13 minute read

Trapsing through Transformation


Coming up and out from the rough side of the mountain after experiencing loss, pain, grief or trauma is a process that changes you. Transformation changes you on a cellular level so dramatically from the inside out. It has the power to leave you groping, looking for an anchor to help right the way your world has upended itself. Walking through my process left me moody, that can leave you breathless, a tidal wave of emomaking my requests to be free known. I got to that place where I realized I could not keep heading on the course I had been. In also doing the things you’ve always done or repeat harmful patterns you’ve seen others around you repeat generation after generation. The gentle call from God, calling you ed to surrender to this process since I didn’t have the strength or even want to continue my same path. Fa-


ther God is there to help you heal and to stop you Ivonne F. Cameron from running from everything in life that has hurt you confused and with so many questions. True, deep and During this process, I would drive without a set destilasting transformation opens a window to your soul nation, mindless driving aimlessly praying, crying, tions you finally let yourself feel. You may want to run wanted the hurt, shame and pain to finally end. I was from it, kicking and screaming, desperately grasping searching, looking for a place to stop and rest, literally for the temple of your familiar you are so used to. and figuratively. Rest from the things that I have Some of the questions that came flooding in included: heard seen and experienced. Issues like overt racism Who was I really? Where was I headed? How did I get and hatred, cruel betrayal by family, the pettiness of to that desert place of emptiness? Facing these truths, so-called friends, failed relationships that ended with a doing a deeper dive, didn’t come easy and without ripping and tearing of each other that did not resolve deep reflection and much time spent in prayer and anything. The disappointment in yourself and in othand piled layer upon layer of muck and mire to break through. I questioned, what did God want from me? His gentle calling was a wakeup call of sorts for destiny and calling upon the life He wants no one else to fulfill but you. It is a chance for you to realize how unique and necessary you are to your family, friends, church and community. emptying my mind to get the thoughts to stop. I ers. Not realizing the goals you set for yourself. Lookto Himself, asking why you are running was a constant The adversary constantly whispering and not knowing thought? The gentleness that lets you know that Fa- your identity in the One who had created you. I had ther God is not there to hurt you was present. I decid- reached the end of my rope, I had it and I knew that I ing around and seeing how life was passing you by and standing still, stuck in the mud pit of wrong decisions and bad choices. Feeling like you are not enough for yourself or anyone else being told that you are nothing.

was better and stronger than what I felt like inside long, but the ropes were fraying and that tight grip I and the picture of my life before me I felt I had been thought I had was slipping through my fingers. unjustly dealt. God was whispering my name and I Couldn’t my family and friends see what was happenknew the lies from my adversary I had bought in to ing? were not my portion or my lot in life.

As I looked backed on what I thought was the hand I why of your transformation journey. They are comhad been dealt, it was time to own up and take responsibility for the choices I made. Worshipping at often the disfunction they are familiar with and may the temple of self, I had to be in charge of me, pro-

tect myself from others, and be in total control. This Those in your inner circle and who may see you from process had me question, “Did I readily submitted the afar may not be aware of the secret pain you have authority that God had given me to the adversary so hidden. They may not even know the depths of the willingly following in the steps of Adam and Eve?” I shame you carry or those wounds that can’t be seen explored the recesses of my soul, that part of me that below that pretty, shiny surface I had perfected. I I allowed no one to know, not even the One that created me. How had I become a vessel that too readily ways made sure to polish the outside. I was always received the ugliness that so many were willing to complimented on how I dressed and looked. I took dump my way. I got to that place of facing everything that caused me hurt and shame. I felt as if Father God was telling me, “if you do not deal with this, this hurt, and pain, it will deal with you.” Was I meant to bear all the weight of it threatening to crush me? I did not want to end up in a hospital with my heart exploding out of my chest. Or another option, in a restraining jacket, rocking back and forth in a padded room. The small cracks and fissures were there, I could feel myself straining unOften loved ones don’t understand the what and the fortable and used to your disfunction. It is at times not even recognize in themselves. Why change? was good at hiding the truth of how I felt inside, I alextra time with the outside because if my outside was polished that would distract and continue to hide the hurt. I didn’t want anyone to ask me any questions that were too deep and I was careful not to expose that broken part of myself. I often dressed in layers. I always covered myself with a coat, sweater or jacket. This offered me another layer of covering to protect myself from everything and everyone around me. A covering to keep the lid on the rolling, boiling hotbed of junk hidden just below the surface. der the pressure to keep it all together. The ache As I looked back through the choices and decisions I and pressure in my chest that would not allow me to had made they were my tipping point. Your loved exhale deeply and catch a reprieve to relieve the ones may have observed you during the process and tightness in my chest. I was in total control for so are not sure how to approach you. They may even

feel cheated in some way that the person they knew son I knew inherently I was supposed to be. My soul is a shell of their former selves. Even the abuser realizes, I don’t have my victim at hand so readily availabuying the lies of the adversary anymore, it was easito go where I never thought possible. What started a pull and tug to get me to just acknowledging that there was a problem became a steady run to transform. Coming up and out from the rough side of the mounyet strong because I was breaking through. I was digwas lining up with the Word of God and matching a ble as the whipping post to do as they please. I was ny that was so big and had been there all along. A

er to pull down the vain imaginations that I had so hurled my way from childhood was designed by the readily succumb to in the past. Father God was lifting adversary to stop me from ever getting to this place. me up and out of the pit that I had sunken into and I I was finally walking in freedom! My family quescould see the light of day. He was whispering it is ok, tioned changes they saw and sensed in me. I was take His hand and move me to my rightful place. I let open with my responses and now I could give them go of the control and allowed myself to be loved with clear answers about decisions made, who I was, and an everlasting love. I was understanding my identity, where I was headed. Transformation allowed me to I was understanding who I was created to be. I was give and receive freely and genuinely transparent shedding the many layers and climbing that stairway with nothing to hide.

tain is thrilling with a sense of freedom and destiny. I the present, and was leading me to my future. It was was moody and meditative but absolutely knew that time to give back to the people around me those I this change is what was needed for my very survival. might have hurt or offended with my aloofness and

I was breaking free from those chains that had me the protecting of myself. It was a time to arise and bound. During the process I felt so very vulnerable, be reminded that someone else is in charge, and it is polished exterior. I had an inevitable sense of a desticlear realization the people, abusers, hatred and hurt I realized that I had to share, how I had crossed over and come through transition to triumph. It wasn’t the same what this or that person had done or said but about how God had such a different perspective on transition. I knew Father God knows the past, sees to our benefit if we follow His loving leadership. It ging deep and shoveling the dirt of wrong thinking, was another rebirth that I must share with everyone ruled by emotions, worshipping and dealing with the around me, it can’t be contained. Father God is interhurt that almost buried me alive. I was dealing with ested in our triumph and the end result of the changmy mess and not allowing it to continue to define me es He gently orchestrates in our or lock me in an isolated self-made prison.

lives. I knew my growth, maturing that is a part of pared and equipped me. The hidden gems were hidtransition was important to not only me but the One den under layers and years of dirt that needed to be who created me as well. During this journey, I am re-

minded that His timing is perfect. This journey that

continues as long as we are on planet earth, is part of

a greater plan for your life that will bring you whole-

ness and a sense of destiny. God wants to remove

and replace. Joy, fulfillment and peace readily replace

hurt, shame, and pain as you cooperate with His gen-

tle wooing to live free.

Does that mean that all the opposition you have or strength that I am to reach back with a hand of will experience be eliminated? I needed to go strength and authority. I understand what you have through the process. To get to my land of promise, I walked through or may be dealing with. My transition

had to go through the experiences necessary to learn and ultimate triumph help see, hear and help heal the the lessons and develop the strength for my new brokenhearted and set those held captive around me place. All the mind-sets, circumstances, relationships free. and anything else that kept me from being fully preswept clean. This rebirth is our Creators’ way of developing you into a strong, whole, wise, warrior who can emerge from battles launched by the adversary to triumph unscathed. As I have looked back on my life so far, my past experiences with people their hurled insults, hatred, abuse and brokenness coupled with my own, was a training ground. It is from this position of

Between the women as a bond of friendship, and sisterhood is formed. The description of Ruth and Orpah's reaction to Naomi’s request reinforces the notion of a good relationship: relationships. The emphasis has always been on the principal character of Ruth, and rightly so. However, Naomi’s attitude toward the Moabites should not be overlooked. She and her

“Then [Naomi] kissed them and they lifted up their voices and

daughters-in-law from Moab are obviously good friends in wept. And they said to her, ‘No, we will return with you to your spite of their different religious backgrounds. Accepting the people’” (1:9-10). After Naomi tries again to convince them to fact that their own Moabite families and gods may be what

leave, the younger women weep a second time (1:14). Orpah decides to return to her own people and gods; Ruth clings to Ruth and Orpah need most when their husbands die, Naomi encourages them to go home. However, the daughters-in-law

Naomi and Naomi’s God. Naomi makes another plea to which Ruth replies with the well known “entreat-me-not-to-leave-

thee” soliloquy. Naomi finally accepts Ruth's resolve to stay with her, and the two journey in search of a more prosperous land.

Friendship, Conversion, and Diversity The Book of Ruth begins and ends with stories about women’s go in opposite directions: Orpah returns to her own people and gods: Ruth stays with her mother-in-law. Each receives Naomi's blessing. The story of Ruth's persistent loyalty to Naomi becomes a paradigm for conversion. In turn, Naomi’s attitude of tolerance and acceptance toward Orpah is a model for diversity within friendship.


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