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Get to know your Archangels
I will give you a general overview of three Archangels in how they came to me and others.
However, remember that your own personal relationship with the Archangels is what really impacts and creates change in your life. Make a personal connection with them and you will use them. Just imagine your own personal guidance counsellors assisting you with every little detail. It’s enough to make you feel like a king or queen. We all deserve it!
The Archangels told me that they would provide some extra guidance channelled through me in the following descriptions. The information came through referring to a specific subject they wished to communicate to me. They may wish to communicate something different to you.
Archangel Chamuel
Chamuel is the world peace Angel that primarily helps us with our life purpose. He helps us to find our life purpose so that our career, money, relationships and health are also supported in the process. Finding our life purpose transforms the landscape of our life and helps draw those things closer to us.
Archangel Chamuel says: “You are here for a reason. You need to find that reason. You may or may not want to do that now, however if you do not, you put off the inevitable. So, why not now? Ask yourself that question. If you can answer it, and feel in your heart that it is a true answer that is aligned to your destiny – then great. If you cannot answer the question, then this is the guidance for you: Take a step towards why you think you are here. Don’t do it tomorrow. Do the step now. It may be planning something for tomorrow but you need to take the step to plan. Each step is valid. Don’t say to yourself, ‘I have the intention of planning it tomorrow.’ That is sabotage and an excuse. Say to yourself, ‘There is
nothing more important than the reason why I am here on this planet right now.”
Archangel Chamuel says: “When you are living your life’s purpose you will know peace in its very essence. You will know peace because it has found you because you have found your way back home. Take one step towards it each day and you will keep depression and anxiety at bay.”
Archangel Ariel
Ariel is the embodiment of the warrior feminine. She is the one who brings forth a fiery courage to step in and stand up for what we believe in. She is heavily connected to the warrior in us to step up and surrender to the greater good. So it is in fact a feminine energy expressed in a masculine form. She helps us to receive and in receiving this truth she takes us on a journey of steel towards our goals. There is limitless energy with her. She is like a warrior princess. However, men may tune into her ability to help them receive this immense courage in a very profound way. Thereby in activating our receptive state we generate an amazing array of abundance of every kind – always for our highest good. She has a quiet strength and containment.
Archangel Ariel says: “I am here to provide you with guidance on how to manifest in your life and open yourself up to manifesting. I am not talking about manifesting slowly. I am talking about manifesting quickly. Use me to guide you in how to take action to manifest your dreams. Use me to help to guide you in learning to manifest for your highest good and the good of all. I am the key player in the manifestation process.”
Archangel Jeremiel
I see Jeremiel as the inventory Archangel. He helps us to take inventory of our life after we die; however, that takes time to go through. It is much easier to live our life in ‘real time’ and take inventory as we go. That way we get more out of life and perhaps we die with less regret. He is connected to our seeing what the truth is and therefore opens our Third Eye. Jeremiel helps with prophetic visions, understanding dreams, and reviewing our life.
Archangel Jeremiel says: ”I am not here to tell you what your dreams mean in general. I do not generalise. I am here to show you what your dreams mean to you. They are of no use to anyone else in the interpretation I give to you. Unless of course they are prophetic and then I can guide you as to how and what to tell the person. I can guide you in telling them what the dream means to them. The meaning is the key here. Not the dream. Not what is going to happen, because that can be changed. The magic is in the meaning.”
Archangel Jeremiel says: “I assist you in understanding why you made your choices by reviewing your life. It is not about punishing you or putting you through the mill. It is about helping you to understand why you made the choices you did to get to the Spirit and the heart of the matter within you. To learn the lessons that you could have learnt then. Yes, it is true that you can do this during your waking life. Many Alcoholics in 12 Step fellowships do this as part of their recovery from alcoholism. Many other people do it in different ways. It is a powerful life tool and manifesting tool. When you understand yourself, you understand your choices and you are able to choose freely.”