7 minute read

EmpowerHer Dynamic Women of Faith & Purpose


What is ABWA and EmpowerHer?


One Women at a Time’ through leadership, education, networkThe mission of the ABWA, established in 1949, is to ing support and national recognition. bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support and national recognition. The mission statement of the EmpowerHer Chapter is: “To be the premier women’s business league that impacts, connects and empowers women personally and professionally in the greater Orangeburg, S.C., area through educational resources, professional development, community service and lifelong friendships in a refreshing atmosphere." How significant is being a chapter president to you both personally and professionally? This is the realization of a 15-year dream and I am humIs ABWA racially diverse and how does one become a member? “The new chapter president, Rachelle JamersonHolmes, has jumped at the opportunity to expand women’s opportunities in Orangeburg so they can

find their voice, sharpen their business skills, network and support other like-minded working women. More than 100 charter members were installed during the EmpowerHer Diamond Celebration and pinning of members. The program was held at Stevenson Auditorium and came two months after the chapter’s founding in Orangeburg. The EmpowerHer Chapter is diverse in age, race, income and occupations. The chapter is actively seeking to mentor young ladies attending local colleges, uni-

versities and youth to help ensure that the glass ceil-

bled and honored to have the opportunity to connect and lead women both personally and professionally by starting the Ameri- ing continues to be shattered. can Business Women’s Association chapter EmpowerHer in Or- The chapter has partnered with Habitat for Humanity,

angeburg,” Jamerson-Holmes said. “I am excited about all of the and EmpowerHer's first volunteer initiative was in

great things that EmpowerHer will do for the Orangeburg County May with the National Women Build Week.

community and surrounding areas by ‘Changing Women’s Lives

EmpowerHer is the second ABWA chapter to form in What advice would you give to young women starting a Orangeburg. In 1981 a chapter was formed at OrangeDo you sponsor events during the year? “Absolutely, we support our community and a number of charities on and offsite. We launched “Events For Causes,” an initiative which raises awareness, funds and needed items for various community organizations and families in need. I believe that we must help each other, not criticize. No one is perfect. “I strive to become a better person every day personally and professionally. I believe in reaching back and asto those before us that have paved the way. I understand that it is because of their bravery that our jourABWA membership has benefits for women, who can: sionals.

CONNECT with members online in ABWA’s exclu sive Community Connections or on members Face book group.

STAY INFORMED by reading timely business fea tures in ABWA’s Women in Business Magazine and

Achieve Newsletters.

SAVE MONEY on business products and services with member discounts.

REGISTER for online courses and webinars focused on workplace productivity from Gemba Academy. career/journey as an entrepreneur and what are the responsibilities associate with being your own boss? burg-Calhoun Technical College. “Everything! As a small business owner in the begin-

sisting the younger generation and in paying homage ness full time. Or perhaps the best fit may be comple-

menting the career or job with a part-time home-based neys are easier. As a result, I am forever grateful and I yourself and be very disciplined. I always share with am compelled to pay it forward by giving back. My people asking me about going into business that I make mantra is, ‘As I lift others, I rise.’”

NETWORK face-to-face with accomplished profess

ning, you are the customer service representative, salesperson, bookkeeper, creative director and the list goes on. As a business owner, I am required to create effective marketing to bring guests in the doors to generate revenue. Yet I also must make daily good decisions as we have a huge responsibility to our customers, vendors and team.” “Entrepreneurship is not easy and is not for everyone. If time and financial guarantees are needed, then perhaps a career may be the better fit vs. going into busibusiness. You have to be mentally prepared to manage it look easy. I love what I do. I have turned my hobbies and passions into a professional career and sustainable businesses.

“Do the prep work. Find a mentor, someone you know who could guide you along your new path. If you are lacking skills in finance or marketing, en

roll in classes or programs to assist.”

“Spend a lot of time talking with your future cus

tomers. You need to really learn what their needs

and wants are. This is a great brand-building exer cise that will allow you to properly position your self in the marketplace. “Seek out virtual assistance. There are several great free resources in our community such as the SBDC and

and dreams. And they exemplified still became successful. By witnessthe determination to achieve each ing that, I quickly eliminated words of them while creating new goals such as ‘no’ and ‘can’t’ from my and dreams along the way. Their vocabulary. I believe the world is resilience and leadership instilled yours … Explore it.” Tell me about Rachelle Jamerson Holmes, the woman. What is your women? I am married to Fred Holmes, a Charleston SC native. He is also my partner in business. “My family taught me through their daily lives and strong work ethics that you can do anything you want if you work with a plan and work smart. “My greatest inspiration has been my family and close family friends. It is true that it takes a village to raise a child. I am blessed to have been raised by my role models, my mother Brenda Jamerson and my grandmothers Lillie J. Limehouse and Martha Huggins. They were my first examples of strong, courageous, visionary women with goals

in me an unwavering resolve that

with God, regardless of what life What are some of the challenges you’ve seen facing women in busi-brings, I got this! “I have listened to many stories from family members about growing up at a time when African-Americans had many hurdles to overcome. “I never saw bitterness or anger. I saw a family that was strong, proud, worked well together and full of faith, which enables us to continue to strive for and conquer to be the best that we can be. Despite the odds, all of my family members “My father, Broadus James Jamer- “Defying social expectations, dealson lll, taught me the true sense ing with limited access to funding of community. He taught me to and building a support network. treat everyone with respect, love, Some women may feel the need to and kindness. He also taught me adopt the stereotypical ‘male’ atti-

the art of public speaking as he is a tude toward business: competitive,

personal mission as it pertains to prolific orator. My parents have aggressive and sometime overly been my role models for maintain- harsh. But I believe remaining true ing a successful long-lasting mar- to yourself and finding your own riage and teamwork. They have voice are the keys to rising above been married for over 50 years.” preconceived expectations.” ness today?

Easily accessible to 1-26, US 301 and 1-95 Physical Location: 1170 Fischer St. Orangeburg, SC 29115 (Green home between Rachelle's Island Boutique and Middleton St. and Captain D' Restaurant on Broughton St.) Inquiries and Reservations: 803- 937-4271 Email: info@TheeMatriarch.com

Experience Thee Matriarch Bed & Breakfast, Where Business and Leisure Meet SouthernHosptitalityand Charmin the heart of historic downtown Orangeburg SC. This 100 year-old home has been elegantly restored, each room beautifully designed and themed for your enjoyment. Thee Matriarch opened September 2012 for your enjoyment. Thee Matriarch’s Chef crafts tantalizing cuisines of every genre for any occasion. Each bite will make your soul sing and yearn for more.

Discover Orangeburg’s most charming venue. Available to accommodate a vast array of meetings and social events. This beautifully decorated, spacious home-style inn and rental facility will deliver a uniquely delightful appeal for any event. An ideal setting for a relaxing getaway, business travel, corporate retreat, family & class reunions, weddings and receptions. THEE MATRIARCH Bed & Breakfast, Meeting and Special Events Venue is your one stop home away from home that will quench your thirst for an extraordinary experience. We look forward to hosting you soon! Innkeepers, Rachelle & Fred

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