1 minute read

Kinesiology – the must-experience healing modality in 2021


There is a reason why living a more balanced life is consistently in the top 10 New Year’s resolutions and 2021 is no different!


Everyone wants to live a more balanced and fulfilling life – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This can be extremely challenging at times between living in a fast-paced environment; trying to balance work and family life; dealing with significant emotional events and/or trauma and; of course the current stresses around COVID.

All of these stresses can leave us out of balance and alignment, struggling to find our centre… our connectedness with the universe, and maintaining optimal health in mind, body and spirit.

This is where Kinesiology (Kin-ee-si-ology) works best to support you. “Kin-esi…what,” I hear you say! If you haven’t heard of Kinesiology before, you are in for a treat! This healing modality really is something to be experienced to truly understand the profound impact it can have on your life.

So what is Kinesiology? It is an holistic natural therapy that can support a host of emotional stresses such as anxiety, depression and burnout amongst others, as well as nutrition, structural issues and spiritual connection. Kinesiology can help in many areas of your life and promotes mental and emotional well-being.

Kinesiology, through bio-feedback, accesses information about your well-being, from your subconscious and innate awareness, and identifies and supports you with any imbalances/stresses at the mind, body, emotional, energetic and spiritual level.

Kinesiology combines ancient oriental medicine with modern western techniques and as such draws on acupoints from acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy, the meridians from Chinese medicine, the chakra system from Indian Sanskrit and the inner workings of the brain from neuroscientist Dr Charles Krebs.

You can receive a Kinesiology balance (treatment) either face-to-face or via distance healing. I have clients all over the world who catch up for their Kinesiology balances via Zoom.

Are there any tips for helping with stress or anxiety that you can do at home or share with your family? Definitely!


Place your hands on opposite Lung 1 points. Holding these acupressure points aids in letting go of depression, grief and expectations. Breathe deeply into these points, breathing out any worrisome thoughts, for 2 minutes. Make the sounds “ahhhhh” on the exhalation to further release your stress.


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