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JOURNALISM By Rebecca Weller

What is Journalism? •  Journalism is a form of writing that informs people of

things that have happened which they may not have already known about. •  People who do this type of work are called Journalists. They might work for newspapers, magazines, websites or TV or radio stations. •  The most important characteristic shared by journalists is curiosity. Good journalists love to read and want to find out as much as they can about the world around them. Data journalism Photo journalism

Culture Journalism


Sports Showbiz





Photo Journalism •  Photo journalism is a particular form of journalism. It

creates an image in order to create a news story. It usually only refers to photographs, but in some cases videos can be used to present a story. Photojournalists create images that relate to the media. This is an example of photojournalism. This photograph shows poverty, so instead of reading information about it, it is shown in photographs, so you get the full idea of what the poverty and hunger is like.

Underage Drinking – Research Slide •  Alcohol and public Health -­‐ •  •  •  •  •  •

h2p://­‐sheets/underage-­‐drinking.htm Toll of teenage drinking revealed -­‐ h2p:// Consequences of Underage Drinking -­‐ h2p:// UNDERAGE DRINKING -­‐ h2ps://­‐drinking.aspx Impacts of underage drinking -­‐ h2p:// Teen Drinking May Cause Irreversible Brain Damage 11 Facts About Teens And Alcohol

Questionnaire – Underage Drinking •  1. What do you think the appropriate age would be to start drinking? •  2. How old were you when you had your first alcoholic beverage? •  3.How often do you drink alcohol? •  4. Have you ever exceeded 5 alcoholic beverages at a time? If so, have you had this is the last month? •  5. What age would you start letting your children drink alcoholic beverages in your company? •  6. Have you ever been arrested because of use of alcohol? •  7. Have you ever successfully used a fake ID to obtain alcohol? •  8. Do you think underage drinking is a major problem?

Secondary Research on Underage Drinking •  By the age of 18, more than 70% of teenagers have had an alcoholic •  •  •

beverage. Underage drinking usually occurs in social places. As they grow older, the chance that young people consuming alcohol will grow. 60 percent of college women who have acquired sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS and genital herpes, were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse. Underage drinking can lead to anti-social behavior which will disturb local residents of there area that the teenagers are in a may convince them to call the police. American statistics show that in college students who were underage would drink less often than those old enough to drink alcohol, but when they did drink, they would drink in excess.

Different types of questions •  A closed question is a question that only requires a yes or

no answer. •  An open question requires an opinion on the question that is being asked. •  A probing question is a question based on an answer that someone has given you.

Results for questionnaire •  The results for my questionnaire had varied opinions.

Some people I interviewed said that they would prefer to familiarize their children with alcohol at a young age, so when alcohol is introduced to them at a later stage, they will be aware of the affects it has. Others said that they would prefer to wait until the child is around the age of 16-17 before introducing them to alcohol. Many of these people agreed that underage drinking is a big problem in society, and believe that this could be improved by checking ID thoroughly and by parents giving an understanding of alcohol at an early age.

Info Graphics 1 •  The question I have chosen to do my info graphics 1 on is ‘Have you ever

successfully used a fake ID to obtain alcohol?’ The statistic shows that 75% said no, and 25% said yes.

•  One bottle represents 5% of the answer

•  YES:

•  NO:

Info Graphics 2 •  The question I have chosen to do my info graphics 2 on is ‘Have you

ever exceeded 5 alcoholic beverages at one time? If so, have you done this in the past month?’ The statistic shows that 90% said yes, and 10% said no. YES: 90%

NO: 10%

Romford Daily News

Donaldo Gashi – Havering Sixth Form College: I think that underage drinking is a big problem in today society because it leads to anti-social and bad behavior •  There is significant new research concerning adolescent brain development and the effects of alcohol and other drug use on the developing brain. This emerging science is providing new insights about how teenagers make critical and life influencing decisions, including their decisions about drug use. Brain imaging studies suggest that the brain continues to develop through adolescence and into young adulthood (age 25 years). During adolescence, the parts of the brain that are responsible for expressing emotions and for seeking gratification tend to mature sooner than the regions of the brain that control impulses and that oversees careful decision making. As one expert puts it the teenage brain "has a welldeveloped accelerator but only a partly developed brake.” •  Information from :

I asked 10 people a question ‘have you ever been arrested due to use of alcohol?’ 85% of people said no, 15% of people said yes. YES: 15%

NO: 85%

Evaluation •  Throughout this project my aim was to find out peoples

views on underage drinking. I found out that the majority of people I interviewed thought that underage drinking is a problem in our society and that it could be improved by being familiarized with alcohol and its affects from an early age. •  I chose this subject because I find it interesting and am

curious to find out what people think of underage drinking.

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