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In addition to the head and standing figure, the horse was another of Turnbull’s enduring themes which he returned to time and again within his sculpture. The physical power of this animal and its myriad associations with war, history and mythology, offered an ideal subject for a sculptor whose work was both timeless and at the same time astonishingly modern. Over the decades Turnbull handled this subject in radically different ways, on both smaller and larger scales and as a body of work they demonstrate the artist’s imaginative vision.


‘What interests me about it, as well as some other things found in African sculpture, is how the part can represent the whole. I mean that when you see that horse’s head you feel the whole horse, in the same way when you see some African mask, whether it’s from a rabbit or a leopard and you can feel the whole animal is in that one component. And when I make horses’ heads – I have done them pretty well ever since the beginning – it’s always been with this idea of having a metaphoric quality. But also with only part of the horse is represented, you didn’t feel that the rest of the horse is missing. That has always fascinated me in sculpture where the part can become the whole. For instance, it used to puzzle me, when I saw portrait heads, the sense there of amputation. There should be a tension between the sculpture as object and what it represents. I don’t want to look at the sculpture and feel that anything is missing. So when I make my Heads, they have to be a head that looks that way from the start.’ 34

One of William Turnbull’s earliest recorded sculptures was of a horse’s head Horse (1946) (cat no.50). Made while he was still a student at the Slade, Turnbull created this highly experimental work by modelling plaster over a metal armature and painting it yellow, only later casting it in bronze. At the time, Turnbull was a regular visitor to the British Museum, which was only a short walk from the art school. The horse's strong profile and arched neck is reminiscent of classical Greek sculptures in the museum’s collection, such as Fragments of Colossal Horses from the Quadriga of the Mausoleum at Halikarnassos, 350 B.C. and The Horse of Selene, c.438-432 B.C., a fragment from the Parthenon. Made up of a series of interlocking planes the sculpture also has Cubist overtones. While much of Turnbull’s later sculpture is frontal and direct, the multiple viewpoints offered up by Horse (1946) mean it is best appreciated in the round. Three holes represent the horse’s eyes: a pair of holes indicate the eyes when viewed from the front, while a third hole (cut into a different plane) is only visible when the horse is viewed in profile. These holes also have the effect of opening up this rather blocky form by introducing light and space.

By the time Turnbull came to make his next Horse in 1950 (cat no.51), he was living in Paris. Keen to distance himself from the influence of Cubism, which he saw as a ready-made language, his sculptures in Paris were playful, absurdist works, with a calligraphic sense of line, like drawings in space. Like other works made in Paris, Horse, 1950, was formed from a metal armature, which was then roughly covered in plaster and then cast in bronze. It describes an entire horse, albeit with details radically reduced, stood directly on the ground. The straddled legs suggest it might be based on a toy horse, toys and games being a preoccupation of Turnbull’s at this time. The multiple spindly limbs also indicate the trace of the horse’s movement, an idea present in the painting Untitled (1949) (cat no.6) and sculptures such as Torque Upwards (1949) (cat no.4) and Maquette for Large Sculpture (1949) (cat no.5). Turnbull had met and come to admire Alberto Giacometti during his time living in Paris and the Swiss sculptor was a notable early influence.

In 1954, Turnbull made another Horse (cat no.53), a bronze which, like his 1946 sculpture, focused solely on the horse's head and curving neck, which balances at two points on the ground. The plaster maquette from which this bronze was cast was, once again, a solid, bulky form, roughly modelled, with texture combed into the surface. The overall form retains some of the qualities of the earlier ‘Cubist’ work, in that we are shown both a flattened frontal view of the horse’s head and simultaneously a side-on view of the mane. This simplified, primitive approach to form can be found in both early African wood carvings and Ancient Greek masks.

Pegasus (1954) (cat no.52) continues the feeling of movement from Horse, 1950. Its form is built up in much the same way, with Turnbull constructing a branch-like metal armature but this time ‘filling in’ some of the shapes to arrive at a more solid form ‘thrust into space in several directions, from a long spine.’ 35 Its open, twisting form suggests, without explicitly describing, the dynamic movement of a rearing horse and as such, like Horse (1946), it demands to be viewed in the round. Turnbull created the distinctive ribbed texture by pressing corrugated paper into his still wet plaster model - an effect we see repeated across many other works, see for example Aphrodite (1958) (cat no.24). Tate curator Toby Treves notes that ‘While he determined where to apply the paper, the precise details of the marks were not foreseeable. The immediacy and unpredictability of this method greatly appealed to Turnbull.’ 36

Pegasus is the only horse sculpture which makes direct reference to the winged horse of Greek mythology, although this classical allusion is implied in his other works. Richard Morphet has compared its form to Eugène Lequesne‘s spectacular, rearing Pegasus on the roof of the Opéra National de Paris but Turnbull later explained that ‘The idea ‘horse’ emerged from rather than motivated or permitted the sculptural process [and] the desired primacy of object over subject was facilitated by formal compression.’ 37 As an image of dynamic energy and power it is also reminiscent of the famous sculpture Large Horse, 1914, cast 1961, by Raymond Duchamp-Villion (1876–1918) (Coll. Tate Gallery, London). Pegasus is arguably one of Turnbull’s most iconic sculptures, hence its inclusion in numerous important exhibitions, including both of the artist’s retrospectives, at the Tate Gallery in 1973 and the Serpentine Gallery in 1995.

After a 33-year gap, Turnbull returned to the subject of the horse in 1987 and all of the twelve works he created thereafter, to varying degrees refer back to Horse (1954). In 1988-9 and 1990, Turnbull produced two very large bronzes, both around 3 metres high and then a final largescale horse in 1999. Amanda Davidson notes the explicit reference to an adze (Stone Age axe) in these later works, alluding to the horse’s role as the tool/servant of man. The large horses have been exhibited outdoors in London and Paris, and, to spectacular effect, in rural locations including the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and Chatsworth House, Derbyshire. Large Horse, 1990 was on long term loan to the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum in Hartford, Connecticut and is now on view at the Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach. In 1994 and 1995 (cat no.54) there are smaller variations both titled Horse’s Head which show the horse’s head extending over the side of a plinth. In 2000 a similar head is held up off the ground, and in the two final examples from the same year, Horse 2 and 3 (cat no.55), we see the head reduced to its most abstract and linear form.

Surrounding these horses in this centenary exhibition will be a number of Turnbull’s paintings from the 1950s. Two of these (cat nos.57-58), created in 1957, show Turnbull’s fascination with creating internal frames within his canvases, as a way of generating focus and intensity through colour contrast. Each canvas follows the same arrangement: a central, rectangular expanse of overlapping marks (applied impasto with a palette knife), is contained within an equally textured, thin border, which is itself enclosed within a very flatly painted outer edge. The work of Mark Rothko was an inspiration in these years and these paintings reflect Turnbull’s transatlantic artistic engagements.

34 William Turnbull in conversation with Colin Renfrew, Waddington Galleries, 1998,

William Turnbull Sculpture and Paintings, exh. Cat., London, 1998 35 William Turnbull in conversation with Tate curators published in The Tate

Gallery Report 1970–1972, London, 1972 and also the catalogue for the Alastair

McAlpine Gift, 1971 36 Toby Treves, Tate Gallery website: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/turnbull-horse-t01381. 37 Ibid

Page 169: William Turnbull in his studio Page 170: Turnbull, Large Horse, 1990, Chatsworth House, 2013 Page 173: Turnbull in his studio


Works available for sale are marked with an asterisk * Additional cataloguing for these works can found at the back of the book on pages 197–203 Works not included in the exhibition are marked with △

(page 179-81) |50 Horse (1946) * bronze 71.1 × 35.6 × 53.3 cm inscribed with signature and date AC from an edition of 4 plus 1 AC

(page 182-83) |51 Horse (1950) * bronze 78.1 × 95.3 × 62.2 cm 6/6 from an edition of 6 plus 1 AC

(page 185) |52 Pegasus (1954) * bronze 88.9 × 44.5 × 74.3 cm stamped with the artist’s monogram, dated and numbered 2/4 from an edition of 4 plus 1 AC (detail page 184)

(page 186-87) |53 Horse (1954) bronze 66.7 × 68 × 23.2 cm AC from an edition of 2 plus 1 AC Private Collection

(page 188-89) |54 Horse's Head (1995) * bronze 147 × 35 × 86 cm stamped with the artist's monogram and stamped ‘Livingstone Art Founders’, dated and numbered 1/6 from an edition of 6, only 4 cast out (page 190-91) |55 Horse 3 (2000) △ bronze 80 × 111 × 17.8 cm stamped with the artist's monogram, numbered 2/6 from an edition of 6 plus 1 AC, only 1/6 & AC cast out

(page 193) |56 5-1959 (Yin Yang) (1959) oil on canvas 177.8 × 177.8 cm signed and dated verso; signed and titled on canvas overlap, dated and inscribed ‘Tournament’ and ‘Yin + Yang’ on stretcher bar Milk Collection, Portugal

(page 194) |57 Untitled (1957) * oil on canvas 152.4 × 114.3 cm signed and dated verso

(page 195) |58 Untitled (1957) * oil on canvas 152.4 × 114.3 cm signed and dated verso

|1 Forms on a Base (1949)


Estate of the Artist


London, Tate Gallery, William Turnbull: Sculpture and Painting, retrospective exhibition, 15 August - 7 October 1973, cat no.5, illus b/w p26 West Bretton, Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, William Turnbull Retrospective 1946-2003, 14 May - 9 October 2005, cat no.9, illus colour p7 London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Beyond Time, 9 June - 3 July 2010, cat no.4, illus colour p21


Bernard Cohen, 'William Turnbull - Painter and Sculptor', Studio International, vol. 186, number 957, July - August 1973, illus b/w p9 Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, cat no.15, illus b/w p82 Claire Lilley, 'William Turnbull at Chatsworth', Yorkshire Sculpture Park, 10 March - 30 June 2013, exhibition catalogue, illus colour fig.7, p24 Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p58

|2 Aquarium (1949)


Estate of the Artist


Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p36

|6 Untitled (1949)


Estate of the Artist


Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p53

|8 Circus (1947)


Estate of the Artist |9 Mask (1946)


Estate of the Artist


West Bretton, Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, William Turnbull Retrospective 1946-2003, 14 May - 9 October 2005, cat no.3, illus colour p4 London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Sculptures and Paintings 1946-1962, 31 January - 24 February 2007, cat no.1, unknown cast, illus colour p5 London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Beyond Time, 9 June - 3 July 2010, cat no.1, cast no.4/4, illus colour, p15 Bakewell, Chatsworth House, William Turnbull at Chatsworth, 10 March - 30 June 2013, cat no.21, this cast, illus colour p80


Richard Morphet, 'Commentary,' William Turnbull: Sculpture and Painting, retrospective exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1973, fig.2, illus b/w, p22 Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, cat no.5, illus b/w p79 Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p24

|19 Head (1956)


Estate of the Artist


Derbyshire, Bakewell, Chatsworth House, William Turnbull at Chatsworth, 10 March - 30 June 2013, cat no.9, illus colour p77

|20 Head (1955)


Estate of the Artist


Bakewell, Chatsworth House, William Turnbull at Chatsworth, 10 March - 30 June 2013, cat no.12, illus colour p78, titled 'Head (Calligraphic)'


Theo Crosby (ed.), Uppercase 4, Whitefriars, London, 1960, illus b/w, unpaginated, titled 'Skull' with wrong dimensions Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p145

|23 Standing Female Figure (1955)


Estate of the Artist


London, Hanover Gallery, Contemporary Sculpture, July - September 1956, cat no.61, illus b/w four views, unpaginated, unknown cast London, Institute of Contemporary Arts, William Turnbull: New Sculpture and Paintings, 25 September - 2 November 1957, cat no.13, unknown cast, illus b/w, unpaginated, collection Eric Estorick, titled 'Standing Female Figure 2' London, Tate Gallery, William Turnbull: Sculpture and Painting, retrospective exhibition, 15 August - 7 October 1973, cat no.26, unknown cast, illus b/w, p34 Cambridge, Jesus College, Sculpture in the Close: An exhibition of the works of William Turnbull, 24 June - 31 July 1990, cat no.5, unknown cast, illus b/w, p24 West Bretton, Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, William Turnbull Retrospective 1946-2003, 14 May - 9 October 2005, cat no.5, cast no.4/4, illus colour, p4 Derbyshire, Bakewell, Chatsworth House, William Turnbull at Chatsworth House, 10 March - 30 June 2013, p9, cat no.68, unknown cast, illus colour, pp66 & 88 London, Barbican, Postwar Modern, New Art in Britain 19451965, 3 March – 26 June 2022, cast no.4/4, illus colour p92


Theo Crosby (ed.), Uppercase 4, Whitefriars, London, 1960, illus b/w four views and a detail, unpaginated Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, cat no.58, unknown cast, illus b/w, p95 Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, p109 illus colour, p152 illus b/w, p155 b/w (detail)

|27 Totemic Figure (1957)


Estate of the Artist


(Possibly) San Francisco, Museum of Art, British Art Today, 13 November - 16 December 1962, cat 125, unknown cast, not illus, titled 'Totem Figure', touring to: Dallas, Museum for Contemporary Art, 15 January - 17 February 1963; Santa Barbara, Museum of Art, 7 March - 7 April 1963. London, Tate Gallery, William Turnbull: Sculpture and Painting, retrospective exhibition, 15 August - 7 October 1973, cat no.38, illus b/w, p36, another cast London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Sculptures 1946-62, 1985-87, 28 October - 21 November 1987, cat no.11, unknown cast, illus colour, p33 Cambridge, Jesus College, Sculpture in the Close: An exhibition of the works of William Turnbull, 24 June - 31 July 1990, unknown cast, cat no.11, illus b/w p2 London, Serpentine Gallery, William Turnbull: Bronze Idols and Untitled Paintings, 15 November 1995 - 7 January 1996, unknown cast, pl. 15, illus b/w p28, in accompanying publication: David Sylvester (intro.), William Turnbull: Sculpture and Paintings, Merrell Holberton in association with Serpentine Gallery, London, 1995 West Bretton, Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, William Turnbull Retrospective 1946-2003, 14 May - 9 October 2005, open air until Spring 2006, p18, cat no.37, illus colour p21, this cast Chatsworth, Chatsworth House, William Turnbull at Chatsworth, 10 March - 30 June 2013, cat no.63, this cast, illus colour pp61 & 87


Theo Crosby (ed.), Uppercase 4, Whitefriars, London, 1960, illus b/w, unpaginated, titled 'Idol,' dated '1958' Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, cat no.78, illus b/w p102 Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p369 (installation photograph from Chatsworth House)

|28 29-1958 (1958)


Estate of the Artist


London, Tate Gallery, William Turnbull, Sculpture and Painting, 15 August - 7 October 1973, cat no.92, not illus p71 London, Barbican Art Gallery, The Sixties Art Scene in London, 11 March - 13 June 1993, insert cat no.243, where titled 'White Painting, 29-1958', in accompanying publication by David Mellor, Phaidon, London, 1993, p77 London, Serpentine Gallery, William Turnbull: Bronze Idols and Untitled Paintings, 15 November 1995 - 7 January 1996, pl16, illus colour p30, in accompanying publication: David Sylvester (intro.), William Turnbull: Sculpture and Paintings, Merrell Holberton in association with Serpentine Gallery, London, 1995 London, Offer Waterman, William Turnbull; New Worlds, Words, Signs, 29 September - 3 November 2017, cat no.18, illus colour pp69 & 25

|30 Paddle Venus 2 (1986)


Galerie Volker Diehl, Berlin Private Collection, Switzerland acquired from the above in 1997 Offer Waterman, London


London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Sculptures 1946-62, 1985-87, 28 October - 21 November 1987, unknown cast, cat no.24, illus colour, p61 Sculpture at Goodwood, group exhibition, 1996-97, p84 illus colour p85 London, Serpentine Gallery, William Turnbull: Bronze Idols and Untitled Paintings, 15 November 1995 - 7 January 1996, another cast, pl51 illus b/w p71, in accompanying publication: David Sylvester (intro.), William Turnbull: Sculpture and Paintings, Merrell Holberton in association with Serpentine Gallery, London, 1995 West Bretton, Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, William Turnbull Retrospective 1946-2003, 14 May - 9 October 2005, illus colour inside back cover Bakewell, Chatsworth House, William Turnbull at Chatsworth, 10 March - 30 June 2013, cat no.49, unknown cast, illus colour pp47 & 85


Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, cat no.244, illus b/w, p169 Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p362

|31 Idol (1988)


Estate of the Artist


London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull, 25 September - 19 October 1991, cat no.1, illus colour p7 London, Serpentine Gallery, William Turnbull: Bronze Idols and Untitled Paintings, 15 November 1995 - 7 January 1996, unknown cast, pl53 illus b/w p73, in accompanying publication: David Sylvester (intro.), William Turnbull: Sculpture and Paintings, Merrell Holberton in association with Serpentine Gallery, London, 1995 West Bretton, Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, William Turnbull Retrospective 1946-2003, 14 May - 9 October 2005, open air to spring 2006, p18, this cast (AC) illus colour inside front cover Bakewell, Chatsworth House, William Turnbull at Chatsworth, 10 March - 30 June 2013, cat no.51, this cast (AC), illus colour pp49 & 85


Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, cat no.259, illus b/w p174

|32 Agamemnon (1962)


with Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, New York Private Collection, acquired from the above in November 1966 Private Collection, Europe, by descent from the above


New York, Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, Turnbull, October 1963, cat no.7, illus b/w (studio photograph) and on the invitation card, unpaginated London, Offer Waterman, William Turnbull: New Worlds, Words, Signs, 29 September - 3 November 2017, cat no.10, illus colour p49 New York, Di Donna Gallery, The Life of Forms, 26 October - 14 December 2018, p113, illus colour pp111 & 112


William Turnbull, 'Images without temples' in Living Arts, Theo Crosby & John Bodley (eds.), Vol.1, Institute of Contemporary Arts in association with Tillotsons (Bolton) Ltd, 1963, p17 (detail), illus b/w p26 Richard Morphet, 'Commentary', William Turnbull: Sculpture and Painting, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1973, pp39-41; illus b/w, fig.16, p41 Sandy Nairne and Nicholas Serota (eds.), British Sculpture in the Twentieth Century, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 1981, illus b/w p168 Patrick Elliott, ‘William Turnbull: A Consistent Way of Thinking’, in William Turnbull: Sculpture and Paintings, David Sylvester (intro.), Merrell Holberton in association with Serpentine Gallery, London, 1995, illus b/w p44 (photograph of Turnbull's studio in Hampstead, 1962) Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, cat no.111, illus b/w p116 Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, not illus p309

|34 24-1963 (1963)


Estate of the Artist Private Collection, London Private Collection, Italy Offer Waterman, London


Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illusr p287

|39 11-1963 (1963)


Estate of the Artist


Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p285

|41 No.3 (1964)


Estate of the Artist


Brazil, São Paulo, IX Bienal, British Pavilion, Richard Smith, William Turnbull, Patrick Caulfield, David Hockney, Allen Jones, 22 September - 8 December 1967, British Council, cat no.1, not illus, touring to: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Museo de Arte Moderna Argentina, Buenos Aires, Museo National de Belles Artes Santiago, Chile, Institute de Artes Plasticas London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull Sculpture 1967-68, 1957-67, 11 March - 4 April 1970, cat no.12, illus b/w unpaginated London, Tate Gallery, The Alistair McAlpine Gift, 30 June - 22 August 1971, cat no.49, unpainted steel version, illus b/w, p115 Bakewell, Derbyshire, Chatsworth House, William Turnbull at Chatsworth, 10 March - 30 June 2013, p29, cat no.52, illus colour pp50 & 85


Richard Morphet, 'Commentary', William Turnbull: Sculpture and Painting, retrospective exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1973, unpainted steel version, fig.22, illus b/w, p50 (installation photograph of group of sculptures) Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, cat no.127, illus b/w p123 Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus b/w (detail, studio photograph) p212 and illus colour p247 (installation view)

|42 15-1965 (1965)


Estate of the Artist


Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p291

|43 Ripple (1966-1972)


Estate of the Artist


London, Tate Gallery, William Turnbull, Sculpture and Painting, 15 August - 7 October 1973, retrospective exhibition, cat no.69, painted version illus b/w, stainless steel version exhibited (and dated 1972) Cambridge, Jesus College, Sculpture in the Close: An Exhibition of the Works of William Turnbull, 24 June - 31 July 1990, cat no.15, illus b/w p28, stainless steel version exhibited West Bretton, Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, William Turnbull Retrospective 1946-2003, 14 May - 9 October 2005, open air until Spring 2006, p14, cat no.26, illus colour p15, stainless steel version exhibited Bakewell, Derbyshire, Chatsworth House, William Turnbull at Chatsworth, 10 March - 30 June 2013, p29, cat no.54, illus colour pp52 & 85, stainless steel version exhibited


Sculpture in the Open Air, Greater London Council, Battersea Park, exhibition catalogue, 20 May - 30 September 1966, cat no.39, brown painted version illus b/w Five English Sculptors, Caro, Martin, Scott, Tucker, Turnbull, Milan, Galleria Stendhal, exhibition catalogue, 18 February - 18 March 1976, brown painted version illus b/w Colour Sculptures: Britain in the Sixties, Waddington Galleries, London, exhibition catalogue, 6 October - 6 November 1999, cat no.17, painted version illus colour p47 Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, cat no.183, illus b/w p146; (and the brown painted version of Ripple, 1966, cat no.151, illus b/w p132)

Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, painted version illus colour p236 (work in progress)

|44 7-1970 (1970)


Estate of the Artist


West Bretton, Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, William Turnbull Retrospective 1946-2003, 14 May - 9 October 2005, cat no.17, illus colour p11


Bernard Cohen, 'William Turnbull - Painter and Sculptor', Studio International, vol. 186, number 957, July - August 1973, illus colour, p15 Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p300

|46 17-1970 (1970)


Estate of the Artist


Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p296

|48 1-1972 (1972)


Estate of the Artist


London, Tate Gallery, William Turnbull, Sculpture and Painting, 15 August - 7 October 1973, cat no.128 p69


Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p297

|49 12-1965 (1965)


Estate of the Artist


London, New Gallery Bennington College, William Turnbull: Paintings, 2 - 17 December 1965, not illus London, Tate Gallery, William Turnbull: Sculpture and Painting, retrospective exhibition, 15 August - 7 October 1973, cat no.106, illus b/w p60


Gene Baro, 'A Changed Englishman: William Turnbull', Studio International, October 1966, vol. 172, number 882, illus b/w p103 (studio photograph)

|50 Horse (1946)


Estate of the Artist


London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Sculptures 1946-62, 1985 87, 28 October - 21 November 1987, cat no.1, unknown cast, illus colour, p13 London, Serpentine Gallery, William Turnbull: Bronze Idols and Untitled Paintings, 15 November 1995 - 7 January 1996, unknown cast, illus colour p11 in accompanying publication: David Sylvester (intro.), William Turnbull: Sculpture and Paintings, Merrell Holberton in association with Serpentine Gallery, London, 1995 London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Horses - Development of a Theme, Other Sculptures and Paintings, 22 June - 20 July 2001, p48, cat no.1, unknown cast, illus colour, p5 West Bretton, Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, William Turnbull Retrospective 1946-2003, 14 May - 9 October 2005


Richard Morphet, 'Commentary', William Turnbull: Sculpture and Painting, retrospective exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1973, fig.1, illus b/w, p22 Bernard Cohen, 'William Turnbull- Painter and Sculptor', Studio International, vol. 186, number 957, July - August 1973, illus b/w p9; article later reprinted in the journals Decade, Boston, February 1979, p37, illus b/w and Modern Painters, Winter 1995 Patrick Elliott, 'William Turnbull' Galleries Magazine, November 1995, pl1, illus colour p11 Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, cat no.2, illus b/w p12

|51 Horse (1950)


Estate of the Artist


Venice, XXVI Biennale, The British Pavilion, New Aspects of British Sculpture, 14 June - 19 October 1952, The British Council, cat no.150, AC exhibited London, Institute of Contemporary Arts, The Independent Group: Postwar Britain and the Aesthetics of Plenty, 1 February - 1 April 1990, cat no.74, AC, illus b/w, p118, touring to: Valencia, IVAM Centro Julio González, 16 May - 16 September 1990 Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporary Art, 4 November - 13 January 1991 Berkeley, University Art Museum, 6 February - 21 April 1991 New Hampshire, Hood Museum of Art, 8 June - 18 August 1991 London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Horses - Development of a Theme, Other Sculptures and Paintings, 22 June - 20 July 2001, p48, cat no.2, cast no.3/6, illus colour p7 London, James Hyman Fine Art, Henry Moore and the Geometry of Fear, 19 November 2002 - 18 January 2003, cat no.29, cast no.3/6 illus colour, p47 London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull, 2004, illus colour p9 (dated 1959) Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, William Turnbull: Retrospective 1946 - 2003, 14 May - 9 October 2005 London, Duveen Galleries, Tate Britain, William Turnbull, 14 June - 26 November 2006 London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Sculptures and Paintings 1946 - 1962, 31 January - 24 February 2007, cat no.2, cast no.1/6 illus colour p7 London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Beyond Time, 9 June - 3 July 2010, cat no.8, this cast illus colour, p31 London, Offer Waterman, William Turnbull: New Worlds, Words, Signs, 28 September - 3 November 2017, cat no.2, illus colour p33, this cast


Richard Morphet, William Turnbull: Sculpture and Painting, retrospective exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London, 1973, fig.7, unknown cast illus b/w, p27 Sandy Nairne and Nicholas Serota (eds.), British Sculpture in the Twentieth Century, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 1981, unknown cast illus b/w, p144 Patrick Elliott, ‘William Turnbull: A Consistent Way of Thinking’, William Turnbull: Sculpture and Paintings, David Sylvester (intro.), Merrell Holberton in association with Serpentine Gallery, London, 1995, p18, not illus Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, cat no.20, unknown cast, illus b/w, fig.8 p20 Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p63

|52 Pegasus (1954)


Estate of the Artist Private Collection, London Offer Waterman, London


London, Tate Gallery, William Turnbull: Sculpture and Painting, retrospective exhibition, 15 August - 7 October 1973, cat no.15, AC, illus b/w p28 London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Sculptures 1946-62, 1985-87, 28 October - 21 November 1987, cat no.3, AC, illus colour p17 Edinburgh, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Scottish Art Since 1900, 17 June - 24 September 1989, cat no.334, cast no.1/4, illus colour pp79 & 167 London, Serpentine Gallery, William Turnbull: Bronze Idols and Untitled Paintings, 15 November 1995 - 7 January 1996, unknown cast, pl6 illus b/w p17, in accompanying publication: David Sylvester (intro.), William Turnbull: Sculpture and Paintings, Merrell Holberton in association with Serpentine Gallery, London, 1995 London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Horses - Development of a Theme, Other Sculptures and Paintings, 22 June - 20 July 2001, p49, cat no.3, cast no.1/4, illus colour p9 London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull Paintings 1959 – 1963, Bronze Sculpture 1954 – 1958, 24 November – 22 December 2004, cat no.14, illus colour unpaginated, cast no.2/4 West Bretton, Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, William Turnbull Retrospective 1946-2003, 14 May - 9 October 2005, AC, not illus p5 London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Beyond Time, 9 June - 3 July 2010, cat no.9, AC, illus colour, p33 London, Offer Waterman, William Turnbull, Selected Works from the Artist’s Estate, 17 November 2015 – 15 January 2016 London, Offer Waterman, William Turnbull: New Worlds, Words, Signs, 29 September – 3 November 2017, illus colour p25, cast no.1/4


Richard Morphet (intro.), The Alistair McAlpine Gift, Tate Gallery, London, 1971, p106, not illus Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, pp72 & 88 (cat no.37), illus b/w p29 (fig.13), unknown cast Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, cast no.1/4 illus colour p91

|54 Horse's Head (1995)


Estate of the Artist


London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Sculpture and Paintings, 24 June – 18 July 1998, illus b/w p8, cat no.8, unknown cast, illus colour p31 West Bretton, Wakefield, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, William Turnbull Retrospective 1946-2003, 14 May - 9 October 2005, p17, cat no.27, another cast in green patina, illus colour p15


Bernard Cohen, 'William Turnbull: Painter and Sculptor', Modern Painters, Winter 1995, pp30-35, illus colour p30, previously published in Art International, July - August 1973 Amanda A. Davidson, The Sculpture of William Turnbull, The Henry Moore Foundation in association with Lund Humphries, Aldershot, 2005, cat no.299, illus b/w p189

|57 Untitled (1957)


Estate of the Artist


London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Beyond Time, 9 June - 3 July 2010, cat no.28, illus colour, p81


Jon Wood (ed.), William Turnbull: International Modern Artist, Lund Humphries in association with Turnbull Studio, London, 2022, illus colour p170

|58 Untitled (1957)


Estate of the Artist


London, Waddington Galleries, William Turnbull: Beyond Time, 9 June - 3 July 2010, cat no.27, illus colour, p79

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney

Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto

Arts Council Collection, Hayward Gallery, London

The Berardo Collection – Sintra Museum of Modern Art, Lisbon, Portugal

British Council, London

Contemporary Art Society, London

David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago

Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden, UCLA, Los Angeles

Glasgow Museum and Art Gallery

The Government Art Collection (Department for Culture, Media and Sport), London

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.

Hull University Art Collection, Kingston-upon-Hull

Hunterian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow

Jesus College, Cambridge

Leeds Museums and Galleries

Leverkusen Museum, Germany

McManus Gallery, Dundee Museum and Art Gallery

Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran

National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, California Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh

Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago

Stanford University, Stanford, California

Swindon Museum and Art Gallery

Tate Gallery, London

Tel Aviv Museum of Art: The Riklis Collection of the McCrory Corporation, New York

University of Lethbridge Art Gallery, Alberta, Canada

University of Liverpool Art Collections

Front cover, page 2, 39, 65, 66, 135, 173 : © Estate of William Turnbull. All rights reserved, DACS/Artimage 2022. Image courtesy Turnbull Studio.

Page 17, 18, 21: © Nigel Henderson Estate

Page 43, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 136, 142, 143, 170, 196 : © William Turnbull Estate, Kim Lim Estate, London

Page 69: © Estate of William Turnbull. All rights reserved, DACS 201x. Image courtesy Turnbull Studio.

Page 105, 169: Private Collection © The Lewinski Archive at Chatsworth. All Rights Reserved 2022/Bridgeman Images.

Page 138-39: © Offer Waterman, London

Page 141, 208: courtesy of Andrew Caitlin, c198

Back cover: © John Deakin

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First published in 2022 by Offer Waterman, London On the occasion of the exhibition:

William Turnbull: Centenary Retrospective Mounted by Offer Waterman at No.9 Cork Street, London, W1S 3LL 29 June – 20 July 2022

Exhibition curated by Emily Drablow and Jon Wood

In collaboration with Turnbull Studio

Text by Emily Drablow

Copy edited by Rebecca Beach

Design by Jesse Holborn of Design Holborn

Printed by Generation Press

Individual artwork photography by Prudence Cuming Associates (cat nos.2, 3, 6-8, 28, 30, 31, 34-36, 39, 40, 42, 50-54) Mark Dalton (cat nos. 1, 4, 5, 9, 10-27, 29, 32, 33, 37, 38, 41, 43-49, 55-57)

Installation photography by Lucy Dawkins

Unless otherwise stated images are © Turnbull Studio

Special thanks to Alex & Johnny Turnbull Jon Wood Stella Vasileiadou Waqas Wajahat Ioli Athansopoulou Selvi May

Page 208: William Turnbull. Photograph by Andrew Caitlin Front cover: Turnbull with No.3 (1964), 1966. Photograph by Kim Lim Back cover: Turnbull outside Fellows Road studio, c1951. Photograph by John Deakin

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