Face to face By Rebecca Weller
Visual mind map
Strange Up Close
Unusual Style
Dark/ Colourful
Mysterious Heavy Makeup
Artist Research/Links
When taking this photograph my aim was to make the red lipstick dominate the photograph. My theme is rebel, so I decided to make it black and white as a kind of dark side to the photograph with the lips in red to make the photograph more distinctive. I am happy with the composition of this photograph because her face fills the frame from the centre with the light shining from the left, which highlights the red lipstick even more. I took this photo as a close up and the subject is sharply in focus. My photograph is neither under exposed or over exposed as I have achieved the light shining on her face and the dark background surrounded by the models hood on her jacket. I chose to edit this photograph in black and white with bright red lips to achieve both out standing colors and dull colors.
Evaluation Throughout this presentation I have tried to capture a rebel theme. I found it hard to capture this theme in everything I was doing. It was difficult getting the contrast right in every photograph I took, but I was able to edit them on Photoshop. I tried to capture both bright colours and black and white. I took some of the photographs from a high view point, and some face on. My photographs are all in focus and they’re all correctly exposed. I have edited my photographs in black and white to add to the rebel theme. If I had the opportunity to re-shoot my photograph, I would use props to add to the theme.