Making Peace Cape Town, Flyer

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6 November 31 January 2015 Government Avenue Company’s Garden

MAKING PEACE “This is an extraordinarily powerful exhibition that pays tribute to a century of peace making and a wide range of peacemakers across the globe. At the same time it serves as a call to action for ordinary citizens to become involved in peace activities of all kinds, and in so doing to promote a global culture of peace.� Federico Mayor Zaragoza President of the Foundation for a Culture of Peace and former Director-General of UNESCO Produced by the International Peace Bureau (IPB) Making Peace presents the international peace movement in its broadest sense and how these persons and organisations have shaped and influenced the course of the 20th century: that despite two World Wars and many bloody conflicts, there have been significant triumphs, such as the end of the Cold War and the apartheid regime, the banning of antipersonnel landmines and the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) - all of which were in large part the result of civil society efforts. Importantly the exhibition explains what five essential elements are necessary to create a sustainable peace and invites people, especially youth to get involved in peace making activities.


Exhibition Development

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