Realstew - Link vs Like

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A LINK IS BETTER THAN A LIKE So what if your Facebook friend ‘likes’ the fact that your dog does cute tricks and shares a You Tube of it with their Facebook friends who also ‘like’ the dog’s antics …..all you have done is helped Facebook to ‘connect’ with other dog lovers to whom they can sell adverts relating to pet products and make money!

RealStew would much rather that you communicate, engage and interact with your contacts on OUR Platform and create ‘links’ with others who are potential friends and/or business contacts. Then, when these people communicate with their contacts, further links are created and these are just one degree of separation away from you. In this way, you will acquire a growing number of ‘links’, tracking up to 6 degrees of separation, and from every Country in the world. So much more is on offer from a RealStew link, as opposed to a Facebook ‘like’. Once you are logged onto the Web, then voila, you can start tracking these ‘links’ …..Globally!

The next step is to download RealMobile, onto your Android or iOS phone, so you can track the way in which these ‘links’ spread globally and in real time!

The new ‘game in town’, is called ‘StewVille’…. But, relax! Because you do not have to worry about committing hours to tending virtual crops, you just do what comes naturally, “You communicate with your friends, contacts and clients” and “GET PAID TO DO IT!” Each ‘Link’ can be likened to a ‘Pay Point’ and when you track it on your phone it is the same as having ‘money in your pocket’.

Of course, statements like this give rise to many questions so let us start answering them… HOW DOES REALSTEW MAKE MONEY? Every ‘link’ is a Member or potential, revenue earning client for RealStew. This is no different to every Facebook Member (who by registering a ‘like’) gives Facebook an open invitation to sell them one or more of their services. At this stage it is mainly advertising. RealStew gets to know what every ‘Link’ is interested in, what their location is and their position on the social graph. We have a wide spectrum of unique value added services which are readily accessible and designed to simplify and upgrade business operations or personal and social needs as required. These could be subscription services to Applications which allow Members to communicate and interact more effectively (CHAT /MULTI CHAT / USER GROUPS / BLOG /PROFILED WEBSITES). Also to record and maintain a history of all communications and tools that prompt them to respond proactively (CRM), record and track all transactions (ONLINE ACCOUNTING) while promoting their products and services, through profiled ads, as a proactive way to find customers. All orders delivered through mobile channels (mCommerce) or the web (eCommerce) are implemented through to full financial settlement (Financial Gateway). An increasing number of ‘links’ are subscribing for these services as a way of saving money while improving the efficiency and effectiveness in the way they interact and engage with

their contacts and their clients. Quite simply, the system works very well for them, particularly as it profiles and finds new clients! The services are integrated, easy to implement and ‘do the trick’! BUT, there is more! The very same clients who are happy to pay for the services are finding RealStew’s principle of revenue sharing which helps them to finance their growing business, another compelling reason to continue to use the RealStew Platform. REALSTEW SHARES THE MONEY! RealStew has clients globally positioned, as at March 2015 in 186 countries, and generates revenue in all of the major currencies. RealStew is a co-operative which shares 72% of its revenue, as and when it is received with all its Members based on a unique ‘DNA link road Map’. More details of how this ‘DNA linked road Map’ is drawn up and how money flows along the plotted path will follow. HOW DOES THIS COMPARE WITH WHAT FACEBOOK OR GOOGLE DO? Facebook, and now WhatsApp (owned by Facebook), and Google monetize the ‘eye balls’ , in exactly the same way that RealStew does, which is to convert the ‘eye balls’ into paying customers or ‘sell’ the profiled ‘eye ball’ traffic to advertisers who are looking to promote their products and services. While Google runs an Affiliate Program where they share some of the money with web partners they do not share the money with the Users /Members of the Platforms. RealStew shares the revenue (72%) and takes it further, so that the controlling shareholder (50.1%) is a Trust and the beneficiaries are all the existing and future Members of RealStew. HOW DOES THE 72% REVENUE SHARE GET DISTRIBUTED? As RealStew receive the funds for the service it has agreed to provide, and which is paid for by the Member (client) who has agreed to subscribe and pay for the service, RealStew will deduct any applicable sales tax /transactional fees and divide the balance into 6 parts. The RealStew ‘link’ table records how the Member (client), paying for the service, was first ‘linked’ into RealStew. This could have been in one of many ways:

An invitation sent via SMS text (to the mobile number of the Member /Client) or email through the RealMobile Plus Application;

A shared link to a blog posted on any Social Media Platform (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn etc);

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A CHAT message sent through RealStew CHAT An invitation to join a User Group on the RealStew Platform An invoice raised by a Member using the Real Accounting Online system etc

Once it is established how the fee paying Member was linked, then the Member who was the effective cause of this occurring becomes level 1 and the Member who introduced Level 1 becomes Level 2 and so on. This will continue up the line. The 6 parts (as described above) are then distributed / shared with the first level receiving the One Part and everything moves up the line until all 6 parts are distributed. As a rule this would be 6 levels up BUT should any of the levels have elected not to receive a share of the funds, they will not receive a part and it will continue up the line by a further level. HOW MUCH MONEY (REVENUE) WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION? It is a matter of scale and naturally with limited friction, easy traction and the universal need to communicate and the rise of smart phones as a channel to communication we are building a global base of Members. th

On the 6 November 2014, WhatsApp recorded a high of 64 billion messages sent via their instant messaging system and they regularly record in excess of 40 billion messages per day. RealStew presents a more comprehensive number of channels where Members can communicate and through different devices, not limited to mobile, and it follows that over time the number of messages processed on the platform will increase. Each message presents an opportunity to do business for both the sender and receiver of the message. An increase in traffic will translate to increased profiling and an increased propensity for subscriptions to be sold to services and transactions completed, processed and executed which translates into an increased pool of revenue for distribution. THE RECURRING NATURE OF THE REVENUE IS SIGNIFICANT The revenue is earned, received and distributed in the currency in which it is received and it follows that as the number of links spread through the 6 degrees and increase in number there will be a continuous flow through all the World’s country’s and Members will start receiving distributed revenue in all the recognized currencies. With a number of the subscribed for Applications subject to monthly recurring subscription fees and every ‘link’ constituting a potential consumer that will respond to an ever increasing number of profiled ads and the ‘links’ geographically located in every country it follows that over time there will be an increasing level of predictability in the revenue a Member can expect to receive. This creates a situation where the Member is able to make advances against future income, based on past revenue flows, and presents RealStew with an opportunity to present a full bundle of additional financial services.

WHAT ARE THE COSTS OF THE VARIOUS REALSTEW SERVICES? It is free to register with RealStew and to access a full range of communication channels, namely RealMobile, Chat, Multi Chat and User Groups as is a comprehensive CRM (Contact Relationship Management) system and the ability to register a personal URL and profile a personal web badge. Each of these channels and services can be used to communicate and interact with Contacts with any engagement resulting in a new Member registering on the Platform. This has the effect of establishing the ‘pay point’ ‘link’ between the existing Member and the new Member. A Member looking to enhance the ‘look and feel’ of the RealStew Offer, effectively to attract additional ‘links’, has two options, namely:

A fee of GBP1-00 per month to change the backdrop of the personal website as many times as the Member wishes;

A one off fee of GBP50-00 and monthly recurring fee of GBP20-00 enabling them to create a custom website, with linked blog, multimedia channel, along with any number of profiled ads for products and services, to be self-managed, giving extensive interaction with existing and prospective clients generated by the ads, and all from one logged in position.

For an additional charge of GBP5-00 per month, the custom website can be boot strapped to be presented and published on Mobile devices – (to be released later in the year!)

A Member wishing to enhance the way they communicate and interact with Members and looking to publish a regular ‘newsletter’ or communiqué would be better advised to subscribe to use the RealStew Blog. At GBP2-50 per month the Blogger has the full management of their subscriber base, a one-to-many User Group of subscribers and tools for the Blogger and subscribers to ‘share’ the blog through all the primary social media Platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus and Twitter)

Finding new customers and then securing repeat and referral business is the challenge every business has. RealStew has an elegant and cost effective solution for both components of the challenge:

 

When it comes to finding new customers RealStew allows advertisers (Private, Social and Businesses) to create as many profiled ads as they wish to be promoted on both web and mobile channels. Payment is required ONLY when a prospective client is introduced or a transaction is successfully concluded. A case of ADVERTSING that always works!

Repeat and referral business, is a natural consequence of what happens when Members maintain effective, efficient communication with their clients and prospects and are responsive, proactive and informed when they communicate.

The ‘success fee’ for profiled ads would be an agreed % of the transaction, or in the case of generating a lead (not possible to price the service), for example a quote to paint a house, the fee will be GBP1-00 for every profiled lead from the ad. The publisher of the created ads will have free access to the web based CRM system, monitoring all activity and responses until such time when they have 10 or more ads running. Then the fee will be GBP10-00 per month and increase to GBP25-00 per month once there are 25 or more ads and finally increase to GBP50-00 a month when there are more than 50 ads running simultaneously.

REALMOBILE IS ‘REAL’ AMAZING! No communication platform would be complete without a Mobile interface. What is great about the RealMobile application (runs on Android and iOS) is that it is FREE to use and it allows Members to access what they currently access from a tablet, PC or laptop also a Mobile device. Log into your account from any Mobile device and you pick up the same conversation you were having on your laptop or tablet ….you are connected at all times with your World and

when it comes to business and your clients you are ‘connected’ directly with them and are more responsive to their needs. The communication is not Mobile Phone specific so you can log into ANY phone that has RealMobile downloaded, log into your account and you access the same data. Lose a phone and you lose no data as the data is on the cloud and the phone was just another device to access the same data. REALMOBILE PLUS Investing huge amounts of resources in building complete mobility into our platform meant that we had to find a solution where we could recover the cost and continue to build and enhance the features of mobile. We therefore have introduced an optional Application, called RealMobile Plus, at an annual charge of GBP1-99; The way the upgraded service will work is as follows:

A standard feature of RealMobile is the ability to invite via SMS text any Mobile number in the Mobile Contact Book (or inserted), OR any email from the Mobile Contact book (or inserted).

The invite will carry a special encrypted text that when clicked on by the recipient directs the invitee to a registration page that, when completed, establishes a ‘link’ between the Inviter and Invitee.

On the ‘link’ being established the system will check whether the Inviter has subscribed to RealMobile Plus. Where the Inviter has NOT subscribed to RealMobile Plus the Alert on the left will be forwarded to them and at the end of the month, should they not have subscribed, the Alert will be on the right.

Where the Member has subscribed to RealMobile Plus the ‘links’ are established and retained. RealMobile Plus is an elegant solution that funds, through RealStew’s portion of the annual subscription fee (GBP1-99 less 72%), the development and maintenance of the mobile channel. Registered RealStew Members may continue to build their ‘DNA linked road Map’ through web channels without having to subscribe to RealMobile Plus. RealMobile, and in particular the seamless ability to establish ‘links’ through the ‘Mobile invite’ tool, without question, presents a solid case for Members, looking to establish a strong base of ‘links’, to subscribe to RealMobile Plus. LEND-IT-FORWARD There is a clear value proposition that RealMobile Plus provides an easy path for Members to increase their ‘links’ and materially change their financial wellbeing. An annual charge of GBP1-99 is negligible and justified but there will be situations where Members would not be in a position to cover the cost either due to their genuine financial position or, from a technical perspective, they are unable to affect a PayPal or bank payment / transfer. We have, through the ‘Lend-it-Forward’ program a solution.

A Member, presented with the opportunity on the Mobile device, to activate ‘sharing’ and then subscribe to RealMobile Plus will have two payment options, namely PayPal or access to the ‘Lend-it-Forward’ program. Should the Member wish to take advantage of the program, they would submit their motivation and reasons for requiring the support and endorsement of their Mentor.

On submitting the Application, an Alert will be sent to each of the 6 levels above the Member requiring support.

On approving the advance:    

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The funds are transferred from the Lender’s Trading Account To the Borrowers Trading account

Taken from the Borrower’s Trading account and used to purchase RealStew Credits to the value of the advance;

The RealMobile Plus Application is automatically activated and credits, covering the subscription, deducted from the account. The Mentor and Borrower will be alerted.

The Mentor, working closely with the sponsored Member (Borrower), will actively encourage and ensure that the Borrower invites friends and contacts to register and download RealMobile themselves. The first of any funds accruing to the Borrower, through increased links, is automatically, as a first claim, repaid to the Lender with the funds transferred to the Lender’s Trading Account and the outstanding ‘loan balance’ reduced. The minimum balance retained in the Borrowers Trading Account will then be increased by twice the amount borrowed with the Borrower obliged at all future times to have this amount available as a loan, to any other Members within their down line. A WIN-WIN situation! 

There is no reason why a Member, unable to access funds, is prejudiced;

The short term funding empowers and activates the Borrower to create links that benefit not only the Borrower (first level) but also the Lender who would be within 6 degrees of separation. The loan will be repaid and will be a first claim on the Borrowers portion of shared revenue:

The Borrower, having to reciprocate with twice as much and for two sponsored loans compounds and leverages links;

BANKING FOR THE BANKED AND UNBANKED! The sharing of distributed revenues takes place seamlessly with the funds, net of month end ledgers fees and any scheduled deductions, credited to the Members Trading Account. A Statement of Account, per currency, is accessed from the web with the coding soon to commence to pull the figures through onto Mobile where the Member can view currency balances and initiate payments / transfers:

Members with an existing banking relationship have the option of being able to transfer funds to their existing commercial accounts or, they can leave the funds in the Trading Account taking advantage of them being in different currencies, and initiating payments as required. Members with no ‘banking relationship’ would treat the Trading Accounts as a commercial trading account which financially empowers them to transact globally. It would not be possible to deposit funds into such an account as this would require RealStew having to apply for a Banking Licence. It is RealStew’s intention, in due course, to apply for a Banking Licence As we articulated earlier, the recurring nature of the revenue flow and the ever increasing spread of links combined with the growing Application Library will generate more revenue for distribution. This presents RealStew with huge opportunities to provide, as it will, a broad range of financial services, namely: Peer to Peer or Social lending:

Passive income trading:

ACCOUNTING FOR THE MONEY Every Member, sharing in the distributed revenue pool, must subscribe, as a condition of sharing, to the RealStew Online Accounting system which will automatically raise monthly invoices for all money and accruing of net expenses.

The invoicing module is one of a collection of integrated modules which provide a complete set of accounts from basic transaction entries to a full Balance Sheet. Debtor and creditor control, management and control of stock and a full Production Costing system round off the package. A monthly subscription fee of GBP2-50 is levied and deducted from Monthly earnings when the number of invoices processed is less than 25 and this will increase to GBP5-00 for up to 100 invoices a month and GBP20-00 per month for up to 1000 invoices a month. REALSTEW ONLINE CLOUD BASED ACCOUNTING – BUILDING THE WORLD’S BIGGEST CLOUD BASED ACCOUNTING INTEGRATED PLATFORM With a growing global base of private, social and business Users, motivated to continuously increase their ‘link’ base and income flow, we will seamlessly increase subscriber numbers to the RealStew Online Accounting System and create, within a relatively short period, the World’s largest base of Online Accounting users operating from one platform. Operating from one platform:  

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Linked to the same communication network; Proprietary ‘search engine’; Same Financial settlements gateway;

The cherry on top, is the embedded collaborative sharing model that encourages, motivates and supports a spirit of sharing that compounds the growth of the Platform even further.


Life does not have to be a case of yes or no, heads or tails or whether you win or lose…. RealStew does not ask anyone to do anything differently to what they are already doing. Everyone, including Private, Social and Business are:   

 

Communicating With contacts, family and friends

This is happening now and will happen more and more into the future, irrespective as to how, why, when and with whom they are communicating. A browser environment is essential for these activities.

Sharing or engaging through a Social Media Platform, through email, on User Groups or blogs and irrespective as to the device used (Mobile / PC / Laptop or Tablet) it all happens. Selecting the RealStew Platform or any other Platform is a matter of choice but RealStew offers one major difference to all other Platforms. While they all offer the same communication options to engage, interact or do business, RealStew will financially reward you for doing it. Once this information is taken on board, rather than just using the RealStew Platform to have a conversation, it becomes a case of ascertaining whether your ‘contact’ is linking up with you or you ‘linking’ up with them so it can be determined who is the ‘pay point’ in this interaction. A DEDICATED SUPPORT PERSON WILL BE LINKED TO YOUR REGISTRATION! Registration automatically pairs the new Member to a dedicated support consultant (Mentor) tasked with assisting the Member to optimize their use of the Platform, increase their links and to communicate and engage more effectively with all contacts.

REALSTEW EMPOWERS USERS TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE THAN A GOAT In 1980 Science Week conducted an experiment on the amount of energy used by a goat to get from point A to Point B. Taking the same amount of energy they discovered a Man would travel half the distance in half the time. When the man was given a bicycle they found that he covered twice the distance in half the time and when they added gears to the bicycle performance was increased.

The RealStew Social Collaborate and Revenue Sharing model adds a ‘gear’ to the bicycle where every downward step produces a forward thrust that no other Platform can match.

GETTING STARTED Ok, I am game I see that there is something special here …..How do I get started? Step one:

The message that references this document has an ‘active text’ link. Click on the link and follow the prompts to Register. Click on the confirmation e-mail and you are registered and ‘linked’ to the person that sent you the message. On registering you will be automatically paired with a dedicated support person. Open any CHAT box and click on the ‘Mentor’ icon at the bottom of the CHAT box OR, if you have downloaded RealMobile click on the Mentor icon displayed in a number area on Mobile.

Step Two:

Download RealMobile to your Android /iOS Smart phone

Step Three:

Activate ‘sharing’ and subscribe to RealMobile Plus at the annual charge of GBP1-99. Speak to your Mentor and determine whether they believe you qualify for ‘Lend-it-Forward’ support.

Step Four:

Working with the Mentor’s direction and support, create a profile for you, including the registration of your own URL and start inviting your friends and contact to register.

SUGGESTED WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR ‘LINKS’ Ok, so you are registered and want to increase the ‘links’, you have registered and you have been paired up with a dedicated support Mentor. Your Mentor will support you each step of the way, giving you good advice on how to increase your ‘links’ and more importantly, WHY you should increase your ‘links’, as we have already detailed in this document. The quickest and most effective way, if you are using a Web service is to log into your account, load all your contacts into the RealStew contact book and send a chat message to each of them. They will receive an email with an ‘active text link’ which you invite them to click on in response to the message on your Platform. If this is their first interaction on the Platform, due to your communiqué, then this will ‘link’ them to you. They will immediately be paired with their dedicated support Mentor and the process continues. This process has been proven to work, introducing many new Members to RealStew and establishing multiple ‘links’ but there are two potential problems that do occur, namely: 

The email carrying the CHAT message, is sent by the RealStew email system and on occasions, it is not recognized as a legitimate email, so it gets caught up in the Contact Spam box and is never seen;

On opening the message the Contact needs to click on the ‘active link’ in the message to continue the conversation. There have been situations where the Contact does not read the message carefully and presses ‘Reply’ on their email system and the message is ‘lost’.

We have found an excellent and very effective way of resolving such challenges and achieving more in the process.... Download RealMobile, then subscribe to RealMobile Plus (annual subscription GBP1-99) and access the ‘New +’ invite tool on the ‘Contacts’ page. Select the ‘email’ option and send an email to yourself. This will extract and send to your personal email address a special ‘active link’ code. From your email system you can then compose any message / email you feel appropriate, knowing your contacts, and you can even attach this document or any other material and bulk send, your message and request them to Register by clicking on the ‘active link code’. Email addresses from all your other contacts are concealed from those receiving your message. You can actually take this ‘active link’ code and share it on your Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Google +, LinkedIn, Twitter) or even through ‘WhatsApp’, Skype and any messaging system you use. Your email or shared communication will get through and if the message is right you can expect a high level of take up, resulting in registration and ‘links’. ONLY THE START … Clearly a ‘Link’ is better than a ‘Like’ …You decide! )


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