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We interview Melissa Groom
Melissa Groom
Interview with Sarah Watkins Melissa works with conscious solopreneurs ready to showcase their expertise & gain vast popularity in their industry, teaching them how to increase their profile & income using video. Melissa has such an inspiring story of overcoming childhood sexual abuse. She didn’t just survive the abuse she thrived on the other side of it.
Q Over five years ago, you plucked up the courage to share your story on a blog post. What did you share?
A I shared my story about my childhood sexual abuse I had endured by two of my mum’s boyfriends between 9-14 years of age. I wanted to share with people who had experienced the same as I (as statistics state 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 8 boys experience sexual abuse) that there are good people in the world, that you do matters, it was not your fault and that you are worthy of having a good life.
Q Afterwards, you spiralled down to a very low point in your life- receiving backlash from the post. What happened and how did you get through it?
My adopted parents were so cross with me for sharing our dirty laundry on Facebook. They asked me if I was doing it for attention and I said yes but only to inspire others that they can get through this. I was told that it happened over 30 years ago so there is no need to keep bringing it up and no one wants to hear that stuff. I became so depressed and was so hurt. I wondered if I would ever get through the pain of the strained relationship I had with my adoptive mother. I get that it hurt her too, so bringing it up is probably like rubbing salt into a wound. I just felt that it might help others from ending their life. I questioned why I was born for 19 years of my life.
Q You had a moment where you went outside and threw your hands up in the air and asked...” God, how can I serve you?” What happened next?
I was questioning life again. I was asking- What is all of this for? Surely there has to be a purpose for all of this? I believe in every adversity there is a gift. It is our lesson—an opportunity to grow and become stronger, to be a better person. I heard the whisper back - “You need to teach people what you know about video so they can share their story/message/knowledge/expertise. You know so many amazing people, but no one knows who they are. So you must teach them how to grow their profile online just as you did when you created your web tv show - Toddlers To Teens TV and grew yours and the other 7 women on the panels online profile.”
Q What advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?
through court cases in between going to school, living out of home, working at night to survive and feeling so lost in the world. Although I grew up hoping every night I wouldn’t wake up this was the first time I seriously considered ending my life, but I’m so glad I called a friend who came over and sat with me. She would tell me you are so loved. You are worthy of being loved, treated with respect, and feeling like you belong. You are a miracle and a true gift to the world. You can do anything that you set your mind to. You deserve a happy life. Set boundaries and don’t tolerate people treating you badly. Hard times will come, but they too will pass. Surround yourself with good people. Find what brings you joy and do that.
Q How have you been able to rise above your childhood traumas
I have been lucky that I have a big family, so I am very blessed. I have done a lot of work and tried many things. Journaling was all I had when I was a kid, so I wrote a lot. I found it very cathartic. I wrote my autobiography when I was eighteen, which helped me heal even more.
I went to a psychologist from 14-18 and then again when I was 21. I have continued to see healers and use other methodologies, but what I truly found the most helpful was a methodology called Creatrix which totally changed my perception of myself. I now no longer feel dirty or disgusting, ashamed about what happened to me, now I love and respect myself. I have learned I have to fill up my own cup first. I feel it’s an impossible task as a mother because children do come first. But I can now see in hindsight after letting my health go that the children can wait and it really is important to look after you first so you can be the best version of yourself. I now make sure I do the things that bring me joy which is spending time with my family and friends, running my business and meeting incredible people all over the world, going for walks along the beach, bike riding, singing, going on picnics and eating healthy delicious food.
Q Your final words of wisdom
We are not promised tomorrow. Today and every day is a gift. So live your life to the fullest. Love, laugh, have fun and do something good for yourself every day and a random act of kindness to a stranger, even if it’s just a smile and hello. You are here to make a difference so shine your light bright so others can find their way out of the darkness.