prilikom projektovanja stambenih blokova u Beogradu na Vračaru ili u Osjeku, a još jednostavnije prilikom projektovanja vila.
Stadion Sartid
How would you present your style in architecture? Janko Zivancevic: My great professor, academic prof. arh. Milan Lojanica, taught us to simultaneously think about the space, function, form, materials, etc. I soon realized that architecture is a magnificent creative game, where architect is enabled to express his attitude and way of thinking. From the very first moment of being an architect, I’ve been trying to avoid the unified and fashion centered architecture. I didn’t find it hard to do so, since I was interested from the start in creative part of architecture, the so called authoring architecture. I was attracted by open architecture forms, form ranges, sculpture forms, dinamics and motions in space. In this area, I was able to show my opinion, beliefs and vision. I value and implement, to a large extent, all technological and industrial achievements (materials and procedures). I also believe that innovations should be utilised optimaly and deliberately.
You have designed numerous projects – hotels, sports facilities, swimming pools, fountains, houses etc. Which architecture inspires you most? Janko Zivancevic: Designing of grand and public projects imposes the first important task – setting up the system. This first step is a base for all future activities. I have focused my attention and highly committed myself into the first steps. The better the system is conceived and set in a proper way, the better design and organisation you get. I was able to easily form my attitude and vision. Such a start facilitated the design of constructions like sports complex in Permo in Russia, stadium Sartida in Smederevo or fitness centre in Belgrade in Vinča. Such a big complexes – 50.000 square meters of heated area or 19.000 seats at the stadium - had to have an adequately set system. For sure it was easier to manage it in the design of housing blocks in Belgrade Vračar or Osijek and even much easier when designing villas.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
Koji objekat smatrate svojim najvećim uspehom? Janko Živančević: Rekao bih da su mi od većih objekata sportski kompleks u Permu u Rusiji (prvo mesto na međunarodnom konkursu) i stadion Sartida u Smederevu (nepokriven i nikad završen) pružili najveću satisfakciju. Iako ste se odlučili za arhitekturu, slikarstvo je ipak prisutno u vašem stvaralaštvu?
Which projects you consider to be your greatest success? Janko Zivancevic: I would say that sports complex in Permo in Russia (I won the first place at the international competition) and stadium Sartida in Smederevo (not covered yet and still unfinished) had given me the greatest satisfaction. Even though you have put architecture in first place, you are intereseted in paining as well? Janko Zivancevic: As a high school student, I was not familiar with Claude Nicolas Ledoux, who wrote: „You who would like to become an architect, start first as a painter“. It seems like circumstances led me to the path of architecture and construction. I would say that painting was not my first phase, but rather continuous activity and commitment. After years of studying architecture, painting and architecture somehow became equal, complementing and entangled. From such a
Janko Živančević: Kao gimnazijalac nisam znao za KlodNikolasa Ledua, koji je napisao: „Vi koji hoćete da postanete arhitekta, počnite najpre kao slikar“, a kao da su me okolnosti navele da tako i započne moj put ka arhitekturi i graditeljstvu. Rekao bih da slikarstvo kao početak puta ka arhitekturi kod mene nije početna faza, već trajna aktivnost i opredeljenje. Posle brojnih godina učenja arhitekture, nekako su se slikarstvo i arhitektura izjednačili, jedno drugo dopunjuju,
relation between these two activities, architecture emerged with its emphasised sculpture character and content, whilst painting appeared as a discipline „in the time and space where painting says more than construction“. In Serbia, most architects designed numerous facilities which for some reason never got a chance to be executed. Similar things happened to me as well. In such cases I have an opportunity to express myself through projects and construction of interiors, as well as through my second preocupation – painting. I paint since my high school days and ever since I had a number of group exhibitions and 15 individual exhibitons in the country and abroad. I mostly paint with slate pencil and ink. Beside architecture and paininting, you have another area of interest – interior construction? Janko Zivancevic: As a constructor—architect and painter, by the time I entered the world where such disciplines provided
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
ARHITEKTURA – Architecture
prepliću se i žive zajedno. Iz takvog odnosa ove dve aktivnosti izronila je arhitektura često skulpturalnog karaktera i sadržaja i slikarstvo u „prostoru i vremenu u kome se slikom saopštava više nego građevinom“. Kod nas veliki broj arhitekata isprojektuje brojne objekte koji se nažalost nikad ne izvedu, iz raznoraznih razloga. Razume se da se i meni dešavaju takve situacije. Velika satisfakcija mi je što u tim slučajevima mogu da se iskažem kroz projekte i izvođenje enterijera i kroz svoju drugu preokupaciju tj. SLIKARSTVO. Slikam od gimnazije i od tada sam imao više grupnih i 15 samostalnih izložbi u zemlji i inostranstvu. Crtam crteže grafitnom olovkom i tušem.
prostorima, modernim stanovima, buticima, restoranima, turističkim agencijama, poslovnim prostorima i sl. Do sada sam imao privilegiju i sreću da radim za klijente koji su imali puno poverenja i razumevanje za poneke ekstravagantnije ideje.
Osim arhitekture i slikarstva imate još jedno polje interesovanja – izradu enterijera? Janko Živančević: Vremenom mi se kao graditelju–arhitekti i slikaru otvorio novi prostor u kome te discipline mogu da zajedno daju sjajne rezultate i doprinose u enterijerima i parternom uređenju. Veliko zadovoljstvo mi je (ukoliko je enterijer u pitanju) da isprojektujem i izradim i radioničke detalje za pojedine elemente (mesing, inoks, kovano gvožđe, gips, drvo, kamen, itd) i ispratim izradu istih u radionici. Naći se u starim postojećim objektima sa zadatkom formiranja adekvatnog enterijera uz poštovanje postojećeg okruženja izazov je za arhitektu, dizajnera i slikara. U drugom, novom okruženju i novom objektu zadatak je dijametralno suprotan. Novi materijali, novi detalji, novo osvetljenje, nameštaj, itd. I u prvom i u drugom slučaju postoji zajednički imenitelj: u postojećim prostorima oživeti stare kvalitete, a u novom prostoru opremljenom modernim materijalima i instalacijama udahnuti emociju, harmoniju, itd. I u jednom i u drugom slučaju nužno je pronaći identitet prostora, potencirati ga ili stvoriti. Tokom poslednjih dvadeset i više godina trudio sam se da u brojne enterijere upravo unesem, po mom mišljenju, ove važne „momente“. Verujem da mi je to bilo lakše izvodljivo pošto su izvođenja bila u mojoj organizaciji i pod mojom kontrolom. Zadovoljstvo mi je bilo što sam imao prilike da se oprobam u enterijerima salonskih stanova, penthaus great results and contributed to the interiors and landscaping. It is a great satisfaction (if interior is my theme) to design and make manufacturing details for particular elements (messing, inox, forged iron, plaster, rock, etc) and supervise their production in the workshop. It is a great challenge for an architect, designer or painter to redesign ancient facilities with the task to form adequate interior by preserving the existing environment. In a different, new environment and new facility, the task is diametrically opposite. There are new materials, details, lighting, furniture, etc. In both cases there is the same denominator: to revive ancient qualities in the existing space; to inspire an emotion, harmony, etc. in the new place equipped with modern materials and instalations. It is necessary to find identity of the place and emphasise it or make it. During the last twenty years, while designing different interiors, I’ve been trying to fill in these important „moments“. I believe this was feasible because I was in charge of the whole organisation and had everything under my control. I was pleased to have an opportunity to express my
vision when desiogning saloon apartments, penthouses, modern apartments, boutiques, restaurants, travel agencies, business premises, etc. So far I had a privilege to work for clients who had full confidence in my competences and full understanding for some more extravagant ideas.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
Magazine SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Porodična tradicija i kvalitet bez kompromisa “Sanidei”
Family tradition and quality without compromises
AUTOR: Jelena Kovačević
Kompanija “Sanidei” bavi se projektovanjem stambeno-poslovnih objekata, kao i projektovanjem i izvođenjem enterijera. Tokom više od 20 godina poslovanja, ova kompanija se razvila u uspešan poslovni sistem koji je na teritoriji Beograda projektovao i realizovao brojne stambeno-poslovne objekte, poput objekata u Ulici Dušana Bogdanovića, Trnskoj, Resavskoj, Krunskoj i Birčaninovoj ulici, kao i porodične vile u naseljima Senjak i Dedinje. Velika
posvećenost, stručnost, entuzijazam i iskustvo njihovih zaposlenih, a pre svega arhitekata koji prate i primenjuju najnovije trendove i tehnološka dostignuća građenja i materijalizacije, omogućavaju da se realizuju atraktivni i često veoma zahtevni projekti.
“Sanidei” company is engaged in construction of residential and commercial buildings in Dušana Bogdanovića, Trnska, Resavska, Krunska and Bričaninova streets, as well as family villas in Senjak and Dedinje. Great commitment, competence, enthusiasm and experience of their employees, especially architects who supervise and implement
newest trends and technology achievements in construction and materialization, enableD realization of attractive and very often demanding projects.
O poslovanju kompanije “Sanidei”, njihovim realizovanim projektima i budućim planovima razgovarali smo sa Davidom Niketićem.
About „Sanidei“ company‘s business, their implemented projects and future plans we talked with David Niketić.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Da li je svet nekretnina oduvek bio vaš izbor? David Niketić: Smatram da je potrebno dosta vremena kako bi se shvatilo da li su nekretnine i građevina dobar odabir profesije jer je to vrlo nedefinisan svet; obuhvata mnoge sektore biznisa, ekonomiju, arhitekturu, građevinu, prava. Međutim, svet nekretnina je oduvek bio deo mog života, kao i porodične istorije, od pradede i dede, koji su bili građevinci, pa sve do oca koji je 1994. godine osnovao građevinskoinvesticionu kompaniju koju i dan-danas vodimo. Napravio sam izbor tek pošto sam shvatio šta taj biznis podrazumeva i šta sa sobom nosi, a to je odgovornost da, zajedno sa saradnicima, brend koji je moj otac stvorio unapredim za sledeće generacije naše porodice i partnera. Upravo ta odgovornost i kultura kompanije ono su što me je privuklo da napravim ovaj izbor. Kompanija „Sanidei” je na teritoriji Beograda izgradila brojne stambeno-poslovne objekte, kao što su objekti u Ulici Dušana Bogdanovića, Trnskoj, Resavskoj, Krunskoj i Birčaninovoj ulici, kao i porodične vile u naselju Senjak, ulicama Vladete Kovačevića i Vase Pelagića. Po čemu se vaši projekti izdvajaju? David Niketić: Produkt većina može da napravi i imitira, dok je brend unikatan. Ono što ga izdvaja i čini njegovu
Has real estate world always been your choice? David Niketić: I believe that one needs some time to decide whether real estate and construction would be a good choice for profession since both are undefined worlds; this area includes various sectors of business, economy, architecture, construction and laws. However, real estate world was part of my life ever since, as well as part of my family history, from my great-grandfather and grandfather who were construction workers to my father who established construction-investment company in 1994 which he still runs. Only after I realized what business really means and what it takes to run it did I make my choice. It means responsibility of myself and my associates to improve the brand created by my father for future generations of our family and partners. This responsibility and culture of the company encouraged me to make my choice. “Sanidei” company constructed numerous residential and business buildings on the territory of Belgrade, such as buildings in Dušana Bogdanovića, Trnska, Resavska, Krunska and Bričaninova streets, as well as family villas in Senjak and Dedinj. What makes your projects stand out from the others? David Niketić: The product can easily be made and copied by anyone, but the brand is unique. What makes it stand out from the others and makes its essence are the values and mission it presents. We believe that the final aim of each our project, beside quality and attractiveness of our buildings, is the quality
srž jesu vrednosti koje predstavlja i misija kojom se vodi. Verujemo da konačni cilj svakog našeg projekta, pored kvaliteta i lepote zgrada, jesu kvalitetni međuljudski odnosi, saradnja, profesionalnost i dugoročnost. Sve to dovodi do beskompromisnog kvaliteta naših objekata, od grubih građevinskih radova do fasade i enterijera, što za rezultat ima činjenicu da se svaki naš objekat rasproda u predizgradnji. Iz arhitektonskog ugla, u većini slučajeva izgled naših objekata prati oblike i karakteristike neoklasicizma i modernizma, u zavisnosti od lokacije na kojoj gradimo, s velikim akcentom na to da svaki novi objekat bude bolji od prethodnog, što u estetskom, tako i u tehnološkom smislu, što nas je i dovelo do toga da, pored visokokvalitetnih materijala, naše zgrade oplemenimo i smart home sistemima automatizacije. Kompanija “Sanidei”, pored brojnih stambeno-poslovnih objekata, svoj portfolio obogatila je i kompleksom apartmana na Zlatiboru, koji svojim izgledom i kvalitetom premašuju postojeće objekte na toj teritoriji. David Niketić: Za naše gradske objekte oduvek smo nalazili inspiraciju u evropskim metropolama poput Pariza, Rima, Barselone. Isto tako, pronašli smo izvor inspiracije u švajcarskim Alpima i arhitekturi planinskih gradova poput
of interpersonal relations, cooperation, professionalism and durability. It all leads to the uncompromising quality of our buildings, from rough construction works to facade and interior resulting in the fact that all our buildings are sold out in pre-construction. From the angle of architecture, in most cases, the appearance of our buildings follows the forms and characteristics of neoclassicism and modernism, depending on the location. We pay great attention to making each building better than the previous, in both aesthetic and technology sense by using high-quality materials and enriching our buildings with smart home automatization systems. “Sanidei” company supplemented its portfolio of numerous residential and business projects by the complex of apartments in Zlatibor, which transcends existing buildings by its appearance and quality. David Niketić: For our city buildings, we were always looking for inspiration in European metropolis like Paris, Rome and Barcelona. We also found inspiration in Swiss Alps and architecture of mountain cities like Crans Montana, Saint Maurice and Zermatt. We intended to transfer the same spirit and beauty to our country at one of the most beautiful mountains and destinations. We managed to create a complex of apartments of 10.000 square meters providing intimacy, privacy and tranquility for clients. The complex is adapted to both, winter and summer season and the settlement has an
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Nedavno je kompanija „Sanidei” završila još jedan ekskluzivni stambeno-poslovni objekat, u Krunskoj br. 90. Zamolili smo arhitektu kompanije Sanjina Grbića da ovu zgradu predstavi iz arhitektonskog ugla i ujedno nas upozna s materijalima koji su korišćeni u njenoj izgradnji. Sanjin Grbić: Centralni akcenat ovog objekta predstavlja ulazni portal u art deko stilu, sa plitkim dekorativnim bronzanim reljefom koji dodatno naglašava ulazna vrata. Stambeni spratovi su bogatije dekorisani, dok je fasada projektovana u neoklasicističkom stilu, sa elementima francuskog baroka. Obloga fasade i dekorativni elementi izvedeni su od armiranog stiropora. U prizemlju i mezaninu objekta nalazi se poslovni prostor, dok su od 1. do 6. sprata projektom predviđeni stanovi. Veličina, prostorna rešenja, materijalizacija i oprema stanova odgovaraju najvišim standardima stanovanja. Ulična fasada je eklektična, predstavlja mozaik nekoliko različitih arhitektonskih stilova, simbiozu arhitektonskog jezika moderne, art dekoa i neoklasicizma. Rezultat ovakvog projektantskog pristupa je formom i detaljima bogata, upečatljiva i prepoznatljiva fasada. Fasadna stolarija stambenog dela izvedena je u sistemu drvo-aluminijum sa troslojnim zastakljenjem. Ograde na terasama i francuskim balkonima su od kovanog gvožđa, bogato dekorisane. Terase i prilazni plato ispred objekta popločani su pločama od prirodnog kamena. U enterijeru su primenjeni ekskluzivni, prirodni materijali, a podovi su u kombinaciji kamenih ploča i parketa. Plafoni su spušteni, od gipskartonskih ploča, projektovani u kaskadama, sa indirektnim osvetljenjem. Ulazna vrata su sigurnosna, sa drvenom oblogom, rađena po posebnom zahtevu i projektu, nestandardne visine od 250 cm kao i sva vrata u enterijeru. U objekat su ugrađeni savremeni sistemi podnog grejanja, plafonskog vazdušnog hlađenja i ventilacije, a sva ugradna tehnika, sanitarna oprema i pribor su renomiranih zapadnoevropskih proizvođača.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
“Sanidei” company recently completed an exclusive residential and business building in Krunska 90. We asked the architect of the company Sanjin Grbić to present this building from the angle of architecture and familiarize us with the materials used during its construction. Sanjin Grbić: The central accent of the building is the entrance portal in art deco style, with narrow decorative bronze relief which emphasizes the entrance door. Residential floors are richly decorated and facade is designed in neoclassicism style with elements of French baroque. Facade cover and decorative elements are made of armored Styrofoam which presents modern and exclusive material. In the ground floor and mezzanine of the building there are business premises and apartments are planned to be placed-From 1st to 6th floor. The size, facility solutions, materialization and equipment of apartments are in line with the highest living standards. Street facade is eclectic and represents a mosaic of diverse architecture styles and symbiosis of modern, art deco and neoclassicism architecture. The result of such approach is a facade rich in form and details. Facade woodwork of the residential part is created as the wood-aluminum system with three layer glass. Fences of the terraces and French balconies are made of forged steel and fully decorated. Terraces and entrance plateau are covered with nature rock boards. Exclusive and natural materials are used for the interior, and floors are covered with combination of rock boards and parquet. Ceilings are low, covered with gypsum cardboards, designed in cascades with indirect lightening. Entrance door are secured with wooden layer, made on the special request and design of nonstandard height of 250 cm, as also all interior doors. Modern systems of underfloor heating, ceiling air cooling and ventilation were installed, and all technical equipment, sanitary and tools are provided by west European manufacturers.
Krans Montane, Sent Morica i Zermata. Ono što smo želeli jeste da prenesemo isti taj duh i lepotu u našu zemlju i to na jednu od naših najlepših planina i destinacija. Uspeli smo da stvorimo kompleks apartmana od 10.000 m2 koji poštuje intimu, privatnost i mir klijenata i koji je prilagođen kako zimskom, tako i letnjem periodu, zbog činjenice da naselje poseduje i otvoreni bazen kojem mogu pristupiti isključivo stanovnici kompleksa. Posebno nas raduje činjenica da smo za taj projekat dobili nagradu najlepšeg krova u Evropi, na ceremoniji održanoj u Austriji. Koliko je dobar odabir saradnika bitan faktor za uspešno poslovanje vaše kompanije? David Niketić: Odabir dobrih saradnika i njihova profesionalnost čine ogroman deo naših uspeha. Od arhitektonskih biroa “Time Studio” i “Atelje Grbić”, koji su nas u projektantskom i arhitektonskom smislu pratili i davali neophodnu podršku na svakom projektu, izvođača radova “Kej Valjevo” i “Euroimpex” koji su celu operaciju i logistiku vodili besprekorno, kao i ostalih partnera, došli smo do okolnosti da nijedan problem nije nerešiv i da je uspeh uvek bio zagarantovan. Veliki broj naših partnera i saradnika u prvom momentu bili su kupci naših stanova. Posle upoznavanja sa našom kompanijom, dinamikom i vrednostima kojima se vodimo, odlučili su da i partnerski uđu u buduće projekte. Partnerstvo je brak, zbog toga partnere biramo s opreznošću. open pool accessible only by complex visitors. We are very happy to be awarded for the most beautiful roof of Europe, at the ceremony held in Austria. How important is good selection of associates for the successful business of the company? David Niketić: The selection of associates and its competencies are very important for the success. From Bureau of architecture “Time Studio” and “Atelje Grbić” who accompanied us in projecting and architecture and provided support for each project, to construction companies “Key Valjevo” and “Euroimpex” who perfectly run the whole operation and logistics, as well as other partners, we got to
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Koji su vaši dalji planovi? David Niketić: U 2017. biće kompletirana višeporodična vila na Senjaku, a u isto vreme biće započet novi objekat na Dedinju, u Ulici neznanog junaka. Na Zlatiboru će u 2017. biti završeni enterijeri kompleksa ’’Zlatibor 1.000’’ i spremni za useljenje. Početkom 2017. započinjemo izgradnju osam vila na obali Crne Gore, što će biti naš prvi projekat van Srbije. Naš plan je da nastavimo da okupljamo dobre saradnike i partnere i da zajedničkim snagama postižemo kvalitetne rezultate.
the point where no problem is unsolvable and each project is successful. Great number of our partners and associates were our clients at first. When they got acquainted with the business of our company, dynamics and values we prize, they decided to become our partners for future projects. Partnership is like marriage, so we carefully choose our partners. What are your future plans? David Niketić: In 2017 we plan to complete family housing villa at Senjak. At the same time we will start the construction of buildings in Dedinje, in Ulica Neznanog junaka street. In 2017, complex “Zlatibor 1000” in Zlatibor will be completed and ready to move in. At the beginning of 2017, we will commence the construction of eight villas at the coast of Montenegro, which will be our first project out of Serbia. We plan to continue gathering good associates and partners and achieving great results.
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SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Saradnja kompanija „West Properties“ i „Lafarge“ Cooperation between „West Properties“ and „Lafarge“ AUTOR: Filip Šorak
Kompanija „West Properties“ potpisala je ugovor o partnerskoj saradnji sa kompanijom „Lafarge“ o zastupanju u prodaji potpuno novog koncepta gradnje i proizvoda na srpskom tržištu, „Lafarge kuća“.
„West Properties“ company and „Lafarge“ company signed sales representative agreement on the new concept of construction and production on the Serbian market „Lafarge houses“.
Sporazum je potpisan sa ciljem ostvarivanja uspešne saradanje na projektu „Lafarge kuća“, promovisanja zajedničkih interesa i namere da kompanija „West Properties“ svojim iskustvom u prodaji i poznavanjem tržišta nekretnina u Srbiji doprinese razvoju i popularizaciji „Lafarge kuća“, koje predstavljaju jedinstven proizvod u Srbiji.
The agreement was signed with the aim to provide successfull cooperation on the project „Lafarge houses“, promote joint interests and the intention of the company „West Properties“ to contribute by its experience in the sales market to the development and popularisation of „Lafarge houses“ as a unique product in Serbia
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Prema rečima izvršnog direktora kompanije „West Properties“ Vladimira Popovića, zajedničke vrednosti koje dele ove dve kompanije – sigurnost, briga o kupcima i posvećenost - bile su osnova za početak ove saradnje: „Naša kompanija se neprestano razvija i unapređuje, s ciljem da svoju uslugu podigne na najviši mogući nivo. Razvoj tržišta, inovacije u svetu nekretnina i potrebe naših klijenata motivišu nas da i mi uvek dajemo više. Naše znanje, iskustvo i poznavanje tržišta glavni su razlozi zbog kojih je kompanija “Lafarge” u nama prepoznala partnera. Verujem da zajedno možemo da tržištu u najboljem svetlu predstavimo koncept “Lafarge kuće” i ukažemo na savremeni način izgradnje stambenih objekata.“
Projekat „Lafarge kuća“ privukao je do sada veliko interesovanje srpske javnosti, pre svega ponudom izgradnje kuća po principu „ključ u ruke“. Ova ponuda uključuje: •
garanciju roka za izgradnju kompletnog objekta za 28 dana;
obezbeđivanje uslova za izgradnju, kao i za građevinske dozvole (u ime kupca);
izradu projekta i izbor zajedničkog rešenja kuće uz asistenciju najeminentnijih arhitekata; (kupac bira materijale za završnu obradu). Mogućnost biranja nekog od postojećih rešenja, kao i izrade novog rešenja po želji kupca;
primenu prefabrikovanih sistema gradnje, odnosno trajnost objekta sa minimalnim ulaganjima u održavanje.
Ujedno, prvi put na tržištu, a u okviru ove jedinstvene ponude građevinskog giganta i pouzdanih partnera, potencijalni kupci „Lafarge kuća“ dobijaju stambeni kredit za izgradnju kuće po želji. Na ovaj način svi građani Srbije imaju mogućnost da na brz, efikasan i potpuno nov način izgradnje i po povoljnoj ceni dođu do doma koji će biti spoj modernog dizajna i kvalitetne i sigurne gradnje.
Project „Lafarge houses“ attracted great interest of the Serbian audience, mostly by the construction „turn key“ principle. This includes:
According to the executive director of the „West Properties“ company, Vladimir Popović, common values of the two companies – confidence, customer care and commitment were the base for the beginning of the cooperation. „Our company is continuosly developing and improving with the aim to provide the best possible service. Market development, innovations in the world of real estate and our clients‘ needs are motivating our company to give more. Our knowledge, experience and understanding of the market were the main reasons to „Lafarge“ company to recognised us as partners. I believe that together we can perfectly represent „Lafarge houses“ and express the modern construction of residential buildings.“
guarantee of 28 days deadline for the completion of the building;
providing conditions for the construction as well as the building licence (in the name of the client);
designing and joint selection of the solution with the assistence of most eminent architects; (materials for final processing are chosen by the client)
possibility to chose some of the existing solutions as well as new tailor made designs on client’s request ;
implementaing prefabricated construction systems and durability of the building with minimal maintenance investments.
Also for the first time on the market and within this unique offer made by the construction giant and its reliable partners, potential buyers of „Lafarge houses“, will be able to get the housing loan for the construction of the house with tailor made designs. This way, all citizens of Serbia will have an opportunity to build affordable homes in a very fast, efficient and new construction method which will merge modern design with good quality and safe construction.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
Magazine SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Harmonija oblika i boja Harmony of shapes and colors
Stambeno-poslovni objekat u Đevđelijskoj ulici broj 13 možda je pravi predstavnik gradske arhitekture Beograda zastupljene u proteklih 20 godina. Planom je predviđen kao dvostrano uzidan, objekat koji odiše nepretencioznošću, a izdvaja se harmonijom oblika i boja.
Residential and office building in Đevđelijska 13 street is a true representative of city architecture of Belgrade which was present during the last 20 years. It was planned to be bilaterally walled and unpretentious. It stands out with harmony of shapes and colors.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
zgradnja objekta, započeta oktobra 2015. godine, koju je vodio stručni tim inženjera „House VIP engeneering“, tekla je bez nepredviđenih poteškoća. Završena je u okviru predviđenog roka od 12 meseci. Samim završetkom izgradnje ovog objekta izvršena je transformacija neparne strane Đevđelijske ulice iz ruralne u gradsku arhitektonsku strukturu. Poštovanjem plana zadatih visina venaca i slemena objekta, kao i predviđene spratnosti, objekat u Đevđelijskoj ulici br. 13 samo upotpunjuje jedan odavno započet niz gradskih uzidanih kuća. Materijali korišćeni za izgradnju objekta oličenje su menadžmenta „House VIP engeneering“ koje je investiralo u izgradnju objekta. Njihovo poznavanje tržišta i postojanosti materijala doveli su do odabira materijala vrhunskog kvaliteta i estetike. Interpolacija funkcije poslovanja i stanovanja zahtevala je različit “tretman” poslovnog i stambenog dela objekta, te su za jednostavno a efikasno vizuelno razdvajanje
ove dve funkcije korišćeni materijali dijametralno različitih boja i tekstura. Fasadna obloga poslovnog dela objekta je pikovani kamen u sivom tonu, dok je obloga stambenog dela objekta u svetlosivoj, skoro beloj boji. Jak kontrast u tonovima dao je objektu “postament” od kamena u antracit sivim tonovima. Horizontalne linije između svake etaže naglašene vencima i čipkom terasne bravarije daju stanovanju kome su namenjene životnost, dok fasadno osvetljenje detalje na fasadi ne ostavlja neprimetne ni noću. Kvalitetu materijala korišćenih za oblogu fasada odgovara kvalitet materijala korišćenih za obloge unutrašnjih prostora. Svi podovi zajedničkih komunikacija obloženi su granitnom keramikom, dok su kao obloga stambenih prostorija korišćeni parket i podna keramika. Ugrađena termo, hidro i zvučna izolacija, u svim projektom predviđenim
Mirne horizontalne linije fasada i neutralne boje koje ih definišu svrstavaju ovaj objekat u kompletna dela arhitekture. Still horizontal facade lines and neutral defining colors rank this building in holistic architecture creations.
he construction of building commenced in October 2015 and was managed by the team of engineer experts „House VIP engineering“. The construction proceeded without obstacles and was finished within the deadline of 12 months. When completely constructed, odd sides of the building in Đevđelijska street were transformed from rural to city architectural structure. In line with planned hights of crests and the ridge as well as planned number of floors, the building in Đevđelijska 13 street completes a range of city walled houses which was under the construction long time ago. The management of „House VIP enginnering“ have been using personalised materials. Their good knowledge about the market and durability of materials led to the choice of high quality materials and aesthetics. Interpolation of business and residential functions required different „treatment“ of business and residential part of the building.
In order to achieve unity of both, meterials of diametrically diverse colors and textures were used for simple and efficient visual separation of these two functions. Facade cover of the business part of the building is a piqued type stone in a gray tone, while the lining residential part of the building in a light gray, almost white color. A strong contrast in color tones was provided by rock base in antracit grey tone. Horizontal lines between two floors, emphasised with crests and gourds on the terrace metalworks, emit vitality to the residential part and make facade lightening details visibile during the night. Good quality materials which were used for the facade cover correspond to the qualilty of materials used for covering the interior. All floors of cumulative communications were covered with granit ceramics, and parcquet and floor ceramics were used for residential facilities. An absolute
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
pozicijima, poslovanju i stanovanju u ovom objektu obezbeđuju apsolutni komfor. Toplotni komfor obezbeđen je razvodom grejnih tela priključenih na sistem centralnog i alternativnog etažnog grejanja i ugradnjom fasadne stolarije aluminijum drvo šestokomornih profila sa termoizolujućim staklom
sa niskoemisionim slojem i ispunom od argona i ksenona.
comfor for business and living has been achieved by setting up thermo, hydro and audio insulation in all positions planned by the project. Heating comfort has been provided through incorporated heating devices connected to the remote heating system and through incorporated facade aluminum - wood profile with 6 chambers of thermo insulation glass with low-emission layer and argon/xenon filling.
For the completion of comfort was constructed parking space on two and a half levels, plus a parking space outside. Parking space access to the driving ramp.
Za upotpunjenje komfora izveden je parking prostor na dva i po nivoa, plus parking prostor na otvorenom. Parking prostoru pristupa se voznom rampom.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Restitucija u Srbiji R e stit uti on i n S erbi a Autor: Verica Pantelić
Tokom 2016. godine Agencija za restituciju donela je brojna rešenja kojima je vlasnicima i njihovim zakonskim naslednicima vraćen veliki broj objekata, poslovnih prostora, stanova i zgrada na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Procenjuje se da je vrednost vraćene imovine, a uz nju i neizgrađenog građevinskog zemljišta, šuma i šumskog i poljoprivrednog zemljišta, oko milijardu evra, dok bi
proces naturalne restitucije trebalo da bude završen do kraja ove godine. Agencija je do sada rešila skoro polovinu zahteva, a za drugu polovinu nisu doneta rešenja jer je mahom reč o obeštećenju, gde će se ići na novčanu nadoknadu, što će početi 2018. godine. građanima, kakva je situacija po pitanju naturalne restitucije i obeštećenja i sl.
Strahinja Sekulić
During 2016, the Restitution Agency has adopted many decisions which enabled owners and their legal successors to regain a number of facilities, business premises, apartments and buildings on the territory of Republic of Serbia. The value of restituted property and unused construction estate, forests and forest and agriculture lands is
estimated to about billion euros. The process of natural restitution should be completed by the end of the year. Up to now, the Agency has executed 50% of total number of requests whilst other half of requests are mostly compensations which require financial reimbursement. The realization of the latter is planned for 2018.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Strahinja Sekulić, direktor Agencije za restituciju Srbije, za Real Estate Magazin otkriva dokle se u Srbiji stiglo sa procesom restitucije, koliko je imovine u dosadašnjem postupku restitucije vraćeno građanima, kakva je situacija po pitanju naturalne restitucije i obeštećenja i sl. Koliki teret proces restitucije predstavlja za državu Srbiju, odnosno za vašu agenciju?
U kojoj beogradskoj opštini je do sada vraćeno najviše imovine? Strahinja Sekulić: Najveći broj nepokretnosti vraćen je u beogradskoj opštini Stari grad, što je i bilo realno za očekivati, imajući u vidu da je pre Drugog svetskog rata na teritoriji opštine Stari grad bio koncentrisan centar poslovnih aktivnosti najvećeg broja trgovaca, industrijalaca i zanatlija na teritoriji grada Beograda koji su na toj opštini posedovali nepokretnosti koje su nakon Drugog svetskog rata merama tadašnje komunističke vlasti podržavljene, odnosno oduzete.
Strahinja Sekulić: Iako na prvi pogled može delovati da proces restitucije predstavlja opterećenje za budžet Republike Srbije, kada se sve sagleda, može se zaključiti da će finansijski efekti tog procesa, gledano na srednji rok, biti čak i ekonomski pozitivni, imajući u vidu prihode koje će država ostvariti kroz priliv sredstava ostvarenih naplatom poreza na vraćenu imovinu, zatim poreza na zakup nepokretnosti koje su vraćene u postupku restitucije bivšim vlasnicima, kao i poreza na prenos apsolutnih prava koji će pratiti promet nepokretnosti koje su vraćene u postupku restitucije.
Kakva je situacija po pitanju naturalne restitucije i obeštećenja?
Koliko je imovine u dosadašnjem postupku restitucije vraćeno građanima?
i donosi rešenja o utvrđivanju prava na obeštećenje za oduzetu imovinu. Na osnovu njih će Vlada Republike Srbije na predlog ministarstva nadležnog za poslove finansija utvrditi koeficijent neophodan za izračunavanje iznosa obeštećenja u svakom konkretnom slučaju.
Strahinja Sekulić: U dosadašnjem toku rada Agencije za restituciju vraćeno je ukupno 5.516 nepokretnost, ukupne površine 390.000 m2. Od tog ukupnog broja, koji obuhvata poslovne prostore, stanove i zgrade kao celine, vraćeno je 3.885 poslovnih prostora, 691 stan, 738 zgrada. Što se tiče zemljišta, do sada je vraćeno oko 216ha neizgrađenog građevinskog zemljišta, 4.000ha šumskog zemljišta i 14.520ha poljoprivrednog zemljišta. Kako se iz navedenih podataka može videti, ova agencija je u relativno kratkom roku, poredeći se sa zemljama u okruženju koje su sprovodile postupak vraćanja oduzete imovine, uspela da reši veliki broj zahteva i da vrati oduzetu imovinu bivšim vlasnicima, odnosno njihovim zakonskim naslednicima.
Strahinja Sekulić: Vraćanje imovine u naturalnom obliku, što predstavlja i zakonski imperativ u svakom konkretnom slučaju kada su za to ispunjeni uslovi predviđeni Zakonom o vraćanju oduzete imovine i obeštećenju, biće završeno do kraja 2017. godine jer je do sada obrađeno oko 90% takvih zahteva. Nakon toga će se u punom obimu pristupiti donošenju odluka o obeštećenju, po kojim zahtevima Agencija već postupa
Da li će restitucija staviti tačku na pitanje imovinskih odnosa u Srbiji? Strahinja Sekulić: Proces restitucije koji se sprovodi u Republici Srbiji u velikoj meri će doprineti konačnom razgraničenju privatne od državne imovine, ali pred našom državom i dalje ostaje veliki izazov i važan zadatak da konačno razreši pitanje vlasništva, naročito nad poljoprivrednim i građevinskim zemljištem, posebno imajući u vidu proces privatizacije sprovedene u prethodnom period. Nakon toga će se dobiti potpuni i precizni podaci o tome koja je imovina u vlasništvu Republike Srbije.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Strahinja Sekulić, Director of the Restitution Agency, explains for the Real Estate Magazine, at what extent the restitution process in Serbia has been developed, how much property has been restituted to the citizens during ongoing process, what is the situation in respect of natural restitution and compensations, etc. What burden does the restitution make on the budget of Republic of Serbia or your Agency? Strahinja Sekulić: At first glance, it might look that the restitution process makes a huge burden for the budget of Republic of Serbia. On the other hand, with a comprehensive review, we might conclude that financial effects of the process, when considered on a short-term, can be economically positive having on mind the revenues which can be generated through intakes gained by tax charges on restituted properties, taxes on property lease which have been restituted to former owners through the restitution process, as well as the taxes on transfer of absolute rights as a result of mediation for selling and leasing real estate on the properties restituted through the restitution process. How much property has been restituted to citizens during the restitution process?
What is the situation in the area of natural restitution and compensations? Strahinja Sekulić: Restitution of the property in its natural form, which is a legal imperative in each particular case when preconditions are met by the Low on property restitution and compensation, will be completed by the end of 2017 since there were 90% of request executed so far. Execution of compensation requests will follow in its full extent. The Agency is carrying out decisions on settlement of rights for property compensation. In line with such decisions, the Government of the Republic of Serbia and on the proposition given by the line Ministry responsible for financial operations, shall specify the compensation ratio in each particular case. Will restitution end ownership matters in Serbia? Strahinja Sekulić: Restitution process carried out in the Republic of Serbia will highly enhance the final delimitation of state assets, but there is still a real challenge and an important task to eventually resolve the matter of ownership, especially over the agricultural and construction lands, taking into consideration privatization process which occurred in the previous period. Complete and precise data on the property owned by the Republic of Serbia will follow.
Strahinja Sekulić: The number of 5.516 properties or 390.000 m2 total in size, has been restituted so far through Restitution Agency operations. Out of the total number, including business premises, apartments and buildings in whole, 3.885 business premises, 691 apartments and 738 buildings has been restituted. When talking about land properties, around 216ha of unused construction estates, 4.000ha of forest lands and 14.520ha of agriculture lands has been restituted so far. As it can be seen from the given data, in comparison with surrounding countries which carried out the restitution process, our Agency had managed to execute a significant number of requests and restituted properties to former owners or their legal successors. In which Belgrade municipality most property has been restituted? Strahinja Sekulić: The largest number of estates has been restituted in the municipality Stari grad, which was real to expect knowing the fact that prior to the World War II, a center of business activities was settled in Stari grad for vendors, industrialists and craftsmen who owned some property at the territory of Belgrade subtracted after World War II.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
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GRAĐEVINA – Construction
Floor Expert –
podovi kao jedinstveno umetničko delo Floor expert - floor as a unique artwork Savremeni zahtevi Na savremenom tržištu klijenti pred izvođače svakodnevno stavljaju sve više zahteva vezanih za vizuelne i dekorativne odlike podnih površina. Oni maštovitim podovima žele da pokažu svoju jedinstvenost i individualnost, ali od proizvoda takođe očekuju visoku izdržljivost, jednostavno održavanje i ekonomičnost. „Floor Expert epoksi sistemi“ predstavljaju „Heliosovo“ novo pametno rešenje specijalizovano za zaštitu i dekoraciju betonskih podloga u enterijeru. Svojim karakteristikama, poput kompaktnosti (bez vidljivih spojeva i praznina), ovi sistemi mogu da ispune sva savremena očekivanja i omoguće kreativnu slobodu uz visoku izdržljivost. Primenom različitih tehnika aplikacije uz korišćenje obojenih kvarcnih zrna, tzv. „čipseva“, kao i odabirom nijansi prema RAL ton karti, moguće je kreirati čitav niz različitih, artistički jedinstvenih i iznad svega veoma dekorativnih podnih površina.
New Epoxy Flooring Solutions By the day, our customers have higher demands on optical and decorative quality of the floor surface. They want flooring that gives each room a unique, individual touch expecting at the same time lowmaintenance, supremely durable and economically efficient features. Floor Expert design coatings are our new smart epoxy floor systems specialized for the protection and decoration of concrete floors for inside and outside.Being poured smoothly and seamlessly they can meet all modern expectation from creative freedom to durability. Due to different application techniques (modeling techniques), plastics granulate interspersion (chips) and color design in the RAL colors, whole range of diverse, artistically unique, decorative floors can be made. REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
GRAĐEVINA – Construction
Nova „Heliosova“ robna marka - beskrajne mogućnosti „Floor Expert epoksi sistemi“ podnih premaza mogu se koristiti kako u privatnim, tako i u industrijskim prostorima. Ove sisteme su već prepoznali arhitekte i projektanti, a posebno izvođači podnih obloga, jer su prilagodljivi zahtevima svakodnevice nove generacije klijenata. Bazirani na epoksi smolama, uz jednolično niveliranje bez vidljivih prelaza prilikom postavljanja, idealni su za aplikaciju u privatnom prostoru poput kuhinje, garaže i dnevnog boravka, gde pružaju visok nivo udobnosti prilikom hodanja, uz izvanrednu otpornost na habanje. Njihova izdržljivost i ekonomičnost čine ih idealnim i za oblaganje industrijskih prostora poput hala, skladišta, radionica, oglednih prostora, bolnica, laboratorija i dr, jer osim što su postojani na habanje, delovanje vode i hemikalija, zadovoljavaju i visoke higijenske standarde. Da su naši kupci zadovoljni dokaz je već postavljen milion kvadratnih metara. Bitno je istaći da su pri njihovoj proizvodnji korišćene najnovije tehnologije, a poseban naglasak stavljen je na sigurnost, kako za okolinu prilikom proizvodnje, tako i za krajnjeg korisnika, dok prilikom postavljanja nema intenzivnog mirisa.
„Floor Expert“ od sada i u Srbiji – za više informacija kontaktirajte „Helios Srbija“ a. d. Floor Expert from now on in Serbia – for more information please contact Helios Srbija a.d.
One brand, endless possibilities Floor Expert epoxy floor systems can be used either in private or commercial interior as well as exterior areas. These systems are recognized as the ones who are in line with modern everyday living which makes them particularly interesting to architects and planners but also to contractors in flooring segment. Based on resin, laid seamlessly and particularly low-maintenance, they are ideal for personal applications, especially because of their modern design and the comfortable walking experience (kitchens, garages, living rooms, etc.) but also in the commercial sector because of their supreme durability and economic efficiency, which has already been proven on millions of square meters. (industrial plants, warehouses, workshops, showrooms, shops, hospitals, laboratories etc.) We are continuously investing in new technologies, improving production procedures and safety measures for both, our workers and the environment.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
Magazine SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Zastupanje investitora INVESTORS REPRESENTATION Autor: Jelena Kovačević
ovom broju Real Estate magazina razgovarali smo sa Anom Marković, direktorom prodaje u kompaniji „West Properties“, koja ima dugogodišnje iskustvo na poziciji direktora stambenog odeljenja u internacionalnim kompanijama „Colliers International” i „NAI Atrium”. Tokom svoje karijere uspešno je vodila prodaju velikog broja stambenih i projekata mešovite namene za domaće i strane investitore.. 2016. godine dobila je prestižni sertifikat MRICS koji dodeljuje „Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors” kao prva u Srbiji sa specijalizacijom za stambene nekretnine.
n this issue of Real Estate Magazine we spoke to Ana Marković, Head of Sales in „West Properties“company. She has long-standing experience as Director of residential brokerage services in international companies “Colliers International” and “NAI Atrium”. During her career, she successfully lead sales of numerous residential and mix-use projects for local and foreign investors. In 2016 she was the first in Serbia to obtain the prestigious MRICS certificate with specialization in residential real estate, awarded by “Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors”.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
Tržište nekretnina u Srbiji prilično se oporavilo u poslednjih nekoliko godina i beleži blagi rast. Sve više investitora odlučuje se da ulaže u nekretnine. Da li su investitori promenili odnos prema agencijama za posredovanje u prometu nekretnina? Ana Marković: U odnosu na period od pre 12 godina kada sam počela da se bavim zastupanjem investitora u prodaji stambenih projekata i projekata mešovite namene, mnogo toga se promenilo. U to vreme su agencije za posredovanje imale lošu reputaciju i angažovao ih je samo ko je morao, uglavnom za kupovinu polovnih stanova. Strani investitori poput GTC-a prvi su počeli da angažuju agencije umesto da zapošljavaju svoj kadar, i to zbog našeg detaljnog poznavanja lokalnog tržišta. Naš najveći izazov bio je da stranim investitorima dokažemo da i mi u Srbiji možemo da pružimo vrhunsku uslugu. Trebalo nam je nekoliko godina da ubedimo tržište da nisu sve agencije iste. Pošto smo uspeli da razbijemo predrasude i domaći investitori su počeli da nas angažuju. Vremenom je postalo normalno da strani investitori, investitori koji razvijaju prvi projekat ili investitori kojima nekretnine nisu osnovna delatnost, Ana Marković angažuju agencije da im vode prodaju. Na koji način se to odražava na kupce? Ana Marković: U poslednjih nekoliko godina došlo je do generalnog unapređenja tržišta i, pored toga što imaju mnogo veći izbor, kupci su postali mnogo edukovaniji. Pored obazrivosti i opreznosti pri donošenju odluka o kupovini nekretnine, kupci polažu mnogo više pažnje na detalje poput kvaliteta gradnje i završnih radova, funkcionalnosti i iskorišćenosti prostora, spratnosti, orijentacije, energetske efikasnosti... Bitan faktor su i opcije za plaćanje i kreditni uslovi za konkretan projekat. Samim tim kupci sve češće očekuju podršku
Real estate market in Serbia has fairly recovered and we experienced mild growth in the last couple of years. More and more investors are deciding to invest in real estate. Have the investors changed their attitude towards agencies for mediation in selling and leasing real estate? Ana Marković: A lot has changed since I started representing investors in selling of residential and mix-use projects 12 years ago. At that time, the real estate agencies had a bad reputation and their services were requested only by those who had no other options, mostly when purchasing second hand apartments. The foreign investors like “GTC” were the first ones that started outsourcing real estate agencies instead of employing their own staff because of our in-depth understanding of the local market. The greatest challenge was to prove to the foreign investors that there were agencies in Serbia that were able to provide excellent service. It took us several years to convince the market that not all agencies were the same. Once we managed to break this prejudice, the local investors also started hiring us. In time, it became a regular thing for the foreign investors, the investors who were developing their first project or the investors for whom real estate was not core business, to outsource sales to a real estate agency. How does this reflect the buyers? Ana Marković: In the last couple of years, the real estate market became more developed. In addition to the fact that the buyers now have a bigger choice, they also became more educated on the subject. Besides being cautious and reserved when making a decision regarding real estate purchase, the buyers pay more attention to details like quality of the construction and finishing works, functionality and the usage of space, number of floors, orientation, energy efficiency… The payment options and terms of financing for the specific project are also important factors. For these reasons, the buyers more frequently
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
SVET NEKRETNINA – World of Real Estate
eksperata da ih što efikasnije i bezbolnije provedu kroz proces kupovine. Takođe je bitno naglasiti da kada kompanija „West Properties“ zastupa investitora u prodaji, kupci nemaju finansijskih obaveza prema nama u smislu plaćanja provizije. Stoga nas doživljavaju kao nekog ko može da doda vrednost celoj transakciji bez dodatnog troška po njih.
expect the support of the experts to guide them through the process of purchasing the property efficiently and painlessly. It is also important to emphasize that when “West Properties” represents the investor in selling of their project, we do not charge the buyers any commission. Therefore, they perceive us as someone who can add value to the transaction without adding them cost.
Koliko je faktor inovativnosti značajan kod novih projekata?
How much is being innovative an important factor for the new developments?
Ana Marković: Inovativnost je veoma važna jer nijedan investitor ne voli kada na forumima pročita da njihov projekat deluje kao nešto što je već mnogo puta viđeno. Svakodnevno se pojavljuju novi materijali, tehnologija se razvija, sve je više pametnih i samoodrživih objekata. Stilovi u arhitekturi se takođe menjaju i nešto što je do pre desetak godina smatrano modernim i inovativnim, danas već deluje zastarelo ili čak prevaziđeno. Zbog toga investitori moraju stalno da se prilagođavaju promenama i da se trude da njihov projekat u pozitivnom smislu odskoči u odnosu na more drugih. Investitor koji natera ljude da zastanu ispred njegovog objekta i da požele da baš tu žive postigao je taj cilj. Uz to će postići i svoj osnovni cilj jer će se takav objekat najbrže prodati.
Ana Marković: Being innovative is very important because none of the investors likes to read on forum sites that their new project looks like something already seen many times. New materials appear every day, the technology is developing, more sustainable and smart buildings are being built. The tastes in architecture are also changing and something that was modern and innovative 10 years ago, today may look old fashioned and paseé. For this reason, the investors have to be constantly in line with the changes and make an effort for their projects to be different in a positive sense. The investors that get the people to stop in front of their building and really look at it, wishing that they owned an apartment there, have achieved that goal. At the same time, they will achieve their primary goal since such a building will sell faster.
U čemu se ogledaju prednosti kompanije „West Properties“ pri zastupanju investitora? Ana Marković: Prednosti za investitora koji angažuje „West Properties“ da ga zastupa u prodaji ili izdavanju njegovog projekta su mnogostruke. Pre svega, investitor dobija provereno iskusnog partnera koji će se o njegovoj nekretnini brinuti sa znanjem i posvećenošću. Naš tim čine ljudi koji su dugi niz godina bili rukovodioci stambenih odeljenja kompanija koje su bile lideri na našem tržištu. Pre krize, te kompanije su neštedljivo ulagale u svoj kadar, uz uspostavljanje korporativne kulture i internacionalnih standarda, što smo mi maksimalno iskoristili. S druge strane, veliki sistemi nameću i mnoga ograničenja koja takve agencije sputavaju da budu inovativne i fleksibilne pri pružanju usluga klijentima. Upravo je u tom segmentu kompanija „West Properties“ prepoznala priliku da se iskaže i da svakom investitoru i klijentu ponudi “custom made” uslugu. Mi svakog investitora posmatramo kao dugoročnog partnera i najveća satisfakcija nam je kada možemo da svojim znanjem, iskustvom i predanošću doprinesemo uspehu njegovog projekta.
What are the advantages of „West Properties“ in representation of the investors? Ana Marković: There are multiple advantages for the investor who hires “West Properties” to represent him in selling or leasing of his project. First of all, the investor gets an attested and experienced partner who will take care of his real estate with skill and devotions. Our team consists of people who were managing residential departments of the leading real estate companies for years. Before the crisis, those companies invested lots of time and money in their staff and in establishing corporative culture and international standards which we have used to the fullest. On the other hand, large systems impose many limitations and such agencies become restrained in respect of how innovative and flexible they can be when providing a service. This is a segment that “West Properties” recognized as an opportunity to stand out and provide “custom made” service for each client. We see each investor as a long-term partner and it is our greatest satisfaction when we can contribute to the success of their project with our knowledge, experience and dedication.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
GRAĐEVINA – Construction
Tržište osvajaju kvalitetom proizvoda, uz investicije i razvoj Conquering market by quality products with investments and development
Kompanija „Roloplast Mošić” iz Sremske Mitrovice u svom poslovanju ima četiri delatnosti u oblasti fasadne stolarije i zaštite od sunca. Segment proizvodnje PVC prozora i vrata, aluminijumskih konstrukcija i fasada, zaštite od sunca i insekata integralni su deo kom se posvećuje izuzetna pažnja pošto ti proizvodi dopiru direktno do klijenata u njihovim poslovnim i privatnim objektima i sa kojima se svakodnevno susreću u prostorima u kojima provode dosta vremena. Tu oblast poslovanja vodi vlasnik Branko Mošić, koji pored mnogobrojnih obaveza u upravljanju kompanijom posvećuje pažnju detaljima u proizvodnji i vuče strateške poteze za inoviranje investiranjem u mašine, softversku podršku i primenu novih materijala.
“Roloplast Mošić” Company from Sremska Mitrovica provides services in four areas of facade woodwork and sun protection sector. The segment of production of PVC windows and doors, aluminium constructions and facades, sun and insects protections is an integral part. Special attention is payed to this segment because of the fact that such products directly reach individual clients in their private or business facilities where they spend most of their time. This area of business is under direct management of the owner, Branko Mošić who, among other numerous responsibilites of running the company, focuses also on details of the production and makes statregical moves towards innovations by the procurement of modern machines, software equipment and implementation of new materials.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
GRAĐEVINA – Construction
Uprkos nelojalnoj konkurenciji, kompanija “Roloplast Mošić” uspela je da se zadrži među liderima na domaćem tržištu. Na koji način i kojim strategijama to postižete?
koji se primenjuju u našoj oblasti. Pomenuti pravci u poslovanju otvaruju nam prostor na tržištu na kom cena ne zauzima primarnu poziciju, a nelojalna konkurencija gubi svoju snagu.
Branko Mošić: Primarna strategija nam je negovanje poverenja kod klijenata, što smo ostvarili kroz poslovanje moje porodice u proteklih 50 godina. Svoje proizvode baziramo na visokom kvalitetu po najvišim svetskim standardima. Poslednjih nekoliko godina ulagali smo u opremu i softvere koji nam pomažu na tom putu. Naši zaposleni su u kontinuiranom edukativnom procesu kako bismo ispoštovali sve zahteve novih pravaca u arhitekturi
Kako ocenjujete poziciju domaćih PVC materijala i proizvoda u odnosu na uvozne, odnosno sa kakvim se eventualnim problemima susrećete?
Despite the disloyal competition, “Roloplast Mošić” managed to keep its position as a leader at local market. What are the methods and strategies that you use?
How would you rate the position of local PVC materials and products in comparison to imported ones, and what problems are you confronted with?
Branko Mošić: Our primary strategy is to justify the confidence of our clients which was built through the work of my family over the past 50 years. Our products are based on high quality which is in line with ultimate world standards. We have recently invested in the equipment and software in order to facilitate our future work. Our employees are in a continuous education process in order to easily meet all the requirements in modern architecture. New business trends make room for us on the market where prices don’t take a primary position and disloyal competence is weakening.
Branko Mošić: Domaća industrija PVC materijala u fasadnoj stolariji i zaštiti od sunca značajno kasni u odnosu na evropske zemlje, gde su standardi izuzetno stroži i striktno definisani. Problemi sa kojima se susrećemo u primeni domaćih sirovina se premošćavaju kombinovanjem sa proverenim
Branko Mošić: Local industry of PVC materials of facade woodwork and protection from sun is significantly late in comparison to European countries whose standards are more rigorous and strictly defined. When we are confronted with problems in purchasing local raw materials, we bridge them by combining trusted reputable manufacturers, thus obtaining quality final product and helping local industry as much as possible. To what extent does the expansion of construction works in Serbia affect your business? Branko Mošić: Each expansion of construction works affects the growth of business in the
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
GRAĐEVINA – Construction
materijalima renomiranih proizvođača, čime dobijamo kvalitetan finalni proizvod, a pomažemo domaću industriju upotrebom naših materijala, koliko je to moguće. Koliko povećani obim građevinskih radova u Srbiji utiče na vaše poslovanje? Branko Mošić: Svako povećanje građevinskih radova u zemlji i bližem okruženju utiče na porast poslovanja u grani izrade fasadne stolarije i zaštite od sunca i insekata, što na našu firmu direktno utiče kroz porast proizvodnje gotovih proizvoda ili repromaterijala. Značaj povećanja rada građevinara utiče izuzetno značajno na razvoj ekonomije jedne zemlje jer pokreće veliki broj industrijskih i uslužnih grana, što se svakako dodatno reflektuje na porast naše proizvodnje jer značajno mesto u našem poslovanju zauzima saradnja sa stanovništvom. Vaša kompanija se već godinama trudi da u proizvodnji primenjuje inovativne tehnologije, rešenja i sisteme. Kakva su kretanja i trendovi u području PVC industrije? Branko Mošić: Godinama smo gradili kvalitet proizvoda i primenu poslednjih trendova. To nas odvaja od konkurencije. Poslednje ideje koje pronalaze svoj put ka korisnicima objavljene na sajmu BAU 2017. u Minhenu u Nemačkoj tiču se kombinovanja PVC-a sa drugim materijalima, kao što su aluminijum i drvo. Na taj način se arhitektama daje mogućnost kombinovanja boja, a da se pritom dobiju visoki energetski koeficijenti ugrađenih fasadnih elemenata. Takođe su ponovo aktuelne velike staklene površine, a industrija PVC materijala prati te tokove obezbeđujući materijale neohodne za ispunjenje statičkih i energetskih zahteva objekata prema njihovoj nameni.
production of facade woodwork and sun protection. The more work construction workers have the better economy growth will be achieved, which will initiate more industrial and service sectors. This will result in the growth of our production where we focus on the cooperation with the population. Your company aims to apply innovative technologies, solutions and systems of production. What are the trends in the area of PVC industry? Branko Mošić: Differentiation from the competition was built through the quality of products and application of ultimate trends. Ideas published on the trade fair BAU 2017 in Munich, Germany show combination of PVC materials with other kinds of materials as aluminium and wood. This way, architects think more about colours and high energy coefficients incorporated into the facade elements. There is a recovered trend of large glass surfaces and PVC industry provides materials needed to meet static and energy requirements of buildings. What are the future plans of your company? Branko Mošić: We intend to complete software implementation for the solution from on line purchasing to final product and harmonize all necessary IT elements for existing machines which will enable clients to review the production process of their orders. We also intend to implement new PVC and combined systems and justify the trust of our clients in order to find the way to new customers who value the quality and perfect service more than costs.
Kakve poslovne planove vaša kompanija ima u narednom periodu? Branko Mošić: Želimo da u potpunosti izvršimo implementaciju softvera za onlajn rešenje, od porudžbine do gotovog proizvoda, i uskladimo sve neophodne IT elemente za već postojeće mašine poslednje generacije koje posedujemo, čime ćemo svojim klijentima obezbediti uvid u proces proizvodnje njihovih porudžbina. Takođe želimo da implementiramo nove PVC i kombinovane sisteme koji su sada aktuelni i opravdamo ukazano poverenje klijenata kako bismo kontinuirano pronalazili put do novih klijenata kojima su najznačajniji kvalitet i vrhunska usluga, a ne najniža cena kojom se bori konkurencija na domaćem tržištu.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
Magazine INOVACIJE – Inovations
Toplotne pumpe na vazduh i vodu postavljaju temelje za zeleni koncept života LG Therma V i mnogobrojna poboljšanja u eco-friendly tehnologiji probudiće ekologa u svakome od nas
Air source and water source air pumps lay the basis for a green life concept LG Therma V and a number of improvements in eco-friendly technology will awake the ecologist in each of us
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
INOVACIJE – Inovations
ada su se pojavili hibridni automobili, potrošači su vagali između njihove ekološke prednosti i ustaljenog mišljenja da su eko-frendli vozila lošija od svojih konkurenata koji koriste ulje. Međutim, vrtoglavi razvoj hibridnih i električnih automobila pokrenuo je novi talas u ovoj industriji, koja se neprestano trudi da popularizuje stavove o ekološkim vozilima. Osim tržišta ekoloških vozila, i građevinska industrija je svedok neverovatnih promena, pa eko-frendli kancelarije i domovi postaju sve učestaliji.
hen first hybrid vehicles were developed, customers were balancing between their ecological advantages and set thinking where eco-friendly vehicles were considered to be as of a lower quality than competitive ones using oil. However, skyrocketing development of hybrid vehicles has initiated a new wave in the industry which was continuously trying to popularize the attitude toward ecological vehicles. Except the ecological vehicles market, construction industry also witnessed considerable changes, thus making eco-friendly offices and houses become more common.
Budi zelen: Parola koja više ne važi samo za ekologe Podizanjem svesti o značaju očuvanja životne sredine probuđena je ekološka savest mnogih potrošača širom sveta. Međutim, čak i oni koji nisu opterećeni očuvanjem životne sredine mogu imati koristi od eko-frendli inovacija u svom domu. Kako odnos Rusije i Evrope postaje zategnutiji, postoji veoma realna opasnost da se rezerve gasa smanje u trenutku kada su najpotrebnije. U cilju izbegavanja ove potencijalne pretnje, vlasnici kuća širom Evrope uveli su toplotne pumpe vazduh-voda i sproveli druge korake da sebe učine energetski nezavisnim. One koji oklevaju da ulože u ekološke proizvode i nisu zagrejani za „zelene pokrete“ ipak vodi želja da imaju smanjene račune za struju i to je glavni razlog zbog kog se ipak upuštaju u rizik. Iako su ove investicije dugoročno gledano više nego isplative, u prošlosti su visoki početni troškovi sprečavali ljude da uvedu solarne panele, toplotne pumpe vazduh-voda i druge tehnologije za očuvanje okruženja. Međutim, pored povećanja efikasnosti ovih tehnologija, došlo je i do značajnog pada cena. Uz to, vlade su nedavno ponudile programe poreskih kredita i druge podsticaje vlasnicima kuća koji su uveli tehnologije za očuvanje životne sredine, što je dovelo do većeg interesovanja za ekološku gradnju.
Vazduh: Vrhunski obnovljivi resurs Toplotne pumpe vazduh-voda predstavljaju inovativnu tehnologiju koju mnogi prepoznaju kao sledeći korak u razvoju obnovljive energije. Ova pumpa oslanja se na toplotu spoljnog vazduha za zagrevanje vode u kući, omogućavajući efikasan rad pomoću malih količina električne energije. Na primer, klasična toplotna pumpa vazduh- voda
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
Be green: Slogan which stands for many, other than ecologists Raising awareness on the importance of environment preservation has awakened an ecological awareness of many customers around the world. However, even those who have not been focused on environment preservation could have had some benefits from eco-friendly inventions in their homes. Having more intense relations between Russia and Europe, a real danger of the decline of gas reserves which may occur in a very crucial moment. In order to prevent such potential threats, owners of ecofriendly houses over the Europe installed air and water source heat pumps and undertook some other steps to make themselves energy independent. Those who hesitate to invest in ecological products and still keep themselves detached from the “green move”, still want to have lower electricity bills which is the main reason they change their minds. Even though such investments appear to be highly cost effective on a long term, the initial costs prevented people in the past to install solar panels, air and water source heat pumps and other technologies for environment preservation. Nevertheless, beside increased efficiency of such technologies, prices have been considerably decreased. Governments have decided to offer some programs for tax refund loans and other stimulations for owners of environment preservation technologies, which led to higher interest in ecological constructions.
INOVACIJE – Inovations
kombinuje 1 kW električne energije sa 2 kW okolnog vazduha i tako stvara ukupnu količinu toplote od 3 kW, što grubo znači da je dobijeno tri puta više toplote pomoću samo 1 kW električne energije. LG Therma V: Nova definicija efikasnosti Vlasnici kuća koji žele da svoje domove učine ekološkim najčešće su motivisani željom da zaštite okruženje, verovanjem u značaj energetske nezavisnosti ili željom da smanje mesečne troškove energije. Inovativna Therma V toplotna pumpa vazduh-voda kompanije LG ispunjava sva tri kriterijuma, što je čini idealnom za sve koji žele da unaprede svoj dom ili kancelariju. Therma V je opremljena visokoefikasnom pumpom za vodu klase A, koja je za oko 65 odsto efikasnija od uobičajenih . Osim toga, BLDC ventilator motora u odnosu na one sa naizmeničnom strujom nudi i
Air: Excellent renewable resource Air and water source heat pumps are a part of innovative technology considered to be the next step in the development of renewable energy. Such pumps rely on the heat of outside air for heating the water in the house, thus enabling an efficient process through small amounts of electric energy. E.g., classic heat air and water pump combines 1kW of electric energy with 2kW of surrounding air, thus providing 3kW of heat, which means that the amount of produced heat is tripled with only 1kW of electric energy.
uštedu energije do 40 odsto kada radi sporije i do 20 odsto prilikom većih brzina. Sistem je u potpunosti kompatibilan sa radijatorima, bojlerima i solarnim panelima, dok ga je veoma jednostavno instalirati. Smanjujući emisiju ugljendioksida i mesečne troškove struje, LG Therma V je savršena za svakog ko želi da vodi zeleni koncept života, bez obzira na motivaciju.
1 Bazirano na laboratorijskom testu, koji je sprovela kompanija LG. Razlika između utroška energije konvencionalne pumpe za vodu (234 kWh godišnje) i pumpe za vodu A klase (81kWh godišnje) merena je pod sledećim okolnostima: Mašine su se koristile 12 sati dnevno, po 30 dana u toku pet meseci. 2Bazirano na laboratorijskom testu, koji je sprovela kompanija LG
with high efficiency pump for class A water, that is 65% more efficient than the classic one . Beside, BLDS ventilator of the engine provides up to 40% more energy saving than the one with alternating currency , when put in the slow mode and up to 20% when put in the fast mode. The system is totally compatible with radiators, boilers and solar panels and it is very easy to install. By reducing the emission of carbonic acid gas as well as monthly costs for electricity, LG Therma V is perfect for everyone who wants to have a green life concept, whatever motivation they have.
LG Therma V: New definition of efficiency The owners who want to have ecological homes are mostly motivated by the need to protect the environment and be to be energy independent or by the need to reduce monthly costs of the electric energy. Inovative Therma V air and water heat pump produced by LG Company, meets all three criteria, which makes it ideal solution for all those who want to improve their homes or offices. Therma V is equipped
1 Based on the laboratory test, carried out by LG Company. The difference between the consumption of the conventional energy water pump (234 kWh per year) and A class water pump (81 kW per year) has been measured under the following circumstances: Machines have been utilized for 12 hours per day, 30 days per month. 2Based on the laboratory test, carried out by LG Company
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
Magazine GRAĐEVINA – Construction
Beogradska arena nova transformacija
Belgrade arena – new transformation
AUTOR: Vladimir Maksa
Beogradska arena ponovo doživljava značajne modifikacije, ubrzano se pripremajući za još jedan značajan sportski događaj. Posle uspešno realizovanog Evropskog prvenstva u vaterpolu, kada su za potrebe spektakla postavljeni olimpijski bazeni, ovog puta pripreme se vrše za Evropsko dvoransko prvenstvo u atletici.
Belgrade arena is undergoing significant modifications with rapid preparations for one of the most important sports events. After successful completion of European Championship in water polo, for which Olympic pools have been constructed, this time the preparations are made for European indoor championship in athletics.
Prema rečima Slobodana Brankovića, generalnog sekretara Atletskog saveza Srbije, radi se o velikoj manifestaciji koja zahteva angažovanje svih beogradskih i republičkih službi: ”Radovi u hali su obimni i zahtevni i povereni iskusnim ljudima koji znaju svoj posao. Pored toga što želimo rezultatski uspeh naših takmičara - od Ivane Španović i Mihaila Dudaša, do onih najmlađih koji će biti deo naše reprezentacije - mi moramo da se predstavimo u najboljem svetlu i kao organizatori. Očekujemo dolazak više od 4.500 navijača iz cele Evrope i više od 1.500 učesnika prvenstva. A da bismo sve to uradili kako treba, najpre moramo prilagoditi Beogradsku arenu potrebama prvenstva, jer bez toga nema ni takmičenja.”
According to Slobodan Branković, general secretary of the Athletic Federation of Serbia, this is a huge event which requires engagement of all Belgrade and republic services: “Huge and demanding works in a hall have been assigned to experienced people who know their jobs. On one hand we want to see great results from our contestants – Ivana Španović and Mihail Duduš as well as younger members of our national team – and on the other hand we have to represent ourselves in a proper way. We expect the arrival of more than 4500 fans from around Europe and more than 1500 championship participants. In order to get this right, we have to adapt Belgrade arena to the needs of the championship to enable the competition.”
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
GRAĐEVINA – Construction Prvenstvo će biti održano od 3. do 5. marta, a za ovu priliku grade se posebne konstrukcije koje će izdići atletska borilišta čitavih 3,5 metara bliže publici za još kvalitetniji i potpuniji doživljaj svih učesnika i posetilaca. Na posebno izgrađenoj platfomi biće postavljena savremena atletska podloga sa površinama za sve dvoranske discipline, uključujući šest kružnih i jednu sprint stazu.
U potkonstrukciju Arene ugrađeno je 120 tona čelika i 9.000 m2 drvenih ploča. Atletska staza biće sastavljena od 328 segmenata i u njoj je još 100 tona čelika i ploča, preko čega ide završni sloj tartana. Adaptacija terena vrši se pomoću 120 tona teške čelične konstrukcije koja će nositi izdignutu platformu površine 4.900 kvadrata. Na platformu će biti postavljena specijalizovana podloga na kojoj će trkačke staze zauzimati 3.800 kvadrata, dok će ostali prostor biti namenjen drugim atletskim disciplinama. Manje izmene biće izvedene i na nižim delovima gledališta za potrebe novinara, zvaničnika i učesnika. Rok za završetak radova je 15. februar, a 25. februara biće održano Balkansko atletsko prvenstvo kao generalna proba pred evropski šampionat. Specijalizovana podloga koja će biti postavljena u Areni za potrebe Evropskog dvoranskog prvenstva je kupljena, pa će Atletski savez Srbije moći da je koristi i nakon završetka događaja. Beograd je pre godinu dan bio domaćin vaterpolista na kontinentalnom šampionatu i tada je izveden prilično zahtevan građevinski poduhvat, kada su u Arenu postavljeni olimpijski bazeni za potrebe prvenstva. Radovan Kosojević, menadžer objekata za predstojeće takmičenje, istakao je da je ovo što se sada radi u Areni projekat koji je složeniji i iziskuje tri puta više vremena od postavljanja bazena. “Ovo je po obimu posla veći poduhvat od ugradnje bazena. Ovde imamo 4.500 kvadratnih metara potkonstrukcije, sa nultog nivoa dižemo konstukciju na tri metra. Oplata je plastična, sa potkonstrukcijom nemačke proizvodnje, i ona se, između ostalog, upotrebljava za betoniranje ploča za mostove. Kada budemo na tri metra visine postavićemo konstrukciju staze i ona će biti na 3,5 m od visine poda. Ta visina nije slučajna, cilj je da se izjednači sa prvim nivoom za gledaoce u hali, tako da će ljudi u prvom redu gledališta biti tik iznad reklama i moći
iz neposredne blizine da posmatraju takmičenje. Taj nivo u hali se zove nivo 200, a onaj niži koji je odmah pored borilišta na košarkaškoj utakmici potpuno nestaje. Ostavićemo samo prostor od maksimalno metar i po za stepenišnu konstrukciju koja će voditi učesnike iz svlačionica na borilišta. Istočna tribina hale, nivo 200, biće potpuno prilagođena potrebama medija, na njoj će biti komentatorska mesta, prostor za fotografe i novinare. Do pres-centra vodiće stepenice iza staze i na taj način je prestavnicima medija omogućeno da se lakše i brže kreću u hali. Radove na transformaciji Arene izvodi konzorcijum koji čini domaća firma iz Valjeva i firma iz Estonije, koja je uradila i stazu na Svetskom prvenstvu u Portlandu prošle godine i na Evropskom u Geteborgu pre nekoliko godina. I dok su na najvećim događajima u Areni obarani evropski i svetski rekordi po broju gledalaca, ovde neće biti takav slučaj pošto je izmenama koje će uslediti bitno smanjen broj mesta u hali, odnosno predviđeno je 10.000 mesta za navijače. Nivo 100 je skroz ukinut, nivo 200 je smanjen zbog pomenutog prostora za medije, a od nivoa 400, najvišeg dela Arene, oko 1.000 mesta je ostavljeno za učesnike i njihove timove. Kada je u pitanju ovaj poduhvat, nije zahtevno samo postavljanje staze, demontaža i vraćanje u početno stanje Arene trajaće dve nedelje. Istovremeno će biti montirana, a kasnije i demontirana staza za zagrevanje u maloj hali Arene. Staze su kupljene sredstvima Ministarstva omladine i sporta Republike Srbije i nakon završetka prvenstva biće na raspolaganju Atletskom savezu Srbije.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
GRAĐEVINA – Construction
Adaptation of the terrain was managed by 120 tons heavy steel construction which will hold superscripted platform of 4900 square meters. Specialized surface of 3800 square meters will be installed for race lanes, while other part of the facility will be intended for other athletic disciplines. Smaller changes will be made on lower parts of the auditorium intended for reporters, officials and contestants. Deadline for completion of works is February 15. On February 25, Balkan Athletics Championship will occur as a dress rehearsal before the European championship. Specialized floors which will be set in the Arena for European indoor championship has already been purchased, so Athletic Federation of Serbia will be able to use it upon the event. A year ago, Belgrade was a host for local water polo players on continental championship. For this purpose, many construction works have been done, when Olympic pool was set for the needs of the championship. Radovan Kosojević,
situated beside arenas will be completely removed during the basketball games. We will leave some space of about 1,5 m for the stairway construction by whom contestants will enter arenas from locker rooms. East side of the hall, level 200, will be completely adapted to the needs of the media,. There will be seats for commentators, area for photographers and reporters. Stairways behind the lanes will lead to press center area thus enabling media representatives to walk easily through the hall. Transformation works in the Arena were carried out by the consortium consisting of local company from Valjevo and company from Estonia, which constructed the lane for the World Championship in Portland last year, and European championship in Goteborg a couple of years ago. On biggest events in Arena the record in number of visitors was broken. But this time this will not be the case since the number of seats has been reduced, there will be precisely
The Championship will be organized from 3rd to 5th March. For this occasion some specific constructions will be carried out in order to superscript athletic arenas for 3.5 m closer to the audience for more quality and complete sensation of all participants and visitors. At a separately constructed platform, there will be modern athletics floors with surface for all indoor discipline which include round ones and one sprint lane.
FOTO: Beobuild
In the sub construction of the Arena, 120 tons of steel and 9.000 square meters of wooden boards has been build. Athletic lane will be composed of 328 segments with 100 tons of steel and boards, and will be covered with final layer of tartan. manager of the building for the upcoming contest, said that ongoing works in Arena were complex and required much more time than setting the pool. “This is bigger project in scope than setting the pool. We have 4500 square meters of sub construction. We rise the construction from zero level to three meters. Plating is made of plastic, with German production sub construction which is used for cementing of bridge boards. When we get to three meters, we will set construction courts which will be 3,5 m higher than the floor. This height is intentional because of the goal to even the construction with the first level for auditorium, so first raw visitors will be seated above commercial streamers and will be able to watch the contestants only a short distance away. This level of the hall is called level 200, and the lower one
10.000 seat for fans. The level 100 was completely removed, and the level 200 was minimized because of the press area. From the level 400, the higher part of the Arena, there will be 1.000 seats for contestants and their teams. What concerns this project, beside the court, disassembly and recovery to the initial form of the Arena will last for two weeks. At the same time, the warming up court will be assembled and disassembled in the small hall of the Arena. The courts were purchased by the Ministry of Youth and Sports Serbia and upon the completion of this sport event will be available for future use by the Athletic Federation of Serbia.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
Magazine FUNKCIONALNI DIZAJN – Functional Design
King Town Grand Hotel Nha Trang | Vietnam Autor: Siniša Prvanov PhD in Interior and Furniture Design
mešten u središtu najprometnijeg dela turističke vijetnamske metropole Nja Trang, “King Town Grand Hotel” je dizajniran da bude model tropskog gradskog hotela višenamenske funkcije. Projektovanje i izvođenje enterijera povereni su arhitektonskom timu kompanije “Sajgon Ngujenlong konstrakšen”. Projekat je uspešno realizovan sredinom 2016. godine.
reprezentativnosti hotela. Jedan od važnijih elemenata u ovom konceptu predstavlja i otvoreni bazen na frontalnoj strani hotela. On efektno vizuelno povezuje hotel sa okolnim prostorom, odnosno morem.
Arhitekte su imale pred sobom velike izazove, kao što su blizina morske obale, ali i specifična vijetnamska tropska klima. Korišćenje sunčeve svetlosti i dovod svežeg vazduha rešeni su uvođenjem vertikalnog tunela (16 spratova visine) u samom središtu hotela. Ova praznina osigurava prirodno osvjetljenje i ventilaciju unutrašnjih prostora kako bi se smanjila upotreba veštačke rasvete i klima-uređaja, te na taj način pomaže smanjenju rasipanja energije.
Arhitektonski tim je uspešno uspeo da pomiri zahteve vlasnika hotela sa željenim estetskim rešenjima. Botanička fasada na začelju hotela osmišljena je kako bi se iskoristilo vijetnamsko tropsko vreme. Drveće prosečne visine tri metra formira svojevrsni zeleni zid na balkonskim pročeljima. Ova visoka stabla vertikalno povezuju spratove i naglašavaju vizuelni kontinuitet objekta. Što se tiče unutrašnjeg prostora, svi sadržaji hotela - javnog, administrativnog i ekonomskog karaktera jasno su pozicionirani i povezani na način koji je karakterističan za ovakvu vrstu javnih zgrada. Hotel je oblikovan funkcionalno i estetski u skladu sa strogim zahtevima modernog turizma i ugostiteljstva. U dizajnu enterijera se insistiralo na jednostavnosti i estetskom minimalizmu. Imajući u vidu da se radi o hotelu gradskog tipa, hotel poseduje: konferencijsku salu kapaciteta 200 osoba, 74 jednokrevetne, 14 dvokrevetnih soba i 10 apartmana. Spratnost hotela je Po+P+M+14, a bruto površina 8.620 m².
Posebna pažnja posvećena je rešavanju problema parkiranja formiranjem podzemne garaže. Iznad pomenute garaže nalazi se veliki plato uređen tako da doprinosi
U dizajnu enterijera pažljivo su korišćeni lokalni materijali i tradicionalni dekorativni motivi. Najzastupljeniji materijali su prirodni kamen porolit i mermer oniks. Za izradu fiksiranog
Lokacija za izgradnju hotela nalazi se u centralnoj gradskoj zoni. Svi prilazi hotelu (motorni i pešački) rešeni su na odgovarajući način i naglašeni shodno svojoj važnosti. Hotel karakteriše gabarit tipičnih vijetnamskih standarda, širine 22 m i dužine 60 m.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
ocated in the middle of the busiest part of the tourist metropolis of Vietnam Nha Trang, King Town Hotel is designed to be a model of tropical city hotel with multipurpose tools. Design and construction of interior architectural team were entrusted to the company SAIGON NGUYENLONG CONSTRUCTION. The project was successfully completed in mid-2016.
elements in this concept is also large outdoor pool on the frontal side of the hotel. Swimming pool effectively visually connects the hotel with the surrounding area-seashore.
Architects had the great challenges, such as proximity to the coast but also the specific of Vietnam tropical climate. Entrance of sunlight and fresh air are solved by creating a vertical tunnel (16 floors high) in the center of the hotel. This gap provides natural lighting and ventilation of internal space in order to reduce the use of artificial lighting and air conditioning and thus helps to rapidly reduce energy.
The architectural team has successfully managed to reconcile the requirements of the owner of the hotel with the desired aesthetic solutions. Botanical facade at the back side of the hotel is designed to take advantage of the Vietnam tropical weather. The trees average height 3m forming the green wall on the balcony fronts. This tall trees vertically connecting the floors and emphasize the visual continuity of the object. As for the interior, all facilities - public, administrative and economic nature are clearly positioned and connected in a way that is characteristic of this type of public buildings. Hotel is designed functionally and aesthetically in line with the strict requirements of modern tourism and hospitality industry. The interior design is insisting on simplicity and aesthetic minimalism. Bearing in mind that this is a city hotel type, hotel has: conference room for 200 people, 74 single rooms, 14 double rooms and 10 suites. Total floors of the hotel is Po + P + M + 14, a gross area of 8620 m².
Special attention was paid to solving parking problems by forming underground garage. Above mentioned garage is a large plateau arranged so that contributes to the level of representativeness of the hotel. One of the most important
The interior design carefully used local materials and traditional decorative motifs. The most common materials are natural stone and Onix marble. To create a fixed furniture, such
Location for construction of a hotel is located in the central city area. All approaches at (motor and pedestrian) have been resolved appropriately and highlighted according to their importance. Hotel is characterized by the typical dimensions of Vietnamese standard width of 22m and a length of 60m.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
nameštaja, kao što su barovi i pultovi, korišćeno je lokalno tropsko masivno drvo tik. U opremanju enterijera soba i apartmana korišćen je nameštaj italijanske kompanije “Dijemebi”. Za pojedina rasvetna tela korišćena u reprezentativnim prostorima lobija, kao i u eksterijeru, angažovan je takođe poznati italijanski brend “Luče”.
as bars and counters, architects used tropical solid wood-Tik. The interior design of rooms and apartments used furniture of Italian company DIEMMEBI. For individual luminaires used in representative areas of the lobby and the exterior was engaged also known Italian brand Lucca. King Town Hotel Grand in its design certainly follows modern architectural and by construction trends, but also relies
“King Town Grand Hotel” u svom dizajnu svakako prati savremene arhitektonske i konstuktivne trendove, ali se takođe vešto koristi i prednostima od procvata turizma na tom području. Ključni pojmovi koje su stvaraoci ovog zdanja imali na umu su - uživanje u lokalnoj tropskoj klimi, korišćenje prirodne energije i maksimiziranje potencijala lokalnih zanatlija i materijala. Projektanti se nadaju da će njihov dizajn postati prototip nove vrste hotela u Vijetnamu.
on and benefits from the boom of tourism in the area. Key concepts that the creators of this building are: “The enjoyment of the local tropical climate”, “Use of natural energy” and “Maximizing the potential of local craftsmen and materials.” They hoped that their design will become the prototype of a new kind of hotel in Vietnam.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
Magazine ENTERIJER – Interior
Kako da unesete proleće u svoj dom
Let the spring into your house
AUTOR: Mara V. – “Marina enterijernica”
Iako je zima još uvek tu, kada je dekoracija u pitanju najbitnije od svega je da imamo mekano i toplo ćebe i veliku šolju toplog čaja ili kafe, a proleće će nam se uskoro lagano uvući u kuću i svi ćemo početi da razmišljamo o preuređenju svog životnog prostora. Odjednom ćemo shvatiti da nam je atmosfera u stanu sumorna i poželećemo da unesemo dašak prirode koja se budi - vesele boje, cveće, nove jastučiće i sve ono što će oživeti naš dom. Foto tapete sjedan od načina da prirodu unesete u svoj dom. Pomoću njega dobijate mogućnost da ceo jedan zid (ili deo zida) vaše sobe „procveta“ - i eto proleća u vašem domu. Eksplozija razvoja grafičkog dizajna u poslednjih nekoliko godina donela nam je veliki izbor motiva, pogotovo iz prirode, tako da je samo stvar ukusa za koji ćete se odlučiti. Dizajneri često koriste cvetne grafike jarkih boja na svetloj pozadini. Naravno, da bi se tapet koji ste odabrali uklopio u prostor morate ga podržati i propratnom dekoracijom
u makar dve boje (ili paterna) koji se pojavljuju na samom tapetu. Ako je u pitanju kuhinja - gledajte da se boja pločica ili frontova barem u tragovima pojavljuje na foto-tapetu koji ste izabrali. Dekoracija i tekstil. Bilo da su u pitanju ukrasni jastuci, slike, zavese ili tepih (ili možda sve zajedno), pravim izborom dekoracije možete na vrlo ekonomičan način osvežiti svoj prostor i pripremiti ga za proleće. Jako je bitan izbor boja
No matter the winter is still here, the most important thing when decorating is to have soft and warm blanket and a big cup of tea or coffee. Then the spring may easily slip into our home and we will start thinking about redecorating our living space. All of a sudden we will feel a dull atmosphere and wish to get some breath of a rising nature – gleeful colors, flowers, new pillows and all other things that will vivify our home. Photo-wallpaper is one of the methods to let the spring into your home. You get an opportunity to make the whole wall (or part of it) blossoming – and the spring is already there. Fast development of graphic design in the last couple of years brought a number of motives, especially ones related to nature, so that choice became just the matter of taste. Very often, designers use floral graphics of vivid colors onto the light surface. If you want the chosen wall paper to fit into your place, you have to add some decoration with at
least two similar colors (patterns) printed on the wallpaper. If you decorate your kitchen, try to harmonize the color of the tiles with the fronts at least with the print of the wall paper you chose. Decorations and fabrics. No matter if it concerns decorative pillows, paintings, curtains or carpets (or all in one), you can refresh your living area and prepare it for the spring in a very efficient manner. Selection of colors and patterns is very
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
ENTERIJER – Interior
i paterna, kao i njihov pravilan raspored u prostoru. Npr. ako ste se odlučili za kupovinu slike veselih boja i velikih dimenzija koja će dominirati u vašoj dnevnoj sobi, boje koje se pojavljuju na ovoj slici moraju da se pojave još negde na jastučetu, tepihu, vazi i sl. U suprotnom - i sama slika će delovati čudno i izgledaće kao greška u prostoru... Dakle, raspored boja je značajan koliko i njihov izbor ili izbor dekorativnih predmeta, kako biste dobili lepo uklopljenu i stilizovanu celinu. Cveće i zelenilo obavezni su detalji prolećnog preuređenja. Čak i prostorije poput kupatila i kuhinje možete „oživeti“ dodavanjem cveća u saksiji ili vazi. A ako vaše kupatilo nema
important, as well as their adequate lay out. e.g. if you chose to buy some painting with vivid colors and large dimensions which will be a dominant point in your living room, you will have to provide some decoration containing at least one of the colors from the painting –pillow, carpet, vase etc. In contrary, the painting will seem odd and appear as a mistake… So, the arrangement of colors is as important as the selection of decorative objects in order to get compatible and stylish unit. Flowers and greens are essential detail of spring decorations. Even bathrooms and kitchens can be “liven up” by adding some flowers in the flower pot or vase. If there is
prirodnog svetla i drugih uslova potrebnih za gajenje cveća ili ako ste jednostavno od onih kojima cveće ne uspeva (kao što sam npr ja :))- postoji puno veštačkog cveća koje izgleda vrlo realno i koje ćete gotovo poželeti da pomirišete. Boje i paterni su još dve vrlo bitne stavke u osvežavanju prostora, bilo da se radi o bojama i paternima za zid ili za dekorativne predmete. Kada govorimo o prolećnim bojama - zelena je uvek dobar izbor iz jasnih razloga, žuta takođe, a i pastelne nijanse mogu biti odlične. Takođe, dobre su kombinacije zelene sa još jednom bojom poput tirkizne, fuksije i boje lavande. Što se paterna tiče - pruge su uvek u modi, a sada su u trendu i geometrijski paterni poput
a lack of light in your bathroom or other conditions needed to grow flowers, or maybe you are a kind of person who fails with flowers (as I do ) there are artificial flowers that look so real you would even try to smell it. Colors and patterns are the two very important items when trying to refresh the room with both colors and patterns for the wall and decorative items. What concerns the colors of the spring – the green is always a good choice as well as the yellow. Pastel hues may be perfect too. Combination of green with turquoise, fuchsia and lavender is also good. What concerns the patterns – stripes are always in. Geometrical patterns like triangles, diamonds, zig-zag lines are popular
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
ENTERIJER – Interior
trouglova, rombova, cik-cak linija i sl. Floralni motivi su uvek dobrodošli, pogotovo u prolećnim preuređenjima. U stvari poenta je u tome da napravite takav izbor boja i paterna da vaš prostor deluje sveže i razigrano. Kao što primećujete, u uređenju enterijera se mnogo može postići detaljima koji ne moraju da koštaju mnogo. Treba samo imati na umu šta želimo da postignemo sa prostorom, tj. kako želimo da se osećamo u njemu. Dakle, prostor treba posmatrati kao celinu koju oplemenjujemo dobro raspoređenim detaljima i koloritnim akcentima. Setite se ovih saveta kada počnete da otvarate prozore kako biste pustili tople zrake sunca i cvrkut ptica u svoj dom. Tada ćete poželeti da promenite sve u prostoru u kojem živite. Proleće to probudi u svakom od nas. Treba samo biti mudar i ovaj prolećni „makeover“ uraditi na ekonomičan način trendovi u enterijeru se brzo menjaju i ko zna šta će nam doneti naredno proleće.
nowadays. Floral motives are always welcome, especially during spring redecorations. Actually, the thing is to make a choice of colors and patterns which will make your living area more fresh and frisky. As you can see, when designing the interior, a lot can be achieved through affordable and law cost details. You just have to know what you really want to accomplish or what feeling you want to have with your living area. This means, the living area should be considered as a whole which would be enriched with well-arranged details and color accents. Remember these suggestions when you start opening the your windows to let the sunshine and tweets into your home. Then you would like wanting to change everything. The spring rises in each of us. You just have to be wise enough to do this spring “makeover” in an efficient way – trends in the interior are changing fast and who knows what the next spring will bring in.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
“Monument” odlična hrana i raspoloženje Serving good mood and food “Monument” - great food and excellent spirit Serving good mood and food Pre nešto više od dvadeset godina, sticajem niza okolnosti i susretom dva prijatelja iz detinjstva, rodila se ideja da na mestu na kome je i danas Amam Kneza Miloša, u Ulici admirala Geprata 14, nastane ugostiteljski objekat „Monument“. I to sve uz veliko poštovanje istorije Beograda i samog grada, kao i Zavoda za zaštitu spomenika grada Beograda. Sama ideja da se od istorijskog spomenika kulture napravi kafe u tom momentu je delovala nerealno. S druge
strane, 90-ih godina prošlog veka zbog stanja u državi, ratova, socijalne i moralne krize društva ceo park i okruženje oko amama i sam amam bili su u strašno lošem stanju. Zaboravljeni od javnosti, uz beskućnike, narkomane i prostitutke koji su skrnavili ovaj prostor, vraćanje prvobitnog izgleda amamu predstavljao je za ove momke veliki izazov. Oni su uz to ujedno uspeli da naprave poslovno interesantan poduhvat. Tako se rodio „Monument“.
When two friends from childhood met by chance, more than 20 years ago, they came up with an idea to open a catering facility „Monument“ at Admirala Geprata 14 street at the location of todays Hamam of Knez Miloš. It was designed in line with Belgrade history and provisions of the Belgrade City Institute for the Protection of Culture Monuments. The idea at first seemed unreal. During 90’s, because of the situation in the country,
wars, social and moral crises during 90’s, the whole park and environment around the hamam and hamam itself were in a very poor condition. Abandoned, inhabited by homeless, drug addicts and prostitutes who were devastating the facility, there was a great challenge to bring the facility back to it’s original shape and form. At the same time they managed to create a very interesting business project. Thus the “Monument” was born.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
Brend “Monument” nastao je uz Milošev amam koji je renoviran pod nadzorom Zavoda za zaštitu spomenika kulture grada Beograda. Ova lokacija je veoma značajna za grad Beograd i njegovu urbanizaciju. Miloš Đorđević: „Kada ne mogu da prisvojim sadašnju varoš, onda hoću da je privučem sebi. Oko moga dvora stvoriće se nova varoš i u njoj ću ja naći sve što mi bude potrebno i za našu vojsku i za naše velike narodne skupštine“. Knez Miloš Obrenović je tim rečima, u težnji da odvoji srpski deo Beograda od Turaka, na padinama Savamale i Vračarskog platoa započeo proces urbanizacije Beograda. Time je u doba njegove vladavine i započela jasna vizija nastajanja moderne i evropski orijentisane metropole. Angažovanjem evropskih „indžilira“, zatim obrazovanjem srpskih oficira i inžinjera u Evropi i Rusiji, knez pokazuje visok stepen brige za potomstvo i sveopšti napredak svog naroda.
Po čemu se „Monument“ izdvaja? Miloš Đorđević: Sada, posle dve decenije postojanja, kada me neko pita po čemu smo specifični i po čemu se izdvajamo, imao bih štošta da nabrojim. Ipak, jedna stvar je zaista značajna, posebno u našoj branši - trajemo 20 godina i stalno rastemo. Počeli smo kao kafe-bar. Posle nekoliko godina u svoju ponudu smo dodali pice, paste i
Kako je sve počelo? Miloš Đorđević: Prvih nekoliko godina kafe sa prelepom baštom, prirodnom hladovinom 100-godišnjeg kanadskog platana, i za taj period nesvakidašnje, puno nasmejanih i znatiželjnih gostiju, odisao je nekom pozitivnom energijom koju smo prepoznali kao motiv da od kafea prerastemo u kafe-piceriju, zatim u kafe-restoran, a na kraju i početku svega toga bili smo trendseteri vremena u kojem smo radili i u kojem radimo. Možda pomalo neskromna izjava, ali veoma tačna, jer smo puno sebe ulagali u svaki kamen, svako drvo, svaki projekat i svaku novu ideju i time davali neke nove pravce u ugostiteljstvu i doprinos u „urbanizaciji“ ugostiteljskog Beograda. Miloš Đorđević
obrok salate. Tada smo ponudili nešto novo i drugačije, a to su bile obrok salate na padini koje su bile i ostale jedan od zaštitnih znakova „Monumenta“. Otvaranjem prvog velikog TC-a u Beogradu došli smo na ideju da otvorimo lokal i u tom okruženju. Brza hrana i food court nisu nam bili interesantni nego smo tražili prostor u okviru TC-a u kome će se ljudi osećati kao da su došli u „Monument“. Uspeli smo u tome i to nam je bila odskočna daska za dalji razvoj i proširenje ponude hrane i pića u svakom smislu. Danas se nalazimo na četiri lokacije u Beogradu i veoma smo ponosni na svaku od njih. Da li je teško ostati inovativan posle toliko godina postojanja? Miloš Đorđević: Konceptualno smo se veoma brzo menjali, ali nam je ideja uvek bila da se pozicioniramo kao restoran sa ponudom zdrave izbalansirane ishrane, koji nudi mediteranske ukuse. Naravno, praćenjem trendova zadržali smo Mediteran kao zvezdu vodilju i nešto od čega smo počeli, ali smo se upustili i u ponudu domaće kuhinje. Naš koncept u poslednjih nekoliko godina baziran je na tome da u svojim lokalima nudimo domaće proizvode. Ideja je da u svojim proizvodnim jedinicama sve spremamo sveže i pripremamo po svojim receptima. Počevši od peciva, preko testa za pice i palačinke, kolača, pasta, mesa, domaćih
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
Brand “Monument” was created beside Miloš’s hamam which was renovated under the supervision of the Belgrade City Institute for the Protection of Culture Monuments. This location is very important for the City of Belgrade and its urbanisation.
directions in catering and contributing to the “urbanisation” of Belgrade in catering industry.
Miloš Đorđević: “If I am enabled to usurp this town, than i will draw it to myself. Around my court there will be a new town where I will find everything I need for myself and my army as well as for the people of our great citizens’ assembly”. The Duke Miloš Obrenović said this in order to separate the Serbian part of Belgrade from the Turkish one, at the slopes of Savamala and Vračar plateau, thus commencing urbanisation process of Belgrade. At that time, a clear vision of modern and European oriented metropolis was created. By engaging European “indzilir” (geometers) and educating Serbian military officers and engineers in Europe and Russia, the Duke has shown a high level of care for the offspring and general progress of his people.
Miloš Đorđević: After two decades, I have a number of explanations in this regard. However, the one thing is very important, especially in our business – we last for 20 years and we still grow. We started as a café bar. After a while we started offering food like pizzas, pastas and salad meals. At that time, our menu contained something new and different, the salad meals served with the view on slopes which were and still are one of “Monument’s” trademarks. When first Business centre in Belgrade was opened, we came up with the idea to open a bar in a different environment. We were not interested in fast food and food court so we decided to look for a facility within BC where people would feel like being in a “Monument”. We succeeded and that was a springboard for future development and better offer of food and drinks. Today, our bars are situated at several locations in Belgrade and we are very proud on each of them.
How did it all start? Miloš Đorđević: For the first couple of years, the café with beautiful garden, natural shade provided by a 100 years old Canadian plane tree, and a place full of smiling and curious guests, was emitting positive energy which we recognised as a motive to grow it first into café-pizza place and then café-restaurant. We have been trendsetters of that period we have been working in and we still do. It might be an immodest statement, but completely true, in a sense that we have been investing ourselves in each stone, each tree, each project and each new idea, thus providing some new
What makes “Monument” so different?
Was it difficult to stay innovative after all these years? Miloš Đorđević: Conceptually, we were changing very fast, but the ideas were always focused on the intention to keep the concept of restaurants which offer healthy and balanced food, with Mediterranean taste. Even though we kept up with the new trends we also managed to keep Mediterran as the principle that we started with and at the same time also offer some local cuisine meals. Our concept in the last couple of years was based on the intention to offer domestic
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
salata, povrća, ajvara, sve spremamo sami i brinemo o kvalitetu, recepturama i geografskom poreklu nabavljenih artikala. Ostvarili smo saradnju sa malim, ali kvalitetnim proizvođačima različitih proizvoda sa naših prostora. Sir, suhomesnati proizvodi, uzgajivači povrća i proizvođači brašna, svi su inplementirani u naše menije. Šta je to što vaše goste inspiriše da se iznova vraćaju u „Monument”? Miloš Đorđević: Naša energija mi se ponekad čini neiscrpnom. Geni i stalna želja da pobedimo u trci sa ponudom, zdravom i veoma respektabilnom konkurencijom još uvek nam daju energiju i volju za ovaj posao. Ujedno, poštovanje prema našim gostima, zaposlenima i nama
products. The idea was to prepare fresh food in accordance to our own recipes. We prepare everything on our own, from pastry, pizza and pancake dough, cakes, pastas, meat, salads, vegetables, ajvar and with great care about the quality, recipes and geographical origin of each product. We cooperate with small, but quality local manufacturers of various products. Cheese, delicatessen, vegetables and flours are included in our menu. What inspires your guests to be your regular customers? Miloš Đorđević: Our energy sometimes seems inexhaustible. Genes and constant desire to win in a race with the offer and with sound and very respectable rivals, are still giving us energy to stay in this business. At the same time, respecting
samima ne dozvoljava nam da odustanemo. U današnje vreme konkurencija je jako velika. Svakodnevno sе otvaraju novi lokali, nova mesta, sa novim idejama i konceptima, koji podižu kvalitet usluge i ponude u Beogradu. Zbog toga nije ni čudo što je Beograd jedan od najinteresantnijih ugostiteljstih destinacija u Evropi. S velikom pažnjom pratimo sve novitete i novootvorene objekte, ali verujemo da mir i red moraju da donesu prave rezultate. Zbog toga smo fokusirani na sebe i svoje dvorište. Smatram da je to jedna od stvari koje nam svakodnevno dovodi goste i, nadam se, vraća stare. Moramo priznati da ih je tokom 20 godina mnogo prošlo, uživalo i raslo sa nama, ali mnogi su i odlazili i vraćali se posle izvesnog vremena s istim osmehom kao nekad. Nadam se da će tako biti i ubuduće.
our guests, employees and eventually ourselves makes us determined to keep up with good work. The competition nowadays is huge. Everyday there are some new bars, new places with new ideas and concepts, which rise the quality of service and offer in Belgrade. For this reason, Belgrade is one of the most interesting catering destinations in Europe. With great attention, we monitor novelties and newly opened facilities, but we believe that peace and order lead to the success. This is why we are focused on ourselves. We believe this is something that attracts new guest and makes the regular ones to come again. We have to say that during the past 20 years, there was a number of guests who enjoyed and grew with us, but many were coming and going with the same smile as usual. I hope in future this will still be the case.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Okt 2016 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
“Škoda”, istorija i nasleđe ŠKODA – HISTORY AND HERITAGE AUTOR: Jelena Kovačević
Priča o “Škodi” ne počinje sa četiri, već sa dva točka - biciklom “slavija 2”. Osnivači “Škode” Vaclav Laurin i Vaclav Klement napravili su ovaj bicikl 1895. godine. Osim istog imena i ljubavi prema biciklizmu, imali su još jednu zajedničku crtu: jak inventivni duh. Od skromnih početaka, dva prijatelja su nastavila da stvaraju svetske formativne motocikle koji su vrlo brzo počeli da osvajaju trke i ruše rekorde u brzini. Ohrabreni ovakvim uspehom, prešli su i na četvorotočkaše i sa “voaturet A” započeli su automobilsku liniju koja “Škodu” čini jednim od najstarijih proizvođača automobila u svetu. U mnogim aspektima, priča o “Škodi” se provlači kao nit kroz najkatastrofalnije i najstrašnije događaje u Evropi tokom prošlog veka, a njeno pobedničko uzdizanje danas jedan je od ohrabrujućih nagoveštaja za budućnost.
The Škoda story began not on four wheels, but two: a bicycle called the ‘Slavia’. Its founders, Václav Laurin and Václav Klement, built it in 1895. Besides their first names and a love for cycling, they had another thing in common: a strong inventive spirit. From humble beginnings, the two friends went on to build some of the world’s formative motorcycles, which were soon winning races and breaking speed records. Encouraged by this success, they graduated to four wheels, and with the ‘Voiturette A’ started an automotive lineage that makes Škoda one of the oldest car manufacturers in the world. In many respects, the Škoda story runs as a thread through the texture of the most cataclysmic and disastrous events in Europe of the past century; and its emergence in exultant victory today is one of the most encouraging harbingers for the future.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
U prošlom veku “Škoda” je bila najvažnija industrijska sila u austrougarskoj imperiji - proizvođač vozila za prevoz teškog tereta i oružja koji je zasenio “Krup” i po obimu i po rezultatima. Kada je 20-ih godina prošlog veka grupa kupila “Laurin & Klement” firmu za proizvodnju automobila, njena vrednost je bila jako mala.
nemačke automobile. Ta potraga je inspirisala VW da uloži milijarde u fabriku “Škoda” iz Mlade Boleslav i da je pretvori u najbolju fabriku automobila u Evropi.
“Folksvagen grupa” je preuzela “Škodu” kao centralni deo svoje postnacističke grupe i strategije nakon Hladnog rata. Bio im je potreban brend koji su mogli da prodaju na rastućim tržištima istočne Evrope i Rusije, znajući da desetine miliona ljudi koji žive istočno od Varšave neće želeti da kupe
Kao što smo već pomenuli, osnivači su počeli izradom bicikala. U decembru 1895. godine, vatreni biciklista Vaclav Laurin (mehaničar) i Vaclav Klement (bibliotekar) započeli su dizajniranje i proizvodnju bicikala. Njihovi bicikli su se dobro prodavala, pa je firma “Laurin & Klement” odlučila da napravi sledeći korak – da u proizvodnju doda i motore. Pravljenjem motocikala počeli su da se bave 1899. godine, promenili naziv kompanije firme u “Laurin & Klement Co” i ostvarili nekoliko pobeda na trkama. Dok su pravili skoro 4.000 motocikala različitih tipova, započeli su eksperimentisanje novim fenomenom – automobilom – koji je postepeno počeo da zamenjuje motocikle od 1905. godine pa nadalje.
Od 1895. do 1905. – od fanatika za bicikle do ludila za motorima
Od 1905. do 1933. – od automobila do aviona… i plugova U ranim 1900-im, “Laurin & Klement Co” radili su bez greške i njihov prvi perfect - even though some people, sadly, may never catch on. 1895 to 1905 - From push bike fanatics to motorcycle madness
A century ago, Škoda was the most important industrial concern in the Austro-Hungarian Empire - an arms and heavy goods manufacturer which dwarfed Krupp in scale and output. When the group acquired the Laurin & Klement car firm in the Twenties, it amounted to little more than a pimple on an elephant‘s behind. The Volkswagen group acquired Škoda as the centerpiece of their own post-Nazi, post-Cold War strategy. They needed a brand they could sell in the emerging Eastern European and Russian markets, knowing full well that tens of millions of people living east of Warsaw would not dream of buying a German car. It was in pursuit of that inspired approach that VW poured billions into the Skoda factory at Mladá Boleslav and turned it into the finest car plant in Europe. The only thing that remains wrong with Skoda today is the toe-curlingly embarrassing names they give their cars Roomster, Yeti, Superb. They ought to take another leaf out of the company‘s history and revert to the code numbers of the Twenties and Thirties. Then Skoda might indeed be
As we already mentioned Škoda founders started by making push bikes. In December 1895, keen cyclists Vaclav Laurin (a mechanic) and Vaclav Klement (a bookseller) started designing and manufacturing bicycles. Their bicycles sold well, so Laurin and Klement decided to take the next step – and add motors. They started making motorbikes in 1899, changed the name of their company to the Laurin & Klement Co and chalked up several racing victories. While making nearly 4,000 motorbikes of various types, they started experimenting with a new phenomenon – the car - which began to gradually replace motorbikes from 1905 on. 1905 to 1933 - From cars to planes… to ploughs In the early 1900s, the Laurin & Klement Co could do no wrong and their first car, the Voiturette A, was a huge success, becoming a classic in Czech motoring history. The company established a stable position in the developing international market. When war began in 1914, it started manufacturing for the armed forces too. Because of the economic conditions in Czechoslovakia at the time, Laurin and Klement needed a strong industrial partner to strengthen and modernize their
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
automobil “voaturet A” postao je veliki uspeh, postavši klasik u češkoj istoriji. Kompanija je ostvarila stabilnu poziciju u razvoju međunarodnog tržišta. Kada je 1914. počeo rat, započeli su proizvodnju vozila za prevoz naoružanja. Zbog ekonomskih uslova u Čehoslovačkoj u to vreme, firmi “Laurin & Klement” bio je potreban jak industrijski partner kako bi ojačala i modernizovala kompaniju. Oni tada nisu samo proizvodili različite tipove automobila, već i kamione, autobuse, motore za avione i poljoprivrednu mašineriju, kao što su motorni plugovi. Udružili su se sa “Pizen Skodovka Co” 1925. godine i postali “Škoda”. Od 1933. do 1939. – popularna legenda Ranih 30-ih “Škoda” je imala problema. Srećom, probila se tipom A “škoda popular”, koja je postala legenda u drugom delu dekade. Kako je težila samo 650 kg, “škoda 420 popular” mogla je dostići brzinu od 80 km/h i imala je fantastičnu cenu. S jedne strane, “popular” vozilo je korišćeno kako za
company. They were now not only producing a range of cars, but also trucks, buses, aeroplane engines and agricultural machinery, such as motorized ploughs. They merged with Pizen Skodovka Co in 1925 and became Škoda. 1933 to 1939 - A popular legend In the early 30s, Škoda had some difficult times. Luckily, they made a breakthrough with the Type A Škoda Popular, which was to become a legend in the second half of the decade. Weighing only 650kg the Škoda 420 Popular could reach 80km/h and was offered at a fantastic price too. At one end of the scale, Populars served as reliable utility vehicles, such as ambulances and delivery vans, while at the other they completed a four-month trip to India with Czechoslovakia‘s most famous goalkeeper in tow, and the roadster version performed brilliantly in the famous Monte Carlo rally of 1936.
ambulantne, tako i za i dostavne potrebe, dok je s druge strane moglo da izdrži četvoromesečni put u Indiju sa najpoznatijim čehoslovačkim tegljačem i kabriolet verzijom koja se odlično pokazala na poznatoj trci u Monte Karlu 1936. godine. Od 1939. do 1960. – od Drugog svetskog rata do prvog “oktavija” modela Drugi svetski rat počinje 1939. godine. Čehoslovačku su okupirali Nemci, a period do 1945. bio je razoran i za “Škodu”. Program proizvodnje civilnih automobila bio je ograničen i većina proizvodnje služila je da se podrži nemački rat. Nakon rata, kao deo nacionalizacije Čehoslovačke, kompanija je postala državna firma i preuzela je kompletnu proizvodnju putničkih vozila. U ovom periodu “škoda tjudor” počinje uspešno da se izvozi i u Australiju uz predstavljanje izmenjenog modela “škoda 1200”, koja je ranije nekoliko puta bila modernizovana kao “1202”, da bi 1973. godine napokon
1939 to 1960 - From the Second World War to the first Octavia In 1939 came World War 2. Czechoslovakia was occupied by the Germans and the period until 1945 was a disruptive one for Škoda. The civilian car production programme was very limited and the majority of manufacturing was to support the German war effort. After the war, as part of large-scale nationalization in Czechoslovakia, the company became a national enterprise and took over all passenger car production. This period saw the Škoda Tudor successfully exported as far as Australia and the introduction of the mould-breaking Škoda 1200 which was modernized several times before, as the 1202, finally ceasing production in 1973. Škoda also manufactured the Škoda 440 which, in 1959, evolved into the first Octavia, named because it was the eighth model to be produced after the end of World War 2.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
prestala da se proizvodi. “Škoda” je takođe proizvela model “škoda 440”, koji se 1959. godine razvio u prvi “oktavija” model, koji je dobio naziv po tome što je to bio osmi model koji je proizveden nakon završetka Drugog svetskog rata. Od 1960. do 1989. – mnoštvo inovacija, nedovoljna proizvodnja Češka ekonomija je napredovala do 60-ih, a onda je oslabila zbog novih tehnologija na Zapadu. “Škoda” je nastavila da pravi nova i poboljšana vozila – u formi modela “oktavija”, “felicija”, MB i “rapid” – ali je proizvodnja stvarno ponovo uznapredovala tek dolaskom modela “favorit” 1987. godine. Uspeh ovog modela je bio toliki da je finalnu veoma lepu verziju “favorita” dizajnirao legendarni Italijan, Bertone.
1960 to 1989 - Lots of innovation, not enough production The Czech economy performed well up until the 1960s, then began to suffer because of new technology in the western world. Škoda continued to make new and improved cars – in the form of the Octavia, the Felicia, the MB range and the Rapid - but production really only grew again with the arrival of the Favorit model range in 1987. Such was its success that the final, very pretty version of the Favorit was designed by the legendary Italian, Bertone. 1990 onwards - The new era of driving happiness With the political changes of 1989, when the Berlin Wall was brought down, came new market economy conditions. The
Od 1990. pa nadalje – nova era zadovoljstva u vožnji Sa političkim promenama 1989. godine, kada je srušen Berlinski zid, nastali su novi uslovi na tržištu ekonomije. Vlada Republike Češke i rukovodstvo “Škode” počeli su da traže inostrane partnere u pokušaju da osiguraju konkurentnost firme na duže staze. U decembru 1990. godine odlučili su se za “Folksvagen”, a udruženi poslovni poduhvat započeli su naredne godine. “Škoda” je postala četvrti brend u grupi “Folksvagen”, pored brendova “Folksvagen”, “Audi” i “Seat”. Od tada “Škoda” sve više jača, proizvodeći mnogo odličnih vozila i ujedno usrećujući mnoge vozače.
government of the Czech Republic and the management of Škoda began to search for a strong foreign partner in an effort to secure the company‘s long term international competitiveness. In December 1990, they decided on Volkswagen and a joint venture began the following year. Škoda became the fourth brand in the Volkswagen group, alongside Volkswagen, Audi and Seat. Since then, Škoda has gone from strength to strength, manufacturing not only many excellent cars but many happy drivers.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
U FOKUSU – In focus
Janez Kranjc
PODVODNO RONJENJE Scuba diving AUTOR: Vladimir Maksa
vekovečiti jedan trenutak foto-aparatom je umetnost, a kada to radite u potpuno neprirodnom ambijentu za čoveka, pod vodom, ponekad u ekstremnim uslovima slabe vidljivosti ili hladnoće, onda je to umetnost na kvadrat. Tako bismo mogli definisati Janeza Kranjca, jednog od malobrojnih koji su spojili ove dve veštine, fotografiju i ronjenje. “Da biste slikali pod vodom najpre morate da budete solidan ronilac da biste mogli da se fokusurate na posao a ne na to kako preživeti pod vodom”, rekao nam je na početku razgovora Janez.
apturing a moment with a camera is art. When doing so in a completely unnatural environment, under the water and sometimes in extreme conditions of low visibility and cold, than it is considered to be a high art. This is how we address Janez Kranjc, one of the few people who had merged two such skills as photography and diving. “In order to capture a photo under the water, at first you have to be a reasonably good diver to be able to focus on the work rather than how to survive under the water”, said Janez at the beginning of the interview.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Okt 2016 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. REAL rs ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
Magazine U FOKUSU – In focus
Pored živih stvorenja, pod vodom mogu biti jako interesantne još neke stvari... “More je čuvar podvodne istorije, tamo možete naći razne predmete iz različitih epoha stvorene ljudskom rukom. Najupečatljivije su olupine brodova, ali i podmornica, aviona i automobila. Ronio sam i slikao na raznim mestima i mislim da je to moja specijalnost. Pod vodom nailazimo na zamrznuto vreme, dobar deo olupina je u vrlo sličnom stanju kao u trenutku kada su potonule. I da odmah odgovorim,
“Ja sam u svet ronjenja ušao zbog podvodne fotografije i nakon završenog početnog kursa prva oprema koju sam kupio bio je foto-aparat. Generalno, to čime se ja bavim, podvodna fotografija i snimanje pod vodom, jeste skupa zabava. Ipak, kada to postane posao i kada u to uložite celog sebe, onda je nekako lakše. Pošto nemamo more, nama u Srbiji je sve skupo, moramo da kupimo uvoznu opremu za ronjenje, organizujemo put, platimo kartu, smeštaj, dozvole za ronjenje, a ja na to još moram da dodam i svoju opremu. Količina novca koja vam je potrebna nije mala, ali ljubav prema tome što radim bila je jača od finansijskih izdataka”, kaže Janez Kranjc kroz smeh,
zabranjeno je uzimati stvari sa tih olupina i pre svega nije kolegijalno, sve mora ostati na svom mestu da bi i generacije nakon nas mogle da vide i osete isto što i mi. A i svi ti delovi podvodne kolekcije najupečatljiviji su i imaju svoju vrednost baš na tom mestu, ne kod nekoga u stanu“. Janez Kranjc bavi se i podvodnim snimanjem, i to pre svega u komercijalne svrhe, za potrebe snimanja filmova ili reklama. Ali to je nešto sasvim drugačije u odnosu na fotografiju, jedino je ambijent isti jer se dešava pod vodom.
i nastavlja: “I u Srbiji možete naći interesantne destinacije za rad, pogotovo u rano proleće pa sve do sredine juna, tada su vode kod nas bistre i dosta toga može da se uradi. Ali za atraktivnije stvari, one koje ljudi očekuju da vide pod vodom, ajkule ili raže, morate ići na put. Sve ostalo, rakove, školjke ili rečne ribe možete slikati i kod nas i ne morate ići na planinu, dovoljno je doći na Adu Ciganliju koja je u tom periodu jako interesantna. A jezera na Tari, Perućac i Zaovinsko jezero i pogotovo Drina, koja je providna i do deset metara a puna je života, pravi su dragulji za posao kojim se bavim.”
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
Magazine U FOKUSU – In focus
Janez Kranjc
Beside living creatures, some other things under the water can be very interesting as well... “The sea is the keeper of underwater history where you can find various objects from different epochs, which were made by humans. The most distinct objects are ship wrecks, submarines, airplanes and vehicles. I have been diving and taking photos at various locations which can be considered as my speciality. Under the water, we can run into the well preserved object, meaning that we find some object in a similar condition as in the moment of sinking. I have to say “I slipped into the world of diving because of underwater photography. After I have finished the initial course, the camera was the first equipment I bought. Generally, my profession – underwater photography and underwater shooting is very expensive fun. However, when you start doing it as a business and devote yourself to the task, it becomes easier. Since Serbia does not have an access to the sea, the equipment is expensive and we are obliged to purchase imported diving equipment, organize the trip, purchase the tickets, provide accommodation, diving licenses and above all I have to include my personal equipment. The amount of money needed is significant, yet the love for such a task is
that it is forbidden to take parts for the wrecks. First of all it’s not fair because of other divers and explorers. Everything has to stay at its place so future generations could see and feel the same things. All those parts have the most significant meaning and appearance at the very original location instead of being replaced at someone’s apartment. Janez Kranjc is dealing with underwater shooting, for commercial purposes such as movies and commercials. Yet, it is a completely different task in comparison with the underwater photography, except the same environment. stronger than financial outlays”, said Janez Kranjc. “In Serbia, you can find interesting destinations for work, especially in early spring until June, when the water is clear and a lot can be done. For more attractive things which are expected to be seen under the water, such as sharks and stingrays, you have to go on a trip. Everything else, such as crabs, mussels and other kinds of river fish, can be captured at domestic locations. There is no need to go up to the mountains. It’s easier to visit Ada Ciganlija which is very interesting at that period of the year. Lakes of Tara, Perućac and Zaovinsko Lake and especially Drina, transparent up to 10 meters and full of life, are real treasures for the job I am doing.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
Gagliardi oglas
Gagliardi – prirodni materijali sa različitim strukturama Natural materials with different structures Ove sezone muški modni brend “Gagliardi” pripremio je bogatu ponudu odela, sakoa, kao i modernih i klasičnih košulja, među kojima se izdvajaju “non-iron” komadi koji privlače podjednako poslovnu gospodu i urbane, metropolitske muškarce.
This season, man clothing fashion brand Gagliardi prepared new arrivals: suits, suit coats, as well as modern and classic shirts, with „non-iron“ pieces which equaly attract business and urban, metropolitan gentlemen. REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
Svi materijali su prirodni, kao što je najfiniji pamuk “Sea Island”, sa različitim teksturama u tkanju i izradi. Najkvalitetniji “Cerruti”, “Barberis” i “Zegna” materijali doneće vam kvalitet bez kompromisa. “Gagliardi” je pripremio i veliki izbor trodelnih i mix & match odela ukrašenih različitim detaljima. Posetite “Gagliardi” radnju u Čika Ljubinoj br. 6 i pogledaje raznovrstan izbor modela iz nove kolekcije PROLEĆE/LETO 2017
All materials are natural, made of finest cotton such as Sead Island, with diverse weaving and production textures. Superfine Cerruti, Barberis and Zegna materials will provide quality without compromise. Gagliardi prepared a great choice of three-piece and mix $ match suits embellished with various details. Visit Gagliardi shop in Čika Ljubina 6 and check out various models from new arrivals SPRING/SUMMER 2017
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
Upoznajte njegovo veličanstvo - Beograd Meet its majesty - Beograd AUTOR: Vladimir Maksa
eograd kao glavni grad, administrativni, industrijski i kulturni centar, sinonim je za Srbiju. Hteli mi to da priznamo ili ne, svaki put kada pomenemo Srbiju van granica naše zemlje, svi pomisle prvo na Beograd. Doći u Srbiju i ne posetiti ga gotovo je nemoguće i zbog želje turista, ali i zbog činjenice da svi saobraćajni putevi vode preko Beograda. Aerodrom, železnička ili autobiska stanica ili autoput, sve vodi kroz Beograd, a kada ste već tu, onda je sasvim logično da mu se malo i posvetite.
elgrade as the capital, administrative, industrial and cultural centre, is a synonym for Serbia. Whether we like it or not, each time when talking about Serbia in abroad, Belgrade is always the first thought. It is almost inevitable to come to Belgrade when visiting Serbia. It is not only because of tourism but also the fact that all traffic roads lead through Belgrade. Airport, railway and bus stations and motor-ways all lead through Belgrade, and when you find yourself already there, it’s logical to spend some time and attention to see it.
Istorija Beograda, duga 7.000 godina, izvire iz njegovih ulica, građevina, spomenika i brojnih znamenitosti. Ako ima dovoljno vremena, onda je lako organizovati se i obići većinu onoga što Beograd nudi, od istorijskih spomenika i građevina, obala dve reke, ustanova kulture, festivala i koncerata, sportskih manifestacija i, na kraju krajeva, noćnog života. Mi vam ovog puta predstavljamo samo neke od zanimljivih tura koje organizuje turistička agencija Eurojet, koje otkrivaju Beograd iz razičitih uglova. The history of Belgrade, 7000 years long, emerges from its streets, buildings, monuments and numerous history sights. If you have enough time, you can easily arrange and visit most of the things that Belgrade offers, from historic monuments and buildings, shores of two rivers, culture institutions to festivals and concerts, sports events and eventually night life. We present to you only some of the interesting tours organized by a travel agency Eurojet, which reveal Belgrade from different angles.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
Tura podzemnim Beogradom Šetnja podzemnim Beogradom otkriva njegove najskrivenije tajne. Bogatu istoriju grada kriju pećine, lagumi, zazidane reke, tuneli, bunkeri i brojne građevine koje su rušili i stvarali narodi naseljavani tokom vekova. Podzemlje priča legendu o Beogradu iz rimskog, austrijskog, turskog i srpskog perioda, od kojih svaki nosi autentičnu draž. Tura počinje posetom Rimskoj dvorani u kojoj se nalaze temelji glavne kapije rimske tvrđave iz II veka. Rimski bunar fascinira, dok bunker iz vremena Informbiroa otkriva špijunske tajne i političke igre predsednika Tita između velikih sila nakon Drugog svetskog rata. Ruta se nastavlja u velikom barutnom magacinu, čiji zidovi pričaju priče o odbrani hrišćanske Evrope od Turaka. Ovaj magacin je sada rimski lapidarijum, u kome se čuvaju sarkofazi, nadgrobni spomenici i žrtvenici sa teritorije cele Srbije. Završna tačka ture je vinski lagum, koji odiše vremenom oslobođenja Srbije od turske vlasti, uz degustaciju vina. Beograd – centar tura Beograd je specifičan po mnogo čemu, a jedna od njegovih posebnih karakteristika je upravo ta što je jedina evropska prestonica na ušću dve reke. O burnoj istoriji Beograda i njegovom strateškom značaju svedoče nadimci “kapija ratova” i “bastion hrišćanstva”. Ovom turom upoznaju se najznačajnije beogradske znamenitosti, poput Skupštine Republike Srbije, Knez Mihailove ulice, Narodnog pozorišta, Narodnog muzeja, Saborne crkve, Patrijaršijskog dvora, Konaka kneginje Ljubice, Starog i Novog dvora i sl. Tokom prijatne i sadržajne šetnje, prolaskom kroz sam epicentar grada, mogu se ćuti zanimljivi podaci o istorijskim ličnostima Beograda, kao i o njegovom značaju za evropsku i svetsku istoriju. Beograd – Kalemegdan tura Beogradska tvrđava, smeštena u prelepom parku Kalemegdan, ima bogatu istoriju. Tokom vekova ona je menjala značenja, a danas predstavlja svojevrstan muzej prošlosti Beograda. Obilazak tvrđave podrazumeva posetu najdragocenijim spomenicima srpskog naroda, kao što su Pobednik, Despotova kula i Zindan kapija. Tura se nastavlja na
kraju donjogradskog severoistočnog bedema, gde se nalazi najveća i najbolje očuvana srednjovekovna kula Beogradske tvrđave. U vreme Otomanskog carstva, ova kula je služila kao tamnica. Poznata je i po tome što je grčki pesnik, patriota i pobornik oslobođenja balkanskih naroda, Riga od Fere, ovde ostavio svoj život. Sahat kula se izdiže iznad Beogradske tvrđave i spada u najznačajnije znamenitosti grada. Beograd sa reke – krstarenje Jedan od najboljih načina da se upozna Beograd jeste i krstarenje veličanstvenim rekama. Tura počinje na tački spajanja reka u samom srcu grada. Osvetljenje sa Beogradske tvrđave na Kalemegdanu, Saborne crkve i brojnih mostova daje notu mističnosti ovoj plovidbi. Znamenitosti u vašem vidokrugu pričaju istorijsku priču grada, upotpunjujući poseban doživljaj uživanja u razgledanju, druženju i prijatnoj atmosferi. Proći ćete i pored Starog grada, Beogradskog sajma, Ade Ciganlije i Velikog ratnog ostrva. Obilazak Belog dvora U Kraljevskom i Belom dvoru prikazane su sadržajna srpska istorija i tradicija. Ljubitelj umetnosti će u dvoru uživati u odabranim delima domaćih i inostranih umetnika iz kolekcije kraljevske porodice, kao i remek-delima likovne umetnosti. Neka od poznatih imena su Jakopo Palma il Vekio, Nikolas Pusen, Ivan Meštrović, Paja Jovanović, itd. Posetom dvorskom kompleksu mogu se upoznati podzemne prostorije gde je kralj dovodio svoje najbliže prijatelje i sa njima vodio tajne razgovore.
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
Belgrade – underground tour
Belgrade – Kalemegdan tour
Belgrade underground tour reveals its most hidden secrets. Rich history of the city is kept by caves, dungeons, walled rivers, tunnels, bunkers, and numerous constructions demolished and built by nations that settled here during time. The underground tells the legend about Belgrade from Roman, Austrian, Turkish and Serbian period of whom each has its own authentic charm. The first stop of the tour is Roman hall that preserves the tower of the main gate of the Roman fortress from 2nd century. Roman Well will fascinate you, and army bunker from the period of Inform biro reveals the spy secrets and President Tito’s political games between great forces after the World War II. The route continues in big gunpowder warehouse whose walls tell the stories about defence of Christian Europe from Turkish Empire. This warehouse is now Roman lapidarium that keeps sarcophagus, tombs and altars from territory of Serbia. Final point of the tour is wine cellar that exudes the time of Serbia liberation from the Turkish rule where you can enjoy wine degustation.
Belgrade fortress, situated in a beautiful Kalemegdan Park has a rich history. Over the centuries it has changed its meaning and today is a museum of history of Belgrade. The tour includes visits to the most valuable monuments of Serbian people as The winner, Despot’s Tower and Zindan Gate. The tour continues at the end of lower town eastern wall, where the biggest and the best preserved medieval tower of Belgrade Fortress is located. In the period of Ottoman Empire this tower served as a prison. It is famous by the Greek poet, patriot and supporter of the liberation of the Balkan people, Riga of Fera, who spent his life here. The Clock Tower rises above the Belgrade Fortress as one of the most significant monuments of the city.
Belgrade – downtown tour Belgrade is specific in many ways and one of its special features is being the only European capital situated on at the confluence of two rivers. Because of its turbulent history and its strategic significance, Belgrade got two nicknames “War gate” and “Bastion of Christianity”. This tour shows the most dominant Belgrade sights such as Republic Parliament, Knez Mihailova Street, National Theatre, National Museum, Belgrade Fortress, Congregational Church, Patriarch’s Palace, Residence of Princess Ljubica, the Old and the New Palace, etc. During a pleasant and comprehensive walk you can hear interesting information about historical figures of Belgrade, and its significance for European and world history.
Belgrade on river – cruising One of the best ways to meet Belgrade is cruising by its magnificent rivers. This tour starts from the point where two rivers meet in the heart of the town. Lightning from the Belgrade Fortress and Kalemegdan, Assembly Church and numerous bridges adds a touch of mystique to this voyage. Sights in your horizon tell the history of the city, completing this unique experience of enjoyment in sightseeing, socializing and pleasant atmosphere. You will pass by the Old City, Belgrade Fair, Ada Ciganlija and Great War Iceland. White Palace tour The Royal and White Palace show comprehensive Serbian history and tradition. Art lovers will enjoy the sampled artwork of local and foreign artists from the collection of the royal family as well as masterpieces of fine art. Some of the famous names are Jacopo Palma il Vecchio, Nicolas Poussin, Ivan Mestrovic, Paja Jovanovich, etc. Through the visit to the palace complex you can discover underground rooms where the king used to bring his closest friends and had secret conversations.
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
Selekcija nekretnina / Finest Selection Stambeni projekti / Residential developments
Kuće / Houses Stanovi / Apartments Kancelarije / Offices
Belgrade - Dedinje Belgrade - VraÄ?ar Belgrade - Zvezdara Zlatibor
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for sale
Odlična lokacija nadomak Hrama Svetog Save, jednog od glavnih obeležja grada Beograda. U neposrednoj blizini svih dešavanja, kafea, restorana, parkova nalazi se ovaj stan sa prelepim kaminom koji odiše luksuzom. Stan se sastoji iz dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, dva kupatila, dve spavaće sobe, radne sobe, terase i toaleta. Ugradni elementi su napravljeni od punog drveta.
This luxury apartment is located close to St. Sava Temple, one of the main landmarks of Belgrade, and to many cafes, restaurants, parks. It consists of a living room with a beautiful fireplace, a kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, a toilet and a terrace. Built-in elements are made of solid wood. Površina / Size 183 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2
Sobe / Rooms 4.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Cena / Price 513.000 EUR
Belgrade, Dedinje | house for rent
Nova, neuseljavana kuća locirana u kraju sa obiljem vegetacije koji pruža utisak boravka u prirodi. Doživljaj upotpunjuje blizina Topčiderskog i Hajd parka. Predivan eksterijer koji pleni svojim izgledom vas poziva da uđete i uverite se da ni enterijer ne zaostaje. Kuća realne površine 320 m2 je strukturno šestosobna, sa pet kupatila, ima centralno grejanje, 2 parking mesta u garaži i dva ispred kuće. Izdaje se nenameštena, a po potrebi i dogovoru može se opremiti.
Brand new house located in a beautiful neighborhood with abundance of vegetation which gives the impression of being in nature. This experience is complemented by the proximity of Topcider and Hyde Park. The exterior which charms with its appearance invites you to come in and make sure that that interior doesn’t fall behind. This 320 sq.m. big house has five bedrooms, five bathrooms, central city heating, two parking spots in front of the house and two in garage. It is offered for rent unfurnished, but can be furnished if needed, according to the agreement.
Površina / Size 280 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 5
Sobe / Rooms 6.0
Kupatila / Baths 5
Cena / Price 3.500 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Dedinje | house for rent
U mirnom delu Dedinja nalazi se rezidencija koja osvaja svojom pojavom. Za njenu izgradnju korišćeni su kvalitetni materijali i najbolja oprema. Kuća se izdaje nameštena i opremljena modernim i funkcionalnim nameštajem. Objekat ima etažno grejanje u kombinaciji struja/gas, centralni usisivač, centralni bojler, alarm, video interfon, kamere i grejače dvorišta protiv leda, što sve omogućava bezbednost i lako održavanje nekretnine.
This astonishing residence which captivates with its appearance is located in a peaceful part of Dedinje. High quality materials and the best equipment were used in its construction. It is offered for rent furnished with modern and functional furniture. The house has electricity and gas heating, central vacuum cleaner, central water heater, alarm, video intercom, video surveillance and the ice breaker yard heaters, all of which allow safety and easy maintenance of the property.
Površina / Size 350 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 4
Sobe / Rooms 6.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Cena / Price 3.500 EUR
Belgrade, Zemun | house for rent
Moderno dizajnirana kuća za stambene ili poslovne svrhe od 200 m2. Sadrži tri nivoa i relaksirajuće dvorište. Uvek možete koristiti teretanu ili kancelariju sa tušem na prvom nivou, a na drugom i trećem nivou ćete uživati u dnevnom boravku sa trpezarijiom i odvojenom kuhinjom, tri spavaće sobe i tri kupatila. Kuća je u potpunosti ograđena visokom ogradom, dajući apsolutnu privatnost sa opcijom za parking.
Modernly designed house for residential or business purposes of 200 sq m. It includes three levels and a relaxing courtyard. You can use a gym or an office with a shower on the first level and on the other two levels you can enjoy the living room with a dining area, the kitchen, three bedrooms and three bathrooms. The house is completely enclosed by a high fence, giving absolute privacy with an option for parking.
Površina / Size 200 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3
Sobe / Rooms 5.0
Kupatila / Baths 3
Cena / Price 2.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for rent
Fantastičan, prostrani penthaus na Vračaru. Na prvom nivou se nalazi divan dnevni boravak sa kuhinjom, toalet, hodnik, master spavaća soba sa pripadajućim kupatilom i još dve spavaće sobe. Svaka soba ima izlaz na terasu. Drugi nivo takođe sadrži dnevnu sobu koja može da se koristi i kao veliki radni prostor. Duž cele širine ove sobe prostire se terasa sa spektakularnim pogledom na grad.
Fantastic, spacious penthouse in Vračar. The first level features a beautiful living room with an open plan kitchen, toilet, a corridor, one big bathroom, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom and two more bedrooms. Each of the bedrooms has an exit to terrace. The second level includes another living room which can also be used as big open space office. From it one can access the terrace as wide as the living room with a spectacular view of the city.
Površina / Size 130 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3
Sobe / Rooms 5.0
Kupatila / Baths 4
Cena / Price 1.800 EUR
Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for rent
Veličanstven stan u srcu Vračara nalazi se odmah uz Hram Svetog Save. Stan se sastoji od velikog i veoma svetlog dnevnog boravka, moderne kuhinje sa trpezarijom sa ogromnim prozorima, jedne spavaće sobe, dva kupatila i garderobera. Ono što čini ovaj stan posebnim je prelepa prostrana terasa koja ima panoramski pogled na ceo grad koji će vas osvojiti.
This magnificent apartment is positioned in the heart of Vračar just beside the Temple of Saint Sava. The apartment consists of an amazing, spacious living room which is full of light, modern kitchen and dining area with extra-large windows, one bedroom, two bathrooms and a walkin wardrobe. What makes this apartment so special is a beautiful, wide terrace which has a stunning panoramic view of the entire city which will win you over.
Površina / Size 101 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 1
Sobe / Rooms 2.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Cena / Price 3.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for rent
Nadomak Kalenić pijace nalazi se predivan stan na dva nivoa, koji se sastoji iz dve spavaće sobe, dva kupatila i ogromnog dnevnog boravka sa trpezarijom. U sklopu stana se nalazi velika terasa idealna za večernja opuštanja. Kombinacija prirodnih materijala i toplih boja odaje utisak udobnosti i naglašava veličinu prostora. Stan poseduje centralno grejanje, pripadajuće parking mesto u garaži i izdaje se namešten i kompletno opremljen.
Located near Kalenic market, this beautiful apartment extends over two floors. It consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a huge living room with a dining area. The apartment also includes a large terrace, ideal for evening relaxation. The combination of natural materials and warm colors gives the impression of comfort and emphasizes the size of the space. The apartment has central heating, designated parking space in the garage and it is offered for rent furnished and fully equipped.
Površina / Size 150 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2
Sobe / Rooms 3.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Cena / Price 2.000 EUR
Belgrade, Novi Beograd | apartment for rent
Veoma luksuzan dupleks na najatraktivnijoj lokaciji na Novom Beogradu, blizu Ambasade Japana, hotela Falkensteiner i tržnog centra Merkator. Prvi nivo stana uključuje dnevnu sobu sa prostranom trpezarijom i izlaskom na terasu, kuhinju i gostinjski toalet. Na drugom nivou nalazi se veliko kupatilo sa kadom i tuš-kabinom, dve spavaće sobe sa garderoberima, a obe sobe imaju izlazak na veliku terasu sa koje se prostire prelepi pogled na Beograd. Stan je kompletno opremljen, a nameštaj je vrhunskog kvaliteta.
Extra luxury duplex apartment on the most attractive location in New Belgrade, near the Japanese Embassy, the Falkensteiner Hotel and Merkator shopping center. The first level of the apartment includes a living room with a large dining area and access to the terrace, kitchen and a guest toilet. On the second level there is a large bathroom with a bathtub and a shower, two bedrooms with wardrobes, both of which have access to a large terrace with a magnificent view of Belgrade. The apartment has high-end finishings and high quality furniture.
Površina / Size 118 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2
Sobe / Rooms 3.0
Kupatila / Baths 1
Cena / Price 1.500 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for rent
Prekrasan, potpuno nov stan u najtraženijem delu Vračara, pored Hrama Svetog Save. Sastoji se od 3 spavaće sobe, velikog i svetlog dnevnog boravka, potpuno opremljene kuhinje, divne terase, 2 kupatila i toaleta. Garažno mesto je obezbeđeno.
A beautiful, brand new apartment in the most coveted part of Vracar, next to the Saint Sava Temple. It consists of 3 bedrooms, large and bright living room with a dining area, fully equipped kitchen, lovely terrace, 3 bathrooms and a guest toilet. The garage spot is guaranteed.
Površina / Size 145 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3
Sobe / Rooms 4.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Cena / Price 2.500 EUR
Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for rent
Luksuzan, kompletno namešten stan u srcu Vračara. Nalazi se na samo nekoliko minuta hoda od Neimarskog parka, u kraju punom kafića, restorana i prodavnica. Stan se sastoji od jedne spavaće sobe, jedne radne sobe, kupatila, dnevne sobe sa trpezarijom, potpuno opremljene kuhinje i prelepe terase. Postoji mogućnost iznajmljivanja garažnog mesta.
Luxurious, fully furnished apartment in the heart of Vracar. It is located a short walk away from Neimar Park in the area full of charming cafes, restaurants and shops. The apartment consist of one bedroom, one study room, one bathroom, living room with a dining area, fully equipped kitchen and a beautiful terrace. There is an option to rent a garage spot. Površina / Size 50 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 1
Sobe / Rooms 2.0
Kupatila / Baths 1
Cena / Price 700 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Senjak | apartment for rent
Ovo je elegantan, potpuno opremljen, trosoban stan u mirnoj ulici na Senjaku. Dnevni boravak pun sunca i divno dvorište od 100m2 su samo neke od mnogih prednosti koje ova nekretnina nudi. Stan je deo mirnog, porodičnog objekta i zauzima čitavo prizemlje. Internacionalne škole, supermarketi, restorani, banke i druge pogodnosti su nadohvat ruke.
This is an elegant, fully furnished, two bedroom apartment, in a quiet street in Senjak. Living room full of sunlight and a lovely, 100m2 big garden are just a few of the many advantages that this property has to offer. The apartment is a part of a peaceful, family building and it is occupying the entire ground floor. The international schools, a supermarket, several restaurants, banks and other amenities are within easy reach.
Površina / Size 112 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 2
Sobe / Rooms 3.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Cena / Price 1.400 EUR
Belgrade, Savski Venac | apartment for rent
U neposrednoj blizini Slavije nalazi se stan koji pleni stilom, dizajnom i funkcionalnošću. Mikrolokacija stana pruža dostupnost mnogih parkova, barova i restorana. Spoj modernih materijala i stilskog nameštaja je rezultat rada arhitekte enterijeriste. Svaki komad nameštaja je ručno biran tako da doprinese potpunom ugođaju za sva čula. Stan ima tri spavaće sobe, dva kupatila, kao i dve terase od kojih je jedna preuređena u staklenu baštu. Zaista je jedinstven po svojoj lepoti.
Nearby Slavija lies the apartment which astonishes with its style, design and functionality. Micro location of the apartment gives many choices when it comes to parks, bars and restaurants. Fusion of modern materials and stylistic furniture was created by an interior design architect. Every piece is hand selected in order to contribute to the full indulgence for all senses. The apartment has three bedrooms, two bathrooms and two terraces, one of which is remodeled into a winter garden. It is truly a thing of beauty.
Površina / Size 99 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3
Sobe / Rooms 4.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Cena / Price 1.450 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Dedinje | apartment for rent
Ovaj penthaus se nalazi na lokaciji punoj zelenila koja je dobro povezana sa prometnim ulicama Dedinja. Sa 350 m2 odiše retkim luksuzom, od kupatila sa jedinstvenim stilom do saune u kojoj se možete opustiti na kraju dana. Zanimljiva igra modernih i vintage materijala pravi perfektan balans između urbanog i porodičnog ambijenta.
Nice penthouse is located in a quiet and green area which has good traffic connection with the busy streets of Dedinje, and yet it is tucked away so that you get the peace and comfort which you can’t put a price tag on. This 350 sqm big penthouse radiates with rare luxury. From the stylish bathroom to the sauna in which you can relax after a long day’s work. Interesting mix of modern and vintage building materials creates a perfect balance of urban and family ambiance.
Površina / Size 350 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 4
Sobe / Rooms 5.0
Kupatila / Baths 3
Cena / Price 3.000 EUR
Belgrade, Dedinje | apartment for rent
Ovaj novoizgrađeni stan se nalazi u jednoj od najlepših ulica na Dedinju. Stan uključuje veoma prostrani dnevni boravak koji je povezan sa trpezarijom, kuhinju, tri spavaće sobe, dva kupatila, toalet i terasu. Veliki prozori daju dosta svetlosti. Blizina nekoliko internacionalnih škola i parkova čine ovu nekretninu savršenim izborom za miran porodični život.
This newly built apartment is situated in one of the most desirable streets in Dedinje. The apartment includes very spacious living room connected to the dining area, kitchen, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, guest toilet and a terrace. The large windows let in plenty of light. Vicinity of several international schools and parks makes this property a perfect choice for quiet and peaceful family living.
Površina / Size 130 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 3
Sobe / Rooms 4.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Cena / Price 1.500 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for rent
U srcu grada, nalazi se stan koji prevazilazi i najveća očekivanja. Nekoliko minuta hoda vas deli od parka Tašmajdan koji je odlično mesto za odmor i rekreaciju, a ako imate kućnog ljubimca obradovaće vas činjneica da u sklopu parka postoji igralište za pse. Stan je po strukturi dvosoban sa jednim kupatilom i veoma funkcionalnim rasporedom. Naglašen minimalistički dizajn je idealan za svakog ko prati trendove. Stan poseduje prostranu terasu orijentisanu ka dvorištu. Stan se izdaje namešten i ima pripadajuće parking mesto u dvorištu zgrade.
In the heart of the city lies apartment which exceeds even highest expectations. Only few minutes of walk is between you and the park Tasmajdan which is great place for relaxing and recreation, and if you have a pet you will be delighted to know that park has dog playground. It is one bedroom apartment with a bathroom and very functional layout. Accented minimalistic design is ideal for those who follow modern trends. Apartment owns spacious terrace for rear treasured moments of rest. The apartment is offered for rent as furnished and has a designated parking place in the yard of the building.
Površina / Size 50 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 1
Sobe / Rooms 2.0
Kupatila / Baths 1
Cena / Price 800 EUR
Belgrade, Novi Beograd | apartment for rent
Izuzetan duplex nalazi se u blizini Arene. Na prvom nivou je dnevni boravak sa kuhinjom i velikom trpezarijom, terasa i kupatilo. Drugi nivo obuhvata četiri spavaće sobe, četiri kupatila i još jedan dnevni boravak. Staklo je veoma zastupljeno kao enterijersko rešenje. Unikatna umetnička dela prisutna u stanu, sauna, jacuzzi i teretana dodatno upotpunjuju utisak.
This extraordinary penthouse-duplex is located nearby sports hall Arena. The 1st level offers huge living room, the kitchen with a breakfast table, the terrace and the bathroom. The 2nd level includes four bedrooms with four bathrooms, additional living room. There are plenty of glass features. Numerous artwork all over the apartment, sauna, jacuzzi hot tub and a gym makes an additional impression. Površina / Size 300 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 4
Sobe / Rooms 5.0
Kupatila / Baths 4
Cena / Price 4.000 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | apartment for sale
Nadomak Hrama Svetog Save nalazi se ovaj predivan dupleks koji odiše luksuzom. Odlična mikrolokacija garantuje dostupnost barova, restorana i prodavnica, dok sama ulica predstavlja pravu malu oazu mira. Stan se prostire na dva nivoa i sastoji se iz prostranog dnevnog boravka sa trpezarijom i kuhinjom, četiri spavaće sobe, tri kupatila i terase. Stan ima dva ulaza, dva pripadajuća parking mesta u garaži, grejanje je centralno, a od dodatnih pogodnosti zgrada poseduje dvadesetčetvoročasovno fizičko obezbeđenje.
Beautiful duplex apartment which radiates with luxury is located near Saint Sava Temple. Great micro location guarantees availability of bars, restaurants, boutiques and shops while the street itself is a little oasis of peace. The apartment has two levels and consists of an open space living room with a kitchen and dining area, four bedrooms, three bathrooms and a terrace. This apartment has two entrances and two garage places. The building has a security guard 24/7.
Površina / Size 281 m2
Spavaće sobe / Bedrooms 4
Sobe / Rooms 5.0
Kupatila / Baths 3
Cena / Price 559.000 EUR
Belgrade, Stari grad | office space for rent
Poslovni prostor za izdavanje u centru grada, nedaleko od Narodne skupštine. Poslovni prostor poseduje 5 manjih kancerija, jednu veliku kancelariju, prostran prijemni deo, dva toaleta i kuhinju. Veoma komforan, svetao i topao prostor, koji se lako može prilagoditi potrebama budućih zakupaca.
Office space in the city center for rent, located close to the National Assembly building. The office space has 5 small offices, one large office, spacious reception area, two toilets and a kitchen. The space is very comfortable, bright and warm, and can be easily adapted to meet the requirements of its future tenant. Površina / Size 183 m2
Kancelarije / Offices 6
Sobe / Rooms 7.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Cena / Price 2.100 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Palilula | office space for rent
Poslovni prostor od 164 m2 koji se sastoji od jedne velike i šest manjih kancelarija, kuhinje i kupatila. Celo područje je pokriveno sigurnosnim kamerama, a u sklopu objekta nalazi se neadaptiran prostor od 147 m2 koji se može spojiti sa gornjim spratom i opremiti prema zahtevima vašeg poslovanja.
Office space on the ground floor which consists one large office, six smaller offices, a kitchen and a bathroom. The whole area is covered by security cameras and an alarm. Within the building there is a non-refurbished basement space of 147 sq.m. which can be connected with the upper floor and equipped according to the requirements of your business. Površina / Size 164 m2
Kancelarije / Offices 7
Sobe / Rooms 8.0
Kupatila / Baths 1
Cena / Price 2.000 EUR
Belgrade, Vračar | office space for rent
Ovaj stan pogodan za poslovni prostor je savršeno pozicioniran u Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra i nalazi se na prvom spratu zgrade. Osnovne karakteristike ovog stana su: dobar raspored, odlični završni radovi i mnogo prirodne svetlosti. Prostor uključuje tri kancelarije, dve terase, kupatilo, toalet i kuhinju. Odlična prilika da započnete ili proširite svoj biznis.
This property suitable for office space is perfectly located in Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra on the first floor of the building. The main characteristics of this apartment are good layout, excellent finishing works and lots of natural light. It includes 3 offices, two terraces, a bathroom, a toilet and a kitchen. An excellent opportunity to start or expand your business.
Površina / Size 125 m2
Kancelarije / Offices 4
Sobe / Rooms 5.0
Kupatila / Baths 2
Cena / Price 1.700 EUR West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Dedinje | for sale
Bez provizije / Without comission
Okružen bogatim zelenilom u mirnoj, elitnoj četvrti, Ambasador park Dedinje nudi stanove raspoređenje u tri lamele, uključujući ateljee, tipske četvorosobne stanove i luksuzne penthause u dva nivoa. Broj i pozicija spavaćih soba, kupatilo za svaku spavaću sobu, odvojena tehnička soba, prostrane terase, fizičko i elektronsko obezbeđenje, video nadzor kompleksa, podzemna garaža sa pripadajućim parking mestima i ostavama… sve je posvećeno premijum kvalitetu života i funkcionalnosti koja prati AAmbasador park Dedinje stil i ekskluzivnost. Stambene jedinice su uknjižene i prodaju se bez završnih radova. Raspoloživi stanovi: suteren od 94 m2 do 139 m2, visoko prizemlje od 206 m2 do 284 m2, I sprat od 252 m2 do 259 m2, II sprat od 227 m2 do 267 m2, III i povučeni sprat od 371 m2 do 867 m2 Available apartments: low-ground floor from 94 m2 to 139 m2, high-ground floor from 206 m2 to 284 m2, 1st floor from 252 m2 to 259 m2, 2nd floor from 227 m2 to 267 m2, 3rd and attic floor from 371 m2 to 867 m2
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
Enclosed in lush greenery in a peaceful, elite district, Ambassador Park Dedinje offers residential units for sale in 3 buildings, including ateliers, regular three bedroom apartments and luxury two-level penthouses. The number and positions of bedrooms, a bathroom for each bedroom, separate technical rooms, spacious terraces, central vacuum cleaner, physical and electronic security, video surveillance of the complex, underground garages with designated parking places and storage units… all is dedicated to the premium quality of life and functionality that matches Ambassador Park Dedinje style and exclusiveness. The units are registered in the cadaster and are offered, without the finishing works.
Cena / Price od / from 145.000 EUR do / to 2.090.000 EUR plus pripadajući porez / plus applicable tax West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for sale
Bez provizije / Without comission
Potpuno nova zgrada nalazi se u epicentru Vračara u kom se možda i najviše oseća ona neobična mešavina duha nekih prošlih vremena i urbanog ritma Beograda danas. Primenom inovativne organizacije prostora, stanovi pružaju maksimalnu iskorišćenost prostora. U stanovima se kombinuju materijali po standardu od pet zvezdica koji pružaju toplinu i utisak doma. Raspoloživi stanovi: Visoko prizemlje 46,05 m2, 84,31 m2, I, II i III sprat 83,89 m2, 84,31 m2, Available apartments: Ground floor 46.05 m2, 84.44 m2 , 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor 83.89 m2, 84.31 m2
Brand new building in the epicenter of Vracar, the location where one can feel the mix of the days past and the urban rhythm of Belgrade of today. With innovate floor plans, apartments maximize the use of space. All apartments combine the five-star standard quality with pleasant warm impression of the home.
Cena / Price 2600 EUR/m2 sa PDV-om / VAT included Garažno mesto / Parking place 15.000 EUR sa PDV-om / with VAT included
West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Zvezdara | for sale
Bez provizije / Without comission
Iskoristite jedinstvenu priliku da kupite stan okružen zelenilom, u mirnom delu grada. Sportski centar Olimp i Zvezdarska šuma se nalaze na samo nekoliko minuta hoda. Blindirana ulazna vrata, granitna keramika u hodnicima i odlična izolacija u svakom od stanova omogućavaju potpun komfor i sigurnost u svakom domu. Svi stanovi projektovani su po novim modernim principima stanovanja sa racionalno iskorišćenim prostorom.
Take advantage of a unique opportunity to purchase an apartment surrounded by greenery in a quiet part of the city. Sports center Olimp and Zvezdara forest are just a few minutes away. Armored doors, granite tiles in the hallways and excellent insulation in each of the apartments provide maximum comfort and safety in every home. All apartments have been designed according to the principles of new modern habitation with rationally used space.
Raspoloživi stanovi: I sprat 42,5 m2, 58,75 m2, 72,16 m2, II sprat 39.65 m2, 58,75 m2, 72,16 m2, III sprat 39.65 m2
Cena / Price 1.550 EUR/m2 sa PDV-om / with VAT included Garažno mesto / Parking place in the garage 10.000 EUR sa PDV-om / with VAT included Garažno mesto napolju / Parking place outside 2.500 EUR sa PDV-om / with VAT included
Available apartments: 1st floor 42,5 m2, 58,75 m2, 72,16 m2, 2nd floor 39.65 m2, 58,75 m2, 72,16 m2, 3rd floor 39.65 m2
West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Zvezdara | for sale
Bez provizije / Without comission
Predstavljamo vam ekskluzivnu zgradu u završnoj fazi izgradnje koja vam nudi jedinstvenu priliku da se svako jutro budite uz panoramski pogled na grad. Locirana je na jednom od glavnih beogradskih bulevara, gde ćete biti na par koraka udaljenosti od svih sadržaja koji su vam potrebni u toku dana, kafića, prodavnica, pekara, butika. U izgradnji su korišćeni najkvalitetniji materijali i prelepi detalji. Raspoloživi stanovi: IV sprat 79 m2, 84 m2, V sprat 84 m2, 100 m2, VI sprat 50 m2, VII sprat 127 m2 Available apartments: 4th floor 79 m2, 84 m2, 5th floor 84 m2, 100 m2, 6th floor 50 m2, 7th floor 127 m2
We present you this exclusive building in the final stages of construction which offers you the unique opportunity to wake up each morning with a panoramic view of the city. Located on one of the mail Belgrade boulevard, you will be just a few steps away from all the things what you need in your everyday life: caffees, grocery shops, bakeries, butiques... Top quality materials and gorgeous details were used in the construction of this building.
Cena / Price 2.100 EUR/m2 sa PDV-om / with VAT included Garažno mesto / Parking place 15.000 EUR sa PDV-om / with VAT included
West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail: REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Belgrade, Vračar | for sale
Bez provizije / Without comission
Iskoristite jedinstvenu priliku da kupite stan u ekskluzivnoj zgradi na Vračaru sa prelepim pogledom. Poseban trud uložen je u VI i VII sprat koji su u staklu sa podnim grejanjem i divnim terasama. Planiran je veoma visok kvalitet završnih radova, fasada u kobinaciji kamena i drveta sa akrilnim bojama otpornim na vremenske uslove. Raspoloživi stanovi: I sprat 44 m2, II sprat 73 m2, IV sprat 73 m2, VI sprat 56 m2, VII sprat 83 m2, 90 m2 Available apartments: 1st floor 44 m2, 2nd floor 73 m2, 3rd floor 73 m2, 6th floor 56 m2, 7th floor 83 m2, 90 m2
Use this unique opportunity to buy an apartment in an exclusive building in Vracar with a great view. Extra effort was put into 6th and 7th floor which have big glass surfaces, floor heating and beautiful terraces. The investor plans to have high quality finishing works. The façade will be a combination of stone and wood with acrylic paint resistible to all weather conditions.
Cena / Price 2.100-2.300 EUR/m2
West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
R EAL E STAT E Ma ga z in | Ja n 2017 | www.rea lesta t e- magazin. rs
WEST PROPERTIES – Finest Selection Zlatibor | for sale
Bez provizije / Without comission
Zlatibor, the mountain which astonishes with its beauty, a place where continental and Mediterranean climate meet. The building style of this ecological resort is perfectly fits in the surrounding area and with it appearance completes the fairytale ambience of Zlatibor. Bramac roof tiles, façade of white pine tree, decorative stone, first class oak floors, aluminum-wood windows, Italian ceramics and plumbing materials were used in the construction of this complex. Natural materials combined with large glass surfaces provide plenty of light in the apartments which are of various sizes and structures. Spend your romantic evenings and cheerful mornings with your loved ones in your new mountain home.
Zlatibor, planina koja pleni svojom lepotom, mesto gde se susreću kontinentalna i mediteranska klima. Stil gradnje ovog ekološkog naselja se savršeno uklapa u okruženje i svojom pojavom upotpunjuje bajkovit ambijent Zlatibora. U izgradnji ovog objekta korišćeni su bramak crep, fasadno drvo (beli bor), dekorativni kamen, hrastov parket prve klase, alu-drvo stolarija, italijanska keramika i sanitarije. Prirodni materijali ukomponovani sa velikim staklenim površinama pružaju mnoštvo svetlosti u apartmanima koji su različitih površina i struktura. Provedite romantične zimske večeri i razdragana jutra sa svojim voljenima u svom novom planinskom domu. Raspoloživi stanovi: suteren 35 m2, 54 m2, prizemlje 32 m2, 45 m2, 46 m2, 48 m2, 69 m2, 72 m2, 73 m2, I sprat 31 m2, 37 m2, potkrovlje 32 m2, 38 m2, 45 m2, 47 m2, 69 m2, 72 m2, 73 m2
Cena / Price 1.500 EUR/m2 sa PDV-om / with VAT included
Available apartments: low-ground floor 35 m2, 54 m2, ground floor 32 m2, 45 m2, 46 m2, 48 m2, 69 m2, 72 m2, 73 m2, 1st floor 31 m2, 37 m2, attic floor 32 m2, 38 m2, 45 m2, 47 m2, 69 m2, 72 m2, 73 m2
West Properties, Tel: +381 11 32 43 274 Mail:
REAL ESTATE Magazin | Jan 2 0 1 7 | w w w. realest at e- magazin. rs
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