8 minute read
Sustainability & The Environment
TITLE Taking Action... For Responsible Growth To Help the Environment
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Author: Various RRP: $14.95 ea Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Format: Paperback (pages:32) Age: 9 to 14+ years Series Release Date: 1/02/2020 Today, 1.8 billion people are part of the largest generation of youth in history—making them a powerful group of change-makers who can take action to solve global problems. Supporting the C3 Framework, this empowering series informs young readers about the United Nation’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Accessible text examines issues around the world and explains the goals that have been set to meet these challenges. Profiles of youth-led and other collaborative movements inspire readers to accept their roles as global citizens. By recognizing the influence young people can have when they participate, readers will be empowered to take informed action of their own. Downloadable Teacher’s Guide available.
ISBN 978-0778766612 978-0778766643 TITLE Taking Action... To Achieve Equality To End Poverty ISBN 978-0778766629 978-0778766636
On Our Nature Walk: Our First Talk about Our Impact on the Environment | The World Around Us
Author: Jillian Roberts | Publisher: Orca Book Publishers | RRP: $34.95 ISBN: 978-1459821002 | Release Date: 01/05/2020 Format: Hardback (pages: 32) | Age: 6 to 8 years This illustrated nonfiction picture book by child psychologist Dr. Jillian Roberts introduces children to the timely topic of the environment. Crafted around a conversation between a gradeschool-aged child and an adult, this inquiry-focused book using age-appropriate language and tone will help children shape their understanding of the natural world and how they participate in protecting it. Dr. Roberts starts the discussion with types of pollution and trash that children might notice on a nature walk or a trip to the beach, how they are caused and how to work to improve things in their own lives and communities. Please note: On Our Nature Walk will ship in October. Other titles in this series available now.
TITLE ...Our First Talk... Under Our Clothes ... About Our Bodies On the Playground ... About Prejudice On the Internet ... About Online Safety ISBN 9781459820975 9781459820913 9781459820944 TITLE ... Our First Talk... On Our Street ... About Poverty On the News ... About Tragedy ISBN 9781459816176 9781459817845

What Matters Shipping Oct 2020
RRP: $21.95
ISBN: 978-1459826410 | Author: Alison Hughes Publisher: Orca Book Publishers | Format: Paperback (pages: 32) Release Date: 01/07/2020 | Age: 3 to 5 years What happens when one small boy picks up one small piece of litter? He doesn’t know it, but his tiny act has big consequences. From the miniscule to the universal, What Matters sensitively explores nature’s connections and traces the ripple effects of one child’s good deed to show how we can all make a big difference.
Ten Journeys on a Fragile Planet
RRP: $27.95
ISBN: 978-1925652789 | Author: Rod Taylor Publisher: Odyssey Books | Format: Paperback (pages: 280) Age: High School/Adult | Release Date: 18/08/2020 Shipping Sept 2020
Humanity is sliding toward a collision between global warming, resource depletion, and population growth. The evidence is daunting but we are hampered by anti-science demagogues who tell us everything’s okay, that we’ll run forever on our current course. The problem we are facing is on a global scale, far beyond any individual. It can be overwhelming and it is difficult to remain cheerful. However, in Ten Journeys on a Fragile Planet, journalist Rod Taylor interviews ten outstanding Australians who have—and are—doing something to confront the perilous state of the environment. This book tells their stories.
TITLE Abandoned and Escaped Animals Animals on the Outskirts
Wildlife in the City
Author: Various RRP: $14.95 ea Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Format: Paperback (pages: 32) Age: 8 to 12 years Series Release Date: 1/02/2020 Wildlife plays a vital role in urban ecosystems. This unique series investigates the wild and semi-wild animals that live among and around us. They live in our parks, backyards, woodlands, and on the edges of human spaces. Some even invade our homes. Special illustrated spreads focus on the specific anatomy, adaptations, and skills of key species, as well as the threats to their existence. Readers will also learn how biologists study urban animals and how cities deal with animal control. Free downloadable Teacher’s Guide available.
ISBN 978-0778766964
978-0778766971 TITLE Backyard Dwellers Habitat Clashes ISBN 978-0778767046
One Earth: People of Color Protecting Our Planet
RRP: $42.95
ISBN: 978-1459818866 | Author: Anuradha Rao Publisher: Orca Book Publishers | Age: 12 years + Release Date: 01/07/2020 | Format: Paperback (pages: 208) Shipping Oct 2020
One Earth profiles Black, Indigenous and People of Color who live and work as environmental defenders. Through their individual stories, the book shows that the intersection of environment and ethnicity is an asset to achieving environmental goals. The twenty short biographies introduce readers to diverse activists from all around the world, who are of all ages and ethnicities. From saving ancient trees on the West Coast of Canada, to protecting the Irrawaddy dolphins of India, to uncovering racial inequalities in the food system in the United States, these environmental heroes are celebrated by author and biologist Anuradha Rao, who outlines how they went from being kids who cared about the environment to community leaders in their field. One Earth is full of environmental role models waiting to be found.
Searchlight Books ™ — Climate Change
Author: Various RRP: $16.95 ea TITLE Go Green by ... Caring for Water Fighting Pollution
Publisher: LernerClassroom Format: Paperback (pages: 32) Age: 8 to 11 years Series Release Date: 1/2/2019 Are the number of extreme storms increasing? What happens when sea levels rise? What impact will new energy technology have? This series introduces readers to the causes and effects of climate change and examines potential solutions.
TITLE Climate Change and Air Quality Climate Change and Energy Technology Climate Change and Extreme Storms Climate Change and Life on Earth Climate Change and Rising Sea Levels Climate Change and Rising Temperatures ISBN 978-1541545892 978-1541545908 978-1541545915 978-1541545922 978-1541545939 978-1541545946

If We Were Gone Shipping Oct 2020
RRP: $34.95
ISBN: 9781541523579 | Author: John Coy, Illustrated by Natalie Capannelli Publisher: Millbrook Press | Release Date: 15/04/2020 | Pages: 32 Format: Hardback | Size: 23.49 x 27.94 cm | Age: 6 to 7 years Water, air, sunlight, plants . . . we need these elements to live in this world. But does the world need us? And what would happen to the world if humans were gone? This is the premise of a thought-provoking picture book from John Coy. His insightful text explores how nature would reclaim the planet, accompanied by Natalie Capannelli’s gorgeous watercolor illustrations. Back matter gives further context and discusses what kids (and all of us) can do to truly help our planet.
Go Green (Early Bird Stories ™)
Author: Lisa Bullard RRP: $16.95 ea Publisher: LernerClassroom Format: Paperback (pages: 24) Age: 7 to 10 years Series Release Date: 1/04/2019 Readers will learn about protecting a vital natural resource in this tale full of diverse characters and fun illustrations. Comprehension questions, fast facts, and critical thinking questions keep readers
engaged and thinking about what they’re reading. ISBN 9781541527119 9781541527133
TITLE Reusing Saving Energy ISBN 9781541527157 9781541527164 TITLE Recycling Earth Day ISBN 9781541527140 9781541527126
Animals Back from the Brink
Author: Various | Publisher: Crabtree | RRP: $14.95 ea Release Date: 01/06/2020 | Pages: 32 | Format: Paperback Size: 20 x 25 cm | Age: 8 to 12 years Informative and up to date, this bold series explains how different animals around the world, once on the brink of extinction, are now surviving and thriving. Detailed analysis examines the reasons the animals were threatened, the impact of humans on natural environments, and the strategies—both successful and unsuccessful—that were put in place to help the species recover. Each book discusses long-term monitoring of the animals and whether the same solution can be applied to other species. Appealing images combine with useful maps, details on recovery plans, and profiles of the people involved. Includes Teacher’s Guide. A link printed inside each book give readers access to Crabtree Plus, a secure website with supplemental digital content.
TITLE (Bring Back the...) Blue Iguana California Condor Also Available Black-Footed Ferret Lesser Long-Nosed Bat American Alligator Giant Panda Humpback Whale ISBN 9780778768241 9780778768258
9780778763246 9780778763253 9780778749073 9780778749080 9780778749387 TITLE (Bring Back the...) Island Fox Southern White Rhino
Snow Leopard Mountain Gorilla Gray Wolf Grizzly Bear Whooping Crane ISBN 9780778768418 9780778768425
9780778763277 9780778763260 9780778749097 9780778749103 9780778749394
Disaster Diaries
Author: Various | Publisher: Crabtree Publishing | RRP: $14.95 ea Release Date: 01/06/2020 | Format: Paperback Pages: 32 | Size: 20.32 x 25.4 cm | Age: 8 to 12 years Disaster Diaries is a timely series that examines natural disasters around the world and how they impact the lives of people. This series of narratives are inspired by the accounts of many disaster victims. Written from a young person’s perspective, each title follows the story of what a fictional family experienced during and after a real, specific disaster. Clear, simple nonfiction text also explains what causes each kind of disaster, in what parts of the world they usually happen, who helps prevent them or clean up after, and how some natural events can be predicted. Striking images, statistics, maps, and information about particular disasters help reinforce the central story. Readers will also learn about the agencies in their communities and around the world who help people who are struggling after a disaster. Free downloadable Teacher’s Guide available.
TITLE...Hear My Story Surviving the Earthquake Surviving the Flood Surviving the Hurricane ISBN 9780778771142 9780778771173 9780778771180 TITLE...Hear My Story Surviving the Tsunami Surviving the Volcano Surviving the Wildfire ISBN 9780778771197 9780778771203 9780778771210