14 minute read

Deliverance through Soul Work: Moving Beyond Prayer




3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that in every way you may it requires sacrifice and commitment. It usually asks succeed and prosper and be in good health just as of you to give up something at a high cost; to release your soul prospers. When you need to make a significant change in your what has been keeping you weighed down probably life, often that will come with friction and confronting for decades. Now you actually have to do something everything you know. Sometimes it shows up as a about those ugly parts you’ve become accustom to crisis, health problems, loss or a mental breakdown. covering up with a mask…or even makeup. We are all We seldom volunteer to make a BIG change because masters of disguises.

The process of change is never easy. It is usually painful problems, nor it cause, are not always apparent. Reand is avoided for many reasons. 1) We grow comfortable in our mess, even when it is killing us. 2) We don’t sue is called Soul Work. Healing AND Deliverance can like how we FEEL, during the process 3) FUD - FEAR. be accomplished in Soul Work. Uncertainty. Doubt. 4) We do not know and trust our- How do you know if you need Soul Work? selves 5) The process makes us confront our true self, 1) When you have been stuck in the same negative look in the mirror and confront our flaws. In order for pattern for years and have not been able to progress in there to be evolution, we have to throw caution to the life. You are clueless to what is the problem. 2) You wind and risk it all to make progress. Otherwise we are are in a toxic relationship that you have not been able spinning our wheels, but going nowhere fast. to leave, even though the relationship is adversely This is a journey, not a quick trip. We must be kind and affecting your health. 3) You know that you have past patient with ourselves. The work of the Soul is delicate, hurts, pain, trauma or loss that you have not dealt with raw and un-relentless. Yet, it is the most important and it shows up in your behavior or as reoccurring personal development work you will do for yourself. dreams, night terrors or flashbacks. 4) You were in a When I finally made the decision that I did not like the relationship that ended but you have not been able to direction my life was going and I didn’t like how I felt move on and you find yourself longing for the person each day, that’s when everything shifted in my world. even though He has moved on. 5) If you are doing all But the operative phrase is “I made a decision to that you know to do such as attending church, praying,

CHANGE.” Change did not just happen. First, it was a reading your bible, practice self-care and stress-

thought, that I made definitive and then took action. management methods and yet you are battling sympWe can think we need to do something about the unhealthy parts of our life. However, if we do not act on the signs you need soul healing. the thought, make a commitment to producing different results, we will be stuck in the same position, wondering what happened. A Healing for Your Soul adult. When we have unfinished business in our lives from deficits and unhealed trauma in our childhood, it presents itself as voids, stagnation, emotional instability and a pattern of unhealthy relationships. These vealing and uncovering these truths so healing can entoms of depression and anxiety. These are just some of God Does Not Give us a Spirit of Fear, But of Power, Love and A sound mind– 2 Timothy 1:7

Soul Work is an excavation of your life, exploring every aspect of who you are and where you are in life. Dig-

ging deep to get to the root cause of your discomfort As human beings, self-discovery, self-love and personal

development is essential to becoming a self-actualized

the parts of the Soul. The Mind + Emotions +Will = the

Soul.The goal is to raise your consciousness and spir-

and inability to function optimally. It scrutinizes all of itual frequency so you are able to operate at your highest state of mind; Nurturing and stabilizing your Emo-

tions so you are calm, centered and balanced; and

strengthening your Will. We must remember God does power of the Word, prayer and tapping into the Holy not violate our Will. This is our core, our inner woman Spirit to manifest change. But what I have noticed, that gives us the unction to take action. If our Will is sometimes it’s not enough. That was my experience compromised, than we are complacent, stuck and stagnant. Our drive, energy and confidence will be low. We situations so horrific that they found it even hard to will feel unmotivated and uninspired. In my book, If I pray. Then there are those who have turned their Should Die Before I Wake: Your Journey to Awakening hearts from God. Some of them felt abandoned by God Your CallingI open the guide with a journaling exercise during their time of need. I ask what the solution is called the Time Capsulewhich allows readers to evaluate all aspects of their life, decade by decade. Opening do. What happens to these Souls? their eyes to patterns, the origin of limiting beliefs and Why Therapy? repetitive maladaptive behaviors. This type of soulsearching helps to reveal and uncover an important epiphany: a Broken heart, Wounded Soul and a Contrite Spirit will ultimately lead to an unfulfilled Purpose. There are so many Believers that are walking around to our destinations. We always have a CHOICE. A hiding behind a veil; presenting their false representa- choice to make a better decision than we did an hour tive to the world, forfeiting their authentic self. They ago, a day ago, a year ago. That is call Moment By Moare bound by shame, attenuation and fear of judgment. ment living. Every Moment is a New Moment. And in This is not what God intended for us. “Jesus came to each moment, we can choose differently than the prior give life so we can live more abundantly.” We are moment. This is correlated with practicing Mindfulness, taught there is Freedom in Christ-Centered living? which is a therapeutic intervention used globally for Right? So why are so many Christians living in bondage improving one’s spiritual, psychological and mental with strongholds and brokenness. In my research, so wellbeing. In Psychology and Behavioral Health, it is many question, “What has happened to the church in one of the key principle strategies used as a part of an this precarious hour? Have we lost our way?” I have evidence-based practice called Dialectical Behavior personally participated in countless night watch ser- Therapy (DBT). In DBT and beyond, Mindfulness is used vices, prayer meetings, conferences, street ministry, to enhance one’s ability to remain in the present moyouth ministry, even hosting my own monthly women’s ment, where you can choose to use your higher condevotion and intercessory prayer circles. I currently sciousness or Wise Mind to respond appropriately to have an online ministry, Mindfulness Mondayswhere I issues and challenges. This affords us the opportunity facilitate prayer, devotion and meditation for my online to make a better choice without our emotions or Ego community members. So I am no stranger to using the and many others who had trauma so deep-rooted and when restoration of faith is necessary, but not easy to Life gives you an opportunity to choose all day, every day. Choose to get out of bed on time or not; how to wear our hair; choose who we want to hang out with, what to eat, what to wear, where to go and how to get

As a therapist, I leverage DBT methods, particularly tailor the treatment plan leveraging the information mindfulness, to guide clients to help activate their that is provided. That is the beauty of therapy. logical part of their brain – frontal lobe, not the emo- The Awakening to Therapy as A Viable Option tional part, to solve problems and make decisions that will render positive outcomes. Recently, I had the opportunity to be a panelist for a health and wellness event held at a church in Long Therapy allows people to speak to a mental health Island, NY where I conducted a presentation about professional openly; free of judgment, biases and re- Wellness and Mental Health solutions from a Holistic ceive an objective point of view. This is essential to Health perspective. It was refreshing to see that the assist the client with discovering the root of the pre- Pastor and his leadership was extremely open and senting problem and exploring solutions to solve it. As receptive to therapy and holistic health methods for therapists, we act as guides, sounding boards and healing. In fact, the Pastor was very transparent, sharhelp the client put things into perspective. We create ing his own personal experience. He was a strong ada safe space to help struggling, hurting people re- vocate for mental health services and using a holistic frame negative thought patterns called “schemas”. approach to total wellness and healthy living. This We give them new language to replace the old termi- Pastor explained that it goes beyond salvation, rituals nology that cultivates inner discord. We are NOT ad- and righteousness, but sometimes requires a comvice givers, magicians or physicians. We assess clients, plete healing and deliverance outside the church diagnose and provide treatment, but not according to walls and prayer. We agreed it’s all about meeting the western medical model which is usually deficitpeople where they are and supporting their spiritual based. Most trained and licensed therapists, like my- growth as well as their wellness needs. In other self, are solution-focused, strength based profession- words, church, prayer and therapy does not have to als that utilizes a person-centered approach to help be mutually exclusive. They can coexist as a complete clients. We use empirically based interventions with plan to help someone in need. According to an article proven strategies and techniques. We engage clients in the NY times, a nationwide survey by the American and partner with them to form a therapeutic alliance Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC) states 83 as a first step, but important step, towards their heal- percent of Americans believe their spiritual faith and ing and recovery. Based on a comprehensive assess- religious beliefs are closely tied to their state of menment, we are able to meet our clients where they are tal an emotional health. 75% stated that it’s imand make recommendations to facilitate change. It is portant for them to see a professional counselor intethen up to the client to do the necessary work to grates their values and beliefs into the counseling achieve the goals they desire. Because each client has process. There is a movement towards more faith different needs and backgrounds, we personalize and based-therapy initiatives, houses of worship including

Counselors as an occupation nationwide. According to the community. This is why it is critical to have access Psychology today Women are likely to favor religious to and consult trained mental health professionals

counseling over men and African American strongly when confronted with certain cases in faith-based embrace faith-based counseling. Clergy have recog-

nized a harsh reality that people will seek them out for the brain, the cerebrum. The brain is a living, everconsume, the environment and age. This is the sciengenetically and scientifically constructed. Some illnessdiagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), low funcmy experience of working with adult and children pacategorized as chronic mentally ill and/or developmensettings.

When we know better, We do better. counsel in areas they are not trained to give consulta- If you know that what you are doing is not serving you, tion. Often the serious emotional and mental health not elevating you, not getting you closer to fulfilling issues that would be presented, was out of their scope your destiny, then stop. Be Still. Connect with Divinity of expertise. and ask for guidance. Then take that first step towards As Spirit beings with a soul, we need to comprehend your healing, deliverance and wholeness that only the mind-body-soul-spirit connection that all of us possess. If one part is not functioning well, it affects the transcends beyond the surface. This will require holistic other parts. Wholeness means operating with all parts methods including disciplined dietary practices, movein synchronization. Our mind is housed in the center of ment like Tai Chi, meditation and breathing techniques.It’s vital to purify and enhance one’s environchanging organ inside of our bodies. The brain can be ment for positive energy flow. Use all of your senses, severely impacted by stress, traumatic events, what we natural elements and tools to remove emotional blocktific aspect of our being. We are Spirit, but we are also tors in and encompasses all internal and external syses, both mental and physical are organic. We cannot it includes the digestive, nervous, endocrine, and circudiscount this fact. For example, if someone has been latory system. Let’s not forget the systems we do not


Autism, Intermittent Explosive Disorder or ternally, Soul Work factors in the relationships, environSchizophrenia, they will require more than prayer and mental , work/occupation, social circle, religious/ laying of hands to manage their daily symptoms. From organizational. The premise of Soul Work is to heal ho-

tients at the highest level of psychiatric care, people sources for your health and healing. Therapists, Menwith these types of diagnoses and symptoms are often tors, Pastors, Counselors and loved ones are only sent comes from Soul Work that penetrates deeply and ages and restore a state of equanimity. Soul Work factems that will influence the healing process; internally, learn about in school: spiritual and energy systems. Exlistically by learning to go within and use natural reby the Master Healer to serve as guides to assist you tally disabled. Most require a consistent medication along your healing journey, not to be the Deliverer or regimen, long term psychiatric treatment with a host of Savior. It’s knowing that you have a choice to use

prayer, movement, fellowship with like-minds and spirits, reading the Word of God, listening to worship music AND seeking professional help as tools for your healing journey. With all working in synergy for your unique individualized needs, there is unlimited power

for you to achieve peace, joy and divine health so you can live a purpose-filled life.

For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.

spective. She manages an online community, HoPHOENIXX LOVE, LCSW listic Living for Purpose-Driven Leaders providing holistic healing solutions, mental health infor-Phoenixx Love, LCSW is a Trauma Specialist, Holistic mation and resources to support member’s wellHealth Practitioner, Wellness Consultant and Author. ness goals and work/life balance. Phoenixx is pasShe is the Owner of Healer’s Haven Holistic Health sionate about helping Souls Reveal. Heal. Live On and Wellness Solutions. Phoenixx has over 20 years of Purpose. combined experience in Integrated Healthcare, Be- Website: www.ahealershaven.com

havioral Science, Clinical Psychology and the Healing www.facebook.com/groups/holisticleaders arts. Phoenixx is an Adjunct Professor and Advisor www.Instagram.com/iamphoenixxlove with Hunter College in Manhattan, NY.

As a Certified Ra Sekhi Reiki and Vibrational Sound Healing Practitioner, Phoenixx specializes in synchronizing holistic healing, spirituality practices and evidence-based interventions to help clients manage stress, reduce symptoms and maladaptive behavior. Phoenixx offers Community Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Organizations achieve their wellness

and productivity goals. Phoenixx Love is the Award-Winning Author of If I Should Die Before I Wake: Your Journey to Awakening Your Calling anda Co-Author in Black TherapistsRock:AGlimpseThroughTheEyesofthe

Experts. Phoenixx is an Ambassador for Mental Health Awareness; Healing from a Holistic Per-

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