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Emilia Tomeo - MJB Seminars

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Pop Up Psychics

A Lesson Learned Became my Life Mission

by Emilia (Mills) Tomeo from MJB Seminars Emilia has a BA in Education and over 10 years experience in education. She has over 16 years experience in the Personal Development industry and is a key driving force in shaping the creative content and presentation of material in MJB Seminars.


Who would have thought I’d be here, teaching people about financial systems and wealth creation, when eighteen years ago I couldn’t even get my head around some of the basics. You see, back then I thought that if I just focused on the money then the savings would magically appear. But I did what many people do and made the most common mistake in the book. I tried to sidestep working on my self-worth thinking growing my net worth would solve everything. I was in for a rude awakening. Who would have thought money actually can’t just solve all your problems! Duh! Let me explain what I mean. When you think of saving money, it’s easy to assume that it’s as simple as having more cash going into your account than coming out. But there is something much deeper at play. And it starts with how you see yourself. Because people aren’t actually looking for ‘more’ money. What they’re really chasing are things like freedom, connection, and choice. Things they perceive as missing within them and that the outer solution of ‘money’ will help them pretend that everything is ok. I’ve fallen into this trap more times than I can count. One example for me, in my twenties, was setting my heart on getting a shiny, ruby red convertible. I was obsessed with the idea. I mean, who wouldn’t want a stylish, flashy car to go cruising around in? But what I didn’t realise at the time, was that I didn’t want it because it was a good car, or to put the top down to feel the wind in my hair. I wanted it because I was lacking a feeling of freedom and confidence within myself. And it didn’t stop there. Whether it was concert tickets to see my favourite bands or trips to India, I’d buy these wonderful things and then end up feeling empty, like I didn’t truly deserve them. This it’s because when we are looking for something physical, we’re actually seeking something that is missing at another level. As humans, we all have a deep spiritual quest as well as a deep physical quest. A physical quest is something we would love materially. Like money, a promotion, holiday or new partner. While a spiritual quest is something we are looking to ultimately feel as a result - think success, freedom, love and connection. Most people focus on just the one. And usually, that one is the physical, because it is tangible and seems like it is ‘within our grasp’. While the other goes on the back-burner, as we cross our fingers and simply hope that it will miraculously appear. Let’s talk about money as the physical for now - our net worth. Money flows to where it’s ‘appreciated’ most. We think that this is relative to watching money appreciate in the bank account. But actually, the opposite is true: we need to look at ourselves or the bank account within - the spiritual - by appreciating what it took to get there. To really take stock of the magic of who we are and what we summoned within ourselves to get to this moment. In my case, what I’d failed to do was ‘appreciate’ who I was and what I had called upon within me to be able to get to the point of buying the red convertible, or getting myself to India. As soon as I did though - I started to appreciate ME. I recognised the worth I brought to the table and realised I didn’t need some outer representation of that knowledge. It had always been within me. That was the moment it all changed and my net worth and my outer world began to reflect the essence of what I saw within. Now I teach people around the world through an online course (as well as in live events under normal circumstances), how to not just focus on their physical or spiritual quests alone, but on BOTH in order to be the best example of themselves and transform their lives! And I’m still cruising around in a convertible - albeit a more modest white one! ;-)

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