Victoria Country Hour - ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
3/08/2015 2:51 pm
Victoria Country Hour
Victorian farmer loses 200-300 sheep to wild dogs Farmers on a property in Victoria's high-country say they have lost 200 to 300 sheep to wild dogs in the first six months of 2015.
Craft cider brewers want cider included in new labelling proposal Australia's craft cider makers have not given up on having their industry included in a new country of origin labelling scheme.
Farm groups express disappointment at failure to broker TPP deal The National Farmers Federation is disappointed negotiators failed to strike an agreement on the Trans Pacific Partnership, but it remains confident Australian agriculture will benefit from the deal once it is signed.
Australian cheese imports up Boutique cheesemakers say they are struggling to compete with the amount of cheese Australia imports.
Australian-grown frozen berries weeks away from the supermarkets
Interviews Tubbut farmers describe how wild dogs are threatening the sustainability of their sheep operation in Victoria's high country 3:45 Chair of the Melbourne Market Authority Steve McArthur discusses delays to the market opening 6:18 Gippsland Rural Reporter Laura Poole reports on the Yo You dairy plans at Kernot, from the Wonthaggi Arts Centre 4:34
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