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Michelle Lightworker

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Pop Up Psychics

Get to know the Archangels


by Michelle Lightworker

I will give you a general overview of three Archangels in how they came to me and others.

However, remember that your own personal relationship with the Archangels is what really impacts and creates change in your life. Make a personal connection with them. Just imagine your own personal guidance counsellors assisting you with every little detail. It’s enough to make you feel like a king or queen. We all deserve it! The Archangels told me that they would provide some extra guidance channelled through me in the following descriptions. These are in italics. The information came through referring to a specific subject they wished to communicate to me.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is the Lightworker Advocate. He helps us with commitment and dedication to our truth and the courage and energy to carry that out. He helps clear the space for the light. We use him for helping clear away that which no longer serves us. I know it’s not nice to play favourites, but hey Archangel Michael is my right-hand man. He gives me lots of protection when I feel vulnerable and helps me to get really in tune with the truth of any situation and person. He clears away any toxic fallout from negative thinking and taking on the toxic fallout from other people’s negative thinking, abuse and projections. I always feel safe when I call on him. Like I am a warrior. But at the same time, I don’t feel violent. It’s not that kind of protective feeling. It’s more that he’s providing protection from untruth and untruth cannot hurt me. I could spend a lot of time on Archangel Michael and the benefits of his presence as he is my favourite at this time, and I work mostly with him. I have asked him to be my intermediary with all others over the threshold. I know I am dealing with truth coming from any information from other Spiritual sources or beings that have crossed over or are yet to cross over. Thereby, I always know what I am hearing is true from what they are saying. He did hand me his sword during a meditation and said that I was to use it to know what is true. Regarding Spiritualising Our Will: Archangel Michael says: “I am here to help you to spiritualise your will. It is no good for you to be driven without direction and truth. It gets you nowhere fast and a lot of pain in the process. If you want to have drive, determination, pursue your goals to the finish and stay centred in the light and speaking your truth, call on me. I will energize your will when it is depleted. When you feel burnt out and empty, I will restore your energy like a battery charger. Call on me Precious Lightworkers. We are a team. You will never run out of steam whilst you call on me.” Regarding Living in Our Truth: Archangel Michael says: “When you are honest with yourself you give a gift to the world of setting others free to be honest with themselves. This is a profound aspect of healing. One cannot heal what one does not see, or at least the healing is temporary because one is not conscious of the responsibility of their own truth in order to affect long-term change.”

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is primarily the healing Archangel that rejuvenates the vibrations that we are lacking. Those vibrations, if not tended to, will attract more of what we don’t want. Archangel Raphael is our Angelic doctor to restore our vibrations to be in balance. He has been known to help with resolving the need for addictions/cravings, pet therapy, traveling and helping humans heal themselves and others. Regarding Healing: Archangel Raphael says: “Thank you to those who wish to pass on the healing of vibrations for humans to evolve. We applaud you in stepping out and making this a reality for the general public. It is actually such a normal activity for us. It is what we do. It is how we help. When I say we, I mean all those beings who assist in the transportation of the healing vibrations. Fairies and other helpers are always around. There is healing surrounding your all the time. You just need to tap into the vibration. All you need is willingness and to ask in order to be open to receiving it. We will do the rest. We will never interfere with your free will.”

Archangel Gabrielle

Gabrielle is the Archangel that oversees the nurturing of children and our inner child. She helps with creative projects including conception, adoption, art related projects, writing, television and radio work. She was the Archangel that announced the birth of Jesus. Regarding Rejuvenation: Archangel Gabrielle says: “When you are tired and weary call on me to be that soft and nourishing place that will provide the nurturing you need to resource your mind, body and Spirit back to health.” Regarding Conception: Archangel Gabrielle says: “If you fret when you want to conceive you are fighting the flow of life and your destiny.All is in perfect order. I will Guide you with your choices to help you conceive but never through anxiety or worry. You will know I am present when you feel soft, surrendered and solid all at the same time.” Regarding Creative Projects: Archangel Gabrielle says: “You never have to try to be creative. When you are in the flow, you can create. If you are not receptive you are not in the flow. I can help you be receptive if you call on me. All I do is connect you to the flow of the source of All and you will be challenged not to create!”

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